How to advertise your business? Examples of the best advertising texts and hidden advertising. How to write an advertising text: detailed instructions

landscaping 12.10.2019

A well-written text of an advertisement with the mandatory inclusion of psychological elements in it allows you to easily present information to potential consumers about the product, service, as well as about the planned promotions. The most profitable offers for buyers about discounts, gifts for completed purchases, festive events accompanied by prizes will not be effective and will not attract the expected number of customers without organizing their information.

How to attract buyers

To achieve success in promoting a product or service, you need to effectively declare the subject of your entrepreneurial activity.

Timely drawing attention to the planned marketing activities will increase the effectiveness of their implementation among numerous potential customers. Advanced entrepreneurs use the modern possibilities of specialized Internet sites. They allow you to quickly, and in some cases free of charge, post the latest news in specialized services and in in social networks. All resources provide the ability to select the target audience according to their interests. If you already know your target audience, you can order the printing of your brand or slogan on clothes from FairPrint, which will undoubtedly effective involvement attention to your product or activity.

Features of the advertising text

  1. The title should reflect the essence of the trade proposal, as well as the benefits of cooperation. There must be an element of intrigue.
  2. In the text part, all channels of human perception should be taken into account and the advantages of the proposal should be disclosed in detail.
  3. Text advertising should take into account the interests of the target audience for which it is intended.
  4. The use of specific facts and accurate information expressed in numerical terms is welcome.
  5. The product should be concise and not intrusive.

Algorithm for submitting information

The interest in the product of customers is directly dependent on the way information is presented. His choice depends on the social affiliation of the citizens for whom the product or service is intended, and on the place where the advertisement is published.

The best examples of advertising texts contain a bright headline that is informative. They are characterized by easily formulated rules for the promotion and price parameters of the product. And the offer to buy is always veiled and expressed as a motivating offer.

The text of advertising for any product can be published on social networks, on specialized sites, on your own website, in newspapers and magazines. Effectively placing it on billboards. Effective distribution to the postal addresses of regular customers and, under patronage, their friends.

Read also: Home business for women and girls

Before creating your advertising brainchild, you should study various examples of product advertising in order to copy the best ideas that are a feature in the product in question. To compose your own advertising, you should first think over all your wishes, as well as compile a list of information that is relevant and useful at the time of brand creation.

The marketing model must be chosen, focusing on the advertised product and the target audience that it could be interested in. In this case, only one parameter of the model should be taken into account, aimed at activating attention, understanding, desire, and, as a result, actions. good effect provides identification with a well-known brand.

By adding a unique style to advertising, you can give an entrepreneurial idea an exclusive image that will ensure product recognition and significantly expand the target audience. The use of slogans will add an element of originality and uniqueness, and a well-composed text structure will quickly achieve the desired effect.

When advertising is ineffective

Advertising is a powerful sales tool. However, at misuse, it can ruin the reputation of a business entity. It must contain true information. Embellishment with events is unacceptable, or additional services that are not relevant to the advertised product. There is no need to obsessively attract a buyer, this always creates the impression of lack of demand on the market for similar goods or services. You need to be able to skillfully present relevant information. If this rule is violated, all marketing and advertising efforts to move your product are doomed to failure.

Definition of the target audience

In advertising, it is important to competently determine the target category, since this parameter has a direct impact on the effect of the information offered for review. Its main feature is the belonging of a potential client to a certain social status, age, gender, place of residence.

Advertising gimmicks

Advertising is necessary so that a business entity can stand out among thousands of similar companies with their offers. To do this, it is not enough just to tell your potential consumers about the availability of a quality product and encourage them to buy it. To attract the attention of customers, it is recommended to use several marketing schemes, following which allows you to make advertising correctly. This will ensure the maximum result from its publication. Promotion methods such as a unique selling proposition and a classic sales model, in which the buyer is accompanied at all stages of the purchase, are popular.

Before determining the place for delivering motivating information, you need to figure out how to make advertising sell more efficiently. Below we will talk about proven methods that allow entrepreneurs to get maximum results. I must say right away that I am not an advertising genius and did not come up with anything myself, these methods have long been invented and have already proven their efficiency!

What are advertisements for?

Advertising as such has been around for hundreds of years. Even in ancient times, people used advertising to attract potential customers, for example, sellers at fairs composed sonorous and funny rhymes to attract the attention of the buyer.

Advertising created for the purpose of demonstration should attract the attention of the client, accustom him to the appearance and sound of the brand, so that the buyer has an image of the desired product in his head. This is what the advertising campaigns of most major brands are focused on.

Motivating advertising is aimed at a direct response of the buyer. That is, after watching the video or reading the text, the recipient should have a desire to call and order a product or use a service, etc. It directly depends on the effectiveness of advertising, so do not neglect such a powerful development tool.

What is the difference between bad and good advertising text

At first glance, it seems that writing advertising texts is as easy as shelling pears. But in reality, not everything is so rosy. Take a look around: our world is filled with advertising. Wherever you look, you will find examples of advertising texts: on the street, in public transport, on social networks, etc. At the same time, some ads are striking with a juicy headline, while others you didn’t even pay attention to, not to mention the desire to buy something. This is the difference between a good advertising text and a bad and ineffective one.

Bad ads convey dry information about a product or service to you.

For instance, “The farm “40 years without a crop” offers high quality products: meat, dairy products, sausages. There are discounts. Delivery across the city is possible. Phone for inquiries 5-555-555.

This is how almost most commercial ads look like. Agree, not a very attractive offer, despite the fact that there are no doubts about the high quality of the products. This text is rather pale and is lost among the general mass of such ads.

And if you try to slightly change the flow of information?

“Missed the juicy skewers of fresh meat? Wanted a real village milk, like a grandmother? 40 Years No Harvest Farm will deliver the highest quality products directly to your home! All you have to do is call 5-555-555!”

Well, how? Sounds much better, doesn't it? Such an ad will definitely attract the attention of a potential buyer. And if he is not going to immediately dial the number of the company, then at least he will remember its name and when he needs these products, most likely the choice will be in their favor.

In any case, practice is needed and over time you will learn how to write the best advertising texts that will cause the buyer to immediately desire to purchase a product or use a service.

The structure of the selling text

Remember how in school we all wrote essays following a strict plan for constructing a text? Here it is exactly the same, although the structure of the advertising text is somewhat different from the school essay.

Any selling text consists of simple elements:

  • A slogan that can be both at the beginning and at the end of the text;
  • Title (a capacious phrase that attracts attention);
  • Main text (the main element of the text);
  • Echo phrase (the final element of the text).

When writing any text, try to structure it, i.e. break into logical paragraphs, and if necessary, highlight subheadings. All this is necessary to facilitate reading. Agree, because no one is interested in reading huge, boring sentences, the length of a whole paragraph.

When forming sentences into paragraphs, try not to make them too long either. Optimal size paragraph is 30 to 50 words. Less is not worth it, more is not needed. Approximately every 3-5 paragraphs can be separated by subheadings so as not to tire the reader.

It will not be superfluous to use lists in the text (it can be numbered, or it can be marked). Highlighting information in a list makes it easier to assimilate the information.

Imagine that all the information that you want to present in the text looks like a pyramid. You should give it out, starting from the base, that is, from the most important, gradually moving to the secondary.

Be sure to indicate the company's contacts in the ad, starting with the address and phone number, since they are the main ones (people do not always have the opportunity to use the Internet). It is advisable to leave all contacts and additional information: e-mail, website address, directions by car and public transport, office hours.

In essence, there is nothing complicated in the structure. The main thing is to choose the right words, because, as you know, the word has tremendous power, and can both hurt and cure.

How to write an advertising text and make it selling

In order to answer the question of how to write sales texts, you need to understand why and for whom you are writing them. And for advertising texts to become really effective, you need to write them correctly. Of course, not everything will work out right away, but with a certain diligence and training, after a while you will be able to write worthy and effective texts. In the meantime, you can use the following algorithm:

Step 1: Decide where to publish the text

Where you are going to place your ad will depend on its size, style, presence or absence of images and videos. Tailor your text to your chosen ad space:

  • As a rule, ads on social networks are limited to one or two sentences, so learn to formulate clear and concise phrases;
  • In a newspaper format, you will most likely already have a paragraph or even a column;
  • For a web page, the volume of texts becomes quite impressive and already amounts to several thousand printed characters.

Be that as it may, any format requires clearly formulated thoughts, specific information and a minimum of unnecessary words.

Step 2: Adjust to the target audience

Think about who your main customers will be. Of course, ideally, write such a text that after reading it, any person would immediately want to buy your product.

However, in real life, it is almost impossible to write a text that would equally attract the attention of both, say, an informal teenager and a literary critic. Since these categories of the population differ in habits, behavior, manner and style of communication, they will be attracted by completely different texts.

Any text can be attributed to one of five styles: scientific, business, journalistic, artistic and colloquial. When writing an advertisement, you should not use the first two, since their effectiveness will be zero. Most texts are written in a colloquial style.

And, conversely, when writing a text for young people, it is worth using a conversational style that is more informal, understandable and enjoyable for children and adolescents.

Step 3: Formulate the title

This stage can be the most difficult in writing advertising text, because an attention-grabbing headline is already half the battle. If the title of your promotional article is vague or uninteresting, the reader will simply pass by without being interested in the product.

Therefore, it is very important to formulate a short and at the same time capacious name. As research in the field of marketing shows, names that have an emotionally negative connotation are more attractive. With this little trick, you can create great headlines and grab the attention of potential customers.

Avoid obvious questions in the title like: “Do you want a new fur coat? ....”. There are millions of such questions in the advertising world, and they are already quite tired of the consumer. Try to come up with intriguing, emotional headlines that will be difficult to pass by.

And so that your shocking, cryptic headline does not look like a lie, it is immediately followed by a sentence-bundle with the main text, which will contain the whole essence of your product or company. This bundle is needed to keep the attention of the buyer, so that he wants to read the text to the end.

Step 4: Make the customer want to buy the product

Here you will need to manipulate the consumer, making him want to buy your product. Make a person think that he will be much better off by getting your product or using your service.

And here, again, you can play on human emotions. Feelings of nostalgia for childhood (“… pancakes like a granny’s…”) or concern for the client’s health (“… it’s easy to quit smoking with our help…”), etc. will serve as excellent tools.

Step 5: Formulate small sentences and capacious phrases

This is how the quality of an advertising article is determined. By formulating small, easy-to-understand sentences, putting them together into small paragraphs and paragraphs, you create effective, easy-to-read text. Try to avoid cumbersome compound sentences. After all, if the client loses interest at the very beginning of the message, then the effect of such a text will be zero.

Step 6: Focus on Benefits, Not Comparisons

Many copywriters make a similar mistake: in their advertising texts, they compare a product or service with a similar product of a competitor. It's not exactly efficient. It will be much more useful to talk about the direct benefit that the client acquires by ordering the goods from you.

Step 7: Use feedback from other customers about your products or services

Often a very powerful incentive for the purchase of a particular product is someone else's positive feedback. Therefore, when writing advertising texts, feel free to use this tool to attract customers.

Step 8: Attract Attention With Small Time-limited Bonuses

"Free" bonuses are an integral part of any advertising that has a powerful psychological impact on the consumer. We are all very pleased to receive gifts and bonuses.

Therefore, if your product costs more than 1000 rubles, try to accompany it with free bonuses or small gifts. But only these bonuses should be limited in time. The word "now" has an effect similar to that of a sale, and encourages the customer to purchase a product or service.

As a bonus, you can use something that is not too expensive for you, but useful for the client.

Step 9: Simplified Ordering Procedure

The sequence of actions should be extremely simple and clear: "Make a call right now ..." or "Fill out simple form order...". For a quick order, everything should be as clear and easy as possible.

Models for compiling advertising text

ODP model

It is obviously popular and is suitable for short selling ads of 3-4 sentences.

If the text of your ad is limited and you can't write out the whole offer, then this model will be an effective alternative. This model is ideal for contextual advertising, on bulletin boards, flyers, business cards and so on.

It stands for: restriction / call to action / offer.

offer or offer- this is a kind of profitable offer that is made to the client. Ideally, it should stand out from competitors' ads, for example, in terms of product features, customer benefits, and unique selling proposition.

Ad example: “Product with a 53% discount”; "3 for the price of 2" and so on.

These are the messages that create instant value for the customer.

Choose your offer that will be most attractive to customers, and also find an effective way to deliver it.

Here are some working examples: “first lesson is free”; "installation is free" and so on.

Deadline or restriction on the purchase of an offer. If its goal is to attract attention, then the restriction motivates the client to buy right now. In other words, its goal is to make sure that a person does not postpone the purchase "for later", but purchases a product, uses the service right now.

The time limit of 2-3 days works very well.

Example: chairs for 99 rubles, only 2 days!

On the Internet, it is much easier to change dates. For offline advertising, this is a bit more complicated, so promotions are often extended to several weeks.

Call to action is an explanation to the client what he needs to do right now to get the result he needs (to buy your product).

Example: buy and get a discount!

Nowadays, due to the large flow of information, a person needs to explain the procedure step by step. You may have noticed how effectively command tone works in communication.

By ordering "come here", "do this", and you will see that people willingly obey, because they do not need to fill their heads with a bunch of secondary things. They will gladly shift the responsibility of making the decision to you.

Advertising is exactly the case when the client absolutely does not care. He needs a solution to some problem, and you must provide it, explain what needs to be done to get it. Make it easy for your customers, tell them how easy it will be to cooperate with you.

