Cannes flowers houseplant. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

The buildings 14.06.2019
The buildings

Growing cannes is a universal matter, since this incredibly beautiful flower can decorate both your garden or a garden bed in the country, as well as a gallery of indoor plants, or balcony ones.

Kanna - very effective, luxury plant, outwardly very reminiscent of iris. In nature, there are about fifty species of these plants. They are most common in Central and South America, as well as India, Australia, Hawaii and other regions.

canna stems and leaves considered as feed raw material, and the starch-rich rhizome can even be eaten by humans, often used to produce Queensland arrowroot, a type of starch.

When choosing a place for growing cannes in the garden or in the garden, you should understand that it should be in the spotlight so that the flower is noticeable. Kanna has lovely big decorative flowers, rich color and large inflorescences, which makes it an indispensable decoration winter garden. And of course, canna will rightfully take its rightful place among your home plants grown in an apartment on a windowsill or on a balcony.

By flowering time Cannes are divided into:

  1. early - begin to bloom in June;
  2. late - such flowers begin to bloom from mid-July or from early August until night frosts.

Cannes classification by groups as follows:

  1. orchid flowers - have a stem about 2 meters high and flowers 14 cm high, the edge of the flower is corrugated, the leaves have a green or green-purple color;
  2. Crozi - the stem has a length of about one and a half meters, and the flowers are up to 10 cm, respectively, the edges are folded back, the leaves have a color similar to orchid-like cannes, slightly with a bluish bloom;
  3. deciduous small-flowered cannes - the stem can reach a height of up to 3 meters, the flowers are 6 cm, respectively, the petals are narrow, and the leaves can be green, green-purple or just purple.

Stages and conditions for growing cannes

Growing and caring for cannes consists of the following components during one season: approximately in March or April you need to germinate rhizomes and plant them in early summer on open ground. If you grow a flower at home, plant the roots in a pot in the month of March, transplant in new pot the plant follows each year.

The next step is flowering. It can begin from mid-summer to September and end with the appearance of frost. Cannes reproduce by dividing germinating rhizomes or seeds. Around October, the roots need to be pulled out of the ground and stored.

Fertilize cannes during the entire growth period.

Soil for growing cannes should be rich in humus, have nutritional properties, before planting it should be well processed and loosened. Cannes are best grown in full sun and well protected from the wind, which cannas don't like very much.

In order for the plant to grow better, it should be constantly weeded, loosened the ground and watered. If the flower is dry or wilted, it must be removed so that the rest bloom better. The root system must be well developed, and the first flower stalks should be removed.

Cannes - plant perennial and thermophilic, it should not be allowed to freeze so that it does not die. At the first cold weather, cannes bushes are spudded so that the root collars cannot freeze and provoke plant rotting.

Features of reproduction of cannes and their transplantation

Cannes tubers should be planted at a depth of about 10 cm and at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Rhizomes are divided with the onset of spring into freely divisible parts, each of which has a kidney. If you plant roots with leaves, then you should pre-moisten the hole well, and if without leaves, then water regularly so that they appear as quickly as possible.

The best thing water cannas in hot weather, thanks to this, the soil dries quickly and is able to cement. Also, in very hot weather, loosen the earth should be almost daily.

BUT reproduction by division of rhizomes happens like this:

  1. you need to divide the roots in the middle of spring;
  2. sprinkle the place of division with crushed coal;
  3. treat the roots with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  4. place them in a warm place and spray them with warm water so that they do not rot, but grow;
  5. the youngest roots during germination should be sprinkled with sand for several meters;
  6. after a month, lay all the rest in the greenhouse soil, observing a temperature of about 24 degrees, and sprinkle with earth on top;
  7. with the growth of foliage, when the leaves are already beginning to interfere with each other, transplant the plant into pots with prepared soil mixture based on compost, humus and sand;
  8. in this position, keep the cannes until transplanted into open ground, keeping the temperature of the order of 16 degrees and providing them with good lighting;
  9. it is possible for recreational purposes to water the plant with potassium permanganate once every ten days.

