Eucomis pineapple lily planting and care in open ground, growing from seeds, propagation photo. Eukomis: cultivation and care in open ground

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Eukomis is a beautiful ornamental flowering plant native to South Africa. In some sources, the name of the culture sounds like Eucomis - both names are correct, and the slight discrepancy is explained by the peculiarities of the translation from the Latin language. The genus Eucomis belongs to the Asparagus family, although many mistakenly put it on a par with hyacinths due to the similarity of peduncles.

The flower is a perennial bulbous plant that produces a spectacular peduncle at the beginning of summer, and goes into hibernation by winter. In our latitudes the Eucomis open ground feels great only in the warm season, and when it gets colder, its bulbs are dug up and stored until next spring. Despite the fact that this is a fairly heat-loving representative of the flora, growing it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

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    Eukomis - an exotic flower

    There are several species in the genus of this exotic crop, but the most popular is Eucomis Bicolor or bicolor. The structure of the plant is typical for all representatives of the genus:

    • A powerful and rapidly growing root system develops in the spring from a large shiny bulb with a diameter of 5-8 cm.
    • Large ovate leaves with a smooth shiny surface and a slightly wavy edge are collected in a lush basal rosette. The length of the leaves can reach 50-60 cm, and this must be taken into account when planting. After flowering, the foliage turns yellow and dies, and the flower begins a period of dormancy.
    • A powerful peduncle-sultan with a height of 30 to 60 cm is formed from the center of the bulb, and in some specimens it reaches 1 m.
    • The top of the peduncle is crowned with a mop of 10-15 green leaves-bracts, collected in a peculiar tuft, for which the eukomis is popularly called the tufted or pineapple lily.
    • Star-shaped small buds are collected in a racemose inflorescence total length 30-35 cm. Unlike other varieties, the flowers of Eucomis Bicolor have a two-color color - white and green with a purple border. From 40 to 100 buds bloom simultaneously on one peduncle, and its surface is decorated with purple strokes.
    • When flowering ends, capsule fruits are formed, inside which dark brown seeds ripen. They are quite suitable for propagation, but only 3-4 years after sowing, when the bulb has grown to a certain size, will it be possible to admire the flowering of young eucomis.

    Blooms pineapple lily 1-1.5 months in June-August, and in some regions - until September.

    Planting and care

    Eukomis Bicolor can be grown in both room conditions, and in open ground. It should be taken into account that the flower is quite heat-loving and needs a long day of light. In open ground, the plant is not able to overwinter - at temperatures below +10°C, its vitality leaves it, and the pineapple lily may die.

    Eukomis feels great in room conditions at a temperature of +20+25°C. If you give the flower a place on the eastern, southeastern, southern or southwestern windowsill, it will delight you with a dense rosette of long shiny leaves and an unusually attractive inflorescence.

    Eucomis bulbs are planted in a large container or pot, and with the onset of warm weather they are transferred to the garden or flowerbed. A separate container is taken for each bulb, although some varieties are planted with several in one container.

    For planting exotic lilies use soil mixture from turf or leaf soil, sand, peat and humus in a ratio of 3:1:1:1. When planting, it is important to ensure good drainage from pebbles or broken red bricks, since excess or stagnation of moisture can provoke the development of rot and death of the bulb.

    The eucomis bulb is planted in March-April and is not buried in the ground - its top should be at the level of the soil in the pot.

    It is better to purchase planting material in specialized stores, where the range and quality of goods is much higher than that of private traders. Typically, eucomis bulbs are packaged in several pieces, creating a kind of mix - a mixture of varieties with different colors of inflorescences.

    Further care for the African beauty is simple:

    • In the period from planting to germination of the bulbs, water sparingly to prevent them from rotting. Always use warm, settled water for watering.
    • With the beginning of the growth of root rosettes, increase watering, avoiding drying out or waterlogging of the soil. During the active flowering stage, water frequently, and in hot weather, humidify the air around the flowers.
    • Feed every 2 weeks using a complex fertilizer for ornamental flowering plants with a minimum nitrogen concentration. During the season, carry out at least 3 feedings - during the growth of leaves, during the formation of buds and at the beginning of flowering.
    • After flowering ends, cut off the flower stalks and gradually reduce watering.

    At the end of autumn, when the leaves turn yellow, they stop watering the eucomis altogether and prepare for “wintering”.

