A selection of games for preschoolers with elements of sports games. Material on the topic: Sports and outdoor games for preschool children

garden equipment 10.10.2019
garden equipment


The place and importance of sports games in kindergarten

Types of sports games adapted for children preschool age(elements of basketball, football, badminton, towns, table tennis, hockey

Features of conducting sports games with preschoolers (elements of technology, training in methods of action, lead-up exercises, organization of the game)

Conditions for conducting sports games in kindergarten


List of used literature

sports game preschool


The relevance of the course work. Sport games represent a very important section in a number of means of physical education of preschoolers.

They should contribute to the consolidation and improvement of the studied exercises or solve independent tasks for the development of physical qualities.

Mobile and sports games strengthen the health of the child, develop motor qualities, skills, improve the rhythm and accuracy of movements, contribute to the improvement of the activity of the main physiological systems of the body - the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, improve the physical development of children, the education of moral and volitional qualities. It is very valuable that sports games and exercises contribute to the education of preschoolers. positive traits character, create favorable conditions to develop friendships within the team. They are held outdoors in summer and winter, which is an effective way to harden a child.

A huge role in the physical development and upbringing of the child belongs to the game - the most important type of children's activity. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral-volitional and physical qualities. The educational value of the game largely depends on the professional skills of the coach-educator, on his knowledge of the psychology of the child, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, on the correct methodological management of the relationship of pupils, on the clear organization and conduct of possible games.

Particularly exceptional conditions for the development of physical qualities, outdoor games reveal the true nature of the child. It is here that collectivism, perseverance, perseverance, courage and honesty are acquired, the formation of the spiritual and physical qualities of the individual takes place. In addition, outdoor games serve as a means of aesthetic education.

Outdoor games with elements of sports are included in the current program of physical education of all educational institutions, including kindergartens.

The objectives of the course work are:

To give general characteristics conditions for sports games in kindergarten

Practical significance: the materials of this course work can be recommended for use in their professional activity educators, leaders of physical education in preschool institutions.


Coursework contains 24 pages, 16 sources

Keywords: physical education, competitive method, outdoor games with elements of sports

Object of study: sports games in the system of physical education of preschoolers

Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature.

The purpose of the course work: to study the importance of sports games as an effective means of educating children of senior preschool age of a positive attitude towards sports.

Objectives of the course work:

Determine the place and importance of sports games in kindergarten

To reveal the types of sports games adapted for preschool children (elements of basketball, football, badminton, towns, table tennis, hockey)

To study the features of conducting sports games with preschoolers (elements of technology, teaching methods of action, leading exercises, organization of the game)

Give a general description of the conditions for conducting sports games in kindergarten

1. Place and importance of sports games in kindergarten

Outdoor games are a complex emotional activity of children aimed at solving motor problems, based on movement and the presence of rules. An outdoor game activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes; improves movements, develops their coordination; forms speed, strength, endurance; teaches children to act in accordance with the rules, to act consciously in a changing game situation; to know the world; activates memory, representations; develops thinking, imagination; replenishes the vocabulary and enriches the speech of children; teaches to act in a team, to obey general requirements; forms honesty, justice, discipline; teaches to make friends, empathize, help each other, develops a sense of rhythm, contributes to the mastery of spatial terminology.

Sports games are complex outdoor games. These are types of game competitions, the basis of which are various technical and tactical methods of defeat in the process of confronting a specific target with a sports equipment (usually it is a sports ball, the goal is a goal, a playground, etc. of rivals); the content and organization of sports games are regulated by official rules. Most sports games are complexes of natural movements, exercise(running, jumping, throwing, hitting, etc.) performed by a player or interacting partners in the fight against an opponent and aimed at creating game situations that ultimately ensure victory. In many sports games, athletes enter into a direct, contact struggle. The wide distribution of sports games is due to their accessibility, the relative simplicity of content and organization, the strength emotional impact for participants and spectators.

There are sports games:

team (for example, volleyball, handball, cricket, all types of hockey);

personal (for example, bowling, curling, chess, checkers) and games that exist as personal and team (for example, badminton, golf, table tennis, tennis).

Kindergarten educator and physical education instructor preschool play a very important role in educating preschool children in a positive attitude towards sports through sports games. The structure of their activities requires the development of perceptual, design, constructive, didactic, expressive, communicative, academic and special abilities. Thus, the successful activities of a teacher and instructor in physical education of a preschool educational institution require theoretical training and practical skills.

Qualitative transformations of the motor sphere of children at senior preschool age occur on the basis of the improvement of feelings and movements, the development of motor abilities. Children of this age should be given the opportunity to show their abilities, skills, to use their motor experience in a variety of ways. At the same time, it is very important that the child independently find solutions, show initiative, creativity, and feel free.

As the study of the practice of physical education in preschool educational institutions showed, elementary outdoor games are clearly not enough to solve these problems. High interest in games containing complexly coordinated motor actions is biologically determined and is associated with qualitative changes in the development of the child's body.

2. Kinds of sports games adapted for preschool children

Sports games are types of gaming competitions, the basis of which are various technical and tactical methods of defeat in the process of confronting a specific target with a sports equipment (usually it is a sports ball, the goal is a goal, a playground, etc.)

The data of studies and practitioners have shown that outdoor games with elements of sports games are possible and recommended in the older groups of the kindergarten. They are introduced when children are already independently organizing outdoor games. Games with elements of sports games require more composure, organization, observation, a certain technique of movements accessible to children, and a quick motor reaction than in outdoor games.

The unifying feature of those and other games is the commonality of health-improving, educational and upbringing tasks, the emotional upsurge caused by them, and the possibility of improving movements. However, if in outdoor games children use versatile actions, while showing creative initiative, then in games with elements of sports games there is a certain limitation of movement, determined by the specifics and accuracy of the technique of motor actions of this game. The teams have a fixed number of participants, their duties are distributed, the duration of the game is limited in time, the rules determine the accuracy of motor actions. The conditions for the games require a prepared place, site markings, appropriate equipment, and inventory. In these games, children receive the correct skills that meet the general requirements of the technique of sports games, which eliminates relearning in the future and is important for preparing for school.

It is extremely important to take into account the developing role of joy, strong feelings, unfading interest in the results of the game. The child's enthusiasm for the game enhances the physiological state of the body.

Sport exercises replenish and enrich the vocabulary with such words as “racquet”, “shuttlecock”, “racket” (of a badminton or tennis player), “towns”, “skittles”, “bat”, etc. nervous tension help the free expression of emotions.

There are the following classifications of outdoor games:

by complexity;

motor content;

degree of physical activity;

the use of aids and shells;

on the predominant formation of physical qualities.

Classification of outdoor games according to the predominant formation of physical qualities:

games for the formation of dexterity;

games for the formation of speed;

endurance building games;

power building games.

Classification of outdoor games by motor content:

walking games;

running games;

climbing games;

jumping games;

throwing games.

The classification of outdoor games by complexity is presented in Table. 2.

table 2

Classification of outdoor games by complexity

Elementary gamesComplex gamesStory games have a ready-made plot and firmly fixed rules, game actions are associated with the development of the plot and with the role played by the child. These games are mostly collective (small groups and the whole group). Folk games Plotless games contain motor game tasks that are interesting for children, leading to the achievement of a goal that they understand. These are: games like dashes, traps (they do not have a plot, images, but have rules, a role, game actions) games with elements of competition (individual and group) simple relay games (are conducted with division into teams; the child seeks to complete the task in order to improve team result) games with the use of objects (skittles, serso, ring toss, grandmas, “ball school”) require certain conditions; the rules in them are aimed at the order of arranging objects, using them, the sequence of actions of the players, plus an element of competition in order to achieve the best results. motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions and often include an element of competition Game exercises, where each child acts separately, following the instructions of an adult. Sports games (towns, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey) require composure, organization, observation, mastery certain technique of movements, speed of motor reaction. At preschool age, elements of sports games are used, and children play according to simplified rules.

The amount of load on the child's body depends on:

on the accuracy of fulfilling the conditions of the game;

from the emotional coloring created by the adult leading the game;

from the role of the child in group games;

on the nature of the child himself, the degree of his excitability.

Classification of outdoor games according to the degree of physical activity

Games of high mobility Games of medium mobility Games of low mobility The whole group of children participates at the same time; they are built mainly on such movements as running and jumping. The whole group actively participates, but the nature of the movements of the players is relatively calm (walking, passing objects) or the movement is performed by subgroups. Movements are performed at a slow pace, besides, their intensity is insignificant (walking games, games for attention)

Based on the above classification of outdoor games, as well as the description of sports games in paragraph 1.1, we can say that most sports games belong to difficult games great mobility with running, jumping, throwing and the formation of all basic physical qualities.

Thus, sports games require good level development of basic movements and physical qualities.

The basic movements are the movements that are vital for a person, which he uses in his diverse activities: walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing; a constant, necessary component of these movements is a sense of balance. The main movements are dynamic. They put into work a large number of muscles and increase the vital activity of the whole organism, activating all physiological processes. Thus, they have a holistic effect on the body, contributing to the physical development and recovery of the child. .

Among the main types of movements that are most important in sports games, one should single out running (football, handball), jumping (volleyball, basketball), throwing (handball, basketball, hockey).

Physical qualities are innate morphological and functional qualities, due to which the physical (materially expressed) activity of a person is possible, which receives its full manifestation in the purposeful motor activity. The main physical qualities include muscle strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and agility. With regard to the dynamics of changes in indicators of physical qualities, the terms "development" and "education" are used. The term development characterizes the natural course of changes in physical quality, and the term education provides for an active and directed impact on the growth of physical quality indicators.

Among the physical qualities most important in sports are speed (football, hockey, handball, table tennis, badminton), agility (towns, badminton, basketball), endurance (football, hockey, handball), strength (hockey, rugby) and flexibility. (table tennis, badminton)

So, in order to successfully engage in sports games, children of senior preschool age should improve the basic types of movements and physical qualities that are primarily necessary for this sports game.

Features of conducting sports games with preschoolers (elements of technology, training in methods of action, lead-up exercises, organization of the game)


Badminton is a sports game with a shuttlecock and rackets, full of various movements and combinations.

In the preschool educational institution, acquaintance and training with the elements of the sports game "Badminton" begins from the senior preschool age. On the initial stage training includes exercises and games with a racket and a shuttlecock.

The goal of the game is to prevent the shuttlecock from falling on your court and land it on the opponent's side. The simplicity of the rules makes it possible to play on any small playground, lawn, beach, etc.

Before the game, the preschooler is introduced and taught: with a shuttlecock; how to hold a racket; with racks and movement; with submission; with blows.

Familiarization with the shuttlecock. A preschooler is introduced to the qualities of a shuttlecock: its weight, size, they are taught to determine the speed of the shuttlecock after an impact, the dependence of the speed of flight on the force of impact. For this, exercises and games are held with a shuttlecock, as well as with a racket and a shuttlecock.

How to hold a racket. The racket is held with the right hand (or the one that is more comfortable) with four fingers below and the thumb above, just like a hammer at the end of the handle (Fig. 1).

Stand and move. The preschooler is facing the net, legs slightly bent. Body weight is evenly distributed on the forefoot. The shoulder girdle is slightly shifted forward. The racket in the arm bent at the elbow is located at the level of the thigh. The player moves around the court with running or small side steps. The main requirements for movement are speed, ease, timeliness.

Innings. When serving a shuttle, you need to stand in the center of the field with your left side to the net, put your left foot forward, transfer your body weight to your right foot. Hold the shuttlecock with the left hand by the feathers. The arm with the racket is bent at the elbow joint and laid back and up. The player hits the cap of the shuttlecock with a net. After giving, the preschooler turns his torso to the net, while transferring the weight of the body from the right leg to the left.

Blows. In badminton, hitting is done in a variety of ways. They are usually divided into strikes on the right and strikes on the left. When hitting from the right, the palmar surface of the hand is facing the shuttlecock (Fig. 2), when hitting from the left, the back. Right hand and left hand strikes are performed from above and below.

Preparatory exercises with a shuttlecock;

Shuttlecock and racket exercises (together);

Preparatory exercises that develop the mobility and elasticity of the wrist joint;

Movement around the site;

The first game of badminton, over the net, lasts 3 to 5 minutes. After the children have learned the essence of the game, you can play the game according to the rules: serving in turn; if the shuttle is not hit over the net, the team loses and the serve goes to the other team. Periodically, it is recommended to give the child to perform exercises with the left hand (if the child is "left-handed" - with the right hand), so that both hands develop evenly.

