How to install an air conditioner in a wooden window. Installing an air conditioner in a plastic window - features and nuances, essence and features, types and characteristics, refueling and repair, self-assembly

Landscaping and planning 29.08.2019
Landscaping and planning

Many people think about how to install a window air conditioner on their own. Of course, if there is an opportunity to do it on your own, this should be used. It is known that the services of professional installers are quite expensive, which not everyone can afford. At the same time, it is undesirable to undertake this work without having the slightest experience and without understanding the essence of the operation of the device. A damaged air conditioner can cost much more than hired hands.

Window air conditioners are the earliest representatives of the family of domestic climate control equipment. The first such models appeared in the early 30s of the last century in the United States. Decades have passed, and those monoblocks, periodically changing, have remained the main selling goods of this category. Their constant popularity is explained by the fact that the quality of the devices is time-tested, and their durability and serious warranty period add to their attractiveness in the eyes of consumers.

Installing a window air conditioner yourself is much easier than, for example, installing a complex modern split system.

Every home amateur master can mount window block. To do this, it is enough to have at least a chisel, a saw and a glass cutter on hand. At the same time, when installing a split system, it is necessary to have special tools that are unlikely to be in the apartment or house of a person who does not specialize in this type of installation.

The advantages of window or window air conditioners include the following:

The disadvantages of window air conditioners include:

  • high noise during operation (for most models);
  • the complexity of installation in some modern window frames if they do not provide the necessary opening;
  • access to the room cold air currents from the street in winter.

Window air conditioner and wooden windows

Port models of air conditioners are simple equipment, in the main body of which all components are located. Installation of such a device is carried out both in the surface of the wall and in the window. Many of these units have a compressor that operates on a cyclic basis. Controlled by a temperature sensor, it can turn itself on and off. The temperature sensors are electronic type, and bellows.

In order to increase heat transfer by the condenser, the condensate that appears on the evaporator may not drain to the street, but completely accumulate in a special compartment in the lower zone of the device. From here, it is captured by the ventilation vanes and distributed by spraying over the condenser. However, despite the simplicity of the device, in some cases the installation of such an air conditioner creates certain difficulties.

Installing a window air conditioner in a wooden window is much easier than some plastic ones. Representing a single device, that is, a monoblock, it nevertheless perfectly copes with all the functions assigned to it. Besides, modern models can be supplied additional features such as heating and humidification. In wooden window systems Mounting the air conditioning unit is easy. This work does not require special tools, as well as experience in this area.

The main thing is to choose a suitable place to install the device. This must be the area outer wall, where the block will be maximally protected from snow, rain and dirt. In extreme cases, in the absence of such a niche, you can build a decorative visor to protect the air conditioner.

It must be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to embed the air conditioner in the wall, as well as to close it from all sides with a protection box. The monoblock must be blown from all sides with air. Having made a metal frame from a profile with a thickness corresponding to the weight and massiveness of the model, it is installed in a window opening. Having measured the air conditioner, an opening should be cut in the window slightly larger than the dimensions of the device. After the device is installed, all remaining cracks should be carefully sealed. mounting foam.

Window monoblock and plastic windows

Install window air conditioner plastic window much more difficult than in wooden window structures. However, given that such a monoblock does not need to lay a route for freon, work at height and control the tightness of pipes, it is still possible to do it yourself. At strict observance all stages of installation and the recommendations of specialists, you can do everything much easily and quickly.

So, first you need to make sure that the air conditioner has its own electrical wiring and its own "machine" in the electrical distribution panel. When choosing a device, you need to give preference to the option, the width of which is necessarily less than the width of the window itself. Taking into account the architectural features of the room and how the furniture is installed in it, it is necessary to determine the most suitable place for installing the unit.

To install a window air conditioner in a plastic window, follow these steps:

The device requires mandatory grounding. After the installation is carried out, it is necessary to check the work done. After making sure that the entire installation procedure is completely followed, you can turn on the installed device in the network. Remember that when installing your purchase by a specialist of the company, he is obliged to provide you with a certificate of the installation act. This certificate should be checked against the installer's signature. It indicates the exact data on the work performed, the correct date is entered. After that, you can sign the act of acceptance and delivery.

