In what language the Dante Divine Comedy is written. Dante Aligiery and his "Divine Comedy

Reservoirs 24.09.2019

« The Divine Comedy"This is the most brilliant work of the Great Italian poet and thinner Dante Aligiery. This is his last work, which reflected the worldview of the poet. The poem consists of three parts, it is hell, purgatory and paradise, and describes the state of the soul that fell after death in the afterlife. Everyone who fell into the kingdom of this world should reassure and recognize his sins, go through all the circles of hell to enter the kingdom of heaven, and appear to the Creator. The main character "Divine Comedy" - Dante himself, who has passed all the circles of hell, and ascended to enlightenment.

Characteristics of the heroes "Divine Comedy"

main characters

Minor characters


The shadow of the Great Poet, Mentor and Dante Explorer. Virgil explains Dante, how best to go through the circles of hell, what to choose the way. It breaks up with Dante, passing him by Beatrice.


Guard, or mediator, first circle of hell.


The watchman of the second circle of hell, pulling sinners as sins magnants.


Guard of the third circle of hell, jumping the skin from sinners.


The watchman of the fourth round, where sinners are punished for the manifestation of miserism and waste.


Guardian of the fifth circle of hell, carrying sinners through the Swamp.


Tysiphon, Meghera, Alektto, circling over the sixth circle of hell.


Guards the seventh circle of hell, punishing sinners committing violent actions.


The guard of the eighth circle of hell, where they are punished for deception.


The devil, in the middle of the center of the Universe, has three grazers, which torments the most important sinners: Judas, Bruta and Cassia. It is a fallen angel of huge sizes with a terrible appearance, having six wings and three faces.


The shadow of the Katon will fit purity. His shadow is an personification of human freedom. I committed suicide without surviving the fall of the republic. Made by guard of primordiality for his true devotion.


Dante's beloved, which is his conductor in the earthly paradise. She encourages Dante to repentance and after that, cleaned and re-born, he ascended to Heavenly Paradise.

In the Divine Comedy, Dante involved a huge number of characters in the afterlife, and, in order to understand the philosophical depth of this ingenious work, it is necessary to study it completely. The work gives food for reflection, and makes every person think how to live their lives.

Dante Alighieri Divine Comedy is one of the most famous works of world literature. It was written at the beginning of the XIV century, but still read it and try to understand the meaning that the famous native of the city of Florence has invested in it.

I will try to tell, as I understood the first song "Comedy". The first song is introductory. And, in my opinion, it is the most autobiographical in the whole poem. Like the whole poem, she talks about various events in the real and spiritual life of Dante himself in symbolic images.

Dante's travel on the afterlife begins in the dense forest when the poet itself has been about 35 years old; About 1300 Dante began writing his great work:

Earth life passing to half,

I found myself in a gloomy forest ...

After Beatrice's death in 1290, which Dante loved his whole life, he, by his figurative expression, was lost, "losing the right path in the darkness of the valley." The beginning of the 1300s, when Dante began writing his "comedy", also associated with political unrest in Florence, as a result of which the poet, who held a high post in the Florentine Republic, was convicted and expelled with his beloved homeland. These years for Dante are so heavy that he does not want to talk about them in detail:

I do not remember myself, as I entered there ...

Dante saw a high hill in the middle of the forest and, having stuck a little, went there, looking for salvation. After all, it can be seen from the height where to go. And any height brings the person to God, that is, to salvation:

When I gave the body to stay,

I went up ...

But the three terrible wild beasts interfere with Dante escape from "wild, denun and threatening forests": Lynx, Leo and Wolf. Dante Poem is more likely symbolic than realistic. These animals symbolize three human vices, which are characteristic of the Dante itself fully:

... prompt and curly lynx

All in bright stains of the motley pattern ...

This is a description of the lynx, "beast with a whimsical wool", which symbolizes the lust, the desire to satisfy the sexual attraction. For Dante, this is a terrible sin, because his beloved Beatrice died, but he could not resist and cared for other women. From this sin of the poet saves "Divine Love", which showed herself to the sun:

There was an early hour and the sun in a solid clear

Accompanied the same stars again

That for the first time they are beautiful

Divine moved love.

Trusting the hour and sometimes happy

No longer so squeezed in the heart of blood

At the sight of a beast with a whiff ...

Pride, arrogance and love for money and the power for Dante much more scary sins. They are symbolized Lion and the Wolf:

There was a lion with a lifting mane.

He came as if on me,

From hunger drunk

And the air fear of chain.

And with him a wolf, whose thin body,

It seemed that all Alcbles carries ...

Terrible sins beasts pushed Dante to the abyss, to the death of the soul. But Beatrice protects Dante throughout his life. And after death, her "worthy soul" becomes an angel and leaves Dante in his wandering on earth. Beatrice, seeing the suffering of the poet, sends a help to him Vergil - the famous Roman poet, who:

... he got sight,

As the son of Anchiz sailed to the sunset

From proud three, devotees burner.

Contemporaries Dante read Vergil, and for the poet himself he was the "teacher, an example of his beloved":

You are my teacher, my beloved example;

Only you alone in her hetero

Lovely syllable, everywhere exalted.

It is Vergil who will defend Dante in his travels around the world of the dead:

Go after me and in eternal villages

From these places I will give you

And you will hear the screams of across

And ancient spirits who are distinguished there

About the new death vain prayers ...

There are many versions why Dante chose himself to Vergil's guide. For example, the reason for washing, was the fact that Vergili described in his "anee" the wanderings of the hero of the Hero of the Underground Kingdom of the Dead. It seems to me that this is not the only reason. After all, Odyssey on Aida described Homer, who was always very honored by the poet. But Vergilius - also countryman Dante, Roman, and therefore, the ancestor of Italians:

I bring my genus from Lombard

And Mantua was their edge cute ...

