Is it possible to repaint the refrigerator in another color. How to paint the old refrigerator do it yourself

Engineering systems 04.03.2020
Engineering systems

Paint the refrigerator with your own hands - quite real. Why not? After all, it will take quite a bit of your work and effort, but the subject is so necessary in any home the technique will look like a new way. Information on how to do everything is correct and not spoil the coating of the household device in the process, you will find in this article.

Reasons for painting refrigerator at home

Reasons to bring changes to the appearance of the refrigerator can be a lot:

  • It often happens that the unit still functions without complaints, and you made repairs and this white color does not fit into the color gamut of the kitchen. If the rest of the household appliances (microwave, kettle, and so on) has small dimensions and is not striking, the refrigerator does not hide anywhere.
  • Sometimes well-working technique acquires a non-uncooked form, since scratches, scratching from thorough cleaning, rust plots appear in the process. But there is no new refrigerator yet, and there is no need to throw out a completely good technique on the garbage. Exit - update the appearance of the refrigerator.
  • Can you have an interesting designer idea? The kitchen interior became creative and fashionable, and the traditional white refrigerator, like "Belmo" in the eye, is knocked out of the context. Then this option, like painting the device, does seem to be an excellent output from the situation.

Important! On the old working technique, it is very possible to test your artistic talent. Not so sorry, if it does not work immediately - you can wipe and dye again. So the reasons for which we can paint the fridge, set.

Required Inventory for Successful Painting

The choice of tools directly depends on which paint for the refrigerator outside you will use. To begin with, we will list what you need in any case.

Painting Protective Film or Stack of Newspapers

Such objects are necessary in order to close all the surfaces on which the spray of paint can get. Newspapers, of course, are a more fiscal option, but they can shift in the process of your work, and the spots will remain somewhere. But the use of a special protective film is a more reliable way that will fully protect the walls, gender and furniture from pollution.

Important! Some manufacturers produce a protective film with a sticky strip on one edge, which facilitates the process of fastening it in the right places.

Respirator and gloves

Gloves are needed anyway to protect the skin of the hands from the effects of paint and solvent. But the respirator in case of staining of the refrigerator acrylic paints is not needed. But if you paint with a pulverizer or enamel in the form of a spray, then without it can not do. Small splashes will definitely fall into the respiratory organs, and you need to protect yourself from toxic smell.

Malyan Scotch

This item is needed in order to close those non-removable parts of the refrigerator, which are not subject to painting (logo, knobs, sealing tires on the door).

Important! It is not worth using an ordinary sticky tape, as traces of glue will remain, which are difficult to remove it later.

Small graded sandpaper

It is needed in order to take the surface to remove the old layer of enamel.


Such a liquid is needed for degreasing the surface and removal of paint spots.

Important! Acetone, White spirit or other similar means are suitable.

Means for cleaning

The pelvis with hot water, rags, sponges, brushes, means "anti-zhir" - all this is necessary for cleaning the outer and inner surface of the refrigerator from the old traces of fat, soot and other contaminants.


If your refrigerator is "visible", and there are deep scratches on its surface, then you will need a quick-hardening putty. It will need to close all the fumes and cracks before the color.

Other tools

  • If you decide to paint with automotive nitroemal, then you will not need anything else.
  • If you have chosen on acrylic paint, then you will need an uninformed roller and a 3-5 cm wide brush to paint the hard-to-reach places.
  • For epoxy (polyurethane), paints will need the same tools.

What paint paint the fridge at home?

Paints in stores are very much, but not all of them are suitable for painting a household appliance. So what to paint the refrigerator outside?

  • If you want to do everything perfect, you can find a special paint for household appliances, for example, the company NEW TON. This is an alkyd enamel for the restoration of household appliances, mostly white.
  • If you have artistic talents and know how to draw, you should try to try something on the refrigerator using colors for graffiti, for example, the Montana brand. It is bright nitrocracks with high-quality pigments that have a wide palette of shades. They are suitable for any surfaces.
  • Ideally, the refrigerator repainted in any color car nitroemal. It is easy to work with it: it is stable, durable, smoothly falls and dries quickly. A large minus is its toxicity and spray mass on neighboring surfaces.
  • Polyurethane epoxy paint bribes the fact that it is the most strongest of all. But it is a two-component, complicated in applying, and very expensive. So the choice is purely "on an amateur."
  • Acrylic paint is probably the most optimal option. It is sufficiently resistant to external influences, has a large selection of shades and absolutely non-toxic, does not highlight unpleasant odors. Yes, and splashes when painting will be much smaller.