Cannes can also propagate with seeds, but it will take a lot of time. However, if you have time and would like to do this, then the algorithm of actions will be something like this:

  1. scarify the seeds, pierce the shell and keep them in the snow for a couple of hours;
  2. pour boiling water over the seeds;
  3. keep them in warm water for 3 hours;
  4. sow them in boxes at a temperature of 22 degrees, the landing time is the month of February;
  5. sprouts that appeared in March, dive into pots and take them to the greenhouse, they should be kept at a temperature of 16 degrees;
  6. in late May - early June, transplant the seeds into open ground and in a year the flowers will bloom.

How to properly water and fertilize cannes

cannes needed pour plenty of warm water, the plant should be fed during the entire period of growth until the leaves die off by about autumn. Fertilizer irrigation is often used when the plant is treated with mineral fertilizer or mullein infusion, this should be done 3-4 times a week.

Every time before watering the plant, do not forget to loosen the soil and remove it from weeds. To make flowering better, you can do for cannes hot manure bed. To do this, dig a hole 70 cm and fill it three-quarters with manure, and then 20 cm with earth. The heat generated will make the flower more lush.

Cleaning and storage of cannes in cold weather

The roots of the plant should be dug up at the first frost or in sunny autumn weather. After digging, they are dried and stored in sand, peat or earth, while cutting the stems at a height of about 20 centimeters. If there are a lot of roots, they need to be sprinkled with a substrate and stored in a cool place at a temperature of up to 8 degrees, as they are stored, remove rotten parts. They can also be covered with sawdust or sand by 20 cm.

Many claim that cannes no need to shake when digging and with a whole earthen coma, they should be dried and stored until the onset of spring, so that they ripen better. And the earth will not let the root dry out, and will not let the young shoots lose. The roots need to be cleaned already during the division.

If the plant is kept in room conditions they need to be watered once every two weeks.

Features of growing cannes

Growing cannes has a number of its own characteristics. This plant is unstable to frost or cold, but at the same time it easily tolerates diving into pots even in winter.

Also, a feature of cannes is the fact that they can be grown more, like aquatic plant. Suitable for this purpose plants of such groups as:

  1. longwood;
  2. C.Indika;
  3. Sanna glauca.

They can grow 20 cm submerged in water for a whole year.

Cannes are returned to the air only when the possibility of frost is completely absent. Right in pots, they are placed in the pool under water, and in cold weather they are kept in a greenhouse. They should be kept at a temperature of 15 degrees. Please note that the soil for cannes must contain clay, or you can simply process the clay on the inside of the pot itself.

How to deal with diseases and pests

For Cannes are extremely dangerous contagious bacterial diseases, in which the buds and leaves turn black or become stained. With such diseases, flowers must be disposed of, since the disease is incurable. It appears due to an excess of moisture. Even though cannes are very fond of water, you can not overdo it with it.

The caterpillar, slug, butterfly and root nematode, which also appear as a result of waterlogging of the flower, are considered dangerous pests for the plant. With the use of insecticides, they can be dealt with.

Cannes are also subject to rust fungus or gray mold, the cause of the appearance of such a disease is also waterlogging of the soil. The plant with this ailment is covered with rusty spots and rots.

Sometimes plants can become ill with the variegation virus when black dots appear on the leaves or begin to curl and decrease. The disease can be cured by removing diseased parts from the plant.

Also, cannes with fungal diseases can change the shade of the leaves, this is treated with potassium permanganate.

So, if you follow all rules of care for canna flowers, water and fertilize on time, you will certainly be glad that your home or garden is decorated with such an unusual lush flowering of this flower.

Beautiful bushes of luxurious canna

Kanna - the most beautiful perennial flower, which has long become a favorite of landscapers and owners of private houses. This flower has a whole lot of advantages, which are the ease of planting, growing, care and reproduction, as well as a wide variety of varieties. He has only one drawback - the eland does not winter well in the open field. But more on that later.

There is an ancient legend that tells about one Indian leader. The old leader burned the peace treaty at the stake, and this led to a great bloody war. And on the site of that fire, cannes grew, with their bright colors reminiscent of flames and spilled blood.

Kanna is the favorite flower of many gardeners.

Varieties and varieties of canna

Cannes have a succulent stem, the length of which varies, depending on the species, from 50 cm to 2 m. The first garden hybrid was bred by the French Crozy. All subsequent bred varieties are called "Garden Canna" and are divided into three groups.

