Loneliness - the abyss of the soul, intended for God. Loneliness

Decor elements 24.09.2019
Decor elements

Despite the fact that most of us live surrounded by many other people, we, nevertheless, often feel the feeling of loneliness, which deprives us of the joy of life. Solitude corps our soul and makes our life meaningless, sometimes turning it into a solid torment. Many of you will probably agree with me that loneliness is bad, very bad and sad. Meanwhile, around us there are so many people, which would seem to be anything about any loneliness and speech, and it is however, we feel it. Why do we feel lonely and why is loneliness perceived by us so painful? And most importantly - what should we do with loneliness, how to get rid of it? We are with you, dear readers, let's talk in this article. And if you feel like a lonely person - I will help you solve this problem.

Loneliness is special emotional condition A man at which he feels his closure and does not feel himself. A lonely person loses the feeling of himself because of the lack of contacts with other people, he falls into the emptiness in which it, as a person, no. This emotional state occurs at the moment when a person does not receive full attention from other people when he does not feel a positive emotional connection with people or is afraid of losing her. At the same time, people around him may be much and they can even communicate with him. It's all about the form of this communication - a person can simply not listen, do not hear and not understand. Often, communicating with people, we feel that they just do not hear us, and therefore do not understand, and therefore we begin to feel lonely. It turns out that communication with people here seems to be occurring, but it resembles communication with the wall, from which there is little proc. So not necessarily live on uninhabited island And be isolated from society to feel lonely, it is possible and surrounded by a huge number of people, not only feel, but also to really be a lonely person - if you don't care about you.

But why don't you do not care about those who do not care about us? And because we are social, we are all dependent on each other, because we are parties of the whole whole, not to mention the fact that each of us is necessary partner for a full-fledged life. So the nature was conceived so that a person sought to continue his genus and supported life on earth and to care not only about himself, but also about him around him, as it raises his survival. Together, people are capable of a lot, they were able to build a civilization and together can solve any problems that arise from them, but they simply will be cleaned. Therefore, such a socio-psychological phenomenon, as loneliness, is quite explained. We feel lonely because we are doing ourselves so - we alienate, go away from each other, we emphasize our individuality, forgetting the need to fit into the society around us, noting other people in it and becoming noticeable. And we will never be comfortable until we objectively be lonely until we learn to be not only ourselves, but also part of the society in which we live, and preferably, and part of all mankind. So we cannot be indifferent to other people, especially in cases where we lack attention, communication, understanding, respect and love. However, if we get too much attention from other people, we inevitably begin to neglect them, we begin to choose who we are interested in and profitably communicate, and who do not. If you do not have friends, there is no suitable partner - you certainly feel lonely. But it is quite possible, friends that you are also at the moment someone do not notice who notices you. Think about it.

Solitude, meanwhile, has a positive side - this is privacy. Some people do not need constant and abundant communication with other people, they can conduct a full-fledged internal dialogue with themselves, they can reflect, read books, do some favorite things and it will be quite comfortable. Loneliness for such people is not a punishment, but grace, however, in moderate quantities, because as already mentioned above - in contacts with people and in their attention to us, we need everything. But to a certain extent, we all need alone, another thing that, because of this, we should not close from external worldOtherwise, we will become outcasts, single people, closed in themselves. And this will not go for use, be sure. Therefore, do not try to replace communication with people with themselves, it will not save you from loneliness. Complete communication with people with themselves - add, but do not replace them with him, live a full life - look for yourself suitable interlocutors and communicate with them.

But back with you to the negative side of loneliness, in the end, for most people, loneliness is a problem, and not the blessing they somehow need to decide to not suffer because of it. And how can it be solved? For starters, friends, it is necessary to find out what causes this problem. Pay attention to the image of your life and on your attitude to other people. If you are making an alienated lifestyle if you for some reason are isolated from other people, then this situation you need to correct - you need to go to people to be able to communicate with them. If you communicate with people, but do not understand them, and they do not understand you, because of what you have conflicts during communication, forcing you to remove from them or remove them from you, then you must work on your Master of communication. In most cases, we lose attention to our other people, because of our misunderstanding, which is interpreted, as not understanding with us. But blaming other people in the fact that they do not want to communicate with us or do not want to understand us - it's just meaningless. People behave with us as they want and how they are forced to behave, and most importantly, they behave with us like that - as we allow them to behave with us. So if we do not want to hear each other, then our communication will be so meaningless that it can be compared with the communication with the wall, and therefore, no understanding of any mutual understanding and speech with such dead communication. So why do we spit on each other, why don't we notice each other, we do not hear each other and do not want to understand each other? Is it all about our upbringing? Yes, and in it, too, many people are selfish and therefore indifferent to other people, but those in turn, indifferent to them. So we feel all yourself with lonely, even in large cities, where are full of people, and even having an Internet under hand, in which you can communicate with anyone and on any topic. But selfishness of egoism, and the main problem for a person who makes lonely other people, and at the same time itself, is the lack of necessity in other people. We do not need anyone in each other so much to desire each other to understand. Rather, we believe that we do not need anyone in each other, and we are more often visible in other people more enemies than friends and so we try to remove it from them or just not notice them. Because of this, as I said above - we ourselves do lonely. We must have the need for those around us, then we will be more open and friendly to them, and if we will not feel this need, then our other people will only interfere.

