Berlin's Soviet bombings in 1941. Berlin's bombardment

Reservoirs 23.09.2019

In early August 1941, Hitler first reported Gketa as a guilty boy. The Aviation Reichsminist was to objected to nothing, His assurance that no bomb would fall into the capital of Reich, were no more than Bravada. Soviet pilots forced the Berliners to feel the horror of night bombing, showing that retribution is inevitable.

Berlin's blows were applied by the aircraft pilots of the Baltic Fleet. It is curious that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe bombing of the capital of Germany was born, as they say, and below, and on top. In the twenties of July, it was first expressed by Admiral N.G. Kuznetsov Commander Aviation Navy Lieutenant General S.F. Larks. On July 26, Kuznetsov with a proposal for Berlin's bombardments was from Stalin. The next day, it was decided to entrust the deposition of a long-range aviation of Baltflut, since only its airfield on the island of Saaremaa could reach the capital of Germany.
On July 30, Zhavoronkov flew to the Baltic in the 1st Mino-torpedo airlock, which was commanded by Colonel E.N. Preobrazhensky. It was this shelf that the retaliation of retaliation on Berlin was decided to entrust. To the surprise of Zhavoronkova, after his words about the responsible task of the bet, the command of the regiment immediately submitted a map of the alleged route, calculations and a list of 36 crews pre-selected for this operation.

It turned out that the idea of \u200b\u200bapplying strikes on Berlin was born and at the command of the regiment, who already prepared everything required calculations. Such pilot initiative significantly accelerated preparations for the operation. On August 4, a group of aircraft regiments flew to Saaremaa Island and began to prepare raids on Berlin.
It is worth noting that the island by this time was almost in the rear fascist troopsIn addition, his kagul airfield was intended for the basing of fighters and had a 1300-meter earthy runway, which was clearly not enough for heavy bombers dB-3F. But it was not about to choose from what, so the bet was made to the crews skill. And the skill from the pilots and in fact was required considerable, they had to take off with a short earthband, having on an external suspension almost on a ton of bombs. Any mistake threatened the death of the aircraft and the crew.

Already in the evening, on August 6, the crews of the first group of bombers received a combat challenge. Whether the group was commissioned the regiment commander. It is now difficult for us to imagine what enthusias were experienced by those who were instructed by the deposit of the first strike, who met a combat order with his hurray shouts, which clearly contradicted the Charter. The pilots swore at any cost task to perform. And they kept their oath.
The route was complicated and at the limit of aircraft opportunities. To fly was to be over the sea, then with a turn to the south over Germany to Shttitin, and from him already on Berlin. The length of the route in one direction was about 900 kilometers. It is impossible. Only 15-20 extra flights, and the aircraft do not have enough fuel to return to your airfield. DB-3F aircraft (in 1942 they were renamed to IL-4) lifting lifting (up to tons), but low-weeks, so they decided to fly out at 21 o'clock to return to the sunrise in the area 4 o'clock in the morning.

The day was held in strengthened training, and on the evening of August 7, thirteen-loaded Fab-100 bombs and aircraft leaflets took a course on Berlin. The flight passed more than successfully. German Air Defense clearly did not expect such arrogance from soviet pilots, so I did not pay attention to them, taking for your aircraft. True, not all were able to fly to Berlin. Five aircraft came to the capital of the Reich, the rest were forced to bombed on Shatttin, who served seaport Berlin, where they also did not expect.
Berlin appeared in front of our pilots in the sea of \u200b\u200blights, there were visible on the streets of cars and trams, compositions at stations, airplanes at the airfields. The capital of Reich was confident in his impunity, and in vain. Bombs fell on the city center. The first fires broke out for Berlin, the air defense was sighs, the city was plunged into darkness, the rays of spotlights rushed into the sky, the shells of anti-aircraft gun began to explode. But it was too late, the bombers went to the reverse course.

Success was impressive, the planes not only hit Berlin and Shttottin, causing fires and panic, but everyone returned to their airfield. The leadership of Germany could not believe that the Russians were bombed by the capital, even the leaflets did not convince. German radio stations reported that at night there was an attempt to break through Berlin 150 English aircraft, which, naturally, successfully contlected. Only a few aircraft were able to break through to the capital, six of them were shot down, they called fires.
The Soviet Informbureno was announcing that our aviation successfully bombed Berlin, which was met in the country, such messages were needed as air. On the same day, an order of the People's Commissar of Defense No. 0265 was released, which was edited by Stalin: "On the night of August 7 to 8, 1941, a group of aircraft of the Baltic Fleet made an intelligence flight to Germany and bombed the city of Berlin. 5 aircraft dropped bombs over the center of Berlin, and the rest on the outskirts of the city. I declare gratitude to the personnel of aircraft participating in flight, and go out with a petition to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the award of distinguished. ... "

New raids followed, they became much harder, because now our planes in Germany were waiting. The last flight was performed on September 4. In total, Baltflot pilots made 86 departures, 33 aircraft bombed Berlin, dropping 21 tons of bombs on him, 37 aircraft could not go to the capital of Germany and strikes on other cities, 16 aircraft for various reasons were forced to interrupt flight and return to the airfield. During the implementation of raids, the regiment lost 18 aircraft and 7 crews, and two aircraft and one crew were killed at the airfield when they tried to take off with 1000 kilogram and two 500-kilogram bombs on external suspension. No more similar experiments were carried out and took off with 100 and 250 kilogram bombs. The German cities were reset and 34 agitabbes with leaflets.

