Not enough memory to download. If there is not enough space for windows virtual memory: we solve the problem

landscaping 21.10.2019

What can prevent you from installing a new app from Google Play? Just a lack of memory. Suddenly, your Android smartphone writes “Not enough memory”, although there is space.
What to do? You can see that there are enough free megabytes both on the Micro SD card and in the internal memory. But how to explain this to a smartphone?

1. When memory is really low

In fairness, it must be said that sometimes a smartphone is right. For example, if you focus only on the space on the map, and the installation of the application is not provided there. Or if the application needs additional space to work.

Then like it or not, you have to free up space. There are several proven ways to do this:

  • Remove unnecessary applications. This question is already exclusively for you: perhaps the old games are no longer so interesting? Or do you have several applications installed that duplicate each other?
  • Move apps to micro card SD when possible. On this topic, we have.
  • Clear the cache using special utilities (for example, CCleaner). Sometimes it takes up surprisingly much space, being, in fact, unnecessary.
  • Clear memory manually using Root Explorer or another file manager. This approach is very effective, but requires knowledge. Deleting the wrong files will make your smartphone inoperable. Therefore, before manual cleaning, be sure to make a backup.
  • Reset the entire system and reinstall applications via Titanium Backup. This is somewhat more hard way. For it, you also need to have the Titanium Backup application installed. Make backup copies of all applications with settings. Reset the system completely. Install Titanium Backup again and restore applications from backups. This method does a good job of cleaning the system of garbage and often adds several hundred megabytes to free memory.

2. When there seems to be enough memory

There are situations when a smartphone or tablet refuses to install an application not only on a memory card, but also in internal memory. At the same time, there is enough free space. How to force Android to face the truth and still install the application?

There are several ways that might work:

  • Clear cache of Google Play apps and Google Service Framework. Open the Settings menu, select these two apps and clear their cache. After that, restart your smartphone. If there is free space, the device will now be able to use it.
  • Uninstall Play Update. To do this, go to Settings, find the Applications item there, and Google Play in the list. Tap on it and in the page that opens, select the "Uninstall updates" button. It is recommended to do in case clearing the cache did not help.
  • Clear Dalvik cache. Turn off your smartphone and turn it on in Recovery mode (usually you need to hold the power button and the volume button to do this). Select Wipe cache partition from the menu. If you have not encountered this before, then we will tell you: the touch screen does not work in this mode, you need to select it with the volume buttons. In this item, select the Advanced Options sub-item, and in it - Wipe Dalvik Cache. This action will flush the Dalvik cache and not only free up some space, but also help the system work efficiently with the existing one.

To avoid such problems in the future, you can use the Link2SD or Folder Mount utilities, which will help you virtually merge the Micro SD and internal memory into a single array. Remember that in this case the memory card becomes virtually non-removable, so before this operation, get a sufficiently voluminous Micro SD.

“The application could not be installed / updated because the device memory is full” - many Android users have seen such an inscription more than once. How to make up for the lack of MB and whether you need to do it at all, read our article.

How to check the amount of free memory

If you see a message about the lack of memory, the first thing to check is its (memory) state. Perhaps some update or downloaded file weighed more than you thought, and now the system really does not have enough free megabytes to complete the specified procedure. So, to check the state of the phone's memory:

If megabytes are really not enough, let's clean the phone from unnecessary data. If enough, we will look for the cause of the problem and fix it.

How to free up more memory on your device

If there is too much information stored on your device, the easiest option for clearing memory is to move some of the files to another device. It is not difficult to do this, you just need to transfer the taken photos and videos, downloaded files, etc. to them. We are mainly interested in the following folders:

But what if they are all empty, and MB is still not enough? There are several options for freeing up additional memory, and we will dwell on each of them separately.

Cleaning the cache (Dalvik cache, general and individual applications)

On any device that has access to the Internet, there is a cache - an intermediate buffer in memory that provides quick access to temporary files. This allows you not to load the page completely with each access to it, but to store part of the data in the system memory and retrieve it on the first request. On the one hand, this is convenient, because The site loads quickly, no matter how low the connection speed is. On the other hand, we have memory clogged with unnecessary files and slowing down the system itself. Therefore, even if you have not yet encountered the error discussed in the article, you should clear the cache on Android at least once a month. By the way, you can do this in three ways:

  • Delete all cache stored on the phone

To do this, go to "Settings", open the "Memory" section and look for the "Cache" item in it. We click on it and agree to the removal. A couple of seconds, and the treasured megabytes were released on our phone.

  • Delete the cache of a specific application

If you are only missing a few MB, it is not necessary to erase all temporary files. Sometimes it is quite possible to get by with the cache of some resource-intensive program. To do this, you just need to open the "Settings" menu, select the "Application" item and find the application of interest to us in the list provided. Open it and look for the "Clear Cache" button. We click on it and observe how the amount of free memory increases by the treasured megabytes.

