How to use Feng Shui to attract love and marriage. Effective ways to attract money and good luck

The buildings 11.10.2019
The buildings

Each person at least once in his life was interested in how to attract good luck and money to his person. Combined financial independence, people have internal freedom, which makes it possible to do what you want.

How to attract good luck and money in your life at home? Someone else disappears at work, someone invests all its financial savings into incomprehensible projects. As a result, all this does not bring the expected results, people are disappointed and begin to confine themselves that it is impossible to become rich and successful, they can only be born.

This is not true. Anyone can become financially independent. There are many methods of attracting good luck and wealth.

So, of this you will learn:

  • How to attract money and good luck - the basic rules and recommendations how to attract money to yourself;
  • How to lure good luck and money in your life quickly at home - amulets, talismans;
  • Secrets and signs how to attract good luck and money in the house - Feng Shui, etc.

How to attract money - ways, signs and conspiracies, souvenirs and talismans

Psychology scientists, with confidence, declare that most events that occur with a person, take their origin from his head. Influence internal images, beliefs and misconception.

There are people who are ashamed to be rich. Others of this fear, claiming that this is a troublesome business.

If you want to be rich, but in the subconscious there is a feeling of guilt or fear of big money, then financial independence is not to gain.

All actions will be aimed at obtaining wealth, but the subconscious will disturb it. All the thoughts in the head of a person are always overwhelmed, so the money will be treated to others.

To lure money and good luck in your life it will take a lot of time and effort.. Even people with economic education, having a sober look at the purchase of financial independence, can not easily and quickly acquire a good regular cash flow.

Only those who are able to get financial independence correctly controls the stream and can attract energy of wealth . Such people have a profit from any type of activity.

Experiment: Scientists thanks to special tests Could find out what characteristic signs are divided luckypeople, Ot unlocked. As a result, it turned out that successful personalities possess peace and confidence in their actions.

Unlucky people were constantly in tension and worried about any occasion. Their thoughts are fully engaged in successful personalities and therefore they have no time to notice the lucky chance that the fate presents them. They always think about their failures, but do nothing.

Such thoughts block the possible ways to gain financial well-being.

How to attract money and good luck in your life at home - Basic rules

2. 5 rules how to attract money in your life - change the internal installations to attract good luck and money 💸

As soon as a person starts to change internally, the world around him immediately. You can confidently declare that every person himself creates his fate.

To do it right, you need to know how to attract money in your life quickly. And help this fundamental rulesthat affect the attraction of money.

Rule number 1. Change your inner relevant money

This rule is the most important, without it other rules will be useless. It is impossible permanently whip and speakthat a lot of strength goes to work, and the salary is kept. Such a mood is even more pushing money.

Money can be called an energy substance that wants to constantly eat attention, respect and berezhny relation, but not curses and whore .

Rule number 2. Any money that falls to a person must be grateful

Once the money starts to receive words of gratitude, the life situation will immediately begin to improve. It is worth completely excluding the phrase from thoughts: "I never earn it for it," "no money", etc.

These phrases, under any circumstances, can not speak out loud. It is worth trying to find them a replacement. Positive statements : « I will definitely buy it».

Rule number 3. Communication with successful people

Wealth should not cause evil thoughts. It is impossible to envy and negatively refer to other people's success and well-being. All this blocks its own enrichment. Also worth a dignity to treat the time spent at work.

If it seems that the salary is not sufficient for this type of activity, then boldly change the job. It is worth it with respect to deal with the existing time and to life. With a new employment, our article can be useful - when taking a job? "

No need to fear cardinal changes in the field of activity or in the lifestyle. They perfectly improve the financial future, even despite temporary severity.

Rule number 4. Man must love and respect himself

Do not constantly limit yourself in finance. Small gifts with reasonable spending satisfying their own whims are able to increase self-esteem and add confidence. It is useful to make purchases that it seems not to pocket. Such activities are able to "break bad karma".

If you also find in a state of depression, it is also necessary to get rid of it. (Read more in the article in more detail -? "). Those. It is necessary to get rid of all the negative sides of your body and psychological states.

Rule number 5. Start working on yourself

It is impossible to enrich if to spend your strength and time on activities that increases the financial well-being of another person. It is worth trying to work on yourself, increasing money in your own pocket and on a bank account.

Of course, get big income immediately fail. But moving in the right direction, the income will begin to slowly increase. To date, there are quite a lot of opportunities for cash. You can create your own business or start working on the Internet.

We have already written about how to find - useful tips will help you achieve success in finding a suitable vacancy.

As soon as the attitude to its activities, labor, finance and financial organizationsas well as to good luck and rich People immediately appear energy path for attracting money.

Do not to envy and discuss Earnings of other people. Better to send all your energy on your well-being.

Signs, rituals, obragi. And other methods will not act if they do not believe with all your heart.

Simple secrets how to attract money

3. 7 secrets How to attract money and good luck 💰

All secrets below must not be easy to know, but skillfully apply in action. If they are simply read and agree, but at the same time continue to sit without a case, but just wait for a miracle, then his do not happen .

To change your life and attract good luck and money needs to be performed.

Secret 1. Use the Gold Rule Rule

If you believe in metaphysics of money, they will begin to trust you.

Decays have a basic rule - they need to be taken in a good mood and be sure to thank for the appearance.

Observe financial independence - It means to change your life and thinking. Make it necessary right now. If finances begin to call a positive attitude, then well-being and prosperity will enter life.

Make yourself more often about the goals for the near future. It is even better to write it in the form of a concrete plan on paper and hang on a prominent place. This plan must be read every day and then the goal will begin to get sacred slowly.

Secret 2. Read prayers for money

Prayer for good luck and money - This is an appeal to the highest forces for help and instruction. All religions are primarily talking about spiritual peace, but this does not mean that people should live in poverty and starve. The lack of money does not allow a person to find inner peace.

Read prayers for charging and good luck – it's only half the secret. Another part of the secret is that it is necessary to comply with the correct lifestyle. It includes generally accepted norms of morality and morality. No need to lose heart, which means to inactive. Laziness and is the problem and the scourge of any self-development, and therefore financial success.

IN orthodox church There is a large number of prayers that attract money to man and good luck.

Prayer for money

The most common prayers for the acquisition of fortune are molver Seraphim Sarovsky , prayers of the Virgin and Christ , as well as Thanksgiving Moluba . These are treated by believers who have come financial difficulties.

Frequent sincere reading of respective prayers helps to solve the problems associated with the money supply, and perfectly pushes a person for individual self-education.

Secret 3. Attach money on hair dryer

Feng Shui He is an ancient Chinese teaching about the acquisition of harmony.

In Eastern countries, Fenzui is considered a separate scientific direction. In this instruction, it all depends on the energy of qi. To buy good luck, health and well-being is needed so that the energy of Qi moves in the desired direction. It is related to both the world who surrounds the person and the world that is inside him.

Here are the basic rules of well-being:

  • Sleeping person should not be faced with the door or reflected in the mirror. Such a location dispels positive energy.
  • In the room where the most often is a person, should be clean windows. Then happiness and good luck will easily go.
  • It is impossible to make a lot of things in the doorway. This scares happiness and good luck.
  • In the east, water is considered the best symbol of material well-being. An aquarium or fountain must be present in the premises.
  • Do not save home garbage. Also, without regrets it is necessary to get rid of old things.
  • Rooms should often ventilate and wet cleaning should be carried out regularly.
  • In the east, all rooms have fruit flavors. They are considered a symbol of prosperity and abundance.
  • Good luck also brings a money tree. The main thing is to constantly care for it.

Secret 4. Rituals for good luck

There is a category of people who go to various magicians and ask to be lucky luck and money. It is both rich and poor people. Conduct the magic ritual is not so easy. Magic is the most difficult way to attract money.

Consider in more detail one not sophisticated ritual. Anyone can cope with him.

This magic is carried out only on the young moon. Required 7 of any coin. They put them in the right hand and squeeze into a fist. Direct your hand to the moon and open your palm. Give them to charge the lunar energy for a few seconds. Charged coins are put under the pillow. There they are withstanding at least three days. After that, they can take them from there.

One candle is bought on one of these coins in the nearest Saturday. It is lit at home and lays other coins about it. Candle must exorp completely. This ritual not only attracts money, but will enable successful and interesting moments.

There are also small rites that help solve money issues.

  • Money is very loved when they are considered. This allows you to properly treat arising spending.
  • Try to sacrifice the pure hearts. Then all costs return to more.
  • It is impossible to brag about your success and can not be complained about the lack of money.
  • Any activity from which profit is planned is necessary to start on the growing moon.

Eats signs that scare good luck and money:

  • You can not remove crumbs from the table with bare hands.
  • Dress things in which the buttons lack or there are broken pockets.
  • Leave the wallet finally devastated.

How to attract good luck and money - Talismans, charms, amulets

Secret 5. cash talismans and amulets

The most popular talismans are figures belonging to Fen-Shuya.

