What is the best browser? The best browser. How to choose a browser? What is the fastest browser

landscaping 21.10.2019

So that access to the Internet is not associated with discomfort and negative emotions, you need to take care of choosing the most suitable software. The most important software for web surfing is a browser that helps in a matter of moments to find the required information and media content in the vastness of the network.

And if technology developers have already made the choice for the owners of Apple technology, preferring their own brainchild - Safari, then few Windows users are satisfied with Microsoft's basic solution in the form of Internet Explorer. Our today's material is devoted to the search for a candidate for the title of the best browser of 2018-2019.

#10 - Comet

This browser is distributed by a method that is quite annoying for every user of personal computers - it is imposed along with the installation of other programs. Removing it is much more difficult than installing it, and during operation, Comet has an unpleasant habit of displaying huge advertising banners once in a certain period of time, however, many domestic users use this not the most convenient browser on an ongoing basis.

Despite the fact that the search engine of this software leaves much to be desired, especially against the background of such monsters as Yandex and Google, a number of users note a rather convenient interface for working in social networks and a relatively high speed of the program.

No. 9 - Amigo

Browser from the domestic giant Mail.ru Group, which also comes with another software. De facto, we are presented with a standard Chromium equipped with integrated Mail.ru services. There is a built-in module for communication in social networks, but its convenience is highly debatable.
Reviews about his work are mostly negative, but this does not prevent him from being among the most popular browsers among Russian users for several years. Seriously inferior to its competitors in many components, thanks to its obsessive distribution, it still found its place under the sun and if for some reason you do not want to work with the most popular solutions, you can try Amigo.

No. 8 - SlimJet

Another browser based on Chromium, but much more productive and less annoying. Of the pluses, it is worth noting an excellent password manager, integration with social network number one is Facebook, the built-in photo editor and basic protection from malware.
If you are tired of the classic Chrome, but you do not intend to lose the advantages of its speed and comfort, this browser looks like one of the most promising solutions. At least try and in case of an unsatisfactory result, it is much easier to remove it than the same Amigo.

#7 - SRWare Iron

The next representative of our top 10 browsers of 2018-2019 is again an interpretation of Chromium, beloved by millions of users around the world, and this time, perhaps, the best one. Of the Google services, only search is integrated here, but unlike standard Chrome, it does not keep track of your requests, which will appeal to those who are worried about the privacy of their actions on the Internet.
Of the minuses, it is worth mentioning the lack of automatic updates, and therefore you will have to monitor the release of new versions and install them manually, but for most users this is useless and once you install SRWare Iron, you can use it until its functionality seems insufficient to you.

No. 6 - Safari

In Russia, this solution is not as popular as in the rest of the world, which is probably due to the smaller distribution of Apple technology in our country. Nevertheless, Safari can also be installed on Windows, but do not forget that its work has been optimized specifically for iPhones and MacBooks.
Older versions of this browser often showed much better results in tests than Chrome, which seemed to have long captured the palm, but a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then, and developers American company did everything possible so that on personal computers running under Windows, this strategy ceased to be rational.

No. 5 - K-Meleon

The first top five of the top browsers is opened by a little-known relative of the legendary Mozilla Firefox, which has the same engine as its older brother. Despite a lot of similarities, browsers have differences, for example, K-Meleon is the lightest browser for Windows, which will appeal to owners of not the most powerful home computers, the resource consumption of which by the browser must be treated carefully and carefully.
For a domestic user, the display of Cyrillic in this browser can become a problem, but with each update this problem goes further and further into the past. Another drawback is that the design is too over the top, aesthetes will obviously not like it. But the rich possibilities of personalization and interface customization will be loved by those who like to stand out from the crowd.

No. 4 - Opera

The most ancient browser, leading its history from the distant 1994. Previously, this legendary browser had its own engine, but since Google Chrome pushed the competition, Opera followed suit and switched to Webkit + V8. In Russia, this software ranks fourth in popularity, which is higher than the global indicator.
The obvious pluses include a solid speed of work - pages are displayed unlike faster than the same Internet Explorer, and the built-in Turbo mode allows you to further increase this figure and save traffic. By the way, in this mode, you can bypass the prohibitions of Roskomnadzor that are so annoying to domestic users. An express panel with easy-to-configure tabs and a huge number of shortcuts allow advanced users to customize the interface in the way that suits them best.

But there were some drawbacks - Opera is quite voracious in terms of random access memory PC, and therefore open a lot of tabs and not lose the quality of work will not work. Another nuance is that this browser is not very stable, and therefore various crashes and freezes are a constant companion of its users.

