Fried fish in batter. Cooking batter for fish on water, sour cream, milk, beer

reservoirs 21.10.2019

Delicious and fragrant fried fish in batter can be a great addition to both everyday food and festive table. It is not difficult to prepare, but the taste of this dish can be completely different depending on the type of batter you choose. Everybody knows basic recipe- flour, eggs and milk (water) - do you know that batter can be made with cheese, mayonnaise or onions; instead of water, take wine, beer or vodka; and also cook it, excluding the main products - eggs or flour? In this article we will tell you what batter is and where it came from; how not to make a mistake in choosing fish, and we will also offer our favorite recipes.

Where did the batter come from and why is it needed

Fish, along with other batter-fried foods (such as meat or even vegetables), remains juicy, does not fall apart, and does not dry out. Appetizing crust formed during frying golden color very attractive in appearance, besides, thanks to it, the fish retains most substances useful for our body. All this has made battered dishes very popular all over the world.
Now it is no longer possible to know exactly when and how they began to use batter. It is known that it was popular in Japan and Portugal as early as the 16th century. There is also a French legend that the batter - like many other discoveries - appeared by chance, when a cook's assistant dropped a fish fillet into the dough, and as a punishment for sluggishness he had to fry and eat it. Of course, it turned out to be so tasty that over time it became a signature dish of that institution.
So, batter is, in fact, a batter consisting of an egg and wheat flour. There are also recipes with the addition of yeast, seasonings and other ingredients (for example, potatoes, onions, sweet peppers), which makes the dish unusual and very tender. There are salty, fresh and sweet batters.

How to choose fish for batter?

For frying in batter, any fish is suitable - river and sea. The main thing is its freshness, the minimum number of bones, and it is best to choose sirloins of non-fatty varieties. However, there are exceptions. Small fish capelin, for example, can be fried whole in batter.
From freshwater fish, you can fry sturgeon and trout, pike perch, catfish in batter, carp will also be good.
Among marine life, the choice will be wider - salmon, flounder, pollock, pangasius, mackerel and many others. Also, other seafood, such as squid or shrimp, will be good for frying with this method.

What you need to know to successfully cook battered fish

Any hostess wants her food to be tasty, healthy and look attractive. In order for your fried fish to be just like that, it is important to properly prepare the batter. Not only its consistency matters, but also the additives you choose. Depending on them, the fish batter comes out thick or thin, it turns out tender or crispy.

Prepare the dough semi-liquid, without lumps. Then it will evenly cover the pieces of fish and will not crack when frying.

Liquid products - milk, white wine, mineral water and even vodka - always add to pre-beaten eggs.
Then flour is poured - most often wheat, but you can use rye, buckwheat, rice, corn or oatmeal.
Add spices such as basil, thyme or coriander to create the most intense flavor.
Also, grated cheese, mushrooms, onions or greens will add a piquant taste to fish in batter.
Let the batter rest in the refrigerator for about half an hour before you start cooking.

Fish in batter - the most popular recipes

Classic (basic) recipe

Two eggs
Three tablespoons of flour
Vegetable oil
Beat eggs thoroughly, adding flour in small portions. When the dough becomes homogeneous, without lumps, salt, you can also add pepper and other spices. Place the container with the prepared batter in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour. Before cooking, blot the fish with napkins, removing excess moisture. Preheat the pan well before cooking and add a little vegetable oil to its bottom.

Cheese batter

Pair of eggs
Two tablespoons of flour
One hundred and fifty grams of hard cheese
Salt, pepper and spices - to taste
Vegetable oil
Roll the fillet pieces in a mixture of pepper and salt. Finely crumble the cheese and add the egg to it, mixing the mixture thoroughly, do not forget to add spices. Sprinkle fillet with flour and dip in batter. Cook in skillet until crispy.

Mayonnaise batter, dietary

One chicken egg
One large spoonful of mayonnaise
Vegetable oil. Spices, pepper and salt - to taste
Mix all ingredients gently until smooth. Cook in vegetable oil until thin and crispy.

Lenten batter

One glass of wheat flour
One hundred milliliters of water
Half a teaspoon of soda

Grind the greens, mix with soda, flour, pepper and salt - add a little water and beat. It turns out the dough of medium density. Add spices such as nutmeg. Fry with minimal oil.

