Scenario of the game "tourist trip", dedicated to the international day of tourism. Scenario of a speech at a tourist rally

The buildings 24.09.2019
The buildings
to the Day of the Tourist

at school

Explanatory note

School tourism is the most powerful factor in the recovery of children school age, as it is characterized by general availability and is recommended for almost every child in the absence of serious pathologies.

The uniqueness of tourism lies in the fact that it is all-season. Consequently, it is possible to achieve stable dynamics in reducing the incidence of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections in children and increasing their level of physical and motor fitness, as well as solving a number of problems of the psychological health of schoolchildren.

Tourism contributes to the prevention of such bad habits as smoking, alcoholism, foul language, drug addiction.

The educational process requires from the child mainly mental stress, while the biological essence of the child is aimed at active physical activity.

This event as a means of knowing one's region, physical and spiritual development, health improvement, education of independence, familiarization with labor and applied skills, at the same time skillfully combines the game, sport exercises, elementary experiments, recreational gymnastics, includes several components:

    physical culture and health



    aesthetic and educational

Tourist and local history activities contribute to the development of children's self-government, allow children to choose different areas of activity, show organizational skills, find their place in a team of peers or in a team of different ages; deepen and expand your knowledge of various subjects, to develop continuity, to transfer the accumulated experience from older students to younger ones.

This event will enable each of the children to feel like a real tourist, get a charge of positive emotions from communicating with nature, and the romance of tourism will not leave anyone indifferent

Relevance and novelty of this event lies in the fact that tourist and local history work is important way transfer to the new generation of the life experience accumulated by mankind and material cultural heritage, moral recovery and cultural development of the nation. Taking into account that the future generation of the country in the current economic conditions should not lose moral guidelines, slide into a criminal environment, alcoholism and drug addiction, it is necessary to develop tourism in all its forms and forms.The novelty lies in the fact that it combines theoretical information from the field of physiology, hygiene, life safety, takes into account the natural and climatic conditions of our region. This integration helps to form an informed choice in children. healthy lifestyle life, to teach respect for oneself and one's health, promotes the development of memory, thinking, speech, imagination, teaches the methods of self-knowledge and self-regulation.

Since the event is held in the conditions of the main general education school (small), then, which is very important, almost all students are involved in it, starting from the first grade. When preparing and conducting, innovative technologies are used:use of health-saving technologies, such TCOs as a computer, a projector, with their help, maps, route sheets, booklets, presentations for the event itself and a report about it were compiled, corrected and copied, a video film about school tourists was shown during the event.

Educational goals of the event:

    Improvement of children in the classroom in conditions natural environment, the formation of hygiene, labor protection and environmental skills.

    Development of creative, performing activity in the process of mastering local history material, motivation for learning through tourism.

    Teaching students the skills of a healthy lifestyle, pride in their land.

    Formation of a culture of behavior in nature.

    Development interpersonal relationships schoolchildren in the process of gaming tourism activities.

    Improve survival skills in extreme situations.

7. Education of discipline, organization, responsibility 8. Creation of situations for the manifestation of friendship, responsiveness, generosity, etc.

9. Encouraging the aspirations of children to come to the rescue, showing care, respect, etc.

Educational tasks:

1. Formation of initial tourist skills in younger students and their improvement in older students

2. Strengthening the skills of insurance and self-insurance, observing the methods of safe behavior.

3. Acquaintance with the tactics of action in the current situation.

Event motto:

Wellness tasks:

    Hardening of the body in natural natural conditions

    Psycho-emotional recovery

    Consolidation of children's knowledge about hygiene, introduction to a healthy lifestyle

    Carrying out morning workouts with a tourist focus

The main methodological techniques:

    verbal (fairy tale, the story of the turorg, participants of the turkruk,


Visual (demonstration of videos, slides, examination of items of tourist equipment, pictures, photographs,)

    search engines (orientation by the "legend", collection of environmental information about the location, about the flora and fauna of the area, finding and examining medicinal plants, edible and poisonous mushrooms, etc.).

    Practical (preparing a fire pit, places to rest, packing a backpack; applying skills in hiking techniques, providing first aid, orienteering in capt, etc.

    Independent (working with didactic material, creating mock-ups of fires, drawing topographical signs, the simplest tourist fasteners).

Expected results( mastery of competencies):
1. Introduction to a healthy lifestyle.

2. Children are expected to develop a positive motivation for a healthy lifestyle and develop a sense of love for their land, as well as improve their physical and spiritual condition.

