How to write an advertising text. How to advertise your business? Examples of the best advertising texts and hidden advertising

Decor elements 12.10.2019
Decor elements

Any product sold must be presented to the buyer. The effectiveness of sales depends on the effectiveness of advertising. The correct presentation of information that distinguishes the product from the general mass of similar products is a guarantee of success. Properly composed advertising will ensure the sale of even useless things. There are many recommendations for highlighting the value and indispensability of the goods being sold, but the question of how to make advertising correctly remains relevant.

Advertising principles

To do this, you need to choose a spectacular, eye-catching image, since the purchase always occurs after a visual assessment of the offer. The sale begins with the presentation of a bright beautiful picture. The formation of the image will not interfere with a memorable loud slogan, the attractiveness and relevance of which eats into the mind and makes the consumer repeat it mentally with pleasure.

Even the most successful advertising can be ineffective without its promotion. It was originally intended for a viral impact on the mind of a potential buyer. However, to have an effect, it must be available to the target client, so it must be placed in their habitats. Social networks are a universal place for publishing, since you can find your client in them, but for this you need to work on placing it on the right sites.

Independently or through the services of an advertising campaign?

However, in some situations it is more effective to order its development in advertising agencies. When it right choice advertising campaign, the object of promotion will become known in a few days.

Where should your ad appear?

  • in newspapers;
  • in magazines;
  • in in social networks;
  • through flyers and brochures;
  • through elements of outdoor advertising.

For each type of product, its own advertising method is effective, suitable for a specific target audience. With the right choice, potential buyers have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the offer in several sources.

To date, a separate niche in advertising is occupied by social networks. Most citizens have accounts on Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter and Instagram. Modern features mobile phones cause users to be constantly connected. Publications in groups and on personal pages can receive an instant response to an advertising post.

Do not spam, so as not to annoy users with constant notifications. To achieve the effect, one post per day is enough. Regular publications of various designs, drawings, promotions and contests will ensure the popularity of the group or personal account of the seller. The more interest and attention to it, the more views of publications and the more sales revenue.

Advertising in the media

Publish ads in media mass media, such as newspapers and magazines, is not always free for sellers. In most cases, they have to pay for the placement of their article on the allocated space of a printed or online resource. To date, the return on such advertising is small, since most often people get acquainted with advertising magazines and newspapers purposefully, when searching for a specific product to purchase.

For this reason, if a person does not need anything, then he will not acquire and read such sources of information, which excludes the possibility of emotional purchases. However, if the subject of sale is of a specific nature, which is difficult to state in other sources, advertising in the media will have a good effect on the results of doing business, which is important when selling movable and immovable property.

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Advertising through promoters

Handing out flyers on the street seems like the most in a simple way advertising your product. However, handed brochures are read by only five percent of the population. The rest of the people safely throw them in the trash. In order to increase the number of people who read the leaflet, it is necessary to take care of its appearance. The advertiser is given only a few seconds to impress the potential client and keep his attention on his offer. Text ads are not recommended. All information must be reflected in the image.

Outdoor advertising

The category of outdoor advertising includes banners, light boxes and 3D logos. Her distinctive feature is attraction. Many people view ads, but not everyone reads them. advertising text. Images make an impression, so they need to be chosen in such a way that the sentence is clear without words. Outdoor advertising is not cheap, so it is necessary to take responsibility for the development of the design of the project and the choice of its location. This type of advertising should be resorted to only when planning large batches of products. It is important to take into account that the material of the brochure should be easy to install and maintain without any problems.

Internet expanses

She does not require a large number investments and can be issued by the entrepreneur independently. You should think about promoting your products through social networks in advance, because before publishing posts, you need to take care of the presence of readers. To do this, you should attract the maximum possible number of friends and subscribers to your account. The creation of a group, community and the involvement of the target audience in them, which may potentially be interested in the product, will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of promoting the publication. To select such participants, you should use the search option with targeting by interests.

