Raspberry care in the fall: how to properly cut and cover the plant. Pruning raspberries in autumn

Decor elements 16.06.2019
Decor elements

Raspberries grown in every corner of Russia need careful autumn care and preparing for winter. In many ways, her high yield next year depends on these operations. Despite the fact that raspberries are among the most winter-hardy of all fruit crops, flower buds, being above the snow level, freeze out, which affects the number of fruits in the new season. To prevent freezing of shoots and buds, carry out preparatory work Location on.

Raspberry care in autumn

Autumn raspberry care activities allow the culture bushes to properly prepare for wintering, not to die in the cold winter period, as well as to please with a good harvest of fragrant berries next season. The main actions that gardeners perform before preparing raspberries for winter are pruning and cleaning, as well as feeding and watering.

Autumn formation of raspberries, which can be started immediately after the end of fruiting, is mandatory for all varieties of the crop. Pruning is necessary, first of all, to eliminate all secluded places where pests and pathogens of raspberries can overwinter, and in the next season become active again and harm plantings.

Raspberry pruning involves the removal of all damaged and broken shoots, unnecessary green offspring that do not have time to ripen before the onset of frost, all thickening and old shoots that have already fruited. All remaining branches are shortened by a length of about 20 cm to remove unripe green shoots. At the end of the pruning, remove all the foliage from the shoots, running your hand over them.

When the raspberries are cleaned, all that remains is to collect and burn garbage - plant debris, in which harmful microorganisms also start.

Pruning raspberries for the winter. Raspberry care rules: video

AT autumn period raspberries are fed exclusively with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which must be mineral. Potassium increases the winter hardiness of shoots, phosphorus accelerates their ripening. The introduction of nitrogen, as well as organic matter, is prohibited during this period, since the frost resistance of the culture decreases sharply due to its excess - the shoots start to grow, and the bush does not have time to prepare for wintering. The last time such fertilizers can be applied under raspberries until mid-summer.

Feeding raspberries is carried out in October, before the onset of frost. This event is combined with abundant pre-winter watering. The supply of moisture in sufficient quantities prevents damage to the shoots during the onset of cold weather, as well as drying out of the root system.

Winterization by region

In order for raspberries to successfully and without loss overwinter, its preparation for the winter cold must be carried out in a timely manner. The terms of this procedure for a two-year-old raspberry begin in the period from leaf fall to frost, for remontant - after the first frost. The method of preparing raspberries for wintering depends on climatic conditions growing region.

In the zone of the Moscow region and Central Russia, raspberries are necessarily bent down. If the winter is promised little snow, you will have to prepare a covering material. They can serve, for example, straw. Some gardeners cover the folded raspberry shoots with earth from the site.

Gardeners in the Urals always bend raspberries to the ground - the winters in the region are so severe that the parts of the shoots that are above the level of the snow cover are sure to freeze. The near-stem circle of the raspberry tree needs to be mulched in autumn - although the roots of the crop in the soil under a layer of snow can withstand a decrease in air temperature in the area to -40 0 C, there is still no snow in the autumn period, and steady frosts occur.

Snowy winters in Siberia make it possible to grow raspberries, as they will not get wet under the snow. For this, her shoots are taken to the ground. In harsh Siberian conditions reigning in the winter, the root system of the bush is unlikely to remain viable without an additional layer of mulch.

The north-west of the country is characterized by predominantly mild snowy winters, so this region is the best suited for growing raspberries. Gardeners do not need to bend the shoots to the ground, just shovel snow to them, and in the fall, mulch the soil in the near-trunk circle.

Features of preparing for the winter of different types of raspberries

All varieties of raspberries can be divided into two large groups- Biennial (regular) and remontant. The former bear fruit on biennial shoots, and the latter on biennial and annual shoots, although younger branches give more yield.

Two-year-old raspberries are the most frequent visitor to Russian plots. Growing it during the season is not difficult, but competent preparation for winter in some cases may require some effort. Considered below step-by-step instruction preparation for wintering of ordinary raspberry varieties.