    Storing bulbs in winter

    Depending on the capabilities and preferences of the grower, two storage options are acceptable planting material until spring:

    • Transfer the pot with the dormant eucomis to a dark room and store at a temperature of +8+15°C. Moisten the soil once a month, preventing the bulb from completely drying out. In February-March, partially refresh the soil around the pineapple lily, move the container to a warm, illuminated place, resume watering and wait for germination.
    • Dig the bulbs out of the ground, carefully separate the formed bulbs, cut off the dry roots, dry and store at a temperature of +10+15°C in a room with dry air. Use paper bags, canvas bags or perforated polyethylene as containers. When storing in a damp cellar, place the bulbs in peat, sand or sawdust, which will protect the planting material from rotting.

    The basement, cellar or vegetable compartment of the refrigerator with the appropriate temperature parameters are excellent for storage.

    Application in landscape design

    When growing eucomis in an apartment, the grower is limited in the choice of location. But if you have your own garden or country cottage area, there are many more possibilities - exotic flower will attract attention in any corner well lit by sunlight.

    The pineapple lily will look impressive as a solitaire plant, especially when planted on a green lawn or a small hill. They use it in front gardens and rocky gardens, combining it with a wide variety of crops: alyssum, lobelia, gerbera, heuchera, annual ground cover and coniferous plants.


    Planting material for propagation of eucomis is obtained in two ways. In the first case, when digging up mother bulbs, the formed children (daughter bulbs) are separated and planted in early spring in separate containers. This method guarantees the production of young plants that are completely identical to the mother plant - all varietal characteristics are preserved when propagated by children.

    Propagation by seeds is a longer and more unpredictable process. A pineapple lily grown from seeds can differ strikingly in both the color of the inflorescence and the foliage. Ripe seeds are sown in fertile soil immediately after collection, as they quickly lose their viability.

    Experienced gardeners use interesting way obtaining eucomis seeds. They do not wait for them to fully ripen, but cut the peduncle ahead of time and place it in a bottle of water. When the capsule fruit dries, the seeds are removed and sown to obtain seedlings. This trick allows you to save the strength of the mother bulb, which is necessary for laying a peduncle for next year.


    Eukomis Bicolor is a unique flower. He needs good lighting and warm weather. Otherwise, the plant is unpretentious and does not require special care: Regular watering and fertilizing are sufficient. For beginning flower growers, digging and storing bulbs in winter may cause some difficulties. However, subject to necessary conditions The planting material will be perfectly preserved and next summer will delight you with a gorgeous inflorescence of star buds.

    Eucomis is a genus of plants belonging to the Asparagus family. The name comes from the ancient Greek language and means “beautiful-haired”.

    Representatives of the genus are perennial herbs with bulbous roots, basal, xiphoid foliage. Has unusual beautiful flowers, collected in a raceme-like inflorescence covered with green bracts on top. The genus includes 14 species and many of them are cultivated.

    Varieties and types

    (punctata ) is the most famous cultivated species. Grows up to half a meter tall. Colors a large number of, collected in a large brush of greenish color. The foliage is lanceolate or linear, the bottom of the leaf blades is covered with dark dots.

    (purpureicaulis ) the main difference of this species is the spatulate shape of the foliage, as well as purple or purple with green bracts.

    (undulata ) has long, belt-like foliage up to half a meter high, the edges of the leaf blades are wavy, not covered with dark spots. The inflorescence contains up to 50 flowers with big amount green bracts.

    (autumnalis ) is a low species, reaching a maximum height of 30 cm. The flowers are white or cream, blooming later than its relatives. Can withstand light frosts, which other species are not capable of.

    (bicolor ) a highly decorative species. Drives out an arrow up to half a meter high, decorated with purple spots. The flowers are greenish, purple on the edges.

    (pole-evansii ) this type almost never grown by gardeners. A distinctive feature is the large light green flowers.

    (comosa ) is quite a popular species. The height of the flower stem reaches almost a meter in height, the inflorescence is up to 30 cm. The flowers are pink, purple or greenish.

    A plant with an unusual color - the flowers are pink or burgundy, and the foliage has a red tint.

    Eucomis care at home

    Caring for eucomis at home is generally simple, but still has some difficulties. This plant needs bright light; it needs shading only on hot days.

    Growing temperature in summer period ordinary room. After flowering there must be a period of rest with a decrease in temperature to +15°C.

    Culture needs high humidity, which can be achieved by placing the pot in a container with wet pebbles. But in general, over time, it gets used to lower humidity. Spraying is carried out only during seed germination, after which it is undesirable.