3. Growth of cognitive activity of children and adults.

4. Mastering the skills of tourist and local history positions.

5. High level student communication.

6. Improving results at regional tourist rallies.

7. Positive reviews on the upbringing of children by teachers,


You should carefully prepare for the event in advance, create an initiative group, appoint those responsible for the scenario, the theoretical part, physical training of teams, students are divided into teams in advance, they are given tasks to prepare a dish and a newspaper in advance, the name and motto of the team, choose a captain. Editors prepare printed assignments, CP, ZML numbers, prisms, inscriptions, signs, symbols, make a presentation for demonstration at the holiday, mount a video film.

Teachers, parents, senior schoolchildren - members of the tourist circle with experience are involved in judging.

Equipment: campfire tripod, bowler hat, tent, camping equipment, ropes for TPT, laptop, projector, route sheets, maps, sets of tasks for KTM stages, prisms with numbers, plates with CP numbers, tables for stages in the school yard, bicycle, skittles, poles for stretchers, "swamps".

Event plan:

1. Introductory speech of the turorg.

2. Solemn part. Ruler. Tale of careless tourists.

3. Initiation into tourists of students of the 5th grade.

4. Dinner by the fire.

tourist day

    Introductory word of the turorg.

Hello guys! Today we have an unusual evening costume, it is dedicated to Tourism Day. Every year on September 27, World Tourism Day is celebrated. Tourism Day is a holiday for those who have traveled at least once in their lives native land: by plane, train, car or on foot. Tourism is one of the most common types of active healthy recreation. The holiday has been celebrated in most countries of the world for over 20 years. On this day, tourist rallies, festive events and festivals dedicated to tourism and tourism business, almost everywhere this holiday is celebrated noisily and cheerfully. Because tourism is songs by the fire, it is communication with nature, it is a charge of vivacity, energy, health, Have a good mood. And even a non-tourist can become a tourist today and go on a trip, taste delicious, fragrant tourist porridge. And the motto will be:“Tourism is a stepping stone to a healthy lifestyle!”

    Tale of negligent tourists "To be a tourist is to be considered healthy!".

(The ruler and the action of the tale take place in the school yard, in front of the school porch)


Morning. The sun is shining

illuminating schoolyard.

Suddenly from the park, which is opposite,

I heard the conversation.

(singing song):

We are fun travelers

We are hikers and climbers.

That's what they call us, but in vain,

After all, to tell the truth:

We can't tie knots

We don't know the map either.

So let's litter on the way -

No drive, no pass!

(Unfortunate tourists come to the site with backpacks: Leshy, Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy)

Goblin: That's it guys, I'm tired

Read, from six o'clock

We are without rest, on the way!


What you. Goblin, do not feint,

Half an hour on the way.

After all, the pond had a halt,

You rested for a whole hour!

Goblin: You are walking too fast

I'm sick of you!

Legs are buzzing, even cry,

The doctor forbade the load.

Water: And was healthy to brag

What do you live without doctors?!

Baba Yaga : Here you are telling you., But what's the point-

Don't go camping without preparation.

You didn't listen to me

Haven't prepared for a day!

I heard that tourists

Three hundred push-ups

Strong in running and jumping

Also friendly with the compass.

Tourists, how they go on a hike,

Before choosing a route,

Study this way and that

After all, the trip is not a trifle!

And we gathered at once, suddenly,

Avon, cutting the fifth circle!

You're like Leshy, don't twist it -

We still lost our way!


It's okay to whine, Yaga, look, structure,

Mood lifted,

Water, you have a task,

Run, read, what kind of building?

(The waterman runs up to the porch, reads the sign in syllables: MKOU Shramovskaya oosh)

Baba Yaga:

Oh, there is no more urine to carry such a load.

I got cold, and I really want to eat!


Okay, grandma, stop whining,

I'll show you now,

I'll bring a bunch of firewood -

The bonfire will come out - be healthy!

Waterman, you put up a tent,

In it we will rest with fatigue.

Take it, Yagusha, bowler hat,

Take some water from the well for future use.

(Goes into the bushes for firewood)

Here I’ll break firewood quickly -

You look - and the soup is ready in an instant!

(From the bushes you can hear the crackling and the cry of Leshy)

Goblin: Oh, save me, Yaga,

Know that the leg is stuck here,

He began to climb down with firewood -

I hung on a birch!

(B. Yaga runs, pulls Leshy, leads to the site)

B. Yaga:

Goblin, you are our dunce,

What about the birch tree?!

After all, it is not surprising to fall,

Downstairs is full of deadwood!

Leshy: Oh-oh-oh. I am disabled,

Oh, how the leg hurts!

Scratched here and there

Need a bandage and need iodine!

Water: Come on, Yaga, bring the first aid kit,

The stress will make your heart jump.

