Short-term desires Example management. Short-term goals in life and work: examples

Landscape design and layout 26.09.2019
Landscape design and layout

Although it is very useful to move to the intended goal, it is important not to associate its intrinsicity with the achievement of the goal. You remain normal, regardless of whether the goal has been achieved. Regardless of the result of your effort, you are the only one of your kind, worthy of an attractive person. Constantly remembering this and applying the methods set out in previous chapters, you will be less susceptible to stress, more often you will be cheerful and achieve a better result.

Most of the well-known lucky people from time to time did not cope with the scheduled tasks. But, not allowing these "failures" to undermine their intrinsicity, they looked at them as a useful life experience and, continuing to move forward, eventually achieved even more success than the initial goals assumed. It should always be remembered that goals are good tools that we can apply to achieve the desired result, but they can never mean more than we ourselves.

Denote the goals naturally. We are sentenced mechanisms. We are created to solve problems. In early childhood, we watched how people go, they say, read, ride bicycles, etc., and planned that we will also do it all. Without conscious of it, we set goals. It was not always easy to achieve them, but we continued to strive for success. We liked to make a challenge, I liked the learning process, covered the delight of achievements and incarnation. So we learned to walk and say, make many other things that today seem simple and natural.

Availability may even help extend the youth and keep health. One of the most sophisticated statistical indicators in the country shows that men die on average 2 years after retirement. When we do something for many years, it fills our lives, and a sudden loss of this deprives us of the main point of existence and will to life. As a result, our resistance to diseases is reduced, the ability to survive.

In many of my seminars there are people who for 60, 70 or 80, they are concerned about the future, they set themselves long-term goals. They know that their mind can help preserve youth, health, activity and efficiency. And they understand that the key to this is the love and awareness of the direction or goal.

At the end of the seminar, which I spent for 150 nuns of the monastery of St. Paul, one of them told me: "I am 96 years old, and I agree with everything you say. I just lived like you preach. " And it was obvious. She looked at about forty years younger. She puts her goals, in thoughts and prayers sent love to other people, gave the importance of love to himself. She knew that she would have nothing to give to her without any love. She has a long life, because she believes in favor of which it can bring.

Any doctor will tell you that the will to life is of paramount importance. Do you know that mortality among widows and widowers during the year after the loss of life satellite is much higher than other people of the same age? According to Dr. Paul Rosch, director of the American Institute of Stress, Jonkers, New York, published in the "Time" magazine ("Time") on June 6, 1983, "WDD mortality in 3- 13 times higher than in married women in all major known reasons leading to death. " It is possible that another person is the main sense of our existence. And when he dies, our will dies with him together to life.

Imagine riding a bike. It is easy to maintain balance, while moving forward, but it is very difficult, it is even impossible to save it, staying in place. Objectives support youth and health. This is the more true if we love life and intend to live it with benefit.

With regard to the goals, flexibility is never excessive. You can always change your goals when you wish. It will take no more than 10 minutes to record a new goal. In fact, you have less freedom when there are no goals. When the course is not set, the winds (or people) will be able to enthone you in any directions in their whim. In the absence of goals, you lose control. Without the goals, you really are not the owner of your life.

List of your desires

The first step in determining the goals should be the compilation of a complete list, including: who you want to become, what to achieve, what to enjoy what to do in all spheres of life. There are no restrictions. It does not matter how old you are, is it enough money, what kind of education you have. Drop all restrictions for a minute and write down everything that comes to mind. You do not accept commitments to execute the recorded. You just clarify your desires. However, as many prospects are aware of the prospects, if not all, your desires become more easily executable.

The examples of desires given here were recorded by people who visited my seminars. You can include them in your list:

1. Get a degree in college.

2. Reset one hundred pounds weight.

3. Find out everything about any country.

4. Visit Europe.

5. To conclude a happy marriage.

6. Become a master, head, manager, president of his company.

7. Conquer Everest.

8. Purchase a yacht.

11. Have a popular vacuum cleaner and toaster.

12. Success in the baseball tournament.

13. Play well on the piano.

14. Perform a responsible work in a state, social or religious institution.

15. Quick smoking.

16. Help children in school.

17. To achieve financial independence.

18. To speak freely in several foreign languages.

19. Make a world tour.

20. Open your own business.

21. Learn restraint.

22. Swim La Mans.

23. compose a song.

24. Become famous.

25. Dress well.

26. Improve the result in golf by 10 points.

27. Donate large sums of certain charitable institutions.

28. Refuse to eat alcohol.

29. Become a good artist.

30. You can have the opportunity to provide financial assistance to friends and family.

Make a full list that includes who you want to be achieved, what to have to do in all spheres of life. Write down all this on the place allotted here or on a separate sheet of paper.

The list can be long enough. Some people have a hundred or more points. Remember that this is not a goal, but the listing of desires can file you ideas for setting the goals that we will be able to use.

How to turn work in pleasure

Richard Bach often gives such advice: "Determine what you like most and do it." And if you encounter obstacles that interfere with doing what you like, find something that you like in what you are doing. The work should be pleasure, and you can turn the work in pleasure, simply performing it accordingly and finding pleasure in everything you do. Pleasure is right and just waiting for you to discover it.

Perhaps you do not want to engage your business to the end of life, but you will extract much benefit, getting pleasure from him until you change something better. Life acquires fullness when you love what you are doing.

Here are some advantages that you get if you find pleasure in your work and love her:

The time for work goes much faster.

At the end of the day you retain more energy.

Improve your relationship with people at work and in general.

You are experiencing less negative emotions.

Increased labor productivity.

It is revealed what is really important for you - and you are better prepared to fulfill the responsible work well and with joy.

I had the posts that I initially hated. Later I decided to remove all the best of them; As a result, they became not only more pleasant, but they brought huge practical knowledge. They served steps for greater success and pleasure.

Another way to start doing what you love is to make three next list:

1. Ten things that I love to do.

2. Ten ways, with which I can make money, making what I love, benefiting others.

3. Ten ways, with the help of which I can benefit the large number of people, making what I love, with a profit for myself.