#3 - Mozilla Firefox

We got on our list of the best to the very “Fire Fox”. In the world, this browser continues to hold a leading position, and Russian Federation it slightly bypasses Opera in popularity. A big plus of Mozilla is free access to its Gecko engine, and therefore many enthusiasts around the world are daily busy refining all its parameters to the ideal. Appeared in 2004, which in comparison with the same Opera - quite recently, over the years Firefox has changed beyond recognition thanks to its community.
In terms of the simplicity of the interface with this browser, only Google Chrome can argue, and more than one browser has such a convenient settings system. A wide selection of plug-ins and cross-platform make Mozilla an incredibly versatile solution, and in tandem with the highest reliability and network security for many, it’s completely categorical the best software for web surfing.

The main disadvantage is the increased requirements for free RAM, and therefore you can rest assured that there are a lot of open tabs and windows will seriously affect software performance for the worse.

No. 2 - Yandex.Browser

It's nice to see a domestic product in such a high and honorable place. It appeared quite recently - in 2012, but on the territory of Russia, it predictably immediately gained immense popularity. Integration with Yandex services, many of which we use almost daily, gives it a big head start in the fight against competitors. Despite the fact that Chromium was taken as the basis for developing the engine, the Yandex.Browser interface is original and original.
The developers deserve words of gratitude at least for the level of security that was implemented in the browser - it is much more difficult to pick up a virus in it than in similar programs. The built-in ad blocker and dictionary show a caring attitude towards users from the creators of the browser. The presence of a mobile version and Turbo mode will help hardened Opera fans to switch to a more modern solution for Internet surfing.

But the advantages of the application do not seem so to everyone, and therefore a number of users, on the contrary, speak negatively about integration with Yandex services and the originality of the interface. Everyone must decide for himself with what sign he refers to such aspects.

#1 - Google Chrome

Our current ranking of browsers for PC 2018-2019 is quite predictably headed by the legendary Chrome. It appeared in 2008, but quickly established itself as the fastest and most reliable browser. Today, almost half of personal computers and mobile gadgets are equipped with this browser as the main tool for searching the Internet.

The pros can be listed endlessly, so let's say it's better about the cons, but, unfortunately, it could not do without them. Firstly, old systems with 2 gigabytes of RAM and less simply will not give the search engine the necessary resources for high-quality and high-speed work. Secondly, such a load on hardware has a very negative effect on the battery charge of laptops and mobile devices, so if your smartphone does not already have an impressive battery, then Chrome is unlikely to be the best solution for it. Well, Russian users are unlikely to like the fact that most of the plugins are not available in their native language.

But even such serious shortcomings cannot cover the countless set of undeniable advantages: speed, reliability, security, convenience - in each of these parameters it is almost impossible to compete with Chrome. Deserved first place in our rankings.

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It is difficult to imagine a person who today would not use the worldwide information network. Many browsers have been created for computers based on the Windows operating system. In the article, we will tell you about the features of choosing a program to install it on your equipment, as well as the most popular among users and the best leaders in 2016-2017. We bring to your attention a comparison of the most famous conductors on the World Wide Web.

Chrome offer

In most cases, users prefer the Google Chrome program. This browser is fast, does not require high computer power and has a number of other advantages:

The disadvantages of this program include low speed work with large quantity tabs, weighty use virtual memory and the absence of visual bookmarks.

Visiting the fox

Mozilla FireFox is preferred by those who like an easy-to-use interface without unnecessary tabs and buttons. During the initial installation, you will receive a program that has minimal functionality. However, it can be extended with plugins and custom extensions. It is the most popular browser abroad.

  • To customize the program for yourself, a lot of additional plug-ins are offered - about 100 thousand;
  • Guaranteed security of personal information, passwords;
  • Convenient panel with bookmarks;
  • Updating the program without involving the user;
  • Pop-up windows are blocked;
  • RSS support;
  • Multifunctional panel for creating websites;
  • Pop-up windows are blocked.

Seen working with FireFox a worthwhile disadvantage– poor performance and response to user manipulation. People who are used to Google Chrome will not like using this browser because of the slow speed.


What is the best internet browser for beginners? The answer is only Opera. Many use its mobile version, which the developers created back in 2010.

Advantages of the program:

  • fast query processing speed even on not very powerful computers;
  • Turbo mode allows you to maximize the speed of work;
  • the most secure among all other browsers;
  • you can add functionality using more than 1 thousand plugins and extensions;
  • you can control the browser only using the manipulator;
  • through the interface you can download torrent files;
  • synchronization via Opera Link;
  • works great with RSS feeds and an integrated email program;
  • blocks windows that pop up from time to time.

