Get acquainted with a girl sex, video dating couple. Administrative functions

The buildings 30.09.2019
The buildings
Any existing enterprise resembles a living organism, the normal functioning of which is ensured by constantly supported connections with other legal entities. These are business partners, and customers, suppliers, and controlling, and managers, as well as many other organizations and individuals.

The main task of people engaged in administrative work is to ensure the planned and trouble-free work of the enterprise, including through the timely submission of operational information and reporting management decisions from leadership to performers.

Depending on the type of activity, which is the main thing for this enterprise, its structure and the number, to the main administrative posts include: Administrator at the reception, secretary, secretary-referment, office manager, business assistant, clerk, operator on the phone, Personal Assistant Head, Translator, Head of the Office / Secretariat.

It can be noted that highly qualified administrators are valued by employers at the level of the Middle Manager: Logistics, Accountant, Customer Service Manager. The level of their salaries begins with 50 thousand rubles.

What you need to become a good administrator

Employers impose quite high demands to candidates for administrative posts. The applicant must have a higher education and experience in this industry. Increasingly, the knowledge of one or several foreign languages, and the knowledge of the computer and office programs, office equipment and mini-PBX are not even mentioned, as granted.

A person who wants to engage in administrative work must also have specific character qualities. Initiative, competent people who have flexible intelligence, a wide range of outlook and a systemic approach to work, who can make weighted operational solutions will always be in demand.

Since administrative posts suggest and communicative functions, important qualities in the device for work will be a competent speech, the ability to find a common language with people and logically to express their thoughts, knowledge of business etiquette and even pleasant appearance, which is especially important at the reception and secretaries that are the company's person .


  • The staffing schedule of AUU

Word " logistics"Initially, the mathematical term, in modern society adopted a new value and is used to determine the process of rational organization of delivery of goods and services. Until recently, in this sense, it was used only in economic theory, but today it became very common and even fashionable.

Logistics - part of economic science and area of \u200b\u200bbusiness, which helps to optimize the process of circulation of products, services and goods between producers and consumers. In the context of exceeding the supply over demand in many areas, the only way to stay on the market is to optimize warehouse and transportation costs, rationalize the production process, sales and service of enterprises. This is what is engaged in logistics. The main goal of the logistics described above is divided into many tasks: in the optimization process, the type of vehicle is selected; routes are determined; transportation, cargo packaging ,; Inventory management is performed; Prefabricated orders are formed and so on. Logistics includes the management of customs services. Such an extensive field of activity made it possible to divide this theory into several types. The concept of " logistics"Includes the following directions: transport, information, logistics supply and stocks, storage and sales. Each is engaged in optimizing expenses in the relevant area. So, logistics Stocks involves taking into account products in warehouses and control over the state of stocks. Transport brings to perfection the process of delivering goods by choosing the best route, suitable transport, professional driver. Logistics supply provides optimal storage and delivery of raw materials, informational - effectively distributes information flows. Different companies choose different logistics systems depending on the specificity of activity. Some sufficiently work with databases to optimize costs, other enterprises use systems directed to warehouse or equipped activities. It is important that each system ensure the implementation of the main tasks and included all the types of logistics services necessary for the implementation of the company's success.

Office administrator - management position included in the staff schedule of many large companies. Find out how it affects the work of the office than different from the ordinary secretary and what is included in the circle of his duties.

From the article you will learn:

One of the main trends of modern office work is the growing pace of automation. Modern technologies make it possible to significantly simplify the work of the secretary. Many routine and even intelligent functions can now be performed using computer technology. The only thing that has not yet learned to make cars is to actively participate in business management. While large companies do not do without an office administrator, which coordinates their work and creates optimal conditions for it.

How does the office administrator differ from the secretary and the office manager?

A similar post appeared in the domestic business relatively recently. Its introduction has become a forced measure for the successful functioning of most large companies. As a rule, when opening the vacancy of the office administrator, indicate the same requirements as the applicants for the office of the office manager or :

  • availability of administrative work experience and personnel management skills;
  • additional education in the field of management;
  • knowledge of office equipment;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • understanding the specifics of the Company's activities;
  • business communication skills and knowledge of business etiquette;
  • punctuality, performance, stress resistance;

There is still differences between these two professions. The office administrator often acts as a manager, i.e. He manages the administrative division of the organization. The circle of its powers is much wider as the list of duties. It includes a number of managerial and even control functions. At this officer, as at the office manager, economic functions can be assigned, but they are not priority.

From office manager to project administrator: profession trends

Currently, the administrative activities of office workers outlined . From the auxiliary functions, it gradually goes into the category of management activities.