Such global preparation for the promotion is not required when placing ads on specialized portals. To receive a response to a publication, it is enough to format it correctly and publish it in the section corresponding to the category. If it is chosen incorrectly, the effect of advertising will be minimal. Additional paid options for promotion via the Internet are the placement of an ad on popular portals, the number of which exceeds the million mark, as well as raising the publication to the top positions.

No special skills are required to create a post or ad. On all portals, placement is carried out according to intuitively understandable schemes. Choosing a way to advertise your products, you need to analyze its relevance on the Internet. If the consumers of the product are citizens living in areas where the Internet is not popular or unavailable, then publication in social networks will not have any effect.

Advertising on the Internet will only be effective when it flickers in front of users quite often. This is ensured by reposts and publications of new ads, which should be designed in a new design that attracts the user's attention so that he has no choice but to call and order.

How to write an advertisement: examples

An offer to buy or receive a service should be interesting. It should make a potential customer want to make a purchase right after viewing the ad. This effect is formed by discounts, bonuses, promotions, gifts when making a purchase.

Convincing a person to part with their own money is a tricky business. It is for this reason that writing advertising texts cannot be compared with any other type of copywriting. You can drag out the informational text, and you will be forgiven for it, but if you drag out the promotional article, you will lose a client. And his money.

Everything here is serious from start to finish.

A person who wants to understand the mechanics of producing advertising content, as a rule, is lost from the abundance of introductions.

To prevent this from happening to us, in our article we will divide the rules for writing an advertising text into stages. For each stage, a set of specific techniques will be given. Still, structured and homogeneous material is always easier to digest.

Two stages of creating an advertising text

  • Audience analysis and fact gathering.
  • Advertising writing.

We recommend that you leave your business for ten minutes and go with us to interesting trip in the world of copywriting. We promise that in half an hour your skills will increase significantly, and many questions will definitely have the right answers.

The first stage of writing an advertising text. Facts and Audience

The limit of peak reader attention is not so high. Therefore, we will try to give only the most meat. Main introductory: the names of important points, and then their decoding. Later, when you yourself want to do advertising copywriting, you just need to look into desired section to immediately remember the order of work.

First stage. Understand the target audience

Women trust emotions. Men love facts. The kids want pictures. Who are you writing for?

Understand your target audience, find the baits that it is caught on. We give you the floor: any person is caught for something, the main thing is to choose the right bait for representatives of a specific target audience. Not the fact that you will catch everyone, but this is not necessary. If you catch one out of ten, it's already great.

A clear (homogeneous) target audience is a real find for a copywriter. You are lucky if the product or service is intended for people of the same gender, age, from the same social niche, and so on. Here you can already create a portrait of the average representative of the group and "work for him." If you write an advertising text for one person, you write for thousands, because the target audience is homogeneous.

As a rule, target groups differ in the following indicators:

Buyer gender
Average age
Family status
Approximate income
Hobbies, interests

And immediately a couple of insidious questions arise:

But in order to understand this, you need to find out what your target audience wants. So the next paragraph is about that.

Second phase. Find Reader Needs

If there is no clear composition of the target group, then a certain need of the reader comes first.

Take the same dog food as an example.

Everyone buys it, from youngsters in dad's cars and brutal rockers, to pensioners and pop stars. There is almost nothing in common between these groups, except perhaps the need to buy good dog food.

Accordingly, it is this need that becomes the main one when creating the future text of advertising.

In order not to get confused, let's repeat the options again:

Option 1.If we write advertising text for a clear target group(same sex, same age and, say, approximately the same income), we can find additional stylistic, emotional, informational and other lures that are caught by representatives of this group. Needs, of course, are also included in the list, but do not forget about other tools to attract attention.

Option 2. If we write advertising text for a mixed target audience, then the main bait becomes precisely general need groups, because all other baits will no longer be able to work at full strength. If we write emotionally, harsh men will spit, if we write dryly and with numbers, women will not appreciate it. And there are a lot of such nuances.