    Starting in spring, moderate watering is carried out. In the summer, they begin to water abundantly, so that the soil is always moist, but so that the water does not stand in the soil. With the end of flowering, watering begins to be gradually reduced. When the foliage turns yellow (around September), watering is stopped altogether.

    Pushkinia is also a representative of the Asparagus family; it is grown when planted and cared for in open ground without special troubles, but a minimum of rules should be followed. Recommendations for growing and care can be found in this article.

    Soil for eucomis

    The substrate for planting is made from 3 shares of turf soil, 1 share of coarse sand and 1 share of humus.

    The soil should be neutral or slightly acidic. Drainage and a pot with holes are required.

    Eucomis fertilizer

    From the beginning of the appearance of buds until the foliage dries, liquid complex mineral fertilizer is applied every 15 days in the dose indicated on the package.

    Flowering begins after the bush develops 7 leaves.

    Eucomis storage in winter

    With the arrival of autumn, the bulbs are dug up, dried, cleaned of dry roots and stored in dry sand in the refrigerator until spring.

    Eukomis planting and care in open ground

    It is possible to grow eucomis in open ground. In warm regions at the level of the Crimea, the bulbs are planted directly into the soil; in colder places, the bulbs are first grown in pots, and when the soil warms up well, they are transplanted into a flowerbed along with a lump of earth.

    Caring for eucomis in the garden is the same as when growing in pots - watering so that the soil is moist, but the water does not stagnate, and fertilizing once every two weeks.

    Reproduction of Eucomis

    Reproduction of eucomis is possible generatively and vegetatively - by children.

    Babies appear on the bulbs. When the dormant period begins, they are carefully separated and dried, and in the spring they are planted in the soil. It is most often used as the simplest method.

    Eukomis growing from seeds

    TO seed propagation in home gardening, they are generally not used, since it is suitable only for species forms (varietal characteristics are not preserved when propagated by seeds) and, moreover, flowering in this case occurs only after 3-5 years.

    The seeds are collected in early September, when the capsules are dry. They need to be sown immediately in pots with nutritious soil.

    Eukomis propagation by cuttings

    You can also try using cuttings. A leaf is separated from the base of the plant and divided into pieces 5 cm in length. The cuttings are vertically stuck into sand mixed with peat, two and a half centimeters deep.

    The material is covered with film and kept at a temperature of +20°C and diffused lighting. A couple of times a week you need to ventilate and lightly water the soil. After two to two and a half months, bulbs will appear at the bottom of the cuttings, which can be planted in separate containers.

    Diseases and pests

    The main problem that plagues gardeners growing eucomis is bulb rotting , which occurs when there is excess moisture in the soil or storage in damp conditions in winter. Nothing can be done with such material. As a preventative measure, the bulbs are sprayed with fungicides.

    It is rarely affected by pests. It's pretty delicate plant and it is better not to delay treatment, but to immediately resort to insecticides.

    No flowering or ugly deformed inflorescences may be caused by insufficiently low temperatures during the dormant period, as well as lack of lighting.

    In the family perennial plants The hyacinth family has an amazing representative - Eucomis. Or as it is also called pineapple lily. It reaches, depending on the classification, from 25 to 100 cm. The flowering period lasts throughout the summer season. The flowers come in snowy white, soft pink, purple and green. This herbaceous bulbous garden plant grows very quickly. A strong root system is formed from a shiny, massive, ovoid-shaped bulb. Multiple leaves of various shapes (belt-shaped, linear, glossy) form a rosette at the root.

    The peduncle can reach up to one meter. Externally, it is represented by an elastic arrow with a large number of small leaves. The flowers form a cylindrical raceme. The perianth consists of six lobes fused together. As a fruit, the plant forms a box of three sides. It is grown by flower growers both in containers and in the ground in an open area.

    Application in landscape design

    The culture is valued by gardeners for its long, beautiful flowering and the preservation of decorative qualities after it. For its exotic appearance A pineapple lily anywhere in the garden attracts attention. When planting eucomis in a container, it is subsequently used as a mobile design element, placed in different places.

    Works well as a single composition. A clear shape, structure and bright, long-lasting flowering will look original on a green lawn or a small hill near the house.

    Also used in . A representative of the flora can become a bright contrast, setting the tone for the entire composition. It will favorably emphasize the greatness of the stones. Beautiful glossy leaves can be safely combined with any crop.