Important! To secure the result and additional effect, you can buy varnish (glossy, matte or even with shimmer).

How to paint the fridge with your own hands?

The process of painting the refrigerator does not take a long time. You will be born longer with preparation.


  1. Disconnect the unit from the network and remove all boxes, shelves, in general, the entire inner filling.
  2. If you can bring the refrigerator to the street - do it. So you will then clean and rub off.
  1. The next stage of preparation for painting is a washing. Arm yourself with sponges, hot water basin, brush and household chemicals, which copes well with the solar fat and soak.

Important! It is necessary to wash carefully, otherwise the paint layer may be unevenly lying.

  1. Unscrew the handle from the door if it is removable. If not, then creep it and other details (inscriptions, sealing tires) with a painter scotch, so that you can not wash your paint from them.
  2. Now arm yourself with fine-grained emery (can be grinding) and skill surface. Especially paying attention to the places where there is a rust, clean them to pure metal.
  1. If there are deep scratches, then close them with a quick-hardening putty, let her trough to dry.
  2. Surface clean and degrease. If the manufacturer of the paint recommends prejudice first - do it, although this procedure is not required. There is also no great need to apply fire and anti-corrosion products.
  3. Now proceed to the painting itself. First try color on an invisible area. Then paint the side that turns to the wall to verify and "fill" the hand. And after proceeding to the facial processing.

Important! The rear wall of the refrigerator is not recommended.

  1. If you paint into several layers, then let them dry carefully.
  2. At the end, if desired, fasten the result of the layer of varnish. It will give the shine and make the surface more resistant to external influences.

Paint drawing features:

  • Paints in the form of sprays are easily applied quickly. The balloon must be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the surface of the surface. Movements must be smooth. Drive your hand to the right left, without lingering in one place. Then it turns out a uniform thin layer. If necessary, apply another 1-2 layer (one layer dries about 30 minutes).

Important! Usually one cylinder is enough for 2 layers for a refrigerator height of 170 cm.

  • Acrylic paint must be applied with a roller, too, from left to right to a thin layer. Move in the direction from the top to the bottom, evenly, without jerks. Difficult places color with a brush. After the first layer caused, give the surface to dry carefully. To do this, leave the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After that, you can apply the second layer.
  • With the help of stencils or painting tape, you can decorate the refrigerator with stripes, patterns, geometric ornament. That is, you can make an ordinary home appliance design element of the interior. And if you have an airbrush skill skills, you can draw even a landscape, at least still life. It all depends on your skills, preferences and tastes.

Important! Similarly, you can paint the inner surface of the refrigerator. The tool and paint for the refrigerator inside the same, only painting inside more uncomfortable.

Stock foot

As you can see to paint the fridge with your own hands it is not necessary to learn a large amount of information, and the process itself will take not so much time. Using useful recommendations from this article, you can breathe new life in a refrigeration household appliance and update, so the kitchen interior.

In the apartment of the son's kitchen is so small that the refrigerator does not get into it. I had to put in the room, and it is literally like Belmo in the eye - it looks very alien. I offered him several ways to paint the refrigerator with your own hands or modify it with other methods.

In the meantime he thinks I want to tell about them, who had a similar problem or just want to update the old, but still work technique.

All ways of painting

If you need to get a solid monophonic surface, then painting the refrigerator with your own hands - the case is, in fact, whore. We take into the hands of a brush, a roller or a spray and paint everything in a row. Much more time can take preparation.

It includes the following steps:

  1. Grinding. It is necessary only for the old refrigerator having chips, scratches and traces of rust on the surface. If they are not, I miss this stage. If there is, we take into the hands of a skirt or drill with a grinding nozzle and clean the damaged coating.