When, in fact, the first songs of the "Divine Comedy" were written, it is impossible to determine exactly. Based on some data, it is assumed that, probably around 1313. The first two parts of the poem - "hell" and "purgatory" - were known to the public during the lifetime of their Creator, and Rai became known only after Dante's death.

The name "comedy" gave his poem himself Dante himself. This did not mean accessories to the dramatic genre, during Dante Comedy, they called the work starting tragically, but the ending happily. The epithet "Divine" - "Divina ComMedia" was added delighted offspring already later, in the XVI century, not due to the content of the poem, but as the designation of the highest degree of perfection of the great work of Dante. The "divine comedy" does not belong to any particular genre (although there are disputes regarding her genre: it is considered a vision, poem), this is a completely peculiar one, one of its kind mix of all elements of various areas of poetry.

Dante's huge merit in the "Divine Comedy" and before the national-written language Italy. After all, this work E was written on Live Italian, not in Latin.

"The Divine Comedy" consists of a hundred songs and contains 14230 poems.

In middle life path, That is, at 35 years old (thus, the vision time is attributed by the poet by 1300, when he was prior), tells Dante, he lost in the life forest. The poet fell asleep and cannot give himself a report, as he got into this wild, gloomy and impassable forest. In the fright, he is decided to get out of there. In front of him the sole of the mountain, the vertex of which is illuminated by rays ascending sun. Dante is going to rise in the deserted steepness and heads to the grief. Bars, then the lion and finally the Wolf, - especially the last, - crossing him the road, fill his heart with a fatal fear, so he hurries to return to the Dark Valley. Here is someone in front of him in the image of a person or, or rather, a light shadow: this is Virgil, that versery, which was for Dante the greatest poet Ancient times, teacher and mentor. Dante appeals to him with a prayer, and Vergilia teaches him, he tells him about harmful properties Wolf and about the evil of her moral, that it will cause a lot of harm and misfortunes until the ridge appears, Veltro, who will drive it back to hell, from where the envy of Satan has frightened it to the world. Then Vergil explains the poet that to exit these debrees it is necessary to choose another path, and promises to hold it through hell and the country of repentance to the top of the solar hill, "where the soul will meet more than me more than me; I will give you and remove you, "he finishes his speech. But Dante fluctuates until Vergil tells him that Beatrice was sent. Now the poet follows the versgil, mentor and head of his own, before the threshold of the earthly paradise and descends with him to hell, where he reads a terrible inscription on the gates: "Lasciate Ogni Speranza VOI QU" ENTRATE "(" Leave any hope here "). Here, On the eve of hell, there are crying and launions in a silent space, "there are people," insignificant on earth ", those who have not sinned and were not virtuous, - indifferent, that saddly bodies that lived" without July and Glory of Being. "

Among them and the Pope Cellin V, who "from the lowestness of the Great Dar rejected", that is, hesitated from the Papal Tiara thanks to the misuse of his successor Boniface VIII, and "Unworthy Angels, who, without changing God, were not the faithful servants and thought only about yourself. " The flour of these "indifferent" people consists in continuous torment them in the waters of insects. But the main sense of them is the consciousness of his own insignificance: they were rejected forever "Lord and the enemy, leading to him the discord."

Crouching through Aheron, Dante with his mentor joins first Circle of hell. Here - "Deep sorrow without torment", since there are virtuous people here, but not enlightened by Christianity who lived before the coming of Christ. They are condemned to "Eternal Desire, not refreshing to hope." Separately, behind them, surrounded by the seven walls and the beautiful river of the tower, in which there are seven gates, location, among the greenery and in the light of the sun, famous poets, scientists and heroes of antiquity. Here Vergiliy, and with him Homer, Horace, Ovid, Lucan, components of a special circle, and then, on a flowery meadow, Dante sees Eney, Caesar, Aristotle, Socrates, Plato ...

Second The circle of hell is an area where the air is trembling. The entrance to it will be guarded by Minos, "all the limits of the temper"; He explores sins at the entrance and sends sinners, depending on their misconduct, in the circle like them. Here is heard crying, there is a complete absence daylight"Like a notch-affected." In this circle, they are executed who fond of sensory love, and the flour of them are continuous circling in the hellish swirl. Dante sees Semiramid, Cleopatra, Elena, Achilles and others. He meets here Paolo and Francesca and Rimini, and touching the story of the last one about her love and misfortunes so amazes him that he falls without feelings.

The second circle whirlwind produces an eternal rain mixed with hail and snow; In the air there is a stench - it the third a circle. It is subject to punishment, and in addition, they are tormented by Cerber, "the beast fierce, ugly," who, "the grabbing evil, pulls the skin with them."

IN fourth Circle are placed hard workers, lovers and sodes; They rolve huge gravity, face, squeeze each other by breaking and again they are accepted for their hard work.

The rain of the third circle forms a stream that fifth The circle is poured into the lake of standing water and forms a scratch swamp styx, surrounding the hellish city of diet. Here are angry; They beat each other with their legs, head, chest and tearing with teeth, and envious are immersed in swamp tire and constantly chop it. The outskirts of the swamp towards the tower, at the top of which are three fun and show Dante's jellyfish head to turn it into a stone. But Vergil guards the poet, closing his eyes with his hand. Following that thunder is heard: dry soles along a sieve pass through Stetens Messenger of the sky. The appearance of it tames demons, and they are impressing Vergil and Dante in the gate of the hellish city of Dita.

