Dendroplan examples. Dendrological site plan - rules for compiling a dendroplan

Engineering systems 25.06.2019
Engineering systems

During the work on landscaping the space, it becomes necessary to draw up a planting plan. Plants have the ability to suppress each other, so you need to know their mutual compatibility and place them at the right distance. A well-drawn dendroplan allows the designer to create harmony on the site. It helps to plan the purchase of seeds and seedlings, entering future plantings into the finished project in advance.

When planning the arrangement of a water supply system or other engineering communications, it is not enough to have a landscape drawing of the site. Builders need to navigate according to the finished dendroplan. Often pipe laying is not possible without the consent of local governments. To do all the work according to the law, you will need to pre-order the compilation of a dendroplan. Without a site plan, it is impossible to start cutting down existing trees. Only after the arboretum project is drawn up, the regulatory authorities issue a logging ticket.

A large scale of 1:100 is used in cases where it is necessary to indicate tree species, parameters of height and thickness of the trunk. At this scale, each tree is drawn separately by the designer. A 1:500 dendroplan differs in that all green spaces are marked only with circles of different diameters. Circles have different meanings:

  • A tree ready for felling is completely painted over.
  • A transplant is indicated by half a circle.
  • If the plant needs to be saved, it is marked with an empty circle.

Each tree is marked with a 3 mm circle. Those trees that are of particular value are distinguished by large geometric shapes. Several shrubs of the same type can be identified by a common oval without going into details.

Young growth, which is planned to be preserved, is outlined with a simple outline. Each group of plants must be identified by a number. Each number is then displayed in the plan legend, where it is deciphered long text. The legend indicates how many bushes of this type are united in a circle. Residential and non-residential buildings on the plan are indicated by Roman numerals, and greenery is indicated by ordinary numbers.

The dimensions of the circle indicate the future scope of the crown, allowing you to more accurately determine the place that the tree will occupy in the future. When a number is given as a simple fraction, bottom number determines the total number of bushes of the same plant species planted together.

When drawing up a plan, offsets of no more than half a meter are allowed. If the error is greater, then the dendroplan is of poor quality. On the plan, it is not necessary to indicate all cardinal points, it is enough to mark the north with the Latin letter N.

Properties of green spaces

Before the master landscape design costs difficult task plant combinations. The desired beauty does not always correspond to harmony, since plants planted too close can inhibit the growth of neighbors.

When compiling a dendroplan, many rules must be taken into account. Form landings, keeping in mind the future image of the site. Each young plant will grow, which means it will take more space than during landing. There are computer programs that show what any tree will look like in a year or five years. This provides a good opportunity to see the future of your garden and make adjustments to your planting plan.

When planting trees, you need to imagine the size of the crown and root system in advance. The selection of green spaces is made depending on the seasons of the year, calculation climatic conditions. Many plants have varying needs for water, sun and shade. It is advisable not to place together two types of plants that have different temperature regime and the need for irrigation. It is advisable to plant heat-loving species with their own kind, sending them to the sun, and gentle ones are best hidden in the shade from the house.

If we attach calculations of the movement of the sun to the plan, then we can determine the places where the shadow is cast the longest. It must be remembered that a young tree does not create as much shade as it will give in the future. If it closes a significant area, many plants will grow worse in its shade.

Green spaces must be able to combine with each other, because each tree or bush has a different effect on the living creatures around it. Properly combined plants help each other develop. Plant compatibility has its own rules. To identify a professional among landscape designers, you can ask him questions about compatibility. A master who has studied this issue in depth is able to warn of poor compatibility of planned landings.

Knowledge of the biological symbiosis of plants allows you to create a favorable microclimate for plants due to the location of friendly neighbors. Some species are frost-resistant, while others love warmth. It must be remembered that exotic plants may not settle down temperate climate, therefore, you will have to abandon many species from the plant catalog for your dendroplan.

The compilation rules provide for the placement of paths in order to have convenient access to each type of planting. Tracks are designated by one color, most often gray or pink is used. Asphalt sites are distinguished by their color. When planning plantings, it is advisable to prevent littering by self-sowing on large area. Over time, a crowded sector will require more and more effort and attention. Shrubs planted too close not only interfere with each other, but also spoil appearance. A well-designed graphic design avoids unnecessary work in the future, when greenery will have to be taken care of all year round.

landscape designer can add tips on caring for each plant to the assortment sheet. This document will act as an assistant who can be consulted about the irrigation regime, spraying of each tree or shrub.

This sheet lists in detail all the plants to a single one. The list often exceeds two hundred lines. Opposite each plant are the parameters:

  • Type: tree, shrub or flower.
  • Diameter.
  • General condition and damage.
  • Altitude current and predicted.

