The concept and levels of historical consciousness. What is historical consciousness

Decor elements 30.09.2019




1. The subject of history as a science.

object the study of history is human society. The term "history" of Greek origin, in literal translation means "narration", "story". The patron muse of history is called Clio, the daughter of Zeus and the goddess of memory Mnemosyne. The father of history is considered the ancient Greek writer Herodotus (V century BC). The subject of history as a science is a set of activities and actions of people, human communities, which are in a certain relationship. History is the science of the development of human society, of the totality of relations in society.

Branches of historical knowledge:

1. civil history

2. political history

3. history of state and law

4. military history

5. archeology

6. history of music, culture, language, literature.

Goals and objectives of the study of history.

Historian N.M. Karamzin wrote: “History in a sense is the sacred book of peoples: the main, necessary; a mirror of their being and activity; the tablet of revelations and rules; the covenant of ancestors to posterity; addition, explanation of the present and an example for the future.

History is a huge array of spiritual, moral, cultural and social experience of mankind. Historical science opens access to this historical experience. scientific knowledge the social world is important element human interaction with the world. In Russia, historical knowledge has always served as a support in the formation of social relations and culture.

2. Historical consciousness: essence, forms and functions.

From the point of view of the form of social consciousness, historical science is, firstly, one of the ways of knowing the world, which is characterized by specific methods, and secondly, the field of scientific knowledge about the processes and patterns of development.

Among other forms of social consciousness, historical consciousness also stands out, i.e. a set of ideas, views, ideas, feelings, moods, reflecting the perception and evaluation of the past in all its diversity.

Forms of historical consciousness.

1. Ordinary historical consciousness is formed on the basis of people's life experience. It is subjective, emotional, unsystematic.

2. Theoretical historical consciousness is formed on the basis of a theoretical understanding of the past, generalized historical experience, scientific outlook. It is built on historical categories, comprehends the historical process in dynamics, in the relationship of times.

Functions of historical consciousness.

They consist in ensuring awareness by the community of people of their unity, community of historical destiny, traditions, culture, language, psychology.

3. Methods and sources for studying history. The concept and classification of a historical source.

Historical sources are all evidence of the past. Sources contain primary information about events close to them in time.

In my own way appearance, nature and content, historical sources fall into three main types: material, oral and written. In addition to the main ones, there are also ethnographic, linguistic, photographic and film documents, phono documents.

Real sources are divided in turn into three main categories: 1. Monuments of habitation - parking, settlements. 2. Burial monuments - burial mounds, burial grounds. 3. Hoards.

Oral historical sources include folk legends, everyday remnants, folk epos.

Written sources appear at the stage of civilization. These include chronicles, monuments of law - collections of laws, charters, censuses, individual literary and political works, memoirs, letters, notes, diaries, legends of foreigners.

Russian chronicle writing began in the 11th century and provided rich material on the history of Kievan Rus. By the beginning of the 12th century, the Tale of Bygone Years was formed - one of the most famous written sources. Of great importance for the history of Kievan Rus are such literary works as "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". The most valuable legal monument of ancient Russia is “Russian Truth” (11th century), which has come down to us in more than a hundred handwritten lists. The source for studying not only the legal, but also the socio-economic relations of the Russian lands are the “Sudebniks” of 1497, 1550, 1589, “Stoglav” of 1551. Cathedral Code 1649 is a source for studying the history of the Muscovite state of the 17th century.

Political sources include the Prayer of Daniil Zatochnik (12th century), The Tale of the Vladimir Princes (15th century), Kurbsky's correspondence with Ivan the Terrible, Prince Kurbsky's The History of the Grand Duke of Moscow.

4. Domestic historiography in the past and present: general and special

V.N. is considered the father of historical science in Russia. Tatishchev (1686-1750), author of the first Russian History. Being politician era of Peter 1, he based his work on the political principle - the history of the Russian state. Tatishchev began the development of the historical method, auxiliary historical disciplines, source studies, historical geography. The merit of the historiography of the 18th century is the development of the source study problem. G.F. Miller (1705-1782) introduced a new category of sources - act material, while Tatishchev relied only on chronicles. Miller laid the foundations for historical archival work in Russia. He created the first Russian historical journal in 1732 Sammlung russischer Geschichte. A.L. Shletser (1735-1809) in his work “Nestor” developed a scientific method of critical study of sources. "Russian History from Ancient Times" by Prince M.M. Shcherbatov (1735-1790) is built on extensive new documentary material: acts, contractual and spiritual letters. Historiographer Alexander 1 N.M. Karamzin (1766-1826), according to contemporaries, opened Russian history to a wide mass of readers like Columbus America. His 12-volume "History of the Russian State" is largely of a literary and artistic nature.

Bourgeois historiography of the 19th century was based on the theory of unity historical process, the idea of ​​historical regularity, the principle of scientific criticism of sources. The fundamental work of S.M. Solovyov (1820-1879) 29-volume "History of Russia from ancient times" played a significant role in the historiography of the 19th century. For Solovyov, the head of the school of statist historians, Russian history is the history of the Russian state, historical development consists in the transition from tribal relations to family and statehood. He sees the ideal of Russian statehood in the reforms of Peter 1. Solovyov's student V.O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911), being a statesman, at the same time, for the first time in Russian historiography, reflected social and economic topics in his "Course of Russian History".

In the Soviet period, historiography was dominated by the Marxist-Leninist concept of the historical process, which assigned a decisive role in people's lives to the productive forces of society, and considered historical progress as a change in socio-economic formations. The historiography of the Soviet period was under the pressure of ideology. Of decisive importance for historians was Short course"History of the CPSU (b)", compiled with the direct participation of I.V. Stalin. An example of a departure from the dominant theory can be considered the "historical school of Pokrovsky", who put forward the doctrine of the peasant nature of the "national roots of the Russian revolution."

Since the 90s of the twentieth century, modern historiography has established new approaches to the interpretation of the historical process. The new approaches are as follows:

1. Overcoming one-sidedness in the assessment of phenomena, facts, the role of individuals in history.

2. Overcoming the underestimation of the importance of factors of a subjective nature, the spiritual sphere of society, national characteristics.

3. Recognition of the principle of alternativeness, that is, the denial of the predetermination of historical development, the assumption of the possibility of various paths of development.

4. A person is not considered only as a social category, the importance of the personal factor is taken into account.

5. Rejection of the interpretation of the state only as an instrument of "class domination", the state is an independent force that protects national interests.

6. Refusal to recognize the class struggle as the driving force of the historical process, recognition of the significant role of the evolutionary, reformist path. The theme of the liberation movement is interpreted more broadly, not only as a revolutionary movement, but also as a liberal opposition movement.

A critical approach to the former principles of evaluation does not mean their negation. The “class approach” is not completely denied, but only its hypertrophied character, the formational principle of periodization of the historical process, the methodological requirements of “historicism” - taking into account specific historical conditions, considering a historical event or phenomenon in connection with others, applying comparative historical analysis are revised.

The choice of methodology plays an extremely important role in the study of the historical process.

5. Methodology of historical knowledge: formational and civilizational approaches.

The methodology of cognition is the general principles that make it possible to streamline the material accumulated by researchers.

1. The formational approach was developed by K. Marx. the main role in determining driving forces the socio-economic formation plays the role of the historical process and its periodization. It is based on a certain mode of production, that is, a certain level and character of the development of the productive forces and the production relations corresponding to them. The totality of production relations forms the basis on which there is a superstructure - political, legal relations. In his historical development Humanity has gone through 5 stages: primitive communal, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist and communist.

Disadvantages of the formational approach: it assumes a unilinear nature of historical development, does not reflect the multivariance of historical development, reduces the role of the human factor in history and exaggerates the role of social conflict.

