Blackcurrant for the winter. Blackcurrant blanks for the winter - traditional and unusual recipes for preserving healthy berries

landscaping 17.10.2019

Fresh blackcurrant is slightly sour (from an overabundance of it the most useful vitamin C), but mixed with sugar, it acquires a completely different, incomparable taste and aroma. Each housewife has her own secrets for preparing blanks from black currant for the winter. We have collected the best recipes for you: jam without cooking, five minutes, jam and jelly; and how to close delicious compote without special trouble, we will also tell in our article.

Why does everyone love blackcurrant?

Of all the types of currant, black currant is the most useful. Compared to white or red, its taste is a bit harsh, but what a flavor it exudes! How many useful things it contains! In addition to vitamin C, the content of which blackcurrant surpassed even citrus fruits, it contains many other trace elements, carotenoids, organic acids, tannins and essential oils. And all this, due to the practical absence of oxidizing enzymes in it, is well preserved even during heat treatment of berries.

Blackcurrant contains great amount useful elements

So, blackcurrant blanks for the winter are made not only for the sake of getting a tasty supplement to tea, but also for additional fortification of the body and recovery in the winter-spring period. Currant jam, along with raspberry, as impossible better fit for preparation of vitamin teas. Such warm drinks contribute to the speedy recovery of a patient with influenza or other colds, saturating the body with ascorbic acid and thereby supporting the patient's immunity. The use of currants in any form is recommended for atherosclerosis, anemia, cardiovascular diseases or high blood pressure.

Advice! It is best to collect blackcurrant berries for the winter during their full ripeness, but not allowing overripe. Every day, ripe berries that are not plucked catastrophically lose the vitamin C they have accumulated over the season.

Raw blackcurrant recipe

Of course, it is best to eat blackcurrants fresh, without sugar and heat treatment, to get the most out of this vitamin storehouse. When packaged properly, berries can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 35 days. To do this, they must be placed chilled in plastic bags or in special boxes. A good option long-term storage of black currants - freezing or drying berries. But the most popular way to prepare healthy currants for the winter is to close it with sugar, but without cooking.

Blanks without cooking will save everything beneficial features currants for the whole winter

We will tell you the most reliable and proven recipe for the so-called raw jam right now. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • select large berries prepare them properly. That is, sort out, get rid of dry leaves and twigs, other debris;
  • then rinse in a colander running water spread on a towel, dry dry;
  • grind the berries in a meat grinder or beat in a blender until smooth;
  • the next step is to mix the currants with sugar. The jam will be raw, so you need to take more sugar than the usual norm - 1.5 or 2 kg per 1 kg of currants. It must be immediately stipulated that it will not be easy to dissolve such a large amount of sugar in the currant mass. So you have to be patient, stirring the mixture until there are no sugar grains;
  • only after making sure that the sugar has completely melted, you can lay out the fragrant thick ruby ​​​​mixture in sterile jars.

Jars for preserving jam should be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

You can go the other way, easier. Put the mass on a weak light, stir it constantly and control the heating. Under the influence of temperature, the sugar will disperse much faster. Thus, it will be possible to save time, while sacrificing some vitamins in the resulting workpiece.

Jam "Five minutes" - fast and tasty

This recipe is for those who do not have time for long preparations. The name of the jam speaks for itself - the result will be in five minutes from the start of the process:

  1. Cook syrup from 1.5 kg of sugar and 1 tbsp. water.
  2. Add blackcurrant berries (1 kg) to it, boil for 5 minutes (after boiling).
  3. Pour into jars. Close with tin lids.

Preparation for the winter "Five Minute" is ready!

Less sugar can be added to a five-minute jam, but then it will need to be stored in the refrigerator.

Advice! Wrinkled berries in Five Minute Jam may not look very aesthetically pleasing. But there is a secret: before cooking, try lowering them into boiling water (for a couple of minutes) and throw them into a colander, and then lower them into syrup.