Pay for several minutes right now and make three specified list.

Drawing up such lists helped many people see the opportunity to do what they like, with a profit, and gain confidence in success. I recently received a letter from a man who had a marriage process at a time when he visited my productive meditation seminar ®. He writes that in two years, who passed after he mastered my methodology for the designation of goals, he reached the following:

Survived the marriage process, retaining dignity and high self-esteem.

Ceased to abuse alcohol.

Dropped 30 pounds of overweight and saves this level.

Reached the goal that set: Open your own business for 5 years (less than 2 years).

Increased its annual income from $ 22,000 to more than 100,000.

I got a car "Corvette", about which he dreamed, and going to get "Ferrari" soon.

At the end of the letter, he persistently asks me to continue to convince listeners in the benefits of programming, because their goals are achievable, it is only necessary to want.

Eight most important principles of successful achievement of goals

Eight Soviets, how to do to help yourself achieve goals:

1. Record the goals.

2. Be specific.

3. Make sure that these are really your goals.

4. Share your plans (goals) only with those people who will react positively.

5. Use drawings and characters.

6. Take a commitment.

7. Be persistent.

8. Program your goals at least three times a day.

1. Write goals. This is the most important stage in the purpose of the goals. Recording goals - the first step in turning them into physical reality. Numerous studies show that people who record goals have 10 times higher probability achieve them than those that have clear goals, but they are not recorded. The entry of the goals will also help you draw up your thoughts and not deviate from the course. It is useful to carry a list of purposes with you to be able to contact him several times a day. The entry of goals will help you to more realize them, and also consciously look for opportunities for their achievement.

In everyday life, you will make actions close to achieving goals, the likelihood of counterproductive actions will decrease. Recorded goals also serve as a measure of your progress. The success you will achieve will come very natural, it will consistently fit your new beliefs and reality. In practice, some people barely notice what great progress did, while, after the achievement of goals, do not stumble upon records, and exclaim: "And it's great, I really did a lot!".

2. Being specific. The more specifically you write down the goal, the higher the likelihood of its achievement. "I would like to have more money," this is not a goal. This desire, not a goal. Be specific. How much money? And for what period of time? Similarly, "I want the best job" is not a goal, but a desire. Specific! What kind of work do you want? When exactly want to get it?

3. Make sure that these are really your goals. I am familiar with the doctors, lawyers, are people of other professions that look successful, but do not feel as such, because they do not do what they would really like to do. They wanted to dispose of their lives in a different way. Instead, they came by the will of parents, someone else. Before you your life, make sure that these are really your goals. Do they reflect your values \u200b\u200band your desires? Do they coincide with what you like?

4. Share its plans (goals) only with those people who will react positively. This does not mean that you should ignore those who offer constructive criticism. Sometimes it may be useful. But people who are usually prone to negative estimates should be avoided. People who are not able to imagine that you can do something if you haven't done this yet, such people can make you doubt them. You can even retreat from the project that could be implemented quite successfully. Surround yourself positively configured sympathizing. Their faith will strengthen faith in yourself. They will help you realize your potential.

5. Use drawings and characters. Undoubtedly, it is very useful to cut pictures or symbols that will remind of your goals, and put them in a wallet, a wallet or attach to the mirror. A few years ago I met a woman who was a trade agent and had some idea of \u200b\u200bthe method of setting goals. One of the goals to which she sought was the possession of an expensive sports car of foreign production. She wanted to buy this car for cash within 5 - B months. With the then level of income, she had no chance of such a purchase, however, knowing the technique, she not only recorded its goal, but also cut out a picture of a car that wanted to buy from an advertising brochure. Next to the car in the picture was a mannequin. Instead of her image, my friend glued her photo.

Looking at the picture, every time she saw herself next to the car. She invested a picture on a working book, which often revealed during the day so that she serve as a permanent reminder of the goal. Later she showed this picture to me and said: "Here is my car." Then turned the page: there was almost an identical picture - the same car, the same color - but it was already a genuine photo, depicting it next to the car. "Here is my car," she said. It was really her car! She acquired it 5 months after he put this goal by paying cash. My friend was convinced that she succeeded with a picture.

The daily reminder and positive attitude of thoughts increased enthusiasm and inspired for greater activity and ingenuity in working with the clientele. Accordingly, income rose and increased. By the way, the mannequin in the picture was very slim, and my friend, asked for a target known to us, loyaded ten pounds, not even applying efforts that even more demonstrates the strength of the shape.

6. Take a commitment. There is something wonderful when you make an obligation regarding your goal. At that moment, when you unequivocally oblige yourself, something comes to the rescue - God, the Universe, the Forces of Nature. Support comes. By accepting the obligation, you call this support, build your energy and the ability to achieve success. Determination, in itself, includes a chain reaction of events, helps you and leads to the goal. People, resources, material opportunities arise and appear seemingly miraculously to support your efforts. As Gothe said:

Any goal forces you are without a doubt

Dried, because in courage hid mighty genius.

Courage, power, magic power - everything is ready to serve you. You only need to take a commitment and start.

The following formulas for success will help you in your beginnation:

With all the determination, I undertake to achieve the desired one.

Absolute determination enhances my energy.

When taking a commitment, I feel confident and strength.

I like the feeling of absolute determination.

Decisivity makes achieve any goal easier.

7. Be persistent. In essence, perseverance will appear automatically if you sincerely accepted a firm obligation, but a few words on this topic can still help you to stick to it. Perseverance is one of our most important qualities. We possess them from birth. When we were small and learned to walk, we showed perseverance. We fell, but rose again and again, until we succeeded - they learned to walk. The same happened when we learned to speak. And the same was repeated when they mastered the bike. Many achievements in life we \u200b\u200bare obliged to our perseverance.

Over the years, we acquire a tendency to use this quality. Other values \u200b\u200bcome. We begin to attach more importance to what others think about us and say. In self-esteem we are more listening to what is said from the side than to the inner voice. Once of our other people, we attach more values \u200b\u200bthan our own. We are dependent on their approval.

