Manual sand rammer. Pillow under the foundation: when you need it and how to do it

The buildings 12.06.2019
The buildings

Compaction of soil and other bulk materials is an activity that constantly accompanies various construction work. Previously, they were tamped by hand, but now they use the vibro-tamping method using vibrating plates. Manufacturers offer a wide range of equipment of this type equipped with diesel, gasoline or electric engines. When starting to operate the equipment, in order to achieve the result of the required quality, it should be borne in mind that the rammer different materials has its own characteristics. In order for the sealing mechanism to serve for a long time, it is necessary to work correctly. At the same time, following safety precautions will help to avoid injury.

The vibrating plate is designed for compacting with vibrational impact such bulk materials:

  • gravel;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • loose soil.

Separate particles of these materials in a freshly poured pillow under the foundation of the building are located loosely to each other. To bring them as close as possible to each other, tamping is performed. This improves the bearing properties of the poured layers, allowing the construction of various objects on their surface.

The scope of vibrating plates affects many areas of construction. Vibrotamping is widely used in the following works:

  • road construction;
  • arrangement of lawns;
  • arrangement of backfill pads for foundations various types for a variety of buildings, as well as under the floors of large buildings;
  • laying asphalt pavement;
  • construction of car parks, sports grounds;
  • sealing the bottom of pits and trenches for various engineering communications.

Laying paving slabs and paving stones is also accompanied by the use of vibrating plates. This speeds up the performance of work at times.

Rules for tamping with a vibrating plate

The tamping of soil, sand, gravel or crushed stone has its own characteristics, which are associated with the properties of these materials. If they are not taken into account, then it will not be possible to qualitatively compact the poured layer, which will further affect the durability of the erected structure.

Vibrating plates by weight are divided into several groups. The greater the weight of the unit, the greater the thickness of the layer of poured bulk material you can use it to ram. Getting started, you should take into account such nuances.

  1. Light equipment(weighing up to 75 kg) is able to increase the density of a layer 15 cm thick, therefore it is widely used in landscape work and when laying paving slabs.
  2. Universal Models technicians (weighing 75-90 kg) can already compact 25 cm of the poured material. They are used when laying asphalt, as well as in the partial repair of roads.
  3. Medium units(weighing 90-140 kg) are designed to work with layers up to 60 cm thick. With their help, the backfill of trenches and pits is compacted, as well as the construction of road embankments.
  4. Heavy vibration equipment(weighing more than 140 kg) are used to perform the same work operations as medium-heavy equipment.

It can be seen from the table that loosely bound soils(dusty) it is more efficient to compact with vibration equipment weighing from 300 to 950 kg.

Vibrating plates are not suitable for compaction of clay soils and loams. In such cases, vibrorammers or vibrorollers are used (for large volumes of work).

When working with a vibrating plate, the following general tips should be followed:

  • it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the compacted surfaces;
  • it is impossible to skip individual sections;
  • the optimal number of passes by the plate is from 4 to 6;
  • the maximum layer thickness should correspond to the capabilities of the technique used;
  • the surface of the prepared site should not have differences exceeding 2 cm;
  • each level of the multilayer cushion is sealed separately;
  • need to be used Construction Materials corresponded in their properties to GOST.

As for how many revolutions should be on the vibrating plate, there is the following pattern: the higher the frequency, the more convenient it is to work with fine-grained soils. So, for example, for compacting crushed stone or gravel with the size of individual stones up to 10 mm (or less), as well as sand, it is good suitable equipment from 6000 rpm. If the stone is 6 cm in size, then you can use a device with 3000 rpm.

The nuances of sealing various materials

Starting the compaction of crushed stone or other bulk material, it is necessary to first remove the existing on the surface of the working area trash, for example, pieces of boards, large cobblestones, bricks.


