How to find where to punch a well. How to find water for a well: we analyze three effective search methods

Engineering systems 25.06.2019
Engineering systems

Without water, as you know, life on our planet is impossible. it necessary condition existence for man, plant or animal.

A personal plot will turn into a desert if there is no source of water on it. For this reason, the owners of the site should establish water supply on their own. And what could be better than fresh, cool water from a well?

This source has a number of advantages, one of them is the duration of the period of use, as well as a large water yield.

It is necessary to determine where to drill a well under water and when it is better to start drilling a water well in order to all year round fresh and quality water. The most basic thing in choosing a place for drilling is the placement of a well above a layer of soil that is aquifer. If this is not the case, then you can make an attempt after an attempt, but it will not work to get to the water.

In addition, it is necessary to place the well so that it is convenient to use and produce repair work if they are needed. Do not forget that you need to provide space for the drilling machine.

Where to get water in a private house

Every owner thinks about this when building a private house. After all, the preparation and course of the rest of the construction and comfortable life. Many components should be considered and analyzed for yourself before determining where to drill a well or dig a well.

  1. The simplest and affordable way- it's a well. You can dig it out with your own hands. The main thing - you need to know that at a depth of 15 meters there is an aquifer. The well is a low-cost facility, but the purity of the produced water will not be the best, it should be taken care of additionally.
  2. Sand well (filter). One of the ways of water supply can be the extraction of water from a sand well. But this method is the most costly. However, one such well is enough to provide water to several houses at the same time. In one hour, up to one cubic meter of water can be extracted from such a source. As a rule, drilling water wells to the sandy horizon takes from one to two days, this is due to the depth of drilling. Its depth should be up to thirty-five meters. As for the purity of water, naturally, it will be higher than that of well water.
  3. Practical experience shows that an artesian well lasts from five to fifteen years. It should be noted that the drilling of artesian wells is carried out to a depth of 150-200 meters, it will be necessary to invest decent enough funds to equip such a well. An artesian well can provide water to an entire village.

Orientation by natural features

In fact, determining the location for drilling a well is the study and analysis of many factors.

You should start from the neighbors, if there are active water sources in the neighboring areas, then the search for water in your area will be successful.

For complete confidence in the drilling site, you should very carefully analyze and take into account some factors. Signs of the presence of an aquifer in the soil can be the following signs:

  • certain types of plants;
  • surface water,

You should also study geological structure soil.

For example, bird cherry, birch, lingonberry, willow or wild sorrel indicate that groundwater is present there. Also, by folk omens if a dense swarm of insects winds in the thickets of vegetation, then you can dig a well there.

exploration drilling

But to guarantee right choice place for the well, it is necessary to carry out the so-called exploratory drilling. Exploration takes place in several stages. First, a small exploratory well is drilled, after which a special probe is lowered into it and magnetic resonance logging is performed.

Having made an analysis of the results obtained, it is possible to easily identify the intervals of aquifers. After that, the primary well is drilled with a large diameter and must be equipped with a special pipe and column for a water filter.

Search for the location of the aquifer by microcurrents

There is another option to find out if there is water on the site: use the services of dowsers. These experts explore the area using frames that can indicate the presence of an aquifer, regardless of the thickness of the soil that separates the surface from the water.

A grapevine or two metal conductors can be used as a frame to search for water. Vine tends to the place where the underground water flow passes, And the wires of aluminum or copper, bent in the form of the letter "G", intersect at such points above the surface of the earth.


Absolutely scientific way search for a point for extracting water - the use of microammeters ( measuring instruments, which react even to the biocurrents of plants and humans). They are used by geophysicists, that is, specialists in scientific search, mapping and extraction of water for collective use.

Restrictions when choosing a location for drilling

It is necessary to clearly understand where it is best to drill a water well. Naturally, the most important criterion is the presence of water in the soil, but there are a number of important factors that should be taken into account. For example, when choosing a place for drilling, it is worth making sure that it is isolated from pollution. That is why it is necessary to opt for an ecologically clean site.