1. Money tree

It is necessary to install in the southeastern direction. Water and wood should prevail in this sector. Therefore, it is very good to put a large number of live plants here. They will optimize cash energy. Money tree has rounded fleshy leaflets of a dark green color. In their form resemble coins. He also love him to call "Tolstanka".

If it is difficult to find this plant, it can be changed on a similar look. Great vase with chrysanthemums or blooming lilac violet.

Cannot be applied plastic pots. It is necessary to choose the tanks of only ceramic material. Also plays a role and size pot. The pots must be proportional to plants. The plant must be in a comfortable setting, and all the resulting composition must necessarily please the eyes. Simply speaking, everything should be harmoniously combined.

It is impossible to wait when the flowers in the vase are completely dried. With the first fading, they must immediately throw out. It is allowed to install artificial plants in this sector. True, they will not bring the same effect as real.

There are such things that play the role of cash talismans. These include trees on which Chinese coins or semi-precious pebbles are located. With a huge desire, a tree that brings money can be made with your own hands. On the twigs you can hook ordinary coins, while not only the money of your country, but also coins of other countries. This will allow you to attract different trips abroad. If the talismans brought good luck and you are going abroad, do not forget about.

The main condition is harmonious combination of all parts. Turn on your fantasy and create! A tree that makes money performed independently attracts money energy much stronger than from the purchased thing.

2. Orange

This talisman attracts wealth and prosperity. Color gamut and form symbolically looks like coins. In China, he is considered an impersonation happy and abundant Life.

The Chinese love to give oranges For any reason. And the new year hang pictures where oranges are drawn, throughout the apartment. Therefore, it is necessary to try this fruit to attract financial well-being.

Orangesmust lie either in a crystal vase or in a wicker basket. Such a talisman should also stand in the southeastern direction either in the kitchen or in the room. This will not only be a decoration of the room, but also the excellent attraction of financial good luck.

3. Ship on Feng Shui

An ordinary boat is also considered excellent cash talisman. In this case, you can purchase a model design or just a picture with the image of the ship. The sailboat must be installed in front of the entrance door. At the same time, he should swim into the house, and not vice versa.

If a natural model is present, coins or decorations are stacked. It will play the role of treasure on the ship, which leads to an increase in profits. Such a talisman can be installed not only in the house, but also to the office.

4. Three-on toad

She should sit on coins and keep one money in the mouth. Such a talisman is a symbol of prosperity and longevity. When it is elected, you should pay attention to the coin in the mouth. It should lie there freely, and not be glued. Well, if the coin falls out of the mouth of the toad. This means that there will be a cash parish soon.

The toad loves, so that they cared for her. You need to regularly wipe the dust and bathe, just substituting it under the flow water twice a week. This will increase the effective action of the talisman. Such a talisman should stand on the south-eastern side.

You can also install on the desktop, but you should also define the southeastern direction. At the same time, the toad should not stand right in the face of man. Her head should be in the opposite side from the main door. Thus, the toad seems to jar into the house, and not the opposite. If otherwise, you can not wait for financial good luck.

Not recommended So that the toad stood in the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom or toilet. If suddenly, for some reason, cracks appeared on the talisman, split, do not be upset. Such a toad is better to immediately throw out. It can not be stored. It is better to just buy a new talisman.

5. Coins Fen Shui

There is one good belief that the money love to attract money. Therefore, the talisman presented from three coins, which are interconnected, is considered good magnitik for money.

They should always be combined either with a red ribbon or a red cord. Feng Shui loves a red color, as this is a symbol of money that actively charges Yansk energy

Such coins should also hang in the southeastern direction. After all, this direction carries responsibility for wealth. But this is optional.

There are other places in which this charm will actively act. Such coins can be put under the rug near the inlet door, in the wallet, refrigerator or computer. In the workplace, they can be consolidated to the cashier or to the daddy, where financial documentation is located.

If there is a monetary tree in the house, then hanging coins on him, financial luck will immediately double.

6. Horseshoe for happiness - good luck talisman

Not only in China, but also in other countries, this thing is considered to be a talisman of good luck, luck and prosperity. True, there are many differences about how this charm should hang correctly.

In Russia, it is customary to attach the top of the "horns" top. This means a complete bowl in which the well-being accumulates. And above the door from the street side, such a talisman should hang down "horns" down. Then it will not allow to pass the negative energy to the room.

There is a belief that poor energy will go into the horseshoe and then slowly flush down, leaving into the ground.

In Feng Shu, there are few other rules for using undercalable:

  • If the horseshoe is located on the inside of the door, then it is able to heal the energy in the apartment.
  • Such a talisman can be hung in the car. Then his owner will always have good luck in affairs, and she will play the role of the charm from the accident on the roads.
  • The horseshoe can be put just on the window "horns" inside. Thus, monetary success is attracted.
  • The mascot, enshrined in the north-western direction of the house, provides energy to help and support in any endeavors.
  • Horseshoe has unique properties to cure indoor plants. It is enough to put next to a sluggish or poorly growing plant.

7. Khere

It is considered the god of rich and happy life. He still has another name laughing Buddha. It is a symbol of well-being, joy and carefree life. Also capable of bringing good health for its owner and greater joy. There is a belief that if 300 Once wowy's tummy stroke and at the same time actively submit your desire, it is certainly implemented.

Woody has a bag in which he collects all unlucky moments of people, and in return gives them joy and well-being. Such a talisman has several ways to activate. To get rid of the quarrels in the house and get a relationship based on harmony, it is necessary to establish a talisman in the eastern direction of the living room.

If you want to gain monetary success, the figure is put in the southeast direction. For people who are engaged in a challenge, such an overlap must be in the office. He protects well from stress and attracts good luck.

Putting the figure to your desktop, you can grow in a short time in a career ladder.

Women better help dancing wanting, and the men who sits on the bag.

Secret 6. Send money mantras

Mantra is a linguistic design. It can be positively affected by the direction of energy in the universe and inside the person.

For this, special words are applied that change the cash flow towards a person. Buddhism is considered the founders of Mantra. For them, they are real psychological tools.

Mantra is a bit like prayer. True, she has a slightly different direction. Buddhists have no personalized deity, so all words at reading are directed directly into the universe.

Consider the most popular cash mantra . She has the following words: Om Lakshmi Viganshrie Kamala Dhayrigan Swaha.

Repeat this expression is necessary every day in the morning within one month.

Secret 7. Communicate with people who have achieved success and wealth

The more communication with the rich and successful people is present in life, the richer is a person.

If people seem to surround them poverty and failure then you should change the life with the change of the environment. Do not talk about your poverty by unhappy people. You should not look for among your environment of a person who is even poorer.

Everything should happen on the turn. Need to look surrounded only positiveand material prosperous of people.

As soon as the circle of communication will change, immediately appear the first positive moments. Positive people allow you to think others on the same positive. Change thoughts, change the energy around man.

Man imperceptibly for himself will find confidence and calm. Changes his thinking to money, and therefore improve its financial position.

The main signs of attracting money - folk, Feng Shui, etc.

4. How to attract good luck and money in your life at home with help? 🔮 ☯

Anyone can get material well-being. the main thing in it believe and related appropriate prompts of fate. Long ago, people began to bind the event with various things.

Nowadays such observations began to call note. Many people believe in them very much.

There are signs that are associated with wealth and help to attract money and good luck in their lives.

So, the main and popular signs how to attract money to the house.

Folk signs

  • You can not show and boast of available money. People may envy, and envy affects financial well-being.
  • It is impossible to meet or accompany guests standing on the threshold. It closes the penetration of cash flow into the house.
  • After holding a rich feast with guests, all the garbage is on the tablecloth, throw out on the street. This will avoid to start.
  • The floor in the house must be sweeping with the same broom. Otherwise, all wealth will be scattered in the corners.
  • If you help download strangers, then the money will be brought to you. But it is impossible to help unload things, the wealth does not like it.
  • You can not sit on the table - it will be an empty wallet.
  • It is impossible to leave money on the table - there will be high costs.
  • Debts are better to give in the morning and in no case in the evening.
  • Money occupied on Monday, will lead to great financial costs for the entire week.
  • Garbage from the house can not be taken during bad weather. This brings poverty.
  • While the street can not count money on the street and sweep the floors - will lead to a big waste of money.
  • The bag with a wallet should not lie on the ground - the cash flow goes into the floor.
  • Do not lend money through the threshold - do not return.
  • If you want to accumulate money, you do not need to constantly look into the piggy bank.
  • Cash bills must be laid in the wallet in order and gently.
  • Communication with rich people attracts cash flow.
  • Make the window more often. Money love to look into clean windows.
  • Scattered shoes distinguishes monetary well-being.
  • Good mood attracts money.
  • You can not leave empty bottles on the table - it distils well-being.
  • You can not lift other money on the street, and then you will go away.
  • Paying in the store, do not let the money in the seller. But getting surrender, it is necessary to take it from the hands.
  • You can not put the knife on the table with the edge up - large bills will bypass your home.
  • Hired left palm - there will be a profit. To keep it, you need to pat in your hands several times or fold the palm on the table.
  • Profit loves actively coming while flowering houseplants. At this time, the flowers can not be moved.
  • If you find the old horseshoe on the street, it will bring good luck. You can hang any horseshoe over the entrance door, and it will start calling happiness to the house.
  • If you find a leaf of clover with four leaves in the forest - wait for great good luck.
  • Bat or butterfly, fluttered into the house, brings unexpected wealth. The main thing she must fly from home herself.
  • Fallen track from the bird on his head talks about the soon increasing income.


