Questions for self-test. Algorithm of the strategic management process

Decor elements 21.09.2019
Decor elements

Compound strategic management. The strategic management of the enterprise includes the five main components forming next chain Perspective target solutions (Fig. 1).

  1. Vision is the image of the possible and desired future state of the enterprise.
  2. Business scope - type of activity related to a specific economic unit, program, etc. The definition of the business involves an assessment of its prospects and clarifying its specific place and opportunities in it.
  3. The mission, or a social and significant role, the company is a qualitatively pronounced set of basic business objectives.

Fig. 1. Chain of prospective target solutions in managing the development of the enterprise

  1. Strategy - an integrated model of actions intended to achieve the goals of the enterprise. The content of the strategy is a set of decision-making rules used to determine the main activities.
  2. Programs and plans are a system of measures to implement a strategy adopted by the enterprise, designed to solve the tasks of the distribution of resources, powers and responsibility among divisions (employees) involved in the implementation of the Strategy; Development of operational plans and programs.

Stages of strategic management. The main stages of strategic management are:

  • environmental analysis;
  • determination of the mission and objectives of the organization;
  • formation and choice of strategy;
  • implementation of the strategy;
  • evaluation and control of the implementation of the strategy.

The analysis of the medium is the source process in strategic management, as it creates a base for determining the mission and the objectives of the organization, developing a strategy for its development. The internal environment of the organization is analyzed in the following areas: marketing, finance and accounting, production, personnel, management organization. When analyzing the external environment, economic, political, social, international factors, as well as competition factors are being investigated. In this case, the outer environment is divided into two components: the immediate environment (direct exposure environment) and the macroscope (indirect environment). The purpose of strategic analysis is to identify the threats and capabilities of the external environment, as well as strong and weak Parties Organizations (this is the so-called SWOT analysis).

The process of determining the mission and goals consists of three subprocesses:

  • the formulation of the organization's mission, which in a specific form expresses the meaning of its existence;
  • definition of long-term goals;
  • definition of medium-term purposes.

Formulation and choice of strategy involves the formation of alternative directions for the development of the organization, their assessment and the choice of the best strategic alternative for implementation. This uses a special toolkit, which includes quantitative methods of prediction, the development of future development scenarios, portfolio analysis.

The implementation of the strategy is a critical process, since it is in the case of successful implementation that leads an enterprise to achieve his goals. The implementation of the Strategy is carried out through the development of programs, budgets and procedures that can be viewed as medium-term and short-term strategy implementation plans. The main components of the successful implementation of the strategy:

  • the objectives of the strategy and plans are brought to employees in order to achieve an understanding of what the organization seeks, and involve the strategy in the process of implementing the strategy.
  • the management in a timely manner ensures the receipt of all resources necessary for the implementation of the strategy, forms a plan to implement a strategy in the form of target installations;
  • in the process of implementing the strategy, each level of management solves its tasks and implements functions attached to it.

The results of the implementation of the Strategy are estimated, and with the help of the feedback system, the organization's activities are monitored, during which the previous steps can be adjusted.

The sequence of interrelated works on strategic analysis, the selection and implementation of the strategy is the process of strategic management (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Model of the strategic management process

As can be seen from the scheme, the process of developing a strategy is iterative (cyclic). Thus, the definition and selection of the strategy can occur at the stage of analyzing the external environment, and the assessment of the strategy will require additional external analysis. In addition, changing the strategy leads to the need for monitoring and annual adjustment of strategic decisions and plans.

Algorithm of the strategic management processimplemented at all three main levels of adoption management solutionsserves to describe various tasks At each level, determines the procedure for making final solutions and indicates a sequence of tasks.

The algorithm for the strategic management process is to develop and implement the following steps:

  • 3 stage. Defining strategic goals.
  • 4 stage. Formulation and selection of strategic alternatives.
  • 5 stage. Development and approval of a business plan, evaluation of the effectiveness of a strategic alternative.
  • Stage 1. The wording of the mission and vision of the bank.

The wording of the Mission of the Bank - first stage Strategy development. The wording of the mission is the answer to the questions: "Why and for whom do we exist?", "What is our destination in meeting certain needs of society?".

The mission of the bank is the meaning of its existence. It reflects the purpose of the bank, its positioning (the difference from other participants in the banking market), determines the role that the bank wants to play society.