    Undeservedly, Eucomis is rarely planted in flower beds.

    Combination with other plants

    Most often, the pineapple lily is placed in a group planting with annual ground-blooded garden plantings and gerbera. Such a voluminous, self-sufficient composition will fit into any landscape style and will retain its visual appeal until the coldest weather.

    In the flowerbed, pineapple lily is combined with plants such as:

    • lobelia;
    • alyssum.

    Plant propagation

    Cultivation occurs in two ways:


    Planting material is purchased in specialized stores or collected independently in September. Gardeners often use a little trick: they do not wait until the seeds ripen, so as not to weaken the mother plant. They cut the arrow themselves. It needs to be placed in a container filled with water, and wait until the box dries. Then you can extract the seeds. They are located in seed pods. They are sown for seedlings. Immediately after collection, they must be planted in a container with nutritious soil.

    In the spring, as soon as the danger of frost has passed, the seedlings can be planted in a permanent habitat. The plant will delight the gardener with its flowering only after 3 years. It may be completely different from the mother plant in color and foliage.

    In countries with warm climates, seeds can be planted immediately in open ground. Then the flowering will decorate the garden next year.

    Daughter bulbs

    During the active growth phase, new ones - “babies” - are formed near the adult plant. With the onset of dormancy, they are carefully separated and planted in prepared soil. Be sure to treat the baby in a disinfectant solution, then with warm water. Almost the entire daughter bulb is immersed in the hole, leaving only a small piece on the surface. After 7-10 days, the first sprout will appear and the garden planting will begin its rapid growth. The distance between them should be at least 40 cm.

    Watering is carried out with water at room temperature as needed. This method allows you to preserve all varietal characteristics. The separation site must be treated. For this purpose, crushed charcoal is used. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection with fungal diseases.

    Planting and care

    Site selection and soil preparation

    Eucomis is unpretentious and does not require much time to care for it. For planting, an open area with a sufficient number of sunlight, protected from gusty winds.

    Preference is given to light soil with a good drainage layer (fragments of stone, brick or gravel). You need to add river sand to it. The plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

    Watering and fertilizing

    Watering is carried out rarely, as needed. The representative of the flora tolerates drought much better than groundwater or melt water. The rule is broken only during active growth. In this case, regular and abundant watering is necessary. After it, the soil is loosened and mulched to reduce moisture evaporation. As soon as the leaves begin to turn yellow, watering must be stopped.

    Pineapple lilies need regular fertilization. To make flowering lush and abundant, use complex mineral nutrition every 14 days. Fertilizer dissolves in water. Under no circumstances should nitrogen substances be used.

    Diseases and pests of pineapple lily

    The main problem for Eucomis is onion rotting. This is the result improper watering or storage of planting material. Culture is also being attacked. aphids, mealybugs, spider mites and whiteflies. Pest control requires solutions of special products.

    Eucomis species diversity

    The genus includes more than 10 species. The most popular of them in garden design:

    • Wavy. Long, belt-shaped leaves are about 40 cm, the edges are wavy, and there are no characteristic black dots. There are from 40 to 50 flowers in a tight brush. The bracts are represented by numerous pale green tints and wavy shapes.
    • Redstem. The leaves have a lobed shape. Bracts of traditional colors: red-purple and purple. Green color The edging adds originality.
    • Crested. Most often found in gardens. It reaches a height of up to 85 cm, a brush up to 30 cm. The color of the flowers is purple, pale green and pink.

    Eukomis (Eukomis) - fast-growing bulbous herbaceous plant. The bulbs are large, ovoid, shiny, form a powerful root system. The leaves are collected in a basal rosette, numerous, belt-shaped, linear or lanceolate, glossy, often with brown spots at the bottom, wavy along the edge, reaching 60 cm in length. Peduncle - a thick elastic arrow with a bunch small leaves at the top, up to 100 cm long. The flowers are collected in a dense cylindrical long (up to 30 cm) raceme, multiple, wheel-shaped, white or light green with a brown or purple tint.

    Heat-loving, beautifully flowering plant. Retains its decorative effect after the flower brush withers. It can be grown both in open ground and in containers or as an indoor crop. Flowering period: June, July, some species bloom in August.

    Eukomis landing

    Before the first signs of growth appear, water carefully and the soil should be slightly moist. As soon as the bulb begins to actively grow, watering is increased. Continue to water regularly and abundantly. It is useful to take a plant in a pot out onto the balcony in the summer. When the plant fades, reduce watering. Stop watering completely when the leaves turn yellow and let the flower rest until spring. At this time, you can transplant the eucomis and separate the children. The flower is not watered until spring.

