Garden pergola. Do-it-yourself pergola - the most understandable lesson

garden equipment 29.08.2019
garden equipment

To create a cozy corner on the garden plot, you can place a pergola there. Traditionally in the East, they equip it in the form of a tea pavilion or make it adjacent to the house, providing a shady transition between buildings. The pergola is an expressive element of the garden landscape - it will provide shade on hot summer days, hide from prying eyes, create a comfortable atmosphere on the backyard and suburban area. Having successfully planned the arrangement and location of the pergola, you can give the garden elegance and add a touch of romance to its atmosphere.

This decorative structure in the form of arches with transverse bars or a trellis canopy is a support for climbing plants and will harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape. As a rule, to keep the general concept landscape design plot, the garden pergola is not made the central part of the composition. So that this design does not compete with other buildings, it is appropriate to install it in a secluded corner of the garden, or arrange it adjacent to a residential building. Regardless of the location, pergolas can be equipped with a barbecue or barbecue, where you can cook outdoors, as well as swings, an auditorium, benches.

There are the following types of pergolas:

  • depending on the shape - rounded, broken, fan-shaped;
  • according to the type of placement on the site, pergolas can be distinguished in the form of separate structures, as well as structures adjacent to the building. They are used as a terrace, gazebo or summer kitchen, as well as to create a shady corridor from the porch to the gate;
  • capital or collapsible structures.

Pergola materials

Depending on the design of the site, pergolas are made of various materials- laid out of stone or brick, hammered together from wood, forged or welded from metal, and also performed in the form artificial trees from plastic.

The most popular are wooden structures, as they organically fit into almost any style of landscape design, besides, building a wooden pergola does not take too much time.

A metal pergola stands out for its strength and durability. Metal support pieces can also be combined with wooden slats for landscaping. With proper care, a pergola made of these materials, entwined with green plants, will last on the site for a long time.

Brick pergola or natural stone- a fundamental structure, characterized by strength and durability. This pergola design is hardly suitable for small garden, but it will become a spectacular decoration of a spacious backyard.

Gradually, plastic constructions, which are characterized by low cost, are gaining popularity. Often climbing plants they braid the pergola in such a way that it becomes difficult to distinguish what material it is made of.

Functions of a garden pergola

Pergola in the garden can perform the following functions:

  • create a cozy corner for relaxation, while protecting from prying eyes, creating shade and coolness;
  • contribute to the creation of a comfortable microclimate;
  • zone the area. Several pergolas built on the site at an angle to each other will make it possible to single out separate functional areas - utility, for receiving guests, relaxation and solitude;
  • to give the adjacent territory originality and individuality;
  • smooth out some errors in the buildings on the site, as well as mask the technical buildings.

The choice of plants for the pergola and the rules for its landscaping

By selecting and planting plants for vertical pergola gardening, you can adjust appearance compositions, growth and direction of greenery winding along it.

Traditionally, pergolas are used to support decorative girlish or cultivated grapes. Climbing perennials, various varieties are suitable for creating a “living wall”. decorative vines And ampelous plants– they should be selected taking into account the climate. When choosing the type and variety of plants for a pergola, it is also necessary to take into account the time and duration of their flowering, as well as compatibility with other plants on the site.

Delicate wisterias, climbing roses and clematis look great in the pergola composition. Using large and small inflorescences various plants, it is easy to get a variety of color combinations. You can also decorate the pergola with the help of a braided Chinese magnolia vine, honeysuckle and ivy, bindweed, nasturtium and yellowleaf hops. Climbing sweet peas and fiery red kidney beans are fast growing annuals.

To create a harmonious composition, the space surrounding the pergola should also be planted. Shrubs planted around it will favorably shade it. It should be borne in mind that pergola plants, as a rule, need care - periodic watering and top dressing.

Building a pergola with your own hands

It is easy to equip a summer cottage by installing a purchased collapsible pergola - or custom-made according to the provided sketch. A wide range of plastic and wooden products, as well as prefabricated metal structures. In addition, you can inexpensively and creatively decorate the site by making a pergola with your own hands. At the same time, it is important to choose a material that is easy to use, as well as a structure that is easy to build. Such an inexpensive material that can be processed well is wood.

From natural wood, it is not too difficult to equip a garden structure for every taste at minimal cost. In addition, at home, you can build a pergola from several arches made of metal reinforcement or profile pipes, and interconnected by transverse beams.

To build a wooden pergola, you may need the following tools and materials:

  • wooden blocks for supports with a section of 70x70 mm, for cross beams 50x50 and for side beams 100x50 and 100x100 mm;
  • tapestry panels;
  • nails and wood screws;
  • brackets and brackets;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • Master OK;
  • wood preservative;
  • stain, decorative varnish or paint;
  • brush;
  • concrete mortar;
  • solution container;
  • shovel.

Preparatory work

To determine the amount of material required for the construction of a pergola, draw up a design project, draw a diagram on paper.

