Where cyanide is and how it is used. The action of potassium cyanide per person - symptoms of poisoning and treatment

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In 1945, the novel "Sparkling Cyanide" Agatha Christie was issued. The detective turned out to be fascinating and interesting. However, not everyone knows that there is no such cyanide. So what is this substance and how does it affect the human body?

What is cyanide?

Cyanides are a class of high-speed substances that have a detrimental effect on the human body. In other words, it is poisons. Their toxicity is easy to explain negative exposure Some of their components on in turn, the work of the whole organism is disturbed. Cells simply cease to function. After that, important systems of the body cease to perform their functions, and the pathological difficult condition occurs, which is most often ends with a fatal outcome.

So what is cyanide? First of all, these are derivatives of sinyl acid. The formula is quite simple: KCN. For the first time, this substance was received by the German chemist Robert Wilhelm Bunzen. In addition, the scientist has also developed industrial methods for its synthesis. It happened in 1845.

Some properties of matter

Potassium cyanide is powder white color With a crystal structure. The substance is perfectly soluble in water. The poison has a kind of smell, but it can feel about 50% of the population of our planet. It is worth noting that potassium cyanide is an unstable substance. It is oxidized in solutions containing glucose and sufficient level humidity.

Sodium cyanide is also often found. The formula of this substance: NACN. Sodium cyanide is white plasticine, powder, paste or hygroscopic crystals. The substance is also unstable. It quickly dissolves in menthole and in water. Sodium cyanide itself is not a fuel. However, when contacting with wet air The substance allocates gas that is easily flamped. When combustion, sodium cyanide allocates toxic and annoying pairs. They are able to cause serious poisoning. Also, the volatile substances are formed and hydrolysis of cyanides.

Cyanide in plants

What is cyanide, figured out. But how do they get and what? Cyanides are produced not only by synthetic. These substances are found in nature. This increases the risk of intentional or accidental poisoning. The poison can be obtained from certain food and plants. It is for this reason that all sources of cyanide should be known.

The list of dangerous products includes Lima Beans, Almonds and Manica. In addition, cyanide is contained in a bone of pears, plums, apricots, cherries, peach and even apples. The poisoning occurs only in cases where an excessive amount of hazardous products arrives in the body. In the risk group there are those people who have individual intolerance.

Application cyanide

Cyanide solutions are used in many industries. These substances are usually used for the manufacture of paper, plastics and some species of textiles. As a rule, the poison is present in many reagents that are used to manifest photos. In the metallurgy, the substance under consideration is involved to clean the electroplats and metals, as well as to highlight gold from ores.

In addition, cyanide is used in the form of gas in combination with other substances in order to disinfect storage facilities. Such formulations allow you to destroy rodents.

Influence on the body

If cyanide gets into a living organism, a special enzyme is blocked - cytochromoxidase. As a result, the tissue is not allowed required amount oxygen. This leads to the development of asphyxia.

First of all, hypoxia tissue affects the brain. As a result, paralysis of the CNS is developing. All this leads to a rapid, as for the symptoms of poisoning, they arise almost instantly.

The severity of the patient's condition depends primarily on how much poison was in the body. When inhalation of vapors and gases, poisoning occurs instantly. Extremely rarely cyanide penetrates through the skin and gastrointestinal tract. In such cases, the symptoms of poisoning may appear gradually.

When signs of poisoning are manifested

As already mentioned, signs of poisoning and the degree of their manifestation depend on how much poison was in the body and in what quantity. For a person, the deadly dose of cyanide is only 0.1 mg / l. Death comes within an hour. If 0.12-0.15 mg / l fell into the body, then the person dies in half an hour.

If the concentration of a poisonous substance is increased to 0.2 mg, then the lethal exodus occurs after 10 minutes. It is worth considering that a person is able to withstand poisoning with cyanide under certain conditions. This is possible if the concentration does not exceed 0.55 mg / l and the poison affects no more than one minute.

If cyanide penetrates the body with gas, then the symptoms are observed a couple of seconds. If the poisoning substance fell through the stomach, the clinical picture develops a few minutes later.