  • Leaf canna. The tallest of the cannes, some varieties reach 3 m. The flowers of deciduous cannes are small, about 6 cm, and the leaves are large with shades from dark green to purple.

canna deciduous

  • Cannes Crozi. The lowest, their growth is from 70 cm to 1.5 m. The flowers are large, about 10 cm, and the leaves are green or purple with a bluish cover.

Canna Crozi

  • Orchid cannes. Medium in height group, usually reaching two meters, owners of large, orchid-like flowers and fleshy green leaves with a purple tint.

Cannes planting

For planting cannes, choose a place protected from the winds, in which it is also light and sunny enough. Cannes prefer deeply cultivated, loose and nutritious soil. The most suitable mixture for them: 1/3 coarse sand, 1/3 leafy soil, 1/3 peat. Planting cannes in open ground is carried out after the end of frost.

Some gardeners advise making "hot beds" to make cannes bloom more luxuriantly. To do this, 20 cm of horse manure is first poured into a hole dug about 70 cm deep, and the earth is covered from above. Thus, under a layer of earth, a slow burning of manure will occur and release heat, which contributes to a longer and lush bloom cann.

Eland will do well if planted against a wall that protects from the wind.

Cannes seeds must be prepared before planting. To do this, they are first scalded with boiling water, and then placed in a thermos with warm water for 3-4 hours. Sow seeds in a greenhouse in February. The temperature in the greenhouse should be 20–23 °C. Sprouted cultures are planted in pots after 2–4 weeks, and when leaves appear, cannes are planted in open ground.

But most often, cannes are planted by dividing the root system in late spring or early summer. The roots are planted in holes dug at a distance of 50 cm from each other and fertilized with humus. Sprouted roots are planted to a depth of 10–15 cm, and not germinated to 5–7 cm. The wells are constantly watered.

canna seeds

plant care

Good care cannes are accepted with gratitude, like any other plant. In order for cannes to bloom on time and look spectacular, they need to be rid of weeds in a timely manner, loosen the soil around the bushes. During the entire flowering period, dried inflorescences must be removed.

At right choice heights and varieties, cannes can be used anywhere. Massive varieties of these colors allow you to mask not the most aesthetic places on your site.

Indian canna vivo grows along reservoirs, so this species can be planted not only along the pond, but also directly in the reservoir itself. To do this, the flower is placed in a large basket or flowerpot and set in a pond so that the surface of the pot is slightly covered with water.

Bright photos of your winter garden and flower garden will not leave anyone indifferent.

Canna in landscape design

This flower looks no less wonderful in the cut. It costs from 4 to 8 days, and is effective both in a mono-bouquet and in combination with other flowers.

Gardeners say that those small chores that canna cultivation, reproduction and care bring with it are forgotten as soon as this beauty begins to bloom. These bright flowers will delight you until the deepest autumn, bringing a bright variety to the gray autumn landscape. And when will your neighbors choose such ordinary ones for photos? yellow leaves, your background will be much more attractive.

Cannes planting: video

Cannes varieties: photo

Kanna belongs to the monotypic genus Cannaceae and has about 50 varieties. This herbaceous perennial lives in South America, India and China. This plant got into the gardens of Europeans thanks to the Portuguese sailors who brought it there in the middle of the seventeenth century.

If you translate the name of the plant from Greek, you get "reed". This is not surprising, because the stem of the flower really has a lot in common with the latter.

General information

According to an ancient legend, cannes appeared on the site of a huge fire in which the leader of an Indian tribe burned a peace treaty with the Americans, after which the war began. And as an everlasting reminder of the spilled blood and the flames of the fire, every spring this vibrant culture rises and decorates not only the legendary place where the events unfolded, but also the garden plots of many flower growers around the world.

The plant is valued for its beautiful inflorescences and large, decorative leaf plates, rich green, purple, bronze or purple hues. Culture has two minor flaws. It does not hibernate in our climate in the open field and cannes flowers do not smell.

Otherwise, this flower has many advantages. He practically does not get sick, it is easy to take care of him, he tolerates frosts well and, of course, will decorate the garden plot with his incredible flowers until the first cold snap.