The choice of mission is determined by the potential and size of the bank. The more the bank, the globally put the goals in front of him. For small banks, it is recommended to choose such a mission that would provide them with sufficient space for activity and at the same time did not led to spraying efforts. When choosing a mission, two extremes are dangerous: the choice is too large (complicated) or too narrow (modest mission).

The mission should be specified in the formulation of the mission:

  • · The main activity of the Bank;
  • · The main category of customers;
  • · Customer needs satisfied by the Bank;
  • · distinctive feature, emphasizing the peculiarity of the bank, allowing interested parties to allocate it among others;
  • · The parties to the Bank's activities, which he addressed to the external environment, thanks to which it is seen in what its public utility.

The mission is important as for the customers of the bank and its partners - they are more accurately understood what can be expected from him and for bank employees, as it forms the values, beliefs and principles of business. The mission consolidates staff efforts to improve the efficiency of the organization. In the mission for internal use, employees should be reflected:

  • · The main intentions and objectives of the bank;
  • · Basic principles of the Bank's work;
  • · For whom we exist on the market and that we offer;
  • · Relations and interaction with our clients;
  • · Relationship with shareholders and partners;
  • · Environmental relations (controlled authorities, local authorities, public organizations, media).

The mission can be formulated both in the form of one paragraph and in the form of a section, which reflects all aspects of the Bank's activities. A brief option is intended for public submission, detailed - for the internal use and development of the Bank's strategy.

Unlike the mission, the vision is a perspective, the answer to the question "What bank wants to be?". it detailed description The future state of the bank, areas of activity and the main strategy. This is the source prerequisite for the implementation of high-quality management by implementing logically consecutive and interconnected strategic solutions.

The mission and vision act as the top level of design and means of assessing the correctness of the choice of strategic goals and strategies at each stage of development.

Stage 2. Strategic analysis.

Under external analysis It is understood as the study of the state and dynamics of changes to the external conditions in relation to the Bank of the conditions and factors that are currently influencing or in the future to the bank affecting its state-selling products provided by services, on its clients, information Systems, organization of work, staff, etc.

Under internal analysis The study of the condition and dynamics of the development of the Bank is directly related to the type, volume and structure of products and services, the volume, structure and characteristics of the client base and their changes in time, the development of technologies (business processes) of the Bank, the improvement of bank management, innovation, promising projects, technical Equipment of the bank, etc.

The objectives of the analysis is the definition opportunities and threatsoutgoing the external environment of the bank as well strengths and weaknesses of the bankallowing generally identifying key success factors and key competencies Bank contributing to the development of a more informed bank strategy. Consider these questions more details.

External analysis

When analyzing the external environment, several factors need to be distinguished significantly affecting the Bank:

  • - price for oil;
  • - prices for other raw materials exported from Russia;
  • - Currency rates in relation to the ruble and their change;
  • - Dynamics of interest rates in other countries;
  • - change the ratings of countries and their debt obligations;
  • - Gold prices, real estate other assets.

It is necessary to highlight the main segments of the external environment affecting the bank under consideration are:

  • 1) Social environment - demography, lifestyle, political, social, technological and economic values \u200b\u200baffecting both the bank as a whole and on his clients.
  • 2) Economic environment - forecast of inflation; forecast interest rates in the MBC market; Forecast of US dollars, forecast of government securities profitability, production, consumption, income and savings, investments and performance, etc.
  • 3) Political environment - administrative, regulatory and legal institutions that accept and implement laws, regulations and rules in society.
  • 4) Technological environment - level and direction of technological progress or improvement, new products, services, materials, processes, achievements in fundamental science.
  • 5) Environmental environment - physical and natural resources located within the regions of the Bank's activities (land, sea, air, water, flora and fauna), as well as regulatory requirements By saving or restoring them.
  • 6) Institutional environment - physical infrastructure (roads, railway and waterways) and communication (mail, telephones, communication systems) from the point of view of possible influence on the leading bank customers.