On our opinion, even the thoughts of other people about us are affected - and to such an extent that we have a negative understanding of themselves. When we were children and fell, it did not stop us. If we show the same perseverance in adulthood, I will never lose.

Many years ago in Illinois lived a young man who failed in business. He ran into the legislative assembly, but unsuccessfully. He again took up business. And once again failed, after which she paid his partner's debts for 17 years. His beloved died, and he fell ill with a nervous disorder. He returned to the policy again, put forward his candidacy for Congress, but again suffered a crushing defeat. Then the failure ended its attempt to get a appointment to the United States Land Department. After that, he took part in the elections to the US Senate, but also unsuccessfully.

Two years later, he repeated attempted and played again. The defeat followed the defeat. He could easily surrender and had a convincing excuse, without achieving anything else in his life, because he turned out to be so unfortunate. But he showed perseverance and became one of the greatest people in the history of people. His name Abraham Lincoln. He reconciled with himself, although many considered him a fool, freak and a complete loser. He knew that it was imperfect, but was confident in his potential and continued to go through the obstacles to self-realization. He recognized the advantages of other people. He cared for people and devoted his life to them. He was targeted and persistent and succeeded, even when it seemed that he was failed. Each obstacle gave the opportunity to learn, grow, develop positive qualities. Losers do not exist - there are people who give up too quickly.

This is what the persistence of Calvin Coolidge said: "Nothing will replace persistence in the world. Does not replace talent - there is nothing ordinary talented loser. It will not replace genius - the unrecognized genius almost entered the saying. Education will not replace - the world is full of educated holoners. All-fulfillment only perseverance and determination. The motto "stand on my own" has always allowed and will solve the problems of human race. "

Here are some formulas for success that will help strengthen your perseverance:

I like the process of implementing my plan from beginning to end.

I am very persistent.

I possess congenital persistence.

I am configured strongly and firmly.

I will bring the point to the end.

I will complete what started.

I will concentrate all the abilities on my purpose until it reaches it.

8. Program targets at least three times a day. By programming, encourage yourself to feel as if the desired end result has already been received. Be grateful. It is clear that in this case we use the second element of the method of "mental cinema" (you remember, of course, that the first part (element) of this "cinema" is scrolled only once).

To remind you of the need to repeat this procedure, stick a small note to the clock or near them: "to pay a few minutes to program the target - now!"

If, for example, your goal is to pronounce a good speech, relax the brain and body, using the technique already mastered by us, and, scrolling the second part of your "Cinema", move forward mentally forward in time, imagine that you are already set out Material - with a good effect and impression, feel taking place with pleasure and joy. You focus your efforts to bring a message to the audience in a clear, acceptable form, but do not concentrate on yourself, trying to impress or worrying about the reaction of the hall.

You successfully perform the outlined, achieve the goal, enjoying the process. Your speech is well organized and prepared. It contains entry, the main part and conclusion. You carefully support visual contact with the audience and mentally send "I love you" to everyone and everyone, whether it is a thousand people or one listener. Empty love and focusing on its purpose, you are automatically freed from awkwardness and shyness, becoming natural and relaxed, which makes a speech more impressive.

Briefly, medium- and long-term goals

Some of your goals will require more time than others. Therefore, you will have:

- Short-term goals Objectives that, in your opinion, can be achieved during from several days to several weeks.

- Medium-term goals The goals that, in your opinion, will require from a few weeks to a year.

- Long-term goals Objectives, the achievement of which, according to your understanding, will last a year or more.

Sometimes short-term goals will serve steps towards medium and long-term. If you want a million dollars, it is easy to understand that it is unrealistic to plan such a goal in a few weeks when your asset is currently at the moment, say, 1.85 dollars. However, the short-term target focused on a smaller amount will be quite real as much as a million as a goal of long-term.

It is very important to believe. If you do not believe that you will achieve the goal, most likely it will be. As Richard Bach, Illusions (Richard Bach, "Illusions") in his book "Illusions", "Desires never come to you without the simultaneous appearance of their implementation ..." However, you probably have to work (about how to turn work Pleasure, told in chapter 6). Your goals may seem unreal to other people, but you must believe in their reality.

How to record goals

The following eight principles of recording goals confirmed their effectiveness in thousands of cases. If you record on a standard sheet of paper, then make sure that no more than two pages will be required to fix all eight (below you will find an example of the target written in these eight principles).

1. Going a goal.

2. Initial date.

3. End date.

4. Advantages.

5. Source point.

7. Obstacles.

8. Ways to overcome obstacles.

1. Going a goal. After analyzing a list that includes, who would you like to become, what to get, what to have to do, choose something that you want to implement most - in the next few days or weeks, if the purpose is short-term, on time from several weeks before years, if the very medium-term target, next year or later, with a long-term goal.

Analyzing the list of desires, you may likely find that it really will really take more than a year. How to allocate from the list of a short or medium term? For example, you have written that I would like to lose 100 pounds, but you are hardly allowing that this can be done in less than a year. If so, your goal may be a step on the way to the end result. Let's say 50 pounds. And 100 pounds you note as a long-term goal. Another example. If you recorded that you want to get a degree, but at the moment you only have a certificate of graduation of high school, your mid-term goal will be a training quarter or semester in college.

2. The initial date._Hever you will start, the sooner you reach the goal. And therefore - why not start right now?

3. End date. You will reach the goal K_. Maybe it will be able to you a little earlier or a little later than the specified date, but you will make sure that the focus on the given period will stimulate the biochemical processes and the activity of the body, will help to avoid slowness, will increase the effectiveness of your actions.

4. Advantages. List the advantages that you get, reaching the goal. Imagine, imagine, feel and enjoy the fruits of these advantages - at least three times a day. This is one of the most pleasant components in the setting system. Obtaining a learned degree may not seem to be so exciting if you think about it is simply as about getting a piece of paper. However, if you focus on the advantages that this degree will bring, it may turn out a very exciting picture.