If the article is created for a mixed target audience, the style and format of the text should be averaged. That is, one that would be accepted by grandmothers, bank directors, and students.

Below we will talk in more detail about how to write “standard-style” advertising texts, but for now we will only slightly open the veil.

  • Facts and evidence
  • Short sentences and not too complicated words
  • Minimum of emotions and delights
  • clear structure
  • Solving the specific needs of the buyer
  • Graphic images

Now back to the need of the buyer. So we found it: all members of our mixed audience need dog food.

What should be the description of the product so that it is remembered, appreciated and wanted to be bought by everyone without exception?

The answer is below.

Stage three. Gather the main benefits of the product or service

It is not necessary to do so. Many benefits - not as good as is commonly believed. Do you know why?

Because it's better to do 2-3 strong blows than 10 averages. Psychologists say that if a person is told about two advantages, he will remember them with a greater degree of probability than if he is told about ten advantages at once. Such is the nature of man.

Any seasoned marketer knows that huge assortment often harmful. People are more likely to make a purchase if there are only a few options to choose from than when the list of products consists of hundreds of items.

Do not waste the reader's attention in vain, stop at 3-4 main advantages, which will be your trump cards. The right word, it will be better.

Let's go back to dog food and our sales copy. Let's say the food is positioned as inexpensive, versatile and healthy. Therefore, our advantages will be:

  • Favorable price of goods
  • Suitable for all breeds
  • Benefits for the dog

Now we just have to collect the facts and information that will make our advantages convincing. Yes, yes, a stamp like “our food is the best” has not convinced anyone for a long time.

Do you want to be believed? Prove it with facts in your ad text.

Stage four. Collect all the stereotypes about the product or service that you will destroy

Writing an advertising text is largely a struggle with the objections of readers. Each of us has a certain set of stereotypes that have been formed from everything in a row: news, rumors, stories from friends and other sources.

Once again, dog food will help us understand the mechanics of collecting stereotypes.

Five dog food stereotypes:

  • Dog food ruins a dog's stomach
  • Dog food is made from some filth, not good meat
  • Chemicals added to dog food for taste and smell
  • Dog food is unnatural for a predator because it is dry (for dry food)
  • All dog food is the same

Each product or service has its own stereotypes. If your intuition has dozed off and does not suggest the main stereotypes of the target audience, look around the forums, review sites and portals with questions - this great places to search for myths, misconceptions and stereotypes.

If you have collected the basic stereotypes, you have already done a third of the job: when the reader sees that his objections are closed one by one, he melts and is more and more inclined to buy.

Stage five. Decide in advance on the main purpose of the advertising text

A good ad text should have a specific purpose. If you want a person to make a purchase, call him to buy. If you want the reader to remember that your food is the most useful, be sure to emphasize this.

The material must leave some kind of "aftertaste", otherwise it was all in vain.

Be clear about what you want from the reader. Decided? Then let the ending be as "loaded" as possible main goal, because the ending has the most power to remember and call to action.

  • Designated for themselves the target audience of the advertising article (clear or mixed)
  • Found the main needs of the reader (one or more)
  • Collected the main benefits (facts, figures, surveys, and so on)
  • We found out the most dangerous stereotypes that we will destroy
  • Decided on the main purpose of the advertising text

Excellent! Now that we have stocked up on enough facts, it's time to move on to creating the material.

Part two. Rules for creating advertising text

Material title

Grab attention right away

The text is written in such a way that from the first sentence the reader “enters” the material. How to achieve this? Plenty of options:

  • Start the first paragraph with the reader's problem
  • Tell about unusual fact(within the advertising text, of course)
  • intrigue
  • Tell a story
  • And so on

Do whatever you want, but don't let the first paragraph be empty and uninformative. An advertising article is by no means informational, there is no place for long swinging. You will pull - the reader will leave.