Pruning and mulching

In August-September, pruning and removal are carried out plant residues and garbage. This also includes the collection of old mulch, if it was in the near-stem circle during the garden season. In early October, the raspberry bush is fed, abundant watering and mulching. The layer of mulch should be at least 10 cm.

Wire installation

After leaf fall, you can start bending down the raspberry shoots. To do this, install the stakes and pull the wire between them. The height of its tension remains a controversial issue. Some gardeners argue that it should not be higher than 20 cm from ground level, as the shoots will quickly go under the snow. Others insist on a wire height of about 30-40 cm, saying that the lower location of the raspberry shoots causes them to rot and damage.

Bending down shoots

Shoots are tied to a stretched trellis synthetic material, since natural fabric can rot. Previously, bunches are formed from several pieces of shoots, then they begin to bend down to the trellis. If they are still flexible, then they can be tied to the wire at a time, if they have already become brittle, then the garter is carried out in several steps so as not to break them. In order to prevent the crust from breaking the raspberry shoots when the snow melts in the spring, crossed stakes are installed at the place where they are laid.

The organization of additional shelters for bent bunches of raspberries will be needed if the winter on the site is windy and with little snow. Here you can use spunbond: fold it in several layers, wrap raspberries and fix them with stones, pieces of pipes, bricks, etc. You can make original greenhouses from pieces of polycarbonate by placing them in arcs.

Snow retention techniques

In areas where there are through winds blowing snow, it is necessary to provide for the protection of the snow cover. To do this, on the windy side, you can install a piece of plywood or polycarbonate. It is dug into the ground and additionally fixed to the trellis. In this case, the polycarbonate sheet will last much longer than plywood, which tends to rot.

Other important point timely removal of shelter and release of shoots from bundles is considered. If this operation is carried out too early, the shoots will be exposed to temperature extremes, strong March winds and the scorching sun, which leads to weathering and wood burns. It is clear that damaged shoots will not produce a crop. If it is too late to remove the shelter, then the shoots will dry out and get sick, the result is the same.

Until mid-April, it is necessary to fully open the raspberries. The procedure is as follows: first, the covering material is removed (at night temperatures of about 0 0 C) and mulch, and after a few days the bushes are untied, straightened and tied to a trellis or stakes.

Remontant raspberry varieties give a harvest twice a season, but not in all parts of the country they have time to please the gardener with such extended fruiting. In cold regions remontant raspberry does not form a second wave of fruits due to short summer and autumn conditions. Therefore, in such climatic zones they expect a harvest only on annual shoots and in the fall they are cut to ground level.

Preparation for winter of such crop varieties is much easier than that of conventional varieties. Pruning at the root is carried out after the onset of the first frost, when they kill the foliage, and only good layer mulch. Its thickness should be within 5-10 cm: too thin a layer will provoke freezing of the root system, and too thick - debate and rotting of the roots when the temperature rises.

Raspberries prefer soils with a neutral pH, so acidifying or, conversely, alkalizing mulch materials should not be used. It is worth giving preference to foliage collected from the site, straw and sawdust, excluding sawdust coniferous trees. Raspberries cannot be mulched with spruce branches.

Before mulching raspberries, consisting of remontant varieties, it is necessary to carry out abundant watering.

Pruning remontant raspberries for the winter: video

For novice gardeners, preparing raspberries for wintering can cause many questions. Below are a few practical advice which can help in this time-consuming operation.