    Eucomis are planted in open ground in June to eliminate the possibility of frost. Deepen the bulb by 2.5-3.5 cm. For planting, choose a sunny place, without drafts. The soil is loose, rich in humus, well-drained. After the flower stalk appears, the plant is fertilized once every two weeks with complex mineral fertilizer.

    In the southern regions, the bulb can be left to overwinter in the soil, covered with dry leaves. The plant in the pot is transferred to a cool room. Since the development of the bulb consumes a lot nutrients from the soil, it becomes poor. In autumn or spring, be sure to transplant the bulb into fresh soil.

    1. Eucomis crested - blooms greenish-white, cream, purple or pink flowers. The flower arrow reaches a height of up to 1 m. The leaves are covered with purple specks.
    2. Eukomis bicolor (bicolor) is one of the most common species. It got its name for its original color: the flowers themselves are light green in color, and the edges of the petals, stamens and ovaries are burgundy, the leaves on the underside are covered with brownish spots. The peduncle grows up to 0.6 m in height.
    3. Eucomis punctata is a medium-sized species (0.3-0.6 m), the distinctive feature of which is the presence of brown-red specks on the peduncles and the back of the leaves.
    4. Eucomis wavy is a compact low plant (up to 0.45 m in height) with long leaves with wavy edges without a characteristic speckled pattern.
    5. autumnal eucomis is a low-growing perennial (0.2-0.3 m) with a large bulb (8-11 cm). Blooms with white or cream flowers. Blooms later than other species. Tolerates light frosts.

    Growing and caring for Eucomis

    Since this plant is heat-loving, it must be dug up for the winter. You can grow it in pots buried in the ground. Eucomis also grows in spacious containers with good drainage. If you have bright window, then bulbs stored in the refrigerator can be planted for germination in a container as early as March, and if in the north, wait until April.

    Main care consists of regular watering of the plant and fertilizing. Watering is stopped when the leaves of the flower turn yellow. The plant enters a dormant period that lasts until spring. It is recommended to store the onion at a temperature no higher than 11 degrees. This is usually the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. If stored indoors, you will not get beautiful flowering. The bulb can be placed in a paper bag.

    Feeding is carried out 2-3 times throughout the entire season. But it is important to know that Eucomis does not like fertilizers that contain nitrogen.

    Eukomis growing in a garden plot

    Eucomis bicolor (Eucomis bicolor)Eukomis had strong, belt-shaped leaves with a glossy tint, they looked almost straight up, only slightly deviating to the sides, even under pressure strong wind they stuck with it.

    I was impatiently waiting for it to bloom, and then at the end of June a thick arrow appeared from the middle of the plant, which quickly grew to almost half a meter.

    And along its entire length many buds began to bloom, and then flowers like white stars began to bloom from bottom to top. I had to explain to her that it was just a flower, but she did not stop and from time to time came to me and looked to see if the pineapple was ripe.

    Growing Eukomis in open ground

    Eucomis can be planted in open ground only when the soil has warmed up sufficiently and the threat of frost has disappeared, since many species cannot tolerate cold. Before planting, seedlings must be hardened off. To do this, you need to lower the temperature for 5-8 hours over the course of two to three weeks. Eucomis seedlings need to be planted at a sufficient distance from each other: 20-25 in a row and 40-50 between rows. For the southern regions, germination is not required; the bulbs are planted immediately in open ground.

    Reproduction of Eucomis

    During active growth, babies appear on the mother plant. They can be separated when the eucomis is dormant. The characteristics of the variety are preserved during such propagation. Another way to propagate a plant is through seeds. After collecting the seeds, they are sown in containers. The seedling will bloom only in the third year. In this case, it is possible to obtain a completely new plant, different from the mother plant in leaves and flower color.

    Difficulties in growing “Pineapple Flower” The main difficulty that you may encounter when growing eucomis is rotting of the bulb. To avoid this, you need to properly store the bulb during the dormant period. In spring and summer, follow the watering rules, avoiding stagnation of moisture.

    Diseases and pests of Eucomis

    The main problem of eucomis is rotting of the bulbs. To prevent rot, the bulbs must be properly stored during the dormant period. May be affected mealybugs, spider mite, aphids, whiteflies, etc. Pest control is carried out using appropriate insecticidal and acaricidal preparations.

