Making pizza at home. Pizza at home - delicious recipes

reservoirs 18.10.2019

It is quite difficult to meet a person who would not like pizza. And the thing is that such a simple dish can be a delicious option for a snack and a variety of daily diet. This Italian delicacy can become a real lifesaver when guests are already on the doorstep.

Some housewives prefer pizza from a pizzeria, fearing the troublesome work in the kitchen. But if you remember the basic nuances of cooking delicious homemade pizza, then you will easily pamper yourself and loved ones with many options for this yummy.

The main thing in the article

Recipe for pizza dough without yeast at home

There is an erroneous opinion that only the filling affects the final taste of pizza. Putting the same ingredients on a pizza with a different crust will result in completely different dishes. It is this flavor accent that can put the dough, which will certainly affect the final result.

The easiest pizza dough is yeast-free dough. This cooking option is used by chefs from the birthplace of pizza - Italy. It takes much less time to bake such a dough than yeast dough, and the cake acquires a light, crispy texture.

Thin dough recipes for homemade pizza

Recipe for your own delicious dough for pizza can be determined only by trying many of its varieties.

Pizza dough with milk


  • 1 tbsp wheat flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup warm milk
  • 1 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 0.5 tsp salt.


  • Combine salt with flour.
  • In a separate container, uniformize the eggs, milk and butter.
  • Then slowly pour the liquid egg mixture into the flour, stirring constantly.
  • When the dough reaches a sticky consistency, start kneading it, adding flour if necessary.
  • The dough should become smooth, put it in a bowl and cover with a clean cloth for about ten minutes.
  • Roll out thin dough using a rolling pin. To do this, sprinkle the table with flour in advance.

Pizza dough using olive oil


  • 1 tbsp wheat flour
  • 1/4 cup warm water
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 0.5 tbsp baking powder or regular soda
  • 0.5 tsp salt.


  • Sift flour through a sieve and combine with all dry ingredients.
  • Gradually add water and then olive oil.
  • Knead the dough until elastic. This will take ten minutes.
  • Form the dough into a ball and then roll it out to the desired size.

Options yeast-free dough great amount. It can be the most delicate dough, kneaded with sour cream or with the addition of cottage cheese. You can add airiness to the dough by adding to it dairy products, beer, or mineral water.

Pizza dough like in a pizzeria

In a pizzeria, pizza dough is crispy and thinly rolled out, while at home, on the contrary, it often turns out to be curvaceous. But what if you want to cook pizza at home, like in a pizzeria? The current ovens are in no way inferior to the professional units that establishments are equipped with. Food Industry. Therefore, the situation is behind the most important thing - the test.

So, the main points of preparation thin dough:

An important role in the preparation of thin dough is played by its correct rolling. The basis for the dough is yeast, and its components may vary depending on the availability of those in the hostess' kitchen arsenal.

For a classic pizza stock up:

  • slightly warmed water - 200 ml
  • dry yeast - 1.5 tsp
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tsp
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • flour - 300 gr
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp

  1. Make a steam. To do this, in a separate container, mix yeast, sugar, salt and a tablespoon of flour, dissolve in warm water.
  2. Cover the dough with a clean towel and leave to rise for 20-30 minutes. The fermentation process will begin, and the emulsion of the ingredients will be taken with foam. This will be the signal to start the kneading.
  3. In a separate bowl, add all the remaining products to the dough and knead the dough. The main thing is not to “hammer” the dough with flour too much, it should turn out elastic, but not tight, and not stick to your hands.
  4. The amount of ingredients in the recipe is designed for two thin pizzas. The most important point- Roll out thin dough. Divide it into two parts and roll it out with a rolling pin.

In the homeland of pizza - Italy, the dough for its base is not rolled out with a rolling pin, it is formed with the bones of the fingers, scrolling many more times on the palms. So it turns out thin in the middle, and thickened at the edges.

When the final thickness of the dough suits you, grease its surface with sauce and start decorating the filling.

How to make homemade pizza?