Batter on white wine

Dry white wine - two hundred and fifty milliliters
Walnuts - one hundred grams
Breadcrumbs - one hundred grams
Lemon juice
Dill, parsley, pepper and salt - to taste. Vegetable oil.
Place fish fillets in a mixture of lemon juice and wine. Grind greens with walnuts, adding breadcrumbs and spices - this is your breading. Rub the marinated fish pieces with the pepper and salt mixture. Roll in breadcrumbs and fry.

beer batter

Two hundred milliliters of beer
Three hundred and fifty grams of flour
Pair of eggs
Pepper and salt - to taste. Vegetable oil.
Gently beat the eggs, gradually adding beer and spices. Pour the flour in portions, mix gently until a homogeneous consistency is reached. Rub the fish with salt and pepper, dip in batter and fry until crispy.

Recipe for batter with vodka

Egg - 1 pc.
Eighty grams of flour
twenty grams of vodka
Spices, salt, pepper. Water, vegetable oil
Beat the egg with salt, gradually adding a little vodka and spices. Gently mix, pour the flour in small portions. If the dough is too thick, dilute cold water. Fry with a little vegetable oil.

Alternative ways

Fish batter in the oven

Take a couple of potatoes, which, after peeling, need to be finely grated. Make a mixture of beaten egg and flour. AT this case, the dough should be thicker than usual.
This recipe is ideal for red fish - trout, sturgeon or salmon. Dry small pieces of fillet with napkins before dipping in batter. After that, spread on a baking sheet, which must first be heated. Bake no more than half an hour in the oven. Garnish the finished dish with a mixture of chopped herbs, lemon slices, or choose products of your choice.

On the grill "in Sakhalin style"

The dish is prepared from pink salmon. We will need a marinade of lemon juice, vinegar, finely chopped parsley with dill and spices. Put the fish fillet cut into pieces, marinate for about twenty minutes.
While pink salmon marinates, take care of the dough. Take milk from the refrigerator, salt, pour into a mixture of egg yolks, flour and vegetable oil. Mix everything well, then add the egg whites, after beating them.
Put the pink salmon on the grate, place it over the smoldering coals. Cooked dish can be decorated green onions and sprinkle lemon juice.

All components of the dough must be mixed very carefully.
Separate the whites from the yolks. Add whipped egg whites just before frying, then the batter is tender.
Also, for this, wherever there is water in the recipe, you can use mineral water with gas.
Prepare the batter ahead of time so that it has time to cool properly.
To prevent the dough from spreading in a pan, fry the fish in batter in very hot oil.
If you love a crispy crust, don't cover your pan with a lid.

Video lessons

Fried fish, adored by almost everyone, can be cooked in different ways, but how to make batter for fish so that the dish turns out delicious, juicy and crispy? There are many ways to prepare it.

The word is of French origin, translated as fluid, liquid. In other words, this product, also called tempura, is a thin dough, in which we cook fish, we get juicy dish covered with a delicious fried crust.

Batters have several tastes: sweet, salty and fresh. The salty type of this dough is especially suitable for fish. There are also several recipes for cooking fried fish, and the most popular of them are traditional frying in a pan on both sides and in in large numbers fat, that is, "deep-fried".

When frying the product in the second way, make the consistency thicker so that the crust envelops the fillet on all sides, and you can also use thin, flowing dough for cooking in a pan.

Fish in batter - cooking principles

  • Use low-fat and low-boned varieties such as walleye, pink salmon, telapia, pollock, etc. Much less tasty in batter is red fish;
  • For cooking, you need to use highly chilled products;
  • Before frying the fish fillet, it is necessary to heat up the frying pan, literally heat it to white, otherwise the desired crispy crust may not work out;
  • The dough should have a moderately liquid texture, evenly cover the product on all sides, not drain or crumble from it. best test- this is a spoon immersed in the dough, ideal if it is not visible through the dough, and the tempura itself is evenly distributed over it;
  • The finished mixture is stored in the refrigerator for up to one hour;
  • The principle of preparation is as follows: a liquid is gradually poured into the flour, which can be used as: water, mineral water, milk, beer, and some varieties of white wines;
  • As spices, crushed can be added to the dough mixture. walnuts, salt, black pepper, turmeric, fennel;
  • You can also use additives such as cheese, mushrooms, onions, parsley, dill, fresh mild peppers. All this is better to add to a more viscous dough;
  • Before frying, it is necessary to blot the fish with a napkin in order to get rid of excess moisture; Fish fillet (milk is also suitable) must be cut into small portioned pieces;
  • Moreover, in order to determine approximately required amount eggs that you add to tempura based on one kilogram of fillet, you need to calculate the number of resulting fish pieces. If there are about 4 of them, then take 2 eggs, and if you cut your fish into 10-12 parts, then you will need 3-4, or even 5 eggs;