Royal recipe from our grandmothers

According to this recipe, you can cook Royal jam not only from currants, but also from cherries. There is no need to weigh the ingredients, guess their quantity. The components are placed gradually according to a certain scheme:

  1. Boil 0.5 tbsp. water with 1 tbsp. sugar, then add 1 tbsp. currants. Boil 5 minutes.
  2. After five minutes, add another 1 tbsp. sugar and currants, and boil again for 5 minutes. In this way, you can add ingredients every 5 minutes until you run out.
  3. Boil the last portion also for 5 minutes, pour into hot jars. Roll up.

Blackcurrant can be cooked different types desserts

Thanks to an unusual cooking technology, the berries are obtained not in juice, but in real jelly. Try it, very tasty!

Jam and jam for the winter from currants

Jam according to this recipe differs from the classic one due to the citrus note in it. Everything is extremely simple: sugar and currants are taken 1 kilogram each, plus 1 lemon. Pass berries and citrus (pitted) through a meat grinder, mix with sugar. Boil for half an hour, getting rid of the foam along the way, and then roll up.

Lemon gives currant jam an interesting flavor.

You can make not jam, but jam. This recipe will make it thick and rich. It is delicious not only on a sandwich, but also as a filling for baking. Currants, chopped in a blender, are mixed with sugar. The proportion is 1:2. Then you need to perform the following steps 3 times: boil for 15 minutes, stirring, and set aside to cool. Before rolling, boil, pour into sterile jars, close.

How to make blackcurrant jelly

Jelly can be made from any berry, but blackcurrant is the best for this purpose. It contains a substance called pectin, which contributes to the gelling of juice. If for the preparation of jelly from other berries it is necessary to add a bag of gelatin or pectin, then the currant does not need additional stimulation.

To prepare jelly for the winter, only currant juice is needed. To get it, you can use a juicer. If it is not, then you have to work a little. Currant berries are poured with a small amount of water (100-150 g) and boiled until softened. Then they are rubbed through a sieve to get rid of the skin and seeds.

The “correct” currant jelly turns out to be thick and elastic, like marmalade

The next steps are:

  • boil the grated mass over medium heat for 10 minutes;
  • add sugar in the ratio 1:1 and mix quickly;
  • boil for another 5 minutes;
  • pour into jars, but do not roll up;
  • cool, roll up, refrigerate.

Only after a week, the jelly from the refrigerator can be transferred to the pantry or cellar, where it will be stored.

Proven recipes for currant compote for the winter

Blackcurrant compote turns out to be very beautiful, dark ruby ​​in color. There are several recipes by which you can close the compote for the winter, and we will now share them with you.

One of them is very simple: in a three-liter bottle, thoroughly washed with soda, pour two glasses of prepared dry berries, 1-1.5-2 tbsp. sugar (the amount may vary depending on taste preferences), 1 tsp. citric acid. Pour all this with boiling water, roll up and wrap well for 8 hours (at night). Properly covered jars will not cool down during this time, they will remain hot.

Currant compote not only quenches thirst, but is also an excellent drink for desserts.

For those who don't like to use citric acid, you can offer a similar recipe for winter harvesting, but without it: berries and sugar are poured with boiling water and sterilized three-liter jars 20 minutes (from the moment the water boils), and then roll up. Such a compote tastes like freshly brewed summer compote.

We hope that our blackcurrant recipes for the winter will become your favorite and take pride of place in the family cookbook.

Blackcurrant jam recipe: video

Blackcurrant blanks for the winter: photo

Hello dear readers. Today I will tell you how we harvest blackcurrants for the winter. We all know that blackcurrant is a very useful berry, and it contains a lot of vitamins that help us cope with colds. Everyone knows that for colds they recommend vitamin C contained in lemons. And blackcurrants contain more than 5 times more vitamin C than lemons. And if you consider that the berry that grew in the region where you live is more useful than the one that was brought from afar, then this is generally a big plus. For example, we are winter time even for prevention, we drink tea from blackcurrant, raspberry, viburnum, and just eat frozen berries.

And now consider possible options preserving berries for the winter. There are several types of saving heat treatment, and without it.

The content of the article:

The first and easiest option is to freeze. Freezing can be done in two ways.

Raw Procurement Method

1 way. Just freeze a whole berry. But for this you need to do a few things. First, wash the berries. Secondly, dry it well. Then they will not stick together into a single stone. And in winter it will be convenient to get it, in the quantity that you need. I recommend freezing in airtight trays. So the berries are not fed by the refrigerator. And look at the neighborhood, you can not store next to meat and fish.