As you can see, there are many more pros than cons, so if you want to decorate your garden with this exotic plant, then do it without hesitation.

Canna varieties with photos and names

- in the wild, the plant grows in America and the western part of India. It is a slow growing perennial with a smooth, straight stem and strong root system. The height of the bush reaches up to 2 meters.

Long leaf plates have an elliptical, broadly lanceolate shape and are dense, leathery, smooth and have a rich green or dark green tint with a red stripe. Inflorescences are large, tubular type with pink or red waxy petals. The flowering time of the plant falls in mid-summer and ends in late autumn.

- the culture grows in the USA in a swampy area, preferring humus soil. Canna is an evergreen perennial, reaching a height of 1.5 meters with a vertical root system.

The oblong, tapering leaves are up to 60 centimeters long and dark green in color. Inflorescences of medium size, yellowish-gray. Flowering time is in the summer and lasts until the first frost.

- the plant reaches a height of up to 1.4 meters. It grows wild in China. It has long oval-elongated bright green leaf plates. Inflorescences are large red-orange.

- This variety is common name for all cultivated hybrids intended for cultivation in garden plots. Plants have a height of up to 1.5 meters, long, oval-lanceolate leaf plates of a green or purple hue, depending on the variety. Inflorescences of garden cannes are large, with wax petals having various shades from bright red to snow white.

The height of the stem of the plant reaches up to 1.5 meters. Leaf plates are elliptical, lanceolate, long red-violet. The flowers are large, red-purple. The plant practically does not bear fruit. Blooms in mid-summer.

- culture reaches a height of up to 1.3 meters. Differs in long, lanceolate leaf plates of a red-green hue. Inflorescences are light pink. After flowering, the canna bears fruit. Flowering time is in summer.

- the stem of the plant grows up to 1.2 meters. The leaf plates are long, leathery, lanceolate, dark green in color. Inflorescences are large red-orange. The plant bears fruit every year. Blooms in mid-summer.

- culture reaches a height of up to 1.4 meters. Leaf plates are long, lanceolate, brown-purple. Inflorescences are large, orange with red stripes at the base. This variety does not produce seeds and flowers in July.

- The height of the bush reaches up to 1 meter. The leaves are dark green, leathery and up to 50 centimeters long. Inflorescences yellow or cream. The flowering time of the plant falls in mid-summer. Fruiting is regular.

The plant reaches a height of up to 1 meter. Leaf plates are long, large, lanceolate, dark green. Inflorescences are medium bright red. The variety does not produce seeds. Blooms in mid-summer.

- The plant reaches a height of up to 1 meter. The leaf plates have a purple hue, are leathery and elastic, and also have a lanceolate shape. Inflorescences are large, crimson-red. Cannes bloom in mid-summer.

- the height of the plant reaches 130 centimeters. It has leathery, lanceolate, large, long leaf plates of a dark green hue. Cannes inflorescences of this variety are red-orange with a yellow border. Flowering time falls in the summer.

- the height of the culture reaches up to 1 meter. It has large decorative leaf plates, a rich green hue. The inflorescences are bright yellow and a small orange speck at the base of the flower. Flowering time is in mid-summer and lasts until autumn.

- The bush reaches a height of up to 1 meter. Leaf plates are lanceolate, leathery, long dark green. Inflorescences are large pink. Canna of this variety blooms throughout the summer.

The plant has a length of up to 80 centimeters and is considered compact variety. Leaf plates are large, oval-lanceolate with wavy edges of a dark green hue. Inflorescences are large, bright red with a yellow border. Flowering time starts from mid-summer and ends in mid-autumn.

- the culture reaches a height of up to 1 meter and has long, leathery oval-lanceolate leaf plates of a brown-purple hue. Inflorescences are large pinkish-yellow. The plant blooms in mid-summer. Fruiting after flowering.

- Canna bush of this variety reaches a height of 70 centimeters. Leaf plates are lanceolate, long, decorative dark green. Inflorescences are large light lemon shade. The plant blooms in July.

