Hibiscus is a perennial tree. Garden hibiscus: features of growing in open ground

Encyclopedia of Plants 13.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

When Orchard is already pouring with juicy fruits, garden hibiscus is becoming the main favorite of gardeners in the south. Care and reproduction, cultivation features, varieties and varieties, photos of hibiscus flowers - all this will be the main topic of our conversation. Few people will leave a huge hibiscus flower indifferent. This is an incredibly beautiful garden plant, in some ways even exotic.

What could be more attractive than flower beds decorating your garden? Undoubtedly, blooming trees, bushes. Not many people know what hibiscus is. But almost all flower growers know what a Chinese rose is. But these plants are from the same family - mallow.

Hibiscus - types and varieties

There are wild and cultivated species. There are annuals and perennials. Of these, tree-like, shrubby, herbaceous species can be distinguished.

Wikipedia, by the way, gives its classification of species:

  • Hemp, or Kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus) - used by the spinning industry of some tropical countries;
  • Chinese, or Chinese rose ( Hibiscus rosa sinensis) - indoor culture;
  • Rosella, or Sabdarifa or Sudanese rose (Hibiscus sabdariffa) - from the mallow family, common in tropical countries, was originally bred in India;
  • Syriac ( Hibiscus syriacus) - common perennial species in Russia for cultivation in open ground. Frost-resistant, perennial, shrubby;
  • Tripartite or Northern ( Hibiscus syriacus) is an annual herbaceous plant growing on mountain slopes, along the rivers and lakes of Asia, India, the Mediterranean, etc.

Separately, another species is mentioned separately - Swamp or Musk ( Hibiscus moscheutos) is a perennial herbaceous plant, a favorite of gardeners in southern Russia. In winter, the aerial part dies off.

Let's try to figure out what types of hibiscus exist. We take as a basis the classification according to the methods of growth and forms of development: herbaceous, shrubby, tree-like.

  • Herbaceous - tall shrub with strong erect branches, large leaves, large flowers. The diameter of the flower (depending on the variety) can reach 40 cm. The bush dies off annually in the fall, and in the spring it throws out young shoots again.

  • Shrub - slow growing deciduous shrub with many branches. Blooms profusely all season. The flowers are medium in size from 5 to 25 cm in diameter. By the way, all shrub species can be formed into one trunk, getting beautiful flowering trees.

  • Tree-like - a single-stemmed deciduous tree that can grow up to 5-6 meters tall. The whole season is covered with flowers up to 12 cm in diameter.

A common feature of all varieties: the flower lives only a day, but at the same time one faded bud is immediately replaced by a new blooming one, so flowering seems to be constant.

Now there are new varieties - flowers can stay fresh for more than one day. But it all depends on the degree of illumination. The more sunny the place you have chosen for your pet, the longer the life of one flower. But still, the flowering period is short - from one to 2-3 days.

Landscape designers are very fond of garden hibiscus of all kinds. City gardens, parks are often decorated with shrub species. And in a private courtyard, summer cottages, grassy species can be increasingly found.

herbaceous hibiscus

These are hybrids that were bred by crossing three varieties of North American origin - holly, pink, red. This is a perennial, which, after withering of the ground part, provided that the root system is covered, can withstand frosts down to -30ºС.

The rhizome of one specimen is quite powerful, looks like a tuber. The bush blooms from mid-summer to late autumn. Ten or more flowers can bloom at the same time.

Herbaceous varieties are in great demand due to large (up to 30-40 cm in diameter) bright colorful flowers (white, red, pink, burgundy, etc.), sometimes double.

The height of this plant can reach three meters. Branches reach this length in one season.

Among the herbaceous, the most popular with gardeners: marsh. Why are they called so? Because for the first time a whole thicket of this is unbelievable beautiful plant have been found in swamps along the Mississippi River where they are perennials. In our country, they also belong to the perennial, but with the aerial part of the bush dying off in winter.


In flowerbeds, herbaceous varieties look great along with undersized neighbors. For example, in the center of the rose garden, your pet will be a majestic king.

Huge flowers the size of a plate will surprise not only you, but your guests, neighbors, just passers-by.

Varieties of herbaceous hibiscus

Variety Copper King - compact bush. The round compact shape is achieved by annual formation of no more than 120 cm in height. Dark green, openwork, shaped like maple leaves can change color, which depends on the ambient temperature. The flowers are large, up to 30 cm in diameter, the color of strawberry mousse is white-pink with bright pink stripes. The heart of the flower is purple-red. Disease resistant.

Copper King

Variety Cranberry Crush - grows a rounded, lush shrub with landscaping from the roots, 90-120 cm high. It has green foliage with purple veins of pinnate shape. The flowers are large, up to 25 cm in diameter, juicy burgundy in color with dark stripes on the petals.

Cranberry Crash

Variety Old Yella is a strong bush with strong shoots up to 100-120 cm high, with landscaping from the roots. The leaf is green, pinnate, maple-shaped, with a purple tint when sunlight. The flowers are huge 30 cm in diameter, white or cream in color with a red core. The petals are wavy.

Old Yella

Separately, participants in various forums discuss garden yellow herbaceous hibiscus - this species has several varieties, but, according to some flower growers, they can all be only annuals! They write in plain text: “Do not believe if they try to sell you a perennial yellow, such a hybrid does not exist, although breeders are trying to achieve this. This species will have to be sown from seed every year.”

But, nevertheless, some amateur gardeners claim that they grow yellow perennials. Perhaps you, the reader, can clarify? If your garden is decorated with this flower, have experience in care, cultivation, write a comment.

shrub hibiscus

Among the shrubs, the most popular is Syrian, which has many varieties. Its flowers are smaller in size than those of the herbaceous species, reach a diameter of 12 cm. The color is varied: flowers are purple, white, red, there are varieties with a two-tone color.

The magnificence of flowers of some varieties is complemented by long pistils with fluffy stamens that attract bees and butterflies.

With proper care, the bush is usually abundantly strewn with flowers, looks very delicate, although it grows more slowly than grassy. In a bright place, protected from the wind, the scorching sun, the bush can grow up to 20 years.

The bush reaches a height of two to three meters, less often four to six, and a width of 1.5 meters.

But having acquired a young specimen, do not be tormented by the question: why the hibiscus does not bloom. The Syrian shrub blooms only after 3-4 years.