Some nuances of installing a monoblock air conditioner

You can install a window air conditioner with your own hands quite efficiently, if you seriously prepare for solving this issue. First of all, you should prepare the necessary tools: a puncher, a hacksaw, a level, a silicone-based sealant, corners, a glass cutter, a jigsaw, etc.

When thinking about how to install a window air conditioner yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules that are mandatory for all types of installation. These include requirements for a strong fixing of the apparatus. Only a strong installation of the device will save you from intrusive noise in its subsequent use. Remember that it is not allowed to mount the air conditioner in the area of ​​direct sunlight. From the outside, the monoblock should have a protrusion of 30 cm.

It is important to ensure that the openings of the apparatus are perfectly open and that there are no obstructions, such as side walls. Right installed block has a slight slope towards the street, which ensures unhindered drainage of condensate. Thus, the inner edge of the apparatus is located 3 cm higher than the outer one. Minimum distance from the floor level to the bottom of the device should be 80 cm, and the maximum - 150 cm.

Depending on the power of the fore air conditioner, it also depends on what area it can fully cool. This indicator also affects the amount of electricity consumed. If the device is very powerful, then it must have a thermostat. In this case, the rapid cooling of the room and the subsequent automatic maintenance of the set air temperature are cheaper than the constant operation of less powerful devices. Since the devices differ in size and appearance, before going to the store, it is necessary to make accurate measurements of the window opening.

Window models of air conditioners are monoblock devices for air cooling, which are mounted in the window frame. Typically they are used in summer period year, and for the winter they are turned off or dismantled.

With the advent plastic double-glazed windows and split systems, monoblocks have lost their popularity. The fact is that installing a window air conditioner in a plastic window is more difficult than in a wooden frame. At the same time, it is very important not to spoil the double-glazed window and not to reduce its tightness.

In this material, we will try to rehabilitate monoblock climate systems and tell you how to mount them in modern frames with your own hands.

Monoblock air conditioners

To begin with, you should understand the design and principle of operation of window air conditioners. For the most part, such coolers are monoblock devices. This means that all the main structural details are in a single block. This is precisely what main feature window coolers and their main difference from split systems.

Window models of air conditioners are installed in a special hole in the window frame made of wood or PVC. They draw air from the street, purify and cool it and supply it to the room. Such models are quite effective for small apartments, have low noise performance and aesthetic appearance.

Small mobile air conditioners

Monoblock devices also include mobile mini-coolers that can be installed in rooms where there is access to a window. Air is supplied to the device through a special hose, which is discharged into the open window sash. As a rule, small window air conditioners for the home are installed for the summer season in an apartment or in a country house. Among the disadvantages of such models can be called a bulky appearance and high noise performance.

Installation of a window monoblock

Proper installation of a window air conditioner with your own hands is quite difficult, but possible. It is best to install a monoblock during the repair of the opening or when replacing a double-glazed window. In this section, we have listed the basic rules for installing such climate control equipment.

Mounting tool kit

Installing a monoblock in a plastic window is a rather time-consuming process that will require an impressive set of tools. Many of them can be found in every home, but some parts will have to be bought specifically. Let's list minimum set cooler mounting tools:

  • Hammer drill or percussion type drill.
  • A set of drills and cartridges for various materials.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Metal file.
  • A set of chisels.
  • Level.
  • Bulgarian or a special nozzle for a drill with a cutting wheel.
  • Corners of internal type and flat for furniture.
  • Silicone based sealant.
  • Paint and brush.

The location of the device is an important factor that directly affects the efficiency of the window air conditioner. Therefore, before installing a monoblock, you must carefully select a place for its placement. In this case, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • To begin with, it is worth visually inspecting the frames of the window opening, since they will become the basis for mounting the device. Bolts, mounting brackets and corners of sufficient strength are used as fasteners. If you are not sure about the strength of the frames, you need to strengthen them in the possible ways.
  • When choosing a place for air conditioning, you need to consider a mechanism for removing condensate. In order for condensate not to linger inside the case, it must be placed with a slight slope towards the street - by 1–2.5 cm.
  • The interior of the monoblock should not be blocked by furniture - this will prevent proper air circulation and may affect the performance of the device. And also, you should not place the cooler close to people's resting places - above a sofa, bed or table.
  • On the sides of the monoblock, you must leave free space for unhindered access when servicing the device.