Do not dig a well near cesspools, settling tanks, sewers and septic tanks.

The distance from such objects is chosen not less than 15-50 meters minimum. From all kinds of landfills, heaps of garbage, warehouses and industrial enterprises wells must be removed as much as possible, at least 100 meters. Also, the water source should be drilled at the correct distance from neighboring residential premises, various outbuildings and wells.

Drilling should not be done if there are power lines nearby, as well as trees with large roots.

There are three options for finding a place to drill a well for water or build a well:

  1. Independent search according to folk signs;
  2. Attracting "craftsmen";
  3. Seeking help from geophysicists.

The choice of method depends on the purpose of extracting water and on the available financial possibilities.

Water is life and hardly anyone wants to argue with that. It is needed not only in apartments, but also on your own suburban area ranging from drinking, cooking and ending with various household needs. Therefore, every summer resident sooner or later thinks about how to make water supply from a well or well in the country. After all, every time it is unprofitable to buy water, even if only for drinking. However, before embarking on the implementation of the plan, first you need to decide how to find water on the site.

A little information regarding ground water not prevent:

Their accumulation occurs due to the filtration of precipitation through the topsoil. Penetrating lower and lower, the water reaches the waterproof layer, where underground reservoirs are subsequently formed. different sizes. Moreover, they can not be located strictly horizontally, but bent. In this case, a kind of lens is formed, the volume of which can be from several cubic meters, up to kilometers.

Thus, depending on the depth of occurrence, the following water layers can be distinguished:

  • top water;
  • ground water;
  • interstratal waters;
  • artesian waters.

At a depth of the first 4 meters is the upper water layer. Appears after rains and due to melt water. In dry times, the layer dries up. In addition, such water is not purified, polluted and, as a result, not suitable for drinking.

The depth of the next water layer can be up to 10 meters. Unlike perch water, water does not disappear from here. Under the groundwater there is a waterproof layer of soil that prevents water from seeping even deeper. There is no pressure here, and therefore if you drill a well, the water level will not change. This water is better filtered. top layer soil and noticeably cleaner than in perched water. This layer can be considered drinking, and it is it that is used for water supply.

The interstratal water layer is located below groundwater - up to 40 meters and is separated from them by a waterproof or semi-permeable layer of soil. This is where the water comes from above.

Water from the artesian layer is the best option for the water supply system. The water here is better purified and often under pressure, so it will not require special costs to raise it. If you drill a well to such a depth, you can provide water not only for yourself, but also for several houses. As a vivid example, springs and springs, when water from the drinking layer finds its way to the surface.

Methods for determining water

People have been able to search for water underground for a long time. It has become a kind of art. There are several ways that can lead to the desired water source, but not everyone gives a full guarantee. Nevertheless, it's worth a try.

Such a method as dowsing will help solve the problem of how to find water for the well. People have been using it for a long time and quite successfully. The tool is a lozinka, which is easy to do with your own hands. Usually it is made from a branch of hazel, willow or cherry with a fork, as long as it is flexible enough. Having parted the mustache of the branch, you need to give it the shape of the letter “U”, which you need to keep them parallel to the ground, just do not pinch it strongly. In this position, the dowser slowly walks around the territory and carefully watches the branch. When approaching a site with a shallow depth of groundwater, the branch should bend down.

Use this method better people, which have hypersensitivity to magnetic vibrations and intuition is well developed. Otherwise, nothing may work.

Nowadays the old fashioned way how to find water for a well, a little improved. Instead of a branch, you can make a frame with your own hands. To do this, a metal wire is taken from any metal (steel, copper, aluminum), even electrodes for welding are suitable, and it is bent into an L-shape. The optimal length of the wire is 40 cm, while the length of the short ends is 10 cm. You can take two tubes of elderberry with the core removed and insert the ends of the wire into them, or you can do without them - as you like.

Picking up the frames with the long ends forward and slightly holding them so that they rotate freely the same way walk around the site without rushing. When approaching the water, the wires will cross.