Naturally, the pilot feat was noted. Already on August 13, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was published about the first four pilots of Colonel E.N. Preobrazhensky, Captainam V.A. Grechishnikov, M.N. Plotkin, A.Ya. Efremov and the navigator of the flagship crew Captain P.I. Khokhlov titles Hero Soviet Union. Lenin orders were awarded 13 people, a red banquet and a red star - 55 people. In September, 5 people became heroes, many received orders and medals. At that time, no regiment received as many awards for a month, and deserved.
E.N. Preobrazhensky photography of 1942.

After the end of the raids on Berlin, the regiment continued to fight successfully, in 1942 he became Guards, in 1944 awarded the Order The Red Banner, in 1945 he received the honorary name "Klaipeda". The regiment was rightfully considered "Heroys" - 32 Hero of the Soviet Union, of which 22 received this honorary title in their regiment, and 10 (2 twice), when they were fought in other parts, mainly translated to the increase.

For some reason, it became usual to believe that at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War The Red Army suffered extremely alone defeats. This flawed, rotten stereotype turns into a denu, if you recall Berlin bombardment in August-September 1941. Even Hitler, looking at the flaming capital, could not believe his eyes. Indeed, in the summer of 1941, Germany had chuckled from delight to the victorious act of his soldiers in Russian land.

In July 1941, the Fiber Fascist Air Force, German Gering, reported Hitler that the military aviation of the Russians was completely destroyed. Only after this victorious argument was decided to start Moscow's aviation bombardments.
In the meantime, the idea of \u200b\u200bchoke Admiral Kuznetsov caught fire in the head of Admiral Kuznetsov so that the dream and the reality of each of them filled with a nightmare so that the slices were not lying into the throat, so that the Germans were thinking: "And who are these Russians, and what are they capable of?" Well, soon the officers of the Wehrmacht will really write in their diaries: "Russians are not people. They are made of iron. "
So, on July 26, 1941, the offer of Kuznetsov about the bombardment of Berlin comes to Joseph Stalin. Madness? Of course! From the front line to the capital Reich - a thousand kilometers. Nevertheless, Stalin is quite smiling and the next day orders the 1st Minno-torpedo aircraft shelf of the 8th airbag in the Baltic Fleet Air Force to produce a bomb strike on Berlin.
On July 30, General Zhavorkov arrives in the specified airport and hardly time to talk about the order of the bet, as the commander of Evgeny Preobrazhensky commander discovers it by posting the ready-made calculations on the table, the list of crews and the map of the alleged route. Strocious! In those hellish days, pilots, anticipating the order, thought a single mind with Admiral Kuznetsov.

It remains only to proceed to the task. But it is easy to say ... all the conditions were against flight. First, a huge distance. A minute error in the route threatened to reflect on the fuel reserve in the fatal way. Secondly, the rise was possible only from the territory of the Baltic, from the kagul airfield, that on the island of Saarema, where there was a short excavation strip, quite suitable for fighters, but not for heavy bombers. And, thirdly, to fly at an altitude of 7 thousand meters with a temperature overboard minus 45-50 degrees Celsius. Kindle cold for eight-hour flight. Calculations showed that TB-7 with diesel engines M-40F with a bomb load of 4000 kg (of which 2000 kg on an external suspension) could fly to Berlin and return back. To perform flights, 12 TB-7 and 28 EP-2 were selected, which were fleamed on August 10 on the airfield. Here, after a more thorough selection, 10 TB-7 and 16 EP-2 were left. In the evening of the same day, airplanes climbed into the air with a course on Berlin.

"... they are made of iron." Exactly. August 7 at 21 hours 00 min. With an interval of 15 minutes, DB-3F aircraft rose into the air. Three links of five bomber in each. The first link was headed by the commander of the shelf Preobrazhensky. In the sky, the aircraft lined up "Rhombus" and took the direction to Germany.
First, the route suggested flight over the sea by the island of Rugen (Slavic Ruyan or Buin, Pushkin). Then he followed the turn to the southern city of Port Shattin, and after the direct move to Berlin was opened.
Eight o'clock in the oxygen mask and during the cold, from which the windows of cabins and glasses of headsets were frozen. Behind the whole day of enhanced training. Total: superhuman loads, not previously tested by anyone.
Above the territory of Germany, the Group detects themselves ... The Germans are associated with her radio communications and offer to sit in the near airport. They believe that it is flying by the brave knights of Luftwaffe. They do not even come to mind that it may be an enemy. Therefore, without receiving an answer, they calm down. Do not respond, they say, and let. Will be on their conscience.
Ten aircraft are forced to reset bombs on Shattin, on its port objects. Fuel on the outcome, no risk permanently. However, the five remaining dB-3F fly to Berlin.

