Show MDF doors. Making interior doors with your own hands

Landscaping and planning 03.03.2020
Landscaping and planning

Today, MDF doors are becoming more and more popular. They are practical and inexpensive. But what is MDF and what are its features?

Material Features

To understand, we first decipher the abbreviation. MDF is a material made from wood chips that are pressed into sheets. required size. Also, for a strong connection of the formation, carbamide resins are used, which serve as an adhesive.

MDF is highly environmentally friendly, because melamine is added to the resins. This reduces the likelihood of toxic emissions when heated.

It is worth avoiding unscrupulous manufacturers using other adhesives that may be unsafe and of poor quality. Fortunately, such doors are rather exceptions to the rule. Ideally, MDF doors are a very high-tech material that successfully replaces solid wood doors.

Advantages and disadvantages of MDF doors

At this material lots of strengths, which helps him to confidently win a leading position in the markets from cheap chipboard.

Advantages of MDF sheets:

  • Ease. The weight of these products is much lower than that of competitors, thanks to which these doors can be installed in the openings of partitions. In addition, the low weight of this material will eliminate such a problem of long-term operation as sagging over time.
  • Strength. Although MDF is made from wood shavings, the manufacturing process makes it very durable. It is able to withstand strong mechanical stress (shocks, scratches, rubbing). Naturally, this quality grows with the thickness of the sheet.
  • Price. This plus, together with the first two, are main reason the popularity of MDF. natural wood is very expensive, and the result of value for money is often not in favor of solid wood masses. In addition to the thickness of the sheet, the price also depends on the external decor.
  • Moisture resistance. The surface of MDF is able to withstand moisture. We are talking, of course, about a moderate amount of moisture. This is achieved by adding special additives.
  • Life time. MDF board is very durable, as it does not rot. Small defects that appear over time are successfully masked. Although it is worth noting that the restoration is a more complicated process than the restoration of a wooden door.
  • Soundproofing and thermal insulation. Even not the thickest MDF sheets retain sound quite well and keep the heat in the room.
  • Thermal resistance. Such doors will withstand strong temperature changes.

Despite this list, these advantages do not apply to all doors made from MDF. Below are the disadvantages of doors made of this material, which also do not apply to all instances, but mainly to the cheapest models with low quality material.

Disadvantages of MDF sheets:

  • A fire or even a spark on the surface can lead to a fire;
  • Water can ruin them hopelessly;
  • Thin sheets will not withstand a direct blow;
  • Products from thick layers with high quality exterior trim are not cheap.

The device of doors from MDF

The cost of the final product is mainly determined by the type of canvas. Below is the structure of the two main ones.


Panel boards look like a single canvas, although they are decorated with various artistic inserts. The structure of such doors can be divided into three parts: frame, inner space and upholstery. The main difference between such doors is connected with the interior space or, to be more precise, with its content.

The frame is often made of pine timber, and MDF sheets are attached on top of the frame. Thus, a hollow space is formed inside, which is usually filled with hardboard or cardboard. Inside, the canvas consists of many small cells, which maintains the lightness of the design.

Doors with this design are also called masonite. But the interior space of the highest quality models is completely filled with MDF. This significantly increases not only the strength of the door, but, unfortunately, its weight.


The second type of canvas is paneled. How are interior doors made of this canvas arranged? In addition to the frame framing the canvas, the array is located in the middle in the form of inserts. Thanks to this, a higher strength of the door is achieved.

To make the coating look uniform, MDF sheets are glued on top of the frame. The internal contents of such doors are filled with glass or MDF panels.

Varieties of canvas coatings

In addition to the type of leaf, the quality and price of the door is affected by the external coating. Many people think that coverage is exclusively decorative element. But it's not. The ability to withstand moisture, temperature extremes, shock and other types of impact depends on the coating.