This method is best to search for water during periods:

  • from 5 to 6 am;
  • from 16 to 17;
  • from 20 to 21;
  • from 24 to 1.

And on an empty stomach and in a sober state! Undesirable time - from 18 to 19 and from 22 to 23 hours.

silica gel

Finding water for drilling a well can use another old method. Take an unglazed clay pot, dry it well and place it upside down over the intended source of water. After some time, if there is water in this place, then the pot fogged up from the inside.

Nowadays, in addition to the pot, silica gel is used, which is a good moisture-absorbing material. To do this, you need to take a liter or two of material, dry it well in the oven and pour it into the same pot. It is better to pre-weigh dishes with gel and preferably on accurate scales. After that, the pot must be wrapped in a dense cloth or nonwoven fabric and bury in the place of the calculated occurrence of water to a depth of half a meter.

After a day, the pot can be dug up and weighed. The heavier it is, the closer the water is. For greater effect, you can bury several of these pots. For a control measurement, you can once again bury the pot in the found place.

To find water on the site, instead of silica gel, you can use salt or ordinary red brick. They, too, must first be dried, weighed, and then determine the difference in performance.

Exploration drilling

The efficiency of drilling a small exploration well gives a 100% result. You can do it yourself, but with assistants, things will go easier and a little faster. For this work, you can attract specialists, which will be expensive, or you can do everything yourself. An ordinary garden drill will do. If there is no drill and there is not enough money, then you can do it yourself. The drilling depth will be 6-10 meters, so it should be possible to increase the length of the handle during work. To save the tool, you need to remove the soil every 10-15 cm. You can find out about the presence of water by moist soil.

Searching for water by exploratory drilling with your own hands will allow you to determine not only the depth of groundwater, but also give a description of the soil that is under and above the aquifer.

natural indicators

If you show sufficient observation, then you can determine whether there is water in any area by characteristic natural features. For example, there are such indicator plants:

  • goose cinquefoil;
  • autumn colchicum;
  • coltsfoot;
  • sedge;
  • horse sorrel;
  • digitalis.

These plants grow near the flow of groundwater to the surface of the earth. Willow, alder, oak, fern, nettle grow well in such places, but apple and cherry, on the contrary, slow down growth. Pay attention to behavior various trees. Alder, birch and willow deviate towards the water layer.

If a bedstraw grows on the site, you can immediately dig a well or well.

When searching for water, you should pay attention to the behavior of animals and insects, which will also help determine whether there is groundwater anywhere in the area. Cats often choose places to rest in areas with underground water. Red ants always gather in such areas, and midges and mosquitoes gather in heaps after sunset.

If there is too much moisture in the soil, it will surely evaporate. This will be evidenced by fog, which can be observed early in the morning or in the evening after a hot day. Especially if it swirls or stands like a pillar. There is definitely water here, there is a lot of it, and its depth is small. It should be borne in mind that water will definitely be present in the lowlands and pits surrounded by hills.

Arrangement of an autonomous water source on personal plot- one of the most important tasks for a private developer. Its presence in country house comprehensively solves the needs of the family in drinking and technical water. Since aquifers are unevenly distributed in the bowels of the earth, and the depth of occurrence can fluctuate, it becomes difficult to search for water in the area for a small well. Technical and folk ways will help with a high probability to determine the location of the source, its nature and depth.

The aquifers on which the water intake is placed are represented by three main types:

  1. Verkhovodka and soil waters.
  2. Ground water.
  3. Interstratal sandy horizons.
  4. Interstratal artesian water-resistant layers of limestone or other water-resistant rocks (basalt, granite).

Verkhovodka is located at depths of 2 to 5 meters, accumulates as a result of the penetration of melt and rainwater into the soil. The amount of moisture chemical composition dependent on seasonal rainfall. The aquifer is subject to pollution by agricultural products, industrial emissions that are washed out from the soil surface. To extract such water, a mine-type well is sufficient. Such water is not suitable for drinking purposes.

