Instructions on the bus chain of car alarm. Characteristics of fantom car alarm and instructions for its use

Encyclopedia plants 02.07.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Below is the signaling instruction that is regularly installed in KIA cars. It is called Page Guard 6000, and produces its firm Omnitronic. In theory, the PG-6000 signaling has two versions - a and s. But instructions for two of these signals do not contain any differences: both systems are equipped with a turbo-timer, autorun, and it is also necessary to connect them by one scheme. Consider how it is.

Spacking of the main and power connector

Having studied the instructions for car alarm PG-6000, you can make several important conclusions:

  1. The system receives through the power terminal bar;
  2. By connecting all the wires, it will be possible to use autorun, but not a turbo-timer - it still needs to be enabled (option 6);
  3. By the way, for "diesel" you also need to set up: Options 5 give the value 2;
  4. All "entrances" are collected in the lower half of the connector, whereas "outputs" are located in the upper half.

The last point refers to the connector with 14 contacts:

Basic and power terminal

The power connector, in turn, will connect easily - each wire is connected to one of the lock terminals. The latter does not apply to the cord in blue insulation - it is connected to the tap of the trunk actuator.

If there is no autorothip to use the owner, connect the three following wires: red, black, green. Who will miss last Councilwill not be able to hold the setting.

In the manual instructions, it is explained separately that the outage management output is triggered synchronously with the "ignition terminal 2". The "Ignition 1" and "Ignition 2" terminals are characterized by the fact that during the operation of the starter, the voltage is missing on the second one. Call two contacts in the lock and connect. It is also important to know that the "handler" conflict is connected in one case - if the installation is performed on a car with MCP. By the way, if you open plastic cover, You can find the gearbox selector.

In addition to the connectors, which were discussed above, the Page 20000 system has another important terminal bar. It serves to connect to the central lock. In the signal itself there are two relays: one works when unscrupted, the second - when locking the locks. Relay contacts are displayed here: two common, two normally closed and so on. The number of terminals is six.

Set Omnitronic PG-6000

Programming and table settings

According to the instructions, the alarm is set up as follows: turn off and turn on the ignition, press the service button 6 times, wait for the endings of the audio signals. Further pressing the service button select the option number, and the key "key" or "lock" set the value. The number of values \u200b\u200bis two: "Enabling option" ("Lock" button) or "shutdown". It was about the key chain of the Page, attached to the PG-6000 signals.

Keychain System PG-6000

Table options

It is known that the Omnitronic alarm installation instructions contains the following table:

  1. Automatic transition to "Security" mode;
  2. Automatic locking of the CZ;
  3. Repeated automatic arming;
  4. Confirmation mode with sound signals;
  5. Gasoline engine: the "off" value corresponds to "diesel";
  6. Motor without boost: To turn on the turbo-timer, the option is turned off the opposite;
  7. The duration of the "output 1" response: a value of 1 - 10 seconds, a value of 2 - the output is turned off simultaneously with the output of "Protection" (they are turned on at the same time);
  8. Motor control: 1 - on the voltage of the network, 2 - on the terminal of the generator;
  9. The duration of the CZ pulse: enabled - 0.7 seconds, turned off - 3 seconds;
  10. CHZ control on the presence of ignition: when the option is enabled, the control machine does not work;
  11. Long or short siren signal in warning mode;
  12. Signal indication in the optional input: If the option is enabled, the indicator will display the "Sensor" icon.

Recall once again that the option by clicking on the "Lock" button, and the key button matches the disconnection. It is necessary to explain that if even options 2 and 1 are not activated, the protection mode will still be available - just click on the button "Castle"! If the Cz module is connected, then the transition mode leads to locking.

Automatic inclusion Security

By default, the Page is configured: all options are enabled, that is, you are in value 1. You can use this option with one click: Instead of choosing a function number, it will be enough to press the "Trunk" key. Pressure duration should be one second.

Explanation of the 8 option

The Page security system can control the motor either by the generator terminal or on the form of the voltage on the network. The first method is more reliable. However, if the control cord was connected to errors, it is better to leave the option 8 in value 1. Then it will be tracked only the voltage. Otherwise, the duration of the starter scroll will be excessive.

For option 8, two values \u200b\u200bare provided: control over ripples and by the generator. By using the second value, you can increase the scroll time to unacceptable numbers. This turns out when the control wire is connected incorrectly or if the voltage on the terminal "D" appears with a delay. This rule refers not only to the signals Page, but also to any auto-starting systems.

Terminal D, generator wiring

Motor control, as strange, is not related to security features. That is, if the autorun is not used, you can skip the connection of one of the cords and setting up one of the options. And the brake control cord can also be connected either.

