A complex lesson in the preparatory group “Soon to school. Integrated lesson in the preparatory group: a journey along the road of knowledge

landscaping 10.10.2019

Target: generalization of knowledge, children through the organization various kinds activities



- fixing the account of quantitative and ordinal numbers within 10, the ability to compare numerical values;

- fixing characteristic features seasons, names of months, days of the week, day;

- exercise to select several adjectives for a noun;

- exercise in determining the number of words in a sentence;


- expansion of the vocabulary of children, dialogical speech;

- develop logical thinking;

- to develop constructive activity;

- develop motor skills of the hands.


- educate curiosity, observation;

- educate mutual assistance, independence;

Form of work - frontal, individual

Equipment and materials: Pictures (Dinosaurs, eastern sultan, European princess, picture of the first printers Cyril and Methodius), geometric figures, counting sticks, cards with a number series, cards with numbers, blackboard, chalk, TCO.

Course of Direct Educational Activities:

Educator: Today I suggest you go on a journey, but not the usual one, but on a journey through time, look at this magic clock by turning the hands in them, we will fall into different eras and the heroes of these times will ask questions, well, how are you ready to go on a trip .

Educator: Then let's turn the hands of our magic clock and go.

(music plays)

Also an interesting activity for the preparatory group:

Educator: You and I found ourselves in ancient times in the era of dinosaurs, cheerful dinosaurs meet us in the mathematical clearing, they are very fond of geometric shapes and have prepared the first task for you.

1 Task:(carpet work)"Lay out the figures."

  • Lay out 5 triangles, 1 fewer squares.
  • Lay out the figures equally (two ways: add one square or remove one triangle).
  • Arrange 5 ovals in descending order
  • Lay out 5 circles in descending order

Educator: Well done you guys did a great job. Let's continue our journey and turn the hands of the clock.

Educator: We got into ancient Persia it was here that they came up with the first spelling of numbers, such as we know them now. Look, the Persian Sultan is meeting us, and he has prepared a task for you.

Task 2: "Number series"(work at the easel)

Insert the missing numbers in the number row.

3 task: "More, less"

Cards with a task from the Sultan, in it you need to compare the numbers and put a sign more or less between them.

Educator: and now let's get some rest.

Fizminutka:(walking in place)

Who walks together hardly

Groups "Rainbow" detachment (we use any name of the group)

Brave, skillful,

Tanned under the sun!

Educator: Well done, we continue our journey, turn the clock, where did we end up?

AT ancient Europe, the guys here invented the first watch with arrows.

Task 3: “Draw time” (work at the blackboard)

Educator: Look guys at the beautiful European princess, she decided to find out how well you know the time.

The teacher calls the time, the children draw clock hands on the blackboard with chalk (the dial is drawn in advance).

Well done guys, you did it.

Task 4: "First letters" (work at tables)

Educator: Let's turn the hands of our magic clock and find ourselves in ancient Russia, get acquainted with the first writing in Russia. The first who came up with the letters of our alphabet were Cyril and Methodius. And they are another task for you on the cards, letters are written, lay them out with the help of counting sticks. Count how many counting sticks you need to compose a letter, come up with a word in which this letter will be.

Task 5: "Composing proposals"

Educator: Divide into pairs in front of you are colored strips, sort out strips of the same color with your pair, turn them over there are written words, add a sentence from them and read it.

Let's continue our journey, turn the arrows and behold, we are already in the days of our grandfathers. Look at the TV screen, they sent us a video of the riddle, let's try to guess.

Educator: Well, our journey is coming to an end, it's time for us to return home, turn the hands of the clock for the last time to find ourselves in our time. (music plays)

I hope you enjoyed our trip.

Title: Summary of the final integrated lesson in preparatory group"Time travel"
Nomination: Kindergarten - Abstracts of classes, GCD - game classes

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 257 "Little Country"
Location: Novokuznetsk city, Kemerovo region

Comprehensive lesson in the preparatory group "Soon to school"

(with the participation of a primary school teacher)

The abstract was


teacher of the highest qualification category

MDOU "Kindergarten "Birch" of the city of Tetyushi"

Tetyushsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Program content:

Introduce preschoolers to the future teacher, establish a friendly relationship with him;

Promote a positive attitude for successful schooling;

Develop thinking, memory, ability to draw conclusions;

Cultivate a sense of collectivism, independence.