  1. When pruning, each of the shoots left after cleaning is shortened separately. Cutting a bush to one length will deprive a significant part of the crop. Remove the remaining foliage by running your hand through the branches from the bottom up. Otherwise, there is a high risk of kidney damage.
  2. In areas with little snowy winters, you can leave the main pruning for the spring. More shoots help hold snow in winter. The same goes for some early varieties, which, after pruning, begin to grow. The shoots of such varieties are not shortened, but directed with their tops down.
  3. Before mulching the trunk circle of the raspberry, the soil is carefully loosened and dug up. This is necessary in order to destroy insect pests that have managed to hide under a layer of earth for wintering. Given that the raspberry root system is located close to the soil surface, the operation is carried out with extreme caution.
  4. When growing raspberries in trenches, mulching can be neglected - they retain the moisture needed by the roots well.
  5. Decomposed compost cannot be used as mulch - it contains a large amount of nitrogen, which is not at all desirable for the autumn period.
  6. The bending of the shoots must be carried out before the onset of stable frosts, otherwise they will break at the base when bent.
  7. In winter, especially in February-March, it is important to monitor the presence of snow cover on raspberries. It is the end of winter that is considered the most dangerous time for culture. To do this, they rake the snow and throw it on the bush. It is also important to monitor the level of snow, as too much of it can break the shoots laid under it.
  8. If there is an opportunity in the winter to get to garden plot, then the resulting snow crust (usually it takes place in March, when daytime thaws alternate with lower temperatures at night) must be pierced with sticks to provide air access to the raspberries.
  9. If the shelter was insufficient, then the raspberry freezes. But you should not rush to get rid of it - you should wait until the shoots appear: it is possible that at the lower level, after an unsuccessful wintering, a couple of buds have been preserved, from which shoots will appear. If this does not happen, the bush must be uprooted.

If we take into account all the above nuances, then raspberries will endure the winter season well, and in spring the losses will be minimal.

Preparing raspberries for winter has a lot of nuances, but in many regions of the country with a cold climate and harsh winters, this event becomes simply necessary. Autumn care, mulching, bending down and organizing shelter - all this takes a sufficient amount of time from the gardener, but all the efforts will be compensated high yield raspberries next year.

One of the most important procedures in the fall is pruning, it should not be neglected. By removing all the "extra" you will be able to form correct bushes, as well as set the desired density, which is also important. In fact, the advantages of the process are many, now we will look at some of them.

  1. Pest control. It is known that 85% of all insects, fungi, and other residents of evil in the garden live precisely on the tops of the stems, the last leaves. Then they fall into the ground before frost or remain directly on the plant until spring comes. Autumn raspberry care allows you to remove whole hordes of insects and fungi from the garden, to protect your crop from their invasion next year.
  2. Bush cleaning. You can remove unwanted shoots, leaving only 7-9 pieces, as expected. If there are a lot of them, then the size of the berries will suffer - they will be extremely small, sour. It is very important to keep empty aisles so that it is convenient to move around the entire territory. Cut out all excess.
  3. Yield increase. It all depends on the variety. Fruits can form on one-year shoots that are placed on two-year branches, or immediately form on a one-year shoot, as in some remontant varieties. To increase the yield, it is necessary to leave stumps of 30 centimeters for branching or completely remove the entire aerial part so that the “young growth” grows much faster.

There are several types of pruning, of which the following types are the most popular: double, regular pruning and shortening. The essence of the latter is the removal of the upper part of the plants, which is suitable for ordinary varieties that are not required to receive large yields and with a very weak vegetative capacity. Such care for raspberries will allow you to get rid of pests, as well as slightly increase productivity by stimulating the growth of biennial shoots.

Regular pruning involves the removal of up to 60-80% of the stems, and in some cases (here it all depends again on the variety) the entire stem, if its vegetative strength is very large. Until the end of May new escape should grow up to 90 centimeters in length, if it is very stunted, then it is not recommended to shorten it greatly in the fall. If you have remontant raspberries, care in the fall can be very simple - just cut everything above the ground and cover it with some kind of mulch so that it does not freeze in case of a snowless winter.

A separate story with a double cut. It is suitable for both remontant berries and ordinary (less often practiced), the main thing is that the growth force is sufficient to form a good “crown”. In order to constantly have raspberries, bushes need care not only in autumn, but also in spring, when it is necessary to shorten the growth point. After that, it begins to grow to the sides, forming many new branches, on which by autumn and next year there will be many fruits.

How to properly care for raspberries in the fall - fertilizer and top dressing

After harvesting, care must be taken to ensure that the root system has accumulated enough useful substances and minerals for development next year. It is also important that the stems become stiff, thicker in diameter and stocked with fructose, which protects them during frosts in winter. This is true for those varieties that will simply be shortened or cut off. in a standard way. To do this, you need to start preparing plants in early August.