Varieties of shrub hibiscus

Variety Ardens perennial deciduous shrub growing up to 2-3 meters tall. Easily shaped like a standard tree. Dense flowering quite large (up to 14 cm) double flowers lavender or pale pink.


Variety Blue Satin is a perennial spreading deciduous shrub. The height can be up to 4-6 meters. Often they are formed with a trunk to make the bush a compact tree, or with one trunk, removing excess shoots in the first years of life. The flowers are large 15 cm in diameter, blue, azure and cornflower blue flowers. The depth of color depends on the lighting, the more it is, the richer the color of the flowers.

Blue Satin

tree hibiscus

Tree-like is a great solution for beginner flower growers - because it is quite unpretentious. The main advantage is that it winters well in the south, without requiring additional shelter, except perhaps in the first years. The tree differs from shrub species, only outwardly - one trunk, which can branch out at a height of about half a meter. The photo below is a young four-year tree. This is his second bloom.

An adult plant can grow up to 5 meters tall, even higher.

Tree hibiscus in Sevastopol

The leaves of the tree-like are large, bright green, the flowers are medium in size, brightly colored, there are also terry, two- or three-color.

How to care for hibiscus

Any variety of this plant loves the sun or bright light. Care is not complicated - timely watering, weeding, regular fertilizing with nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers with a monthly frequency, at least. In hot weather, top dressing at the root should be avoided; it is better to spray nutrient fertilizers on the leaf.

Closer to autumn, it is necessary to apply potash fertilizers, stopping nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizing, this will help prepare for wintering.

It is worth noting that all garden hibiscus love rotted needles. It can be added to the planting hole when transplanting or planting seedlings, it can also be used to mulch the rhizome area.

Many gardeners love to pamper their plants. outdoor shower foliage, Hibiscus will not refuse this pleasure. The main thing to remember is to carry out water procedures» is possible only closer to sunset, when the sun no longer burns the leaves.

An alarming sign can be the simultaneous withering of all flowers - the plant lacks moisture! Urgent plentiful watering will help to revive.

To protect against the main enemy of your pet - aphids, it is recommended to plant lavender bushes nearby, the aroma of which will scare away pests.

Herbaceous, as well as some shrubby varieties, require shelter for the winter, so many gardeners prefer tree-like representatives of the genus because of their ability to delight with their beauty for many years without special care and preservation of pets in winter.

It is worth paying attention to the features of caring for different species.

Features of caring for herbaceous hibiscus

Watering, fertilizing, weeding, as in all species.

With the onset of autumn, the stem, leaves, wilted flowers die off. Nutrients from them are gradually absorbed by the root system. This makes it more developed, stronger, makes it easier to endure frosty winters.

That is why you should not cut the stems of herbaceous species before they are completely dry. In the south, where there is often no natural shelter in the form of snow, an artificial one should be created correctly.

The first thing we do: cut off the dried above-ground part, spill it well with water, loosen, spud the rhizome zone. You can sprinkle with humus or mulch. Suitable sawdust, fallen leaves, dry grass, coniferous litter. If it is needles, then in the spring it can not be removed, but left on top, slightly mixed with the ground by loosening.

The resulting bump should be covered from above with white soft covering material, pressing it with stones or branches, building a kind of hut. When the frosts pass, carefully release the stumps of the plant from the warming pillow, being careful not to damage the buds. Indeed, already in May, young shoots appear, in which it is advised to pinch the tops for splendor.

Every three years it is necessary to divide the rhizome of the herbaceous hibiscus, so that its flowering does not weaken, its flowering does not shrink. After all, every season the number of shoots triples. The struggle for nutrients and moisture becomes more difficult. In the first year of life, the number of main shoots is one, in the second two to nine, more often five, but after three years - there are already three times as many. The time comes for the division of the bush, which, by the way, is one of the ways of its reproduction.

Syrian Hibiscus Care

An adult shrub tolerates our Kuban winter well, and it is better to wrap the branches of a young pet (1-2 years old) with white covering material, and sprinkle the rhizome area with humus or mulch well. The root cover layer must be at least 15 cm high. Do not forget to free the plant from it in the spring!

The Syrian species wakes up quite late, do not be afraid - it should be so, it's just a certain feature of it.

Shrub fertilizers like phosphorus fertilizers (for example, Bud), which activate flowering. Closer to autumn, you need to start introducing potash preparations to prepare the shrub for wintering. Tree care differs only in that in winter it can not be covered. The exception is young seedlings, which should still be covered for the first 1-2 winters.

How hibiscus reproduces

It depends on the species. For example, tree-like varieties can only be propagated by cuttings, grafting, and seeds.

Shrub, in addition to cuttings, grafting, sowing seeds, can be propagated by layering.

Herbaceous plants are most easily propagated by dividing the bush, but the methods of grafting and sowing with seeds listed above are also inherent in them.

Propagation by seeds is not difficult: it is produced like any sowing without any special tricks.

Work starts from January to March. First, it is recommended to soak the seeds for 10-12 hours in Epin's solution. After that, rinse them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

For sowing, you will need a container, a mixture of sand and peat, as well as shelter (glass, polyethylene or cling film). Soaked seeds are sown in moist soil, covered. So that the shoots do not keep themselves waiting, the temperature should be maintained at about + 25ºС. Also, do not forget to ventilate the container with crops, remove drops of condensate, and, if necessary, moisten the soil surface. After the seedlings have leaves, they can be planted in separate pots.

And in May, stronger seedlings move to a permanent place, and their weak counterparts to a temporary one - for growing.

When propagated by seeds, garden hibiscus will bloom for 3-4 seasons. Please note that it may not retain the decorativeness of its parent. Therefore, seed propagation is not the most The best way buy a flower with exactly the properties that you liked so much.

Propagation by cuttings is the most popular method among hobbyists. It can be done in two ways.

  1. Cuttings cut in summer with 3-4 buds are lowered into the water with the addition of Kornevin or another root system growth stimulant. After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted first in containers with peat soil for wintering, and in spring - in open ground.
  2. Cuttings cut in summer with 3-4 buds are treated with a root system growth stimulator in the same way as in the first method. But after that, they are immediately planted in greenhouse containers with wet peat for rooting. The cuttings that have given roots are planted in pots for the winter, and in the spring they are planted in open ground.

