Tea tree flower. Melaleuca - tea tree and fragrant healer

garden equipment 29.05.2019
garden equipment

The tea tree belongs to the genus Melaleuca, which originates from the Myrtle family. In total, about 200 species are found in the botanical literature, which look like low evergreen shrubs or have the form of trees and grow mainly in Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea.

The leaf shape of the tea tree is oval. They are placed on branches without cuttings and alternately. Dense spherical inflorescences look like a brush or a lush panicle. home vegetative feature melaleuki is the presence of bunches of stamens in flowers, which are collected in separate groups. In total, each bundle contains 5 stamens. At the beginning of flowering, the sepals die off. Then solid ones appear in their place. seed pods, which are tightly pressed against the branch.

The tea tree is decorated not only with beautiful inflorescences, but also with light flaky bark. It has the ability to peel off in the form of thin long pieces, which is why melaleuca is often also called the paper bark tree.

Even official medicine recognized the healing properties of tea tree a century ago due to the rich content of essential oils in it, which have antibacterial and antiviral effects. Based on its vegetative parts, valuable medicinal raw materials are produced.

Many flower growers consider melaleuca to be a picky houseplant, but in order to achieve permanent and abundant flowering must be followed certain rules care.

The area for growing the plant should be well lit, but direct sunlight should be avoided. In some cases, you can use artificial lighting, which is provided with the help of phytolamps. They turn on for a time equal to a normal daylight hours. Some plants grown in such conditions may re-bloom in winter. Insufficient amount of light adversely affects the growth of the tree, the leaves begin to fall off, which leads to the death of the entire shrub.

AT winter period pots with a plant must be stored in a cool room and also provide additional lighting. AT summer period try to avoid getting aggressive midday rays on the leaves. They can cause severe burns.

Melaleuca tolerates the heat quite well in the summer. In winter, in the absence of additional lighting, it is desirable for melaleuca to provide a cool air temperature of about 10 degrees.

The areas of distribution of wild-growing tea tree in nature are swamps and river banks, so the plant is moisture-loving and, accordingly, requires regular watering. Otherwise, with insufficient moisture, the leaves fall off and the earthen coma dries up, as a result, the plant dies. For irrigation, only settled water at room temperature is used, to which you can add a pinch of citric acid or a couple of drops of vinegar. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced several times.

Melaleuka required high humidity air, so it must be sprayed regularly, especially in the hot summer period. It is advisable to put a layer of expanded clay in the pot tray and add fresh water.

As a basis for growing a tea tree, only neutral soil or an earthen mixture consisting of peat, turf and sand is used, which is taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Melaleuca beautiful prefers a substrate filled with sand.

During the growth and development of the plant, melaleuca must be fed 2 times a month with a solution of complex fertilizers that are used for most indoor plants.

Adult specimens of melaleuca are transplanted every year in new pot larger diameter so that root system could continue to fully grow and develop. In order to simplify the task, some flower growers, instead of transplanting, simply cut the roots of the tree and update upper layer soil.

Melaleuca requires periodic pruning to maintain its shrub or tree shape throughout the year. During pruning, dry seed pods are removed, which allows you to give the plant a neat and attractive appearance.

Annual shoots of young seedlings are also cut at a height of 10 cm, so that in the future they begin to gradually branch into a bush.

The tea tree can be propagated by seeds or cuttings. The seed method of reproduction is carried out on a thoroughly moistened soil substrate. After planting, to accelerate growth, the seeds are covered with glass, and the growing containers are stored at room temperature. After a week, the first shoots can be observed, but this process may slow down if the seed boxes are left in a cool room for a long time. The loss of young seedlings is almost inevitable, many of them die at the very beginning.

For cuttings, it is necessary to cut the longest cuttings. After that, they are planted in the soil or placed in a container filled with water to speed up the formation of roots. Sometimes special phytohormones are also added to the water, which affect the growth of cuttings.

It is possible to expect flowering during seed propagation only when the plant reaches the age of six.

Indoor melaleuca can often be affected by spider mites, mealybugs and others. dangerous pests. As an effective means of combating them, regular spraying of infected plants with insecticidal solutions of Aktelik, Akarin or Fitoverm is used.

Among the diseases of the tea tree, the most common are root rot, burn or leaf fall. In most cases, the main reason for their occurrence is improper care, which is sometimes not observed by the owners of the plant.

To date, the following varieties of tea tree are the most common:

Homeland is the northeastern part of Australia. This species is called one of the most common in the family. Melaleuca is often grown indoors on a windowsill. The plant has the appearance of a low green tree, which is characterized by slow growth. The leaves of this variety are similar to pine needles due to the green color and elongated narrow shape. The length of the leaves is about 1-3.5 cm, and the width is only 1 mm. The flowering period falls in the spring and continues until the beginning of summer. Cylindrical inflorescences of small diameter are painted white.

It is considered the second most common in the tea tree family and is only grown indoors. The country of growth of melaleuca diosmolifolia is Western Australia. The shrub is a plant with green short leaves that are ovoid and densely distributed along the side branches. Inflorescences of lemon or light green color reach a length of about 5 cm. They begin to form on branches in late spring.

It originally appeared in the southeast of Australia. On the coasts, you can find low, fast-growing trees that have gray-green elongated leaves. In summer, snow-white flowers with numerous stamens are formed on them. Flowering is so rapid that the foliage becomes almost invisible. Due to this property, tea tree in most English-speaking countries began to be called "Summer Snow". For home cultivation, flower growers bred an attractive dwarf variety of Melaleuca flaxseed and gave it the name "Snow Storm".

