Computer literacy training. Computer courses for beginners

Landscaping and planning 21.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

So a miracle happened. Finally, a personal computer or laptop has appeared in your home. But here's the problem, you don't know which way to approach it. And you start thinking about how to learn how to work on a computer. The first thing to do is to stop being afraid of him. It won't break, burn or explode if you press the wrong button. Do you know how to drive a car? household appliances, mobile phones. This knowledge is not innate, but acquired. Believe me, a computer is simpler than your microwave oven.

How to learn how to use a computer quickly?

  1. It is necessary that the computer be at your fingertips every day for its gradual development.
  2. Tutorial on learning a computer should be written in the simplest and most understandable language with the maximum number pictures.
  3. It is desirable that at first you were prompted by one of those who are with the computer on "you".
  4. If you use learning materials, do it gradually, do not get ahead of yourself and do not try to learn everything at once.

Primary skills for those who want to know how to learn how to use a computer:

  • correct switching on and off;
  • loading a text editor and typing;
  • Internet access;
  • Email and work with her;
  • work with search engines;
  • adequate perception of anti-virus program signals.

An excellent opportunity for those who want to quickly learn how to work on a computer is a variety of audio and video courses, tutorials, trainings and special literature. The Internet is full of such ads. And not all of the courses offered are paid. But there is one point: to take advantage of these offers, you must at least be able to turn on a computer, use the Internet and a browser. You can also ask a family member to help you learn the basics of computer terminology and deal with the buttons.

How to learn to use a computer?

You don't have to be a genius to master the basics of computer literacy. Of course, you will have to learn a certain amount of information, understand some specific terms and the principle of operation of several computer programs. Programs you need to know to fully use most useful features computer:

  • Windows operating system. The basis of a computer, without it, it is just a piece of iron or plastic;
  • programs for typing (for example, Notepad and Word);
  • programs for playing music and films (audio and video players);
  • programs that protect your computer (antivirus);
  • programs for accessing the Internet (Internet browsers);
  • archivers;
  • mail client, communication programs (for example, skype or icq);
  • programs for viewing photos, pictures, drawings;
  • programs for downloading information from the Internet;
  • programs for cleaning unnecessary files and for restoring the system in case of failure.

If you want to learn how to work on a computer, you need to master at least the above programs. In fact, there are many more, but for a start you will have enough.

How to learn to type on a computer?

In order to print, you will need to open Word. Everything seems complicated at first. Briefly the basics of the program:

How to learn to type quickly on a computer?

There are two categories of people who type on a computer. Some do not take their eyes off the monitor (touch typing), others from the keyboard. Of course, blind typing is preferable, since you are not distracted by searching for the desired letter on the keyboard. But learning this way is more difficult. In any case, when typing, you must use all ten fingers. It is best to first study the correct layout of the fingers on the keyboard. A little practice, perhaps take advantage of special training.

  • you will get to know the windows operating system
  • learn about software your computer
  • learn how to create, modify and delete folders and files
  • learn to work in text editor word
  • learn how to add pictures, texts, tables, etc. to text documents.
  • learn to work in excel
  • you will learn how to create tables, charts, graphs in excel
  • learn how to use the internet
  • understand all the subtleties of creating your own mailbox
  • learn how to register and communicate in social networks

Upon completion of the course, you will receive

Upon completion of the PC course for beginners, you will receive a certificate with the assignment of a specialty:
"personal computer operator".

Excel course - allows you to work with spreadsheets,
PowerPoint course - designed to create presentations,
Access course - allows you to create and administer databases.

Where will you study?

Addresses of classrooms where classes are held for the selected courses*:
m. Kurskaya- main sales office, 4 computer classes, 3 theory classes, 2 design classes
m. Belorusskaya - theory class
m. Kuznetsky most- beauty course classes
m. Oktyabrskaya - computer classes, theory classes
m. Prospekt Mira - computer classes, theory classes
m. Pushkinskaya - classes of beauty courses
m. Serpukhovskaya - computer classes, theory classes
m. Sokol - computer classes, theory classes
m. Taganskaya - computer classes, theory classes
m. Tretyakovskaya - classes of beauty courses

(* Check the exact address of the audience with the organizer of the educational process)

On this page, all the lessons of the site are ordered exactly in the order in which we advise you to take them. Unfortunately, in this moment there are gaps in the list of lessons, which in without fail will be filled. Topics on which there are already articles are links (highlighted in blue with underlining) - follow them and learn! The list does not include news and some articles (for example, on solving computer problems). they do not make sense for learning, however, you will receive them if you subscribe to the newsletter.

You can freely write your wishes in the comments, this is highly welcome. Suggested topics are included in the plan of articles.

Let's create the best free step by step learning system together!

Target: create a list of articles on the site, studying which in a certain order, you will feel free to work at the computer.

Important! If you can write an expert article on any of these topics, write to us, articles are paid.