Vibrocompaction of sand is performed as follows:

  • the construction site is covered with sand with a layer no more than 0.6 meters thick, depending on the mass of the vibration equipment in operation;
  • moisten the entire area of ​​the compacted area evenly with water;
  • pass the entire area with a vibrating plate four times;
  • if the required degree of compaction is achieved, then the next layer is poured if necessary;
  • repeat the entire process of tamping the poured mass.

As a result sand compaction factor when ramming with a vibrating plate, it should be at least 0.95.

Additional (more compact) equipment may be required to work near columns or walls.

If sand compaction is performed without pre-wetting, then a lot of dust will be generated. This will quickly lead to clogging of the air cleaning filter during operation of gasoline units. At the same time, too much water should not be poured onto the sand filling so that it does not remain in the existing voids, thereby preventing the normal bonding of material particles (grains of sand). Only a moderate amount of liquid creates a cementing effect.


Compaction of crushed stone is complicated by the fact that this material is presented fractions of various sizes. It is necessary to determine the maximum thickness of the poured layer for tamping immediately before work. After 4 passes of the vibrating plate along the treated surface, the crushed stone mass (or gravel) should be compacted by about 95%. If it is still loose enough, then subsequent tamping makes little sense: it is necessary to pour the material with less scrap.

It is recommended to start tamping from the minimum thickness, gradually increasing this parameter until the desired ratio between productivity and quality of work is achieved. This will allow you to determine optimal height poured layer.

When using a calcareous type of crushed stone, it is often found clinking effect- the adhesion of the stones of the upper layer to each other when exposed to vibrations emanating from the slab. As a result, the underlying mass of material is not compacted. overcome this effect it is possible with the help of heavy (weighing more than 150 kg), powerful vibrating units. With a weight of the operated plate of 100 kg, only a crushed stone fraction with stone sizes from 10 to 20 mm is suitable.

paving slabs

When stacked paving slabs, special polyurethane or rubber mats so as not to damage the created coating. Due to their operational properties, polyurethane plates are preferable because they do not leave black marks on the surface of the tiles and are more wear-resistant.

Work safety

Compacting the soil with a vibrating plate must be carried out in compliance with safety regulations. Among the many recommendations, the following basic rules can be distinguished.

  1. During operation, use individual protection means: Appropriate clothing and footwear, glasses, headphones, headgear.
  2. Before starting operation, it is necessary to check the equipment used for external damage: if there are any, then they should be eliminated first.
  3. It is forbidden to leave the working equipment unattended, while the operator must be located behind it and move behind the unit in a timely manner.
  4. Every 40 minutes, a break of approximately 10 minutes should be organized to prevent operator fatigue.
  5. It is impossible to further accelerate the mechanism by applying additional efforts.
  6. If you need to work on an inclined surface(when the angle does not exceed the norm), then the operating personnel must stand above the unit, while moving from top to bottom.
  7. Forbidden to operate technical device near sources of explosive or flammable materials.
  8. At overturning of the vibrating plate, it should first be turned off, and only then put into working position.
  9. It is worth deploying the unit with one hand.
  10. To prevent injury, keep your feet and hands away from the working plate sole.
  11. In case of collision with any obstacle, stop the machine, and then remove the obstacle and possible breakdowns caused by them.
  12. From the edges of trenches, pits, ravines and other excavations, it is required to be no closer than the minimum allowable distance, and preferably away.
  13. It is strictly forbidden to allow people under the influence of drugs, alcohol, psychotropic drugs to work.

It should be taken into account that the higher the center of gravity of the vibration equipment (and less area supports), the easier it can turn over. This is very dangerous for the operator. Also, be very careful when turning on equipment that is not equipped with a soft start function.

To increase the degree of safety of work, especially in a confined space, it is recommended to give preference to models with the possibility of remote (remote) control, despite their high cost.

The use of a vibrating plate is required during all construction activities that are associated with the compaction of loose soils. It is imperative to take into account the characteristics of the rammed materials in order to achieve a high-quality result. It is necessary that the maximum depth of the poured layer correspond to the thickness that the operating unit is able to compact. In any case, safety must come first. non-compliance simple rules together with inattention can lead to serious injury.