  • It should be defined to the south side in the room and install a round aquarium there. It must be present following fish: golden color 8 units and black color 1 thing. True, it is not possible to start the aquarium. Then you can simply hang a picture on which water is depicted. It is water that allows you to ensure the influx of money wealth.
  • Cannot keep dried plants in the house. They need to get rid of them immediately. Dry plant dries family budget. It is desirable that there are plants in the house similar to the trees. These species attract wealth.
  • Determine where to be the northern corner in the house and try to keep all the money and jewelry there. In this case, you will never have any money. It is worth remembering that a clean house attracts money.
  • Wallet should never stay empty. It should be at least one penny. It helps money faster to divorce. You can decompose coins in all corners of the house, then any angle will attract money.
  • The house must have a figurine of three small turtles. It attracts cash. It is also worth acquiring a money tree and put the little things under the pot. This allows doubling profits.
  • By giving money, you should not regret it. Otherwise, coming, the money will also be regret.
  • Active lifestyle should be conducted. Movement attracts money.
  • Do not buy cheap wallets. They will not hold money in them for a long time. Men should have only leather wallets. Then they will have constantly large bills.
  • Well restores monetary well-being room fountain. It is a permanent engine that allows us to bring as much money as carried out.
  • Regularly to light the houses of the Incense, which can attract good luck.
  • It is impossible that the mirror hangs opposite the entrance. Otherwise, with each opening of the door, the money from the apartment will run away.
  • The house should always be grain. The money is rice. It was the grain crops for many times since ancient times were considered the second wealth.
  • Regularly look at things that you want to buy. This will also promote the goal.

5. A few more about wealth 💎

  • Of course, to receive money, it is necessary not only to constantly follow the signs, but also actively earn. We wrote about the rapid ways to earn here - "".
  • Occasionally follows buy a cash lottery. Good luck can turn to your face. Wealth comes only to those people who are really ready for such a "wear". Want to know what lotteries to play better to actually win? Then read our article "". There are many ways to do this, and real examples of people with the largest winnings in the history of the lotteries.
  • You can not store all sorts of different empty jars and boxes. Poverty begins in them.
  • If a small piece broke from the dishes, then you do not need to store it. It is advisable to throw out all the broken dishes without regret. The broken dishes cut the family budget.
  • Some people enjoy cash conspiractions. They really help, but only need to remember about one, with this method, money not only come, but also go. As a result, such money will be simply invisible.
  • The cat must live in the house. Pakasya is a symbol of comfort, and the money loves to fit in a cozy home. If for some reason it is impossible to start a cat, then you can simply purchase seven kittens made of porcelain. Such figures attract a similar effect.
  • Most people know that the color of the Great Good luck is red shades . In the house must be attended by one thing in bright red colors. You can put a small piece of red cloth in a purse. This sign allows not to leave wallets without money.
  • You can not wear things that have already been fed more than three times. With each sewing, the thing begins to lose its monetary success.
  • No need to regret money, giving homeless people. After all, any good made returns to the larger size.
  • You can put a little bill under the tablecloth. The main thing is that this tablecloth, on the dining table, is always clean and in bright color. Then this table will always be filled with a large number of money.
  • It is impossible to count the money of other people's people. Otherwise, own money can be offended and wanted to be found in your family. During harvesting, the Fortoch should always be opened. It helps to leave the bad spirit and envy of the house.
  • Cannot put money in pockets on the pants. Such money is easy to steal and generally love to live in order. They should always be worn in the wallet.
  • In the wallet you can not wear anything superfluous. There you can wear only money. Otherwise they will be lost among the rest.

6. Choose the right wallet 💡

The task of each wallet is to store money. But if you use small rules, it will begin to attract financial well-being into the house.

Anyone is nice to realize that there are means in the wallet to purchase the desired bauble or appetizing yummy.

To attract good luck and money with a wallet, you need to follow the following advice:

  • Money will not be able to attract a shabby or torn wallet. From such a thing you must urgently get rid of.
  • No need to wear a wallet that I don't like or just already tired. This thing must please the eyes, be pleasant to the touch. After all, the touch is capable of helping a person.
  • It is not recommended to buy cheap models. They will have cheap energy in themselves, which will be powered by the owner, not allowing increasing income.
  • The wallet should look decent. Have various compartments for the separation of large and small bills. Then all the means spent on the purchase will quickly return back.
  • No need to acquire models from artificial materials. It is better to buy suede or leather species. Artificial materials overlap monetary energy without letting it enter the wallet.
  • The color scheme should give preference to the colors of metal and the colors of the Earth. The most common colors are black, brown, yellow, orange and gold.
  • Classic models do not give their owners to spend money on trifles.
  • After buying a wallet, it is necessary to immediately put a ruble coin into the trifle department.
  • Do not know exactly how much money is available or bank account. Such ignorance awakens a person more actively earn money.
  • When the wallet becomes unclear and can no longer cope with its functions, it should be replaced. Old wallet can not throw away. It must be either buried with the pronunciation of solemn speech, or keep it as a family relic.
  • Wallets are better to buy on the growing moon. This is done with a solemn mood. Laying the first money in a new wallet, you should pronounce: "Keep and set!".
  • It is not recommended to use a presented wallet. After all, it is unknown with what attitude it was bought.

7. Secrets of leaders for obtaining wealth and good luck 📿

There are people who transmit constantly to their future generation, secrets of wealth and happiness. Most people consider these methods magia. And this is to a certain extent so. All these secrets include conspiracies and special actions.

Consider some secrets to attract good luck and wealth.

Secret 1. Coin

Mortize money and find good luck will help a coin that has a figure " 5 " It may be ordinary 5 ruble coin. A plot is read over this money, and it is put in a wallet for 1 month.

A month later, this coin must be spent, and the rite is done over new. The text of the conspiracy: "I go to the trading of a merchant, returning well done. I'll call home treasure. Give God, so much money so that there was no place to put. Amen".

Secret 2. Garden or cottage

Good when there is your cottage or just a garden. You can simply put the trees correctly and they will start making a profit. For this through one day 7 any trees are planted. When landing, it is necessary to repeat: "As you will grow, I am lime and me. Amen".

Secret 3. Slave

When submitting alms, it is necessary to say: "Does not look at the hand of the giving."

Secret 4. Signs

Folk signs are forbidden to throw garbage in the dark and put broom brooms down.

Secret 5. Acorn or Bay leaf

Protect himself from the evil eye and the laurel leaf and acorn helps to gain good luck, which must be hidden in a concealing pocket, located in a bag or clothing.

8. Laurel leaf to attract good luck 🍃

The laurel sheet was used in ancient times as a symbol of attraction of good luck. And all winners on the heads were blocked by laurel wreaths. So, how to attract good luck and luck with a laurel sheet.

Nowadays there is three main ways The use of the magical power of the laurel sheet.

  1. It will take five dried laurel leaves. We fold them together and on the basis of the red string. Such a bouquet can be hung over the front door of the apartment or directly to your room. At the same time, it is necessary to vote: "Laurea, which grew under the sun hot, bring happiness and good luck to my house!".
  2. Four laurel leaves are taken from which the shape of the cross is laid out. Such a cross hides under the threshold of the house or under the entrance rug. Such a talisman is able to attract not only good luck, but also become an excellent defender of the house from the thief, fire, flooding of the evil eye, damage and other disgusts.
  3. There are three laurel leaves and abundantly fasten the orange essential oil. Dried leaves are stacked in different corners in the house. Namely to those places where money is usually lied. It can be a chest of drawers, a safe, shelf and even a wallet.

The main thing is not to forget, follow the shelf life of laurel leaves. Magic is like cooking. Crazy products may just spoil everything. The leaflets should also be replaced in the event that they broke or left.

So that luck has never turned away from you, you need to constantly update the laurels.

9. How to attract good luck and money in the house - the conspiracy is the most acting way

All rituals who attract the money are related to white Magic . Therefore, they can do everything, without fear for a ritual.

Conspuses are the most popular view of the magic of money. They help effectively attract good luck and money.

Most often addressed to them trade employees, businessmen and simple People planned major transaction or purchase.

1. Ordinary money plot

It is necessary to go to the market or in the shop. Any thing is bought or sold there. Upon receipt of payment or delivery for this thing, it should be said about yourself: "In my wallet, your money, your treasury is my treasury. Amen".

2. Conspiracy on the new moon money

At the beginning of the New Moon, it is necessary to go on the road at 24:00 taking with you 12 coins. Put the coins on the palm and show the moon. After that, the following words will be constantly repeated: "Everything that grows and lives, multiplies under sunshine, and money under the moon light. Money, grow, set, add. Me (name) enrich, never forget. May it be so!".