The surroundings of this city are sixth a circle. Here we have extensive fields, "performed grief and cruel flour", and everywhere open graves, of which the flames sniff. In the eternal flame there are materialists who preached about the death of the Spirit along with the body, doubted in the immortality of the soul, as well as heretics and distributors of heresy.

Along the steep cliff, the poet and his leader are suitable for the abyss, from which unbearable impaired evaporation and which is protected by a minotaur. it seventh a circle designed to torture guilty in violence; It consists of three belts. In the first, which represents a wide ditch, filled with blood, languages \u200b\u200b"Strong lands", encroached on life and on the doctrine of people, tyranans and generally killers, guilty of violence against nearby. On the banks of the RVA run back and forth a centaur, armed with bows, and let the arrows in the one who rises from the bloody waves more than the degree of his sins. In the second belt of the seventh circle, guilty of violence against themselves are punished, that is, suicides. They are turned into poisonous and knocked trees with leaves not green, but some gray, dark color. In the branches of trees, fibers themselves nests disgusting harpies, who are torn and eat their leaves. This terrible forest is the forest of unspecified grief, it surrounds the steppe covered with flammable and dry sands, - the third belt of the seventh circle. Slowly, but tirelessly falls around the fiery rain. Here the place of the execution of sinners, guilty of violence against God, who rejected in their heart holy name His gifts offended by nature and her gifts. Some of the sinners lie open, others sit raising, the others continuously go, and without rest, "their poor hands are moving there, throwing off the fiery drops that are indispensable for them." Here the poet meets his teacher Brunetto Latini. Following this steppe, Dante and Virgil reach the Phlegeton River, whose waves are scary, bloody color, and the bottom and shores perfectly. She flows into the lower part of Hell, where the cozit, Ice Lake Judecchi forms. Like other hellish rivers, phlegeton began the beginning of the tears of the statue of time, erected from various metals and towering on the island of Crete.

But here I. eighth a circle. The travelers are descended there on Gerion, the personification of deception and lies, the winner of the monster, which, according to the legend, attracted him to the house of strangers by friendly words and then killed them.

The eighth circle is called "Evil Rips"; They are ten; It is punished by various kinds of deception. In the first of these regions, the horned demons (we note that this is the only place where devils at Dante are horny) mercilessly beating seductors. In the second, the lets are screaming and moan, hopelessly immersed in liquid, saint dirt. The third ditch occupy the Simonists who traded the holy things, deceiving superstitious-ignorant people. The sinners of this category are terribly tormented: they are covered with their heads into disgusting pits, their legs stick up up and are incrementally burned with a flame. Many dads are placed here in the poet, including Nikolai III, and Boniface VIII was prepared here. In the fourth RVE, silently go, in tears, people, each of whom the face is turned to his back, as a result of which they should go back, because they cannot see anything in front of them. It is the Magi, the priests, etc.: "For the desire to look too far, they look now back and move back." Bribes, sales people are placed in the Fifth Rail, where they are shipped in a boiling resin lake. In the sixth, hypocrites are executed. The shrouded in the monastic rows, outside the dazzling gilding and inside the lead and unbearably heavy, with the same hoods hanging on the eyes, silently and crying they go quiet steps as in the procession. The seventh ditch, where the thieves are tormented, the whole snakes are filled with a terrible number of snakes, between which sinners run in horror. Their hands are connected by snakes behind their backs; Snakes are dug in the hips, they have a chest on their chest and subjected them with a variety of transformations. In the eighth Uva, the evil and deserted advisers concluded in devouring their fiery languages. The Ulysses executed here, putting into the open ocean, penetrated far, but the storm destroyed his ship and sank him with all the comrades. In the ninth River, seats are seeded, split, all sorts of strife, political and family. The demon, armed with a sharp sword, exposes them to terrible and diverse dissection; But the wounds immediately heal, the bodies are subjected to new strikes - and there is no end to these Promethevsky flocks. But here is the last, tenth of the eighth circle: there are people who encroached on various claims; They are covered with terrible ulcers, and nothing can reduce and relieve the rabies of their scabies. Hell ends. Vergilia and Dante came to a gloomy, close well whose walls are supported by giants. This is the bottom of the universe and at the same time the last one - ninth - Circle of Hell, where the highest human crime is punishable - treason. This circle is a icy lake, consisting of four parts: Cains, Anteners, Toltoliei and Judecchi. In Caine (from Cain), they were placed in close and relatives, which made the lives of these latter. In the antenna, named so named the Trojan of the antenor, submitted to the enemies to the Council to make a wooden horse in the three way, the traitors of the Fatherland suffer; Among them and Ugolino, placed here for the treacherous surrender of the fortress; He nibbles his enemy's head, Archbishop Rujerry, who killed him and his children hunger. In Tolea (named by the Egyptian king, Ptolemy, allegedly invited once to her friends and killing them) tormented by their friends. They are covered in ice heads; "The tears spilled with them closure to other tears, and the mountain ranges back and increases the horsepha, because the first tears freeze and like a crystal pick-up eyes wrapped up." Finally, in the fourth belt of the ninth circle, in Judecke, the traitors of Christ and the Higher state power. Here the residence of Satan, the "Lord of the kingdom of grief", the creation of "once so beautiful." He is loaded into ice until half the chest. He has three faces and six huge wings; Moving the latter, it produces a wind that drops the water of the entire ninth circle. Every mouth of their three persons he crushes one sinner. It is stricter to execute Judas, who betrayed Christ, then Brut and Cassia, who killed Caesar.

On the wool of Lucifer Vergil and Dante go down to the center of the Earth, and from here begin to climb up the crevice. A little more, and they are outside the terrible kingdom of darkness; The stars sparkled over them again. They at the foot of the grip grid.