This species is also called clawed honey myrtle, found in western Australia. The shrub also has its own distinctive features from other species, namely: small and dark green leaves, pink unusual shape flowers. They are collected in the form of swirling inflorescences that resemble claws. Each of them gathers five groups of long stamens, fused together. For this reason, the plant is often referred to as "Claw Flower".

This is a large shrub similar to flaxseed melaleuca, which differs from it only in the color of the flowers. Pink inflorescences have a spherical shape. They grow about 3 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in late spring and lasts for several months.

In addition to the above plants, in any specialized store that sells flower products, you can buy seeds and other tea tree varieties for home cultivation.

Important! Experienced flower growers are advised to pay attention to the fact that confusion often occurs when describing melaleuca, since it is very similar in appearance to Leptospermum paniculata or New Zealand tea tree. Even in botanical literature, you can find photographs of one species, and the characteristics and descriptions under them will refer to a completely different name. However, Leptospermum paniculata differs from the traditional tea tree in flowers and does not have valuable medicinal properties, so it is not used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Such kind as melaleuca (tea tree) is directly related to the myrtle family. It unites about 200 species of evergreen shrubs and trees. In nature, they can be found in Indonesia, New Caledonia, Australia, Papua New Guinea, and also in Malaysia.

Simple leaves are lanceolate or ovoid in shape, and they are located on the shoots in most cases alternately. Some species have no petioles at all, while others are short. Fragrant flowers are collected in rather loose inflorescences, having the shape of a ball or cylinder, they are similar in appearance to a panicle or brush. The peculiarity of the inflorescences is that each of them continues with a new growth. The flower mainly consists of stamens, which are collected in 5 bunches. His petals fall off when flowering is just beginning. Over time, strong closed capsules appear in place of the flowers, inside which there are seeds. These capsules are pressed very tightly against the branches.

Such a plant not only has inflorescences of an unusual shape, it also has a flaky bark, painted in a light color shade. There are species with peeling thin, rather large pieces of bark, which is why the tea tree is also popularly called the paper tree (Paperbark).

And these trees and shrubs are medicinal, which was recognized by official medicine in the early 20th century. In any part of the plant there are essential oils in large quantities, which destroy microbes, viruses and fungi.

This plant is not very capricious and can be grown quite simply at home. However, for regular lush flowering, the tea tree needs to provide the most favorable conditions.


Suitable soil should be slightly acidic or neutral and fairly loose. For self-preparation of a suitable soil mixture, it is necessary to combine soddy soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:2:1. When planting a beautiful melaleuca, you need to increase the proportion of sand.


The plant must be fertilized during intensive growth 2 times a month. To do this, use a complex fertilizer for indoor plants.

How to water

In the wild, the tea tree prefers to grow on river banks, as well as in marshy places. In this regard, it must be systematically abundantly watered. If the soil is allowed to dry completely, then the plant, as a rule, dies. But it should also not be allowed to stagnate water in the soil, because this can provoke rotting of the root system.

For irrigation use soft settled water. To soften hard water, experienced flower growers advise adding a little acetic or citric acid to it.

With a cool wintering, you need to water the plant a little less and less often. So, watering is done after the top layer of the substrate dries out slightly.


Requires high humidity. In order to increase it, systematic spraying is needed (especially on hot summer days). Also, to increase the humidity in the pan, you can pour expanded clay and pour water.


Needs bright light, but from midday direct rays of the sun it needs to be shaded. Daylight hours should be approximately 12 hours, and the illumination level should be 6000–7800 lux. If there is not enough light, then the plant must be illuminated with special phytolamps. In the event that there is enough light for the tea tree all year round, it may have repeated flowering in winter. If there is little light, then the shoots become elongated, and part of the foliage falls off.

Temperature regime

If the plant is not provided with additional lighting, then its wintering must be cold (about 10 degrees). In summer, melaleuca feels good even at high air temperatures, however, midday direct rays of the sun can leave burns on the foliage.


Regular pruning is required throughout the year. The bush can be given absolutely any shape, as well as shaped it in the form of a tree or shrub. Also, during pruning, you can also remove branches that have already faded, as the resulting seed boxes spoil the spectacular look of the plant.

Young plants need to be pruned. In order for the bush to branch better, it is cut at a height of 10 centimeters. After that, you should cut each new stem until you achieve the desired branching.

Transplant Features

While the tea tree is young, it must be replanted once a year, while choosing a pot larger in diameter than the previous one. Adult specimens are subjected to this procedure as needed, for example, when the roots no longer fit in the pot. It is possible not to transplant into another pot, but simply cut the root system and replace the top layer of the substrate.

Reproduction methods

This plant can be propagated by seeds, as well as lignified annual cuttings. Seeds are simply scattered on the surface of moist soil, and there is no need to deepen them. Then the container is covered with glass and placed in a well-lit place. The first shoots can be seen after a little more than a week, but if the temperature is less than 20 degrees, then this can take up to 4 weeks. At first, the growth of seedlings is extremely slow and more young plants may die. A tea tree grown from seed blooms for the first time in the 6th year of life.

Semi-lignified cuttings can be 6 to 8 centimeters long. You can root them both in soil and in a glass of water. To increase the chance of rooting, you can apply means that stimulate the growth of roots.

Diseases and pests

Most often, spider mites settle on a plant grown indoors, but they can also start mealybugs. In order to destroy them, it is necessary to treat them with appropriate insecticides. For example, you can take Akarin, Aktellik or Fitoverm.

Most often, the plant is sick due to violations of the rules of care. So, all foliage may fall off, or burns from direct sunlight appear on it, the root system rots, or the tea tree dies altogether.

Should know! Melaleuca can be easily confused with leptospermum paniculata (also called manuka or New Zealand tea tree). So, often images of another are attached to the description of one plant. They are actually very similar in leaves, but their flowers are completely different. Also, these plants differ in areas of application and properties. In this regard, when preparing some folk drug, it is necessary to find out exactly which of the plants is meant.