Below are moving trams and cars. Station and military airfields are covered. The windows in the houses are burning. No freeness! Germans are convinced of their invulnerability.
Five aircraft reset 250-kilogram bombs Fab-100 on military industrial facilities located in the heart of the city. Berlin is immersed in the pitch darkness, bursting with floods of fires. On the streets begins panic. But late. Radist Vasily Krotenko already passes: "My place is Berlin! The task was executed. We return to the database. "
Only after 35 minutes, the Germans understand that they were bombed from the air. The beams of spotlights rush into the sky, the anti-aircraft guns are opening. However, the fire leads at random. Shells explode wasted at an altitude of 4500-5000 meters. Well, it can not be that the bombers flew above! This is not gods!
The sun rose over the mutilated Berlin, and the Germans did not understand who bombed them. Newspapers came out with ridiculous headlines: "British aviation bombarded Berlin. There are killed and wounded. 6 English aircraft shot down. Having confused, like children, the fascists decided to lie in accordance with the covenants of Goebbels: "The naked lie, the more believe it". However, the British were confused, hased to declare that there was no spirit about Germany.

Then the singers of Blitzkrig and recognized that the Soviet Assa was made. Shame Loe on the head of the Ministry of Propaganda, and the heart of the Hermann nation has suffered a heart. What else to expect from Russian "Neochoralov"?
And there was something to wait. Soviet aviation Continued departures. Up until September 4, there were 86 of them. With 33 aircraft on Berlin, 36 tons of fugasal and incendiary bombs were collapsed. This is not to consider shells styled by campaign leaflets, and 37 aircraft bombed by other cities in Germany.
Hitler crashed like a wounded beast. On September 5, he sent the unpretentious forces of the North Group, so that those units were separated by the kagula airfield. However, Berlin has already ceased to light up the lights at night, and in every German, an animal fear of the darkness of the Native Aryan sky has fallen.
The first group under the command of Colonel Preobrazhensky returned everything, with the exception of the aircraft, which was not enough fuel. He managed Lieutenant Dashkovsky. On August 13, 1941, five pilots, bombed Berlin, received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and 2 thousand rubles. The remaining pilots were also awarded and boned. On August 19, 1941, another order of the People's Commissar of the Commissar "On the Procedure forwarding the Air Force for Good Combat Work" was signed.
It said: "To establish a monetary award to fighter pilots for each opponent plane in air combat in the amount of 1000 rubles. In the long-term bombing and serious bombarding aviation for each successful bombardment of the face from the crew receive a monetary award in the amount of 500 rubles each. Under the actions of the political Center. (the capital) of the enemy for each bombardment every face crew receives a monetary award in the amount of 2000 rubles. "
After that, the Preobrazhensky group bombed the capital of Reich is another 9 times. The last was September 5th. When I had to leave Tallinn, the flights from the islands were impossible. In just ten raids on Berlin, 311 bombs were reset and 32 fire registered. "

From the memories of the navigator of the aircraft G. P. Molchanova about flight:
"Take up! I celebrate time - 20h.30m. We go with a gradual set of a given height of up to 6500 m. Airplanes were to go along the route: Rugen Island - Merge of the Varta River with the Oder River and then direct on Berlin. Soon the report "Pushkar" of the tower installation was followed: "On the right on board, two fighters two fighters are recreated at our plane" I-16. Did our fighters not recognized their fighters? The commander gives an order: when attacking, open a retaliatory fire. We have too important task. Fighters shot down from far distance and left. The rest of our ships took place Tallinn's traverse without a meeting with fighters.
On the territory of Germany calmly, exactly in peacetime, the rivers, lakes are excellent, settlements and unemployed cities. We bring the ship to the BC. To the goal of a few minutes. Under us the lair of fascism! I make bombing! As heartbeat, the pulses of separating Fab-500 are counted. The ship in the right turn, the explosions of our bombs are visible. Berlin woke up. Works a huge number of powerful anti-aircraft spotlights. Barrifying fire for both MZA, but to our happiness breaking below the echelons of our bombers. It can be seen that the air defense of the enemy did not solve our height and the whole fire focused about 4500-5000 meters of height.
In turn, as well as about. Rügen, refused the 4th engine. The plane began to shake. Without changing the echelon, we go on three engines. Reduce. In the right turn, the bay shore is visible, but what is it? From the sea / apparently from the submarine / and from the shore, the tracks of the anti-aircraft fire are visible, we immediately leave with a set of height.
"Died" two more engines. How the plane fell - neither I, no one of the crew could see, because By the time of the refusal of two more engines, the height was less than 100 m. At rags, some miracle Sasha Kurban managed to plant a plane on the belly. The crew was unharmed, not counting individual bruises and bruises. All twelve, who could, smoked from the plane, grouping near the ship commander. With a sin in half, they got to the nearest village, from where they gave the regiment to the regiment teleogram: "The task was performed, when returning as a result of the failure of 3 engines suffered an accident. The crew is unharmed, waiting for instructions. "