The most important component of the analysis of the external environment is marketing analysis Economic environmentincluding:

  • · Analysis and selection of products and services in the country's banking market, especially in places of specific considered banks in question, types, types, direction of improving banking products and services, possible new products and services, dynamics of supply and demand, analysis of tariffs and prices for products and services , cost estimate, assessment of the quality of services provided, ways to promote products and services; Benchmarking, determining competitive advantages;
  • · Positioning of banking products (provision of banking product and services of a competitive market);
  • · Analysis of existing and potential customers Bank - a detailed study of the needs of existing and potential customers of the Bank and the development of their business, unsatisfied needs, motivating loyalty, profitability of existing customers, bank share in the market as a whole and on its separate segments, benchmarking relationships relationships with customers and methods attracting customers, determining competitive advantages, market segmentation and the search for target segments of the market of this bank;
  • · Analysis of bank competitors (strong and weaknesses of competitors, their goals and strategies, dynamics and results, organization and structure, current and promotional possible actions and threats, possible reactions to the actions of the analyzed bank); Benchmarking;
  • · Analysis of threats and risks of the market.

The main results of the analysis of the external environment are the definition:

  • 1. key success factors;
  • 2. Threats to the market related to serious risks for the bank.

Key success factors are the main determinants of financial and competitive success in the market. This is what the market is waiting for from the bank: its reliability, perfect products and services and their dynamic promotion, excellent relations with customers, correct relations with competitors, open relationships with the control bodies and local authorities, etc.

Internal analysis

Internal analysis of the bank in the development of its strategy is carried out in order to determine its strengths of competitive parties, competitive advantages that allow the Bank to successfully develop, as well as weaknesses that inhibit the development of the bank or are a threat to it related to the loss of customers and income for it.

It is advisable to start the analysis with the definition of a complex of indicators that are characterized by the bank. These indicators may be similar to the system of balanced indicators of the Bank's activities (BSC) and include:

  • a) financial indicators;
  • b) indicators of relationships with bank customers;
  • c) indicators characterizing business processes (work technology) of the bank;
  • d) staff qualifications.

To determine the strengths and weaknesses of the Bank's functioning, they need to be compared with similar parties to other banks or regularly hold bichmaking. Bichmarking - systematic activity aimed at search and evaluation the best examples Business practices and training on these examples.

Internal analysis of the bank should be carried out for each type of activity:

  • - system of products and services offered by the Bank;
  • - structure, characteristics, dynamics of changes in the client base and the causes of its expansion or narrowing, as well as the types of activities of the Bank that are most attractive to them;
  • - the effectiveness of the organization of the work of banking units, including branches and offices;
  • - information and technical equipment of the bank;
  • - relationships with correspondent banks, with supervisory and local governments;
  • - organization of training and improvement of personnel qualifications;
  • - organization of bank management.

The results of internal analysis can be represented as a table of consolidated data:

Table 1. Internal analysis results

In the absence of quantitative indicators, the table is filled qualitative estimates. Possible financial result is estimated before. Competitive advantages (distinctive, rod, key competencies) of the bank must be determined from this table. Key competencies are the alloy of the technologies used, professional staff and perfect management. Bank by account key competenciesUsing key success factors, builds an effective business strategy.

The main result of the analysis of the internal environment is the definition:

  • 1. Competitive advantages (distinctive, rod, key competencies);
  • 2. Weaknesses, shortcomings of an organization related to serious risk for the bank.

After conducting external and internal analysis, the bank must determine:

  • but) wherehe is now and what is his condition, expressed in the characteristics of its customers, products, services, technology, personnel and management;
  • b) which directionhe wants and can develop.

SWOT analysis.

To select the direction of the bank's movement, the formation of its goals is used by SWOT analysis ( Strengths -forces Weaknesses -weakness OpportUnities -capabilities, Threats -threats). When analyzing, the following characteristics obtained from external and internal strategic analysis can be used.

Table 2. SWOT-analysis indicators



Strengths - competitive advantages of the bank

  • - highly professional bank management system;
  • - Reliability of the Bank;
  • - low cost of services;
  • - concentration on certain products and services;
  • - experience in attracting and holding customers;
  • - individual customer service;
  • - access to "long" monetary resources;
  • - advanced information technology;
  • - dynamic reaction to market changes;
  • - professional personnel;
  • - High quality service;
  • - brand fame;
  • - good location;
  • - Effective connection with local authorities, etc.