Basic symptoms of poisoning

Cyanide is a poison that begins to act as soon as he fell into the human body. With high dosages of the poisoning substance, the symptoms of poisoning appear instantly. Here are the main signs:

  1. First of all, the victim loses consciousness.
  2. Instantly palsy system of respiratory system occurs. In addition, the work of heart muscles is blocked.
  3. Fatal outcome.

With minor dosages, symptoms arise gradually:

  1. For initial stage Cyanide poisoning is characterized by dizziness, acute and rapidly increasing headache, rapid heartbeat and breathing, sensation of gravity in frontal fractions,
  2. Second stage - shortness of breath. At the same time, breathing becomes noisy, deep and rare. The pulse at the victim slows down, nausea arises, vomiting, pupils are expanding.
  3. At the next stage, a person loses consciousness. Often, thetanic convulsions cause chewing musculature spasms, which can end in the oxidation of the tongue.
  4. Next stage - paralysis. The victim loses not only reflexes, but also sensitivity. Breathing is very rare. In addition, involuntary intestinal emptying and urination is possible. If you do not have the victim first assistance, then the heart activities will stop and will come.

In conclusion

Now you know what cyanide is and how it affects the human body. Alas, not always this substance was applied for peaceful purposes. During World War II, it was part of such a poison gas as "cyclone-b". This weapon was widely used german troops. It also exists that this poisoning gas was used in 1980 during the war between Iran and Iraq.

Cianide potassium - poison having the most bad fame. He received his fame thanks to the authors of detective novels, who often "used" is a poisonous substance in their works. However, in nature there are poisons existing much faster and more efficient cyano potassium. Obviously, the fame of this substance is also due to the availability of acquisition at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries when it could be easily acquired in any pharmacy. But what is cyanides today? What types of poisoning substances from this family exist? Where are they used and can I get poisoning this poison today? It is about these issues and will we are talking In this article.

What it is

Cyanium cyanide is a chemical compound derived from a syntic acid. Cyanide formula - KCN. This substance For the first time was received by the Swedish chemist Karl Wilhelm Shelele in 1782, and in the middle XIX century German Chemist Robert Wilhelm Bunzen developed the method of industrial synthesizing poison. It was assumed that this substance would be used by no means for the purpose of killing themselves like, and to combat agricultural pests and in leather production. Sinyl acid derivatives were often used as painting pigment in paints.

Nevertheless, at the beginning of the XX, the French military first applied cyanides as a chemical weapon. Despite the fact that the gas attack in the battles on the shores of the Seine did not bring the expected result, some German scientists reviewed the "prospects" of using cyanides in hostilities. In the course of World War II, the Nazis have already widely used more improved modifications of poisoning substances created on the basis of cyanides, in concentration camps and in some areas of the front.

Types of cyanids

What is cyanide potassium and what effect it has on the human body, probably knows most people. However, few people know that a poisonous family can contain both organic and inorganic cyanides.

The first group is primarily used in pharmacology and agriculture (in the fight against malicious insects). The second group found wide application in chemical industry and printing photos, leather and textile productionas well as in mining and galvanic production.

What looks like

People who know what cyanide is describes it as a translucent powder with a crystal structure. This substance is completely dissolved in water. However, due to the fact that stronger acids can easily displace the sytic acid from the compound, this poisonous substance is considered an extremely unstable compound. As a result of the reactions occurring, the elements of the CN cyano group will destroy, so the initial connection loses its poisonous properties. A negative effect on the poisoning effect can have wet air.


It is believed that Calia's cyanide has a specific smell of a voiced almond, however, not all people are able to catch it. This is due to the individual characteristics of the olfactory apparatus of each person.

Where is cyanide

What is cyanide in nature and where can I meet it? In the pure form of cyanide potassium in nature, it does not happen, however, the poisonous compounds of cyano groups - amygdalins can be found in apricot, cherry, peach and plum bones. They can be found in Almond. Leaves and shoots of elders also contain amygdalin.

Danger for human organism When using these products, a silic acid is formed during the cleavage of amygdaline. Death may occur after the use of only one gram of matter, which corresponds to about 100 grams of the nuclei of the bones of apricot.