Exercises and games with a racket and a shuttlecock contribute to the development of such valuable qualities as speed, agility, endurance, accuracy and coordination of movements, an eye, strengthens the muscles of the hands.

Teaching the sports game "Badminton" should be based on the age characteristics and physical capabilities of the preschooler


Basketball is team game, in which the joint actions of the players are determined by a common goal. It is complex and emotional, includes fast running, jumping, throwing, carried out in originally conceived combinations, carried out with the opposition of partners in the game.

Before you start playing basketball, you must follow the following sequence of exercises leading to the development of this game:

) teaching the technique of moving and holding the ball; passing the ball; dribbling;

) throwing the ball into the basket.

Movement technique

To successfully master the actions with the ball, it is necessary to teach children such movement techniques as standing, running, jumping, turning, stopping.

Children should be taught to accept and continue to maintain the basic stance of a basketball player: the legs are bent at the knees, spaced shoulder-width apart, one of them is set forward half a step. The body is directed forward, its weight is distributed evenly on both legs. The arms are bent at the elbows, pressed to the body.


Children run around the playground with the ball in their hands. They play freely on the court, perform different movements with the ball; after the teacher’s signal, they quickly catch the ball and take the correct stance.

Children become in a circle. Everyone runs in a circle, taking the correct stance at the signal.

Movement on the site is carried out by running in combination with walking, jumping, stopping and turning. While running, the child should put his foot on the whole foot.

Children without balls are distributed in a circle, facing its middle, at a distance of 2-3 steps from each other. They move with side steps in the direction indicated by the teacher. The teacher often changes the direction of movement.

Children stand in 2-3 columns at a distance of 2-3 m from one another. The columns slowly move forward at a regular pace; after the teacher’s signal, those standing first move with an added step facing their column to its end and become the last.

Stops. Preschool children should be taught to stop with two steps. The stop begins with a vigorous push off with one foot. The child takes an elongated, stopping step and, deviating slightly onto the supporting leg, performs the second step. When learning to stop, the following sequence should be followed: stopping after walking at a walk, then after a slow run, after a fast run, and a sudden stop.

Ball holding technique

The pace of the exercises and the course of the game depend on the level of possession of the ball. Therefore, the main attention should be paid to the technique of holding and performing actions with the ball.

Formation of the feeling of the ball. When forming actions with the ball, it is necessary that the child feels the ball as part of his body, learns to control it easily and accurately.

The task of the first stage of training is to develop in children certain skills to handle the ball, therefore, at the initial stage of training, it is advisable to give free games with the ball in physical education classes and in independent motor activity, without aiming to develop the technique of these actions.

Children need to be introduced to some properties of the ball, showing that the height of the rebound depends on the force applied to the ball, the throw distance depends on the weight of the ball, as well as on the force applied to it. Then the teacher offers to play with the ball, throwing it up, down, transfer it from one hand to another, etc. In exercises, children get used to the ball, learn to control it. When teaching preschoolers to play basketball, ordinary large rubber balls are used.

Holding the ball. Great importance has proper ball control. Starting position: hold the ball at chest level with both hands. In this case, the arms should be bent, elbows down, hands behind the side of the ball, fingers wide apart; the thumbs are directed towards each other, the rest are up and forward.

Rules for holding the ball:

Keep the ball at chest level.

Hands are bent, fingers are widely spaced.

Elbows down, arm muscles relaxed.

Catching the ball. It is necessary to teach children to meet the ball with their hands as early as possible, forming from their fingers, as it were, half a hollow ball into which the ball should fit. The child follows the flight of the ball, and as soon as the ball touches the fingertips, he must grab it and pull it towards him with a shock-absorbing movement. At the same time, it is necessary to bend the legs so as to take the position of the original stance.

Rules for catching the ball:

Catch the ball with the hands, not pressing it to the chest, moving towards the flying ball.

Without holding the ball in your hands, quickly pass it.

Passing the ball. Simultaneously with catching the ball, it is necessary to teach children to pass it with both hands from a place, later on in motion. Children should be taught to pass the ball from the correct stance, holding the ball with both hands at chest level. When passing, the child should describe with the ball a small arc to the body down - on the chest and, extending his arms forward, send the ball away from himself with an active movement of the hand, while simultaneously extending his legs.

Ball passing rules:

Drop your elbows down.

Throw the ball at chest level.

Follow the ball with your eyes and hands.


The construction is the same. The ball is held by one child from the first line. He passes the ball to a partner from the second line, he returns the ball to the first line. The second child from the first line throws the ball to the child in the second line opposite, and so on. The last child, having caught the ball, runs forward and becomes the first in his line.

Three children stand in a triangle. They take turns throwing the ball to each other.

Three children stand in a triangle, they have one ball. Children pass the ball to each other. After the transfer, the child moves to the place of the one to whom he threw the ball.

Dribbling. At the initial stage of training, children of the age of six are more accessible to dribble with a high rebound, because it does not require a low stance. Then it becomes possible to teach the child to move on bent legs. And finally, he easily learns to dribble the ball with the usual bounce in a straight line, with a change in direction.

When wielding a sword, children learn to move on slightly bent legs, leaning slightly forward. The hand leading the ball is bent at the elbow, the hand with freely spaced fingers is superimposed on the ball above and away from you. The player performs pushes of the ball somewhat to the side of himself, evenly.

Basic mistakes: children hit the ball with a relaxed palm; many try to dribble the ball directly in front of them, which interferes with forward movement.

Ball dribbling rules:

Do not hit the ball, but push it down.

Dribble the ball from the front - from the side, and not directly in front of you.

Look forward, not down at the ball.

When learning to dribble, it is advisable to first use preparatory exercises: hitting the ball with both hands, hitting the ball with the right and left hands in place, dribbling in place alternately with the right and left hands. After the child learns to control the ball with both hands confidently enough, you can move on to dribbling in motion, first by walking, then by running.


Dribbling the ball in place, actively pushing it down with the right, then with the left hand.

Dribbling the ball in place alternately with the right and left hand.

The group consists of 6 people, and subgroups are placed along the entire length of the site. The first player dribbles the ball to the second, passing the ball, he himself remains in his place; the second dribbles to the third and does the same. The last - returns to the place of the first.

Children are built in columns of 4-6 people. Skittles are placed in front of each column at a distance of 1-2 m from each other. After the teacher's signal, the children dribble, bypassing the first pin on the right, the second on the left. They dribble the balls back in a straight line, pass the next one and stand at the end of the column.

Throwing the ball into the basket. The movement of passing the ball and throwing it into the basket are similar in structure. Therefore, training in throwing the ball into the basket can also be limited to instilling the skills of throwing with two hands from the chest and one hand from the shoulder. Holding the ball at chest level, the child should describe a small arc down to himself with it and, straightening his arms up, throw it with simultaneous leg extension.

Throwing the ball with two hands from the chest is used mainly when throwing the ball into the basket from a place. Throwing the ball into the basket after dribbling or after catching it, when the child receives the ball, running to the center, is most often done with one hand from the shoulder.

When throwing with one hand from the shoulder from a place, one leg is put forward half a step forward. The ball is in the palm of the arm bent at the elbow joint and held by the other hand. Unbending the legs while simultaneously straightening the arm with the ball up and forward, the child directs the ball into the basket with a soft push of the hand.

Rules for throwing the ball into the basket:

When throwing the ball, do not lower your head, accompany it with your hands.

Look at the leading edge of the ring if you are throwing while standing directly in front of the basket. If you're not in a straight line in front of the basket, bounce off the backboard - aim at the spot you want to hit with the ball.


Children are built in two columns of 4-6 people in each, opposite one basket. One column takes place on the left side of the basket, the other - on the right. Those standing first perform a throw, catch the ball and stand at the end of their column. The next children repeat the same.

5-6 children freely position themselves in front of the basket, each with a ball. After the teacher's signal, the children throw the ball, trying to get into the basket as often as possible.

First, the teacher shows and explains to the children the rules of aiming, then invites them to throw the ball to the shield, then gives the task to throw the ball over a highly suspended net, rope, etc. (150-170 cm). When they learn how to just throw the ball to the basket, you should offer to hit it in any way. It is advisable to gradually increase the height. Convenient stand with variable ring height.

During the preparatory period, children master the basic concepts: stick, stick hook, puck, etc. At first, children play with small clubs without skates. During this period, the child's hands get used to being weighed down with a stick, children acquire dexterity, learn to maneuver, hit the puck, etc. With small clubs, children try to drive an ice floe into a hole, circle or gate. They play the games “Pass the puck”, “Who will catch the puck to the circle faster”, etc. From the very beginning, it is important to teach how to hold the club correctly, naturally, with both hands - with the right (strong) hand at the end of the stick, with a grip from above (1.5-2 cm back), and with the other hand a little lower - with a grip from below. The stick must be held in such a way that the hook with the lower edge is completely adjacent to the ice. During the game, do not intercept the stick with your hands. In the hands of the player, it should be light, obedient. For this, children are offered exercises: swinging their arms with a club, moving the club around the body, from one hand to another, rotating the club, holding it with both hands, etc.

The puck can be dribbled in two ways: smooth dribbling, when the hook of the stick is in continuous contact with the puck, and receiving the so-called “cutting the puck”, when the puck is dribbled with light hits of the hook to the right and left.

How to throw a puck with a stick? When throwing to the left and. p. - legs shoulder-width apart and slightly bent, right leg slightly ahead of the left, stand in a half-turn to the target, the puck with the stick to the left of the player. During the shot, the puck does not come off the blade of the stick. Shots of the puck on the right are similar to shots on the left.

When children have mastered the skill of moving on skates, you can offer a game of ice hockey according to simplified rules.

In the preparatory period, children are given exercises on skates to develop a sense of dexterity, the ability to maneuver, etc. Children are invited to slip between the towns, trying not to hit a single one; go for a run on skates, pushing a rag ball or a wooden puck with a club; or run all together on skates to the line (10-15 m). Everyone leads his puck on the ice with a stick. The one who crosses the line first wins.

Then the children try to drive their puck into the goal, marked with paint on the ice. The winner is the one who first drives the puck or ice into the goal 3 times.

It is preferable to play hockey on a small playground (15x7.5 m) in the kindergarten area. This impromptu skating rink is surrounded by meter-high snow banks. Children are even offered goals with a metal case and a net, 1.8 m in size. Children's clothes when playing hockey should be light, free, not restricting movement.

When a hockey game is planned for a walk, the teacher carefully considers the game plan. Children, putting on skates, run out onto the ice, go 2-3 laps on skates, perform a number of exercises at a fast pace, first without a stick, and then with a stick. After that, the children are offered to learn some technique, for example, puck throws from the left, etc., then the game is played.

The lesson ends with slow skating with a change in pace and direction (without a stick).

The organization and methodology of conducting sports games is carried out according to the following scheme:

Characteristics of games. Compared to real "adult" sports games, games for preschoolers are simplified in terms of content, rules, number of participants, and the introduction of tasks for collective competition. The physical development and individual characteristics of children are taken into account.

Explanation of the game. Such a sequence of explanation is desirable: name the game and its idea, briefly state the content, emphasize the rules, recall movements, distribute roles, distribute attributes, place players on the court, start game actions. If the game is familiar to children, then instead of explaining, you need to remember with them individual important points. If the game is difficult, then it is not recommended to immediately give a detailed explanation, but it is better to do this: first the main thing is explained, and then all the details as the game progresses. The teacher explains the rules before the game and then asks questions to make sure all the children understand the rules of the game. Before the game, children can tell the rules themselves or answer the questions of the teacher.

Management of the game. The teacher directs the game, watching it from the side. But sometimes the teacher participates in the game if, for example, the conditions of the game require an appropriate number of players. Makes comments to those who violate the rules, suggests actions to those who are confused, gives signals, encourages children, monitors the actions of children and does not allow static postures (squatting, standing on one leg), regulates physical activity, which should increase gradually.

Summing up the game. The teacher notes those who showed dexterity, speed, accuracy of hitting the opponent's goal (platform, basket), followed the rules. Names those who break the rules. The teacher analyzes how success was achieved in the game. Summing up the game should take place in an interesting and entertaining way. All children should be involved in the discussion of the game. This teaches them to analyze their actions, causes a more conscious attitude towards the implementation of the rules of the game and movements.