3. Conspiracy to find money

Candle, green, capable of attracting green paper. If for some reason it urgently needs a large amount, then a conspiracy should be performed using a green candle. The candle is written its name and the required amount of money. After that, it is flashed with vegetable butter and collapsed in a powder from the basilica. Put the candle and burning tell the words: "The money come, the money is growing, the money in my pocket will find!".

4.1 Conspiracy for debt return number 1

The following words are just readed above the broom: "I send to the slave of God (the name of the debtor) why he burns him and bakes, from the corner chasing his corner, the bones of Bella breaks, let's not eat, let him do not drink, rest (the name of the debtor) does not give, as long as the debt will not be abolished. "

4.2 Conspiracy for debt return number 2

The conspiracy for money also helps to return debts. Required fresh oil. They are cooked aspen with the words: "The oil will hurt, and you, God's slave (the name of the debtor), will be a heart to grieve, obeys, soul, soul, suffer from brains. All about what I should (the author's name) duty to give. Amen". This board must be placed in the room where the debtor lives.

5. Braided magic lace

From the following colors, you should choose more appropriate. For a conspiracy (ritual), the lace should be soaked. The magic cord is a simple pigtail made of colored threads. Thick threads will be required. Green thread is responsible for wealth, krasnaya thread - for love, yellow- for health and shiny- for achieving appointed goals. After the end of weaving, all the tips are connected together and such a bracelet is worn on the ankle of the left leg.

6. Conspiracy for good luck and luck

The scene is taken, it is poured into it 3 Tablespoons of salt, top of sugar and top of the rice cereals. In the resulting slide, an open English pin is stuck. Such a composition is left overnight. In the morning, this pin should be added to clothes in such a place where others will not see it.

7. Conspiracy of good luck with money

A new sparkling coin will be required. It must be taken in the handle and disappear between the palms. After that, the phrase says: " That happiness prevented completely blowing, money and good luck to my house" This rite can be repeated with three different new coins. After that, these coins refer to the nearest intersection and are left so. The main thing is that no one notice.

8. Chinese ritual rite for luck

It can be done daily. The main thing when it is fulfilled to be in a good mood. Three any candles and flavored wand will be required. Candles are put on the table and ignite. After that, the wand is lit and keeping it in the hands you need to get around the room clockwise, saying: " I opened the door and called in my home luck to live with her, happiness, make money" Candles on the table can be put out, but the wand should be lit.

After cutting the candle, a new strip appears in a person, which will be filled with light, good luck, wealth and happy events.

10. Attract good luck for active activities and successful exams

To improve the workplace and space near it, it suffices to use simple tips that can be performed in the break at work.

If they are effectively used, they will bring maximum benefit. Through 1.5-2 hours Human organism should rest on 10-15 minutes.

How to cheer up and tune in to work at such a short time:

  • You can eat a little.
  • A cup of coffee or tea.
  • Talk with alive plants that are indoors. It's enough to pour or transplant the flower.
  • Listen to music. For the mood, 2-3 compositions are enough to work. It is allowed to listen to headphones.
  • Implement meditation.
  • To dream about what you can take yourself on the weekend.
  • View photos that were made during the last holiday. This will make inspiration to work.
  • Plan a vacation soon.
  • Paint photos of those places where you want to visit.

Each person is experiencing before passing exams.

There are several beliefs that allow you to cope with this mission and pass the exams well.

  • Do not pay attention to other people's opinions. It is worth talking only to think.
  • It is not recommended to wash your hair before the exam.
  • If the first exam was made with an assessment that satisfies a person, then the same clothing should be put on another exam.
  • If there were successful answers to questions about tickets, it is necessary to remember which routine of the day was the day before and try to do everything the same.
  • It is worth asking friends and relatives so that they sometimes scold the handing person while he is on the exam.
  • Do not strive for an unattainable ideal. It is better to calculate your strength to prepare for the exam.
  • If the exam ended successfully, it should be celebrated.

The most important way to attract good luck and money to the house is the daily conduct of general cleaning. Money love to live in order. If the room is dirty, then the money will not want to linger here for a long time. So consider highlights How to attract money and good luck to the house.

The more in the house of unnecessary things and littered corners, there are more material spending . In the hallway there should be as much free space as possible, so for the shoes it is necessary to acquire special shelf or lockersand things should always be wailed in their places.

Also in the hallway should always be clean The mirror and the entrance should lie beautiful half, under which before Must lay a coin.

- order in the house

You can not store clothes that have not worn for a long time in residential premises. And from very old and torn things it is advisable to completely get rid.

It is impossible to store a bit or podcolotine dishes, as well as that of which cracks have already appeared.

The symbol of the home of the heart is plate and refrigeratorSo they are always recommended to keep in perfect cleanliness. During wet cleaning, it is necessary to represent that it is not easy to remove dust, but all debts and financial obligations.

Money bypass the side of the house in which there is a mold, broken furniture or current cranes.

Any garbage should not be lingering in the house all night and it is advisable to throw it out, without waiting for the sunset. Good attractive wealth Easy ventilation, followed by aromatization of air.

Fragrances It is necessary to choose only those that bring financial well-being. These include mint smells, orange smell, Basilica, cinnamon and rosemary ether.

You should carefully monitor the dining table. It should not only shine from purity, but also to always be covered with a clean and bright tablecloth. In no case should there be holes, patches or various spots on the tablecloth. Very good if textiles will be decorated with rich embroidery. This tablecloth attracts quite large money. To enhance the effect, usually in the center of the table under the tablecloth, a large bill is put on.

Categorically impossible to leave on the table empty vAZoys, cask, bottles or jars, as well as put keys or hats.

- Kitchen

All the situation in the kitchen should be carefully thought out. The workspace should be most convenient and comfortable. Most apartments have small kitchens, and it is impossible to plan a large space. Then you can visually increase the volume of the kitchen, for this you will need a conventional mirror.

It is not desirable that the door to the kitchen is located near or opposite the front door. After all, the food is a symbol of wealth, so because of such a planning, welfare will be treated from the apartment.

Well, if an extract is present in the kitchen. This allows air to constantly circulate. All odors should remain in the kitchen. If they fall into the living room, the negative energy begins to appear in it, which entails scandals and quarrels.

- Bedroom

The setting of the bedroom also requires special attention. Here the main thing is the correct placement of furniture, the corresponding color gamut and the side of the light in which the bedroom is located.

The bed is always a dominant object. It can not be put opposite the mirrors.

The color scheme depends on the size of the room. If the room is small, then give preference to pastel colors. If there is a lot of space, it is necessary to dream with brighter colors.

The main thing that the resulting setting should cause calm and temple .

12. Store the right money 🔑

To find money well-being need not only to make money correctly, but also to store them correctly, as well as have a cumulative part. The most important thing to teach yourself to leave a small amount from the overall earnings.

Let it be a small amount, but as a result it will perform the role of a magnet for other additional income. You need not just to postpone the money, but to know what they can be used in the future.

Do not store money in the wallet. For these purposes it is better to take advantage of a special box or a bright beautiful envelope. The box must necessarily be beautiful and richly decorated. Determine the south-eastern part of the house and it is there who keep their savings there. Since this direction is responsible for wealth.

If you want not one goal, then it is better to prepare several casket or envelopes.

The main thing is to realize that it is impossible Take pending money. After all, they have their own purpose. If there is an urgent need for money, you can lend a small amount from the piggy bank, but subsequently the same amount needed before Return.

Money into the house can be attracted by another way.. Having received a big bill you do not need to spend it right away.

If you hold it for about a year or more in an undoubted form, it will allow you to attract even more money. For a larger effect next to Covera, you can install a pot with a cash tre.

13. Secrets for messenger people 🔐

If you try to solve all problems for a little time then no need to make a lot of effort. When a person is determined and is ready to begin immediate actions, he is on the way to success. A quick solution to the problem helps to sigh with complete breasts.

Work must satisfy personal interest. It is not always a corporate spirit and a good attitude to the company leads to an increase in capital.

You always need to look for new features that would help you make a profit without working on other people. The disappearance of all day and nights at work does not give the desired good profits.

Rich people Possess communicable and sociable qualities. Money love come from other people.

Quite often it is the opening of a business helps to avoid poverty. Any business idea is based on solving any problem. It is easy to find this problem, make a business project and show investors. Opening of IP () Is a good way to get a financial flow.

It is worth communicating with people who have achieved great success, won a lot of victories and simply with people who have a constant positive attitude. Looking at their results and using tips from them, you can achieve many goals.

No need to be afraid of responsibility.

Try to memorize the famous quotes of famous people. For inspiration, read biographies and memoirs of people who have achieved wealth and success.

To become rich you need to work a lot. (We also recommend reading the article - ""). If you want to have a lot of money, you need to create passive income. Such income brings profit regardless of the work done. Money will go even when a person will not make any effort.