Groundwater lying in the sand layer at a depth of 7 to 30 meters is cleaner and less dependent on seasonal fluctuations in precipitation. The deeper the reservoir is, the purer the water in it. Mine or Abyssinian wells are used as a source.

Interlayer sandy and artesian horizons can be found at depths of 30 meters or more. Passing a long way of filtration, through various rocks of the earth, the water is purified and becomes suitable not only for domestic and technical purposes, but also for drinking. The volume and chemical composition of such resources is practically constant. Wells are used to extract them.

How to determine the presence of water in the area?

Frames, vines and other alternative methods may only be useful for finding perches. They can be used as an indirect reference point for the location of interstratal waters. The right way to search for water in the area for a future well is exploratory drilling. Thanks to him, the depth of the water carrier, the quality of moisture and the approximate debit of the source are determined.

At the stage of test drilling, when searching for an aquifer, water samples are taken for laboratory research. Primary analysis gives a complete picture of the microbiological and chemical composition.

This is due to the fact that in the process of drilling the brought volumes of water are used and a clear picture will appear only after a long pumping.

The following methods are used to locate suitable aquifers:

  • Parametric well drilling method.
  • Seismic exploration method.
  • Method of electrical sounding of the earth's thickness.

Drilling parametric or exploration wells

The work is carried out for research purposes. The main task of the trial search is to find a thick aquifer that lies in the thickness earth's crust, and determine its main characteristics. With the help of parametric wells, hydrological indicators are collected to determine the location of the optimal water intake point. It is easier and cheaper to drill a well in the sand with a good hit.

Before looking for water by exploratory drilling, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the general hydrological data of the area, which will prompt the optimal type of well. The study of special documentation will help assess the nature of the geological sections in the region, suggest the expected depth of the aquifer. Such data is easy to find when it comes to densely populated lands.

On the plain, the depth of the water carrier is approximately the same. You can estimate the approximate depth based on how deep the wells are in neighboring areas.

After appropriate preliminary measurements and work with hydrological data, the proposed area for parametric drilling is determined. With a successful combination of circumstances and the experience of drillers, a parametric well may well turn into a stationary water intake point.

Basic drilling methods

Core drilling method used to search for heavily buried aquifers (up to 100 meters or more). When deepening a rotating core barrel with a core, a flushing liquid is supplied. A powerful jet washes out the soil opened along the ring, throwing it to the surface. The core remains in the pipe itself (rock in cylindrical shape). When passing through a water-resistant roof, in order to prevent silting of the horizon, compressed air is used instead of flushing fluid.

The column method has its advantages:

  • High performance.
  • Ability to penetrate to a depth of 100 meters or more.
  • Easy passage of hard rocks.

The main disadvantages of this method include:

  • attraction additional equipment(pump, compressor)
  • A high probability of siltation of the aquifer by washing products during its opening.

Auger well drilling used in the search for aquifers at shallower depths. main feature of this method, it is the simultaneous removal of the developed rock from the mine by lifting it along the flange of the rotating auger. The screw itself is a steel rod, along the entire length of which there is a spiral flange. At the end of the projectile is a chisel. Screwing into the rock, the chisel destroys it, and the blades of the flange raise the soil to the surface.

In order for the walls of the well not to crumble, after driving 1 ... 2 meters, casing pipe, gradually increasing as you go deeper into the ground.

The main advantages of this method include:

  • Low cost.
  • Fast dive.
  • Barrel flushing is not required.
  • There is no need to lift the auger for cleaning.

Among the shortcomings can be noted:

  • Unsuitability for the development of loose and rocky rocks.
  • Shallow dive.

Shock-rope method used on hard rocks. Tied on steel rope an impact projectile mounted on a mast-like structure gradually breaks the layers of rock layers, creating an exploration hole.

Manual drilling with a garden drill. It is carried out independently, suitable for depths of 15-20 m. Gradually passing through the soil layers, the soil is examined for the level of moisture.