Course: Computer User - Basic

  1. What is a netbook
  2. What is an ultrabook
  3. What is a tablet
  4. What is a tablet phone
  5. USB port: what is it and what can be connected through it
  6. How to turn on the computer, what is happening at this moment
  7. What is a driver. What is the graphical shell of the operating system
  8. Computer desktop.
  9. Mouse, cursor, how to work with the mouse.
  10. What is a shortcut, file, program, folder.
  11. Basic file types. What is an extension
  12. What HDD and how does it work On publication)
  13. Computer hard disk partitions.
  14. Keyboard. How to work with her. We create a text file.
  15. What's in the start menu
  16. Turning off the computer. ( In work)
  17. What is sleep mode and when to use it
  18. What is standby mode and when to use it
  19. We install the program. The main stages of installing any program. Where it will appear, how to find where it is installed, how to find it in the Start menu.
  20. We are working with the program. Standard elements of the program: settings, drop-down menu, quick access toolbar.
  21. We create a label. All ways.
  22. How to view the characteristics of your computer.
  23. Computer screen. Resolution, settings, change the theme of the desktop.
  24. How to install device driver. Where to download the driver if it is not installed automatically. ( In work)
  25. Computer startup. How to disable the program from startup. How to disable autoload in the program itself. ( In work)
  26. What is an archive. Working with the archiving program
  27. How to open video on computer
  28. How to open e-book(.pdf .djvu .pdf) ( In work)
  29. How to open a presentation
  30. How to open a document (.doc, .docx, .fb2)
  31. How to find out what video card I have
  32. Blue screen of death - what is it
  33. What is a BIOS and what is it for?
  34. How to open.pdf
  35. How to open .mkv
  36. How to open .djvu
  37. On-screen keyboard - what is it and what is it for
  38. How to change the language on a computer
  39. Hot windows keys 7,8
  40. How to increase the font on the computer

Course: Computer Security

  1. How to put a password on Windows
  2. How to come up with a complex password
  3. How to secure your google account
  4. What is an antivirus
  5. What is a firewall
  6. How to block pop-ups
  7. How to make file extensions visible in Windows
  8. How to protect yourself on the Internet using the WOT extension
  9. Overview of Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Course: Computer programs

  1. Punto Switcher
  2. Alarm clock for computer
  3. Program for creating video from photos

Course: Google Services

Course: Computer User: Intermediate

  1. How to create a virtual machine (virtual computer)
  2. How to transfer old photos to computer
  3. How to put a password on a folder
  4. How to clean the Windows registry
  5. How to enter the BIOS
  6. How to format a hard drive
  7. How to defragment a hard drive.

Course: Laptop and Netbook User

  1. Features of working with a laptop and netbook
  2. Laptop, netbook device
  3. Laptop and netbook keyboard - features of work
  4. How to extend battery life
  5. What to do if the laptop (netbook) is heated
  6. Stands for the computer: cooling and not.
  7. How to turn on WiFi on a laptop

Course: Computer and "near-computer" devices

  • Body exercises
  • Programs-trainers to control the time of work at the computer
  • How to set up your workplace
  • What to do when overtired
  • Procrastination and how the computer is involved
  • How to save your hands so that they do not get sick if you have to type a lot (tunnel syndrome).
  • Working at a computer while standing: the benefits, pros and cons
  • Height-adjustable standing desks - an overview.
  • Standing laptop stands - an overview.
  • Course: Computer and child

    1. Is it necessary to limit the time at the computer for children and how to do it right?
    2. What can a child learn from a computer
    3. How to protect your child from adult sites

    Course: Internet User - Basic

    Jan 19

    How to master a computer quickly and easily?! In fact, everything is quite simple!

    Greetings, dear blog visitors. As always, Dmitry Smirnov is in touch with you, and in this article I would like to address, as it were, our Dear old people, grandparents, parents who cannot understand how to master a computer on their own! Tfu, how much extra literature our bookstores can provide you, but all this is not necessary, you just have to follow some tips that will help you master the computer for free!

    In a previous article, I wrote that maybe this information will also be extremely useful for you! In fact, the information on the topic “mastering a computer for free” is very popular, and now I will talk about the main failures of those who are trying to master a computer!

    1. Afraid of breaking something!
    2. Reluctance, it's like toys!
    3. It makes no sense to master the computer, because why do you need it ?!