AIDA Model

If you have a need to write a sales text or letter, then use this model. This is a way of writing a selling advertising text, based on certain test criteria that affect a potential client.

Attraction - attracting attention, must be implemented in the first part of the text. Your goal is to "hook" the attention of the client. The best way would be a flashy headline, a catchy offer.

Examples: secret ways…; what they are silent about ... and so on.

In the first paragraph, you motivate to continue reading the text, revealing some secrets, creating a kind of “trailer” to the text. So do many media.

Interest - interest. You need to generate an interest in your product in a potential client. Write well the prospects for using your product and the negative consequences if he tries to do without it.

Be sure to describe the benefits of buying your products in this part of the text. It is known that people do not shop for a drill, they need even holes. Describe the possibilities and prospects of the client if he will make holes in the wall with your drills!

Deadline - deadline. We have already noted that this is a limitation. You artificially create a lack of supply, a buying rush for your products. Most often this is a time limit or a quantity of goods.

Since you have the opportunity to write a detailed text, describe the reasons for the restrictions. Tell the customer why there is a shortage of goods, why time is so limited, and so on.

Action - action. What does a person need to do to buy your product right now or get the result in the same minute?

It's great if you give customers a choice.

According to this model, your actions should follow the following sequence:

  1. drawing attention to your product;
  2. arousing interest, desire to buy your product;
  3. setting restrictions at the peak of desire so that a person wants to make a purchase now;
  4. explaining to the potential customer what he needs to do to get the product right now.

A striking example of the work of such a model is the TV show "Shop on the couch."

This model will become effective for online stores, websites, etc.

CEVD model

It involves the impact on the emotional component of a potential client. This model will work both on paper and verbally.

According to this model, you will need to sell to the right side of the potential buyer's brain. Such advertising is good because emotions are determined by the right hemisphere of the brain, which you will influence.

Let's decipher the abbreviation TsEVD.

The goal is a preparatory stage. You choose what goal you are pursuing, what you will describe to a potential client, formulate the final result to which you are trying to lead the client. Formulate a clear goal for yourself, what you want, what result you want to achieve, what the client should do, etc.

Emotions are preparation. You must determine the emotion that will sell the product. Emotionally describe all the benefits that the client will receive, be sure to tell about the process of manufacturing and using the product.

It must be understood that the number of basic emotions is extremely limited. Focus on fear, love, superiority, power, greed, pride.

After setting a goal, establishing the desired emotion and describing your benefits, you can move on to the next, practical, stage.

Visualization. At this stage, you need to draw a certain picture that will evoke the required emotion and at its peak you will only have to complete the transaction.

In the picture you create, the world of a potential client should be comfortable, warm from your offer (goods, services). Convince the person that he will get all the benefits that the product provides.

The next paragraph will be final. It's about action. At the peak of emotions, you give a person specific instructions, that is, his strategy for acquiring a product right now.

This model is similar to the AIDA model. It differs only in the bias towards emotions and the appeal to them.

The sequence of your actions when using this model:

  1. goal setting (headline and first paragraph setting the goal);
  2. determination of the desired emotion (the key emotion is described);
  3. visualization (describes the benefits of the product);
  4. action (describes the actions of the client to purchase a product or service).

Model PPHS

This model was known even in the time of Socrates. It is relevant and effective today. This method of advertising is especially good when a potential client hesitates for a long time and cannot make a decision. Experts say that PPHS will be more understandable for start-up entrepreneurs who decide to realize themselves in the field of buying / selling.

Consider the features of using this model.

"Pain" or pain. You will need to describe in all colors the trouble, the problem of a potential client, which your product will allow you to get rid of.

"Pain More" or more "pain". You amplify the problem, that is, you tell what will happen if this problem is not eliminated right now.

Nore or hope. At the peak of the described problem, you need to give a potential client a solution - your product (service).

"Solve" or solution. Now you must sell the solution to the problem, specifically describe the benefits, pluses of the offer, as well as how to acquire it.

So do many sites selling something for weight loss.

Writing sales messages is an exciting, creative process that can be improved endlessly. Creating a special reality, working with emotions and associations, motivation - all these are just some of the features of the advertising text that a skilled author uses to achieve a certain result.

Use only reliable information. Using unverified or deliberately false information, you risk getting into an unpleasant situation, so check your texts carefully every time.

More specifics, less water. Using general phrases in the text, you scare off a potential client, because he does not have a feeling of the veracity of the information. It is best to use specific numbers and data - such a text will cause more consumer confidence.

Use personal information. Often the consumer identifies himself with the hero of advertising. This technique has been quite actively used for a long time, which led to a glut of the advertising sector with the same ads in the first person.

Decorate texts with adjectives and adverbs. There is a fairly widespread opinion that when choosing a product, the consumer is guided only by logic. This is not true. People are very emotional creatures. Emotions influence our behavior and actions. And the success or failure of an advertising campaign will depend on what emotions a person experiences while reading your advertising text.

To begin with, you can create a rational core of the text, and then breathe into it emotions and colorful descriptions of the buyer's life with your beautiful product. Try to use bright emotions to attract the attention of the buyer and make him buy your product. Use living language, not just dry presentation of information.

An indispensable guarantee of product quality. Any customer who has doubts about the purchase will become much more confident if he has at least a hypothetical possibility of returning the goods. By guaranteeing the quality of your product, you dispel the fears and doubts of your client, thereby gaining his trust.


  • The advertising text should be bright, clear, bold, filled with emotions and attractive to the consumer;
  • It should not contain unnecessary information and, moreover, lies;
  • It should have clear goals (motivation to buy a product, use a service, watch a movie, etc.);
  • The text should be as informative as possible, as well as beautiful and understandable for the target audience.

You can find examples of selling texts anywhere - just open several online shopping sites, or better. What texts caught your attention and why? What is special about them? What did you like and what not? By answering the questions and reading this article, you will get a little closer to answering the question of how to write advertising texts that will help in.

In conclusion, I want to say that these models of writing an advertising text are not a panacea, you can come up with something of your own, add, mix, but the main thing is not to overdo it. But the main thing is to know that the above has already been tested on many and shows good results! And one last piece of advice… Check your texts before launching them to the masses. Let your colleagues, friends, acquaintances, etc. read them. If they are interested in your product or service after reading, then the text is more likely to succeed. Something like that.

Ask your questions in the comments, share your ideas and let's discuss! And most importantly, provide your services with high quality and sell only the necessary and high-quality goods, then it will be much easier to sell.

"It's easier to write ten correct sonnets than one good advertisement."

Aldous Huxley (British writer)

Out of 10 new subscribers, 1 sends their sample advertising text. Often these are weak examples of advertisements. They are full of classic mistakes. In this article, I will give guidelines for writing advertising texts, so as not to tell the basics in personal answers.

This will be fundamental knowledge:

  • positioning,
  • Images,
  • headlines,
  • signatures,
  • suggestions,
  • main text,
  • social Proof,
  • call to action.
  • call to the company
  • transition to the site;
  • cut out a discount coupon (magazine, newspaper);
  • save an electronic coupon (ID number, for example);
  • download the application on the phone;
  • familiarize yourself with the products (first touch);
  • subscribe to the community in social networks.

Rollback is often the only real goal pursued by image advertising.

All these flashes to the general public can afford large companies. Expensive PR, of course, CAN pay off in the long run. We will talk about advertising, which solves the problem of a more trivial task - increasing sales with a minimal budget.

An example of advertising text from novice copywriters

There is nothing to laugh at. Just a person does not know how to write an advertising text. It's good that Natalia took the liberty of sending her version. Many copywriters with 10 years of experience write something similar. Some businesses place similar ads on their websites.

Why is the copywriter seeing this ad in their feed? It would be much better if I saw an ad: “Copywriter: it's time to find clients through YouTube. We remove the fear of the camera in 10 days.

What's wrong with this ad:

  • incorrect positioning for the target audience (TA);
  • there is no direct benefit of "become a video producer" so what? Why do I need it?
  • Why is there a car in the photo?
  • great expensive camera - I can't find the money for it!

The calculation is that a person will be tempted to a free webinar. I have a free webinar associated with vparivaniem.

"Homework" - the first stage of writing an advertising text

Working according to the principle: “if only the customer accepts” differs sharply from solving sales problems, where “the effectiveness of advertising is determined by the client of the company”. The main differences will be in the results.

As the angler knows what to catch a particular type of fish, so the advertiser must know who he is catching with his advertising and what.

Who do we write advertising text for?

We know that a person makes a decision based on rational arguments and emotions (motivation).

Women and children are more likely to make emotional choices.

He sees a handbag - click-buzzed - I want, I want - I bought - I forgot. The "click-buzz" effect is described in more detail by Robert Cialdini in the book "".

Men may be more rational in their purchases, but there are exceptions. Buying a cool jeep for trips around the city is difficult to explain rationally.

As you already understood, the first thing to do is to divide the target audience (CA) by gender.

Dividing target audience by parameters and groups is a segmentation process.

What else do you need to know about the target audience, to segment it in as much detail as possible:

  • average age;
  • average income;
  • profession;
  • hobbies and interests;
  • how they make a purchase decision (emotions or logic);
  • what they pay attention to when buying;
  • marital status;
  • why they might need the product/service;
  • what objections will the target audience have;
  • who are the potential idols of Central Asia;
  • what social evidence they consider.

What are we advertising?

All goods, services, companies, people have advantages and disadvantages. There are bad goods that can be sold once. There are also high-quality products that a client can buy several times without re-touching with advertising.

The quality of the goods is determined by the client! Therefore, everything that we learn about the subject of advertising must be considered from the point of view of the target audience.

The study of the subject of sale is also necessary, as well as the study of the target audience. This will help work out the positioning.

Positioning - WHAT we sell and to whom.

There can be many benefits. 10, 20, 30 points! Is it worth using all of them? Yes, but in different advertising messages for certain segments of target audiences.

What will be important for a woman obsessed with clean air due to allergies when choosing a vacuum cleaner?

Air purity. It should be used in advertising for this target audience. We can assume that if a woman is interested in the purity of the air, then she will be interested in the purity of the carpet. Can you indicate the amount of dust that the vacuum cleaner sucks in and holds in itself? It might work.

A man will like the power parameters of a vacuum cleaner more. More powerful - tougher.

A woman may ask "Is it powerful enough?". It's good if the advertisement demonstrates the power. I'm sure you've seen many of these ads.

What information should be collected about the subject of advertising:

  • what problems are we solving;
  • what other ways can these problems be solved, and how our method is better;
  • what is the uniqueness of the offer, product, service;
  • what stereotypes do potential customers have;
  • how much does the subject of advertising cost (correlate this with the target audience);
  • is it good quality or not?
  • what are the features of the product / service;
  • product advantages and benefits;
  • limitations.

Everything we collect about the product and product should be recorded as selling information. You need to try to turn the disadvantages into advantages, and the advantages must be painted in terms of benefits for a potential client.

I repeat once again that everything that we learn about the subject of advertising must be tied to a specific segment of the target audience.

Where will we advertise it?

An article for Kommersant magazine, an advertising post on social networks, a TV commercial and an advertising booklet are completely different advertising channels. However, you can prepare advertising texts for each of them if you have collected selling information.

  • likely coverage of the target audience (more is better);
  • expected result (advertising channel potential);
  • the maximum amount of information that can fit;
  • the cost of creating and placing advertising;
  • additional advertising opportunities;
  • testing opportunities;
  • is it possible to place graphic information;
  • ease of operation.

For a banner, you need to prepare an image and short message which can be understood in 3 seconds.

  1. Collect information about the target audience and the subject of advertising.
  2. Decide on an advertising channel.
  3. Come up with an advertising idea.
  4. Write promotional text.

Why did we devote so much time to the first two points? Because this work takes 80 - 90% of the time. How to write an advertising text without understanding the target audience and the product is a mystery that I cannot solve.

“If you have a good selling idea, then your secretary can write an advertisement for you”

Morris Hite (20th century copywriter)

We write advertising text

The information you have collected will help you write your sales copy. Classic advertising text, as I said at the beginning, includes:

  • image,
  • title,
  • subtitles,
  • signatures,
  • sentence,
  • the main text of the advertisement,
  • social Proof,
  • call to action.

Level 1 cues: image, image caption, and title

The task of the signals of the first level is to break through the advertising protection. We need to hook the target audience (NOT ALL, but only the target audience) in order to lure them into reading advertising material.

as picture you can put an object of advertising, a representative of the target audience + an object of advertising. If a person looks at the image, they will most likely read the caption under it. Use this knowledge.

Headlines have been legendary since the 20th century. Their writing and importance cannot be described in one article. Read Proven Advertising Practices by John Caples. It has many examples of headlines that increased the effectiveness of advertisements at times.

If the struggle for the attention of the target audience is won, now you need to quickly convey advertising information.

Second level signals: subtitle, main ad copy and offer

Signals of the second level should tell the person that this “thing” will solve his problems 100%.

“Damn, I need this,” something like this should react to a person's main advertising text.

The debate around "how long should the advertising text be" is groundless. Because there is a very accurate answer from the classics and the founders of the advertising business.

“The text is like a woman's skirt. It should be long enough to cover the essentials, yet short enough to remain interesting."