Conditions for conducting sports games in kindergarten

Outdoor and sports games are held in physical education classes, as well as on walks. For each month, 3-4 new games are planned and a repetition of 4-5 already familiar outdoor games. The explanation of the new game for children is given both in the classroom and on a walk. The teacher must clearly explain the content and rules of the game, show where the players should be and how to act. Systematically during walks, the educator organizes individual game exercises to teach children the basic movements (for example, “stand like a heron” - stand on one leg on a stump, on the side of the sandbox; “overcome an obstacle” - climb the gymnastic ladder, climb over to its back side and go down)

In order for children to learn to play on their own, games should be repeated (to learn the rules of the game, techniques for performing game actions). The organization of games by the children themselves, the introduction of additions, complications into their rules, the introduction of new roles, the inventing of games based on the content of familiar fairy tales and poems should be encouraged in every possible way. It is necessary to satisfy the interest of children in their favorite games, offering them new game attributes, sports equipment. The teacher can take a direct part in the game or watch the players, making instructions during the game. Knowing the individual characteristics of children, the teacher regulates their motor activity and evaluates their actions in different ways. Sedentary children are entrusted with leading roles and attracted to the performance of special exercises, praised for a well-executed task and a manifestation of determination; easily excitable restrains, reminds of the implementation of the rules.

Given that children of this age show interest not only in the process of performing a movement, but also in the quality and results of exercises, the teacher should facilitate the organization of games with elements of competition. For their implementation, a variety of exercises are selected, provided for by the physical education program, accessible, interesting for children and corresponding to their physical capabilities. The number of exercises for children of six years of age in one game increases to 8-9 and may include basic movements, elements of sports games and exercises, actions with various toys and aids. Tasks should not be too easy, otherwise the children will lose interest in their implementation, and not too difficult, which can cause a feeling of insecurity. Pairs, teams, groups of participants should be selected in such a way that each of them contains inactive and mobile children, which would provide equal opportunities for each team to achieve success. It is very important that in the course of the game, children get used to helping their leaders, helping out comrades from difficult situations, maintaining friendly relations with their peers who won the game.

Particular attention should be paid to the equipment of the indoor sports area, so that in their free time, children can organize games themselves. The children are provided with balls, jump ropes, cubes, hoops, flags, ribbons, ring throws, serso, skittles, sandbags, ropes different lengths, planar allowances (squares, plywood circles).

A peculiar form of showing the achievements of children in various types of movements, in the manifestation of such qualities as speed, dexterity, courage, in the application of self-organization skills are sports holidays. They are held 3-4 times a year for up to an hour and a half and, as a rule, are associated with the seasons. For example, a winter holiday is associated with seeing off winter, and a summer holiday can be timed to coincide with the end of the school year or Children's Day.


Sports games are types of gaming competitions, the basis of which are various technical and tactical methods of defeat in the process of confronting a specific target with a sports equipment (usually it is a sports ball, the goal is a goal, a playground, etc.

In the older groups of the kindergarten, sports games are practiced according to simplified rules, elements of sports games. They are introduced when children are already independently organizing outdoor games. Games with elements of sports games require more composure, organization, observation, a certain technique of movements accessible to children, and a quick motor reaction than in outdoor games. They are selected taking into account the age, state of health, individual inclination and interests of the child.

Sports games strengthen large muscle groups, develop psycho physical qualities: strength, speed, agility, endurance. In sports games, the child's mental activity increases, orientation in space, intelligence develops, speed of thinking, awareness of one's own actions occurs. The child learns to coordinate his actions with the actions of his comrades; restraint, self-control, responsibility, will and determination are brought up in him; his sensorimotor experience is enriched, creativity develops.

Sports games enable each child to feel the importance of participating in joint activities, helping each other to achieve results and success, i.e. introduce children to the universal values ​​of human life: kindness, collectivism, mutual assistance.

Most popular sports games (football, hockey, basketball, handball, tennis, badminton, rugby, etc.) are complex games of great mobility with running, jumping, throwing and the formation of all basic physical qualities. Therefore, sports games require a good level of development of basic movements and physical qualities.

In the classroom, educators and teachers - physical education instructors use theoretical training, which provides information at a level accessible to preschoolers, for example: the history of the emergence of games; national games with elements of sports; achievements and successes of Russia in this field of sports; achievements and successes of local athletes in this field of sports; conversations with preschoolers about outstanding athletes; showing photos, slides, videos, reading books on the topic "Sports games" with their subsequent discussion.

The importance of teaching the elements of sports games lies in the fact that sports games contribute to the improvement of the activity of the basic physiological systems of the body (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory), improvement of physical development, physical fitness of children, education of positive moral and volitional character traits, create favorable conditions for education friendly relations in the team, mutual assistance, form an interest in physical culture, the need for independent studies, satisfy the biological need for movement, foster a love for sports.

In addition to practical exercises in sports games, which form and develop the main types of movements and physical qualities in older preschoolers, theoretical classes are held with children.

Theoretical classes devoted to sports games (conversations, watching movies and videos, reading books, etc.) are followed by a subsequent discussion, during which preschoolers passionately and interestedly express their opinion, defend and defend their point of view, are useful form moral, aesthetic, volitional education, education of a positive attitude to sports.

List of sources used

Aksenova N. Increasing the level of physical activity and dosage of physical activity in physical education classes // Preschool education, 2000. No. 6. P. 37-48.

Arshavsky I. A. Your child may not get sick. - M., 1990. - S. 7.

Bocharova N. Physical culture and sports holidays in kindergarten: new approaches, guidelines// Preschool education, 2004. No. 1. P. 46-51.

Vavilova E.N. Develop strength, dexterity, endurance in preschoolers: A guide for the teacher of children. garden. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981.

Vavilova E.N. Teach to run, jump, climb, throw: A guide for the educator of children. garden. - M.: Enlightenment, 1983. - 144 p.

Voloshina L., Novichkova L. We play basketball // Child in kindergarten, 2001. No. 3.

Voloshina L., Lunina T., Novichkova L. We play hockey // Preschool education, 2003. No. 1. P. 34-39.

Keneman A.V., Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children.-M.: Education, 1985.-271p.

Kozhukhova N.N., Ryzhova L.A., Samodurova M.M. Physical education teacher in preschool institutions: Proc. allowance for students. higher and middle ped. educational institutions / Under the editorship of S.A. Kozlova.- M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.-320 p.

Lyakh V., Panfilov N. Develop coordination abilities // Preschool education, 1991.- No. 7.-p.16-19.

Osokina T.I. Physical Culture in kindergarten. M., "Enlightenment", 1973. 288 p. from ill.

Family sports games in kindergarten for older preschoolers (5-7 years old) and parents of pupils.

Solodova Marina Dmitrievna, physical education instructor, Kindergarten No. Yu.A. Gagarin”, Sakhalin region, Aniva city.
Material Description: I offer you family sports games for older groups (5-7 years old) and parents of pupils. This material will be of interest to physical education instructors of preschool institutions, educators, as well as for physical education teachers primary school. Family sports games are aimed at the active interaction of the instructor with the children and parents of pupils in the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
Target: introducing children and adults to an active lifestyle, to take a direct part in the educational process of the preschool educational institution.
- create a cheerful and joyful mood in children and their parents;
- to carry out the relationship in the physical education of children between the kindergarten and the family;
Competition No. 1 "Fast legs"
The participants of each team are built behind the start line in a column one by one, in the hands of the guides relay baton. On a signal, the junior player of the team runs out from behind the starting line, runs in a straight line to the turntable, runs around it, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next member of the mother, and he himself stands at the end of his column, the mother runs around the turntable, runs around it, returns and passes the baton to dad, dad continues the baton. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Competition No. 2 "Walking with bags on the head"
Each team is given a bag of sand. The first participant goes with a bag on his head to the counter, bypasses it and goes back, passes the bag to the next participant. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.
Competition No. 3 "Inflatable balls"
Participants are built behind the common start line in a column one at a time. The child has an inflatable ball in his hands. On a signal, he moves forward, holding an inflatable ball in his hands to the turntable and back. Mom does the same, but knocks out the ball with a tennis racket, dad - with a gymnastic stick. The first family to complete the task wins.

Competition No. 4 "Pull the pasta"
In front of the teams, there is an equal amount of pasta on the table, who will quickly string them on a thread.

Competition No. 5 "Salute"
Balls of four colors are scattered around the hall. Each team, on a signal, collects the balls of its color in a box. Having collected all the balls, the team is built on the start line.

Competition No. 6 "Musical"
Teams are offered six melodies without words, they must guess what this song is, the guesser quickly rings the bell.
Competition No. 7 "Roll the ball with a hoop"
With the help of a hoop, you need to roll the ball over the distance, put it in the basket and run back, pass it on to the next baton.
Competition No. 8 "Basketball"
Send to the ring
You need a basketball.
Only the accuracy of the hands and the accuracy of the eyes
Allows you to hit more than once.
Dads put the child on their shoulders. Mom is serving a basketball. The child must hit the basketball hoop with a throw. Five attempts per team, the number of hits is counted).
Competition No. 9 "Dimble couple"
You need to carry the ball, holding it with your foreheads, standing opposite each other, to the flag and back" - parents play.

Dance Competition No. 10 "Best Dance"
Couples are offered the melodies "Polka", "Russian folk", "Tango", "Quadrille", by choice they must dance dances to these melodies.

Competition No. 11 "The most dexterous dad"
The game “Traps” is played with all the children present at the holiday. Ribbons are distributed - “tails”. The dad with the most ponytails wins.

Competition No. 12 "Blanets for soup"
At the end of the hall on a plate are 5 potatoes, 2 carrots and onions. Mom runs cuts five potatoes, takes them and runs to the finish line, puts them in the pan, then dad runs and peels the carrots, takes them and puts them in the pan, the child runs takes the onion, runs back and puts the onion in the pan. Who will complete the task faster.

Competition No. 13 "Water drinkers"
Families simultaneously drink compote from straws from a glass.

Competition No. 14 "Victory"
There are easels in front of the teams, next to them are three syllables with the word PO - BE - YES. In turn, mom, dad, child - they take syllables, run to the easel and line up the word VICTORY

Good luck!

Junior preschool age

"Kick the ball into the goal!"


Rules: Take turns rolling the ball so that it rolls into the goal

Game progress: Children sit on chairs. A gate is made in the middle of the site (the teacher puts two chairs). Opposite the gate on each side at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m, draw along the line. The teacher calls one of the children to one of these lines, he stands in front of the child on the second line and rolls the ball through the gate. The child catches the ball, rolls it back to the teacher and sits down. Next comes the next child. The game ends when all the children roll the ball over the goal.

Benefits: Gates

Location: In the sports hall of the dow

Complication: Children must roll the ball with one hand


Junior preschool age

"Bring the ball!"

Target: Teach children to throw with one hand over the head

Rules: Chase the ball and throw it as far as possible

Game progress: Children sit on chairs placed on one side of the playground; a line is drawn at a distance of 2-3 steps. The teacher calls 5-7 children who stand on a line at a certain distance from one another. A teacher stands next to them, who has balls in the basket according to the number of children called.
To the teacher's words: "One, two, three, run!" and throws forward all the balls from the basket. Children run after the balls, each one catches up with a certain ball, catching it, approaches the teacher and puts the ball in the basket. Then the children sit down in their seats. The next group of children enter the line. The game ends when all the children bring the balls to the teacher.

Benefits: Chairs according to the number of players, balls of small diameter

Location: In the sports hall of the dow

Complication: Children must throw alternately with their right and left hands.

Literature: O.E. Gromov. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Junior preschool age

"Pass the ball"

Target: Prepare the muscles of children for such a basic movement as throwing from behind the head

Rules: Pass the ball in the indicated direction

Game progress: The children stand in a circle with the teacher. The teacher has a large colored ball in his hands, he lifts it up and says: "Yana" (his name), turns his body to the right or left (for an agreement) and, passing the ball to the child, calls her name (for example, Andrey). The child who receives the ball lifts it up, says his name - "Andrey", and, passing the ball to his neighbor, calls his name - "Seryozha", etc. The game ends when the ball gets to the teacher again.

Benefits: Big colored ball

Location: In the sports hall of the dow

Complication: When the game is repeated, the ball is passed in the other direction.


Junior preschool age

"Chicken Ball"

Target: Teach children horizontal throwing (rolling) with two hands Rules: Chase the ball and throw it as far as possible

Game progress:

Children sit on the carpet in a semicircle. The teacher stands at a distance of 1 - 2 m from the children and rolls the ball to each player in turn. Children catch the ball with both hands and roll the ball back to the teacher.

Benefits: Ball

Location: In the group, the gym of the preschool educational institution

Literature: O.E. Gromov. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Junior preschool age

"The little ball catches up with the big one"

Target: Prepare the muscles of children for such a basic movement as throwing with two hands from below

Rules: Pass the balls in the indicated direction with both hands between the legs

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. The teacher stands next to them and gives a big ball to the child who is standing on the right side. Children pass the ball around. When the ball is approximately in the fifth child, the teacher gives the children a ball, but already small. Children also pass it around in a circle. The game ends only when the teacher has both balls. The teacher marks the children who correctly and quickly passed the ball. When the game is repeated, the teacher gives balls from the left side.