Benefits: map of the neighborhood, drawings of stamps, cards, geometric shapes for each child, a tree with numbers, counting sticks, a silhouette of a briefcase, a notebook with a task, a tape recorder.

Lesson progress:

I. - Guys, very soon you will be schoolchildren. And today I invite you on a tour of the school. Look, we also have a map. Let's take a look at it.(Working with a map.)

Find our kindergarten on the map.

What is it called?(Kindergarten "Birch")

What street is it on?(on Lenin street)

What else do you see?(houses, roads)

What do you think the red arrows represent on the map?

Our path will be long and difficult, but with friends, no trials are terrible.

Finger gymnastics "Friendship" (in pairs)

Friends in our groupconnect fingers )

Girls and boys.

We will make friends with you(make a castle)

Little fingers.

1-2-3-4-5 (connect fingers)

Start playing again!(clap hands with each other)

So, go!

(They go and sit down at the tables.)

II . - Look at the map. Tell me, when we leave the gates of the kindergarten, in which direction should we turn?(right)

Which building should we go to?(before the post office)

Who works at the post office?

Guys, the postmen are asking for your help. Let's go and help, shall we?

Listen to the first task: you need to find an extra stamp.

Well done! The next task: you need to deliver the letter to the addressee.

Plane orientation game.


Well done boys! Helped the postmen.

Look at the map. Where should we turn now?(right)

(Freedom Square)

Where are we going? What is this building? That's right, CDO.

Who knows how the word CDO is deciphered?

That's right, the Center for Children's Creativity.

Guys, we learned a lot of letters,

We also know the letter "C".

There are words where "C" at the beginning,

There are words where "C" at the end.

The employees of the CDO offer us the following task: to name the words for the sound “C”.

(heron, chicken, circus, center, flower, church, chain, gypsy, Tsokotuha)

Name the words so that the sound "C" is at the end of the word.

(well done, daring, cucumber, crown, aspic, singer, end, brave man, lead)

Now listen to the poem and help complete it:

I will say the word HIGH

And you answer... (low) ,

I will say the word FAR,

And you answer... (close) ,

I'll tell you the word coward,

Answer - ... (brave) ,

Now BEGINNING I will say

And you answer... (the end)

Look at the map. In which direction should we go from the CDO?(right)

What is the name of this street?(Malkin street)

What is the building on the left side?(Administration of the city of Tetyushi)

Who work there?(heads of the district)

The heads of various services of our Tetyushsky district are working correctly there. These are an architect, an ecologist of the district, economists, a lawyer of the district and others.

The architect of the district announced a competition for the construction of the best house. Let's build it from geometric shapes(children build)

What geometric shapes are your houses made of?(triangles, squares, rectangles)

Count how many triangles are in your house?(children's answers)

How many squares? How many rectangles?(children's answers)

Guys, the ecologist of the district offers to complete the following task:

“Trees were brought to the city for planting. Here is one of them. it amazing tree neither apple nor pear. And what kind of fruits grow on it?(numbers)

Direct and reverse count.

Name and show the numbers from 1 to 10.

Name and show the numbers from 10 to 1.

Well done boys. Completed the task.

Look at the map. What building is opposite?(building of the House of Culture)

Do you hear music? Let's go there?

Children get up from the tables and go to the palace.

Dynamic pause.

(2 finger clicks)

If you like it then do it...(2 hand claps)

If you like it then do it...(2 knee claps)

If you like it, then do it ... (2 stomp)

If you like it, then show others

If you like it, then do it... (repeat all together)


Guys, from the House of Culture, using the map, in which direction should we go?(directly)

What is the name of this street?(Vorobiev street)

Where should we go?(to the end of the street)

That's right, we go to the end of the street and turn left.

Who knows what this street is called?(Shkolnaya Street)

Here we come. Let's go to school.(children come to the blackboard)

III. Meeting with the teacher.

Hello. I am a teacher Tetyushskaya high school No. 2. My name is Svetlana Anatolyevna.

Children: Hello. We would like to get to know you and find out everything about you.Children's questions:

What is your name?