- the height of the plant reaches up to 1 meter. It has decorative, long, oval-lanceolate foliage, tapering at the ends of a rich green shade into a dark stripe. The inflorescences are yellow in small red-brown specks. The flowering time of this variety falls in mid-summer and ends in mid-autumn.

- the plant reaches a height of up to 2 meters, has long, lanceolate leaf plates of a dark green shade with a light stripe. Inflorescences are large purple-red. Canna of this variety blooms until early autumn, seeds begin to form after flowering.

Kanna planting and care in the open field

Having decided to plant this exotic culture, the gardener immediately begins to think about the place for planting it. The bed should be chosen in a sunny area without shading and drafts. Since the plant is tropical, it does not like the cold.

Eland must also be protected from the wind, as its strong gusts can break the stems. When young plants grow up, it will be necessary to install supports for them. In the wild, plants grow in open glades and along water bodies. In our climate zone they grow well in well-lit and loosened areas. But in the shade they will also grow, but flowering will not occur.

It is necessary to plant plants in open ground in the spring, but only when the soil warms up enough and the threat of frost disappears. In the event that the plant survives the temperature drop, it will stop growing, and may not even bloom this season.

Also, for young and weakened cannes, temperature changes are fraught with a decrease in immunity to diseases. For this reason, experienced flower growers advise planting plants in the second half of May.

Before planting the culture, flower beds should be dug up and mixed in advance garden soil with humus, coarse sand, peat and leafy turf. Then you need to take the germinated bulbs of the plant and plant them in the ground to a depth of 15 centimeters.

The distance between the bushes of plants will depend on the variety. For tall people, it should be at least 70 centimeters, and for short ones, at least 40 centimeters. After planting, the area with cannes should be mulched and watered. Shoots will begin to appear in about a month.

The lily is also an attractive flower that is grown outdoors when planted and cared for without special trouble, if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations in this article.

Watering Cannes

From the moment the plant is planted until the first inflorescences appear, watering should be systematic and moderate. Young cannes in the first two weeks after planting should be watered with a weak solution of manganese, making sure that there are no overflows. To do this, during the planting of the bulbs in the ground, you need to add coarse sand as drainage and, during the growth process, do not forget to loosen the soil.

You should also prevent the drying of the earth, otherwise the eland will slow down in growth. The culture evaporates moisture through the leaf blades, which can be covered with dew from time to time. This usually happens before the rain.

Watering should be increased during the flowering of the plant and reduced in the fall. After the plant has faded, watering must be stopped completely. Water should be defended before being introduced under the bush, it should also be warm, since cold liquid can harm the plant.

Canna soil

In order for a plant to grow and develop normally, it needs a loose, drained and rich nutrients priming.

To prepare it for disembarkation, you should mix upper layer garden soil with leafy turf, peat and coarse river sand for drainage. After the soil mixture is ready, it needs to be allowed to “reach” for about a week, then loosen and plant the tubers of the culture.

Canna fertilizer

The plant should be fed only three times during the growing season. The first time you need to fertilize immediately after planting, the second - during the appearance of buds and the third, you need to spend during flowering.

To prepare top dressing, it is necessary to mix nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizer in a ratio of 12:10:15 grams and scatter it over the bed with cannes after watering.

In order for the top dressing to dissolve faster, the soil should be loosened. The first top dressing is carried out with a mixture of all fertilizers, and the next two with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen, each time reducing the amount of the latter. It would also be nice to include organic feeding as chicken manure diluted with water.

canna bloom

It's bright and unusual plant, blooms from July until the first frosts, however, there are also varieties that bloom only in the middle of summer. Canna inflorescences are large and beautiful, but without a pronounced aroma.

The color of flowers can be very different: from burgundy and pink to white and yellow with bright stripes and small specks. After flowering, boxes with seeds are formed, which can then be used to propagate the plant.

canna pruning

The plant needs pruning regularly. To save it decorative look, faded inflorescences and withered leaves should be removed.

The stems will need to be removed only with the onset of cold weather, before preparing the crop for winter.

Preparing cannes for winter

Cannes should be prepared for wintering in September. When the temperature starts to drop, the bushes must be spudded to prevent the root system from freezing, since autumn temperature drops for this tropical beauty disastrous.