How often do we complain that we lack attention, love, respect, understanding? And what personally did we do to ensure that all of us we had? We accept the love that other people offer us who sincerely love us, we respect their attention to us, are we trying to understand other people when we communicate with them? Alas, friends, but in most cases we do not do anything, in any case, most of us are not appreciated attention, love, understanding and respect for yourself from other people. And as a result, some of us come to proud loneliness, in which some people because of their pride and perseverance are staying throughout their lives. But just need, try to understand other people, try to hear them and find with them mutual language. But people are too selfish for this, they are mostly focused on their own feelings, on own desires, on your own interests, and there is no case to others. Sometimes it is justified, sometimes no, but in most cases, without feeling the need for attention to yourself from some people, we deprive themselves the opportunity to live a rich and full-fledged life in which we will have many friends and fans. Lonely simply do not become so, this is sure to precede certain actions by the person who forced people to remove him. Sometimes friends really should be easier to start to stretch to you.

However, some people, with all the wishes, are not able to establish positive contacts with other people, they either themselves in themselves, or because of the negative experience of the past became such. Also very often, difficulties with communication arise in people with low self-esteem, because of which they are simply afraid to communicate, they are afraid to be unreasonable, incomprehensible, incomprehensible. There are other psychological factors contributing to loneliness. So, if you find it difficult to install contacts with people, due to low self-esteem, because of fear of them, because of your impairment or for some other reasons, then start working on yourself, either yourself, or with the help of a specialist . Otherwise, you will create a vicious circle when your inability and reluctance to communicate with people will lead you to the fact that your self-esteem will fall even lower and your fear of people will become even more. And then you may have depression, with all the "charms" inherent in it, able to finally poison our lives. You must need to develop your communication skills to be able to get acquainted with people interesting to you. And if you are already sufficiently sociable, but there are few people around you with whom you could talk and who could understand you, then you urgently should pay attention to your behavior in order to understand what you should change in it . Loneliness always has the reasons that are primarily concluded in ourselves. When we feel the loneliness of the soul, when it seems to us that the whole world is against us that we do not need anyone and our whole life is a continuous misunderstanding, be sure - we do not understand something at that moment, we miss something from sight and That does not give values.

I am absolutely confident that many people need in each of us, as well as we themselves, we also need many of them. We all need each other in one way or another. It is worth aware of us, and we will certainly open each other and become closer to each other, and not physically closer, with this today there are no problems, but spiritually. It is time for us to abandon consumer attitudes towards people and move to a new stage of the perception of this world, in which our relationship with each other will get qualitatively new form. People should grow and develop such primitive and meaningless problems, as loneliness ceased to disturb them. I recommend that you also do some creative activity, which with interest compensates for you a lack of attention to you from other people. Sometimes we just feel lonely, but they are not like that, we just do not have the opportunity to express yourself and therefore it seems to us that no one understands us. Express yourself in some interesting job for you, because in every person without exception there is some kind of talent, revealing and developing which he is able to surprise the world with his wonderful creation and express himself. Then attention, and recognition, and respect, and love you will be provided. People will not be able to not notice a person who created something beautiful.

And do not be afraid of people, friends. Of course, they are not perfect, and sometimes dangerous, but still without them, none of us can live a full life. You do not need to communicate with all people, communicate only with those of them, who is closer to you in spirit and character, it will be enough for you that you do not feel lonely. Try to explore people, understand them, explore their interests, goals, desires, and then you can join their picture of the world and help them understand you. Pay attention to yourself with your activity and energetic, because active and energetic people are difficult not to notice. Keep in mind that many people simply do not understand what their life should be, what people they should surround themselves in this life, and to whom they are needed in it. Therefore, try to convince them that they need you, show them yourself in all its glory. And you will take. People confused in the same world created, in which there are so many information that you can drown in it. Therefore, they often find it difficult to focus their attention even on themselves, not to mention someone else who surrounds them. There are people around there, and the person does not notice them, does not communicate with them fully, therefore he feels lonely. Loneliness is the problem that we have invented, in reality it does not exist, there is only a misunderstanding of each other and inattention to each other.