For the construction of a pergola, you can use pressure-treated wood - it is sold in garden centers. Otherwise, for weather protection, wooden blocks must be carefully treated with an antiseptic solution.

After the purchase and preparation of materials, it is necessary to prepare the place chosen for the placement of the future structure - to level the ground for the building, and also to apply markings.

How to install a pergola

To build a pergola on the site, you will need to do the following work:

  • first you need to dig recesses for installing supports (pits about 60 cm deep are suitable for fixing a small structure) - the pergola support pillars will be placed in them. The bars are fixed in the recesses, pouring them concrete mortar to give the structure stability;
  • for reliable fixation of the pillars, you need to wait a few days - it will take two to three days for the concrete to completely harden. After that, you can proceed to attaching the horizontal beams to the supports - for this, self-tapping screws are used, as well as brackets and brackets. At the same time, it is necessary to turn Special attention on the quality of the connections, on which the strength of the structure will depend. The most reliable way is considered to be spike fastening of wood - by tightly inserting figured protrusions (spikes) into the prepared holes (grooves). This method can reliably and stably fix the beams;
  • further, transverse beams are attached to the horizontal beams with the help of nails, placing them at regular intervals “in oblique” to increase the stability of the structure (under the influence of gusts of wind);
  • if you want to form a lattice pavilion, attach trellis panels to the side of the structure - they will act as a support for climbing plants, which will subsequently create the effect of a green wall. It should be borne in mind that trellis panels should be fixed above ground level, as they do not tolerate high humidity. In addition, a wire or rope can be pulled between the racks;
  • the erected structure is painted in the selected colors with paint for outdoor use ( oil paint or alkyd enamel), or stained and varnished.

Pergola - photo

- OWN HANDS. From boards and beams ... My task is to show you ALL ways and ALL techniques ... So that you immediately have a clear picture in your head of the entire process of building a pergola canopy with your own hands. So that you understand that you can easily do all the work yourself. I will also show how to turn a pergola canopy (later, if desired) into a cozy gazebo for gatherings with friends. I will also show how you can beat the design of your canopy in your summer cottage - with your own hands. We will make the CANOPY WITH OUR HANDS - step by step - in stages, each of which is painted in detail and shown in the photo.

So, less words - more action ... Let's start making a pergola.

Here's what she looks like. In its classic form.


ON SIX PILLARS - elongated.

The construction of any, any pergola - consists of THREE key STAGES.

  1. Installation of support posts (this can be done in several ways - I will show ...)
  2. Fastening horizontal beams-holders for the crate (this can also be done in different ways, now you will see everything)
  3. Fastening the transverse beams (or boards) of the pergola roof sheathing itself (here I will also show all the methods) ...

In each of the three stages of the construction of the pergola - NOTHING COMPLICATED. Now you will see 3 simple steps (in different options) to create a pergola with your own hands.

And for each of the stages - you will choose the method that is more convenient for you personally ...

So let's start with the first step...

Stage 1 - Installing the supporting pillars of the pergola.

(3 ways to choose)

Method one (on the ground) - FORMWORK + PRESSURE

The essence of the work: we insert special metal PRESSURES (which on one side have a U-shape for inserting a beam- and on the other hand curved for immersion in concrete formwork)

We buy a formwork form (or we make it ourselves from planks). We cut off a piece from the purchased form - so that it enters the hole with a strawberry of 80 cm.

heavy beam and trample down the bottom of the hole to make the surface flat. I saw something that you can splash water into the pit and sprinkle cement ... and trample this mixture ...

And on this flat base we put our formwork (purchased or home-made).

We check the level so that our formwork at the top has a strictly horizontal position ...

We fill with concrete mortar - thoroughly mix each portion (with a spatula or iron crowbar) so that the mass lies uniformly without voids.

We level the surface of the formwork and immediately carefully and slowly insert the lower part of our U-shaped thrust bearing into it.

Leave it like this until it hardens completely.

We are waiting for a few days - so that this concrete structure grabbed ... And then we insert and fasten our timber to the thrust bearing with screws.

I also found such a thrust bearing with a long tip - they are immediately driven into the ground (without pouring the foundation).

Method two (on the ground) - BEAM immediately into the FORMWORK.

This method has long been used by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers ... Just do not forget to wrap the beam with a piece of roofing material - this will be at least a little waterproofing in the foundation.

That is, we dig a hole (80-90 cm deep) - we upholster the beam-pillar with roofing material - we insert it into the pit. Fill with concrete and align it strictly vertically. And so all 4 pillars (or more if you have a large pergola). We align each post vertically (supporting it with boards) so that it keeps the vertical. Or you can not prop up - but connect the pillars to each other with boards - so they will hold on one by one.

Method three (on a concrete or wooden porch).

Here, too, a metal thrust bearing will be needed - we screw it in the place where the pole is installed. We insert our support beam - and screw the beam with screws to the thrust bearing.

Or the thrust bearings may have a different shape. Here is such…

Or you can use 4 corners - screwing them on four sides of the foot of the timber.