When cuttings, there is a high probability that your pet will delight you with its flowering in the first year.

Propagation of garden hibiscus by dividing the bush is more suitable for herbaceous varieties. By the way, dividing the rhizome is a necessary technique for caring for herbaceous species to maintain high-quality flowering. This is one of the fastest convenient ways breeding.

In early spring, carefully dig out a bush of 3-4 years of age with a pitchfork, divide the rhizome with a knife or shovel. As a rule: one trunk - one separate plant. When dividing older bushes, 2-3 trunks are allowed for one new copy.

Sprinkle slices with ash or crushed coal.

The resulting parts of the rhizome should be planted immediately. Well-spilled planting holes with nutrient soil should be prepared in advance.

We fill the rhizomes with earth, tamp the surface, water again. After two weeks, you can carry out the first nitrogen fertilizing. With such care, the separated bushes quickly sprout, delight their owners with flowering in the first season after planting.

Reproduction by layering and grafting should be left to professionals, since these methods will require not only skills and knowledge, but also special tools, patience, composure, which are not always compatible with amateur gardeners. Especially when fast, reliable results are required.

Pruning hibiscus in autumn or spring when it's best

It is important to know how pruning affects garden hibiscus, when to produce it, and whether it is needed at all.

They say that young bushes should not be pruned. But it's not. Needs to be cut! It is necessary to start doing this as early as possible in order to give the plant a shape, splendor, and increase flowering. After all, flower buds are laid only on young shoots.

Regular spring pruning is a necessary annual care. It is also called hygienic or stimulating. Such pruning is recommended starting from February, until the bushes or trees wake up, until the sap flow begins. Do not be afraid to cut off the excess, last year's shoots must be mercilessly shortened by 1/3 of their length. Your pet will thank you with a plentiful laying of flower buds.
Anti-aging pruning of hibiscus in the fall is carried out in adult specimens. For example, your bush has reached a huge size or is too thick. Cut out old dry branches, thin out the plant, leaving only the main skeletal ones.

Landscape designers advise leaving the central branch longer than the others. The shape of the crown will be more attractive.

A tree-like representative can form a crown with pruning, for example, make it spherical.

Regular anti-aging pruning (once every 3 years) will strengthen the skeleton of a shrub or tree.

What is hibiscus, the types of which were described above, you learned, got acquainted with the rules for caring for it, the features of pruning. Now you can decide which variety your garden lacks, feel free to get yourself a Chinese beauty.

Hibiscus - signs, superstitions, traditions

Is there some more Interesting Facts about which it is impossible not to say.

This flower is said to have magical powers.

Someone calls it the flower of love - supposedly it gives great amount energy that can resurrect a departed love or kindle a new one in the family where he grows up.

Oddly enough, there is a scientific explanation for this: the nectar of a flower is an aphrodisiac, so it may well strengthen family relationships.

And doctors say that everyone should have hibiscus at home or in the garden, beneficial features which is precisely in its exquisite aroma, containing phytoncides that suppress some carcinogens.

Well, the second loud popular name is garden hibiscus - the flower of death. Why? There are several reasons.

There is a legend that if the hibiscus bloomed out of time, got out of rhythm, then, then, expect trouble.

Also, a fading, drying plant allegedly portends a serious illness to one of the family members where it grows.

All this, of course, is superstition. To believe or not is everyone's business.

Whatever superstition tells us, give up growing beautiful flower impossible.

There are interesting traditions associated with hibiscus in different countries peace. It is very interesting. For example, this plant is the national flower of several countries - Haiti, South Korea, Malaysia.

And the Filipinos use it in the manufacture of the base for soap bubbles, crushing foliage, flowers until a sticky liquid is obtained.

The hibiscus flower is traditionally worn on the head of the girls and women of the Hawaiian Islands. Moreover, if the flower is in the hair on the left, then the woman is not free. And if the flower is on the right, then this person is open to relationships.

Plant your garden hibiscus! Care and reproduction does not require much effort. There are a huge number of species and varieties. The color scheme will satisfy even the most demanding landscape designer. This wonderful plant will decorate your garden for many years, making it unique, amazing.

Garden hibiscus - photo

Summer Storm Fire ball
Royal James

It is there that he is one of the most important decorations not only for gardens, but also for women's hairstyles. Despite the fact that this is a tropical and subtropical flower, there are species that can be grown in our climatic conditions, which is good news. After all, many would like to get such beauty on their site. Bright and beautiful flowers combined with decorative foliage are ideal for creating unique garden arrangements, as well as for use in indoor landscaping.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the features and description of hibiscus, and also learn all the main characteristics of the species and varieties of this exotic plant. Let's describe all the important nuances agricultural techniques for growing hibiscus at home and in the open field.

Features and description of hibiscus

Hibiscus is a deciduous and evergreen tree, herbaceous and shrub plant of the large Malvaceae family. The natural habitat of this beautiful flower is South Asia, as well as Africa and America. Hibiscus is tropical and sub tropical plant which loves hot and humid climates. In our latitudes it is also possible to grow this exotic flower, but only some species. The most popular is the garden hibiscus, which is considered to be the birthplace of the Hawaiian Islands. Our article will mainly be about him.

The name hibiscus itself comes from the word "Hibiskos", which in ancient times in Greece meant marshmallow.

Hibiscus is valued in many peoples of the world and countries. In the Hawaiian Islands, it is a symbol of love and beauty. Often used in various ceremonies. Hibiscus flower necklaces greet tourists at airports. Therefore, it is not in vain that it is considered the national flower. In some European countries, this flower is symbolized with the flower of death. It is believed that when indoor hibiscus leaves begin to curl up and turn yellow, someone close to them will get sick. In the East, this flower has an absolutely opposite meaning. There it is a kind of power engineer, endowing with new forces. It is with this meaning that one of the ways to use Chinese hibiscus is connected - brewing Hibiscus tea, which is loved by many in our country.