On administrative workers, the traditional duties of the project administrator are increasingly placed:

  1. Planning and implementing specific projects;
  2. Participation in the activities of various committees of commissions created to solve the company's strategic issues;

Project administrator is an employee responsible for the management of documentation, maintaining the activities of the project manager, in terms of planning and monitoring work, providing participants necessary for the successful performance of information. Many managers in large organizations are in the center of intersection of information flow and carry out operational information support for the head and employees of the company.

Office Administrator Office

The main local regulatory document regulating the office of the office administrator is the job description. She clearly defines his job responsibilities, rights and zone of responsibility. In addition, this document registers the requirements for the candidate for the level of education and professional skills.

In many companies, job descriptions are developing on the basis of the existing Secretary and Office Manager, adding to it describing the administrative functions of this employee. The significant difference of the manager is that it has a number of guidance: manages office workers, office work and logistics.

Office administrator duties

The obligations of the office administrator regulates the job description. As a rule, it has a wide range of powers and performs the functions of an organizational and controlling specialist. In many organizations, in one position, the functionality of the secretary, the heads and the manager is united. In large companies, this specialist turns into a leader, in whose subordination is: the Secretariat, couriers, clerk, service personnel.

We offer a brief checklist of the office administrator responsibilities that may be included in its job description:

Office preparation for the working day

The routine office administrators begin with the preparation of the office to a new day. Arriving to work, he deactivates the security system, connects the office equipment, checks the presence of the necessary consumables and stationery. Then he needs to analyze the list of visitors and prepare for their meeting: check the condition of the reception, make sure that promotional and other materials, prepare negotiation and conference rooms.

See also:

Drawing up to ensure an office to all necessary for work

Useful article:About, Read in an electronic log.

These can be both periodic and one-time needs, information about which can be obtained in three ways:

In situations (buying stationery without consideration);

On requests (needs are determined by collecting applications);

Systemic (not only the recovery of personnel, but also the actual state of affairs);

Purity and order support

The office administrator is an employee whose job responsibilities include conclusion and renewing contracts with cleaning companies, coordinating the work of the service personnel. He must consider proposals, harmonize the choice of the company with the leadership, prepare the documentation necessary for the conclusion of the contract. The manager must choose expedient periodicity of cleaning, stipulate its time and duration.

Contacts with operational services

Often, one of the duties prescribed in the office administrator's official instructions is to establish contacts with operational and utilities. It depends on the resource of the premises, timely repair work, . It is responsible for compliance with the state of the premises of the rules and norms of industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Transport dispatching

If the organization has dispatch and , Transport department, they are often transmitted to office administrator. In some companies, an employee who occupies this position is responsible for the operational transmission of information, optimization of routes, monitoring the status and distribution of loading, i.e. Partially performs the duties of logic.

Organization of office work

The responsibility zone of the Experienced Manager is often the organization of office work, i.e. Creating optimal conditions for movement, search and storage of documents. Unlike the secretary, he is not just doing and managing outgoing challenges. It systematizes, registers, conducts control of the execution of official documentation.

The office administrator constantly cooperates with the office workshop, and in some cases it is even its leader.

Visitor service

Office administrator duties often include visitors service. He is responsible for agreeing with visitors about the visit of the visit, , Take all those who came, organize the reception in accordance with the instructions of the manual.

Office personnel management

The office administrator has a number of responsibilities related to personnel management in its submission. He is engaged in the selection and alignment of the secretariat specialists, plans the strategy and tactics of work, builds the organizational structure. The manager must own the methods of staff motivation, know the methods of improving productivity, to be a model of professional ethics

Internal control

The office administrator not only accepts a number of important management decisions, but also monitors their execution. Its responsibilities include the introduction and provision of labor regulations, as well as compliance with corporate communication standards. He controls the culture of speech subordinates when communicating with visitors, , following the rules of business etiquette.

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For administrative work, the head of the enterprise often requires an assistant. The position of such an employee is usually referred to as the Administrative Assistant or "Personal Assistant" (Personal Assistant).

The assistant can be assigned as current responsibilities to ensure the technical specifications necessary to work (tickets, the organization of business meetings, negotiations, etc.) and the functions to solve minor production tasks. In the latter case, this means that the administrative assistant may influence the overall actions of the personnel and control the execution of the task. The delegated functions can be attributed to the tasks of both a technical nature that require independence of actions and provide full responsibility for the results (which may include, for example, observation of the discipline of personnel, the expenditure of funds, the organization of certain events, etc.), so and consideration of complaints, solving conflict situations or attracting relevant services (i.e., coordination and communicative work in the enterprise).