Choosing a topping for pizza is very easy, because there are a huge number of its varieties. It can be meat, seafood, mushrooms, as well as vegetables for vegetarian pizza. In this case, you can safely experiment, because no matter what combination of ingredients you choose, it is quite difficult to spoil the pizza. This dish will turn out delicious even for housewives with little culinary experience. Here is one of the many variations of this delicious delicacy.

Pizza "Homemade"

Required Products:

  • flour - 300 g
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • milk - 0.5 tbsp
  • butter - 1 tbsp
  • salt - a pinch
  • ketchup or tomato sauce-1/4 pack
  • mayonnaise - 1/4 pack
  • smoked sausage - 250 g
  • canned cucumbers - 2 pcs
  • hard cheese - 150 g
  • seasonings to taste

  1. Knead the dough: first beat the eggs, add salt and flour to slightly warm milk.
  2. Knead the dough thoroughly, then roll out with a rolling pin until desired thickness, depending on whether you want a thick or thin dough. Preheat oven to 180°C.
  3. In the meantime, take care of the filling, cut all the products chosen for it. Mix ketchup with mayonnaise, add your favorite spices to this mixture. Lubricate the resulting sauce with a layer of dough and put the filling on it.
  4. Put the pizza in the oven to bake, the cooking time is individual and depends on the degree of readiness of the dough. The approximate baking time is 20 minutes, but the ovens are different for everyone, and the thickness of the dough will play an important role. So once your pizza is browned, take it out of the oven, sprinkle it with cheese, and put it back in for a few more minutes. Once the cheese has melted, you can serve the dish.

Homemade pizza recipe with step by step photos

Pizza dough consists of:

  • 0.5 cup warm milk
  • 1/3 tsp salt
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • 1-2 tbsp sunflower or olive oil
  • 1 cup flour (a little more if it gets runny)
  • 0.75 sachet dry yeast

Cooking steps:

  • In a separate bowl, first mix the flour with the yeast well.
  • Pour milk with vegetable oil into another bowl, salt and pepper.
  • Combine dry ingredients with wet ingredients and prepare dough.
  • The dough should be a little sticky, don't use too much flour. In this recipe, the dough should be like this.
  • Leave the dough to rise, covering it with a towel. This process will take about an hour.
  • As soon as the dough has increased in size, knead it a little with your hands on a floured table.

  • Carefully transfer the dough to the baking dish and spread it over the entire surface with your hands. The dough will turn out to be quite liquid for this dish, so it will not be possible to roll it out with a rolling pin.

  • Brush the surface of the dough with a little oil.
  • The first layer of the filling will be tomatoes, then sausages, and, well, hard cheese, chopped on a grater.

  • Send the pizza dish to the oven, preheated to 180 ° C for half an hour.

  • The end result is a delicious crispy pizza. soft dough. Overeating!

Such pizza can be diversified not only with sausage, but also separately include eggs, olives, herbs, mushrooms, canned pineapples, garlic, and even herring in the filling.

Pizza with sausage and cheese at home with a photo

It is pizza, which includes sausage and cheese, that is the most common in cooking. It turns out delicious using any type of dough, only each cooked dish will be filled with its own unique flavor notes.

Often used smoked sausages, so pizza turns out with a certain point, but boiled sausage is also suitable. You can also combine sausage varieties, add mushrooms, chicken or olives there.

What is the secret to making pizza with sausage and cheese?

This recipe gives an example of pizza with four main ingredients: yeast dough, tomato sauce, smoked sausage and hard cheese.

For the test you need:

  • 400 g flour
  • 150 ml water
  • 1 egg
  • 5 g yeast
  • salt, sugar
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil

  1. First, start the dough, stirring the yeast with sugar in slightly warmed water, add about half the flour there. Opara should come up for 20 minutes.
  2. After the dough is taken with a foam cap, add salt with an egg and the remaining flour there, knead the dough.
  3. At the very end of the kneading, grease the dough with vegetable oil and give it a smooth texture. Leave the dough to rise for at least an hour, and ideally for two hours, it should increase significantly in volume.
  4. After the specified time, sprinkle the surface with flour and once again carefully knead the dough, roll out a cake from it to the size of a baking dish (which you grease in advance with oil), and transfer it there.