Unfortunately, it was not without sacrifice and emergency landings, the reason for which there were attacks of their fighters I-16 (the mission was secret and they did not identify the silhouettes of their bombers) and damage from the fire of the anti-aircraft batteries of the fascists and their own. Below are some details:
At the take-off of the EP-2 of the youthful Schessi Chassis on the drain on the edge of the airfield.
At TB-7 Major Egorova immediately after the separation from the Earth, two right diesel engines M-40F, and the plane crashed a catastrophe. After that, Zhigarev P. F. stopped the departure of the rest of the aircraft. As a result, 7 TB-7 and 3 EP-2 were gone to Berlin.
The aircraft M. V. Wateropyanova, at a set of height, was attacked by fighters I-16, but reached the target and bombed in Berlin. After that, he fell under the anti-aircraft fire of the Germans and was damaged, was forced to land at the territory of Estonia occupied by the Germans in the Jõhvi area. The second pilot in the crew was born in Siberia Estonian E. K. Pusap, so with local population Only he communicated, and the rest of the crew in contact with local residents did not enter. Two days later, the crew went to his.
On the aircraft Lieutenant V. D. The left external engine caught fire on the German territory. The crew managed to eliminate the fire, but the plane continued the flight with loss of height. Not flying to Berlin 370 km, the crew dropped the bombs and lean to the return course. After the refusal of another M-40F, the plane made a forced landing at the airfield in Obukhov.
At TB-7 Captain A. N. Tigunin already on the way back, one of the engines refused. In addition, over the coast of Baltic, the plane fired their zenithors. When landing, the car crashed.
Lieutenant B. A. Kubashko on the way back was shot down by the fighter I-16. The crew saved on parachutes.
EP-2 Captain A. G. Stepanova disappeared.
On TB-7 Major Ugryumova M. M. Several times at large altitudes were denied engines. The crew was bombed in Berlin, he spent all the fuel and fulfilled the forced landing in Torzhok.
TB-7 senior lieutenant Panfilova A. I. Over the territory of Germany, he fell under the fire of anti-aircraft and received significant damage. The crew dropped the bombs, but on the way back the aircraft refused two M-40F. With a forced landing on the territory of Finland, five people died, and the rest were captured by the Finns when trying to go through the front line.
TB-7 Major Kurban A. A., bombing around Berlin, was damaged from anti-aircraft fire and crashed during a forced landing in the Ropshi area.
Of the 10 cars who went to Berlin went on purpose and bombed only six. Only two cars returned to Pushkin. After that, the departure of the Division was removed from the position of the division commander, and the Colonel of Golovanov A. E. was appointed in his place. After the removal of the Combridge, M. V. Wateropyanov, did not go from the division, continuing to the service with a simple crew commander TB-7 first in 432- M Far bomber aviation shelf, then after renaming it - in the 746th Aviation Regiment of Far Action

From the memories of N.G. Kuznetsova: "Others followed the first raid. But the conditions have become heavier. Now the enemy met our airplanes with fierce fire, barely crossed the coast, and around Berlin operated a complex system Anti-air defense. Every time I had to develop a special tactic. I saw a big height. Above 7 thousand meters, our bombers were no longer so terrible night fighters with special powerful headlights, the fire of anti-aircraft was not terrible.
The Hitler's rate demanded from his command "to eliminate naval and military air bases on Dago's Islands and Ezel, and first of all - airfields from which raids on Berlin are produced." We had to strengthen the protection of airfields. There were almost all the islands and modest fighter forces.

In total, there were 13 people, a red banner and a red star - 55 people in August-September on the results of the audacious and skillful attacks on the fascist lair in August-September, the Red Banner and the Red Star - 55 people were awarded to Lenin orders. In September, 5 people became the heroes of the Soviet Union, many received orders and medals.

Colonel P.N. Preobrazhensky with the crew of his ship

In response to the beginning of the massive air raids of the German-fascist aircraft to Moscow, the bid of the Supreme Command decided to begin the bombardment of the capital of fascist Germany - Berlin. The initiators of this idea were the People's Commissioner of the USSR USSR Admiral N.G. Kuznetsov and Lieutenant General Aviation S.F. Larks. The rate agreed with their opinion, and as a result of the detailed study of the question, the choice fell on the 1st Minno-torpedo aircraft regiment (MTAP) of the 8th airbranch of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet Air Force (CBF) under the command of Colonel E.N. Preobrazhensky.

Preparation of a bombard to combat departure

He personally headed a special group collected from all five aviation squadrines of the first regiment, which in early August 1941 was relocated for one of the four most big Islands Moison archipelago - about. Saaremu (Ezel, Moison Archipelago).

From the kagul airfield (about. Ezel), which by that time was located in the rear of the enemy, the tactic radius of distant bombers DB-3F ensured the possibility of strikes from the air through Berlin. But the capital of fascist Germany could be achieved not only taking into account the limit radius of the aircraft of the 1st MTAP, but also, subject to the flight and mainly at night and mainly above the water surface.

After the first trial reconnaissance flight from the island on the route of the group of five dB-3F under the command of Captain A.Ya. Efremova was made the final decision on the bombing of the capital of the Third Reich.

On the evening of August 7, one after another, thirteen maximally loaded winged cars took off. The flagship went E.N. Preobrazhensky, second group V.A. Buckwheels, the third headed A.Ya. Efremov. The route was at an altitude of 7 km, the temperature behind the board was negative, the cabbage glasses and glasses of headquarters of flight crews were frozen, periodically used emergency oxygen appliances.

In historical departure over Berlin, five regiments were visited, the rest of the crews were bombed in Shttttin. On the surprises of the actions of the sea aviators, the fact that the next morning, German radio stations reported on the ether about an attempt of 150 UK aircraft to break through Berlin.

