Hosta - planting, care and cultivation in the open field. Planting and caring for hosta, garden hosta planting and care at home

Landscaping and planning 15.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

If you decide to revive your personal plot, giving it nobility, then the best plant than hosta you can't find.

In total, in nature there are over 200 varieties and about 40 kinds of functions(second host name).

This perennial gained popularity among gardeners thanks to unpretentiousness, ease of care, and, of course, unusual appearance. Hosta does not produce flowers every year, but the bush itself is very decorative.

Description of hosta, varieties and varieties

belonging to the Asparagus family. It got its name in honor of the famous Austrian botanist N. Host.

The birthplace of the function is Sakhalin, the Kuriles, the Far East ( southern part), as well as East Asian regions (Japan, China).

Hosta came to Europe only in late XIX v. and at first it was grown in botanical gardens, but gardeners soon became interested in it.

The beauty of this magnificent plant lies not in the flowers, but in the leaves, which, depending on the variety, may have various forms and shades: from heart-shaped to round and long, from green to white and golden.

By color scheme The following groups of hosta flowers are distinguished:

  • yellow;
  • blue with a shade of bluish;
  • variegata (this group includes functions bordered with light stripes, as well as variegated ones);
  • green;
  • mediovariegata (have light leaves with green edges).

In addition, gardeners who grow this plant in open field, classify varieties by size:

  • Giant - grow up to 70 cm;
  • large - up to 55-7 cm;
  • medium - up to 30-50 cm (the largest group);
  • small up to 16-25 cm;
  • miniature - up to 10-15 cm;
  • dwarf - up to 10 cm.

The main species used, including for breeding

  • Wavy. It looks like a ball white- Green colour densely covered with wavy leaves.
  • swollen. It has light green round leaves lined with stripes. This type of hosta looks most striking in landscape design.
  • High. It has large green leaves. Reaches a height of 90 cm.
  • Curly. The leaves are wide, with a white border.
  • Plantain. It grows up to 50 cm, has glossy bright green leaves.

In one place, the function can grow for about 25 years, while its beauty only intensifies. Therefore, once planting this plant in your garden and spending a little effort, in the future you can simply give the host the opportunity to grow and develop on its own. In addition, this lush perennial has the property of crowding out less vigorous plants, which means there will be no weeds on your site.

Hosta usage

All varieties and varieties of the plant are ideal for creating flower arrangements, as their unusual bright large leaves retain their freshness for a long time and look beautiful in a bouquet.

One more interesting feature plants is the maximum resistance to damage by garden pests. Damage to the function can only be caused by slugs, and even then only if the perennial is placed in a damp shaded place. Such pests should be dealt with mechanically, that is, simply collect them and destroy them.

Khosta: planting and care in the open field

Includes several stages.

Purchase of planting material

Here, too, there are some nuances that the gardener needs to know about:

  • When purchasing planting material in a specialized store, pay attention to the condition of the root system: the rhizomes must be healthy, strong, with a normally developed leaf bud.
  • It is not recommended to buy plants with already existing foliage, as this weakens the root system and the plant subsequently develops worse.
  • Of course, ready-made seedlings with several leaves are sometimes found on sale, but in practice, such hosts take root more difficult. Therefore, it is still better to purchase exactly the rhizomes.
  • Planting a plant ordered via the Internet is also somewhat difficult: sometimes already overgrown material comes by mail. It is not worth storing such a host, it is better to immediately plant it at least in a pot if the soil on the site is not ready.
  • Rhizomes with a bud that has not yet been opened can be stored in the refrigerator until planting.

At the second stage, we choose a place for landing.

Host Locations

Since the plant does not like excessive light, it is recommended to plant it in partial shade or shade.

Some species can grow in the open sun, however, while they have a change in leaf color, and variegated functions that have white drawing may suffer from burns. It should also be borne in mind that this perennial grows best in wet areas. If the soil dries out quickly, the plant needs to be watered more often.

Hosta, landing and care of which require compliance with the following rules:


Be sure to carry out the procedure for mulching the earth in the root area, using sawdust or crushed tree bark for this.

In our case, the mulch performs a dual function: firstly, it protects the young plant from snails and slugs, and secondly, it helps to maintain the necessary moisture in the soil. Rough mulch serves as an insurmountable barrier to soft-bodied pests.

You can propagate this perennial beauty in the following ways:

  • seeds. This method is used very rarely due to low efficiency: young bushes are formed within four years, moreover, the plants do not retain their varietal qualities.
  • dividing bush a.
  • cuttings.

Cuttings are separated from the main plant in the spring summer period i.e. from May to August. For this purpose, young shoots with a heel, having small leaves, are selected. To reduce evaporation, these leaves are immediately cut to 1/3. Plant cuttings in a shaded area.

It happens that after planting the plant shows signs of wilting and disease. Do not be afraid, because it is possible that after 2-3 days the situation will improve. Care for young bushes consists in their regular watering and spraying.

The division is carried out in early autumn (September) or early spring. Each division should contain 1-2 leaf rosettes.

Landing is carried out in abundantly watered pits, the depth of which is 0.2 m, the distance between seedlings is about 30-35 cm.

Despite the well-known unpretentiousness, the host still needs some care.

It is very important to water the plant in a timely manner, carry out top dressing and pruning.


Water the hosta abundantly and often. It is advisable to do this in the morning, before the onset of heat. Distilled water is used for irrigation.

Make sure that the soil in the root area is always moist. However, stagnation should not be allowed, as this can cause the development of a fungal infection.

Caring for hostas in regions with changeable climatic conditions, including the Urals, requires the mandatory control of soil moisture. The bushes are watered only after the topsoil has dried, otherwise the root system may rot.

top dressing

In principle, the hosta does not need additional nutrition, except when it grows on infertile, poor soil. As a fertilizer, mullein infusion is ideal, mixed with large quantity potassium sulfate, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate. Fertilizer is applied 3 times / season: mid-April, late May and late July (after flowering).

Mineral fertilizers in granules are applied after heavy watering or past rain. This contributes to better digestibility of top dressing. Fertilizer should be spread with extreme caution, making sure that the granules do not fall on the foliage and do not cause burns.