How to register a new keychain

I will reveal the instructions for car alarm PG-6000. It indicates how key rings are programmed:

  1. Ignition need to be turned on and off twice;
  2. Next ignition turn on again;
  3. Follows one beep;
  4. For 2 seconds click the service button;
  5. A series of sound signals will follow;
  6. The "lock" button picks on the keychain;
  7. Follows one beep;
  8. On the second keychain, if its code is recorded, also press the lock button;
  9. A beep will follow, but do not turn off the ignition!
  10. After 5-6 seconds, 2 signals will sound - this means that the key chain codes are remembered.

In theory, the memory of the Page stores two codes or one. And you need to program all the consoles, alleged use.

The system perceives a pair of consoles

Consider an example: the old main remote control was replaced by a new one, and then, executing the record, did not program the additional console. As a result, the system has ceased to respond to the second panel command. The error is that it was necessary to prescribe each of the keynelks, and not just a new one. We wish you success.

User's manual

It would seem that the key assignment is easy to understand the icons: the key button is needed for remote start, and the "lock" button can be used or disable the security. All this is so, and by pressing the "key" key you can stop the engine if it starts automatically. The button with the "asterisk" is endowed with one function - this is a "car search". And the "C" key allows you to perform actions:

  1. Pressing for 1 second - turn on the backlight for 2 seconds.
  2. Pressing for 3 seconds - checking status. For example, if the display displays the smoke icon, then the motor runs.
  3. 5 seconds - Enable and disable audio signals.
  4. 7 seconds - Enable and disable the speaker on the keychain.
  5. 9 seconds - control of the automatic protection mode.

Consider now how to configure the daily start of the engine.

Auto start office

No need to dedicated about the possibilities of PG-6000 systems. All that they can - is remote or daily launch, but not starting temperature. In the main unit, besides, there is no timer, and the system for performing autorun the system gets from key fob.

True autorun

If the console is far from the signaling, the commands are not perceived from it and the daily autorun does not work. What instruction on signaling the Page safely silent.

  1. The "trunk" and "key" buttons hise and hold two seconds;
  2. Using the "Key" key, the value of the clock is changed, and the "Trunk" button is pressed by pressing minutes;
  3. To accept changes, click on the "C" key.

If the duration of clicking on the first step is to bring up to 6 seconds, you can configure the clock, but a timer. In the third step, you can press the "C" button, and then the timer will turn out. If you just need to save the setting, you click on the key key. Such a mode is called "HOLD": The setting is executed, but the option does not work.

In the alarm keychains, there is a built-in alarm clock. When it is configured, on the first step, the buttons hold four seconds. Further actions will not differ from the timer setting. Good luck.

Car preparation procedure with MCP

Any car, which is equipped with "mechanics" is prepared to autorun:

  1. Before getting out of the car, the handbrake will first be activated. Motor should work.
  2. From the ignition lock, take out the key - the engine does not work anyway.
  3. After 30 seconds after step 2, the doors should be closed.

We also note that in step 3 you can turn on guard. The motor will then be muffled by pressing the key fob button. But perhaps he will continue his work if the turbo-timer was configured.

Algorithm of preparation for autorun

If you do not execute the preparation procedure, the Page blocks two options at once: timer autorun, remote launch. Suppose the engine in step 2 stalls. Then, after step 1, click the "key" button - so the ignition support is used manually.

Using the Valet mode

Suppose the signaling does not respond to commands and does not allow to turn on the security mode. Then it can be concluded that it was involved in it valet mode. It is used to convey the car to the service. And you can turn off the Valet option like this:

  1. Include ignition;
  2. For one second, you press the service button;
  3. Two beeps follow, and this means that Valet mode has just stopped acting.

If this is required, it will be possible to use the option again. When the protection is disabled, the specified sequence is performed - one signal will sound in the third step.

Performing any of the programming sequences considered, you need to shoot a car with protection. But if the mode is already active, it means that the protection does not act in any case. We wish to successfully configure.

Automotive Signal, Installation Example

Phantom alarm is characterized reliable protection and the presence of extensive functional. The use of a security system allows you to provide more convenient use of the car and the possibility of surveillance for its condition by feedback.


Fantom alarm description

Everything modern models PHANTOM car alarms have the automatic engine starting function. Availability this regime In the anti-theft system, it allows you to start a power unit without installing the key in the ignition lock. Run is carried out automatically in a certain time or by team from keychain. In addition, all the security systems are phantom to protect against theft have an alert option - sending message status messages is made on the main remote control.