"To swim from this minute at the best waters, the rook of my genius dissolves sails and leaves so stormy sea in his way." Such words begged the second part of the poem, and immediately follows the wonderful description of the dawn, which makes up a striking contrast with the picture of darkness when he joined the blood pressure.

Purgatory has the form of a mountain that rises more and higher and above and goded eleven ledges, or circles. The guise of purgatory is the masterful shadow of the Katon duck, personifying, in the eyes of Dante, the freedom of spirit, inner human freedom. Vergilica asks the harsh elder in the name of freedom, formerly so precious for him, that for her for her, he "refused life," to specify the path of Dante, who goes everywhere, looking for this freedom. The air boat, driven by a light angel, "on whose chel is inscribed bliss," brings the soul to the foot of the mountain. But before penetrating actually in purgatory, it is necessary to go through the opposite of it, - four preliminary steps, where the souls of lazy and negligent, who wanted to repent, who realized their misconceptions, but all the sheltered repentance and did not have time to do it. The narrowes and steep stairs leading from one stage to another, but the higher our travelers are rising, the climbing is easier for them. Steps are passed; Dante - in a wonderful valley, where the cleansing souls sing pawn hymns. Two angels go from the sky with fiery swords, the island of which is broken, - an indication that the life of mercy and forgiveness begins here. Their wings and clothes are green, - the colors of hope after that, who fell asleep Dante wakes up at the gate of purgatory, where an angel stands with a naked and brilliant sword. With the edge of this sword, he writes seven times Peccato on Dante's forehead, in addition to it in the purgatory no longer as a passive person, in hell, but as an active person who is also needed to be cleansing. The door is open. Vergilia and Dante are included with the sounds of the hymn. "Oh, how these gates are not like hell! - exclaims Dante. "Here are included in the sounds of singing, there - with terrible screams."

The actual purgatory consists of seven laps: one of the seven death sins bathes in each of each. Proud moving, flexing under heavy stoneware. Envious, with a descendable face of the face, rest each other and are all leaning together to a high rock; They are dressed in rudewood, their eyelids are sewn with wire. Angry roam in impenetrable darkness and dense smarable smoke; Lazy continuously run. Surround and wasteful, who had attached only to earthly benefits, lie on the ground, with knitted hands. Roads, scary thin, with colorless eyes, tantalum flour test: they go near the tree, burdened with juicy fruits and spreading branches above the fresh source whose water is falling with high mountain, And at the same time, hunger and thirst, who fond of sensory love takes on their sin in a flame, which, based on the mountain, gives rise to their tongues, is discarded back in the wind and continuously returns. At each new Dante stage, the angel meets, who erases the end of the wing, is one of the pursuers captured on his forehead, because along with proud and he walked under heavy wear, and together with fascinating sensory love passed the flame.

Dante and Vergilica finally reached the top of the mountain, autonated with beautiful, ever with a green forest. This is earthly paradise. In the midst of the forest flow from the same source, but heading in different sides, Two rivers. One flows to the left: this summer, the river for the oblivion of all bad; Another - to the right: this is a sinner, imprinted all the good and good forever in the soul of man. Vergil, who fulfilled his task, brought to the poet to earthly paradise, to Eden, says goodbye to him. Here, in Eden, where everything breathes the truth, innocence and love, there is a meeting of the poet with Beatrice. It bathe in Evnoy, where he returns, "as a new plant, which has just changed its foliage," clean and completely ready to take the stars.

And the ascension begins: Dante is worn through the air after Beatrice; She looks up all the time, he does not descend his eyes off her. That's Paradise.

Paradise (all of the same Ptolemy system) consists of Dante from ten spheres. At first, seven planets inhabited by the righteousness, also in a well-known hierarchical order.

The first, the nearest to the ground, the planet - Moon, where the souls of the persons who gave on Earth to preserve the celibe, virgin state, but broken, contrary to own willingdue to violent counteraction from.

Second planet - Mercury - the dwelling of the righteous and strong sovereigns, who had a loud glory of the virtue, who made up the happiness of their subjects through good deeds and wise laws. Among their emperor, Justinian, with whom the poet is taking a conversation.

Third Planet - Venus, Where are the souls of people who loved the highest, spiritual love that inspired them on earth for good deeds.

Fourth planet - The sun - inhabited by those who explored the secrets of faith and theology. Here is Francis Assisi, Bonaventure, Thomas Akvinsky and others.

On the fifth planet - Mars - The souls of those who spread Christianity and sacrificing their lives for faith and the church dwell.

Six Planet - Jupiter; Here are the souls of those on the ground were true justice counseurs.

Seventh Planet - Saturn - The abode of the souls who lived on earth contemplative life. Dante sees the radiant gold staircase here, the upper part of which is lost far in the sky and on which light spirits are torn and downward.

Turning from one planet to another, Dante does not feel this transition, it is so easily performed, and he learns about him every time just because the beauty of Beatrice becomes all radiant, all of the Divine as the eternal grace approach ...

And here they rose to the top of the stairs. Upon specifying Beatrice, Dante looks from here down, to the ground, and it seems to him so miserable that he smiles at the sight of her. "And I," he adds pessimistically, "approve of those who despise this land, and consider it really wise those who rush their desires in other way."

Now the poet with his supervisor - in eighth The sphere is the sphere of fixed stars.