Move quickly. Yaga!

B. Yaga:

Oh, I'm already running, yeah!

(Rummages in a backpack. Scatters everything around)

And I'm a practical lady!

I took everything: three panamas,

Eight dresses, curlers,

I'm beautiful, come on!

A dozen bars of soap

Oh, I forgot the first aid kit!

Goblin: Okay, I will endure the pain,

But without food in any way - fire!

I'm not afraid of loads.

Let's get a snack

Let's throw a few calories in your mouth,

So we can master any ford!

Get supplies, Yaga!

B. Yaga :

I'm thrifty, yeah!

I took five cakes,

What else to take on a hike?

Sausage - there is boiled meat,

Something to eat today!

Mayonnaise and milk

It's not easy to get everything!

But such an army

I won't make you starve.

Refuel on the way

Water: Something smell, not so hot!

Fu, Yaga, even children are clear

There's a heat in the yard,

It hasn't even been an hour yet.

And all the supplies are gone!

Goblin: Now it's clear: without me

You wouldn't have survived a day!

Set the table, Yagusha,

My soup is ready.

I'm happy to please my friends

Fragrance for the whole village!

(Yaga rummages in a backpack, scatters everything plastic bottles, papers)

B. Yaga:

It seems like everything was taken from the list,

Wow, I forgot the bowls!

Vodyanoy: If so, then we are

We eat straight from the pot.

(start eating)

B. Yaga:

Did your soup even boil?

Goblin :

I had no other business!

B. Yaga : (to the side)

And confess, so water

Taken straight from the pond...

Goblin :

This broth does not fit into the mouth.

Oh my stomach twisted!

B. Yaga: Yes, they got into a bind:

No first aid kit, stomach hurts

Knew in advance

This hike will come out sideways!

Vodyanoy: It got dark and thunder-

You can't be on the street.

Here comes the thunder again

Well - to, in the tent everything, run!

(Hide in a tent, voices from there)


Someone boasted to us

What to put up tents

The raincoat was not taken for the future,

I'm soaked to the skin!


The nose does not breathe, sinusitis,

My throat hurts!

B. Yaga :

There's a fire in my head

I have a fever guys!

And we thought: let's go on a hike -

Let's be healthy all year round!


Well - to, Yaga, look at the yard,

I hear someone talking.

B. Yaga :

Your mind is confused

Who will be here on the weekend?

(A group of tourists comes out with the song “Where the snake does not crawl”)

1st tourist :

Clogged like a school yard

Maybe a thief got in?

2nd tourist :

It seems that Mamai has passed,

At least call the Ministry of Emergency Situations!

3- tourist :

Disgrace here can not be counted,

Who is alive in the tent?

4- tourist :

Maybe you can't go there?

From the tent:

Help us friends!

(Woe - tourists crawl out of the tent)


It can be seen that we are tourists - grief,

After all, we have problems - the sea,

We walked at least two kilometers -

We can hardly stand on our feet.

B. Yaga :

Bitten by mosquitoes.


We are exhausted from the heat.


I twisted my leg today

B. Yaga:

We lost our way

Water :

Poisoned by food

B. Yaga :

And wet - my God!


So chilly - the light is not dear to me,

There isn't even a first aid kit!

1-tourist :

If you were tourists

Would do without a first aid kit,

A plantain would help you

Mother - and - stepmothers out of the leaf.

2nd tourist :

Would you know that from the reservoir

You can't drink water.

3rd tourist :

And with a route and a tent

Wouldn't get in trouble.

4- tourist :

If you are going on a hike -

You must know in advance:

A tourist does not break trees.

Animals, birds do not offend.

5th tourist :

And papers, jars, bottles

Does not throw in the clearing.

6th tourist :

Kohl Shramovsky in the forest tourist-

That is clear to everyone - the forest will be clean!

1st Tourist :

You are now convinced:

When you go camping, check your backpack.

2nd tourist :

Going on a hike - you need skill,

Plus, physical training.

3rd tourist :

For a real tourist

Any grief is not a problem.

Always fit, healthy

We are always ready to go.

4th tourist :

We'll set up the tent in a moment, on the move,

And cook dinner on the fire.

We are not afraid of any ford,

There are no barriers for us anywhere!

5th tourist :

As for health

So clear here, as twice two:

For us, "tourism", "hike", "health"

Now synonyms - words!

6th tourist :

Who visits our Turkish circle,

I forgot my way to the doctors.

Get serious about tourism

B. Yaga :

We got it guys

Our mistakes are visible.

You do what you want, I'm on the record

Now I'm going to the Turkish club!