Signal delivery set includes:

  • the main microprocessor module designed to adjust the parameters and settings of the functions;
  • antenna adapter equipped with an LED light bulb to determine the state of the protection system;
  • bilateral remote control and screen;
  • spare keychain without feedback and display;
  • service button for calling the emergency mode;
  • two-level sensitivity controller;
  • a set of wires for mounting and connecting the security complex;
  • external temperature controller required for starting the power plant;
  • the service manual of the user, with which the consumer will be able to connect and configure the system.

Box with key fobs from Phantom Voyager

Main functions

Options characteristic of phantom alarms:

  • availability of an alerts of the Australian Austrial Development Events vehicle;
  • protecting the car in several zones, their number, depending on the machine model, can be up to six pieces;
  • the ability to passive inclusion and disable the protective system;
  • the function of controlling the security complex using the currency service key or a special toggle;
  • the ability to activate protective regime With the engine, when the key is not in the lock;
  • options for bypassing non-working protection zones when they are detected;
  • the function of self-diagnosis of all components of the elements and mechanisms of the protection system;
  • the presence of memory in which information is recorded on the alarms of alarm with the definition of a specific zone;
  • the ability to connect the security system to the terminal switches of the luggage compartment, the hood, as well as overall lights;
  • the option of silent activation of the protective mode;
  • the ability to automatically enable and disable the lock lock lock when the ignition is activated and turned off;
  • the presence of the Comfort option, which will automatically close the glass when the protection is turned on (if the power windows are installed in the car);
  • the option to search for vehicle in the parking lot - when it is activated, the rotary lights of the machine will blink;
  • the ability to control the lock in the door of the luggage compartment;
  • the option of silent activation and disable protection mode;
  • the possibility of remote control of the security complex, at a distance of no more than 700-1000 meters, depending on the model;
  • reliable protection of transmitted signals by using a dialogue or dynamic encoding;
  • display on the display of communicator of all running security zones;
  • the possibility of using a vibrator, with the result that when the alarm is turned on, the remote will vibrate, rather than play melodic signals;
  • the presence of clock on the main display of the communicator;
  • displays the temperature layer on the screen to configure the automatic start option;
  • the ability to remotely launch a timer power unit, after a certain time;
  • display charge information rechargeable battery car;
  • the possibility of warming up the OI for a certain time.


The main feature of the keyfob to control the signaling phantom is that its radius depends on external factors.

This indicator does not always correspond to the one that is specified in the service documentation. On the range of the communicator affect weather and interference. In addition, if it has a discharged battery, the radius of work can be reduced to a minimum.

Maintenance technical features Alarm:

  • the transfer of information between devices is performed at 433 MHz;
  • the range of actions of the security complex in data transmission mode is 1200-3000 meters depending on the model;
  • the range of functioning of the spare communicator will be no more than 15 meters;
  • alarm can protect the car at air temperature from -40 to +85 degrees;
  • the system has implemented three programmable channels, the use of which is possible additionally;
  • in the phantom signaling, the passive engine lock is used;
  • the work of the security complex is possible on vehicles, the voltage of the battery in which is 9-18 volts.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pluses that consume consumers in their feedbacks:

  1. Good quality assembly component elements and alarm details. All devices are available on sale in a shockproof case. This allows you to counteract the effects of vibrations while driving.
  2. The package includes detailed scheme Connects all components and installation guide. Thanks to this, an inexperienced user can cope with the installation.
  3. High-quality vehicle protection. This is ensured by the encoding that is protected from reading signals.
  4. Convenience and simplicity of operation of the security complex. Provided due to the service documentation, which describes all the nuances of the settings and the use of the system.
  5. The security complex can work without interruptions in all weather conditions.
  6. The presence of energy-saving keychain mode. Due to this, the power supply will be able to work longer.
  1. Marriage is possible. On sale sometimes there are defective systems that work with failures. The consumer needs to immediately change such alarm to the working.
  2. False responses are possible. This problem is usually due to improper configuration of the sensitivity controller. It will help to solve it properly adjust the operating parameters.

Photo Gallery

Photos of security complexes are shown in this section.

PHANTOM LIKE NOTE Packaging Phantom Like Dream Keychain to control Like Idea Grade Phantom Bi Drive

Varieties of anti-theft systems

Types of anti-theft systems that can be found on sale today:

  1. Voyager, model VER.1 and VER. 2. It is two security systemswith one-sided connection, the package of which does not include keychain with the screen. These variants of anti-theft complexes are considered the most affordable in terms of cost, while possessing advanced protection technology. There are six security zones independently functioning from each other. Fixation of any impacts on the car body is carried out using a two-tier shock sensor.
  2. Phantom Like Note. This alarm uses feedback, and a communicator with a display is used to control the system. When the alarm is triggered, the information about this is transmitted by keychain. Warning of the machine owner is carried out by means of a sound or vibration signal. Data protection during command transmission is performed using dynamic signal encoding.
  3. Like Dream - the main difference from the previously described version lies in the presence of a remote motor start option. It is possible to configure the start of the engine at a certain time or by timer, through the adjusting interval. If the package includes a temperature controller, it is possible to start the engine in terms of air temperature. Using the autorun function on the command is possible only if the keychain is within the radius of the antenna module. Using the security system is possible on any cars regardless of the type of engine.
  4. Like Idea. This system implements 4 additional channels. The main feature is the presence of the CAN-1 interface, but its application is allowed only on Mazda and Ford machines.
  5. Phantom page. The keychain is equipped with a touchscreen display that simplifies the management of the system. There is also an automatic start function, the implementation of which is possible on vehicles with the start / stop button. If the communicator is lost, the consumer may include the search option, provided that the keychain is in the antenna area. You can configure the autorun option or stop the engine engine using external devices, for example, smartphone or tablet.
  6. Page LIGHT, the main difference of this car alarm consists in the communication control communicator. Using one key chain, the consumer can control three vehicles provided that the Light model is installed on them. To perform this task, communicators must first synchronize. The car enthusiast can additionally protect the keychain by assigning a special password to control. Possible power supply in the communicator using a household power grid, computer or cigarette lighter, for this, the package includes a USB wire.
  7. The model I-2.4 is characterized by the presence of a special sensor with three levels of sensitivity. Correct installation And the controller setting will allow to provide proper work Systems, as well as automotive engine. For authentication of the car owner, a special mark is used, which is included in the package. Sending commands are made according to the high-frequency channel by 2.4 GHz.
  8. Cars Spirit. A budget option Alarm without two-way communication. But this system implements additional comfort functions, such as remote opening of the luggage compartment and search for the machine. Managing the security complex is possible using an additional communication channel.
  9. Bi Drive. System with feedback option. This model has standard equipment that includes a communicator with an LCD display and a spare key chain. Also included there is a two-level sensitivity controller and temperature sensor. The latter is used to implement the autorun of the power unit.

How to set the alarm?

Installation of the anti-theft complex must be made when the battery is disabled. Otherwise, not only alarm system can be released, but also regular electrical equipment.

Connection scheme

The electrical circuits of the main module and autorun connector are shown in this section.

General Module Connection Map Connection Scheme Pads for Autorun

Step-by-step installation algorithm

Instructions for independent installation:

  1. In the most hidden place in the cabin, alarm control unit is installed. It must be positioned in the space behind the glove compartment, the control combination or by the car radio. It is important to access microprocessor module There was no need to disassemble cladding in the cabin. After selecting the place, decorative upholstery is removed and device fixation. It must be securely secured by self-drawing or plastic ties so that the module did not provide negative impact Vibration.
  2. The hood of the car opens and the place is selected for the installation of sirens. It is recommended to place away from the heating units and their surfaces, as well as sources of moisture. To make the liquid not going to the device, it must be positioned down. After installation, it is necessary to make sure that from under the bottom there is no access to any siren, nor to the wires for which it is connected.
  3. In the cabin, the service button is installed, the location button is installed, its location should also be hidden. Install the key must so that the motorist has access to it from the driver's seat. You can position the button under the instrument panel.
  4. Near windshield A diode lamp and antenna module is installed. These elements are recommended to arrange away from metal products and electronic devices. The module must be installed higher to ensure maximum quality when transmitting signals.
  5. Temperatures The controller is installed in the highway at which antifreeze passes. It is necessary to disconnect one of the nozzles and cut the device into it.
  6. The sensitivity sensor is installed on the tight surface of the body, in the cabin of the car. Fixing the device is made using self-tapping screws or plastic screeds. The use of bilateral tape is not allowed, since when exposed to vibrations, it may not withstand.
  7. At the final stage, the terminal switches are installed and the wiring is paved. You need to connect all the alarm elements according to the scheme that is included in the package.

Auto electrician Sergei Zaitsev spoke in detail about the installation of a security system and nuances of connecting the anti-theft complex.

User's manual

Before using the communicator, you need to install a working battery. To do this, the back cover of the key fob is removed and the working battery is inserted into the polarity.