For the filling you need:

  • 250 g sausages
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • tomatoes
  • 50 g butter

  1. Cut the sausage and tomatoes into rings, grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  2. Lubricate the dough with butter at room temperature, and place the filling in the following sequence: sausage, tomatoes, hard cheese. To spice up the pizza, add grated garlic after the tomatoes.
  3. Preheat the oven to 200°C and bake the pizza for 30 minutes.
  4. Garnish the finished dish with a sprig of greens and serve on a round platter.

Homemade pizza: the most delicious recipes

Pizza with seafood

Test Ingredients:

  • 200 g flour premium
  • 0.5 tbsp warm water
  • 0.5 tbsp dry yeast
  • 1.5 tsp sugar
  • 0.75 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp olive oil

The filling consists of:

  • 250 g shrimp (you can add other seafood)
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 5 tomato
  • 0.5 tsp dry oregano
  • 0.5 tsp dried basil
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper

  1. Sift the flour with and knead the dough, initially preparing the dough. The technology of this process is described a little higher.
  2. In the meantime, start preparing the sauce. Peel half of the tomato from the skin and seeds, pass through a meat grinder or smash in a blender. Add olive oil and dry herbs to them, salt.
  3. When the dough has increased in size, roll out a layer of it, about half a centimeter, grease with sauce and put in a preheated oven for five minutes.
  4. Defrost and clean shrimp. Put the filling on the base: shrimp, cheese, tomatoes, cut into rings. Salt, pepper, drizzle with olive oil.
  5. Put the pizza in the oven for another ten minutes, season with dry basil.

Pizza in the oven: quick recipes

To prepare delicious dough for pizza, you can use the recipes that were given earlier. So, for example, rolled blanks from yeast dough can be stored in freezer so that at the right time not to waste time for kneading it. If you are a busy person, you can already purchase ready dough in a supermarket, the range of which is growing every day. And do not worry, no one will consider you a bad housewife, because in choosing just such a test, you will show resourcefulness and creativity.

The main thing in cooking pizza is to take into account the taste preferences of those who will try it, and they are all different. Therefore, various variations of fillings are selected below to satisfy any taste preferences.

Fast pizza in a pan with a photo

Pizza minute in a pan

Necessary products for pizza:

  • ham - 300 g
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs
  • hard cheese - 100 g
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 4 tbsp sour cream
  • 1 large egg
  • 7 tbsp flour

Pizza preparation technology, which will not take more than ten minutes:

  1. Knead the dough for pizza, it should turn out liquid. First, combine mayonnaise, sour cream and eggs, and then add flour.
  2. Lubricate the pan with oil, pour the dough into it.
  3. Cut the ham into large slices and spread evenly throughout the dough.
  4. Place sliced ​​tomatoes and grated cheese on top.
  5. Put the pan on the stove and cover with a lid, cook for about ten minutes. The readiness of the dish is determined by melted cheese and ruddy dough, which easily lags behind the pan.

In order for the pizza-minute to bake evenly, pour a not very thick layer of dough into the pan.

That's it, enjoy the incredible aroma and taste of pizza!

Easy and fast homemade pizza video recipes

Try a wide variety of pizza recipes to find out exactly which ones you like the most! Enjoy your meal!

Sometimes it happens that the guests are already on their way, and there is very little time for cooking. Or you want to have a tasty snack, but you can’t wait for a long time. In this case, the dish can help out is prominent representative cuisine of Italy, its taste is familiar to everyone. There are several recipes that make quick pizza preparation possible. Each of them will be described in more detail in this article.

What do you need for a quick pizza?