Who do you work?

Where do you live?

Do you have a family?

Do you have a big house?

You have friends?

Teacher: - Go to class. Sit down at the desks.

Now let's have a Russian lesson.(call)

1. Riddles.

I will give you riddles, and you will find riddles on the table.

1. I'm in a line, I'm in a cage

I'm looking forward to a good mark.

I am silent in class

I want to be excellent.


2. In this narrow box

Anything for the soul

Pens, erasers, sharpener,

And colored pencils.

(pencil case)

3. Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn

Not a person, but tells.


4. How boring, brothers,

Riding on someone else's back.

Here the tenants are paper

All are terribly important.


5. Guess what the thing is

Sharp beak, not a bird

With this beak she

Sows-sows seeds

Not in the field, not in the garden

On the sheets of your notebook.

(a pen)

2. Dividing words into syllables.

Tell me how many syllables are in the word PE-NAL, KA-RAN-DASH, HAND-KA, MEL.

(children's answers)

The bell rings. Turn.


It's time for us to take a break

Stretch and breathe

We'll turn our heads

And all fatigue is gone.

The bell rings.

The second lesson is a math lesson.

one . Orientation on a sheet of paper.

Guys, you need to pack a school bag.


In the lower right corner is a round sharpener.

There is a triangle in the upper left corner.

In the lower left corner is a rectangular notebook.

In the upper right corner is a square pencil case.

Well done boys.

2. Game: "Lay out the pattern from memory"


Laying out a pattern from counting sticks.

The teacher exposes the sample for 1 minute, then removes it. Children make patterns from memory.

3 . Work in a notebook.


You need to connect the numbers in order.

What happened?(pencil)

Well done! All assignments were completed correctly.

Each future student takes an oath to study well, let's say it too.

Wake up early in the morning

wash well,

In order not to yawn at school,

Do not peck at the desk with your nose - you swear?

Always come to class for the first lesson,

Even before the bell rings, you swear?

Textbooks, books, pencil case and notebooks

Always keep in perfect order - you swear?

Become good faithful friends

To help your comrades everywhere - do you swear?

And laziness, untidiness, tips, lies

Do not let me into the class ever, for nothing - you swear?

Teacher: Guys, you coped with all the tasks. I am waiting for you at school on September 1st.

The bell rings.


This is the end of our tour of the school. I think you will remember it for a long time. About the meeting with the teacher, I give you these notebooks.


    Holiday number (Entertaining mathematics for children): A book for teachers and parents. -M.: Knowledge, 1993

    Development of logical thinking of children. A popular guide for parents and educators. Tikhomirova L.F., Basov A.V. -Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1997

    The development of children's speech. Didactic material on the development of speech in preschoolers and younger students. -Yaroslavl: LLC "Academy of Development", 1996



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child Development Center Kindergarten No. 5 "Thumbelina".

Abstract of the integrated GCD

for preschool group.

On the subject: "Soon to school!"

Integration of areas: Cognition, socialization, communication, reading fiction, health.

Completed: educator of the highest
qualification category

Batyrbayeva Mukhabat Kamylzhanovna.

Pushchino, 2014

Target : To consolidate the acquired knowledge with children, to give children pleasure from games, developing orientation.

Tasks (educational areas: cognition, socialization, communication, reading fiction, health)

Educational:To consolidate the knowledge of children about the seasons, parts of the day, about the days of the week. Continue to learn to find neighbors of a number, solve problems, read words, determine the number of syllables, put stress on a word, make a sentence according to a scheme on a given topic.

Developing: Develop attention, thinking, coherent speech, work on the expressiveness of speech, continue to develop the ability to answer a question with a complete common sentence.

Educational: Bring up common culture children's behavior through teaching verbal politeness. Learn to be polite and friendly, to be able to work in a team.

Wellness:To create a positive emotional mood, to provide a health-saving non-stop form of GCD.

Preliminary work:Guessing riddles, learning the games “Tell me a word”, “The ABC of beautiful words”, learning poems about kindness, talking on the topic “What is good?”.