And you take us to the team,

We will not fall into the dirt face.


At the bottom of the tourist with you together

We will go through all the steps!

All together: We understood: to be a tourist -

Healthy, strong, strong to be known!

Tourism is a step towards health!

(A video film about the holidays and everyday life of Shramov tourists is shown on the screen)

III. Initiation into tourists of students of grade 5

Tourorg: Guys, today, according to the already established tradition, we accept 5th grade students into our ranks. I want to address the fifth graders. First, list the mistakes of unfortunate tourists.

Fifth graders list

Do you know the main commandments of tourists?

Tourist 1:- Yes Yes!

Tourist 2: - Learned by heart!

Tourist 3: - We know, we know!

Turorg, referring to the first: - Tell me the law of the tourist number 1.

Tourist 1:-A tourist is always ready to go!

Tourorg: Tourist Law #2?

Tourist 2 : - A tourist is always ready to eat!

Tourorg: - Tourist Law No. 3?

Tourist 3 : - A tourist is always ready to sleep!

Turorg : - Well done, newbies!

And speaking to the audience: Worthy change on the way!

Holding hands, pronounce an oath.

“We, who voluntarily agreed to become tourists, before experienced tourists and our permanent travel agent Evgenia Ivanovna, before all those present here solemnly swear:

    not part until old age with a backpack, tent, spoon, bowl and condensed milk;

    standing, lying and crawling to carry out various observations in the campaign and overcome all the obstacles that arise on the way;

    fight to the last with tin cans and other garbage in the forest;

    create difficulties for yourself every day and courageously overcome them;

    love the forest, wander on the water, overcome the mountains!

    Never lose heart and hang up your nose!

(Kiss the smoky bowler hat)

Tourorg: Well, guys, we congratulate you, we hope you will become real tourists!

IV . Dinner by the fire.

List of used literature:

1. Volovich, V. G. Survival Academy / V. G. Volovich. - M.: Tolk, 1995.

2. Gostyushin, A. V. Encyclopedia of extreme situations / A. V. Gostyushin. - M.: Mirror, 1994.

3. Liflyansky, V. G. et al. Medicinal properties food products/ V. G. 4. Liflyansky, V. V. Zakrevsky, M. N. Andronova.- M.: Terra, 1996.

5. Polyakov, V.V. Human safety in extreme situations / V. V. Polyakov, E. A. Serbarinov. - M, 1992.

6.Emergency situations and protection from them / comp. A. Bondarenko. - M., 1998.

Internet sites:

Tourist launches. Scenario

Goals: to promote a healthy lifestyle; develop Creative skills students; promote team building.

Event progress

I. Safety briefing

Carefully study the direction of movement, the nature of the terrain, taking into account the difficulties and dangers.

Observe the group mode of movement, do not allow the separation of the group, do not overtake the leader and keep up with the trailer. The guide sets the right pace of movement and monitors the direction. The trailer makes sure that the group does not stretch and is constantly within hearing and visibility. Any absences of the participants of the campaign and violations of discipline are excluded.

Observe sanitary standards for food storage. Do not eat unwashed foods, berries, vegetables, fruits. Mushrooms, wild berries and herbs should be eaten only with full confidence in their edibility. Check quality drinking water and in any doubtful cases, purify it by chlorination.

Completely exclude the use of alcoholic beverages during the trip.

Carefully follow the signals warning of danger, quickly and accurately follow the commands and orders of the group leader.

When driving through the forest, strictly observe fire safety, do not throw burning matches, carefully extinguish fires.

When lost in the forest, it is important not to allow the group to split up, not to change the parking lot and not to conduct reconnaissance of the area alone.

Shouts should not be allowed, because a cry is a signal for help.

In case of a thunderstorm, descend from a hill, lay down iron objects at a distance of at least 15 m from people, walk slowly, do not run, do not stop under lonely trees, poles, on the shore of a reservoir, do not stand near communication lines and power lines.

II. Event options

Option 1. The game "Robinsonade"

Teacher. We are on desert island, from civilization we have legs, arms, a head, pieces of rope of different thicknesses, sheets of paper. We have to go through all the stages of Robinson's life on the island.

First stage. The first thing Robinson needs to do on the island is to build a house out of deadwood, stakes, branches, and other materials. The hut should be designed for one person.

Second phase. This stage will reveal the ability to cook food. It is necessary to equip a fire place in accordance with all the rules in order to cook food. The judge evaluates the reliability of the racks, the fire safety of the fire and what damage was caused to nature by this Robinson.

Third stage. Now it's time to make a dinner spoon. All Robinsons are given penknives, tree bark, dry thick branches. The judge evaluates the spoon for its intended use.