    Watering Eucomis

    • In winter - no watering
    • In summer - abundantly

    Eucomis transplantation: annually in spring. Good drainage. Earth mixture: sand, humus and turf land (1:1:1).

    Latest articles about gardening

    Use of Eucomis in landscape design

    Exotic eucomis immediately attracts attention and can become a bright decoration of any flower garden. The ability to grow in containers allows you to use the pineapple lily as a mobile garden decoration, veranda, gazebo or balcony. Structural clear forms make the plant self-sufficient in single plantings.

    For joint plantings Coniferous perennials, gerberas, and groundcover annuals will be excellent partners. In rose gardens eukomis will become bright accent during flowering, and then decorate it with its glossy beautiful leaves. Peduncles are suitable for cutting and arranging designer bouquets.

    Eukomis - very exotic plant and is not found so often in flower beds. It is not difficult to grow, and the unusual “pineapple” inflorescences will become a decoration of the garden and the pride of the gardener.

    The content of the article:

    Eucomis, or as it is also called Eucomis, is part of the Hyacinth family, called Hyacinthaceae in Latin, or it was classified as Lileaceae - Liliaceae, but according to the new classification, the plant is included in the Asparagaceae family. The native growing areas are in the southern regions of the African continent, where there is a tropical or subtropical climate.

    This representative of the flora received its scientific name back in 1788 from the ancient Greek word “efkomis”, which meant “beautiful-haired” or “beautiful whirlwind”. This was how the structure of the inflorescences that the flower possessed was described. Among gardeners, the plant bears the colorful name “tufted lily” and “pineapple lily.”

    All eukomis are perennials with bulbous roots and a herbaceous growth habit. The bulbs are large in size, ovoid in outline and have a shiny surface. The height of the plant can be 70 cm.

    Numerous basal leaf plates grow from the bulbs, which have ribbon-like, belt-shaped or ovoid contours. The surface of the leaves is glossy and shiny. The color of the leaf varies from light to dark green, often with brown spots on the reverse side. The edge of the foliage can be either simple or wavy. Its maximum length is 60 cm.

    During flowering, a flower arrow forms with cylindrical shape, which is topped with an inflorescence in the form of a brush. The height of the arrow can reach almost a meter. The inflorescence is composed of densely arranged bracts, devoid of flowers. Its length is about 30 cm. This is exactly what distinguishes eucomis from daylilies - the presence of a small number of bracts that form at the top and have the outline of a bunch.

    The color of the bract leaves is green, cream, lilac, violet or another shade. Sometimes the coloring includes two colors. The perianth consists of three pairs of lobes, which are distinguished by a lighter color; they are fused at the base and tend to fall off after flowering. There are also 6 units of stamens; they are thread-like in shape and differ in their expansion at the base. The ovary of Eucomis is three-locular, rounded or obovate in shape. Swaying anthers are formed on the stamens. The flowering process occurs in June and July, but some varieties can also bloom in August.

    After flowering, fruits are formed, which look like a box with three ribs or blades. The three sutures between these lobes are where the opening occurs when the fetus is fully ripened. Inside are seeds with ovoid or rounded shapes. The color of the seeds varies from dark brown to black.

    The growth rate of the “tufted lily” is average. Eukomis is considered by flower growers to be a rather unpretentious plant and growing it is not associated with great difficulties, it is only important not to violate the rules of care and then you can admire the flowering for 4-5 years.