Crew Bombarder DB-3

The British responded like this: "The German report on Berlin's bombing mysteriously, since on the night of August 7 on August 8, English aviation from his airfields did not rise due to adverse meteors."

After the first fly on Berlin, an order of the People's Commissar of the USSR Defense (I.V. Stalin) dated August 8, 1941 No. 0265: "On the night of 7 on August 8, a group of Baltic Fleet aircraft produced a reconnaissance flight to Germany and bombed the city of Berlin. 5 aircraft dropped bombs over the center of Berlin, and the rest on the outskirts of the city. "

The reaction of the German command to the first bombardment of the Soviet sea aviation of Berlin was as follows: "Appendix to the Directive of OKV No. 34 dated August 12, 1941, signed by the head of the headquarters of the Supreme Commander of the German Armed Forces by Feldmarshal Kamete, the headquarters of the North Army Group ordered:" As soon as the situation will allow , follows joint efforts of compounds ground Forces, aviation and navy eliminate enemy naval bases on Dago's Islands and Ezel. It is especially important to destroy the enemy airfields from which air raids on Berlin are carried out. Coordination of preparatory events He is entrusted by the command of the land forces. "

In the future, maritime pilots continued the air bombings of the capital of the Third Reich. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 13, 1941, the most distinguished pilots: Colonel E.N. Preobrazhensky, Captains V.A. Grechishnikov, A.Ya. Efremov, M.N. Plotkin and navigator flagship crew Captain P.I. Khokhlov were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Many representatives of the flight-technical composition of the 1st Minno-torpedo airlock were awarded high state awards.

With all the Baltic pilots on the capital of Germany, eight raids were committed, the last of which took place on the night of September 4, 1941. The aviation group completed 86 aircraft, with 33 aircraft (which was 38%) reached the target and bombed Berlin. The rest of the aircraft different reasons Bombing strikes for spare targets - Shttttin, Kolberg, Memoncell, Windam, Danziga, Libava. As a result of raids in Berlin, 32 firewood was registered. For the period of bombing strikes on Berlin, our losses of the air group Colonel E.N. Preobrazhensky amounted to 18 aircraft and 7 crews.

The first airfolding airfolding airfolding airfare on Berlin on the night from 10 to 11 August 1941

In addition to aviation CBF, the capital of fascist Germany bombed the 81st Aviation Division of Far Action (ADDD). It was formed in accordance with the orders of the People's Commissar of the USSR Defense No. 0052 of July 15, 1941 (the basis - the decision State Committee Defense of the USSR dated July 14, 1941).

Her commander was one of the first heroes of the Soviet Union Kombrig M.V. Dwarops. Division included in its composition: management, 432nd and 433rd aviation shelves.

The composition of each shelf was envisaged to have 5 Squadrils of heavy bombers TB-7 (PE-8) as part of three ships each, one squadron of fighter fighters of the type of type Yak-1 or Lagg-3 consisting of 10 aircraft and the airfield battalion.

The formation of the management of the 81st Aviation Division and the 432th air regiment was drawn by the personnel and the material part of the newly formed 412th heavy-burglar aviation regiment (TBAP) on TB-7. The commander of the regiment is appointed one of the most experienced pilots of long aviation Colonel V.I. Lebedev.

The 81st Division, possessing a special status in the air force, directly subordinate to the Commander of the Red Army Air Force, Lieutenant General of Aviation P.F. Zhigarev. The questions of its combat use were within the competence of the Supreme Commander I.V. Stalin. At his disposal, as a response for massive luftwaffe raids to Moscow, distant aviation (followed by the 1st Minut-torpedo aircraft regiment of the 8th Air Force Aviation Burgger) was to subjected to the bombardment of military facilities of the capital of the Third Reich.

In the first decade of August 1941, the Command of the Air Force reported at the rate of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief (SVGK) on the full preparedness of the division to battle work on Berlin. According to the personal indication I.V. Stalin On the night of August 8, August 9, a special order of the State Defense Committee (GKO) was prepared: "T-Shchu Wateropyanov. Obliges the 81st Aviadvizia headed by the commander of the division t. Wateropyanov from 9.VIII at 10.VIII or one of next days, depending on weather conditions, raid on Berlin. With the left beyond the fugasar bombs, it is necessary to reset the incendiary bombs of small and large caliber on Berlin. If the motors begin to take on the way to Berlin, have as a spare target for the bombing of Königsberg. I. Stalin 8.8.41. "

Based on this document, the Commander of the Red Army Air Force P.F. Zhigarev issued an appropriate order. At the same time, the headquarters of the Air Force, together with the 5th Office of the Main Directorate of the Air Force (Aviation of Far Action), the combat operations of the 81st ADDD were developed to ensure the span and the return of bombers through the front line.

Punch along the capital of fascist Germany, following the CBC Air Force, the crews of the 432nd (on TB-7) and the 433rd (on EP-2) of the 81st AircTavisia were supplied.