In addition, when cooking in this way, seafood is excellent - squid, shrimp, crab meat.

How to make batter for fish - video

There are many recipes explaining how to cook batter at home. Despite the variety of options, this product is easy to prepare, and the most common way is the following.

Batter for fish - a simple recipe

A mixture of 3 tablespoons flour, 2 eggs, salt and, if necessary, a small amount of liquid, as well as spices. Pour the beaten eggs into the flour, mix thoroughly and wrap the fish in the resulting mass. Delicious just like when I was a kid!

There is another simple but very delicious recipe: We take 200 grams of sour cream or mayonnaise, 2 eggs, One or two medium onions (to taste), 4 tablespoons of wheat flour. We mix eggs, sour cream and spices (if you add, then onions) into a homogeneous mass, give our mass volume in a blender or with an ordinary whisk, and then gradually add flour in small portions. When hot, such a dish goes with a bang with a variety of side dishes, whether it be mashed potatoes, rice or vegetables, and when cold, it can serve as an excellent snack for beer.

Batter on beer

In order to cook tempura, we need: 200 ml of beer; 1/3 teaspoon salt; 200 grams of flour; 3 eggs. It is necessary to mix the yolks, flour and beer. Then gradually add the whipped proteins to the mass, adding salt. Such a crust will give the fish an interesting and piquant flavor.

Batter with mayonnaise

Another popular recipe is based on mayonnaise. Cooking it is extremely simple: stir 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, salt and soda on the tip of a knife in 2 tablespoons of flour, and also drip a few drops of lemon juice. This dish is served with french fries, it is also recommended to sprinkle the finished product with lemon juice.

Recipe for batter with cheese

For a delicious crispy crust, you can try the recipe with the addition of hard cheese, which is also great for cooking fish. For such a batter, we need: 150 grams of grated hard cheese; 3 chicken eggs; 2 tablespoons of flour. Mix the ingredients, dip the pieces, deep-fry - and you get a great dish, juicy fillet under a crispy, and slightly viscous, cheese crust inside.

There is also a recipe for a similar mixture based on cheese, but without flour, for this you need 60 grams of cheese and 1 egg, mix everything and season with spices.

Onion batter for fish

If you are going to deep-fry fillets, then one of the most good options- this is a liquid dough with the addition of crushed onion used, among other things, for deboning low-fat, low-boned fish. To do this, place in a blender and prepare a homogeneous mass of batter from the following ingredients: 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 3 tablespoons of flour, 1 medium onion, salt, pepper, dried dill to taste.

Such a batter turns out to be quite spicy, which will appeal to lovers. savory recipes. Or you can just grate the onion or chop it very finely, and add it to the tempura dough, it will also be very tasty and piquant.

Batter for fish with potatoes

The same composition of products can also be used for the version with potatoes, replacing 1 onion with 2 medium potatoes, chopped on a fine grater. Just do not mix the tempura with the potato mass, but, having dipped the fish, roll it in the resulting potato crumb, then fry it in a pan with vegetable oil, and crispy on the outside, but juicy and tender inside, amazingly tasty food is ready!

Kefir batter for fish

Another recipe that gives incredibly soft and delicate taste fish fillet - this is tempura on kefir. The acid contained in the product softens and impregnates the fish, giving it a unique taste.

So, the cooking method: Take: 100 grams of kefir, 2 eggs, 1-1.5 cups of flour, salt and spices to taste. If desired, also add dried dill. First you need to beat the eggs with the addition of spices, then pour kefir into the resulting mixture, once again give splendor to the mass with a whisk, and only then add flour in small portions to avoid the formation of lumps.