2 way. Grind currants with sugar. Here, too, everything is simple. All the same berry, dry and clean grind with sugar. This can be done with a blender. We interrupt the berry and mix it with sugar. For storage in the freezer, use the proportions one to one. One kilogram of berries is one kilogram of sugar. You can also store in the refrigerator, then you need to take two kilograms of sugar per kilogram of berries.

Dry black currants

This method is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who have the time and patience. You can dry on fresh air, in the microwave, in the oven or in a special dryer. For all types of drying, the rule applies, the berry must be whole, clean and dry.

in the microwave can only be dried a large number of berries at a time. We put a paper towel on a plate, line the blackcurrant with a thin layer. Drying time will depend on the size of the fruit. Approximately 4 to 8 minutes. The first batch can be dried for 4 minutes, then adding 30 seconds to look at the condition of the berries. Then summarize and dry the second batch, and the next berries are already without unnecessary movements.

In an electric oven drying will take longer. On a baking sheet, sent with foil or parchment paper, pour blackcurrants in one layer. We expose in the oven 45 ° C and hold for one hour. Let the currant cool down. Then we set the temperature to 60 - 70 ° C and hold until fully cooked. This will depend on the size of the berry. Drying can take up to 3-4 hours. The oven must be periodically opened and the berries mixed.

In an electric dryer. We set the temperature at 55 - 60 ° C. We lay the berries in one layer and leave to dry. Currant berries will dry for a long time, more than two days. It will be necessary to look at the readiness of the berries.

In the sun. This stage is the longest and requires supervision. You can dry on boards (wooden shields) or on fabric. It is desirable to take a natural fabric, cotton or linen. It is also covered with a thin layer and placed under straight lines. Sun rays. Stir periodically. Drying times are hard to predict. It will depend not only on the sun, but also on the wind.

Harvesting currants that have undergone heat treatment

There are already a lot of preparation options. And each hostess has her own recipes and secrets. But the principle remains the same, a berry, sugar and a stove.


  • 1 kg blackcurrant
  • 1.5 kg. Sahara
  • 1 glass of water


  1. We take a glass of water and sugar, cook after boiling for 5 - 7 minutes.
  2. Add dry and clean berries to the boiling syrup.
  3. From the moment of boiling the berries with syrup, cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour into sterile jars and roll up.

With such a preparation, it is preserved most of vitamins, but less than in frozen.

You can see the recipe for more details.

I won't describe everything possible recipes with a berry, but I will only say classic recipe like our mom used.


  • Currant - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 100 ml.


  1. Pour blackcurrants and sugar into a container with a thick bottom. Add some water just to cover the bottom.
  2. Put on low heat and simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved. When the berry is already floating in the syrup, you can gently stir. After boiling, simmer for 30 minutes and pour into jars.

In general, our mother leaves almost all the berries with sugar so that they let the juice flow. But the blackcurrant has a thick shell, and very little juice comes out. Therefore, in order not to waste time and prevent burning, we add a little water.

During cooking, be sure to stir with a wooden spoon, and do not make the flame strong, it may burn.

If you want to diversify the jam, then take a look, there you will find 10 different recipes blackcurrant jams, or jams.

Blackcurrant compote for the winter in a 3 liter jar

Ingredients for one 3 liter jar:

  • Black currant - 450 gr.
  • Sugar - 250 gr.
  • Water - 2.6 liters


  1. Pour currants into a clean bottle.
  2. Fill with boiling water and wait 15 minutes.
  3. Drain into a saucepan and boil, adding sugar.
  4. Pour the boiled syrup into jars with currants and roll up.
  5. We put to cool upside down and wrapping the jars in a blanket.

The recipe is simple, but if anyone does not understand, then you can peep in the video, or leave a comment under the article, and we will answer. If you store in a cold basement, then you can pour the syrup once. Sugar was dissolved, brought to a boil and poured. We store in warm apartment, so we play it safe with two fills.

Homemade blackcurrant liqueur

What I like about this recipe is that you can cook it not only in the berry season, but also in winter, from frozen currants that we froze in the summer.


