We select the best refrigerator for the house. Best Budget Refrigerator Refrigerator Selection

Engineering systems 16.06.2019
Engineering systems

The online publication consumerreports.org has published several studies on the most fault-tolerant models of refrigerators. The information was collected for 2015 (the data was analyzed from January to October), the article was called "Rating of refrigerators by quality and reliability 2015". The publication itself, divided into 3 parts, is analytical data on refrigerator models recalled by manufacturers, as well as models that needed warranty repairs in the first 2 weeks of operation. The report was compiled using different types refrigerators:

side by side,
- single door
- two-door (freezer on top),
- two-door (freezer from below).

The first part directly affects the United States and countries Latin America, the second is devoted to Europe (including Russia), while the third uses data collected in Asian countries. We will publish the translated part of the refrigerator quality and reliability rating for 2015, the data for which was collected in Russia and Europe.

Refrigerators ranked by quality and reliability in 2015

Average price - 26,000 rubles, which makes this model the most budgetary and affordable in Russian ranking. The researchers noted the rather low noise level (up to 38 dB) of this refrigerator and low energy consumption (class A+ or 321 kWh/year). The country of origin is the USA, but most models (like the BLF 9121 W) are assembled in Hungary and Romania. High-quality and reliable assembly was noted in all cases. Other characteristics of this refrigerator, which should be paid attention to when buying, are as follows:

Total volume, 369 l (refrigerator - 258 l, freezer - 111 l)
+ separate doors to the refrigerator and freezer,
+ soundtrack for long open door,
+ weight 63 kilograms,

No ice maker
- manual defrosting of the freezer,

LG is a South Korean brand that everyone knows about. The average price in Russia for the GBB 539 SWCWS model is 32,000 rubles. Produced in Poland and Bulgaria. The wide prevalence of this model (which belongs to the category of compact ones) is noted, introducing it into the TOP-30 purchased refrigerators of this type in Russia and Europe. The quality and reliability of the assembly are confirmed by the low number of repairs under warranty. The characteristics are as follows:

Total volume, 227 l (refrigerator - 136 l, freezer - 91 l),
+ both the refrigerator and freezer work using No Frost technology (defrost is not needed),
+ antibacterial coating,
+ low energy consumption (A+ or 321 kWh/year),
+ freezer from below,

Manual control,
- freezing capacity - up to 5 kg / day (due primarily to compact size, noted in the rating)

The only European brand in the ranking. Not so long ago, the American largest online electronics retailer in its report on the most purchased coffee machines in 2015, that German companies make excellent home appliances. average cost Bosch KGE 39 AW 25 R - 37,000 rubles, they are collected exclusively in Europe. A good, roomy, high-quality and reliable model from Bosch. The characteristics of this model from the manufacturer received the following:

Total volume, 352 l (refrigerator - 257 l, freezer - 95 l),
+ electronic control,
+ freezing power - up to 9 kg / day,
+ very low noise level - up to 40 dB,
+ very low energy consumption - class A+ or 304 kWh/year,

Defrosting - drip for the refrigerator, manual - for the freezer

Another South Korean handsome man, but now of Side-by-side ("swing") type. The average cost in Russia is 68,000 rubles, which does not allow it to be classified as budget options. It should be noted that the article "Rating of refrigerators by quality and reliability 2015" from consumerreports.org came out with a photo of Samsung RSA 1 SHVB on the front page. According to the statistics given in the study, only 0.7% of these refrigerators were repaired during the first 5 years of operation, and for every 1000 units sold, there were an average of 12 warranty visits to the masters. The model has mind-blowing characteristics, here are some of them:

Total volume, 550 l (refrigerator - 357 l, freezer - 193 l),
+ electronic control,

+ low noise level - up to 41 dB,

Higher than similar models, energy consumption - class A or 550 kWh / year,
- a fairly large mass - 112 kg,

Premium model. The average cost in Russia is 92,000 rubles. Suitable for a large family (see capacity specifications below). A high-quality and reliable German-made refrigerator, which began to be produced in 2014, and in 2015 became a member of the refrigerator rating for quality and reliability. The characteristics are as follows:

Light and sound warning of an open door,
+ antibacterial coating,
+ total volume, 568 l (refrigerator - 373 l, freezer - 195 l),
+ No Frost technology is used in both refrigerator and freezer compartments,
+ electronic control,
+ functions: supercooling, superfreezing, temperature indication,

Low freezing power - up to 4 kg/day,
- large mass - more than 120 kg,

Rating of manufacturers of refrigerators in terms of quality and reliability 2015

A list of refrigerator manufacturers was published as a separate line. The criteria were the same - the quality and reliability of the manufactured products, and it was considered according to the same principle - as few circumstances as possible that entailed warranty repairs. Some brands were not included in the TOP 5, which we cited in our article, however, according to the compilers, this happened due to the insufficient number of sales of models to participate in the rating. The list is as follows:

- LG,
- Liebherr,
- Whirlpool,
- Bosch,
- Daewoo

» » The best refrigerator of 2017

The refrigerator rightfully occupies the first place among household appliances that make our life comfortable. Although some may argue and give priority to the automatic typewriter, microwave and stepping on their heels.

A variety of prices, dimensions and quality, in addition to joy, can drive into a consumer stupor. And the consumer is looking on the Internet for answers to the questions: What is the most reliable refrigerator? What brand of refrigerator to buy?

Which refrigerator to buy

First of all, the choice is made for you:

  • the amount you planned to spend,
  • the number of eaters in your family,
  • stocking up habits
  • the presence of a summer residence,
  • your food preferences.

If you are a fan healthy lifestyle life or a raw foodist, then you do not need this bulky device at all.

Manufacturers of refrigeration units are trying to maximize the range of models offered, which today includes:

  • Double and single chamber
  • Embedded in kitchen furniture,
  • Single and double compressor
  • Single and double doors
  • with useful volume from 120 to 440 l.
  • with defrost systems: NoFrost, forced or drip.

Stand apart are the so-called "Korean refrigerators" LG and Sumsung, which basically excluded refrigerators with a traditional "weeping" or drip defrost system from their range. Only No Frost and their modifications.

It should be borne in mind that if a device with a drip defrosting system is of high quality, with tight-fitting doors and a well-functioning mode of operation, then it will need to be defrosted once every six months, or even less often. But it costs less, makes less noise and is more economical even in class C of its NoFrost counterpart.

Household appliances sellers offer refrigerators:

  • domestic brands: Indesit, Biryusa, Pozis, Saratov, Smolensk (a subsidiary of the Belarusian Atlanta),
  • neighboring countries: Atlant, Snaige,
  • far abroad: Zanussi, AEG, Miele, Bosch, whirlpool, Hansa, Liebherr, Electrolux, Beko and Vestel, Gorenje, Daewoo, LG, Samsung, etc.

Allegedly, we do not consider German brands Kaiser, Vestfrost (Danish?) at all, because German in them is only the sound of the name, but they are produced in Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria.

If the brand you saw in the store is completely unfamiliar to you, then most likely the equipment was manufactured by order of the distribution network by one of the major manufacturers. As a rule, they are based on the models traditional for a particular famous brand with minor changes. appearance and a partial upgrade of production.

The best brands of refrigerators - how to choose without mistakes?

Obviously, the most reliable and high-quality refrigerators are made by those manufacturers who have been doing this for more than a dozen years and know everything about large household appliances. And even if production is transferred to another country (although this is not so clear from China). But in most cases technological process and equipment remain unchanged and only improved. When choosing a reliable refrigerator, you should pay attention to manufacturers who have been producing equipment for more than a dozen years and carefully take care of the consumer. The table below lists the most popular brands of refrigerators. recent years.


Brand Country

Company foundation year










South Korea









South Korea




1975 (bought by Whirlpool in 2014)

Daewoo, LG, Samsung, Bosch, Electrolux, and Zanussi are manufactured at Russian, Polish, Romanian, and Bulgarian factories for OEM projects. Hansa, Beko and Vestel are Turkish production. LG and Samsung are a product of the Russian industry using Chinese components.