WEAKNESSES - the weaknesses of the bank

  • - Do not have professional system management;
  • - not guided by customer needs;
  • - does not understand what customers are targeted for him;
  • - does not track competitors;
  • - Does not carry out business innovation;
  • - does not allocate and does not improve business processes;
  • - takes insufficient efforts on the brand;
  • - does not use new technologies;
  • - does not educate staff;
  • - Does not reveal and does not predict risks, etc.

OpportUnities - Key Success factors (favorable circumstances, the use of which creates the advantage of your bank)

  • - Improved investment climate in the country;
  • - reduction of inflation;
  • - strengthening the ruble rate in relation to the dollar;
  • - deterioration of the positions of competitors;
  • - distribution of electronic payments;
  • - insufficiently developed types of service (mortgage lending, Internet - Banking);
  • - a sharp increase in demand for certain types of banking products and services;
  • - growth in the level of income of the population, etc.

Threats - factors that can potentially worsen the position of your bank in the market

  • - lack of capital;
  • - limited resource base;
  • - lack of quality borrowers;
  • - the complexity of the return of overdue loans;
  • - the lack of real alternatives to lending;
  • - entering the market of new competitors;
  • - tax growth;
  • - Changing customer preferences, etc.

The next step is to compare the strengths and weaknesses of the bank with market opportunities and threats. For which each key success factor with each competitive advantage is compared in pairs to determine:

  • 1. How to use opening opportunities (key success factors), using competitive advantages of the bank;
  • 2. As key success factors can neutralize the disadvantages of the bank.
  • 1. How external threats may be neutralized competitive advantages bank;
  • 2. What external threats aggravated by the disadvantages of the bank must be most fearful and what measures to take to neutralize or mitigate possible consequences.

As a result of SWOT analysis, we get a list of possible promising directions Bank works, among which may be:

  • 1. Extension own capital bank.
  • 2. Attracting long-term cheap tools from abroad, the placement of these funds into high-yield customer projects.
  • 3. Attraction money by emissions of shares and bonds.
  • 4. Control over the costs of the bank and the rational reduction.
  • 5. Creating a system of constant assessment, control and prevention of risks.
  • 6. The introduction of a strategic management system is the creation of an analytical unit.
  • 7. Development and implementation of the personnel training and motivation system.
  • 8. Strengthening work on creating an attractive image of the bank.
  • 9. Strengthening work with plastic cards, acquisition and installation of ATMs.
  • 10. Opening of additionally branches of the bank, other structural divisions, etc.
  • 3 and 4 stages. Defining strategic goals. Formulation of strategic alternatives, choosing a strategic alternative.

The goal is a specific state of the individual characteristics of the company, the achievement of which is desirable for it and to achieve its activities.

Strategic alternatives and objectives of the Bank are determined after the formulation of the Bank's mission and conducting strategic analysis.

Objectives show what the bank is committed to and what he wants to achieve in the long-term, medium-term and short-term perspective. The goals of the bank are thoroughly analyzed, divided into long-term, medium-term and short-term and usually presented in the form of an ordered objective tree. Goals should satisfy several mandatory conditions (SMART principle), they must be:

  • · Specific (SPECIFIC);
  • · Measured (MEASURABLE);
  • · Agreed (Agreeable, Accordant): With the mission of the bank, among themselves, with those who have to be performed;
  • · Achievable (Realistic);
  • · TimeBounded (timebounded).

Goals more high level Always worn wider character and have a longer-term achievement interval. The lower levels are a kind of means to achieve higher levels. For example, short-term goals are derived from the long-term, they are concretization and detail, subordinate to them. Short-term goals As if milestones are installed, control points on the way to achieve long-term goals. The hierarchy of the objectives establishes the organization's connected and ensures the orientation of the activities of all units to achieve the top-level goals.

The process of establishing a tree of targets involves the following phases:

  • 1. Establishment with shareholders and top managers main Goal bank.
  • 2. Development of strategic alternatives to achieving the main goal of the bank. Evaluation of the effectiveness of each formulated alternative. The choice of one of the strategic alternatives. The choice of a particular strategic alternative is one of the most complex management decisions. The essence of the analysis of alternatives and the development of the company's development strategy is to help the management and management of the company solve the problem of strategic choice.
  • 3. Building a tree of targets for all divisions of the bank, the achievement of which will lead to the implementation of the selected strategic alternative.
  • 4. Development of plans and programs of the Bank's divisions on the implementation of the selected strategic alternative.
  • 5. Installation of individual purposes. Hierarchy of goals should be brought to the level of leading bank specialists.