  • 0.7 liter jar currants
  • 0.7 liter jar of sugar
  • 0.8 liter jar of water
  • 1 liter of vodka


1. Fill the berries with water and send to the fire.

2. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.

3. Strain through a colander lined with gauze in 2 layers.

4. Put the strained broth on the fire, add sugar.

5. Bring to a boil and leave to cool.

6. Pour the cooled syrup into a glass container and add vodka.

You can try in a few weeks. Only when you decide to pour, then carefully drain, preferably through a straw.

And I present to you a video recipe for blackcurrant liqueur.


  • Black currant - 0.5 kg.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • A mixture of peppers to taste (can be replaced with a pinch of ground black)
  • Star anise - 1 - 2 stars (can be replaced with ground)
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons (heaped)
  • Ground mint - 1 teaspoon
  • Ground cinnamon - 1/3 teaspoon

Sauce Recipe:

1. Add currants and water to the saucepan. We put on fire.

2. Add freshly ground pepper and star anise.

3. After boiling, we simmer the currants for about 5 minutes.

4. Grind the currant through a sieve, and immediately, still hot.

5. Send to the fire, adding mint and cinnamon.

6. And of course, two tablespoons of sugar. We collected sugar with a slide.

7. Bring to a boil and simmer for a few minutes. Our sauce is ready. Pour into sterile jars and roll up.


A popular berry, it grows throughout the country, the harvest gives a stable one. Useful not only blackcurrant, but also red and white. Blackcurrant is especially valued for its vitamin content, it contains up to 300 mg of vitamin C, which is second only to rose hips in terms of vitamin C content. Blackcurrant berries contain a large amount of vitamin B and carotene, a lot of organic acids and pectin (gelling) substances, calcium and iron salts. High content pectin in the currant allows you to use its juice when preparing jelly from other fruits and berries poor in pectin.

Even when stored for six months, the currant blank contains 80% of vitamin C from the original content. Currants are very useful to use fresh, however, useful minerals and vitamins are preserved in the preparations. Blackcurrant berries contain few oxidizing enzymes, so vitamin C is well preserved during processing and harvesting it for the winter, in the form of swirled compotes and cooked jam. After all, everyone knows the role of vitamins in human life. Therefore, there are a lot of recipes for cooking from currants, and the housewives never have the question of what to cook from currants. Currants prepared in any way and harvested for the winter by canning always remain the number one vitamin berry. Preparations, as always, let's start with the simplest.

From fresh blackcurrant berries you can cook delicious jelly. Sometimes the housewives do not like the fact that currant seeds come across in the jelly, the cooks give useful advice on how to properly prepare blackcurrant jelly. You need to take two glasses of washed berries and add one glass of water, knead and rub through a sieve. Pour the remaining pomace with 3 cups of water, boil for 2-3 minutes and strain. Put 1.5 cups of sugar into the resulting broth and cook like regular jelly using potato starch. Kissel with added starch should never be boiled, only brought to a boil. Pour the previously squeezed blackcurrant juice into the prepared hot jelly and stir well. Kissel can be consumed hot and cold.

Delicious homemade clear blackcurrant jelly.
It will take one kilogram of berries, 300 g of sugar. Mash blackcurrant berries with a wooden pestle and transfer to a saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes, then squeeze the juice from the softened berries. Bring juice to a boil and add sugar. Cook until sugar dissolves. Cooking time should be no more than 30 minutes. Pour hot jelly into small jars and seal.

Blackcurrant jam prepared in a cold way, without boiling. Since currants are a valuable dietary and medicinal product, we will try to preserve all the vitamins contained in it as much as possible. Sort ripe blackcurrant berries, wash in cold water, and dry. Then the berries must be ground on a combine and the resulting mass is thoroughly mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1: 2. Then quickly decompose into prepared jars. Pour a layer of sugar 1-1.5 cm thick on top and close with lids or oiled paper. It is necessary to store currants harvested in this way only in a cold place. Harvesting in this way allows you to save a blackcurrant supply of vitamins until the new harvest. Cold-prepared blackcurrant jam in taste and aroma completely coincides with the qualities of fresh berries.

