Windows 10 auto update won't turn off.

Engineering systems 21.10.2019
Engineering systems

In the latest operating system from Microsoft - Windows 10, the developers for some reason disabled the ability in a simple way(as it always was in earlier versions of Windows) disable updates for applications, drivers, and in general, for Windows components. Now, if for some reason it is necessary to disable updates for the system, then a simple inexperienced computer user is unlikely to be able to do it on their own. Because for this you will have to use more complex manipulations with Windows settings. In this article, I will show you how to disable these updates in Windows 10.

First of all, you should understand that updates for Windows (any version) are very important. They allow you to keep the system security up to date, update applications, components, drivers, so that the system as a whole works stably, so that the number of various glitches and shortcomings decreases.

Therefore, you need to disable updates only in really important cases, for example, when you have limited Internet access and if the system downloads updates, this may result in additional costs for you.

If you really need to disable updates in Windows 10, then see the instructions below.

All instructions below will be shown using Windows 10 version 1607 as an example. If you have an older version of Windows 10, then some of the steps in the instructions below may differ.

If you use a Wi-Fi network to access the Internet

So, the first option to disable updates for Windows 10 is only suitable for you if you use wireless network WiFi. If you access the Internet through LAN cable, via a modem or in some other way, then this option will not work.

The way to do this is to install the wifi network, through which you access the Internet, as a limited traffic, and Windows updates will not be downloaded through limited connections.

Now your WiFi connection will be marked as limited and Windows will not automatically load updates in batches.

To completely disable updates, regardless of how you connect to the Internet, use the method below.

Completely disable the ability to download updates in Windows 10

To completely disable the ability of Windows 10 to download any updates, regardless of how you connect to the Internet, you just need to turn off the Windows Update service.


Now Windows 10 will not be able to check for updates at all, since its service responsible for the process of searching for updates is disabled.


Now you can definitely, in case of something, disable updates in the Windows 10 system, which Microsoft has become, one might say, to impose on us. Previously, it was possible to disable Windows updates right there, in the update settings, and in my opinion this is correct, because the user was given a choice. And now everything is complicated.

And I will repeat again. It is highly undesirable to disable updates for any Windows systems for no particular reason. Do this only if you really need it, and then certain time!

Have a nice day and good mood! See you in the next posts ;)

If in earlier versions of Windows - Xp, 7, 8, 8.1 it was easy to disable forced updates through the control panel, then in the "top ten" Microsoft decided to remove this feature.

In fact, in theory, updates should be beneficial. Errors are eliminated, holes in the system are closed, security is increased.

But, in fact, there are many disadvantages:

  1. After updates, the computer often starts to glitch in different ways.- driver conflicts appear, or even the computer stops loading altogether, going into a cyclic reboot. Such cases are not isolated. As a computer wizard, I was called many times with complaints that the PC began to work incorrectly after installing updates on the top ten.
    This happens especially often on computers where Windows 10 was installed not “clean”, but by upgrading from Windows 7 or 8.
    Most probable cause This is because Windows automatically updates not only the system, but also the drivers for your devices. So I recommend disabling at least the feature in Windows 10.
  2. to update in the midst of a workflow - annoying and bewildering. Also, it is often necessary to quickly turn on the computer in order to do some action. And it is at this moment that Windows 10 starts installing and configuring updates. Little pleasant.
  3. Also, if your Windows 10 is pirated, then after updates it may fly off license, causing unnecessary troubles with re-activation.
  4. Another argument in favor of disabling updates - if you have, for example, a 3G modem with a low speed, then downloading an update can completely clog your narrow internet channel. Windows does not care that at this very moment, you, more than ever, urgently need to use the Internet.
  5. You limited data plan on the internet? The Windows Update service can gobble up all your monthly traffic in a couple of days, which will cause strong negativity and damage to your nervous system.
  6. On weak computers suddenly receiving updates will gobble up all system resources, and, accordingly, will not contribute to their performance.

How to turn off Windows 10 Update.

The easiest way to neutralize windows 10 automatic updates is to disable the corresponding service. It's called "Windows Update".

How to do it:

Ready! After the reboot, Windows 10 Update will be disabled. Updates will not be installed until you re-enable the respective service yourself.

I am glad that this method works in all versions of Windows, including home and for one language.

Disable Windows 10 updates using special programs

For those who do not want to delve into the settings at all, there are a number of programs for disabling Windows 10 updates. Also, this method will be of interest to computer wizards and system administrators, i.e. those who install Windows on different computers almost daily, and for whom this procedure is a routine.