From mid-July, feeding is stopped, as this can provoke the active growth of new leaves, as a result of which the plant does not have time to prepare for winter and may freeze.


Pruning of plants is carried out before the onset of frost (in autumn). The procedure consists only in the removal of peduncles. The leaves are preserved for the winter. All rotten parts of the plant (roots and leaves) are removed in the spring.

Many gardeners, especially beginners, make a big mistake by trying to cover the hosta for the winter with its fallen leaves.

On the one hand, this seems convenient, because the dead remains of the plant will serve as a good mulching material, as well as an excellent fertilizer. However, few people think that at the same time, under the bushes, foci of the development of diseases and possible pests remain.

It is best to cover the hosta with spruce branches, and with the onset of spring, carefully work the soil under the overwintered plant in order to prevent the development of egg-laying garden slug.

The main task of the grower is the complete preservation of the bushes until the next season. As soon as the flowering period ends at the hosta, all flower stalks should be removed, which will allow the plant to more easily endure the winter and save strength for the next season.

Ignoring this rule can lead to the formation of unnecessary seeds, as a result of which the plant weakens.

As already mentioned, you should not feed the plant before wintering. The last time fertilizers are applied in July-mid-August. At the same time, soil mulching with organic matter is allowed from mid-October, which will protect the roots from freezing.

As a covering material, dry grass and sawdust, peat are most often used. Mulching components are first treated for possible diseases or pests or sterilized.

For processing, you can use the following tools:

  • T tobacco dust- is the main enemy for hosta-loving slugs.
  • Fitosporin-M. The drug protects plants from fungal and bacterial infections.

Diseases and pests

Hostas rarely get sick However, very often the plant is attacked by stem nematodes and slugs. The latter actively eat foliage, which poses a serious danger to hosta bushes.

To combat the pest, you can use shallow bowls of beer placed around the plants or purchase ready-made bait (Thunderstorm remedy). These traps are set in the root area at night and in the morning they collect slugs that have got there.

The appearance of pests can be avoided by sprinkling the ground around the hosta with shells or crushed shells.

Stem nematodes also infect the leaves of the plant, leaving behind wide strips of brown. Having noticed such traces, it is necessary to urgently remove all the affected leaves, and transplant the bush itself to another place, having previously treated the rhizome with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Despite the fact that the hosta is a moisture-loving plant, excess moisture can still lead to the development of diseases such as phyllosticosis, root and gray rot. With the defeat of gray rot, rotting of the tips of the leaves is observed. All diseased leaves are removed, and the host itself is treated with a solution of Bordeaux liquid.

To get rid of root rot, it is necessary to dig up a bush, cut off the affected parts of the rhizome and transplant the host to a new place, having previously lowered the roots for a short while in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

If you notice red-brown spots on the leaves of the plant, it means that the function was struck by phyllosticosis. Treatment with Abiga-Peak or Vectra, as well as colloidal sulfur, will help here.

Hostas look great in group plantings, near ponds and in rock gardens. Compliance with all the rules and recommendations for planting and caring for a hosta will give you an excellent opportunity to admire the beauty and splendor of the hosta both in the garden or in the country, and when using this beauty as a border decoration. And some dwarf types of functions are even able to decorate your windowsill.

Introduce modern garden without a host it is almost impossible, especially if you need to arrange a shady corner. Without ornamental leafy plants it is impossible to create beautiful flower bed, because they provide the necessary background for brighter flowers, fill in the gaps. But the hosta is not just a background plant, it will look spectacular in a single planting. The plant is decorative from the moment the leaves bloom and until the first frost.

Hosta in the garden - flower description

Hosta, or Funkia, is a rhizomatous perennial with basal leaves sitting on long petioles. The color, size and shape of the leaf blade vary greatly. The leaf blade may be the traditional green or bluish color, or may have a pattern of white or yellow stripes. The height of some species and varieties can reach 1 m, while others do not exceed 5-10 cm.

The variety of colors and sizes are not the only advantage of the hosta. Florists and landscape designers the plant captivates with its amazing unpretentiousness, high frost resistance and the ability to grow in almost any conditions. You can choose varieties for shady areas, partial shade and even sunny places. Tall varieties will help create the effect of a tropical garden, undersized ones will decorate borders and borders. The host will also be appropriate in the design of the reservoir.

Landing hosta

Landing a hosta in the ground is extremely simple, requires minimal knowledge and even beginners can do it. Usually plants take root well in a new place.

Landing methods

Before planting, the site must be well dug to a depth of 30 cm. It is advisable to apply organic fertilizers for digging.

Interesting! Weeds are not able to compete with hosts. Large leaves of the plant are able to displace any competitor.

The distance between plants must be chosen taking into account their growth. It is necessary to take into account the growth of the rhizome in breadth and leave the plant the necessary space. The optimal distance between plants is 30-60 cm.

Optimal landing time

soil for the plant

The plant does not impose special requirements on the composition of soils and can grow on almost any soil. Only heavy loamy and sandy soils require improvement. Hostas do not grow well on them. It is desirable that the acidity is close to neutral (pH 6.5-7.5).

Hosta responds very well to abundance in the soil organic matter, therefore, in addition to applying organic fertilizers during planting, the plant must be regularly mulched with compost.

Planting in autumn

Autumn planting is undesirable, but if there is no way out, then it is better to carry it out in late August - early September. Exceptions include hostas Siebold and Tokudama, which are recommended to land only in autumn. It is believed that varieties and hybrids of these species grow roots after the leaves are fully unfolded, so in the spring they can dry out faster than they take root.

Planting in the spring

For most types spring planting preferable, especially if it is possible to prepare a landing pit in the fall. Plants are planted when the threat of frost has passed.

Hostas require minimal maintenance. The only factor affecting growth and development is soil moisture.

Location and lighting for the plant

When choosing a location, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of species and varieties. Most growers value hosta for its ability to grow in shade where other plants simply cannot survive. However, there are species and varieties that grow well in the sun.

You can determine the level of illumination required by the variety by the color of the leaves. Varieties with plain green or blue leaf color grow well in shade and partial shade. Varieties with a slight interspersing of more light colors survive partial shade. Varieties in which the main color of the leaves is yellow or white with a slight splash of green need bright light.