To date, for most Russian banks, the highest goal is a profit. Moreover, the return of each current quarter and the year is important for the bank's leadership. At the same time, all over the world has long distinguished current financial results and strategic success in the future. The increase in the Bank's market strategy in the interests of shareholders is the strategic goal of the corporate development strategy of the Bank, its financial goal.

5 stage. Development and approval of a business plan.

Business plan - a document that determines the goals of business and management activities and the planning path and ways to achieve their goals based on the analysis of all problems that appear. According to the instructions of the Bank of Russia dated 05.07.2002 No. 1176-from "On Business Plans for Credit Organizations", which contain basic requirements for a business plan for a credit institution and the procedure for its submission to the Bank of Russia: "Business plan is a document for the next two calendar yearcomprising an intended program of action of a credit institution, including parameters (indicators) and expected results of activities, and allowing the Bank of Russia to estimate:

  • a) the ability of a credit institution to ensure financial stability, carry out prudential standards of activity and mandatory reserve requirements, comply with the requirements of legislation to ensure the interests of creditors and depositors;
  • b) the ability of a credit institution for long-term existence as a profitable commercial organization;
  • c) adequacy of the credit institution management system of the received risks. "

The business plan is the result of research and organizational work, the purpose of which is to study the specific direction of the Bank's activities on a certain market in the current organizational and economic conditions. It is not once and forever compiled by the document. It must be periodically monitored and clarified (adjust) in accordance with changing conditions. The business plan is based on the general concept of the Bank's development and is one of the documents defining the Bank's Development Strategy. The features of the business plan as a strategic document is its balance in setting tasks with regard to the real financial capabilities of the bank. The development of a business plan largely allows you to determine the potential of the bank, put new goals, tasks, develop the most rational management decisions, agree on the actions of the divisions, identify the strengths and weaknesses of personnel and the entire credit institution.

The purpose of the business plan is to solve at least four fundamental tasks:

  • 1. To study the prospects for the development of the future market sales market to produce what can be sold, and not to sell what can be produced;
  • 2. Evaluate the costs that will be necessary for the manufacture and marketing products in this market, and commend them with prices for which you can sell to determine the potential profitability of the business;
  • 3. Detect all sorts of "pitfalls";
  • 4. Determine the criteria and indicators by which you can regularly monitor whether it is possible to rise or to the collapse.

The basic principles of the business plan are:

  • · When forming a business plan, you need to consider the real possibilities of the bank.
  • · Business plan if possible, should be formed with a mandatory positive financial results. When forming a planned and unprofitable result, it is necessary to submit a plan for financial rehabilitation of the bank.
  • · The structure of assets and liabilities should be balanced, i.e. An increase in liabilities should be accompanied by an increase in assets and vice versa.
  • · In the formation of a business plan, it is necessary to strive to increase the positive difference between the weighted average posting and attraction rates (percentage margin) by optimizing the structure of attracting and placement of resources.

The difference between the Bank's business plan from the strategic alternative is that a business plan is quantified assessment of the selected strategic alternative, checking the possibility and effectiveness of its implementation, the calculation of the expected financial effect and formulate proposals for choosing a strategic alternative. The strategic alternative is approved by the owners and top managers of the bank and the Bank's strategy is further organized by the work on its incarnation.

6 stage. Approval and implementation of the Bank's strategy.

The chosen strategy of the bank is approved at the Bank's shareholders meeting and is enshrined by the Bank's Corporate Strategy Document. In some banks, a document "Development Development Concept" can be developed, in which, in addition to the enlarged strategy, the Mission and Vision of the Bank are indicated.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the strategy, its usefulness for the Bank is determined by the quality of its development, the role and participation of management and the owners of the bank in the process of developing a strategy.