Installation algorithm

The process of installing a window air conditioner with your own hands consists of several milestones. They need to be followed both for self-assembly and for professional installation.

The first stage: preparation of the window opening and frame

If the air conditioner is installed directly into a double-glazed window, it is worth choosing such an arrangement of the device in order to avoid gaps between the body and the frame. Modern monoblocks are made according to standard sizes sashes of a plastic window, so this requirement is easy to fulfill if the frame has standard dimensions.

Stage two: Fixing the case

To install a window monoblock, due to its considerable weight, a bracket is required. The bracket is attached to the wall and takes all the load from the weight of the device.

The monoblock should be positioned in such a way that the “street part” protrudes outward at a distance of at least 25-30 cm. It is worth taking care of reliable fastening device and its exact alignment with the frame. Otherwise, the cooler will make noise during operation and may break.

When installing the case, do not forget about a small angle of inclination towards the street. It is also necessary to monitor the serviceability of the drainage pipe through which the condensate will be discharged to the outside. If there is a kink or bend in the tube, it must be leveled to avoid air pockets.

It is important to protect against sun rays and rain for the outside of the cooler. This can be done with the help of special visors that will close the body of the device at an angle.

So, to carry out the installation of a monoblock, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  • Remove the glass from the frame or the entire frame.
  • Install bracket.
  • Install monoblock.
  • Seal the gaps between the frame and the device.

Step three: Power connection

The window air conditioner can be connected to the power supply using a separate wire and switch. The power of the device should be selected depending on the capabilities of a particular room. And it is also necessary to ensure that the wiring meets the operating requirements specified in the instructions for the device.

Among budget options of household climate technology, the window monoblock is characterized by distinctive advantages: affordable cost, simple operation, rare service, mobility if desired, etc. Installing a window air conditioner is also easier compared to a split system, it can be done independently, subject to certain rules.

Monoblock Features a

This monoblock is inferior in terms of the following parameters split devices:

  • noise level;
  • productive capacity;
  • functional;
  • design;
  • dimensions, etc.

Under certain conditions, it can become an alternative to a split, floor monoblock:

  • you can not install an external split-block on the facade of a building of historical and cultural value;
  • the decorative coating of the facade is dilapidated, crumbling;
  • limited budget;
  • impossibility of carrying out installation work inside walls;
  • relative mobility when moving, installing in another room.

Inside the common body are located necessary elements: heat exchangers, fans for them, compressor, expansion valve, freon circuit, drainage capacity, block automatic control, air distributors.

The noise level of 50 dB is due to the placement in a single housing of the compressor and heat exchange fans that create a noise flow. With correct installation this effect can be reduced by high-quality sound insulation, reliable fastening.

Mounting options

Placement of the window block is possible in three options:

  1. The lower part of the window, on the windowsill. The simplest affordable option installation, which is chosen by the owners of the monoblock. A special opening is being prepared inside the window where the block will be inserted. It is best to do when the windows are changed and the parameters of the air conditioner are known in advance.
  2. The upper part of the window, the window leaf. Placement will require additional fastening to firmly fix the device. A less popular option is used when there are small children and animals in the house. Suitable for compact devices.
  3. Inside the wall. The main condition is the outer wall, the width is not more than 250 mm, so that the ventilation openings of the case remain accessible to the air flow. Before installation, the opening is strengthened metal case for strength.

Installing a window air conditioner with your own hands is carried out in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • a separate electric cable, installation of "machine" in the switchboard;
  • the use of household extension cords is prohibited;
  • the location of the outer part of the monoblock from the window opening - at a distance of 25-30 cm;
  • when installed at the bottom of the window, the distance from the floor is at least 75 cm;
  • at least 10 cm must be left on the sides of the unit for access when maintenance, to ventilate the mechanism;
  • from the outside to the nearest wall, structure, etc. not less than 50 cm;
  • the ventilation openings of the case must not be closed, this will lead to a quick breakdown of the equipment;
  • it is necessary to observe a slope towards the outer part (0.5-1 cm) for a natural condensate drain. The location of the right and left sides on the same level;
  • structural elements must be securely fastened to avoid excessive vibration during operation, which can loosen the mounting base and damage the window.