I, personally, use the program "Win Updates Disabler v1.4". The interface is obscenely simple - just check the box next to the desired action, and you're done!

Simple and convenient. You can download the program (portable version) on my website at . I checked the file against virustotal before downloading. Or, look on the official site2unblock website .. Although, what else can you think of in such a simple program 🙂

Also, through this program, you can disable Windows Defender, Firewall and Security Center.

Disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates via the Users Group Policy Editor.

This method is already more complicated, and is not suitable for everyone, but only for owners of Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise editions. Therefore, I will describe it in a separate article.

Windows 10 updates disabled!

In principle, if you have licensed Windows installed “clean”, a wide Internet channel, a powerful computer, it is not necessary to disable updates. Even, I would say, undesirable.

Also, it is highly recommended to leave updates enabled on work computers with high security requirements.

One of the above methods for disabling Windows 10 updates probably helped you. If not, ask questions in the comments, we will try to find a solution together!

One of the undoubted disadvantages operating system Windows 10 is its obsessive desire to upgrade without the desire of the user. And it often happens at the wrong time. Or the updates installed by the system independently, not only did not improve the work, but also broke some functions. Therefore, it is logical that the user has a desire to intervene in the automatic update process and disable it, or at least enable it on a schedule.

How to turn off automatic updates in Windows 10

We immediately warn you that each method described below has limitations in editions of the operating system. Recall that Windows 10 has 11 of them:

  • Home;
  • Home for one language;
  • Home with Bing;
  • professional;
  • S (Professional configuration);
  • Mobile;
  • Corporate;
  • Corporate with long-term service;
  • For educational institutions;
  • Mobile corporate;
  • Io T Home.

More information about the editions and their functions can be found.

Now let's look at 3 main ways to disable the update.

Turn off the Update Center (service)

We act in stages:

Now about versions. This method is suitable for Professional, Home and Corporate.

Disabling through the Local Group Policy Editor

The following method is only suitable for Windows 10 Professional and Enterprise.

  1. Search again, this time we start typing "Group .." and click on the control panel element already offered to us.
  2. In the editor, go to the "Computer Configuration" branch. Next is the Administrative Templates folder. Here we are looking for "Windows Components". And finally - "Windows Update". In the window on the right, select the item "Configure automatic updates".
  3. Click on "Change policy setting". In this window, activate the "Disabled" item. Apply changes, close.

Through deletion from the registry

Well, the third way, which will not work only in the Home version, is through the Windows 10 registry editor.

Programs to turn off the Windows 10 update

Since many users are dissatisfied with the “independence” of Windows 10, programs to interfere with the system were not slow in coming. Among others - Win Updates Disabler. One of the undoubted advantages of this utility is its free. However, before downloading and installing a version of this program, it is worth checking it for viruses so as not to harm the system. In application, the program is intuitively simple and understandable - put a tick in front of the desired item (of the same name to the program) and apply the changes.

The program itself will disable the firewall and system defender that interfere with it, but for this, when installing and using the program, you must act as an administrator.

Among similar programs, Windows Update Blocker is also in demand. However, you will have to pay to use it.

The official Windows utility for managing updates

There are suggestions that Windows developers themselves realized that the system's intrusiveness is slightly annoying, and standard tools complicate the management of this process for the average user, or even completely block it. Moreover, situations began to arise when the updates that came not only did not improve the system, but also broke some of its functions. Therefore, the developers themselves created a utility to block updates.

The program is called Show or hide updates.

There is one thing: only those updates that you have not installed yet are shown. This means that if an update is already undesirable in the system, then it must first be removed (by system means) and only after that - hidden by the utility.

Video: how to disable Windows 10 updates

How to turn on automatic updates

About how to resume the automatic update service, we have already mentioned above.

When working with Windows policies, the sequence of actions is the same as when turning them off, only this time we need the “Enabled” item.

Now let's talk about update management and possible problems with him.

Configuring Automatic Updates

It is likely that you are satisfied with automatic system updates, you just would like to control their schedule. Then you should do the following:

  1. In the search we are looking for "Settings".
  2. Go to "Update and Security".
  3. By clicking on "Advanced Options" we will be able to choose the method that suits us to install updates from the two available: automatically or after notification of a reboot.

    Also, as you can see, we can select "Delay updates" - in this case, the download and installation of updates will be disabled for a while.

  4. Well, to view the updates installed on your computer, you can go to "Programs and Features" and find the "Installed Updates" item there. Here, the user can also remove the desired update.