Main types

For growing at home, the following types are most often chosen.

Melaleuca alternifolia (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Or the Australian tea tree - this species is most often grown at home. The plant is native to northeastern Australia. This is a low tree, which is characterized by slow growth and green narrow long leaves, which are very similar to spruce needles. In length, they reach 1-3.5 centimeters, and in width - about 1 millimeter. It blooms from the end of spring to the beginning of the summer period, while flowering is plentiful. Snow-white dense inflorescences reach a length of 3-5 centimeters, and outwardly they are very similar to small cylindrical brushes.

Melaleuca diosmifolia (Melaleuca diosmifolia)

Or green honey myrtle is also one of the most popular species in home floriculture. He hails from Western Australia. This small shrub has small (about 1 centimeter long) green leaves. They are located on the stems extremely tightly in a spiral, while they have the shape of an oval. Green-lemon flowers are collected in small (up to 5 centimeters long) inflorescences, having the shape of a cylinder, which are located on short side stems. Flowering lasts from late spring to early autumn.

Linen melaleuca (Melaleuca linariifolia)

This plant is native to the east coast of New South Wales and South Queensland. It is a low growing evergreen tree. Greenish-gray alternately arranged leaves like linen. In length, they reach from 2 to 4.5 centimeters, and in width - up to 4 millimeters. In the summer, flowers bloom on the plant, which have an external resemblance to bird down feathers. They are collected in snow-white short (up to 4 centimeters in length) inflorescences, which are similar to panicles. Due to the abundant flowering, during which the flowers cover the plant almost completely, in some English-speaking countries it is also called Snow in Summer, which means “Summer Snow”. AT indoor floriculture very popular variety "Snowstorm" (Snow Storm), which is a dwarf form of linen melaleuca.

Melaleuca beautiful (Melaleuca pulchella)

Or clawed honey myrtle (Claw Honey myrtle) - originally from Western Australia. It is a low creeping shrub. Its dark green oval-shaped leaves are very small, so they reach a length of 2-6 millimeters. Pink-purple flowers, which have an unusual shape, are collected in rather rare inflorescences. The flowers have 5 groups of long stamens fused together, which are located next to the sepals. The shape of the flower is bent inward and therefore it seems that in front of you are fingers with claws in the form of anthers. Because this plant is also called Claw flower (Claw Flower).

Melaleuca nesophila (Melaleuca nesophila)

Or pink honey myrtle (Showy Honey Myrtle) - the birthplace of this tall shrub is Western Australia. Greenish-gray leaves in length reach 2 centimeters. Lilac-pink flowers are collected in small (up to 3 centimeters in diameter) inflorescences that have the shape of a ball. Flowering occurs from late spring to mid-summer. Particularly popular is the variety "Little Nessy" (Little Nessie) - a spectacular dwarf shrub.

In special stores you can buy other no less decorative varieties tea tree.

Europeans owe their acquaintance with the tea tree plant to the legendary Captain Cook: one of the members of his expedition brought the seeds of this bush to the Old World. With careful care at home, the tea tree grows well and even bears fruit. Of course, for brewing tea, the leaves of an indoor bush will only be enough for a couple of times, so they grow it as an ornamental plant.

tea bush plant(Thea) belongs to the Tea family. Motherland - Southeast Asia.

In China and India, tea is harvested primarily by hand. Mostly young women and girls are engaged in this, although the collection of tea is physically hard and exhausting work. Leaves and buds are plucked and placed in baskets made of twigs, which are placed on the backs of the tea pickers. Along with the manual method of collecting tea, there are also mechanized methods. Special machines are used, as a rule, to collect the least valuable raw materials of tea branches and already mature leaves, which are used to make mainly pressed and extracted tea.

The quality of tea also directly depends on the time of collection of raw materials. Elite varieties of tea are made from unopened flushes and buds of the tea bush, which were collected in the early morning before sunrise or in the evening after sunset.

It is believed that tea harvested during daylight hours has greater astringent properties and a more pronounced bitter taste. In addition, this tea reduces the amount of caffeine and vitamins.

Tea tree in culture

The tea bush got its name by chance. In 1770, the legendary captain James Cook landed on the coast of Australia, and the sailors of the expedition, following the example of the natives, began to brew tea from the leaves of a shrub that grew on the coast. The expedition's naturalist Joseph Banks collected samples of the plant and brought it to London, christening it the tea tree. This name has taken root, despite the fact that the shrub has nothing to do with tea, and the essential oil contained in the leaves is even toxic. The official name Melaleuca was given by Carl Linnaeus, who thus described the appearance of the plant: mela in Greek means “black”, and leuca means “white”. The fact is that the bark of the shrub has an interesting property: it is constantly “peeling off”, exposing the light inner layers, while the outer layers look charred.

The tea tree is very water-loving, and therefore the inhabitants of Australia planted it in swampy areas to drain the soil - the roots of the trees drank so much liquid that the soil quickly became drier. At the beginning of the XX century. he was brought to Florida for this purpose. However, after several decades, tea tree plantations began to grow uncontrollably and changed the flora and biocenosis of many parts of the Florida swamps, which to this day is a serious environmental problem.

The tea tree is an evergreen plant, its leaves grow in peculiar panicles, very similar to those used for cleaning. Tea tree flowers are described as similar to bottle brushes. The Australian Aborigines believed that the strong and fresh scent of tea tree leaves kept the home clean and prevented infection. Indeed, as it turned out, tea tree leaves contain a specific complex - an essential oil with powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects. Thus, cleaning the premises with panicles of fresh tea tree leaves and flowers was akin to modern disinfection, in which surfaces are wiped with a disinfectant solution and exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

The tea tree bush is able to grow on scarce stony soils, rocks. This plant is hardy and quite unpretentious. The tea bush can adapt to a variety of climatic conditions, endures heat and cold. It is not subject to "epidemic" diseases, which pose a great danger to many tropical and subtropical crops. The plant is durable - bushes can live and bear fruit for more than 100 years.