Interesting! When planted in the shade, the variegated hosta can change its color and become completely green. Only a transplant to a lighter place will help restore the original appearance.

Air humidity

Plants love high humidity air, because in nature, most species grow in wet lases or floodplains. Hostas planted near water bodies grow especially luxuriantly. However, with regular watering and keeping the soil moist, the natural level of moisture will be sufficient for the plant.

How to water correctly

Hosta is extremely moisture-loving, but does not like too wet wetlands. The soil should preferably be kept moist at all times. In this case, the soil should be well-drained and saturated with oxygen.

Flower nutrition and fertilizer

Hosta needs feeding, especially organic fertilizers. It is possible to feed the plant in 2 ways:

  • foliar;
  • Root.

The most familiar and easiest way is to fertilize under the root after watering. Thus, it is recommended to feed the plant with mullein infusion 2 times a year: in spring and summer. Granules of mineral fertilizer can simply be embedded in the ground around the plant.

Advice! The soil around the plant should be mulched with compost. This will retain moisture and provide the necessary nutrients.

Foliar top dressing is carried out with water-soluble mineral fertilizers. The leaves are sprayed with water with a small concentration of fertilizers.

Advice! You should not abuse top dressing in the second half of summer, because the rapid development of plants does not allow them to prepare for winter in time.

Hostas do not need much pruning.

Trimming methods

Pruning for the winter

Opinions about the need for autumn pruning are controversial. Some flower growers advise to completely cut the leaves for the winter, others - to leave the plant as it is.

The leaves of the hostas are soft and in most cases there will be no trace of them in the spring, and the nutrients after their decomposition will fertilize the ground. At the same time, pathogens and pests can remain on the leaves. Therefore, it is up to each gardener to decide whether to prune or not.

Information for thought! It is believed that in autumn the rhizome draws all the nutrients from the leaves, so pruning too early will deplete the plant.


Plant transplants are well tolerated, although they can grow in one place for up to 20 years. This procedure is necessary if:

  • The plant has grown strongly and division is necessary;
  • The conditions are not suitable and the hosta does not grow well.

Transplant methods

If an adult bush moves in its entirety, then it should be dug up with a large lump and transplanted to a new place. If division is necessary, then the rhizome is slightly shaken off the ground so that it is possible to cut the bush into several parts.

Transplant in autumn

The optimal time for autumn transplantation is the end of August - the beginning of September. After transplanting, the plant must be watered abundantly and the ground must be mulched to protect it from possible frosts. Before the onset of cold weather should be at least a month.

Transplant in the spring

Spring transplantation is carried out in late April - early May. It is this time that is considered preferable for transplantation. After transplantation, the ground is mulched, and the plant is regularly watered in the first month, preventing the soil from completely drying out.

As a rule, it is not difficult to propagate the hosta, although there are species and varieties that grow very slowly, which makes them difficult to propagate.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction of the host can be carried out:

  • seeds;
  • The division of the bush;
  • cuttings.

The last 2 methods are used most often.

Reproduction by seeds

Propagation by seeds helps to get great amount plants, but there are also certain difficulties with this method of reproduction. Often there are problems with seed germination, which can be solved with the help of stratification. Senets are too small and require picking and growing, and such a plant will acquire a minimum decorative value no earlier than after 4 years.

Important! The seed method is not suitable for propagating varieties, because seedlings will not inherit varietal characteristics.

Reproduction by cuttings

This method is quite traumatic, because it requires digging up the plant. Young shoots with a “heel” are separated from an adult plant and planted in nutrient substrate. The leaves are shortened by a third. This procedure can be carried out from May to June. At first, the cuttings should be watered abundantly and periodically sprayed so that the leaves do not lose turgor.

leaf reproduction

Reproduction by leaf least probable way. Getting a new plant with a leaf cutting is difficult. To do this, an axillary bud must be preserved at the base of the petiole, and it is better if it is possible to separate the leaf with part of the stem.

The division of the bush

The best breeding method. An adult bush can be divided into several parts, which will quickly restore decorativeness and grow in a new place.

Interesting! V industrial scale the host is propagated using a meristem culture, which allows you to clean the plant from viruses and diseases and get a huge amount of planting material of the selected variety.

hosta flowering

Hosta flowers are very attractive, although they are not considered the main advantage of the plant.

When a plant blooms, the shape of the flower

Hostas bloom in June-August, depending on the type of plant. Flowers last 20-40 days. Hostas lanceolate and plantain can bloom in August-September.

Hosta flowers are quite large, up to 13 cm (depending on the species), bell-shaped, collected in inflorescences at the top of a long peduncle. The color depends on the species and can be white, lilac or purple.

Interesting! Hosta varieties with fragrant flowers have been bred.

Most often, the plant is affected by the following pests:

  • leaf nematode;
  • snails;
  • Slugs.

Common diseases include:

  • fungal disease phyllostictosis;
  • anthracnose;
  • rust;
  • host virus.

Popular species (varieties)

The taxonomy of the genus Khosta still causes heated discussions among botanists, and the description of some species requires clarification. It is believed that the genus includes about 30 species and hybrids, but some of them were described from plants introduced into cultivation, therefore they do not correspond to species from natural habitats. Despite the confusion and the small number of species, gardens and parks conquer more than 2000 registered varieties of this plant.

Types and varieties of hosts are usually divided into groups depending on the color of the leaves and size. Most often found in culture:

  • Plantain hosta (Hosta plantaginea). With bright green glossy leaves. Plant height 50 cm, width up to 90 cm. Large white flowers.
  • Hosta Siebold (Hosta sieboldiana). The leaves are large, bluish, with well-marked veins. Height up to 60 cm. White flowers.
  • Host Fortuna (Hosta fortunei). The leaves are green, with a cream border. Flowers pale lilac.
  • Curly hosta (Hosta crispula). With dark green wide leaves and a white border around the edge. Flowers are lavender.
  • Hosta high (Hosta elata). large plant, which can reach a height of 1 m. The leaves are dark green, glossy, large. The flowers are light lilac.
  • Hosta wavy (Hosta undulata). The main highlight of this species are large leaves with a wavy edge and a white stripe in the middle. flowers

As a rule, flower growers have no difficulty growing hostas.