Before frying, be sure to cool the batter in the refrigerator for half an hour (and better than an hour), for a perfect crust and soft, juicy contents.

Batter for fish without eggs

If you are allergic to eggs, or just at home in this moment they are over, and you want a delicious fish, then tempura recipes will come to your aid without adding this, it would seem, the main product that binds batter dough.

This recipe is also extremely simple: you need to mix 1 cup of wheat flour (for gourmets - you can take pea flour) with 100 grams of water, add salt, pepper to taste, and if you like, then chopped greens. In a well-whipped mass, dip the pieces of fish fillet, fry in a preheated pan with a minimum amount of oil.

There are several subtleties for cooking fish in batter without eggs. Firstly, you need to put a decent amount of various spices into the dough, this will give the dish the necessary piquancy. Secondly, in this case, the pulp must be fried in a large amount of oil to give it a crispy crust and a stunning golden color.

In terms of taste, such a product is absolutely not inferior to its counterparts containing eggs in its composition, moreover, such a fish turns out to be even more crispy and juicy inside. And gourmets who appreciate unusual taste sensations are advised to mix in a pinch or two of chopped nutmeg.

Mineral water batter

And here is one of the recipes for a lush batter mixture. For cooking, take 0.5 cups of milk and mineral water, 4 eggs, one and a half cups of flour, salt and pepper as desired.

Pour a mixture of mineral water and milk into the yolks pounded with spices, beat with a whisk or a mixer, then add the proteins and gradually add the flour. You will get a thick, fluffy dough for deep-frying. And if you roll the fillet soaked in the dough in sesame seeds, you will get an incredible feeling dish, as these products in combination give just the perfect taste!

Batter for fish with herbs

And lovers of piquant fresh taste will be pleased with the version of batter with herbs, the secret of which is also not particularly difficult. We take: 100 grams of greens, 2 tablespoons of flour, 4-5 eggs, spices to taste. We mix everything, dip the fish fillet, fry in a hot pan with the addition of oil - and the dish with a delicate spicy taste is ready!

Batter for fish with wine

Extraordinary and original taste the fish will be given tempura with wine made from white grapes. Take 50 grams of white wine, mix with 1 egg, Add 2 tablespoons of flour, salt and pepper, and it is better to take red, grind everything thoroughly until a lush homogeneous mass is obtained in a blender. And a truly restaurant-level dish will delight you and your family!

Fish batter based on vodka

Here is another recipe for "alcoholic" dough for frying fish fillets - on vodka. However, you should not be afraid that after eating this dish you will not be able to drive, because after all, during hot processing, everything alcohol-containing the ingredients will evaporate, but the fish fillet will become especially tender. To implement this original recipe we need: 50 grams of vodka, one egg yolk, 100 grams of flour, if necessary - water, and spices - to taste.

First, beat the yolk with vodka and spices, then pour in ice water(do not forget about the desired temperature of the ingredients!), mix everything again, then start adding flour in small portions. In a well-whipped mixture, dip small pieces of fish fillet, deep-fry.

Adherents of Asian and Oriental cuisine will be pleased with the bright orange color of tempura for seafood, for which you need to prepare batter dough like this: Take 200 grams of flour, 2-3 eggs, 150 grams of milk, saffron on the tip of a knife, salt, spices to taste. The resulting amount of liquid dough is enough to feed a large friendly family with delicious fish “like from a Chinese restaurant”, or even guests who have looked into the light.

As we can see, there are many tips on how to prepare fish for batter frying. Select the desired recipe, and suitable variety product, consider all the subtleties when preparing a juicy fillet and sculpt.

How to prepare fish for deep frying

One of the important processes is the preparation of the fish itself. Of course, fresh or chilled is ideal for such a dish. But, since fresh-frozen is more common with us, then you need to cook it early so that it has time to defrost, take it out of the freezer and leave it on the table in a deep bowl, or dip it in cold water. So the process will go faster.

Never defrost fish in the microwave.

Thawed fillet should be washed and dried. If you have a fish with whole carcasses, then you will first have to cut it, remove the bones, fins, and entrails. Cut into pieces. As I wrote above, the fish should be cold, better not completely thawed, so it's easier to cut it.