Here Dante first sees a full smile Beatrice and is now capable of bringing her shine, - it is capable of rendering, but not to express any human words. Willing visions delight the poet's vision: reveals luxury gardengrowing under the rays of the Divine, where he sees a mysterious rose, surrounded by fragrant lilies, and above it is a beam of light falling from Christ. After the test in faith, hope and love (they are experiencing His St. Peter, Jacob and John), withstanding Dante is completely satisfactory, it is allowed in ninth The sphere called the crystal sky. Here, in the form of a brightly luminous point, without a certain image, there is already the glory of God, hidden still curtain of nine fire circles. Finally last Sphere: Empires - the dwelling of God and blissful spirits. Circle sweet singing, wondrous dances, river with sparkling waves, with eternally blooming shores; From it sprinkle bright sparks, rising in the air and turning into flowers to fall into the river again, "like rubies marked in gold." Dante wets the eyelids with water from the river, and his spiritual gaze gets full enlightenment, so he can now understand everything around him. Beatrice, the MiG disappeared, appears at the very top, on the throne, "Warning of himself with a crown of eternal rays, from her the most outgoing." Dante appeals to it with the next Piece: "On the not afraid of the sake of my salvation to leave the track of his steps in hell, - I know that you, your power and your goodness I have the great things that I saw. You led me from slavery to freedom by all the ways, all the means that were in your authority. Keep your generotes to me - so that my soul, you, who is rubbed and decent to you like, could be separated from the body! .. "

"Here the imagination strength left me," so finishes his poem Dante, "But my wishes, my will have already been given forever in motion of love moving also by the Sun and the Stars," that is, the aggreigly ruling world.

"Divine Comedy" is a great allegory of man, sin and redemption with religious and from the moral side. Any man wears his hell inside and paradise. Hell is the death of the soul, the dominion of the body, the image of evil or vice; Paradise - the image of good or virtue, inner world and happiness; Purgatory - the transition from one state to another through repentance. Lynx (in other translations - Pathers), Leo and Wolf, the scales of the path to the sunny hill, depict three major defects that were considered then prevailing in the world, namely, creature, pride and greed.

In addition to this moral and religious value, the "Divine Comedy" also has a political value. The Dark Forest in which the poet was lost, also means an anarchic state of the world and specifically Italy. The election of the poet in the leaders of Vergil is also not devoid of allegorical subtext. The image of Virgil from a moral and religious point of view symbolizes earthly wisdom, and with the political - the death of the world monarchy, which is one in force to establish peace on Earth. Beatrice symbolizes heavenly wisdom, and from a biographical point of view - love Dante. etc.

Symbolic and clear, thoughtful composition of the "Divine Comedy": It is divided into three parts ("Canties"), each of which depicts one of the three parts of the afterlife, according to Catholic teaching, - blood pressure, purgatory or paradise. Each part consists of 33 songs, and another song has been added to the first cantie, so it turns out 100 songs with a tricious membership: the whole poem is written by three strokes - tercins. This domination in the compositional and semantic structure of the poem of numbers 3 dates back to the Christian idea about the Trinity and mystical meaning of the number 3. All architectonics of the "Divine Comedy" of the Divine Comedy, thought out by the poet, was founded on this number. Symbolization does not end in this: each song ends with the same word "stars"; The name of Christ is rhymes only with himself; In Adu, the name of Christ is not mentioned anywhere, as well as the name of Mary, etc.

Symbols permeates and two other cilts. In a mystical procession that meets Dante at the entrance to Paradise, 12 lamps "the essence of the seven spirits of God" (on the apocalypse), 12 elders - 24 books of the Old Testament, 4 beasts - 4 Gospels, a wagon - christian church, Griffon - Bogochelovka Christ, 1 Older - Apocalypse, "Humped Four" - "Messages" of the Apostles, etc.

With all its originality, the poem Dante has various medieval sources. Fabul Poem reproduces the scheme of the "visions" genre popular in the medieval literature - about the mild peace's secrets. The topic of illuminated "visions" was developed in a similar direction in the medieval literature and outside Western Europe (Ancient Russian apocryon "Battery of the Virgin Muslims", the XII century, Muslim tradition about the vision of Mueomet, contemplated in prophetic Sing The torment of sinners in hell and the paradise bliss of righteous). At the Arabic poet-mystic XII century. Abenarabi is an essay in which the pictures of hell and paradise are given, similar to Dantevsky, and their parallel independent appearance (for Dante did not know arabicAnd the Abenarabi was not translated into his well-known languages) testifies to the general trend in the evolution of submission data in various regions remote from each other.

In the construction of the picture of Hell Dante proceeded from the Christian model of the world. On Dante Hell represents a funnel-shaped abyss, which, narrowing, reaches the center of the Earth. Its slopes of obscure concentric ledges, "circles" of hell. The Rivers of the Underworld (Aheron, Styx, Phlegeton) - Summer, the river of the ablution and oblivion, stands by a mansion, although the water also flows to the center of the Earth - this is, in essence, one stream, penetrating into the land of the earth: first it appears as Aheron (by -Frequent, the "river grief") and ishing the first circle of hell, then staining down, forms the swamp stycase (in Greek, "hated"), which is washes the walls of the city of Dita, the abyss of the Lower Hell; Even below, it becomes a phlegetone (in Greek, the "cheek"), the ring-shaped river of boiling blood, then, in the form of a bloody stream, the forest suicide and the desert crosses, from where the noisy waterfall will be incredible in order to turn into an ice lake in the center of the earth. Lucifer (he was also Velzevet, the devil) Dante calls Dit (DIS), this is the Latin name of Tsar Aida, or Pluto, the son of Kronos and Rei, Brother Zeus and Poseidon. Latin LUCIFER means a light-header. The most beautiful of the angels, he was punished with deformity for the rebellion against God.