The main stages in the implementation of the strategy process:

  • 1. Preparation of personnel and training goals and objectives of the strategy, BSC system, optimization of business processes, enhance the initiative and responsibility. This stage should be planned and implemented in parallel with the development of the strategy.
  • 2. Development and implementation of the system of stimulating and motivating employees in accordance with organizational structure Bank, the system of indicators adopted in strategies for evaluating and planning each division.
  • 3. Operational planning and implementation or improvement of the budgeting system in the bank, taking into account the accepted BSC indicators system. Budgeting is technology financial planning, accounting, control and analysis of income and expenses, assets and liabilities of the bank. Budget is a monetary policy plan for future operations used to plan, control and evaluate the effectiveness of the organization's activities.
  • 4. Periodic adjustment of the strategy and system of strategic indicators, taking into account changes in the external environment and the achieved results of work.

It is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed and implemented strategy of the Bank using the assessment and indicators used at the Strategy Stage. Various options Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Bank's strategic management are set out in the second part of the work.

Strategic management of the company is one of the most complex types of managerial

activities. Here you can select the following steps:

Formation of goals

Analysis ambient

Strategy implementation

Defining a strategy

Analysis of strategic alternatives

Management examinationstrengths and weaknesses

Evaluation of the strategy

Mission definition

Definition of the sphere and business mission

Mission the view, the scale of activity, differences from competitors - leaving the prospects for business development. The mission details the status of an enterprise and provides guidelines for developing goalsand strategies at various organizational levels.

The formulation of the Mission of Ford is well known - "providing people of cheap transport", and McDonald's firms - "Fast Food".

1.Definition of the organization's mission.

Mission - This is a business concept reflecting the purpose of the business, its main goal. The mission characterizes only the "present" organization:the view, the scale of activity, differences from competitors - leaving the prospects for business development. This focuses on the consumer, and not on the product, implies the answer to the question: "What kind of benefits can bring consumers while achieving more success in the market?" The mission details the status of the enterprise and provides guidelines for the development of goals and strategies at various organizational levels, the principles of its work are declared, the characteristic of the most important objectives of the organization is given.

2. Determination of the objectives of the company.

The mission forms a foundation for establishing the goals of the whole organization, as well as its divisions and functional subsystems (marketing, production, finance, personnel, etc.), each of which puts and implements its goals, logically deriving from the general purpose of the enterprise.

Goal - This is concretization of the organization's missionThis is the final state, the desired result, which any organization seeks to achieve. Requirements for goals:

    clear temporary frameworks for which targets are established;

    concrete content and real achievability of goals;

    consistency and consistency with other purposes, as well as with resources required to achieve them;

    address and the ability to control during the implementation of goals.

In general environmental Analysis Firms - this is the process of tracking an organizational environment and comparison with real and future threats and favorable opportunities that can affect the ability of the company to achieve their goals.

Organizational environment It is a set of factors of external and internal situations that can contribute to the promotion of the organization ahead to achieve its goals. It is necessary to note that, despite the difference of procedures, purpose of environmental analysis firms(organizational environment) - to identify what measures need to be taken to ensure that the management could respond in a timely manner to external and internal impulses to increase its success.

Management examination of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization

The internal environment of the organization is the source of its vitality.It contains that the potential that gives the opportunity to function, and, therefore, exist and survive at a certain period of time. But the internal environment can also be a source of problems and even the death of the organization, if there is no effective mechanism for its operation.

The study of the inner medium in the same way as the study of the macro and immediate environment should be aimed at disclosing those capabilities and threats that are hidden within the organization. This is the study of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. Open strengths Serve the base for which the organization is based on competition and which it should expand and strengthen. Weaknesses should be subject to close attention from the leadership. This process is called management examination. It is a methodological assessment of the functional zones of an organization intended to identify its strategic and weaknesses.

The survey includes features such as marketing, Accounting, Operations, Production), Human Resources, Culture and An Organization.

Study of strategic alternatives

The development of a strategy is carried out at the highest level of management and is based on the solution of the tasks described above. At this stage of decision-making, the manager must assess the alternative ways of the organization's activities and choose optimal options to achieve the goals. Consider the most common, proven in practice and fairly widely covered types of strategies of firms that are sometimes called basisor reference.

Definition of company strategy

The process of choosing a strategy includes the following main steps:

    calculation of the current strategy;

    formation of strategic alternatives;

    choosing an enterprise strategy and its assessment.

Implementation of a strategic plan

Strategic planning acquires meaning when it is implemented. After selecting the fundamental general strategy, it must be implemented by combining with other organizational functions. An important mechanism for linking the strategy is to develop plans and benchmarks: tactics, policies, procedures and rules.