Fish fried in batter - my video

Eating fish, like fruits or vegetables, is an indispensable condition for any healthy diet. Its use should not be an unpleasant necessity, but should bring pleasure from the good taste of the dish.

However, there are people who do not really like its taste and smell.

In order to correct this situation, you can sprinkle the fillet with lemon juice, immerse it briefly in the marinade, or cook a delicious batter with an egg, mayonnaise or beer.

With the use of a few culinary tricks, very interesting effects can be achieved by giving a new taste to a piece of cod or flounder fillet.

For those who love fried fish, there will be interesting option try to cook it in a crispy dough. How to make batter dough and satisfy our taste needs so that it turns out crispy and tasty? This is not difficult to achieve, it is only necessary to fulfill a few simple conditions.

We fry correctly

Probably every hostess faced with kitchen utensils of inadequate quality, cooking in which turned into torment. A frying pan plays a very important role in the preparation of tasty and healthy dishes with an appetizing appearance. Fillet ice cream, in fact, often behaves strangely when fried.

Pieces falling apart, splattering fat and pieces stuck to the bottom of the pan - after such an unpleasant experience, you don’t want to start frying again, and many novice housewives are afraid to cook this delicious and healthy dish. It turns out, however, that there are several ways to get delicious treat in crispy batter.

It is very important to follow a number of instructions regarding frying.

  • It is better to cook a dish from fresh fish, but if you have to buy frozen, then the frozen fillet must be thawed a little, but not completely, otherwise it will fall apart in the pan;
  • When the top of the fillet becomes soft, you can sprinkle it with salt and squeeze the water out of the pulp. Then just sprinkle the pieces with black or white pepper, dip in the dough and fry in well-heated fat;
  • If you don't want the fillet to stick to the bottom of the pan, you should use a fairly large amount of fat;
  • In addition, if you want a piece to be crispy, remember that you can turn it over only when the crust is well fried;
  • It is necessary to fry this product without a lid, despite the fact that fat will splash around;
  • The frying pan is essential. It must not be scratched or dented. It is good to fry the fillet in a ceramic or Teflon pan. It does not require fat and, thanks to its non-stick coating allows you to save the batter on a piece, and not at the bottom of the pan;
  • The oil should be very well heated, after laying the pieces, you can reduce the heat under the pan;
  • Before frying, the pieces should be dried with a napkin so that the fat does not splash;
  • To give the fish a delicate taste, you can soak it in milk before breading.

By doing these simple conditions, you can cook fish in a delicate batter, very tasty, juicy and ruddy, with a crispy crust.

What is the best fish to fry?

If you buy a frozen fillet, then you should pay attention to the fact that it is not "glazed". but just frozen. Glazing of products is carried out in the form of an additional layer of ice with chemical additives, such as lactic acid or sodium chloride. Glazing is designed to extend shelf life. However, in this case, we pay for water instead of the product, and it may turn out that the product is already salty.

Recipe for dough for fish in batter and cooking rules

  • 1 kg fillet (cod; flounder and other species);
  • 1 lemon or citric acid;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 100 g breadcrumbs;
  • 50-70 g of wheat flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 0.5 liters of milk.

Easy fry recipe:

  1. Rinse the fillet, cut into pieces of any size;
  2. Put them in milk and soak for 20 minutes;
  3. Remove fillets from milk, drizzle with lemon juice or citric acid and leave in a cool place for 15 minutes, then salt;
  4. The batter recipe for frying fish: break eggs with a fork, add milk and stir, add flour to make a thick mixture;
  5. Dip the pieces in the resulting mixture and put in a hot pan. To make the crust crispy, it is necessary to fry in a large amount of hot vegetable oil;
  6. Fry the fillets on both sides until golden brown over low heat or in the oven (about 10-15 minutes);
  7. We put the prepared portions on a dish, you can decorate with herbs.