From Joseph Sugarman's book The Art of Marketing Messages

Level 3 Signals: Social Proof and Call to Action

Social proof is confirmation that we are telling the truth. People are more likely to trust people than companies. Although many do not believe reviews and recommendations, they are still read with pleasure, especially negative ones, because people love the negative.

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Modern advertising texts that appear on the Internet and various print media are rarely effective for the most part. The thing is that their only goal is to sell a product or service at any cost. They do not increase sales, and their authors do not earn much money. This article is about how to write information to make it profitable and outperform your competitors.

What you need to do before writing an advertising text

It doesn't take much effort to do this. Those who think that it is difficult are mistaken. Prospectuses for the sale of goods are written by themselves. It is only necessary that the copywriter, before sitting down to write an article, does a little research. He needs to devote some time to studying the material.

It's much easier to write about what you know. By taking the time to research your subject matter, you can create an ad on any topic with little effort. An entrepreneur who has opened his own business knows its structure and features better than anyone. Therefore, he will be able to write about it more interesting than a professional copywriter. The product will be sold much more efficiently due to the fact that the author is well versed in products and audiences.

And some of those who professionally write advertising texts are proud of the fact that they know and can do everything. They do not consider it necessary to study material that will subsequently serve as a tool for selling something. Without knowing all the features and benefits of this product, it is impossible to talk about it in such a way as to interest buyers. Such statements will not be able to increase sales, that is, fulfill their main task. They will carry unnecessary or generalized information, even if the very structure of their construction will be carried out according to all the rules of competent copywriting.

The answers to the following questions will form an effective base, on the basis of which you can most likely write a text that brings high profits.

First decide on the task. The purpose of writing is to reach a client or to carry out direct commercial activities? Decide for yourself which methods will be used for the sale: direct or two-step.

2. What is the main goal you are trying to achieve?

When writing, think about the result you want to achieve. Will it be a one-time action or a long-term sale?

3. Does the company have "chips" or products that could inspire customer confidence?

When you write an advertising text, you can include information about various regalia or awards of the company. A very important factor in building customer confidence is demonstrating the benefits they will get by using your product.

Do not overdo it when providing this information. Do not litter it with unnecessary information. Make a selection of only those arguments that really prove the benefits of purchasing goods from your company, distinguish them from competitors and work for the main goal - increasing sales. Think about the buyer, not self-promotion. Use only facts.

4. For what service or product will the advertising text be written?

You need to clearly convey the idea of ​​what product you are selling. Often there are articles where a large share is given to the story about the company itself, about the time of its foundation, about employees and many other facts. But information about the product, that is, about the most important thing, is lost among everything else.

There is another extreme - to offer too many products at once. The reader simply does not understand what kind of product is being discussed, and will be lost among the information. It is best to sell a single product. Then the buyer will understand exactly what is required of him, and your sales will increase.

5. What are the features of your product?

Thinking through the structure of the text, it is worth taking a small place in it to describe the product that you are selling. Specify its characteristics: dimensions, possible colors, models, packaging options, tell us if it is difficult to use, how long it can last. All this should enhance the merits of your particular product.

6. What are the significant facts and figures associated with this product?

In order to avoid unfoundedness, give convincing arguments and figures. If your product was examined by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as a result of which diagrams and graphs were drawn up, then write about this too to present the product in a favorable light. You can also specify statistical data and distinctive features that will distinguish your products from competitors in the market.

7. What benefits will customers get from using your product or service?

There are two distinct concepts: fact/property and advantage. The latter follows directly from the properties.

A fact/property is what your product can do.

An advantage is a benefit to you that comes from what the product can do, i.e. its properties.

To determine the merits of a product, you need to make a list of all its facts / properties and write opposite each item how it can be beneficial for the buyer.

For example, we will give some facts/properties and the beneficial qualities arising from them.

Fact/property: The new model of the vacuum cleaner consumes less energy.

Advantage: You pay less for electricity.

Fact/property: They can dust and mop floors.

Advantage: The product combines several useful functions, which saves time on cleaning.

Fact/property: Made from high quality material.

Advantage: A vacuum cleaner is a reliable household helper. Will serve long and qualitatively.

home driving force selling text - this is just successful qualities product. They attract customers, and therefore it is necessary to conduct an in-depth study to identify them. It is extremely important to take the time to study this fundamental question. Make a list of the advantages of the product that he can provide to the client, and write about them.

8. How is your company or product superior to the competition?

There is such a term - the advantage needed to sell (RNE). This is the marketing value that distinguishes your product from the competition. And this is an important aspect that should not be missed and worth writing about.

PNP can be determined by answering basic questions. Why should a customer buy your product? Why does he stand out so much? What makes you more attractive to your customers? What does your product offer to the customer? Establishing a PNP is very important. It can refer both to the company itself, and to the product or service of your company. The main thing is to use the difference from competitors.

The criterion for PNP can be: the use of better materials, a reliable guarantee, a higher level of service, a favorable price, a variety of offers for promotions and discounts, exclusivity, a higher status.

PUP serves to actively position your company in the market. It just needs to be clearly defined. The PUP is also the main character of your promotional article.

It can't be that the company doesn't have a PUP, you just don't notice it. Your product undoubtedly has a number of advantages that distinguish it from competitors. You just need to think, find them and write about it. Surely, you use them in your work, just not paying attention to it.

There is a great way to identify the features of your product. Pick a few of your best clients and ask them why they enjoy working with your company. Why do they not go to competitors, what reasons do they have for this. After analyzing the answers, you will understand why your company attracts and retains customers. Surely, they will name some advantages for you. It will be the same benefits derived from your product. This will become your PNP.

If your clients can name several advantages, it is advisable to ask them to prioritize. This will help in the future to focus on the most important plus.

Here are some examples of how to correctly write about PUP.

A copywriter can sell their services using the following statement: "Ad copy that is guaranteed to increase your sales."

Or a pizza announcement: “Fresh hot pizza delivered in 30 minutes. Guaranteed! Domino's Pizza.

In these examples, the PNP is formulated correctly. Information is delivered concisely, clearly and without unnecessary "water".

9. What is important to your client?

Determine your customer's benefits. Put yourself in his place. What is more important to him: quality, price, guarantee, delivery? You need to write about it.

10. Describe the buyer you want to attract.

Keep imagining your ideal customer. What is he? Where does he live? What does he do? What does he love? How much does he earn? The more clearly you describe him, the easier it will be for you to understand his needs.

The next question is why is he your ideal client? Because thanks to your products you can help him. His life will become more comfortable. And he can pay for it.

In the publication, address directly to the person you introduced yourself. And he will no doubt answer your call.

11. What kind of guarantee do you give?

12. What is the level of service and support?

13. What is the average price of a product or service?

Establishing an average price is important in order to determine who your ideal customer is. You need to consider whether your customers will be able to pay for the product the amount you set.

It is also important to understand that the cost of your products within the same market should not vary greatly. When a new product is released, it cannot cost several times more than other products. You need to focus on the average price.

14. Is there anything else you could use to enhance your sales copy?

We can advise something else to create an effective publication. The samples below will greatly help you in your research:

  • initiative-commercial letters;
  • samples of advertisements in magazines and newspapers;
  • promotional texts for websites;
  • selling Internet mailing list;
  • scripts for radio and television;
  • brochures;
  • directories;
  • a set of announcement cards;
  • press kits;
  • scenarios for telemarketing;
  • materials for the training of trade workers;
  • old editions of brochures or online publications;
  • thematic ads;
  • marketing plans;
  • important research findings and statistics;
  • main articles about the client or his company;
  • promotion of competitors and related statements;
  • written testimonials from satisfied customers;
  • complaints from dissatisfied consumers.

The structure of the advertising text

If you are writing for a website or print publication, use the structural elements statements: title, subtitle, main text, signatures and comments, sonorous slogan (slogan).

header- this is what the story begins with, and this is the first thing the reader pays attention to. If it attracts attention, the client will continue reading. Therefore, the title should be clear, concise and have an emotional impact. It contains the basic information that will be presented below. News style is best for writing headlines. It contains a powerful message to buyers.

Subtitle reinforces the idea of ​​the name, further strengthening it. It is a bridge to the main material.

Main text reveals the essence of the title.

It consists of an introduction, main body and conclusion. Introduction serves to bring the reader up to date. Perhaps the buyer is not familiar with your product or with a particular issue. For products such as medicines or financial consulting services, it is necessary to disclose the essence of the problem in the introduction, which is the main topic of the article.

If you are writing information only to advertise a company, then in the introduction it is better to go straight to the point: briefly talk about the organization, its place in the market, the time of existence and the difference from the rest.

V main part you can already write about the most important thing - about what you offer. There is boundless scope for announcing a product or service. But remember that people are more interested not in the product itself, but in the benefits that they will receive by making this purchase. If you can convince them that they really need your product, then this will lead to an increase in sales. It is best to use real-life examples of why the consumer should make this purchase as a rationale argument.

V imprisonment draw conclusions from the above description.

Final phrase - slogan- a must have in active sales. In order for your reader to understand what is specifically required of him, at the end you need to clearly and clearly give him instructions for action. For example: “Call us and we will tell you more”, “Buy now and get bonuses”, “Sign up for the newsletter to be aware of new products” and the like.

Coming up with a slogan is not as easy as it might seem. There are certain rules, following which you will achieve the desired effect. The slogan should be short, concise, catchy. It is necessary to strive to ensure that it does not stand out from the general style of narration and contains an original play on words.

If people may not notice all the advertising, then the slogan must be striking, and then there is a high probability that all your material will be read. Call to action is the most powerful message of any sales proposal.

How to write an advertising text: step by step instructions

Step 1. We decide where the future material will be placed.

The starting point when writing any article is to understand where it will be published: on the website or in print? Are there any differences? Depending on whether it will be placed in a newspaper or on the Internet, the style and presentation of the material changes. The perception of people who read the press is different from those who are looking for information on the World Wide Web. Newspapers and magazines make it possible to publish a larger module than, for example, social networks, where no one reads voluminous information.

It is important to decide on the size of the ad, how many characters are allowed, and whether images and videos can be used. The law of perception of any PR text says that brevity and conciseness will lead to success. It is categorically impossible here to pour “water” and spread the thought along the tree. People are not used to spending a lot of time reading a lot of words, so your statement will simply be ignored.

Step 2. We analyze other people's bad materials.

Learn from the mistakes of others. Spend your time usefully, sorting out the errors in the ads of other companies. It will be useful to understand why they do not work in order to avoid the same fate in the future. Distinguishing bad material is very simple: it is not something that attracts attention, but, on the contrary, repels. Answer the question why you do not like it: the content is not clear, there is a lot of superfluous, it is not interesting to read?

The next thing that would be good to do to gain experience is to write this text differently, correcting all the mistakes and shortcomings found. Turn it into an effective advertisement.

With good material, you can work in a similar way. Learn to analyze and memorize the most effective solutions.

Step 3: Tailor the story to your audience.

It is difficult to sell goods to everyone in a row. All people are different, and it is unlikely that everyone needs your products. Determine who exactly needs it. Focus on them and ignore the rest. How to write specifically for your audience in order to complete the task and increase sales? Target those who are interested in the product more than others, appeal to them using language and concepts that they understand. Be on the same wavelength with them, and they will believe you.

For example, the company helps in organizing trips to different countries. So, the ideal customers are tourists. People sitting at home will not accept your ideas. Reach out to those who like to visit other countries. Prove that for you this is also the main thing in life, you have already traveled all over Earth and know the best way to do it. Your text should be filled with the spirit of adventurism and read like an exciting adventure novel. Then the potential audience will understand that you share the same values ​​with them and you can be trusted.

Step 4. Come up with an attention-grabbing headline.

The title is the most important component of an article. It will either attract readers, and they will read your story and buy a product, or they will not pay attention. Even when you have written great copy, the buyer may ignore it just because he was not hooked by the headline. No one will trust a company that can't pay for a professional copywriter. Everyone will think that the organization also saved on the production of its products, although this may not be the case at all.

The modern world is so diverse that every second something happens around, it becomes more and more difficult for a person to focus on one thing. If your headline is not bright, biting, maybe even provocative, then no one will read the article.

The headline should shoot accurately, calling people into your world. Interest them, shock them, appeal to emotional experiences. Do whatever it takes to get attention.

"Know thyself" - this can not fail to interest.

"The last opportunity to meet" - intrigue.

"Puppies enjoy life" - causes an emotional experience.

Asking the reader a question is a good way to get attention. Only the task should be original and attractive. Do not write: "Who wants to win the trip of their dreams?". Such stories have long lost the trust of buyers. Be more sensitive to the needs of customers, hook them to the quick, and then they will buy what they need from you.

You have already drawn the attention of readers to your article. Now you need to keep it and increase interest. If the title can be original and creative, then the transition is needed to clarify what you are offering. Focus on the benefits that the buyer will receive with your product.

The bridge text is the same size as the title. It should be concise so as not to lose the consumer already at this stage. After all, the main task is that he read the entire article.

You need to write in such a way as to arouse in the buyer a keen desire to buy your product. Here you can appeal to the feelings and emotional attachments of a person. Emphasize that the advertised product will satisfy all the needs of the buyer. If your product will help improve people's lives and bring them benefits, then you need to convince them of this. All means are good. You can appeal to feelings. Generate nostalgia by mentioning that your product will make them remember their childhood. Play on fears and concerns about health by talking about how your product helps to prolong life. And be sure to write the name of the company and product so that people have a stable image associated with you in their heads.

Step 6. We write the text and try to make it natural.