Give up empty delights

Do not draw conclusions for the reader

We are sure it will be yours best buy for a lifetime” is a bad, too presumptuous conclusion. A person must decide for himself whether this purchase will be the best or not.

Don't speak into the void

Form an image in your head of the person you are writing for and contact specific person. Trying to tell everyone is not telling anyone.

Believe what you write

If you don't believe your text, the readers won't believe it either. Find something to love the material for, help yourself to believe what you tell others.

Don't change style

Your material should be in the same style. It is unacceptable to jump from one style to another.

More active verbs, fewer adjectives

Small paragraphs and small sentences

Avoid subjunctive moods

“If”, “could”, “suddenly” and other subjunctive moods express uncertainty. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to use them in your work. How to write an advertising text without subjunctive moods? Use active verbs, let the material exude complete confidence.

Do not try to impress the reader with complex words

Speaking intricate language is the lot of weak copywriters. Strong authors should be able to in simple words convey complex thoughts and associations.

Repeat the name of the product or service regularly

So that even after reading the reader remembers what exactly he read, it is important to periodically repeat the name of the product or service. Advertising text does not have to sell immediately; it is often written solely to increase brand awareness and build trust in it.

Use Comparisons

Product comparisons are good not only in TV commercials (regular powder and N powder), but also in promotional notes. Comparison is one of best practices quick conviction in the presence of some competitive advantages.

No excessive negativity

As an opportunity to identify a problem - some negativity is possible, as the basis of the text - is unacceptable. Good advertising text is always positive material. Here, as in Disney films, good triumphs over evil.

The material that consists only of direct advertising is bad. The reader quickly gets tired of this molasses, and therefore be sure to use useful information, history and Interesting Facts in order to refresh the reader's interest in the material.

Not only good

People don't like perfect pictures, they scare and stress them a little. Our life is an alternation of good and bad, excessive gloss causes concern. To write effective advertising text for a website or business in general, try to include some minor flaw or controversial fact in the material.

Not "We", but "You"

The classic rule: do not praise yourself and the product, talk about what the product will give to a person. Less about yourself, more about the reader.

Do not talk about controversial or obvious virtues

If you are selling a TV, you should not focus on the fact that it can be used as a monitor or reads movies from a Flash card. All modern TVs have such functionality, what is the value then? The reader might think “Yeah, since they even put up such nonsense as an advantage, so maybe their other advantages are just as cheap?”.

Don't Forget About Subtitles

Don't give ultimatums

The reader does not like being given ultimatums. Writing something like “buy this TV or you will regret it again” is not the best solution.

Don't make empty promises

“With our TV you will become the most happy man in the world": the promise is too controversial and smacks of a cheap farce. First news: the reader, fortunately, is not an idiot. The second news is that advertising texts are actually read, and this reading can be interrupted after one of these stupid promises.

One of the great marketers said something like this: "The advertising text should be such that you would not be ashamed to show it to your mother." Very rightly pointed out.

Don't forget the "because"

As psychologists have established, the response to the phrase with "because" is about 30% more than without it. The secret is that people love specifics and explanations. If you said, for example, that the jewelry will make a lasting impression on the girl, be sure to explain why.

Consistency is everything

The structure of the advertising text is a capricious lady. Try to divide the material exactly into blocks. Blocks can be separated by subheadings. In one block - a problem, in another - its solution, in the third - facts, in the fourth - additional benefits, and so on. There is nothing more stupid than an advertising text in which the author jumps from fifth to tenth.

It seems that the facts have already been given, the reader has already believed, and again, for some reason, the copywriter, after a couple of paragraphs, is trying to convince the once convinced reader. Stupid? Highly. Be consistent.

Don't overuse italics and bold

Italics, as well as bold type, work great in articles intended for advertising. The only condition is that everything should be in moderation. If a third of your message is italicized and bold, the reader will simply be confused. Since it is customary to highlight the most significant points of the text in this way, the person will not understand what you yourself consider important and what you should pay attention to.