If the plant is frozen, the leaf plates turn black and die. In this case, you should cut the stems, leaving about 20 centimeters from the ground level and carefully dig out the root tubers.

After digging the tubers out of the soil, they can be removed in a bag and, as the earth dries up, they will need to be sprayed with water. You can also transfer the tubers to a container with wet peat or moss, or place them in a box and sprinkle with a wet sand mixture or sawdust, but not coniferous.

cannes winter storage

In all of the above cases, in winter, cannes should be stored in the basement at a temperature of + 7 to 13 degrees. It shouldn't go any lower. The room should be good ventilation and diffused light, and it is also necessary to ensure that the soil moisture does not fall below 50%.

From time to time, you need to get and inspect the tubers for rotting. If rot is found, cut off the damaged areas and treat the edges with iodine.

If the grower does not have a basement, you can store the tubers on the balcony. Having previously dug them out, freed them from the soil and washed them in a weak solution of manganese. After that, they should be dried, each wrapped in paper and stored until spring.

Canna growing from seeds

The plant can be propagated seed way and bush division. seed propagation it is not popular with flower growers, as it is very laborious and time-consuming.

Before planting, canna seeds should be treated with boiling water, and then kept in a warm place for 5 hours. After the shell on the seeds bursts, they can be planted in a prepared container with soil. Planting of seeds is carried out in February in warm loose earth. After disembarking, the box must be covered with a film and removed in partial shade.

In a month, the first foliage will begin to appear on the seedlings. When there are 4 leaves on the young growth, it should be planted along different pots and keep at a temperature of 15 degrees until the second half of May, after which the plants are planted in open ground. When using this propagation method, the varietal qualities of the mother plant will not be preserved.

Canna propagation by root division

Canna can also be propagated by dividing the root system. This method is the simplest, most convenient and popular with flower growers. In the spring, when it starts to warm up outside, you should take the root tubers that were in the basement and check them for rot.

For division, it is necessary to choose large tubers. They should be divided with a sharp knife, leaving one growth current on each part. After dividing, the edges must be treated with charcoal, and then placed in containers with a warm sand mixture, watered and placed in a room. When the tubers take root and give the first petals, they can be moved to open ground.

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that the plant is very resistant to diseases and pests, with improper care, it can still turn up some ailments and insect attacks.

Plants can settle on leaf plates slugs, spider mites and snails . To get rid of them, you should treat the affected plant with Actellik insecticide according to the instructions on the package.

With excessive soil moisture, the plant can hit a fungus that manifests itself in the form of rusty, yellow and black spots on the foliage and trunk of a plant . In the advanced stage, the leaf plates turn yellow and fall off, and the plant dies over time.

In order to destroy the fungus, you need to remove the affected leaves and trunks of the canna and burn them. After that, you need to treat the plant with the Vitaros fungicide. As a prophylaxis of the disease, cannes should be watered from time to time with a solution of manganese and ensure that there are no overflows and moisture stagnation.

If the canna stops growing and slowly dies , then most likely it root system nematodes began to undermine.

In this case, the diseased culture will have to be removed and destroyed. Prevention of the appearance of nematodes is the treatment of the land around the bush with insecticides such as "Nemagon".

Problems when growing cannes

Although growing a plant is quite simple, however, gardeners still have to deal with some problems.

These include:

  • Lack of growth - the culture may stop growing due to unsuitable soil or eating its roots by nematodes. To bring the canna to life, it should be transplanted into fertile soil. Well, in the case of nematodes, the plant, unfortunately, cannot be saved, since these pests greatly spoil the tubers, which can no longer be restored.
  • No flowering - canna does not bloom in two cases: if it was planted in the shade or if it lacks fertilizer. You can solve the problem by transplanting and fertilizing in accordance with the requirements of the plant.
  • Yellowing leaves - if the leaf plates begin to turn yellow and fall off, the flower has become ill with a fungal disease due to waterlogging of the soil. Treatment with Vitaros will help restore his health.

It should be noted that it is possible to eliminate the problems that have arisen with the plant only at an early stage. For this reason, when atypical culture behavior appears, you should immediately pay attention to it and try to help the flower before it's too late.


Happy owners of this beautiful plant on their site, they claim that all the little troubles that may arise in the process of growing it are insignificant compared to the joy the grower will receive when the canna blooms.