Recently, in contrast formational approach The civilizational approach to the study of the history of mankind is most widely used in the research literature.

2. The civilizational approach was developed by M. Weber, A. Toynbee, O. Spengler, N. Danilevsky, P. Sorokin.

Civilization is the basic structural unit of the historical process. Civilization is an integral social system consisting of closely interrelated elements (religion, culture, economy, politics, social organization). Civilization is very stable, despite certain changes under the influence of internal and external factors, the core of civilization remains unchanged. This approach is fixed in the theory of cultural-historical types of civilization by N. Danilevsky, A. Toynbee, O. Spengler. Cultural-historical types are historically established communities that occupy a certain territory and have their own characteristic features of cultural and social development.

The advantages of the civilizational approach include its universality, orientation to the multi-variant development, the integrity of history. The disadvantage lies in the amorphousness of the criteria for distinguishing types of civilizations.

In the process of teaching history, various tasks are solved: educational, cognitive, educational, worldview, which ensures the humanization of education at any faculties.

However, one of the most important is the task of forming historical consciousness, which is a complex and multifaceted spiritual phenomenon. In science, historical consciousness is understood as a system of knowledge, a set of ideas, views, traditions, rituals, customs, ideas, concepts, through which individuals, social groups, classes, peoples, nations, an idea is formed about their origin, the most important events in their history and outstanding figures of the past, about the relationship of their history with the history of other communities of people and the entire human community. Thus, communities of people (peoples, nations), comprehending their past, can reproduce it in space and time in all its three states - past, present and future, thereby contributing to the connection of times and generations, the individual's awareness of his belonging to a certain community of people - people or nation.

As a complex spiritual phenomenon, historical consciousness has a fairly complex structure, determined by the ways and means of its formation.

The first (lower) level of historical consciousness, corresponding to the ordinary level of social consciousness, is formed on the basis of the accumulation of direct life experience, when a person observes some events throughout his life or even participates in them. Accumulated impressions, facts eventually add up to memories. At this level, historical facts do not yet add up to a system, individuals are not yet able to evaluate them from the point of view of the entire course of the historical process. Most often, at this level, historical consciousness manifests itself in vague, emotionally colored memories, often incomplete, inaccurate, subjective.

The next level of historical consciousness is formed on the basis of nameless folk art, all kinds of historical legends, tales, legends, heroic epos, fairy tales, which are an integral part of the spiritual life of every nation as one of the ways of its self-expression and manifestation of national character traits. As a rule, the courage and heroism of ancestors, hard work, the victory of good over evil are sung in folk art.

At the same level of the formation of historical consciousness, traditions are transmitted through the imitation of the behavior of the older generation by the younger generation, moral traditions are being embodied in certain stereotypes of behavior that create the foundation for the joint life of a certain community of people. Moral traditions form the basis of what is usually called the "soul of the people."

At this stage of the formation of historical consciousness, knowledge of history is not systematized, it is characterized by myth-making elements and naive assessments, however, the totality of the above components of this level of historical consciousness is, to a certain extent, the core that largely determines the national character, its stable features, features, warehouse of spirituality. the life and mind of a person, as well as his manners, habits, manifestations of emotions, etc.

The next stage of historical consciousness is formed under the influence of fiction, art, theater, painting, cinema, radio, television, influenced by acquaintance with historical monuments. At this level, historical consciousness is also not yet transformed into systematic knowledge of the historical process. The ideas that form it are still fragmentary, chaotic, not chronologically ordered, connected with individual episodes in history, and often subjective. They, as a rule, are distinguished by great brightness, emotionality. Impressions from what you see and hear remain for life. This is due to the power of the artist's talent, who, having mastered the word, brush, pen, has a tremendous effect on a person. emotional impact. All this imposes on the artist a great responsibility for the authenticity of the event depicted and described by him.

The role of literature, art, and especially the media is very important in the formation of historical consciousness, however, as is now shown great experience, newspapers, radio, television can change public opinion, likes and dislikes, but cannot serve as a source of serious historical knowledge.

Thus, all of the above indicates that the historical consciousness of the majority of the population is a complex interweaving of fragmentary scientific knowledge, naive ideas and assessments, traditions and customs left over from previous generations. They, of course, contribute to the enrichment of the human spiritual world, but remain elementary, which lack scientific depth, understanding of the driving forces of the historical process, and the ability to use even elementary knowledge to analyze specific political situations. At these stages of the formation of historical consciousness, a person does not yet operate theoretical formulas, philosophical and sociological categories, but most often uses the so-called "primary mental forms" of practical use.

Under these conditions, the question of the formation of historical consciousness on the basis of scientific basis, which can be achieved with the help of the knowledge of history proper, which in their totality form a certain system of ideas about the past, about its organic connection with the present and possible trends in the development of society in the future. Such knowledge is acquired through the systematic study of history.

For the first time, systematic knowledge about the historical process is acquired in history lessons at school, and for most people, acquaintance with history ends at this level. Moreover, the ideas of young people about history based on school education appears as a set of dates, names, events, often incoherent, not defined in space and time, especially since knowledge of a fact is not yet scientific knowledge; its comprehension, analysis, evaluation is required, due to which the facts are included in a holistic concept of the historical process.

This makes special demands on the teaching of history at a university, where historical consciousness is formed on theoretical level, by studying not only their own history, but also other socio-humanitarian disciplines - philosophy, sociology, political science, economic theory. In this case, historical consciousness corresponds to a specialized (theoretical) level of social consciousness.

The increased need for the formation of historical consciousness at the theoretical level is due to the fact that the transformational transition from one model of society to another is accompanied by turbulent processes in the spiritual life of society, leads to significant changes in public consciousness, including historical, moral, value and behavioral orientations.

Moreover, under these conditions, history has become a kind of field of political struggle. At the same time, a sharp increase in demand for objective historical knowledge is accompanied by an inadequate response. The paradox lies in the fact that in this situation the number of hours in universities for the study of history has sharply decreased.

As experience shows, the increase in the demand for knowledge of history is characteristic of all the so-called “sharp turns in history”, when people, comprehending the path traveled, try to find the origins of the present in it, learn lessons for the future. In this situation, extremely careful handling of history is necessary; dangerous for historical consciousness are any biased assessments of historical phenomena, events and facts, any kind of discredit national history no matter which side it comes from.

While academic science was scrupulously looking for “new approaches” to the study of history, political journalism succeeded in all kinds of reassessments of historical phenomena, events and facts, historical figures, discrediting some events and personalities, undeservedly raising others, struggling with some myths, creating others. All these "rewriting" and re-evaluation of history had not harmless consequences. As shown sociological research, publications in the media of many similar materials on historical topics have reduced the number of people who are proud of the historical past of their fatherland.

Pride in the historical past of one's people is one of the most important components of historical consciousness, which determines its national dignity. The loss of these qualities leads to the formation of colonial psychology: in people there is a feeling of inferiority, underdevelopment, hopelessness, a feeling of disappointment, spiritual discomfort. That is why, when Russia is in a state of deep crisis, warnings about the danger threatening the Russian nation not only from the point of view of its physical extinction, but also the loss of its national identity on the basis of the destruction of national historical consciousness have already sounded. Therefore, the study of history and the formation of historical consciousness acquires in modern conditions practical value. The university history teacher faces an important task of forming the national historical consciousness of student youth, the need to help them preserve national traditions, a sense of belonging to their people, a sense of citizenship, personal responsibility for its safety and the integrity of the fatherland, pride in its history.

Historical consciousness and historical memory of the people

historical consciousness

In the process of teaching history, various tasks are solved: educational, cognitive, educational, worldview, which ensures the humanization of education at any faculties. However, one of the most important tasks is the task of forming historical consciousness, which is a complex and multifaceted spiritual phenomenon.