In addition to mashed fresh blackcurrant, you can also cook delicious and almost undamaged by heat treatment of the workpiece, this is the method of preparing the "five minutes". Blackcurrant berries are well suited for this method, you need to take 1.2 kg of sugar for 1 kg of berries and stir well, cook until sugar dissolves for only 5-10 minutes, pour hot into jars and cork. Currants will be perfectly preserved as fresh; for storage in the refrigerator, the “five-minute” can be closed with plastic lids or parchment.

To prepare a delicious fruit sauce, you need 2-3 tablespoons of blackcurrant jam.
If you have prepared blackcurrant jam, it will be easy to prepare a fruit sauce that is served with roasted game, . Jam should be rubbed with 0.5 teaspoon of mustard, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wine, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice. Cut the peel of a lemon into thin strips to make one spoon, and scald the zest with boiling water. half head onion finely chop and also pour over boiling water. Cool the zest and onion and mix with the sauce. The sauce is ready, it will have a beautiful currant color and a sweet and sour taste.

Good homemade from blackcurrant - syrup. Sort and wash the berries. Pour into a large bottle, in layers, sprinkling each layer with sugar. In this case, the bottle must be shaken so that the sugar is evenly distributed over the berries. Sprinkle the thickest layer of sugar on top. Seal the bottle tightly so that no air enters. Keep the bottle cool dark place. Over time, an excellent thick and fragrant blackcurrant syrup is formed in the bottle. You can drink it with tea or water. The syrup can be used to make jelly and sauces.

We twist the blackcurrant compote. To prepare compote at home, you will need blackcurrants and 1.0 kilograms of sugar per 1 liter of water. Berries can be separated from the brushes, can be placed in jars directly on the brushes.

Useful advice so that the berries in the compote do not float and wrinkle, dip them for 1-2 minutes in warm sugar syrup and then put them in jars. Berries will not float or wrinkle, and will not even lose color. Prepare the filling and pour hot berries in jars. Sterilize jars in boiling water. Liter cans for 20 minutes. To get more compote drink, fill the jars with berries by a third. You will get a wonderful fragrant blackcurrant drink.

Preparation of blackcurrant compote without sugar. Sort currants, wash and fill jars with berries. Pour the filled jars with boiling water and sterilize as usual. Then roll up the lids and turn over. You will get a natural concentrated blackcurrant compote, in winter it can be used to make desserts and drinks.

Homemade blackcurrant juice with added sugar. Delicious and transparent juice is obtained if you cook it on a juicer. Useful advice - mix currant berries with a little sugar and place in a juicer. Sugar will help to separate the juice from the berries better and improve the taste of the finished juice. The juice is poured hot into prepared jars and sealed immediately.

Making blackcurrant jam in order for the berries to retain their shape, it is necessary to correctly. To make jam, take 1 kg of black currant berries, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar, 4 cups of water. Berries prepare and dip in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.

Take out the berries and use the water to make syrup. Dip currant berries into boiling syrup. Cook the jam in 2-3 doses for 7-10 minutes and after 6-7 hours. When cooking jam, foam always forms, it used to be favorite treat children, and now many doubt whether it is possible to eat it? Foam with jam! The foam should be removed and consumed as a dessert, with ice cream or pancakes. Pour the finished jam into jars and seal.

Perfectly cooked blackcurrant fig. Blackcurrant is rich in pectin, so it is good to cook homemade figs from it. It will take 1 kg of berries, 0.5 kg of sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of currant juice. Wash currant berries, sort and crush in a bowl for making jam. Add juice and sugar, cook until the mixture begins to lag behind the walls of the pelvis. Then put the hot mass on a baking sheet in a thin layer no thicker than 1.5 cm. Dry the blackcurrant figs on a baking sheet at room temperature. Cut the finished fig into rhombuses and sprinkle with sugar. An excellent delicacy for kids and most importantly healthy.

Harvesting currants by freezing. Black currant lends itself well to freezing, retains the shape and color of berries well. Practically does not lose its useful properties and palatability. Currants can be frozen in bulk so that the berries do not freeze into a lump. After freezing, the berries can be poured into bags or containers. Blackcurrants can be frozen in sugar syrup. For this, 40% syrup is prepared and berries are poured into the container. They are set to freeze. You can mix the berries with sugar and also put them in containers. Excellent preparation of frozen blackcurrant puree with honey and mint.