The fastest pizza preparation is guaranteed when using a store-bought base for this dish. However, no semi-finished product can be compared with a dough made by oneself. In addition, there are many special recipes. They use both milk with yeast and sour cream, mayonnaise or kefir. Such a variety of recipes allows you to choose the option that is right for you, depending on what products are present in the refrigerator.

one more important condition fast food pizza is the use of finished products as toppings. The most commonly used are a variety of sausages, tomatoes, canned mushrooms, salted cucumbers, olives and, of course, hard cheese.

Below are detailed descriptions several recipes that make quick pizza preparation possible.

Jamie Oliver's Pizza

A large number of recipes for this popular Italian dish are based on simplified technology cooking, which was invented by the famous American culinary specialist Jamie Oliver. He recommends making batter. The following products are needed for an instant pizza according to a recipe from an American chef:

Sour cream or mayonnaise - 3 table. spoons;
. flour - 3 table. spoons;
. chicken egg - 1 pc.;
. soda;
. vinegar.

The process of making pizza from Jamie Oliver consists of the following steps:

1. Put sour cream or mayonnaise in a deep container. Pour in the flour. Crack an egg. Mix all ingredients well.
2. Add a pinch of soda slaked with vinegar. About the consistency, the resulting mixture should resemble dough for pancakes.
3. Pour the batter into the oven. Bake in the oven at 235°C for 10 minutes. Then put the filling on the dough, sprinkle with grated cheese and cook the dish for another ten minutes at 200 ° C.

Pizza on yeast dough

In order to make instant cooking, you need the following ingredients:

Milk - 300 milliliters;
. flour - 400 grams;
. vegetable oil - 2 table. spoons;
. mayonnaise - 2 table. spoons;
. salt;
. dry yeast - 2 tsp. spoons.

The process of making pizza yeast dough next:

1. Pour slightly warmed milk into a container. Add yeast to it. Stir and leave for 15 minutes in a warm place.
2. After the specified time, pour half the flour into the container, add vegetable oil and mayonnaise. Mix well.
3. Pour in the flour that remains and knead a stiff dough that will not spread. Leave it for 15 minutes to proof.
4. After the specified time, roll out the dough and put it in a pizza dish, pre-oiled or covered with parchment. Lubricate with tomato sauce or ketchup, lay out the filling, sprinkle with grated cheese in advance and cook in a well-heated oven for 30 minutes.

Pizza in a pan

The recipe for quick pizza in a pan involves the use of batter. The result, no doubt, will please any hostess. After all, such a dish will practically not differ from that cooked in the oven.
In order to make quick cooking, you need the following ingredients:

Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
. sour cream - 5 table. spoons;
. mayonnaise - 5 table. spoons;
. flour - 10 table. spoons;
. salt.

Cooking pizza in a pan is as follows:

1. Combine sour cream and mayonnaise in a deep bowl. drive in chicken eggs. Mix.
2. Pour flour into the resulting mass and add a pinch of salt. Mix well. The dough should have a consistency similar to sour cream.
3. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil. Pour batter into it.
4. Put the filling on the dough. On top of it, make a mesh of mayonnaise.
5. Sprinkle in advance
6. Put the pan on the stove. Cook for two to three minutes over medium heat. Then cover with a lid and leave on the stove for another 7 minutes until cooked, that is, until the cheese is completely melted.

Pizza with kefir dough

If you're short on time, Quick Cook can be achieved using the recipe. This recipe requires the following ingredients:

Flour - 250 grams;
. kefir - 250 milliliters;
. sugar - 1 tsp. a spoon;
. soda - ¼ tsp. spoons;
. salt - ½ tsp. spoons.