Mounting kit

Some models of monoblocks are equipped with a mounting structure. The kit includes fasteners, metal corners, using which you can install the unit yourself. If the kit is not supplied with the air conditioner, it must be purchased separately or made manually.

The list of tools that may be needed when installing the unit:

  • perforator, cartridges, drills;
  • hacksaw for wood, metal;
  • jigsaw;
  • chisel for woodworking;
  • construction level;
  • glass cutter;
  • Bulgarian;
  • silicone sealant, polyurethane foam;
  • paint, brush.

Wooden window installation

The least expensive and simple to install the block in a wooden window. Installing a window air conditioner in a wooden window hole, the sequence of actions:

  • prepare a place for placement in advance before installation. Take off external dimensions device, make the necessary marks on the window frame;
  • carefully remove the glass from the sash;
  • mount a wooden jumper at the marked level so that the outer case of the monoblock is placed inside the resulting opening without excessively wide gaps;
  • the remaining space on the sides of the air conditioner housing must be closed suitable material(plastic, wood, etc.), or purchase a special insert for window blocks and install inside the opening;
  • the frame from the mounting kit is securely fixed at a pre-marked distance, taking into account the downward slope of the outer part;
  • mount the block body inside the opening;
  • insert the air conditioner inside the frame, fix the front panel;
  • cut the removed glass with a glass cutter according to the dimensions taken, install it inside the reduced opening;
  • joints must be sealed;
  • if a drain hose is needed, install it;
  • connect to the electrical network;
  • test the device by doing a test run.

Installation in a plastic window

Installing a window air conditioner in a plastic window is a laborious process associated with the design of the opening. It is best to mount the block inside a pre-prepared opening, which is made even before the window is installed. If there is no such opening, installing a window air conditioner in a plastic window is done as follows:

  • the reliability of the window opening is checked, if necessary, strengthened;
  • the chosen place should be such that after placing the air conditioner, there are as few gaps as possible;
  • the double-glazed window is carefully removed from the window using necessary tool(glazing beads are dismantled first, starting with the longest one);
  • insert the jumper at the required height;
  • to fix mounting kit at the required distance;
  • close the remaining gaps tightly with plastic, or install the purchased plastic opening for window blocks;
  • install a monoblock body inside the frame;
  • insert the inner part into the case, install the front panel in place;
  • cut neatly the double-glazed window along the length, side metal frames inside the chambers;
  • insert the frames at the bottom at the place of the cut, treat the remaining gaps with sealant (it is necessary to ensure that dust does not get inside the chambers, if necessary, clean it before installing the metal frames;
  • install a double-glazed window in the sash;
  • cut long glazing beads to length, install in place;
  • connect the device to the mains;
  • to test operating modes.

Installing a window air conditioner in a plastic window must be done very carefully, in compliance with the accuracy of execution. technical issues for cutting glass.

Temporary installation

Monoblock installation can be done temporarily. When the cold season sets in, the device can be removed by tightly closing the opening with a material suitable in composition to the window frame, or a prepared double-glazed window can be installed. In addition, the block can be taken to the country house, installed there for the duration of your stay.

Recently, compact monoblock devices have been produced that are easy to install, transport and store without causing inconvenience to the owner.

The noise of the working process is compensated by simple installation, the ability to move, the absence of complex construction manipulations with the freon route.

It is quite possible to install a window monoblock on your own, avoiding financial expenses (as in the case of purchasing a split system). At the same time, the price of installation by a professional installer will be significantly lower than similar work with a split. And the productive capacity and refrigeration function of some models exceeds those of split and floor options.

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Air conditioning has become essential comfortable conditions life. Among the variety of types of climatic equipment, the window monoblock stands out for its convenience and simplicity of design. It is installed in rooms where it is impossible to place split systems. Different power of devices (from 2 to 6 kW) allows you to choose optimal model for a small office, apartment or trade pavilion. A window air conditioner can be inserted into a plastic window not only by a master invited from the service, but also by a home craftsman. It is enough to study the sequence assembly operations and strictly follow it.