Here are examples of advantages that can be expected as a result of achieving a goal in the form of a scientific degree: the ability to take a position that was not available without a degree; an increase in income that was impossible without a scientific degree; admiration and respect for family members and friends in connection with the achievement of the goal that required so much effort, time, costs; The feeling of executed debt, satisfaction, perfect a deed, which you will experience as a result of the achieved. It is here that programming begins to work.

Relax the brain on the technique we assimilated and in detail. Imagine a positive end result, the purpose of the target. Make yourself feel like this is already happening. You experience excellent sensations in programming, focusing on the benefits received, and at the same time mentally build the models that will serve for future success.

5. Source point. Let's start with the date of your soil, the day when you record a goal. Where are you relative to the turn on which you want to go out? This stage is important for two reasons. First, it fixes your starting point. This will help you evaluate progress. Often, when we look at the past, returning to the goal, which was recorded a year or two ago, then amazing how far left and how much achieved. Progress seemed so natural that we were forgotten where they started. Re-reading the goal, recorded a year or two ago, we realize how much advanced. And today's success is what we have chosen and created.

Implementation of designs helps us. We inspire for new goals. This stage is also important because it helps with greater clarity to see the current situation. Helps to determine the problem.

And the formulation of the problem, as often believed, contains 90% of the process of its permission.

6. Plan. Write down the steps that you will do to achieve the goal. At this stage it is useful to arrange an individual brainstorming. Record all possible steps that could lead to the target. Do not come to these steps critically at this stage. Write down everything that comes to mind. Later, when you analyze them, some may decide to refuse. But you will have a material for analysis and solution, which is quite valuable in itself.

The image of action will also be cleaned during the programming of the goal that you are engaged daily. You will see that when, relaxing, you focus on a positive end result, come ideas about the steps that can be taken to get the final result. You will make sure that these ideas help substantiate actions necessary to achieve the goal. When such ideas come to you, turn them on their written plan along with those that you recorded before.

7. Obstacles. Make a list of possible obstacles with which you will have to encounter. Turn on the list all that can prevent you with the goal. Mention of interference may seem like a negative point, but the presence of obstacles is not at all necessarily a negative factor. It all depends on how we do with them. If we induce the obstacles and carefully consider them, it may be found that they do not exist at all.

For example, you say: "I would like to gain the best physical form. But now I have no time for it. " When you record this goal and truly think about it, you will understand that the achievement of the best physical form takes every day not so much time. If you really want, you will find time. And very soon you will make sure that a well-being improved physical condition is accompanied. You think more clearly, you have more energy for a larger number of cases. Consequently, exercise actually save your time by increasing your performance and efficiency, to help, thus, to achieve and maintain a higher level of well-being.

Of course, one day you may encounter a truly formidable obstacle. Such a case must be welcomed. Studies show that people who put goals record them, produce plans, but do not meet obstacles, achieve goals in the form in which they were originally formulated. That's right, right? If we recorded a goal, developed a plan and did not meet obstacles, then, of course, reach the goal. However, those people who face obstacles on their way and manifest persistence, overcoming them, not only achieve a targeted goal, but they achieve much more than originally planned.

Obstacles are often beneficial advantages or favorable opportunities, even disguised blessings. By the way, the word, in Chinese, denoting the "crisis", consists of two characters - and one of them means a "favorable opportunity." Richard Bach writes in "illusions": "There is no such difficulty that would not have brought something as a gift."

However, I did not always think so. I used to surrender very easily when I came across an obstacle. I could easily be put on the blades. Since then, I have learned that obstacles can stimulate creative activity and the best use of our own potential is a very important lesson.

Some of my listeners told me that so much changed their attitude towards these things that now, when they meet an obstacle or get a "bad" news due to the goal, then automatically exclaim: "Excellent!" And immediately begin to look for positive situations. They say that, in this way, they definitely discover that "bad" news turns into an advantage or a favorable opportunity. The fact that at first glance seemed the worst of what could happen, in reality, turned out to be the best. I checked it when I came across the "catastrophic" news, and I went out the same result.

8. Ways to overcome obstacles. Make a list of ways to overcome the likely obstacles. To each obstacle approach as if you already have a good solution. I want to repeat again, which is very often, if not always, excellent opportunities are opened when we are faced with obstacles. These features and solutions are better revealed if you retain a positive attitude and pay time to analyze the situation or obstacles in a state of relaxation.

You may agree with the statement of the Booker T. Washington (Booker T. Washington) regarding overcoming obstacles: "Success should be measured not so much to the position that a person has achieved in life, how many those obstacles that he overcame on the way to success."

You will be sure to need only about 10 minutes to record the goal using the formula below. With the recording of each new goal, the process becomes easier and more enjoyable. Constantly remember that we are sentenced mechanisms. We function in the best possible way when we fight for achieving the goal.

An example of the entry of the goal

1. Goal output: to double your income for 12 months._

4. Advantages:

I can pay a debt._

I can buy a new car._

I can spend your vacation as long as I have long been dreaming ._

5. Source point:

Today my income is about_

I immediately abandon negative thoughts, ideas, feelings .________

I immediately replace them with appropriate positive statements .___

I will use the technique of "mental cinema" at least three times a day, representing that already reached its goal. I will be happy, enjoying the listed advantages and benefits.

I implement my creative potential and energy through positive assertions, mental images and sense of success .____

I will turn the work in pleasure and make everything you need to work with pleasure. This will give me energy and enthusiasm to increase productivity and improve mutual understanding and cooperation with colleagues and customers ._____________

7. Analysis of obstacles (if any):

1. Doubts and fear failure.

2. The feeling that I did not deserve it.

3. Lack of time to do everything you need to doubling income ._

8. Possible ways to overcome obstacles and advantages that can be removed from them:

1. Doubts and fears will at the initial stage to overcome positive statements and images, and soon - successful progress towards the goal, which will lead me to my new, true state of a successful person, a person who deserves it and will succeed more and more.