So ... we installed the support pillars ... now let's take care of the roof ...

Stage 2 - Laying horizontal load-bearing beams

(4 ways)

Method one (put on top and nail)

This is the easiest way - we take our horizontal beam and simply put it on TOP OF our support posts. And fix it with a long screw.

One important detail - so that such a fastening is resistant to a gust of wind and other loads - we screw one screw vertically (through the beam - in the center of the support column) and insert two more screws at an angle (left and right) - like this in the photo.

Method two - metal plate

We also put the beam on top of the support post - and we screw two L-shaped (or one T-shaped) metal bracket and drill it with screws.

On the other wall of the beam - do the same.

Method three - PAZ in the support column.

It is possible in the support column itself - to cut a groove (the width of our horizontal beam). And in this groove insert the beam. The method is good, reliable - in ancient times they did it, without nails. But in our time, it is still recommended to fix such a “groove” connection - so that it is stronger.

Can the same work be done on the ground(below) - so as not to climb so high ... scary ..

... and then put the pillars - immediately with horizontal beams inserted into them ...

This is only suitable if your pillars will not be cemented in the foundation ... and then you can assemble the frames on the ground (2 pillars + horizontal beam and again 2 pillars + horizontal beam) - and then these two “portals” will already be installed in the planned place ... and finish the roof. Decide whichever suits you best...

Method four (without beams) - EDGING BOARD.

Why do we need beams (boards are cheaper). And the horizontal beam can be replaced by two edged boards stuffed on a support pole on one side and the other (Fig. 1)

The top of the pillar can be left sticking out - we can then attach the transverse beams-boards to it (Fig. 2). Or we can leave...

This method is good for that it is not necessary to lift heavy beams to a height (the board is much lighter). On YouTube, I found a video where a married young couple assembled such a pergola together) the wife held one end of the board - the husband drilled the other ... It was nice together - they did everything in one evening.

Useful notes for the stage of laying the carrier beam.

Perhaps you have the following questions arose:

1. Will this load-bearing beam withstand such a load on the roof? After all, the roof crate will also be made of heavy beams, and all of them will fall on 2 load-bearing beams with their weight - will they withstand it?

2. What should I do if I have short beams? Can I make one long beam out of two short beams?

I'm answering questions right now:

Reinforcement for horizontal bearing beam.

So... we put 2 beams (or if your pergola is longer and has more than 4 pillars, then there will be more load-bearing beams)... These are horizontal load-bearing beams will hold all our transverse beams of the crate.

THAT'S WHY they must be thick, strong and it is desirable to have ADDITIONAL STRENGTHENING

Now I'll show you what...

Here in the figure below, I showed with arrows diagonal cutting of beams- which additionally support our load-bearing horizontal beams lying on the supporting pillars.

They are made simply - a piece of a beam is taken - and along the edges they are made cut at a 45 degree angle. And then with screws they are screwed with one end to the support post - the other end to the horizontal beam (see photo below).

Such additionally reinforced beams - it is easier to bear both the weight of the pergola batten and the weight roof deck(if you want to cover the pergola with a roof) and a layer of heavy snow.

If your cross "beam" consists of two boards (as in the 4th method) - then our reinforcement beam is attached to the pole at one end - and inserted at the other end BETWEEN these boards- and screwed to them with screws - on both sides (as in the photo below)

What to do - if the length of the beam is not enough.

If the length of the beam is not enough, two beams can be connected into one. Like this…

To do this, we make the same cuts of a rectangular shape for both bars.

We fold the groove into the groove - and in several places we connect it with screws - and in places joint (5 screws) and near with a joint (2 on the left and 2 on the right - 2 cm from the joint).

Stage 3 (last) - we put the transverse beams-boards

(pergola roof sheathing)

Hurrah… we have reached the last stage…
We have already 1) put the pillars, 2) put the load-bearing beams on them - and the last thing left is 3) the crate of the pergola roof with our own hands.

Here again there are several ways.

Method one - put on top and fasten with screws.

Can just put the bars on top on the carrier beam - and fasten each with a long screw (obliquely).

Method two - put on top and fasten with corners.

Or use metal corners on both sides of the beam.

The third method - we fasten the joint-to-butt - on a metal bracket-holder.

On a horizontal load-bearing beam - we fasten the brackets-holders. And we put our transverse beams into these holder brackets - for the construction of the pergola crate.

here are more options for such brackets for attaching beams ...

The fourth method - we cut the grooves to the size of the carrier beam.

Even during the construction of the roof of the pergola, it is possible to fasten the transverse beams using the GROOVE METHOD ...
THAT IS - in each beam of the crate we cut out 2 grooves (from one end of the beam and from the other end) - and with these grooves we put each transverse beam on the supporting beam.

If you removed the pergola - which has a load-bearing horizontal beam - was replaced by two boards (see method 4 of the 2nd stage of pergola construction). Then the transverse boards will need to be cut 2 grooves from one end of the board to the other. So that these 2 grooves of the crate enter 2 load-bearing boards ... Like in the photo below.