Rating of refrigerators by brand

1. According to the results of sales in 2016-2017 (according to information from large retail chains), the most popular are:

  1. Samsung. Constantly updated design, wide the lineup and price range, aggressive marketing policy have done their job. But with all the breadth of their presence in retail chains, LG and Samsung have lost ground over the past two years. Still, the external attractiveness and decorativeness for refrigeration appliances is an important argument for buying, but far from decisive. The equipment must first of all work without failures and serious problems with the plastic and the unit, and only then decorate the interior.
  2. BEKO. An excellent combination of democratic prices with good, stable quality. Noisy, but fully corresponds to the declared energy class. Decent device for the money.
  3. Liebherr. Not cheap, but compact and roomy. Quiet and reliable. Discreet design, without sparkling light bulbs and bright patterns.
  4. Atlant. Simple, no-frills refrigerators have been popular for many years thanks to perfect combination prices and quality. They attract consumers with fast and affordable service, the availability of spare parts in a developed network of service shops and quick repairs.
  5. Gorenje. Devices that delight consumers with the reliable operation of their unit. True, a feature of this brand is clearly rather weak plastic shelves on the doors and baskets in freezer. During the operation of the unit, many consumers complain about sounds - gurgling, squeaks, clicks. But this is a feature of the cooling system, while being very reliable.

2. According to the reliability of work, the positions are distributed as follows (according to the data of service centers):

  1. WHIRLPOOL (Poland, Slovakia, Italy),
  2. Liebherr (Bulgaria, Germany),
  3. Gorenje (Slovenia),
  4. Atlant (Belarus),
  5. BEKO (Turkey)

If the first three positions are practically unchanged over the past years, then the other two are constantly updated depending on the mass character of the defects of a particular brand.

Therefore, if you are looking for an answer to the question - Which refrigerator is better, then the reliability of brands from the same price niche is approximately the same. For example, Atlant replaces Indesit and vice versa. These two brands are confidently popular with buyers. Their production is stable, but Indesit's product line is updated more often.

Problems with the quality of refrigerators

To determine which refrigerator is the most reliable and understand the quality problems of a particular brand, just look into the service workshops. Sometimes already at the entrance there are massive products of a certain brand.

Even the most famous brands are not immune from mass defects, especially when new products are introduced into production. True, manufacturers who value their reputation reduce the number of devices with problems to a minimum.

But not so long ago, LG refrigerators were noted for the mass repairs of units, and factory defects lead to the replacement of the cabinet or the entire device at once with a fair amount of nerves. Manufacturers of Atlantes, in an attempt to reduce the cost, sacrificed the quality of plastic, however, within reason.

Are additional features useful?

Modern refrigerators abound with all sorts of additional features. But are all of them really useful and convenient?

Let's see:

  1. Food storage calendars will be useful if you are used to stocking the refrigerator once a month is not very useful products with long shelf life.
  2. Infrared lamp emitters that increase the shelf life of fresh products. But the artificial extension of the freshness of products does not add real freshness to them.
  3. Beverage chiller dispensers and ice makers for cooking food ice. A handy feature for lovers of chilled drinks.
  4. Additional cold accumulators allow to reduce energy costs for maintaining the temperature regime and protect products from rapid defrosting in cases of an emergency power outage.
  5. Protection against power surges in the network. It is very important for domestic worn-out power grids.
  6. Antibacterial (silver-containing) filters and coatings that protect products from spoilage. If the normative level of humidity is maintained in the refrigerating chamber, and the shelf life of products is not violated, then it is a very dubious advantage that increases the cost of the device. Moreover, in a year or two active exploitation the silver ions are simply removed from the plastic surface when the camera is washed.
  7. Sound or light alarm systems. They add comfort in use and awaken your attentiveness.

When choosing, be guided by your needs and ours, because the popularity of a particular model is often determined marketing strategy manufacturer and retail chains. Therefore, do not look on the Internet for the answer to the question "what is the most popular refrigerator?". This will be the brand that is most profitable to sell to retail chains, and not the most reliable.