Delicious batter options

  • Fried fish in beer batter. it great idea for daily lunch. Just before frying, dip the fillet in batter. Batter for fish on beer consists of a glass of flour, half a glass of beer and 1 egg. You should also add salt, pepper and some baking powder. After dipping the pieces into the prepared dough, immediately put them in a pan with heated fat;
  • Fillet in pancake batter. Another way to cook fish is to fry it in pancake dough. All you have to do is prepare the pancake batter and fry the properly seasoned fillet with it;
  • A simple batter recipe with mayonnaise for fish. To prepare this option, add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise to a mixture of eggs and flour, thicken the mixture with flour to the desired consistency;
  • Recipe for cooking fish in cheese batter. This dish is very easy to make and may become a favorite for cheese lovers. The batter is prepared in such a way that grated Parmesan cheese with a raw egg creates a fairly strong dough structure. When the mixture is ready, just dip the pieces in it and fry in hot oil.

Fish is a source of essential omega-3 fatty acids for our health. You can cook it in different options, but more often we love it just fried. It's not the healthiest way, but how can you not taste delicious and ruddy fried pieces? Unfortunately, frying fish requires a little more skill than frying meat.

It will not be enough just to defrost the fillet and place it in a hot pan. But, knowing the culinary subtleties, you can easily prepare this delicious dish.

Batter - (from French clair - liquid) Kulin. A semi-liquid mixture of flour with water and eggs, in which pieces of fish, poultry, meat, mushrooms, etc. are dipped before frying (from the dictionary of S. A. Kuznetsov)

It even sounds delicious, and it looks so appetizing! And the whole process from the selection and purchase of fish to the meal, which is decorated with a dish of fish in batter, does not cost much effort at all. Fish dishes, and there are many of them, are very popular all over the world, because, in addition to protein value and excellent taste, fish, especially sea fish, contain vitamins, phosphorus, fatty acids - omega-3, for example. Fish meat contains a lot useful to man trace elements: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and others.

Fish dishes are useful for everyone, except for those people who are allergic to certain types of fish. Thanks to the easily digestible protein contained in fish meat and its rich mineral and vitamin range, just fish dishes can be considered food and medicine. When we eat fish, our heart and vessels “smile”.

Among the many fish dishes invented by culinary experts all over the world, battered fish takes pride of place both in terms of popularity and ease of preparation, although it is better to repeat the basic rules. There are a lot of batter recipes, but the main rule is the same: prepared portioned pieces of fish of any kind are dipped in batter and deep-fried. The main advantage of this type of roasting is that if your health does not allow you to eat fried, then by removing the appetizing crisp, you will get high quality without losing its basic properties.

Utensils for cooking fish in batter

Work faster and better when everything is at hand. You will need a deep and thick-walled pan of the usual standard, a fork with sharp teeth for piercing pieces of fish when dipped in batter, tongs or a skimmer to remove finished pieces of batter-fried fish and a large dish lined with paper towel for excess deep-frying.

What ingredients are needed for battered fish?

Any type of fish is suitable for frying in batter, but it is preferable to use fish fillet. If there is fish, then it is easy to fillet it at home, cutting the carcass of the fish according to the rules known to all. Please note that prepared pieces of fish must be blotted with a paper towel.

1. Recipe for fish in batter in milk

Any fish prepared for frying is suitable. pieces of fish dried with a paper towel should be salted and peppered with black ground pepper. Dipping alternately in batter, put them in boiling deep fat in a deep frying pan and fry until golden brown at both sides.


  • fresh fish fillet - 500 grams;
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste.

for batter:

  • flour - 200 grams;
  • fresh milk - 1 glass;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking fish in batter in milk like this:

  1. Prepare fish pieces according to the general rule for working with batter: the fish is cut, washed and dried with a paper towel.
  2. Prepare batter: beat raw eggs, mixing the sifted flour so that there are no lumps; pour the required amount of milk at room temperature into a uniform mass with constant stirring. By consistency, your batter should be close to kefir.
  3. Heat a dry, clean, thick-walled frying pan over a fire, pour in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil, bring it to a boil, and only then lay out the pieces of fish dipped in batter.
  4. Fry the fish in batter over medium or slightly more heat on both sides for no more than 5 minutes so that the crust is beautifully browned.
  5. Gently pick up the finished pieces of fish in batter with a special spatula and put them on a dish with a bottom lined with a paper towel so that excess deep-frying is absorbed and the crusts remain pleasantly crispy. Everything else is a matter of your taste and imagination.