Fourth stage. From pre-prepared material, you need to make a bow, arrows, spear.

Fifth stage. We suggest hitting the target with a bow or spear. Both the accuracy and the state of the weapon after use are taken into account.

Sixth stage. The Robinsons enumerate and, if possible, collect herbs from which tea can be brewed.

Seventh stage. The Robinsons must make a hat out of paper so that the island does not bake a head.

Eighth stage. Final stage. The knowledge of the book about Robinson Crusoe is being tested.

Why did Robinson call his friend Friday? (“...I chose this name for him in memory of the day I saved his life.”)

Who was Robinson on the island? (“... I lived like a real king, without needing anything ...”)

What did Robinson make his umbrella out of? (From goat skins. “I covered it with goat skins with fur outside: rainwater flowed down the fur, as if on a sloping roof, and the most sultry Sun rays couldn't get through it.")

Option 2. Tourist relay race

1. Crossing (mounted or pendulum).

2. Log crossing.

3. Overcoming a conditional swamp, bumps.

4. Packing the backpack.

5. Providing first aid.

Option 3. Military sports relay race

March. On the starting line - a duffel bag with a load.

On a signal, the first team member puts on a duffel bag, runs to the turn mark and back, passes the duffel bag to the next participant.

Snipers. Competitions for the accuracy of hitting the target with tennis balls: each team member makes one "shot".

Throwing a grenade. The purpose of the exercise is the accuracy of the hit, the number of throws is 3, the position of the participant is arbitrary, the weight of the rubber grenade is 250-300 g.

obstacle course. The simplest obstacle course - stretched between trees on different height ropes to jump over. Obstacles must be overcome both on the way to the turning point and on the way back.

Zone of chemical contamination. Before entering the danger zone (marked with a line), the teams line up. At the signal "Gases", participants take turns putting on a gas mask and crossing the contaminated area. The total time is determined by the last participant.

Red Cross. Transportation of victims. The team is divided into threes. In each trio, two make a “high chair” from intertwined hands, and on this “high chair” they carry the third to the turning mark and back.

Minefield. Players must crawl between pins placed in checkerboard pattern. If the player touches the pin with his hand or foot - he is wounded, if he touches the pin a second time or with his body - he is killed. The team that overcomes the "minefield" with the least losses wins.

Option 4. Game " The last Hero»

The participants in the game are the guys who correctly answered the questions of the qualifying round: a total of 10 people.

Questions of the qualifying round

Cool turn. (Turn.)

French writer, one of the creators of the genre of science fiction novel. (Jules Verne.)

A highly gifted child. (Prodigy.)

Airless space. (Vacuum.)

Which lake is the deepest in the world? (Baikal.)

Name the world famous English schools. (Oxford, Cambridge.)

warrior woman Ancient Greece, whose name is the river in America. (Amazon.)

Horse of Don Quixote. (Rocinante.)

Horse shoes. (Horseshoe.)

The famous traveler, whose horse, when he was in Russia, was tied to the roof of the bell tower. (Baron Munchausen.)

The participants of the game are divided into two tribes, come up with names for them and choose leaders.

Game conditions: the tribe that lost the competition draws lots: the participant who draws the black mark leaves the game.

Leading. So, the Turtle and Crocodile teams are sent to Cook Island. But for this you need to make pies.

Competition 1. Building a pirogue boat

Teams make a chain from improvised materials: clothes, shoes, caps, etc. The team whose “boat” is longer wins. The losing team draws lots, one of its members leaves the game.

Leading. We safely reached the island, where we were met by a tribe of natives. Respecting the customs of the natives, we must dance the native dance with them.

Competition 2. Native dance

Teams must collect as many snake dancers as possible. At the whistle of the leader, the dance stops and the participants in the dance are counted. The losing tribe draws lots.

Leading. Attention! The leader of the natives challenges you to a duel. To do this, you need to recruit a team of 10 people.

Competition 3. Duel

Each tribe recruits to its team required amount players. The game can be any: tug of war, running with ropes or with a hoop, jumping on one leg with the ball.

Leading. The island has gone dry. The sun is unbearably hot. We'll have to drink the last supply of fresh water.

Contest 4. Image is nothing, thirst is everything!

Participants must temporarily drink water from a bottle with a pacifier. The winner receives immunity, others draw lots.

Leading. After the competition, the hospitable leader invites you to sing songs around the fire.

Competition 5. Songs by the fire

Teams sing songs where numbers are mentioned. The host sings "A Million Scarlet Roses", the teams continue in turn. The team that fails to continue the chain of songs loses.