That's all - what you need to know to make your own pergola

Optional- you can also add an additional small roof lathing pergolas with a lath ... perpendicular to our rows of transverse beams ... Here's how it is here in the photo below - first the crate with a trimmed board - and then transversely with another lath - such a crate in a box turned out.

You make the pergola yourself - with your own hands. And you decide what will she be. The flight of thought - and the audacity of creativity.))

And you have an interesting architectural form on the site ... Which can be beaten in any way ...

Make a BBQ...

Sheathe your pergola with lattice walls, cover it with a roof - and as a result, the canopy will turn into a real gazebo ...

I told more about how to make a gazebo from an ordinary pergola canopy in a special article.

Or you can hang a hammock...

Or fit a pergola into a shady corner of a luxurious garden.

Anything you want. You yourself made the pergola - you yourself will beat it. Every year you can change its contents ... and get a new corner of a cozy holiday on the site.

See how easy it is to make a pergola canopy with your own hands.

Three easy steps. different ways implementation of these steps. Everything is simple and clear.

You will want to build your own pergola….

if you see THIS...

Pergola - a garden structure for climbing plants, which also serves as a canopy, protects a terrace or a transition between buildings or parts of a garden from the sun.

As part of the landscape design, the pergola decorates garden plot, helps to zone it and creates a certain atmosphere.

When choosing the appearance of a future pergola, you should decide what functions it will perform.

It could be:

  • Decorative function, garden and landscape decoration;
  • Support for plants such as different types vine, hops, ivy, some varieties of roses;
  • Sun protection, shade where needed, e.g. over a terrace, a canopy over a car park;
  • Rest zone. There are pergolas combined with a bench or gazebo;
  • Garden zoning, the need to hide some area from prying eyes.

Depending on what functions the pergola should perform, the design is chosen.

There are the following types of structures:

  • awning structure. The main function of this type of pergola is a canopy for shade, protection from the sun. An awning can adjoin the house and become a canopy for a parked car. Or be freestanding and play the role of a gazebo. It will not protect against rain, but it will provide shade on a hot day.
  • Screen design. The name speaks for itself. This type of pergola will help in zoning when it is necessary to fence off part of the garden.
  • Visor design. It will also provide a canopy and shade, it can adjoin some building.
  • Pergola in the form of a tunnel. It consists of several arches connected by horizontal beams. It makes sense to place such a structure above the path or when moving from one building to another.

When choosing a material for a future pergola, the following points should be considered:

  • The pergola must fit into general style landscape design, match the size of the site. Look easy;
  • The design must be strong and reliable. Climbing plants usually grow quickly, over time, the load on the elements of the pergola increases;
  • Watering the plants helps high humidity, so it is necessary to process wooden elements pergola with an antiseptic solution and do it regularly.

The pergola can be made to order from specialized manufacturers, bought and assembled from ready-made elements. And you can make a wooden pergola yourself.

Wood is a material ideal for garden buildings, very malleable, environmentally friendly. Plants take root well on wooden pergolas.


Whichever version of the pergola is chosen, it is necessary to start work with the project. Need to prepare a drawing general view in accordance with the size of the future pergola. Dimensions depend on the area of ​​​​the site and the selected design, are determined by the results of measurements at the installation site.

Example. Drawing of a general view of the design of the pergola in the form of an awning.

Example. A drawing of a general view of the design of the screen pergola.

Example. Drawing of a general view of the pergola canopy.

Example. General view drawing of one of the pergola elements in the form of a tunnel.

As can be seen from the example drawings, in any structure there are necessarily supports, they must be securely fixed in the ground. Support beams are placed on them, to which, in turn, transverse beams are attached, forming a canopy.

The only exception is the pergola screen, which is a fixed vertical lattice panel for climbing plants.


Based on the drawing, are determined necessary materials and their number.

You will need:

  • Tubular formwork for bearing racks according to the number of supports fixed in the ground;
  • gravel, sand and cement;
  • Adjustable anchors according to the number of supports;
  • Wooden beam 10 × 10 or 15 × 15 cm 240 - 270 cm long by the number of bearing supports;
  • Boards 5 × 15 or 5 × 20 cm for support beams, their length usually protrudes beyond the perimeter by 15 - 30 cm;
  • Boards 5 × 15 cm for cross beams;
  • Boards 5 × 10 cm for the crossbars;
  • Screws 175mm;
  • Self-tapping screws 150 mm and 75 mm;
  • Decorative wooden bars right size and quantities.

All materials must be purchased taking into account the fact that they will be used outdoors. The material needed is high-quality, wear-resistant, for example, wood subjected to pressure treatment. The timber and boards must be free of chips, cracks and any deformations.

To build a wooden pergola, you will need the following tools and fixtures:

  • Shovel or drill to dig holes for supports;
  • Container for mixing cement;
  • Roulette;
  • Level;
  • Jigsaw, ;
  • Drill;
  • Hammer;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Ladder.