In science, historical consciousness is understood as a system of knowledge, a set of ideas, views, traditions, rituals, customs, ideas, concepts, through which individuals, social groups, classes, peoples, nations form an idea of ​​their origin, the most important events in their history and outstanding figures of the past, about the relationship of their history with the history of other communities of people and the entire human community. Consequently, historical consciousness is an assessment of the past in all its diversity, inherent and characteristic both for society as a whole and for various socio-demographic, socio-professional and ethno-social groups, as well as individuals. Thus, communities of people (peoples, nations), comprehending their past, can reproduce it in space and time in all its three states - past, present and future, thereby contributing to the connection of times and generations, the individual's awareness of his belonging to a certain community of people - people or nation.

Successful study of history and its scientifically reliable reconstruction depend on research methodology. Methodology is understood as the doctrine of the methods of scientific research, the methods and operations for the accumulation and development of knowledge, the methods of constructing and substantiating a system of knowledge about the historical past.

As a complex spiritual phenomenon, historical consciousness has a fairly complex structure, determined by the ways and means of its formation.

The first (lower) level of historical consciousness, corresponding to the ordinary level of social consciousness, is formed on the basis of the accumulation of direct life experience, when a person observes some events throughout his life or even participates in them. Accumulated impressions, facts, over time add up to memories. At this level, historical facts do not yet add up to a system, individuals are not yet able to evaluate them from the point of view of the entire course of the historical process. Most often, at this level, historical consciousness manifests itself in vague, emotionally colored memories, often incomplete, inaccurate, subjective. Even Aristotle argued that with age, feelings are replaced by reason.

historical memory

Historical consciousness is, as it were, "poured", encompasses both important and random events, absorbs both systematized information, for example, through the education system, and disordered information. That's what it is the next level of historical consciousness, the orientation to which is determined by the special interests of the individual. As for historical memory, it is a certain way of focused consciousness, which reflects the special significance and relevance of information about the past in close connection with the present and future. historical memory in fact, it is an expression of the process of organizing, preserving and reproducing the past experience of a people, country, state for its possible use in people's activities or for the return of its influence to the sphere of public consciousness.

It is formed on the basis of nameless folk art, all kinds of historical legends, tales, legends, heroic epos, fairy tales, which are an integral part of the spiritual life of every nation as one of the ways of its self-expression and manifestation of national character traits. As a rule, the courage and heroism of ancestors, hard work, the victory of good over evil are sung in folk art.

With this approach to historical memory, I would like to draw attention to the fact that historical memory not only updated, but also selective - it often focuses on individual historical events, ignoring others. An attempt to find out why this happens allows us to argue that actualization and selectivity are primarily related to the significance of historical knowledge and historical experience for the present, for current events and processes and their possible impact on the future. In this situation historical memory is often personified, and through the assessment of the activities of specific historical figures, impressions, judgments, opinions are formed about what is of particular value for the consciousness and behavior of a person in a given period of time.

A significant role in the functioning of historical consciousness is played by random information, often mediated by the culture of the people surrounding a person, family, as well as, to a certain extent, traditions, customs, which also carry certain ideas about the life of a people, country, state.

At the same level of the formation of historical consciousness, traditions are transmitted through the imitation of the behavior of the older generation by the younger generation, moral traditions are embodied in certain stereotypes of behavior that create the foundation for a common life of a certain community of people. Moral traditions form the basis of what is usually called the "soul of the people."

At this stage of the formation of historical consciousness, knowledge of history is not systematized, it is characterized by myth-making elements and naive assessments, however, the totality of the above components of this level of historical consciousness is, to a certain extent, the core that largely determines the national character, its stable features, features, warehouse of spirituality. the life and mind of a person, as well as his manners, habits, manifestations of emotions, etc.

The next stage of historical consciousness is formed under the influence of fiction, art, theater, painting, cinema, radio, television, under the influence of acquaintance with historical monuments. At this level, historical consciousness is also not yet transformed into systematic knowledge of the historical process. The ideas that form it are still fragmentary, chaotic, not chronologically ordered, connected with individual episodes in history, and often subjective. They, as a rule, are distinguished by great brightness, emotionality. Impressions from what you see and hear remain for life. This is due to the strength of the artist's talent, which, owning the word, brush, pen, has a huge emotional impact on a person. All this imposes on the artist a great responsibility for the authenticity of the event depicted and described by him.

The role of literature, art and, especially, the media is very important in shaping historical consciousness, however, as now extensive experience shows, newspapers, radio, television can change public opinion, likes and dislikes, but cannot serve as a source of serious historical knowledge.

So, in the framework of the all-Russian study "Historical consciousness: state, development trends in the conditions of perestroika" "the most significant events for the fate of the people were named:

    • the era of Peter I (opinion of 72% of respondents),
    • Great Patriotic War (57%),
    • Great October Socialist Revolution and Civil War (50%), years of perestroika (38%),
    • the time of the struggle against the Tatar-Mongol yoke (29%),
    • period of Kievan Rus (22%).
  • years after the abolition of serfdom (14%),
  • NEP period (12%), industrialization, collectivization and cultural revolution (12%),
  • during the reign of Ivan the Terrible,
  • reign of Catherine II,
  • the first Russian revolution (all 11% each).

It is interesting to note that this order is largely preserved in subsequent years, although it has its own characteristics.

Now artificially created models of the interpretation of the past are marked by ethnocentrism, emotional coloring and, being supported by the mass consciousness, stimulate thinking by analogy; their authors try to explain contemporary issues from the "methodological" positions of the conceptual and ideological archaic, which sometimes in a bizarre way gets along with a variety of scientific theories. Many specific, but very important events for individual peoples become a very significant factor in both public consciousness as a whole and their historical memory, involving in an explicit and sometimes invisible discussion representatives of other peoples currently living in a given territory (events of the past in the history of Tatarstan, the fate of the statehood of Tuva, the historical past of the divided Lezgin people, etc.) Therefore, the correct placement of accents in the interpretation of historical events contributes primarily to the rational, friendly coexistence of peoples. Otherwise, wariness, prejudice, negative clichés ("empire", "chauvinistic politics", etc.) appear, which tend to persist for a long time, to escalate social tension and generate conflicts.

We are witnessing the fact that historical memory, as well as the fruits of some historical research, is used in the current political and ideological controversy, engaged by various political forces.

Thus, all of the above indicates that the historical consciousness of the majority of the population is a complex interweaving of fragmentary scientific knowledge, naive ideas and assessments, traditions and customs left over from previous generations. They, of course, contribute to the enrichment of the human spiritual world, but remain elementary, which lack scientific depth, understanding of the driving forces of the historical process, and the ability to use even elementary knowledge to analyze specific political situations. At these stages of the formation of historical consciousness, a person does not yet operate with theoretical formulas, philosophical and sociological categories, but most often uses the so-called "primary mental forms" of practical use.

Under these conditions, with great acuteness rises the question of the formation of historical consciousness on a scientific basis, which can be achieved with the help of the knowledge of history proper, which in their totality form a certain system of ideas about the past, about its organic connection with the present and possible trends in the development of society in the future. Such knowledge is acquired through the systematic study of history.