Leading. The rest is over - it's time to think about the further stay on the island. Your leaders have decided to build a house.

Competition 6. Build a house

Tribal leaders wear boxing gloves. They must move all the cubes one by one to the other side of the island and stack them on top of each other, building a tower. The one with the highest tower wins.

Leading. The house is built, and the tribes decide to unite. Now they will be called... Welcome to the new tribe! You are allowed to send news home by pigeon mail.

Competition 7. Pigeon mail

Participants are given sheets of paper from which they must make airplanes. They sign their name with a pencil. They line up and launch planes. Whoever flies further - receives immunity and becomes the last hero.

Leading. Here he is - the last hero! You are awarded with a prize and a medal "The Last Hero". Applause for the winner! And now, in honor of the winner, the inhabitants of Cook Island announce a native disco!

III. Performance of tourist propaganda teams

Give a hike!

Hey guys!

Time to think about tents!

Get your backpacks out

Mugs, spoons, pots!

Route Description

It might look like this.

Don't waste a minute -

Check out what and how!

Oh, you are a river,

Waves crash on the shore.

At the broken bridge

People are crying for a reason

A mass spilled out of the mud,

Glowing black gloss.

Let's go for at least an hour

But not more than a month!

Ta-ra-ra and ta-ra-ra

There is a mountain in the way.

And no matter how hard,

Only rocks on the way!

Well, let's think and think:

Smart will not go uphill,

On the rampage will not shove -

A smart mountain will bypass!

SEI "Education Center" for children with disabilities

Trans-Baikal Territory

Scenario of the game "Tourist Journey",

dedicated to the International Tourism Day,

for students in grades 4-11

Vikhrova N.E.,


Chita, 2015

Scenario of the game "Tourist Journey", dedicated to the International Day of Tourism

Target: Formation of knowledge about tourism, local history, survival in natural conditions as the basis for the development of the creative potential of the individual.

Event objectives:

    Develop the foundations of a healthy lifestyle

    To form an emotionally positive attitude towards each other, feelings of collectivism

Equipment: music center, speakers, backpack, compass, flashlight, bags of cereals, ropes, handouts for competitions: pictures of tourist equipment, envelopes with pictures of equipment, cards with names, pictures of trees.

Musical arrangement: fun music - the background for all competitions

Members: students and teachers of the State Educational Institution "Education Center"

Duration: 1.5-2 hours

Conduct form: travel game


Guys! What is today's date? Today is World Tourism Day. Traveling is great! There is not a single person on earth who does not like to travel the world. A holiday for anyone who feels like a tourist, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a trip to the nearest forest edge or to an exotic country. On this day, you can congratulate everyone who is associated with travel and tourism: guides, tour operators, hotel workers. "Traveler" - who is it? What is this person? What is he doing?

Today we are going on an exciting journey. Our event is dedicated to the day of tourists. Today there will be competitions, quizzes - the most active will be awarded.

Let's play the game "What will we take with us on a hike?"

We all clap our hands together if we take the thing I named on a hike, and we stamp our feet if we don’t take it. Listen: bowler hat, doll, flashlight, vase, axe, cat, shovel, photo album, matches, compass, sleeping bag, closet, microwave, map, tent, refrigerator, parrot, backpack, food, vacuum cleaner, fishing rods, curtains, iron. (Annex 1)

What other word can replace the word "journey"? (hike)

Each of you knows that those who are not afraid of long journeys go on a hike. Who is looking forward to new meetings with the sun, wind, fire, tent and interesting people.

What are these people called? (Tourists)

Today's our meeting, we will dedicate to such people.

And we will travel around our region.

But first, you need to prepare for the journey. To do this, I propose to participate in competitions, and the most active participants will be rewarded.

Mini-competition "Equipment"

The teams are given envelopes in which there are cards with the image of group items, as well as personal equipment. Team players must distribute these cards in one minute into pockets with the inscriptions: “Group equipment” and “Personal equipment”. The main thing is not to make mistakes. (appendix 2)

Mini-competition "Tourist crocodile"

A team member is given a card with a word related to tourism. He must use body language to make clear to his team what is written on his card, and the team players must guess this word. It is important that the participant depicting the word does not say anything. The faster the team answers and the more cheerfully the participant depicts the word, the higher the points will be. (Appendix 3)

The first task of the competition "Culinary"

It consists in checking the knowledge of the names of cereals. There are bags of cereals on the table. Each package has a number next to it. Team members should take turns approaching the table and write down the number of cereals and its number on a piece of paper. Then the sheets are handed over to the judges for verification.

The next task "Gourmet!"

