Why it is impossible to good Friday. What can not and what can be done in Good Friday

The buildings 23.09.2019
The buildings

The Great Friday, which is included in the most strict and mournful week of the Great Post, is also also called Good Friday. This day received this day due to the fact that it was on Friday, somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bdinner, Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. On Good Friday, the Orthodox all over the world recall the events of this day.

Prohibitions actually a lot and they affect different spheres Human life.

Note! First of all, it is necessary to emphasize once again that this day must be praying and thinking over own life, remember not only the sufferings of Christ, but also why he passed through these suffering.

That every believer should know about Good Friday

In 2019, this Friday falls on April 26th. "This is the most mourning day in the Christian year and he always comes from two days before the bright Resurrection of the Lord or the Easter holiday. On this day, Jesus Christ took martyrdom on the cross for the sins of human. This mourning day and even the vestments of priests should not be blond.

Good Friday, what can not be done on this day? Liturgy is not held in churches. During the evening, which begins at the time of death of Christ - at three in the afternoon, the shroud is made from the altar, with the image of Jesus Christ, filmed from the Cross. Corps cover a table that stands in the middle of the temple. Then the prayers are read, the place is decorated with flowers, candles are lit. This ritual symbolizes the removal of Jesus from the cross and his position in the coffin. This is a farewell to the body of Jesus Christ.

Good Friday in 2019, which is impossible to do

On this mourning day you can not work. Of course, this does not mean that all believers should take the rank at work. But the job that can be limited or not to do is better to transfer to another time. Also on this day it is forbidden to sew, clean and erase. There is even popular beliefThat if the underwear is wrapped in Good Friday, when it is dried, bloody spots will be shown on it.

On this day, it is also impossible to do in the garden, plant plants and swim. A special prohibition applies to stitching in the land of iron equipment, such as robel or shovel. If a person breaks a ban, then he is waiting for a big misfortune. All these prohibitions exist not for recreation, but in order for the believer of a person, the time he must have the day before the holiday to spend with his family reading the Bible.

Good Friday, which cannot be done 2019, so it is still singing and laughing, lead an active lifestyle and just have fun. Also you can not quarrel, shouting at each other and swear. The day must be made in reflections on the suffering of Jesus Christ.

Before the removal of the blazers, believers do not eat food and do not even drink. In the evening it is allowed to eat bread and drink water, but many prefer this day from eating at all to refuse. Some continue to refrain from food until Sunday, but church customs, even the most stringent, do not insist on it.

Good Friday should not become an ordinary ordinary day, you need to think about your life at this time and remember the sufferings of the Savior. Each believer should think about what things in his life are the main.

Folk signs, which can not be done in Good Friday

The people were believed that from the moment when the body of Christ was put in the coffin until his resurrection, devilry It has particularly strong power and feels impunity. She comes to the world and scares righteous people. If a person in this day is being taken for something passionate, it is necessary to say three times: "God will resurrect him and bold him." It will protect against evil power. While reading the Holy Scriptures it is impossible to fall asleep because the unclean spirit can be carried in hell.

But it is not just necessary to spend this day, but pray and remember the sufferings of Jesus Christ, which he accepted to save humanity from sins.

Of all the days of the Great Week, this is mournful. Condemned and crucified on Calvary Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind. Good Friday was the last effort to live by the Savior.

Great Friday falls on Great postwhich lasts before Easter. On this day, it should be stricter than usual. It is customary to be limited as far as possible. All earthly and glorious must move to the background. Before the removal of the shroud (around 14:00), it is better to refrain from food at all, and after it, preeble bread, raw fruits and water.

The church recommends to devote to the date of prayers and be sure to go to the temple service. There are three worship services. In the morning, hours with reading the gospel about the passions of the Lord. After noon - evening with the removal of the gaze. Evening service lasts until the morning of Saturday and is completed by the burial of the ship. In an old candle, the candles from the church were buried burning. Now they are extinguished at the exit of the temple, the houses are lit near the icons.

Good Friday before Easter, which is impossible to do

One of the saddest days Passionate week - Good Friday. This time is devoted to mournful and sad memories of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

In no case do not do homemade deals. For this, there is a specially designated day - pure Thursday, in which people are put on to perform different work. Especially in Good Friday it is impossible to wash.

It is saying that in this period, red spots resembling blood can appear during this period. Also can not cut, dig, plant and pierce land.

What is this day - passionate Friday? What can not be done, and what can I?

People who planned on this day celebration, wedding, entertainment, better postpone fun at a more favorable time, because it is a huge sin.

What else can you tell us a passionate Friday? What can not be done on this day?