Work on the construction of the pergola begins with the marking of the contour at the site of the future construction. To do this, you need pegs and a rope stretched over them. This step is very important, as you can check the perpendicularity of the sides of the structure and determine the exact location of the corners.

The next stage is digging holes for the bearing supports. The diameter of the pits corresponds to the dimensions of the formwork, the depth is 70-90 cm. A layer of gravel is poured into the pits, and the formwork is placed. After the formwork has been set, it is checked with a spirit level whether the forms are arranged in the same way. If necessary, the supports are leveled.

After that happens. At this stage, adjustable anchors are installed in the concrete, they will be needed for installation wooden poles pergolas. The concrete hardens for 48 hours, then you can add earth around the supports, compact it and install the racks.

Manufacturing and installation of pergolas

1. Pergola support posts are made from a beam of 10x10 or 15x15 cm, which is sawn off according to the drawing of the required length in order to obtain a structure of the desired height. Racks are fastened in anchors with the help of special screws - capercaillie. The vertical position of the racks is also determined using a spirit level.

It is possible to fix the timber directly in the cement, without anchors. In this case, it is necessary to pre-treat the ends of the supports with hot bitumen.

2. After installing the vertical supports, you can proceed to the manufacture of support beams. For this, a 5 × 15 or 5 × 20 board is sawn off required size, you can give it original shape at the protruding ends with a jigsaw.

Before fixing on the support posts, the beams are also leveled with a level, then through holes are drilled through the beams and posts, bolts are inserted, nuts are tightened.

3. The next step is the cross beams.

A 5 × 15 cm board is suitable for their manufacture. The number of transverse beams is determined based on the fact that during installation the distance between them is about 30 cm. It is possible to install them more often, then there will be less light transmission and more shade.

The cross beams are attached to the support by means of grooves that must be cut according to the dimensions of the drawing. After installation in the groove, the beams are additionally fixed with self-tapping screws.

A word like "pergola" in Everyday life is extremely rare. Therefore, many people are not even aware of its meaning. Often the building is identified with a standard gazebo, but this is not entirely true. About what this part of the exterior is, as well as how it can transform the atmosphere of your garden - read our article.

When and where exactly pergolas began to be used for the first time is almost impossible to establish. However, it is safe to say that they were used to facilitate the harvest of grapes and protection from the scorching sun. Some time passed, and the aesthetic appeal of such buildings could not but interest people, and in the end, these canopies became separate decorative components of the architectural ensemble of landscape gardening art, which did not necessarily carry a certain functional load. Captivating simplicity of execution, elegance, practicality and functionality have proven the building with better side not only among landscape designers, but also avid gardeners and gardeners.

Today the main purpose of wooden and metal structures consists in creating a vegetative passage to various areas of the garden. In this case, the pergola can serve as a kind of separator between the garden and the garden or the playground and the recreation area. At the same time, the original purpose of the structure has also not lost its significance, and it is successfully used for growing grapes and creating a darkened corner for outdoor recreation.

IN summer time, braided with climbing vegetation, the coating forms a secluded place with pleasant freshness and shade, and also protects from gusts of wind and dust. In addition, the building can perfectly disguise nondescript utility spaces. Thus, no matter what role the pergola plays, it serves as an excellent decor for the site.

In the production process, the following materials are used individually, or their combinations: wood, metal pipes, stone, polycarbonate, plastic.

The most popular raw material for manufacturing, of course, is wood. Pine, oak, acacia and larch options are best suited - due to their aesthetic and practical characteristics. When decorating the exterior of an aged wooden building, roughly cut boards will organically fit into the general context. It is appropriate to add a canopy of processed beams to modern-type buildings. wooden details must be covered with antibacterial agents. In order to protect against decomposition and damage, the surface of the pergola should be covered with a solution of nitro enamel or linotex.

The combined variation of oak beams with columns or on a brick support looks very attractive. Untreated birch logs are ideal for creating a rustic setting.

Varieties of pergola designs

Apart from building materials, pergolas also differ in the type of device:

Awning. This variety is a shelter made of a lattice, a set of flat or voluminous bars. Protects against sun rays but will not prevent raindrops from entering. It can be installed as an adjoining part to another building, or stand apart.

Visor. Such a canopy comes from southern territories. The device allows you to get a shadow for window openings on the south side of the house or organization of a recreation area.

Screen. It has a vertical shape, serves as a support for climbing plants. It is also used to separate or combine individual zones on the site.

Corridor. Forms a romantic green tunnel of climbing plants, which are supported, as a rule, by a metal support.

All types of buildings are conditionally divided into two main groups - secluded structures (located separately from other buildings), as well as adjacent to buildings. Represent the outer part of the summer kitchen, sauna or home.

Pergola can be square, rectangular, triangular, arched and even wavy. The choice will be determined by the personal preferences of the owners and the arrangement of the remaining details of the yard, as well as the size of this building and other buildings.

The arched structure is more whimsical in the production process, and therefore can cost a little more than a rectangular modification. However, its appearance is incredibly graceful and elegant, which eliminates any costs. The openwork of thin lines transforms even the most uncomplicated design, bringing unobtrusive notes of luxury and nobility.