For the first time, systematic knowledge about the historical process is acquired in history lessons at school, and for most people, acquaintance with history ends at this level. Moreover, the ideas of young people about history based on school education appear as a set of dates, names, events, often incoherent, not defined in space and time, especially since knowledge of a fact is not yet scientific knowledge; its comprehension, analysis, evaluation is required, due to which the facts are included in a holistic concept of the historical process. If we take the data of the already mentioned study by V.I. Merkushin, then to the question "Are you satisfied with the quality of historical education at school?" Only 4% of respondents gave a positive answer. Even every second teacher (48%) admitted that the level of teaching history at school is low. But historical consciousness, historical memory, objectively reflecting at least the main milestones in the development of the country, the people cannot be formed without historical information being presented systematically, completely, without the predominance of emotions and attempts at falsification, when historical facts are replaced by all sorts of versions generated more by fantasies and arbitrary gag.

This imposes special requirements on teaching history at a university, because the study of history involves the analysis of a certain range of sources: written, material (from archeological monuments to modern machines and household items), ethnographic, linguistic, oral, film and photo materials. All these sources sometimes contain conflicting information. In this regard, there is an increasing need for qualified scientific criticism of sources, careful identification of only reliable information that allows reproducing the truth about historical events, only in this case, historical consciousness corresponds to a specialized (theoretical) level of public consciousness.

The increased need for the formation of historical knowledge at the theoretical level is due to the fact that the transformational transition from one model of society to another is accompanied by turbulent processes in the spiritual life of society, leads to significant changes in public consciousness, including historical, moral, value and behavioral orientations.

Moreover, under these conditions, history has become a kind of field of political struggle. At the same time, a sharp increase in demand for objective historical knowledge is accompanied by an inadequate response. The paradox lies in the fact that in this situation the number of hours in universities for the study of history has sharply decreased.

Meanwhile, the craving for historical knowledge is significant. Interest in the past is dictated by the desire to know the truth about the past (opinion of 41% of respondents), the desire to broaden their horizons (30%), the need to understand and learn the roots of their country, their people (28%), the desire to know the lessons of history, the experience of previous generations (17% ), the desire to find answers to topical questions in history (14%). As you can see, the motives are quite convincing, quite clear and in a certain sense noble, as they meet the needs of people to be citizens of their country in the full sense of the word. This includes the motives of identification (to be together with one's country, one's people) and the desire for objective knowledge, because, according to 44% of respondents, this allows a better understanding of modernity, and, according to another 20%, it helps in making the right decisions. 28% of the population see the key to raising children in historical knowledge, and 39% believe that without knowledge of history it is impossible to be a cultured person.

As experience shows, the increase in demand for knowledge of history is characteristic of all the so-called "sharp turns in history", when people, comprehending the path traveled, try to find the origins of the present in it, learn lessons for the future. In this situation, extremely careful handling of history is necessary; dangerous for historical consciousness are any biased assessments of historical phenomena, events and facts, any kind of discrediting of national history, no matter which side it comes from.

While academic science was scrupulously looking for "new approaches" to the study of history, political journalism succeeded in all kinds of reassessments of historical phenomena, events and facts, historical figures, discrediting some events and personalities, undeservedly raising others, struggling with some myths, creating others. All these "rewriting" and re-evaluation of history had not harmless consequences. As sociological studies have shown, the publication in the media of many such materials on historical topics has reduced the number of people who are proud of the historical past of their fatherland.

Pride in the historical past of one's people is one of the most important components of historical consciousness that determines his national dignity. The loss of these qualities leads to the formation of colonial psychology: in people there is a feeling of inferiority, underdevelopment, hopelessness, a feeling of disappointment, spiritual discomfort.

That is why, when Russia is in a state of deep crisis, warnings about the danger threatening the Russian nation not only from the point of view of its physical extinction, but also the loss of its national identity, the so-called national identity on the basis of the destruction of national historical consciousness, have already sounded. Therefore, the study of history and the formation of historical consciousness acquires practical significance in modern conditions. The university history teacher faces an important task of forming the national historical consciousness of student youth, the need to help them preserve national traditions, a sense of belonging to their people, a sense of citizenship, personal responsibility for its safety and the integrity of the fatherland, pride in its history.

List of used literature on the topic "Historical consciousness and historical memory":

  • V.V. Ryabov, E.I. Khavanov "History and Society" 1999
  • Newspaper "New and recent history", article by Zh.T. Toshchenko "Historical consciousness and historical memory. Analysis of the current state"
  • Article by Professor E.I. Fedorinova "The Formation of Historical Consciousness as a Factor in the Humanitarization of Education".

What is historical consciousness?

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Section 2. Essence, forms, functions of historical consciousness.

In modern Russian literature, historical consciousness is quite often understood as a “collection of knowledge accumulated by science and spontaneously arising ideas, all kinds of symbols, customs and other phenomena of the spiritual sphere, in which society reproduces, realizes, that is, remembers its past”. With this approach, historical consciousness, firstly, is identified with historical memory. Secondly, historical consciousness is considered only as a supra-individual reality, that is, in this definition, the personal aspect is eliminated. Historical memory, reflecting the past, is an integral part of historical consciousness, in which ideas about society are integrated in the unity of its past, present and future. Historical consciousness, along with cultural archetypes, is the ʼʼbridgeʼʼ of times and generations. Historical consciousness must be both mass (group) and individual. Mass historical consciousness is a way of rational reproduction and evaluation by society of the movement of society in time. Individual historical consciousness is the result, on the one hand, of familiarizing with the knowledge of the past, and on the other hand, of understanding the past and generating a sense of belonging with it. For this reason, individual historical consciousness also acts as a form of meaningfully transformed past as ʼʼconsciousnessʼʼ and ʼʼeventʼʼ .

Since historical consciousness is comprehension, two of its types can be distinguished: goal-rational and value-rational. The first type of consciousness is dominated by an orientation toward a specific historical result, toward comprehending the course of historical events, their causes and consequences. Purpose-rational historical consciousness is not only always concrete, it is also theoretical. Value-rational consciousness, on the contrary, focuses not on a specific result, but directly on the value behind it. Such consciousness is more ethical than theoretical. It is not dominated by questions - why, for what purpose, but - what is the meaning, who is to blame. Since group goals at the level of the individual act as value-rational, then the value-rational individual historical consciousness is characterized by a significant degree of conformity in relation to the mass historical consciousness. For this reason, the value-rational consciousness is largely subject to influence from the outside, it is more susceptible to transformation and manipulation. A person with such a consciousness is able to easily change his views in favor of others, without experiencing any particular inconvenience and doubt.

If we proceed from the way of understanding and the features of fixing ideas about the movement of society in time, then historical consciousness can take the form of myth, chronicle or science. A distinctive feature of mythical consciousness is the syncretism of historical ideas. In them, thinking merges with affectivity. In the mythical consciousness, there are simultaneously two layers of historical time - sacred and current. In sacred time, events occur that imply ʼʼknowledge-faithʼʼ. In such knowledge, for example, there is often a ʼʼlegend of a golden ageʼʼ (past or future) as the ideal of human existence. A historical myth is an emotionally colored representation of historical reality, a fictional image that replaces this reality in the mind. Historical myths are created by the collective imagination or imposed on the mass historical consciousness from the outside, while forming a certain historical worldview, socially conforming in the given conditions and designed to form the desired patterns of social behavior. Entering the structure of cultural archetypes, myths activate historical consciousness during periods of disappointment and the collapse of illusions, alarmism and frustration. Modern journalism gives many examples of the activation of mythologized consciousness: having become disillusioned with Soviet history, are looking for moral consolation and inspiration in the historical past of Russia.

Unlike the mythical, chronic consciousness is largely focused on fixing the real events of the past. At the same time, in such a consciousness there is no idea of ​​cause-and-effect relationships in history. These connections in the chronic consciousness are replaced by a presentation of historical events in chronological sequence, fastened with providential ideas and moral maxims. Hence the interpretation of history through the prism of divine providence, the dichotomy of good and evil, God and the devil, virtues and vices, designs and intrigues. Like the mythical, chronicistic consciousness forms, like the mythical, historical reality, corresponding to the ideal of its time, the Past was depicted not as it was, but as it should have been.