If there is a desire to decorate the trunk circles of old trees, then you should pay attention to the host. With the help of various varieties, you can decorate and brighten shady areas of the garden.

plant life span

Hosta can grow for about 20 years, while the beauty and decorativeness of the plant only increases with age.

Why doesn't the flower bloom?

Some late-blooming hostas in sulfur regions simply don't have time to bloom. If the problem is not in the species, then perhaps the location for the flower is not chosen correctly.

Why do the leaves turn yellow (dry)?

The hosta turns yellow, and the leaves dry out when insufficient watering especially when landing in the sun. The leaves curl, and the hosta turns yellow and dries also when affected by various diseases and pests.

Flower care in winter

Hosta is quite winter-hardy, so it does not require care in winter. If possible, the area where hostas grow should be covered with snow.

Hosta (Hosta), the second name is Funkia, belongs to perennial herbaceous type. Represents the Asparagus family, although until recently it belonged to the Lilein family. The culture owes its first name to the doctor and botanist of Austrian origin Nikolaus Hosta, the second to the German botanist Heinrich Christian Funk.

Scientists have described up to 40 of this plant. Hosta originates from East Asia. It is very moisture-loving, therefore it is found in the wild near streams and along river banks. For the Japanese, this flower is considered sacred, and the petioles are a local delicacy. When the host was brought to England, the inhabitants of Foggy Albion were not impressed. The Americans reacted to it in a completely different way, which made it one of the most popular in the New World.

Hosta from seeds at home

Hosta and flower pot. Regardless of where you will plant the resulting seedlings, it is worth learning the tricks of sowing hosta with seeds. The disadvantage of this method lies in the poor germination of seeds, which is only 70-80%. Therefore, in order to use this propagation method, the seeds should be treated with a growth stimulator before planting. By placing them for only half an hour in products such as Kornevin, Aloe Juice, Zircon or Elin, you can increase the percentage of germination.

Among gardeners, there is also the practice of seed stratification to increase the percentage of germination, when the seeds are placed in a cold place (for example, the vegetable section of the refrigerator), kept there for 1 month.

An important factor is the sterility of the prepared soil substrate. Various microorganisms, fungi contained in the soil, greatly harm seedlings, causing disease and death of young shoots. That is why the substrate is recommended to be purchased in specialized stores. It contains a balanced mixture of vermiculite, perlite and peat.

When to sow the host for seedlings? In the spring, at the end of February-March, pots are prepared by treating them with medical ethyl alcohol or a weak concentration of potassium permanganate. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, supplemented with a substrate and moistened. It is left for a while so that the soil is well saturated with water, and only then the host is sown, spreading rather large seeds as little as possible on the surface of the substrate.

The same ready-made substrate is used as a powder on top. Its thickness should not exceed 5-7 mm. To ensure the preservation of moisture, pull on the pot polyethylene film or cover it with glass. Make sure that the temperature of the soil at the time of germination is between +18 and 25 °C.

Compliance with all recommendations allows you to expect the first shoots of a week in two or three. It is important to remember that direct sunlight, excessive watering and excess condensation on plastic wrap are detrimental to plants. It is best to keep the pots indoors where there is light shade. And only when the first shoots appear, it will be necessary to provide them with good lighting.

With the formation of the first two true leaves, they begin. Seedlings dive into separate pots, the soil in which a quarter consists of sand. These pots are placed in a pan filled with water in order to provide them with bottom watering.

Until the water hydrates upper layer soil, pots from the pallet can not be removed. At the next stage, the picked seedlings are subjected to hardening. To do this, the film is removed and the host is exposed to air, the temperature of which should be above +18 ° C. Seedlings with this type of propagation grow slowly and almost always lose the characteristics of the variety.

Planting hostas in open ground

How to choose a landing site hosta. Choosing a place is the main thing you need to pay attention to when landing a hosta. By planting a flower in one place, you can enjoy its beauty for twenty years, even without a transplant. The choice of location is significantly influenced by the color of the leaves of the hosta. For varieties with bright leaves containing white and yellow blotches, choose areas that are more illuminated, as they are light-loving plants.

It is very important for a hosta with variegated leaves that at noon a shadow falls on it, while in the morning and evening it needs good lighting. As for the blue varieties, they grow only in shaded places and almost do not need a sunny presence. The size of the leaves of the flower directly depends on the shade. The more intense the shading, the larger the leaf plate and the higher the bush. But at the same time, the hosta is growing very slowly.

The only thing that no flower variety likes is drafts. The soil for planting should be loose, well-drained, nutritious and have a high degree of moisture. Its pH value is neutral or slightly acidic.

If the hosta is planted in the spring, then the ground is prepared in the fall. To do this, the site is covered with a ten centimeter layer of organic matter and dug up. During the winter, everything will perepreet and after spring frosts, somewhere in the beginning or middle of May, it will be possible to plant the plant in the ground.

How to plant a host, look at the video:

Hosta Landing Rules

The distance between the holes depends on what type of plant is planted in the ground.

  • For a hosta from a group of small and medium size, it is enough to make holes at a distance of 0.3-0.5 m.
  • Giants require an increase in distance to 0.8-1.0 m.

In order for the transplant to be successful, in advance in pots. Move it to the ground along with a clod of earth from a pot. Sprinkle soil on top and compact it around the plant so that the ground level in this place is a couple of centimeters lower. If hostas are planted by dividing the bush, then dry leaves, damaged roots are removed from each division, adding mulch in the form of crushed bark to the root area.

Propagation of hosta by dividing the bush

Divide the hosts begin after the flowering period or before the start of active growth. To do this, dig a bush well so that there is enough space around the root. With a shovel, they pry the root from below and take out the bush. They are divided into several parts with growth points, the leaves are cut at a height of 10-15 cm so that only petioles remain, and planted as independent plants. You can leave 2-3 leaves to control vegetation.

Rooting hosta lasts approximately four weeks. The bush delenki will become full-fledged bushes in 2-3 years. They sit down, adhering to the gap between the bushes of 20-30 cm. When planting, the pits are made wider, since the growth of the roots goes in a horizontal plane. Planting depth does not change. At the end of the work, the host is well moistened. No later than mid-September, planting is completed so that the autumn cold does not interfere with the rooting of transplanted plants.