Methodical methods:Surprise moments (letter, hidden envelopes with tasks, gifts). verbal tricks ( art word, conversation, problematic cognitive leading questions, positively stimulating evaluation - encouragement). Word didactic games "Say a word", "ABC of beautiful words". Work according to the scheme, work with letters to compose words, show a presentation.

Equipment and technical means: A letter from the guys in a postal envelope, envelopes with a picture of a pencil, books and notebooks with assignments and cards with the syllables “dob”, “ro”, “ta”, colored cards with letters and numbers, a three-word sentence scheme, a briefcase. Three magnetic boards, 15 magnets. Laptop, projector.

GCD progress:

Educator and children:

“Invented by someone simply and wisely

At a meeting to say hello - " Good morning!

Good morning! Sun and birds!

Good morning smiling faces!

And everyone becomes kind, trusting.

Let the good morning last until the evening!

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to our guests and give them our smiles. Now everyone look at me and give me your smiles. Good morning dear children and adults. This morning we received a letter, now let's see who it is from... On the envelope is written from Artyom, Alyosha, Masha, Denis and Diana (these children left for school from our group a year ago)."Hello, Dear friends! Everything is fine with us, we really like studying at school, we have made many good friends. We try to study for "4" and "5", and also at school it is very important to be kind so that you have many friends. We know that you, too, will soon go to school and hid for you interesting tasks. When you find them and complete them, you will be in for a surprise. Good luck and success, see you soon."

I know that you want to go to school, but for what?

Children's answers.

Educator: So, let's complete the tasks, but where are they? To find the task you need to guess the riddle, listen:

He writes when they dictate, he draws and draws

And tonight he will color the album for me. (Pencil.)

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done, you guessed it right, look for an envelope with a picture of a pencil.

Children find an envelope, carry it to the teacher.

Educator: Let's see what the task is ... We need to answer the questions with a full answer, are you ready?

What time of day is it now? Neighbors time of day morning? What day of the week is today? What was it like yesterday? What day of the week will be tomorrow? What are Monday's neighbors? Fridays? How many days in a week? Seventh day of the week? How many fingers are on the hand? And on the hands? Time of the year outside the window? Neighbors of winter, autumn?

Seryozhka fell into the snow, followed by Alyoshka,

And behind him is Marinka, and behind her is Irinka,

And then Ignat fell, how many guys were there? (Five.)

Uncle hedgehog went into the garden, found ten ripe pears.

He gave three of them to the hedgehogs, the rest to the hares.

(How many pears did he give to the rabbits?) (Seven.)

Ants live together and do not scurry about without work.

Three carry a blade of grass, three carry a blade of grass,

Three carry needles. How many are under the tree? (Nine.)

During the answers, the teacher insists on a full answer, the children answer with full common sentences.

Educator: Well done, they coped with the task, but there is something else in the envelope (takes out a card with the syllable “TA”, the children read), I wonder what it is for? We will look for the second task, to find it you need to guess the riddle:

Not a bush - but with leaves, not a shirt - but sewn,

Not a person - but talking ... (Book)

Let's look for an envelope with a picture of a book ... (Children find an envelope, the teacher opens it.) There are multi-colored cards here - these are encrypted words and a diagram. You must arrange the letters according to the color of the card and in order according to the numbers, read the received words, divide them into syllables and determine where the stress falls. (The teacher distributes colored cards, the children complete the task: they compose words, read them, divide them into syllables, put stress.)


After the kids are done.

Look, what is this scheme? !_____ ______ ______ .

Children: This is a three word sentence.

Educator: That's right, you need to make sentences about winter according to the scheme, and I will post a winter picture here, I think it will be easier for you.

Children's answers.

Educator: Smarties! They did a very good job with the second task, and here is what is in the envelope (takes out and shows a card with the syllable “RO”, the children read). Solve another riddle:

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line

Feel free to write on them!

You can also draw...

What is me? (Notebook.)

Educator: Correctly guessed, well done! We are looking for an envelope with the image of a notebook. (Children find the envelope, the teacher opens the envelope, takes out the task.) Here is the game "Tell me a word"

I'll start, and you finish, answer in unison

The ice block will melt from the word of kind ... "thank you"!

The old stump will turn green when it hears ... "good afternoon"!

When you are scolded for pranks, you say ... "I'm sorry."