Few people use this Internet Explorer, the oldest in Russia, now. According to users, Opera "eats" a lot of RAM, periodically freezes, incorrectly displays some sites and it is inconvenient to use bookmarks through the imperfect Piggy Bank.

Opera is the most secure among all other browsers

Attention! The developers suggest using Opera Unite technology to turn your computer into a real server. With it, you can exchange messages, photos and various files.

Domestic leader

In 2016, the domestic Yandex Browser became the most popular among Russian users. In confirmation of this fact, we list all the advantages of installing the program and its subsequent use:

  • it is convenient to use Yandex services - search engine, maps, email, online translator, data storage;
  • simple interface;
  • blocking ads will help increase the speed of loading pages;
  • protection against virus programs is carried out with the help of Kaspersky Lab antivirus;
  • transferring information and settings from other browsers;
  • synchronization of bookmarks and settings - after reinstalling the operating system, they will not disappear;
  • high security of personal information thanks to the SafeBrowsing system;
  • to speed up and save traffic, a turbo mode has been created;
  • can change appearance and functionality with the help of backgrounds and plugins;
  • programs for viewing images, books, documents;
  • convenient mobile version.

The updated interface offered by the developers will not be to everyone's liking. It will take some time to understand all the possibilities of the proposed program. Also, without being tied to Yandex services, the browser functions to a limited extent.

web explorer

In 1995, the "grandfather" of modern browsers appeared - Internet Explorer. The developers offer it bundled with the Windows operating system. In view of this, he was very popular earlier, but today he has significantly lost his position. It was a weak point of many computers, as it did not guarantee protection against malicious attacks. Page speed also leaves much to be desired.

The newest (and latest) version is Internet Explorer 11. They tried to level out some of the shortcomings in it - they used privacy mode, a rating feature and increased caching to speed up work. However, more and more often ordinary Internet users prefer other browsers. There are a lot of shortcomings.

Advice. For website development, this browser fit better all thanks to the adapted markup.

economical chameleon

The developers of Mozilla Firefox in 2000 decided to create a new program for searching information on the Internet. The result was K-Meleon. Its characteristics are in many ways similar to its counterpart, but there are significant differences.

Main advantages:

  • When working, it saves your computer's resources due to low requirements for RAM;
  • Using the native Windows interface simplifies work and saves time;
  • The ability to use the program through different profiles users;
  • Various assemblies allow you to choose the version that will be most convenient for you;
  • Ease of personalization.

Let's name other programs for Internet surfing. These are SRWare Iron (similar to Chrome), Safari (ideal for IOS), SlimJet (fast and efficient), Tor Browser (anonymity+), Amigo (special offer from Mail.ru Group), Comet (commercial purposes), Maxthon (very fast ), CocCoc (hello from Vietnamese developers), Rambler Browser (for fans of the search engine of the same name) and many others.

Which browser is the fastest - video

Nowadays it is very hard to imagine life without the Internet. Since it makes life easier in many ways and opens up new opportunities. On the this moment There are many different browsers for accessing the Internet. However, not everyone is fully optimized. Therefore, in order to choose the most suitable option you need to know the characteristics of each of them. Next we present the fastest browsers- top 10.

10 Slim Jet

Opens the ranking of the fastest SlimJet browsers. It is an alternative to many popular browsers, which is based on the Chromium version and the Blink engine. When working with SlimJet, a secure and stable connection to the Internet is guaranteed. The most important and significant plus of this web browser is the lightning speed of loading sites and pages, as well as downloading the necessary files. In addition, SlimJet is equipped with a built-in ad blocking system. Therefore, now nothing will distract you while working. In addition, the user will be able to customize the browser for themselves, as it supports background themes.

9. S.R.Ware Iron

SRWare Iron ranks 9th in the list of fastest browsers. This is a fairly modern and optimized analogue of browsers based on the Chromium version. SRWare Iron developers guarantee enhanced secure connection and user privacy. Working with the program gives users only positive emotions, as web pages load very quickly. Also like the comfortable and modern design. However, a significant disadvantage of this browser is the lack of security and privacy of users.


On the eighth line among the fastest web browsers is K-Meleon. It is an analogue of Mozilla Firefox, since the program is based on the Gecko engine. The browser interface is quite simple to understand and includes bookmarks, privacy settings, and browsing history. K-Meleon developers guarantee fast page loading and secure work. In particular, this is a great option for those users who have older computer models. Since the K-Meleon browser, despite its high speed, takes up little RAM, which is a huge advantage.