The origin of Hell on Dante Takovo: The Angel (Lucifer, Satan) rising against God (Lucifer), along with his supporters (demons), was overthrown from the ninth of the sky to the Earth and, giving it to it, he sat down to the center - the funnel to the center - the center of the Earth, the Universe and World Health : Next to fall nowhere. Stuck there in eternal ice:

Painful powers of the Lord

Breast of ice impressed half;

And I am getting closer with gigid,

What the lucifer's hands are giant ...;

And I became a stray from amazement,

When I saw three persons on it:

One - over the breast; his color was red;

And over one and over the other shoulder

Two adjacent with this to the side threatened,

Washed on the back of the head under the Ukrainian.

The head of the right - white-yellow was;

The color of the left was

Like those who came from the waterfalls Nile,

Grew under each two big wings,

How should a bird, so great in the world;

Such sail and mast did not carry

Without feathers, they had a different kind;

He was imagined, the movement of the Rameman,

And drowned three winds along the dark width,

The jet of the oscitus of the ice to the bottom.

Six eyes sharpened tears and stocked

Of the three pastes of the bloody saliva.

Oh, all three tormented as Trepal,

By sinner ...

(Song XXXIV)

In the three litters of the Troytic Demon, the most vile, according to Dante, traitors are executed: Judas, Brut, Cassius.

In the description of the devil, the medieval definitely negative attitude towards the enemy of human genus is prevailing. Dante Lucifer, half-frozen in ice (symbol of the cold of dislike), is an ugly parody of the images of Heaveles: three of his faces - mockery over the trinity, of them are red - anger as the opposite of love, pale yellow - impotence or tape as the opposite of omnipotence, black - ignorance as opposite to izvation; Six wings are distinguished with six wings of Cherubim. It is not surprising that Lucifer Dante did not like Shatubron and other romance. There is nothing to do with the proud of Satan Milton, with the philosophies of Mephistophele Goethe, with a dismissed demon Lermontov. Lucifer in the "Divine Comedy" Buntovskik, hopelessly losing his own business. It became part of the cosmic whole, subordinate to the highest indefinite laws.

The center of the Universe, which coincides with the center of the Earth, is ice. Evil - in the concentration of gravity of the universe. Formed funnel - underground kingdom "This is hell, waiting for sinners who are still not born at that time, since the earth was lifeless. The gaping wound of the land immediately dragged into. Defreaded as a result of a collision caused by the fall of Lucifer, earth's crust closed the base of the cone-shaped funnel, extinguished in the middle of this base by the Golgotha, and with opposite side Funnels - a grid of purgatory. The entrance to the dungeon of Hell remained on the side, near the edge of the deepening, in the territory of the future Italy. As can be seen, many images (the rivers of the underworld, entrance to it, topology) were taken by Dante from ancient sources (Homer, Vergilius).

Dante's appeal to antique writers (and above all Vergil, the figure of which is directly withdrawn to the poem as a conductor of Dante on the AU) is one of the main symptoms of the preparation of the Renaissance in his work. Dante "Divine Comedy" is not a voltage text, but an attempt to express some experience, revelation. And since it is the poet that the method of expression is opened higher World, then he is chosen by the conductor in the otherworldly world. The influence of "Aneida" Vergil affected the borrowing from the vegium of individual plot parts and images described in the course of the descent of Enai to Tartar in order to see his late father.

Renaissance elements are felt both in rethinking the role and figure of the conductor in the afterlime world and in rethinking the content and functions of "visions". Firstly, the Gentile of Vergil receives the role of an angel conductor of medieval "visions" at Dante. True, Vergil due to the interpretation of his 4 Eclogic as predictions about the occurrence of the new "golden century" figured to the prosters of Christianity, so he was a figure as if not quite pagan, but still such a Dante step could be called for those times a fairly brave.

The second substantial difference was that, unlike medieval "visions", which aimed to turn a person from the worldly bustle of diplomas, Dante uses a story about the afterlife for the most complete reflection of real earthly life and primarily for the trial of human defects and crimes In the name of not the denial of earthly life, but its corrections. The purpose of the poem is to release living on earth from the state of sinfulness and lead to bliss.

The third difference is to permeate the whole poem with the life-affirming principle, optimism, bodily saturation (materiality) of scenes and images. In fact, the whole "comedy" has formed a desire for absolute harmony and faith in what it is practically achievable.

Often Dante illustrates the described torments of sinners with the pictures of nature, alien to medieval descriptions, and the very dead element of ad - the phenomena of the living world. For example, the hellish whirlwind in the 5th song compared with the flight of the starling:

And as a starling, they carry their wings,

in the days of cold, dense and long run,

there this storm grieves evil spirits,

there, here, down, up, huge roam

The same interest is distinguished by the picturesque Dante palette, rich in all sorts of paints. Each of the three kart of the poem is inherent in its colorful background: "hell" - a gloomy color, dense sinister paints with a predominance of red and black: "And over the deserts slowly down / rain flames, wide scarves / like snow in the streets of the Nagorn rock ..." (Song XIV ), "So the blizzard was descended by the blizzard, as under the fire, the clutch ..." (Song of the XIV), "I knew all the fire over the feet ..." (Song Xih); "Enterprise" - soft, pale and foggy colors, characteristic of wildlife, appearing there (sea, rocks, green meadows, trees): "The road here is not dressed here; / wall of the slope and the proceeds under it - / solid serocament color "(" Purgatory ", Song XIII); "Paradise" is a dazzling shine and transparency, radiant paints of the purest light. Similarly, each of the parts is characterized by its musical edging: in hell - this is a growl, rumble, moans, the music of spheres sounds in paradise. Renaissance vision is distinguished by plastic sculptural drawing of figures. Each image is filed in a memorable plastic pose, it is like stuck and at the same time full of movement.