If a friend is in trouble... "help him."

Resolve disputes with words ... "not with fists."

Let's never forget the kind, polite words. Let's say them to each other more often, speak affectionately, gently, quietly, looking into the person's eyes. At the same time smiling, because from a smile a gloomy day becomes brighter. beautiful word and helps to live.

Let's play the game "ABC of beautiful words":

(The teacher calls the letters of the alphabet, and the children should name adjectives in the singular, masculine.)

Guys, what do you think, what is "good"?

Children: One "good" is treasures, books, jewelry, paintings, toys. Such "goodness" can be seen and even touched. Another "good" can be heard - this is beautiful music, sincere poems, gentle, polite words.

Educator: But there is such a “good” that every person should have, and I, and your parents, and our guests, and you. This is a good heart, a kind soul to help those who are in trouble. Such people are called "good people".

There was a card left in the envelope (the teacher takes out, shows, the children read) “DOB”. We have three syllables, let's try to make a word out of them.

Children compose the word "KINDNESS", read it.

Educator: Our guys know wonderful poems about kindness, let's listen to them. What good fellows you are! Correctly completed all the tasks, I suggest everyone to sit comfortably to watch and listen ...

Showing the presentation "Kindness". Funtik's song sounds.

Educator: I found a briefcase, probably a surprise prepared by the guys, but why is he alone? After all, there are many of us, let's see what is here ... (Pulls out copybook with a pen.) And here's a surprise! Here is another note from our students:Well done! You did an excellent job with all the tasks and deserved these gifts. We are waiting for you at school."

Educator: All tasks completed. You did well with everything. I suggest you choose one of the three cards and answer the question with a card: “Did you like the lesson?”

Red - liked it; Yellow - not very; Blue - didn't like it.

(Children choose, the teacher specifies why.)

Children's answers.

Educator: Thanks to our guests, teachers, thanks to our children.

(Children say goodbye)

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Bolshemoretskaya secondary school named after A. I. Kostrikin»

(structural unit-kindergarten)

Synopsis of the integrated open class

(in the preparatory group)

"Treasure Journey"

Prepared by:

teacher speech therapist

Pustovalova O. S.


Evdokimova E.V.

Anishchenko V.V.

Goals and objectives of the lesson

Correctional and educational: continue to teach sound analysis and synthesis of words; continue to develop elementary mathematical representations; develop graphomotor skills and visual attention; improve movement skills to music.

Correction-developing: develop phonemic and speech hearing, form an orientation in sound system language; develop visual perception, attention, memory; enrich vocabulary, practically introducing antonyms.

Correctional and educational: create a good mood, cultivate accuracy, kindness, the ability to follow the game rules; desire and ability to work in a team, to encourage activity and independence.

Equipment: record player, easel, pictures (Saw, Turkey, Cancer, Watermelon, Pumpkin), massage ball, treasure map, cardboard clouds with ribbons, draw by dot pictures, letters, red and blue-green flags, didactic game"Collect flowers", envelopes with assignments, sheets of paper with syllables (bumps), the game "Fishing", handouts (sound chips, fishing rods, fish, markers, pebbles), Treats.

Lesson progress

I. Organizing time(Children enter the hall to the music)

Leading: Guys, look how many guests we have in the hall today. Let's greet them all together.

Children: Hello!

1. Psycho-gymnastics in conjunction with finger gymnastics

Leading: And now let's stand in a circle and wish each other good day, but a small ball will help us make it.

(Children stand with the leader in a circle. Lyric music sounds.)

This ball is not simple, but magical. With its warmth, it radiates goodness and passes it on to people who hold it in their hands. We will hold it in our palms, saying kind warm words, and then we will pass it to the neighbor on the right.

(Children hold the ball and say good words)

Problem situation

Leading: Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. He came to visit us ... let's guess who it is?

Children guess the name of the hero, according to the first sounds of words-pictures.

(Saw, Turkey, Cancer, Watermelon, Pumpkin - "Pirate")

(pirate music playing)

Pirates: Hello guys!!!

Pirate 1: I'm Captain Jack and this is my mate Billy. We want to invite you on a dangerous journey. The fact is that I was sorting through old things and found a map where treasures are hidden, which must be reached by ship. But I need a team. Are you willing to sail with us?

