How to open all accidentally closed tabs. How to return a closed tab in the browser if you accidentally closed it

reservoirs 21.10.2019

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to get back a closed tab. We will learn how to restore viewed pages using keyboard shortcuts and through browser history.

How to return a tab through a keyboard shortcut

The easiest way to open a site that was accidentally closed is to press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + ⇑Shift + T .

To type this combination correctly, first press the Ctrl key on the keyboard, without releasing it, the Shift key and, together with them, English letter T (Russian E).

These hotkeys will restore the last web page. If you need to revert another site, press Ctrl + ⇑Shift + T again.

Instead of a keyboard shortcut, you can use the right mouse button:

  1. Hover over upper part browser.
  2. Right click.
  3. Select "Open closed tab" from the list.

How to restore a page through History

The previous method is suitable if you urgently need to return just accidentally closed pages. But what if you need to restore old tabs?

Just for this, the browser has special place, where the sites viewed on the computer are stored. It is called History or Journal. There are all deleted pages not only from the last session, but also for previous days and even weeks.

Now I'll show you how to open sites from History. But since each browser has its own characteristics, I wrote for them individual instructions. Click on the name of your program to quickly jump to the information you need.

Yandex browser

If it was not possible to return the closed tab in Yandex through a key combination, then History will come to the rescue.

To enter the Yandex Browser History, press the key combination Ctrl + H or click on the button with three horizontal lines.

In a new tab, a list of all the pages that were previously opened on this computer will appear. Recently visited sites will be at the top, and if you go down, pages from previous days will appear. To open the desired site, simply click on it.

In a situation where you can’t quickly find a tab, use the search. It is located in the upper right corner, above the list of sites. Type in a keyword there and press Enter.

Note: you can search not only by the whole word, but also by part of the word or by the name / address of the site.

For example, I need to find a site computer learning, which I once tore off. The search didn't turn up anything for the word "training". So, you need to print some other defining word, for example, computer or comp.

Google Chrome

All tabs that you previously opened in Google Chrome can be restored after closing. They are securely stored in a special compartment called "History". And there are not only addresses that you viewed today or yesterday, but also a week ago.

You can access Chrome History through the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + H or through the settings button - three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the program.

The History shows all the sites that have been opened in Google Chrome recently. The list is sorted by days, hours and minutes. To go to a page, simply click on it.

If you cannot find the site you need, then use the search to restore the tab.

For example, a few days ago I opened the instructions for logging into email. But I forgot when exactly it was. In this case, I simply type the defining word in the "Search in History" line. Better yet, not the whole word, but its main part. In my case it is "mail".

In addition, here you can search for the site address. It is enough to type only part of the address and Google Chrome will show all matches.

Mozilla Firefox

The Mozilla program has the ability to return the last tab even after a crash and restart of the computer. To do this, click the button with three horizontal lines in the upper right corner and select "Restore previous session".

Other previously closed pages can be returned through the Journal: → Library → Journal (example 1, example 2).

A list of pages that have been opened recently will appear in the window. Here you can return any of them - just click on it.

And to see all recently closed sites, click on "Show all history" at the bottom of the list.

A new window will open with a list of addresses. On the left side you can select the date. And at the top there is a convenient search in the magazine.

Opera and other browsers

Opera. All pages that you previously opened in Opera are stored in History. You can go to it through the Menu button in the upper left corner of the program.

A list of visited sites will open in a new tab. Click on the link to go to the correct address.

To search for a page, use the "Search in history" field above the list of sites. Type a keyword there, and Opera will show all the pages in the title of which it occurs.

You can search in History not only by the title of the article, but also by the website address. To do this, type part of the address, and the program will show all the appropriate options.

internet explorer. In Explorer, use History to restore old tabs. It is located under the button with the image of an asterisk in the upper right corner.

The History stores all the sites that you previously opened in IE. For convenience, they are sorted by day. But this sorting can be changed by choosing a different order from the top drop-down list (example).

safari. In the Safari browser on a Mac, to display recently closed sites, right-click on the button that opens new tabs. That is, by the icon with a plus sign in the upper right corner of the program.

You can also use the key combination Cmd + Shift + T or Cmd + Z to return the last pages.

How to save open tabs

You can save any open tab in the browser. She will be added to special section programs, from where it can then be obtained. This is convenient when you often visit the same sites on the Internet. Or if you are afraid that you will not be able to find an open article later.