How to compose a statement so that it looks at ease? After all, sincerity and naturalness inspire more confidence. Address buyers directly as if they were your acquaintances. A simple way of speaking attracts the attention of ordinary people who will become your best customers. The main thing here is to observe the measure. Don't be too formal as this increases the distance between your product and the customer. And not be very friendly, because it causes dislike and a feeling that an unnecessary thing is being imposed.

Wherever your text is placed, it should not take more than 30 seconds to read. People are not willing to spend more time on you. The article should talk about the product very quickly and clearly. Strive to evoke more powerful emotions with fewer words.

People skim through the pages of newspapers or websites on the Internet. There they are daily faced with all kinds of advertising. In order for them to stop their eyes on your ad, it must be bright, catchy from the first word and of small volume. After seeing many paragraphs, not a single person will begin to read what is written there.

It is also difficult for people to perceive long sentences, general phrases, complex turnovers. Your essay, in order to be noticed, must contain short and specific sentences, perhaps even unfinished ones, if this does not violate the essence of the presentation.

In today's world, where there are so many charlatans, people will not trust anyone without recommendations and verification. The best way to build trust is to write that others are already using your product and getting good results.

Find a place where you could insert one or two testimonials from grateful customers. It will turn out that some buyers recommend others to buy your products. Today, no one makes a random purchase. He needs proof. And the reviews of your regular customers are the best confirmation of what you write about.

Feedback and advice on the use of your product may come from trusted professional experts. For example, from doctors, coaches, chefs or even TV stars. Don't forget to write about it.

Step 8. Use visual aids wisely.

An article with a video and pictures attached will help enhance the effect. Visual media have a powerful influence on people's minds. In this case, the structure of the text must be well thought out so that the image appears in the right place. It can take on some of the functionality of the story about the product. Instead of describing in words, include a picture or video that visually presents the arguments. And then write about it is no longer worth it.

Visual information must be properly arranged. The image of your product must be selected in such a way as to hook the reader on an emotional level and stimulate him to buy.

Step 9. We tell you how to purchase a product.

At the end of the story, you need to write about what the reader needs to do next. Give him precise instructions on how to buy your product.

The buyer does not want to waste time figuring out the terms of the purchase, so you need to help him with this - write clear and simple instructions on what to do, and he will follow you.

The final call may be: “Call us and we will tell you everything”, “Order a call back”, “Subscribe to the newsletter”.

At the end, immediately indicate the phone number or give a link to your website so that buyers know how to contact you, and not look for your contacts themselves.

Step 10. We read the text aloud and record ourselves on the recorder.

Writing information is not everything. Choose any person and read aloud to him. Or let him read it himself. Listen to it and imagine yourself in the place of the buyer. Would you buy this item yourself? Interested in what is written there? How natural does it sound and are there any repulsive moments?

Hearing checks are a good tactic to identify flaws that affect perception, and therefore increase sales.

Step 11. Testing our text.

After writing an ad, start testing it in different publications and see how people react to it. Communicate with your customers, ask how they heard about you. If they answer that it is thanks to your article, then everything is fine, and you have reached their consciousness.

If your publication does not increase sales, you need to continue working on the text, write another option. Use different versions of the material until you are sure that people began to buy your product more often.

How to write an advertising text: illustrative examples

Consider some selling samples.

1) Information for the banner.

2) Promotion for the site.

3) Statements for the leaflet.

50 examples of headings and intros for advertising text

  1. Three little-known secrets: how to bring out your natural beauty.
  2. How would you like to spend the extra $6,000 starting tomorrow? / A few secrets: how to save $6,000 and start spending it tomorrow.
  3. A good reason not to pay, saving 10% profit!
  4. How to remove stains from carpet in 10 minutes.
  5. Finally, people and pets have found the best pest control!
  6. Stick this to your checkbook and your debts will disappear!
  7. The cops say yes to our donuts! Tell me too!
  8. Trucker's favorite fuel!
  9. The best way to reach your fitness goals I know!
  10. Yes! Now you will have a healthy body, even if you do not like physical education!
  11. Super Alarm! A deafening sound that scares intruders to death!
  12. After 20 years, they finally discovered the secret to reducing insurance premiums!
  13. A new - "chocolate" - diet is open!
  14. Whatoo? Support your family for only 54 rubles a day? There is an opportunity to change that!
  15. Now you can skip all the presentations and still get a handful of flyers from the best manufacturer!
  16. Sit down, have a cup of coffee and find out how you can benefit from your savings.
  17. Are service issues your headache? (aspirin included).
  18. You can use the former as a cheap substitute for the latter, but can you trust it?
  19. Your computer may be protected from viruses, but do you know what it's deadly allergic to?
  20. Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck?
  21. To treat yourself to a trip to Maui, just stay at home!
  22. I will write your sales letters for you. your letters of complaint. Not even your letters to the congressman. And you will get the result you want from it!
  23. Make your life much easier!
  24. What is that little box on the wall? It's such a simple payment system that you don't have to do almost anything!
  25. When people are driving at 280 km per hour, impress them with fresh paint on the house, which is now much more beautiful than before!
  26. Why take your clothes to the dry cleaners when the cleaners can come to you?
  27. Are your attempts to lose weight not working? Do you constantly take a step back and get depressed because of it? Are you losing weight in the right places? Make a grand breakthrough with your personal trainer!
  28. We give away thousands of rubles a day!
  29. You are right: the most reliable way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it in your pocket. But investing in investment property can be a second, no less reliable way.
  30. Is dieting just another way to improve your appetite for you? We may have found a solution for you!
  31. Solve all your money problems. Free book.
  32. Learn to type in six short hours! Learn the basics in two easy sessions!
  33. "Bad" People: 10 Ways to Avoid the People Who Darken Your Life.
  34. For the bride and groom: soon you will be immersed in magical music together at your June wedding. Can we provide accompaniment?
  35. You'll overpay for your next car if you don't pay attention to this used car dealer's book!
  36. Lose Five Pounds Eating Strawberry Cake!
  37. Not horoscopes. Not fashion tricks. Not perfume stocks. Only smart, clear financial advice.
  38. Three o'clock at night. And you don't know what to do. Get started in parenting with a two-hour consultation at your home. After that, your business will go much easier.
  39. Is your home burglar-proof? Take this quiz to find out.
  40. Let's assume this happened to your car. Reduce your auto insurance costs by 21%!
  41. How to lose weight on a full stomach.
  42. Spend one day learning to read what's in people's minds!
  43. I quit social work to rid the world of filth. let the ex social worker use his unique skills and responsible staff to keep your home or office clean!
  44. Do you know the ultimate way to shorten the bidding time in one phone call?
  45. ATMs are like magnets for criminals. But you can stay safe if you follow a few expert tips.
  46. How will you look after cosmetic surgery? Get the answer to this question by watching a free video about people who have already visited us.
  47. Turn every ruble of debt into 11 rubles of profit? This is real! Attend this seminar, after which you will understand how to become completely debt-free in five years!
  48. Call two doctors who honestly care about your feet.
  49. Have you honestly tried to quit smoking but just couldn't? Don't worry, you are not alone! This is the first time in 30 years that I have realized that I can actually quit smoking. This program is excellent! (Vladimir L., ex-smoker).
  50. Was there a premonition that trade would go uphill? You were right!

5 valuable tips on how to write an advertising text and reach your target audience

Tip 1. Use in accordance with the written image and video - parts of your strategy that should work on general idea. Remember the psychology of influence. Women are affected by photos of children, animals, beautiful models. Men are attracted to cars, weapons, sports. Whatever you post, a picture always has more impact than text alone. Creating a prospectus and adding images to it means attracting potential buyers.

Tip 2. To describe facts without evidence is to alienate the audience. In no case should you describe your product as the most beautiful, the most reliable, the best. You do not provide a guarantee that you have researched the entire market and found that your product is the best among all the others. People will not believe you and will consider you a liar and a braggart trying to sell them low-quality products.

Tip 3. write about pressing issue client means to put pressure on his callus. Tell the reader about what hurts him, describe what he is sorely lacking, and he will buy your product in an attempt to "cure". He may not like that you described his problem. But you offer him a means of getting rid of it and wish him the very best. By encouraging him to buy, you are helping him and yourself.

Tip 4. How to write a text that will increase sales? This can be done through the use of the pronouns "I", "you", "they". You create a reality for people who enjoy your products. Then those buyers who read your text will identify themselves with those whom you write about and want to join their number. They will see that it is real, that people like themselves live this way, which means they will succeed too. They will believe that by buying your product, their life will improve.

Game tools are of the following types.

1) Spelling errors made on purpose. This is done to achieve two main points:

  • introduction of connotation (statement to promote dental clinic: "Take care of your teeth with deshtva!");
  • phonetic or graphic harmony in sentences ("Knorr - tasty and correct!").

2) Creating a paradox.

To write a text that uses a combination of incongruous means to create a game effect. This contributes to a better memorization of information, because non-standard phrases attract more attention.

How can contradiction be created?

1. Assign properties and actions that are uncharacteristic for it to an object. Here are some of the goals of such a language game:

  • personification;
  • decrease in the degree of animation of the object;
  • expanding the sphere of control of the addressee;
  • increase in the range of sensations of the recipient;
  • creating an impression of a non-standard product.

2. Manipulations with evaluation scales:

  • creation of a paradoxical hyperbole;
  • rearrangement of the vernier point.

3. Playing on the polysemy of a word or the consonance of two words (phrases), or their semantic similarity (pun). There are three main types of pun:

  • "neighbors" - based on consonant words;
  • "mask" - is based on the effect when the normal becomes absurd, and the unusual is perceived in the order of things;
  • "family" is used in several senses.

The use of style contrast when writing ads is quite common. Here are the possible types of stylistic cacophony:

  • discrepancy between real and expected objective modality;
  • the contradiction of the present and possible communicative role of the speaker;
  • the discrepancy between the actual and desired communicative function of the utterance;
  • genre conflict.

Who will help write an advertising text that will definitely reach the consumer

Write material that will effective tool promoting a company is not all that can be done when developing marketing strategies. An important direction is occupied by the design of advertising modules, which are used for publication in the press, as well as for the manufacture of leaflets, posters or other types of printing.

For the article to be effective, it is necessary to take into account such factors when developing the layout of graphic advertising, such as:

  • information content;
  • drawing attention to the company;
  • location and number of characters.

Printing house "SlovoDelo" provides services for the development of design and production of advertising modules of any type and size. The layout is created by specialists taking into account corporate style and social and age characteristics of the target audience of your company. Typography designs various solutions for any type of marketing promotion. Depending on the specifics of your company's work, our masters will create the best module with well-chosen fonts and images.

In addition, the SlovoDelo printing house accepts orders for the development of the corporate identity of the enterprise and for all types of advertising and printing services. To contact a specialist, please call: 8 495 207-75-77 or leave a request on the site.

In contact with

A small disclaimer before you start reading. This text was written over 2 years: from 2011 to 2013. To date, the text remains here “as is”, but changes, corrections, and additions are constantly made to it. Therefore, if you want to be constantly up to date with the latest content, subscribe to updates on social networks or by e-mail (links to social networks or newsletters are located above or on the side).

Good luck!
Sergei Zhukovsky

Most advertising texts will never bring their authors big money! Why? Everything is simple. The authors of these texts write texts according to the principle “to sell at any cost”, which means you have a great chance to “destroy” your competitors with the right printed word.

The good news is that these ingredients follow the laws of common sense, and thus are fairly easy to follow.

Let's get acquainted with all 4 secrets.

Secret of writing advertising copy #1

You must have a quality product

Although this is obvious, but from what I see in the market, many entrepreneurs miss this. important condition.

There are a number of reasons why you should have a quality product (or service). First of all, selling a quality product significantly reduces the return rate and the number of dissatisfied customers. Even with all the attention that is supposedly given to creating quality products and providing quality services, I know that some companies have a return rate of up to 70% of all orders! Undoubtedly, this is just a financial disaster.

A poor quality product negatively impacts repeat sales and referrals to potential customers. This is the reason for yet another hard financial constraint because repeat sales can be an incredible source of income for any business. Offers to existing customers are highly lucrative because the sales generated by them are not subject to marketing costs.

There is nothing more important to your success than having a quality product. Without a quality product, you won't have a real business.

Creating and using the image of the ideal buyer in your target audience.

This is a very important thought. which you must understand from the very beginning, or you will cause irreparable damage to your sales and profits. When it comes to selling a product, it's important to realize right away that there is an incredibly wide range of customers who might be interested in your product. But the group of consumers that will generate the most revenue for your business is called Ideal Buyer.

Who is the Ideal Buyer?

Everything is simple. This is a buyer with the following characteristics:

  1. The customer who needs your product
  2. A buyer who has the ability to pay for your product
  3. A buyer who has the authority to purchase your product

It may seem that all three characteristics are obvious, but in my experience with hundreds of clients, I can say that this is far from the case. Let's talk about each of these characteristics separately.

1. A customer who needs your product…

Seems simple, doesn't it? But be careful, because the wrong interpretation of this postulate can cause irreparable harm to your finances. Usually the biggest danger comes when you have a product that "everyone needs".

Trying to sell a product to “everyone” can cost you a lot of money and, almost always, leads to failure. You simply do not have enough free finance to reach out to “everyone”. You need to carefully identify a group of buyers who have certain basic needs and wants that you can focus on. The clearer the definition of your market, the easier it will be for you to sell the product. You can offer a wide range of services “like everyone else”, but the range of necessary requests from potential buyers can be even wider and you can easily “strain yourself” to satisfy customers in all respects.