There are products that should only be advertised in a certain style. Let's say it's stupid to make an advertising text about joke toys in a tough officialdom. It's just as stupid to talk about new software for accountants in the spirit of "hee hee - ha ha." Be sure to make sure that the style of the advertising text matches the object of the advertisement.

No exclamation marks

How to write an advertising text so that it immediately becomes clear that its author is an amateur? Put as many exclamation points as possible, optimally - three in a row at once. it perfect way show that you cannot emotionally color the material, and therefore use unnecessary props.

Now that we have dealt with the most important rules writing advertising texts, it's time to start sweet. Our last section will focus on the types of advertising texts. This is also important to know.

Types of advertising texts

Selling text

The goal is to protect a certain brand, to protect the buyer from purchasing goods or services that are similar to the brand, but are not part of the brand. As an option - to show how the original differs from the fake. For example, defensive advertising texts are often written for some high-end products such as swiss watches or original designer clothes.

A well-written text of an advertisement with the obligatory inclusion of psychological elements in it makes it possible to present information about the product, service, and planned promotions to potential consumers in an accessible way. The most profitable offers for buyers about discounts, gifts for completed purchases, festive events accompanied by prizes will not be effective and will not attract the expected number of customers without organizing their information.

How to attract buyers

To achieve success in promoting a product or service, you need to effectively declare the subject of your entrepreneurial activity.

Attracting attention to planned marketing activities in a timely manner will increase the effectiveness of their implementation among numerous potential customers. Advanced entrepreneurs use the modern possibilities of specialized Internet sites. They allow you to quickly, and in some cases free of charge, post the latest news in specialized services and social networks. All resources provide the ability to select the target audience according to their interests. If you already know your target audience, you can order the printing of your brand or slogan on clothes from FairPrint, which will undoubtedly effective involvement attention to your product or activity.

Features of the advertising text

  1. The title should reflect the essence of the trade proposal, as well as the benefits of cooperation. There must be an element of intrigue.
  2. In the text part, all channels of human perception should be taken into account and the advantages of the proposal should be disclosed in detail.
  3. Text advertising should take into account the interests of the target audience for which it is intended.
  4. The use of specific facts and accurate information expressed in numerical terms is welcome.
  5. The product should be concise and not intrusive.

Algorithm for submitting information

The interest in the product of customers is directly dependent on the way information is presented. His choice depends on the social affiliation of the citizens for whom the product or service is intended, and on the place where the advertisement is published.

The best examples of advertising texts contain a bright headline that is informative. They are characterized by easily formulated rules for the promotion and price parameters of the product. And the offer to buy is always veiled and expressed as a motivating offer.

The text of advertising for any product can be published on social networks, on specialized sites, on your own website, in newspapers and magazines. Effectively placing it on billboards. Effective distribution of postal addresses regular customers and, under patronage, their acquaintances.

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Before creating your advertising brainchild, you should study various examples product advertising for the purpose of copying best ideas, which are a feature in the product in question. To compose your own advertising, you should first think over all your wishes, as well as compile a list of information that is relevant and useful at the time of brand creation.

The marketing model must be chosen, focusing on the advertised product and the target audience that it could be interested in. In this case, only one parameter of the model should be taken into account, aimed at activating attention, understanding, desire, and, as a result, actions. good effect provides identification with a well-known brand.

By adding a unique style to advertising, you can give an entrepreneurial idea an exclusive image that will ensure product recognition and significantly expand the target audience. The use of slogans will add an element of originality and uniqueness, and a well-composed text structure will quickly achieve the desired effect.

When advertising is ineffective

Advertising is a powerful sales tool. However, at misuse, it can ruin the reputation of a business entity. It must contain true information. Embellishment with events is unacceptable, or additional services that are not relevant to the advertised product. There is no need to obsessively attract a buyer, this always creates the impression of lack of demand on the market for similar goods or services. You need to be able to skillfully present relevant information. If this rule is violated, all marketing and advertising efforts to move your product are doomed to failure.