You need to prepare such a pizza as follows:

1. Pour kefir into a deep container. Pour in soda. Mix.
2. Add sugar, flour and salt to kefir. Mix well.
3. Pour the dough into the pizza mold and place in a well-heated oven for a few minutes.
4. After the pizza base has set, you need to get the mold out of the oven, place the filling on the dough, grease with mayonnaise and put the grated cheese on top.
5. Put the mold back in the oven and cook until the cheese is completely melted.

pasta pizza

Instant Pasta Pizza is made from the following ingredients:

Pasta - 250 grams;
. minced meat - 250 grams;
. hunting sausages - 100 grams;
. hard cheese - 250 grams;
. tomato sauce or ketchup - 400 milliliters;
. olive oil - 1 table. a spoon;
. garlic - 3 cloves;
. dried oregano - ½ tsp. spoons;
. dried basil - ½ tsp. spoons;
. salt;
. greens.

The process of making pizza from pasta consists of the following steps:

1. Put the brazier on medium heat and heat it up. Pour olive oil into a bowl. Pour the minced meat and cook it for 5 minutes. Drain excess fat.
2. Add 50 grams of hunting sausages, mix. Fry them together with minced meat for 1 minute.
3. Add tomato sauce, garlic, seasonings. Mix.
4. Pour 375 milliliters of water into the brazier and bring it to a boil.
5. Add pasta. Cover and cook for about fifteen minutes over low heat until fully cooked. pasta.
6. Remove the frypot from the stove. Add the remaining hunting sausages and sprinkle with grated cheese.
7. Put in a preheated oven until the cheese is completely melted.
8. Remove the brazier from oven and decorate the finished pizza with herbs.

Instant Vermicelli Pizza

Required Ingredients:

Instant vermicelli - 2 packs;
. chicken egg - 4 pieces;
. bacon - 4 slices;
. tomato - 1 piece;
. onion - 1 piece;
. vegetable oil - 8 tablespoons;
. hard cheese - 150 grams;
. greens.

Quick cooking pizza from vermicelli involves the following steps:

1. Pour vermicelli in a bowl with boiling water.
2. Peel the tomato from the skin, after dousing it hot water. Cut into thin slices.
3. Peel the onion, then chop it.
4. Cut the bacon into strips.
5. Drain the water from the vermicelli. Add tomato, onion and bacon. Mix.
6. Pour 2 tables. tablespoons of vegetable oil, add 100 grams of grated cheese and herbs. Mix.
7. Beat chicken eggs in a separate container.
8. Grease a large diameter frying pan with the remaining vegetable oil. Lay out the resulting mass. Pour in beaten eggs. Cook over low heat for five minutes.
9. Transfer the pizza carefully to a large plate and sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese.

Pizza "Margherita" fast food

This is an easy to make and very tasty pizza. A quick homemade recipe for this dish requires the presence of such ingredients:

Milk - 125 milliliters;
. margarine - 50 grams;
. flour - 250 grams;
. active dry yeast - 1 tsp. a spoon;
. tomato - 3 pieces;
. hard cheese - 200 grams;
. sugar - 1 table. a spoon;
. salt.

How to prepare this pizza:

1. Pour a little warmed milk into a deep container. Add sugar and yeast. Stir and leave for fifteen minutes in a warm place.
2. Put margarine in another container. Add flour and a pinch of salt. Chop these ingredients into crumbs.
3. Add suitable yeast with milk to the resulting mass. Quickly knead the dough, resembling a well-kneaded plasticine in consistency.
4. Form a cake with a thickness of 5 millimeters from the dough. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Sprinkle the pizza base with half of the grated cheese. Lay out the tomato slices. Spread the remaining grated cheese on top.
5. Send to a well-heated oven for 15-20 minutes until fully cooked.


Using the recipes in this article, you can cook delicious pizza in no time. Depending on the availability of certain products in your refrigerator, you can choose a recipe that is right for you. After all, a quick pizza base is prepared both with and without yeast, adding kefir, sour cream, and mayonnaise to the dough. Using no-cook toppings will also greatly reduce the time it takes to create a delicious pizza.

Cooking a classic pizza takes, on average, 1.5-2 hours. However, it is possible to create a traditional Italian dish much faster - in 15, 20 or 30 minutes. Such recipes can help out a lot when you want something tasty, and there is very little time to prepare it. Or, if quite unexpectedly friends came to you, and you want to treat them to something original, but not requiring a long standing at the stove.