2. I increase the level of motivation using the method of programming goals using positive assertions and mental ideas, and thus a) I will have more energy for the necessary actions, the work will be in a great extent to seem like pleasure; b) I exclude everything from my business regulation, which will be unnecessary or unpleasant in relation to my goal; c) I will act more efficiently and productively and can manage to do more in less time; D) I will always find time to do what is necessary! _

Record forms

Subsequent pages you can use for recording a short, medium or long-term goal. You can do the same on separate sheets of paper, not forgetting to turn on all eight steps.

Short-term goal number 1

1. Objective statement: _

2. Starting date: _

3. End date: _

4. The benefits obtained: _

5. Source point: _

Medium Objective № 1

1. Objective statement: _

2. Starting date: _

3. End date: _

4. The benefits obtained: _

5. Source point: _

7. Analysis of obstacles (if any): _

8. Possible ways to overcome obstacles and advantages that can be learned from them: _

Long-term goal number 1

1. Objective statement: _

2. Starting date: _

3. End date: _

4. The benefits obtained: _

5. Source point: _

7. Analysis of obstacles (if any): _

8. Possible ways to overcome obstacles and advantages that can be learned from them: _

Development of goals. The first stage is to develop goals - repeats the scheme of our discussion of the planning process. After developing the highest leadership of long-term and short-term goals for the organization and for themselves personally, these goals are formulated for the following level employees in the descending order on the command chains. The previously mentioned authors, Drucker and McGregor were firmly convinced that the subordinate leaders should take an active part in the development of their own goals, based on their bosses. It might be

According to the established opinion, there are two types of goals from the point of view, what period of time is required to achieve them. These are long-term and short-term goals. In principle, the basis of the separation of goals for these two types is the time period associated with the duration of the production cycle. Objectives, the achievement of which is expected to be the end of the production cycle - long-term goals. It follows that in various sectors there should be different time intervals for short-term and long-term purposes. However, in practice, it is usually short-term considered to be the goals that are achieved within one year, and, accordingly, long-term goals are achieved in two or three years.

The division into long-term and short-term goals is of fundamental importance, since these goals differ significantly in content. For short-term purposes, it is much bigger than for long-term, concretization and detailing on issues as anyone, what and when to perform. If there is a need for long-term and short-term goals, intermediate objectives are established, which are called medium-term.

The solution of the tasks is not possible without the organization of the strategic level of management. Joint-stock enterprises should now fulfill the key function of management to form long-term and short-term goals for themselves and determine their strategy. Today, the application of strategic management methods has become a vital for joint-stock societies with a vital condition for their existence and development.

Finding the optimal ratio between the long-term and short-term goals of the company's development and decisions made in long-term and short-term financial management.

Under the time period, the long-term (more than a year) and short-term (less than one year) goals are distinguished. Long-term targets show managers, what action can be undertaken at the moment in order to achieve a planned long-term result, and pushing them to assess the impact of today's solutions for a long-term result. The advantage of short-term goals is the detailing of nearby urgent results, which it is necessary to achieve the determination of the speed of the organization along the way the concretization indicated on the way to achieve the final designated result (i.e. long-term goals). Sometimes intermediate medium-term objectives are established between long-term and short-term goals.

Each employee of the organization must have a clear idea, what actions are expected from it. Each member of the organization - and an ordinary employee, and the supervisor, and the manager, and the administrator - should clearly imagine what its work is sent and how it correlates with the long-term and short-term goals of the organization. The goals set, the work procedure, work tasks and job descriptions should be formally developed, fixed on paper and agreed between those who give these tasks, and those who receive them. People need to know what they expect from them. This is a paradigm of an open-closed type organization, and you will unwittingly be allowed to get on all sorts of tricks to smooth out the arising contradictions. If there is no distinct communication between the declared goals and issued tasks, this indicates the limited model and may interfere with the manifestation of creative abilities and effective performance of work. If you failed to set out these tasks accurately and exhaustively, then their purpose is to help solve the tasks of the organization - it will remain unfulfilled. It is necessary to constantly and comprehensively assess the possibilities of improving work processes by walking to the people (see paragraph 23 and chapter 18). Any goals and forecasts should be assessed taking into account the level of competence as an employee who issues the order and the performer hosting it. Then you can make decisions regarding the degree of detail the declared goals and the intensity of the planned processes.

It is advisable to allocate long-term and short-term goals and the criteria for the criteria for the economic development of the region. Among the long-term goals, the formation and development of post-industrial society is usually allocated, the creation of highly qualified jobs for future generations, an increase in the standard of living of the population, including the level of health, education and culture. As short-term goals, it is possible to consider the overcoming of the crisis and the achievement of specific

Formulate the long-term and short-term goals of the plant.

The mission (main plan) and entrepreneurial philosophy are necessary to establish the strategic objectives of the Corporation, as well as to conquer consumer confidence and other contact groups to avoid conflict their interests. The mission is a vision of how a joint-stock company in the future should be, a system of goals (long-term and short-term goals), the desired results that meet the understanding of the goal. It is clear that the global prerequisite for the successful development of management strategy at any level is the correct definition of goals. Defining goals

Chapter 9 is talking about planning the production and sale of products. She talks about the importance of planning, about the differences between strategic and operational planning, the concept and mission as the starting point for the planning strategy and the production of long-term and short-term goals.

Joint-stock energy company as a commercial organization with all the diversity of its goals, of course, is committed to profit and maximization. It can make it due to an increase in energy tariffs (if it has such opportunities for the conditions of competition or government regulation) or improve the efficiency of its work. Without profit, it is impossible to attract investors, to carry out production. However, such a criterion can seriously threaten the competitiveness of the energy company in the future, if from innovative projects designed for a long-term effect, it is necessary to refuse. This circumstance is an objective contradiction between long-term and short-term goals - always relevant, especially for the Russian economy in the conditions of an acute need to modernize the production apparatus.