When compiling the statement, the type of tree is not indicated, but the state is described: how alive or dried it is. Is there visible damage on it and an array of dry branches. How old is a tree or shrub. Depending on this, it is calculated approximate cost. This figure is added to the compensation that the developer will have to pay in case of damage to plants during the work.

The checklist should show the developer the fate of all green spaces: whether they are subject to cutting, replanting, or must be preserved in their current location.

Filling out the statement, you need to follow a certain order. Plants are added differently than they were planted in the space of the site. In the document, they are divided into separate categories. The counting sheet allows you to distribute planting material in advance, since an inexperienced gardener will easily get confused if the size of the plot is large enough.

Modern computer programs make it possible to shift examples of dendroplanes into a three-dimensional plane for improved visualization of your site. Each plant can be assigned a number right on the picture, and then apply filters. Then the pile of numbers can be hidden and only plants can be seen. And for a professional, you can leave a version of the plan with all the numbers.

The dendroplan of the plot is a detailed drawing, on which each significant plant is marked. It must be compiled during construction, engineering work. Drawing up assortment and transfer sheets is an integral part of the work of a landscape designer. A professionally designed dendroplan helps to better imagine the future look of your garden.

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Dendrological plan site occupies an important place among project documentation, it is an annex to the master plan landscape project. In fact, this is a drawing in which the landscape designer indicates all the plants that are planned to be planted on land plot, indicating their number, grade, specific characteristics. It is no secret that green spaces are the most important part of landscape design itself, they allow the landscape designer to realize all his ideas, to create an excellent composition of plants, lawn areas, ornamental gardens and a reservoir, cereals, corners for rest and other elements of your garden.

To better understand the idea of ​​your garden, the landscape designer will prepare an Assortment List planting material. This is a summary table, which indicates the name, variety, size of plants included in the Dendrological plan. Each type of plant is complemented by a photograph taken during the flowering period of the plant or in its normal state.

Of course, not a single dendrological plan is a dogma; in the process of implementing a landscape project, some plant species objective reasons(for example, there are analogues similar in properties best quality) can be replaced without damaging the overall composition.

Site dendroplan. What to pay attention to?

The future appearance of the territory depends on how well the Dendrological plan is drawn up. A competent specialist will not only select vegetation that fits perfectly into the world and will reflect the wishes of customers, but will also be optimal for the existing climate, care conditions and soil composition. However, often the composition of the soil can be changed locally by arranging a larger than usual planting hole and making soil mixture the required quality. This is a very important point, because otherwise all the splendor planted may not survive the first frosts, hot summer days or close proximity to a reservoir.

Of course, a tree or shrub acquired in a nursery usually has a well-developed root system and the soil "in a coma" contains fertilizers and trace elements. But for good growth, the roots need to have a significant amount of soil in which the root system can develop. It is not enough to dig a hole the size of a plant lump and mechanically “move” the plant there: it can exist for some time, but it cannot grow normally. Therefore, a competent process of organizing plantings in accordance with the Dendrological plan is very important. You should pay attention to the fact that all flower beds, shrubs and trees should be appropriate, i.e. fit well common idea garden and not conflict with each other. For example, spruce feels great next to rowan and birch, pine - with juniper and oak. In addition, all "green elements" should be located so that it is convenient to take care of them: watering, loosening the ground, shaping them, and applying various fertilizers. It is also important to take into account seasonality, so that the landscaped area is pleasing to the eye. most of the year.

In addition to survival and beauty, when drawing up the Dendrological plan of the site, the cost of planting material acceptable to the customer is taken into account based on the size of the budget.

Dendrological site plan. Compilation features.

In dendrological terms, the size of all plants is indicated already in the adult state. This is done so that in the future there are no problems with the illumination of the site, and trees and shrubs were initially planted at such a distance so as not to interfere with the growth of other plants and each other.

By the way, you can’t do without drawing up a dendroplan if the main objective- not landscape design, but development, which is located in the zone of green spaces. Cutting down and replanting trees in this case can only be done with the permission of government agencies. In the Department of Nature Management, the Dendrological Plan is the main document, on the basis of which one can obtain a so-called logging ticket, which gives the right to the above works.

Development of a dendroplan from Art-Green Design

The company "Art-Green Design" offers the development of a dendroplan at an affordable price. Our team will take care of all the necessary preparatory work- topographic survey, soil analysis, site illumination and will bring to life all the wishes of the customer and the author's beauty of your garden!

Dendrological plan (project)

The name "Dendroproject" has entered the practice of landscape gardening and construction, but it is not accurate enough. The basis of this name is the Greek word "dendron", which means tree. But the arboretum is a landscaping project and placing on it not only trees, as one might conclude from its name, but also other plants used in landscape gardening and landscaping: shrubs, lianas, lawn grasses, flowering plants (flowers).