The administrative assistant, as a rule, assigns the obligation to compile a variety of financial, statistical reports, preparation of reports, projects of orders, etc.

In some cases, the administrative assistant may represent the interests of the head, to speak of his behalf, to carry out technical negotiations that do not require immediate decision making, to report their results to the head, bring separate decisions of the head to personnel, to perform secretarial responsibilities, etc.

Sometimes its powers can be wider and actually represent the first (lower) level of administrative management.

I. General provisions

1. An administrative assistant applies to the category of specialists.

business sphere.

3. Administrative assistant should know:

3.1. Enterprise management structure.

3.2. Interior and foreign policy of the enterprise.

3.3. The structure and equipment of the modern office.

3.4. Principles of representation in state bodies, local governments, third-party organizations.

3.5. Principles and methods of administration.

3.6. CD standards.

3.7. Basics of ethics and aesthetics.

3.8. Rules of business communication.

3.9. The procedure for systematization, accounting and maintenance of documentation using modern information technologies.

3.10. Rules of internal labor regulations.

II. Official duties

Administrative Assistant:

1. Plans to lead the leader (meeting, calls, reception, etc.).

2. Carries out technical support of the work of the head (order of transport, tickets; organization of meetings, negotiations; dr.)

3. Leaves on the instructions of the head for short-term business trips to address issues marked by the head.

4. accompanies the head at meetings, on trips, pr.

5. Takes part in negotiations, business meetings, special techniques; Leads protocols and other documents, drawing up and the result of meetings, negotiations.

6. Communicates with enterprises, government agencies and local governments to address issues marked by the head and not requiring direct participation of the head.

7. On behalf of the head coordinates individual issues with employees of structural divisions, it brings to them instructions and orders of the head; Controls the execution of instructions and orders.

8. Carries out the collection of materials and information necessary to the head, prepares analytical, information, reference and other materials and presents them to the manager.

9. Widescading, receives postage and telegraph departures addressed to the head, leads their accounting and registration, reports to the manager.

10. Wills an appointment with the manager, organizes reception of visitors.

11. Receives documents and information necessary to the manager on behalf of the head in state bodies, local government.

12. Performs one-time instructions of the head for the organization of personnel on a specific director.

13. Performs other instructions of the head as part of the official relations.

III. Rights

An administrative assistant has the right to:

1. Sign and view documents within its competence.

2. Get acquainted with the documents defining its rights and obligations on the position of office, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

3. Request from the leadership and specialists of enterprise units information and documents necessary to fulfill its duties.

4. Require from the head of the provision of organizational and technical conditions and the design of established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. A responsibility

Administrative assistant is responsible:

1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of its official duties stipulated by this official instruction, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the process of its activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.

All the leaders of any level are involved in the work, but if the organization is large enough, administrative posts will be provided in its staffing. Employees who will take these jobs will fulfill the bulk of administrative duties. The main part of them are dispatching and communicative functions.

Administrative posts in the enterprise

Any existing enterprise resembles a living organism, the normal functioning of which is ensured by constantly supported connections with other legal entities. These are business partners, and customers, suppliers, and controlling, and managers, as well as many other organizations and individuals.

The main task of people engaged in administrative work is to ensure the planned and trouble-free work of the enterprise, including through the timely submission of operational information and reporting management decisions from leadership to performers.

Depending on the type of activity, which is the main thing for this enterprise, its structure and the number, to the main administrative posts include: Administrator at the reception, secretary, secretary-referment, office manager, business assistant, clerk, operator on the phone, Personal Assistant Head, Translator, Head of the Office / Secretariat.

It can be noted that highly qualified administrators are valued by employers at the level of the Middle Manager: Logistics, Accountant, Customer Service Manager. The level of their salaries begins with 50 thousand rubles.

What you need to become a good administrator

Employers impose quite high demands to candidates for administrative posts. The applicant must have a higher education and experience in this industry. Increasingly, the knowledge of one or several foreign languages, and the knowledge of the computer and office programs, office equipment and mini-PBX are not even mentioned, as granted.

A person who wants to engage in administrative work must also have specific character qualities. Initiative, competent people who have flexible intelligence, a wide range of outlook and a systemic approach to work, who can make weighted operational solutions will always be in demand.

Since administrative posts suggest communicative functions, important qualities in the device to work will be a competent speech, the ability to find a common language with people and logically express their thoughts, knowledge of business etiquette and even pleasant appearance, which is especially important for administrators at the reception and secretaries that are face company.

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