Windows 10 Update won't open

This situation may occur due to a failure in the operation of the entire system. Problem can be solved universal way- through the Windows Troubleshooting tool.

  1. In the Search, enter the name of the tool and click on the result of the same name.

    Select highlighted item

  2. Here we select the item "System and Security", and in it - the first sub-item.

    Select the first sub-item in the item "System and Security"

  3. Before us is the Windows Update window. Now we check that there is a checkmark under the “Advanced” link (as in the picture below), and click Next, then Next again.

    Check the box and select "Run as..."

  4. Now we are waiting. What's happening now: The error fix tool is stopping the update service; renames the folder where the update cache is stored; restarts the service. At the end of these steps, the result will be displayed on the screen as in the picture below.

    Before us is a report: what the tool found, what it fixed

  5. We close the fix tool and make a new attempt to install updates.

So, to manage automatic system updates, a simple user has access to both standard Windows tools and third-party utilities that are simple and straightforward to manage. It is impossible to say unequivocally whether the system update brings benefit or harm - for everyone it is subjective. But, nevertheless, it will never be superfluous to set up automatic updates for the features of your computer. The main thing is to follow the instructions and do not forget that you always work with system files and services at your own peril and risk.

Despite the long period that has passed since the release of the first versions of Windows 10, the system is still not perfect and requires updates. By default it will download and install latest versions independently, and in some cases this leads to unpleasant consequences.

Why You Shouldn't Disable Updates

Before moving on to methods that will disable auto-update, you need to understand the consequences. The main disadvantage of these changes is that you will no longer receive the latest versions of the system. Of course, you will still have the option to run the update procedure manually at the most appropriate time, but if you do not do this all the time, then you will end up with an outdated Windows.

The system gains access to new features and increases the level of protection

Updates are released for two purposes: to fix bugs or to add new features. Accordingly, a user who has not installed the latest version of the operating system is not only left without innovations, but also endangers himself, since not only Microsoft, which seeks to fix them, but also attackers find out about existing errors. Therefore, people who store important data on a computer and want to work with the latest innovations are not recommended to refuse updates.

Why you should disable auto-update

Those who have little free space on their hard drive should refuse to receive updates, as downloading them can lead to its overflow. However, in this case, it is better to try to clean the disk or replace it with a larger one.

Downloading updates is an automatic procedure, so it is very difficult to control the traffic that goes to downloading files. Some versions weigh more than 100 MB, which can lead to bandwidth consumption and high costs if the Internet is paid per megabyte. But the creators of Windows foresaw the possibility of such a situation by adding a special function "Limited traffic", which allows you to configure the boot procedure in more detail (for more details, see the subsection "Through setting the limited traffic" below).

Another reason that makes you want to turn off auto-update may be the time that the system chooses on its own. Since a reboot is required to complete the installation of updates, the system, having received the necessary files, will prompt you to restart the computer many times, appointing some time or letting you do it. Sometimes it is possible to miss such a notification or accidentally acknowledge it, which will lead to an immediate or unexpected reboot. Because of this, the work process will be interrupted, unsaved files may suffer.

The system keeps prompting you to reboot.

There are reasons why you should refuse auto-update, but if it is possible to ignore them, then try to make sure that you do not have to prohibit automatic updates. For example, I set a certain time through the system settings at which the system can randomly reboot, if necessary. Since the set interval is late at night, restarting the computer does not bother me.

Deactivate auto-update

There are many ways to prevent the system from downloading and installing updates without your consent. Some of them allow you to disable some updates, and some - absolutely everything. First, the most simple and accessible methods will be described, and then those that should be resorted to only if the first ones did not help for some reason.

Through service shutdown

  1. Hold down the combination Win + R, thereby launching the "Run" window. Write and send the services.msc command for execution.
    Run the services.msc command
  2. The list that appears will display all the services available on the system. Find the update center process among them and double-click on it with the left mouse button.
    Opening the updater service
  3. Set the startup type to Disabled and stop the service. Save your changes. Done, since the service responsible for checking and downloading new versions is now inactive, auto-update will not be involved. Set the value to "Disabled" and stop the service

If you want to start receiving updates again in the future, go back to the above service, start it and set the startup type to Automatic.

Via PowerShell

If in the future you want to start receiving updates again, go to the task scheduler (how to open it and work with it is described in the "By creating a task" subsection) and delete the task created by the above command.

Through Group Policy

The peculiarity of this method is that it is available exclusively to users with Windows 10 Enterprise and Pro. Owners of the Home edition will not be able to use this method, since there is no group policy editor in this version of the system.