Most often, the following categories of materials are used to cover MDF doors:

  1. Natural veneer. This type of lining is completely natural, which makes it the most expensive of all. Doors with such a coating are a direct alternative to completely wooden ones. Natural veneer is a thin layer of wood that is applied under great pressure to the door.
  2. Ecoveneer. An analogue of the first option, but the price for it is more democratic. At the same time, wood is also used in its production. What is the difference? For eco-veneer, a very thin cut is removed from the rock. After that, the plates are glued together and the resulting material is cut across. This is how the sheets used for coating are obtained. Ecoveneer is sometimes called artificial veneer.
  3. PVC film. It allows you to make doors colored and even apply drawings to them. Applying a film on canvases with any complexity of relief is possible in a special chamber used in production. Two main advantages of PVC film: low price and the highest moisture resistance.
  4. Laminate. This type of coating is similar to PVC film. But unlike it, the laminate consists of two layers: decorated paper and a protective film. This film can be made from different materials, but the highest quality (and most expensive) are made on the basis of melamine. Melamine makes the finish more durable and resistant to mechanical stress.
  5. Enamel. The main advantage of enameling the door is complete freedom in choosing shades. In modern interiors, this becomes a very important factor. The enamel is applied in several layers, after which a protective coating is applied on top.

The final stage of finishing is varnishing. The varnished product looks more expensive.

The varnish increases wear resistance and preserves the internal contents of the web.

How to choose a quality MDF door

The widespread distribution of MDF doors is facilitated by the fact that they are presented in almost all price categories. When choosing a door, you must not forget that the price is directly related to quality, since the price is affected by the thickness of the MDF sheet, the filling and type of canvas, and the type of coating.

Below are the characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing a door.

Cladding material

This characteristic is the main one from an aesthetic point of view. Of course, the best option is veneer, but you can choose good substitute. The film also looks great, the gluing of which is made on all production rules. You can check this by visually making sure that the surface has no defects.

Product edge

You need to make sure that the edge is firmly attached to the base material. Best Option there will be a dense plastic edge. Glued paper as an edge is not only not durable, but can also emit harmful fumes.

door lining

The door cladding should look presentable externally and successfully perform its protective functions. To reduce the likelihood of non-compliance with the declared characteristics of resistance to external influences, it is worth purchasing doors with a guarantee.


Increasing sound insulation is facilitated by accessories that come with the door leaf itself: a threshold and rubber bands for the box.

Thickness and filling of the canvas

These characteristics also affect sound insulation. You also need to consider where the door will be inserted. If it is installed in bearing wall, then it is better to opt for doors that are entirely made of MDF. For partitions, it is recommended to use light and inexpensive options.

The variety of prices and models of MDF doors makes them suitable for all types of housing. Anyone, even the most capricious buyer, will be able to find an option that meets his needs.

Surely, during the repair, renovation of the interior of an apartment or house, everyone was faced with the question of which interior door to choose. Not everyone knows what it is - MDF doors?

The buyer certainly wants the purchased door leaf to be durable and beautiful in appearance, to be affordable and of high quality. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of doors from various materials for every taste, color and wallet. One of the most popular are constructions made of MDF.

Material Description

MDF is an abbreviation English words Medium Dencity Fiberboard, which translates as "medium density fiberboard." Or you can decipher MDF as "fine fraction". It is made from sawdust crushed to a powder state by pressing. Sawdust is glued together with a special compound under pressure and high temperature.

Using a canvas from this material:

  • door production;
  • furniture manufacturing;
  • like MDF panel on iron door;
  • arrangement design solutions and decorative materials.

The breadth of application is due to the excellent qualities of the material, allowing you to easily and quickly process the product, and guaranteed long term operation.


Like any other material, MDF has its pros and cons. As advantages it is worth noting:


Now it is clear what it is - MDF doors. Consider the disadvantages of the product:

  1. The material absorbs moisture and swells. It is because of this shortcoming that buyers sometimes refuse to buy a door and install it in the bathroom. In defense of the material, it is worth noting that a high-quality canvas has a moisture resistance index of 60%. Besides, good door processed around the perimeter with wax or paraffin, due to which moisture access to MDF is limited.
  2. Fragility. Some models of doors require only MDF paneling, but inside they are hollow, so they are easy to break with a few powerful blows of the hand. Paneled and tsargovy options for doors are a one-piece design, the strength of the canvas is ensured by the pine timber inside.

The structure of the canvas

MDF interior doors (photos are presented in the article) have four main components:

The base of the door - and the outer covering, glass elements and overlays are additions and may be missing. The most popular are panel and panel doors.

The panel model is a solid canvas or with decorative inserts. It consists of a frame, an internal filler and a coating.

Paneled doors are stronger and more expensive than panel doors, since their internal space is filled with horizontally or vertically arranged wooden inserts.

Coating: veneer, film

The quality of the canvas and its cost largely depend on outer coating. Most buyers believe that it has an exclusively decorative function, but this is not entirely true. The wear resistance of the fabric, its moisture resistance, resistance to mechanical stress, burnout, abrasion and other external influences depend on the coating.