I also had a time when I was bad and when I could not find answers to questions ... And no one could tell me what to do ... I do not know if it would help you ... You can not believe me, you can forget about this letter. You do not know this and you can't be sure of that. But be sure, know it, feel it, live it. This knowledge expires from life itself ... You are not alone in this world, even when you are lonely, you are not alone. Look around, people do not notice this ... they can surround centillins of living organisms, but they will be lonely. We passed many lives one after another, and in each of them we were accompanied ... Nature wants to be filled with you and fill you ... let her fit ... and you will understand that you are not alone. Nature loves you, so many people who love you - look at them, the plants stretch to you as if to the sun, the animal is happy to play with you. Feel like the sun loves you and the sky of the Universe you need, if you were not needed, you would not be born. You did not know about your birth, like many others, but you can learn about our past lives. Surprisingly, as you did not notice that, but perhaps you will notice. When you find it in your heart, you will never be alone. Change reality. From letter Tina to Lie.

Loneliness. Probably everyone is familiar to everyone. It is difficult for us to carry such a time if we are not used to being with themselves. Often we are ready to do anything, just not to surrender to yourself. It is difficult to accept your own fear, it is difficult to accept yourself if you did not do before. But as soon as we let go of the resentment, we will take reality and open yourself - immediately we will feel unprecedented ease. Our inner world In the moment will become our home, in which we will want to return again and again. Not so scary to be one, it is more terrible to never know yourself. To be one - not loneliness of the soul.

The more you feel and explore your own feelings, the more you spend time alone, the more you understand how these feelings really are necessary. After spending time alone, we learn how to open our souls, we can finally understand who we will find out what life is and what place we occupy in it.

When you cover the feeling of loneliness, remember these lines and, perhaps it will be easier for you to open yourself, take yourself and love.

Sometimes you just need to be alone - life itself sends you.

Sometimes you need to be alone, just enjoy free timeJust be alone with you, just be on your way. Life itself sends you to the true path, at the moment when you feel lonely - you most need it. The world himself pushes you.

We have to spend from time to time alone. When we are alone, our own thoughts are becoming available, we can hear our intuition. Appreciate the moments when life gives you a priceless time, which you can spend in silence and union with you. When everything believes and you hear only the beat of your own heart. It is better to find out how it is, otherwise you will never realize the meaning of these phrases, you will never understand who you are.

In order to find something new, first you need to get rid of the old one.

Everything is interconnected. Our energy is not infinite, we can not own everything immediately. All things have their own place and their order. While you do one thing, you can not do another as high quality as the first. While your thoughts are busy one, you can miss your second happiness. To purchase a new one, first you need to free the place of the day of the day. Understanding this is the first step. The second step is to accept and let go. Create changes in life is scary enough, but it is even worse to regret all my life that I did not. Oshchikha, nothing terrible in it. You become. It is not easy, but it is necessary for you.

Do not listen to your mind if he tells you that you are alone. He is lying to you.

Very often we do not notice how the cunning mind spins the whirlwind of thoughts in our head. He meets for a long time, gradually intensifying, and comes to the fact that thoughts begin to dictate to us with emotions, affect our condition. Thoughts - do not own us, we own thoughts. And when the mind once again tries to tell you that you are full of loneliness, remember that the mind is the biggest liar in the world (see real magic).

Take a reality as it is.

Avoid reality is useless. Life is constantly changing and runs forward. No need to run away from it, accept the call, regard all events as new experience for personal growth. You will not find calm and peace, while do not accept yourself and things around.

Calm, it's not when you are in a quiet place where there are no problems, this is when you are in the insanely noisy runner, where everything inevitably moves and develops, remaining in unshakable union with his heart.

Regardless of the situation you and only you determine your attitude towards it.

Most of our sufferings are caused by an improper attitude to the world. Look at things from a positive point of view. Always produce a good attitude in any situation. If someone hurts you, do not be offended by him, just such people themselves are unhappy, in the soul they are very bad. This does not mean that you should not react in any way, just choose your attitude.

If no one supports you, it does not mean anything.