How to share a host, look at the video:

How to take care of your hosta

Garden work to care for the crop is reduced to a minimum. If all the rules for preparing the soil were followed during planting, then the host can not be fed at all for the first three to four years. In subsequent years, every autumn, humus or compost is introduced under the bushes. Mineral granules can be scattered once a season over the area after rain. Until the middle of summer, liquid fertilizers are applied under each bush.

Longer time feeding leads to the growth of hosta leaves, and not to preparing it for winter. In summer, the soil around the hosta is constantly moistened. If the tips of the leaf blade begin to darken, then the plant does not have enough moisture. When watering, do not spray water over the host, this will damage the leaves. It is better to spend a long time in the early morning. Direct a quiet stream under the root.

To make the bush look attractive and not fall apart, remove flower stalks in time. The hosta needs loosening the earth and weeding from weeds only in the first period, until it has grown strong and grown. Every 3-4 years the flower is divided. To do this, they dig it up and separate the young cuttings from the root so that the flower does not grow much.

Hosta diseases

Americans attribute the appearance of diseases in the host to a large number of varieties in one area. In frostbitten bushes, a fungal disease often occurs phyllosticosis, which looks like brown-yellow spots on the leaf blade.

Peduncles threatened with fungal infection Phyllosticta aspidistrae Oud. To deal with it, one method is used: complete removal bush with its subsequent burning and disinfection of the soil.

Among the diseases, gray rot - Botrys cinerea, which affects the leaves, and sclerotinia - Sclerotinia, which envelops the root neck, like a cottony white mold, and destroys it, are distinguished. Fungicides are used against gray rot, Dichloran is used against sclerotinia. The main pests of the flower.

The slug is one of the main pests of the hosta.. Traces of its vital activity, and these are holes in the leaves, become immediately visible and reduce the visual appeal of the plant. To combat this pest, small flat containers are used, into which beer is poured. Slugs love these places where they are collected and then destroyed.

With the advent of a new vegetative period, larvae will hatch from the eggs and the radius of damage to plants will increase. Invasion of insects such as caterpillars, grasshoppers, which only one night is enough to turn a healthy plant into an unsightly bush, cannot be avoided. Only pesticide treatment can help deal with this scourge.

Hosta after flowering Preparing for winter

If the flower stalks were left, then after flowering the hosts remove them. At the very beginning of autumn, plants begin to prepare for winter. To do this, the site with the host is abundantly moistened, the bushes that have grown over the summer are dug up and divided, leaving one or more rosettes of leaves on each part.

To insulate a piece of land with hostas for the winter, mulch it with leafy soil. First of all, this applies to those flowers that grow under large trees. This action solves several problems at once, such as warming the host and its nutrition. Mulching helps raise the level of the flower bed, which has a positive effect on soil drainage.

Description of hosts Photo compositions in garden design

Hosta serves as an excellent background for other flowers and is able to decorate any garden composition. The plant has very remarkable leaves: they are large and, depending on the variety, have an original color.

It grows very quickly, forms entire plantations, and after four years of growth reaches the peak of its attractiveness. Absolutely all types of culture do not have a stem and have a grassy structure.

Its rhizome is compactly thickened and has many branches in the form of laces, which allow the plant to hold firmly in the ground.

On a long, unleafed peduncle, rising high above a rosette of leaves, flowers are collected in neat brushes. They can be white, bluish, pink, purple, simple or terry.

Usually the flowers of shade-loving plants do not have visual appeal, but with hosta flowers, everything is exactly the opposite. They are truly beautiful, collected in one-sided inflorescences of the racemose type and have a funnel-bell-shaped appearance or funnel shape.

The fruit is a leathery trihedral box, which contains numerous seeds. The main advantage of the plant are the leaves. They are basal, have a lanceolate or heart-shaped shape, smoothly turning into a sharp point at the tip of the leaf.

Veins are clearly visible along its entire length. The color of the leaves deserves a separate topic of discussion. It fully depends on the variety, varies and can be with a hint of green, white, yellow and even blue.

On one sheet in the form of spots, strokes, stripes, several colors can be combined at once. By texture, the leaves can be pressed and waxy, glossy and matte, with a metallic sheen and simply wrinkled.

What is the size of the host?

The average height of the hosta is 55 - 80 cm, although dwarfs are also cultivated, up to 15 cm high, and giants, which reach up to 1.2 meters.

Varieties and types of hosts with photos and names

Let's briefly present the varieties of hostas with photos and names. Culture is widely used in the design of the landscape zone, due to the variety of species. Selection work has borne fruit. Now there are more than 4 thousand hybrid varieties of hosta. Several species were taken as a basis, which laid the foundation for varietal diversity.

Bloated Hosta ventricosa

Up to 0.5 m high, the leaves are pointed at the end, for example the Thomas Hogg variety.

Wavy Hosta undulata

Reaches 75 cm in height, its leaf blade has a wavy edge, a white middle and a green border, as if applied in strokes. An example is hosta Undulata Mediovariegata.

High Hosta Hosta elata Hylanger

It grows up to 0.9-1 meters, its rather large size glossy leaves are cast in dark green. A characteristic representative is Variety Tom Schmid.

Hosta sieboldiana Hosta sieboldiana

60 cm high, has deep veins. Variety Elegans.

Curly-tailed Hosta crispula

Curly host Hosta crispula variety ‘Thomas-Hoog’ photo

Rarely exceeds 0.5-0.6 m in height, with wide dark green leaves bordered with a white stripe. An example is the Dream Weaver variety.

Plantain Hosta plantaginea

Half a meter high, has bright glossy green leaves. Grade Royal Standard.

Hosta fortunei

Hosta Fortunei Aureomarginata photo

It also does not grow more than 0.5 meters, has green leaves with a cream border. For example, hosta variety albopicta.

The classification of varieties also goes according to:

  • sheet coloring;
  • sheet size.