Yeast-free pizza with sour cream and mayonnaise

We prepare the base from:

  • 5 tbsp mayonnaise;
  • two eggs;
  • 8-10 tablespoons flour;
  • pinches of salt;
  • 4 tbsp sour cream.

Beat eggs, add mayonnaise, sour cream, mix well. Then add flour one spoon at a time, constantly stirring the dough with a spoon. Sometimes flour is required a little more or a little less - it depends on the density of sour cream and mayonnaise. The dough should not be too liquid (a little thicker than for pancakes) and without lumps.

Leave the dough to rest for two minutes and cook in the meantime stuffing from:

  • any sausage or sausages;
  • one tomato;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup (to taste);
  • 100 g of cheese.

Lubricate the form with high sides generously with oil and pour the dough into it. From above we drip (since lubrication will not work) on the basis of ketchup and mayonnaise, lay out slices of sausage, thin rings of tomatoes and cheese grated on a fine grater. We send the pizza to the oven preheated to 220 degrees. Delicious in 10 minutes fast pizza ready!

Sour cream pizza with champignons

The recipe for this pizza is as simple as possible. Sour cream dough has a pleasant creamy aroma. Since sour cream is needed very thick, it can be replaced with soft store-bought cottage cheese in packs - it also makes a very tasty dough. Any filling is suitable for this recipe, however classic combination ham-champignons-cheese will not leave indifferent even a very demanding gourmet.

We make dough from:

  • thick sour cream (250 g);
  • flour (350 g);
  • milk (4 tablespoons);
  • vegetable oil (6 tablespoons);
  • salt (½ tsp);
  • baking powder (½ tsp).

We mix all the ingredients necessary for preparing the dough, and leave the mass to infuse for two minutes.

We prepare the filling from:

  • 120 ml of tomato sauce;
  • 15 champignons;
  • four tomatoes;
  • four slices of ham;
  • 3 hot peppers;
  • a pinch of salt mixed with grated garlic;
  • pinches of dried oregano;
  • 400 g grated cheese.

We cut the champignons into slices, the ham into strips, the tomatoes into circles, and the hot pepper into small cubes. Three cheese on a coarse grater.

We cover a baking sheet or form with foil or baking paper. We roll out the dough very thinly and transfer it to the baking surface (you can wind the dough on a rolling pin). If necessary, stretch the dough with your hands according to the size of the form and prick in several places with a fork.

We heat the oven to 200 degrees, grease the base with tomato sauce, distribute the filling (the cheese should be on top), sprinkle with oregano, garlic salt or any other seasoning to taste. Bake for 20-25 minutes until the pastry is browned.

Simplified yeast pizza

The dough in this recipe resembles a traditional Italian version. The main difference between a simplified yeast pizza is a rapid increase in dough in volume. Thus, the total amount of time required to create such a dish is significantly reduced.

For the test you need to take:

  • olive oil - 2 tbsp;
  • salt (1/2 tsp);
  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • dry yeast - a bag;
  • warm water - a glass.

Sift flour into a bowl, make a small indentation and pour salt, yeast into it, pour oil. In a thin stream, pour warm water into the recess, mixing the flour into the center from the edges with a spoon. When the mass becomes viscous, you can knead the dough with your hands. We spread the dough on the table and knead for at least 5-7 minutes, until the mass acquires elasticity. Cover and put the bowl in a warm place (for example, in a container with heated water). We leave for 20-30 minutes.

We are engaged in the filling, which will require:

  • olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • chopped tomatoes in their own juice - 250 g;
  • pepper, salt - to taste;
  • mozzarella - 150 g;
  • basil - 1 bunch;
  • dried oregano - a teaspoon.

Finely chop the garlic, fry it for olive oil. Pour tomatoes into the pan, pepper, salt, sprinkle with oregano and simmer for 20 minutes over very low heat.