The first top-dressing with urea is carried out after the last berries have been harvested from ordinary varieties, as well as after the second flowering in September from remontant berries. The dose should be small, as it is better to fertilize more often than 1 time and a lot. It will be enough to add up to 50 grams of the drug per 1 weave, dilute 1:10 with water. You can use "homemade" fertilizers, for example, mullein 1:5 or diluted chicken manure 1:35. It will be much more effective than any chemistry, the effect will be noticeable immediately - the leaves will become darker, the stems will begin to grow.

Until the end of September, nitrogen fertilizers can be applied, they have the best effect on the growth of the vegetative mass, contribute to the formation of additional roots, and also increase the metabolism in the body. If you need healthy and tall raspberries in spring, autumn care must necessarily include fertilizer with nitrogen mixtures. Just remember that by the beginning of October you need to stop applying drugs, since excessive metabolism can cause plants to freeze in winter. If you cut the stems at the root, you can feed them until mid-October, then let them “calm down” for half a month and cut them off.

If you do not know how to care for raspberries in the fall and are afraid of harming them, you can not experiment. Just add humus already, which will begin to act only after 3-4 months. All nitrogen components will disappear until that moment, only long-acting substances, such as potassium, phosphorus, ammonia, and magnesium, will remain after winter. The usual humus from a large cattle you can just make it all over the bush, but chicken manure is no longer possible - it can burn the roots. Step back from the bush 30 centimeters and fertilize in a circle.

Bending down raspberries for the winter

We have already considered how to care for raspberries, now we will proceed directly to its preparation for frost. In order not to be written in the passport of the plant, it is necessary to cover it from frost. Even if it's the most frost-resistant variety and withstands -45 degrees (although in practice this does not work out), then an ordinary draft at -5 can already kill him. To prevent this from happening, you need to save the bushes in any way described below.

  1. Binding and bending. If you leave the stems for the winter and count on a crop of one-year shoots, then you need to place them as close to the ground as possible so that they are covered with snow and are without a draft. Make it simple. We cut off all the tops and side branches, we just leave the trunks 70-90 centimeters in height- that will be enough. Then we take a thick rope and wind all the stems into a heap, tie a weight, put it on the ground. It is best to do this early so that there is a strong movement of juice inside the plant, then fragility will be much less.
  2. Vertical tie method. We do everything the same

Raspberries are a favorite and quite versatile plant in our garden. Sweet fragrant berry not only gives a unique taste, but also brings tangible benefits to the human body. Gardeners use various ways to grow a rich harvest of this popular delicacy. But the guarantee of long-term fruiting is not only caring for the berry during the growing season, but also caring for raspberries in the fall. It includes two periods: early autumn and late autumn.

Components of autumn care

Next year's harvest is largely determined by what is done with raspberries in the fall. It should be noted that there are two sets of events that are held in the period before the onset of winter. The composition and duration of the work are related to the temperature regime.

So, care in early autumn includes:

  • pruning;
  • autumn watering;
  • top dressing;
  • mulching.

Thus, in autumn raspberry care, pruning is the initial element. Only after completing this stage of preparing the shrub should fertilization and watering be carried out. Therefore, in the algorithm of how to care for raspberries in the fall, “when to cut” is the first item.

However, there is a second stage of preparing the shrub for winter. It is held in late autumn and includes:

  • prevention from diseases and pests;
  • removal of immature shoots;
  • final watering;
  • shelter for the winter.

Pruning - the basics of agricultural technology

Pruning when caring for raspberries in the fall is an important agricultural technique in growing a plant; without it, it is impossible to count on getting a solid harvest. This procedure is necessary for thinning the bushes in order to avoid excessive growth of excess shoots.

If severe frosts are possible, it is better to additionally cover raspberries with straw, dry leaves, spruce branches. You can build a hut, for example, from bending polycarbonate. Special material spandbod or lutrasil is also suitable for protecting shrubs. It is laid on bent branches and fixed in any way. Such simple manipulations will allow raspberries to calmly survive the harsh winter.

Caring for raspberries in the fall is a fairly simple task, but it requires patience and care. This work will be repeatedly rewarded by the future generous harvest of such a dear and beloved berry.