At the heart of any building - from a small private house to a large shopping center, there is a foundation. The strength of the entire building and the life of its operation depend on its quality. But not only the quality of the concrete used is important, but also the exact observance of all technological process. For example, poor-quality compaction of sand for the foundation can lead to the fact that the erected building can shrink, accompanied by the formation of cracks, both in the foundation itself and in the walls of the building. This, in turn, can lead to an increase in heat loss and, as a result, an increase in the cost of heating and air conditioning the entire building.

The choice of sand for the sand cushion

Not every sand is suitable for building a sand cushion for the foundation. Its quality should be given Special attention in the event that a do-it-yourself manual rammer is used, gravel sand with a fairly large fraction is needed for these purposes. Using sand of a fine fraction, it is impossible to prevent a strong shrinkage of the building after construction, and it can be very uneven.

The most suitable for construction is river sand, but if it is impossible to use it, clean quarry sand is also suitable. In order to ensure that the service life of the sand cushion does not decrease as a result of its mixing with the soil and the action of groundwater, it is desirable to lay a layer of geotextile on the bottom of the pit, the strips of which, if possible, should be sewn together. Such a simple and inexpensive technique will significantly increase the life of the building, as well as eliminate its shrinkage even after many years of operation.

A simple tool for complex work

Despite the fact that the creation of a sand cushion requires the involvement of special equipment- an excavator and a dump truck, which are used for digging a pit and delivering sand, otherwise, all other tools for tamping are simple and affordable:

  • wooden / metal pegs used for high-quality marking;
  • building level (laser is quite convenient);
  • long tape measure;
  • a manual vibrator or a vibrating plate, and in their absence, a round beam of sufficient diameter can be used.

A properly created sand cushion ensures the complete absence of shrinkage (or its minimum values), protects the foundation from the damaging effects of water and the process of natural soil movements. Most often, such a pillow is created under a monolithic or strip foundation.

Sand cushion under the foundation - when it is needed

Before starting construction, it is necessary to assess not only the condition of the soil in the area where the house is being built (bearing capacity, proximity to underwater waters), but also the climate conditions, as well as total weight designs. AT without fail heaving soil is rammed, which is significantly deformed in the process of freezing and thawing. If you make a mistake with the choice of material for installing the slab under the foundation, most likely the building will give a strong shrinkage, which will lead to the formation of cracks in the walls and the foundation itself. In addition, if the soil in the construction area has a high bearing capacity, and the groundwater level is extremely low, you can do without creating a sand cushion.

Of all the materials that are used to create a pillow, sand is the most acceptable. It not only allows you to save a decent amount, compared with a slab of crushed stone or concrete, in addition, tamping sand with your own hands is quite acceptable - for example, it is much more difficult to work with crushed stone. There is only one restriction on the construction of a sand cushion - heavy buildings cannot be built on it ( apartment buildings, shopping centers), but for private low-rise construction, it is an almost ideal material.

A properly created sand cushion has numerous advantages:

  1. The base created with the help of sand fully complies with all the standards used in low-rise construction.
  2. Full protection of the entire building from negative impact ground water.
  3. Creation of a perfectly flat site for construction without the use of complex and expensive technologies.
  4. Ability to carry out all work on their own.
  5. Quite affordable price milestone works.

Features of an independent sand cushion device

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine several points on which the quality of the resulting base directly depends:

  • the thickness of the pillow must be at least 200 mm;
  • most good option is a trapezoidal shape of the pillow;
  • the optimal thickness of the base is considered to be a value that does not exceed the width of the foundation by more than 3 times.

All work on the installation of a sand cushion can be divided into several main stages.

It should be borne in mind that if you provide for the presence of special drainage in heaving soil, this will eliminate the possibility of flooding the sand cushion with water in the off-season, which directly affects the durability of the foundation and the entire structure as a whole.