  1. Shpaklevka. Deep chips and dents need to sharpen, otherwise they will be noticeable both under the paint, and under any other coating.
  2. Degreasing. Performed with solvents or ordinary detergents.
  3. Protection of fittings. All that is removed is removed. The remaining details on which the paint should not get, we put the painting scotch.

This the instruction will be relevant for all other ways of decorative design. Refrigerators and other techniques that I will also tell. Read more and you can see the video at the end of the article.

But for now, about how to paint the refrigerator.

Ordinary painting

It will be better to lay on the surface and it will be good to keep paint for metal. It also happens in banks, and in aerosol cans. Choose the one that is more convenient.

  • Paint with brush or roller longer and more difficult - It is difficult to achieve the perfect uniformity of application. But it is possible to do it right on the spot.

  • Aerosol paint is applied quickly and evenly. But you need more free space. There is a risk of staining the floor and walls, so everything around you need to close the film. In addition, the sprayed paint can fall into respiratory organs. Therefore, it is better not at home at all, but outdoors.

Instead of usual, you can take a stylist paint, it also happens different colors. With it, you can not only update the old refrigerator, but also turn its walls into comfortable boards for entries. It can be recipes, a list of products or just messages left by their home.

Painting with simple pattern

If you don't like the monotonous surface, you can apply multi-colored stripes on the refrigerator, decorate it with geometric shapes or ornaments. And so that the transitions between different colors turn out clearly, you need to use the painting ribbon.

It is temporarily glued along pre-marked borders, and then carefully removed.

When one color is completely dry, the ribbon limit the sections of another color. And so depending on the number of selected shades.

Painting in car service

If you don't want to repaint the refrigerator at home, it can be taken to the car repair shop on the paint of the bodies. That is how my friends did not so long ago.

The advantages of this method:

  • Lack of dirt and smell in the apartment;
  • Strong strengthSince after applying the coating, it is dried in special chambers;
  • The possibility of applying to the surface of any drawing by airbrush. Of course, if this service turns out to be in the workshop.

In large cities there are specialized firms involved in airbrushing not only on cars, but also on furniture, home appliances and any other things.

And now about other ways to decorate:

Method 1 - Painting

Do not think that the painting of the refrigerator is only available to those who paint very well. Of course, such people will be much easier to decorate it, manifesting their fantasy and inventing the drawing, which will maximize the interior on the intent and color.

For people without artistic abilities, other ways are invented how to update the refrigerator with your own hands. They are based on the use of stencils. You can take:

  1. Ready stencil. It is fixed on the surface of scotch, and the paint is filled with space inside the slots.

  1. Homemade stencil. You can find a suitable drawing or ornament, print it on the printer and cut. And then use for its intended purpose. If this is a single drawing, as the basis uses usual paper. If repetitive, then it is better to transfer the pattern to transparent plastic. For example, on a plastic office folder.

  1. Anti-Defafaret. The pattern is obtained by way of contrary: the paint is sprayed over the stencil. And when he is shooting, there remains an imracicted drawing in his place.

You can use the leaves of trees, lace napkins cut from paper flowers, etc.

Method 2 - Decoupage

Do not want to paint? Do not know how to draw? I offer another original way of decor: decoupage of the refrigerator with your own hands. It is unlikely that you need to explain what it is, but suddenly someone does not know?

In fact, this is the usual applique of paper, which for beauty and reliability is covered with varnish. It does not give the picture to get dirty and flap when washing the surface.

Surfaces can be given the relief, organize cracks on it that imitates the antiquity to cover the gilder. But it is unlikely that it is appropriate in our case, because kitchen appliances need to wash. Therefore, not to wisely do not advise.

Pictures for a refrigerator can be printed on a color printer, cut out of logs, draw yourself. But more often for this purpose, decoupage cards sold in art stores or colored multi-layered napkins are used. Because the thinner the paper, the more naturally the decor looks.

This method can be combined with painting and elements of painting. Here, for example, how the decoupage of the refrigerator is performed by napkins:

Picture Description
Step 1

Cut the drawing from the napkin with sharp scissors.

Step 2.

Gently separate the top layer.

Step 3.

Several pictures are left by integer, and the rest cut, removing several berries and changing the size and shape of a bunch. We will need several separate leaves.