For example, you sell goods to businessmen. The concept of a businessman is incredibly broad. The shawarma dealer and the owner of the oil company are businessmen, but it is unlikely that you will find it equally easy to sell your product to both. Therefore, it is obvious that the circle needs to be narrowed until you understand exactly who will buy your product.

You can try to sell your product to all businessmen. But if you narrow this group down to those who, for example, have problems with the tax office, you have a clearly defined goal. By creating effective advertising text aimed at a specific market segment, you can easily work with those who need the services of a tax consultant.

2. A buyer who has the ability to pay for your product…

This point is a little more subtle. I noticed one very interesting pattern of behavior in clients who came to me for consultations. When clients ask me to identify what is wrong with their ad text, they are often surprised by my response.

They think I'll change the title, rearrange their sentence, or recommend a stronger ending, and so on. Most of them are just shocked when I tell them that they misidentified the target group. It's pretty simple. Growth out of the business is held back not by poor advertising text, but by the fact that they are trying to sell something to the wrong people.

This error comes in two forms.

First- an attempt to sell a product to those who cannot afford it. The thought that leads many entrepreneurs astray is this: “People want my product so badly they'll dig the ground to buy it even if they can't afford it”. Sadly, this rarely happens. And in the end, you have full warehouses of goods that no one is going to buy.

The second type of error- choosing a market without enough money as a target and lowering prices in an attempt to sell at least something. This is another serious mistake.

It is impossible to make a solid profit by selling goods at a low price to buyers, financial resources who are not allowed to pay a reasonable price. I've seen clients targeting starving actors, startup entrepreneurs, family businesses, and college students as potential buyers. This is real financial suicide. You need a potential pool of consumers who actually need your product and who are willing and able to pay for it.

If you are making a product for children, then do not sell it to children, they have no money (although there may be plenty of desire to possess it), go to the parents.

3. A buyer who has the authority to purchase your product…

Here is another important condition that is often neglected by those involved in marketing. Often potential buyer, which looks like a potential consumer, is not actually a consumer.

This often happens when the directors have assigned a company employee to evaluate a product, or when he responds to your advertisement, mailing list, letter, email, etc. without notifying his superiors. Such an employee can and wants to buy your product. But his employer does not share his enthusiasm and will not allow the purchase. Bottom line - there will be no purchase.

When I first started advertising my training for enterprises “Crush the competitor! How to use the Internet to build a queue of customers?”, I tried one suggestion on a number of business owners and marketing managers. I predicted that managers would be the strongest group of buyers, as this course would help them perform their duties more effectively using the hidden power of the Internet.

But who doesn't make mistakes? No marketing manager bought that training. The training was bought exclusively by small business owners.

When I did more research, I had the opportunity to talk to many marketing managers who didn't buy the training. Many of them have told me that they really wanted to buy this course but were unable to get their companies to approve the purchase. And, as I found, this is a certain pattern. It's rare for a company worker to part with their hard-earned money to pay for something they think their employer should buy. Like it or not, that's the way things are.

So remember, you always need to reach out to a potential buyer who has the authority to make a purchasing decision. Without such a person, you will not see a deal.

How to create the image of the ideal buyer?

Your income level depends on your ability to correctly identify the group of buyers who want to buy your product, who can afford it, and who have the authority to buy it. The best way to define such a group is to create an exact image of such a group.

Let's take a look at how to use these three criteria to create an actual Ideal Buyer Persona to base your copy on. For example, you are selling video courses that help people learn how to use personal computers. Who will be most interested in buying a similar product?

Obviously, computer owners will become potential buyers, but this is too general concept. Firstly, those who use a computer at home, and not at work, will be most interested in buying. Thus, we will exclude the most experienced users that your advertisement in major computer magazines would appeal to.

However, there is a large number of small magazines, online publications and websites that are designed for those who use a computer at home. This will be a good starting point in identifying your ideal customer group. If you buy a few issues of these magazines and take a look at the articles and advertisements that appear in them, you will notice a pattern.

For example, there will be periodical articles on games for children, children's education, home budgeting, investment management, and articles on other topics. You will also notice that these topics are duplicated in advertisements.

Whatever advertisements are published in these publications, number by number, they will point you in the direction where you can find your best potential customers. Let's assume that the features I just listed are correct, then let's get down to building your ideal client.

Your ideal client will have the following traits:

  1. He has a computer that he uses at home
  2. He has a family and children
  3. His income level is average to above average.
  4. Is a subscriber to one or more home user magazines
  5. He has an Internet connection, which he uses for business and personal tasks.
  6. He has already purchased other computer-related products through the same marketing method that you use.

We got a good initial image. With experience, you will find that some characteristics perform better than others. Then you will pay more attention to these characteristics, which in the end can become part of your image of the ideal buyer. Working with this group may be so profitable that all other activities may not be economically viable.

For example, you will find out that 80% of your customers are parents who want to teach their children how to use a computer. And, if you find out that the funds that this group spends are almost twice the expenses of other groups, it would be reasonable to focus on these parents.

You just need to change all your promotional materials and make them more appealing to parents. Improving reading, math ability, language skills, and general academic skills is likely to be most important to parents.

This is how, in short, the Image of the ideal buyer is created. Now you can create such an Image yourself and work with it!

Trust helps to maximize profits

The key to controlling a continuous source of high sales is the buyer's trust in the market and in you in particular.

This may sound vague or even cryptic to some extent. But I can bet that after a few years in a marketing-intensive business, you will begin to live by this principle.

I know of dozens of business people whose client list contains between 2,000 and 3,000 clients. These businessmen have a stable good income because they have gained impeccable trust among their clients.

Just imagine. A profit of $300 per client per year is $600,000 if there are 2,000 clients and $900,000 if there are 3,000 clients. Once you appreciate this simple principle of gaining trust, you will realize how easy it is to create a highly profitable business.

Here is another example. I consulted with a client who had amazing results in building trust among his clients. Our collaborative efforts to sell products to customers on the company's own list of less than 300 names resulted in sales in excess of $175,000 last year - their first full year of operation!

Trust me. A high degree of trust among your customers matters more than anything else.

A little later I will tell you everything you need to know in order to earn, use and increase the degree of trust in your work with clients. By the time you read the articles on this site, you will have everything you need to increase your profits by building trust with your customers.

The offer means a lot...

Whatever you are doing now, I want you to give your full attention to what I am about to tell you. I guarantee that even if you learn only this simple principle, you can easily double or even triple your sales.

Here is the most important thing in writing advertising texts:

In today's marketplace, your offer is the most important component of your advertising. Or, to put it more simply, “offer” is everything.

Much of the success I've had in copywriting I attribute to my ability to create an exceptionally compelling offer. Over the past few years, I have taken an approach that differs significantly from what the “experts” suggest. This is a very simple approach:

I always develop, improve and refine my offer before I launch it in bulk in advertising, create sales letters or engage in online marketing.

In fact, I've gone even further: I know it may sound overly simplistic - maybe even too good to be true, but I'm about to give you one of the biggest marketing secrets you could ever hope to know:

You can make customers fight for you by becoming an expert at creating effective, compelling offers.

And that's why: in today's market, potential customers and buyers are fed up with promotional materials. Television, radio, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, billboards, movie theaters, grocery stores and various other sources attack us every day with such a wave of advertising that it is simply not realistic for a sane person to perceive it.

And this means that your customers are practically immune to advertising. She's barely memorable.

The way to overcome this wall of saturation and disinterest is to make your offer so compelling and so believable that it makes them stop and say to themselves, “Stop! But this is perhaps interesting ... ".

As I said, when I start writing advertising copy for myself or for my clients, I work it to the bone. As soon as I have a text that seems to me the most successful, I put it aside for a few hours. Then I edit it over and over again. Then I put it off until the next day. The next day, I edit my proposal again and again.

After it has been edited in the best possible way, I give my proposal to two or three of my colleagues, whose opinions I greatly respect. I know that these people will be mercilessly honest with me - that's exactly what I need.

The main goal of this whole process is to end up with a proposal that is so good that no one with even the slightest interest in my topic can't help but read my advertisement.

Your proposal should be extremely clear and concise. Every aspect of it must be explained down to the smallest detail. It must be perfectly understandable.

Having clearly defined my super-proposal, I believe that the rest of it practically writes itself. The creation of the rest of the proposal is a process of refinement, as well as informative and emotional support for its main body. As a result, the whole process of writing an advertising text becomes a very simple task.

I rarely spend long hours writing an accompanying text, but I work my ass off on my proposal. Write down and keep on your desk:

The offer is everything!

What does "everything" mean? Nothing less than the fact that the offer is the key to huge immediate profits and continued long-term success!

I'll go into more detail about creating effective proposals in a bit. But for now, it's important to recognize that a great offer can easily triple your profits.

Before embarking on writing an advertising text, it is necessary to conduct thorough research.

Many are under the illusion that it is very difficult to write effective advertising copy. I tell this to my consulting clients all the time, and I'll say it again here. Writing effective advertising texts is quite simple.

The reason good copy writes itself is because the copywriter has taken the necessary amount of time and effort to do thorough research before committing to work.

Remember this once and for all. Even if you don’t learn anything else from my materials, this important condition will significantly improve your copy and your sales.

Most of the copywriters I actually respect (because their copy has sold huge amounts of merchandise) write very fast. This is because they have invested time and effort in advance and have done the necessary research.

Once you understand that you know your subject thoroughly, it will be easier for you to write about it. This is why many small business owners write better copy than what they get from a third-party copywriter.

Small business owners know the inside and out of their product, their market, and all the leverage they have on the customer. Therefore, their texts are simply beautiful and perfectly sell the product.

But many professional copywriters are simply lazy and arrogant. They think they know everything there is to know about copywriting. Therefore, they feel that it is below their dignity to do something as routine as research. As a result, their texts turn out to be sluggish, ineffective “water” that never achieves its goal of increasing sales and profits.

How important is research to creating successful text for the web? Take a look at…

Zhukovsky's 70/30 Rule for Creating Successful Advertising Text

The process of creating good copy is 70% research and 30% writing.

The secret to writing text that breaks all records is research, research, and more research. If you really want to make your writing and your business as successful as possible, it is vital that you learn simple process proper research.

What to explore?

So what exactly do you need to research? Everything that can be considered important to create the most attractive argument for your customers to start acting the way you want.

Here is a list of everything you need to research in order to get the source material that will eventually become high-margin ad copy:

1. What is the purpose of your text?

Do you only need to reach the client or are you going to do direct sales? Will you sell direct or use a two-step method?

2. What is the main goal you are trying to achieve?

Focus on the next 6 months. If this project could only achieve one important goal what is this purpose?

3. What other goals do you want to achieve with this project?

4. Is there anything about your product or company that would add credibility to you?

These could be the awards you've received while you've been running your business, the results you can achieve with your product, and so on.

However, we should not forget that all these factors are useful only when they show real benefits. Your advertising text is not a yard where you can show off and indulge your ego. At least if you want to sell as much as possible.

The sole purpose of gathering this information is to see if you can use it as a catalyst to get your customers to act the way you want them to, as quickly as possible.

5. What product or service are you going to sell?

This may seem obvious, but judging by the ad copy I see on a daily basis, it's not.

One of the biggest mistakes I see is advertising copy that doesn't make it clear what it's selling. Sometimes this is text selling services, but it only says how long ago the company was founded, who works in it, and other irrelevant information.

Another blunder is copy that tries to sell too many products at once. For the most part, unless you're creating a catalog, your ad text should revolve around a single product. Sometimes this rule can be broken, but this requires experience, otherwise there is a risk of significantly weakening your commercial appeal.

6. What are the features of your product?

How many different models? Colors? How does he work? Is it effective? Economical? Is it easy to learn how to use and work with it?

7. What significant facts and figures have been collected about this product?

Have studies been conducted that have produced facts and figures to back up your claims? Is there a trade council that can present important facts, graphs, charts and statistics about your product? How does it compare to your competitors' products?

8. What important benefit will your customers get from using your product?

The difference between a fact/feature and a benefit is that a fact/feature is what a product does, while a benefit is what it does for you.

Another important point to remember is that the benefits are directly related to the properties. You can write down all the facts/properties and then determine the corresponding benefits based on this list.

Here are some examples of facts/properties and their respective benefits:

Fact/property: Super car wash reduces water consumption

Advantage: you save money

Fact/property: Wash, buff and rinse with the same machine

Advantage: Very simple and easy to use device. You will save a lot of time every month with it.

Fact/property: Sturdy polished aluminum construction

Advantage: This device will last a long time, which will save you money.

As you can see, a thorough study of the benefits is very important, because the benefits that you tell your customers about will be the main driving force of your advertising text. Your task is to make a list of all the possible benefits that a customer will receive using your product.

9. What are the main advantages the client gets from working with you compared to your competitors? Or from your product compared to the product of competitors?

This is another important point. Once you determine what advantages you offer over your competitors, you will have a powerful marketing advantage. I call this the PUP advantage or the Sales Needed Advantage.

What makes you stand out from the crowd? Why do your customers choose to do business with you over your competitors? Your PUP may be related to your company or your product. But, like any other aspect of marketing, it should be considered in terms of usefulness to your customer.

One possible PUP for your product could be: best price, better quality of service, wider range, higher quality, better warranty, exclusivity, higher status, or serving special groups.