A garden layout plan usually shows the placement of paths, structures, and major groups of trees and shrubs. These groups are indicated as shaded outlines, separate circles, or other symbols. The task of the dendroplan is to decipher the content of these symbols, it must clearly indicate what and where is planted. Basic The landscape of the garden is created not as a result of the placement of structures, paths, and sites that are its constituent elements, but as a result of the spatial and volumetric placement of vegetation and its combinations. Therefore, the arboretum is an essential part of every garden, park and other landscaping project.

The choice of plant assortment for landscaping the garden and its placement in the garden depends on a number of factors: the purpose of the green object, the contingent and number of visitors, climatic and microclimatic factors, relief, soil, hydrological conditions, the presence of water bodies, the vegetation available on the site, the surroundinglandscape designgarden, etc. All these factors must be taken into account when drawing up a dendroplan.

Dendroplans are compiled by different methods:

In the note to the statement, the features of the placement of plants in the group should be noted. For example, the curtain consists of birch and mountain ash. Against mountain ash, in the note it can be, if necessary, marked: placed along the edge. If the curtain consists of several types, then the note may indicate: place in a uniform mixture, etc.

Form I

Landing list

curtain number

Name of plants

Curtain area m kV.

Quantity, pcs.





Berlin poplar

Hedge(50.0 X 0.6) in 2 rows every 0.5 m

Acacia yellow

Phlox paniculata, etc.


Note the placement of shrubs when they are used to create hedges, as shown in the example planting list above.

When determining trees, shrubs or flowers in each clump, it is necessary to measure its area and find in the special literature data on the feeding area required for the designed plants, or find data on the standard placement of trees, shrubs and flowers.

If there is a task of creating a dendroproject, contact the specialists of our company "Ozelenitel Stroy"!

What is needed for a beautiful view garden plot? You don’t need to direct all your efforts to creating such beauty, but it’s better to find out all the nuances of drawing up a dendroplan. The dendroplan of the site is part of the landscape design, which is a drawing where the boundaries of the entire territory, buildings, crowns of plantings, and contours of flower beds are marked. Dendroplan helps to determine how to compose spatial compositions and give the site an artistic appearance. The dendroplan is the main document with which landscaping work is carried out, therefore its second name is the landing plan.

Site dendroplan

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Dendroplan is one of the most important design documents that are attached to the landscape drawing of a garden plot. In the photo you can see the dendroplan. Dendroplan makes it possible to take into account important aspects, such as stylistic direction garden, its characteristics, various features landings. Its important component is that the dimensions of plantings on the plan coincide with their maximum size. It is necessary to take into account the distance between landings during the landing, since during the landing their dimensions are not yet equal to the dimensions that are noted in the dendroplane.

Rules for compiling a dendroplan

Consider the rules for compiling a dendroplan:

Characteristics of climatic conditions in the region and soil features

The choice of landings is based on these features, otherwise you will not receive blooming garden. It is necessary to take into account the need for landings in moisture and warmth. You should also pay attention to the existing terrain of the site.

Landing in a dendroplane


Plantings that are selected for planting in the garden must fit into the existing environment, as well as correspond to the features of the buildings nearby, once built or newly built in this area. Through the types of plants and the method of planting them, you can make a shadow in the contours of some objects located in the summer cottage. You can get harmonious and natural naturalness in your garden through careful organization of the territory, which is carried out through structural plant species.


Ignoring the compatibility of plants will not work, because in the world of vegetation there are rules for compatibility. During observance, they are located near other specimens perfectly complement each other. For example, spruce can be planted next to, for example, rowan. As a neighbor to a pine tree, you can plant an oak tree. Larch can be planted next to fir.


During planting, plants must be provided with freedom of access to them for further care. Plantings should not look boring, and do not try to plant as many varieties of plants as possible. During this approach it is not possible to have a beautiful view of the site. In this case, the compilation of the dendroplan will be ugly.


For the site to have blooming view at different times of the year, it is necessary to pay attention to the flowering period of the plants that are planted. picking up unpretentious varieties plants, you can minimize the care of the cottage, while you do not worsen the attractiveness of its appearance. To do this, you can choose a plant like rose hips, which can complement the style of the site very long time through long period flowering.

Dendroplan drawing details

The dendroplan and the counting sheet are a drawing with the help of which a landscape design plan is drawn up, where all the plantings that will be planted in the summer cottage are marked.

Site marking

The choice of tree varieties is made in such a way that their appearance is in harmony with the style of the garden. The development of a dendroplan should be carried out taking into account the compatibility of seedlings according to their biological characteristics. In addition to plantings, the drawing includes different zones and their boundaries, paths and the location of buildings. That is, you can indicate on the plan everything that should grow in your country house.

The dendroplan of the territory in the country takes into account such important points, how:

  • location characteristics and stylistic decision areas in the garden;
  • different features of the landings on it;
  • soil composition, illumination of the territory, and so on.