No need to speak loudly, as well as laugh. After all, this period is associated with sorrow and sadness. From the evening of Thursday it is impossible to eat food, it is also worth refraining from drinking. It is believed that if this day does not drink water, then throughout the year, any liquid will benefit health. If you are interested in the question regarding what you can not do in Good Friday and Saturday - Know: It is forbidden to carry bees, otherwise the likelihood that they will all die are quite large.

What can be done on Good Friday

On this day, it is also recommended to sanctify the ring in the church. There is a belief that such an action will protect you from ailments and evil eyes throughout the year. If on the day of passionate Friday, bake a piece and save it until the next Easter, then you can cure a cough. On this day, it is also accepted to treat relatives, close, acquaintances and even the poor baked baked, cottage cheese, milk, eggs, to make more good deeds and serve alms.

Good Friday is the last Friday of the Great Post, which takes place within 48 days before Easter. This is the most strict and sad days when it is necessary to fulfill many prohibitions.

Before talking about, a passionate Friday, which cannot be done, you must remember that this day is necessary. Good Friday is the last Friday of the Great Post, which lasted 48 days. On this day, believers remember the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. On this day, it is necessary to observe a strict post and do not eat before the removal of the shroud. After that, in the evening, you can eat only bread and water.

It is important! The gardeboat is a large circuit board, which shows Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary. The gaze of Jesus Christ is used in the future during serving not only on Good Friday, but also on the Great Saturday. But the glooming of the Virgin is used in the worship of Assumption.

Good Friday, which is impossible to do, so this is any business in the house, the day before this Friday was pure Thursday, when it was necessary to spend at home general cleaning And everything is pretty wash and wash. After all, it is impossible to clean after pure Thursday for at least six days.

If possible, in the Great Friday, it is necessary to try less work. Of course, B. modern world it is rather about not the main job of hiring, namely land work. Bad admission On this day, it is considered to stick iron objects into the land, like rake and shovel. Because, it can easily stick to man trouble.

Sew, wash, cut - this is another list that you can not do on good Friday. A particularly large sin is the cutting of firewood. On this sorrowful day, it is necessary to refrain from fun, do not sing, do not walk and do not go to visit. They believed in the people that, which violates this ban, then he cries throughout the year.

Note! It is impossible to sing on Good Friday. Including, sing divine songs.

Other signs and bans on Good Friday:

* It is believed that loaf of bread, baked on this day, has a property to heal from diseases. She never molds;

* In the Blacksmiths it was forbidden to nail and hammers in memory of what these tools used many centuries ago;

* In no case cannot be puzzled by the land on this day, because who will do it, is waiting for a big trouble;

* It is believed that if lingerie on this day (which is impossible to do), then during drying on it there will be bloody spots;

* You can carry the bees on any day in a year, in addition. Because if you make transportation to the Great Friday, the bees will definitely die;

* If you don't suffer thirst in the memory of the torment and the thirst of Jesus on the cross, then during the course of the whole year no drink will allow plenty to get drunk them and satisfy;

This is information that you can not do in Good Friday. But it should also be remembered that the mistresses in the evening of this day, after the removal of the shroud (somewhere after 16.00) you can start cooking easter cakes. When the dough starts to approach, then the vintage Ukrainian customs require no one in the kitchen. Then in the process of cooking the hostess can speak cake on health, wealth and good luck.

From the moment the mistress baked the first cake, and it is better to do in pure Thursday or, if he did not have time, then in the evening to Good Friday, before Easter, nothing can be accommodated from home. The list is quite impressive, but this is the most sorrowful day of the year, when you need to try to keep all the prohibitions.

Passionate Friday is the most rigorous day of the passionate week, and at the same time the saddest. Find out what you can do on this day, what to do is being prohibited, as well as the signs of the Great Friday according to customs.

Good Friday precedes Easter's holiday and is devoted to the memory of the bottom of the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. This is the day of the strict post. This year, passionate Friday falls on April 6.

Friday is the day in which Jesus Christ was crucified. Therefore, passionate Friday is devoted to the memories of the court over Jesus Christ, his crucifixes and the godfather in Calvary, withdrawing his body from the cross and burial. The worship service of Great Friday includes a three-time reading of the Evangelical narration about these events.

In the morning, twelve gospels consistently read - twelve gospel passages that chronological order Talk about Friday events. On the great (royal) hours, they read the narratives of each of their four evangelists (Matthew, John, Luke and Mark). And on the Great Evening about the events of this day, tells one long composite gospel.

Good Friday - an exceptional day, and its exclusivity (as well as the exclusiveness of the victim of Jesus Christ in Calvary) is emphasized by the fact that they do not commit liturgy on this day. However, if the passionate Friday coincides with the Annunciation, serve as Liturgy John of Zlatoust. In the evening they sing a special canon on the crucifixions of the Lord and bring the shroud.