A well-defined PUP helps position your company or your product in the marketplace. It can also become the main theme of your advertising text.

I have an interesting premonition. It tells me that maybe you think you don't have a PUP... Either the type of activity you're doing doesn't have a PUP, or you don't need it.

Don't be fooled! Every business has its own distinctive advantages over its competitors. You may not know what they are. Or you have been using them for so long that you no longer pay much attention to them.

Here's a little tip on how to determine your personal strengths. Call 10-20 of your best clients. Ask them why they would rather do business with you than with someone else.

Listen carefully. After 5-6 calls, you will notice a pattern. It will become absolutely clear to you what advantages attract your customers.

By the way, if you are given more than one reason, ask them to indicate their importance. This will be additional information for your advertising campaign.

And the last. If you are starting a new business, please don't tell me that you don't have a major advantage that will allow you to outperform your competitors. Because if you have not yet identified the main advantage that will attract customers to you, you are most likely not ready to open yet.

If you open a new business without an edge over your competitors, you run the risk of going bankrupt very quickly. Interview your potential buyers. Find out what will make them leave your competitors and start working with you. Then use this information to determine your Needed Selling Advantage.

Here is an example of a PUP that a copywriter can take:

A good PUP is clear, concise, and free of redundant information. Here is another example that you may already be familiar with:

“Fresh hot pizza delivered in over 30 minutes. Guaranteed!”

10. What is more important to your client?

Price, delivery, performance, service, reliability, quality, efficiency?

11. Write a brief, precise description of the type of customer you would like to attract the most.

Where does your Ideal Client live? What age group does he belong to? What is his education? What are his hobbies and interests? Income level? How does your client rate themselves?

Why is this person your Ideal Client? Because he wants your product. Because he can afford it. Because it can make his life easier and better.

The more accurate this characteristic is, the more accurately the advertising text that you write will serve the interests of your Ideal Buyer.

12. What kind of guarantee do you provide?

13. What level of service and support do you offer?

14. What is the average amounttransactions for a regular purchase?

This is important for two reasons. First, it will help you more accurately identify your Ideal Buyer. Obviously, your message will only be directed to people who can afford to buy what you are selling.

Second, if you're offering a new product in the same market you're already in, the price should be reasonably close to the prices of other products you're already selling. Offering a $600 product in a market where the average purchase is $45 doesn't make much sense.

15. What other information unique to your market do you need to collect? Is there anything else you could use to enhance your commercial appeal?

Here is another list that you might find helpful. When I write a copy for a client, I always ask them to send me as many of the following samples as possible. These samples are invaluable for research.

  • Advertising and commercial letters
  • Advertising samples in magazines and newspapers
  • Advertising texts for websites
  • Advertising Internet mailing
  • Scripts for radio and television
  • Brochures
  • Catalogs
  • Advertising cards set
  • Press kits
  • Scripts for telemarketing
  • Materials for the training of sales workers
  • Older editions of brochures or online publications
  • Featured Ads
  • Marketing plans
  • Other important research results and statistics
  • Key articles about the client or his company
  • Advertisements of competitors and their advertising texts
  • Written Testimonials from Satisfied Clients
  • Complaints from dissatisfied customers

Relax and absorb

In the last chapter, I talked about how it is vital to do some research about what you are going to advertise (even if it is your own personal product) before writing an advertising copy.

Congratulations! You have passed the first step, and this is already a great achievement. You have collected all the primary material that you will use in order to significantly replenish your bank account.

So, let's move on to the next step. Step on the gas, fasten your seatbelts and get ready, because the next step we need to...

Nothing to do!

Exactly. The next step is absolute inaction.

All you have to do is go to the movies, play your favorite sport, take a long walk, dine at your favorite restaurant, or do whatever else you enjoy.

But you need to do this not because you deserve a reward (you, of course, deserve it, but this is not the importance of this step). This should be done because it is an important, integral step in the process of creating the most effective advertising copy that you can.

Here's the thing. You see, up to this point, you have been loading your brain with all sorts of facts, details, and bits of information that you could find. You have saturated your brain with information and brought it to a state of information overload.

Now it's time to move from this logical stage of collecting information to the intuitive stage, during which your brain will assimilate it. And the great thing is, you don't have to do anything at all to make this transition!

As long as you are not doing anything, your brain will be able to calmly accept, parse and sort all this information in an extremely practical order. Your brain will create incredible connections between separate pieces of information that seemed completely separate to your active consciousness.

This is an important part of the job. During this step, you are setting the critical processes in your own mind to work. This process is similar to what happens when you're actively working on an idea, but hit a dead end, eventually giving up, then going to bed, only to wake up in the middle of the night with a clear solution.

So, take this opportunity and let your brain do the marketing miracle. Try not to think about the information you have collected. Move away from her. When you return to it, you will be surprised at how much this step has done for you.

Create a comprehensive list of features, facts and figures

Two chapters earlier, you were gathering information about a product. Now it's time to use the collected information.

Write down every single feature, fact, and figure related to the product. Don't single out one over the other. Think of it as brainstorming. Write down everything that comes to mind. Your main task is to make a list of all possible details.

Remember, the features are relevant to your product - what size it is, what it's made of, what colors it is, how effective it is, how loud or quiet it is, fast or slow, how much it costs, how long it lasts, what it can be used for. whether it can be custom made, and so on.

Make a list of all the benefits your client will receive

Benefits are the salt of all advertising text. What specifically can you do to make your client's life better, easier and more enjoyable? What important customer problems can you solve? What do they really need, what can you offer them? How can your product help them feel special, appreciated, and recognized?

There are two very good ways in which you can come up with a comprehensive list of benefits.

First, write down all the top concerns of your customers. Price, performance, quality, reliability, efficiency, performance, availability. Then indicate what benefits your product has for each item.

Then take a list of all the features, facts and figures that you have compiled. How does it translate into benefits? Use the examples I gave earlier as a guideline for turning features/facts/figures into benefits.

Once you've compiled your list of benefits, put it in order. Arrange it in order of importance for your customers. Then choose the most important benefits that are sure to grab the attention of your customers who want to work with you.

The most attractive advantages will need to be highlighted when writing advertising text. If you show your customers that with your product they can save time, money, achieve some meaningful goal, avoid or solve some important problem, and make their lives better and easier, you will be able to sell your product or service.

Create an incredibly strong offer

The offer you create will have a huge impact on your sales. I have seen trial versions of the same text with different offers, where one offer attracted two to three times more prepaid orders than others.

I help my clients in consulting and coaching to create a powerful offer for their existing advertising copy. By simply changing their offer, I have almost always achieved at least a 30% increase in their sales, and often much more.

The best offer for your client will be the one that eliminates as many risks on his part as possible. I have always been surprised by offers with a 15-day guarantee, especially for cheap services, quality products, books or information products. Who would ever be able to evaluate the work of any product in just 15 days, especially with such a busy life that most people lead?

When I see a company offering a 15 day warranty, it tells me two things. Either they don't know how to write advertising texts that could bring them maximum profit, or they are so insecure about the quality of their product that they try to shorten the warranty period as much as possible.

And speaking of warranty, let's look through the lens of offering a longer warranty period for your product. The first thing a longer warranty brings with it is that it shifts most of the risk from the buyer's shoulders to yours.

This gives you an important advantage during the sale. Your customer wants to be sure that they can buy with complete confidence - and know that if your product fails to live up to your promises, they can return it without any complications.

Second, more a long period The guarantee says that you believe in your product. If it wasn't, you'd be offering a measly 15-day warranty like all your competitors.

Third, and most importantly, it tells your customers that you are putting their best interests ahead of your own. You're not just making some quick money, you're here for the long haul and want to make sure they get all the benefits you promised them.

Here is a list of strong components that can be included in a good proposal:

  • Low Price Guaranteed
  • Guaranteed quality
  • Soft payment terms
  • Discounts for certain groups
  • Discounts for large lots
  • Time-limited discounts
  • Bonuses. In particular, bonuses that the buyer can keep even if he decides to return the ordered product
  • Free trial
  • Free samples
  • Free shipping, or express delivery at the lowest price
  • No commitment
  • Toll-free help and support number
  • Solid volumes
  • Free or low-cost upgrade later to another product
  • Free credit for a certain period of time
  • Cashless payments
  • Payment deferment
  • Limited availability
  • exclusivity

Great, now let's look at examples of real offers that have significantly increased sales.

Here is a sentence from a large advertisement that was placed in a direct marketing magazine. The sentence is contained in the heading and supported by the subheading. The ad is written in the form of a sales letter from one of my satisfied clients.

How to get an expensive elite copywriter to increase your sales - without risk!

What elements are involved in this text? First of all, there is no risk on the part of the client. They promised a secure deal.

Secondly, this is an attractive offer of huge profits - confirmed by one of the clients (in fact, this is a testimonial in the title). This is a strong suggestion that worked just fine. The author of this advertisement was literally inundated with offers from clients who wanted him to create good advertising for them too.

Here is another one of the suggestions I wrote for one of my clients. The task was to breathe life into a very mundane product - earnings on Forex.

Introducing Forex Elite

As a priority client

You can receive free consultations from our call center

Just call us on a special number

You can get

Up to 50,000 rubles to the company's internal account.

No fees are charged!

There are several strong elements involved here. First of all, it is the attraction of exclusivity. You are part of a small group of people who can get this product.

The conditions are simple. You can already get 50,000 rubles. It couldn't be easier.

There is no registration fee. In general, no fees are charged. This is the biggest discount you can get.

In addition, generous volumes. The client was promised a substantial amount simply for filling out a questionnaire over the phone. He can count on 50 thousand rubles. A very generous offer that makes the whole text very effective.

And finally, the hidden promise of a risk-free deal. In the sense that you do not risk getting into an awkward position. You will not be refused. You've already been given money and a priority line for consultations, so all you have to do is fill out a form by calling and get 50,000.

Your offer quite often determines the tone and flow of the entire advertising copy. In addition, knowing how you are going to position your product (through the offer) can have an important impact on the main points you highlight in your sales copy.

Remember this rule well: ALWAYS make your offer at this stage. Don't even think about getting ahead of yourself. If you don't, you will significantly degrade the quality of your ad copy.

Create an exceptional guarantee

Remember, I already said that buyers are used to behaving like complete skeptics? That they are accustomed to questioning almost any promotional offer? Yes it is.

One of the best ways to counter this skepticism and doubt is to offer a powerful, impeccable guarantee. And, as you might know by now, I mean flawless from a client's point of view.

A reliable, well-thought-out guarantee will allow customers to see you as a reliable partner, and even if they do not like the result, they will not lose anything. This is of particular importance on the Internet, where most new customers don't know you and don't have much reason to trust you.

Minimum warranty period, which has any meaning for customers, should be 90 days. Personally, I have never provided a guarantee for my products and services less than this period.

There are a number of reasons for this.

Firstly, I am proud of my products and services and I want my customers to know about it and not have a shadow of a doubt on this issue. Also, I believe that customers deserve to be treated like this, as they will pay for my product with their hard earned money.

Secondly, a one-year warranty is a powerful motivator to make a deal. Look, if the buyer has taken a wait-and-see attitude and cannot decide whether the product is worth its price, do you think that a 10-day guarantee will help you convince him of something? I guarantee not.

On the other hand, a one-year warranty implies something much more specific, which will allow you to close the deal.

And, in the end, a guarantee for a year can be an excellent argument during the writing of an advertising text. See how vague the next example sounds.

You will have 10 days in order to evaluate and put into practice this home remodeling course. If you are disappointed in something, you will not lose a cent. Just return it and we will refund you the full cost of it.”

Now we are evaluating the same guarantee, but with an extended validity period of up to a year.

You will have whole year in order to evaluate and put into practice this home remodeling course. Quite right. You will have 365 days in order to evaluate this wonderful course and put it into practice in your home. Or in any other place, at any time convenient for you.

Imagine how much money you can save this year alone. You won't need to hire professionals to do this simple housework. You can easily save 10x the cost of this course in the first year alone.

In addition, if for any reason you are not satisfied, or the course does not live up to your expectations, you will not lose a cent. Just return it and we will refund you the full cost. Up to the last of the 365 days warranty!

There is a difference, isn't there? The 10-day warranty period is too unconvincing. While the one year warranty provides a solid base from which to build an attractive commercial appeal.

And one more thing about longer warranty periods. Those who have never offered a warranty or have only given a 10 day warranty fear that if they offer a 6 month or a year warranty they will be ripped off by unscrupulous buyers.

In fact, you risk almost nothing. Just the opposite. First, a very small number of people take the trouble to return anything at all.

People are either too busy or too lazy to bother with returning an item, unless they've completely lost their temper. This is another characteristic feature of our time. But more importantly, you must be sane enough as a seller not to take any steps that might piss off the buyers.

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that you still cannot avoid a couple of returns. Let's say, for example, that you typically sell 1,000 units of a product during one particular promotion, and with a powerful one-year warranty, you were able to achieve a 10% increase in sales.

This means that you have sold 1100 units of the product without any investment in marketing. But then the returns began. Do not forget that not everyone will return the goods.

Let's assume that returns amounted to an incredible 10% of all new orders (this, of course, is unlikely to happen). 10% out of 100 (additional sales resulting from extended warranty) are 10 orders. It turns out that you increased sales by 90, not 100.

Do you understand what's the matter? You still got 90 new orders, which you would never have without a powerful guarantee. 90 new sales that didn't cost you a dime and took almost no effort or time on your part.