Tactics is concrete short-term strategies. Politics presents general guidelines for action and decision-making. Procedures prescribe actions that should be taken in a specific situation.

The final result of the functioning of the firm depends largely on the effective implementation of its strategy. Successful leaders are always inextricably associated with the formulation and implementation of the strategy.

Organizational the process of implementing the strategy can be represented as a phased model:

    Determining the level of changes to which the enterprise should go for the implementation of the adopted strategy;

    analysis of formal and informal structures of the organization;

    analysis organizational culture enterprises;

    selection of the desired approach to implement the strategy;

    actually implementation of the strategy and evaluation of the results obtained.

Assessment of the Strategic Plan

The assessment of the strategy is carried out by comparing the results of working with goals. The evaluation process is used as a feedback mechanism to adjust the strategy. To be effective, the assessment should be carried out systemically and continuously. The properly developed process should cover all levels - from top to bottom. When evaluating the strategic planning process, a five-questions should be answered:

1. Is the strategy internally compatible with the possibilities of the organization?

2. Does the strategy assume the permissible risk?

3. Does the organization have sufficient resources to implement the strategy?

4. Does the strategy take into account the external hazards and opportunities?

5. Does this strategy be the best way to apply the resources of the organization?

4. 1. Interconnection of stages of the strategic management process Strategic management process - This is a combination of consecutive actions aimed at achieving the objectives of the organization, which makes it possible to optimally use the existing potential and respond flexibly to the conditions of a dynamic, indefinite external environment. Currently, five main stages of strategic management are allocated: 1. Determination of the sphere of activity and formulation of the organization's mission. 2. Setting the long-term and short-term goals of the organization based on the mission. 3. Development of a strategy to achieve the objectives of the organization. 4. Implementation of the organization's strategy. 5. Control over the implementation of the strategy, evaluating its effectiveness on the results of the organization's activities and the introduction of corrective impacts. The relationship of strategic management stages is depicted in Fig. 4.1.

Fig. 4.1. Strategic management process

The strategic management process begins with determining the scope of the organization and the formulation of its mission. Next, the strategic goals are made on management levels in the organization.

The strategy development stage consists of three sub-attacks:

- the first sub-step - analysis of the external environment;

- the second sub-step - analysis of the internal environment;

- The third sub-step - the formation of strategic alternatives and the choice of the most acceptable option.

The implementation of the Strategy is five stages:

- comparison of the selected strategy and environment of the organization;

- determining the level of changes required to implement the strategy;

- Adaptation of the organization's environment to strategy;

- the choice of approach to implement the strategy;

- Implementation of strategy events.

The implementation of the Strategy Implementation is estimated at the control stage, and if necessary, changes are made to previous steps.

Since conditions modern business They are extremely dynamic, the specified process is continuous and is a constantly renewable cycle with intense feedbacks, which are depicted in Fig. 4.1 dotted lines.

Strategic solutions are never final and subject to constant adaptation to what is happening. But this does not mean that the strategy almost should be revised daily. Such a situation would be a faithful sign of low quality management and, moreover, it is not safe, as it will inevitably cause organizational mess, disorientation of personnel and other negative factors.

but strategy stability relative: The managers are not entitled to ignore unforeseen events, new opportunities, unexpected threats, other fundamental changes. In addition, the managers are not entitled to avoid the urgent adjustments, as well as to limit the adoption of strategic decisions by the formal planning regulations.

When considering the strategic management process, it is necessary to consider that boundaries between the stages are sufficiently conditional And the most significant non-separation of the stages and the formal sequence, but their integration and interrelations.

For example, the setting of specific strategic tasks is definitely wins from the definiteness of business prospects. On the other hand, goaling and choosing a strategy in turn stimulate further development Conceptual ideas about the place of organization in business, the main areas of its activities, principal installations, behavior standards, etc. The practical experience of the implementation of the strategic plan can radically change all components of the plan (and the overall concept, and the targets, and selected strategies).

It should be noted that the relative significance of the stages varies depending on the specific organizational situation: creating a business or its stable development. For example, organizations still seeking or seriously updating their strategy, an intensive repeating repetition of the first three phases may be required to obtain an acceptable result, while the established strategic plan has been more relevant to organize "drifting in line rational techniques Its implementations and current adjustments.