Hibiscus Description:

  • Hibiscus can be deciduous or evergreen, perennial and annual species are also distinguished.
  • The form in which this large family is represented is also varied. There are herbaceous hibiscus, tree hibiscus, shrub hibiscus and semi-shrub hibiscus. Therefore, there are a huge number of options for its use in landscape design.
  • The height of the plant will depend on the particular variety, since the tree hibiscus grows taller than the herbaceous one.
  • Hibiscus leaves are oblong, notched along the edges, attached to the stem with petioles. There are various shades of green in color.
  • The most important decoration of this plant is flowers that simply amaze with their appearance.
  • Hibiscus flowers are funnel shaped with 5 or more petals.
  • The sizes of flowers of different varieties of hibiscus can vary from 6 to 15 cm, sometimes there are plants with flowers as large as a soccer ball.
  • The color of hibiscus flowers is also diverse: there are monochromatic flowers of red, pink, white, lilac, blue shades, as well as two-color ones and with a contrasting border around the edge.
  • In the form of petals, flowers also differ in different varieties: there are simple, terry.
  • Hibiscus blooms for a long time. Garden hibiscus flowers bloom for only one day, and then new ones appear instead of them and this lasts for several months - from mid-summer until frost.
  • The fruit is a box with seeds, consisting of 5 flaps.
  • Today there are more than 220 types of hibiscus.

The main types and varieties of hibiscus

To date, there are a large number of species of this beautiful flower, but on our territory it is possible to grow only varieties of Syrian hibiscus, trifoliate and hybrid. Consider the main characteristics of some types of hibiscus and their most popular varieties.

Hibiscus Syrian

It is the most suitable species for cultivation in our climatic conditions, as it has excellent frost resistance. This species is native to China.

  • In nature, it grows as a deciduous shrub, which can reach a height of 5-6 meters.
  • In culture, the growth of the Syrian hibiscus reaches only 3 meters, but it can be cultivated both as a shrub and as a small tree.
  • It is this type of hibiscus that is the national flower of the Hawaiian Islands.
  • This plant is formed by erect shoots, which are densely strewn with oblong, ovate leaves.
  • The leaves are slightly dissected in shape, about 10 cm long.
  • The flowers are quite large, in diameter they can reach 6-12 cm. The flowers are located singly, they come in various colors. It is for this species that one-day flowering of each flower is characteristic, to be replaced by another one the next day.
  • Hibiscus Syrian is characterized by excellent resistance to frost - it can endure up to minus 25 degrees.
  • Can be grown as an indoor flower.

Popular varieties of Syrian hibiscus:

  • Sort "Diana". Shrub form of Syrian hibiscus, which can reach 2 m in height. It blooms with white flowers, the petals of which are slightly wavy along the edge. The average diameter of one flower is 12 cm.
  • Sort "Ardens". Blooms lilac- pink flowers, blooming in early summer. Counts perennial plant, which is formed by upright shoots. Virtually no pruning required. It can grow up to 3 m in height.
  • Variety "Pink Giant". A shrubby form of hibiscus that produces pink flowers with purple spots in the center.
  • Sort "Blue Bird". It has a very unusual color of flowers - bright blue with a red spot in the center. This shrub can reach 4 m in height.
  • Variety "Carneus Plenus". This variety has flexible shoots. It blooms with double, pale pink flowers with a bright purple spot in the center.

Hibiscus trifoliate

This type of hibiscus is native to Africa. The plant reaches a height of 80 cm, has a taproot and erect branches. The leaves of this type of hibiscus are tripartite, hence the name. The leaves are attached to the stem with petioles. The flowers are very small, only 4 cm in diameter. Yellow in color with a red center. This type of hibiscus has a very interesting feature- its flowers bloom only in the morning for a few hours, and then fold back into buds.

Hibiscus hybrid

This species was specially bred from crossing three types of hibiscus: bright red, marsh, holly. It is a herbaceous perennial plant that blooms with very large and bright flowers.

Popular varieties:

  • Variety "Youth". A shrub variety that can reach a height of 1.5 m. Flowers in diameter reach 10 cm and are shaped like tulips. They are light pink in color with a white center.
  • Variety "Late". A dense and compact bush that can reach a height of 1 m. It blooms with raspberry flowers, reaching a diameter of 7 cm.

Hibiscus Chinese

This variety is known to many, as in our latitudes it is a homemade hibiscus. It is an evergreen shrub or tree hibiscus, which can reach a height of 4.5 m. The leaves are oblong, ovoid in shape, can reach 15 cm in length. The flowers of this species are solitary, mounted on long peduncles. Funnel-shaped and bell-shaped. In diameter, the flower can reach 10-12 cm. The color is very diverse: from white to red and purple.

Popular varieties:

  • Sort "Borias". It blooms with large lemon-white flowers with a corrugated edge and a purple core.
  • Sort "Purple Majestic". It features purple flowers with white dots and a ruffled edge.

How to propagate hibiscus

Hibiscus breeds different ways. Sometimes this may depend on the specific species. For example, hybrid hibiscus is propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings and grafting. However, most species of this crop can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering and dividing the bush. The simplest and most commonly used methods are hibiscus propagation. garden seeds and cuttings.

Hibiscus seed propagation

  • First of all, you need to collect hibiscus seeds. You can identify ripe fruits by color - they will be brown. Harvest carefully as the seeds are small.
  • The optimal time for sowing seeds is January-March.
  • Pre-seeds must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Next, select a suitable container and fill it with a soil mixture consisting of peat and sand.
  • Seeds are sown on prepared soil and the entire container is covered with glass or film.
  • The difficulty is the further maintenance of the container with seeds, because their germination requires a fairly high temperature - within 25-27 degrees. It is also desirable to provide additional heating of the bottom of the container.
  • You will need daily care, which consists in airing and moisturizing.
  • When the first strong leaves appear, seedlings should be planted in separate pots.
  • It is important that hibiscus seedlings receive enough light, otherwise they may stretch and become brittle.
  • In open ground can be planted in May.
  • An interesting feature of garden hibiscus is that it can propagate by self-sowing at the time of full seed ripening.
  • Hybrid varieties of hibiscus cannot be bred in this way, as these plants will completely lose their maternal characteristics.

Propagation by cuttings

This is perhaps the easiest and most effective way to propagate hibiscus.