Step 4.

We glue pictures on the refrigerator PVA glue. We apply it with a soft tassel right over the picture, smoothing it from the center to the edges.

Step 5.

Soft pencil draw twigs and mustaches

Step 6.

We take acrylic paints and paint the sprigs with brown. Warfish the mustache.

Step 7.

White paint applied on berries glare. And we wait when the paint dries.

Step 8.

We cover the entire refrigerator acrylic varnish in two layers and admire the result.

This technique is good because it allows you to disguise individual dents and scratches, not repainting the entire unit. But if desired, and if the composition requires, you can first apply a layer of color paint.

Method 3 - Film Parking

Another way to decorate the fridge without using the paint is to salary it with vinyl film. It is self-adhesive, so no other consumables will be needed.

The method of pasting depends on the purpose of the alteration. Namely: Would you like to completely change the image of a cold friend or just embellish it.

Full salable

At modern built-in kitchens, the refrigerator is often knocked out of a slim row of furniture, having sharply different from it with another color. Or, as in our case, delivered next to the furniture in the living room, it looks alien.

Here in such cases and will help the refrigerator film. It is sold in rolls and makes plenty of coloring and drawings.

The assortment has monophonic and multi-colored films, as well as with the most different patterns, including imitating natural materials.

Stick such a coating smoothly, without wrinkles, folds and bubbles, not so simple. Manufacturers recommend doing this, gradually removing the substrate from the adhesive layer and smoothing the glued part of the rubber spatula.

I like another way:

  1. I fully remove the substrate with the outlet blank, putting it with a drawing down on the table.
  2. Then splashing with water from the sprayer and the film, and the surface is covered.
  3. As a result, the refrigerator film during gluing easily slides over the surface. It can be moved, achieving a given position and easily squeezing air bubbles.
  4. After a while, water will evaporate, and the coating sticks to the walls.

Partial salaling

We remember the decoupage and act in the same way, cutting separate fragments from the film. With the only difference that we will not need a glue or varnish. Because the adhesive layer on the film is already there, and she herself is not afraid of moisture.

Even easier - use stickers stickers. They are sold in many supermarkets and shops selling goods for home. The price is low, an assortment for every taste, and all work on the design will take literally a few minutes.

Well, finally, one more option: Color Scotch. Start it with parallel stripes, crossed lines or any ornament, and the refrigerator will not know.


On the video, this article provides a detailed master class on updating the refrigerator self-kept. Pay attention to thorough surface preparation. It is always necessary that you have chosen to decorate your technology: painting, painting or decoupage.

These ways themselves, as you could make sure, are quite simple in performance and are available for sale at home. Waiting for your comments and I will be happy to answer questions!

    Now there is a huge variety of paints, for anything, it also also has paints for household appliances. Convenient way to update the refrigerator is to buy paint in the cans, but the smell of it is terrible, the room must be carried out when procrace. And also before painting, you will definitely boil the places where the enamel flew on the refrigerator, otherwise dents will be visible.

    The very first need to be done when you paint the refrigerator, you need to wipe the refrigerator with a detergent, so that there would be no fat on it, since if fat is, the paint will be bad. Then if there are very large pods, you can smear the primer, it is good for both repairs and equipment. I bought the paint for household appliances, you can NEWTON, MONTANA (but also the car paint is also suitable, but it will have a caustic odor from it), after painted, you need to wait an hour, and again put the second paint layer again, you can also dry as soon as it dries Refrigerator (paint I have for household appliances dry 5 hours) stick beautiful stickers, or with a thin bruster draw some kind of drawing. But you can also use self-adhesive Plenka, it looks good on the refrigerator.

  • How to paint the refrigerator

    For work, we will need a refrigerator, gloves, mask, a lot of newspapers, fresh air, car primer, paint (varnish) in canisters, small sandpaper. All except the refrigerator can be purchased in the automotive store (the sandpaper is also used there during painting machines).

    First, it is necessary to carefully wash the entire refrigerator with detergents dissolving fat. At the same time, the handles and other details that are not intended to be painted, it is best to unscrew so that the paint lay down in these places exactly and was not noticeable that the refrigerator is painted, by the way, and wash everything more carefully.