Elements of the old and new worldview are intertwined throughout the poem in a variety of scenes and layers. Conducting that earth life there is a preparation for the future eternal life, Dante at the same time shows a living interest in earthly life. Agreeing externally with the teachings of the church on the sinfulness of the carnal love and placing a voluptuous in the second round of hell:

then hellish wind, rest is not knowing,

michit Songs Shower among the surrounding MGLL

and torment them, turning and toning

Dante with a hot sympathy listens to the story of Franni about her sinful love for her brother Paolo's husband, who led them both, boiled ugly jankotto Malatest, to hell. Agreeing with the church teaching on the fumes and sinfulness of the desire for glory and honors, he tired Vergilia raise praise to the desire for glory. He praises with other church of the Church human qualities, such as the thirst for knowledge, the torture of the mind, the desire for the unknown, an example of which is the confession of Ulysses, executed among the dealers of journey for traveling.

At the same time, criticism is amenable to the defects of the clergy and his spirit itself, and they stick even in paradise. Dante attacks on the greed of clergymen are also prosstrators of the new worldview and will later become one of the main motives of the anticleric literature of the new time.

Srebro and Zlato - now God for you;

and even those who pray to the idol,

read one, you honor one hundred pans

(Song Xih)

Renaissance trends in the third cantie - "Rai" are especially strong. And this is due to the very nature of the described object.

At the end of "purgatory", when Dante enters the earthly paradise, a solemn triumph procession is approaching him; In the midst of her wondrous chariot, and on her Beatrice itself, the charm of his childhood, his beloved of his youth, the guardian angel of his mature years. A moment to the highest degree of solemn. Dante stands in the shade of the tree of earthly paradise, the shores of the Letya River, and against him, on the other side of the river, - a chariot; Her procession, consisting of seven lamps, sparkling bright celestial light, twenty-four patriarchs in white clothes and wreaths from roses, four evangelists, seven virtues and crowd of angels, throwing flowers. And finally she herself, Beatrice, on a chariot, in a green dress and in a raincoat of fiery color:

How sometimes the bugger is filled

At the beginning of the morning of the East,

And the skies are beautiful and clean,

And the sun of the face, rising low,

So hosted by the softness of the vapor,

That the eye is calmly looking at him -

So in the easy cloud of angelic flowers,

Hazardous and overthrone

On the wonderful WHO and outside its edges

In a wreath of olive, under the white bedspread,

Woman appeared, closed

In green cloak and in the dress with fire.

And my spirit, - at least the times were smelled,

When he plunged into the nodrogan

With one presence she,

And here it was incomplete contemperation, -

Before the mystery of the force of her

Owl love hung charm.

(Purgatory ", Song XXX)

Heavy supermasterity of hell is opposed by transcendence, light ease, the elusive spiritual radiance of paradise. And the stringent restrictions of the sylidic geometry are the spatial multidimensionality of heavenly areas with increasing degrees of freedom. In hell, a foreign will reigns, a person forcing, dependent, it, and this alien will be clearly visible, and its manifestations are colorful; in paradise - the will is only its own, personal; The length of the pressure is arising, which is devoid of blood pressure: in space, consciousness, will, time. In the hell - naked geometry, there is no time there, it is not an eternity (that is, the infinite length of time), and the time equal to zero, that is, nothing. The space, divided into circles, flat and the same type in each circle. It is dead, untimely and empty. Artificial complication of him - imaginary, apparent, is complication (geometry) of emptiness. In paradise, it acquires volume, diversity, variability, pulsation, it spreads, penetrating the celestial flicker, supplemented, going to every will, and therefore it is incomprehensible.

After all, the fact and forever our ESSE,

that God's will lead them

and ours with her not in contrast

("Paradise", Song III).

Renaissance elements of the "Divine Comedy" and allow you to consider Dante the forerunner of the new time. In art historian examination, the term "ducento" - the XII century, called the PRATINESSAN, is, that is, the historical stage, after which the era of the Renaissance is directly coming. Dante's work applies precisely by the beginning of this period.

"Divine Comedy" - an immortal work with philosophical meaning. In three parts, the plot of the appointment of love, the death of the beloved and universal justice is revealed. In this article, we will analyze the poem "Divine Comedy" Dante.

The history of the creation of the poem

Analysis of the composition of the "Divine Comedy"

The poem consists of three parts called canties. In each such cantics, thirty-three songs. Another song was added to the first part, it is a prologue. Thus, in the poem 100 songs. Poetic size - Tercin.

The main character of the work - Dante himself. But, when reading the poem it becomes clear that the image of the hero and real personality - Not the same person. Dante Hero - reminds the contemplator, which only observes what is happening. In character, it is different: hot-tempered and foul, angry and helpless. Such a technique uses the author in order to show the entire spectrum of the emotion of a living person.

Beatrice - Most High Wisdom, Symbol of Good. She became his guide to different areas, showing love in all manifestations. And Dante, being captured by love by persogently followed by her, wanting to achieve heavenly wisdom.

In the Prologue, we see Dante at 35 years old, which stands at the crossroads of his life. Associative series is created: the time of year - Spring, he met with Beatrice, too, in spring and God's world Created in spring. Animals are symbolic with human vices. For example, Lynx - Sweistance.

Dante shows through his hero and its own tragedy and global. Reading the poem, we see how the hero falls in spirit, resurrect and looking for consolation.

He also meets sleepy crowds. These people did not make any kind nor bad deeds. They look lost among two worlds.

Dante Ada Circles Description

Conducting an analysis of the poem "Divine Comedy" you can see that the innovation of Dante is found when he passes through the first circle of hell. Together, old people and babies are languishing the best poets. Such as: verligions, Homer, Horace, Ovid and Dante himself.

The second circle of hell opens Poludrakon. How many times he will turn a person with the tail in that circle of hell he will fall.

The third circle of hell is the foolish torments that are terrible.