  1. Use the system search bar to find the local policy editor and open it, or use the gpedit.msc command.
    Run the gpedit.msc command
  2. Go to the "Computer Configuration" folder, and then to the "Administrative Templates" - "Windows Components" - "Windows Update" subfolder. When you reach the final section, open the file "Configuring Automatic Updates".
    Open the file "Configuring automatic updates"
  3. Set the value to "Disabled", thereby preventing the computer from using auto-update. Save all changes made.
    Set the value to "Disabled"

If you want to start getting updates again in the future, go back to the file and set it to Enabled. This will be enough to return the update center settings to their original position.

Through the registry

The method described below is an analogue of the previous one, so it will also not work for owners of Windows Home, despite the fact that the registry is available in it. We will change the setting of the file described in the subsection "Through Group Policy" through the registry. The result will be the same, but the steps are different:

If you want to start receiving updates again in the future, delete the file you created or set it to 0 (zero) to disable it. Please note that you can only delete it, changing any other files will lead to a system breakdown.

By setting up a metered connection

This method is relevant for all editions of Windows, but it does not restrict all updates. New versions responsible for improving security will still be downloaded. If you are satisfied with this condition, follow these steps:

  1. Expand Computer Settings. Opening computer settings
  2. Going to the "Network and Internet" block, select the Wi-Fi sub-item and open additional options.
    Open advanced Wi-Fi options
  3. Activate the "Limited connection" function. Done, most updates will now be ignored.
    Activate metered connection

If you want to start receiving updates again in the future, go back to advanced settings and deactivate the feature.

Disabling certain versions through a third-party program

There are several programs that simplify the process of managing updates. One of them is Show or Hide Updates from Microsoft. With it, you can prevent the installation of certain updates, and not all at once. It is worth downloading from the official site, where it is distributed free of charge and weighs only a few megabytes.

If you want to allow the installation of hidden updates, go back to the beginning of the program and select the "Show updates" option. The app will show you which updates are hidden so you can make them visible again.

Via Win Updates Disabler

You can disable the installation of updates through the free simple utility Win Updates Disabler. It is enough to download it from the official website of the manufacturer, tick the Disable Windows Update value and start the execution. You can enable disabled features in the Enable tab.

Activate the Windows Updates Disable feature

Via Windows Update Blocker

A program similar to the previous one, but having one difference - you will have to pay for it. By purchasing a product on the official development website, you can download the application, open it, put one checkmark and start the blocking procedure. With it, you can also turn auto-update back on.

Activate the Disable Service function

Via Winaero Tweaker

More functional program, while it is free. With Winaero Tweaker you can change appearance system and configure the work of many services, including the update center. After starting the program, go to the Windows update setting sub-item and click on the Disable Windows Update Service button. Done, auto-update will be disabled. It will be possible to enable it by resetting the update center settings - the Reset to defaults button.

Go to the Windows Update Setting section and click the Disable Windows Udpate Service button

Through the update center settings

  1. While in the computer settings, select the "Update and security" block.
    Select the block "Update and security"
  2. Without switching the sub-item "Update Center", open additional options.
    Click the line "Advanced options"
  3. Prevent downloading updates for other Microsoft products. Disabling this feature prevents the system from downloading app updates from the Microsoft Store. Proceed to choose how you want to receive updates.
    Uncheck the box "When updating Windows, provide ..."
  4. Activate the Defer Updates feature. It does not disable auto-update, but only delays the download of released updates for several weeks or months. First of all, it is needed by those who are worried about the security of their system and want other users to first test the updates on themselves. At the same time, versions responsible for improving security will not be delayed. Once again, click on the line "Choose how and when to receive updates."
    Turn on the "Delayed Updates" feature
  5. Disable receiving files from multiple locations. This will help you save bandwidth as you won't be distributing downloaded updates from now on.
    Disable "Allow downloads from other sources"

Video: Disable Windows AutoUpdate

Disable driver updates

In addition to updates for the system and applications, Windows downloads new versions of drivers necessary for the correct operation of the devices and computer components used. If for some reason you do not want to install the latest drivers, follow these steps:

You will still be able to manually download the drivers and install them yourself. But if you want to return the right to automatic updates to the system, then run this window again and change the settings to the default values.

Prevent Windows 10 from updating itself different ways. Some of them will allow you to disable the receipt of absolutely all variants of new versions, others - only those that are not related to security. But whichever method you choose, you can always tell the system to automatically look for updates again.

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