Teams are given sheets of paper on which they must write as many products as possible that are customary to take with them on a hike, as well as write approximate meals for lunch from these products. Participants are given 2 minutes for the entire task.

Task number 3

Teams are given cans in which three types of cereals are mixed. Team members need to divide them into different handfuls. Whoever finishes the fastest wins.

Competition: "The secret of the backpack." Your task: name the things that a tourist needs to put in a backpack. (Sweater, canned food, mug, lantern, towel, compass, camera, first aid kit, stew, etc.)

Every tourist needs to know the "secrets of the backpack", that's what we'll try to find out.

Is the following conclusion correct: the farther away from the back the backpack is moved, the harder it is to carry? (Yes)

What are the best things to put at the bottom of your backpack? (Soft: blankets, towels.)

Where should your heaviest items be in your backpack? (Under the straps at the top).

How is it easier to go with a backpack? (Slightly leaning forward.)

Why is the place at the top determined in a backpack for bread? (So ​​as not to crumble).

Determine a place in the backpack for bulk products. (In the middle of the backpack).

So, the backpacks are ready. You can go hiking.

Is it possible to go if the weather forecast is unknown? (Not)

Right. The tourist needs to know the weather report.

Attention! Get ready for the next contest "Weather forecast".

The conditions are as follows: on the basis of folk signs, you have to tell what the weather will be like tomorrow. (Annex 4)

Competition: "The knot will be tied."

Ropes are given out and participants learn how to tie and untie knots.

On our journey, we will encounter many dangers along the way, and we must be prepared for them. Next competition "Walk across the bridge" . It is necessary to walk along a strip 10-15 cm wide drawn on the asphalt.

The second danger is competition "Swamp" . You need to jump from bump to bump through the swamp, along the circles drawn on the asphalt.

And now a new danger: an abyss spreads before us. Let's think about how we can get around it or get through it? Competition "Cross the abyss" .

There are many trees in the forest. Let's see how well do you know them? The game "Guess the Tree" .

Every traveler must be accurate in order to find food for himself in the forest. Competition "Accurate eyeball". The task is to get the bump into the basket.

And at the end of the journey, continue the phrases:

I enjoyed today...

I remember today...

I found out today...

I was interested because...

I learned…

Here our journey has come to an end. Today we visited a wonderful country of tourism. Do you remember that it was dedicated to Tourism Day? Thank you all for participating!

Awarding of winners according to the results of competitions.

Annex 1.

Cards for the game "What will we take with us on a hike?"

Appendix 2

Cards for the competition "Equipment"

Appendix 3

Cards for the competition "Tourist crocodile"













Appendix 4

Folk omens about the weather

    In the evening, swallows fly high - to stable clear weather.

    The pigeons cooed - to the heat.

    Birds sit on the tops of trees - to heat.

    Flowers emit a strong smell - to rain.

    Splashes of fish on the water during the day and in the evening - predict stable weather without any precipitation.

    Larks hang high in the sky and sing loudly - according to the signs of good weather without precipitation.

    The forest makes noise without wind - to unstable weather.

    The flowers of mallow, marigolds, folded their petals, bowed and seemed to fade - to bad weather.

    The dog wallows in the snow - to a blizzard.

    Swallows fly low over water - to rain and wind.

    The forest is quiet - to be a thunderstorm.

    When at home the cat curled up in a ball - to frost.

    If Geese or pitching flap their wings, raise one leg under them - to frost.

    The crow hides its beak under its wing - definitely to the cold.

Scenario of a tourist and local history holiday for schoolchildren of grades 6-8 "Around the native land with a backpack"

- popularization of sports tourism as a satisfaction of the natural human need for direct knowledge of the surrounding world, one's own region;
- formation of tourist equipment skills;
- studying the basics of tourist life.
- development of active tourist and sports activities of children;
- development of interest in the study of tourism.
- education of a physically healthy, moral person who loves and knows his land.
- introduce the concept of "tourism", types of tourism;
- Familiarize yourself with the rules of packing a backpack;
- teach how to put on a safety system;
- introduce the rules for setting up a bivouac;
-give elementary representation about types of fire, teach
make fires various types;
- Introduce the main responsibilities of the group members.
Equipment: thematic illustrations; rope; skate; hoops; tourist equipment; firewood, personal equipment.