To perform a combat problem, 12 TB-7 and 28 EP-2 were initially involved. On August 10, the aircraft flew to the Military Airfield "Pushkin" Pushkin (28 km south of Leningrad). After another technical audit of the state of the vehicles, the number of selected bombers decreased to 10 TB-7 (the choice fell only on diesel vehicles) and 16 EP-2, who were the basis of the 1st and 2nd squadrons of the 432th distance-bombing regiment (order of the Commander of the Air Force No. 0010 dated August 9, 1941). Approximately 8 "Eros" were included in the "Operational Group" of the same airlock under the command of the Deputy Commander Regiment Captain A.G. Stepanova.

The overall management of the organization of the first flight of long-term aviation (DBA) to Berlin was entrusted to the commander of the Air Force of the Red Army General Lieutenant General of Aviation P.F. Zhigarev, direct command of the airgroup of bombers - on Kombrig M.V. Dwaropian.

At 18.00 August 10, squadron crews were collected for setting the problem (Pushkin airfield). General P.F. Zhigarev read out the appeal of the Supreme Commander to the personnel of the division, at the same time he was given the order to have the maximum ammunition and complete fuel tank fuel tank on each aircraft. The base of the ammunition was Fugasny (Fab-100, -250, -500, -1000), incendiary (RB-50) and Rotary-scattering (Rrab-3) Avia bombs.

Extremely limited time, and the strictest secrecy of the planned event, eliminated the possibility of timely content to the leadership of the northern air defense zone and the air defense of the Red Baltflut of information about the upcoming flight of our aircraft. This circumstance was played over the participants of the plaque on Berlin, a sorry joke. The overwhelming majority of personnel of the units of anti-aircraft artillery and crews of fighter aviation were not familiar with the silhouettes of TB-7 and EP-2, which allowed them to take them for enemy bombers.

TB-7 in flight

As a result, only 10 bombers (7 TB-7 and 3 EP-2) took place on Berlin, 7 heavy aircraft were accustomed to the target. The results of the combat work of the carriages of the range bombing aircraft are reflected in the table.

With TB-7 raft, 20 Fab-250, 3 Fab-500 and 3 RB-3, EP-2 - about 20 Fab-100 were reset to the Berlin area.

Bombarding objects of Berlin

On August 12, an optimistic note called "Fallet of Soviet aircraft to the Berlin District" with the relevant text appeared on the pages of the Red Star newspaper: "On the night of August 10, there was a new plaque of Soviet aircraft on military facilities in the Berlin area. The incendiary and fundamental bombs of great strength are reset. Berlin flashed great fires and serious explosions were observed. All our planes returned to their bases, with the exception of one aircraft, which is wanted. " The information presented by the Soviet community was far from the truth, but propaganda under the conditions of war worked according to their laws of the genre. The true state of affairs was under the vulture "Top Secret."

The results of the first airway on Berlin from the Fallen bombing aircraft were reflected in the special order of the USSR Defense Commissar No. 0071 dated August 17, 1941 "On the results and disadvantages in the organization of the 81st Airciff Favisi to the Berlin District". Generally, air bombarding Military objects of the capital nazi Germany Was recognized successful. For personal participation in the pendulum of the defense, the gratitude of Kombrig M.V. announced Wateropyanov, aircraft commanders: A.A. Kurban, M.M. Ugryumov, A.I. Panfilov, V.D. Prominent (bidny), B.A. Kubashko and the entire personnel of crews.

Separate participants (pilots and bortmets) of the first aeronautical aerial route to Berlin were honored by government awards. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 20, 1941 were awarded: the Order of the Red Banner - Lieutenant Colonel A.A. Kurban; Majors G.M. Molchanov, M.M. Sulphum; Captain E.K. PUSEP, A.G. Stepanov; Senior Lieutenants A.P. Burine, M.I. Antipos; Lieutenants V.M. Malinin, B.A. Kubashko, A.I. Panfilov; OH. Kovalev; Order of the Red Star - Captains Zh.S. Sagdiev, G.N. Fedorovsky; Voinchnik 1st Rank A.G. Gainutdinov.

At the same time, personnel solutions followed. His posts lost: Combrig M.V. Dwarops (lack of sufficient team skills and experience in the organizational work necessary in the Communications Communion) and the head of the headquarters of the 81st Aircondvisia Colonel I.N. Lyshenko (can't cope with official duties). Colonel A.E. was appointed new comda Golovanov (former commander of the 212th airmall), headquarters headquarters - Lieutenant Colonel N.I. Ilyin.

In the process of preparing and fulfilling the flight, a number of significant deficiencies were identified, which demanded the adoption of immediate measures. The registers of the air trafficiality were replenished with heavy TB-7 bombers with AM-35 and AM-35A engines, EP-2 aircraft with AM-37 motors and DB-3 aircraft with additional tanks for organizing flights to the deep rear of the enemy.

Subsequent raids on the capital of the Third Reich were more carefully planned and agreed in advance with the leadership of the northern air defense zone and the CBF.

Despite the complexity in organizing the first laid, the range bombardment aviation until September 5, 1941 produced 10 raids on Berlin and other cities in Germany: Königsberg, Shttatin, Danzig and Svirhendend, dropping 21.5 tons of bombs on them.

Gerasimov V.L. Berlin's air strikes by Marine Aviants Baltika // Berlin Bombardments and other cities in Germany by Soviet Aviation in 1941 / Materials round Table. November 15, 2011 M., 2012. P. 7.