Definition of the target audience

In advertising, it is important to competently determine the target category, since this parameter has a direct impact on the effect of the information offered for review. Its main feature is that a potential client belongs to a certain social status, age, gender, place of residence.

Advertising gimmicks

Advertising is necessary so that a business entity can stand out among thousands of similar companies with their offers. To do this, it is not enough just to tell your potential consumers about the availability of a quality product and encourage them to buy it. To attract the attention of customers, it is recommended to use several marketing schemes, following which allows you to make advertising correctly. This will ensure the maximum result from its publication. Promotion methods such as the unique selling proposition and the classic sales model, in which the buyer is accompanied at all stages of the purchase, are popular.

Nowadays, advertising has become an integral part of Everyday life. She accompanies us everywhere: on the way to work, when walking around the city, in transport, on TV screens. One of the types of advertising that is gradually fading into the background, but still remains effective way attract customers - text ad.

This article will discuss the main factors that affect the quality and effectiveness of advertising. That is, it will be told, examples various options will also be presented. It will indicate what major errors are made when submitting it.

Title: Working, powerful black computer.

Description: Selling my computer in working order. System requirements:... (Intel inside 2.2 GHz...). Great for both gaming and work.

Price: 10000 rub.

Availability of photos: There are 4 photos.

Wrong example

Title: Computer, selling computer, cheap computer.

Description: Selling a computer, computer shop, accessories. Buy a computer. Laptop shop.

Price: 10000 rub.

Photo availability: No.

This type of declaration is unacceptable. It looks like a set of words and no one will pay attention to it, as it looks like spam.

How to post a job ad the right way

The issue of submitting a job ad should be taken as seriously as submitting an advertisement. And what in our time can attract the reader?

Algorithm for writing an ad

1. More text is always better at getting the attention of those who need work. You can, of course, place a standard, unremarkable ad and be content with the "second grade".

2. The volume is followed by an image. Logically, everyone reads the same way, from left to right and, of course, from top to bottom. Therefore, it makes sense to print it at the top, at the beginning of the page. Since your ad is business in nature, it will be most effective to place a company logo.

3. It is important to convince the applicant that your company is the best and most worthy, so that they want to work in it.

For any self-respecting company, it is important to recruit ambitious, hardworking employees. Their eyes should burn, and their main goal simply must be high earnings. The main thing is to convince them that you are the right company that can meet all their needs and help provide for their families. Better yet, show how “powerful” your enterprise is, and if not, prove that you are moving in that direction.

4. The next step is to tell why you started looking for an employee.

The construction company will hire a loader and

The company has serious requirements for applicants. This suggests the idea that it will be worthy. A similar company posted the same ad, the only difference was the huge job listing that immediately attracted attention. It follows that workers leave very often and thus create a huge turnover. This can only indicate shortcomings in or leadership.

Original example

If people were soulless and did not know such a wonderful feeling as love, we would not need an experienced employee for our restaurant. Our pride was bewitched by one American and taken to his homeland. We sincerely wish her happiness, but we do not envy ourselves, since it will be difficult to find a worthy employee who ... (after that, there were requirements for the applicant).

At first glance, this ad example looks more like a novel. But such examples of advertisements will help to attract the reader with their unusualness and stand out from the competition. As for the reasons for looking for employees, a popular answer is to open a new office or create a new direction.

Up to this point, everything written was a preparatory part. The main detail of the ad is the job title. You should not come up with unknown vacancies, as this will only repel. The simpler and clearer the position, the more you will invite potential employees for an interview. The only exceptions are those companies that initially want to protect themselves from calls from uneducated people. You can also specify the number of employees needed - this will allow you to determine who is ready to compete for a place in the sun, and who just came to sit out their pants.

Last and no less important point The ad will contain requirements for the applicant and contact details.

All of the above should be included in your job postings. An example of such recruitment messages can be seen in large and experienced companies.