There is only a month of summer left, and the harvesting season is in full swing, and blackcurrants for the winter are in the first places in the list of harvestings. After all, it is difficult to find a garden or cottage, wherever it grows. And all thanks to its unique composition. This berry is a champion in the content of vitamin C, but in addition to it, it contains a huge wealth of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances.

A real tasty pharmacy, because it is not only a delicacy, but also a medicine. And this medicine has few contraindications: thrombophlebitis (there is a lot of vitamin in the berry

K, which enhances blood clotting), ulcers and gastritis with hyperacidity. But for everyone else, this natural miracle will help with colds, rheumatism, pyelonephritis and many other sores, because literally the whole plant is useful for currants, and you can prepare not only berries, but also leaves, the content of vitamin C in which is twice as much as in berries and even twigs. And, finally, blanks from it have a wonderful taste and aroma. The main thing is to preserve in them all the natural wealth as fully as possible.

Blackcurrant for the winter without cooking

Common currant preparations are jam, jelly, compote, mashed potatoes. Many people freeze berries for the winter - this is a good way out, but not everyone has voluminous freezers, and traditional way in the blanks you can save a maximum useful substances. For example, blackcurrant with sugar for the winter. The method is extremely simple, only it has a high sugar content, it will take two kilograms per kilogram of berries:

    sand sugar 2kg;

    blackcurrant 1kg (net weight of sorted berries without stalks);

    some sugar for sprinkling.

The berries brought from the garden or the market must be sorted out and separated from the brushes. Then wash and recline in a colander so that the water is completely glass. Ideally, it would be nice to dry the berries on a towel, but if the processing volumes are large, this is simply unrealistic. In this case, it is good to have a sieve that is installed above the sink and the currants are thrown onto it after washing. Next, grind the berry with a blender or knead with a crush in a basin or pan.

It is not recommended to scroll it through a meat grinder, since its knives are made of ordinary steel, and loss of vitamin C is inevitable. Add sugar to the crushed mass and mix thoroughly. We leave the resulting raw jam in the container for about a day, stirring five to six times during this time, so that the sugar is completely dissolved. If you use a blender, then you can add granulated sugar immediately in the right proportion.

The next day, sterilize the jars in the usual way for you: over steam, in the oven or microwave. Plastic lids scald with boiling water. Pack the resulting mass into prepared jars, sprinkle sugar on top with a layer of about two centimeters, wipe the necks of the jars and cover with plastic lids.

Blackcurrant for the winter

To prepare blackcurrant jelly for the winter, it is not even necessary to pick the berries from the branches. We wash them and remove substandard, let the water drain well. After that, we blanch the raw material by immersing it in boiling water for a minute. We recline in a colander and let cool slightly, then wipe through a sieve.

The silicone spatula for spreading the cream is very convenient for wiping, it allows you to leave a minimum of waste, from which we will cook the compote. You can add other berries and fruits to it, as well as some blackcurrant leaves. Get a delicious and refreshing drink.

Let's get back to jelly. The resulting mashed mass is mixed with sugar in the ratio of 800 g of granulated sugar per 1 kg of mashed mass. The mixture should boil for five to six minutes, this is quite enough, do not forget to stir and remove the foam. Further, as usual, we pack in sterile jars. The same way is being prepared and raw materials also need to be wiped, since the skins and grains are even coarser than those of black.

Preparing blackcurrant compote for the winter is not at all difficult. All we need is fresh or frozen blackcurrants, water and granulated sugar. For a three-liter jar of compote we need:

    a glass of berries;

    a glass of granulated sugar;

We prepare the berries, as usual: we separate them from the stalks, wash them, put them in a colander and let them drain. We prepare sterilized three-liter jars and scalded lids. We put berries and sugar in a jar, pour boiling water over it, cover with lids and sterilize in boiling water for about five minutes from the start of boiling, close and leave the jar turned upside down on the lid to cool slowly, wrapping it up. You can simply bring the compote to a boil in a saucepan, pour into a sterile jar and seal. In this case, sterilization is not needed. perfectly stored in an apartment in a dark place all winter.