In the fourth round - Jews and waste, whom the author endowed the epithet "Gnus".

In the fifth round, angry people are sharpened to whom no one is feeling pity. After the way to the city of devils opens.

Passing through the cemetery, the path to the sixth circle of hell opens. It dwells all political haters, among them there are people who burn alive.

The most terrible circle of hell is the seventh. In it, several stages. There are murderers, rapists, suicides.

The eighth round - deceivers and the ninth - traitors.

With each dance circle, it is revealed and becomes more realistic, rough and judicial.

We see a significant difference in the image of Paradise. He fragrant, the music of spheres sounds in it.

Summing up the analysis of the "Divine Comedy" Dante should be noted that the poem is filled with allegories that allow you to call the product with symbolic, biographical, philosophical.

Time Mystery: When the famous Dante journey began

Dante timed his journey to the afterlife of Dante by 1300. This is evidenced by several prompts left by the poet in the text. Let's start with the obvious: the first line of the "Divine Comedy" - "Reduced the border of mature years ..." means that the author turned 35 years old.

Dante believed that human life lasts only 70 years, as written in the 89th Psalm ("Days of our years - seventy years old, and with a big fortress - eighty years old"), and it was important to identify that half of his life path was held . And since he was born in 1265, it can be easily calculated and a year of traveling to hell.

The exact month of this campaign to researchers suggest astronomical data, scattered throughout the poem. So, in the first song we will learn about the "constellations with uneven meek light." This is the constellation "Aries", in which the sun is in the spring. Further clarifications give all the grounds to assert that in the "Dark Forest", the lyrical hero falls on the night from the passionate Thursday for Friday (from 7 to April 8) 1300. In the evening Good Friday He descends to hell.

The riddle of the popsovers: the pagan gods, heroes and monsters in Christian hell

In the Underworld, Dante often meets mythological creatures: In Limble, the intermediary and carrier is Charon, the guardian of the second round is the legendary king Minos, the cerberry in the third round is seamlessly, Plutos, and amusement and dull - Flygia, the son of Ares. Electra, Hector and Eney, Elena beautiful, Achilles and Paris are tormented on different circles of Datovsky Hell. Among the reports and seductors, Dante sees Jason, and in the ranks of the deserted advisers - Uliva.

Why are they all needed to poet? The simplest explanation is that in Christian culture former gods turned into demons, which means their place - in hell. Tradition to associate paganism with evil spirits was fixed not only in Italy. The Catholic Church had to convince the people in the insolvency of the former religion, and the preachers of all countries actively convinced people that all the ancient gods and heroes are Adepts of Lucifer.

However, there is a more complex subtext. In the seventh Circle of Hell, where the torment suffer rates, Dante meets the Minotaur, Garpius and Centaurs. The dual nature of these creatures is an allegory of sin, for which the inhabitants of the seventh circle suffer, the animal began in their character. Associations with animals in the "Divine Comedy" very rarely carry a positive color.

Encrypted biography: What can I learn about the poet reading "hell"?

In fact, quite a lot. Despite the entire monumentality of the work, on the pages of which the famous historical figures, Christian holy and legendary heroes appear, Dante did not forget about themselves. To begin with, he fulfilled the promise given in his first book " New life"Where I wrapped out about Beatrice" This, which has not yet been said about any one. " Having created the "Divine Comedy", he really made his beloved symbol of love and light.

Something about the poet is the presence in the text of St. Lucia - the patroness of people suffering from the eyes of the eyes. Early having experienced vision problems, Dante prayed precisely by Luchi, this explains the appearance of Saint together with the Virgin Maria and Beatrice. By the way, notice, the name of Mary in the "hell" is not mentioned, it appears only in "purgatory".

There is in the poem and instructions on individual episodes from the life of its author. In the fifth song, the lyrical hero meets a certain chakco - a heaven, located in a racular swamp. The poet sympathizes unhappy, for which he opens the future to him and tells about exile. Dante began to work on the "Divine Comedy" of Dante in 1307, after the arrival of the "black gelfov" and expulsion from Native Florence. In fairness, we note that Chakco tells not only misfortunes, waiting for him personally, but also about the entire political destiny of the city of the republic.

A completely little-known episode is mentioned in a nineteenth song, when the author speaks of a broken jug:

Everywhere, and along the bed, and on the rocks,
I saw an innumerable series
Rounded wells in stone gray.
I, exciting from suffering,
Recently, one of them broke ...

Perhaps, this departure Dante wanted to explain his actions that could have led to the scandal, because the vessel broken by him was filled with holy water!

The biographical facts can be attributed to the fact that Dantea placed his personal enemies in "hell", even though in 1300 some of them were still alive. So, among the sinners, Wennediko Dei Kachchanyichi - the famous political figure, Leader of Bologna Gutev. Dante chronology neglected only in order to take revenge on at least in the poem.

Among the sinners clinging for the Boat Flegia, Filippo Ardenti is a rich Florentine, also belonging to the family of the Black Guelf Party, a swelling and wasteful person. In addition to the "Divine Comedy", Ardenti is also mentioned in the Decameron Giovanni Boccaccio.

Did not regret the poet and father of her best friend Guido - Kawalkanta Dei Cavalkanti, Epicurea and Atheist. For his beliefs, he was sent to the sixth round.

Mystery numbers: the structure of the poem as a reflection of a medieval worldview

If you distract from the text and look at the structure of the whole "divine comedy", we will see that much in its structure is associated with the "Three" digit: three chapters - "Canties", thirty-three songs in each of them (to "hell" added Another prologue), the whole poem is written by three strokes - tercins. Such a strict composition is due to the teaching about the Holy Trinity and the special meaning of this number in Christian culture.

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