The development of society's need for self-consciousness, for a deep understanding of the logic of the historical process, led to the formation of history as a science of the past, which had a huge impact on strengthening the reflexive principle in historical consciousness. It refers primarily to the real facts of history, the "earthly" roots of certain events and processes, trying to comprehend the cause-and-effect relationships and find out the essence of historical phenomena. Historicism has become an achievement of scientific consciousness, requiring consideration of historical phenomena in development, in connection with other historical events, taking into account the specific conditions of a certain stage of social development. Scientific historical consciousness has a specialized character, its source and carrier is the scientific ethnos. For this reason, in the mass historical consciousness, its scientific component is intricately intertwined with fiction and historical myths. At the same time, if the scientific consciousness is focused on the search for truth, then the mass consciousness is primarily occupied with the search for historical ʼʼtruthʼʼ as a result of an emotionally valuable attitude to reality.

In the historical consciousness inherent in any socio-cultural environment, one can also identify its dominant and temporary forms. So, for example, monumental or antiquarian, statist or liberal, imperial or provincial historical consciousness can be attributed to dominant forms. To temporary forms - critical or apologetic, tolerant or rigorous. Different social groups in society have different kinds of capital, incl. and symbolic, that is, they have the ability to introduce and cultivate sustainable principles for the perception of historical reality, conforming to their own structures, transforming the inner world of people, incl. and their historical consciousness. At the same time, as a rule, not dominant, but temporary forms of it change, capable of complete inversion: to become, for example, from apologetic critical, and then in a modified form - again apologetic. The transformation of historical consciousness usually occurs in a crisis of the social system, with a change political regimes, with a sharp change in course community development when in a situation of ʼʼre-evaluation of socially significant valuesʼʼ ʼʼrewriting of historyʼʼ begins.

What is historical consciousness? - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "What is historical consciousness?" 2017, 2018.

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Svirida, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Historical consciousness as a phenomenon of culture: dissertation... candidate of philosophical sciences: 09.00.13 Electronic resource Omsk, 2004


Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of historical consciousness 12

1.1.. The phenomenon and concept of historical consciousness 12

1.2. Historical memory, historical consciousness, historical continuity, social inheritance 39

Chapter 2 Structure, functions of historical consciousness and its place in spiritual culture 62

2.1. Structure of historical consciousness 62

2.2. Functions of historical consciousness and its place among other forms of social consciousness 88

2.3. Features of the historical consciousness of the Russian people 107

Conclusion 133

Bibliographic list of used literature 136

Introduction to work

The relevance of the research topic is due to many factors.
First, historical consciousness has always played a big role in the life of
society, as evidenced by the eternal interest of mankind in its history.
Secondly, historical consciousness as a link between the past,
present and future is of particular importance in the era of indigenous
transformations of Russian society. The new social reality is changing
in the historical consciousness of the subject, the existing image of the past,
accordingly, many stereotypes of historically based
social praetics. However, during this period, a necessary condition
successful activity of the subject is a conscious practical

use of cultural and historical experience. In this regard, reflection on the construction of the image of one's history plays an important role. In the comprehension and rethinking of national history, contradictory processes take place. On the one hand, society's interest in its own history has increased. Confirmation of this interest is the actualization of historical issues in scientific publications, in the media. On the other hand, pluralism of opinions leads to subjective interpretations, to another rewriting of history, to the falsification of certain pages of the historical past and present. The relevance of the dissertation research lies in the importance of historical consciousness in the period of transformation of Russian society, when there are essential changes in the public consciousness, in the cultural and behavioral orientations of the social subject; it also stems from the need to form an effective historical consciousness among new generations, based on historical memory, knowledge of national history and culture; of the tasks associated both with the assessment of the path traveled and with the choice of further paths for the development of society. Thirdly, the study of historical consciousness is updated by both internal and external

social realities. Significant changes are taking place now
time on a global scale, which is associated with the transition from the modern era to
postmodern era, to a post-industrial information society, with
contradictions of globalization. In general, the historical consciousness of the modern
human being is characterized by discontinuity, fragmentation,

coexistence of often incompatible views. Hence the fluctuation
consciousness, loss of meaning. Such a historical consciousness of man is not
able to connect new impressions of being with old ones, to determine
correlation of objective and subjective in knowledge about the past,
correct historical perceptions with new information and
assessment of its reliability. Fourthly, in updating the problem
historical consciousness played a role and factors in the sphere
philosophical knowledge, In Russian philosophical literature, historical
consciousness became the object of targeted study around the late 60s
years of the XX century. Due to the growing interest of social scientists in the problems of
spiritual life of society, as well as awareness of excessive simplification
old approaches, new methodological foundations began to assert themselves
research on spiritual phenomena. In domestic philosophical literature
The problem of historical consciousness was first posed by Yu, A. Levada and
I.S. Kohn - "This concept embraces all the diversity of spontaneous
formed or created by science forms in which society is aware of
(reproduces and evaluates) its past, more precisely, in which society
reproduces its movement in time" 1 "- noted Yu.A. Levada. I.S, Kon
defined historical consciousness as "awareness by society, class,
social group of their identity, their position in time, connection
his present with past and future. These provisions have been developed
in the works of a number of domestic researchers. When determining

historical consciousness, its essence, structure and functions in philosophy

Levala Yu.A., Historical consciousness and scientific method// Philosophical problems of science. M, 1969. From 192, 2 Kon I.S. Sociology of personality. M.1U67, S, 9-10,

there are many approaches, which indicates the versatility of its
manifestations in the spiritual culture of society. Available approaches in philosophy
to the phenomenon of historical consciousness have rich opportunities
understanding of its specificity, however, not enough attention is paid
the study of historical consciousness as a phenomenon of spiritual and practical
activities of the subject of history, identifying the place of historical consciousness in
"mechanisms" of cultural transmission. Categorical status of the concept
"historical consciousness" is determined not only by its place in the system
categories of the philosophy of history in general, but also by the methodological significance in
the study of social consciousness and spiritual culture in particular.
Therefore, the appeal to the problem of historical consciousness is caused by

the need for a holistic understanding of its place and role in the system of public consciousness, in spiritual culture.

The historical consciousness of the social subject not only reflects the time position of the past, present and future, it also constructs many complex temporal forms: the past in the present, the future in the present, etc. An analysis of the role of temporal representations in historical consciousness is a prerequisite for the study of more specific issues: its dynamics in Russian society, the identification of reference points in the historical memory of the Russian people, and values ​​of deep personal and social significance.

So, the relevance of the research being undertaken is determined by the significance of the cultural potential that lies in the historical consciousness, the need to identify channels for realizing this potential in the practical activities of the subject of history. The theoretical and practical relevance of studying the problem of historical consciousness as a cultural phenomenon determined the choice of the topic of the dissertation research.

The degree of development of the problem. AT philosophical and scientific literature To date, there have been several directions in the study of historical consciousness, in which

6 significant material that allows you to focus on various aspects of historical consciousness and outline ways for further study of this problem. A number of problem blocks can be identified.

    Studies devoted to the reality that history studies as a science, as well as to the philosophical understanding of the historical consciousness of man as a subject of the historical process (H.-G. Gadamer, N. Hartmann, J.G. Herder, G.W.F, Hegel, M Block, K. Marx, X. Ortega y Gasset, J.-P. Sartre, A. J. Toynbee, P, Ricker, G. Rickert, O. Spengler, J. G. Fichte, K. Jaspers and other representatives of Western European philosophy). Features of knowledge about history, ways of obtaining, storing and transforming it are considered by domestic thinkers V.C. Barulin, E.M. Zhukov, R.I., Ivanova, V.E. Kemerov, V.I. Kopalov, Y.E. Kolosov, V.A. Lektorsky, V.M. Mezhuev, K.Kh. Momdzhyan, A.I., Rakitov 5 E.B., Rashkovsky, K.V. Khvostova and others.