The advantages of buildings on a sand cushion

Among the numerous advantages that are worth noting when using the sand cushion technology, it is almost impossible to single out the main and secondary ones. Each individual characteristic makes its own unique "contribution" to the strength and reliability of the entire structure. First and obvious dignity namely a sand cushion - its cheapness and simplicity of all work on the device, which will require a minimum amount of time.

A house with such a foundation can be built on almost any soil - weak, watery or heaving. At the same time, the life of the building can be significantly increased if high-quality geotextiles are located under the pillow, and high-quality drainage system. As a result of this, such frequent problems with a new home as:

  • the formation of cracks in the walls and the foundation itself, caused by uneven shrinkage of the building;
  • freezing of the foundation and, as a result, an increase in the cost of heating the house;
  • congestion in basements water, often observed in houses that are located on sites with high level groundwater, especially in spring;
  • constantly high humidity, which is noted throughout the house, and not just in the basement, which leads to the formation of mold, damage to furniture, and the appearance of various allergic reactions in residents;
  • the need to install a serious system supply and exhaust ventilation, the cost of the device and operation of which can be quite decent amounts.

The creation of a dense sand layer is one of the main tasks of the stage of preparing the bases for screeds or foundation structures; it is important to use correct methods and tools. The price when attracting professional firms depends on the depth of processing and other factors and varies from 70 to 900 rubles per 1 m2. The choice of a specific method determines the purpose of the interlayer, the captured area and the budget.

It is carried out during the preparation of sandy and finely dispersed soils before the construction of houses, backfilling pillows under slab or strip foundations, the formation of a rigid underlying layer when arranging floors on the ground or laying the base under paving stones and fences. Among the tasks are:

  • Protection of erected structures from frost heaving and removal of moisture from them.
  • Leveling the base and strengthening its rigidity.
  • Prevention of deformation of structures under the influence of compressive and bending loads, elimination of the risk of their destruction during shrinkage processes.
  • Obtaining a dense and stable layer separating the base of the foundation or screed and straight soil.
  • Elimination of voids and distillation of air.

An overview of the methods used, the choice of the best option

Depending on the equipment and the direction of the applied efforts, they distinguish following methods preparation and compaction of the sand base:

  • Rolling with rollers or wheels of self-propelled or trailed construction equipment, carried out in 1 or several passes.
  • Dropped crane plates weighing 1-2 tons.
  • Vibration device.
  • Manual rammer using an expanded beam or channel with an attached plate.

When compacting soils and sands by rolling, the desired effect is achieved due to the static pressure of rollers having different gripping widths and weights from 10 to 25 tons for single-axle self-propelled varieties, up to 50 tons for biaxial and up to 100 for trailed ones. Lighter models are attracted to loose areas, they provide successful processing of a layer of 20-30 cm in one pass. The heaviest and most productive equipment is used for ramming 40-50 cm with a width pass of up to 30 at a time.

The choice of a specific type of ice rink, in addition to the thickness of the layer, depends on the size of the site and the convenience of the entrance. Small self-propelled rollers are distinguished by good maneuverability, heavy semi-trailers work only in conjunction with a tractor.

To achieve the optimal result, tamping is carried out in several passes, most often according to the spiral-annular pattern of movement of the rollers and sequential filling of the missing bulk material. The advantage is the high quality of preparation of sand foundation pads with a thickness of 20 to 50 cm (impossible when carried out manually), the downside is the use of expensive equipment.

A rammer using the drop compactor method is selected if it is necessary to expel air from cohesive soils with voids or interlayers of dusty sand and clay. When it is implemented using a crane or an escalator, solid slabs weighing up to 2 m are lifted and thrown off to a height of 1 to 2 m. Such a load allows processing the base to a depth of 2 m, the maximum effect is achieved when preparing round or rectangular slab foundations. The tamper remains attached to the crane boom or escalator, the process is continuous and fast.