Benefits: One big ball and one small ball

Location: In the gym, group preschool

Complication: When the game is repeated, the balls are passed in the other direction

Literature: O.E. Gromov. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

"Hit the Object"

Target: Teach children to throw alternately with the right and left hand from behind the head

Rules: hit the target

Game progress:

Children sit across the room. A circle is drawn in the center of the room (diameter (1.5 - 2 m). Place a box (40 cm high) in the middle of the circle. Put two balls or two bags (filled with squeak) in the box for each child. The teacher takes 4 - 5 children , who approach the box, take two balls and stand on the circle line at a distance of 1 m from the box and at a certain distance from one another.
At the “one” signal, the children all together throw the balls with their right hand into the box (target). At the signal "two" - they throw the balls with their left hand. The game ends when the children throw two balls each.


Location: In the sports hall of the dow Complication:

Literature: O.E. Gromov. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

Target: Teach children to throw alternately with the right and left hand from behind the head

Rules: Chase the ball and throw it as far as possible

Game progress:

Children sit on chairs at a distance of 1-2 m from this line. The teacher puts in advance on the line, for each of the children, two bags of the same color (the weight of the bags is 100 - 200 g). The children who are called by the teacher (you can call 5-4 people each), picking up a bag, stand on a line at a distance of outstretched arms from one another. At the signal of the teacher, the children throw the bag forward with their right hand, and the second with their left.
The teacher marks the children who have thrown further. Children pick up bags and put them in their places. Behind them other children throw bags. The game ends when all the children have taken part in the game. Location: In the sports hall of the dow Complication: Children should not throw millet, but hit a large target

Literature: O.E. Gromov. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

"Get in the hoop!"

Target: Teach children to throw alternately with the right and left hand from behind the head, development of accuracy

Rules: Hit a vertical target - hoop

Game progress: Divide the children into columns and plant them at opposite ends along the room. Place two targets (vertical) in the middle of the room. Before each target, place two bags (weighing 150 g) on ​​the line. The distance from the target to the line is 1.5 - 2 m. Children from two columns come to the line, take the bags in their right hand and, at a certain signal from the teacher "one", throw the bags at the target. Then they take the bags in the left hand and, on a repeated “one” signal, throw the bags at the target with the left hand. Then the bags are collected and placed on the line, sit down in their places. The teacher notes which of the children got into the hoop. Then the rest of the children from both columns go to throw, etc. The game ends when all the children throw the balls at the goal.

Benefits: Two bags of the same color, for each child, weighing 100 - 200 g

Location: In the sports hall of the dow

Complication: Children must throw bags with their eyes closed

Literature: O.E. Gromov. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

"Who should roll the ball?"

Target: Teach children horizontal throwing (rolling) with two hands

Rules: Knock down rolled cubes with a ball

Game progress: Children are divided into four groups. Each group is assigned a specific color: red, green, blue, yellow. A line is drawn in the middle of the playground, on which there are balls, two for each child. At a distance of one meter from this line, a second, parallel line is drawn, on which the cubes stand (at a distance of 10 - 20 cm from one another). On the flag raised by the educator, for example, red, the children, to whom the educator has determined the red color, take the balls in their right hand and stand in front of their cubes. At the teacher's signal "one", the children roll the balls in the direction of the cubes, at the signal "two" they roll with their left hand. The teacher marks the children, they hit the cube. Children collect the balls and put them on the line, then sit down in their places. On a raised flag of a different color, for example, green, there are children who have green color, and the game continues. The game ends when all groups of children roll the balls to the cubes. The teacher marks the group of children who had more hits and knocked down cubes.

Benefits: ball, cubes

Location: In the sports hall of the dow

Complication: Introduce a competitive moment for a while between teams

Literature: O.E. Gromov. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

"Two balls"

Target: Prepare the muscles of children for such a basic movement as throwing with two hands from behind the head

Rules: Pass balls in the indicated direction with both hands overhead

Game progress: Children stand in a circle at arm's length from one another. The teacher gives two balls to the children who are standing nearby. On the “one” command, the children begin to pass the balls, along the top, one on the right side of themselves, and the other on the left. When the balls meet at the children who are standing nearby, these children go to the middle of the circle, throw the ball at the target, catch up with it, with the ball they come to the children who are standing in a circle nearby, and give them the ball, and they themselves stand in their places. The game continues. The teacher marks the children for whom the ball has never fallen when passed to another.

Benefits: Two balls of the same size

Location: In the sports hall of the dow

Complication: When the game is repeated, the balls are passed in the other direction.

Literature: O.E. Gromov. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

senior preschool age

"Discus Throwing"

Target: To teach children how to throw into the distance with a turn, the development of accuracy

Game progress: Put the children in a line in front of the line. Place several cardboard disks on the line in front of each child. At the signal "one!" children throw discs with their right hand as far and as fast as possible. On the signal "two!" children throw discs with their left hand. The teacher notes the children who did better on the task.

Benefits: Several cardboard disks

Location: In the sports hall of the dow

Complication: When repeating, children should knock down a toy by throwing a disc.

Literature: O.E. Gromov. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

senior preschool age

"Roll the hoop to the flag"

Target: Teach children horizontal throwing (rolling) alternately with the right and left hands

Rules: Roll the hoop to the flags without dropping it once.

Game progress: Children are divided into 3 - 4 columns. On the line opposite each column lies a hoop. The first of the columns go to the line, take the hoops and stand in their original position .: the hoop and left foot are placed on the line, the fingers of the left hand lightly support the hoop, the stick is adjusted to right hand. At the teacher's signal "one!" children roll hoops to the flags, which are installed on the opposite line (at a distance of 15 - 20 steps). The one whose hoop never falls on the way to the flag wins. The game ends when all the children roll the hoops to the flags.

Benefits: Hoops, indicative flags

Location: In the sports hall of the dow

Complication: When the game is repeated, a competitive moment is introduced for a while between teams, change hands

Literature: O.E. Gromov. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

senior preschool age

"Get in the hole!"


Rules: Get into the chestnut hole

Game progress: Children are divided into 2 groups. A child comes out of each column and stands in a line. 5 holes were made in front of the child (15 cm in diameter, the distance between which is 0.5 m). The pits are arranged in one row and numbered in a certain order. The child stands at a distance of 0.5 m from the first hole. The teacher says the number of the hole, for example 2, and two children throw a chestnut into the named hole - first with the right hand, and then with the left. Then the next couple comes out and throws chestnuts into another hole, for example 4, etc.
The game ends when one of the columns scores a certain number of points, for example 10. At the end of the game, mark the column in which the children scored the most points.

Benefits: chestnut fruit, shovel

Location: On the site


Literature: O.E. Gromov. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

senior preschool age

"Hit the ball!"

Target: Development of the eye, accuracy, accuracy of throwing and right hand

Rules: Get into the chestnut hole

Game progress:

Children sit on one side of the playground. There is a table in the middle of the court, along the edges of which lie large balls. Children in pairs go to the line (at a distance of 1 m from the table), where small balls lie opposite the large ones that lie on the table. To the teacher's signal: "Ready!" children raise the balls, at the signal "one!" throw them at big balls, trying to knock them off the table. The child who hits the ball with his right and left hand wins.

Benefits: Large and small balls by the number of children playing

Location: In the sports hall of the dow

Complication: When repeating the game, a competitive moment is introduced for a while between the participants

Literature: O.E. Gromov. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Change of positions

Target: memory development.

Number of players: 6—25

Rules and main content: A leader and a coordinator are selected from among the participants. The rest of the players spread out around the room and take some poses. The driver tries to remember the location and posture of all the players for several minutes. After that, the driver turns his back to the other players, and they make several changes in their postures. The task of the coordinator is to keep track of how many changes have been made (the total number of changes must be agreed before the start of the game), and remember these changes. After the players' movements are completed, the driver turns around to face the players and tries to name all the changes.

As a change of position, you can use the movement of players around the hall, changing their postures.

Difficulty options: The difficulty of the game can be varied by changing the number of players from 5 to 20 and the number of changes from 3 to 10.

New purpose of the item

Target: memory development

Number of players: any

Required aids: any items

Main content: The guys sit in a circle. The host launches some object (an old iron, an umbrella, a pot, a package, a newspaper). Everyone comes up with a new purpose for this subject. For example, an iron can be used as a weight or as a tool for cracking coconuts. The winner is the one who comes up with the most incredible uses for this item.

The object can "walk" in a circle while new assignments are invented for it.

Difficulty options: in accordance with the new appointment, come up with a new name.

Imitation of actions

Target: memory development

Main content: We cook soup. Show: You wash and dry your hands before preparing food. You pour water into a saucepan. Light the gas stove burner and put the pan on the burner. Peel and cut vegetables, put them in a saucepan, salt, stir the soup with a spoon, scoop the soup with a ladle.

Show how to carefully carry a cup filled with hot water. Imagine and demonstrate: you pick up a hot pan, pass a hot potato around.

Difficulty options: make mistakes in sequence; come up with more complex topics to imitate.

Let's invent

Target:memory development

Number of players: any

Required aids: set of items different shapes(sticks, ball, ring, boxes, cylinder) and cards with the image of various objects of a certain shape - a mirror, a pencil, an egg, an apple.

IMPORTANT! the images in the pictures should be similar to the items. For example: a pencil, a fishing rod, a needle, a knife - they are similar in shape to a stick; vase, glass, thimble - a hollow cylinder.

Main content: children (or a child) sit in front of the table, each with a set of objects. An adult sits opposite, he has cards with pictures. The adult shows the cards one at a time and asks:

Who has an object similar to such a pencil?

The child with the stick answers:

And receives a card with a picture of a pencil.

Difficulty options: Children have cards with pictures, and an adult has different objects.

Children from 5 years old can play this game on their own and without pictures, inventing what this or that object might look like.


Target: memory development

Number of players: two

Main content: Two players draw a zigzag line for themselves on the floor or on the ground. One player draws a line for two meters, the other continues this line for another two meters. They can study it for several minutes in order to remember it better. And after that, they must walk along it from end to end, back to front. One moves along the line, and the other counts how many times he will go beyond the line. Then they switch roles.

Rules of the game: don't go out of line.

Difficulty options: cover the same distance in time.

Action chain

Target: development memory, an exercise in a sequence of actions.

Main content: The child is offered a chain of actions that must be performed sequentially. For example: "Go to the closet, take a book to read, put it in the middle of the table." If he is confused, puts a phantom.

Rules of the game: follow the sequence.

Difficulty options: performing actions with closed eyes.

Who where

Target: memory development

Number of players: ten or more people

Main content: Players stand or sit in a circle, the driver is in the center. He carefully examines the circle, trying to remember who is standing where. Then he closes his eyes and turns around his axis three times. During this time, two of the players standing through one change places.

The task of the driver is to indicate those who are not in their place. If he is wrong, he remains the driver, if he guesses, the specified player takes his place.

Rules of the game: do not tell the driver.

Difficulty options: more than two players change.


Target: memory development

Number of players: any

Main content: Children stand in one line. I choose the first participant by lot or counting. He becomes facing everyone and performs some movement, for example: clapping his hands, jumping on one leg, turning his head, raising his hands, etc. Then he stands in his place, and the next player takes his place. He repeats the movement of the first participant and adds his own.

The third player repeats the two previous gestures and adds his own, and the rest of the participants in the game do so in turn.

The player who fails to repeat any gesture is out of the game. The last child left is the winner.

Rules of the game: do not repeat when showing your action.

Difficulty options: When the whole team finishes the show, the game can go around the second round.


Target: memory development, exercise in sequence of actions.

Number of players: seven or more people

Required aids: ball

Main content: Players memorize a simple funny poem. Assimilation is checked: the driver reads the first half of each phrase, the players pronounce the second. Then the children say the first half of the phrase, and the driver says the second.

When the poem is learned, the players stand in a circle. One of them receives the ball, says part of the phrase and throws the ball to any other. He continues and passes the move to someone else.

If the player cannot continue or pronounces a phrase with an error, he puts a phantom in the circle, and after the game “redeems” him - he recites any poem.

Difficulty options: increasing the pace, adding new lines.

Junior preschool age

"Jump to the flag!"

Target: teaching children to jump on two legs.

With the end of the words, the kids raise the flags up, wave them, put them down and go back. The next 5-6 children come out.