The relationship of long-term and short-term goals. Organizations are needed and long-term, and short-term goals. Long-term goals solve two tasks. First, the setting of tasks for five or more years forces managers to take actions now in order to achieve later long-term goals (a company that plans to double its sales for five years, can not expect that in the third or fourth year the fulfillment of its five-year The strategic plan will begin the growth of sales and consumer base). Secondly, the presence of accurate long-term goals requires managers to assess the impact of their today's decisions for long-term results. Without a constant pressure, requiring movement forward to achieve long-term goals, in accordance with human nature, decisions will always be made based on what is the most appropriate time at the moment, and future care will be postponed for later. The problem of minor solutions is that they are seriously threatening the company's long-term position.

According to the established opinion, there are two types of goals depending on what period of time is required to achieve them. These are long-term and short-term goals. In principle, the basis of separation

Many companies pay excessive attention to short-term financial indicators that negatively affects their competitiveness at the international level and causes dissatisfaction with employees, consumers and other interested groups. Successfully leading business companies realize that their survival depends on the optimal combination of long-term and short-term goals, the balance of interests of shareholders, employees and other interested groups. Ultimately, the competitiveness of the firm depends on the ability to meet the needs of buyers better than their competitors. The victory over the rivals is determined by the ability to create and maintain a general attitude towards a victory, perseverance in the implementation of the strategy, as well as the development of rod competencies or skills and skills of creating products that are superior to competing goods. The top management of the company encourages employees to do everything on them to achieve a common goal, and is also responsible for developing a strategy, the development of organizational structures and systems providing these abilities.

Long-term and short-term goals

The separation of objectives for short-term and long-term is of fundamental importance, since these goals differ significantly in content for short-term targets, interim targets are established - medium-term.

The classification of time to which targets is established, usually includes long-term and short-term goals ,. Such a division of goals is of fundamental importance, since these goals differ significantly in content. Short-term goals necessarily have a specific content and clearly defined temporary and quantitative boundaries. For short-term purposes, large concretization and detailing is characterized than for long-term. Sometimes intermediate goals are established between long-term and short-term goals, they are called medium-term.

Achieving long-term and short-term goals, the need to increase competitiveness and organizational changes require support to well-planned and well-organized training and advanced training work. At the same time, the case should not be limited to transfer to employees of certain knowledge and the development of their necessary skills. In the course of training, employees may be transferred information about the current state of affairs and the prospects for the development of the enterprise.

QMS as a bridgehead of the implementation of long-term and short-term goals of public relations structures. QMS as a means of realizing the rights and obligations of organizations that carry out public relations before society. The possibilities of the QMS to create a favorable image of the organization as a field of labor resources.

After analyzing the external and internal environment, the mission and goals of the enterprise are being developed. The mission is a business concept, where the main purpose of the enterprise is briefly set out on a sufficiently long term of its existence. It should be simple and clearly formulated to be clear and its employees, and consumers. The mission may vary in accordance with the requirements of the market, as it primarily provides for the satisfaction of consumer requests. After

Time management for modern people has become real, to master which it turns out not for everyone. To achieve success in a career and personal life, a person has to paint his daily routine.

In the life of an active and purposeful person, the road is every second, he lacks twenty-four hours in days to implement a planned set of activities for the day. Set and reaching short-term goals, does a person forget to stop at least a second and ask himself: "Do I do what I want? Does this desire, needs and goals? ".

purpose - model of the desired result in the future. Attainment long-term goal In the future, it is determined within the borders from year to ten years, short-term goal limited to a period of time from several hours to several months. Staging a long-term goal is the basis for the planning of the future.

The goal makes it possible to understand exactly concern its desire to formulate it clearly and specifically, indicating the time and other costs that will be required to achieve the planned one.

It is characteristic of a person to dream, desire to become better, to achieve great results defined by success. But a dream that does not turn into a target has less chances to come true.

Setting the goal

In order to turn into a target to turn into a goal, you need to ask the five questions below and record the answers on the paper sheet:

  1. What is specifically the goal?

The goal should be as specific as possible, a clear in the definition, you need to describe it to the smallest detail. For example, if a person wants to succeed in work, he must understand what particular position, with what schedule of work, responsibilities, as well as wages, he wants to have.

  1. How can it be understood that the goal is achieved?

The goal should be measurable, it is necessary to describe the criteria for which it will easily understand that the desired has become valid. In the example, the work indicators for the position may become: a decree appointing to a new position, the first working day, an increase in wages.

  1. Is it possible to achieve a goal?

Here you need to really appreciate the possibility of achieving the goal. The long-term goal is always difficult, but it should be objectively achievable, refer to the category of a possible, and not a fantastic future.

  1. What resources do you need to use?

To achieve the goal, you will have to spend a certain amount of moral, material, physical effort. For the examples under consideration, the appropriate criteria will be: improving the qualifications (if knowledge of the desired post is missing), an increase in labor productivity, accumulation of sufficient experience and so on.

  1. When will the goal be achieved?

The date is determined by the specific, calendar.

If it was decided to get a new post in three years, you need to count exactly three years from today's date, and secure this number.

Comparing answers to questions, you need to record a goal in the form of one or two proposals in the affirmative form.

Example of goaling

For the example above, it will be a phrase: "I receive a position (specify a specific position) of this number, such a month and year (specify a specific date) and proceed to the fulfillment of my duties. I earn (specify the desired salary), my work schedule (specify the opening hours). "

Competent procedure makes it possible to understand Is this goal, then what does a person want, is it possible to achieve it that it is necessary to make it necessary and whether the purpose of the means and the time they need to achieve it is worth.