    Next, we look at the surface. If there are places with a sticky rust, be sure to clean up the net metal. If there is damage to the paint in the form of chips, other damage to enamel, it is better to apply primer from the spray to such places. Next, thoroughly clean the places of transitions to enamel very small emery paper so that there are no transitions to be seen, and the paint lay very uniformly. Next, give the primer to dry (if necessary, apply the second, the third layer to align the surface). Everything, now the refrigerator is ready to paint. It is best to paint with automotive paint from the can, it is well and evenly falls around, forms a smooth surface, solid to abrasion. It is necessary to apply paint with a sufficient distance with a thin layer, let it seek each layer. Detailed instructions are given on the ball. It is better to paint it in a standing position. You can apply any drawing to draw a thin brush or circle your favorite image or motive. And then you can apply the drawing on the finished refrigerator with acrylic paints. If you wish, cover the finished refrigerator with a car lacquer, it will glisten and sparkle in the sun.

  • You can paint paint for graphifers, it is quite persistent, not harmful and the choice of colors is very diverse. First of all, you need to remove all parts that are not painted, or color in another color. Either to glue the construction tape with those details that do not paint. And evenly apply a layer of paint. You can via stencil. Before painting, you need to clean all the places where the metal appears or the enamel disappeared, remove dust and pollution.

    The refrigerator my friends painted with markers with nitrocracy. They bought several such markers and painted the details, painted patterns. You can also make a stencil or print the pattern on the Internet and make stencil from it. But now there is a simpler way to transform your refrigerator is to stick a self-adhesive film. Such a film is now sold in rolls of different lengths, there is under a tree, there are patterns and patterns, the most diverse texture is proposed. The task is that it is necessary to cut the desired rectangle and gently stick to the refrigerator, start over and smooth the cloth so that the sticking is uniform. The film will serve not one year and significantly transform the refrigerator. And it is very fast!

    For painting a refrigerator, it is better to use aerosol paints that are more economical and more convenient for painting, as they exclude the need to use brushes, fall into a thin and smooth layer, can be easily applied to hard-to-reach places.

    For painting, you can use acrylic paints aerosol, enamel, or there are special paints for household appliances that are more wear-resistant, you can wash.

    Before you start painting, it is necessary to turn off the equipment from the power grid to empty it. Show the floor under the refrigerator film or newspapers. Pack all those details that do not need to be painted, or to unscrew and remove them.

    Before painting, you need to carefully degrease the surface, wash it, remove the old paint with a rigid brush, stab will be stupid to keep paint well. The paint from the canopy should be applied with a thin layer, then let me dry and apply a few more layers.

    Many people advise aerosol cannon, but I can not imagine how to do it. How neither be accurate, and something unnecessary paint is not planning.

    My choice is a water-based acrylic enamel and a fur roller. Does not stink, does not splash, it looks great.

    In order to pick up the paint for the refrigerator, it is not necessary to visit the automotive store, you can buy a couple of spray paint springs in any specialized store for repair. Now the choice of such colors of all shades is very large, which allows you to paint creating a specific drawing. The only one, it is necessary to first clean the surface, clean it with sandpaper from the emerged bold spots, degrease and, if necessary, to progress. When working with a sprayer, it is necessary to close with painting scotch all the places that do not need to be painted, and if you want to create a pattern. Well, a paint can be twice. Consumption is about one medium refrigerator, up to 170 centimeters.

    To paint the refrigerator at home, you need to define the purpose of painting, that is, why do you need it: update the used, paint it just in another color (well, it does not fit on the color of the wallpaper) or you decided to make from the usual designer unit So that all friends familiar be ash. Having determined the goals, respectively, choose and paint. Refresh the dued corners of your old refrigerator is quite possible and paint from the title, but better paint for metal. Now there are a large number of paints that can be applied even by rust. But it is still better to extort all the battering old paint and degrease the entire surface.

    Learn that when painting from the title you will need customer protection interference: glasses and mask. Yes, and in the closed room, the sprayed paint is not the best that you can imagine. Of course, each paint smells, the question is only in dried speed. Therefore, this moment is also worth considering. In my opinion, if you do not need a designer project, then the paints on the metal are best. If you need a design, then either acrylic paint, or springs. True, in this case, you will need the skill of work and at least a small, but artistic Talan.))