Rules : move towards the flag by jumping on two legs, you can’t run; while jumping, observe the direction, take your flag; the one who raises the flag first wins.

Benefits: 5-6 flags.

Complication: play in pairs, threes, teams.


Junior preschool age


Target: teaching kids to jump

"Clock! Tsok! Tsok! Tsok!

I am a gray horse.

I knock with my hooves.

If you want, I'll ride."

I. Mikhailova

With the end of the words, the children walk around the playground and sit down on benches, stumps, trees. After a short rest, the game is repeated.

Rules : in a gallop, try to bring one leg closer to the other; coordinate the gallop steps with the rhythm of the song.

Benefits: horses on a stick.

Complication: horse jumps, can be performed in teams of 3-4 children

Literature: Vavilova E.N. "Learn to run, jump, climb, throw."

Junior preschool age

"Will not give it back!"

Target: teaching children to jump.

Rules : with a jump to connect the legs together in front of the object and again with a jump to put the legs apart; jumps only the one to whom the teacher is approaching.

Benefits: stick, bump, snowball, leaf.

Complication: carrying objects with two legs (jumping)

Literature: Vavilova E.N. "Learn to run, jump, climb, throw."

Junior preschool age

"Not soak your feet"

Target: teaching kids to jump

content: On the site, a stream is laid out from sticks, pebbles, cones. In the forest or in the meadow, you can use a narrow path (20-30 cm wide). Children stand up to the stream and, at the signal “jump”, jump over it, pushing off with both legs, disperse around the site; at the signal "home" they jump again. If all the children completed the task at once, the teacher makes the stream wider (up to 30-40 cm), saying:

"There is a lot of water in the stream, it has become wide." Reminds you to push off vigorously.

Rules: push off simultaneously with both legs, land softly also on both legs; who stumbled, remains in the stream for 1-2 repetitions.

Benefits: sticks, pebbles, cones.

Complication: make another wide stream (40-50 cm) for those who completed the previous task.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. "Learn to run, jump, climb, throw."

Junior preschool age

"Birds in the nest"

Target: learning to jump over an object (on two legs).

Rules: on a signal, jump out on two legs; the one who touched the hoop remains in it until the next repetition of the game; after running, you can occupy any hoop.

Benefits: hoops.

Complication: running to the hoop, you need to stop and jump into it with a push of two legs; make bigger hoops, each with two chicks.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. "Learn to run, jump, climb, throw."

Middle preschool age


Target: teach children to jump in the long jump from a place.

Content : A small square is drawn on the ground - a house. Around it are four cardboard (plywood) plates - leaves interspersed with four bumps - a pond. 4-6 guys play. One is a frog, the rest are frogs. The frog teaches the frogs to jump. She stands to the right of the pond, the frogs to the left. Each frog gets into the house and, listening carefully to the commands, jumps, pushing off with both legs and landing on both legs. The frog clearly gives the command: “Bump, leaf, leaf, house, leaf, bump, bump!” One frog is jumping, the rest are watching to see if he is doing it right.

Rules: If the frog jumped high and did not mix up any commands, he learned to jump and stands next to the frog, and if he made a mistake, he returns to the frogs.

Complication: several “frogs” can participate at the same time

Literature: Vavilova E.N. "Learn to run, jump, climb, throw."

Middle preschool age

"Who will collect more ribbons?"

Target: teaching children to jump high from a place.

Rules : jump up on two legs; remove only one ribbon during the jump.

Benefits: rope, small ribbons.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. "Learn to run, jump, climb, throw."

Middle preschool age

« Hit the ball"

Target: teaching children to jump high from a place.

Rules: jump with the push of two legs; hit the ball with both hands at the same time.

Benefits: rope, ball in the net.

Complication: raise the ball higher, hang two balls, divide the children into teams.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. "Learn to run, jump, climb, throw."

Middle preschool age

"Jump - turn around!"

Target: teaching kids to jump

content: Children, freely located on the playground, jump in place at the count of “one, two, three”, at the count of “four” they turn to the right by 45 °. Again they make three jumps in place, on the fourth they turn to the right. Returning to the starting position, the children perform jumps to the left side. Between repetitions, you need to take a short break - walk around the site.

Complication: try to turn 90°.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. "Learn to run, jump, climb, throw."

Middle preschool age

"Not afraid!"

Target: teaching children to jump.

Rules: as soon as the trap moves away from the player, he must spread his arms to the sides.

Complication: jump legs to the sides-together, you can salute someone who is in a leg stance apart.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. "Learn to run, jump, climb, throw."

senior preschool age


Target: teaching kids to jump

content: On the "stable" there are "horses", not far from them the grooms with reins are sitting on the benches. The senior groom-educator comes up to a plank suspended on a tree and beats off about 15-18 strokes. During this time, the grooms quickly lead the horses, harness them and line up one after another. At the signal "Let's go" they gallop. At the signal “the horses are scared,” they scatter in different directions. Grooms catch and take the horses to the stable. Children switch roles, the game is repeated.

senior preschool age

"Jump - sit down!"

Target: teach children to jump rope

content: The players stand in a column at a distance of one step from one another. Two leaders with a rope in their hands (length 1.5 m) are located to the right and left of the column. On a signal, the children carry the rope in front of the column (at a height of 25-30 cm from the ground). The players in the column alternately jump over the rope. Then, having passed the column, the leaders turn back, carrying the rope at a height of 50-60 cm. The children quickly crouch, assuming a grouping position (clasp their knees with their hands, bring their heads closer to their knees) so that the rope does not touch them. When the game is repeated, the drivers change. The winners are those who, without hitting the ropes, managed to perform jumps and squats.

Target: reinforce the skill of children jumping on two legs

content: Children stand in 4-5 links. Opposite each link (at a distance of 4-5 m) a landmark is a high cube, a stick. The first in the links receive balls (rubber, volleyball, soft cloth). Clutching them between their knees, they jump to the object, take the ball and, having run around the landmark, each return to their link and pass the ball to the next. When everyone comes running, other 4-5 children jump.

Rules: jump without losing the ball; the loser must again pinch the ball with their feet and start jumping from the place where the ball was lost.

Benefit: high cube, stick, balls (rubber, volleyball, soft cloth).

Complication: jump with the ball to the landmark and back; to play as a team - the one whose players managed to finish the distance faster wins.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. "Learn to run, jump, climb, throw."

senior preschool age

"Be smart"

Target: teach children to jump long from a place, followed by rolling on the whole foot.

Content: Children stand facing in a circle, at the feet of each a bag of sand. Leading in the center of the circle. At the signal of the teacher, the children jump into the circle and back through the bags, pushing off with both legs. The driver tries to taunt the children until they jump out of the circle. After 30-40 seconds, the teacher stops the game and counts the losers. A new driver is chosen from those who have never been touched by the previous driver.

: orientation in the area, development of memory, observation, interaction in pairs.

Required aids: items that players will hide and find.

Game content: The participants of the game gather in a clearing and are divided into pairs. The head hands the players, for example, with the first numbers, objects: a flag, a pin, a ball, etc. After that, they, together with the judge, go into the forest at a distance of 200-300 meters. Everyone hides their object and returns to the leader, remembering the path along the landmarks. The judge makes sure that the objects are hidden at approximately the same distance from the clearing and are visible no further than 2-3 meters. The player who hid the object tells the player of his pair the location and the route to it. On command, all second numbers go in search of objects. Whoever does it sooner and faster wins.

Then the first and second numbers change roles and the search for objects is carried out again. The winner is determined by the results of the game.

Rules: Recording is not allowed.

Complication: the first player tells the partner only half of the way.

Find an item

preparatory group

Purpose of the game: orientation in the area, the development of memory, observation, the ability to work with a map, dexterity.

Required allowances: a map of the area, some object.

Game content: The leader of the game tells the guys that an object (flag or pin) is hidden in the forest nearby and in order to find it, you need to study the map showing the way to the object. She is hidden in the bushes nearby. The leader explains to the children how to get to this place. You can study the map, but do not take it with you. The player then goes on a quest. The one who brings the item found first wins. The leader must be in the area of ​​the hidden card and resolve all conflicts that arise during the game.

Complication: The map can be guarded by two watchmen who are two or three steps away from it. The player who manages to sneak up to the guards less than ten steps unnoticed without being called out gets the right to look at the map. 40 seconds are given for this, after which the watchman hides the card again. If the watchman notices the approaching and calls out to him, the player is out of the game.

color route

For children 5 years old

Purpose of the game: orientation in the area, the development of memory, observation, the ability to work with a map.

Required allowances: objects familiar to children or toys of four colors, maps, diagrams, clean sheets, markers.

Game content: The site is conditionally divided into 4 routes: for example, red, blue, yellow, green. As landmarks, objects or toys of the four colors familiar to children are placed on the routes. On the map-scheme, the routes are shown with color signs corresponding to the placed landmarks, which at the same time are turn signals along the route.
Each member of the team (the team consists of about four children) is given a map showing the route ahead. Children must follow their route, memorize landmarks, and then draw them with felt-tip pens on a common map. You can also follow the route by bike.

Complication: Independent games like "Cossacks-robbers": one of the teams runs away, marking its direction with arrows, the other is looking for it.

Animal hunting

For children 6 years old

Purpose of the game: orientation in the area, development of memory, observation, the ability to work with a route sheet.

Required aids: pictures depicting various predatory animals, route sheets.

Game content: Pictures depicting various predatory animals are attached to small cardboard boxes. Pictures are placed on the territory of the kindergarten, serving as route marks. The list of animals on a particular route is drawn by the teacher on the control card. As the route progresses, children collect pictures of animals and give them to an adult to evaluate the task.

Complication:enter cards with pets, for example, animals. For confusion.

night orientation

Purpose of the game: orientation in the area, development of memory, observation

Number of players: even

Required aids: stool, 2 blindfolds

At a distance of 10 meters from the start, a stool is set up, and the first participants are blindfolded. On a signal, they must walk or run to the stool, go around it and, returning to the team, pass the baton to the next participants who are already blindfolded! And so is the whole team. During the movement, the team can help its participants with exclamations: “to the right”, “to the left”, “forward”, “back”. And since all the teams are shouting at the same time, the player must make out which calls apply specifically to him.

Elements of sports games play an important role in the comprehensive physical education of preschool children. They are selected taking into account the age, state of health, individual inclination and interests of the child. They use only some elements of the technique of sports games that are accessible and useful to preschool children. On the basis of these elements learned by children, games can also be organized, which are held according to simplified rules. Sports games strengthen large muscle groups, develop psychophysical qualities: strength, speed, agility, endurance. In sports games, the child's mental activity increases, orientation in space, intelligence develops, speed of thinking, awareness of one's own actions occurs. The child learns to coordinate his actions with the actions of his comrades; restraint, self-control, responsibility, will and determination are brought up in him; his sensory-motor experience is enriched, creativity develops. It is extremely important to take into account the developing role of joy, strong feelings, unfading interest in the results of the game. The child's enthusiasm for the game enhances the physiological state of the body. Sports exercises replenish and enrich the vocabulary with such words as “racquet”, “shuttlecock”, “racket” (of a badminton or tennis player), “towns”, “skittles”, “bit”, etc. Sports games relieve nervous tension, help free expression of emotions. Badminton (ball with feathers) is a sports game with a shuttlecock and rackets. The goal of the game is to prevent the shuttlecock from falling on your court and land it on the opponent's side. The simplicity of the rules, the ability to play on any small playground, lawn, beach, etc. make badminton a widely accessible game. Before the game, the child is taught to hold the racket correctly: hold it in the right hand so that the end of the handle rests on the base of the palm, thumb slightly extended forward and rests against the racket handle. The child is practicing in beating the shuttlecock. He throws the shuttlecock in front of him with his left hand and beats it up with a racket, not letting it fall (see Fig. 13). Before teaching children directly to this game, the teacher must prepare them according to the following indicators: 1) develop an appropriate posture; 2) to form physical qualities: impact force, reaction speed, etc.;

  • 1. develop the mobility of the hand, for this purpose, give exercises that develop the fingers, joints of the hand;
  • 2. to form the child's ability to play ball;
  • 3. develop tasks in detail that will ensure the development of the skill of throwing;
  • 4. bring children to the effective development of the game and its rules;
  • 5. to work out the basic badminton techniques (badminton player's stance, racket grip, shuttlecock reception, shuttlecock delivery).