Advantages and disadvantages of a window air conditioner

Climatic equipment in the form of a monoblock does not require laying a freon line between the outer and inner parts, this simplifies installation and increases its reliability. Among the advantages of a built-in air conditioner:

  • affordable cost;
  • long-term operation;
  • ease of maintenance and installation;
  • high efficiency with compact dimensions;
  • models with built-in filters provide clean air.

Among the minuses of the unit:

  • increased noise;
  • the need to make an opening in window profile if it is not provided by the design;
  • window leakage.

The design and features of the monoblock

Modern models of window air conditioners have wide functionality. They are designed not only for cooling, but also for space heating. The antibacterial filter removes dust, harmful microorganisms and odours.

The monoblock design of the unit means that all components are installed in a common housing: fans, cooling system, compressor.

Inexpensive models of air conditioners work smoothly in moderate conditions, if the equipment is subjected to heavy loads, it is better to choose a powerful device famous brand. Such monoblocks are equipped electronic system control and remote control. It is necessary to choose an air conditioner in the window sensibly, focusing on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the power of the device, the ratio of its parameters and the size of the window structure.

Preparation for the installation of climate technology

Before installing a window air conditioner in a plastic window, a suitable place is selected. There are several rules following which the device will be placed with maximum efficiency and security:

  1. When installing, the cardinal directions are taken into account, the air conditioner should not be under constant influence sunlight. The degree of influence of precipitation and other natural factors. The protection of the air conditioning unit will be ensured by the installation of a visor over its body.
  2. The presence of advertising structures or similar interference from the outside is undesirable. They impede air circulation, so it is impossible to find partitions closer than 50 cm.
  3. Ventilation openings are located on the sides of the unit housing, they must not be left open.
  4. The location of the air conditioner at a slight slope towards the street allows for the fastest removal of condensate, 1-2 cm is enough.
  5. For a monoblock, a separate electrical wiring line is laid, including a separate machine on the switchboard. It is forbidden to connect climatic equipment using extension cords.
  6. Heated air comes out from the rear wall of the unit, it must not pose a danger to people on the street.
  7. When installing a window air conditioner in the lower part of the window, the distance from the floor to its body is at least 75 cm. If the opening is in the upper part of the window structure, then you will need a metal frame to secure the monoblock. This arrangement will provide optimal conditions to create a favorable indoor climate.

Instructions for self-installation of a window air conditioner

Tool for work:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • grinder with a disk for metal;
  • roller for cutting glass;
  • construction knife.

The best option is to install the air conditioner in a plastic window with an opening right size made to order. Otherwise, the place for climatic equipment is prepared independently. Before installation, the degree of strength of the frame is visually assessed; if it is insufficient, it is reinforced with a metal corner. The installation of the air conditioner is carried out using the mounting kit that comes with the kit, bought in a store or made by yourself. This does not affect the reliability of the installation.

  1. Preparation of opening for installation. Having chosen a place where the air conditioner body is placed with the smallest gap, take out the double-glazed window, insert the jumper and cut the glass to size. The unit can be installed on a wall if its thickness is not more than 250 mm.
  2. Fixing the mounting frame. This element is designed to hold the air conditioner, so it is bolted with special care. With the help of the level, a slight slope outward is fixed to ensure the drainage of condensate. Some models are equipped with a casing that replaces the installation of the frame.
  3. After installing the air conditioner, the gaps are sealed with mounting foam. The dried composition is cut off with a knife. Alternative way serves to close the gaps with foam rubber. Small gaps can be processed silicone sealant. Damage to the paint on the frames requires painting over with enamel of the same color.
  4. To drain the liquid, a drainage hose is installed, it is placed without kinks and creases.
  5. The unit is powered from a separate line. Being electrical appliance, the air conditioner needs to be grounded.
  6. After the installation is completed, it is necessary to check the performance of the equipment and the noise level during its operation.

Maintenance of the monoblock consists in the timely washing of heat exchangers and replacement of filters.

As a rule, they try to install centralized air conditioners in combination with a heating system in order to use its wiring of ducts to cool the air throughout the house.

The air conditioner is mounted in the supply section heating furnace. Also, the air conditioner serves as an air filter, cleaning the air of dust and drying it (reduces humidity).