Depending on the color of the leaf plate, varieties are conditionally divided into 5 groups:

  1. Blue hosta (blue hosta (B)) - its leaves with a bluish-gray tint.
  2. Yellow hosta (Go) - yellow-leaved.
  3. Green hosta (Gr) - united the entire green leaf hosta.
  4. Hosta variegata (V) - varieties with variegated leaves and all those that have a white border.
  5. Hosta mediovariegata (MV) - light-leaved varieties with a green border around the edge.

According to the height of the plant (size), the division goes into the following 6 groups:

  1. The dwarf group Draft (D) combines all species below 10 cm, such as Blue Mouse Ears with bluish leaves resembling mouse ears.
  2. Hosta is miniature, Miniature (Mini), its height is in the range of 10-15 cm, for example, La Donna variety with bluish-yellow-green leaves.
  3. Small hosta Small (S), with a maximum height of 16-25 cm, an example is the Gold Tone variety with green leaves and stripes of white or yellow, and Headsmen Blue with bluish-green leaves.
  4. Hosta of medium size Medium (M, Med), growing up to 30-50 cm in height, its representatives are the following varieties: Night Before Christmas, with a white middle and a dark green wide strip along the edge, So Sweet, its green leaves are bordered white and cream striped, White Feather is a unique white hosta that changes color to green after a certain amount of time.
  5. A group of large Hosta Large (L), reaching a height of 0.5-0.7 m, is represented by varieties: Alvatine Taylor, in which a yellow-green border runs along its bluish-green leaves, Golden Meadows with pressed, rounded golden leaves in the middle dotted with pale green strokes and bordered by a wide strip of green.
  6. Giant hosts Giant (G), over 70 cm tall, for example, the Blue Vision variety with bluish green leaves and Sum of All, which has a green leaf center and a wide, golden border.

To any amateur gardener seeking to create original design on your site, you have to carefully consider the choice of plants. Considering that only flowering plants, the owners of the plots have a need for a beautiful background, characterized by juicy decorative foliage. To do this, they are looking for unpretentious flowers with lush greenery.

Hosta enjoys an undoubted advantage over other plants. A variety of varieties and species allows you to fully embody the most daring design fantasies in the garden, transforming it beyond recognition.

Hosta: description

A perennial plant with a not very developed rhizome, the main advantage of which are leaves of a wide variety of sizes, colors and shapes - this is a beautiful host crowned by gardeners.

An ornamental and deciduous plant, resistant to cold, grows well in the most shaded areas. Textured foliage is ideal for arranging all kinds of bouquets, which is adopted by experienced florists. This is a versatile plant for any gardener - both beginner and experienced, which does not require special care. These plants look great on the banks of ponds and artificial garden ponds, in flower beds and rocky gardens. The hosta has bell-shaped flowers in the form of decorative brushes, but it seduces the owners of the plots with its lush greenery, peculiar coloring and the original shape of the leaves, which sometimes have a wax coating. After flowering, the plant continues to delight with greenery until the onset of cold weather.

From where in the garden plot of the host?

Gardeners have recently paid attention to an ornamental plant with beautiful leaves. Prior to this, hostas were located mainly in botanical gardens. Beautiful flowers were not the main advantage of the plant, the leaves looked more attractive, having the most diverse color and shape. The aristocratic plant has become a popular perennial in shady gardens and parks across the country. Japan and China, the Far East and Korea are considered the birthplace of this plant. Hostas, actively grown in the gardens of Japan for three millennia, became actively spread in Europe during the time of Leonardo da Vinci.

The plant, which fell in love in the Middle Ages, is forgotten over time, and only in the last century, thanks to the development of microclonal reproduction, it is remembered again. With the advent of new varieties, flowers attractive to gardeners appear, the hosta becomes popular again and firmly secures the title of “queen of the shady garden”.

The flower owes its name to Thomas Host, a 19th-century Austrian physician and botanist. However, you can hear that the hosta (funkia) is named after H. G. Funk, a pharmacist from Germany.

What attracts hosta landscape designers?

When designing a site, you have to think about the combination of plants with each other, an acceptable neighborhood that will not irritate the eye with its inconsistency. Particular attention has to be paid to the choice of plants when garden and ornamental trees have grown and significantly shaded the site with their spreading crowns. Not every plant is able to live in the shade, because for the majority it is fatal. The best option in this case is the host.

Landscape designers like to use these flowers in the design of the plots, the hosta grows very quickly, which makes it possible to fill the space and create a beautiful green background.

It also looks good in mixed borders. Excellent compatibility with flowering perennials and annuals, a variety of grasses and ferns, small bulbous plants and ornamental foliage. Hostas look chic on alpine slides and next to decorative fountains. The plant is versatile and allows for variability, fitting perfectly into any style. And growth various kinds varies from 5 to 100 cm, allowing you to luxuriously decorate the space, filling it everywhere.

A weighty argument in favor of the hosta placed on the site is its durability, which allows up to 30 years to enjoy its contemplation on its site.

Types and varieties of hosts

It is necessary to know how these plants are grouped in order to provide for the correct neighborhood. Hostas are beautiful flowers with more than two thousand varieties to choose from, and they will delight gardeners with their appearance for decades. Functions vary greatly in size, so this parameter is decisive for selecting groups:

  • less than 10 cm - Miniature, miniature (Mini);
  • up to 25 cm - Dwarf, dwarf (D);
  • up to 40 cm - Small, small (S);
  • up to 60 cm - Medium, medium (M);
  • up to 90 cm - Large, large (L);
  • up to 150 cm - giant (XL).

Another parameter by which these plants can be classified is color:

  • blue - these plants are distinguished by a bluish-gray wax coating (Grand Master, Blue Cadet, Stenantha, Love Pat);
  • variegated - these are hostas with a border of light shades: yellow and golden, beige and white;
  • green - plants with the most various shades green (Green Fountain, Lancifolia, Royal Standard, Invincible);
  • media variegated - the leaf of such hosts is light (cream, white or yellow), and the border is dark green;
  • yellow - these include all hostas with yellow leaves.

The arrangement of the leaves of the plant also helps to distinguish their separate subgroups: with leaves up, falling and horizontal.

It should be noted that the most variegated color is inherent in medium-sized and small plants, while large and medium-sized plants are more often blue and green.