An analogue of the previous method is manual, selected with a small thickness of the pillow or with its small area. The easiest way to make a tool is by stuffing a thick board to a wooden beam, welding or screwing sheet metal to the channel or a combination of these materials. The output should be a heavy, but manually lifted expanded plate with a vertical handle. To enhance the effect, the part in contact with the ground is recommended to be weighted with cement or metal. The pluses include independence from expensive equipment and the possibility of processing hard-to-reach areas, the minuses are laboriousness, when tamping manually, it takes more time and effort to distill the air.

most wanted and effective method the use of vibration equipment is recognized: mechanical high-frequency vibrations directed at the sand help to make it as compressed and even as possible. For these purposes, equipment with different design and type of drive is selected, namely:

1. Vibratory rammers are a compact and ergonomic tool that transmits impacts from a gasoline or electric drive to a relatively wide heel - a flat strip of compacted rubber with a width of 15-30 cm and a length of up to 33 cm. Their power and dimensions vary, but the principle remains the same - the impact is directed vertically. Involved in any construction sites both in combination with rollers and plates, and on their own, their use is especially important when it is impossible to move large-sized equipment, for example, in trenches.

2. Vibratory plates with a wider working platform and, based on weight and performance, are divided into light, universal, heavy and extra heavy. Their range includes manual and remote models with electric, diesel, gasoline or hydraulic drive, each with its own pros and cons. Vibratory plates have a universal scope, but for soil, cushion or sand under the screed, light varieties with a weight in the range of 75 and 200 kg, respectively, are best suited.

3. Vibratory rollers that combine wheel pressure with mechanical oscillation and are selected primarily if ramming is necessary large areas. Their functions depend on the model, the most advanced ones handle edges and difficult areas quite accurately without using vibratory rammers or plates.

The choice of drive type is directly influenced by the working conditions and safety requirements. In the absence of connected electrical networks and large area processing layers of medium thickness optimal solution there will be a vibrating plate with a gasoline or diesel drive. If it is necessary to compact soil and sand to a depth of 1 m and similar conditions, preference is given to the same vibrotamper. AT enclosed spaces(for example, when preparing floors for screed) or when ventilation is limited, an electric vibrating plate or similar equipment is used.

It is advisable to combine the process with wetting with water. AT this case it is important to know the measure, moisture should not be excessive or accumulated, but in general, wet particles adhere better. The achieved result is also largely influenced by the quality of the bulk material, namely: the size of its grains, the purity of the composition, the proportion of fine fractions and dust. In some cases, it is advisable to completely change the soil in the pit to coarse-grained or gravelly sand, the increase in construction costs is justified by obtaining a reliable foundation.

The number of passes of a vibrating plate or roller depends on the specified compression ratio, the recommended average value for foundation pads and screeds is 0.95. This parameter is easily checked using a density meter. The traffic pattern is selected in advance, according to the prepared surface it is not necessary once again walk or move loads. During compaction, the equipment is protected from dirt and overheating, and the corresponding filters are cleaned on the vibratory tool without fail.

When building foundations for houses, garages, country paths and much more, great attention is paid to the substrate, consisting of gravel and sand. In order for the concrete monolith to be laid evenly and not begin to move over time, it is important to carefully level the underlying layer. For these purposes, you can use specialized vibro-rammers or rolling equipment, but manual rammers will be much cheaper.

The principle of do-it-yourself processing is that with the help of a home-made tool, blows are applied to the surface, due to which sand and gravel are compacted. In this case, tamping is performed after laying each of these layers.

Features of crushed stone compaction

Any novice builder sincerely wonders why ram an already strong stone. However, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

  1. Since crushed stone is obtained by crushing, its particles are obtained in different sizes with free-form faces. Because of this, when laying the underlying layer, the particles of the material do not completely adjoin each other, forming a large number of air voids, the appearance of which, ultimately, leads to a decrease in the level of resistance to loads. If the crushed stone fragments fit snugly together, the volume of the material will be reduced, but a stronger base will be formed.
  2. If crushed stone is laid on rocky soil, then tamping can be dispensed with. In this case, it is only necessary to level the gravel.
  3. After compacting the gravel, the thickness of the layer can be from 50 to 250 mm, depending on the loads that will be applied to the base.