All these methods are used both for exploration and for the creation of the well itself. The choice of method depends on geological factors and the budget of the project.

Seismic exploration method

The search method is based on "tapping" the earth's crust with an energy device through the action of sound waves and capturing the response vibrations using a seismically sensitive device.

Depending on the structure and material of the layers of the earth's crust, the waves pass through them differently, returning as damped reflected signals, the properties and strength of which are used to judge the rocks representing these layers, the voids and the presence of aquifers, and the accumulation of water between strong water-resistant layers. They take into account not only the strength of the returned oscillation, but also the time for which the wave comes back.

Water and rock reflect sound waves not the same, therefore, knowing the difference in these indicators, one can judge where and how deep the aquifers are located.

Testing is carried out at several points of the site, all indicators are entered into a computer and processed special program to determine the location of the water carrier.

Compare the obtained data collected in places with similar geology, in the immediate vicinity of water bodies, with data collected at the proposed drilling site. Or they find out the standard of the seismic signal, which is typical for most points of a particular place, and by the deviation from this standard, the alleged location of the aquifer is revealed. Artesian waters give a high seismic background, many times higher than the standard one.

Electrical sounding method

The method allows using instruments to fix the presence of water in terms of the resistivity of the layers of the earth. Special probing equipment is used.

It is used to search for water at depths of ten to hundreds of meters.

Four pipes-electrodes up to one and a half meters long are driven into the soil. Two of them are field-creating electrical voltage, and two others acting as testing devices.

They are sequentially bred to the sides. At the same time, the data are recorded, according to which the resistivity is measured, the potential difference is found out, thus, consistently identifying indicators on different levels earth's crust.

The resistance varies with how high the moisture level is and what the composition of the rock layers is. This is a method of electrical sounding, with its help they find out the presence and depth of water.

Thus, electrical prospecting finds out information inaccessible to the seismospectral method, being a less costly method of search.

The disadvantage of the method is that if the search area is enriched in fossil metals or is in close proximity to railway tracks, then sounding becomes impossible.

How to independently find water in a summer cottage?

Independent research is possible only when it comes to sand wells. Artesian water intake requires a more serious approach.

Studying the terrain

The same relief features that we encounter on the surface are projected onto the aquifer. You can find water on the site yourself on gentle straight lowlands, at the foot of the slopes, in places near water bodies or with nearby wells and wells.

With a barometer

If there is a reservoir or a neighboring well nearby, an aneroid barometer will help you find out the availability of a resource in your area. The closer the water, the greater the atmospheric pressure at that location. The search sequence is as follows:

  1. The pressure is measured near a well or lake.
  2. Measurements are taken at the site of the proposed water intake.
  3. The data difference coefficient is calculated.
  4. The resulting figure is a measure of the depth of the aquifer. One division of the scale goes per meter of depth.

The method is suitable only in cases where we are talking about horizontally lying aquifers. In mountainous areas, corrections are needed to take into account the possible slope of water flows.

Instruments that measure the distance to the aquifer can only provide indicative information, only exploratory drilling provides accurate full-fledged data.

Centralized water supply is the prerogative of apartments, townhouses and comfortable houses within the city. Happy owners of suburban housing have to take care of the water on their own. And there are only two options: a well or a well. Having settled on the latter, they first determine exactly where to drill. At random, it won’t work here - you should choose the optimal location according to all the rules. How to find a place for a well on the site, using proven methods, we will now tell.

At what distance from other structures is it allowed to drill a well

When determining the location of the future source of water supply, the location of existing or planned buildings should be taken into account. The maximum distance should be from the septic tank - and it is clear: a sump and clean water nearby is nonsense. According to SNiP, minimum distance between these objects - 50 meters. The site allows you to locate the well away from treatment plant? Great, we are guided by the principle "the further, the better." It refers to cesspools, country toilets "type toilet", compost heaps, buildings for livestock, chicken coops and other objects polluting the soil.