The above features of the stages of the strategic management process led to the fact that various points of view arose in the literature on the maintenance of the stages, each of which has the right to exist, but it should be remembered that in order for the strategic management to be effective, it is necessary not only to know the essence of each of its Stage, but also remember about their close relationship and interdependence.

Strategic management stages:

Environmental analysis;

Strategy formation;

Implementation of the strategy;

Evaluation and control of the implementation of the strategy.

Analysis of the medium is considered the initial stage of the strategic management process, as it provides the basis for determining the mission and the objectives of the organization and the development of the strategy. The outer environment is a set of variables, threats and opportunities outside the enterprise and unnecessant short-term control by the leadership. The inner environment is a set of variables (forces and weaknesses) inside the organization and manageable management during the short-term period.

The formation of the strategy is to determine the mission and goals (long-term and short-term). The formation of the strategy is the process of determining the mission and objectives of the organization, as well as the choice of the strategy for achieving these goals.

The implementation of the strategy is a process in which the strategy is transformed into actions based on developed programs, budgets and procedures, and this is the process of conducting strategic changes in the organization that translated it into such a state in which the organization will be ready to conduct a strategy.

Evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of the strategy - ensures sustainable feedback between the implementation of the Strategy and the objectives of the Organization. Strategic control is aimed at finding out the extent to which the implementation of the strategy leads to achieving the objectives of the company.

Strategic Manager Requirements

In a modern complex and rapidly changing environment, a fundamental role is assigned to those who manages the development of a strategy, i.e. strategic managers. According to E. Vyppa (University of Chicago), the most successful strategic managers must have the following qualities:

Be well informed, which provides for the possibility of making a wide range of managerial solutions on different levels Control. Managers should create a network of sources of information in different parts organizations that will give them the opportunity to remain within the surrounding reality;

To be able to manage your time and energy, but, therefore, to effectively distribute and know when it is necessary to delegate responsibility, and when it is necessary to be included in private solutions;

Being good politicians, possess the art of achieving consensus on the basis of their ideas, rather than "crushing" authority to promote them, act as a member or leader of the coalition, and not as a dictator;

We should not, as experts, "focus". The changing world requires a strategic manager of certain flexibility. It must be prepared for maneuver and adapt to the folding setting. This does not mean that the firm must act without certain purposes, but it is necessary to be prepared for their adjustment;

Contribute to promoting the program in private directions.

Tasks of the strategic manager

The strategic manager is a person who imposes an imprint on the organization of the organization, on its main independent divisions. The main task of the strategic manager is to ensure the activities of the organization (maintaining "health" of the organization) when driving in a certain direction.

IN wide sense The task of managers is to choose the structure that best meets the objectives and objectives of the organization, as well as internal and affecting it external factors. "The best" structure is the one that best allows the organization to effectively interact with external environment, productively and it is advisable to distribute and direct the efforts of your employees and, thus, satisfy the needs of customers and achieve their goals with high efficiency.

Often strategic managers are called comprehensive managers. They differ from the functional managers who provide the implementation of individual business functions (frames, supply, production, sale, customer service, accounting), and occupy a unique position in the company, managing the organization in the strategic sense.

Functions of strategic management

Strategic Management - the rationale and the choice of promising goals of the development of the enterprise and increase its competitiveness, their consolidation in long-term plans, the development of targeted programs that ensure the achievement of intended goals. The most important, promising issues should be engaged directly cEO Or the owner of the firm who can help the referents (headquarters). Otherwise, he will have to finally give way to another person actually performing these functions.

Strategic management involves the implementation of the following functions:

a) the definition of the objectives of the company, taking into account the market situation;

b) definition of means achieving these goals;

c) segmentation, that is, the division of the common goal on the scene;

d) the development of the appropriate perspective plans and programs.

All types of management are interrelated. Any manager performs administrative functionsManual leads, participates in choosing the goals of its activities and its achievements. Director of the Small Enterprise and especially individual entrepreneur Itself performs all or most of the functions. Only with an increase in the size of the company appears the opportunity to consolidate them for various employees or management departments. However, in all cases it is advisable to distinguish and analyze types of management, since they are characterized by special means and management methods, skills and techniques. Strategic management - the basis of enterprise management. The establishment of development objectives and means of their achievement determines the tasks of all types of management.

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