In everyday life, cyanide can be detected in reagents used in photo laboratories, as well as in preparations for cleaning jewels. A certain amount of this substance is used in traps for insects. Cyanides are added B. art paintshaving azure shades. Due to the interaction with the hardware, also included in the gouache and watercolors, they give a deep blue color.

Risk of poisoning

Sinyl acid salts and cyanides are very toxic substanceswhich can cause the hardest forms of poisoning. The greatest probability of obtaining poisoning from cyanide is available in people working on mining and mining and enrichment and in electroplating shops. Here, potassium or sodium cyanides are used in technological processes when the metals are subject to catalysis.

The risk of obtaining poisoning like poisonous substances is also in people in the zone of toxic emissions from these enterprises. Thus, in the territory of Romania and Hungary in early 2000 as a result of random emissions from mining and processing enterprises in the River Danube, residents of the surroundings of the floodplain were injured.

The risk group to obtain toxic poisoning by cyanides is the staff of special laboratories in which these substances are used as reagents.

Impact on man

Under the influence of the poison, the cell enzyme - cytochromoxidase, which is responsible for absorption in the oxygen cell. As a result, the cells are filled with oxygen, but it cannot be learned. This leads to the fact that in the body there is a violation of vital metabolic processes. The effect of such an impact is essential by suffocation.

Cyanides of poisonous when entering inward with food or water, poisoning can be obtained as a result of inhalation of the vapor of the solution. Cyanides can penetrate the damaged skin.

Even in minor quantities, they are extremely dangerous to health of living organisms. Due to high toxicity, the use of these drugs is controlled with special severity.

Symptoms of poisoning

The light shape of poisoning with cyanides is accompanied by a flip of throat, dizziness, saliva, vomiting and a panic attack. With more severe forms, bitterness in the mouth increases, heartaches appear, a person loses consciousness, seizures and paralysis of the respiratory tract begin. Heavy poisoning is usually accompanied by uncontrolled urinary incontinence and intestinal emptying, excessive redness of the skin and mucous membranes. After these manifestations, death comes.

First aid

To provide adequate assistance, it is necessary to establish first to establish how the poison could get into the body of the victim. If the poisoning happened through the skin, then it is necessary to change the clothes on which the particles of the poisoning substance remained. The victim itself needs to wipe the soapy water.

If the poison fell into the body together with food, then first it is necessary to cause vomiting and rinse the stomach. To do this, you need to drink a large amount of water with the addition of potassium permanganate (manganese) or food Soda. After washing the stomach, the victim gives any sweet drink. To facilitate the symptoms of poisoning, the victim need to withdraw fresh air.

In the event that the victim is unconscious, it is necessary to monitor its heartbeat and breathing. In the absence of breathing, it is necessary to carry out artificial respiration. However, a person who holds such events should exclude possible poisoning of poison poison and seek medical attention.

In any case, you need to call ambulance. Only medical workerhaving special education and experience can take adequate treatment measures. Certain physicians must be reported that the cause of poisoning is blue acid. In this case, the doctor intravenously introduces antidote - sodium thiosulfate. Antidote contributes to a decrease in malicious effects of poison. If necessary, the doctor will take reanimating measures and hospitalizes the victim for subsequent treatment.


The deadly dose for a person is considered 17 mg per kilogram total weight Body. The fatal outcome comes in just a few minutes after entering a sufficient number of poison in the body. However, this amount is considered conditional. The degree of poisoning depends on the way of entering, physical characteristics of a person and food. In case of regular contacts in the body of minor doses of the cyanide, poisoning occurs gradually, for a long time.

It is proved that when cyanides in the body, a typical glucose is a kind of antidote to the poisoning property of the substance. Sugar contributes to the instantaneous oxidation of sinyl acid compounds and potassium salts. Therefore, people in contact with poisonous compounds usually have several pieces of sugar with them. At the very first symptoms of poisoning, they eat it to neutralize the action of poisonous compounds.