Raspberry is an indispensable shrub in every garden. Everyone knows her healing properties with a cold. And the berries taste good too. For the first time after planting, the plant should be carefully looked after. It is necessary to loosen the soil, regularly water, feed and treat the bushes with an agent against diseases and pests. In spring, the plant knocks out young shoots. They are called annuals. Behind summer period the height of the shoots can reach 2 meters.

Need pruning raspberries in the fall. By that time, the shoots will grow up, and it will become noticeable which of them are healthier. Usually 2-3 such branches are left on each bush. In the first year of their growth, you need to constantly loosen the soil. Weeds should be removed immediately. You can treat the area around the raspberries with preparations against unnecessary grass, or you can clean it yourself, manually. Also in the summer, you need to feed the shrub with humus at least twice.

Raspberry care in the first year after planting

When autumn comes, annual shoots should be fixed on a peg. So the bush will hold tight and will not break during rains and winds. In addition to individual pegs, you can install another device. To do this, two high stakes should be driven in from both ends of the planting trench and a wire should be pulled over them along the planted plants. Each bush must be tied to it with a rope. It should be noted that raspberries need to be tied up in two places. Therefore, one stake should rise above the ground by 1 m, and the second - by 1.5.

Pruning raspberries in the fall, in the first year of planting, is optional. It is enough to protect the roots from freezing with a thick layer of humus or peat. Fertilizer will also retain the necessary moisture in the rhizome. With good initial care for the bushes, you can count on a rich harvest in the future.

Pruning raspberries in autumn

Not everyone knows how to properly cut raspberries. But this procedure is mandatory, especially in the second autumn after planting. Many gardeners believe that cutting shrubs should not be done, since with large quantity shoots, the harvest will be more abundant. But this assumption has long been refuted. Overgrown raspberries produce very small berries, and in much smaller quantities. The procedure is especially important in the fall.

After the final harvest, all two-year-old shoots must be removed. In addition, annual shoots, diseased and weak, should be cut off. The overgrown shrub needs to be freed from excess foliage, but the main thing is not to overdo it. The optimal number of stems is 10-15 pieces per 1 m 2. It is important to consider that raspberry pruning is needed after fruiting, but not before.

How to identify unwanted branches

When you carefully examine the raspberry bushes, you will notice too large bushes with dry branches and many green trunks. All this, grown over the summer, is not necessary for the plant at all. Pruning should start with old trunks. They need to be removed at the very root and in no case be left next to the bushes. Old branches attract the attention of pests, which can then switch to healthy shoots.

Raspberry bushes need to be rejuvenated every year. This is the only way to achieve a healthy and rich harvest. Do not forget about the support for the remaining branches. Pruning raspberries in the fall is as follows. To begin with, 4-5 healthy branches of the current year are selected. They need to cut only the crown (about 30 cm long). The rest of the greens and all small shoots should be removed. There should be at least 60 cm of free space between the bushes.

Caring for remontant raspberries

This variety is well adapted to the conditions middle lane Russia. The plant is characterized by a rich harvest. At the same time, raspberries do not require special care. But she has one important feature - for good growth, the bush needs a lot of space. Everyone experienced gardener knows how the pruning (in autumn) of remontant raspberries goes. One bush needs 3-4 stems. This is enough for a bountiful harvest. The rest can be safely deleted. In addition, this raspberry variety needs to be cut both in the first year of life and in the second.

In annual bushes, the tops of young shoots should be removed with secateurs. This applies to shoots whose height is 70 cm or more. After this procedure, the bush will not grow up, and the lateral processes will begin to crawl out more actively. In addition, they will be healthier and stronger. Shrub care in the second year of life is significantly different from activities carried out with a regular plant variety. What is pruning in the fall of remontant raspberries? Everything is extremely simple. The owner of the site must completely cut off all shoots - both young and old - at the root. Then the soil should be well loosened, and the branches and leaves removed from the site. With the onset of spring, remontant raspberries will give new shoots, which will again give a bountiful harvest in the summer. This is the care of the shrub.

A few nuances

Many gardeners are wondering if it is possible to prune bushes in the summer. Or should we wait until autumn? The fact is that you should start work only after collecting the last berries. This time just falls on the end of August - the beginning of September. Before that, it is better not to touch the bushes, as they are still bearing fruit. After pruning, the plant will direct all its forces to the young shoots, which just during this period begin to grow intensively.