The septic tank is the dirtiest object on the site, so it is bred with a source of clean water to the maximum

It is desirable that there are no trees and shrubs within a radius of 5-6 meters: large roots will interfere with the arrangement, repair. The well is drilled at a reasonable distance from the house (at least 3-5 meters), and if the place is chosen not far from the adjacent site (closer than 5 meters from the fence), then the location of neighboring buildings is also taken into account.

Important: the drilling mast reaches a height of 10–12 meters, so there should be no power lines or other interference nearby.

How to choose a place for a well: searching for water in folk ways

How to find a place for a well? You can invite a local dowser with twigs, who will manipulate the term "biolocation". The method is questionable, its effectiveness is approximately 50 percent. Do you want to make sure? Make a frame yourself and "check" the plot:

  • bend two rigid wires at a right angle with the letter "G";
  • "Sticks" are best made from elderberry branches: it is easy to remove the core from them. Such a stick should be slightly longer than the short part of the wire;
  • insert the wire into the handle and bend from below;
  • walk slowly around the area, holding the frame in your hands.

It is believed that the convergence of the frames indicates the presence of groundwater. If the frames diverge, then there is no water in this place.

You need to use chopsticks correctly: your arms should be bent almost at a right angle and slightly tense.

Study of the landscape and plants

Some plants serve as peculiar indicators signaling the presence of an underground reservoir.

These include:

  • wild rosemary,
  • bird cherry,
  • pine,
  • alder,
  • poplar,
  • cane,
  • licorice,
  • Birch,
  • woodlouse,
  • alfalfa,
  • reeds,
  • cattail.

If you look closely, it is noticeable that in places of high humidity, all vegetation is “juicier”, morning dew is more abundant, and midges like to swarm there in the evening. Fog spreads in such corners at the beginning and end of the day. A river or stream flows near the site - which means that the aquifers are accurate here.

Swarming midges and moisture-loving plants "prompt" the presence of groundwater

Take a close look at your pets. Cats choose damp places, hiding there from the heat. Dogs, on the contrary, prefer to “rest” where it is drier, but they will dig the ground, burying their favorite bone, in a wet area. The hen carefully chooses a place for the testicle and will only lay it in a secluded, dry corner.

Application of earthenware and silica gel

For a long time, a place for a well was sought with the help of clay pots or shards wrapped in a rag. They were buried in different places of the site, and the next day they were examined. That shard, which was more saturated with moisture, indicated the presence of underground water. Then, for this method, they began to use a red brick ladle.

With the advent of silica gel, the search for an aquifer has become much easier.

Now the old method of finding water has been improved and an earthen vessel filled with silica gel is buried. What it is? A solid sorbent, a special hygroscopic gel, sachets with which are always present in boxes with shoes and bags. Silica gel can be bought at the hardware store. Make sure the pellets are dry: keep them in the sun or in the oven. Then fill a clay pot with silica gel and weigh as accurately as possible. Wrap with any rag and bury to a depth of about one meter. Weigh the excavated pots again the next day. The one that gave a big "weight gain", and will point to the place of groundwater. Make sure that the pots are buried to the same depth - so the result will be more objective.

The scientific method of finding a place for a well: exploratory drilling

Specialists will not drill a well at random. In order to search for groundwater, they will first carry out exploratory drilling. Usually, a small-sized installation is used, using a small-diameter drill. This method of surveying the aquifer is the most reliable, but also the most expensive. Well, if the underground "vein" of life-giving moisture is found on the first try. Then the well is immediately expanded and begin to equip. Each new attempt is an additional cost.