    Literature that focuses on the essence of historical consciousness, its structure, functions and genesis (works by G.A. Antipov, M.A. Barg, A.V., Gulyga, AJL Gurevich, G.T. Zhuravlev, V.A., Elchaninov, Y. A. Kimelev, I. S. Kona, Y. A. Levada, V. I. Merkushin, B. G. Mogilnitsky, A. I. Panyukov, A. I. Rakitov, A. Kh., Samiev, V. B. Ustyantsev, N. P. Frantsuzova and others). One of the essential aspects in the study of historical consciousness is the question of its connection with historical time. Here, in addition to the studies of Western philosophers M. Blok, G. Simmel, A. Ignatov, G. Lubbe, P. Tillich, M. Heidegger and others, we note the work of Russian thinkers AJL Andreev, M.A. Barg, I.M. Melikova, A.V. Poletaeva, I.M. Savelieva and others. The correlation of historical consciousness with other forms of social consciousness is considered by I.A. Gobozov, F.T. Mikhailov, A. T. Spirkin, A.K. Uledov and others

    The studies of M.A. Kissel, M.S. Kagan, N.I. Konrad, A.F. Loseva, M.K. Petrova, V.N. Romanova, L.V., Skvortsova, B.C. Stepina, Yu.M. Shora, M. Eliade

and etc.; valuable works on historical consciousness as a phenomenon of culture were created by V.E. Gusev, D.S. Likhachev, Yu.M. Lotman and others.

    The social conditionality of historical consciousness and historical memory is considered by Yu.A., Afanasiev, V.E. Boikov, V.K. Egorov, V.A. Kolevatov, Ya.K. Rebane, J.T. Toshchenko, V.B. Ustyantsev and others. E.A. Baller, M.IL Zavyalova, I.T. Kasavin, F.T. Mikhailov, V.N. Rastorguev and others.

    An important block is the problems associated with the reflection of the domestic philosophical tradition on the specifics of the historical consciousness of the Russian people. ”We relied on studies devoted to the analysis of national and religious aspects historical consciousness of the Russian people (the works of N.A., Berdyaev, M.O. Gershenzon, V.I. Ivanov, M.O. Koyalovich, L.P. Karsavin, N.O. Lossky, V.S. Solovyov, S.L., Frank » N.F. Fedorov, P.A. Florensky, A.S. Khomyakov, P.Ya. Chaadaev and others). Of particular importance in the study of the historical past of the Russian people are the works of N.M. Karamzin, V.O. Klyuchevsky, SM. Solovyov. Features of the historical consciousness of the Russian people are also studied by P.M. Zolin, V.M. Kandyba, V.M. Mezhuev, V.I. Mildon, L.I. Novikova^ I.K. Pantin, A.I. Panyukov, E.G. Plimak, A.A. Preobrazhensky, Yu.K. Semenov, I.N. Sizemskaya, N.Ya. Eidelman and others.

    An analysis of the ideological orientation of historical consciousness is given in the studies of O.V. Volobueva, M.Ya. Geller, A.A. Zinoviev, S.G. Kara-Murza, M.A. Kissel, SV. Kuleshova, R.A., Medvedev, A.V. Pyzhikova, A.V. Yurevich and others.

    We have attracted studies on the transformation of modern Russian society (L.I. Abalkin, A.S. Akhiezer, T.I. Zaslavskaya, A.G. Zdravomyslov, S.G. Kara-Murza, A.S. Panarin, G. Pomerani , N. S. Rozov, L. I. Semennikova, Z. V. Sikevich, L. I. Chinakova, M. A. Shabanova, etc.) and the influence of social factors on the dynamics of historical consciousness.

Along with theoretical research, the thesis involved

s fiction” journalistic and memoir literature (Ch. Aitmatov, ST. Aksakov, V.I. Belov, I.A. Bunin, M Gorky, F.M. Dostoevsky, G.K. Zhukov, E.I. Zamyatin, V V. Nabokov, A. S. Pushkin, V. S. Solovyov, K. M. Simonov, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, V. L. Soloukhin, J. I. H. Tolstoy, etc.).

However, many issues related to to the problem of historical consciousness, namely; subject area of ​​historical consciousness; its relation to the modes of time; forms of its expression; structural components; the presence or absence of specific functions; correlation of historical consciousness and historical knowledge; the place and role of historical consciousness in the system of social consciousness; insufficient attention is paid to the question of historical consciousness as a special spiritual formation.

Main research problem is due to insufficient philosophical understanding of historical consciousness as a phenomenon of culture and can be fixed in questions: 1) what is the essence of historical consciousness? 2) How is the translation of historical consciousness into culture? 3) What is the role and place of historical consciousness in spiritual culture?

The main goal of the study: understanding the essence, structure and functions of historical consciousness, its role in spiritual culture.

Research objectives:

comprehend the essence of the concept of historical consciousness;

characterize the mediating links through which historical consciousness is included in the process of cultural translation;

reveal the structural elements of historical consciousness;

consider the functions of historical consciousness and its connection with some
other forms of social consciousness;

to determine the features of the historical consciousness of the Russian people. Methodological and theoretical basis of the study. Fundamental role in the research process was played by such philosophical

9 methodological principles as objectivity; historicism; interconnection, development and contradiction, the principle of consistency. The work also uses the method of philosophical reflection.

Note the interdisciplinary nature of our study. To substantiate the conclusions of the work, philosophical, historical, cultural knowledge in synthesis is necessary. The study is based on the works of domestic and those foreign thinkers who substantiate the socio-cultural specifics of historical consciousness, which are characterized by reflection on their own history. These works are listed above.

The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the chosen aspect of the problem of historical consciousness: its consideration as a phenomenon related not to any one area of ​​spiritual existence, but to the entire spiritual culture. The main results of the study can be recorded in the following provisions.

1. Two main approaches to the understanding of historical consciousness that take place in the literature are identified; it is shown that both of them contain a fundamental common point: emphasizing the connection between historical consciousness and historical time. Revealed significant difference between these approaches:

    with the first of them, historical consciousness is understood more narrowly as a reflection of only past history, formed mainly on the basis of historical science;

    in the second approach, historical consciousness is interpreted more broadly: its subject area is the historical process in the unity of the three modes of time; it is formed not only by means of historical science, but also by all other forms of social consciousness. It is shown that these approaches should not be opposed: each of them captures the real features of a complex and contradictory spiritual phenomenon - historical consciousness. In the dissertation, in accordance with its theme, the second approach to

historical consciousness as a universal phenomenon of spiritual culture,

2. The definition of the concept of historical consciousness is presented,
fixing its features as a certain component of social
consciousness and spiritual culture.

    It is shown that the main links through which historical consciousness is included in the process of cultural translation are historical memory, historical continuity, social inheritance. The necessity of including the concept of "social inheritance" in the indicated group of categories is substantiated; revealed common features and differences of these categories; the role of historical consciousness in the functioning of historical memory, historical continuity and social inheritance is shown. The unity of these categories expresses the historically conditioned socio-cultural context of the life of a social subject.

    The logical grounds for dividing the structure of historical consciousness into four main groups of components are determined; it is shown that historical consciousness is a specific spiritual formation, it is an aspect, a cut of all forms of social consciousness, spiritual culture; considered in what ways the content elements various forms social consciousness are woven into the fabric of historical consciousness; revealed, at the same time, the relative independence of historical consciousness, which manifests itself in the presence of its own subject area, a specific structure and its inherent function of storing and comprehending historical memory.