The place to save web pages is called Bookmarks. You can add any number of sites there. They will be pinned in the browser until you remove them yourself.

Tab pinning

Yandex. Yandex.Browser has a special part where you can save pages. It is called "Bookmarks Bar" and is located at the top of the program, under the white field.

If you do not have such a panel, click on the button with three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the browser. In the list, hover over "Bookmarks" and select "Show bookmarks bar" (example).

To add a page to the bookmarks bar, click on the star icon at the end of the white line.

A small window will appear, where it will be written that the bookmark has been added. Click "Done" or click on an empty space.

The pinned page will fit on the panel and can be opened at any time. If you need to remove it from there, right-click and select "Delete".

You can also open saved sites through the browser settings button: → Bookmarks.

Immediately after that, a window will appear with a message that the bookmark has been added. Click on the "Done" button or simply click on an empty space with the mouse.

The saved page will be added to the top bar of the browser. Usually it is not immediately shown, but is visible only if you open a new tab.

If you want the panel to be visible all the time, right-click on it and select "Show tab bar". Then it will be fixed and will always be in sight.

Still saved tabs can be opened through the Chrome settings button. To do this, click on the icon with three dots in the upper right corner and select "Bookmarks". All saved pages will appear in the additional list.

Mozilla Firefox. In Mozilla, with each update of the program, the process of pinning tabs changes. Now for this you need to click on the button with the image of an asterisk at the end of the address bar.

A window will appear saying that the bookmark has been added. This means that the browser has remembered this site.

To open it later, click on the icon with two arrows and click on the “Bookmarks Menu” item.

At the bottom there will be a list of all saved sites. If you click on "Show all bookmarks", a window will open where you can configure them: create folders for them, sort, delete.

In addition, all your bookmarks can be opened through the Library: → Library → Bookmarks.

Note: bookmarks can be placed on a separate panel and then they will always be in sight. To do this, click on "Bookmark Tools" and then on "Show Bookmarks Bar".

Opera. The principle of pinning tabs in Opera is almost the same as in Google Chrome. Click on the picture with a heart at the end of the address bar and get the pin window.

In this window, you can choose where to place the link: on the Bookmarks Bar, on the Express Dial, or in the "Bookmarks" section. It depends on where to look for the saved page later.

  • The bookmarks bar is the top bar of the browser. It is located under the address bar (example).
  • Express panel is main page Opera that opens in a new tab (example).
  • Bookmarks (including Unsorted, Others) - located on the side of the Express Panel under the icon with a heart (example). And also they can be opened through the "Menu" button.

In the settings of any browser, you can specify that each time you open it, all those tabs that were open last time will appear. In the end, you won’t even remember what you had there and why, but it was definitely unrealistically important.

A few years ago, we had to suffer and restore sessions manually. Browser developers have heeded the voices of dejected users, now in most cases browsers themselves cope with the problem and restore tabs. Where to look for them?


In Chrome, closed tabs can be restored one at a time using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T.

The list of tabs that you closed recently is in the settings menu. Select "History" → "Recently closed". The browser will offer to open several tabs at once that have been closed.

It was possible to restore the session using the Last Session file and renaming it to Current Session. Unfortunately, this method no longer works, so you will have to say goodbye to closed and not tracked tabs by the Chrome browser.

You can, of course, open the history file in Notepad and sort all the links. But this is shamanism, subject to specialists, not ordinary users. Exit - extensions. An example is given at the end of the article for each of the browsers.


The browser's home page itself, by default, offers to restore the previous session. The corresponding button is located in the lower right corner, you only need to press it.

If your home page is not set to Firefox by default, you can restore closed tabs in the menu "History" → "Restore previous session".

The browser also has a session recovery page that appears in the window after emergency shutdown programs. The page can be called manually, for this you need to type in the browser line about:sessionrestore. Firefox will offer to restore the tabs of the previous session or start a new one.

Alas, if these events did not help, then most likely it will not work to restore the tabs: they were not recorded in history.

There are still chances, but for this you will have to arm yourself with patience, knowledge, or even a tambourine. That is, try to recover data from files with information about the current session. For this you need:

The problem is that this may not work either. Just bad luck. For insurance, it is better to use the already mentioned extensions.


Working with runaway tabs in Opera is similar to working in Chrome. This is a Ctrl + Shift + T hotkey combination that saves tabs, and work with recently closed tabs in a special menu.

If the menu of recently closed tabs does not help, you will have to rummage through the history and install extensions for the future.