Potassium cyanide is a chemical compound that is found in medicine used in different industries industry chemical formula KCN. During the century, the substance became a means to eliminate ill-wishers. Modern diagnostic methods completely exclude such an opportunity for poisoning due to the rapid detection of poison in the tissues and human organs. Effective antidote is also synthesized to provide urgent help in accidental intoxication. Buy the drug in the pharmacy will not be possible - pharmacists and provisions have long ceased to use it in tinctures and ointments and acquire in the finished form.

Physiochemical properties

Many people learned what cyanide is potassium, only after reading plenty detectives or viewing historical series. For scientists, this is a compound obtained during the chemical reaction between the blue acid and the potash mixture solid salts. After dilution of cyanide, a clear solution without smell is formed in water.

The widespread view is that the salt of blue acid smells almonds, just a myth. The error of the judgment is based on the presence of a poison in the bone fruit trees. If the poison is mined in this way, then it will be necessary great amount vegetable raw materials to have the opportunity to feel the smell of cyano potassium.

Externally, potassium cyanide resembles ordinary sugar sand, looks like a fine crystalline powder. With increasing moisture content in the surrounding space, the substance loses its stability and decomposes into neutral ingredients. But in the air can accumulate poisonous pairs, which will cause human poisoning. Sinyl acid refers to weak compounds, so it is easily replaced in the dilution of salts formed stronger and resistant acids.

Synerodyny potassium - an inorganic compound of blue acid having a simple chemical composition. It quickly decomposes in liquids on cations and anions, and it does not require any conditions for joining the reaction. When breeding poison in glucose solutions, its instantaneous oxidation occurs. Therefore, when carrying out disinfecting therapy, glucose can be used as an antidote, neutralizing the effect of poison.

Currently, the poisoning of toxic compound is extremely rare. Typically, the causes of intoxication becomes:

  • improper storage of substance at home;
  • emergency emergency situations industrial production. Despite the presence of modern claimed facilities, poisonous evaporations quickly spread in the room, penetrate the human body.

Application of potassium cyanide at certain stages technological processes As an ingredient or catalyst, does not allow to eliminate the likelihood of poisoning with pairs or gases. Poison gets in airwaysand then in the bloodstream. After a short time, a sufficient concentration of a chemical for the occurrence of death is accumulated in it.

Inxication can develop after entering skin poison and mucous membranes. In the presence of microcracks, open wound or scratches, the poison enters the bloodstream, and on the site of its penetration develops inflammatory process: Redness and rash appear. Potassium cyanide is able to bind to red blood cells, reduce their functional activity on the delivery of molecular oxygen to tissues.

Toxic effect on the human body

KCN intoxication in a significant concentration ends with the death of a person as a result of a respiratory stop
. Chemical interaction occurs between the compound and cytochromucleonide, one of the cell enzymes. It turns out that the trivalent iron is associated, which makes it impossible to transfer electrons. The violation of their transportation leads to the termination of the synthesis of adenosinerphosphate. This organic substance is a universal energy battery in biological systems.

A paradoxical situation arises - a shortage of molecular oxygen appears in organs and tissues, and its excessive concentration is found in the bloodstream, but it is very firmly associated with red blood tales. Therefore, when opening people who died from this poison, you can immediately determine the cause of death: blood painting in all veins becomes bright red as a result of increasing the content of hemoglobin.

Neutralization of red blood cells leads to oxygen starvation of tissues, a decrease in the functional activity of all life systems. There is a slowdown in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and they begin to accumulate in the body. The absence of molecular oxygen particularly negatively affects the cerebral cells - neurons. The process of transferring pulses to the central and vegetative nervous system. No innervation provokes the following KCN action per person:

  • breathing disorder;
  • disorder of the cardiovascular system;
  • violation of blood filtering and urine removal from the body.

The poison stream of blood is transferred to liver cells, damaging them, leading to the distortion of metabolic processes.

The deadly dose for a toxic compound person is 1.6 mg / kg. But it may vary depending on:

  • health status;
  • floor;
  • age of the victim;
  • ways of penetration of toxic compound into the body.

The poisoning properties of this salt of blue acid allowed us to rank with the potent poisons. Potassium cyanide is located on commercially quantity on industrial industrials for the prevention of heavy intoxication.