In China, tea was introduced into culture in the middle of the 4th century, in Japan it became known only 500 years later, and around the same time it spread to Korea.

Tea came to Europe in the 16th century, and in different ways - to Western Europe from India, Sri Lanka and South China, and to Eastern Europe - from North China in 1638. Tea was presented to the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich as a remedy for "colds and headaches." For a long time, a drink made from dried "Chinese leaf" was used as a healing potion. And the first tea bush was brought to Russia in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in the Crimea in 1817 and to Georgia in the middle of the 19th century.

In Western Europe, this drink was called "ti", as in the southern Chinese dialect, and in Eastern Europe it began to be called tea from the northern Chinese "cha". In translation, both names mean the same thing: “young leaf”.

In the UK with light hand The Duchess of Bradford, who decided that the break between traditional English lunch and dinner was too long, the tea ceremony since 1840 has become an obligatory national ritual. At precisely 5 pm local time, known there as "fife o clock", the whole of Great Britain sits down at the tea tables; 200 million cups of tea, according to statistics, are drunk by the British in one day (an average of 4.5 cups per person). This is half of all the liquid they drink.

As for Russia and other East Slavic countries, a lot of time passed until our ancestors, accustomed to kvass and tinctures of various plants, truly appreciated this wonderful drink.

Long time in different countries tea was drunk only by wealthy people, because it was not cheap. This sometimes caused displeasure of the population. Thus, protesting against the exorbitantly high prices for tea set by the British government, residents of the North American city of Boston, one of the centers of the then British colony in North America, captured the English ship that arrived there and threw all its cargo - bags of tea - into the sea. This episode went down in history as the "Boston Tea Party" and marked the beginning of the liberation war of the population of the British colonies in North America, which eventually led to the emergence of the current United States of America.

Nowadays, tea is grown in industrial scale in more than 30 countries around the world.

The scientific name for tea is Camellia sinensis.

Now 24 varieties of camellias are known and described, most of which are herbaceous plants. Some of their species are grown only for decorative purposes.

What does a tea tree look like: description, photo of leaves and flowers of a bush

tea bush - small evergreen tree, more often a shrub that grows up to 50 cm in room conditions. Young shoots are covered with delicate silvery hairs (in Chinese - "bai hao", hence the name of the tea being prepared - bai).

As you can see in the photo, the leaves of the tea bush are small (4-10 cm), with short internodes:

The flowers of the tea bush are white, with a delicate pleasant aroma and bright yellow, very beautiful stamens. The fruit of the tea bush is a box with rounded brown seeds.

Growing a tea tree at home, as practice shows, is not difficult. Indoors, this plant can regularly bloom and bear fruit. Blooms in September - November, the seeds ripen the next year

Grows well at home

Assamese tea(Th. assamica)

Chinese tea(Th. sinensis).

Chinese tea bush(Thea sinensis L.) is a small shrub that is a low, not very densely branched tree.

This plant belongs to the tea family (Theaceae). Chinese tea tree can be Chinese and Japanese varieties.

The height of this shrub is on average from 60 to 100 cm. In China, specimens of the tea tree reach a greater height. For example, in Gaolis County, they grow up to 16 m. The trunk of such a tea tree is very powerful. Of course, the leaves of such trees can no longer be used in high-grade tea compositions, but it is quite possible to get aesthetic pleasure from contemplating this plant.

See what a tea tree looks like in these photos:

The tea leaves are leathery, oval in shape, their edge is sharp-toothed. Young, only unfolded leaves are covered with a barely noticeable silvery fluff. Since the tea tree belongs to the category of deciduous, therefore, its leaves live no more than one year, and then fall off. But during the entire period of their growth and maturation, the leaves remain green in color, almost do not change their color. Young leaves are lighter in color, while mature leaves become a rich green color over time.

Tea tree flowers are white, sometimes pink, with numerous stamens. Flowers spread a light fragrant aroma, which does not even remotely resemble the smell of a drink prepared from the leaves of this tree.

Tea tree fruits ripen in October-November, almost a year after the start of the first flowering. The fruit is a box that can be opened along the wings. Inside each box is a small number of seeds (from 1 to 6 depending on the size of the fruit and the age of the tree). Tea tree seeds are about the size of a hazelnut, covered with a hard rind.

The following describes how to grow a tea bush at home.

How to grow a tea tree at home and how to care for a bush

Like all subtropical plants, the tea tree houseplant requires plenty of sun, fresh air, careful watering in winter and abundant watering in summer. In good conditions, the tea bush grows well, blooms and bears fruit.

When caring for a tea tree, do not forget that this culture is photophilous, and tolerates a weak shadow well.

Clay and loamy soils, not very loose, but nutritious, are most suitable for growing a tea bush. The substrate should be nutritious, fertile, acidic: soddy land, humus, peat, sand (1:1:1:1), pH 4.5-5.5. You can use ready-made soil for azaleas.

How to grow a tea tree: home care

In summer, watering is plentiful, in autumn and winter - moderate.

To take care of the tea tree as carefully as possible, during the growth period, from April to September, the plants need to be fed twice a month with a complete mineral fertilizer.

Transshipment of a plant up to 5 years is carried out annually, in the future, the topsoil is replaced.

For better tillering, when the seedlings reach 15-20 cm, they are cut to a height of 10 cm from the soil. To prevent the bush from growing, annually in the fall it should be cut by 5-7 cm. To obtain a beautiful shape, you need to cut it in spring and early summer, forming a bush. To increase the yield of tea leaves, the bushes are given a compact wide crown.