When choosing a refrigerator, everyone wants it to serve for a long time, not break down and work silently, while having a low cost. This can be said to be the main criteria by which a suitable model is searched for. In addition, it is important that the purchased unit matches the color of the interior, is economical and comfortable to use. If you manage to find a model that satisfies these requirements, then you are really good at the issue of parameter analysis and the best models. In this article, we will tell you how to choose a refrigerator for your home and which brand is durable in 2017. At the end of the article, a rating of the best refrigerators by price, quality and manufacturer will be provided, so we strongly recommend that you read to the end.

main parameters

First, let's take a brief look at the most important criteria choosing a refrigerator for the home. So, the first thing you should decide before buying is:

  1. Equipment dimensions. There are one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and even six-chamber models. As a rule, each manufacturer has its own dimensions of products, however, all of them are close to standards and can differ from each other by no more than 5-10 cm. To choose the right dimensions for the refrigerator, you must first decide where it will be installed, after which measure this place with a tape measure and, based on the measurements obtained, select suitable option in height, width and depth. The most popular are two-chamber units, in which the freezer and refrigerator are similar. They are already followed by Side-by-Side, single-chamber, and then multi-chamber.
  2. Camera Location. Everyone is accustomed to having a freezer on the bottom, but there are models with a top freezer. There are generally without it, so when choosing, pay attention to this moment. We also advise you to take into account the ratio of the chambers, it happens that the freezer is almost the same as the refrigerator. This is very convenient for those who want to pick up a device with a large freezer.
  3. Useful volume. To choose the capacity of the refrigerator, you need to know one simple thing - for two people, a 180-liter device will be enough. For a family of 3 people, you can buy a 250-liter model, and if you have a large family (for 5-6 people), we recommend choosing a technique with a usable volume of 350 liters or more. Do not forget about the dimensions, the volume of the chamber directly affects the dimensions of the case.
  4. Type of defrosting and freezing. We will not go into details, but only highlight the most important information for you. Freezing can be thermoelectric (silent), absorption (more noisy) and with the help of compressors (the most high level noise). In turn, defrosting can be manual (as before, disconnect the equipment from the network, wait for the cameras to defrost, then wash the walls and wipe dry), drip (moisture flows into the pan along the back wall) and No Frost (no frost) - auto-defrost . Most often, all customers find it difficult to decide which refrigerator is better to choose for the home - with drip defrosting or no frost. If you do not often defrost the device, we recommend choosing a more modern and reliable No Frost system. In turn, the drip system belongs to the economy class, so the equipment will cost less.
  5. Climate class. The choice depends on the operating conditions of the unit, as well as the temperature in the region in which you are located. The most popular climate classes are presented in the table below. You need to select the appropriate temperature range for your own conditions.
  6. Energy class. If you want to choose an economical refrigerator for your home, pay attention to its energy class. The lowest class (i.e. economy class) is A+++ in 2017. Next in alphabetical order and the number of pluses are units with higher energy consumption (A ++, A +, A, B, etc.).
  7. Functions. You must understand that the more multifunctional refrigerator you want to choose, the more you will have to pay accordingly. We recommend choosing the least “fancy” device for giving. But in an apartment or house, you can already spend money on a model that, in addition to standard functions (for example, temperature settings), has an open door indicator, super freezing, an ice maker, long-term food storage, quick cooling and freezing of food, antibacterial protection, etc.
  8. Compressor type. In 2017, it is already better to choose a refrigerator with an inverter compressor, because. it is more economical, silent and also durable. The only thing is that the inverter is afraid, so you will additionally need to protect the equipment,.
  9. Number of compressors. Inexpensive refrigerators have one compressor, better models have 2 compressors, which better themes, which is cheaper in terms of repair, more economical and also allows you to turn off one camera (for washing or something), while the second one will work.
  10. Control method. Electromechanical control is more reliable and also cheaper. Electronic allows for finer tuning temperature regime, therefore, it is better in terms of the comfort of using technology. Majority modern models equipped with electronic control.
  11. Noise level. One of the most important parameters, because almost everyone wants to choose a silent refrigerator and at the same time that it be inexpensive, but of high quality. In this regard, our recommendation, as experts, is to opt for equipment with a noise level below 40 dB. With this indicator, the device will work in quiet mode.

Expert advice

These are all tips for correct selection specifications refrigerators. Below we will consider the little things that you should pay attention to before buying.

What else to pay attention to?