  • Wipe Dalvik Cache by Putting Your Device in Recovery Mode

Dalvik cache is a temporary compilation of application code that is stored as executable files. Removing them does not cause any harm to the performance of the gadget. Therefore, to free up a few extra MB in this way, we do the following:

  • We turn off the phone.
  • We launch it in Recovery mode (the combination of buttons for different devices will be different, you can find it out from the instructions or on the official website of the manufacturer).
  • In the menu that appears, first select the item Wipe cache partition, and then alternately - Advanced Options and Wipe Dalvik Cache.
  • After the unnecessary files are deleted, turn off the phone and restart it in normal mode.

Note! In Recovery mode, the touch display is disabled, the menu is navigated using the volume buttons, and the selection is made with the start button.

However, you need to understand that by deleting the cache, you do not get rid of it forever. Temporary files will be re-placed in the device's memory as soon as you go to the site or open the application.

Removing unnecessary data from the sections "Downloads" and "Other"

Files downloaded from the Internet, as well as data that the system cannot attribute to any of the prescribed categories, also take up a lot of space. You can get rid of them different ways. If you know in which folder or folders the download is being made, open them and clean them manually. If not, use the following diagram:

If you are afraid to delete something you need, but you cannot identify the file by its name, click on it and it will open for viewing.

Cleaning with utilities

If you do not want to deal with phone settings, you can clear the cache and much faster. Special applications will help you with this, you can download any of which in Play market. To start scanning the system, click the start button. The system will analyze all the files stored on the phone, find among them temporary and no longer needed. Then click on "Clear" or "Delete" and get rid of the garbage on your gadget.

The most popular cleaning applications are:

  • Clean Master is one of the most popular memory cleaning and virus protection apps. It has extensive functionality and allows you to free up not only ordinary memory, but also RAM.
  • Ccleaner quickly finds obsolete and residual files, allows you to uninstall several applications at a time, quickly stops running tasks, and also puts background programs into hibernation mode in 1 click.
  • noxcleaner. The program is interesting in that it independently removes any third-party applications that have not been used for more than a month, and itself weighs very little (8 MB, version 1.2.5).

Also in the Play Market there are various "Application Managers" that help you manage programs (install, remove, move, etc.) on your phone. However, for full functioning, many of them require root rights, which can adversely affect the security of the gadget.

Removing apps

The lion's share of the internal memory of the phone is occupied by third-party applications and games. Therefore, if you are thinking about cleaning your device, start with them. As a rule, users erase programs that have become unnecessary according to a simplified scheme: they pinch the icon on the home screen or in the general menu, and then drag it to the trash. Or open the application page in the Play Market and click the "Delete" button. However, the cache and some entries after such deletion may remain in the device's memory, settling there as a dead weight. Therefore, if you want to erase the application without a trace, we suggest using the following method:

Done, on the device, neither the application itself nor the files related to it are anymore. Data account are stored in your Google cloud profile, so if you want to reinstall the game, your progress will not be lost.

Transfer applications to external memory

If there are not enough free MB, and you don’t want to delete applications, you can try transferring them to an external drive. We’ll say right away that this option does not work for all firmware and not for all programs. However, why not try. To make a transfer:

If there is no such button, it means that the developer has intentionally prohibited installation anywhere other than internal memory. And you can free up space by transferring only if the user has root rights.

Manual cleaning with root rights

We consider it necessary to start talking about this method with a warning:

If something goes wrong during the installation process (download a virus-infected application, make a mistake in the actions, etc.), then there is a risk of getting "" instead of a phone. And devices with superuser rights are not covered by the service warranty. That's why further actions you perform at your own risk.

To get root rights, select the application that suits your phone model from the list below and install it:

  • 360 root.
  • Baidu Root.
  • DingDong Root.
  • Romaster S.U.
  • Root Dashi.
  • root genius.
  • Root Zhushou.

Run the program, after which you can delete through it (or by the usual deletion described above) system applications, files from the data folder and other components that are forbidden to be deleted.

This manual is about what to do if, when you start a program, you see a Windows 7 or 8 (or 8.1) message stating that the system does not have enough virtual or simple memory and “To free up memory for the normal operation of programs, save files , and then close or restart any open programs."

I'll try to take everything into account. possible options this error, and how to fix it.

About what kind of memory is not enough

When in Windows 7, 8 and Windows 8.1 you see a message that there is not enough memory, it means primarily RAM and virtual memory, which is, in fact, a continuation of the RAM - that is, if the system does not have enough RAM, then it uses the Windows swap file or, otherwise, virtual memory.