There is one more important condition, compliance with which requires the care of raspberries. Pruning should be done for a reason, "at random Lazarus." Cut off as many old shoots as you plan to leave new ones. That is, if 4 old bushes are removed, then at least four new ones should be left. Raspberries can be propagated by root shoots that appear between the bushes. If there is no need for new plantings, the rhizome should still be pulled out.

How to get a bountiful harvest?

Surely after reading this article, readers will have no questions about when to cut raspberries. In autumn, of course! But many gardeners are also interested in how to increase productivity. There is special technology, thanks to which the berries will not disappear for two months. To do this, pruning should be done in the spring. Shoots need to be divided into three parts. Shorten the first of them by 15 cm, the second by half, and leave about 20 cm in length in the third group. So you can collect a more abundant harvest until September.

Preparing raspberries for winter in the fall involves a number of simple activities, most of which the gardener did in the summer. Before entering the stage of calm, the culture is fed, watered, pruned. It is important to take care of protecting the shrub from frost and rodents.

How to care for raspberries in autumn

To figure out what kind of care raspberries need in the fall, you need to study the features berry culture. From the end of summer until the start of frost, the life of the shrub is divided into two periods:

  1. The early period begins immediately after the end of fruiting. For most non-remontant varieties, these are the last days of August. By this time, the entire crop of berries has been harvested, the growth of the stems is suspended. Only wood continues to show activity. Before the onset of frost, she tries to have time to ripen, changing the green color of the bark to brown.
  2. The late period begins with the beginning of leaf fall. Raspberry enters the stage of calm, completes active processes. The late period continues until frosts appear. With the fall of the first snow and a slight freezing of the soil, all metabolic processes completely stop in raspberries.

The successful wintering of the shrub depends on how raspberries were processed during this important period.

Watering rules

Raspberry processing involves complex implementation events, and they begin with watering. In autumn, it is necessary to properly provide the shrub with moisture so that it can accumulate energy for the whole winter. Immediately after harvesting in the first month of autumn, the amount of watering is gradually reduced to a minimum. extra moisture and nutrients promote growth. The stems will not have time to mature, go into the stage of calm and freeze in winter.

Rainy autumn will facilitate the care of the culture. Raspberries do not need to be watered at all. If the autumn is dry, then every other day a bucket of water is poured onto 1 m 2 of the beds. Watering is completely stopped when the soil begins to freeze.

Important! When processing raspberries in the fall, it is necessary to ensure that an overdried earthen lump does not form under the root system.

The last watering is considered the most useful for raspberries. In late autumn, gardeners closely monitor the weather forecast. It is important to try to accurately choose a warm sunny day a few days before the expected frost and pour plenty of water on the raspberries. This treatment increases the winter hardiness of the shrub. The amount of water depends on the weather in autumn. If there were occasional rains, then 3 buckets are poured per 1 m 2. In a dry autumn, at least 2 buckets of water are poured under each plant.

Top dressing and fertilizer

The second stage of processing raspberries in the fall is top dressing. The complexity of care depends on the condition of the soil. If the land on the site is infertile, then potassium sulfate is added. Fertilizer is enough 1 tsp / m 2 beds. Dry powder is pre-diluted with water and poured over raspberries. The dose of fertilizer is small, but it is enough to speed up the process of lignification of the stems.

Raspberries do not need other fertilizers in the fall. The culture is resilient. The plant loves nutrient soil, but develops well with a lack of nitrogen or phosphorus. It is difficult to determine the nutritional value of the soil on its own. If the earth is oversaturated with useful elements, raspberries will weaken their immunity. The shrub will be oppressed. The plant will have enough organic matter introduced during planting, and potassium sulfate will act only as an auxiliary top dressing.

For winter hardiness and increased immunity, it is still necessary to process raspberries in the fall with microelements. Do not confuse these substances with fertilizers. They perform a completely different function. As trace elements, you can take zinc and manganese sulfate, 3 and 5 g, respectively. The prepared mixture in the form of a solution is applied to 1 m 2 of the bed.