Having considered what it is - MDF doors, let's dwell on the difference between veneer or film coatings:

  1. Natural veneer is one of the most expensive facing materials, since it consists of 100% natural material and may well replace wood. For the manufacture of the door covering, the thinnest wood cut is removed, on which the textured pattern is preserved. Then, using an adhesive base, it is applied to the canvas and covered protective layer.
  2. Eco-veneer is also made of wood, but it is less expensive. This is due to the fact that during production, thin longitudinal sections are removed from the tree, glued together under pressure, and only then is the cross section necessary to cover the canvas made.
  3. Film. One of the main advantages of PVC film is the ability to give the door any color and decorative pattern. The canvas is installed in a special chamber, where a film is applied under the influence of pressure and temperature. It is distinguished by the best moisture resistant performance and low cost, however, it has less resistance to mechanical stress.

Types of coating: laminate, enamel, varnish

Doors to an MDF apartment can also be covered with such materials:

  1. The laminate has characteristics similar to the film and consists of two layers. The first is decorative, the second is protective. A better coating in the composition has a substance called melamine, thanks to which the finish is durable and wear-resistant.
  2. Enamel. In a modern interior, doors covered with enamel are very often used. It is applied to the canvas in several layers and finally fixed. protective coating.
  3. Lacquer is the final layer that protects the inside and outer surface from wear and tear. In addition, it serves as the finishing touch in the production of the door and makes it more attractive.

How to choose a quality door?

The cost of an MDF door directly depends on its quality. It takes into account the thickness of the door leaf, coating, filling and other indicators.

Selection Tips:

  1. The edge along the perimeter of the product should fit snugly against the canvas.
  2. The door covering must be made of high quality material.
  3. It is good if the manufacturer gives a guarantee for their products.
  4. In addition to the door leaf, it is worth inspecting its components. If they have sealing gum, a nut and are professionally made, then quality comes first for the manufacturer.
  5. There should be no chips, dents, scratches or bubbles on the canvas.

Often buyers choose white MDF doors. This decision is explained by the fact that it is convenient to paint the canvas and give it the necessary design.

Required tools for installation

When a person figured out what it is - MDF doors, and plans to install the structure of the house, then you need to have the necessary inventory at hand:

  1. Saw.
  2. Building level.
  3. Chisel.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Perforator.
  6. Roulette.
  7. A hammer.
  8. Rectangle (ruler).
  9. Self-tapping screws.
  10. Pencil.

DIY installation

You can save time and money if you install the door yourself. This work is not the most difficult and is within the power of a man who knows how to handle tools.

Installation of doors from MDF is carried out in several stages:

  1. First of all, a box is assembled on a flat horizontal surface. Two beams are installed at the bottom of the door and on top of it, which, as a rule, come with the kit.
  2. A small gap of 3-5 mm wide should remain between the timber and the door leaf. The top bar is sawn off at an angle of 90 °, and then the top bar is adjusted. Its length is measured, holes are drilled from the sides, later the right and left beams will be screwed into them with self-tapping screws.
  3. Then the lower part of the box is tried on to the floor. A timber of the same size as the top bar is sawn off. Holes are drilled in the floor, into which the threshold will be attached in the future with the help of self-tapping screws.
  4. The next step is to mark the place where they will be attached door hinges. Professional installers recommend stepping back from the threshold 20 cm up and from the top bar 20 cm down. Recesses are made with a chisel to “drown” the loops. Holes for screws are pre-drilled in the extensions. Next, the loops are screwed on.
  5. Since there are three types of door hinges: right, left and double, respectively, the direction of opening the door is taken into account during installation. Room divider implies the presence of two loops, before inserting which marks are made on it with a knife along the perimeter of the loop.
  6. Holes are hollowed out with a chisel for them. Fasten the hinges to the door leaf with self-tapping screws. Now you can proceed with the installation of the entire box, it is installed in the doorway and fixed. During installation, wedges are inserted every 50 cm.
  7. Next, a door is installed, while the vertical lines are checked using a plumb line. After adjusting the door, proceed to fill the cracks and voids mounting foam. When it dries, cut off the excess with a sharp knife and proceed to framing with platbands.
  8. The final stage is the coating of the door leaf with a colorless varnish. This is an optional process and is optional. In order not to spoil the door, paint it carefully and slowly. It is best to cover with two layers, each of which should be thin and without smudges, otherwise there is a possibility of swelling of the canvas.