A lot of books are written about goal. We offer you a small list of psychological literature:

  1. Yitzhak Pintoshevich "Put the goal! Find your goal and reach it for 1 year "
  2. Heidi Grant Helveson "Psychology of achievements. How to achieve the goals "
  3. Robert T. Kiyosaki "Goals and Solutions"
  4. Stephen R. Kovi, Steve Johnson "Focus: Achieving Priority Goals"
  5. Ross Petras, Catherine Petras "" The goal seems unattainable until it is achieved. Motivation for dreamers and creators "
  6. Dmitry Boldovyev, Svetlana Ivanova "Personal efficiency by 100%: Reset ballast, find yourself, achieve the goal"
  7. Richard Templer "Rules for achieving the goal. How to get what you want "

Photo of Ekaterina Gorodnik

Long-term goal - This is the implementation of desire expected in a long term.


It would seem that it is much easier to live in the afternoon and not to make no time for 10, or even 20 years ahead. Unfortunately, most of us do that, without realizing that we form our future every day, and only it depends on us, we obtain the desired 10 or 20 years, or it remains an unfulfilled dream.

Imagine a minute ship that goes on a long journey. Of course, he must know where he wants to sail, and in accordance with the destination to build a route, as well as calculate the arrival period. What does most people do? They have no idea where they are "sailing" - what they want to achieve and what to get. Oh no! - Do you objected. Each of us has their own desires. The only problem is that the efforts of each day are not connected with these desires, since a person simply does not have a corresponding action plan to achieve this goal.

The formulation of such goals and their phased implementation makes the existence more meaningful, allowing you to achieve the desired and receive everything that or another wants from life. Someone dreams of a spacious apartment instead of a mystery, in which he lives with his family. Someone takes "cooler", wanting to acquire a house on the seashore or the ocean. The dream of someone's life is to go on a world tour, for example, for a year (for this we need considerable funds as you understand). Well, someone sleeps and sees open its own business that will bring income and will live in his pleasure. Finally, each of us will not prevent take care of his own prosperous old age, which we could live without said, not saving on the very necessary.

Action plan

As we noted above, each person needs a plan for achieving the desired. In other words, the "accurate cold calculation" of their desires, opportunities and resources.

Step 1. Detailed picture

So, first of all, you need to specifically decide what you want from life. It may not be about one, but about several purposes, for each of which it is necessary to compile their own action plan.

"Draw" the image of the desired thing - what you want. If this is a house, outlines what it should be, where to be, what goods should be present in it. In short, be the most specific. If we are talking about traveling, write which countries you would like to visit, how long do you stay there, how many trips are in these states, as well as create a new reserve fund, since for the sake of their goal you will have to leave work for a week.

Step 2. What can I?

Now judge what opportunities to achieve this goal you have. Suppose you need a down payment for home so that you can take a loan for the remaining amount. Perhaps you need to change the work, because at the current place of work you have a gray salary that does not allow you to take a bank loan. You may want to change jobs in order to earn more and quickly approach your goal. In a word, you must appreciate your knowledge, skills and skills, as well as other resources that will help you buy your dream house, namely, the possibilities of additional earnings, the salary of the spouse (spouse), the possibility of saving (family budget points where you can save) etc.

Of course, if we are talking about such global purchases, you need to discuss the desire with your household, because you should get allies in their face, and not enemies.

Step 3. Duration

Each long-term goal has a deadline for implementing. It is necessary to determine it, of course, based on its own financial and other possibilities.

Step 4. Act

Well, now the step of execution scheduled. If we are talking about the accumulation of the first installment, you have to open a deposit and monthly translate a certain amount into it. If you have revealed bars in the family budget, it's time to solve problems - for example, to cut the cost of entertainment, cancel the abroad, refuse to make repairs in the current apartment (why? Better all available means to put on new housing), "donate" to buy home Cinema and replacement of the car to a newer one. For the sake of a cherished goal, it will not hurt to get rid of harmful and acquire useful financial habits, as well as effectively dispose of their time, having mastered the basis of time management.

The house purchase plan includes not only directly acquiring it (that is, your relocation), but also a plan for calculating creditors. After all, much more calmer live without debt, and therefore, after purchase, you have to plan, for what time and (again) from what sources it is possible to pay with the bank and "heal long and happily".

Clarifications and adjustments

Of course, as defined adjustments can appear as the planned plan. For example, one day you could get a raise - and your new level of income will allow you to move faster to the target target. And, perhaps, you will come to the decision to sell the second car and do one. Based on changes in the financial situation in the family, you will make clarifications into the plan. Do not forget to periodically summarize! After all, nothing strengthens and does not motivate, as success towards achieving the goal. I wish you success!

Each person has its own main goal in the life, to which he seeks. Or even a few goals. Throughout life, they may change: losing their importance, one is deleted, and in return they appear other, more relevant. How many of them should be, these goals?

Successful people argue that 50 people's life goals are not at all. The longer the list of your goals, the better you can sort out our true desires.

For example, John Goddard, at a fifteenth age, set him even 50 vital, the main goals he sought to achieve, and 127! For not dedicated to the certificate: We are talking about the researcher, a scientist-anthropologist, traveler, the owner of scientific degrees, a member of the society of French researchers, a royal geographical society and an archaeological society, a multiple record holder of the Guinness Book of Records.

In his half a century anniversary, John noted - 100 of the set 127 goals, he implemented. Its saturated life can only be envied.

Goals in order not to be ashamed and hurt

A happy person is called the most successful. No one will name the loser happy - the success is the component of happiness. The famous phrase of Ostrovsky from "How to Stand Become" about how to live his life, remember almost everything. Especially brightly ending the quotation: "In order not to painfully hurt ..." so that at sunset there was no time to hurt and ashamed for aimlessly living time, you need to put the tasks in front of yourself today.

To consider life successful, the 50 most important life goals of a person to old age should be achieved. Summing up your life, a person compares what he dreamed about what he achieved. But it happens that over the years it is difficult to recall many of our desires-goals, so it is difficult to compare. This is so important to write 50 of the most important goals in life on a sheet of paper, periodically reread the list.

Another important aspect - try to record. This means that your goals should correspond to five important criteria: concreteness, measurability, relevance, achievability, limited time.