When choosing the type of pergola, it is necessary to determine right size. Too large a structure in a small area will be inharmonious, too high will create a small amount of shade, and too small may not withstand the load of plants. In any case, everything will depend on the dimensions of the entire site and the scale of other buildings that form landscape composition. The pergola should be in the context of the overall idea, not stand out from it, but on the contrary, complement and decorate.

As in the case of the selection of the device of the structure, the choice of color should be made based on the need for a harmonious ensemble of the entire design. The color of the canopy can share a common color palette, being its organic continuation, or it may represent a separate accent that stands out against the rest of the background, but it must necessarily be combined with it and echo.

The bulk of the variations in the execution of any landscape structure made of wood is associated with the use of its attractive natural tone. Indeed, in itself it is beautiful and organic on a natural canvas, especially if other details are executed in a similar way. Of course, wood products still need to be treated with special means in the form of antiseptics and varnishes that protect against decay and dampness.

The performance in white looks incredibly beautiful surrounded by flower beds, lawns and trees. The fresh and clean image of white buildings creates a great festive impression from the entire backyard decoration.

For pergola cladding, you can choose a combination of textures and shades. If the canopy is made using several materials at once, for example, stone and wood or metal and wood, then it is reasonable to dwell on different color solutions for a particular material. landscape designers prefer in this case to use no more than two colors. For example, white columns can be combined with any shade of wood in the form of beams and battens. Deep metal tones harmonize perfectly with bright woody notes.

Saturated variations of contrasting gray, black, dark brown are able to distinguish the building from the general calm halo. The design looks especially stylish next to garden furniture in the same dark design.

Where should the pergola be placed?

The location for the building depends, first of all, on its purpose. Therefore, first you need to decide what role the pergola will play - it will be an addition for decorative elements, or will be a support for plants or still create a shadow in the likeness of a gazebo or canopy.

One of the most popular location options is a detached structure above the dining and relaxing area. After all, having your own house, it would be a great loss not to have special place for eating outdoors. Of course, such a building is not able to protect the dining space from heavy rain, but it is quite capable of protecting it from the summer sun.

Having familiarized yourself with the theoretical part of what a pergola is, types, shapes and styles, you can proceed directly to the practical part - how to make a pergola with your own hands for a summer residence.

Depending on the type of pergola and the complexity of the design, the work can take from one to several days, and is carried out in several successive stages, from the idea to planting and decoration.

How to make a wooden pergola with your own hands - step by step instructions

Stage 1 - design

The project of a pergola is not complicated in itself, because their diversity does not leave marks on stylistic decisions, the pergola device includes support posts, decorative sections and a roof. When developing a wooden pergola project, you need to take into account:

  • the roof and walls are thought out in such a way as to provide maximum shade in the midday heat. Here it is important to take into account the location of the pergola, the presence of a number of trees and buildings;
  • sufficiency of lighting. The pergola creates a pleasant shade, and does not hide part of the site from the sun. Therefore, the design of the pergola should provide sufficient light to ensure the vital activity of plants and a pleasant stay in the pergola;

Advice. It is better to have a pergola entrance group from North to South. This reduces the intensity daylight due to the width of the slats, and provide evening and morning lighting due to the gaps between the slats.

  • lot size and purpose. Pergola for roses, grapes or for relaxation - different in design and functionality;

Note. The size of a pergola is determined by the size of its roof. When they say “the size of the pergola is 2,000 by 2,000,” they mean exactly the dimensions of the roof slope.

  • manufacturability pergola. At the design stage, it is decided whether it will have lighting, a fountain, a barbecue, a kitchen, etc. Pergolas for summer cottages are usually made light and small, for country houses– larger and more functional;
  • take into account the design of other buildings on the site. The stylistic unity of all components emphasizes the thoughtfulness of landscape design and the sense of style of the owners of the house.

Stage 2 - the cost of purchasing a pergola

At this stage, we will consider how the price is formed and what makes up the cost of the pergola.

The easiest and fastest solution would be to purchase finished construction. Moreover, you can buy a pergola both as a whole and section by section, and you can also order the manufacture of a pergola according to a drawing.

The price of a pergola is determined by many factors, their importance is given in descending order:

  • making a pergola according to a drawing is the most expensive option. The cost depends on the material of manufacture, timing, complexity of the drawing, etc.;
  • acquisition of a finished structure with subsequent installation. The kit is good because it contains all the necessary components. So, the leader of sales is a pergola metal team for plants;
  • buying a drawing and making a pergola with your own hands;
  • drawing development and phased production. In this case, work is carried out depending on the frequency of receipt of funds. This option is the most budgetary.

Stage 3 - making a wooden pergola with your own hands

Pergola drawing

Having chosen a place and decided on the purpose of the pergola, a drawing is being prepared. Correct scheme will make it possible to accurately determine the amount of material required, think over the connection points, take into account nearby buildings and trees, and visualize the project as a whole.