After mastering these exercises, a game for two is offered. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of 4-5 m. The child, who has a shuttlecock in his left hand, has a racket in his right hand, throws the shuttlecock in front of him and directs it to his partner with a blow of the racket. The partner hits the shuttlecock with the racket to the first player. A variant of the game is playing through a net or cord stretched at the level of the child's head. The players strive to hit the shuttlecock so that it falls on the side of the opponent. If one child makes a mistake (the shuttlecock falls on his side, or he does not throw it over the net), then the other gets a point. Basketball is a team game in which the joint actions of the players are determined by a single goal. It is complex and emotional, includes fast running, jumping, throwing, carried out in originally conceived combinations, carried out with the opposition of partners in the game (see Fig. 14). The study by N. Shashkova showed that if a child has the skills of various manipulations with the ball (“Ball School”), then this makes it easier to master the game of basketball.

Before you start playing basketball, you must follow the following sequence of exercises leading to the development of this game:

  • 1. teaching the technique of moving and holding the ball; passing the ball; dribbling;
  • 2. throwing the ball into the basket.

Movement Techniques To successfully master the actions with the ball, it is necessary to teach children such movement techniques as standing, running, jumping, turning, stopping. Children should be taught to accept and continue to maintain the basic stance of a basketball player: the legs are bent at the knees, spaced shoulder-width apart, one of them is set forward half a step. The body is directed forward, its weight is distributed evenly on both legs. Rumi are bent at the elbows, pressed to the body. Exercises: 1. Children run around the playground with the ball in their hands. They play freely on the court, perform different movements with the ball; after the teacher’s signal, they quickly catch the ball and take the correct stance. 2. Children become in a circle. Everyone runs in a circle, taking the correct stance at the signal. Movement on the site is carried out by running in combination with walking, jumping, stopping and turning. While running, the Child must put his foot on the whole foot.

  • 3. Children without balls are distributed in a circle, facing its middle, at a distance of 2-3 steps from each other. They move with side steps in the direction indicated by the teacher. The teacher often changes the direction of movement.
  • 1. Children stand in 2-3 columns at a distance of 2-3 m from one another. The columns slowly move forward at a regular pace; after the teacher’s signal, those standing first move with an added step facing their column to its end and become the last.
  • 2. Stops. Preschool children should be taught to stop with two steps. The stop begins with a vigorous push off with one foot. The child takes an elongated, stopping step and, deviating slightly onto the supporting leg, performs the second step. When learning to stop, the following sequence should be followed: stopping after walking at a walk, then after a slow run, after a fast run, and a sudden stop.

Technique of holding the ball The pace of the exercises and the course of the game depend on the level of possession of the ball. Therefore, the main attention should be paid to the technique of holding and performing actions with the ball. Formation of the feeling of the ball. When forming actions with the ball, it is necessary that the child feels the ball as part of his body, learns to control it easily and accurately. The task of the first stage of training is to develop in children certain skills to handle the ball, therefore, at the initial stage of training, it is advisable to give free games with the ball in physical education classes and in independent motor activity, without aiming to develop the technique of these actions. Children need to be introduced to some properties of the ball, showing that the height of the rebound depends on the force applied to the ball, the throw distance depends on the weight of the ball, as well as on the force applied to it. Then the teacher offers to play with the ball, throwing it up, down, transfer it from one hand to another, etc. In exercises, children get used to the ball, learn to control it. When teaching preschoolers to play basketball, ordinary large rubber balls are used. Holding the ball correctly is of great importance. Starting position: hold the ball at chest level with both hands. In this case, the arms should be bent, elbows down, hands behind the side of the ball, fingers wide apart; the thumbs are directed towards each other, the rest are up and forward.

Rules for holding the ball:

  • 1. Keep the ball at chest level.
  • 2. Arms bent, fingers wide apart.
  • 3. Elbows down, arm muscles relaxed.

Catching the ball. It is necessary to teach children to meet the ball with their hands as early as possible, forming from their fingers, as it were, half a hollow ball into which the ball should fit. The child follows the flight of the ball, and as soon as the ball touches the fingertips, he must grab it and pull it towards him with a shock-absorbing movement. At the same time, it is necessary to bend the legs so as to take the position of the original stance. Rules for catching the ball:

  • 1. Catch the ball with the hands, without pressing it to the chest, moving towards the flying ball.
  • 2. Without holding the ball in your hands, quickly pass it.

Passing the ball. Simultaneously with catching the ball, it is necessary to teach children to pass it with both hands from a place, later on in motion. Children should be taught to pass the ball from the correct stance, holding the ball with both hands at chest level. When passing, the child must describe with the ball a small arc to the body down - on the chest and, extending his arms forward, send the ball away from himself with an active movement of the hand, while straightening his legs. Ball passing rules:

  • 1. Lower your elbows down.
  • 2. Throw the ball at chest level partner.
  • 3. Follow the ball with your eyes and hands.


  • 1. Children stand in two lines, facing each other at a distance of 2-3 m. Children in pairs pass the ball to each other.
  • 2. The construction is the same. The ball is held by one child from the first line. He passes the ball to a partner from the second line, he returns the ball to the first line. The second child from the first line throws the ball to the child in the second line opposite, and so on. The last child, having caught the ball, runs forward and becomes the first in his line.
  • 3. Three children stand in a triangle. They take turns tossing the ball to each other.
  • 4. Three children stand in a triangle, they have one ball. Children pass the ball to each other. After the transfer, the child moves to the place of the One to whom he threw the ball.

Dribbling. At the initial stage of training, high bounce dribbling is more accessible to children of the age of six because it does not require a low stance. Then it becomes possible to teach the child to move on bent legs. And finally, he easily learns to dribble the ball with the usual bounce in a straight line, with a change in direction. When wielding a sword, children learn to move on slightly bent legs, leaning slightly forward. The hand leading the ball is bent at the elbow, the hand with freely spaced fingers is superimposed on the ball above and away from you. The player performs pushes of the ball somewhat to the side of himself, evenly. Basic mistakes: children hit the ball with a relaxed palm; many try to dribble the ball directly in front of them, which interferes with forward movement. Ball dribbling rules:

  • 1. Do not hit the ball, but push it down.
  • 2. Dribble the ball from the front - from the side, and not directly in front of you.
  • 3. Look forward, not down at the ball. When learning to dribble, it is advisable to first use preparatory exercises: hitting the ball with both hands, hitting the ball with both hands, hitting it with the right and left hands on the spot, dribbling in place alternately with the right and left hands. After the child learns to control the ball with both hands confidently enough, you can move on to dribbling in movement, first step, then run.
  • 1. Dribbling the ball in place, actively pushing it down with the right, then with the left hand.
  • 2. Dribbling in place alternately with the right and left hand.
  • 3. The group is located on 6 people, and subgroups are placed along the entire length of the site. The first player dribbles the ball to the second, passing the ball, he himself remains in his place; the second dribbles to the third and does the same. The last one returns to its place

first. 4. Children are built in columns of 4-6 people. In front of each column, pins are placed at a distance of 1-2 m from each other. After the teacher's signal, the children dribble, bypassing the first pin on the right, the second on the left. They dribble the balls back in a straight line, pass the next one and stand at the end of the column. Throwing the ball into the basket. The movement of passing the ball and throwing it * into the basket are similar in structure. Therefore, training in throwing the ball into the basket can also be limited to the acquisition of throwing skills with two hands from the chest and one hand from the shoulder. Holding the ball at chest level, the child should describe a small arc down to himself with it and, straightening his arms up, throw it with simultaneous leg extension. Throwing the ball with two hands from the chest is used mainly when throwing the ball into the basket from a place. Throwing the ball into the basket. after dribbling or after catching it, when the child receives the ball, running out to the center, it is most often done with one hand from the shoulder. When throwing with one hand from the shoulder from a place, one leg is exposed - | takes half a step forward. The ball is in the palm of the arm bent at the elbow joint and held by the other hand. Unbending the legs with the simultaneous straightening of the arm with the ball up - forward, the child directs the ball into the basket with a soft push of the brush. Rules for throwing the ball into the basket:

  • 1. When throwing the ball, do not lower your head, accompany it with your hands.
  • 2. Look at the leading edge of the ring if you are throwing while standing directly in front of the basket. If you're not in a straight line in front of the basket, throw with a rebound from the backboard - aim at the point where you want to hit the ball.


  • 1. Children are built in two columns of 4-6 people each, opposite one basket. One column takes place on the left side of the basket, the other on the right. Those standing first perform a throw, catch the ball and stand at the end of their column. The next children repeat the same.
  • 2. 5-6 children freely position themselves in front of the basket, each with a ball. After the teacher's signal, the children throw the ball,

; trying to get into the basket as often as possible. First, the teacher shows and explains to the children the rules of aiming, then invites them to throw the ball to the shield, then gives the task to throw the ball over a highly suspended net, rope, etc. (150--170 cm). When they learn how to just throw the ball to the basket, you should offer to hit it in any way. It is advisable to gradually increase the height. Convenient stand with variable ring height. Ringball 1 is an interesting game. This is a kind of mini-basketball, it is described by V. Titov. This game brings up endurance, jumping ability, dexterity, speed of reaction, the ability to navigate well on the court.

The game is played on a round ground. In the center of two circles with a radius of 4 and 1.5 m, a metal mast 4--5 m high is vertically installed. To its upper part, depending on the technical preparedness and age group of the players, at one of the heights (3.5; 2.6; 2.15 m - the height of the rings in basketball, mini-basketball and ringball) two standard basketball hoops are attached. The area of ​​the large circle is the playing field, the area of ​​the small circle is the free throw zone. The middle line divides the playing field into two zones - rear and front. From the outer part of the boundary line of the playing field, eight marking lines 15 cm long each are applied at regular intervals. The width of all marking lines is 5 cm. In ringball competitions, dribbling (dribbling) is not provided for by the rules, therefore, in addition to a basketball, a volleyball, soccer or rubber water polo ball can be used. Rules of the game. Each team has 6 players (2 field and 4 setters). Field players play the role of defenders and attackers and, being on the playing field, directly participate in throws at the opponents' ring. The setting players are in their sectors outside the court and participate only in receiving and passing the ball to the outfield players of their team. The game consists of three periods, each of which continues until the field player of one of the teams has realized a throw on the ring. After that, field players of both teams take the places of setters, and they, in turn, become field players, etc. The technical element - repeated steps of the player with the ball in his hands forward, backward, left, right, in which the supporting leg does not come off the court - is included in the rules of the game. All other promotions and movements of field players on the court are carried out without the ball. Having received the ball, the field player, in order to further advance to the front zone (half of the court on which the opponent's ring is located), must pass to the setter of his team. In turn, the setter, having received the ball, tries to make an accurate pass to one of the field players of his team. The transfer of the ball between field players is carried out only through the connecting players, between the setters - only through the field ones. The game is stopped, the ball is passed to the opposing team or a free throw is awarded for the following violations:

a) when receiving or passing the ball, the setting player stepped on or [crossed the boundary line of the court or his own sector; b) direct transfer between connecting players of one co- | mandas; c) direct transfer between field players of the same team; d) touching the mast in a game situation with a hand; e) the attacker is in the opponent's free throw zone for more than three seconds; f) the setting player takes a throw-in or a free throw; g) intentional touching of the opponent (delay, pushes, strikes, blocking with arms and legs). As the game of ringball is mastered, the zone rule may * be included in the competition (the attacking team cannot return the ball to their own half of the court). For kids younger age we recommend holding ringball competitions with one field player and four setters. In this case, the game will consist of 5 periods. Tennis is a sport game. It is played by hitting a racket on a small rubber ball weighing 56.7 - 58.5 g, with a diameter of 6.35 - 6.67 cm. The playing area has a length of 23.77 m and a width of 10.97 m, for single player the size of the site is 8.23 ​​m with a length of 23.77 m. The soil for the site is chosen from clay-sand or asphalt, wood, grass cover. The essence of the game is that the players, taking opposite sides courts, throw the ball over the net, trying to direct it so that the opponent could not reflect the ball. A system of lead-up exercises precedes the training in playing tennis. The study by L. Korovkina showed the expediency of training the technique of the main blows.

Technique of the main strokes The way of holding the racket is a grip. The grip largely determines the style of play of tennis players, but even more so - the quality of the strikes. Tennis players mainly use three grips - the universal grip, the right grip, and the backhand grip. All the described ways of holding the racket have certain differences, but they also have something in common: the fingers on the hand are not located in the fist, and the index finger is somewhat set aside, which increases the plane of contact between the playing hand and the racket when hitting.