    Tips for growing eucomis: planting and care at home

    1. Lighting. It is recommended to place the pot with the plant on the windowsill of the eastern, western and southern windows, but the latter will require shading in the heat.
    2. Content temperature. When the “beautiful whirlwind” blooms, the heat indicators should be within 20–25 degrees, but during the dormant period the temperature is reduced to 15–17 degrees.
    3. Humidity when growing eucomis should be average or high - about 80%. When the bulb begins to sprout, spraying is recommended. In summer, a pot with a plant is placed on wet expanded clay, placed in a deep tray. In winter, spraying is not needed.
    4. Watering.“Pineapple lily” begins to be watered moderately in spring. In the summer, when the flowering process is in progress, moisture becomes abundant. The soil in the pot should always be moist. But it is important to remember that if the substrate is constantly flooded, this will cause the bulbs to rot. After the flowers wither, watering is reduced until the leaves die, and with the arrival of September, watering stops altogether. Warm water is used.
    5. Fertilizers. As soon as Eucomis begins to form buds and until the leaves completely dry out, it is recommended to apply liquid complex fertilizer once every 14 days.
    6. Replanting and tips for choosing soil. It is recommended to use a large container made of plastic when planting eucomis. Several bulbs are placed in it at once so that the future bush is more voluminous. With the arrival of spring, the “beautiful whirlwind” ends its dormant period (March-April) and sprouts of light clair form on the bulbs. Then the bulbs are planted so that their top is not lower than the soil level. A sufficient layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot. There should always be holes made in the bottom of the container to drain excess moisture. If the grower decides to prepare the substrate himself, then it is important that its acidity is within the pH range of 5.6–7.4. The soil mixture should include turf soil, river sand or perlite, wet peat or humus, in a ratio of 3:1:1, respectively. The second option is a mixture of garden soil and coarse sand in a ratio of 4:1.
    7. General rules of care. When flowering ends, it is recommended to cut off the peduncle, and begin to reduce watering until the plant begins to dry out. Eucomis has a dormant period that begins when the foliage of the bulb dries out in the fall and winter. Then it is necessary to remove the dry root shoots, remove the bulbs from the pot and store them in a container with sand on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator until spring, where the temperature is about +5 degrees. Or move the pot with the bulbs to a dark and cool place. The bulbs do not require moisture.

    Steps to propagate Eucomis

    To get a new “pineapple lily” plant, shoots are planted, seeds are sown, or cuttings are carried out.

    When the growing season passes, the formation of daughter bulbs - children - occurs on the bulb of the mother plant. These babies are separated when the Eucomis has a dormant period. In this case, you can be sure that all the characteristics of the variety will be preserved. Children should be planted in a pre-prepared pot with drainage and suitable soil. When caring, you will need to maintain room heat levels, normal or high humidity conditions, and the place where the pot with young plants is placed should be with bright but diffused lighting.

    Seed material is sown in pots or seedling boxes filled with peat-sand mixture. Then the crops are moistened with a spray bottle and a piece of glass is placed on top of the container. Place the crops in a place where there is diffused bright lighting and heat indicators within 20–25 degrees. Caring for eucomis crops consists of maintaining the substrate in a moderately moist state and daily ventilation. When sprouts appear, the shelter is removed, picking is carried out in separate containers, when a pair of leaves develop on the seedlings, caring for them is the same as for adult specimens. Flowering of such “pineapple lilies” is possible 3–5 years after sowing the seeds, but the characteristics of the species may be lost.

    When cuttings are taken, a leaf is separated from the mother plant at its very base. Then the leaf plate is cut into segments, the length of which will be 4–6 cm. It is important not to confuse the upper and lower parts; for this, they are first marked. The cuttings are planted vertically in pots filled with peat and sand soil. The depth to which they are immersed should be about 2.5 cm. Then the pot with the cuttings is covered plastic film and the container is placed on a windowsill with bright but diffuse lighting. The temperature at which germination occurs is maintained at about 20 degrees, and the seedlings are ventilated twice a week.

    When 8–10 weeks have passed, small bulbs will form along the lower edge of the leaf parts, which are planted individually in pots.

    Control of possible pests and diseases of eucomis

    Among the pests that, if the conditions of care are violated, affect the “tufted lily” are:
    • Spider mite, entangling parts of the plant with a thin whitish web, while the foliage takes on a yellow color and is deformed.
    • aphids, manifesting itself in the form of a cluster of small green bugs, while a sweet, sugary coating called honeydew forms on the plant. If measures are not taken, honeydew will contribute to the development of sooty fungus.
    • Whitefly, which is first clearly visible due to the whitish specks on the back of the leaf blades. Over time, a large number of whites will sit on the plant small midges and the leaves will become covered with honeydew.
    • Mealybug- insects that are detected due to cotton wool-like lumps that are distributed along the stems and leaves, and the appearance of a sugary coating is also possible.
    If at least one of the symptoms is detected, then the eucomys should be immediately treated with insecticidal and acaricidal preparations.

    When the substrate is constantly in a waterlogged state, the bulbs of the “beautiful whirlwind” rot. To avoid such a problem, it is recommended to establish a watering regime, and also during the dormant period, if the bulbs have been removed from the ground, it is important to preserve them correctly - this will prevent possible rotting. If, during flowering, inflorescences of an ugly shape are formed or the plant does not bloom at all, then this is evidence of insufficient dormancy, lack of cool content at this time and darkness, or insufficient level of lighting during the growing season.