How to achieve effective advertisements?

Examples of advertisements can be seen everywhere: on the street, on TV, and especially on the Internet. Their main feature is specificity. In other words, do not mislead potential customers. That is, if a person is interested in buying washing machine, you should immediately assure him that it is you who will help him in the acquisition. If keywords are entered into the ad, then with each request of the phrases you entered, the user will land on your page, thereby increasing demand. The presence of a price or the opportunity to receive a discount will make the client think even more about the benefits of purchasing from you. Properly selected keywords will save you money and will not cause negative emotions among users.

To increase the chances of your advertising campaign, you need to create separate groups in which all kinds of keyword options will be registered. Before that, you should write all the information that may interest the visitor. If it is not enough to satisfy his needs, he will go to your competitors. The last but no less important note is this: in no case should you use the name of the company or site in the title, since the client is looking for a product first of all, and you can find out who sells it on the site.

Cash contribution announcement

It is a standard form. You can get an example from any bank. The announcement for a cash contribution includes a receipt issued by the bank. It is needed in order to certify that you have received the money that has been credited to your current account.

It is worth noting that it does not matter which ad example you use as a basis. In any case, if you come up with a text competently and with meaning, you can interest absolutely any reader, even if he does not need it.

Advertising surrounds us absolutely everywhere - on banners, in the media, on goods that we constantly buy. But if we stop for a moment and think carefully, then not everything that is advertised, we really would like to buy.

And there are such small and rather modest advertisements, after reading which, the first impulse is to immediately purchase the advertised product. Why is this happening? What makes an ordinary ad so attractive or, on the contrary, repulsive?

Why is it needed

1. Demo

Most of all television advertising, as well as ads in printed publications made just to show potential buyer certain advantages of the proposed product or service, and most importantly, pay attention to your own trademark, which will definitely pop up in a person’s memory when he buys a similar product in a store. Most large companies and corporations try to make just such advertising. Moreover, in order to accustom consumers to their own brand, huge financial resources are constantly allocated.

2. Advertising that initially assumes a direct response from the addressee

That is, it motivates potential customers to place an order immediately with a phone call, sending a coupon or fax. Such advertising is designed for people who are able to place an order quickly enough, preferably immediately. In other words, your advertising should literally make people imagine how they can use the product you advertise and what benefits it can bring directly to them. As a rule, it is your advertising that, for the most part, determines the success or, on the contrary, the failure of your business.

And so that your own business could bring you really decent money, you need to write the right advertising texts.

How to write a sales copy

1. The perfect headline

You must learn one fairly simple axiom: a powerful headline is almost 70% of the effectiveness of your advertising, so writing it is a really big and very important thing. As experience has shown, negative headlines are more attractive than positive ones. It is the negative emotional connotation of the words you have chosen for the name that makes the potential client identify with him. The main goal of any headline is to grab attention in every way. Use this trick and make headlines that will initially focus on potential customers and will definitely attract attention.

2. Do not write unverified information, always check everything to the smallest detail

Checking everything is the key to consistent success in any advertising. Subject your letters, announcements, publications, and merchandise to the utmost scrutiny. Always read order forms and phone numbers carefully, and make sure you know the purpose of each ad. Never rely on chance or chance. Check your texts carefully. And remember that successful millionaires in advertising are the very people who have checked everything for sure and found out for themselves what works in each specific case. You will never have an end to your probationary period in this area!

3. Capacious phrases, short paragraphs, small sentences

This is how quality ads should be written. They should be really easy to understand and absolutely easy to order. If we compare such texts with the skills of the student high school, then they should not be higher than grade 8, the sentences should be short and understandable for any level of perception, and remember that the potential client absolutely does not need figurative means and ornate complex sentences. If after the third word he reads he loses interest in your ad, then you definitely won’t be able to earn money.