According to professionals, the only static parameter of pergolas is their height, for example:

  • pergola for relaxation - up to 2,500 mm.

The rest (width, length) - at the discretion of the owner. Here it is important to provide for: the width, length of the pergola, the dimensions of the supports, the distance between the supporting pillars, between the horizontal bars, determine the size of the roof and the amount of its overlap (hanging).

Note. It is advisable to make the design of the arch proportional, and also take the width of the pergola equal to or greater than its height - this will give the structure stability.

The scheme of the pergola, with the dimensions printed on it, serves as a starting point for starting work.

Consider how to make a pergola with your own hands using the example of a country pergola for relaxation.

What to make a pergola for grapes and climbing flowers?

Depending on the material used, there are:

  • wooden;
  • forged;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • stone or brick;
  • combined.

Building material for wood pergola

The material for the pergola must be chosen based on the style of the site. Regardless of the material, the design should look light and elegant.

To build a wooden pergola 3000x4200, 2500 mm high. you need to prepare:

  • timber 100 * 100 * 3 300 mm - 4 pcs.;
  • longitudinal beams 50 * 150 * 4 500 mm - 4 pcs.;
  • cross beams 40 * 100 * 3,000 mm - 7 pcs.;
  • rail 40 * 40 * 4000 mm - 10 pcs.;
  • rail 20 * 40 mm for lathing (trellis);
  • crushed stone, sand, cement, water - for foundation mortar (can be used screw piles or metal supports)
  • fire retardants (protect from fire), antiseptics (protect from decay and pests), waste oil, resin or roofing material (for processing the lower part of the supports), varnish or paint;
  • self-tapping screws, nails, screws, metal corners 40*40.

Tool: solution container, shovel, level, plumb line, trowel, chisel, hammer, hacksaw, jigsaw, planer, tape measure, rope and pegs, garden drill, drill.

Note. All lumber needs to be processed prior to manufacturing.

Foundation for a pergola

Preparation of the base for the construction of a pergola includes leveling the surface, marking the place in accordance with the drawing, digging a trench for shallow strip foundation. In practice, the construction of pergolas is not always accompanied by pouring the foundation. When choosing how to fix the pergola on the ground (in the ground), you need to know that there are 4 ways to make a reliable foundation:

1 way - pergola without foundation

This method is suitable for those who make a pergola for flowers. The lightweight construction of a wooden garden pergola is designed to support climbing plants that are light in weight. To install it, it is enough to prepare two supporting pillars and securely strengthen them.

2 way - pergola with strip foundation

To install a strip foundation on the site, you need to make markings, dig a trench for pouring concrete. The depth of the trench depends on the type of soil, but rarely exceeds 400 mm. A gravel-sand cushion must be laid at the bottom of the trench and carefully rammed. Next, a formwork is constructed, into which concrete is then poured. Until the concrete has completely dried, work should be stopped.

3 way - pergola with a columnar or pile foundation

The easiest, fastest and most rational way to make a pergola base. Using columnar or pile foundation allows you to install a pergola anywhere, regardless of the terrain, does not require long preparatory work, does not violate the integrity of the lawns, has a long period of operation.

This method is ideal for those who are engaged in decorating the garden at the time of its flowering and are deciding how to install the pergola in the ground without harming the plants. Pointed anchors make it possible to install pergola supports anywhere. However, their disadvantage is their low bearing capacity. For example, a metal pergola for grapes will require additional reinforcement.

Advice. When arranging the foundation for a pergola, you need to remember the rule that the deeper the base of the foundation is, the greater its bearing capacity will be.

4 way - pergola on anchors

The choice in favor of this method is often made by those who install the pergola on an existing base.

At the same time, the installed metal anchors are able to withstand the weight of the pergola, taking into account the load created by the weight of the plants and the wind load.

Installation of pergola supports

The frame for the pergola consists of vertical supports, horizontal beams and crossbeams. The reliability and maintainability of the entire structure directly depends on the installation of supports.

How to install vertical pergola posts

To install vertical supports, a garden drill prepares a recess in the soil. Sufficient depth depends on the height of the pergola and is equal to 1/3 of it. That is, at a height of 2,500, you need to deepen the timber by 800 mm.

During installation, the following rules must be observed:

  • process the timber in any way that excludes the possibility of damage to the wood (most often it is used machine oil, resin, roofing material or special impregnations);
  • make special grooves in the upper part of the support. They are necessary in order to install the roof;
  • arrange a sand cushion at the bottom of the recess. The stronger the base of the support, the less likely it is to sag and the entire structure to squint;
  • install the support and check its verticality using a level;
  • concrete the support and continue work only after the concrete has gained strength;
  • supports should be installed at the same distance from each other (but the pitch of the pillars is not more than 1,500 mm). So the design of the pergola will look more harmonious.

Note. If a gate is supposed to be in a pergola, it is necessary to provide for the installation of additional supports, as well as mark the place for installing hinges (canopies). According to users, it is advisable to give preference to hinges that open in both directions.