Processing raspberries in the fall cannot do without mulching. A thick layer of organic matter is needed not only to retain moisture. Mulch acts as an insulator that protects root system from frost. Organics are selected from the calculation so that it does not cause an alkaline or acidic reaction of the soil. Raspberries can be mulched with the following organics:

Care for raspberries on plantations is complicated if you need to have a large number mulch. You can replace organics with non-woven material. Black agrofibre with a density of 50 g / m 2 or more is suitable. The material is rolled out on the bed, pinned with homemade wire staples.

Those who live near a pine forest can use pine needles as a free mulch for caring for raspberries. Additionally, processing the beds with prickly organic matter will protect the plants from rodents.

bush pruning

Pruning raspberry bushes in autumn helps to increase yield, thin out thickets, and reduce the risk of diseases. This type of processing begins in early autumn or even in August. The timing depends on the characteristics of the raspberry variety. At the end of fruiting, you can start pruning.

Attention! The processing scheme for traditional and remontant raspberries is different. The second crop is able to bring the second wave of harvest, so the timing of pruning is shifted to late autumn.

Caring for a traditional raspberry starts with an inspection. In early autumn, before the start of leaf fall, a thorough inspection of the raspberries is carried out. Processing begins with the removal of two-year-old fruiting stems. They can be recognized by the dark brown color of the bark. The branches are cut to the very root, leaving no stump. The current annual shoots will bear fruit next season. They are left up to 10 pieces on one bush.

In one-year-olds, the tops are necessarily shortened by 10 cm. This part of the branches never matures and slows down the preparation of the main stem for winter. During processing, weak, dry, damaged and diseased raspberry branches are also removed.

autumn care for remontant raspberry slightly different. Pruning begins in late autumn, a couple of weeks before the expected frost. By this time, the second wave of fruiting will be completed. Processing begins after leaf fall, as remontant raspberries take nutrients from the foliage in autumn for the root system.

Remontant varieties are able to bear berries on the branches of the current and last year. If the gardener wants to get two crops, remontant raspberries are cut in the same way as a traditional crop. Annual shoots are left for the winter. If this method of care is unacceptable, all stems are cut off at the root in late autumn. In the spring, remontant raspberries will grow new branches on which berries will appear.

The video tells about the correct processing of raspberries:

Treatment for diseases and pests

Autumn care will not be complete if you ignore the treatment of raspberries from pests and diseases. The fact is that the larvae and spores of fungi overwinter in the bark, damaged wood. In the spring, they wake up and begin to harm young raspberries.

Processing is started after pruning, but before mulching. Raspberries are well cleaned of foliage, cut branches, dry berries. The earth around the bushes is loosened with a chopper or shallowly dug with a shovel.

In autumn, raspberries are treated with Fufanon or Intavir preparations. Copper sulphate helps a lot. You can even pour the solution on the soil in the garden so that the lichen does not grow.

Bending bushes and shelter for the winter

Raspberry care in the fall ends with bending the branches to the ground. After pruning, the stems are tied with ropes, a load is tied and carefully tilted. Bending down is best done before the onset of frost, while the raspberry stalks are still flexible.

In most regions, raspberries are not covered. A thick layer of mulch protecting the root is enough. Raspberry shelter is resorted to in the northern regions, where there is a threat of freezing of the stems.

So that caring for raspberries does not turn out to be a burden, novice gardeners should give preference to unpretentious winter-hardy varieties. Helpful Hints for the processing of raspberries will help at the initial stage:

  • Large-fruited varieties of raspberries are usually thermophilic. In autumn, it is better to cover them to protect them from frost.
  • If a cold region is covered with abundant snow every winter, raspberries can be left uncovered. After precipitation, a high snow pyramid is built around each bush.
  • When growing thornless raspberry varieties, it is advisable to use spruce branches for shelter and mulch. The needles will protect the stems from the encroachment of rodents.

It is advisable for a novice gardener to plant a small raspberry plantation. So it will be easier to learn how to do the right processing and provide proper care to the culture.


Preparing raspberries for winter in the fall consists of simple activities, but they must be completed in accordance with all the rules. Otherwise good harvest summer is not to be expected.

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