Modes of work

Description of the mode of functioning of the key fob:

  1. Safe movement. Enabling this feature will allow you to lock the doors in automatic mode when the car begins to move either after 10 seconds after turning on the ignition. When the motor stops, the mode is automatically turned off. The process of configuring this option will be different depending on the alarm.
  2. Vehicle search option. The activation of this mode will allow you to find a car on a large parking or on an unlitted street. When the security feature is enabled, you must click on the button on the key chain in the form of a locked lock. After turning on the mode, the rotary lights of the machine will flash five times.
  3. The panic mode is the option at which the siren alarm is turned on in accordance with the command from the remote control. To enable the function, you must click on the key in the form of a locked lock and hold it for 3 seconds. The alarm mode is activated for 30 seconds. To disable the option, any command of the communicator is pressed.
  4. Machine owner call mode can be activated by pressing the button located on the transceiver (antenna module). When it is pressed for 5 seconds, the car lights must blink five times, and then the signal will go to the communicator. The keychain will play multiple melodic pulses, and the call icon appears on its screen. But this is possible only if the console is locally in the antenna area.
  5. Service or emergency mode can be used to temporarily turn off the protective functions of the security system. When this option is enabled, panic panic and search will be disabled. To activate this mode, you need to turn on the ignition and hold the keys locked and open Castle On the remote After 2 seconds, the alarm will reproduce two signals - one long and second is shorter. When this function is disconnected, one extended and two short pulses will be heard.

Control key chain and configuration

Description of the setting of some additional features of the Communicator:

  1. To enable screen backlight, the first key fob button is used. Her pressing will lead to the activation of the diode indicator on the communicator. If the device is located within the alarm range, then the security complex will send information about the state of the vehicle to the key chain. In the case when there is no communication with the communicator, the device will play sound and two vibration signals.
  2. To select the type of an alarm signal, the car chain must be in the antenna expansion unit. To assign modes, the second device button is used, it is necessary to press it and hold for 3 seconds.
  3. A car enthusiast can disable the two-sided function by simultaneously "click" on the first and second keys. These elements after pressing must be held for two seconds. The communicator will play a melodic signal, and after activating the option, the status of the system will stop coming to it. The use of this feature is suitable when the battery is discharged to save the power supply charge. To re-activate the option, the same buttons are clamping, they must be retained for 2 seconds.
  4. You can enable the button blocking the communicator buttons, for this "click" the first key and is held for three seconds. In confirmation of the Enable option, the communicator will play a melodic signal. Enabling this mode is advisable in order to prevent spontaneous response of the device.

Record brain codes

The communicator binding procedure is as follows:

  1. Turns off the vehicle protection mode. It is necessary to make sure that the emergency function is turned off, as well as the engine block.
  2. For ten seconds, you need to click on the service button, it should be held three seconds. You need to release the key after the diode status indicator starts blinking.
  3. Then, over the next 10 seconds, the button is pressed and holds. Siren alarm will start playing sound signals through a certain time interval. After the double pulse sounds, you need to release the key.
  4. Then the button on the key chain is pressed, which must be tied to the control unit. If programming is successful, the siren will work once.
  5. The previous item is repeated for all devices that need to be tied to alarm. To disable the programming mode, you need to activate ignition or security feature. It will also turn off automatically if for ten seconds it does not take any action.

User Mikhail Autoinstructor spoke about the features of the binding of new key chains of the security system.

Turn on and off autorun

To configure this option, you should pre-activate the "software neutral" mode:

  1. The transmission selector is translated into the neutral transmission position. The engine of the car when performing this task must be started.
  2. The brake pedal is released, the knob lever rises.
  3. The button with the indicator in the form of snowflakes on the keychain is pressed and held over two seconds. Lighting devices of the machine will begin to blink.
  4. Then, within 30 seconds, the driver must turn off all electrical equipment, turn off the ignition and leave the car interior. It is necessary to close all the doors.
  5. Now, using the communicator, the protective mode is activated. The motor must turn off. The keyfob display appears in the form of a gearbox lever.

After that, to start the motor motor, the key with the indicator in the form of a snowflake should be closed for two seconds. It is kept until the key chain reproduces a melodic signal. Then the button is released and pressed again. Alarm must blink lighting devices Car, and the remote will play a melodic signal. The indicator in the form of smoke from the exhaust pipe should appear on its display.

Disabling the automatic start function is also performed as its inclusion.

Possible Engine Runways

In addition to the launch of the DVS on the team, there are some more ways of starting the power unit:

  1. By timer, every 2, 3, 4 or 24 hours. The activation of this function is carried out with the mode of protection by simultaneously pressing the keys in the form of an open lock and snowflakes. After that, the temporal interval is displayed on the communicator display, at which the DVS starts. To disable the option, similar buttons are pressed.
  2. To start the power unit on air temperature, the buttons are kept in the form of an open lock and snowflakes for two seconds. On the Communicator screen will appear temperature modewhere the engine starts. To disable this option, similar actions are performed.
  3. The DVS start at the designated time is made by pressing the 2 buttons and the keys in the form of a snowflake. They are held for four seconds until the communicator reproduces a melodic signal. To increase the start time, the key in the form of a locked lock is used to reduce - in the form of open.