For warning poisoning, measures include strict safety monitoring when working with high-oxic substances. But the ability of the poison is rapidly subjected to hydrolysis and evaporate into the surrounding space sometimes leads to penetration into the body large number Chemical compound. Toxicologists advise employees to always carry compressed sugar with them. Its use slows down suction in the bloodstream of cyanide potassium.

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Signs of poisoning will be faster if there is no food in the stomach. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are capable of partially binding toxic compound, prevent its absorption of the gastric mucosa.

A minor amount of cyanide potassium can always be found in cells and tissues. Chemical compound Takes part in the metabolism of biologically active substances, water and fat-soluble vitamins, enzymes. The smoker's body contains many salts of blue acid, which penetrate into the blood of tobacco.

Useful properties of chemical compound

Calium cyanide is not resistant. The cyano group is quickly displaced by salts, which are formed by stronger acids, as a result of which the connection loses toxic properties. This quality is widely used at certain stages of technological processes in various industries.

What is potassium cyanide - a compound used as an ingredient, as well as a catalyst accelerating speed chemical reactions . At mining and processing plants and in electroplating, it is oxidized with it noble metals (Gold, platinum). A poison substance is part of the reagents for the manifestation of the film and cleansing the plaque from the surface of the jewelry. Entomologists use KCN to kill butterflies and dragonflies. People who are fond of painting face salt of blue acid when diluting paints for drawing:

  • "Milory";
  • "Prussian blue";
  • "Prussian blue".

These types of gouache and watercolor color canvas in bright blue color. The term "Sinyl" characterizes the ability of acid to give objects blue and intensively blue colors In the presence of iron cations.

Acute and chronic intoxication of poison can be diagnosed in people who are not involved in the production of precious metals. About ten years ago at mining and processing plants of countries of Eastern Europe There were emissions of toxic waste in Danube. Local population Used water for household and economic needs, people used fish caught in a reservoir. After a few months, the number of patients with symptoms of chronic intoxication increased significantly.

In concentrated form, potassium cyanide is not found in nature. But in the bone of the fruit trees of the family of roses, there is a slight amount of amygdaline, the substance, which includes a cyano group. Most of the poison is in the nuclei:

  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • almond;
  • cherries;
  • drain.

Young leaves and ease shoots contain a lot of potassium cyanide, which can cause pet poisoning. Amigdalin in the human body is hydrolyzed to a sinyl acid with similar properties with their own salts. Death from KCN will come with the use of 90-110 g nuclei of the bones of apricots. The most toxic fresh product, since in the process heat treatment Or drying amygdalin loses its poisoning properties.

Potassium cyanide is part of some insecticides. In agriculture, it is used to destroy rodents that penetrate the grain storages. A high probability of poisoning in non-compliance with safety regulations when working with poisons, as well as their incorrect storage in places where it is easy to get containers with powder.

Clinic intoxication

To carry out adequate disinfecting therapy, doctors need to find out which poison concentration circulates in the injured body. Characteristic signs poisoning with the drug is manifested when in the blood of any number of poison, But their severity will be varied. In addition to the dose of toxic compound, symptoms are directly dependent on the age of a person and the presence of diseases in history. The tactics of the treatment of poisoning salt of sinyl acid differs in certain stages of the pathological process.

Easy degree of poisoning

No treatment at this stage of intoxication is required. In the body of the victim penetrated a minor number of poison, which is not capable of affecting health. A person should be removed from the room on fresh air and all the symptoms of poisoning will quickly disappear. These include:

  • dry throat, desire to flip off;
  • metal taste in the mouth, sense of numbness of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract;
  • disorder of the digestive tract: nausea, sour belching, urge to defecation;
  • feeling of air shortness, slight dizziness;
  • excess saliva;
  • student heartbeat, arterial hypertension.

These same symptoms may occur during chronic poisoning. The absence of treatment is explained by the fact that a person, as a rule, does not give importance to negative signs of intoxication, writing them off their fatigue or temporary ailment.