The main rule of wealthincomeshould always be more flow. Try to get rid of all existing loans in the shortest possible time.

A good stimulus to obtain the desired result is permanent dreams and faith in them . It is dreams that make it possible to get the strength to get up in the morning and take action. But it is worth not only to dream and desire, but to embody their goals into life. You can also say that a person who does not dream about, begins to dying slowly.

Every person must find his purpose in life, the meanings of existence and create their own personal Life story. Not every person can cope with the task, but if it turns out to do this, then the setting will lead a lifetime.

It is necessary to record all victories that occurred in your life. When there is a difficult moment, they should be reread.

Well, if a person is engaged in any kind sportwhich requires a lot of effort and will. Such training improves confidence in its actions, supports in good tone And in excellent layout.

The main thing is remembered Even if financial difficulties arose, it is necessary to maintain a positive spirit. It is necessary to appreciate what is at the moment and then luck will necessarily turn to face to you.

See also video - "How to attract money in your life - 7 secrets of attracting money in the house"

14. Conclusion

We reviewed the most popular and basic ways to attract money, good luck, luck, success, etc.

This article covered all the well-known methods for attracting wealth and good luck. Now you can say for sure that financial well-being is not congenital quality, but acquired.

Therefore, it is not necessary to be the son of the director of some large company. Financial well-being is quite interesting to achieve himself. It is starting with scratch, a person can master the inner harmony.

All the above methods and ways help attract good luck and money. But it is worth remembering that they are considered only auxiliary instruments.

The main thing is correct image of thinking and permanent actions in the right direction. This is how consistency and success can be achieved. Only actively working on their identity can be realized to all the most bold dreams and desires.

We hope we fully revealed the topic - how to attract money and good luck in your life, in your home, your relatives, etc. It remains for you - to act! Just analyze your life situation and start acting without relying on all sorts of magical rituals and signs. After all, as they say in the saying - "We hope for God, and powder keep dry"

Attract love on Feng Shui

One of the most powerful and ancient instincts of a person is the instinct of continuing the human race, which finds its expression in the psychological need to love and be loved. The loneliness of a man or woman is perceived as inconsistency in life, and many sufficiently successful people are ready to sacrifice almost all that they have to find their love and save it.

Love represents one of the true values \u200b\u200bof the genus of the human, forming personality and its fate, awakening all the best, which is laid in the nature of human. Love is the most altruistic state of the soul, an inexhaustible source of happiness.

In the teachings of Feng Shui love is one of the basic concepts. The doctrine of Feng Shui claims that every person can attract love with their actions, only faith is needed in a favorable outcome and some of your efforts in this direction.

Feng Shui attaches great importance to creating romantic relationships and the atmosphere of love.

Ways to attract love on Feng Shui

In order to attract a sense of love and ensure that love accompanied you everywhere and always, various symbols are used in Feng Shui, the energy of which attracts love to your life. Directly harmonizes the relationship between a man and a woman, attracts special feelings into your life.

For this, both love symbols are used and certain actions are performed that enhance their effect.

Search for real love on Feng Shui

Feng Shui tips on attracting your life desired friend, partner or spouse:

    Picture "Moonwalk"

    Hang the picture in the bedroom with the image of the moon and the lunar path. It is believed that the energy of the moon increases the ability to attract a partner.

  • Hang in your home photo or paintings with the image of the opposite sex like you, in order to attract your soul to your life.
  • In the full moon it is recommended to light a few floating candles in the vessel with water.
  • During a date, an important meeting try to dress so that in your clothes there were details of red. Red color .
  • Good attractive future partners of life pair items. For example, the sculpture of two packer-tangerines, a pair of swans or pigeons .
  • In your bedroom cannot be installed mirrors, especially if your bed is reflected in them. They can carry good luck from your life in partnership and love.
  • It is recommended to put in the southwestern part of the bedroom a marine shell, which attracts a new partner to your life or strengthens relationships with already existing.
  • In order to attract a loved one, try to organize your workplace in a room or office in the northwestern part of the room, and in its eastern part there are red items (vase, clip art).
  • Hang phoenix images, peacocks or other birds in the living room of your apartment. They attract good luck in love and marriage, help find a loved one, partner.
  • Get rid of everything that is in your home and reminds of past your hobbies and loving relationships. In your house there should be no place for sentimental correspondence with former partners, romantic trinkets and gifts, they were presented. Remember that if you want to attract something new, you need to get rid of the old, free the place.
  • Take a look at the walls and check if there are paintings on them, photos of lonely people. Such images can attract the energy of loneliness into the house. Its portraits or paintings also better remove.
  • Traces of Buddha

    Look, do not look like your home on the dwelling of a single wolf: one chair, single bed, the only bedside table, everywhere only your personal things. Such a dwelling is not "expecting" the emergence of new people. It is necessary to put a double bed, access to which will be provided on both sides, and on the bed itself must lie one blanket and two pillows. Also, nothing should hang over the bed. It is not recommended to hang here shelves, massive decorations. You can not force space under the bed by anything. Energy should circulate freely. In the interior of the bedroom, it is advisable to have smaller sharp corners. It is desirable that after waking up your view immediately fell on something pleasant and beautiful, causing pleasant emotions that set up on a positive. It can be a beautiful vase, a figurine, picture. It is also not recommended to put the bed so that the head is pointing to the window, and the legs to the door. When you are in bed, it should be able to see the door. You can not make a bedroom in the passing room.

  • Perhaps you have a lot of female energy in your home. Lace, decorations, rushes, vases, bottles and other women's accessories can scare away the partner from your room in which he will feel uncomfortable.
  • Your room should not be forced by various soft toys of childhood, dolls, because the energy of mature relations is unlikely to appear in such a home.
  • If you want to attract a man and especially you know his hobbies, add the room to the interior what he could like or interest.
  • In the love zone, everything should contribute to feelings and should only be what is directly related to love relationships. Light candles, bring the light fragrance of natural essential oils that are aphrodisiacs that contribute to the exacerbation of sexual attraction.
  • Computer, TV, work documents, excess things (all the more dirty) here is not a place. Transfer them to another place if you wish to spin in the whirlpool of love.
  • Take care of the purity and sufficient illumination in the love zone, which is always located in the far right corner in relation to the entrance.
  • Correct male search. You should always remember that you need not any partner of the opposite sex, namely the one you want to see your chosen one. Fate can offer you various options, but not everyone can come up. In order to obtain a more specific event development option, you need to do the following: Make a list of the most important qualities that you would like to see in your chosen one. Moreover, the more diverse your list will be, the larger surprises you will be able to avoid. You should not write to this list, with which you can never accept. Then rewrite the entire list on the pink or red paper (the color of love), roll it with the tube, be sure to touch the red ribbon and place on the right extreme angle from the entrance door. This is a marriage corner.

Talismans and love symbols

Picture with peonies - love mascot

In his practice, uses numerous characters and talismans.

Picture with peonies. Peonies are considered one of the most effective and strong love talismans. Painting with peonies for love on Feng Shui, placed at the entrance to the bedroom attracts lonely women of life satellites. Married women can also use the wonderful effect of peonies, thanks to which their husbands will be more loving. But it should be remembered about a possible side effect that can cause interest in her interest in other women, so in this case it is recommended to place them not in the bedroom, but in the living room.

The popular symbol of Feng Shui love is various paired symbols. Such a symbol can serve only two creatures of different sexes: figurines or images of pair traces of the Buddha, fish, clerk-tangerines, pigeons, swans, girls and young men.

Symbols of land. Wide enough in Feng Shui used crystalsAffected by one of the most powerful mascots of Mother Earth. So that they put their magic action, they need to be located in the southwest bedroom. The crystals must be pre-cleaned using a weak saline for this purpose, which is placed in a crystal for a period of a week. If a woman wants a man to hide his passionate feelings, it is necessary to highlight the crystal.

If you do not have the ability to use a crystal, then you can use a fairly simple method to attract love.

Take the transparent rounded gland or a small vase made of crystal or glass. Fill it with water, and put the ring and pebbles on the bottom of the vase. Ring can be any, silver or gold, but without any stones. The petals of some flower, better than peony or roses, and two floating candles are descended from above. Vasuchka must be placed in the southwest bedroom. Every evening it is necessary to light the candles every night, and also do not forget to change the water and petals in the vase. Near the VAZochka, you can put any pair symbol that will surely help you if you follow the teachings of Feng Shui.

Formula flower romance

Formula flower romance

This formula is contained in the well-known system "Four Pillars of Fate". This system considers the whole life path of man, fate and good luck. The essence of the method is to choose and enhance your patron of romance. Patolers of romance in the Chinese horoscope are represented by four animals: it is a rooster, rabbit, horse and rat.

To find out who patronize you, you need to determine, in the year of which animal you were born, and then look at the table.

There are several options for using this formula. We will tell about the simplest.

The simplest thing is to buy a figurine or mascot of your patron and carry it with you constantly. You can buy a statuette, coin, keychain with the image of your animal, you can even sim simply print an image on the computer or cut it out of any magazine and wear in your pocket. Practice Feng Shui shows that this method really works.