So, to choose a really good unit for your home, we recommend that you consider the following nuances:

  1. Shelves must be glass. Clear glass allows you to quickly find the right products in the refrigerator.
  2. The seals around the perimeter of the door must be elastic, fit well when closed. Before choosing the option you like, make sure that there is no damage, otherwise you will encounter a problem such as.
  3. A new refrigerator and freezer should not stink of cheap plastic. An unpleasant smell indicates the low quality of the plastic, and, accordingly, the dubious reliability of the manufacturer.
  4. Handles recessed into the door allow you to save a little free space. This is especially true if you want in a small kitchen.
  5. Many models, especially from Liebherr, have the possibility of hanging the doors to the other side. Very convenient, especially when moving around the house.
  6. Make sure the legs are on wheels (there should be at least 2). This design option will make it easier to transport equipment from place to place, simply by tilting the body.
  7. Built-in models are well suited if you do not want to spoil the interior of the kitchen.
  8. There are many color solutions refrigerators. You can always choose the appropriate design to match the tone of the kitchen. In addition, there are designer models that will become the highlight of the interior.

Top Producers

If you do not know which brand of refrigerator is the most reliable and durable, we recommend that you consider purchasing products from one of the following companies:

  1. Samsung
  2. Liebherr
  3. Indesit
  4. Bosch
  5. Sharp
  6. Hotpoint-Ariston (Ariston)
  7. Gorenje
  8. Korting

Of the domestic brands involved in the production domestic refrigerators I would like to recommend a Russian company Biryusa(Biryusa), as well as the Belarusian Atlant. If you want to choose an inexpensive but good refrigeration unit for your home, pay attention to these brands. In addition, Atlant accounts for more than 20% of sales in the Russian market, which is a leading figure. You can find out more in our related article.

Model Rating

Well, we end our tips on the list of the best models in 2017. Several ratings will be provided, allowing you to choose an option for your own conditions, so to speak, within reason.

The best single-chamber refrigerators for the home:

  1. Korting KS 50 HW
  2. Hansa FM050.4
  3. Liebherr Tsl 1414
  4. SUPRA TRF-030

All of them are small and, moreover, cost up to 20,000 rubles (or even up to 15 thousand). The choice of a single-chamber model is appropriate for giving or office.

Of the two-chamber units, I would like to advise for home use:

  1. Liebherr CUag 3311
  2. Bosch KGN39SB10
  3. LG GA-B489 TGRF
  4. Samsung RB-30 J3000WW
  5. Gorenje NRK 6191 MC
  6. Indesit DF 4160W
  7. ATLANT МХМ 2835-08
  8. Korting KSI 17875 CNF

As we have already said, two-door models are the most popular and also practical. An excellent option, which is recommended to choose for the house and apartment. If you try, you can pick up a good unit up to 50,000 rubles.

As for side-by-side models, in this regard, the best in 2017 are:

  1. Samsung RH-60 H90203L
  2. Liebherr SBS 7212
  3. Vestfrost VF 395-1 SBS
  4. Bosch KAN58A55
  5. Samsung RS-552NRUASL

Some of the models provided in the TOP cost less than 100 thousand rubles, so even from multi-chamber refrigerators you can try to choose a budget one, while optimal in price and quality.

  1. LG GR-N309 LLB
  2. Korting KSI 17875 CNF
  3. Whirlpool ART 9810/A+
  4. Siemens KI87SAF30
  5. Liebherr ICBS 3214

Please note that our 2017 refrigerator rating is independent. It was compiled on the basis of ratings and feedback from experts, as well as customers. If you want to contribute your opinion about the quality and reliability of these models, we recommend creating a topic in ours, which was created for refrigerators and everyone who wants to leave their feedback.

Important Details

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to choose a refrigerator and which brand is durable in 2017. We hope that the provided expert advice and videos were useful for you!

- indispensable equipment in the kitchen. In order for it to work for a long time and effectively, it is necessary to approach its choice correctly. For this, it is worth considering some important points, such as good combination quality and cost, consumer reviews, manufacturer reputation.

Top refrigeration equipment companies

Here are some brands that have a good reputation with customers:

  • Indesit. A popular brand among domestic consumers. The company's policy is aimed at creating relatively inexpensive equipment that has long term services.
  • LG offers equipment with high-tech hardware. He tries to implement the most modern developments in his products. Present on the market a large number of spare parts, there are many service centers.
  • Turkish company EYELID appeared on the Russian market in early XXI centuries and still pleases its admirers with high-quality, long-lasting equipment.
  • Company from Belarus ATLANT has a well-equipped production line. The equipment is cheaper than many competitors, and the quality is not inferior to them.
  • Swedish company equipment Electrolux done wisely. brand with great story and popular with many buyers both in Russia and in Europe. The company's products are the most reliable and high quality.