In addition, when processing crushed stone, it is recommended to perform a base buckling. To do this, you need to divide the gravel into fractions. First, the larger material is laid, which is compacted by hand. Then the smaller material is backfilled, which is also compacted. Final upper layer should consist of the finest material itself, which must be carefully leveled and recompacted.

Thanks to this, the finished base will be distinguished by increased strength. If you make a similar manual tamping of sand, the effect will be even better.

Features of sand compaction

Do-it-yourself sand tamping is distinguished by some nuances that should be considered when creating solid foundation under a concrete slab.

First of all, it is worth deciding on the type of sand that is best suited for these purposes. It is better to use gravelly material, but it is not recommended to fill in fine-grained sand for tamping. The larger the grains, the greater the compressive strength of the base will be, so that shrinkage of the future house or parking lot can be avoided.

If you are planning to build monolithic structure, then it is best to give preference to river or quarry sand of the middle fraction. However, even in this case, the underlying layer will be affected by ground water. Therefore, in order to prevent the process of erosion of the base, it is necessary to lay geotextiles on the bottom of the trench, and only then fill in the sand.

In addition, before filling sand, it must be sieved, since the presence of impurities (especially clay) can affect its properties. Watch the moisture level of the material, the ideal consistency will be if you can roll a small ball out of the sand, which will not crumble immediately. Accordingly, the moisture content of the sand should be in the range of 8-14%.

Accordingly, 50% of the successful laying of a gravel-sand cushion depends on the material itself, the remaining 50% falls on the equipment. As mentioned earlier, specialized machines can be used for these purposes, but it is much cheaper to make a manual rammer yourself.

Making a manual rammer

There are many options for making a do-it-yourself rammer. Someone is making massive structures, consisting entirely of iron, however, in this case, welding will be required. Others prefer to get by with improvised materials. Consider best option manufacture of manual rammers for compacting soil, sand and gravel.

This will require a standard square beam of 100 - 150 mm. It should not be rotten or exfoliated.

Healthy! Some use round logs, but with the help of such rammers it is impossible to fully compact the base in the corners.

You will also need to prepare:

  • Steel plate with a thickness of at least 2 mm.
  • A round stick about 450 mm long (it will act as a handle for the future rammer). To do this, you can use an unnecessary stalk from a shovel.
  • Screws and wood glue.

We make blanks

We will prepare the design according to the drawing shown below.

After preparing everything you need, saw off the ends of the timber at a right even angle, according to the dimensions. After that, it is necessary to level the plane of the lower end of the bar with a planer and remove chamfers of about 5 mm in size from the edges of the workpiece.

In order not to get numerous splinters during the work, it is recommended to sand and grind the surface of the bar.

We make a "shoe"

The next step in creating a do-it-yourself tamping tool is the manufacture of a metal "shoe" from a sheet of steel. To cut the plate, use the following template.

Or, you can simply install the beam with the lower end on a sheet of metal and circle it with a pencil.

After that you need:

  1. Cut the workpiece, as in the picture, using special metal scissors or using a grinder.
  2. Remove metal burrs from the "shoe". To do this, it is most convenient to clamp the workpiece in a vice and remove the excess with a file.
  3. Without removing the “shoe” from the vise, drill holes for the screws at the previously marked points.
  4. Clean the surface with sandpaper.
  5. Bend the "wings" of the workpiece and install the beam in the "shoe". If the workpiece turned out to be a little wider, it is necessary to knock out the “wings” with a hammer.
  6. Place the drill bit in the screw holes and drill through the wood at a slight angle.
  7. Fix the screws on all sides.