5. Concretization of the role of historical consciousness in the socio
cultural process in relation to the historical consciousness of the Russian
people, some features of the historical consciousness of the Russian
people, their variability is traced, their influence on the historical
development of Russia.

Scientific, theoretical and practical significance of the study is as follows: First, the dissertation materials can be

11 are applied to further study of the content, place and role of historical consciousness in the spiritual and practical activities of man and society. Secondly, the research materials can be used in the development of theoretical and methodological materials on the philosophy of culture, cultural studies, the theory of history, ethics, and philosophical anthropology.

Approbation of work. The provisions and conclusions of the dissertation were discussed at a theoretical seminar of the Department of Socio-Economic and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Surgut State Pedagogical Institute, presented in a number of articles and theses, refined during the work of conferences and seminars in 2000-2004. Some sections of the topic were tested in classes on philosophy and cultural studies with students of the historical and philological faculties of the SurGPI. The dissertation was also discussed at the Department of Philosophy of the Omsk State Pedagogical University

Work structure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography. The content of the work is set out on 151 pages. The bibliography includes 230 titles.

The Phenomenon and Concept of Historical Consciousness

Historical consciousness is one of the components of social consciousness and thus of spiritual culture; this is reflection, cognition, comprehension, interpretation, expression of emotions, making assessments, comprehension in theoretical, ideological, artistic-figurative, socio-psychological and other forms of history as a process taking place in time; it is an integral part of human history as a certain form of being; it is "a spiritual bridge thrown over the abyss of time - a bridge leading a person from the past to the future."

Obviously, the closest generic concept in relation to the concept of historical consciousness is social consciousness. Since there is no uniformity in the literature about the content of this category, we will indicate our position on the question raised.

In the "New Philosophical Encyclopedia", published in the early 2000s, there is no article "Public Consciousness" at all, although some information on this topic can be gleaned from other articles, In the "Philosophical Encyclopedia", published in the late 60s, early 70s -s. of the last century, there was also no separate article “Public consciousness”, but there was a voluminous and informative section on this topic in the article “Consciousness”, where the following definition of this category was given: “Public consciousness is a reflection of social being, expressed in language, in science and philosophy, in works of art, in political, legal and moral ideology, and in the views of classes, social groups, humanity as a whole, etc.4 The advantage of this definition is its inclusiveness, the inclusion

into the composition of the public consciousness of a wide variety of spiritual phenomena, emphasizing the versatility and multicomponent nature of public consciousness. But any definition, as you know, is limited. We would refer to the shortcomings of the given definition; 1) the characterization of social consciousness only as a reflection of social being without mentioning the special existential nature of social consciousness, and 2) the reduction of political, legal and moral consciousness only to ideology ”In a later work, L.G. Spirkin formulates, highlighting it in italics, a different definition of the concept of “public consciousness” - “these are the views of people in their totality on natural phenomena and social reality, expressed in natural or artificial language created by society, creations of spiritual culture, social norms and views of social groups, the people and humanity as a whole”5. Here, the public consciousness is not reduced to reflection, but is presented too rationalistically: in an explicit form, views, views, social norms, but the socio-psychological level of public consciousness remained behind the scenes. It is not clear, moreover, what is "people in their totality": is it society as an integral system or society as a combination of social atoms? The existential status of social consciousness here also fell out of sight, which was typical for Russian literature of the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. So, in one popular work, which in many ways retains its significance to this day, it was written: “Public consciousness is a reflection of the real life process of people, their social being, arising on the basis of the socio-historical activity of people, practice” ,

In the future, approaches to the definition of the concept of social consciousness began to change. Many authors have gone not along the path of including more and more new components in the definition of social consciousness, since this task has been basically solved, but along the path of searching for new (for our literature) approaches to understanding the status of social consciousness in the life of society. So, A.K. Uledov wrote: “The consciousness of society is a spiritual reality in all its richness and diversity of ideas, views, ideas, opinions, etc., inherent in society in a historically specific period of time”7. Relief expressed the idea of ​​the existential nature of social consciousness B.C. Barulin: “... Consciousness acts not just as a reflection of being, a side of human activity, but as human life itself, as a facet of life, .. Consciousness is existential. From this point of view, social consciousness also acts not only as an ideal image of society, a regulator of its activity, but also as the very life of society, social life itself. In this respect, consciousness is interpreted as spirituality. In this regard, one can see large reserves of the rational in various idealistic models of social life. Of course, there are many rational moments in the idealistic models of social life, but the main content and essence of social life should not be reduced to social consciousness, to spirituality, repeating the position of THEM in different ways. Herder that “the kingdom of man is a system of spiritual forces”9. Social consciousness is existential, but it does not exhaust the entire content of social being. In addition, the beingness of social consciousness does not exclude its characterization as a reflection of nature and social life, since reflection is also one of the forms of being. If public consciousness is multilevel, then the presence of different levels should be attributed to the existence of society. Spiritual being does not exhaust the entire existence of society, but is one of its levels.

Historical memory, historical consciousness, historical continuity, social inheritance

There are a number of philosophical concepts that are closely related to the category of historical consciousness and fix the "mechanisms", more precisely, the mediating links of its functioning and development in public life, in the transmission of culture. These concepts are identified in the title of this section. They are considered in many works, but most often they are not connected with each other, this connection remains in the shadows.

Let's start with the concept of historical memory, which is the subject of study by many authors, but there is no unity of views on this issue. According to one point of view, historical memory acts as "extra-genetic human memory (or the collective memory of mankind), ... as a reservoir of human production experience, which is the basis of collective and individual activity and the basis for the formation of the spiritual world of the individual"51. Here we are talking only about the accumulation of production experience. The basis of historical memory here is objective-practical activity, which is deposited in human experience. Other authors (V.K. Egorov, V.S. Kapustin, V.I. Merkushin, J/G. Toshchenko, etc.)82 understand historical memory more broadly: as ready-made forms of activity, social relations and communication that have cultural significance. Distinctive feature historical memory is its "selectivity, the intention to consolidate and reproduce the most socially significant intellectually, morally and aesthetically developed structures of human activity, its being and consciousness"53. VC. Egorov writes: “Historical memory, i.e. the ability to reproduce the past is one of the fundamental properties of both man and human society. At the same time, a meaningful, conscious appeal to the past tense, to an action that has already taken place, distinguishes a person from the rest of the living, which also has the ability to consolidate skills and transfer experience ... historical memory, in contrast to memory in general as a property nervous system, carries an evaluative moment. Memory exists through memorization, preservation, reproduction. But historical memory is also permeated with relations of acceptance and non-acceptance, approval and condemnation, satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the fact recorded in memory ”, Ya.K. Rebane focuses on the fact that "social memory is a kind of repository of the results of practical and cognitive activities, which act as the information basis for the formation of the consciousness of each person, the development of individual and social consciousness", on which people's behavior largely depends. Information approach allows you to get an idea of ​​​​historical memory as including not only significant information, but also the means, ways of storing and transforming it. In the information environment of historical memory, as it becomes more complex, there is a differentiation of information activity, a cognitive-semantic attitude to the past is formed.

Penetrating all spheres of activity and consciousness, historical memory is an indispensable link in the inheritance of culture and civilization. Historical memory is woven into the mechanism of subject-activity social inheritance, which is a prerequisite for the inheritance of the spiritual. It is a stabilizing factor for the existence and interaction of various socio-cultural systems and the basis for the formation of a specific individual consciousness. This is a kind of building material on the basis of which individual memory is formed, which in the psychological literature is understood as “imprinting (remembering) and subsequent recognition or reproduction”, S. L. Rubinshtein writes: “Common for all diverse mental processes, which are usually combined by the term memory is that they reflect or produce the past previously experienced by the individual ... Without memory, we would be creatures of the moment.