  • Hibiscus cuttings should be harvested in the summer.
  • To do this, on an adult plant, select a strong and healthy shoot. It can be cut into several cuttings of 10-12 cm, the main thing is that each has several internodes.
  • You need to cut the cuttings with a sharp secateurs at an angle.
  • Next, remove all the leaves from the bottom of the cutting, the top can be left.
  • It is recommended to treat the cuttings with root growth stimulants. To do this, immediately before planting, place the cuttings in a container with this solution.
  • Next, prepare the soil mixture, which will consist of peat and sand. Cuttings can be planted in greenhouses, or you can create greenhouse conditions at home by planting a cutting in a pot and covering it with a film.
  • It is desirable to provide cuttings with lower heating.
  • Rooting of the cuttings occurs after about a month, after which they need to be transplanted into separate pots for growing.
  • These pots need to be filled with another potting mix consisting of hardwood, peat, sand and soddy soil.
  • The cutting is looked after until a strong bush is formed, after which it is pinched and transplanted into open ground.
  • Grown in this way, hibiscus can bloom in the year of planting.

Stages of preparation before planting hibiscus

To get a beautiful garden hibiscus, you must definitely prepare carefully before planting. It is important to purchase high-quality hibiscus seedlings, as well as to choose the right place for planting on your site. Also, we must not forget about the thorough preparation of the soil for planting this exotic plant.

Stage 1. Selection of seedlings

It is best to buy hibiscus seedlings in specialized stores and nurseries. Only in this way will you be sure that it is the hibiscus of your chosen variety that will actually grow on your site. Avoid purchasing seedlings in spontaneous markets and strangers, thus the risk of obtaining low-quality planting material increases.

When buying seedlings, consider the place where they will be planted. After all, all varieties differ in height and color of flowers. It is also important to carefully examine the seedling shoots and leaves. They should not be damaged or show signs of illness. If you purchase a seedling with an open root system, then inspect it for dry and broken roots.

Stage 2. Choosing a place for planting hibiscus

Hibiscus is mostly a tropical plant, so it is important to find a suitable place for its growth and flowering. If you make a mistake with this choice, the plant may not bloom. The best place for planting hibiscus is in light partial shade so that the seedling receives enough sunlight, but has protection from direct rays. It is also important that the place is not in a lowland - hibiscus does not tolerate prolonged stagnation of moisture at the roots.

When choosing a place, also consider the garden composition you are planning, which you want to end up with. Some varieties of hibiscus can be planted in tubs, but the place must be chosen once and for a long time. When moving the tub, you can break the flower stalks.

Stage 3. Preparing the soil for planting

It is important to pay enough attention to preparing the soil for planting. These plants prefer to grow in slightly acidic or neutral soils. It should be very fertile and perfectly pass air and moisture. Hibiscus responds well to high organic content in the soil.

Before planting, the chosen place must be carefully dug up, preparing the soil mixture for planting, which should consist of peat and fertile soil.

Planting hibiscus in open ground

After all preparatory work you can start planting a hibiscus seedling. The best time to plant it outdoors is spring, when the threat of night frost has passed.

  • Before planting, prepare landing pits at the selected site.
  • If you plant several seedlings together, be sure to keep a distance of about 1-1.5 m between them.
  • The size of the landing hole should be twice the size of the root system with a clod of earth.
  • At the bottom of the pit, be sure to place a layer of 15 cm of drainage to prevent stagnation of moisture at the hibiscus roots. Broken bricks can be used as drainage.
  • On the drainage layer, pour a layer of sand, and then compost, then sand again.
  • Next, carefully remove the hibiscus seedling from the container, being careful not to damage the roots.
  • Place the seedling in the hole and cover the roots with the prepared soil mixture, which should consist of soddy soil, peat and sand.
  • The seedling must be buried so that the root neck is only slightly covered with earth.
  • Next, be sure to spud the planted seedling, making a recess around it for watering.
  • Pour plenty of water over the hibiscus.

Features of caring for hibiscus in the open field

Caring for hibiscus is not difficult, especially if it is planted in the right place. In the future, the young plant needs periodic watering, loosening, feeding and pruning.


The plant needs regular abundant watering. The correct watering regimen for hibiscus is to wait for the soil around the plant to dry completely. And only then water it. However, during the driest time of the year, you will need to water almost daily to keep the hibiscus from dying. If the weather is cool, then watering, on the contrary, is reduced. The full growth of hibiscus depends on a competent irrigation regime.

Loosening and mulching

Hibiscus likes to grow on loose and airy soils, so periodically after watering the soil needs to be loosened to ensure air flow to the roots. During this process, weeds must be removed. To reduce the appearance of weeds and prevent evaporation of moisture, the near-stem circle can be mulched. Dry peat, sawdust or tree bark is used as mulch.

top dressing

For the full growth and flowering of hibiscus, it is imperative to feed it and this must be done repeatedly. Hibiscus needs enough potassium, which can be applied every 14 days, and it is also important to feed them to hibiscus in the fall before the onset of cold weather. It is also important to fertilize every two weeks with a moderate dose of phosphate and nitrogen fertilizer. Especially in these fertilizers the plant needs at the time of active vegetation.

pruning hibiscus

Hibiscus needs periodic sanitary pruning, which should be carried out in early spring. In its process, you need to remove all weak, damaged and broken branches that inhibit the growth of strong and young shoots. It is also necessary to partially remove last year's growth in order to stimulate the growth of a large number of young shoots with flower buds. Do not forget to periodically remove faded buds during the flowering of the plant, because this will contribute to the emergence of new ones.

Pest and disease control

In the process of caring for hibiscus, it is necessary to identify the appearance of pests and various diseases on the plant and effectively deal with them. This culture is rarely affected by diseases and pests, but they can still appear due to improper care behind the plant. Of the pests on hibiscus, aphids, thrips and whiteflies appear. To combat them, you need to use insecticides, for example, Karbofos.

Of the diseases, chlorosis most often appears on hibiscus. With this disease, plants fall off lower leaves. This disease can be prevented by competently applying fertilizers containing iron and nitrogen.

Growing hibiscus in a tub

Some varieties of hibiscus can be grown in tubs. As a result, you will get an original and bright object of your landscape design. However, the growing process has some nuances:

  • A tub plant is more demanding to care for.
  • Before the hibiscus begins to bloom, you need to choose the most optimal location for the tub, since it is not recommended to move it in the future. Hibiscus may lose their flower stalks.
  • Hibiscus growing in a tub needs pruning more than usual to shape the crown. Most often they are cut into the shape of a ball.
  • Watering tub hibiscus should be moderate. The main thing is that the earth does not have time to dry out too much. Also, the plant responds well to regular spraying of the crown.
  • For full growth, it is imperative to feed hibiscus with phosphorus-containing fertilizers. Approximately 1 time in 2 weeks.
  • In winter, such a plant must be transferred to a bright and fairly warm room with average temperature at 12-14 degrees.
  • Hibiscus Chinese or Chinese rose is suitable for planting in tubs.