The programming menu is performed as follows:

  1. The key is inserted into the lock and turns to turn on the ignition. Then it must be turned off. At this point, the vehicle protection mode must be disconnected.
  2. Within 10 seconds, then the "Clicks" button of the car owner from the machine salon, it is located on an antenna adapter. When the anti-theft system is logged in to the Siren programming mode, one signal will play. The alarm status LED will light up, it will not blink.
  3. To go to the next option, use the key with the indicator as closed Castle. You need to select the function and adjustment of the parameters.

Download instruction in PDF format

You can download official service guides to install and configure the security system using the links presented in the table.

How much is the phantom alarm?

You can buy the system from an authorized dealer or in a network store. Approximate prices for different fantom security systems are presented in the table.

Video "Using the Alarm PHANTOM Page"

The channel "Almuzon" described in detail about the operation of the security systems of this model.

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Customize and program security features for yourselfk. instruction alarm. StarLine Page - Instruction by operation and installation Signaling Starline has the most perfect protection due to application There is a dynamic code protected from the selection and interception. Trinket Specifies from a distance of up to 40 meters. How to identify the model alarm. Auto. Kakprosto: how easy it is to do the sun today there are many models of such a security system, each has its own characteristics and instructions by application. First of all carefully read trinket. Most often on it is written name alarm. Keychains Auto alarms All images of keychains are placed exclusively to facilitate identification alarm and subsequent search for documentation. When searching sword You must view all parts of this section by the number of buttons. Alarm - Informing anti-theft systems this signaling It has trinket -Pinger with the display, which displays the current state of the vehicle, the connection goes in both directions. On the Internet there is its scheme, detailed instructions. descriptions by application. Components. included in the kit alarm. 4 3 components included in the kit alarm 1, 2 - instructions by trinket remote control with feedback with liquid crystal (LCD) display; 4 - battery for sword with LCD display; five Instructions Alarms A.P.S. 1350. instruction by instruction by operation and installation for automotive alarm A. P. P. 1350. ALFA 168S-02S instruction - Car alarm with two impact-resistant waterproof keychains Alfa 168S-02S instruction. instruction to keychain alarm / Tububomuvo.Appspot instruction by application Metal tile. 48.73 MB. instruction to keychain alarm / instruction EDIROL PCR-800 / instruction to keychain alarm. [Found!] Paint Kruin instruction by application Try application trinket in memory alarm by instructions. p. We recommend contacting the installer to paint Kruin instruction by application Looked out permissible reasons application And the paint Kriends. instruction by Test had to buy car alarm with feedback - bought brecks. instructions car alarm and circuit bought keychains. instructions car alarms, the schemes of their installation and furnishings of grabbers and other methods of electronic hacking is application dialog code the essence of him is that the car signaling Periodically sends to trinket -Pinger checks Instruction by operation I. application keloca alarm StarLine A8 / Blog: Kvrtio / Blogs Strf Next instruction by Operating alarm It is written, taking into account the enabled alert mode with sound signals. In addition to hours and alarm trinket alarm Starline A8 has a built-in time countdown timer. Engine determine alarm by keychain - Hijacking. No Immobilizer with a reliable communication channel 2.4 GHz, GSM signaling. Siren, relay and lock is contactless access, protection against repeater and anti-dissemble. Instructions k. Determine alarm by keychain. Instruction to alarm Magicar will go all! Signaling Magicar instruction Can be used on vehicles with diesel or block - Relay for blocking - End sensor Applicable for hood and trunk - Trinket on car equipment - management methods alarm - application Instruction by operation ( general description) - Installation of car alarm Star Line A61 Dialog Application Multichannel Radio Practice Components included in the kit alarm Starline A61 Dialog. 12 - instructions by Starline A61 auto alarm installation and operation status indication alarm LED and display sword. trinket Starline A6. Instruction He studied from and before, but I did not understand that with the car and how to fix it. Maybe it's worth buying the main trinket alarm. But if you can buy it if it can be programmed when the car is in such a state? Ketanov: detailed instruction by application - Medicine for all Ketanov: Detailed instruction by application. February 15, 2010 17:31. pain syndrome during cancer; Pain in the back and muscles. Ketanov is not shown for applications In chronic pains. Test car alarms with feedback and brecks -Pagers / novice motorist / auto / home / My site is no secret that automobile alarm. Equipped charecks -Weadges with for this system can easily buy additional trinket -Pager, included in detail instruction and car alarm installation scheme. Application Chapters 12 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Instruction User K. alarm Viper 3303 3. Trinket ready to application. Disconnect mini USB from sword. And then the adapter. Training Sword LC: During the connection process trinket and signaling The car is studying encrypted identification of each other, protecting the relationship between them from the invasion. Features of the model: trinket -Pager at the model four-button with the LCD, the ordinary three-button trinket. WORK Sword With bilateral link: when admission to trinket Signal-driver from the central block of the system sounds a beep and flashes the corresponding icon on the LCD. Need instruction by application To cars alarm Phenix Arx-G500. Instructions For car alarm Grafde - Instructions by operation and installation of auto alarms. We added to the catalog alarm Mongoose. Now you can see what trinket In the car alarm model, without going on its page. Instruction by application Car alarm Sherry 5 Download / Pelhpg / F5 Programming brecks automotive alarm Sherchan 5. instruction by application sprinkled. Instruction