Installation of horizontal beams

Horizontal beams serve to support the crossbeams. The beams are attached to the supports using steel angles 40x40 mm.

Note. Some craftsmen, even in this case, advise strengthening the junction with brackets, brackets, or self-tapping screws.

Installation of crossbeams (roofs)

The crossbeams that form the roof of the pergola are mounted on horizontal beams. Outwardly, they are a set of wide lamellas, which are arranged vertically at the same distance. They look like blinds. The crossbars are fixed with nails “on an oblique”. Thus, their fastening resistance to wind loading increases.

Straight crossbars are easier to manufacture, pergolas and arches made of wood look more spectacular in the landscape design of the site.

Note. The roof can be covered with a tarpaulin to protect the pergola seating area from rain.

Installation of trellis panels

Tapestry panels are sections that form the walls of the pergola (if any). As a rule, they are wooden sections stuffed with thin slats. Less commonly used are panels with stretched wire or rope.

Tapestry panels are attached to the support posts with self-tapping screws.

Note. Tapestries are installed at a distance of at least 150 mm. from the ground surface, this will prevent the bottom of the panel from rotting from moisture.

Stage 4 - decoration of the pergola

The final stage of construction is the floristry of the pergola.

As decorative elements are used:

  • paint or varnish;
  • lighting;
  • fabric canvases that give additional shade or privacy;
  • decorative figures;
  • fireplace, barbecue;
  • climbing plants and flowers;
  • fountain and more.

It should be noted that wooden pergolas need constant care, which consists in the timely tinting of frame elements.

Stage 5 - plants for pergola

Despite the fact that the classic wooden pergola for roses or grapes was conceived specifically to support climbing plants, it has long expanded its functions and today has become a full-fledged element of landscape design and a place for summer holidays.

Nevertheless, floristry is its integral attribute. Making a pergola without fail includes the planting of ampelous plants. These are plant species that have creeping or creeping stems.

Climbing plants and flowers for pergolas in the country:

  • pelargonium (geranium). Sun resistant, can go without watering for a long time;
  • hanging begonia. Feels good in shaded corners;
  • lobelia. Likes wet places;
  • ampelous petunia. Likes sunny damp places;
  • bacopa. Blooms throughout the season;
  • climbing roses. Favorite flowers of almost every woman. Roses, quite unpretentious in care, bloom during the season.

In addition, you can decorate the pergola with flowers in pots or palm trees, which can be brought indoors during the cold season.

As you can see, each of the plants has its own preferences, which means that when choosing them, the location of the pergola and the possibility of organizing irrigation are taken into account.

Note. By installing hooks on pergola sections, you can avoid tying climbing plants, it will be enough to guide young shoots and fix them with hooks.

What climbing plants to choose for a pergola?

  • to decorate the pergola, you should use local plants that have proven themselves well in the local climate;
  • It is better to use plants that bloom for a long time. Or combine in such a way that they bloom in turn. Then the pergola will be transformed depending on the season;
  • at different plants should have the same development time. This will create hedge and prevent the option when some plants drown out others;
  • no more than 4 types of plants should be used. The more varieties, the more difficult it is to care for them. Again - the motley pergola does not have an entirely aesthetic appearance;
  • if the plants need to be transplanted for the winter, care should be taken to remove them from the trellis or shelter them for the winter. In general, it is better not to use such plants;
  • grapes (girlish or five-leafed) are great for creating a monolithic wall on a pergola. It grows fast and is great for planting in a shady or sunny location. The peculiarity of girlish grapes is that in autumn it changes color: bright greens are replaced by crimson autumn colors.
  • the closer the transverse beams of the roof are located, the more shade the pergola will give, but the less light will fall on the plants;
  • when installing a pergola along the walls, care must be taken that the plants do not weave along the wall (especially along the southern one), otherwise they are provided with overheating;
  • the construction of a pergola in the same style with other buildings on the site will create a harmonious ensemble;
  • the size of the pergola must be correlated with other buildings. Otherwise, it will shift the focus on itself and stand out against the background of the house or simply get lost;
  • you should create a pergola with a margin of safety, because as the plants grow, they will begin to exert additional load on the frame. Do not forget that the pergola, braided with plants, has a large windage compared to an open gazebo;
  • regular care is a guarantee long term pergola services. A wooden or metal pergola is repainted from time to time. This will improve the appearance and protect the structure of metal and wood from destruction;
  • The choice of color has a significant impact on the appearance of the pergola. Variegated - will become a bright spot against the background of the greenery of the garden, white - will create the illusion of airiness, and brown - will merge with the surrounding greenery and give the feeling of being in the forest;
  • must be remembered that in winter time when the green cover is not so monolithic, all the flaws of the pergola will come out, so you need to think through the connection options during the construction process so that they are reliable and accurate.


A DIY garden pergola is a fashionable, beautiful and spectacular element of landscape design of the site, as well as a way to create an extraordinary and stylish vacation spot for the whole family.

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