Human needs

Before making a list, it should be understood that it is a priority, vital for a person. Air, drink, food, sleep - 4 of the most important needs of organic life. The second is there are health, housing, clothing, sex, rest - the necessary attributes of life, but minor. Unlike animals, a person is characteristic of not just the elementary satisfaction of life needs, he wants to do this, receiving aesthetic pleasure.

It is impossible to live a person without satisfying paramount needs, and without satisfying secondary - difficult. Therefore, if at least one link of this chain is destroyed, the person suffers physically - first, morally - secondly. He is unhappy. But even if all the vital needs of the individual are satisfied, his life cannot be called happy. Here is a paradox.

Therefore, in 50 vital, the priority objectives of a person must include paragraphs, thanks to the implementation of which the primary and secondary needs of a person would be satisfied.

Laying such goals as "buy your own home" or "relax to the sea", "make the necessary medical operation" or "cure and insert teeth", "buy a fur coat" and "buy a car". Let not be so important for complete happiness ( Why - will be discussed below), but their achievement makes habitat on earth of people more comfortable. To meet these needs, the achievements of the objectives listed above, the individual needs money. And, selecting the 50 most important human goals, it is necessary to include an item regarding the financial condition of the individual. Examples of such purposes:

  • find high paying work;
  • open your business;
  • to ensure that business brings a net income of more than 10,000 dollars a month, and the like.

Approximate list 50 goals

Spiritual self-improvement:

  1. Read the collected works by J. London.
  2. Finish English courses.
  3. Forgive resentment on parents, friends.
  4. Stop envy.
  5. Enhance personal effectiveness by 1.5 times.
  6. Get rid of laziness and postpowing cases.
  7. Every day to write at least 1000 characters for your unfinished novel (personal blog).
  8. To make a sister (husband, mom, father).
  9. Start writing a personal diary every day.
  10. Attend the church is no less than once a month.

Self-improvement physical:

  1. 3 times a week to visit the simulator room.
  2. Weekly go to the sauna and pool.
  3. Daily in the morning to make a set of exercises;
  4. Every evening to make hiking at least half an hour.
  5. Refuse completely from the list of harmful products.
  6. Once a quarter arrange a three-day cleansing hunger strike.
  7. Three months later, learn to sit on the twine.
  8. In winter, along with grandson (son, daughter, nephew) go to the ski trek in the forest.
  9. Lose weight by 4 kilograms.
  10. Wound in the mornings with cold water.

Financial goals:

  1. Increase monthly income up to 100,000 rubles.
  2. Raise the Titz of your site (blog) by the end of this year to 30.
  3. Go to the level of passive income.
  4. Learn to play on the stock exchange.
  5. Learn to make websites to order yourself.
  6. Early repay the bank loan.
  7. All the work on the house is entrusted to carry out automata in order to save time for earnings.
  8. Save on meaningless and harmful things: cigarettes, alcohol, sweets, chips, crackers.
  9. Products to buy in wholesale stores everything except perishable.
  10. Buy a cottage for growing fresh eco-friendly products.

Comfort and pleasure:


  1. Monthly deduct to the orphanage for gifts to children 10% profit.
  2. Arrange for orphans New Year's presentation with gifts for the local theater forces - finance.
  3. Do not pass by aspecting alms - be sure to serve alms.
  4. Help a homeless animal shelter - to deduct money for dogs.
  5. By the new year, all the kids in the entrance to make a small present.
  6. On the day of the elderly to give all pensioners with a set of products.
  7. Large family to buy a computer.
  8. Give unnecessary things in need.
  9. Build a playground in the yard.
  10. Help a financially talented girl Thane to go to the competition to Moscow "Light Your Star".

Restability as the main component of happiness

In addition, for the full happiness of the personality, it is still necessary for something. And this "something" is called recognition. Only being in demand, the personality feels its significance, feels pleasure, happiness. The criterion of recognition for each person has its own. Some quite simple "thank you" for the cooked dinner. Others feel the feeling of complete happiness from the manifestations of tenderness of the sexual partner - this is a recognition, identification among all others.

One is enough to bring sterile cleanliness in the house and hear the words of admiration from the neighbors, others need to see the delight in the eyes of the appearances at the sight of their appearance, figures, outfits, hairstyles. For third, it is important to recognize them in the role of beautiful parents. For the fourth, it is necessary to recognize on a wider level. These fourths do not limit the circle of people with which they want to be recognized, relatives, loved ones, neighbors, fellow travelers, passersby.

These are scientists, discoverers, large businessmen, people creative and some other professions. The most successful people who receive recognition from their favorite, friends, children, neighbors and colleagues, fans, spectators, readers are a wider range of persons. It is important to make the relevant items in the list of "50 goals in my life". Examples of such purposes may be such:

  • find your second half to create a family, which (which) will be such, to which I will experience respect, love (passion), feelings must be responding;
  • help your son successfully finish school;
  • give children higher education;
  • defend a thesis;
  • release your own collection of stories (Disk songs) or organize an exhibition of paintings.

Intermediate goals

To achieve global goals, actions can help move forward. Therefore, it is necessary to write interim targets regarding advanced training, education, skill acquisitions. And in the list of "50 people's life goals" examples can be:

  • read the collected works of Dostoevsky;
  • reading benefits for a businessman, the author of which is John Rockefeller (for example, "" success;
  • study of life stories and ways to the success of major figures of science and culture;
  • studying of foreign language;
  • obtaining a second education.

This list can be continued at your own discretion, based on the main objectives.

Objectives motivators

To achieve the main goals, incentives are needed, occupying the position of intermediate goals. They are included in the list, indicating; "50 intermediate life goals". The list of these goals includes items:

  • go around the world;
  • buy a new laptop;
  • make repairs in the apartment;
  • refresh the wardrobe to the new season.

Some can write items "make plastic faces" or "to hold abdominal abdominal". After all, for many to improve the appearance - a hidden desire, which sometimes shame. But, making a list of motivators' objects, it is necessary to write those who will give a person's pleasure in life. These goals do not have important life needs, but without the joy and pleasure of a person cares, it is boring to live, the meaning of the achievement of the main goals is lost.

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