The flowering of the hosta is of little interest to the owners. Most often, they try to get rid of the buds due to a violation of the shape of the bush, which loses its attractiveness and falls apart. The exceptions are varieties of plantain with inflorescences that have the finest aroma, vaguely reminiscent of a lily, lilac and violet.
Variegated hosts: Volwerine, Middle Ridge, Great Expectations, Gypsy Rose, Patriot, Spilt Milk.

Light or shadow? What's better?

One of the main advantages of the plant is its shade tolerance, which makes the host attractive to gardeners. Therefore, the best landing site is partial shade or shade, and after flowering decorative properties are completely preserved. But it must be remembered that for some plants a sunny place will be suitable for planting, but there is a risk of losing varietal properties: the size, color and shape of the leaves. A prerequisite for successful growth, it remains to provide shade on a hot afternoon, then the host will grow well. Leaves turn yellow and burns appear on the plant under the scorching sun. It would be wise to plant from the side of the sun-loving perennial flower or bush.

It is noticed that light-loving hostas have yellow and white stripes or spots. These are most often flowers with a white border on the leaves. For varieties that have a yellow color in the color of the leaves, good tolerance is characteristic of both light and shady areas. But for blue varieties, only a shadow is needed, it is in it that amazing properties and a waxy sheen of leaves will be preserved. In a heavily shaded area, the hostas will grow more slowly, but they will please with spectacular and large leaves, and the plant will be larger in height.

How and where to choose planting material?

Planting flowers is a serious matter, and the choice of planting material should be approached responsibly. For reliability, bare roots should be purchased at a store or garden center. It is better if they are sprinkled with sawdust or peat, because they can be seen immediately. To avoid rotting, it is necessary to remove them from the mixture for a thorough inspection. If there are rotten fragments, then they must be cut off. Roots acquired at the end of winter - beginning of spring, dry, should be put in the cellar or in the refrigerator, in the fruit compartment, where the temperature will range from 0 to 4 degrees.

In the case when the buds hatched and began to germinate, and it is too early to plant in the ground, the root is lowered into a solution of potassium permanganate or "Epin" and planted in a pot with loose soil. The flowerpot is placed in a cool place, and watering is carried out from the pallet. And they plant such a host in open ground only in late spring - early summer, so that all frosts are behind.

When purchasing plant roots in April-May, you can safely plant them directly into the ground, deepening the buds by 3-5 cm. But it is best to buy hostas from collectors in the fall and transplant from soil to soil immediately.

How to make a transplant?

Even a novice florist can cope with a transplant of such unpretentious plant as a host. This is just a godsend for busy people who daily care behind the plant is reduced to a minimum. The most favorable time for transplantation is spring. With the advent of new shoots, you can start transplanting. The plant calmly tolerates a summer transplant, taking root easily. In autumn, they are transplanted a month before the onset of cold weather, this will allow the plant to take root and take root. You need to know that some varieties allow only an autumn transplant, because in the spring their root system does not develop. This applies to the Siebold and Tokudama varieties, as well as their hybrids.

The plant is not capricious, therefore it is undemanding to soils, but preference is still given to humus loams, which are provided with a sufficient amount of moisture, but do not allow it to stagnate. If the soil is poor, then humus, sawdust, sand and mineral fertilizers are added. Soil acidity should be maintained at an average level.

Before planting, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden where the plant is planned to be transplanted should be watered several hours in advance.

A drainage layer is poured into a hole 40 cm deep, the roots are straightened and, avoiding voids, sprinkled with fertile soil. Then everything is watered abundantly. The root neck should remain at the level of the soil, the roots are covered with a layer of peat. When mass planting, the size of an adult plant is taken into account. The distance must be maintained for large specimens - 1 m, for medium plants - 50 cm, and for dwarf species - up to 20 cm.

What are the features of cultivation?

Amazing hosta flower! Care is required intermittent, which is important for busy owners. The plant responds with vigorous growth to fertilization. This procedure is best done in the fall.

To obtain luxurious flowers, one should take into account the characteristics of the type of hosta, maintain the distance between plants, and transplant in time. It is not recommended to allow waterlogging of the area, because this will rot the roots. There is nothing complicated in caring for this plant. It is unpretentious and responds with gratitude to the meager attention of the gardener.

How to care for a hosta in the garden?

Planted in semi-shady and shady corners of the garden, the host looks perfect both alone and in various combinations. Varieties creeping along the ground look luxurious, covering the ground around tree trunks with a green carpet and preventing weeds from sprouting in other parts of the garden. Artificial ponds and alpine slides without this plant would look poor.

To obtain a lush plant and abundant flowering, it is necessary to maintain moderate soil moisture and fertilize on time.

To preserve the appearance of the plant, some flower growers very often remove buds and arrows. But there are also lovers of flowering specimens. So, the hosta with white flowers Grandiflora has large inflorescences that exude an aroma reminiscent of violet or lilac. Planted in a row along the alley, these plants will please lush bloom after noon. In this species, during flowering, the shape of the plant will not suffer, the bush will not fall apart.

Propagation by seeds and cuttings

To grow a plant from seeds, you need to take only fresh hosta seeds. Seeds aged in moderate cold give friendly shoots for three months. But you can expect a full-fledged bush only in the fourth year.

Most flower growers prefer propagation by cuttings. This is best done in spring or late summer. Even the smallest cuttings grow very quickly. Young sockets with small leaves will ideally take root in a new place. Cuttings after planting require abundant watering, shading and spraying at first. Such a plant will live in one place for more than a dozen years, therefore this moment should be taken into account when planning the site. Cut-off cuttings at the fracture site are treated with ash.

Features of watering and top dressing

Moisture-loving plants will feel great near the pond, but moisture stagnation should not be allowed. Watering should be regular. When transplanting a plant, the first 2 weeks it is necessary to water it daily. Mature plants with a well-developed root system are watered once a week. Before the onset of cold weather for a month, watering stops.

Plants should be fertilized with a slowly dissolving granular complex fertilizer. Top dressing is done twice a season.

Organic fertilizers in the form of humus in the heat should not be abused, because the roots can rot. Top dressing is also required for foliage, nourishing and protecting them from burns.

If necessary, you can use growth stimulants - means "Zircon" and "Epin-Extra".