To be sure of the suitability of water for drinking, take it to the laboratory for analysis and see if the quality complies with GOST

Where the aquifer passes is already known, it remains to determine the exact location of the well.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. Distance from home. Yes, it is impossible to drill a well close to buildings, but a water source that is too remote will require a more powerful pump and complicate the supply to the house. The optimal distance to the water intake: 5-8 meters.
  2. Think in advance of all future buildings and possible extensions (verandas, terraces, gazebos). Plan the location of the flower bed, Alpine slide, a reservoir and other design "tricks" so that the mine is outside the zone of their location or fits well into the landscape.
  3. Pay attention to the "accessibility" of the place for large equipment. Drilling rigs are usually located on the platform of heavy trucks (ZiL, KamAZ, Ural) and their angle of rotation should be taken into account. A platform measuring 5x10 meters will provide freedom of movement without the need for maneuvering between trees and / or outbuildings. There should be normal access roads to the drilling site.
  4. Having determined the aquifer, choose the highest point on the surface for drilling a well. No matter how securely the structure is insulated, constant stagnant water (melt, rain) can damage it.
  5. Please note that free access is required to the well: someday repairs, pump replacement, water drainage or other manipulations will be required.

Search for water: dubious dowsing or scientific geophysics

You can choose a place for a well, taking into account all the above points, you can do it yourself. But it is better to entrust the work to determine the location of aquifers to specialists.

A site far from civilization can give you both the unforgettable beauty of nature and everyday problems due to the lack of centralized water supply systems nearby. The solution to this problem will be drilling a well for water or building a well. However, before proceeding with the construction of a hydraulic structure, it is necessary to correctly determine the place for its construction. You can search for an underground water source different ways. In our article, we will look at how to find water for a well using folk methods.

Before you start searching for underground water, it is worth understanding the features and varieties of water horizons. Underground moisture that enters the ground as a result of precipitation filtration accumulates in aquifers. They can be of several types depending on the depth of occurrence. At the same time, they differ not only in the depth of location, but in the quality and composition of the water. Water accumulated between water-resistant layers of rock (clay, stone) can form entire underground reservoirs.

Each aquifer is not strictly horizontal. It can bend and refract to form whole water lenses. The volume of water in these lenses can vary from a couple of cubic meters to several tens of cubic kilometers.

There are several types of groundwater:

  • Closest to the earth's surface (2-3 m) is a layer called "perched water". The filling of this horizon occurs as a result of melting snow and precipitation. During a drought, the water in these horizons may disappear altogether. Since various pollutants from the surface of the earth easily enter this layer, the quality of this water is the lowest. Such water on the site is recommended to be used only for technical needs and watering the garden.
  • The next layer is deep groundwater. This layer is located at a depth of more than 5-7 m. Before entering this horizon, the water is well filtered, so such a source on the site can be used for drinking and domestic needs.
  • Artesian water is considered the most valuable and high-quality. This layer is located at a depth of more than 50 m. In most cases, such waters are saturated with minerals and salts. It is expensive to drill a deep well, but if there is such a horizon on your site, then the construction of an artesian well is worth it, because this is the cleanest and highest quality water.

It is important to know: when searching for water on the site, it is worth understanding that in one place the aquifer can be very thin, and in another it will expand to its maximum size.

Besides The groundwater can be divided into two types:

  • Non-pressure. These are horizons that are close to the earth's surface. As a rule, after drilling a well or building a well, the water level in hydraulic structure is at the same level as in the aquifer before the opening of the layer.
  • Pressure. Such waters are usually found at considerable depths. They are sandwiched between two waterproof rocks of stone or clay. When an aquifer is opened during drilling, water rises into the well and will be above the horizon. Sometimes such pressure water can gush from the well. Artesian horizons belong to this variety.

Finding water

To determine the location of drilling a well for water, you can use different methods:

  • Test drilling is the most accurate professional method for finding water, but it comes at a price.
  • The search for water is done with a willow vine or an aluminum frame.
  • You can find a water vein on the site by analyzing the vegetation.
  • You can also find out where to look for water by the behavior of animals.
  • There are also simple folk ways to determine the location of aquifers.

At all times, people wondered how to find water for a well or a mine well, so they came up with simple ways, allowing you to find underground sources.

clay pots

The search for water can be made using earthenware. First, the pots must be thoroughly dried in the sun. Then several pots are placed upside down on the site in the early morning. The next day, in the morning, check the amount of condensate in each pot. The more condensate has collected, the closer to the earth's surface are groundwater.