Rating of the best refrigerators in terms of quality and reliability

Model name Price in rubles
BEKO DS 333020 13740
Electrolux ERT 1501 FOW3 16465
Samsung RB-30 J3000WW 23060
LG GA-B429 SMQZ 33900
Hansa BK316.3 22619
ATLANT XM 4208-000 11808
Indesit DF 4180W 20000
Bosch KIV38X20 36500
Saratov 452 (KSh-120) 7612
Pozis RK FNF-170 21175

BEKO DS 333020

The optimal refrigerator model with an efficient technical part and high quality of parts.

  • The freezer is located on top.
  • The manufacturer offers two design options - white and silver.
  • Save on utility bills will allow class A +.
  • The equipment is defrosted by drip, the chambers have an antibacterial coating.
  • The volume is 310 liters.
  • Glass shelves are used to store food.

The advantages of the model include the following:

  1. high quality and reasonable cost;
  2. not big weight and a large volume of the refrigerating chamber;
  3. reliable proven brand;
  4. drip defrost.

Among the shortcomings can be called the lack of an ice generator, somewhat noisy operation, sometimes there is vibration on the sides.

Consumer reviews:

Alexey Pecherov: “We bought this refrigerator recently. After our old one with a tiny freezer, this one is just a giant. It works quietly, the side wall gets a little warm, but it is very warm in our house. We took VEKO, since the energy class was A +.

Alina Smirnova: “In a short period of time, the refrigerator got cold. Made of high quality materials - glass and plastic. It has a large chamber volume, which is convenient.

Pavlov Anton: “A neat assembly and glass shelves ensure a long service life. It is inconvenient that the vegetable storage box is located almost on the floor, you often have to bend over.

Electrolux ERT 1501 FOW3

This model is the smallest in the ranking. Despite its small dimensions, it has a rather impressive volume - about 136 liters. Thick glass shelves are organically arranged inside, dividing the refrigerator into compartments for convenient storage products. Good for a summer cottage or as a second refrigerator in the house. The advantages of the model are:

  1. well-known global manufacturer;
  2. high-quality assembly of parts;
  3. attractive design;
  4. high performance;
  5. energy efficiency;
  6. convenient operation.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting the low power of the freezer, the lack of an ice generator.

Customer Feedback:

Elena: "Comfortable and compact refrigerator in which all parts are made of high quality plastic. Works almost silently.

Anna Krovets: “This model is suitable for those who are limited in space just like me. I bought it because my kitchenette is small, and I alone do not need a large refrigerator. Very easy to use and well made, I'm happy with the purchase."

Kristina Ivanova: “We bought a refrigerator for a dacha, we are pleased with the good performance and high-quality parts that are easy to clean. All products fit and are easy to get. Of the minuses - a small freezer, but for such a compact version there could not have been another.

Samsung RB-30 J3000WW

This device surpasses competitors in many ways, while remaining affordable. The location of the freezer is at the bottom. Management is carried out using an electronic module. Energy efficiency class A +. The refrigerator does not need to be defrosted. glass shelves provide convenient placement of products on them.

On a note! This option is suitable for those who want to have a roomy unit that works for a long time.

Model pluses:

  1. famous brand with good reputation;
  2. excellent ergonomic design;
  3. high-quality assembly and high reliability;
  4. quiet;
  5. spacious;
  6. no defrost needed.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth paying attention to the lack of an ice maker, high weight, and rapid wear of the seal.

The refrigerator is one of the main devices in household appliances; every home has it. Since such Appliances considered a necessary part of any kitchen, for those wishing to replace their old refrigerator the newer best model was ranked refrigerators for quality and reliability in 2015. The rating was based on customer reviews and testing of refrigerators.

Top 5 best refrigerators in terms of reliability for 2015.