Blackcurrant for the winter: a simple recipe

Now you know how to prepare blackcurrant jam, a recipe for the winter and more than one will certainly come in handy. I would like to note to lovers of jelly and natural juice - do not throw out the pomace. Even if they are used for cooking compote, a significant part of the nutrients with the skin will be lost.

It is in the cake that contains the most pectin and minerals: potassium, magnesium, selenium, iodine, iron and calcium. The cake crushed with a blender can be preserved even without sugar, and in winter it can be used as an additive in unleavened pastry: you get an excellent gingerbread. From a mixture of cake and semolina, we will prepare a mousse for the kids. Semolina in this case will be eaten by them with pleasure.

Such cake can also be used for cosmetic purposes, as a mask, in its pure form or with the addition of cosmetic oils and simply sour cream. Moreover, the preparation of crushed pomace without sugar can be taken as food supplement while eating. It will enrich your food with pectin and fiber, and it is completely natural.

I'll bring one more blackcurrant dish for the winter, a simple recipe marshmallows are a wonderful natural delicacy that is perfectly stored without any preservation and retains all the beneficial properties of berries. Cooking will take several hours, but very little sugar is required, and sterilization of dishes is also not required. Let's take

  • 1 kilogram of berries;

    2 cups of granulated sugar;

    100-150 ml of water.

We put the sorted and washed berries in a saucepan and add some water. Slowly boil for about fifteen minutes so that they boil soft, cool and rub through a sieve. Cake is used for other purposes. Mix the resulting puree with sugar and beat until thick foam. Boil the mass for 20 minutes until thickened, and then spread it on a sheet covered with lightly oiled parchment.

We apply the oil with a brush or a piece of foam rubber without fanaticism. This is necessary so that the pastille then easily separates. The layer should not exceed 2-3 cm. Put the sheet in the oven, heated to 45-50 degrees and dry for 5-6 hours with the door ajar. Exact time It's hard to tell because everyone's oven is different. The finished dish should remain elastic and bend easily. We cut it into strips, sprinkle with powdered sugar and store in tightly closed jars. A fruit dryer will greatly facilitate the cooking process, especially if it has the appropriate function. Pastila can be prepared in a mixture with apples in any proportion, because they also have a lot of pectin. Moreover, it is also not necessary to wipe the mass, just mix the raw materials with sugar using a blender and boil until thickened so that a drop of puree does not spread over the saucer if dripped.

Blackcurrant jam for the winter

And finally, blackcurrant jam is a gourmet recipe for the winter. It is cooked in any of the above ways, only during the cooking process we add a sprig of lemon balm or oregano, which we remove before packaging, or a little fresh chopped orange zest along with orange juice, or scraped fresh ginger to taste.

Additives can be very diverse. Ordinary spices such as cloves, cardamom, star anise, allspice can be placed in a saucepan in a gauze bag and removed at the end of cooking.

And even finely chopped hot peppers will not be superfluous in blackcurrant jelly or mashed potatoes, it will turn out excellent seasoning for sandwiches with soft or cream cheese. The proportions can be chosen based on your own preferences.

For example, for 2.5-3 liters of jam or jelly, one orange or 30-40 g of ginger root will be enough. The zest can be removed different ways: a fine grater, then you will immediately get it crushed.

You can use a special paring knife, which will remove the skin in a very thin layer, and then cut the zest across the strips very thinly. We only need upper layer without a white backing that can be bitter. Three ginger on a fine grater or chop with a blender, or you can chop finely with a vegetable knife. After the grater, tangible harsh fibers may remain, which not everyone likes.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam: recipe with photo step by step

Harvesting currants for the winter is an integral part of many hostesses, especially if you have children, or you just want to enjoy berries not only in summer period, but also all year round. Currants can be frozen, ground with sugar - live jam, also quite interesting / healthy / tasty.

And you can cook quick jam, it is not necessary to boil it dozens of times, five minutes is enough, so we can save more vitamins in a homemade delicacy, and save ourselves a lot of time for other household chores.

After that, you can fill shortbread baskets with such jam by adding a little butter / cottage cheese cream, or you can lay it in a layer between cakes or biscuits. Very tasty currant jam it turns out with crispy toast and a thin layer of butter - it's simply incomparable with a cup of coffee, and no candies can be compared with such a sweet sandwich.