Average degree of poisoning

With an increase in the concentration of KCN in the bloodstream, signs of work disorders are developing central system
. The situation is complicated by the fact that the victim often cannot realize the seriousness of what is happening due to the emergence of emotional instability. For this stage of poisoning, such symptoms are characteristic:

  • increased anxiety or anxiety, sharply replacing lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • coordination violation in space, savory gait, dizziness;
  • feverish condition, cold Hydran, chills;
  • breathing disorders, shortness of breath;
  • blood tides to face and top of the body;
  • dryness of all mucous membranes;
  • shake hands and feet.

A characteristic feature of symptoms at this stage of intoxication is a strong convexity of the eyes. In the aggregate with redness of the mucous symptom, it refers to the main diagnostic signs of poisoning by this poison.

Emotional instability is expressed in the emergence of a strong fright. He wants to run somewhere, take any action, most often absolutely meaningless. In such a state, the victim can harm himself and the people around him.

Heavy degree of poisoning

At this stage of intoxication, a person needs urgent hospitalization and deoxication therapy, including the use of antidote. The severity of symptoms increases, provoking a decrease in the functional activity of all life systems. What signs of intoxication occur at this stage:

  • tremor of the upper and lower extremities;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • reduction of tactile, muscular, tendon reflexes;
  • violation of work gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, feeling of resolving in the epigastria;
  • threaded pulse, arterial hypotension;
  • temperature increase.

For this degree of poisoning, this drug is characterized by urinary disorder. Blood filtering by kidneys - in the body remains toxic compounds and metabolic products of substances. With emptying bladder There is a slight amount of muddy urin. The injury can involuntantly empty the intestine due to the reduction of the tone of his smooth muscular muscles.

Paralytic stage of intoxication

After entering the deadly dose of poison, it remains a little time to neutralize the effect of poison, enter the victim's antidote
. This stage of poisoning often ends with the death of a person if disinfecting therapy and resuscitation measures have not been carried out for 10-20 minutes. At this stage, the victim has the following symptoms:

  • breathing superficial;
  • convulsions;
  • lack of reaction pupil into light;
  • lack of urination;
  • reduced blood pressure.

The poisoning of sinyl acid salts is characterized by the appearance of a bright brush and redness of the mucous membranes. Oxygen starvation of brain cells develops. It is not able to exercise a full-fledged regulation of livelihoods. The result becomes swelling of the lungs and the stop of the heart. The lethal outcome is based mostly when penetrating KCN in the stomach and when inhaling toxic vapors.

First aid for poisoning

The poisoning effect on the human body of cyanide potassium is shiftingTherefore, you should immediately call an ambulance brigade, call the doctor the cause of intoxication.

As a rule, on all industrial production, using syntic acid compounds, there are antidhem ampoules in the first-aid kit. Antidot is administered parenterally in accordance with the attached instructions.

During the waiting for a doctor, you must have the victim first aid:

  • put a person talking to him to be in consciousness;
  • when the heart is stopped, make an indirect heart massage and artificial respiration;
  • turn the victim on the side, as it can choke from the vomit;
  • rinse the stomach with a pink solution of potassium permanganate until pure liquid removes;
  • give any adsorbent or enterosorbent;
  • drinking a person with strong and very sweet tea for binding poison.

The victim will be urgently hospitalized for disinfect treatment with glucose solutions and mineral salts. Poisoning cyanium potassium will require a long rehabilitation period. If a large amount of toxic compound fell into the body, there may be hazardous consequences: impairment of urinary, damage to liver cells, aggravation of chronic diseases.

No refund "(W. Shakespeare). If you get into the body, the cyanide produces an inhibitory effect. Or, for ordinary mortals, it creates conditions under which the cells of the body cease to absorb oxygen contained in the blood. And then there is a kind of suffocity at the cellular level. Scary? In this place, it seems you can put a cross in all senses and sentenced the substance to eternal flock In the ninth hell, where it itself sent many people. But ... not everything is so simple. It turns out that potassium cyanide during the existence has grown mass legends.

Mythology Cyanide

We promote myths.