Among the characteristics of such a drawing, one can note such important points as: the dimensions of the plantations, which are characteristic of adult plant varieties. This allows landings to take into account the distance between landings, since in given time their dimensions are smaller than those indicated in the dendroplane.

When compiling the documentation, it is necessary to draw up a schematic picture of the territory where the vegetation is located. It is designated as a fraction, in the numerator of which the serial numbers of wood are indicated, and in the denominator - the number of plants of this species that are included in group plantings. If the tree is single, then there is no denominator. A properly drawn up drawing of a dendroplan will make it possible for your garden to look great. When creating a dendroplan of a park area, it is necessary to take into account how the whole composition will look as a whole.


An important point: shrubs that serve as decorative element, should also be useful for the owner of the cottage. In addition, they must carry out the function assigned to them to form the entire territory.

When choosing materials for planting in a dendroplane, such an important fact as the frost resistance of a plant variety is taken into account. It must be taken into account, based on the characteristics of the area where the landscape design will be created.


The assortment sheet of the dendroplan is a mandatory document included in its kit. It includes a list of planted crops that are most suitable for giving. The landscape designer must certainly take into account the wishes of customers. The dendroplane with the balance sheet basically exist together as one. Such a statement sometimes acts as an application.

The transfer sheet for the dendroplan consists of the following data:

  • variety and decorative form of trees that are planned to be planted in the garden;
  • number of each landing;
  • features of each variety - height, type of root systems, decorative characteristics;
  • crown projection;
  • the number of vegetation of each variety;
  • the name of the plantings in your garden.

The plantings are recorded in the dendroplan transfer sheet in a specific order - by category. Among the first group, coniferous varieties can be noted, in the second - deciduous, then - fruit varieties.

A dendroplan is a topological map of the site, on which all existing or planned green spaces, buildings, and communications are plotted. Each plant or their group in the denroplan is marked with a serial number, which is deciphered in the transfer sheet - a document that must be attached to the dendrological plan. It is worth noting that the counting sheet should contain not only a list of green spaces located on the site, but also their condition, the presence of dry branches (their percentage mass), cracks, hollows, and so on. Thus, the recounting statement not only lists plantations, but also gives their qualitative characteristics. If it is planned to cut green spaces, then the cost of compensation should be indicated. If a dendroplan of future plantings is drawn up, in this case, green spaces are indicated in the size (on the scale) of mature plants.

Drawing up a dendroplan is one of the priority services of our company. We can say that this is the cornerstone direction in which we have great experience and have been market leaders for a long time.

The development of a dendroplan is necessary during the construction and reconstruction of buildings, laying engineering networks, landscaping and landscaping. The creation of a dendroplan is carried out for administrative, industrial, agricultural, as well as residential buildings on a general plan, building plan or geo-based. Dendrological examination is carried out by an experienced dendrologist, who develops the "Dendrology" section as part of the project documentation and carries out all necessary further approvals.

The dendrological part of the project is part of the documentation that is developed during construction planning. The dendroplan project allows you to save green spaces by choosing the best place for the construction of new facilities. Only on the basis of the dendroplan and the counting sheet Department of Nature Management and Protection environment can issue a logging ticket or a transfer permit.

It should be noted that when planning construction, the preparation of a dendrological plan is usually included in the list of priority works, this will allow optimal placement of new facilities, avoiding additional costs. In addition, when drawing up a building plan without reconciliation with a dendroplan, it will be difficult to comply with the standards governing the distance from buildings to the axis of plants.

Based on the dendroplan, a compensatory landscaping project is being developed, which also includes a checklist, layout and landing drawings, an estimate and a project vertical layout. Compensatory gardening - measures to protect green spaces by restoring and monetary compensation, instead of destroyed and damaged, in accordance with the law.

The dendrological plan of future plantings will allow you to accurately plan the appearance of the site, take into account all the features of the garden plot and plants, and get the right combination of them. Wherein seats are also numbered. In the event that it is planned to plant single plants, their serial numbers are simply indicated in the assortment sheet. If these are groups, in this case the seats are marked with a fraction, where the numerator indicates serial number, and the denominator is the number of plants of this species.

The assortment sheet includes a list of plants planned for planting. They are listed according to the division into groups: coniferous trees and shrubs fruit trees and shrubs, deciduous and creepers. In addition, plants are divided into species and varieties, it is indicated required amount plants, and some information about them (full name, height in adult form, type of root system, decorative features, crown projection).

Do you need to draw up a dendroplan? Do you want to develop the dendrological part of the project? Interested in the cost of drawing up a dendroplan? Call! Competent and free consultation is always at your service. We guarantee affordable prices for dendrology services, meeting deadlines and attentive attitude to each client!

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