Extensions to help

To keep users out of trouble, special add-ons have been invented for working with tabs that solve most problems with losses and sudden closing of browser windows.

Probably, each of us knows such a situation when, after reading information for a long time, one of the browser tabs suddenly closes unexpectedly. Agree, not a very pleasant moment. However, restore this information it is quite realistic, and you do not need to re-enter the query into the search engine or flip through the sites in the visit log. How to open a recently closed tab in Google Chrome, Mozilla and Opera browsers?

Find out the answers to these questions in our article today.

"Google Chrome"

So, how to open an accidentally closed tab in the Google Chrome browser? To begin with, we note that this function has already been implemented in Google Chrome, with which you can restore a closed site in a window in a matter of seconds. You can open a closed Chrome tab in several ways, which we will consider separately.

Most in a simple way is to press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+T. By the way, this method can be used not only in the Google Chrome browser. However, there are some nuances here. Firstly, this combination can only restore one page, that is, you can open the last closed Chrome tab, and not all at once. And secondly, it can be applied only when the browser continues to work further.

That is, if Chrome suddenly “freezes” and you had to turn it off through the task manager, you will be able to restore all previous tabs only when viewing the browsing history. The key combination Ctrl+Shift+T is already useless here.

What are the chances?

The chances of restoring all tabs in the browser when it "falls" are sharply reduced. And this happens not only in Google Chrome, but in Opera, Mozilla and many other programs. Why does this happen? The fact is that the browser can save only one backup copy, which is then overwritten at the next start. Thus, when resetting (restarting the program), you are unlikely to be able to restore or open closed tabs.

Is it possible to open all sites that suddenly closed in the browser? Yes, you certainly may. But before doing this, you will need to create 4 backup copies of the files that are stored in the user data folder. Where exactly it is located depends on the type of program and OS version.

What should be copied?

You need to save files like:

  • current tabs.
  • current session.
  • Last tabs.
  • last session.

You can save them on almost any hard drive in any folder on your computer. And if something went wrong, you can move the copied files to the directory with the original ones at any time. If you have opened a lot of tabs in the browser (for example, 15-20 or more), you can use this method - copy all 4 files to safe place. You shouldn't have any problems with this. However, if you logged into the OS through an account that does not have administrator rights, then you may have difficulty copying these files.

How exactly to open closed tabs in Chrome using this method? To begin with, you will need to close the browser, copy all 4 of the above files and then find "Local State" in the folder with the installed utility. We open it with notepad and find the following line:

exited_cleanly entry

Change the value of this line to "false". Next, save the file and restart the browser. Here, a message should appear on the screen with the text "Your Google Chrome did not close correctly." At the bottom, click the "restore" button and wait until all tabs are restored in the browser. At this time, you do not need to do anything, just wait until the program opens all the sites you need. It is possible that the utility will not display all http addresses and pages, but you still have a chance.

Tab restorer for google chrome browser

In order for problems with closed sites and their restoration not to bother you in the future, it is best to install a special extension for Gulg Chrome. It is called similarly to our subtitle - "tab restorer". The most popular is Session Buddy. This program was originally developed to save the last sessions in the browser. With this extension, you can save and configure them both manually and automatically at regular intervals.

There is also another way to restore closed tabs. To do this, in the Google Chrome browser, do the following:

  1. Find the “Menu” icon (it is located in the upper right corner) and click on it with the left mouse button.
  2. Select "Settings".
  3. Go to the "Initial Group" section.
  4. Activate "Last opened pages".

That's it, now every time you start the browser again, you will see all the tabs that you worked with in the previous session. This function does not always work, but only in those cases when the sites were closed without your confirmation, that is, suddenly. Each time you close the browser window, the program displays a box with text like “You are about to close 5 tabs. Do you want to do it right now?" If Google Chrome closed without this message, you can safely restore the entire session even after restarting the operating system multiple times.

It is also worth noting that when opening a large number sites, if you have a weak computer or slow Internet, the OS may freeze for several minutes, so the function of opening all tabs is not always useful.

How to open closed tabs in Mozilla Firefox? Method number 1: keyboard shortcut

Here, too, everything is very simple. most popular and simple method session recovery is a keyboard shortcut.

You can open a closed tab by pressing Ctlr + Shift + T (similar to the Google Chrome browser). But again, this method will be effective only when the program is in working condition. Thus, when you restart your computer, the key combination Ctlr + Shift + T will no longer be useful.