This video shows how to care for a tea tree at home:

To breed a tea tree, as practice shows, it is enough to sow the seeds in the soil mixture immediately after harvesting. Can be propagated by cuttings in early spring.

Tea Tree Essential Oil: Properties and Uses

Essential oil destroys pathogens not only on treated surfaces, but also in the air due to the fact that it consists of volatile compounds. This property of leaves was used, of course, in traditional medicine: Heated and soaked tea tree leaves were used as dressings for wounds, for the treatment of burns. Tea tree essential oil has also been known to be used to treat snake, insect, and animal bites.

Modern research has shown that tea tree leaf extract (essential oil) is similar in composition to the leaf extract of another Australian plant - eucalyptus. It contains a lot of eucalyptol, a compound that was considered unique to eucalyptus, as well as terpenes - terpinene, terpineol, terpinolene and other compounds. Back in 1920, the Australian chemist Arthur Penfold proved experimentally that tea tree oil is 11 times superior in its disinfectant properties to carbolic acid. It was then that the history of the use of this ingredient in cosmetology began. In 1949, tea tree oil was included in the British Pharmaceutical Code. The antibacterial effect is provided primarily by 4-terpineol, which, according to the standards adopted in Australia, must be at least 30% in the oil.

Perhaps I will not be mistaken if I say that tea is one of the most common drinks on Earth. It is prepared from the leaves of tea trees, which are native to countries in southeast Asia.

But since this drink has gained incredible popularity, today tea trees in the form of low shrubs are cultivated in regions with suitable climates around the world, even in Africa. You can try to grow them at home.


The tea tree belongs to the tea family, to the genus Camellia. Its official name is camellia sinensis.

Therefore, it not only gives fragrant leaves for a drink, but also blooms very nicely. At the end of September, white corollas up to 4 cm in diameter with large bright yellow anthers bloom on the tea bushes, exuding a delicate refreshing aroma.

By winter, the fruits ripen - round, three-leaved, dark green boxes with round, up to 1.5 cm in size, brown seeds inside. If you plant these seeds fresh, they germinate easily. However, as soon as they lie down for a couple of months, their germination rate drops sharply. Therefore, rarely anyone manages to grow a tea tree from seeds bought in a store. It is better to buy a seedling right away.


Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 3 days in warm boiled water. Then they are buried 3-4 cm into an acidic loose substrate, as for azaleas, or into the ground taken in the forest from under the fir trees, mixed with peat and sand (4:1:1).

Crops are moistened, covered with a film and placed in a warm (22-25 °) place. Tea seeds can germinate from one to several months. My seedlings (4 pieces) sprouted after 6 weeks. When the sprouts formed 2 large leaves, I dived them into pots with a substrate and a drainage layer 5 cm thick at the bottom.

Tea does not like stagnant moisture.

Tea tree, Melaleuca

Russian name: Tea tree, Melaleuca

Latin name: Melaleuca

Family: Myrtle

Motherland: Australia

general information: Tea tree or Melaleuca (lat. Melaleuca) - belongs to the genus of Australian trees and shrubs, the Myrtle family. This genus is very close to another genus of myrtle - eucalyptus. There are about 200 varieties of this plant. But only one of the species has important medical properties. The tea tree is considered one of the oldest cultivated plants the globe. Tea tree has nothing to do with tea. Tea is made from the leaves of the tea bush (Thea sinensis), a plant from the tea family (Theaceae), native to Southeast Asia. The tea tree comes from Australia.

The specific name of the plant from which “tea oil” is obtained is melaleuca (sometimes spelled “manuka”) alternifolia (Melaleuca alternifolia). The name melaleuka is translated from ancient Greek as "black and white" (melanos - "black" and leukos - "white"). Presumably this is due to the white color of the bark in some species, which turns black after the fires that often occur in the places where these plants grow. Melaleuca is also called paperbark tree and honey myrtle. The fact is that in many species of the genus, the thin bark exfoliates in flaps that look like paper. And melaleuca flowers give a lot of nectar and have good melliferous properties.

For us, another name is more familiar - tea tree. There are two versions of where it came from. According to one of them, the sailors of the expedition of James Cook were the first to name melaleuca, who saw how the locals brew its leaves and drink it like tea. According to another version, melaleuca was so named due to the fact that its leaves stain the water in a dark color. In Australia, there is Brown Lake, along the banks of which Melaleuca grow. The fallen leaves of these plants line the bottom of the lake and turn it brown, like tea.

Melaleuca are evergreen small to medium sized shrubs, some species grow into trees up to 25 m tall. Ovate or lanceolate leaves from 1 to 25 cm long and from 0.5 to 7 cm wide are arranged alternately on the branches, the edge of the leaf is solid, the color is from dark green to gray-green. Petioles are short or absent. The leaves contain glands with essential oils; when rubbed, a characteristic camphor aroma is felt. From some types of melaleuca, essential oils are industrially isolated - Australian tea tree oil, cajuput (cajuput, cajuput, cajuput) oil, Niaoli oil, etc. They differ slightly in chemical and quantitative composition, however, all have antiseptic properties and are widely used in folk and traditional medicine, cosmetology and perfumery.

The flowers of the tea tree are small, yellow or cream in color, shaped like a brush for washing bottles. The shape of the inflorescence can be spherical or irregular (whereas all callistemons have brush-shaped inflorescences). The flowers on the branches are arranged alternately with the leaves and the inflorescences continue as young growths. The calyx consists of 5 sepals, which often fall off immediately after the start of flowering. The effect of the flowers is given by numerous stamens collected in 5 bunches, they are brightly colored in red, pink, lilac, purple or yellow. The peak of flowering for most species occurs in spring (in Australia - from September to November). The flowers produce large amounts of nectar and are pollinated mainly by birds, but also by insects and bats. After flowering, hard capsules with small seeds are formed, which usually remain tightly closed and, in some species, often open only after the death of the tree or during a fire. Seeds in capsules can remain viable for more than one year.