7. Amigo

Amigo is one of the best and fastest browsers available today. It is a free web browser that has been designed to be quick and easy to use. The most important parameter for which the Amigo browser is so appreciated is high-speed loading of web pages, as well as ease of viewing. The ability to manage the interface allows you to customize it for yourself and create bookmarks for those sites that are of interest to the user. In addition to fast loading, the developers of the program guarantee the safe use and protection of information on the visited sites. The browser is easy to download and install on any PC. A special application has also been created for mobile phones to make your work even more convenient.

6 Safari

Safari is a good and very fast browser developed by Apple. At first it was intended exclusively for MacOS, but after that they released a version on other operating systems, namely for Windows and Linux. This standard and simple web browser is in high demand. It has many advantages and the most important is the rather fast display of web pages, thanks to the built-in WebKit engine. In addition, Safari has an original and nice interface. Browser security is very important. Safari is equipped with advanced virus protection, as well as increased protection of confidential user information.

5 Opera

Opera occupies the middle of the ranking of the fastest browsers. The program has always been popular due to its fast and functional work. In addition to high-speed page loading, the browser has one of the highest protections. Therefore, the developers guarantee not only protection against scammers and viruses, but also the user's confidential information. In addition, work is constantly underway to improve Opera. The web browser also has a built-in ad and pop-up blocker. The convenience of working with Opera is provided by the presence of a password manager, tabs, and it is also possible to restore the previous session if necessary. The Opera browser is appreciated by many users due to the presence of a battery saving feature. Accordingly, this allows you to use the program without restrictions at any time.

4.Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is a free, optimized browser developed on the Microsoft Windows platform. Every year the number of users who prefer Internet Explorer is increasing. This is no accident, as it features fast loading and a nice modern interface. In addition, the browser has security from malicious sites and protection of confidential information, which is very popular with all users. It is possible to work in private modes, that is, the program does not save the sites visited by the user in the history. In addition, the user can clear history, downloads, cache, etc. at any time. Internet Explorer is equipped with a built-in pop-up and ad blocker.

3 Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox is free and one of the fastest web browsers. Recently, it has been in high demand among users as it is the safest and fastest to surf the Internet. Mozilla Firefox is equipped with a fake browsing mode that allows the user to visit sites without fear that his confidential information will be exposed. It is also important that the Mozilla Firefox browser takes up little RAM and is supported on almost all mobile devices and computers. Like many other browsers, Mozilla Firefox saves logins and passwords even when more than one person uses the browser. This increases the risk of intrusion into private information. Therefore, a password wizard was developed to solve the problem. Its job is to protect passwords with a special code.

2. Yandex browser

Yandex browser takes 2nd place in the top 10 fastest web browsers. It has a fairly simple and quick installation on all computers with the Windows operating system. Yandex browser loads web pages at the highest possible speed, but if it seems insufficient to the user, then he can always set the "turbo mode". Due to the presence of Protect Yandex technology, the browser prevents viruses from getting on your computer, and also protects information about passwords and bank card data from fraudsters. Therefore, this browser can be considered one of the safest and fastest.

1. Google Chrome

Greetings, dear readers. If you are reading this article, then you also thought about which browser is better to choose today. Quantity special programs to view sites on the Internet (which are also called browsers) is large enough, but only a few of them are especially popular. This article will cover the best and most popular browsers.

Before choosing, of course, you need to understand what you will do. I mean how you will use this or that browser. It is enough for someone to simply browse the sites and that's all, while someone intends to use the maximum capabilities of the browser, both for watching videos and for downloading.

Everything we consider below is purely our opinion and it may differ from yours. But still, based on our opinion, you can draw your own conclusions. We use browsers as much as possible and perform all sorts of different tasks, I hope our review will help you with your choice.

Microsoft Internet Explorer.

This browser should be familiar to every Windows user, since it comes pre-installed with almost every version of this operating system. The latest version of this browser is 11, it is also preinstalled in operating systems ah Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

It is also possible to install latest version on Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8, while other versions of Windows have to be content with older versions of Internet Explorer.

This browser may suit the most ordinary, most undemanding users, but in almost any way it loses to any competitor. Recommend it for use is very problematic. It's terrible in use.


  • It comes bundled with the Windows operating system, so it is immediately ready to use without any installation.