Method number 2: find the corresponding item in the main menu

This method is also widely popular among internet users. It consists in using the main menu of the browser. How does it work? First, right-click on the main menu button, which is located in the upper left corner, and look for the "Journal" section. After that, we point the arrow at the “Recently closed tabs” item and select those sites that suddenly disappeared from you a few minutes ago. Those who have good operating memory and high-speed Internet on their computer can use the "open closed tabs in full" function, namely "Restore all tabs".

Method number 3: use the visit log

How to open an accidentally closed tab? If you only need to find specific information on one site, the best way to find it is through your browsing history. To do this, press Ctrl + H and enter the address (may be incomplete) or the name of the site you need at the top. The time and number of visits are also displayed here, which is also very convenient for searching.

Add-on for Mozilla

Similar to the Google Chrome browser, you can install a similar closed tab restorer in Mozilla, which is also an extension for this program. And if in the first case we used “Local State”, then for Firefox, experts recommend installing Undo Closed Tabs Button.

As practice shows, using this extension is very simple. To increase the functionality, the developers of this utility have made a special button for quickly opening closed tabs, which can be placed in any place convenient for you in the browser menu. If after installing this extension you did not see such a button, do not worry - you can create it yourself. To do this, right-click on the part of the panel that is not filled with other shortcuts and bookmarks. After that, select the "Customize" item and find the icon that says "Undo closing tabs." Drag it to the right place on the panel and open sites without any fear, since at any time the opened address can be restored with one click of this icon.

How to open a closed Opera tab?

There are two ways to go here. The first is the classic keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-T. The second one is more complex. Here, to restore closed sites, click on the “Closed Tabs” icon and select the desired page from the drop-down menu on the right side of the panel. In this case, the private tab cannot be restored.

As you can see, in the Opera, Google Chrome and Mozilla browsers, you can use the same way to open closed sites. The developers of these programs did the right thing by making general principle tab recovery.

How to return a closed tab in the browser. It's about this will be discussed in today's edition. Working on the Internet, we use a browser: we open a tab and write our request in the search bar. You can make a lot of such tabs, and it is far from uncommon when a loaded page inadvertently closes. The tab may disappear after different reasons: You clicked on the wrong cross, or there was a small glitch that resulted in two windows being deleted in a row. I think this has happened to many.

And now the page you need is closed, what should I do? I think that searching for the desired site through a search engine is a painstaking task, especially if you don’t remember the name of the site, don’t remember its favicon (the picture next to the page name). In such cases, you need to follow a number of tips, which you can read below.

How to return a closed tab in the browser

Visit history

All closed and opened tabs are stored in history. If you need to find a page that you have opened before, there is nothing easier than going to the browser history. All information, passwords, what was viewed is stored there. The history is kept for a long time. Even if you come to your senses after 10 days that you need to find one or another closed site, then this can be done without any problems.

Important! Depending on the search engine, the history can be stored from one to three months, after which the old addresses are replaced with more recent ones.

In order to go to the lost tab, the following key combinations are used: Ctrl+”H” and Ctrl+Shift+”H”. Or you can use the mouse cursor and find the "History of visits" in the main menu of the browser. Below I provide a link to an article in which I talk in detail about deleting browser history and more. Of course, you don't need to delete anything. You just need to open the history and start searching.

Internet Explorer

It should be found in the upper right corner of the button, indicated by an asterisk. After clicking on it, a menu appears with the following tabs: "Web feeds", "Favorites", "Journal". You need to go to the last section, it will contain all the visited sites. After selecting the desired one, left-click on this line.

Google Chrome

Three-dot button - it can be found at the top right. All that is required is just to click on it and a list of all commands will drop out. But we need only "History". When you click on it, you will go to the list of closed pages, and when you hover over it, a window with three lines will pop up. We need: "History" and "Recently Closed".

The browser has a search function "Search in history", among the pages viewed before. It is convenient when you do not remember the date of viewing, and the number of visited sites is large.


Similar to the Google browser in terms of features. Find the menu button on the top right. Then the browser settings menu appears. Now you need to select the line "History". We turn to “Recently closed”, if the visit was a long time ago, then we open the history in full.


A feature of this browser in the Opera23 version is the common Chronium engine with Google Chrome. The settings menu is similar to Google. But there is some difference - the menu button is located at the top left.