Its bright, rich flowers will decorate the garden from early summer until late autumn, giving it a special charm until the frost.

One of the most unusual and spectacular bulbous plants- canna. Canna flowers are able to decorate any composition, be combined with almost any other plants, and also look beautiful in single plantings. Canna is a perennial herbaceous plant, whose homeland is tropical forests, so it cannot winter in the open field.

Botanical description

The canna flower can reach a height of 2 meters, has large oblong leaf blades, up to 50 cm in length and up to 25 in width. The color of leaf blades can be all shades of green. The flowers are very large and have a lemon, pink color, purple hues. These plants are most popular for growing in gardens and cottages. They are well suited for landscaping areas and areas in front of the house.

Thanks to their large sizes they create a unique composition. But, in addition, canna is great for growing on garden plot or at home. At home, it is kept in large tubs or outdoor pots. To grow this beautiful flower in room conditions, appropriate varieties should be selected, preferably undersized, to fit in a room, on a balcony or loggia.

Such varieties reach a height of no more than 160 cm, they do not require complex care, and such flowers will decorate not only the room, but will also look decent in an office or administrative building.

Canna content rules

In order for the canna to have not only juicy greenery, but also bloom profusely with large and bright flowers, it must be properly looked after. Caring for a plant at home comes down to doing certain rules and create the necessary conditions for it.


Kanna refers to light-loving plants, so you need to place it in a sunny place. A window sill on the south or west sides is well suited for this. You can put the canna opposite the window on the floor. She's not afraid of exposure sun rays, so there is no need to shade it.

Temperature conditions

The optimum air temperature is about 20-26 degrees Celsius. In such conditions, the flower develops well. The room where the plant is kept should be slightly ventilated.

Humidity Requirements

Under natural conditions, cannes grow in the tropics, where the climate is warm and the level of humidity is high, so varieties and types of flowers grown at home also need to be maintained. high level air humidity. Here, care consists of weekly watering. With the onset summer period, on hot days, the number of waterings is increased to twice a week. If the plant experiences a lack of moisture, then it immediately lets you know about it.

Large leaves curl into a tube. In this case, the flower must be watered immediately. In the heat, to create optimal humidity, it must be sprayed with warm water and the air around the plant too. With the onset of autumn, watering is reduced, and then completely stopped. Such measures contribute to the ripening of the rhizome by winter.

rest period

For two months a year, the plant needs a dormant period and at this time care is also needed. Watering is stopped, and the stems are cut off, leaving them 10-15 cm high. The canna pot is cleaned in a cool place where the temperature does not exceed 6-10 degrees Celsius.


Since the canna develops very quickly, the flower needs to be replanted annually, increasing the size of the container. The soil for the canna should be light and loose. For this, a mixture of soddy, leafy soil with peat and sand is suitable. It is good to pour a layer of expanded clay or other drainage material on the bottom of the pot. Then a layer of soil is poured on top, and the plant is placed in a pot. From all sides add required amount soil and lightly compact. The flower tolerates transplantation well, so it can be carried out at any growing season. In order for the water not to stagnate in the pot, the soil must be periodically loosened. Loosening also contributes to the saturation of the soil with oxygen. Plant care after transplantation is the same as the rest of the time.

top dressing

Top dressing of the plant is carried out with complex mineral fertilizers about once every 30 days. Cannes respond very well to fertilization, the leaves become more juicy, and flowering is abundant with large flowers.


Canna blooms at home not often, but if the care is good, then flowering can be achieved.

The buds bloom first at the bottom of the stem and gradually go up. Plant care during flowering involves the removal of faded buds and dried leaves. This will help preserve the decorative appearance of the plant and free it from unnecessary flowers and leaves. There are varieties that drop dead leaves and flowers on their own, so there is no need to remove them yourself. Periodically, you need to clean the leaves of accumulated dust, it is best to do this with a damp sponge.

canna disease

Cannes are rarely affected by diseases during indoor cultivation. Sometimes bacteriosis develops on the leaves, which is manifested by the appearance of black spots on the leaves. The cause of the disease is improper care behind the plant, or rather, waterlogging of the soil. It is better to prevent this disease than to treat it. Therefore, timely watering as the soil in the pot dries up will be the best prevention of this disease.