Boldly, the first place can be given to German brand refrigerators Liebherr. He received his well-deserved first place due to the following points:

  • has a dual cooling system, so the refrigerator does not smell like a freezer.
  • two compressors that do not create a lot of noise during operation, in other words, the quiet operation of the refrigerator.
  • compressors also allow the refrigerator and freezer to work independently of each other, and this, in turn, is very convenient because you can defrost both chambers separately from each other.

refrigerators of the brand take the second place Electrolux. People around the world quite often buy this brand of refrigerator. The main advantages of Electrolux are:

  • economical consumption of electricity.
  • dynamic system refrigeration, which keeps food fresh for a long period of time.
  • high compressor power.

deutsche mark Sunday takes third place. The main difference in this brand is that there is a stable preservation of the temperature inside the refrigerator, regardless of the temperature in the room. Therefore, due to the large capacity of the freezer, this brand comes in third place.

Fourth place goes to Mark Samsung. advantages of this brand:

  • defrosting convenience.
  • low noise level during operation.
  • temperature stability.
  • cooling speed of the refrigerator to the desired temperature level.

The Atlant brand closes the top five refrigerators in terms of reliability for 2015. Refrigerators of this brand are inexpensive to repair, and most importantly reliable and have a long service life. Have modern design, a safe filling system, as well as two new model compressors.

Top 5 refrigerators in terms of reliability for 2015.

1. Liebherr.
2. Electrolux.
3. Bosch.
4. Samsung.
5. Atlant.

Top 5 refrigerators in 2015 in terms of quality.

1 place. Bosch brand.

In terms of quality, Bosch ranks first, it is worth noting that the refrigerators of this company are inexpensive and accessible to almost everyone. Refrigerators of this brand are convenient to use and there are no problems with its repair. Take, for example, the KGV36VW13 model, where due to its two chambers and a freezer, the refrigerator is fully operational.

2nd place. LG brand.

Second place was taken by the Korean brand LG. for example, take the model GA-B489 TGDF. beautiful design, creates a special coziness in the kitchen. Such a refrigerator is very convenient, since it can be placed in any corner of the corridor or kitchen, that is, it does not take up much space. There are all the necessary functions for its full operation:

  • ice maker.
  • child protection.
  • freshness zone.
  • superfreeze.
  • temperature indication.

3rd place. BEKO brand.

Consider the CMV 533103 W model. It has a freezer and refrigerator volume of 305 liters. There is a function No Frost (dry freezing) creates additional convenience when using the refrigerator. She received her third place in the ranking due to the combination of price / quality. The cost of models of refrigerators of this brand is different, in accordance with the quality, its price also goes.

4th place. Samsung brand.

This brand has distinguished the following model RB-31 FERNCBC. there is a dry freeze, and also great combination freezer and refrigerator compartment. There is a freshness zone that allows food to lie in the refrigerator for a long time. There is also child protection, that is, with frequent pressing on the control panel, it is blocked.

5th place. SURRA brand.

The RF-94 brings the SURRA brand to fifth place in the ranking. One of the advantages is an affordable price, but the combination of the price category corresponds to the quality of the refrigerator, in other words, for its low cost, it does not have the most best performance, namely: a small chamber volume of 86 liters, one compressor, a small capacity of the freezer. This model is needed for simple storage and cooling of products.

Top 5 refrigerators by quality 2015

1. Bosch
2. LG

Best refrigerators 2015

First place gets Liebherr. despite its high cost, which corresponds to the quality, refrigerators of this brand are the best. Powerful two compressors, as well as freezing and cold rooms, in addition, the almost silent operation of the refrigerator, due to all this, refrigerators of this brand are best disassembled.

Second place goes to Mark Electrolux. The Swedish manufacturer is constantly adding something, some new features, but this is still not enough to come out on top. But, despite this, the Electrolux brand deservedly takes the second position in the ranking due to its constant improvements.

Third place goes to Bosch. its place in the Quality and Reliability Rating of Refrigerators 2015 was due to positive feedback and the number of sales. Automatic shutdown technology after a predetermined time and the evaporation of accumulated moisture outside the refrigerator, as well as dry freezing and layer cold in the freezer, these are some of the Bosch features that bring it to third place in the ranking.

The brand is in fourth place. LG. its main difference is stylish design which creates a special coziness in the kitchen. Quick freeze function special places for storing and cooling various products, as well as other functions that create convenience when using the refrigerator, give fourth place in the 2015 refrigerator rating.

Fifth place is occupied by the brand Atlant. received its position in the ranking due to the long service life and cheap repairs. refrigerators of this brand are notable for their low price, therefore they are the most affordable.

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