Carefully! Pests

Like every plant, hostas also have enemies.

  • Rainy summer threatens with the invasion of slugs, which can significantly damage the plant. Superphosphates, tobacco dust and ash, scattered with a strip near the plant, will not be to the liking of pests.
  • Nematodes can infect plants. Blisters on the leaves indicate their presence. Having found this, they get rid of the plants. For prevention, before planting, you can place the roots cleaned from the ground for half an hour in water (70 degrees) with the addition of potassium permanganate.
  • "Leopard spotting" of leaves cannot be cured. A viral disease will destroy the plant and spread to neighboring flowers, so the bush is uprooted.

Shady corners of your garden can be very beautiful - they add some variety and mystery to it. Hosta will make even the most problematic places, such as under the crowns of trees or on the north side of the house, as spectacular as the best parts of your garden. She is not bothered by limited access to light, with her your most shady places will never be empty.

If you want to decorate your garden with an unusual and bright plant, pay attention to this perennial, which strikes the imagination with the beauty of magnificent variegated leaves, collected in lush armfuls.

What you need to know about the host before landing?

hosta , or Funkia - genus of perennials herbaceous plants, which includes more than 40 species. The birthplace of the flower East Asia and the Far East.

In nature, the bush grows in shady areas, not far from water bodies. It is noteworthy that the Chinese eat this plant, and believe that it is endowed with sacred divine power.

The best places to land hostas are:

  • semi-shaded place, sheltered from the winds;
  • soil with a high content of humus, drained, well-moistened, with neutral or weak acidity.

Varieties with a light green-yellow tint of leaves are more light-loving than blue ones, which are best planted in the shade.

Plant it in early May, when the danger of frost has passed. Feed the site with organic fertilizers half a year before, and dig it up.

We plant hostas in open ground:

  • prepare holes at a distance of 40-60 cm for normal, and 90-100 cm for giant varieties;
  • prepare the seed: water the seedlings and remove them from the pot along with the earthy clod, check the cuttings and divisions for damage or rotten roots, if any, then remove;
  • place divisions or seedlings together with an earthen clod in holes 2 cm below ground level;
  • spread the roots (for cuttings or cuttings), cover with earth, water;
  • mulch the ground around the seedling.

Even an unpretentious perennial requires care.

Taking care of hosts requires you to control two important things: high content humus and soil moisture.

The first 4 years after planting fertilizer can not be applied. It is enough to mulch the soil around it once a year. It is also permissible to use liquid mineral fertilizers once every 14 days in the first half of summer (for poor land with a low content of nutrients).

The soil around the bush should be constantly moistened. Water it in the morning, avoid getting water on the leaves. Make sure that the flower is not affected by diseases and pests. If necessary, use special preparations, or remove the diseased plant from the site.

If you notice that the edges of the leaves have darkened, increase watering. Moderate moisture in the soil is the basis for caring for this hosta.

The peculiarity of the plant is that after flowering, the rosette loses its shape. To prevent this from happening, some gardeners cut off flower stalks at the formation stage. 5 years after planting, cuttings can be separated from the root and transplanted to another place.

September is the time to prepare for rest. If the perennial has flower stalks, remove them. During this period, you can do the division of the bush.

How to transplant a perennial?

Hosta is propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings, and by sowing seeds. The first method is used at the end of summer: the root is divided into parts that are transplanted to new places. In the same way, young cuttings are separated from the root system of the bush.

Hosta from seed?

Hostas do indeed reproduce well from seeds. When planting with seeds, pre-treat the seed with root, epin, or other growth stimulants. If this is not done, the percentage of similarity is no more than 75%. Some flower growers claim that you can improve the quality of seeds by placing them in a cool place for several months. Sowing seeds is done in the second or third month of spring.

The soil for planting seeds must be sterile. The best way- special soil mixture purchased in flower shops. It should include vermiculite, perlite, and peat.

Stages of planting a perennial:

  • disinfect the pot;
  • place drainage on the bottom of the tank, cover with soil, moisten;
  • place the seeds on the ground, and sprinkle them with a thin layer of soil (no more than 7 mm);
  • cover the containers with seeds with a film, and store at a temperature of no more than 19-25 degrees.

Under these conditions, the first shoots will appear in 14-20 days from the date of sowing. They need to be protected from direct sunlight, and spray the soil with water as it dries.

When 2 leaves appear on the shoots, transplant them into a spacious container along with a clod of earth. Cover the soil in new pots by a quarter with sand. Water the seedlings through the tray. From this moment, the seedlings are ready for gradual hardening: temporary and final removal of the film, placement on Fresh air at a temperature of 18 degrees. It is important to remember that a hosta grown from seeds develops very slowly, but it needs proper and regular care more than an adult bush.

Why is the hosta not growing, what kind of care does she lack?

Slow growth and unhealthy appearance is a sure sign of the disease. A the best treatment any illness is the right regular care. Healthy bushes have a high resistance to various adverse factors. Try to grow these perennials in places where there is sunlight and shade in the afternoon. Hosta does not like extremes - neither dense shade nor bright sun. Grow it in moist, well-drained soil, and don't let the soil dry out completely.

The most common perennial pests are field mice. They love both the tops of the plant and their roots. Therefore, if you see holes next to it, you already know the answer to the question - why does the host grow poorly?

Keep voles away from your hosts by carefully weeding weeds as they attract mice. Install a protective wire border near it to make it harder for voles to get to the plant. Make it at least 20 cm high and about 15 cm below ground level so that the voles do not burrow in your flower bed. See how a mouse-proof bush comes to life in a year:

Another problem is viral diseases that show up as tiny spots and leaf distortions. These viral diseases are difficult to manage, effective chemicals there is no fight. However, you do have some leverage to manage this situation. Buy perennials from reliable sources. Disinfect your garden tools regularly. For already infected hives, the option is to remove and destroy them.

They will decorate the north side of the house and the space under large trees, places under the fence and in narrow shady passages.

Host varieties delight with their diversity and beauty.

In the darkest corners of your suburban area these perennials will grow and thrive if you give them a rich, loose, wet soil and provide them with minimal care.

Then, you can be sure that the hosta will delight you with its magnificent view for more than one year.

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