Cloak - this is the boards in which full height Lord Jesus Christ, lying in the coffin. After the removal of the ship is installed on a special elevation in the center of the temple. It is customary to diminish incense and decorate the colors in memory of how the myrrheus wife anointed incense the body of the buried Christ.

Good Friday - a special day, which, according to the charter, you need to refrain from making food before the removal of the shroud, and then you can only eat bread and drink only water. All preparations for the Easter holiday must be finished into pure Thursday, so that nothing distracts the Great Friday from prayers and services. On this day it is impossible to deal with any economic affairs, especially to sew, wash and cut anything. Violation of this prohibition is considered to be a great sin. Those who follow the most stringent rules of the Great Post, on this day do not even wash.

It is not accepted to sing on Good Friday - to walk and have fun - it is believed that a person who has fun in the Great Friday will pay all year. However, despite the fact that on this day, worship is imbued with sorrow, it is already preparing believers to the upcoming holiday of the Resurrection of Christ.

In the folk consciousness, passionate Friday is associated with a number of and superstition. It is believed, for example, that baked on this day bread never molds and healed from all diseases. Sailors considered bread baked in the Great Friday, a talisman against shipwrecks. A hot cross bun, baked on this day, will protect the house from fires until the next Great Friday.

In Russia, on this day, more wealthy neighbors treated their loved ones and acquaintances who are not affordable, festive swords, milk, eggs, cottage cheese.
Everyday Friday is very undesirable to work. So, according to accept, iron objects should not stick to the ground, for example, shovels and rake: it's to trouble. Therefore, plants planted on this day will die. Only sown to Parsley will give a double harvest. Filled in the mistress and posted for drying on Friday, the clothes will never be pure: bloody spots will be shown on the laundry.

After the Friday service, it is customary to bring twelve burning candles to the house, with which they stood in the church. Candles need to put in the house and let them burn to the end. It is believed that it will bring happiness and prosperity for the next twelve months.

Of course, many signs came from paganism, not from Christianity, and some of them even contradict Christian traditions. But believe in signs or not is a personal choice of every person. Passionate Friday is another reason to make a pause in our tense life and think: do we live?

Signs of Great Friday:
Buckka bread, baked in Good Friday, heals from all diseases and never molds.
In no case, it is impossible to pushing the land with iron; of who will do it, will suffer trouble.
If the lingerie is wicked to dry into a passion friday, blood spots will appear on it.
If you transport bees on any day, except for a passionate Friday, they will certainly die.
If you wipe your thirst for Good Friday, then no drinking will bring you the harm to the whole year.
Rings, consecrated in Good Friday, protect the one who wears them, from all diseases.
Easter dough, saved from one passionate Friday until the next, warns a cough.
Only parsley sowned to Good Friday gives a double harvest.
Relief babies from the chest to Good Friday - the sign says that the child will be strong, healthy and will live happily
If there is a passionate friday, the bread will be with a bunign.
If the starry sky is under the passionate Friday, the wheat will be a grainy.
In addition, it was determined to the Great Friday, there were no conspiracted things in the house: on this day they took the short-cut candle from the church, which was in their hands during the service, brought home, lit and walked around the rooms. It is believed that where it will shine, is a thickened thing.

Good Friday of 2018 falls on April 6. That believers do to Good Friday, the traditions and prohibitions of this day are in our material.

Passionate Friday is the most stringent and sad day of the Great Post, in which it is impossible to eat, except for bread and water, until the church rite of removal of the shroud, which occurs at three in the afternoon. It is believed that at this time Jesus Christ, I walked the Spirit on the Cross. The glooring is a cut of the fabric on which it is written either embroidered the image of the Son of God's full growth, a symbolic burial savage.

In view of the importance of this day in a religious sense there are a number of other restrictions.

Passionate Friday - what can not be done

In addition to the strict restriction in the food, the believer should be renounced as much as possible from other worldly worries.

Forbidden perform agricultural workBut in no case cannot be driven by iron items in the ground - apparently, by analogy with nails to the cross.

It is also impossible to work around the house. That is why it is very important finish cleaning and washing in. Preparing is also undesirable. You can not touch the sharp metal subjects in the house: do not engage in sewing and embroidery, do not cut anything - bread can only be broken.

By the way, about bread. Often asked if there is a Kulichi stove to a good Friday, because it seems to be a housework, and festive preparations that it was advisable to finish on Thursday. The answer is not so unequivocal, because in different arrings the priest can interpret spiritual texts in its own way and recommend different. But in many regions of Ukraine, it is still considered that this is just an important exception. Moreover, there is a belief that breadless bread is especially useful And it will not waste for a very long time. Before such work, it is necessary to pronounce the prayer "Our Father" and ask the Lord about the blessing.

It is impossible attend entertainment activities. Good Friday - sorrow day.

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