Installing the handle

Stepping back 100 mm from the top edge of the bar, it is necessary to outline the center of the future handle. To do this, you must first measure the diameter of the handle from the shovel. Let's say it is 36 mm. In order for the handle not to dangle, you need to use a drill, the diameter of which will be several mm smaller than the diameter of the handle. It should be borne in mind that the outer part of the hole in the bar will be slightly larger inner diameter, therefore, in the process of work, it is necessary to periodically insert the handle into the timber and check how tightly it sits.

If the handle does not fit into the hole, in no case should you try to hammer it with a hammer. Otherwise, the beam may crack and the manufacture of a rammer for earth, sand and gravel with your own hands will have to be started anew. It is much easier to slightly plan the cutting to the required diameter.

After the hole is ready, it is necessary to apply glue to its walls and install the handle. surplus adhesive composition can be removed with a cloth. In order for the handle to hold tightly, you need to fix it with a long screw, which must be screwed in from one side of the beam.

When the glue gains strength, you can start using the tamper. Keep homemade tool best in a dry place, or you can pre-paint the workpiece so that it lasts longer. If necessary, the steel nozzle can be easily replaced with a new one.

In custody

With help hand tool you can compact sand, gravel or soil. However, it should be borne in mind that in this case, human muscle strength is used, so it will be expensive to use such a tool to compact large areas. Such rammers are recommended for use when building a foundation for small buildings or when arranging garden areas.

When erecting a structure or building on weak soils, it becomes necessary to artificially improve the properties of the foundations. Currently in use various ways improvement of soil strength properties. The greatest effect is the surface compaction of the soil with a rammer.

Sand compaction is one of the mechanical methods soil compaction. It can also be called layered compaction. Unfortunately, he is not universal way. The use of rammers in construction is limited due to the moisture content of the sand. The humidity level should be up to 0.7 or less. When trying to compact sand of high humidity, the process may reverse. This is observed due to decompaction, since the pore water is almost not compressed.

heavy rammer

Compaction with a rammer is subject to the area of ​​​​the base, which protrudes beyond the boundaries of the foundation by 0.2d, where d is the value of the diameter of the load. It is possible to single out the manual method of tamping and mechanized. Mechanized compaction is carried out using special equipment, which significantly increases the estimated cost of construction. But with impressive volumes of the pit, the use of a manual rammer is not advisable.
How to ram sand? Vibroplates (rear and front) are currently the most effective. They are installed on tractors, skid steer loaders or rollers. With the help of built-in shafts, tamping vibratory plates act strictly vertically on the surface. Therefore, a large number of passes and the use of additional machines for tamping are not required. Vibratory rollers are mainly used for road construction.
Often, tamping is carried out by dropping a load with a flat bottom from a certain height (up to 10 m) and cylindrical shape. The weight of the cargo, as a rule, is more than one ton. The degree of soil compaction depends on the work of compaction, which is determined by the product of the weight of the rammer, the number of strokes in the same place and the drop height. The depth of soil compaction directly depends on the diameter.
Ramming during construction in winter is also acceptable, but subject to the use of heavy equipment. You should also take into account the layer of soil freezing. Before performing these works, a layer of soil that contains snow should be removed.

Manual rammer

With a small volume of the compacted surface, only manual tamping is economically viable. How to compact sand with this method? The answer is simple - pusher. This is a well-available tool that you can buy or make yourself. Can be used wide wooden beam or steel plate. They can be light (30 kg) or heavy (up to 80 kg). Of course, with manual tamping, it is impossible to achieve deep soil compaction. When choosing a compaction method, this is one of the main principles.
Often, it is a manual rammer that can make a sand cushion. But you should remember the degree of humidity of the sand, otherwise all the work may be in vain. Today, there are many manual techniques designed to compact sand. For a small amount of work, it is not necessary to purchase manual vibrocompactors, vibratory plates and vibrorammers, they can be rented. Today there is a huge choice of equipment in terms of power, nutrition, weight, size, but it does not allow to achieve such a large shrinkage as tamping with heavy equipment.
Manual rammer in winter period It is used for heating the soil, and this is not always advisable from an economic point of view.

Compacting sand with a vibrating plate - video

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