2. How to cook hake fillet in batter

This dish is prepared according to the general rule of working fish in batter. Rinse the hake fillet, cut into portions, dry with a paper towel. Features in the preparation of the batter itself, where cheese is introduced, which gives a peculiar creamy-cheese taste and softness to a dryish hake.


  • hake fillet - 500 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 100 milliliters;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

For batter:

  • hard cheese - 150 grams;
  • fresh chicken egg - 3 pieces;
  • sifted flour - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking hake fillet in batter like this:

  1. Cut the prepared fish fillet into portions, dry with a paper towel, salt and pepper.
  2. For batter: mix grated hard cheese with beaten raw eggs and spices, gradually adding flour to avoid lumps.
  3. Pour the required amount of vegetable oil into a dry, clean and heated frying pan and put pieces of hake alternately dipped in batter into boiling deep fat. Fry until done on both sides.
  4. Carefully remove the prepared pieces of hake in batter from the deep-fryer with a culinary spatula, put them on a dish with a paper towel, and after a while transfer them to portioned plates with garnish and greens according to preference.

3. Recipe for fish in batter with sour cream

By general rules cooking fish in batter prepare portioned pieces of available fish, dip in the appropriate batter and fry in a frying pan in boiling deep fat on both sides until golden brown. The originality of the taste according to this recipe for fish in batter is in its pre-marination with lemon juice and spices.


  • fish fillet - 500 grams;
  • fresh lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil - 100 milliliters;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

For batter:

  • flour - 5 tablespoons;
  • fresh chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • fresh sour cream - 100 grams;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking fish in batter with sour cream:

  1. Prepare, according to the general rules for working with fish in batter, fillet pieces medium size, dried with paper towels, pepper, salt and drizzle fresh juice lemon.
  2. For batter: beat fresh eggs with flour and sour cream, adding spices. Set aside the batter for 10 minutes.
  3. Fry the battered pieces of fish in a deep thick-walled frying pan on a boiling deep-fryer over medium heat, on both sides until cooked.
  4. First, dry the finished pieces of fish in batter from excess deep-frying on a paper towel and then put them on the main dish so that the pieces look attractive and retain a crispy crust.

4. Recipe for pike perch in beer batter

Although pike perch is good in any kind of cooking, but fried in batter makes it a gourmet dish. Cut the pike-perch fillet into small pieces, salt, roll the pieces previously dried with a paper towel in flour, dip in batter and fry in a pan with boiling deep fat until golden crispy.


  • pike perch fillet - 1 kilogram;
  • flour - 50 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 150 milliliters;
  • salt to taste.

For batter:

  • fresh chicken egg - 3 pieces;
  • flour - 200 grams;
  • beer - 200 milliliters;
  • vegetable oil - 50 milliliters;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking pike perch in beer batter like this:

  1. Pike perch fillet, dried with a paper towel, cut into medium-sized pieces, pepper and salt to taste.
  2. For batter, use raw eggs with separated whites and yolks: beat the whites into a strong foam, and mix the yolks with beer, flour, salt and knead the dough, into which add the whites whipped into the foam. Gently mix the resulting mass from top to bottom.
  3. Prepare deep fat boiling in a frying pan and fry the pieces of pike perch, first rolled in flour, then dipped in batter, until golden brown on both sides. You need to turn over several times.
  4. Gently place ready-made portions of pike perch in batter on a paper towel so that excess batter drains and a crisp is preserved.

  1. The skillet for frying fish in batter should be clean, dry and well heated before pouring vegetable oil into it for deep-frying. Otherwise, the batter will spread and marketable condition fish will be lost. Such an undesirable result can also be caused by too thin batter dough - it is better to add a little flour.
  2. When the pan is open, while frying the fish in batter, the crust will turn out crispy, and when closed, it will be soft and juicy.
  3. When laying out fillet pieces in batter, they should not be squeezed so that they do not stick together at the edges, not only due to damage appearance dishes, but this can still lead to a decrease in temperature and the dough will become soggy.
  4. Ready-made fish in batter can be served with sour cream sauce or with a complex side dish, with the participation of decoratively chopped vegetables, lemon wedges and herbs.

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