  • Classic, but outdated interface, without the possibility of changing it;
  • Slow work - Among the most popular browsers, Internet Explorer is the slowest;
  • Inability to synchronize data with the "cloud";
  • Lack of support for browser extensions;
  • Works only on Windows.
  • Discontinued development

This browser was released along with the Windows 10 operating system; in fact, it only works in it. In many ways, this browser is a "restart" of the abandoned Internet Explorer. Microsoft has seriously improved their browser on the background of its predecessor, adding useful features"cloud" storage of settings and support for extensions.

It works faster, but the functionality is still weak. Personally, it’s still hard for me to get used to it, but who knows, maybe it will catch up with its competitors. And when asked which browser is better, this one is worth studying and trying.


  • Pre-installed with Windows 10 operating system;
  • Extension support;
  • Synchronization of settings with the "cloud" of Microsoft;


  • Few extensions;
  • Weak options for customizing the appearance;
  • Only works on Windows 10.

The product of the world famous company Google is the most popular browser in the world. Of course, its popularity can be explained by the big name of its developer, but this will not be the most correct statement - at the moment, Chrome is the leader in terms of the speed of working with web pages.

Like any modern browser, Chrome supports synchronization of user data through the "cloud" - user data is synchronized between various devices, starting with personal computers running Windows, Linux, MacOS and ending with mobile devices running iOS operating systems with Android. There are also a huge number of extensions and themes that are provided in sufficient quantities in the Chrome Web Store.


  • The fastest browser to date;
  • A huge number of themes and extensions;
  • Rapid introduction of the latest technologies;
  • Flexible and understandable browser settings;
  • The ability to synchronize data with other devices through the "cloud" Google.


  • Little opportunity to change the design of the program.

Prior to the release of Google Chrome, this browser was the most popular competitor to Internet Explorer. Now he is content with “only” second place in the statistics, losing first place to a Google product. This browser, in addition to Windows operating systems, can work on many others - MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS.

From interesting features highlight the possibility of significant change appearance programs, access to almost all settings, as well as work under Windows XP, which is rare for modern browsers.


  • Possibility of installation a large number extensions, which are in abundance;
  • Ample opportunities to change the appearance of the program;
  • Flexible and understandable settings.


  • Intermittent issues or delays in new technology support.

The browser of the Russian company Yandex, built on the same engine as Google Chrome. The developer added to the browser various components, which significantly expand the functionality of the program - the browser understands mouse gestures, there is a “turbo mode” that allows you to save traffic, but you have to pay for such an expansion of functionality with a much higher consumption of computer resources.

BUT, there is not one but. I personally like Yandex Browser because it is tailored for a Russian user. In addition to all the good things that Chrome has, a lot of useful things have been added here, in particular, user security and the easy ability to remove intrusive ads and a beautiful interface with many settings.

The browser is constantly updated, keeps up with the times, like the Yandex search engine itself. This browser is easy to sync with account Yandex and all products of this company. Again, I note that security is on top, including passwords.

But if the computer is weak, then it’s hard to use it, it eats a lot of resources, so you have to pay for a good browser with performance.


  • "Turbo mode", which speeds up page loading and reduces traffic consumption;
  • Mouse gesture support;
  • Good user protection on the Internet (payments, passwords, etc.);
  • A minimum of advertising (you can remove it altogether with add-ons.);
  • Integration with Yandex search and its products;
  • Support for a large number of platforms;
  • Flexible and understandable settings;
  • The ability to change the appearance;
  • Frequent and useful updates;
  • Synchronization of settings via the "cloud".


  • Not the most democratic consumption of resources.

But why is he not in the first place, you ask. Trite, but weighty: performance plays a big role.


This is one of the old ones. It is also worth noting it, because I myself use it quite often lately. At first, I didn’t think at all that this browser would come to life, but no, it was updated quite well. And in a good way.

In terms of speed, it is not much inferior to Firefox. There are built-in ad blockers and a free VPN for those who need it. Just as interesting modern design and good navigation. For those who first installed it, it's easy to figure it out.


  • There are extensions;
  • Intuitive interface;
  • Built-in ad blocker;
  • Convenient navigation in history;
  • Pretty fast browser.


  • Few extensions;
  • Similar to Google Chrome.

Tor Browser (also often referred to as simply Tor, Tor) is a browser built on Mozilla Firefox for use on the Tor network to provide maximum anonymity on the Internet. The Tor network is a huge number of server computers through which encrypted user traffic passes.

Using this browser all the time to browse the Internet may not seem very comfortable due to the not very fast speed of this very Tor network, so in most cases it is used either to access resources blocked by the provider, or when you need to ensure complete anonymity.


  • The ability to access any website ignoring any blocking;
  • Complete anonymity.