V.B. Ustyantsev identifies the following features of historical memory: it is not only a unique social institution, a complex information system, but also a special type of sociocultural activity that has its own subjects and intellectual means of preserving knowledge about the past. The connection between historical consciousness and historical memory, according to the author, lies in the fact that it forms a practical, everyday, mass level of historical consciousness. V.B. Ustyantsev believes that "before the advent of historical science, socio-memory creates the most stable connections of historical consciousness, serves to unite historical ideas in various areas of spiritual activity"

The structure of historical consciousness

Historical consciousness has a complex structure and performs important social functions. In philosophical research, there are different approaches to understanding the structure of historical consciousness. In most cases, three forms are distinguished in its structure: certain genres of folklore, art, and historical science. V.A. considers the structure of historical consciousness somewhat differently. Elchaninov. He singles out three "blocks": moral and substantive (traditions, customs, habits, etc.); artistic content (legends, traditions, historical songs, memoirs, poems, historical novels, etc.); scientific content (historical research, theories, textbooks, etc.)2. The philosopher supplements the traditional structure of historical consciousness with a "block" of morally meaningful forms of special social significance, especially in our time, when many traditional moral values ​​have been destroyed.

Many authors traditionally, as in the public consciousness as a whole, in the historical consciousness distinguish two pairs of levels: everyday and theoretical, psychological and ideological. In the first pair, the distinction is made according to the systematic nature and depth of reflection of the historical process (epistemological principle), in the second - according to the nature of the expression of the social positions of the subject of history (social principle). There is an interaction between the levels of historical consciousness (theoretical consciousness influences the ordinary, ideology influences social psychology and vice versa).

We believe that in historical consciousness, indeed, four main groups ("blocks") of elements can be distinguished, but not those that are singled out by the above-mentioned researchers. The basis for our selection of four groups of elements are levels, as well as forms, ways of understanding, expressing, reproducing the historical process in historical consciousness. These "blocks" include: 1) ordinary and mass consciousness and social psychology in those parts that reflect the historical process; 2) theoretical (historical science, philosophy of history, theology of history); 3) artistic and imaginative (some genres of professional art and folklore); 4) political and ideological (political, legal, moral consciousness in those components that are directly included in the fabric of historical research and reasoning).

As F. Engels said, there are no rigid dividing lines in nature and society. There are also no hard lines between the above components of historical consciousness. Thus, historical knowledge, political and moral consciousness are represented in historical consciousness both at the socio-psychological and theoretical and ideological levels, i.e. the second and fourth "blocks" partially intersect with the first.

Let us briefly characterize the first group of components of historical consciousness. Ordinary consciousness as a part of historical consciousness is a set of emotional-sensory, figurative, intuitive perceptions of historical events, phenomena, facts. This is a collection of non-systematic information about historical plots, where reliable knowledge is closely intertwined with subjective ideas and combined with emotionally colored assessments. A person evaluates historical events, the activities of historical figures from the standpoint of "good and evil". He operates with such categories as delight, consolation, admiration, indignation, hatred, fear, guilt, etc. Positive and negative emotions can slow down, distort the process of true understanding of historical events. Therefore, the interpretation of historical events should, in principle, be carried out from the standpoint of a rational approach capable of moderating passions, although it is known that it is very difficult to achieve such a situation. In the course of historical development, ordinary historical consciousness changes, assimilates new information from various sources, and is influenced by historical wisdom At the same time, it remains the real consciousness of the subject of practical activity. The totality of everyday knowledge about history is an important part of the general cultural spiritual baggage, plays an orienting role in the development of scientific historical knowledge. Ordinary historical consciousness is an integral part of the spiritual life of people, acting at all stages of the historical process as an important factor in the functioning of society. The content of the ordinary historical consciousness of people of different eras can be one of the sources of knowledge of specific "faces" of the culture of mankind in their historical development.

Functions of historical consciousness and its place among other forms of social consciousness

In different epochs the role of historical consciousness is different; it especially increases in transitional, turning points. In the current "dynamic civilization, there is a reduction in the present", "a process of shortening the length of time intervals in which we can count on a certain constancy of our life relations" . The consequences of the accelerating rate of cultural obsolescence are significant. There are many elements of culture that belong to the present, but already belong to yesterday or the day before yesterday. This is the so-called "simultaneous heterogeneity" of modern dynamic civilization.

With a superficial approach, it seems that today the past does not determine the present in any way, and the present does not extend its influence on the future (“loss of system memory”)66, therefore, the role of historical consciousness is supposedly decreasing. Previously, the status of a person was inherited: children had to take the place of their fathers. The main type of action (M. Weber)67 was the traditional one: “do as it has been done from time immemorial”, “it has not been instituted by us, it is not for us to change”. The past patronized the present, warning against dangerous improvisations; determinism was rather rigid and almost ruled out the possibility of any changes, spiritual and social. They are possible where there is freedom of the subject of history - his ability to change fate, to overcome the inertia of the previous circumstances. The above considerations, however, should not be taken as an absolute, because both in traditional society and, moreover, in modern society, quantitative and qualitative changes took place. social change. However, in the XX-XXI centuries. they deepened, accelerated, embraced the entire society as a whole, and not just its individual aspects. Perhaps that is why in the culture of postmodernism there is an idea "of the rejection of the linear awareness of time, which implies the concepts of the past and the future, and of the linear reading of history based on it as irreversibly deployed from the past through the present and the future"68. In view of the foregoing, modern society requires from the historical subject, when choosing the trajectory of his activity, a deep understanding of not only the present, but also the past, as well as an analysis of the “constellation of possibilities”.

However, even in today's dynamic era, the past continues to influence the present in various ways. The rethinking of the past occurs primarily through a change in ideas about the role of individuals in history, and "historical anthropology ideally corresponds to the study of culture, understood in the broadest context as the meaning of a person"69. This conclusion is consistent with one of the noteworthy provisions of post-nonclassical science, which rethinks the role and significance of the individual as the initiator of the "creative leap", it also colors the pages of the past in a new way. The need for historical consciousness and for the scientific principle of historicism in modern society does not decrease, but increases in proportion to its dynamism. Modern historical consciousness, to a greater extent than before, is an expression of the historicity of being.

The role of historical consciousness in public life is more specifically manifested in its functions, among which we have identified the following groups: - a) worldview, which can be differentiated into informational, evaluative, ideological; cultural and educational; - b) cognitive, including the accumulation of knowledge about the past, about the present, about the foreseeable future; - c) methodological; - d) the so-called "specific" functions.

Among the functions of historical consciousness, the main one is ideological. Its essence lies in the fact that historical consciousness contributes to the understanding by the social subject of his role, place in history, in his past, present and future. Each person feels the need to know his roots, strives to realize himself as a link in the stable chain of the human race. As noted by V.O. Klyuchevsky, "... without knowledge of history, we must recognize ourselves as accidents, not knowing how and why we came into this world, how and for what we live ..,"70. A.L. Andreev, referring to the specifics historical outlook of a person, notes that the main thing in it is "the awareness of how and how social and historical reality has been mastered by a social person, what historical significance (or historical meaning) and what historical value certain objective phenomena and processes have for a person, what is the degree of his dependence and freedom in the world of history, and what goals should be strived for and how to achieve them ". All components of historical consciousness are a valuable source of information about the past social of life, about "a set of specific interconnected events that occurred at a certain time and in a certain place"72- No one can avoid meeting history, everyone experiences a piece of it.

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