    To fully paint, or rather repaint the refrigerator, this is not a simple occupation that requires large strength and costs, if you want to get a good result, and not the quot option; for the cottage to go.

    You will need small skin to remove the old paint, then apply the soil for metal from the can, then after drying the aerosol automotive paint, then another day to dry and then the lacquer is applied again. All of this should be done in a large, well-ventilated room.

The result when painting a refrigerator turns out much better than if you try to get a refrigerator with a film. In order for the film exactly to lay on the surface of the refrigerator, it will have to work as it should be worn to prevent the formation of air bubbles or wrinkles. Staining allows you to provide a more flat surface.

The process of coloring the refrigerator has some features, but with carefully they are easily solvable. If you wish, with the help of painting, it is possible not only to give a beautiful view of the old coating, but also to bring a new refrigerator in line with the kitchen interior.

Than you can paint the refrigerator

Enamel for car staining in the canopy is not an option for painting a refrigerator, although it may seem like this.

The refrigerator is most often painted in or in rare cases bring to the balcony. If you use the aerosol paint, its smallest particles will settle on furniture, walls and gender. In addition, the paint is impregnated even dust - after it falls on the floor, it can be removed only with the help of a solvent. Cleaning using White Spirit is not particularly pleasant, and if you make a refrigerator to open space, it is not possible, it is better to use the roller for staining.

Of course, when staining, the roller will not succeed in achieving a smooth and uniform coating, as with spraying an aerosol, but also cleaning less. It is necessary to remember that even the respirator will save from entering the breathing organs of the smallest particles, so the aerosols are suitable only for open space.

Nevertheless, if you wish, you can use the automotive enamel. But epoxy paint, and some of the acrylic painting compositions are also suitable.

Staining technology

To paint the refrigerator, you need to stock paint and roller in advance, clean rags, film, newspapers, prepare detergent, sponge, tape.

The surface of the refrigerator should be laundered and dried. In order not to blur anything around, cover the interior items with a film, flooring floors. Ensure the ventilation of the room.

The paint is better to first check on such a section of the surface that does not rush into the eyes - it will help make sure that the color and tone are chosen correctly. From the refrigerator, it is advisable to remove the accessories or take it with painting scotch.

When painting an aerosol, the canopy can be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the surface. Apply the paint should be uniform movements, directing them from left to right.

The painted refrigerator dried around half an hour, then you can put the paint with another layer. If a roller is chosen to apply paint, it is better to choose not very wide.

If your refrigerator copes perfectly with your functions, but it looks like a shabby and does not fit into the kitchen interior, it can be updated. Often it is the appearance of the device, or rather its damage, is the main reason for the replacement. Old refrigerators are not thrown away, but they sell or used in the country. Accordingly, by updating the color, you can not spend money on the purchase of expensive techniques if the rest suits.

For this purpose, it is suitable or self-adhesive film or paint. The first version is heavy performed, because it is difficult to clean the surface of the refrigerator smoothly and without wrinkles. In addition, the film is easy to scratch, it quickly fuses under the influence of sunlight luminous in the window. It is much easier to repaint evenly a fridge, and choosing completely any color, and perhaps even create a drawing!

And now everything is in order, we'll figure it out how to paint the fridge at home, what kind of paint is suitable for this and what a sequence of actions should be followed to cope on your own, without attracting specialists.

Painting the refrigerator at home implies the use of special paint and tools. The surface of the technique cannot be attributed to simple or ordinary, respectively, not every coloring agent can be used. High demands exhibit to the paint layer:

  1. It must protect the facade from mechanical damage arising during operation.
  2. He must give an updated appearance and make a variety of interior.

Also, the paint should not "get out" in a few months, that is, it must have high performance characteristics.

When choosing materials, consider the features of the use of the device. If the refrigerator is always in a dry and heated room, that is, in the kitchen, the rust does not threaten. Another question is, if the refrigerator is placed in the raw room, for example, in shops or warehouses and other industrial zones with high humidity. In this case, it will be necessary to treat the surface with an anti-corrosion solution. For home use, this solution will be inappropriate, as well as a fire-fight base or paint, because the refrigerator near the fire in principle cannot be connected.