This tree, or rather its leaves, are used to make essential oil. How and when people discovered the amazing properties of the oil that can be obtained from the leaves of melaleuca is difficult to say. This was first mentioned by anthropologist Christopher Dean, who studied the life of Australian Aborigines - they told him that the leaves of this tree have healing properties. Subsequently, Dean became one of the founders of the first tea tree plantations. In 1920, researcher A.R. Penfol of Sydney, studying the bactericidal properties of the oil obtained from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, obtained very good results. By the 1930s, this remedy had become very popular and was used quite actively during the Second World War for disinfection and healing of wounds - until antibiotics began to be used. Then it was they who became the panacea for most ills, and tea tree oil was gradually forgotten. For 40 years, the industry of obtaining it has fallen into decline.

However, modern researchers are increasingly turning to traditional medicine, and in the 70s, Melaleuca alternifolia again attracted the attention of scientists. Chemical analysis showed that the oil contained in its leaves contains more than 50 different biologically active components, and is especially rich in various terpenes, including cineole, a substance that has excellent anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. The leaves of this plant contain caffeine, tannin, and many vitamins much more than a lemon. When rubbing a tea tree leaf, you can feel the aroma, reminiscent of camphor.

The tea tree is back in plantations, and now the production of oil from its leaves is growing every year, as well as the demand for this mild, but very effective medicine.

The genus Melaleuca is very closely related to the genus Callistemon. The main difference is that all stamens in callistemons are attached to the flower independently of each other, while in melaleuka they are collected in 5 bunches. This difference is often clearly visible even to the naked eye, but is not clear enough for classification, and many botanists believe that callistemons should be included in the more numerous Melaleuca genus.

Most of the melaleuca species grow in the western part of Australia, where these plants form the most beautiful flowering thickets. All of them, like Melaleuca alternifolia, are shrubs, less often trees about 9 m high. The crowns of melaleuca are dense, shady, so that there is practically no vegetation under them. The leaves may be oblong, narrowly linear, or almost filiform. Beautiful white or pinkish-purple flowers with bright stamens are collected in dense capitate or ruff-shaped inflorescences. Melaleuca flowers are pollinated by insects, birds and mammals. For example, the flowers of broad-leaved melaleuca (M.quiquenervia) are visited by insects and birds during the day, and at night long-tongued Australian fruit bats (Synonycteris australis) fly to them - small animals from the order of bats. In place of pollinated flowers, fruits are formed, which eventually become woody and remain on the branches for several years.

Species, varieties: 236 species are known. The most common species is Melaleuca alternifolia, other species are Melaleuca viridiflora and Melaleuca leucadendra. Essential oils are obtained from them. The species Melaleuca armillaris and Melaleuca howeana have no therapeutic value.

The most famous and popular species are "white-bark tea tree" (Melaleuka leucadendra), cajeput tree (M.cajuputi) and lemon tea tree (Leptospermum petersonii). The latter is bred on plantations in many countries of the world and essential oils with the smell of lemon are obtained from its leaves, which are used to flavor soaps and shampoos.

As a houseplant, usually only one species is grown - melaleuca alternifolia, which in nature grows up to 7 m. This melaleuca is famous for its unusual leaves: they reach a length of 12 cm and a width of no more than half a centimeter. Because of this, the leaves resemble needles.

Air humidity: AT summer time tea tree needs frequent spraying leaves, the plant prefers high level air humidity.

Lighting: Lighting prefers sunny, but in the summer it is not advisable to put the pot in direct sunlight, as melaleuca can get burned.

Priming: It is not picky about the composition of the soil, but a slightly acidic and well-drained substrate is optimal. The soil mixture consists of peat, sand and soddy soil (2:1:1).

Watering: The tree must be watered abundantly in summer, and watering should be moderate in winter.

Care: Tea tree is an unpretentious plant. However, good sunlight is necessary. Watering from spring to autumn is plentiful, in winter it is watered after pouring the top layer of the earth. Does not tolerate overdrying of an earthy coma. the main problem growing melaleuca in apartments - dry air. To maintain humidity, the plant should be sprayed, while this procedure will refresh the leaves from dust and promote growth.

Melaleuca as well as any myrtle tree needs a haircut, which is carried out constantly throughout the year, while the plant can be given any look, how diverse your imagination will be. Thanks to pruning, the flower takes root and grows faster.

The temperature in summer can be between 15-20°C, and in winter melaleuca can grow at 10°C. In nature, the plant can even tolerate temperatures as low as -7°C.

In winter, it is necessary to illuminate the plant with fluorescent, LED or special fitolamps, providing a 12-hour daylight hours. In the absence of additional lighting, it is necessary to reduce the temperature of the content, the best place there will be a glazed non-freezing balcony, where the temperature should not fall below + 10 ° C. If the content is cool, it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering, keep the soil slightly moist.

top dressing: During the growing season, the plant needs top dressing, which should be done every two weeks.

reproduction: The tea tree is propagated by seeds that are planted immediately after harvest. Melaleuca seeds are small, they should be sown on the surface of the substrate, preferably inert mineral, and kept in a bright, warm place. Sowing is done at a depth of 3-4 cm.

In early spring and summer, the tea tree can be propagated using annual woody cuttings. Also in spring, a tea tree, or rather a seedling 15-20 cm long, is pruned to enhance tillering at a height of 10 cm from the soil surface. We do the second pruning the next year at a height of 15-30 cm. In general, pruning is done annually in order to expand the crown of the bush itself, to raise the height of the bush and to increase shoot formation.