Aleksin V.I. We bombed the capital of the Third Reich in 41st // Independent Military Review, 1998. No. 32.

Gerasimov V.L. Soviet sea pilots were the first to extinguish Berlin's lights // Military Historical Journal, 2001. No. 8. P. 26.

Vinogradov Yu.A. Under the wings - Berlin. M.: Terra - Book Club, 2005. P. 180 - 181.

Gerasimov V.L. Berlin's air strikes by Marine Avias Baltic. P. 11.

The combat activities of the Navy in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941-1945: Ch. 2. The Military Air Force of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet in the Great Patriotic War. M.: Milivdat, 1963. P. 120.

Kozhevnikov M.N. Command and Headquarters of the Air Force Soviet army In the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 M.: Publisher "Science", 1978. P. 57.

Russian State Military Archive (RGVA). F. 4. OP 11. D. 62. L. 226 - 227.

Order of the NGO USSR No. 0052 dated July 15, 1941 "On the formation of the 81st Aviation Division of Far Action" (p. 3).

October, 1970. № 5. P. 173 - 174.

A table from the Book of Medvede A., Khazanov D. Far Bombarder EP-2. "The plane of unbearable hopes." M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2012 with some copyright refills.

RGVA. F. 4. OP. 11. D. 62. L. 303 - 304.

Berlin bombing

In July 1941, the Fiber Fascist Air Force, German Gering, reported Hitler that the military aviation of the Russians was completely destroyed. Only after this victorious argument was decided to start Moscow's aviation bombardments.

Two years before the British

On July 22, the first fascist aircraft broke through to the capital of our Motherland. And on the night of August 7 to August 8, 1941, Berlin was already shaking explosions of powerful air bombs. In the next morning, German radio stations reported on the ether about an attempt of 150 English aircraft to break through to Berlin, and German newspapers informed: "British aviation bombarded Berlin. There are killed and wounded. 6 English aircraft shot down. The British answered this: "The German report on Berlin's bombing is interesting and mysterious, since on August 7-8, English aviation from its airfields did not rise in addition to unfavorable meteo conditions." Only then, German intelligence reported: Soviet bombers broke through Berlin.

Hitler at first did not believe. He believed that only the British, which have contemporary aircraft, stationed in reach of Berlin. However, the joint Anglo-American air raid on the capital of the Reich will only be carried out on August 17, 1943!

How did our pilots manage to cross all Europe and successfully bother in Berlin two years before?

For a long time there was a legend that it was Stalin in response to the German bombing of Moscow ordered anything to apply air strikes on Berlin. But the documents testify about other. The fact is that our aircraft at that time could "reach" to the fascist capital only from the Baltic Islands of Ezel and Dago.

Thoughts of the drug addict Navy

In the archive of the Navy, the encryption of the then addict NSC NMF is preserved. Kuznetsova: "Ezel and Dago to defend under all conditions of the situation. June 29, 1941. Kuznetsov. "

So, after a week after the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Admiral Kuznetsov had the idea of \u200b\u200bBerlin's bombing idea.

From the memories of N.G. Kuznetsova: "In early August, the question arose: whether it is impossible to answer the raids of fascist aviation by our raid on Berlin? Calculating the opportunity, made sure that the limit of physical forces and material resources Our planes could fly to Berlin and return to one of the airfields of the Moison Archipelago. Operation risky and responsible. It was reported to Stalin, and he, having considered all the calculations, allowed to carry out this operation. "

On the evening of August 7, 1941, 13 seriously loaded "DB-3F" (with forced engines) flew from the kagul airfield on the island of Ezel and took the course to Berlin. Commanded by the air operation Colonel Evgeny Nikolaevich Preobrazhensky, he also headed the flagship group. The second group was V. Captain V.A., the third - Captain Efremov A.Ya., the navigator of the flagship crew flew by one of the specialists of the CBF Captain Khokhlov P.I.

1 - Bombarder DB-3F (IL-4), 2 - Colonel Preobrazhensky E.N., 3 - Captain Efremov A.Ya, 4 - People's Commissar VMF N.G. Kuznetsov

On the approaches to Berlin, the Germans counted our aircraft for their own way. The fire was not discovered, offered to sit on one of the nearest airfields. Hyphenotized by Goebbels propaganda on the defeat of Soviet aviation, duty of observation posts came to themselves only when Soviet bombs began to ride on the streets of Berlin.

There was a real confusion. Taking advantage of this, our planes, freed from the deadly cargo, went on the return course. In that historical flight, on the night of August 7 to August 8, 1941, five aircraft of the 1st Minno-torpedo air strike headed by his commander E.N. visited Berlin Preobrazhensky. The rest are bombed in the German city-port Shatttin.

On the way fought off from I-16

Supreme Commander I.V. Stalin said so the commander-in-chief NMF N.G. Kuznetsov: "Your marine pilots are worthy of the biggest praise. They were the first to travel the way to Berlin. This fact has historical meaning. "

It is amazing that the most complex operation was carried out without loss. True, the plane under the command of Alexander Kurban was fired twice by the Soviet air defense and suffered an accident already over our territory.