The device of the air conditioning system

A standard air conditioning system consists of two separate units: a cooling unit and a condensing unit. The cooling unit is an evaporator located at the top of the furnace.

In this evaporator, a mixture of water and antifreeze (in other words, refrigerant) circulates, which takes heat from the air that is driven over the evaporator using a stove fan.

Diagram of a typical central air conditioning system. Essential elements:

  • cooled air enters the rooms;
  • the capacitor is mounted outside the house;
  • compressor;
  • pipes are installed between the radiators for evaporation and condensation, through which the refrigerant circulates;
  • furnace furnace for air heating;
  • drainage of the evaporation-condensation system;
  • drainage laid in the floor;
  • supply part;
  • evaporator;
  • air flow return box;
  • gas outlet pipe;
  • a tank where condensation and evaporation take place;
  • fan;
  • air conditioner filter.

The cooled air follows the ducts and is distributed throughout all the rooms of your house. The heated refrigerant, in turn, goes to be cooled in the condensing unit, which is located outside the house. The condensing block consists of a compressor, a fan and a radiator-condenser.

Elements of an industrial central air conditioning system installed on the roof of a building.

The refrigerant coming from the first unit first enters the compressor, which heats it up even more and sends it to the condenser radiator. The fan drives the cold outdoor air through the radiator-condenser in which the heated refrigerant circulates, thus taking heat from the refrigerant. The cooled refrigerant flows back to the evaporator and the cycle repeats again.

Maintenance of the central air conditioning system

In order for your air conditioning system to work long and efficiently, it is necessary to periodically do some work on it.

Filter cleaning

Try to clean or change the filter as often as possible. It is advisable to do this at least once a month. If during inspection you find even a small amount of dust on it, clean or replace it. Most ovens come with cheap replacement filters, so when buying a new one, make sure it's the right size and thickness.

The air conditioner filter is often clogged.

If the filter can be cleaned, wash it with detergents household products in warm water. You should know that a dirty filter is not only an obstacle to the passage of air, which is fraught with increased energy consumption, but a favorable environment for the formation and development of various pathogens.

Radiator cleaning

Keep radiators clean. If the design allows access to the evaporative radiator, vacuum it. The external condensing radiator must be periodically cleaned of leaves and debris.

When cleaning, be careful not to bend the radiator fins, as deformed fins will significantly reduce the efficiency of the system. If you need to remove any cover, turn off the power first.

Regularly clean the radiator in the air conditioning system.

Try every year to check if the concrete pad on which the condensing unit is standing has sagged, as the unit must be level for normal operation. If the need arises, put under it wooden bars to level it.

Check the furnace hearth for suction cups. Suction cups often cause a huge influx of cold air before it enters the boxes. All joints must be sealed with aluminum foil tape.

Checking the fan belt

Also check the tension of the fan drive belt from time to time. When you press it in the middle, the deflection should be 19 mm. If the deflection is greater, then the belt is tightened too loosely, which can lead to belt slippage during operation and, as a result, a drop in fan performance.

Over time, an impressive layer of dirt forms in the air conditioning blower wheel.

In addition, this can lead to scorching on the belt and its early wear. If, when starting the system, you constantly hear a squeal coming from the unit, and during operation you smell burnt rubber, know that the belt is too loose.

Too tight belt tension, in which the deflection of its middle during pressing is less than 19 mm, leads to accelerated wear of the motor and fan bearings.

The process of tightening or loosening the fan drive belt can be seen in the corresponding diagram.

Cleaning the drain tube and removing condensate

Check that the evaporative condensate condensate drain is open. As a rule, the drain is a small tube. If the tube does not allow running water to pass through, remove the obstructions by clearing it with a wire. You can also use a garden hose and clean the drain pipe with pressurized water.

Put a hose on the tube and turn on the water for a few seconds. Then remove the hose and allow the remaining water to drain on its own. Rinse again if necessary. If you need to clean the condensation tray from dust, disconnect the device from the mains and only then can you open the evaporator chamber.

Cleaning the drain tube with improvised means.