Some novice users mistakenly mean by memory free space on the hard disk of the computer and wonder how it is: there are many gigabytes free on the HDD, and the system complains about the lack of memory.

Causes causing the error

In order to fix this error, first of all, you should figure out what caused it. Here are some possible options:

  • You opened a lot of things, as a result of which there was a problem with the fact that there is not enough memory on the computer - I will not consider how to fix this situation, since everything is clear here: close what is not needed.
  • you really don't have much random access memory(2 GB or less. For some resource-intensive tasks, 4 GB of RAM may not be enough).
  • The hard disk is filled to capacity, so there is not enough space left on it for virtual memory when automatically adjusting the swap file size.
  • You yourself (or with the help of some optimization program) adjusted the size of the paging file (or disabled it) and it turned out to be insufficient for the normal operation of programs.
  • Some particular program, malicious or not, causes a memory leak (gradually starts using all available memory).
  • Problems with the program itself, which causes an "out of memory" or "not enough virtual memory" error to appear.

If I'm not mistaken, the five options described are the most common causes of the error.

How to Fix Out of Memory Errors in Windows 7, 8 and 8.1

And now, in order, about how to fix the error in each of the listed cases.

Little RAM

If your computer does not a large number of RAM, it makes sense to think about buying additional RAM modules. Memory is not expensive these days. On the other hand, if you have a very old computer (and old-style memory), and you are thinking about acquiring a new one soon, the upgrade may not be justified - it's easier to temporarily put up with the fact that not all programs run.

Low hard disk space

Despite the fact that the volumes of today's HDDs are impressive, I myself often had to see that a user has 1 gigabyte or so free from a terabyte - this causes not only an “insufficient memory” error, but also leads to serious brakes at work. You shouldn't bring it up.

Well, the main advice - do not store a lot of films and other media that you will not listen to and watch, games that you will no longer play and similar things.

Configuring the Windows paging file resulted in an error

If you have configured the Windows paging file settings yourself, then it is likely that these changes led to the error. Perhaps you did not even do it manually, but some program designed to optimize the performance of Windows tried. In this case, you may need to increase the swap file or enable it (if it was disabled). Some old programs will not start at all with virtual memory disabled and will always write about its lack.

Memory leak or what to do if a separate program takes all the free RAM

It happens that some separate process or program starts to intensively use RAM - this can be caused by an error in the program itself, the malicious nature of its actions, or some kind of failure.

You can determine if there is such a process using the task manager. To launch it on Windows 7, press Ctrl + Alt + Del and select Task Manager from the menu, and on Windows 8 and 8.1, press Win (logo key) + X and select Task Manager.

In the Windows 7 Task Manager, open the "Processes" tab and sort by the "Memory" column (you need to click on the column name). For Windows 8.1 and 8, use the "Details" tab for this, which gives a visual representation of all the processes running on the computer. They can also be sorted by the amount of RAM and virtual memory used.

If you see that some program or process is using a large amount of RAM (a large amount is hundreds of megabytes, provided that it is not a photo, video editor or something resource-intensive), then you should figure out why this is happening.

If this desired program : High memory usage can be caused by the normal operation of the application, for example, when automatic update, or operations for which the program is intended, and failures in it. If you see that a program is using a strangely large amount of resources all the time, try reinstalling it, and if that doesn't help, search the Internet for a description of the problem in relation to a particular software.

If it is an unknown process: perhaps this is something malicious and it is worth checking the computer for viruses, there is also the option that this is a failure of some system process. I recommend searching the Internet for the name of this process in order to figure out what it is and what to do about it - most likely you are not the only user who has this problem.


In addition to the options described, there is one more: it is the instance of the program that you are trying to run that causes the error. It makes sense to try downloading it from another source or read the official support forums for this. software, options for solving problems with insufficient memory can also be described there.

Did you see such an error on the monitor of your computer or laptop ?, there may be several reasons that caused it.

  • 1. You have opened a lot of programs and windows, as a result of which there is not enough RAM on your computer. Solution: just close everything you don't need.
  • 2. You really don't have enough RAM (1 gig or less), and even 4 gig is not enough to perform some tasks or use programs and games.
  • 3. HDD filled to the limit, as a result there is not enough space for virtual memory when setting the size of the paging file automatically.
  • 4. You yourself (or with the help of an optimization program) adjusted the size of the paging file (or turned it off) and it turned out to be small for the normal operation of programs.
  • 5. Some program, possibly even malicious, gradually “eats up” your RAM memory resource.

These five described options are the most common for the output of such an error.

How to Fix Out of Memory Errors in Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10

Now we will consider in order how to fix the error in each of the 5 listed cases. Let's start with the second one, since in the first one I described the solution right away.

  • If you really don't have much RAM, you should buy additional RAM modules.

  • If you own a really "ancient" computer, you should endure your freezes until you buy a new one.