Lesson plan:
1. Introductory stage.
2. The main stage.
2.1. Acquaintance.
2.2 Warm-up "Quiz"
2.3 Relay "Get ready for a hike"

2.4 Get to the place
2.5 Tourist equipment.
2.6. Crossing.
2.7. Installation of a bivouac.
2.8.Light the fire

Teacher: Hello guys. Today we have a tourist and local lore holiday "Around the native land with a backpack." We will make a fascinating journey into the world of tourism. We will find out what tourists do and what tourists learn during hikes and competitions, as well as what unites these romantics of the road.
Who are tourists and what do they do?
What does the word "tourism" mean? This word comes from the French "journey", and you can travel in different ways. On the territory of our region you can engage in all types of tourism.
-What types of tourism do you know?
Teacher: Well done boys! But before we start our holiday, I will introduce today the jury, which will evaluate. (Jury presentation). And our first competition "Quiz".
1.Competition "Quiz" (application)
Teacher: Well done! -So, we're on our way. Without what important item of tourist equipment the trip will not take place? (backpack)
-A backpack is a true friend of any tourist. Camping house, which is always near. The tourist has to assemble and disassemble it several times a day. Packing a backpack is a whole science. We will try to comprehend some of its basics now.
- The first participant with an empty backpack runs to the hoop, in which various objects are scattered. His task is to take only one item that can be useful on a hike, put it in a backpack, return to the team and pass the backpack to the next player who performs the same task. Attention, there are extra items in the hoop that we will not need on the hike, show your thinking and ingenuity.
2.Competition "Get ready for a hike"
Teacher: The backpack is packed, you can go hiking. There may be obstacles along the way. And the next competition "Get to the place"
3.Competition "Get to the place" (“Mousetrap” (we build it like this: we stretch a volleyball net between two gymnastic benches.) crawling under the net, “crossing” (skate and rope), log, hinged ladder, climb, traverse, descent (Swedish ladder))

Teacher: The obstacles that you have overcome can meet you on a hike. Did you know that in order to overcome them you need special equipment. In order to overcome obstacles, you need to learn how to use a safety system that will save a person’s life in the most difficult situations. And we are starting the next competition "Tourist Equipment"
4. Competition "Tourist Equipment" (putting on the system, gloves, helmets, fastening carabiners)
Teacher: We continue our hike. All tourists should be able to get out of any situation. Ahead of you is a river and a small boat in which the whole team does not fit. And now the task is for the captains who must send the team to the next shore. In the hands of the captain of the team there is a hoop, this is the boat. The captain stands in a hoop, in turn he takes one member of the team into his hoop and runs across to the other side. And so on until the captain transfers the entire team.
5.Competition "Crossing"
Teacher: We made it safely to the parking lot. What needs to be done next? Right. Set up a camp.
6.Competition "Setting up a bivouac" (tent)
Teacher: Well done guys, the camp was established. But what is a hike without a campfire. And now
Now each team will light their own fire. In the hands of each player of the team are one log. At the signal of the leader, the guys take turns running to the line where they should build a fire, in the form of a well. The last player runs and puts a model of fire inside the fire. Than indicating to the jury that the fire is lit.
7. Competition "Light the fire"
Teacher: Our journey has come to an end. All showed their dexterity, strength, speed. And most importantly, we got a charge of vivacity and a lot of positive emotions!
Teacher: Today, guys, you have plunged a little into the multifaceted, interesting, full of impressions world of tourism. Of course, we have touched only a thousandth of this extraordinary hobby. Our holiday is coming to an end. But any trip should end on a good note, and now our jury has summed up the results. You have a word. (Awarding)


Look at the picture carefully and answer the questions.
1. How many tourists live in this camp?
Answer: 4 tourists. 4 spoons and plates, wood list of 4.
2. When did they arrive here: today or a few days ago?
Answer: a few days ago. Web on the tent.
3. Why did they come here?
Answer: They came by boat. Paddles near the tree.
4. Is it far from the camp to the nearest village?
Answer: not far. The picture shows a chicken.
5.Where does the wind blow: from the north or south?
Answer: from the south. A flag is visible on the tent, which indicates the direction of the wind. If you look at the pines, then on the north side they have shorter branches. So the wind is blowing from the south.
6.What time of day is it?
Answer: morning. Using the previous answer, you can determine the cardinal points, and looking at the shadow from the cook, you can see that the sun is in the east, which means it's morning.
7. Where did Shura go?
Answer: catch butterflies. Behind the bushes you can see a net.
8. Who was on duty yesterday? (Call by name.)
Answer: Kohl. Today it’s not Shura on duty (he catches butterflies), not Kolya (he’s at the backpack with the letter “K”), and not Vasya (he takes pictures, there is a tripod in his backpack with the letter “B”). So the person on duty is Petya, and yesterday Kolya was on duty.
9. What day of which month is today?
Answer: August 8th. Petya is on duty today, so it's the 8th. You can see the watermelon, so it's August.

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