  • Slow operating speed.

Which browser is better to choose?

If stable and fast work is important to you, then Google Chrome is the clear choice. This browser is not in vain ranked first in the world, and most modern web resources are developed primarily for compatibility with it. In addition, Chrome is present on almost every popular platform, allowing you to sync your bookmarks and passwords between your computer and phone.

If for some reason you do not like Chrome, then you should turn your attention to Firefox or Opera. Most of the above about Chrome is also great for them - data synchronization between different devices, support for a wide number of platforms, and in addition to all this, low demands on hardware resources, which can please owners of not the most powerful computers.

For those who care about privacy or just need to visit blocked resources often, Tor Browser may come in handy. It is difficult to use it on an ongoing basis, but it is not at all necessary to make it your main browser - it is easily installed even on a USB flash drive.

Personally, I use Yandex Browser more often. Resources allow, although sometimes I swear at the speed of work, but advertising does not torment me, I use many Yandex services and they are all at hand. And now I don’t enter passwords every time again and again, but save them in the browser. Except for the most important

In general, this is everyone’s business, install it, try it, if you don’t like it, then you can switch to one browser or another without any problems.

That's all for now, everyone for now, leave your comments below and join us in Odnoklassniki. And also read us on our channel in Yandex.Zen.

What is the best and fastest browser for windows? updated: February 13, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

Every year there are more and more various systems for efficient use of the Internet. By 2017, the number of computer browsers has increased markedly. This article will present the top 10 browsers recognized by users as the most convenient, efficient and fast.

Avant Browser

Top 10 for computers opens unfairly obscure web browser Avant. This is a fairly nimble and lightweight browser that runs on a whole base of engines: Gecko, Webkit, and Trident. The program is entirely free, as it is distributed under the GNU license. It is worth noting, however, the copying of some functions by the presented browser from other programs. So, many elements of Avant strongly resemble the structure of such well-known browsers as Mozilla and Opera. The plugins and settings of the presented browser are implemented from Internet Explorer.

What Avant copies functional elements many other web browsers does not mean that the program is out of date or "second rate". On the contrary, combining all the best components from more famous browsers, Avant is a very good option for accessing the Internet. Moreover, the program contains a number of original advantages that should definitely be noted. So, the following points need to be highlighted:

  • the main advantage of the browser is the incredibly low consumption of system resources;
  • ad blocking is set in the browser by default;
  • it is possible to quickly take a screenshot of website pages;
  • it is possible to quickly switch to popular domains;
  • the interface is very easy to set up - users can install about 30 different skins;
  • the browser starts up instantly.

Thus, Avant takes an honorable tenth place in the top 10 best browsers for computers.

Pale Moon Browser

In ninth place in the top 10 browsers for computers is the little-known, but very high-quality web browser Pale Moon ("Pale Moon"). It should be noted right away that this browser is based on the source code from the famous Mozilla browser.

The main feature of the "Pale Moon", and at the same time its main advantage - is the presence of a whole range of internal improvements. Thanks to a number of specific features of the presented web browser, using the Internet will be much more convenient and efficient. Pale Moon runs on the latest processor with a high-quality SSE2 instruction set, and therefore the performance of the program is very high even in comparison with large browsers.

What is the difference between Pale Moon and Firefox? What are the reasons to give preference to the particular browser in question? It is necessary to highlight the following differences of the "lunar" browser:

  • missing parental control and Active X functionality;
  • the function of scanning files after they are uploaded is disabled;
  • added the function of previewing tabs when they are actively switched;
  • requires a fairly modern processor.

Thus, the Pale Moon web browser is a pretty good alternative. Mozilla browser. The main feature of the "lunar browser" is the absence of all superfluous and unnecessary details that could significantly hinder the effective use of the Internet. At the same time, the program itself only works on computers with fairly powerful technical specifications. As a result, it takes an honorable ninth place in the top 10 best browsers for computers.


In eighth place in the top 10 popular browsers for computers is the very light and nimble Qupzilla web browser. The main advantage of this Czech browser is high-quality optimization for almost any platform. Qupzilla is an incredibly lightweight and simple program. If the main goal of the user is to view text documents on the Internet, and not work with heavy applications, then the presented browser is the best option.

How is this program different from other web applications? Yes, practically nothing. All the same icons, tabs, history and download system - in this regard, Qup developers do not try to shine with originality. When planning Qupzilla, a company of Czech Internet technologists and programmers tried to rely primarily on the goals of creating the speed and functionality of the application. The browser has a high-quality adblock that allows you to effectively block any ads. And thanks to the built-in RSS Reader, users of the web browser in question will be able to find out the latest news in a timely manner. Among other things, the browser has a quick access function. The user will be able to quickly and easily arrange the browser home page according to their preferences.