Although most motors are factory lubricated once and for all their life, some may have lubrication points that require periodic lubrication. Such points should be lubricated once a season with two or three drops of No. 20 oil without detergents. Do not add too much oil, otherwise the engine electronics may be damaged.

window air conditioner

The principle of operation of a room air conditioner is similar to that of the central air conditioning system at home. Perhaps only the design differs: in a room air conditioner, the condenser and the evaporative unit are in the same housing.

The main functions of a room air conditioner include cooling the air and circulating it around the room, lowering the overall humidity in the house, and finally, filtering the air from dust and other small harmful particles.

The structure of a typical room air conditioner. Elements:

  • radiator, aka capacitor;
  • compressor;
  • the condenser fan removes heat from the refrigerant and transfers it to the outside air;
  • cold air enters the room through the bars;
  • exhaust vent;
  • fan;
  • evaporative radiator;
  • filter;
  • control;
  • air from the room passes through the filter.

What is a window air conditioner

As we noted above, all room air conditioner systems are located in a single housing. This case is mounted in a window during installation in such a way that the blower fan and evaporative condenser are located inside the house, and the compressor, radiator-condenser and fans are outside.

A beautiful window air conditioner from Samsung can even become a decoration for the interior of a room.

Internal fan sucks room air, driving it through the cold evaporator radiator, where the refrigerant picks up heat. The same fan then returns the already cooled air back to the house. The heated refrigerant enters the radiator-condenser, which is located on the outside of the house. Through this radiator, with the help of fans of the condensing unit, street air is driven, which removes heat from the refrigerant.

Types and varieties

Each type of window has its own air conditioner model. Most models are equipped with special side panels, which, if necessary, can be opened and filled in the free area of ​​the window that is not filled with the air conditioner body.

To prevent air leakage from the house, it is necessary to carefully seal the joints of the panels with window frame. There are models of air conditioning devices for installation in windows with drop-down and sliding frames, as well as for narrow vertical windows.

An example of window air conditioner models for different types window frames. Main components:

  • removable frame;
  • plywood panel;
  • glazed frame;
  • cold air grille;
  • filter grille;
  • panel, adjustable in width.

There are air conditioners designed to work with a voltage of 120 volts and 240 volts. As a rule, most of the contours of a residential building skip electricity under a voltage of 120 volts and a power of 15 amperes.

Circuits such as, for example, kitchen, conduct electricity with indicators of 120V and 20A. Before you buy a room air conditioner, decide on the place of its installation and find out if the wiring of this room will withstand the load that it will give. If you are having difficulty with this, it is better to consult an electrician on this issue.

What to Consider When Choosing a Window Air Conditioner

In addition, when choosing an air conditioner, you need to consider another important factor: its power and the size of the room in which you are going to install it. If the room is large and the air conditioner is not powerful enough for it, cooling will not occur as much as necessary.

The LG window air conditioner cheekily sticks out of the window of a wooden house.

Conversely, if the room is small and the air conditioner is too powerful, it will work for a short time and will not have time to remove all the moisture and dust from the air. In this case, the room will seem damp.

If possible, try to install the air conditioner in a window that faces the north or east side of your home. This will ensure that he is in the shade during the hot time of the day and, accordingly, will allow him to work most efficiently.

Secrets of the correct installation

If you live in the southern hemisphere of our planet, then it is advisable to install the air conditioner in the southern or eastern parts of your house. The operation of the air conditioner must not be interfered with by any foreign objects. At the place of its installation outside, bushes and other possible obstacles must be removed, and inside the house, make sure that it is not covered by furniture or curtains.

Installing a window air conditioner is not at all difficult, especially with two people.

It is recommended that after installing the air conditioner, check the voltage in its circuit and make sure that it is optimal for operation. To do this, use a voltmeter. Insert its plugs into one part of the double socket, and the plug of the air conditioner into the second. Turning on the air conditioner should not cause the voltage in the outlet to drop more than 10 volts or below 108 volts.

If the voltage drops below the specified minimum, then the circuit wiring is too weak to operate this air conditioner. In this case, there are two options: either you need to replace the wire in the circuit with another one with a larger diameter, or connect the air conditioner to a more powerful circuit.

If 240 volts is required to cool the room, then it is desirable to conduct a separate circuit in such a room. As a rule, most rooms are not equipped with 240 volt wiring.