Close to do not always support your goals, but it does not mean that you have to give up your ideas, you should strive for them anyway. Follow your intuition. What does it mean? This means to do what makes you feel peaceful trepid or, at least, not to do what brings you internal discomfort. Others may not feel what you feel, so it is natural when they are expressed against your aspirations. But you must follow your feelings, this is your life and you have to dispose of it. Even if something goes wrong, then at least you will live this time with, instead of "staying someone else's life." So do not worry about other people's opinions, just continue to live in your own way, live by your truth.

You are not the same as before ... Wonderful, it should be. !

Everything changes, so it should be. We pass through the ups and downs that make us better. New events are taking place that new lessons give us, change our point of view. We are developing and improving themselves. We are no longer no time. The surrounding will not be former. But we are still people, we still live. Stronger, more experienced.

Under any circumstances, do our best. By doing so, in the future you can not blame yourself, you will not regret, since you did everything. Be the most effective today - just right here, right now. And do everything in your power.

Loneliness accompanies man from the very moment of his birth. When the newborn baby is crying in his crib due to the lack of a mother, he already feels lonely. A little mature, the child begins to comprehend the world and it seems to him that he is so unknown and incomprehensible. If the parents cannot give him love at this time, he again faces deep loneliness.

Adult Already more often suffers from loneliness, and most of all is lonely he feels before death. Therefore, it is confident that it can be said that there is not a single person in the world who would never feel lonely in his life. Avoiding loneliness at all, no matter how it would not want, it is impossible. But the relationship among each person with loneliness add up differently. It depends on the nature, temperament, perseverance, gender, age and the desire of a person to change their lives. The degree of loneliness of a person depends on its expectations good relationship surrounding people and people close to him.

IN Russia All people, older than 70 years, feel completely lonely. The reason for this is that a person does not know how to adapt to old age. Many older people focus on the younger years of life and believe that they should also communicate, consult and obey their opinions. However, children grow up and become independent, their attitude towards parents changes. They build their plans and are concerned about making money, and they do not have time to visit the elderly parents.

People who are accustomed live His life and able to love themselves, over the years they are rebuilt towards this and do not worry their children with their problems. Unbalanced old people do not want to put up with their loneliness and require children to participate in their lives, both in moral and in material Plan. As a result, often children are even more separated from their parents, which only aggravates their loneliness. It is very important to understand that loneliness is the inner state of the soul, and not real. External factors No one can change the mental state of man and no one except the person himself will be able to drive his Handra and despondency.

Loneliness outstitching People not only in old age, many couples live next to each other in full solitude. Such a loneliness is called spiritual and it is much heavier tolerate by a person than when he is still physically. Often the absence of mental communication between partners leads women to deep depression and even psychological diseases. As they speak in the people: "Nature does not like emptiness!" And therefore, each of the partners tries to stroke the sense of loneliness in families acceptable to it.

Men Most often novel on the side or begin to drink, and women become aggressive and constantly break off on family members due to spiritual dissatisfaction. If the husband and wife do not communicate with each other and do not find interest from a joint pastime, then they are no longer a couple and their joint life brings them only torment.

The largest delusion It is the opinion of people that some new outsider or friends who try to get rid of solitude, which they try to start. Indeed, at the beginning of relations with a new partner or people who surround once a lonely person care and attention, the illusion of the completeness of life and happiness is created. But very soon devastation and disappointment overtake again, bringing even greater mental pain. It happens because the man himself remained the same, his views on life and attitude to themselves did not change. After all, a person really can be happy only when he is confident in his abilities, loves himself and engaged in his loved one.

Full indifference In relation to her inevitably leads to loneliness. If a person does not respect and does not like himself even himself, it is automatically transmitted to the people around people who try to bypass it. Attitude towards us others is just the reflection of our attitude towards them. Indifference to itself launches the process of loneliness. If a person considers himself unworthy of something good or refuses his values \u200b\u200bin the please of children, husband or parents, then demanding respect for others should not be required.

Refusal to their interests, trying to improve the lives of loved ones, only even more pushes to spiritual loneliness. Very often, people are trying to realize other people's desires due to disguise the absence of their own goals. Instead of finding yourself a favorite activity and go to himself, a person is engaged in self-deception and completely forgets about himself, diligently caring for children or husband.

Unreasonable refusing From his own happiness and dreams, a man himself obrives himself for loneliness. Love yourself and try to change your life in best side. And only you decide that you choose - loneliness or love? Irresponsible attitude towards yourself and to your life and there main reason The fact that loneliness begins to manage your life.

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