Why is Quipzilla in eighth place in the top 10 Internet browsers? Firstly, this browser is not well known among the citizens of Russia. Secondly, it still has a number of significant shortcomings that should be corrected as soon as possible. So, the main disadvantages of the browser include the lack of frequent updates and not the most aesthetic appearance.


In seventh place in the top 10 browsers for PC is a very old, but quite high-quality browser K-Meleon. Probably every person who actively used the Internet in the early 2000s should remember this program. The presented browser was born in 2001, and is still not inferior in popularity to many, even the most famous and modern web browsers. What is the reason for the high quality of this product? First, constant updates. K-Meleon is constantly being upgraded. The browser runs on the same engine as Mozilla, but has significant differences from the latter. The main and most important difference is the possibility of economical use of computer resources.

The browser, unlike many of its competitors, requires very little: just a small amount of RAM and a small expenditure of processor work. Another major advantage of the K-Meleon web browser is the ability to use the native PC interface. Thanks to this simple feature, the resources and time that can be spent on the interface are greatly saved. Increased speed and quality of work. Any user is able to personalize the browser for themselves - and all thanks to the wonderful macro system.

Why is K-Meleon only ranked seventh in the top 10 PC browsers? Firstly, a significant drawback of the presented web browser is a very simple, and therefore not the most aesthetic design. Secondly, the program has a number of minor bugs: for example, wrong reflection texts, pictures, etc. However, all problems are corrected in time with the help of timely updates.

Yandex Browser

It is worth finally moving on to the list of more well-known programs. In sixth place in the top 10 browsers for PC is the famous "Yandex Browser", released not so long ago - only in 2012. What is the difference between this web browser, what advantages and disadvantages does it have?

The first thing to highlight is that high level security. The program very efficiently and carefully checks all downloads and files for any malicious elements. It will not be so easy to catch some kind of computer virus when working with Yandex.Browser: a well-built verification mechanism will reliably protect the user from harm.

There are some great additions built into the web browser. This is a high-quality ad blocker, and stylish features like "highlight for video", "reading mode", etc. Add-ons can be turned off at any time. It is also worth noting that a very high-quality translator is built into the browser, which is in no way inferior to the Google system.

Now it’s worth moving on to the shortcomings of the program, which clearly illustrate why Yandex.Browser is in sixth place in the top 10 browsers of 2017. The first, and most important minus of the browser is the intrusive service from Yandex. The search line of the same name, hated by many "Yandex.Bar" - all this can significantly spoil the impression of, in general, a pretty good browser. The second drawback is related to possible problems, which may appear when viewing history. However, timely software updates can improve the quality of the situation.


In fifth place is the most "dangerous" and hated Internet browser by the authorities of many states. TOR is known to many Internet users, first of all, for its ability to bypass a large number of blockings and bans. The program in question allows people to access the so-called "black Internet" - a place that is not accessible to everyone.

The TOR browser is a kind of set of tools that allow you to ensure the safety of the user when browsing any Internet pages. The presented browser is able to provide the citizen with complete anonymity during any work on the Web. TOR is similar to Firefox. This is extended support, a wide range of settings, high-quality privacy, etc.

This browser is unlikely to be needed by an ordinary Internet user. So, if there is a top 10 fastest browser for PC, TOR would definitely take the last place in it. This is a very sluggish, slow, and practically unoptimized program. However, this major drawback is compensated by high-quality security of use, a wide range of settings and the ability to get into even the "darkest" corners of the Internet.

As a rule, TOR is launched from a USB flash drive. Only in this case, no one will be able to find out about the possibility of using this program by any citizen. Another question is whether all this is necessary for an ordinary Internet user. A law-abiding citizen is unlikely to care about secret data or little-known pages. It is because of this that the poorly optimized for PC, but very secure TOR is ranked fifth in the top 10 browsers of 2016 or 2017.

Mozilla Firefox

The fourth place in the top browsers for "Windows 10" (or versions slightly older) is occupied by the famous. As of 2017, the presented web browser is used by tens of millions of people in the most different countries. This is a constantly updated and modernized program. It is this factor that makes the browser so high quality. What other advantages of the application should be mentioned?