Transfer: Young tea tree needs to be repotted once a year, and older plants are repotted as needed in the spring.

Possible difficulties: The main possible problems when growing melaleuca is the rotting of the root system. Possible reasons too abundant watering, or early pruning of leaves.

Pests: At home, it can be affected by spider mites and mealybugs.

In case of an excess of moisture, you should remove the pot to a cool, but not cold place and let the earth dry out. Melaleuka does not like overdrying of the soil. In winter, you should wait for the topsoil to dry out and only then water it. At this time of the year there is a danger of root rot.

Tea tree oil can be used in quite a variety of ways. This is an excellent antiseptic, which is used to treat wounds, burns, abscesses, severe stomatitis. It is also used to treat complex skin diseases such as psoriasis. In addition, tea tree oil has antifungal properties, so it can be used to treat various external fungal diseases as well. It also exhibits antiviral activity and can be used to treat herpes. Tea tree oil is used both in its pure form - for example, for the treatment of fungal diseases of the nails, and in the form of aqueous solutions that are used to wash wounds, rinse the throat and mouth with various inflammatory processes in them.


How beautiful!



serdse zamiraet otkrasoti


Olga Krymskaya

Highly beautiful plants. I have a myrtle, and the flowers are really similar, but Melaleuca is much more fluffy.

Tea tree (Tea tree) is a genus of low-growing evergreen shrubs and woody plants belonging to the Myrtaceae family. But contrary to popular belief, this name has nothing to do with the industry of growing and producing tea. The second name of the genus is Melaleuca. These representatives of the flora are valued for their unusual appearance and are popular in room culture along with. From this article, you will learn how to grow a tea tree at home, and what varieties of this exotic plant exist.

Characteristics of the tea tree

Melaleuca has a tart, pleasant aroma. Woody forms can reach a height of 25 m. The plant has a branched rhizome, branches and trunk are covered with thin gray or light brown bark, which is easily damaged and peeled, resembling a paper wrapper. Leaves of bright green color resemble needles. Buds of yellow, pink or cream color are collected in oval or spherical inflorescences. The tea bush emits essential oils in large quantities, which are widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

Popular types of tea tree

More than 200 species of melaleuca are currently known, but only a few are widely grown. Here are the most popular varieties with photos:

  • Melaleuca bracteata - the tree grows up to 8 m, has a gray bark with cracked vertical stripes. The color of the leaves is dark green, with a grayish tint. Cream-colored inflorescences, cylindrical;

  • Heather Melaleuca is a dense shrub with brownish or pale white “papery” bark. The leaves are dark green, linear type, the flowers are creamy white;

  • Ordinary - represents beautiful tree up to 8 m tall. It is this variety that is grown for the production of essential oils on an industrial scale. The trunk is covered with the thinnest flaky bark, and young branches contain snow-white flowers and bright green leaves;

  • Nesophila is a spreading shrub with oval-shaped leaves. The main difference between the species is bright pink inflorescences in the shape of a ball.

You can buy a tea tree seedling in a nursery or an online plant store. The price will depend on the type of melaleuca, its height and the volume of the pot. For example, the cost of a bush, from a rooted cutting 10 cm high in a square pot 9x9 cm, starts from 300 rubles.

How to care for a tea bush

A green pet is not at all capricious and it is very easy to take care of it at home. To provide him with lush regular flowering, you must follow some recommendations.

Earth mix and fertilizer for the tea bush

For melaleuca, neutral or slightly acidic soil, very loose, is well suited. To independently prepare the desired earth mixture, we combine sand, peat and soddy soil in a ratio of 1: 2: 1.

During the period of intensive growth, the homemade tea tree is fertilized a couple of times a month with a complex fertilizer for indoor plants.

Humidity and watering for melaleuca

tea tree loves high humidity air, so caring for it includes constant spraying (especially in the heat).

  • To increase the humidity, water is poured into the pan and expanded clay is poured;
  • The tree requires generous systematic watering. When the soil layer dries out completely, the plant usually dies. Stagnation of water in the soil is also undesirable, it can lead to rotting of the roots;
  • Settled soft water is best for irrigation. To soften hard water, on the advice of flower growers, add a little citric or acetic acid to it;
  • In the cool winter season, the bush is watered less often and less. This process takes place after a slight drying of the top layer of the substrate.

Light and temperature for the plant

The "green resident" cannot do without bright lighting and is shaded from direct sunlight. The illumination level should be - 6000-7800 lux, and the light period - 12 hours. In case of insufficient light, such specimens are illuminated with the help of special fitolamps. If they have enough light all year round, the plants may re-bloom in the winter. But if there is not enough light, the shoots will become elongated, and a lot of foliage will fall.

If it is not possible to make additional lighting for melaleuca, it should winter at a temperature of 10 degrees. In the summer season, the plant is comfortable even at high temperatures, but in direct sunlight, the leaves dry and burns remain on them.

Pruning and features of tea tree transplantation

The plant needs regular pruning throughout the year. It can be shaped like a shrub or a tree, or shaped as you like. When pruning, you can get rid of branches that have faded, because they negatively affect the spectacular look.

  • Young green specimens must be cut at a height of ten centimeters, so the bush will branch better. Next, each new stem is cut and this is done until the desired branching occurs;
  • A young tea bush is transplanted once a year. For this procedure, a pot is selected in diameter larger than the previous one. Adult plants are transplanted as needed if the root system does not fit in a pot. But if it is not possible to make a transplant, they simply cut the roots and replace the top layer of soil.

Melaleuca breeding methods

Melaleuca propagates not only with the help of seeds, but also with annual lignified cuttings.