    Facts for the curious about Eucomis, photo of the flower

    The name and description of Eucomis was given by a French botanist, who was also a judge, but studied the flora of the planet - Charles Louis Léritier de Brutel (1746–1800). This prominent scientist described many varieties of plants, but the botanist specialized in representatives of the fern and seed specimens of the green world. Since 1795, Brutel was a member of the French Academy of Sciences and after his death he left a magnificent herbarium containing about 8,000 varieties of plants, as well as a huge library on botany.

    Eucomis species

    1. Eucomis bicolor or Eucomis bicolor - one of the 4 most popular varieties in floriculture. Comes from the territories South Africa. The height of the plant approaches 60 cm. It has ovoid-shaped bulbs. The foliage is green with burgundy spots on the reverse side. When flowering, inflorescences are formed in the form of a cylinder, which are up to 30 cm in length. They are crowned with a long arrow of a green hue, the surface of which has a pattern of multiple streaks of purple color. They contain small flowers with a star-shaped outline, located very densely. The color of the bracts and flowers is light green, with a purple border. The color of the stamens and ovaries is also deep burgundy. Each inflorescence has a thick cap of leaves that can be compared to the top of a pineapple. The flowering process occurs in August. The fruits that ripen after flowering are also purple in color. Can be grown both in rooms and greenhouses, and in open ground. This species is transferred to flower beds with the onset of summer, but if heat indicators drop to 10 degrees, then it is recommended to dig up the plant and store the bulbs until spring in dry sawdust or river sand in a room where the temperature does not exceed 5–10 degrees. If the plant will be grown from seed material, then flowering can be expected in the 3rd year from planting. There is a cultivar "Alba", which was bred by Tubergen, with flowers of a whitish-green hue, while both the flower arrow and the leaves are devoid of burgundy shades - their color is monochromatic dark or light green.
    2. Eucomis punctate may occur under synonyms Eucomis comosa hort. or Ornithogalum punctatum Thunb. This variety appeared on European territory in 1778, where it was brought from the southern regions of the African continent. The height of the plant varies in the range of 30–60 cm. The flat leaf plates have grooves, their shape is lanceolate or lined. The edge of the leaf is simple or wavy. The length of the leaf can reach 60 cm with a width of about 6–7 cm. The color of the leaves is rich green, but on the reverse side there is brown spots or black specks. When flowering, a loose racemose inflorescence is formed on the arrow, which collects from 40 to one hundred flowers. The corolla of flowers is usually wide open; dark dots are visible on the back of the petals. The length of the peduncle varies within 1.2–3 cm. The bracts, collected in an apical tuft, are distinguished by their oblong outlines with a point at the apex. There are 12–20 units of them. The flowers are green in color, their width varies from two to 2.5 cm. There is a garden variety “Stricta”, the foliage of which on the back side is decorated with a pattern of longitudinal stripes of a reddish-brown hue. This cultivar was bred in 1790.
    3. Eucomis comosa. The height of the flower arrow of this variety varies in the range of 80–100 cm. The inflorescence can reach 30 cm. It is made up of flowers of a greenish-white, pinkish or purple hue. The leaf blades have purple dots on the back side. The plant was brought from southern Africa to Europe in 1778. The species is one of the 4 most popular in floriculture.
    4. Eucomis undulata is a small plant that can reach a height of 45 cm. The leaf basal plates do not exceed these figures in length. There is decorative waviness at the edge of the foliage. The characteristic speckled pattern on the leaves is absent. When flowering, the inflorescence-brush can contain up to fifty flowers. The flowers are arranged very densely. The number of bracts reaches 30 units, they are also wavy, which gives the variety its specific name, they are colored green.
    5. Eucomis autumnalis. This perennial herbaceous species can reach a height of 0.2–0.3 meters. The bulb is 8–10 cm in size. Flowers of a whitish or cream color are collected in a racemose inflorescence. This plant has a later flowering period and has the ability to tolerate light frosts without harm.
    6. Eucomis purpureicaulis. The foliage has a spatulate shape. The bracts differ in color, which gives the species name - the predominant purple or purple-red color with a green edging on the edge.
    7. Eucomis pole-evansii. This variety is a rather rare “guest” in gardening. The inflorescence consists of large flowers with light green petals.
    8. Eucomis zambesiaca It is distinguished by racemose inflorescences with high density. The flowers are whitish-green.
    For more information on growing eucomis in a pot, watch the video below:

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