    These are the three most terrible misconceptions of all, especially the elderly, but the answers to these questions can be found in the following lines, namely:

    1. Don't be afraid to break something! Computers have long been of high quality and powerful enough that stationary PCs, laptops or tablets! It was earlier in the 2000s, back in our days of the groups Ruki Vvverkh, Shark, Sveta, Kraski and everything else, when computers were really like machines, they constantly broke down, and repairs were very, very expensive! Everyone dissuaded the children from buying a computer with phrases, namely: “Why do you need it, you’ll break something and that’s it!”. Now computers are of very high quality, and the maximum that you can break is to remove any shortcut or program, you simply won’t be able to do anything serious!
    2. If you have no desire to study a computer, then no one can force you to study a computer! Remember, the computer is no longer a toy, but since 2010 it has become a real source of income! Many, even schoolchildren, have ways to earn hundreds of thousands of rubles and millions on a computer without leaving home! I have examples when children at the age of 13 already earn 300,000 rubles a month! Even a pensioner will be able to master the computer, and from this you will benefit!
    3. No need to be mistaken and think that you will not need a computer! Tell me, how many times have you wanted to talk to a close relative? How many times do you want to mail or spend money on calls to relatives? Having a computer and even simple access to the network for 200 rubles, you get unlimited communication, and you can even see your relative who lives 10,000 kilometers away from you live through a webcam, and all this is completely free!
    1. Just sit down and break! You need to learn from mistakes! Everyone makes mistakes, even advanced programmers! Just learn how to work with the mouse, understand why the keyboard, where are any buttons!
    2. Learn to type with the Keyboard Trainer! No need to buy anything, it's just a program that will teach you how to type quickly and easily! You can start typing easily and simply using just the keyboard!
    3. Love to read? Then the book “computer for dummies” is for you, or start taking courses using the same Youtube

    These are the only ways to learn how to work at a computer! There are no special courses and everything else! Of course, the most the best option for you it will be paid courses, and live! It is in these courses that you will be taught how to work with a computer, but even if you do not want to pay money to charlottes, you can buy a book on learning a computer, or just go to youtube, where you can find many detailed videos!

    Nowadays, almost everyone has such a device as a laptop. For example, people ... They also want to keep up with modern technologies. Therefore, this article will help you understand the basics of using a laptop.

    The training system is divided into several stages.

    First of all, it is worth mastering some concepts of a computer. Studies show that there is nothing difficult in using a laptop. However a large number of information inspires fear of the impossibility of using the device. But here everything depends only on the desire of the pensioner.

    Mastering a laptop easily with the help of video tutorials

    Here are the first features of the laptop:

    • A clear advantage among communication devices is a program that provides free video contacts with any subscriber around the world who has a computer with Skype installed and the Internet in his arsenal.
    • It can be used for typing, followed by printing, while you can create a large number of copies without using carbon paper. If you make a mistake in the text, you do not need to use an eraser, you can simply delete it with a single keystroke. So, you don't need a typewriter anymore!
    • The laptop does a good job with, or made on the phone. That is, he is able to edit, correct necessary qualities, or remove some effects.
    • Using a laptop, you can send a letter to relatives or a friend anywhere in the world.

    As you already understood that you are a laptop user, the device itself has operating system with multiple versions. Wherein this system capable of performing many tasks. If the laptop is connected to the network, respectively, it has large quantity information that can be obtained from the results of a search query.

    Searching for information on the Internet can be done by specifying email address site or just its name in the address bar. Remember, if you are looking for a site using the address, enter the characters very carefully, if at least one letter or sign is incorrect, you will be taken to a completely different site, and accordingly it provides different information.

    The site address is always written in Latin characters. can be done with a combination of two keys "Alt + Shift". most popular search engine considered Google. She will provide big choice information relevant to your request.

    To perform this or that operation, you can use hot keys or the mouse. are a combination of keyboard buttons, sometimes there is one button. This tool is used mainly by those who do not have skills in using the mouse.

    However, there is an opinion that in order to master a computer, at least at the initial level, it is not necessary to know all the principles of its operation and specifications. Computer programming should not bring you excitement.

    Remember that the more often you return to a particular task on a laptop, the faster the usage skills will become moderate.

    The most difficult moment is the development of the mouse. Double-clicking with the right mouse button... Some people replace one double-click with two single-clicks. However, these are completely different things. Therefore, a pensioner can stop at this stage of training for a certain period of time. But in the future, you can confidently make such a click with any number of clicks.

    A laptop is no longer a luxury, so even an elderly person sometimes has to turn to it for help, since typewriters and paper letters have long been out of fashion and much harder to use. This device can perform a wide range of diverse information.

    For quick and more understandable learning to work on a laptop, it is better to use training video courses recorded on DVD discs. For a better understanding of the course, watch the video review from Uncle Sasha. Everything is simple, easy and not expensive!

    A good disk for mastering a laptop. Helped me a lot!

    Alexander Sergeevich Kokovikhin, Kirov

    After reading this article, the thought comes to mind that it is impossible to understand computer basics by reading these recommendations not only to people of age, but also to young people. Oh, it hurts everything is somehow confusingly described, nothing to understand.

    Much easier to get skills on illustrative examples in the process of working in programs, by watching grandfather's review in the video clip, well, or in extreme cases, view screenshots (pictures from the monitor screen) with step-by-step explanations.

    The most realistic method remains when smart heads take the hand and lead to the goal, forcing you to press the necessary keys on the keyboard, direct the mouse pointer for you, forcing you to click in the indicated places. But this method requires your mentor to be with you at all times, being the most expensive of all training options.

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