Photo of hibiscus

You can more clearly see all the features of this exotic plant in the proposed photos.

Use as a houseplant

tree hibiscus

Hibiscus herbaceous

It is not difficult to make your garden or plot inimitable and unique, the main thing is to choose bright and memorable plants. It is to these that the beautiful hibiscus can be attributed, which, with its flowering, will transform any landscape.

Hibiscus garden tree, or Syrian rose is a tropical plant that survives well even in the harsh climate of central Russia. Even a novice gardener can grow this unpretentious shrub. Moreover, in this article we will analyze in detail all the intricacies of planting, caring for and propagating hibiscus.

Hibiscus tree is grown as a tree or low shrub. The leaves of this plant seem to be slightly incised. large flowers hibiscus reach a size of up to 12 cm. Bright and colorful, they simply fascinate with their beauty. There are even varieties where the petals have a border of a contrasting color. The fruit of the Syrian rose is considered to be a box with seeds. In general, there are about two hundred varieties of hibiscus.

The plant, resistant to low temperatures, is used even for medical purposes, it has also found its application in cosmetology. Main characteristic hibiscus tree - a long flowering period: from early summer to late autumn. True, a flower pleases the eye only for one day, but literally tomorrow a new one appears in its place.

Hibiscus bushes can be an excellent material for creating landscape compositions . Since our latitudes are alien for this plant, cultivation will require a certain skill from the gardener:

  • choose the right place for landing;
  • water regularly;
  • feed;
  • prepare the bush for wintering.

Landing Rules

Planting is the first thing a grower will encounter. It is better to immediately choose a sunny place for this exotic, so that you do not have to replant later. The flower does not tolerate strong wind. Seedlings for planting are chosen by those that have overwintered, and with well-developed roots.

The planting hole should be large so that the voluminous roots can fit and strengthen well. A special nutrient solution is placed at the bottom, prepared from humus, sand, turf and leaf ground. We take the first two components in one part, and the second in two. Everything is mixed and laid on the bottom with a layer of at least 5 cm. Then you need to pour half a bucket of water into the pit.

The bush must first be tried on. The upper roots of the seedling should not be lower than the ground level. It is necessary to plant a plant with obligatory hilling.

If there is a need to transplant hibiscus, this can be done before flowering begins. It is necessary to transplant a flower along with the earth on the roots. In a new place, immediately cut off the crown to make it easier for the plant to take root.

Features of care

Despite some nuances, the care of the Syrian rose is quite simple. When new shoots appear on the tree, immediately remove the dried stems. Do not forget to loosen the ground, quickly get rid of weeds. From June to September, the bush needs phosphorus and nitrogen-containing top dressing.
Caring for this flower includes watering. However, it is necessary to moisten the soil only after it has completely dried. Daily watering is usually required only in the summer.

Since the Syrian rose - ornamental plant, the crown of the tree needs to be formed. In this case, you will have to be patient. In the first year, the branches are cut to two or three buds, the trunk is not touched yet. In subsequent years, at the beginning of spring, it will be necessary to cut the side stems to one or two buds, and the trunk to five or six buds. When the tree has reached the desired height, it's time to form a crown of strong stems.

Phosphorus and boron deficiency can cause hibiscus to stop growing. Again, solve the fertilizer problem.


You have already noticed that planting and caring for hibiscus is a simple matter, even beginners can handle it. A similar statement can be made regarding the propagation of garden hibiscus, which occurs by layering, grafting, cuttings and seeds (the last two more often). Hybrid hibiscus is propagated by dividing the bush and green cuttings.
When propagating garden hibiscus leads to more quick results- obtaining an ornamental bush. Seeds give an adult in three years. Cuttings begin with the fact that in the summer shoots are cut out, which are lignified and have several internodes. After treating the sections with a growth stimulator, they are placed in water. After two weeks, they sprout roots that resemble a panicle. This procedure works mostly experienced gardeners. It is easier to plant cuttings in pots in advance in order to transplant them into the soil in the spring.

You can root the shoots in the substrate (peat and sand, taken in equal amounts). The cutting is planted to a depth of 10 cm and covered with a jar or polyethylene. By maintaining a temperature of +25 ° C and carrying out regular watering, you create greenhouse conditions that lead to the fact that after a month the cuttings take root. It is better for a young plant to spend the first winter in its life indoors. When spring comes, the formed bush is planted in open ground. You can transfer this procedure to autumn, but then the plant will need to be covered before the onset of cold weather.

How to propagate hibiscus seeds? First, the seeds are dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. The next step is soaking for a day in the Epin solution. During this time, the seeds will be slightly covered with this substance. Then containers are prepared, into which a mixture of peat and sand, taken in equal parts, is poured. Seeds are sown in the prepared soil, covered with glass and placed in a place with a constant temperature of about +25 ° C, providing bottom heating.

Subsequent care consists in regular ventilation, removal of condensate and moistening of the soil. When the first green leaves appear, each individual is placed in a separate pot. It would be nice to provide seedlings with artificial lighting, as the seedlings will reach for the sun and stretch out, which is undesirable. In mid-May, young hibiscus are planted in open ground.

Preparing for winter

In the southern regions of Russia, hibiscus wintering is normal. For prevention, mulch the soil around - you can use fallen leaves, dry branches, straw. If you live in middle lane, then take measures to protect against the cold, and the hibiscus will overwinter without problems.

Hibiscus blooms in early July and remains lush until frost, and sheds foliage for the winter. There are frost-resistant varieties that do not freeze in mild winters. In the middle lane, a tropical plant grows up to 2 m and needs shelter.

How to prepare hibiscus for winter? Sand is added to the ground by one third. For some time plentifully watered. When the top layer of the soil dries up, high hilling is performed. When cold weather sets in, the trunk of the plant is covered with a layer (15 cm) of shavings and sawdust. The shelter must be loose, as the air in the loose surface will increase thermal insulation. Then the branches are gently bent to the ground, a frame is made, which is covered with several layers of fabric, and warming materials are laid on top. So the tree-like hibiscus winters in the house.