Now it's time to break down how real guarantees work. Here are some powerful guarantees that I managed to find in my archive.

I took the first example from a directory selling consulting services.

Order with confidence

Our reliable


Order any report, video or

audio recording, and leave all your problems to us. Rate this

information throughout the year!

Either you will be 100% satisfied, or

return the item to us and receive a full refund.

Here is the guarantee that was included in my course on creating profitable blogs.

But in fact, you don't even have to worry about getting your money back. Because when you put into practice the marketing talent of a successful guarantee, I have no doubt that the results you will achieve will be as satisfying and profitable as many of my students and clients.

Write a powerful title that grabs attention

Suppose you are shipwrecked on a remote desert island. What will you do to let someone know where you are so they can rescue you?

First of all, you will try to create some kind of message that you could notice from a ship or plane passing by. What would you write?

Would you use a little joke, some skillful wordplay, or draw a picture sexy woman? Of course not! If you wanted to save your life, you wouldn't.

You would like your message to attract the full attention of everyone who notices it. You would make it straight and short. Something like:


Such a message will be absolutely understandable and will attract the undivided attention of all who see it, right?

The correct answer is - No need!

Although this is still the main mistake that 95% of companies make in their advertisements. Do you need proof? Pick up today's newspaper and look at the classifieds page. Or type some word into a search engine and visit 10-15 sites to choose from. You will be surprised how many sites like this waste their precious resources.

With all the competition for a potential buyer's time and attention, you can't afford to try to outsmart them, seem too smart, or bore them in a second.

Fusion Heading Rule!!!

Your heading should be as powerful and direct as a direct hit projectile.

I can already hear how hard the art directors are now exclaiming, throwing their hands into the sky: “But what about creativity?”. All I can tell them is: “Bad luck, friends!”

This means that the only headline you need to write is one that pops up in the subject line of an email, blog post title, newspaper or magazine page, grabs the reader by the throat and makes them pay attention to themselves.

How can such a lofty goal be achieved? Show the client what he will get by reading your advertising text.

I don't remember who it was (probably Gary Halbert), but one of the wiser marketing gurus once said something along the lines of: “The soul of every headline is a promise, a promise of something incredibly important”.

This, my friends, is absolutely true, because your headline should serve two purposes. We have already talked about the first one: it should completely capture the attention of the reader. If he doesn't, you're in trouble. You have lost your reader and any possibility that he will take the action that you need.

The second function that the header should perform is promise your reader something so wonderful but plausible that he can't help but read the rest of your ad copy.

People are very busy today. You will only have 5-10 seconds to give them an extremely compelling reason to continue reading your text. If you think that the client will read 3,4,5 paragraphs or a whole page to understand what the sentence is, you are very wrong.

If you don't start laying out aces from the very beginning, chances are high that your card will be beaten from the very first move. You will lose a reader and any chance of making a deal.

What kind of promise will make the headline powerful and attention-grabbing?

Here is the list:

  • Main Benefit, which the buyer will receive from your product
  • Strong offer that cannot be denied
  • Free offer
  • Special offer, limited by time or some other framework
  • strong recall
  • Reader Warning(one that says don't buy without reading it first, or a warning if you have a powerful, proven statistic that will greatly surprise the reader or grab their attention)
  • Message addressed to a specific group of people - if this is the only group whose attention you want to attract

Of all the promises above, there is one that really stands out from the rest. In fact, 99 of the 100 headlines I've written use it to grab attention. I needed to include other examples in the list, but I always build the title on this promise.

Guess what I'm talking about?

I won't keep you guessing anymore. The single most efficient promise that can be used in a header is: The main benefit that the buyer will receive from your message or product!!!

Remember, when reading a sales copy, the reader's only concern is how your offer can make their life easier and simpler... or how you can solve their important problem... or how this solution will help them achieve the goal they are so eager to achieve.

So why waste time on anything else? Use the headline to communicate your promotional offer to the reader.

It's simple and it works great. I've used it time and time again when I've helped my consulting clients optimize their copy.

Many times it was possible to just improve the headline to increase sales by 100%-200%. My upper limit is 367%. But a 20-50% increase in sales is not uncommon after changing from a sluggish headline to a powerful headline that promises value. With these results, there is no reason to use any other kind of headers.

Here are some examples of headlines that have helped my clients increase their sales. Small example header for realtor.

Do you want to sell your property quickly?
No prepayment…no commission…no additional fees!

No hints, right? Simple and direct, with the promise of three benefits at once, which are very important for those who need to sell an apartment or house.

Today you do not need to waste time and money on trips to a massage therapist. Get a massage without getting up from your chair!

Free period 30 days!

As a gift, you will receive a home foot massager worth 1,990 rubles!

Without obligations!

They immediately offer another advantage - a "free period of 30 days". They don't actually give the treadmill for free. You can just return it within 30 days if it does not live up to expectations. But what does it look like in the title, huh?

In the subtitle, we find another strong promise: a bonus of 1,990 rubles in the form of a free foot massager. They included a free gift in the promise, which is also a very strong motivator.

Now let's look at another example that I got from a Western copywriter who is actively working in the field of writing texts for shareware products. He always had the following in his Google Group signature:

The last example vividly illustrates how focusing on a major advantage and offering a solution to a major problem creates a powerful combination. Programmers will understand me. They would give anything to not sell. Their element is the creativity of writing programs, and not trade and texts. Also note how directly the subtitle promises to make the reader's life easier.

There is another element of promise involved here. The advertising text is aimed at a very limited group of people. The offer is intended exclusively for people and companies that develop and release software for computers.

So, are you ready to start writing your best headlines? Go!

Use color to highlight key points

It may sound trite, but the Internet is largely a visual advertising medium. This can be used to increase the selling power of the text. Use color to highlight the main points of your sales copy.

However, it is very important that you do not overdo it with color. I use NO MORE THAN 2 colors to highlight important points that the client needs to grasp. But usually I only use one color in addition to the black font that makes up the bulk of my text.

For example, I ALWAYS use the second color for the title and subtitle. I especially like the dark gray, but feel free to choose the one that best suits your text. Sometimes I also use red to highlight important points in the main body of my text.

But with the exception of the title and subtitle, I limit the use of color to just a few places. If you use color too often, you won't emphasize anything in the end. All of this will turn your text into an over-colored, cheap advertisement.

There is one more nuance of using color in the text - this is highlighting links. Every time you offer a link to an order form, that link should be formatted as follows − blue text, underline . This is the standard format for indicating that a given piece of text contains a link. If you follow this rule, your customer will quickly and clearly understand where to click to get to the order form.

Keep illustrations to a minimum

One of the biggest online advertising problems today is the overuse of illustrations. Just because you have the ability to use animations, twinkling lights, and other bells and whistles in your ad copy doesn't mean you have to litter every page with them.

First of all, the abundance of pictures slows down the page loading process. This problem is best avoided. People on the internet are surprisingly impatient. They want instant downloads. If you make them wait even a few extra seconds, they will send you into obscurity with one click.

Even more important is the fact that images rarely convey any important information, which could complement your text. Advertising text, not pictures, sells your product or service. 95% of all your efforts should be focused on writing attractive copy. And only 5% can be allocated to the creation of illustrations.

To prove the truth of your words, just ask yourself: how many goods and services would you sell without advertising copy?

Then ask yourself: How many products and services would you sell without illustrations?

The answer is simple. Texts sell, pictures complement them.

Many advertising texts on the Internet are replete with pictures from the library of graphic images only because they are publicly available. These pictures do not strongly support the advertising text. Instead, they divert attention and turn your ad copy into some kind of cartoon. And diverting the attention of customers or making yourself look stupid, for sure, will negatively affect your sales.

When can illustrations be used?

First, you need text that looks nice and neat. A little style doesn't hurt. I like black text on a white background, but I've seen others color combinations which look quite attractive. If you find a color combination that looks good visually without darkening the text, feel free to use it.

Also, some marketers find it important to include a photo of a key person in their company (themselves or the president of the company) in order to personalize the text. What boggles me, I compared texts with my photo and texts without a photo and did not notice much difference. However, I know companies that believe in this method without limit, and if it does not harm your text, it is quite possible to use it.

Finally, a few sensibly placed photographs can give additional support to the advertising text. A few photo placement techniques I use are a box around a particularly important review and an image next to the order information.

Take the reader by the throat from the first paragraph

So, your headline captured the reader's attention and made a powerful promise. Now you should immediately show your reader how you will keep this promise.

This promise drew the reader to the text. And all you need to do is bring to his mind that you can keep this promise.

Your reader wants to know what it means to him, and he needs to know it right now. He doesn't want to wait another half page or even a couple of paragraphs. He passionately wants to get what he needs or solve his problem.

There are plenty of copywriting books out there that teach you how to start with a story, a motivational quote, a statement that flatters your reader, a popular line, and so on.

I absolutely cannot agree with this. While these methods sometimes work, most of the time they fail miserably. But more importantly, these kinds of openings make sense, only if they fulfill your main promise. And 99 times out of 100 they don't.

Besides, why make the beginning of the text indirect at all? Your reader does not need to be entertained. They want benefits – BIG benefits. So give them what they want in the most direct, simple and attractive way possible.

How to sell twice as many copies of your programs?

… Professional copywriter (former developer software) will help you increase sales and save you from constant headaches in writing sales texts.

Enjoy programming, and I will take care of the texts.

Dear Marketing Manager,

Does your business need hundreds, and maybe even thousands additional sales? Do you want to achieve this goal and get rid of two serious problems?

If so, then this letter will be doubly valuable for you. Because I will show you how to attract a lot of new orders and get rid of two of the biggest problems at the same time!

In this letter, the first paragraph immediately reveals the topic. The main benefit is rephrased in a stronger, more stimulating way. Then the second paragraph anchors another strong promise “the letter will be doubly valuable for you” back to the original promise.

Everything is simple. The secret lies in focusing on the client and what the client needs most.

There are no grand excursions into the glorious history of the company. There are no funny stories. No fluff quotes.

This is a strong, concise text, after reading which the reader has a desire to know the details. And for this he needs to continue reading your advertising text.

Eliminate all doubts with a “preemptive strike of confidence”

I started using this method based on the experience of many American copywriting gurus. Ever since I developed it and started writing about it on my mailing lists and in seminars, I've often seen other marketers try to imitate it hundreds of times. It's okay - I wouldn't teach this method if I didn't want as many people as possible to use it.

But most importantly, why they use it so often. And the reason why so many marketers use this extremely powerful yet simple method is because of its high efficiency. Let me explain this step to you so that you can also use it to your advantage.

In earlier steps, I advised creating headings and first paragraphs loaded with promises. While these methods work very well for attracting the attention of customers, they also create a problem for you. The fact is that if you use these methods inappropriately, you will bring your potential client ...

On the edge of the abyss of distrust in you!

This is exactly what you will achieve. Most aim to create a headline so overloaded with promises (but promises that can be fulfilled) that many potential customers will begin to doubt what you have to offer. This is very easy to achieve as many customers have already been scammed by other marketers.

And you will most likely create this doubt in them with your headings and first paragraphs, and now you need to make sure that this doubt is broken into thousands of fragments. And you can do this with the help of the Preemptive Strike of Trust.

Let me give you an example to show what I mean. Here is the beginning of the sales copy that helped me sell copywriting seminars for a long time:

Would you like to get more sales andmore profit with eachYour advertising text?

Now you can increase your profit by as much as 917% pWith the help of a simple proven formula “Sales text constructor”

“With your formula, our profits have grown by leaps and bounds. I increased my profits on one of the projects by as much as 917%!”

Oleg Kozlov, director of RosMedCentre LLC.

One of my clients has already achieved this. Using the methods I'm about to introduce you, he increased profits by 917%. Many others have increased their profits by 300% or more.

This is an excellent example of the Preemptive Strike of Trust in action. In the title and subtitle, I promised something, almost unbelievable - that this simple proven formula can increase your profit by 917%.

Now that I have planted this doubt, I need to get rid of it as quickly as possible. And at the same time, I want to convey to the reader the fact that just what I promised to achieve is quite real.

It is at this moment that the turn of the Preemptive Strike of Trust comes. The first part of the text that the reader immediately sees as such a bold promise is an independent review that supports the promise I made.

And immediately it becomes clear that what I promised is actually true (I changed the signature of the review here, in the original there was a phone number by which you could call a person and check everything).

Here the evidence is provided in an undeniable way - using the words of an independent third party, and not through a commercial argument given in my own words.

The real effectiveness of the "Preemptive Strike of Trust"

Now, if I can convince a potential client that what I promised him can actually be done, I will have a huge advantage. But in addition to this achievement, I achieved another important goal.

I have set the stage and now all my future statements that I will make in my advertising text will be perceived as knowingly true. Of course, all my statements will be true, but often the truth is perceived as something unattainable good.

Once you make a big promise and show that you can certainly keep it, you will immediately overcome one of the most difficult obstacles: getting your potential buyer to believe in the claims and promises you make.

Obviously, it is very important for you to overcome the natural skepticism inherent in most clients. Remember that they have apparently been scammed or disappointed by other marketers many times before. Therefore, it is not surprising that they treat your proposal with a fair amount of skepticism. And your task is to overcome this skepticism, to break it into many pieces so that it no longer threatens any of your sales. And as you already understood, no better way achieve this goal than the Preemptive Strike of Trust.