Video on the correct installation of a window air conditioner with your own hands

A simple and clear video instruction for installing an external window air conditioner from LG.

Rules for installing a window air conditioner

Depending on which model of air conditioner you have purchased, you need to carry out a certain installation procedure. Consider some general rules installation.

If your air conditioner is equipped with side sealing panels, these should be installed first. They are attached to the window frame with screws. As indicated above, these panels are designed to close the openings that may form between the air conditioner and the frame.

Installing an air conditioning system in a window opening begins with a drill.

If the air conditioner is not large, then it can be inserted into the opening as a whole. After inserting, fix it on the windowsill or frame.

If the air conditioner is large, you should first fix its empty case in the opening, having previously removed its chassis, and only then return the chassis with the equipment back to the case.

If it turned out that the air conditioner housing protrudes more than 305 mm beyond the window sill, additional support consoles must be installed. Using rubber gaskets, seal all joints of the housing with the window frame, window sill and side panels.

Installing a room air conditioner in an external wall

In the process of installing the air conditioner in an external wall, the following procedure must be observed. Before you start cutting out the opening for the body of the air conditioning device, outline its outline on the inner surface of the wall.

It makes sense to install the room air conditioner as high as possible, since the cold air that will be produced, being heavier than the warm air, sinks to the floor, and the warm air rises. As a result, the effect of the cooled air will be felt longer than if the air conditioner was at the bottom.

Stages of installing a room window air conditioner in an external wall. Essential elements:

  • the upper trim of the frame, made of double timber;
  • take out the thermal insulation;
  • open the frame racks located in the window opening;
  • lower trim of the window frame;
  • make holes in each corner with inside walls;
  • saw through the lining between the holes with a circular saw or a hacksaw;
  • outer cladding;
  • foundation.

Stages of work:

  • measure the hull and double bar bottom strapping for a window opening, plus the upper trim of the opening;
  • add a strapping beam, and racks;
  • add a new common rack;
  • you will also need a double beam of the lower trim;
  • the rest of the rack;
  • wall frame base.

Wooden architraves and finished wall.

The opening of the opening itself can be cut with a dry plaster saw, a hacksaw or a tool knife. You need to cut through until the posts in the wall are visible. The air conditioner will be attached to them. When cutting the hole, be careful not to hit the electrical wiring or plumbing.

In order to be able to inspect the sinus in the wall, it is recommended to cut the opening in small parts. If you come across electrical wiring or a pipeline covered with thermal insulation, remove it, and lay the wires and pipes along a new route.

Installed in a window opening modern air conditioner Kenmore.

Next, holes need to be drilled at the corners of the proposed opening. You need to drill them through the entire wall from the outer skin to interior cladding. Then, working from the outside, with the help of a manual circular saw cut a hole. During this operation, you may come across nails.

The racks that are in the opening must be cut out in such a way that there is room for the air conditioner, the beam of the upper trim of the opening and the double beam of the lower trim. The opening must be made wider than the air conditioner housing by about 6-13 mm. Since the work is done with one of bearing walls, if necessary, install a temporary support for the ceiling in the form of several bars. As a backup, you can use bars 2x4 (5x10 cm). Such impromptu racks should hold a horizontal board against the ceiling.

When finished with the opening, make its strapping to bring its dimensions in line with the dimensions of the room air conditioner body. The load from the ceiling or the second floor must be carried by the strapping.

Chassis and Chassis Installation

Finally place the chassis in the opening and insert the chassis with the equipment into it.

How is the air conditioner installed in the window opening. First of all, the sliding panel is attached to the frame and window sill according to the existing instructions:

  • attach the sliding panel to the sliding frame and window sill;
  • outer and inner parts of the window sill;
  • sliding frame;
  • attach the frame to the sliding frame;
  • seal the joint with the side panel.

  • If the housing protrudes from the joint by more than 305 mm beyond the window sill, support brackets must be mounted.
  • Insert the housing into the window opening and attach to the sliding frame and window sill.
  • Insert the air conditioner chassis into the housing and secure it.
  • Level check the placement of the air conditioner and ensure a slight tilt back.
  • Use the adjusting screws to mount the case using a level.

Then caulk the joints, repair the wall where necessary, and nail trim around the air conditioner. Ready!

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