We cut the risen dough into two parts and stretch each half with a rolling pin so that we get a circle up to 5 mm thick. We spread the prepared sauce on the bases, distributing it with the back of a tablespoon, sliced ​​mozzarella and fresh basil. Very finely chop the cucumbers and onions, cut the sausage into strips, slice the tomatoes, mushrooms into slices. Three cheese on a fine grater.

We cover the baking dish with parchment, put the dough on it, sprinkle it with flour and stretch it with our hands to the size of the form. Mix ketchup with mayonnaise and grease the base with this sauce. We spread the filling: onions, cucumbers, sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes. Add spices and sprinkle with cheese. We send the dough with the filling into the oven for 15-20 minutes at 220 degrees.

Cut the finished pizza into portions and serve hot on the table.

Pizza is a delicious and filling dish. Learn how to make simple and delicious pizza from this article.

The easiest pizza recipe


For test:

  • baking soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • sifted wheat flour - 220 g;
  • kefir - 180 ml;
  • salt.

For filling:

  • ketchup;
  • onion - 50 g;
  • half-smoked sausage - 150 g;
  • tomatoes - 100 g;
  • pickled cucumbers - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise.


We put salt, soda directly into kefir, slowly add flour, previously sifted and knead the dough. Refrigerate for about half an hour. In the meantime, prepare the ingredients for the filling: Finely chop the onion and pickled cucumbers. Grind the sausage into cubes, and three cheese on a grater. We line the form with oil, place the dough in it and distribute it with our hands over the surface of the form. Lubricate the surface liberally with mayonnaise and ketchup. Spread the filling on top and bake at a moderate temperature until cooked.

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe


For test:

  • sugar - 70 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • vegetable refined oil - 70 ml;
  • quick dry yeast - 5 g;
  • sifted wheat flour - 5 cups.

For filling:

  • sausage or ham;


Dissolve salt, sugar and dry yeast in warm water. Mix thoroughly. Add pre-sifted flour and knead elastic dough. Pour in vegetable oil at the very end. Cover the dough in a container with a napkin and let stand warm. After it rises for the first time, punch it down and let it go up again. After that, you can already work with the test further. We roll it out, grease it with tomato sauce, put the filling and bake for about 20 minutes in a well-heated oven.

Easy pan pizza recipe


  • flour - 12 tbsp. spoons;
  • mayonnaise 67% - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream - 80 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • filling - to taste.


Mix sour cream with mayonnaise and beat in eggs, stirring thoroughly. Add the sifted flour and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a cold frying pan, greased with oil, and place any filling on top. Cook in a frying pan over low heat with a lid on. The pizza will be ready when the cheese is melted!

Easy pizza recipe


  • oat bran - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • fat-free kefir - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 80 g;
  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • tomato sauce - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • baking powder - 0.5 tsp;
  • oregano - a pinch.


Mix eggs with baking powder, pour in kefir, add bran and a little salt. Mix well until smooth. Let the mass brew for 10 minutes, during which time the bran will swell. At this time, we prepare the filling ourselves: cut the boiled breast into small cubes, tomatoes into circles. Heat the pan well, lightly coat with oil and pour the dough. We cook for about 3 minutes. When the cake from below sticks well, put in the filling, crush with cheese, oregano. Cover with a lid and keep on low heat for about 5 minutes.

Easy oven pizza recipe



Pour dry yeast with warm milk, stir and leave warm for a quarter of an hour. Add some flour and knead the batter. Pour in the oil, put the mayonnaise, stir and pour in the flour to make a rather thick dough. Let it stand for about a quarter of an hour, and then roll it out and place it in a greased form. Lubricate the top with your favorite sauce, place the filling and bake for 30 minutes at a moderate temperature. Bon appetit to everyone!

If you love pizza, then do not rush to order it delivered to your home or buy ready-made in the store. Tasty dish it is quite easy to cook at home, especially since the products for it need the most ordinary.

Delicious homemade pizza dough

The most delicious pizza is made with yeast dough. For him, take:

  • dry yeast - 1.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 pinch;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • warm water - 125 ml;
  • premium flour - 200-250 g.