Navigator of the aircraft G.P. Molchanov so remembered flight:

"Take up! I celebrate time - 20h.30m. We go with a gradual set of a given height to 6500m. The aircraft should have been route: Rügen Island - Merge of the Varta River with the Oder River and then direct on Berlin. Soon the report "Pushkar" of the tower installation was followed: "On the right on board, two fighters two fighters are recreated at our plane" I-16. Did our fighters not recognized their fighters? The commander gives an order: when attacking, open a retaliatory fire. We have too important task. Fighters shot down from far distance and left. The rest of our ships took place Tallinn's traverse without a meeting with fighters.

In Germany, quietly, exactly in peacetime, are excellent, rivers, lakes, settlements and unemployed cities are perfectly visible. We bring the ship to the BC. To the goal of a few minutes. Under us the lair of fascism! I make bombing! As heartbeat, the pulses of separating Fab-500 are counted. The ship in the right turn, the explosions of our bombs are visible. Berlin woke up. Works a huge number of powerful anti-aircraft spotlights. Barrifying fire for both MZA, but to our happiness breaking below the echelons of our bombers. It can be seen that the air defense of the enemy did not solve our height and the whole fire focused about 4500-5000 meters of height.

In turn, after about. Rügen, refused the 4th engine. The plane began to shake. Without changing the echelon, we go on three engines. Reduce. In the right turn, the bay shore is visible, but what is it? From the sea / apparently from the submarine / and from the shore, the tracks of the zenith fire are visible, immediately with a set of height.

"Died" two more engines. How the plane fell - neither I, no one of the crew could see, because By the time of the refusal of two more engines, the height was less than 100 m. At rags, some miracle Sasha Kurban managed to plant a plane on the belly. The crew was unharmed, not counting individual bruises and bruises. All twelve, who could, smoked from the plane, grouping near the ship commander. With a sin in half, they got to the nearest village, from where they gave the regiment to the regiment teleogram: "The task was performed, when returning as a result of the failure of 3 engines suffered an accident. The crew is unharmed, waiting for instructions. "

On August 13, 1941, the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union Colonel Preobrazhensky E.N., Captains Grechishnikov V.A., Efremov A.Ya., Khokhlov P.I., Plotkin M.N. 67 people were awarded orders and medals.

Legendary Baltflot

It must be said that the pilot fleet pilots did not accidentally be in the hardest days at the peak of combat success. Command Fleet managed to maintain not only ships, but also aviation. She acted from the first day of the war. Fighters covered the bases, as well as ships that stood on the raids or in the sea.

Above Kronstadt, Tallinn, Hanko, over the airfields, for which enemy bombers were aimed, the fact was the root shocks in the air. Baltic pilots fought bravely. Already in the first days of the war, the Fleet Aviation bombed Memel, Danzig, Gdynia and other ports used by the enemy.

From June 23, strikes on the airfields and the ports of Finland, speaking against the Soviet Union on the side of fascist Germany began. Turku, Kotka, Tampere underwested attacks of our aviation. The KBF aircraft raised mines near the opponent's bases to make it difficult to enter his ships in the sea, hit the conversions.

The success of aviation CBF is confirmed by the Germans themselves.

This is what the magazine "Marina Rundshau" in 1962: "Soviet Aviation Navy after the first weeks of some ambiguity of the situation achieved almost indisputable domination in the air over the sea. Her aircraft made up to 17 air attacks per day. The number of aircraft participating in each tax, reached 25. The raids were characterized by systematic and perseverance. "

The commander of the 5th German flotilla of Tralaters reported in his report in July 1941 that, despite the intense anti-aircraft fire, the Russians led the sighting bombing, and that part of the bombs was reset from the dive. He also pointed out that the use of bombs with a fragmentation action unknown so far the forces caused large losses in personnel. At the end of the report it was reported that if the wiring of convoys and the trawling of mines in the Gulf of Riga will be made without covering fighters, then in this case heavier losses should be expected.

The same nature had the reporting of the commander of the 1st flotilla of the torpedo boats dated July 4, 1941 on the absolute domination of the Russians in the air and the "big danger, which ships performing without covering."

The Baltic Martial Spirit was such that the very idea of \u200b\u200bBerlin's bombardments arose in ordinary pilots at the end of June 1941. The news about this initiative reached Kuznetsov and resulted in a specific unprecedented operation.

From the memories of N.G. Kuznetsova: "Others followed the first raid. But the conditions have become heavier. Now the enemy met our planes with fierce fire, barely crossed the coast, and around Berlin acted a complex air defense system. Every time I had to develop a special tactic. I saw a big height. Above 7 thousand meters, our bombers were no longer so terrible night fighters with special powerful headlights, the fire of anti-aircraft was not terrible.

The Hitler's rate demanded from his command "to eliminate naval and military air bases on Dago's Islands and Ezel, and first of all - airfields from which raids on Berlin are produced." We had to strengthen the airfields. There were almost all the islands and modest fighter forces.

The raids on Berlin repeated more than once. The last was September 5th. When I had to leave Tallinn, the flights from the islands were impossible. In just ten raids on Berlin, 311 bombs were reset and 32 fire was registered. "

colonel E. Preobrazhensky and flagship navigator P. Khokhlov



  • Crew: 3 persons (

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