What else to remember?

Talismans Feng Shui with their proper use are able to provide their magic actions. They have a beneficial effect on the emotional and mental state of their owner, contribute to the solution of current life problems.

In order for the mascot effectively and purposefully, it is necessary to believe in its magic force, as well as when using it to invest in it all the power of his desire.

Feng Shui is Chinese teaching, a whole system of knowledge for the harmonious life of a person with the help of five elements. Thanks to this philosophy, happiness, good luck, love, health can be involved in your life. Five elements (wood, water, fire, earth, metal) determine the fate of a person, affect his life.

The interaction with the forces of the elements is by activating the respective zones. According to the Feng Shui system to attract the money, it is important to comfortably equip your existence. So that the interaction with the surrounding world attracts success and prosperity.

Water element

Water is considered in the art of Feng Shui (to attract money) one of the main elements. It will fill the house with the necessary energy, will attract wealth. You can put aquarium, launch 9 gold fish. A small fountain, a vase with flowers, a decorative mill - these items activate the water element, make it work in the right direction. Be sure to follow the purity of the aquarium. Change water regularly in the font plate, vase.

You can hang pictures, photos with a waterfall in the corridor or hallway. It should be known that all reproductions in the house must cause positive emotions. Do not stand aqueous landscapes to hang in the bedroom, kitchen or on the south side. The optimal place for such pictures is in the office, before the work desk.

Water symbolizes the update, the influx of fresh strength, ideas. Philosophy Feng Shui for money, attraction of wealth recommends using a limited amount of fluid in the house. Excess water element will lead to indecision, excessive emotionality.

Feng Shui for home

In the art of Feng Shui, each side of the world is responsible for different spheres of human well-being. Housing is conditionally divided into zones. So, the south-western side is responsible for prosperity, financial stability. How to prepare housing to activate the art of Feng Shui for money? How to attract wealth to the house?

Best of all on the southwestern side of their housing to arrange mascots, amulets. For example, put a monetary tree or a small fountain. It is necessary to take care of the talismans, wipe from dust, dirt.

In the philosophy, Feng Shui traced the relationship of the internal state of the person and his home. First of all, attention should be paid to the purity, the well-groomed housing. The jet of furniture, empty cans, old shoes will scare money energy. It is necessary to go through the wardrobe, throw out dusty newspapers and magazines.

Feng Shui for work

The workplace is also worth equipping to attract financial wealth. It is necessary to clean the table boxes from unnecessary, broken things. You can put on the windowsill with a violet or money tree - these plants will attract the necessary energy. You should get rid of cacti, colors with spikes and needles - everything is sharp carrying negative vibrations.

Put the table in such a way to look in the southwestern side. You can buy talismans, amulets for money, remove the garbage basket from the richness zone. More often, check the office, the room is will allow the energy to move freely, not to stir in one place. Do not sit back to the window, doors.

In the interior of the cabinet it is necessary to use calm, light shades. Beige color symbolizes stability, reliability. In the far parts of the table, on the left side, put a metal object. He will attract wealth. It can be a lamp or an iron glass under the handle and pencils.

Color spectrum

In the interior of the dwelling should pay special attention to the color gamut. In the art of Feng Shui, each shade is associated with a certain work of the elements. This is an important element of the decor and attracting financial energy.

Pay attention to the southwestern side of the dwelling. Feng Shui to attract money-habeding with blue, green. All shades, from light to dark, are suitable for the decor of the desired zone.

For this, it is absolutely not necessary to change the wallpaper, repaint walls. It is enough to hang money shade drapery or draw a picture. You can put the emblem, a chair, an outdoor vase in a blue-green gamma.

Or change the upholstery of furniture, make it necessary shade. Or clamping a blanket, a sofa bedspread. You can throw on it small pillows of blue, blue or green.

Amulets and talismans

What other means are in the system of Feng Shui to attract money? Methods, talismans can be different. But they all contribute to financial stability.

For example, Chinese coins with hole in the center. They are tied up with a red thread of 3, 6 pieces. Coins can be kept in the wallet or hide under the rug, bury in a pot with a monetary tree or remove under the aquarium.

Three-wave toad - an indispensable mascot of wealth. It is depicted sitting on money. Toad symbolizes the material well-being of the house. It should be kept in the southwestern zone, put back to the door.

Hottey, a bubble monk with a bag, - famous amulet of wealth and good luck. It is believed that his daily should be stroking the abdomen. Then hotels bring money to the house.

Turtle - Talisman of happiness and wealth. You can buy a living person who settles in aquarium. The land turtle is endowed with the same properties as the water. It is recommended to accommodate only one turtle in the dwelling. If there is a figure in the house, it should also be kept in the southwestern side.

Rituals and symbols

In Systems-Shui to attract money rituals and sympathize with an important role. They help to interact with the forces of elements, stabilize financial energy.

The symbol in the form of the ship attracts the cash flow. The Golden Dragon Figure symbolizes success, good luck. Chinese bells will attract positive energy into the house.

Goldfish symbolize wealth. They can be launched into aquarium or purchase figures and put on a prominent place. Water mill drawn or real will attract wealth.

Money piggy bank is a magnet for financial well-being. It should be put in a small coin, which used. To begin with, the money should be held for a day in a large salt, to clean its energy. Then wrap in gold paper and send to the piggy bank. This small ritual will allow cash energy to stay in the house.

Obtess well-being

This rite should be carried out once a year. It is necessary to maintain well-being in the house, attracting positive energy.

It is necessary to make a white dining table, a clean tablecloth, prepare a large amount of vegetable, fruit dishes. Small portions should be decomposed on plates, make them all the table.

Households need to be elegantly dressed, give each other small gifts prepared in advance. Before the meal, the head of the family raises her hand over the table and says speech. He thanks the Universe for prospects, happiness in the house, asks for five elements of help and support in the future.

Then everyone is accepted for lunch. On the table after the meal there must be empty plates. In the essence of this rite laid the whole system of how Feng Shui works to attract money. This is the harmonization of thoughts and living space to attract success and prosperity. This is a deliverance from the negative, a positive attitude.

What should be a wallet

What else can the philosophyman-shui advise to attract money? The science of herbogogatoypo chinese system meets among the rich people, get rid of negative thoughts and words regarding money.

Finance storage should also be subordinate to attractability. Wallet is a house for money. He should be such that the bills and coins feel comfortable in it, wanted to return to it back.

The wallet should be well-groomed. Not necessarily new, but clean, without defects. Optimally fit red, black, burgundy, golden, brown colors. In no case do not take the wallet of water shades - blue, blue, green. The money simply leaks out of it.

Natural material from which the wallet is made is also the key to success. The skin or suede will allow money energy to circulate freely.

Love is energy. Energy is very live and strong. Therefore, let's agree that the southwest sector of your apartment or room is not just part of your living space, but a real island of love talking about love expressing love and attracting love. Then he (South West Sector) will help you realize your dreams of love and happiness to life.

It works at many levels. First of all, it is necessary to clean the southwest from dust and dirt, install there appropriate activators and then, every time you look at your love sector or just remember it, you will radiate vibrations of love.

As soon as you start emitting vibrations of love, they are "clubbing" with the energy of love emitted by your Fengshui amulets, and - Voila, you will get the desired love experience in your life. In practice, Fengshui applies a whole arsenal of objects that carry positive, beneficial energy, allowing us to attract everything that we want in your life. In this case, we attract love, so all those subjects that are entitled to you of love will be just to the place in this sector.

Be open to change. Perceive life easier and joyful. Do not "catch up" on some particular partner. Perhaps the type of people you like is actually not suitable for you, and the past negative experience confirms it. Trust the creative forces of the Universe to provide you with something new. Try new. Even if at present there is something that does not fit with your ideas about happiness, do not despair. Perhaps now the paths are cleared for you. Large seemingly at a distance. Be sure of the obligatory happy outcome, and then you will all work perfectly.

You have a list of items that carry in the universe about the fact that you attract love and happiness in your life. Place them in the southwest sector using your taste, a sense of measure and confidence in the positive result.

Traditional Fengshui Activators

The music of wind
Now even the first grader knows what the wind music is. These cute ringing tubes can be purchased at any souvenir store. For our, love goals are most suitable for special wind music. As a rule, the tubes are made of pink metal and decorated with red hearts. It suits perfectly. If you could not find exactly this, you can use any other, but make sure that there are no sharp corners and sharp design details. Not everyone who makes wind music, know Fengshui, so check everything yourself.
Wind Music - Wonderful Positive Energy Energy Energy Energy. As soon as you have the wind music in the southwest sector (pre-cleaned sowing and dirt), be sure - the energy of love is already activated for you.
Get ready for a new acquaintance. Very good method when the wind music hangs next to the photo of the man of your dreams (it can be carved from the magazine), which is with you. I know people who have happened just miracles. A love relationship arose completely unexpectedly and brought a lot of joy. Moreover, the names of young people coincided with those who were depicted in the photo! It sounds fantastic, but it is pure truth. So, if you like a specific name - you can use this moment.