Children: Yes.

Pirate 2 : Difficult trials await us, and only by coping with them, we will get treasures. Are you ready for the test?

Children: Yes

Pirates: Then go!

Pirate 1: Let's say the magic words: "Turn around yourself and find yourself on the ship"

Children: Everyone says the magic words together.

Breathing exercises

Pirate 1 : Here we are standing on a ship, but what is it .... A storm is raging on the sea! The clouds covered the sun. It blows in our face strong wind and a terrible rain falls. Let's chase away the clouds. We will blow hard, hard on them so that they fly away. (Children blow on the clouds. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth)

Introduction to the topic

Development of visual attention

Pirate 2: (unfolds the map and shows it to the children) Guys, here is the map, as the tasks are completed, the ship will move along the map. And here is the first test. You need to connect the dots in order to get the picture.

(Children do tasks)

Pirate 2: Well done!

"1,2,3 - our ship sail forward!"

Sound characteristic.

Pirate 1: Guys, our boat sailed to " Port of Sounds.

(Envelope with letters) I will now tell you the sound, and you must determine what kind of vowel or consonant it is. If a vowel, which flag should be raised? (red). And if a consonant (blue-green).

Pirate 1 : BUT. Describe this sound. What is this sound? (vowel or consonant)

Pirate 1 :. Well done!

II. Main part.

Pirate 2: So we got closer to lake of change.

Task for the development of phonemic perception

Game "Add sound" (with the help of a ball)

Purpose: Development phonemic hearing, attention, thinking.

Pirate 2: I will say words with the sound R, and you try to change it so that instead of the sound R there is the sound L. I will throw the ball and say the word with the sound R, and the one to whom I threw the ball must change the word and replace the sound R with sound L. For example: cancer-varnish. Ready?

Rak-lacquer, horns-spoons, rum-scrap, frame-llama, rye-lie. Marina is raspberry.

Pirate 2: Well done boys!

Leading: Guys, what are sounds? What is the difference between a letter and a sound? (Letters - we see and write, but we hear and speak the sound)

Children: Sounds are what we hear and pronounce.

Development of fine motor skills

Leading: Guys, and now we will try to lay out these letters from stones, on the shore of the lake. (Children lay out the letters R and L from stones) Well done! Let's go further.

Pirate 1: Guys, we're leaving now. to the Plain of Flowers.

Guys, don't you think that this glade is somehow strange, as if enchanted. Look, there's an envelope here. "The evil sorcerer has bewitched the flowers, if you disenchant the flowers, then you will go further"

Game "Collect flowers".

Goal: Development of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis

The group is divided into two teams. One collects a flower with petals - pictures, in the name of which there is a sound L, the other - a flower with petals - pictures, in the name of which there is a sound R.

Pirate 1: Well done, you have successfully completed this task, and we can sail further.

Pirate 2: Guys, and now we are entering a very difficult Strait of Opposites. Here we are waiting for a new task

Finish the sentence with hostile words

Purpose: Exercise children in the selection of antonyms.

The fluff is light, and the stone is .... (heavy)

In summer the weather is hot, and in winter - .... (cold)

Mustard is bitter, and sugar is ... (sweet)

The soup is hot, and the compote is ... (cold)

The hare is cowardly, and the lion is .... (bold)

Grandfather is old, and grandson is ... (young)

The wolf is full in summer, and in winter ... (hungry)

The asphalt is rough, and the stone ... (smooth)

The puddle is shallow, and the river ... (deep)

The sorceress is kind, and the sorceress ... (evil).

Leading: Now it's time to rest. We ended up with you on the island "Fizminutki". (Children do physical exercises)

Syllable reading task

Purpose: Practicing the skill of syllable reading.

Leading: Guys now we need to move to another island. But to get there, you have to go over the bumps and read the syllables. (pi, rat, mo, re, sun, duk, pa, rus, vol, ny). (Children step on bumps and read syllables).

Leading: Now try to connect these syllables so that you get words (waves, sea, pirate, chest, sail). What words did you get?

Let's divide these words into syllables (Children slap)

How many syllables are in the word VOL-NY? (two).

