How to switch to English letters on the phone. How to switch to English in android

reservoirs 15.10.2019


The easiest option is through the general phone settings. Go to the Nokia menu and select "Phone settings", then click on the language options section and check the box next to the language you need in this moment. When you want to return the previous settings, you will have to use the general menu again and change the language only through the "Phone settings".

Most often, language switching in a Nokia phone occurs through the SMS text editing menu. In text input mode, click on the "Input functions" option and select "Change input language", where mark the language you need. As soon as you need to switch to another language, use the same procedure.

Also, in the process of entering a message, you can press certain buttons and change the language of the phone. Find those with an asterisk or a hash in the bottom row of keys, and when you type SMS and want to switch the language, press one of them. In addition to changing the language, you can change the mode of writing letters from lowercase to uppercase, activate T9 mode or other phone settings.

If your mobile phone supports a QWERTY keyboard, use the following keyboard shortcut - the button with the character input icon and the up arrow button. In this case, press the button with the arrow shown a little earlier than the button with the icon. When the menu appears on your Nokia phone's display, check the box next to the input language you want.

Since mobile devices bought abroad do not provide for the Russian language in the settings, you will have to do not just switch the language, but flash the phone. And don't get carried away here self-installation drivers and software. It is better to contact specialists in order to subsequently use the phone without any problems.


  • how to change language to nokia

Language message entry in different phones can be configured in different ways. Most modern devices support changing the language messages already when typing in the text editing menu.

You will need

  • - telephone;
  • - instructions for it.


If you have a normal one, go to its general settings and specify the desired message input settings in the language settings, in the future you can change this item only from this menu. This usually applies to older phones.

In the text entry menu, sms- messages Select "Input Options" and then "Change Message Writing Language". In the future, to switch, use the same scheme. Please note that this menu can be launched using the shortcut buttons, which is also typical for some older models of mobile devices.

When typing a message in the Samsung menu, press the button with the image of a lattice or an asterisk - these buttons are responsible for changing the input language, as well as changing the mode of writing lowercase and uppercase letters, activating T9 and other settings, depending on the phone model. The same is true for ordinary Nokia phones, Voxtel, Sony Ericsson and so on.

If your Nokia has a QWERTY keyboard, use the combination of the up arrow buttons with the icon for entering characters and enable -connection, while paying attention that the arrow button needs to be pressed slightly. In the menu that appears, check the box you want

When you open the menu on your Android device, you may notice that a language you don't understand is installed. In this case, it is almost impossible to use the device and it gets up main question– how to change settings on a tablet or smartphone. To do this, you need to follow certain instructions. For most devices, they are identical, except for small differences. For clarity, we will show the change of language on the example of devices from different manufacturers.

Instructions on the example of a device from Lenovo

Despite the same version of Android on a phone or tablet, the settings may have a different location depending on the manufacturer of the device. If you are the owner of a mobile device from Lenovo, then in most cases the following instructions will help you:

As you can see, changing the language on a tablet or other gadget running Android is not so difficult, because most of the settings have explanatory icons.

Example for Samsung brand devices

The methodology for this manufacturer is almost identical, with the exception that you need to go to other menu items. To change the language in the Android OS on a Samsung tablet or phone, follow these steps:

Now you can freely use your Android gadget. For brands of other phones, the instructions are almost identical. You need to go to the general settings, find the menu responsible for the language (usually has a pencil icon or letters), and change it on your tablet or phone.

For some users, these tips will not help for one simple reason - their phone simply may not have required language, therefore, it is simply not possible to change it. What to do in this case? There is an exit! Download required.

On the Android OS, there is one extremely useful application called MoreLocale 2. It allows you to localize your phone in order to install desired language eg Russian. To use it, download it to your phone, and then follow these steps:

For users of newer versions of Android 4.2+, the Set Locale & Language program will help. It has similar navigation items, and you can easily handle "Russification" without outside help.

Now on your Android tablet or mobile phone the language you want will be set. Unfortunately, the program is not perfect, so some items may not be localized, but these are extremely rare cases. Thanks to this application, you can freely use the device by changing the language at any time, even if it is not provided by the standard settings. The application does not take up much memory, while it is very fast.

Articles and Lifehacks

Almost every user of the device on operating system with the "green robot" knows how to switch to english in android or Russian languages. However, there are times when this fails. Or a person has recently acquired a different device, different from his previous "Andryusha". Then, despite the fact that the user knows, you have to puzzle over how to change the layout in it.

Change keyboard layout in android

1. Often, switching languages ​​is done by simply pressing a touch button that looks very similar to the image of a globe. However, it may not be available on all devices. If you didn’t find this near the space, then try to “crawl” with your finger along the space itself: left - right. But remember that such switching methods are possible only if you have the languages ​​\u200b\u200bthat you need (Russian, English, French or others) set in the settings. If you haven't checked the boxes next to the languages ​​​​you use in typing in the settings, then don't be surprised that you can't switch the keyboard layout.

2. If you don’t know how to switch to English in android, despite the fact that you need to make this transition in some emulator, then you should go to the settings in this emulator. Already in them to find and go to "Change keyboard settings". The next step is to select a line that will mention the physical or virtual keyboard and its settings (depending on the program, there may be different line names) in Russian or even in English will be written. After selecting this line, you will see a decent list with possible languages. Check the boxes next to the ones you need. Browsers do not always perceive English, so it is recommended to select American in addition. Save your settings and exit the emulator.

3. Another option why languages ​​do not switch or have stopped switching is a “broken” firmware version. For example, you updated your device with a beta version or there were failures during the update. Or the version just doesn't fit your device. There is only one way out - or roll back to the previous working version.

Android layout settings

Briefly about the settings. Go to "Settings" on your device. There, select "Language and keyboard". Look for the "Keyboard settings" section. The next will be the selection of the section "language selection key" or even "input language". Please note that depending on your firmware or hardware, these sections may also be in English.

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Now almost everyone has an Android phone. The memory of such devices contains a lot of languages, which makes it possible to use them anywhere in the world. But sometimes this can cause great inconvenience, especially if the owner of the phone does not have basic knowledge at least English, in which smartphones and tablets initially work very often.

When you use it for the first time, return to factory settings, or for some other reason (for example, if the phone was ordered in China, which is no longer uncommon today), you can find that the keyboard, menus and everything else have become incomprehensible to us. There is a need to change it. But how can we change it if the words are incomprehensible to us? This is what we will look into. So, in order to switch the system and keyboard language on your Android, you need to:

  1. Enter the settings menu.
  2. Next, we need to find and select the item, which is indicated by the letter or the globe in later versions of android.
  3. Select the first item in the list.
  4. Further, everything is very simple. We change the current language to the one we need. There shouldn't be any difficulty with this.
  5. We press the back button, which is in every Android, and check if what we need has changed. After that, it is advisable to go to messages and check the keyboard language.

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