MDF doors are durable and relatively lightweight structures that have good external characteristics. Such products are perfectly combined with different textures and colors of finishes, therefore they are often used in classic and modern interiors.

On the site you will find a wide selection of inexpensive interior doors made of MDF with veneering. We offer safe and environmentally friendly products manufactured in accordance with international standards quality.

Product Benefits

MDF is boards pressed from wood chips. The material is environmentally friendly and extremely practical, therefore finished goods have a number of advantages:

  • Variety of designs and shades. The ease of processing the material allows you to create concise and original models. Designs are often made using veneer of various colors, complemented metal fittings etc.
  • Resistance to high humidity. Fiberboard models are often used even in the kitchen or bathroom.
  • Wear resistance. Average service life door panels is over 10 years old.
  • Good sound and thermal insulation. Products help to improve the sound insulation of rooms, provide comfort and coziness, due to which they are often used as a second entrance door.
  • Environmental friendliness. Designs are made using high quality and natural materials do not pose any health risk.

Manufacturer order

Our company "Principe" is engaged in the manufacture of MDF doors of both economy class and the "medium" and "medium +" categories. The catalog contains more than 250 models of various colors and sizes, which will allow you to choose a cheap or elite option for any apartment. We offer favorable prices for delivery and installation of products in Moscow, check with our manager for details.

You can independently buy the goods you like using the site or by phone. We will also be glad to see you in our retail stores!

Any repair work will be incomplete without replacing interior doors. The selection of products is impressive. It is difficult for an unprepared person to independently deal with such an assortment. Among all modern materials, from which products are made, the most popular is MDF (fine fraction). Such popularity is due to its practicality of the material and affordable price. But in order to understand what MDF doors are, you need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

MDF interior doors in appearance are not inferior to solid wood products, and their cost is much lower. Today, MDF is the best alternative to natural wood, and according to some characteristics, this material is even better.

The weight interior door MDF depends on the design.

  • Panel hollow products weigh about 10 kg, filled with honeycomb cardboard a little more.
  • The weight of a panel door depends on the coating and the amount of glass. The average weight of a glazed veneered sheet is 25 kg.
  • If the door frame is made not from pine bars, but also from MDF, then the weight of the canvas becomes much larger.

Material Features

MDF - boards made of wood shavings. They are made from wood waste. In technology, this process is similar to the manufacture of low-density boards. But it excludes the use of toxic materials (synthetic resins, phenol). Bonding occurs due to the stickiness of the wood. Chips of fine dispersion are exposed to high temperature, under the influence of which a natural sticky substance (lignin) begins to be released from it.

Reliable bonding is achieved by applying strong pressure to the press. To provide better connection shavings use urea resins. So that when the canvas is heated, it does not emit harmful substances using melamine. Other adhesives adversely affect the quality characteristics. Of all modern MDF materials the most durable, environmentally friendly and safe.

Many manufacturers produce high strength MDF - HDF. It is made by hot pressing wood fibers. This material is in no way inferior to solid wood.

The device of doors from MDF

Every year MDF interior doors become more popular. To meet the needs of customers, the production of MDF doors is carried out in accordance with fashion trends.

Used for decoration different types glasses: frosted, transparent, tinted, smoky, textured. A rich palette of shades allows you to choose products for any interior.


Such products are very popular for arranging rooms with modern interior. They have a special design. In the production of doors, a single leaf is used. The main components: frame, filler and finish.

For the manufacture of the frame, pine timber is used. MDF sheets are attached on top of it, empty cavities are filled with hardboard or cardboard. Lightness and good insulation the door is achieved due to the hollow cells of the filler. Often the panel canvas is decorated with glass inserts. Expensive and high-quality constructions from MDF internal filling have from the same material.


The basis of the canvas is the frame. For its manufacture, solid wood or glued beams are used, which have undergone careful selection and drying. The frame consists of two uprights, connected by horizontal crossbars - tsargs. FROM inside grooves for the panel are cut. By itself, the frame of four elements is wobbly. For reinforcement, auxiliary jumpers are used to provide spatial rigidity. The design is resistant to distortions, kinks and deformations. For filling use glass and MDF panels. Paneled doors mdf have both modern and classic look.

Decorative coatings

The outer lining of the door affects the cost. It depends not only decorative properties products, but also resistance to temperature extremes, moisture, mechanical stress, abrasion, sunlight and other negative factors.