  1. Currant - 300 g
  2. Sugar - 300 g
  3. Water - 50 ml

Currant jam "Five Minute: Cooking Process

So, for starters, look at the currant berries, after throwing them into a basin or bowl, pour cool water. You can immediately observe how dry leaves float to the surface, now you need to carefully drain the water along with the leaves. Repeat the procedure twice, the last time you can gently rinse the berries in a sieve.

Put the finished berries in a saucepan, add granulated sugar and add a little water. Mix gently and set the container aside for a couple of hours. If time is running out, immediately boil syrup from water and sugar, lower the berries and boil for five minutes, but in this version you will need a little more water.

After the specified time, rearrange the container on the stove and turn on the average heating of the burner. Boil currants after boiling for no more than five minutes. In the process, a cap will appear on the surface of the berries, it must be carefully removed.

By this time, prepare sterile jars and lids - fill the container with boiling berries and syrup. Such jam can be stored on the shelf of the refrigerator, or in the cellar or pantry. For the last option, roll up the jam hermetically and put the jars upside down, cover with a blanket and leave for a day. Then remove and store.

Enjoy your meal!

Currant is a tasty and very healthy berry, which makes excellent preparations for the winter. You can make blanks from red and black currants for the winter, as well as from white, which is no less healthy and tasty. Best Recipes currant jam and jelly with and without sugar, you will find in this section.

The most famous recipes for winter preparations with photos and videos from currants (black and red): these are currant jams that can be cooked quite quickly and simply, as well as jellies, jams and other delicious delicate black or red currant preparations. Also worth noting are the following unusual recipes blanks for the winter from black and red currants with photos and videos:

  • recipes for preparations for the winter with a photo of black and red currants mashed with sugar;
  • recipes for jams for the winter from black and red currants with photos and videos;
  • delicious recipes blanks of five minutes for the winter from blackcurrant;
  • unusual recipes for marmalade blanks for the winter from black and red currants with photos and videos;
  • delicious preparations black and red currant jelly for the winter with photos and videos;
  • recipes for raw jam for the winter from black and red currants with photos and videos;
  • unusual recipes for Kyiv jam for the winter from black and red currants;
  • unusual recipes for the winter of blackcurrant jam;
  • unusual recipes for the winter from frozen black and red currants;
  • recipes for blanks for the winter from black and red currants.

Also here you will find:

  • delicious recipes for blanks for the winter from black and red currants without pits;
  • original recipes blanks for the winter from black and red currants for diabetics;
  • blanks from black and red currants on fructose for the winter with photos and videos;
  • recipes for blanks for the winter from assorted black and red currants with photos and videos;
  • recipes for winter preparations from black and red currants with photos and videos;
  • recipes for blanks for the winter from black and red currants in the microwave with photos and videos;
  • unusual recipes for the winter from black and red currants without water;
  • recipes from black and red currants with raspberries with photos and videos;
  • twisted blackcurrant, blackcurrant compote;
  • blackcurrant fig;
  • unusual homemade blackcurrant jam;
  • blackcurrant tkemali sauce;
  • blackcurrant puree.

Desserts are almost impossible to spoil during the preparation process and you can easily make them according to our proven recipes. All recipes for black and red currant preparations present in the section are provided with thematic photos and videos, so the cooking process will be clear to you. Video recipes for black and red currant blanks may differ slightly from the text recipe, and you can choose any recipe you like for yourself. In any case, currant blanks will turn out to be unusual and tasty, spicy and tender.

Nobody canceled the experiments and you can mix both types of berries (black and red currants) and try to cook this unusual workpiece for the winter. All kinds of jellies, jams, jams are very tasty. Follow only proven recipes for red and black currant preparations for the winter with photos and videos that are given in this section, and you will always have delicious currant desserts on your table in winter.

Any preparations from berries and fruits, including preparations from black and red currants for the winter, will always please everyone without exception on cold winter days. Preparing dishes is not at all difficult, and everyone will certainly like the result. Read our unusual and delicious recipes with photos and videos and you will be satisfied with the amazing taste of black and red currants prepared for the winter.

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