Now start preparing the dough:

  • Pour yeast and sugar into warm water. Stir them and let the mass bubble up.
  • Sift 200 g of flour into a large bowl and mix it with salt. Gather the flour into the center of the bowl in a heap.
  • Having made a recess in the slide, pour the yeast liquid mass into it.
  • Take a fork and use it to move the flour to the center and mix with the liquid.
  • When all the flour is mixed with the yeast water and a heterogeneous mass forms in the bowl, start kneading the dough with your hands. At the same time, add the oil to the bowl. If the dough turns out to be sparse, then add another 1 or 2 tablespoons of flour.
  • Roll the well-kneaded dough into a ball and leave it in the bowl. Cover the bowl with a damp towel and place it in a warm place (near the radiator or not far from the hot stove).
  • Keep the dough warm for 20-30 minutes. During this time, it will almost double in volume.

Homemade pizza toppings

For the filling, you can take any meat products: boiled or smoked sausage, ham, boiled or fried meat. You will need about 200 g of meat products in total. Finely chop them all.

Dice two large onions and one sweet bell pepper. From vegetables, ripe sweet tomatoes will still be required - cut 2 large or 4 small into thin rings.

If there are mushrooms in the house, then take them. Mushrooms are good. Cut 200 grams of them into slices and fry until golden brown in one tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Homemade tomato sauce for pizza

For the sauce, take two tablespoons of concentrated tomato paste, half a glass of water and spices to taste.

  • Dilute the tomato paste with water.
  • Salt the sauce (1 tsp), pepper with a mixture of ground peppers (1/2 tsp). Add some sugar (1 tsp) and lots of dry herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, marjoram). Instead of homemade sauce, you can take any store-bought ketchup - 100 ml.

Cooking pizza at home

Before cooking, turn on the oven to heat it up.

Bake any pizza at a very high temperature: 230-240 degrees. This temperature will contribute to the rapid frying of the dough and the melting of the cheese.

Now start collecting pizza:

  • For a big cutting board or table put a sheet of baking parchment. Pound him with flour. Put a ball of dough on the parchment and knead it first with your hands to a flat circle. Then roll out the dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of 2-3 mm. As a result, you will get a pizza base with a diameter of 30 cm.
  • Transfer the parchment with the pastry base to a baking sheet.
  • Put the sauce in the center of the base and use a spoon or silicone spatula to spread over the entire surface.
  • Place meat products, vegetables and mushrooms on top of the sauce. Place the tomato slices last.
  • Grate 150 g of any hard cheese with a high fat content. Spread the cheese evenly on top of the filling.

Place the raw pizza sheet in the preheated oven and bake for 10-12 minutes. The signal that the pizza is ready will be melted cheese and rosy sides of the pizza.

The most delicious pizza "Margherita" at home

If there were absolutely no meat products in the house, then you can cook the famous Margarita. It will surely become your favorite, because it turns out to be unusually tender and fragrant. Before baking this pizza, also heat the oven to the maximum and hold the baking sheet in it for about 10 minutes.

On the dough prepared according to the above recipe, put homemade tomato sauce or any store-bought. Do not forget that the dough needs to be rolled out on parchment. Arrange small cubes of Mozzarella cheese in a chaotic manner on top of the sauce - 100 g in total. Place circles of very ripe tomatoes on top of the cheese - 1 large or 2 small ones. Salt the tomatoes generously and sprinkle with large ground black pepper. And be sure to put a few leaves of fresh green basil on the pizza.

Transfer the pizza on paper to a heated sheet and place it in the oven for 5-6 minutes.

Pizza should be served piping hot and eaten with your hands. Many housewives try to cut pizza with an ordinary kitchen knife, but as practice shows, it strongly crushes the dough and the filling stretches behind it. For cutting, it is better to use a special pizza cutter in the form of a rotating disk. It is also very convenient to cut pizza into portions using large kitchen scissors.

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