The tennis stance is the position from which you can most effectively prepare for a hit and move around the court to the ball. In the stance - legs slightly bent at the knees shoulder-width apart, body weight on the legs, racket in the right / left hand, left / right hand supports the racket by the neck, the head is turned towards the net. Exercises with hitting the ball with a racket:

  • 1. With your left hand, lightly throw the ball to the floor, after the first bounce, catch it on the racket and prevent it from rolling. Variations: catch after two or more bounces; catch first on one side of the racket, then on the other; take as low as possible from the floor.
  • 2. Throw the ball to the floor and hit it, lightly hit from below with a racket so that the ball bounces off the floor again. Options: perform the exercise and hit twice with the racket, but moving forward.
  • 3. Throw the ball to the floor and knock it up with a slight blow of the racket, hit it at the highest point of take-off.
  • 4. Throw the ball on the floor and, without letting it touch the floor, with a jerky but gentle movement of the racket, hit it up from below and knock it out several times. Options: the same with moving forward, to the sides, hit the ball with the other side of the racket, “mint”, perform with the left hand.

Exercises against the wall, hitting the ball with a racket:

  • 1. Throw the ball against the wall with your hand and catch it, hit the ball with the racket and, after bouncing off the wall, send the ball back to the wall. Option: one of the tennis players hits the ball against the wall and quickly goes to the side, hits one, then the second, etc.
  • 2. Throw the ball against the wall with your hand and, after bouncing off the floor, send the ball into the wall with the racket. The option is the same as in the first exercise.
  • 3. Throw the ball on the floor so that it hits the wall, then hit the racket with a blow to the floor, wall, racket.
  • 4. The distance between two players is 5-6 m. The child directs him to the floor with a blow of the racket, and then to the partner.
  • 5. One of the players stands behind the other, facing the wall. Directs the ball into the wall so that it does not touch the floor; partner hits the ball.

Serso. Serso games are used in kindergarten. Cerso is French for hoop. In a preschool institution, serso games are recommended to be used starting from senior group. These games contribute to the development of basic motor qualities (dexterity, strength, speed, endurance), help orientation in space, coordination of actions, train the vestibular apparatus, influence the formation of moral and physical qualities (mutual assistance, endurance, discipline, courage, perseverance, etc.). etc.), bring up the desire to perform the exercise not only correctly, but also beautifully, easily, naturally.

The equipment for playing serso is simple: a ring and a skewer. The rules of the main game are as follows: the child throws the ring with one hand or with a skewer to a partner, he catches with his hand, on his hand or on a skewer. They alternate roles. The winner is determined by the number of rings caught (the number is set in advance). There are about 60 different exercises, games, relay races with serso; their study involves the observance of a certain sequence - from simple to more complex with a gradual increase in physical activity. The first group - exercises, games, relay races with a ring (without a skewer). Children acquire initial skills in handling the Ring in games: rolling the ring on the floor (ground, asphalt-ty wooden flooring), on the gymnastic bench; throwing on horizontal and vertical objects (fixed and moving); tossing and catching rings. Grip of the ring Can be outside and inside, with one or two hands. The second group is exercises, games, relay races with a ring "Skewer. Children play with two objects: they roll a ring guided by a skewer, put a ring on a skewer, etc. Cerso games are carried out outdoors whenever possible. All exercises, games and relay races, when used wisely, are quite safe for children.The teacher should teach children to follow the basic rules of all games.Table tennis.Tables are made for playing table tennis: for middle group 65 cm high, 230 cm long and 100 cm wide; for the senior and preparatory groups, the table sizes are 68, 250, 130 cm, respectively. For throwing and ball games, vertical and horizontal targets are built on the site - these are metal rings, chocks with attached rings. They are used for throwing and climbing, and for various games. For throwing, a rocket model installed on the site is also used - children throw balls, cones, sandbags, trying to make them fly over the rings and fly out from the opposite side. The rocket is used both for exercises in running on an inclined plane, and for role playing. Children love to throw balls, cones into ball throwers (made of metal rods). They are brightly colored, attract the attention of children and are a good target. For throwing, cardboard targets are widely used, natural material, heather rings, etc. Much attention is paid to ball games (especially "ball school"). Children are also offered juggling with a racket and a ball. They walk and run around the hall with a racket on which the ball lies, trying not to drop it; catch the ball with a racket after it bounces off the floor or wall, pick up the ball, etc. After such exercises, children are invited to play with the ball in pairs, then you can offer exercises on the table. VG Grishin recommends the following exercises: Exercises:

  • 1. Throw the ball with your hand so that it touches the table once; partner also catches with his hand.
  • 2. The same, only hit and reflect the ball with a racket.
  • 3. It is allowed to take the ball not only from the air, but also from the floor, directing it to the table also with a rebound from the table to the partner.

Then the children perform exercises along the tennis table without a net (4-5 pairs are engaged at the same time).

  • 1. Hit the ball so that it hits the table several times; after that, the partner from the air hits the ball back.
  • 2. The ball must touch the table once, then the partner deflects it.
  • 6. Drawing the ball without a net, according to the rules of the game, for two rebounds from the table - in one's own half, then in the partner's half - only then the player reflects it. After that, exercises are offered on a table with a grid. The grid is installed at a height of up to 10 cm. Children master the simplest blow - a push. To do this, the child is at a distance of one step from the table, slightly tilting the torso forward, legs slightly bent at the knees, holding the racket parallel to the net at a distance of 10-15 cm just above the waist. When hitting the ball, the child takes a step forward with the arm extended at the elbow joint towards the net; The racket mirror must be vertical to the table. First, the ball is studied, it is more difficult for children than receiving the ball. When the ball is served, the racket is tilted towards the table with the upper part of the playing surface. First, the ball is served without reflection through the net by 5 cm, then by 10 cm. In the first period of training, it is difficult for children to take low balls. Therefore, it is important for them to explain that they need to serve high balls and direct the ball to the center of the table so that it is more convenient to reflect it. Hockey. During the preparatory period, children master the basic concepts: stick, stick hook, puck, etc. At first, children play with small clubs without skates. During this period, the child's hands get used to being weighed down with a stick, children acquire dexterity, learn to maneuver, hit the puck, etc. With small clubs, children try to drive an ice floe into a hole, circle or gate. They play the games “Pass the puck”, “Who will catch the puck to the circle faster”, etc. From the very beginning, it is important to teach how to hold the stick correctly, naturally, with both hands - with the right (strong) hand at the end of the stick, grip from above (stepping back 1, 5--2 cm), and the other arm is slightly lower - with a grip from below. The stick must be held in such a way that the hook with the lower edge is completely adjacent to the ice. During the game, do not intercept the stick with your hands. In the hands of the player, it should be light, obedient. To do this, the Children are offered exercises: swinging their arms with a stick, moving the stick around the body, from one hand to another, rotating the Stick, holding it with both hands, etc. The puck can be dribbled in two ways: smooth dribbling, when the hook of the club is in continuous contact with the puck, and the so-called “cutting the puck”, when the puck is driven with light hook strokes to the right and left. How to throw a puck with a stick?

When throwing to the left and. p. - feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent right leg slightly in front of the left, stand in a half-turn to the target "puck with a club to the left of the player. During the throw, the puck does not come off the hook of the stick. Throws of the puck on the right are similar to throws on the left. When the children master skating skills, you can offer a game of ice hockey according to simplified rules.In the preparatory period, children are given exercises on skates to develop a sense of dexterity, the ability to maneuver, etc. Children are invited to slip between the towns, trying not to hit a single one; skating, pushing a rag ball or a wooden puck with a stick, or run all together on skates to the line (10--15 m). paint on the ice, his puck. The winner is the one who first drives the puck or ice into the goal 3 times. F. Kiryanova1 suggests playing hockey on a small area (15x7.5 m) on area of ​​the kindergarten. This impromptu skating rink is surrounded by meter-high snow banks. Children are even offered goals with a metal case and a net, 1.8 m in size. Children's clothes when playing hockey should be light, free, not restricting movement. When a hockey game is planned for a walk, the teacher carefully considers the game plan. Children, putting on skates, run out onto the ice, go through 2-3 laps on skates, perform a series of exercises at a fast pace, first without a stick, and then with a stick. After that, the children are offered to learn some technique, for example, puck throws from the left, etc., then the game is played. The lesson ends with slow skating with a change in pace and direction (without a stick). The following rules of the game are offered:

  • 1. They play in two teams of 5-6 people in each team.
  • 2. The duration of the game is 20 minutes (two periods of 10 minutes each with a break of 5-8 minutes).
  • 3. During the game, players can be replaced at the discretion of the referee (tutor).
  • 4. During the game, do not push, do not raise the stick above the shoulder, do not throw the puck high in the air.
  • 5. Every 5 minutes, replace the goalkeeper with team members (in turn, at the suggestion of the referee).
  • 6. Players must not enter the goalkeeper area.
  • 7. After a missed puck, the game starts from the center of the field. 8. For violation of the rules to remove the player from the field for 1-2 minutes. Gorodki is an old Russian game. This game develops an eye, accuracy of movements, strengthens the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, and evokes strong emotions. For preschool children, lightweight bits 45–50 cm long, weighing 400–450 g, towns 10–12 cm high are selected.

The system and rules of the game in towns are greatly simplified compared to the game of adults.

A “city” is drawn on the ground - a square, each side of which is 1 m. At a distance of 3-4 m from the front (front) line of the city, a line is drawn from which the con begins. Between the city and the horse at a distance of 2 - 2.5 m from the city - semi-con. When the children learn to knock out towns from this distance, the lines of the horse and the semi-cone increase by a distance of 5–6 and 2–3 m. Various figures (“fence”, “barrel”, “well”, “airplane” are formed on the front line of the city and etc.). Throwing bats, the player tries to knock out the towns outside the city square. Bits are first thrown from the horse when at least one town is knocked out - from the semi-con. The winner is the one who knocks out more towns with fewer throws (see Fig. 16). Throwing a bat is taught in two ways. One of them is made with a bent at the elbow high hand with a bat, the other - with a straight hand laid aside - back. The child is taught both methods, and during the game he uses either of them.

For the game, children are divided into two links of three people each; at the beginning of the game, the bits lie at the line of the horse, and the players are also there; figures are laid out alternately from the towns on the sites. When one figure is knocked out, you can lay out the next one. One town is knocked out from the line of the horse, then the players move to the line of the half-horn, from where the rest of the towns and figures are knocked out. The link that knocks out five pieces first wins. This takes into account the correct posture, swipe(strike at will either from the shoulder or backhand). Towns and bits can only be brought from the outside of the site, so as not to be hit by another link. Classes are held with a group of children and individually.

Skittles (German Kegel) is a sports game, the purpose of which is to knock down a smaller number of balls fired by hand, a larger number of skittles installed on the site in a certain order. In a preschool institution, skittles, towns, croquet, serso, badminton should be at the constant disposal of children.

Outdoor games with elements of sports games require special preparation of the child's body for their implementation. To do this, in kindergarten it is necessary to use only those games that will give children the opportunity to quickly master the elements of sports games. To this end, the greatest attention should be paid to ball games. In these games, children will master the skills of catching, throwing, throwing. Observations and studies have led to the conclusion that ball games are an excellent means of physical and neuropsychic development. Medical and pedagogical control shows that with fast movements with the ball, all physiological processes proceed more intensively. Particular attention is paid to ball games on the development of reaction speed, dexterity, mobility, etc. Children should be taught games with elements of sports games gradually, moving from simple to complex. Training should begin with the study of common, similar to a number of games, techniques. When learning the elementary technique of sports games, the game of towns, as well as ball games such as basketball, badminton, and small tennis, enjoy the greatest love.

Elements of sports games play an important role in the comprehensive physical education of preschool children. They are selected taking into account the age, state of health, individual inclination and interests of the child. They use only some elements of the technique of sports games that are accessible and useful to preschool children. On the basis of these elements learned by children, games can also be organized, which are held according to simplified rules.

Sports games strengthen large muscle groups, develop psychophysical qualities: strength, speed, agility, endurance. In sports games, the child's mental activity increases, orientation in space, intelligence develops, speed of thinking, awareness of one's own actions occurs. The child learns to coordinate his actions with the actions of his comrades; restraint, self-control, responsibility, will and determination are brought up in him; his sensory-motor experience is enriched, creativity develops.

It is extremely important to take into account the developing role of joy, strong feelings, unfading interest in the results of the game. The child's enthusiasm for the game enhances the physiological state of the body.

Sports exercises replenish and enrich the vocabulary with such words as “racquet”, “shuttlecock”, “racket” (of a badminton or tennis player), “towns”, “skittles”, “bit”, etc. Sports games relieve nervous tension, help free expression of emotions.