The use of crystals in Fengshui, and not only in Fengshui, has a long tradition and works both to dissipate negative energy and to activate positive. For those who learn to use the crystal energy, it can become an indispensable friend and assistant.
The traditional method is to put a crystal playing with all the faces, the best crystal, in the South West sector. It is better to arrange the crystal in such a way that natural solar or electric light falls on it. When a tiny multicolored rainbow or solar bunnies are missing from the refracted rays of light on your room or solar bunnies - good luck already in your home. At a good sunny day, you can play with your crystal, turning it and allowing the shining rays to illuminate the walls, ceiling and all items in the room. This is a very pleasant occupation that brings to the same good energy Qi to your home.
In accordance with the theory of five elements, the element of the Earth is dominated in the southwest, therefore crystals relating just to the element of the Earth, maintain the energy of this element. That is support and activate the energy of love in your home!

To hang the crystal there are certain subtleties that I will share with you.

1. The crystal is best swing on a red ribbon or thread.

2. The length of this ribbon or thread should be multiple 9. That is, 9, 18 or 27 cm. This is due to the fact that the number 9 is a sacred number in Fengshui and combines the power of the sky and the earth.

3. When hanging a crystal on a red ribbon, you can "charge" it, if you contact him and ask to protect your apartment from trouble and bring peace, harmony and mutual understanding in it. Crystals are usually very "dot" and regularly serve to you. Just do not forget to wash your crystals in salty water at least once a month, then their energy will always be clean.


How to charge a crystal.

In order to even strengthen the beneficial effects of the crystal and make it your friend and assistant, it is necessary to carry out a certain job.
The most important thing is - as soon as you brought a crystal from the store or gave you it - put it in the water with salt for 7 days. Then all someone else's energy will wash off the crystal, and he will serve only to you. Never use any crystal or stone with crude! You do not know where he was before he got into your house, what kind of people, what hands they concern.
After cleansing, you can charge the crystal with its own energy. To do this, you can hold it in your hand or bring to the heart chakra or to the third eye that you have between eyebrows. At the same time, it is necessary to be in a good condition of the Spirit and think about your desire. Crystal can even be called, in some way, so that you have a solid connection with it. Thank you in advance for the execution of your desire and put it either to the southwest, or if the desire is very urgent, next to your headboard. If the dimensions allow, then put the crystal under the pillow.
Also also take your favorite crystal with you on travel. There are cases that the crystals helped during operations: they passed well and healing happened faster.
It is only necessary to put a certain task before it.

If you need a favorite, take a cleaned crystal in my hand, attach it to the heart chakra or to the third eye and tell me "I thank you, my friend, for helping me to attract my ideal partner who fits me in all indicators and with which I feel very good. Thank you. You can think of words yourself, the main thing - remember that it should always be thanked in advance and use the present time for your desire, and not the future.

Even the most common stones are able to strengthen your love sector. You can find them while walking, bring from travel. The main thing is to like the stone personally to you and was not threatening. The pebbles brought home must be cleaned in salt water for seven days, after which place it in the south west. You can learn him incense and give him a task to bring you happiness in love. He will help. You will feel the change in the energy in the house. As a rule, the stones brings a feeling of stability and security to the house. If you have children, you can trust them to choose a suitable stone. Children have amazing intuition and can estimate the quality of the energy emanating from the stone. In addition, they will be delighted with the idea itself.
Create a pretty composition of stones, you can add a few gems, just do not get drunk so that your love sector does not look too "heavy." Everything is good in moderation.

Images of happy couple

You can proudly put your photo there, where you happily smile in the arms of a man's dreams. For one important exception - if this man is currently outside of your life, and simply speaking, this is your former beloved, then without regret, we throw this photo, since we attract new relationships, and we do not want to repeat old.
If at the moment such a perfect man is not observed nearby - do not give in panic, as Fengshui has a lot of tips in stock. You know what type of man do you like? Excellent. Arm yourself with scissors and cut out from the magazine suitable for you by age and appearance of the prince and boldly put together with your photo. As soon as the real appears - do not forget to remove the "magazine" and place the present.

Paired things
It doesn't matter what kind of couples. A pair of claropes will work as well as a couple of dolphins. In traditional Fengshui, the refinery is widely used and the image of the crane pair. It symbolizes a long, happy marriage.
Given that in our conditions, Chinese clarops are rare enough, I urge you not to organize a tour to China for their mass purchase, but to refer to our tradition and common sense. For example, I bought a charming medallion from ivory, which depicts a couple of flying caravels. Of course, this medallion found his place in the southwest of my apartment
Cranes and geese carry a very strong energy of a happy pair that cannot be separated. They symbolize unfading, immortal love and loyalty.

Couple Candlesticks and Candles
It is just the perfect energy center of the South West, especially if there are red or yellow candles in these candlesticks. These candles are very useful to light about once a week and necessarily in full moon and, as far as possible, meditate on them, dreaming of love and harmony. Avoid white and black candles, as they represent elements hostile element of the Earth. Once again I remind that the candles must be two (according to the number of desired participants in the Union). By the way, this number is perfectly combined with Bagua, where exactly the number is located 2. So it is harmonious from all sides.

Attraction of the desired partner with a candle.
In the case when you have a very little time, I really want to spend it with benefit, bring you a shortened version of the previous meditation when you can exit the appropriate condition with the help of a candle.

You will need a red or pink candle and 10-15 minutes of time you can only devote yourself.

Turn on a pleasant, relaxing music, burn the candle and try to look at it continuously. At this time, create an image of your loved one in your imagination. It doesn't matter whether it exists in reality or not. Look at the candle fire and try to see yourself there along with your imaginary loved ones (beloved). Then, according to the familiar technology, imagine how you bloom the pink flower in the heart. Exchange the energy of love with your beloved (lover) and feel the joy of your mutual love and harmony. Remember this feeling of the fulfilled dreams and try to call it as necessary, and especially when, for some reason, you have a bad mood or insecurity. It helps it very much.

Couple of ceramic, porcelain or crystal vases

As for VAZ, Fengshui has a special attitude towards them. First of all, the vases of the listed materials belong to the element of the Earth, which we will enermatize with you. It is believed that beautiful vases bring happiness, joy and pacification to the house. For our purposes, all vases are suitable, just watch them to be red or yellow.
Another point to take into account is the VAZ form. It is best to purchase vases with a narrow neck and a wide basis. Then they will easily cope with their noble task - to capture and accumulate the positive energy of Qi, which will feed your southwest. Often recommended


Luminaires are universal activizers of the beneficial energy of Qi in the house. In my practice there were cases when only the use of a pair of lamps in the strategic point of the apartment brought the desired results literally the next day. The assistant zone was activated, with the intention to help the businessman in promotion in his career, and the next day he was invited to television to tell him about his projects. The light is the most powerful assistant for us, and it is necessary to competently use for the benefit.

In any situation, when you need to attract positive energy into a certain aspect of your life, you can safely use lamps. In our case, beautiful crystal lamps are suitable, preferably with red or yellow. Include their minimum for 3 hours every day to bring the desired result and just to revive the atmosphere in the house. Just do not forget about the sense of measure. Fluorescent lamps with their cold lifeless light are absolutely not suitable!

Attraction of the desired partner with the help of light.

Like the moths fly to light and potential fans do not like darkness in our love sectors. Exit - to light in the southwest sector, or in the sector of your personal love luck, light. Select the lamp - at your discretion. The perfect option is a crystal lamp, and even better pink or red lamp. It is important that you show punctuality and perseverance and did not forget to light the light in the love sector within 49 evenings at least 3 hours. The number 49 has a special place in Chinese mythology, and many rituals are associated with it. If you exercise all 49 days, then your "order" will be performed immaculately!

The mirrors are often called aspirin Fengshui, as they help sometimes in the most difficult cases. For example, if there is no South West zone in your house (the apartment has an irregular shape), then the mirror hung on the wall adjacent to this sector, visually recreate its presence. However, attention! Mirrors, despite their apparent harmlessness, are not always safe.
There are certain rules for using mirrors in Fengshui, which you need to know and observe not to harm.

Rule 1. In the mirror, never under no circumstances should the entrance door should be reflected. It is believed that all beneficial qi immediately disappear, as soon as he gets into the house. It brings unhappiness, theft, diseases and marital treasures. I think you should try and trace this.

Rule 2. In the mirror should never reflect the sleeping person, and especially sleeping steam. This brings irreparable harm to the marital relationship, which is almost impossible to fix it. The same applies to the mirror on the ceiling. No matter how fashionable and stylish it seemed.

Rule 3. In the mirror should never be reflected something unsightly, such as a lot of bucket, mop, piles of dirty dishes and linen. This applies to the toilets. I had to see the toilet rooms, fully decorated with mirrors. Fengshui believes that all the vital energy is carried into the sewage system with the energy multiplied by the number of mirrors. Also, you should not see your reflection in the mirror when you use the toilet. The result is the same - all the money goes with double energy.