  • Seeds are scattered on moist soil, and they do not require deepening;
  • The box is covered with glass and placed in a bright place. After 1-1.5 weeks, the first sprouts will appear;
  • If a temperature regime less than 20 degrees, it will take up to four weeks.

At first, seedlings grow very slowly, a large number of plants die. A tea bush grown from seeds will bloom for the first time in the sixth year of life.

Semi-lignified cuttings reach a length of 7-8 cm, and take root not only in the soil, but also in a glass of water. To increase the rooting process, funds are taken to help stimulate the growth of roots.

tea tree pests

If the bush is grown indoors, it can settle or start. To destroy them, they are treated with insecticides such as Fitoverm, Aktellik or Akarin.

Video: Tea Tree Oil for Hair Health

Perhaps I will not be mistaken if I say that tea is one of the most common drinks on Earth. It is prepared from the leaves of tea trees, which are native to countries in southeast Asia.

But since this drink has gained incredible popularity, today tea trees in the form of low shrubs are cultivated in regions with suitable climates around the world, even in Africa. You can try to grow them at home.


The tea tree belongs to the tea family, to the genus Camellia. Its official name is camellia sinensis.

Therefore, it not only gives fragrant leaves for a drink, but also blooms very nicely. At the end of September, white corollas up to 4 cm in diameter with large bright yellow anthers bloom on the tea bushes, exuding a delicate refreshing aroma.

By winter, the fruits ripen - round, three-leaved, dark green boxes with round, up to 1.5 cm in size, brown seeds inside. If you plant these seeds fresh, they germinate easily. However, as soon as they lie down for a couple of months, their germination rate drops sharply. Therefore, rarely anyone manages to grow a tea tree from seeds bought in a store. It is better to buy a seedling right away.


Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 3 days in warm boiled water. Then they are buried 3-4 cm into an acidic loose substrate, as for azaleas, or into the ground taken in the forest from under the fir trees, mixed with peat and sand (4:1:1).

Crops are moistened, covered with a film and placed in a warm (22-25 °) place. Tea seeds can germinate from one to several months. My seedlings (4 pieces) sprouted after 6 weeks. When the sprouts formed 2 large leaves, I dived them into pots with a substrate and a drainage layer 5 cm thick at the bottom.

Tea does not like stagnant moisture.


Seedlings that have grown to 15-20 cm should be cut to 10 cm from the soil to enhance tillering. The following year, the plants are cut at a height of 20-30 cm. And then every year at the end of summer the shape of the tea bushes is corrected. At home, it is rational to maintain them up to 50 cm high and wide. Cut lignified annual shoots can not be thrown away, but rooted in a moist substrate under a transparent bag or in a jar of water.

The first 3-5 years, the plants need to be transplanted every year into pots slightly larger than the previous ones. Then transplants are carried out 1 time in 2-3 years. It is important not to deepen the root neck.


Tea trees are undemanding to lighting. My seedlings feel equally good at both southern and northern windows. But tea does not tolerate dry air and needs regular spraying (2-3 times a week) with warm water, as well as abundant watering. Twice a month it is necessary to feed the trees with solutions of complex fertilizers.

In summer, it is recommended to put the plants on the balcony or in the garden. On a hot afternoon, they are shaded with gauze. In winter, they are kept on an unheated glazed loggia or on a veranda at a temperature of 12-15 °. I just move my trees closer to the windows and fence off the batteries with foil screens. I do not carry out top dressing until spring, I reduce watering. Seedlings bloom at the age of 1.5-2 years.


The leaves of the tea tree are long (up to 10 cm) and narrow. They are harvested for making tea from 2-year-old plants and older. Tear off the tips of the shoots with two young leaves and a bud. Old coarse leaves are not suitable for a drink.

Then the harvested must be dried - there will be green tea brewing. Or you can ferment (wither and mash so that the juice stands out), and then dry it - you get black tea. I prefer to make them fresh. In this case, tea releases a maximum of vitamins into the water, which are up to 4 times more than in lemons. And in tea leaves there is a lot of caffeine, which has a tonic effect, and tannin, which normalizes digestion. The taste of homemade tea is different from the purchased one, but, in my opinion, in better side.

Growing tea at home - planting and care, tips and reviews

Homemade tea for samovar

Of course, we are not British, but tea drinking is also our national tradition. Well, what is it, and we understand tea. But hardly many of us know that you can harvest tea leaves on your own windowsill.

Having successfully grown a lemon at home, I, apparently by association (tea with lemon), thought: is it possible to grow a tea tree at home as well? The reference literature unequivocally convinced me that there is nothing impossible in this, and after a while I bought a tea bush from an ad on the Internet. The price was high, but family budget somehow fit in.

The tea bush is not only useful, but also beautiful, as it blooms with very cute white flowers for most of the fall. In room conditions, the growth of this evergreen shrub will not exceed 50 cm. Tea is a photophilous culture, but a light shade will not harm the plant. At home, in winter, the tea bush needs a cool temperature, in summer it will be quite satisfied with 18-25 °. In winter, watering is very moderate, in summer - plentiful, and also - regular spraying. In summer, he will gladly move to the balcony - Fresh air will do him good.

To grow a tea bush, you need acidic soil, not loose, but nutritious. You can use ready-made soil for azaleas.

When the seedlings stretch up to 20 cm, I advise you to cut them to a height of 10 cm from the soil for better tillering. And in general, so that the bush does not grow too much, every year in the fall it should be cut by 5-6 cm.

If you shape it so that the crown is both compact and wide, then the tea leaf yield will be much larger.

When buying seeds, pay attention to their appearance: tea seeds should be brown and without any damage. You can start planting at the end of February, after soaking the seeds in water for three days. Seeds that float to the surface are discarded.

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