Important: this method can only be used in summer. Instead of clay pots, you can take ordinary glass liter jars.

Brick or salt

The search for water using this method can only be carried out on dry land, so you should choose a period without rain. After that, you need to take a broken brick or ordinary salt and pour it into an unglazed clay pot. Each pot must be weighed and the results recorded. After that, the container with salt or brick is wrapped in gauze and buried in the area at a shallow depth (0.5 m). The next day we dig the pots and weigh them. Compare the results with previous data. The pot closest to the aquifer will gain the most weight. This is the place to drill a well.

Tip: Instead of salt and bricks, you can use well-dried silica gel to fill the pot.

indicator plants

You can determine the place for drilling a well by the vegetation on the site. Many plants grow well in places where groundwater is closest to the earth's surface. Such plants include the following specimens: blackberry, buckthorn, lingonberry, bearberry, wild rosemary, bird cherry, makritsa.

In places with high humidity birch will have an uneven, asymmetrical crown and an uneven crooked trunk. If a lot of pines, acacia and others grow on the site coniferous trees, then you should not hope for the close location of water in the earth. And willow, bird cherry and alder, on the contrary, choose places with a close location of groundwater. In this case, the crown of the tree will lean towards the water vein.

If fruits often rot on apple and cherry trees, the trees get sick and feel bad, in this place, not far from the earth's surface, there is an underground water horizon.

Animal behavior and omens

You can determine the location of the close location of water by the behavior of animals:

  • Dogs and horses in the heat begin to dig the ground in the place where groundwater is closest to the surface.
  • Cats like to sleep in the place where the soil is most saturated with moisture, while dogs, on the contrary, will avoid these places.
  • Chickens choose dry places for laying eggs, and geese vice versa.
  • Red ants try to build their homes away from the place where groundwater passes.
  • In the evening on a hot day, moisture evaporates from the ground. In the place where the underground horizons come closest to the surface, heaps of midges will circle. Also in such places low fog forms in the evenings.

In summer, the proximity of the location of water can be judged by the following signs:

  • It is best if the fog over the same place rises in a column or swirls. However, he will not stand in one place. This speaks not only of proximity water, but also about its abundance.
  • Field mice will not build holes in a place where the soil is saturated with moisture. In this case, they will prefer to make holes in trees or bushes than in a field.
  • On steep river banks or on hills, you are unlikely to find water.
  • If there are quarries, water intake facilities or wells nearby, then most likely the groundwater level will be lowered.
  • Most often, water can be found in lowlands or depressions.

Tip: do not look for water where swamps have been drained, or near low banks. In these places, groundwater is oversaturated with iron and manganese.

Vine and frame

The search for water using an aluminum frame takes place in the following sequence:

  1. Take two pieces of aluminum wire. The length of each should be 40 cm. The third part of the segment should be bent at a right angle.
  2. Now you need to find two hollow tubes. The wire inserted into them should easily rotate around its axis. For these purposes, you can use an elderberry branch with a core taken out.
  3. We take tubes with inserted wire in both hands and begin to walk around the site. The long ends of the wires must not be crossed. If during your movement along the site in a certain place the ends of the wires cross, then there is an aquifer.
  4. Also, the wires can turn towards the water core.
  5. If you find such a place, you should go through it again only in a different direction. If the crossing repeats, then a well needs to be drilled here.

Search using a vine is done like this:

  1. You need to pick up a branch of the vine in the form of a double fork. The branches should diverge at an angle of 150 degrees.
  2. The willow branch is thoroughly dried.
  3. Now it’s worth taking the branch by the two ends so that the double section is raised above the ground.
  4. Walking along the site with such a branch, you should pay attention to the places where the rod leans towards the ground. Most likely, in this place, not far from the surface, there is an underground water horizon.

Attention: for greater reliability, the method with the vine should be repeated three times: in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening.

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