In this case, paint preferably allowing mixing with other colors, which holds on the vertical surface, elastic in structure and resistant to detergents. Thus, for the color of the refrigerator, paint is needed for internal work, resistant to water.

Several species of such paints are divided, and the following types are perfect:

  • nitroemal for car painting - this species is well applied, it is distinguished by increased resistance, has a beautiful brilliant shade. Paint is for sale in aerosol cans, so the application will not cause difficulties. From the disadvantages you can allocate high cost, toxicity (it should be used at open windows and in the respirator), the impossibility of controlling the splashes. To organize the process, you will have to close the walls, floors and furniture to eliminate subsequent cleaning;
  • acrylic paint for metal - application is carried out by a roller or brush, it is distinguished by a variety of colors. The composition is characterized by safety, as there are no poisonous substances;
  • polyurethane paint - from all kinds is more resistant to wear. Moreover, it can be used both for the outer surface of the refrigerator and internal. It is not afraid of low temperatures, it is easy to apply, so in cases where you need to paint scratches, use it.

What a tool will need

Immediately proceed to paint it is impossible, the surface must always be prepared in advance. The refrigerator is located in the kitchen, where food is constantly preparing, so any hostess on its surface there are traces of fat covered with dust. It may be the smallest specks, but they are. That is why, before proceeding to work, the surface is necessary to launder well so that the paint lay down exactly and easily, excluding cracks and chips in the future.

For the organization of work, including preliminary training and further painting, the following tools and materials will be needed:

  • detergent to remove contamination;
  • abrasive sponge;
  • rags (dry and wet);
  • emery fine-grained paper;
  • acetone or kerosene for degreasing;
  • primer (for better fastening of the layer of paint and surface of the equipment);
  • painting tape, film, tape;
  • newspapers to store the floors;
  • respirator;
  • gloves;
  • paint;
  • brush and roller.

Collecting materials, you can proceed to work.

Process preparation

As already mentioned, painting in another color should be carried out with the preparation of the surface of the refrigerator. So follow the proposed action scheme:

  • for safety reasons, disconnect the equipment from the power supply, also remove the internal shelves and partitions, especially if inside you also dye;
  • with the help of detergents and abrasive sponges, clean the surface and wash the applied solution. Just clean the refrigerator a little, you need to thicken chemical compositions and thoroughly;
  • sand sandpaper sandpaper, partially removing the old coating. Most thoroughly pose in places where there are already cracks and chips - here the old layer of paint is already gradually moving away, so it is necessary to remove it so that in the future it does not cause damage to the new coating;
  • wipe the refrigerator first dipped in water, then dry. So you remove the particles of old paint, which also should not remain on the surface;
  • treat refrigerator primer;
  • screw knobs and other hardware accessories or wrap the film. A painting ribbon can be closed with an elastic band on the doors and other details that should not be painted. Also, if you are going to stick to the geometric pattern, then the paint tape is the perfect assistant in this;
  • shipping floors with newspapers and, if necessary, walls;
  • try the paint on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe refrigerator. Evaluate whether the color is suitable for how paint lies, etc.

Painting process

By completing the preparatory work, it remains the most important, paint the old fridge. If you have chosen a paint can for this purpose, you need to stick to the instructions for it. General recommendations for the use of such a type of paint:

  • when applying, keep the cylinder at a distance of 30 cm from the surface of the surface;
  • movements must be uniform, left to right, without lingering for a long time at one point, otherwise it will later be noticeable;
  • color in 2-3 layers, but each of them must dry, and only then the next one is applied.

If your choice fell on the paint in the bank, you will need a brush or roller. Sharp transitions of staining is at the bottom, then at the top will lead to a not beautiful result. Move the systematically from left to right. Painting is produced in 2-3 layers, each of which should also dry.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in updating the appearance of the work refrigerator with their own hands, even a person who does not have proper experience cope with this task. The main thing is to comply with the recommendations on the selection of materials and the sequence of actions, and then the result will delight for many years!

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