I recommend that you place as many testimonials as early as possible in your sales copy. You can praise your product in any way you like, but nothing is more convincing than an independent evaluation of your product by a third party.

It always surprises me what big number marketers leave reviews to the last minute or even link to a page with reviews that is placed separately from the main advertising text. This is marketing suicide. By the time your potential buyer gets to the testimonials you decide to put at the very end, it may be too late to overcome the mountain of skepticism they've built up.

Don't let this happen. Why risk even one sale when a Preemptive Strike of Trust can help you attract more buyers?

Create an enticing subtitle.

Subheadings are a powerful weapon to add to your marketing arsenal. Strong subheadings can go a long way in promoting your commercial offer. But the lack of subheadings or their weakness can significantly reduce your chances of closing a deal.

Subheadings give you three big benefits.

Firstly, they divide your text into handy clear sections. In all my copy, you will notice that I write short sentences, stick to the rule of writing short paragraphs (usually two or three sentences) and divide all advertising text into short parts using enticing subheadings as separators.

The human eye can only focus on small sections at the same time. If your ad text looks too thick and impenetrable, the reader will stop studying it and switch to something else.

This is especially true when the client is reading something online. The resolution of most monitors and the amount of text that can fit on the screen is severely limited. If you give your reader dense text with almost no spacing, they won't read it. And if he stops reading, he will never become your client.

Second The advantage that an engaging headline can offer you is its ability to guide the reader through the text. They keep reading interesting and help you progress from section to section.

Third The advantage of an attractive subhead is that they act as a "mini-tour" of the whole ad copy. Many simply skim through the text without reading it. Subheadings highlight important benefits or make provocative statements that encourage those skimming through the text to read it.

With all the benefits you can get from using subheadings, it's important to make them exceptionally attractive and enticing.

How to write a strong subtitle

Strong subheadings are built on three different components:

  1. The benefit your customer wants
  2. The problem the client wants to solve
  3. Combination of problem and solution

Remember that your customers always want to know what you can offer them. They care about features, brand names, company history, prizes and awards you have received, etc.

It's hard to say how many times I've seen stupid subtitles built around features that don't mean anything to customers. Here are three subheadings that I saw recently in one of the advertising texts of a major manufacturer of assistive systems:


These are the only subheadings in a large amount of advertising text. They are all features and presented in the most routine manner imaginable.

If the reader's interest in reading the text depended only on subheadings, would these three subheadings fulfill their purpose? Would you like your sales to depend on such subheadings? Of course not.

Now let's see how to write three types of subheads that will attract readers, keep them interested, and guarantee an increase in sales.

Headline with advantage

A headline with an advantage may simply state that advantage directly. Here is a good example:

Increase sales by at least 78% with 3 simple techniques
find all the details below

This is a very simple statement that will interest anyone who wants to improve their sales. It promises a strong advantage "a simple and strong increase in sales". The reader immediately wants to know more. The subtitle clarifies that the details can be found right here.

Another method is to link the benefit to an argument why the benefit can be trusted. This can be done by connecting the benefit to an external source. Here is an example from my promotional text about staying with a direct selling site:

Want to know how a client opened my eyes to the unlimited potential of online sales?

By tying the benefits to an external source, without actually formulating the sentence itself, I added credibility to these subheadings. This credibility helps clients accept the fact that what I am about to tell them is true. At the same time, subheadings represent strong benefits that customers would love to get their hands on.

title with a problem

The point of a headline with a problem is very simple: pay attention to the problem and the damage that problem causes. Here's an example from a promotional text for a course I sold via email:

A dangerous myth that is destroying your online profits

In this particular subheading, as in most of the problem headings I create, I don't name the problem directly. I prefer to create a strong suspense that will make the client read the text that follows the subtitle.

Look at the previous subheading again. Who wouldn't want to read a little more and understand what is this profit-killing myth? I guarantee that few customers will stop reading on this meta and want to know if this issue affects them or not.

Here's another reason for not naming the problem directly. Problems often cannot be expressed in one sentence. This is exactly what we see in this particular case.

First, I need to identify a common myth that almost everyone accepts as the truth. Then I break the myth into pieces, showing the reader exactly how it hurts their bottom line. It's hard to describe in one subtitle.

Title problem/solution

The last kind of subheading is a hybrid of a problem and a solution presented at the same time. This type is almost always used at the end of an advertising text - often as a debrief to a debrief. Here is an example from my text on making a profit with a direct selling website:

Put an end to wasteful internet marketing and start making money with your own website today

This subheading is on the penultimate page of my advertising text. It summarizes the client's serious problem and offers a solution with an edge.

Press on the sore corn!

In order to present the most powerful sales message possible, you must make the client aware of what hurts him.

This move directly contradicts what dozens of academic copywriting textbooks teach. These textbooks state that you should not pay attention to the negative points in your text.

According to this outdated logic, any negative statement can create destructive associations with your product for the client. And this will lead them to automatically say "NO" when it's time to act.

I don't know who came up with these rules. I think he's some kind of frazzled psychologist. In any case, this old rule should be forgotten as soon as possible, because the truth is that ...

Showing the customer their biggest problem and pain will help them sell a lot more of your products.

Many people won't like it. They think it's cruel. Or they want to avoid their own pain at all costs.

It doesn't seem cruel to me. It seems to me that you are doing your client a favor if you use their pain to get them to take some action that will eventually bring them relief.

After all, you did not create this problem. She was before you came. After all, you use it to help your client and help yourself at the same time.

Why pain is such a powerful motivator

People are far more motivated to change when they are in pain than when they are looking forward to pleasure.

To prove this, I will paraphrase the words of the famous American cardiac surgeon Dr. Christian Barnard. Dr. Barnard once stated that he had no compassion for people who said they didn't have the willpower to quit smoking. He elaborated on these words by continuing that he had never had a heart transplant patient who could not stop smoking immediately after the operation was indicated to him.

In general, what he means is that the pain of a massive heart attack, subsequent surgery, fear of reoperation, and possible death give the patient the resolve needed to quit smoking.

But these same people can be motivated to act through the feeling of their own pain. For example, many potential clients come to me on the recommendation of other clients whom I have helped make a lot of money.

These potential clients call me and say they want me to create an advertising campaign for them that would also allow them to earn a lot of money. And then they absolutely do not even do the simplest things in order to get things off the ground.

Pain is a curious thing. I've noticed that many of these same prospects call me months or even years after they've had a major drop in sales!

Now they are ready to act. Whatever I tell them to do is done with astonishing productivity. Because in fact, feeling the pain of declining sales is as strong a motivator as heart surgery is for some patients.

So, I insist that if you want to help as many customers as possible and increase your sales along with it, it is very important to clearly show them the pain that will result if they do not take the action that you want them to take.

I understand that this can be controversial in certain circles. I understand that this is not the most popular solution, and may not be widely understood. But I also recognize that the ethical use of pain as a selling point can be beneficial to both you and the client.

Now I need to explain. I am not advocating that you use the client's pain at every opportunity. Or that you cunningly manipulate them. Or that all your advertising text is based solely on pain.

I'm just saying that a limited dose of pain, written with a skilled hand and delivered in good taste, can make a big difference in your copy.

Here is an example of the use of pain. It comes from a sales letter that was used to sell my course to small businesses and entrepreneurs.

(THIS IS IMPORTANT) The last thing to think about...

You know, every time I talk to a business owner, it doesn't take long before the conversation turns to how to make more money. If you are anything like me, then you are also often concerned about this problem.

One thing I can say for sure: this cannot be achieved by continuing to do what you were doing before.

What you have done in the past has allowed your business to grow to where it is today. But it cannot go on like this. In today's economy, you simply cannot keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect some other result.

It's not all that bad, is it? Just a little reminder of what they already know. The fact that if you continue to act in the same vein as always, nothing good will come of it. At best, they will stay where they are now. And let me make one more thing clear: if they are happy with who they are, they would never have read this far!

Destroy the pain!

See, I told you I'm not a masochist. The only reason you remind your client of his pain is to completely free him from it. It does not matter what kind of problem he has, you will help to solve it 100%.

Of course, you provide this solution along with your product or service. This will help convince your regular customers at the initial stage of your advertising text that you have exactly what they need.

Also by showing their pain through the worst problem they have ever had to deal with and then solving that problem, you show that you have a deep understanding of the client's situation and needs. This is important because clients like to be understood. And this priceless feeling has been proven to lead to higher sales.

In the example I gave in the previous step, the pain remover was already included. It was mentioned in the last two paragraphs:

What you need to do to increase your sales and profits is to look at your business from a fresh, objective, perfectly reasonable point of view... a marketing point of view! And start learning new, more advanced methods of development.

This is exactly what the course offers you. Big profits in a small business. Not only will he provide you with the strategies you need to succeed in today's volatile economy, he will show you how to apply those strategies cost-effectively.

By this time, the client will readily accept your explanation of what you offer him as the correct solution to the problem. Why? Because you've already proven that your strong promises can be trusted, plus you've demonstrated a deep understanding of the client's condition.

These powerful factors endow you with a favorable authority whose advice you should trust and heed. Not bad for a few pages of advertising text!

Show impeccable performance

Many perceive the characteristic as follows:

Alisa Selezneva. She received her PhD from Moscow State University in 1982. She worked as a researcher at five research institutes, including the Russian Academy of Sciences. Her publications and research have received dozens of awards and accolades, including the prestigious Honored Scientist of Russia award.”

I summarize this approach to characterization in three words:

Who needs it?

That's what your characteristics Should not make. They should not praise you, your company or your product. They should not cover topics that your reader does not care about. But most importantly, recommendations should not be used to boost your ego by focusing on yourself or all the wonderful things you have achieved.

That's what your characteristics must make. They should allay the fears and concerns your customers have about doing business with you. They must show your ability to provide your client with the result they desperately need.

Characteristics in effective advertising text should clarify the level of trust and the benefits received. This is a powerful combination that will help you make more sales and generate higher profits once you start putting it into practice.

In order to do this, all characteristics must be presented in such a way that they emphasize the level of trust in you and your ability to provide all the important benefits that your client needs.

The best way I can show this is with a real life example. This example comes from a sales letter that a business consultant sent out to business owners offering a course in marketing.

In this text, the characteristics are reduced to a statement of achieving strong results that are objectively confirmed. Here is the example (all names and company names have been changed):

Do you feel the difference between the old characteristic and the characteristic of Effective advertising text? Who cares what institute Andrei graduated from?

Who needs to know how many awards he has received? Or how many prestigious positions he held? None of the real buyers of your products. All they need is a result that you can help them get.

But don't get me wrong. If the reward you received (or any other variant of the old style characteristic) can be directly translated into an advantage for your customers, it should definitely be included in the list. Just make sure you mention it for the benefit of the client, and not just to please your ego.

Let's look at another side of the characteristic. Look at the testimonial in the sales letter again, but for now imagine that there are no testimonials there.

Feel the difference? Reviews (if they are objective) are a very important tool for confirming your characteristics, which help to increase your credibility.

Anyone can say anything about their product or service. This does not mean that your reader will believe it. But an objective review that clearly identifies who made it gives the characterization the level of credibility you need.

By the way, characteristics can be applied not only in relation to some person. They can be used to advance the sales process of any product or service.

Here is an example of a product description:

Super Cleaner has proven itself over the past 40 years in aircraft factories around the world. The job it did is so complex that other detergent manufacturers don't even want to think about it.

"Super launderer is the only detergent which we are using. Of course, everyone promises only the best, but from our experience, we can say that only the “Super Launderer” can do this job. Without it, many of the pollutions that are in the order of things here would be a real problem for us. Now it's just cleaning."

- Alexei Tupolev, President
CJSC "Tupolev-service"

Pair Your Level of Trust with a Benefit for the Chosen Ones

As you may have noticed, I talk a lot about the need to gain the trust of customers. And there is one simple reason for this:

Trust is the most important selling factor more goods and services!

It doesn't matter how great your product is if you can't convince people that you or your company can be trusted... that you are worth doing business with... that you understand your customer as much as they understand themselves... and then you will face a difficult – if not impossible – the task is to try to get them to cooperate with you.

First of all, you need to prove that your product delivers (and perhaps even delivers more than it should) everything you promised. But it is also important that you need to prove that you can be trusted to work with the client's problems. Most of the steps in my Formula are designed to help you achieve these two important goals.

One of my favorite methods of building trust is to provide an edge that solves one of the customer's most important needs. By doing this, you will make your customer feel like you are their ally - a friend they can trust, who won't take advantage of them like so many other marketers.

I'll demonstrate this powerful technique when we get to creating ad copy for the web.

In the meantime, here's a very old example that you might recognize. Insurance companies know that people don't like being "sold out" using tactics high pressure by a slick salesman in a polyester suit. So when they advertise, knowledgeable insurers include the line:

"No calls from sellers"

This good marketing. This means that you understand and acknowledge the deep concern that your customers have. And thus, it is easier for the client to make a choice in your favor.

Give your client irrefutable proof that you can deliver on everything you promised!

Sounds tough, doesn't it? How is it possible to prove, and even indisputably, that you can fulfill everything that you promised?

In fact, everything is not so difficult. Not because there are some tricky methods that will help you avoid this. It's just that you should never state or promise something that you can't deliver. Otherwise it's just suicide.

The method that I will show you, you must use to prove your promises. Sufficient proof can greatly increase your sales and profits. It can also give you a significant advantage over your competitors.

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