A bit of history

In times Ancient Rome There were such special people - Destiners or priests. They chewed the leaves of Laurel and then issued a news report on the upcoming reporting period on-mountain. And if without jokes, they had strong hallucinations, which in those days were attached great importance. And, as you already guessed, the fault was that lavra leaves Or the ordinary laurel, which is successfully used in cooking today.

Indeed, in the leaves of this plant, potassium cyanide is contained, or rather, the syntic acid, as well as many other substances. But precisely thanks to the poison in micro doses, the rulers of the Roman Empire received the "blessing of the gods" or their "disjoint."

And again the question, how to be with cooking? Stop applying such a pleasant spice? Not at all! Recall that the soup add dried leaves, which is not known how much kept first in the supplier's warehouse, and then in the store. And the priests preferred a fresh product. So ... a pleasant appetite!

And a few more words

Not so simple.

Not everything is so simple with cyanium potassium. He is dangerous and not quite. He can "tie with the gods" or straight to send to them to an audience without a return ticket. In any case, not worth once again Experiment with this extremely dangerous substance that Humanity allocated on the misfortune.

Video on the topic


  • A little more about cyanide

There are millions of different animals in the world. Some of them are for people completely harmless, and some are becoming a threat to human life.

One of the most dangerous animals are mosquitoes that carry tropical. They live a little south of sugar. The risk of mosquitoes is that they are easily moved in space, they can imperceptibly sit on a person and their bite to infect his malaria.

Another dangerous animal became poisonous. They have a huge amount and reach a length of about four and a half meters. Note that poisonous capsules are in each of their tentacles. In this regard, they can destroy more than fifty people for a year.

Because of the poisonous snakes in the world, more than 55,000 people die annually. However, the most dangerous to life are Efa, Gureza and Cobra. They are found mainly in the territory of the CIS countries.

Who can attack a person

What is cyanide.

Cyanide is a fast-acting, deadly chemical that can exist in various forms. Cyanide can be a colorless gas, such as hydrogen cyanide (HCN) or chloroqiana (CNCl) or be in crystalline form, such as sodium cyanide (NACN) or potassium cyanide (KCN). Cyanide is sometimes described as possessing the smell of "Gorky Almond", but it is not always the case, and not everyone can feel it.

Where cyanide is and how it is used

Cyanide can be distinguished from some natural substances, some food products And some plants, such as Manica, Lima Beans and Almonds.

Cyanide is contained in cigarette smoke and combustion products. synthetic materials, such as plastic. In the manufacturing industry, cyanide is used for the manufacture of paper, textiles and plastics. It is present in the chemicals used to develop photos.

Hydrogen cyanide, called the cyclone-B, was used as a poisonous gas by the Germans in World War II.

Reports have shown that during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, cyanide hydrogen, possibly used along with others chemicals against the residents of the Kurdish city of Halabjj in the north of Iraq.

How cyanide is working

Inhalation of cyanide gas causes the greatest harm, but swallowing cyanide may cause severe consequences.

Gas cyanide is considered the most dangerous enclosed premisesWhere this gas will be trapped.

Gas quickly dissipates in open space, which makes it less harmful, outdoors.

Cyanide blocks the possibility of organism cells to use oxygen. When this happens, the cells die.

Cyanide is more harmful to the heart and brain than for other organs, as they are the main consumers of oxygen.

Signs and symptoms of contact with cyanide.

With a slight effect, the following signs:

- Headache
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fast breathing
- Heart palpitations
- Weakness

The impact of a large number of cyanide in any way can cause the following symptoms:

- Loss of consciousness
- Low Blood Pressure
- Light damage
- respiratory failure
- Slow Cardiac Rhythm

What to do if you are exposed to cyanides.

If the cyanide is in the air, leave the room immediately and exit fresh air.

If the cyanide gas was released outdoors, move away from the place where he was released. If you can not leave the area where the gas cyanide was released, go down to the ground as the cyanide is lighter than air.

If you think that you are exposed to cyanides, you must remove your clothes, quickly wash the whole body with soap and water, and get medical care as fast as possible.

If your eyes are burning or your vision is blurred, rinse your eyes with clean water for 10 to 15 minutes. If you wear contact lenses, remove them and put together with contaminated clothing.

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