Plants grown indoors are practically not damaged by pests. In rare cases, they can be inhabited by aphids or caterpillars, which must be dealt with with the help of insecticides.

In general, canna care is very simple, despite the fact that the plant is tropical, it feels great at room conditions and does not need special attention. Therefore, it is worth having this plant in your home. And let it take a little more space than other plants, but large juicy stems and leaves will create a real atmosphere of the tropics in the room. In addition, due to the abundance of greenery, the lack of clean air will never.

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It has long ceased to be a curiosity, and today many amateur gardeners and professional breeders have sincere sympathy for cannes. Well, it's time for us to learn how to grow flowers cannas and what is needed for this.

How to choose cannes?

Experienced gardeners are advised to purchase seeds of these plants in specialized gardening stores. This is because you will be protected from buying soaked or pest-damaged seeds.


Cannes can be propagated in two ways - either by seed or by dividing the rhizome.

Since the seeds of cannes have a strong shell, it must be processed before planting in the ground. To do this, you first need to lower them into the snow or put them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then scald them with boiling water. After that, it is advised to leave the seeds for 3 hours in a thermos with warm water. Then you need to carry out mechanical damage to the shell (you can lightly rub the seeds with coarse river sand or carefully incise).

Seeds are usually sown in February. In the room where you plan to propagate cannes, there should be partial shade, and the temperature should not be higher than 22 degrees. The first shoots often appear within a month after planting. When they acquire 3-4 leaves, they are dived into separate pots, and left at a temperature of 16 degrees until the time of landing in open ground.

Idea! If you want to enjoy the view of these plants all year round, you can grow canna flower at home. It's also great for decoration. winter garden or greenhouses.

If the vegetative method of plant propagation is closer to you, then in early spring the rhizomes are divided so that each section has a strong bud. At the same time, it is important to properly process the cut points - sprinkle with crushed charcoal and dry. The separated rhizomes are placed in a greenhouse filled with sand, so that the kidney looks up, and sprinkle a little sand. From time to time, the rhizomes should be lightly sprayed with warm water. The optimum temperature for germination is 20-24 degrees. When the first leaves appear, cannes are planted in small pots, as described in the case of seeds.


Planting young plants in open ground is carried out in the second half of May - early June, when night frosts no longer appear. Cannes should be positioned so that the gap between them is 50-80 cm.

Advice! Since cannes do well in loose, nutritious and well-cultivated soil, we recommend making a so-called “warm bed” for them. It is a pit (W30 * D30 * D70 cm) filled with horse manure, the layer of which should be less than 20 cm. Well loosened earth (at least 25 cm) is poured over the manure.

Cannes: diseases and treatment

Like many of their fellows, cannes, alas, are subject to attack by pests, as well as some diseases that are characteristic of them. Fortunately, there are not many such complicating factors for growing cannas in the garden.

  • For example, if the area is too wet, the flowers may develop bacteriosis. It manifests itself in the fact that the buds turn black, and dark spots appear on the leaves. Unfortunately, it is not possible to fight the disease, and the gardener can only remove the infected flowers.
  • Another disease caused by excessive moisture is rust fungus. It manifests itself in rusty spots covering the leaves, as well as in the appearance of a gray rot, leading to blackening of the flowers. You can get rid of the rust fungus by promptly cutting off the infected leaves and cutting the stems. After that, the infected parts of the plant must be burned.
  • If the canna leaves begin to turn yellow, this is most likely due to fungal activity. To cope with this unpleasant moment, gardeners use manganese dissolved in water (4 g is required per 10 liters), which is sprayed on plants.
  • Butterfly caterpillars act as pests. Insecticides help protect flowers from them (you need to use them, following the instructions on the package).
  • Pruning of wilted leaves and buds should be done systematically as needed.
  • Before the first night frosts, it is recommended to carry out a high hilling of plants to protect them from frost.
  • For the winter, cannes are dug up, their rhizomes are dried, and then removed for the winter. In winter, cannes should be stored at a temperature of 10 degrees. Humidity should be moderate, and light diffused.

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