Badminton(ball with feathers) - a sports game with a shuttlecock and rackets. The goal of the game is to prevent the shuttlecock from falling on your court and land it on the opponent's side. The simplicity of the rules, the ability to play on any small playground, lawn, beach, etc. make badminton a widely accessible game. Before the game, the child is taught to hold the racket correctly: hold it in the right hand so that the end of the handle rests on the base of the palm, the thumb is slightly extended forward and rests on the racket handle. The child is practicing in beating the shuttlecock. He throws the shuttlecock in front of him with his left hand and beats it up with a racket, not letting it fall (see Fig. 13).

Before teaching children directly to this game, the teacher must prepare them according to the following indicators:

1) develop an appropriate posture; ■ 2) to form physical qualities: impact force, reaction speed, etc.;

develop the mobility of the hand, for this purpose, give exercises that develop fingers, joints of the hand;

to form the child's ability to play ball;

develop detailed tasks that will ensure the development of the skill of throwing;

to bring children to the effective development of the game and its rules;

to work out the basic techniques of playing badminton (badminton player's stance, racket grip, shuttlecock reception, shuttlecock delivery).

After mastering these exercises, a game for two is offered. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of 4-5 m. The child, who has a shuttlecock in his left hand, has a racket in his right hand, throws the shuttlecock in front of him and directs it to his partner with a blow of the racket. The partner hits the shuttlecock with the racket to the first player.

A variant of the game is playing through a net or cord stretched at the level of the child's head. The players strive to hit the shuttlecock so that it falls on the side of the opponent. If one child makes a mistake (the shuttlecock falls on his side, or he does not throw it over the net), then the other gets a point.

Basketball 1 is a team game in which the joint actions of the players are determined by a single goal. It is complex and emotional, includes fast running, jumping, throwing, carried out in originally conceived combinations, carried out with the opposition of partners in the game (see Fig. 14).

The study by N. Shashkova showed that if a child has the skills of various manipulations with the ball (“Ball School”), then this makes it easier to master the game of basketball.

1 For details on the organization of the game of basketball, see the book: Adashkevichene 3. "" Basketball for preschoolers. - M., 1983.

Before you start playing basketball, you must follow the following sequence of exercises leading to the development of this game:

teaching the technique of moving and holding the ball; passing the ball; dribbling;

throwing the ball into the basket.

Movement technique

To successfully master the actions with the ball, it is necessary to teach children such movement techniques as standing, running, jumping, turning, stopping.

Children should be taught to accept and continue to maintain the basic stance of a basketball player: the legs are bent at the knees, spaced shoulder-width apart, one of them is set forward half a step. The body is directed forward, its weight is distributed evenly on both legs. Rumi are bent at the elbows, pressed to the body.

\ Exercises:

| 1. Children run around the playground with the ball in their hands. They play freely on the court, perform different movements with the ball; after the teacher’s signal, they quickly catch the ball and take the correct stance.

2. Children become in a circle. Everyone runs in a circle, taking the correct stance at the signal.

Movement on the site is carried out by running in combination with walking, jumping, stopping and turning. While running, the Child must put his foot on the whole foot.

3. Children without balls are distributed in a circle, facing the middle
no, at a distance of 2-3 steps from each other. They move
side steps in the direction indicated by the teacher. Wake up
the tatel often changes the direction of movement.

Children stand in 2-3 columns at a distance of 2-3 m from one another. The columns slowly move forward at a regular pace; after the teacher’s signal, those standing first move with an added step facing their column to its end and become the last.

Stops. Preschool children should be taught to stop with two steps. The stop begins with a vigorous push off with one foot. The child takes an elongated, stopping step and, deviating slightly onto the supporting leg, performs the second step. When learning to stop, the following sequence should be followed: stopping after walking at a walk, then after a slow run, after a fast run, and a sudden stop.

Ball holding technique

The pace of the exercises and the course of the game depend on the level of possession of the ball. Therefore, the main attention should be paid to the technique of holding and performing actions with

Formation of the feeling of the ball. When forming actions with the ball, it is necessary that the child feels the ball as part of his body, learns to control it easily and accurately.

The task of the first stage of training is to develop in children certain skills to handle the ball, therefore, at the initial stage of training, it is advisable to give free games with the ball in physical education classes and in independent motor activity, without aiming to develop the technique of these actions.

Children need to be introduced to some properties of the ball, showing that the height of the rebound depends on the force applied to the ball, the throw distance depends on the weight of the ball, as well as on the force applied to it. Then the teacher offers to play with the ball, throwing it up, down, transfer it from one hand to another, etc. In exercises, children get used to the ball, learn to control it. When teaching preschoolers to play basketball, ordinary large rubber balls are used.

Correct is of great importance holding the ball. Starting position: hold the ball at chest level with both hands. In this case, the arms should be bent, elbows down, hands behind the side of the ball, fingers wide apart; the thumbs are directed towards each other, the rest are up and forward.

Rules for holding the ball:

Keep the ball at chest level.

Hands are bent, fingers are widely spaced.

Elbows down, arm muscles relaxed.

Catching the ball. It is necessary to teach children to meet the ball with their hands as early as possible, forming from their fingers, as it were, half a hollow ball into which the ball should fit. The child follows the flight of the ball, and as soon as the ball touches the fingertips, he must grab it and pull it towards him with a shock-absorbing movement. At the same time, it is necessary to bend the legs so as to take the position of the original stance.

Rules for catching the ball:

Catch the ball with the hands, not pressing it to the chest, moving towards the flying ball.

Without holding the ball in your hands, quickly pass it.

Passing the ball. Simultaneously with catching the ball, it is necessary to teach children to pass it with both hands from a place, later on in motion. Children should be taught to pass the ball from the correct stance, holding the ball with both hands at chest level. When passing, the child should describe with the ball a small arc to the body down - on the chest and, extending his arms forward, send the ball away from himself with an active movement of the hand, while simultaneously extending his legs.

Ball passing rules:

Drop your elbows down.

Throw the ball at chest level.

Follow the ball with your eyes and hands.


Children stand in two lines, facing each other at a distance of 2-3 m. Children in pairs pass the ball to each other.

The construction is the same. The ball is held by one child from the first line. He passes the ball to a partner from the second line, he returns the ball to the first line. The second child from the first line throws the ball to the child in the second line opposite, and so on. The last child, having caught the ball, runs forward and becomes the first in his line.

Three children stand in a triangle. They take turns tossing the ball to each other.

Three children stand in a triangle, they have one ball. Children pass the ball to each other. After the transfer, the child moves to the place of the One to whom he threw the ball.

Dribbling. At the initial stage of training, high bounce dribbling is more accessible to children of the age of six because it does not require a low stance. Then it becomes possible to teach the child to move on bent legs. And finally, he easily learns to dribble the ball with the usual bounce in a straight line, with a change in direction.

When wielding a sword, children learn to move on slightly bent legs, leaning slightly forward. The hand leading the ball is bent at the elbow, the hand with freely spaced fingers is superimposed on the ball above and away from you. The player performs pushes of the ball somewhat to the side of himself, evenly.

Basic mistakes: children hit the ball with a relaxed palm; many try to dribble the ball directly in front of them, which interferes with forward movement.

Ball dribbling rules:

Do not hit the ball, but push it down.

Dribble the ball from the front - from the side, and not directly in front of you.

3. Look forward, not down at the ball.

When learning to dribble, it is advisable to first use preparatory exercises: hitting the ball with both hands, hitting the ball with both hands, hitting it with the right and left hands on the spot, dribbling in place alternately with the right and left hands. After the child learns to control the ball with both hands confidently enough, you can move on to dribbling in first walking, then running.


Dribbling the ball in place, actively pushing it down with the right, then with the left hand.

Dribbling the ball in place alternately with the right and left hand.

The group consists of 6 people, and subgroups are placed along the entire length of the site. The first player dribbles the ball to the second, passing the ball, he himself remains in his place; the second dribbles to the third and does the same. The last one returns to its place


4. Children are built in columns of 4-6 people. Opposite each
columns are exposed skittles at a distance of 1-2 m from each other -
After the teacher's signal, the children dribble, bypassing the first pin
on the right, second on the left. Dribble back in a straight line, pass
next and stand at the end of the column.

Throwing the ball into the basket. The movement of passing the ball and throwing it * into the basket are similar in structure. Therefore, learning to throw the ball into the basket can also be limited by the

throwing skills with two hands from the chest and one hand from the shoulder. Holding the ball at chest level, the child should describe a small arc down to himself with it and, straightening his arms up, throw it with simultaneous leg extension.

Throwing the ball with two hands from the chest is used mainly when throwing the ball into the basket from a place. Throwing the ball into the basket. after dribbling or after catching it, when the child receives the ball, running out to the center, it is most often done with one hand from the shoulder. When throwing with one hand from the shoulder from a place, one leg is exposed - | takes half a step forward. The ball is in the palm of the arm bent at the elbow joint and held by the other hand. Unbending the legs while simultaneously straightening the arm with the ball up and forward, the child directs the ball into the basket with a soft push of the hand.

Rules for throwing the ball into the basket:

When throwing the ball, do not lower your head, accompany it with your hands.

Look at the leading edge of the ring if you are throwing while standing directly in front of the basket. If you're not in a straight line in front of the basket, bounce off the backboard - aim at the spot you want to hit with the ball.


Children are built in two columns of 4-6 people in each, opposite one basket. One column takes place on the left side of the basket, the other - on the right. Those standing first perform a throw, catch the ball and stand at the end of their column. The next children repeat the same.

5-6 children freely position themselves in front of the basket, each with a ball. After the teacher's signal, the children throw the ball,

; trying to get into the basket as often as possible.

First, the teacher shows and explains to the children the rules of aiming, then invites them to throw the ball to the shield, then gives the task to throw the ball over a highly suspended net, rope, etc. (150-170 cm). When they learn how to just throw the ball to the basket, you should offer to hit it in any way. It is advisable to gradually increase the height. Convenient stand with variable ring height.

Interesting game ringball 1 . This is a kind of mini-basketball, it is described by V. Titov. This game brings up endurance, jumping ability, dexterity, speed of reaction, the ability to navigate well on the site.

1 See: Physical culture and sport. - 1999. - No. 4.

The large circle area is the playing field, the small circle area is the free throw area. The middle line divides the playing field into two zones - rear and front.

From the outer part of the boundary line of the playing field, eight marking lines 15 cm long each are applied at regular intervals. The width of all marking lines is 5 cm.

In ringball competitions, dribbling (dribbling) is not provided for by the rules, therefore, in addition to a basketball, a volleyball, soccer or rubber water polo ball can be used.

Rules of the game. Each team has 6 players (2 field and 4 setters). Field players play the role of defenders and attackers and, being on the playing field, directly participate in throws at the opponents' ring. The setting players are in their sectors outside the court and participate only in receiving and passing the ball to the outfield players of their team.

The game consists of three periods, each of which continues until the field player of one of the teams has realized a throw on the ring. After that, field players of both teams take the places of setters, and they, in turn, become field players, etc.

The technical element - repeated steps of the player with the ball in his hands forward, backward, left, right, in which the supporting leg does not come off the court - is included in the rules of the game.

All other promotions and movements of field players on the court are carried out without the ball.

Having received the ball, the field player, in order to further advance to the front zone (half of the court on which the opponent's ring is located), must pass to the setter of his team. In turn, the setter, having received the ball, tries to make an accurate pass to one of the field players of his team.

The transfer of the ball between the field players is carried out only through the connecting players, between the setters - only through the field ones.

The game is stopped, the ball is passed to the opposing team or a free throw is awarded for the following violations:

a) when receiving or passing the ball, the setting player stepped on or
[ crossed the limit line of the site or his sector;

b) a direct transfer between the connecting players of one
| mandas;

c) direct transfer between field players of the same team;

d) touching the mast in a game situation with a hand;

■ e) the attacker is in the opponent's free throw zone I for more than three seconds;

f) the setting player takes a throw-in or a free- V.ny throw;

g) intentionally touching the opponent (delay, pushes,
| ry, blocking with hands and feet).

As the game of ringball is mastered, the zone rule may * be included in the competition (the attacking team cannot return the ball to their own half of the court). For younger children, we recommend holding ringball competitions with one field player and four setters. In this case, the game will consist of 5 periods.

Tennis - sport game. It is played by hitting a small rubber ball weighing 56.7-58.5 g, with a diameter of 6.35-6.67 cm. The playing area has a length of 23.77 m and a width of 10.97 m; , 23 m with a length of 23.77 m. The soil for the site is chosen clay-sand or asphalt, wood, grass cover. The essence of the game is that the players, occupying opposite sides of the court, throw the ball over the net, trying to direct it so that the opponent cannot reflect the ball.

A system of lead-up exercises precedes the training in playing tennis. The study by L. Korovkina showed the expediency of training the technique of the main blows.

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