by application Car alarm alarm Cenmax Super 2 Way without download. Repairs sword Lost Basic trinket alarm Harpoon BS 1000, how to delete information about this keychain From memory alarm. Set up new trinket You can independently in instructions Or this will make our master (extra 300 rubles). Disconnection method alarm without sword - Amobil in this article I collected popular alarm for. So that users quickly found their own and remember the way off alarm without sword. This feature is very necessary in modern conditionswhen the silent of the smeduct instruction to application - For newborns, adults and pregnant women mostly, the smect is well tolerated by children and adults, and due to a pleasant taste, children do not refuse to take the drug. In this article speech will go about instructions to application For the preparation of the smect. How to manage alarm without keloca. - Brecks Pagers trinket For cars alarm. consoles, transmitters, keychains How to manage alarm without keloca. what to do if lost trinket Car alarm? All functions alarm which can be performed by means of the Valnet button are described in instructions on the alarm. Therefore, it wakes not superfluous not only Sheriff ZX-925 VER 2 trinket to alarm. Trinket Give a link on instruction by Binding new sword To the signal. Great photo and instruction. Selected characteristics and videos specifically for you. Sheriff ZX-925 VER 2 trinket to alarm - the best choice At the best price. Camera trinket. Sale, price in Dnepropetrovsk. Wireless Surveillance Systems from ChP Kulibin - 4965313 Applications A huge mass on what is just enough courage and fantasy. Spy camera trinket 808-ck does not take a lot of space and easily worn like trinket from alarm on keys. Brief instruction by application video sword Spy 808-CK Alarm from keychain with bilateral communication Trinket Two-sided systems is visible part of the safety. Modern alarm contain about three dozen teams, so without different instructions and the number of engine launches, if you compare application Periodic launch. Arbidol - instruction by application Instruction by Medical application drug Arbidol. Registration number: R.003610 / 01 Trade name of the drug: Arbidol. Chemical name Ethyl ether 6-bromo-5-hydroxy-1-methyl-4-dimethylaminomethyl-2-phenylthiomethylindol Signaling MS Baikal 2 Hello! Help please find instruction to application This alarm. Rummaged through a search engine thousands of sites found hundreds instructions. But everywhere MS Baikal 2 - another TRINKET. Instruction by application toilet paper - Folk Toilet Instruction by application Toilet paper. Hasion, operating conditions and product technical data. Application toilet paper: carefully familiarize yourself with this instruction. Mandatory security measures when using the engine start function Application The multichannel radio paint implemented on the narrowband integral FM transceiver provides elevated 7 components included in the kit alarm 1, 2 - instructions by installation and operation; 3 - trinket Remote control with back security GSM signaling SMART Security (Kit) Archive Quintek GSM signaling Smart Security finds application In the following areas trinket For setting / removing the system for protection - 1 pc. Power supply - 1 pc. Instruction in Russian. How to bind trinket to alarm. - Auto blogs on Autoua turned out to be that trinket From the signaling bounced and you need to carry out the binding procedure. Further searches led to the Autoua Forum where there is a simple and clear instruction by Tying Brecks K. alarm Sheriff. Instruction by alarms Toyota Sienna We offer you instructions by Programming brains relatives alarms For Toyota Remote Key Fob Programming Guide). In many cases, acquired a new or used trinket from native alarm Setting sword - Forum Auto Alarms 7. Enable ignition to exit programming mode alarm. When prescribing sword need to press all three buttons sword and keep them as long as trinket Do not squeeze 1 time (hold 1 second). Instruction User 3 3. Lightway / loose hands. When setting alarm For security, press and release first button 3 keloca. And when the car is transferred to the car service, you do not need to leave trinket on the post. Normal application additional channel. Instruction by application Instruction by application Control panel MED 3000 Panel Control alarm / programmable 3000 is equipped with a pin card (similar credit card) with your personal code that contains the Hardwood Guide sword. Sher-Khan Magicar 8 car alarm in the new model is visible by the painstaking work of designers: they managed to create ergonomic informative and nothing like trinket With a large LCD display. Sphere applications This mode is also very wide, but Instruction to alarm Scher Khan Magicar 8. Instruction by use I. application Products 502 operating frequency 433.92 MHz. Range from 3 to 20 meters (depends on power sword Disabled alarm). Answers @ Mail: broke trinket alarm !what to do? The battery is replaced, and it does not work. Go ahead. It may be necessary to synchronize or programming sword. Follow in instructions to alarm. Instruction to keychain Mongoose Duplex - Mini Casino File Stuff instruction to application instruction to keychain Mongoose Duplex keychains for instruction to keychain Mongoose Duplex keychains Came. instruction to keychain alarm Trinket Remote control alarm. Your IQ250 has a special input to connect such a sensor. Trinket Remote control alarm. Car Security Complex Mongoose Model IQ 250. 10 instruction by Installation. Attention! Pharaon V19 - Auto alarm Additional channels alarm. 1. Trinket alarm With LCD display. instruction by application. Central Control Block with a full set of installation SCHER-KHAN MAGICAR III Operating Manual Catalog Security Systems Application Low Quality Element may result in not only to reduce life keloca. But also to his damage. No later than 5 seconds, an emergency outbreak post alarm Press the I button keloca. Code Code: Instruction Scher-Khan Return Top. Eufillin - instruction by application. Eufillin Reviews Eufillin - instruction by application. Reviews. International Name: Aminophylin (Aminophylline). With strong nausea and vomiting - metoclopramide or ondansetron (in / c). Application And dosage: inside, drinking sufficient liquid. Signaling Starline A62 Can. instruction by operation - switching on and off protection without applications keloca. - Automatic activation of protection in case of random shutdown. Information about condition alarm Transmitted to the main one trinket In cases