4. Only specifics and no generalizations

Specific phrases make your offer more believable, but if you use abstract vocabulary and generalize facts, then potential customers will immediately decide that you are just making it up. The phrase “Earn cash daily” is absolutely inappropriate, since it is believed that getting paid for any work every day is simply unlikely. But “Get up to $350 daily by doing simple work on…” is much more credible, because the client believes that you have already calculated everything, which means that he should try it too. Everyone knows the fact that specific words always win over common ones, so just review your text again and make it more specific.

5. Let your personal information work for you

Most advertising uses the principle of identifying a potential client with the advertising hero - the so-called "Me too" principle. But there were so many such ads that people simply got tired of them and completely stopped working.

You need to find your unique approach to composing the text. What interesting things do you have directly? Are you elderly or even old? Are you blonde, brunette or red? You're young? Did you barely finish school? So learn how to profitably use personal information, including not too attractive, in your own ad! Try to be unique in everything and use it in advertising. People need to know you - this is how they will begin to trust you as an advertiser, and trust is positive quality- it gives some incentive to place orders.

6. Focus on benefits, not features

Focus the attention of a potential customer on specific benefits, and not on those features that distinguish your product from similar ones. And understand, finally, the difference between these concepts. Benefits are exactly what your product offers to consumers, and distinctive features are any components that various ways payment and more. Distinctive features focus on the product itself, and benefits - on the consumer, and they sound accordingly: “How much money can a potential client make? How many kilograms will he lose weight and in how many days? Rearrange the text of your ad, shifting the focus on the consumer, not on the advertised product.

7. Make friends with adjectives and adverbs and use them generously in your own text.

There is a fairly common misconception that people who want to buy something are guided solely by logic. But this is fundamentally wrong! People make purchases under the influence of some of their own emotions. Try to create a fairly practical and really logical product, and then rewrite the text, adding emotions to it. Outline in unexpected colors to your potential consumer the prospect of life with and without your wonderful product. Literally make him desperately need your unprecedented offer. Try to make it so that it is your product that attracts the consumer at a subtle level of emotions, then your sales will increase significantly.

This is a really powerful tool for any sales, which must be used. Manage to organically include these reviews in all the ads that you compose, especially since really successful selling texts at least one third consist of such reviews on the product itself or any service of the company. It is not difficult to obtain such information. Just draw up and make a specific form for such a review, print it out on paper and simply distribute it to customers. So they will feel that their opinion about your service or product is very important to you. And the answers you get can, in turn, then be used in your own advertising.

9. Nice free bonuses with a certain time limit

Anything free is an essential element of any advertisement. Believe me, the word "free" is really the most powerful word that can be. If your product costs more than $20, then free bonuses must be attached to it. For goods cheaper than this amount, you should also try to find an opportunity to offer any bonuses. But most importantly, these bonuses should be limited to a certain time period, for example, "now", which encourages the buyer to make a purchase immediately. This technique acts as a sale effect on the potential consumer, so all your advertising should encourage people to buy immediately. And free add-ons to your offer will cost you very little, just include something here that will cost you very little to produce, but at the same time will be really valuable for the consumer.

10. Compulsory Warranty

This is the most The best way which will help you earn the trust of your customers. Moreover, such a guarantee should apply to all the goods you sell, since the opportunity to return is the strongest incentive that can literally suppress all doubts, objections and fears that can simply prevent you from placing an order.

11. Easy ordering procedure

Try to make it really elementary. Provide customers with a clear sequence of actions: “Pick up the phone and make a call to the number ... right now” or “Fill out the order form and send it to the address ...”. Potential customers should be as clear as possible so that they can immediately place an order.

Summing up

To make it more clear to you, the format of a good advertising text should be something like this:

  1. Title.
  2. Subtitle (if necessary).
  3. Announcement of the advertised product.
  4. Main ad text.
  5. Recommended customer reviews.
  6. Free bonuses.
  7. Mandatory guarantee.
  8. Last paragraph.
  9. P.S. - postscript.

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