Rule 4. Never use a mirror if it is broken, a crack on it or you have to be tilted to see yourself entirely. We are dealing with energies. And when a person leans, its energy level is immediately reduced. Day after day, day after day. Headaches may appear, problems at work, insufficient income in business, etc. Also, if the mirror closed from time to time, it must be replaced with a new one. Straighten in new and brilliant!

Rule 5. Try to install mirrors in the room in such a way that they reflect beautiful, attractive items. Also, the classic fanshui council is to have a mirror over a dining table to double the number of diners, as well as products on the table.

Red or pink hearts

If you think that simple baubles, like hearts, remained somewhere in gentle age when you exchanged notebooks with classmates and wrote diaries, then you are mistaken. They can still serve to you and now, in adulthood. Even such, it would seem that the frequency symbols of love, nevertheless, can play a very important role in your life if you define them somewhere in the south west, and even red, and even couples.

On Valentine's Day, you can stock up with these nice things for every taste, size and style. Hearts made from all kinds of materials can go into move - cardboard, paper, glass, chocolate - any. Of course, the best are hearts from rose quartz. Here you just get in the top ten, as the color "right", and the material is the most suitable for our sector of the Earth. Take a paradise from the hearts, mounting from hearts with your own photo in the center, surround yourself with the energy of love, and I assure you - such a signal will not remain unnoticed in the universe!

Red color

There is one win-win method that can be called heavy artillery Fengshui. If you have tried all the above methods and still did not hear Mendelssohn Marsh, played in your honor, means it is time to act decisively.

✓ Buy red underwear and put in the South West sector. By the way, even not very knowledgeable in Fengshui saleswomen from the underwear stores always in a whisper advise wearing only red underwear to attract fans. How do they know that? I think it's in the universality of information!

✓ Paint at least one wall in your southwest sector in brightly red color! It may be wallpaper or paint - it's not about it. And the fact is that you literally blow up the Yansk energy in the love sector, so the universe does not just get a "order", and a very decisive requirement urgently provide you with a partner suitable for marriage. Again, in the event of conflict situations with existing relatives, do not go to confrontation, and gently and persistently paint something inside, so that this is not visible.

What is good Fengshui, so this is what everything works in it, even if it is not visible outside. Suppose you have a wardrobe in the southwest sector - excellent! You have complete freedom to stick his sash or outside if you are allowed, or from inside with red paper or wallpaper.
After such a clear statement about his inexperienced desire to marry, you can get a proposal of your hands and hearts, even from the very avid bachelor! Just do not forget later when the target is already achieved, repaint the red walls in some kind of neutral color, otherwise it is unknown how many fans will be achieved!

Throughout life, we meet with different aspects of relationships. Find a suitable partner does not mean that relations will be the same as they were at the very beginning. Often, married couples, having lived together, feel cooling feelings, the need for sex life decreases, interest in each other is lost.
I am happy to inform you that in this case, Fengshui has ways to influence the situation. You can enter your life more sensuality, fire and revive the former passion, if you use objects, directly or indirectly express your desire.
There is another way to raise your sexual appetite your or your partner. Put a red handkerchief or a piece of red fabric under the mattress of the person, the sexy tone of which is currently lowered. Red - energy activator. You will see the results very quickly. It happens that you have to remove the red fabric because the results even exceed your expectations!

based on the book of Natalia Pravdina

"Altar of Love" on Feng Shui:

The creation of the "Altar of Love" A proven tool for attracting love and its "second half", as well as to strengthen the existing relationships. The malformational influence of Feng Shui will help you in love affairs faster than you yourself expect:

Some practical tips:

In order for Feng Shui for love, it is necessary to stimulate the southwestern zone, it is this zone that is responsible for relationships and love. (To determine, use the Bagua grid)
After you have identified (indoors, room, bedroom) Southwestern zone, proceed to the creation of the "Altar of Love"

Be sure to clean this sector from unused and other unnecessary things. The positive energy q should not meet any obstacles in its path. .

As an altar, you can use a small coffee table, a bedside table, a shelf or stool.

Cover the "Altar of Love" with a silk material of pink or red, place two pink or red candles on it. The perfect option is constantly standing on the altar flowers attracting love - live peonies. If you do not have such an opportunity, then lay the picture above it depicting a bouquet of peonies.

You can put any characters on the altar - items that cause you association with mutual and genuine love. .

Similar characters are:

- Paired pictures that attract love (postcards, photos, posters). At the same time, there may be not only living creatures (people, swans, doves, dolphins, kittens, etc.). Two trees, two flower, two stars, merging two rivers, two sun. If your love is not yet found, then you can hang a picture on the wall with the image of a couple in love. But if you have already met your beloved man, then no other people's personalities! Exceptionally photos of you with your sweetheart - in an embrace, with happy physiognomies.

To attract love? It is important to properly organize space in the house, get rid of items - symbols of loneliness and fill the rooms with love talismans.

Apartment design

The most important thing in oriental teaching is to properly organize space in the house in which you live. This must be done first, and then pick up talismans and love symbols to decorate the interior.

General Tips:

  • Print photos of cute men (just unfamiliar) and hang them around the house. It is very important that it was abstract people, not stars and do not guys from your environment.
  • Remove all items symbolizing loneliness. It may be sad, decorative statuettes. Replace them with pairs. For example, a figurine of one angel is better to change on a statuette where the angels are already two. Etc
  • Birds, according to Feng-Shuya, - a symbol of love. Therefore, fill the space with pictures, figures, figurines and any other pictures of feathery. Best if it is phoenixes or peacocks
  • All the gifts of former men need to be thrown or destroyed. Do not regret anything, otherwise the past will never give a normal relationship with the new chosen. Growlessly burn photos, distribute expensive gifts and decorations by girlfriends. If it is a pity, sell, and the money sweep into my pleasure
  • All "female things" store in one place, do not distribute them all over the apartment. This cosmetics, decorations, lace underwear, cute heart of the little things and so on

The most important place to attract love is considered. Therefore, the space in this room should be organized very carefully. Observe the following rules:

  1. The headboard of the bed can be hanging pictures with the image of the moon and everything is connected with it. It attracts moon energy, which is very important for a woman
  2. Mirrors need to be placed in such a way that they are not reflected. It is believed that mirror reflection takes a love energy
  3. You can not keep living flowers in the bedroom, it is better to place them in the wealth and good luck sector, in the southeastern part of the apartment
  4. Keep home more pair items. Double bed, two pillows, two toothbrushes, slippers and so on - all these things attract men to your life
  5. It is undesirable to place a bed in such a way that you sleep in the direction of "legs to the door"
  6. The bedroom should not be a passing room, ideally it - a separate room with one entrance door
  7. Items that symbolize marine subjects attract love. Decorate the bedroom with seashells, marine stones, thematic appliqués
  8. Children's toys store in the child's room. If there is no individual room for children, place them anywhere, but not only in the bedroom

Tips Natalia to attract love and marriage:

  1. If the bedroom is oversaturated with female energy, chances to meet the second half are small. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the pretty female heart of the little things: soft toys, rose-colored items, excessive amounts of pillows
  2. Imagine that every night in your bedroom you fall asleep not alone, but with a man. How will the room look like? Put on the bed not alone, but two pillows. Free the shelf in the closet for the clothes of the future husband, do not climb the place under the mirror cosmetics
  3. In the love sector, electrical appliances cannot be stored. From there you need to remove all the household appliances: from the TV to the hair dryer. So you will remove the "non-living" energy that does not give love to appear in your life
  4. Fill the space of love in the house (southwestern apartments) with symbolic things. It may be paintings of happy couples, figurines in the shape of hearts, red aromatic candles
  5. To maximize the energy of love, make a card wish. Fill in the appropriate map sector with images of happy couples, weddings, romantic dates, sign up the right affirmations ("I met the love of my life," "I married a man's dream")

In addition, in order to meet your chosen one, you need to clearly imagine what it should be. Therefore, try to visualize the image of a suitable partner first, and then proceed to decorate the house along the hair dryer.

Look at the video about how to attract love with Feng Shui:

According to Eastern philosophy, it is necessary not only to trace the right organization space, but also to comply with some other recommendations.

They are as follows:

  • Highlight time and think what kind of man you want to meet. Write on paper in detail all the features of the future chosen one. How should it be, and what qualities you can push. Visualize the pictures of your dating, imagine how the relationship will develop. The finished list can be tied up with a red thread and remove into a secluded place.
  • Sometimes ignite the houses of red aromatic candles. The red and the energy of the fire attract the flow of love energy, fill the woman with attractiveness and beauty
  • Going on a date, put on a red dress. In the extreme case, use the accessories of this color.
  • Follow the order in the house. Determine your place for each thing and always remove it there after use. Getting rid of broken and spoiled items in time, which overlap energy flows

You will be surprised how quickly the methods of Fen-Shuya begin to work. As soon as you organize space correctly, your life will come many opportunities to meet your dreams with a man.

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