Is the hard drive full to capacity? Remove everything you do not need and you need to clean the disk. See the video below for how to do it....

Dear, do not store movies, games and other large files better to remove them. To store personal files such as videos and photos, it is better to use “CLOUD” (MEGA, OneDreve, Yandex disk, Google disk, etc.)

  • If you set up the Windows paging file by your own efforts, this is most likely the cause of the error. It is not necessary that you did it yourself, it is possible that this was done by some program to optimize Windows. Now you need to increase the swap file or enable it.

To do this, move the cursor over the MY COMPUTER icon on the desktop and press the right mouse button. in the window that appears, click the properties with the left mouse button. Next, on the left, click “System protection”> Advanced> Performance settings> Advanced> Edit> Next, either check the box to automatically select swap volumes or set it manually. Below is a video of the settings.

  • What to do if some process or program "EAT" working memory?

To determine which process or program is eating up memory, we need a task manager. To enter it, press the key combination (Ctrl + Alt + Del and select Task Manager in the menu)

In the task manager Windows 7 open the tab " Processes" and sort by column " Memory» (you need to click on the column name).

If you see that some program or process is using a large amount of RAM (a large amount is hundreds of megabytes, provided that it is not a photo, video editor or something resource-intensive), then you should figure out why this is happening.

If it's the right program: Increased memory usage can be caused both by the normal operation of the application, for example, during automatic updates, or operations for which the program is intended, or by failures in it. If you see a program using a strangely large amount of memory all the time, try reinstalling it, and if that doesn't help, search the Internet for a description of the problem in relation to a particular program.

If it is an unknown process: most likely, this is something malicious and it is worth checking the computer for viruses, there is also the option that this is a failure of some system process. I recommend searching the Internet for the name of this process in order to figure out what it is and what to do about it - most likely you are not the only user who has this problem.

ADVICE: all of this can be avoided if you test, properly maintain and configure your PC in a timely manner. He is like a car in need of maintenance ( Maintenance, cleaning).

This is the question we received from one of the users of our site Alexey. He writes that when downloading an application from the Google Play Store, an error is displayed: “The application could not be downloaded. There is not enough space in the device's memory." At the same time, there is plenty of memory space - at least a few gigabytes, while the size of the downloaded application is only a few megabytes. What to do, how to be?

This is what the error looks like when downloading the application:

Let's say right away that there is no single solution to this problem, so let's consider various options that can help resolve the issue.

Clearing the cache in the Google Play app

If you believe the numerous reviews in RuNet, then the first thing the user needs to do is clear the cache for the Google Play application. It is recommended to proceed with this action in the first place precisely in cases where there is a lot of space on the device, and the application is not installed.

Go to your phone or tablet settings.

Select the "Applications" section.

Find the Google Play Store app or Google Play Services (the name may vary depending on the firmware) and tap on it.

Here, click on the "Erase data" button, then - "Clear cache".

After that, try to install the application from the Market. This method should help you.

Make sure you have enough memory

In some cases, the amount of available memory may not be correct. For example, you may think that there are still a few gigabytes of memory available, but in reality there are only a few megabytes. To make sure you have free memory, go to the settings and select the "Memory" section.

As you can see, in our case there is very little free memory, and if you install applications that are several hundred megabytes in size, there really won’t be enough space.

Clear device contents

If there is really not enough memory, you need to get rid of junk and unnecessary applications, as well as files.

To remove temporary files, data from the cache, etc., it is better to use a special application, for example, Clean Master. Download it, run it, then click on the "Trash" button.

When the system finds all unnecessary and temporary files, just click on the "Clean" button.

In this way, you can free up quite a lot of space, but if it is still not enough, we recommend deleting unused applications, which are usually always there.

In some cases, memory is occupied by various files, such as music, video files, photos, etc. They need to be deleted manually, and preferably with the help of a file manager. We use ES File Explorer. Find the file or folder you want to delete, tap on it, select it and click on the recycle bin icon.

Often there can be a lot of such files, and deleting them simply frees up a huge amount of memory.

Move apps to memory card

If you have a memory card and have the ability to move apps to it from main memory, use this feature to avoid deleting apps.

To do this, go to the settings, then to the "Applications" section. Here, select the desired application and click on the “Move to SD card” button (in our case, the button says “Go to SD card”).

Please note that system apps are not migrated. It is possible that on your device the ability to transfer applications to a memory card is not available at all.

What else can help?

Tips from the net that may or may not help. If it is worth using them, then only in the most extreme cases, when nothing helps at all. You can also try:

  • Remove updates for the Google Play app.
  • Delete cache and data not only for the Google Play app, but also for the Google Service Framework.
  • Clear Dalvik cache with .
  • Do . In this case, all data will be cleared, and files will be deleted.

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