Hibiscus can overwinter simply with insulated roots, but extreme conditions may arise, and the frame will come in handy. In order not to be caught off guard, prepare in advance. In areas with a continental climate, to ensure safe wintering, the plant is dug up from the roots. Surrounding it with a large earthen clod. In this form, hibiscus is guaranteed to overwinter in the cellar without problems. Herbaceous hibiscus is prepared for wintering, waiting until its ground part dies off. Subsequently, similar measures for warming are carried out.

Having carried out proper care and reproduction according to the instructions, you will enjoy luxurious flowering. From year to year, hibiscus will give you their delicate white, yellow and pink flowers rewarding for the care shown.

Video "Growing garden hibiscus"

From this video you will learn how to properly grow garden hibiscus.

Thanks to the work of breeders, decorative hibiscus now has more than 500 species and varieties, among which every gardener can find the right one. Garden hibiscus is characterized by large bright funnel-shaped flowers and dense greenery.

Location selection

The landing site should be light or semi-shaded. Although hibiscus endures frosts down to -25 degrees, it is still thermophilic. For cool climates, there are special hardy varieties, often non-double.


Planting garden hibiscus is carried out in the spring. A young plant must be protected from the wind, and at first from frost.

Mail preparation

The ideal soil composition for hibiscus is 5 percent perlite, 45 percent hardwood bark, and 50 percent peat. It must contain sufficient organic matter and be slightly acidic, for which the pH level is recommended to be kept within the range from 5.5 to 6.5.

For more information about planting and caring for hibiscus, see the video:

Landing features

First you need to dig a hole for planting a little wider and deeper than the container from which the hibiscus is transplanted.

Be sure to check the drainage. A gallon of water is poured into the landing hole for this. If it disappears in an hour, then the pit is ready to receive a new green guest. At the same time, the soil must absorb moisture well, otherwise the hibiscus will die from drought. Ideally, in the same hour, water from the surface of the earth penetrates into it to a depth of 30 centimeters.

If the hole and the soil as a whole have been tested, you can proceed to planting. After watering the hole, seedlings are placed in it. The colder the climate, the deeper the hole should be. If the climate is warm upper part plant roots are recommended to be left above the ground.

When it comes to landing seeds, then they must be placed in a tray filled with moist organic fertilizer, at a distance of half a centimeter from each other.

From above they are sprinkled with soil and watered. They need warmth and sunshine to germinate. The result will be in three weeks. When the hole with the plant is filled with soil, it should be watered two or three times.

To choose climbing plants for the garden, read .


Garden hibiscus is propagated by seeds, cuttings and division.

seeds hibiscus are found in pods that form into flowers. After ripening, the pods open and the seeds fall to the ground, where they germinate easily on their own. For planting in a new location, the seeds are harvested when the pods turn brown.

cuttings garden hibiscus is carried out in June or October. To do this, the pagon is cut obliquely from the top of the bush with a pruner. The lower leaves are removed. Before landing, the pagon is placed in water. A hole is made in a pot of earth and filled with half a teaspoon of growth accelerator powder.

The stalk is placed at a distance of five centimeters from the surface of the earth, densely covered with soil and watered. With the help of a film and a frame, a small greenhouse is created around.

Germination requires heat and light, but not direct sunlight.

For propagation of a hibiscus bush, you can divide. The rhizome is torn by hand or cut with a pruner. This should be done only in the spring. After planting, the plants need to be fertilized and watered.

Garden Hibiscus Care

Fertilizers and top dressing

Hibiscus needs to be fed with nutrients and watered in hot, dry weather.

In summer, hibiscus should be watered once a week with diluted liquid fertilizers or potash compost should be added to the soil.

In winter, feeding should be completely abandoned.

The bush needs moderate nitrogen intake. Too much nitrogen is just as bad as too little.

Hibiscus does not tolerate large amounts of phosphorus. Because of it, the plant can die of starvation.

So that the roots do not rot, the soil should dry out between waterings. If the soil contains a lot of sand, then watering will have to be quantitatively increased, and the top layer of soil should be additionally fertilized.

Beautiful hibiscus flowers will justify all the efforts invested in care


Only the garden hibiscus tree needs regular pruning. It is held before winter or early spring. Branches are cut just above the nodes. Dead and weak shoots are removed.


Winter for some varieties of hibiscus is a difficult time. For the safety and development of the plant, you need to follow a few recommendations:

  1. Before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to irrigate the plant once and plentifully. In frosts, hibiscus should not be watered in any case.
  2. A few days after watering, the bush is spudded and cut off.
  3. At the end of November, at temperatures below five degrees, the plant must be insulated with mulching. Young bushes can be covered with foil.
Read about how to make drainage on the site with your own hands.

Pest and disease control

The color attracts insects, including pests, to the hibiscus. They dry the leaves, infect them with infections, lay eggs in the buds.

spider mite creates on leaves yellow spots. thrips infect buds. gall midges lead to kidney failure. whiteflies and mealybugs cover the leaves with white spots, and aphid and completely destroys them. Rocky snow covers the bark with whitish spots. Fungal mosquitoes, small black insects, lay their eggs and eat the plant. Ants eat nectar.

Hibiscus leaf affected by spider mites

Each disease and pest has its own methods of control. They are affordable and easy.

So, pesticides are used to fight aphids or ants, and ordinary washing powder helps against fungal mosquitoes, liquid soap or dishwashing detergent, which are added to the fertilizer and sprayed around the diseased bush.

Varieties of garden hibiscus

There are about 500 varieties and types of hibiscus. Only three types are considered the most popular:

  1. Hibiscus Syrian fell in love with gardeners for juicy, colorful colors. Grows slowly, lives up to 100 years clay soil. Frost-resistant. Among the popular varieties: terry purple " Ardens"and pink and white" Lady Stanley', simple blue-violet ' blue bird"and dark crimson or magenta" Woodbridge».
  2. Hibiscus hybrid has large inflorescences. This thermophilic species is perennial. The most popular varieties are: Albus» with white flowers, 'Diana' with wavy edges, hot pink « EnglishViolet"and terry, violet-blue with a spot of red" Violet Elar Double". Domestic breeders brought out "Kolkhoz Woman", "Michurinets" and "Snowflake".
  3. Chinese hibiscus or otherwise, the "Chinese rose" is valued for its unpretentiousness. This plant is evergreen with feather-like leaves. It mainly grows indoors, but also appears as a voluminous, lush bush in gardens, if the climate allows. There are varieties such as red simple " Alicante", pink semi-double " Rosa", rich pink with red " Flamingo", yellow terry " Koenig».