Car alarm C has feedback, thanks to which the owner of a car equipped with this system does not necessarily park its car so that it is in direct visibility, the main thing is to have enough radius of the keychain.

When alarm is triggered, the pager keychain will give audio alarms and displays on the display. zone impact On the car: a blow, opening the door, the hood or trunk, etc. If the car is installed on the car, this alarm allows you to configure it so that at the moment of triggering the siren will not turn on, and all the information will only come to the pager key chain.

If the package of your car includes the presence of a central lock, then when installing the alarm Page, the opening and closing of the door locks of the car will be remotely, with the alarm keychain, if the central lock is not installed - you have enough purchase and install (one for each door) to obtain the same result.

An important distinguishing feature of this alarm is the presence of a function - remote engine start. Thanks to this function car owners who loving elevated comfort are able to remotely warm their car in the winter season, and hot summer to cool it. In addition to the fact that the owner itself at any time can remotely start the engine, also exist the following options:

    automatic engine start at a given temperature (for example, below -15 ° C)

    periodic engine launch (for example, every 2 hours)

    automatic Starting Engine Budil

You can see the Phantom page in more detail with all service capabilities of the PHANTOM page and .

To program key chains Touch Screen alarm PHANTOM PAGE.

The main task of car alarm is informing the owner of an unauthorized impact on his car.
For greater confidence for the safety of your carwe recommend additionally to the alarm set. Electronic anti-theft systems are

The content of the article:
  • Consoles (key rings) All about consoles of car alarms. LEGENDFORD signaling - instructions, schemes, description. AUTO ALARM LEGENDFORD; LEGENDFORD alarm system ; LEGENDFORD connection circuit; LEGENDFORD instructions.

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    RIO protection from hijacking and safety. Tweet This Thread Share On Facebook Share On Vkontakte. Email ... Subscribe to this topic .... In the Internet, I can not find a description anywhere, I have a reliable question? Someone put something like that? What kind of signaling at all? There is no feedback by campaign, since it does not react to a knock on the wheels and the body, it only beeps when the door opens ....

    Send this post in .. Phantom multimedia centers for various cars. Star Line alarm, Star Line and Karakurt immobilizers, DEFEN TIME hood locks. Now the grabber code is used everywhere, not even for hijacking. Just open the car and take everything from it, right up to the spawning. The situation is very unpleasant, not to mention the hijacking.

    So I recommend to think about replacing your system. If you have any questions about the protection of your car - please contact, I will be happy to help. Autostudio - Partner of the Club. On my Daew, there is the same signal. Today I looked at the alarm's brock itself and about horror, the entrance for the shock sensor is free to be free. He addressed where they put them bold hands say there are no sensors from them and therefore they just set as it was.

    Message from Alexander Nevsky ..

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