Mozilla Firefox

We find the menu launch button on the right side of the screen in order to find the closed page later. A list of commands will open, among which you need to click on "Journal". A list of recently visited pages will open, and at the very bottom, the "Show entire log" button. The "Library" just stores the entire history of visits, you can select the period. The browser contains a search box for pages that were previously closed.

Browsing through the bookmark menu

Even experienced users often face such a problem as accidentally closing the necessary pages. If there is no time to search for them, then you can check, what if you are lucky: browsers have such a function - to add frequently visited resources to a special bookmarks bar. The so-called visual bookmarks, everything is clearly shown in the image below.

How to bookmark a site

In order not to rely only on chance, but to intentionally remember the site and its page in your browser, use the bookmarking of the page:

As noted above, browsers have visual bookmarks where you can save site pages in order to have quick access to them. It is not necessary to count on the automatic addition of frequently visited resources there.

How to restore a closed tab with hotkeys and using the tab menu

What to do when you need some randomly closed site, but you couldn't save the tab? To do this, there is another method - go through the tab menu. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the line of the browser at the top, it contains the names of open pages. When you right-click, a window opens with the “Open closed tab” function we need.

It can also be opened by pressing the hotkeys Ctrl + Shift + T, the command is standard for any browser. Everyone has search engines there is such a function. A subsequent press opens the previous tab, and so on through the list.

Don't be afraid to close the tab you need. Working on the Internet should be convenient, so the address of the visit always remains in the memory of the search engine. If you frequently use the Internet, the function will become automatic, and you will not experience any inconvenience when browsing the Internet.

Video - how to return the tab that you closed in the browser

Accidentally closed a tab in Yandex Browser? It's not a problem. Even if you don't remember the name of the site. The main thing is that the browser saved all this. Therefore, you can easily restore a tab in Yandex. And different ways. Which is better? It's up to you to decide.

The easiest way to restore a closed tab in Yandex is using the "Last Page" function. Therefore, if you accidentally closed a site, you can easily open it again by pressing Ctrl + Shift + T.

This combination opens one last tab. But you can click it again, restoring the penultimate page. And then again….

A certain number of closed websites are stored in the memory of Yandex Browser, so a couple of them can be opened. However, this method is only used to quickly open the last tab. In other cases, it is better to choose another option.

By the way, this method is universal and works in many modern browsers. For example, using the same combination, you can.

To avoid having to constantly press keys, you can right-click on any page and select "Reopen just closed tab" from the menu that appears. Perhaps this will be more convenient for you.

Smart back arrow

If you did not close the current tab in Yandex, but opened another website in it, then you can restore it using the smart "Back" arrow. This button is located in the left corner of the address bar.

Each press of it takes you back one step. Thus, you can return to the previous pages visited earlier.

By the way, if you right-click on this arrow, a list of all sites loaded specifically in this tab will open. And you will not need to constantly click it, trying to find the right page. Just click on the RMB arrow and select any site from the list.

That is why the back arrow is called smart. By the way, in the same way you can.

Recently closed pages

Another method is with the help of the "Recently Closed" element. It displays the last 8 pages that were closed in the current session. They remain until you exit the program.

To open closed tabs in Yandex Browser in this way:

By the way, here, just below, websites that you opened on other devices (smartphone, tablet or laptop) can be displayed. But only on condition that they were synchronized with the Yandex account. Otherwise, it will look like this:

What should I do if the site I need is not in the Recently Closed list? For such cases, there is another method by which you can restore previous tabs in Yandex Browser.

Visit history

If you want to open a site you visited yesterday, 3 days or even 2 weeks ago using the history manager. To open it:

After that, a new tab will open in the browser, where the sites you have visited will be displayed.

By the way, you can go to the "History" in another way. Click Ctrl+H and the same window will open.

And what is there? And here just look for any site that you need. All previously opened pages are sorted by the day and time of visit, so there will be no difficulties with this.

If you visited that site a long time ago, then in the "Search in history" field, enter its address or page name (partially possible) and press the Enter button. After that, only those options that match the specified criteria will be displayed.

By the way, this method is also universal and works in all popular browsers. For example, in the same way you can.

How to restore tabs after reboot

The fact is that by default, the settings can be set in such a way that after the browser is closed, all open pages disappear.

Of course, you can restore open tabs in Yandex through "History" or the "Recently closed" element, but this is inconvenient. And why such sacrifices when it’s enough just to set up Yandex Browser to open the same pages when restarted.

For this:

From now on, even after closing the browser, all previously opened pages will not disappear anywhere.

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