Popular varieties of hibiscus are shown in the photo:

Garden hibiscus is from the Malvaceae family. A hibiscus plant in the garden can look like a shrub, a compact tree, it's up to you how it should fit into your site.

Hibiscus is native to Asia and southern China. In nature, there are more than 300 varieties of this plant. AT vivo its height can reach about three meters.

General information

In the Hawaiian Islands, the garden hibiscus flower is popular. When various kinds of holidays and festivities take place on the islands, girls decorate their beautiful curly hair with them.

But in turn, in European countries, hibiscus is considered the flower of death. In houses where garden hibiscus grows, by its external changes, future changes were judged. If the plant begins to shed its leaves and languishes, it means that someone in the family will get sick.

If buds appeared on the plant ahead of time, this portends the imminent death of one of the family members. Many stories have been invented that are associated with the appearance of a garden hibiscus flower in the plots, they say that if you start it in an apartment, then scandals between husband and wife will begin.

But in the East, hibiscus is considered not a flower of death, but an energy drink that fills everything around with life.

Types and varieties of hibiscus

His homeland is the south of Transcaucasia. The second name is garden hibiscus. Looks pretty compact shrub, about 3 meters high. Inflorescences look like saucers, flowering begins in the second half of summer by early autumn. Inflorescences are ordinary, sometimes terry. The color is pink, white, red.

The frost-resistant hibiscus plant can withstand up to -25 degrees. But for good abundant flowering, constant warm weather is necessary. Hibiscus prefers a sunny place, grows well in neutral soil.

Hibiscus terry or volatile China is considered its homeland. Deciduous shrub reaching a height of about three meters. The trunk of the plant is straight with a pointed end.

The inflorescences are light, sometimes turning into pink shades, terry, or sometimes ordinary flowers are also found. The diameter of the inflorescence is about 10 cm. Pruning is necessary only if there are dry branches.

Plant with straight shoots, reaching a height of up to 3 meters. The leaves are large, similar to sunflower foliage. The shade of the inflorescences is raspberry, pink, white. The plant is heat-loving, prefers sunny areas. Flowering begins in August and lasts until early September.

Hibiscus is unpretentious, frost-resistant and takes root well in all soils. This species must be pruned under the base, every autumn. And in the new period, flowering will only be on new shoots.

, perennial, grown both in the garden and at room conditions. With its bright flowering, it even competes with roses. The inflorescences are large, the shade of pink turning into rich red, and inside at the base it is covered with black patches. Olive green leaves, smooth. Withstands frosty weather down to -30 degrees.

Hibiscus planting and care in the open field

Hibiscus horticultural cultivation does not bring much trouble, but by doing everything right, a successful result awaits you.

Watering for hibiscus requires regular moderate watering, as the soil dries out. In hot weather, frequent watering, but do not allow moisture to stagnate.

For planting garden hibiscus in open ground, it is necessary to prepare the soil loose, saturated with humus fertilizers and without stagnant moisture. Hibiscus garden flower requires constant loosening of the soil and removal weed grass Around him.

During the period of active development from the first months of summer until autumn, hibiscus need regular fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen and phosphorus. It should be fed several times a month, and potash fertilizers should be added closer to winter. Hibiscus inflorescences bloom only one day.

You can also get acquainted with the indoor hibiscus plant and what kind of care it needs at home by clicking on the link.

Hibiscus garden care and propagation by seeds

In hibiscus, cultivation from seeds begins from the end of January to the first month of spring. Before sowing, the seeds are placed for 30 minutes in a saturated solution of manganese, and then in a small amount of a growth stimulator and left for 24 hours.

After all the procedures done, the seeds must be sown in a container with peat and sand in equal proportions. We cover with film and glass and maintain the temperature at about 26 degrees. Do not forget to open and ventilate the containers and irrigate from the sprayer into the soil.

When the seedlings begin to appear the first three leaves, they need to be planted in separate containers. It is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not stretch, for this they need sufficient lighting. Seedlings are transplanted to the site in May. There is another way of reproduction in garden hibiscus by self-sowing.

Propagation of hibiscus cuttings

For propagation by cuttings, cuttings with three nodes are cut, the lower part is treated with a growth stimulator. After transplanted into peat soil with a temperature of about 26 degrees, preferably in a greenhouse.

After the cuttings take root, they are planted and pinched to create a shape in separate containers with prepared peat soil, sod land, sheet and sand, everything is taken in equal parts.

And as soon as a compact bush grows, you can plant it on the site. With proper care, flowering will begin in the first year. You can also root cuttings in water.

Pruning garden hibiscus in spring

Hibiscus pruning occurs mainly for the purpose of thinning and eliminating dry shoots from the shrub and giving the shrub the shape you want. To form a tree, a young plant is cut to the base of three buds, leaving only a well-stem body.

The next time pruning garden hibiscus in the spring is necessary for the outer shoots up to two buds, and the central trunk up to six buds. When the tree reaches the height you need, then you need to cut off the extra branches and tops of the tree.

It is necessary to remove and thin out the shrub in early spring before the juice is released. The better you cut the old branches, the more and more abundant the flowering will be for the season.

Pruning Syrian hibiscus suggests different lengths of shoots, then your plant will look quite interesting and have a beautiful shape.

Hibiscus diseases and pests

  • If your plant does not receive moisture for a long time during a drought, then it may be susceptible to pests such as aphids and spider mites. To destroy them, it is better to treat the plant with insecticides.
  • Among the diseases that affect hibiscus, the most common is chlorosis, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and crumble, and new ones also grow yellowish. The reason for this is the lack of nitrogen fertilizers and iron in the soil. To do this, water with a liquid complex fertilizer with the addition of the necessary substances.
  • If your plant refuses to bloom and has slowed down its growth, then there is a lack of phosphorus and boron in the soil, and if the shoots have slowed down in growth, there is a lack of nitrogen fertilizers, you should treat the plant with nitrogen fertilizer, and then flowering will definitely appear.

By following all the instructions correctly, your plant will develop and delight your garden plot their active growth and abundant flowering.

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