The named web browser is very flexible and effective program to work on the Internet. Despite a somewhat outdated concept, simple design and minor errors in operation, the browser in question boasts the following features:

  • Extensive, incomparable with any other browser system of settings. There is almost everything here that would allow an ordinary Internet user to customize a web browser to suit their individual preferences.
  • Convenient and aesthetically pleasing interface. Despite some old-fashioned, as well as the separation of URl from the search field, the appearance of the web browser is still very nice and interesting.
  • The presence of more than 100 thousand plugins.
  • The browser runs on absolutely any platform.
  • Reliability and safety. Firefox often leads other browsers when it comes to blocking malicious content.
  • The most convenient initial panel.
  • The web browser is updated in the background.

In the top browsers of 2017 (for Windows 10, 8 or 7), the Firefox browser takes only fourth place, although ten years ago it would definitely take first place. What is the reason? Of course, this is the emergence of new, more advanced and modern Internet browsers. Plus, Firefox has a significantly outdated engine. However, all these factors do not prevent millions of users from staying on this particular platform.

Microsoft Edge

The Edge web browser has replaced the old Internet Explorer, which has not been noticed by users for many years. Edge is quite rightly placed in third place in the top browsers. For Windows 10, Edge web browser is one of the best options. This is a program with a very nice interface, extensive functionality and a wide range of settings. It is the complete merger with the tenth "Windows" that makes the presented browser one of the highest quality and most reliable products of recent times. What are the advantages of Microsoft Edge here?

  • Reading mode. Of course, this feature is far from fresh. However, Edge in this regard definitely surpassed all its competitors. Here and the ability to underline the text in the most different colors, and the preservation of information, and the ability to quickly get rid of all interfering elements. The developers of the browser in question did a really great and high-quality job.
  • Speed. Rejecting all outdated standards, Edge developers have created a new engine that allows the browser to run faster even than Chrome.
  • Voice assistant. Cortana will soon arrive in Russia. However, for English-speaking users, this is a real discovery and one of the most requested features.

However, Edge also has a number of drawbacks, due to which the web browser in question is only in third place in the top 10 browsers for Windows 7, 8 or 10. So, you should definitely highlight not the most familiar and user-friendly design, as well as the banal lack of extensions . The developers nevertheless promise to fix everything existing problems in the very near future.


The second place in the top browsers for Windows 10, 8 or 7 is occupied by the notorious Opera web browser. The program is already more than 23 years old, however, during all this time it is only gaining momentum and becoming more and more popular. All this happens, of course, thanks to constant and timely updates that allow you to upgrade your browser qualitatively.

The presented web browser has both a number of advantages and a number of significant disadvantages. It is worth starting with the advantages of the browser. Here it is necessary to highlight the following points:

  • The browser supports turbo mode, implemented through cloud technologies. Thanks to this, any pages, tabs and files are displayed very quickly and easily. It is also worth noting here significant savings traffic.
  • Link technology allows you to synchronize data on a variety of devices with high quality.
  • There are a number of hot keys that greatly simplify the management process.
  • The web browser has a very convenient express panel with all sorts of saved bookmarks.
  • "Opera" does not require high computer performance, it is able to work with a small amount of RAM.

At the same time, the browser also has several disadvantages, due to which it is only in second place in the top 10 browsers:

  • Without download history, the user is not able to work with the same browser for a long time. Just with downloads, Opera has a considerable number of problems. Despite constantly being updated, the presented web browser still contains a number of shortcomings in the operation of scripts, WML forms, downloads, and some other elements.
  • "Opera" has a peculiar system of bookmarks, called "piggy bank". Despite the fact that the solution itself is quite interesting, the poor implementation of this function does not allow it to be fully convenient and of high quality.

Thus, Opera remains one of the best browsers in the world, but not without flaws.

Google Chrome

Of course, it is "Chrome" that is recognized as the best web browser of all. It was included in the top browsers of 2016 for Windows 10, 8 or 7. And, of course, it is very well deserved: it is a really high-quality and effectively implemented product used by millions of people around the world. This is not to say that Chrome is a browser without flaws.

It also occasionally slows down and requires a lot of RAM. However, all the advantages of the presented browser completely cover all possible disadvantages. Here is what is worth highlighting here:

  • really high speed;
  • reliability and safety implemented using the latest technologies;
  • the presence of the "Incognito" mode;
  • nice interface;
  • stable operation without strong brakes;
  • wide toolkit;
  • the presence of a voice assistant;
  • constant updates carried out in the background, and therefore do not interfere with the user's work;
  • automatic translation of pages into the desired language

And many other features. Chrome is indeed a quality browser. Most users do not even need to prove it, it is already installed on most PCs.

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