There are several types of MDF door covering:

  1. Doors for painting. Manufactured from medium density fibreboard. Products are unfinished. Primed are on sale. It remains only to decide on the color, paint and cover the canvas. Such doors are MDF finish harmoniously fit into any interior.
  2. Painted. They differ from the first option in that they are already covered with enamel. Color palette unlimited and the choice of shades is able to satisfy the most whimsical consumer. This explains the growing popularity for painted MDF doors. Enamel coating is carried out in several layers, and is fixed on top with a protective compound.
  3. Laminated. Laminated MDF doors are manufactured using film coating technology. It can be made from different materials, but melamine is considered the highest quality. Cellulose-coated products are more common. Such MDF doors have a beautiful appearance, low cost and light weight.
  4. PVC coated. The use of such material allows you to give the product any color and pattern. On the door from MDF film PVC is fixed by exposure to high temperatures and pressure. This technology of applying finishing allows you to paste over structures with high quality even with a very complex design. The material has good performance(high moisture resistance, wear resistance and durability).
  5. Veneered. Among all existing species are the most expensive. Made from natural wood owing to what has the same characteristics, as well as a tree. The high cost of this finishing material due to the fact that valuable species of wood are used for its production. They cover interior doors made of MDF with veneer under pressure. For better gluing, a special glue is used. The door leaf is varnished for protection and resistance to negative impacts. external factors. This gives the product a chic and more expensive look.
  6. Ecoveneer. it artificial material that allows you to accurately copy the pattern valuable breeds tree. For production, natural wood fibers and a synthetic binder are used. Products are resistant to a wide range of temperatures and humidity. Such a surface is difficult to scratch, it can withstand light impacts.

What you need to know about choosing a quality MDF door?

In order to buy a high-quality and reliable product, you need to know the features of choosing MDF sheets.

  • It is necessary to carefully examine the ends of the product, on which there are often various defects.
  • The surface should be perfectly smooth without chips and blisters.
  • In models with glass inserts, it is necessary to check how securely and firmly the glass is held.
  • In the event that the door must provide good sound insulation, the design is equipped with a special rubber band for the box and a sill. The insulating properties of the web are affected by its thickness.

Advantages of MDF

Like any material, MDF doors have pros and cons.

The main advantages of MDF include:

  • Despite the fact that the material is made of chips, it has high strength and physical resistance.
  • Even canvases of small thickness have good soundproofing characteristics.
  • The material has excellent resistance to temperature extremes.
  • The plate has a long service life and is not deformable, thanks to the addition of special compounds.
  • Environmental friendliness. The material does not emit toxic substances.
  • Price. The optimum ratio of price and quality.

Only high-quality MDF doors have such characteristics.

Disadvantages of MDF

Canvas selection good quality and proper operation will completely neutralize the cons.

How to care for an MDF door?

The daily care of these products is the same as for any other. It is enough to wash the MDF interior doors and wipe dry in order to prevent swelling and delamination of the canvas. Do not use products with abrasives, so as not to damage the surface of the MDF door. And also it is necessary to ensure the optimal level of humidity in the room.

To clear greasy spots from MDF doors it is necessary to wash them with soapy water. If one procedure does not help, then it must be repeated.

The plates are distinguished by high strength, excellent soundproofing characteristics, and are resistant to temperature changes. Due to the introduction of special components, the material does not deform and is durable in operation. MDF panels are environmentally friendly, do not contain or emit harmful substances. The main advantages of interior doors made of this material:

  • light weight. Products are light, do not sag under the weight of their own weight;
  • biological stability. Models are resistant to damage by microorganisms and fungi;
  • save the form. Interior doors made of MDF do not crack or deform under temperature and humidity fluctuations;
  • durability. Depending on the manufacturing technology, the average service life is at least 10 years.

Types of interior doors from MDF

There are panel and panel door structures. In the first case, the frame is made on the basis of a pine beam, and on top of it are attached finishing plates, hollow parts are filled with cardboard or hardboard. Paneled interior doors are made on the basis of a frame of vertical posts and horizontal sides, and the filling is done with MDF panels or glass parts. Outer covering of hinged or sliding models it can be different: natural veneer, PVC film, laminate, enamel, eco-veneer, etc. Check out the options for colors, textures, product characteristics in order to buy the option you like inexpensively with delivery in Moscow. Place an order for white and other types of MDF interior doors through the online shopping cart.

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