Let's guys lay out the scheme of this word. (Children work with chips).

(Children characterize sounds)

Pirate 1 : Our ship is sailing on. On the horizon is the River of Rich Words.

Pirate 1: There are unusual fish in this river. While the ship is on the way, I suggest catching fish in your ear, but first you need to stretch your fingers for everyone.

Finger gymnastics

The fish swam and dived

In warm, clear water.

They will shrink, they will unclench,

They will bury themselves in the sand.

(Children repeat the movements under the text together with the teacher)

Game "Fisherman"

Purpose: Development of fine and general motor skills, mathematical representations.

Children take turns catching fish with a magnetic fishing rod from a river with signs where a number is printed. Children must enter adjacent numbers on the sides.

Pirate 1: Well done!

III. Outcome.

Pirate 2: Guys, we successfully coped with all the tests, got to the treasures. Let's see what is hidden in the box. How do we open the lock? We need a key.

Pirate 1: Thousand devils! I remembered, I have a key, but I did not know what it was from.

(Children open the casket, find treats there)

Leading : Well, our journey has come to an end. It's time to go back to kindergarten. Say goodbye to pirates guys! Now let's say the magic words "I will turn around myself, and in kindergarten I'll be."

Guys, do you like traveling? (children's answers)

Where have we been?

What challenges did we face?

Now we say goodbye to the guests and go to the group.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group


Abstract of an open integrated lesson in the preparatory group

Integration educational areas « cognitive development» , « Speech development» , "Socially communicative".


Contribute to the formation of general mental abilities - the logic of thinking, the flexibility of the mental process, quick wits;

Form mathematical representations and sensory abilities;

Develop orientation in space, in time;

Improve knowledge about shape, color, number;

Strengthen your knowledge of numbers.

Clarify knowledge of the sequence of days of the week.

To cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, goodwill, responsiveness, a desire to help the heroes in difficult times.

Promote logical thinking, fantasy.

To develop in children the skill of self-control, self-esteem.

Continue to introduce the elements of the road;

Improve dialogic speech, intonation expressiveness of speech;

Continue to reinforce the rules of conduct on the roadway;

To develop in children a sense of responsibility while observing traffic rules;

To develop the basics of traffic literacy in children, to expand children's knowledge about traffic lights, about the meaning of traffic lights;


letter and Balloon with a hero.

Gyenes Logic Blocks


Road signs

Traffic light

Methods and techniques:

Game moment, artistic word, display, conversation, tasks, explanation, examination, consolidation, encouragement, result.

Lesson progress:

I see a wide circle

All my friends got up

We'll go right now

Now let's go to the left

Gather in the center of the circle

And we will all return to the place

All to each other - smile to each other, wink

And classes will start

opening talk

Play Guys, today we have an unusual occupation, we will consolidate the knowledge gained earlier, and our friends from the cartoon will help us with this "Fixies" SLIDE 1, because they are very smart and they live in a magical land "Knowledge".

The recording sounds a musical riddle SLIDE 2 (may be the sound of a locomotive, takeoff of a spaceship).

Children, what could it be (answers and suggestions of children).

I myself find it difficult to answer what it could be.


Hello! I'm listening! Yes! Understood! Children, it turns out that the evil sorceress Bastinda SLIDE 4 flew by and dropped the letter. Let's eat him.

(Children with a teacher find an ENVELOPE, and there bewitched hero Nolik).

Guys, it seems to me that there is an enchanted hero here, let's collect him, disenchant him and then we can read the message. (Assemble from parts of Nolik and read the message). SLIDE 5

"Dear Guys! Fixies are writing to you from the magical land of knowledge. Help, please, the evil witch Bastinda, bewitched the Magic Land of Knowledge – Kingdom "Road Sciences",

"Kingdom of Mathematics", "Kingdom of Sounds and Letters", the inhabitants of these kingdoms, are asking for your help, we cannot do without your knowledge, skills and abilities, we need to complete the difficult tasks that Bastinda has prepared, only you can solve them, then she will remove the spell. Sincerely - Fixies, very friendly guys!

Well, guys, can we help the inhabitants of the Magic Land of Knowledge to cope with the tasks of the evil sorceress? Then go.

The inhabitants of the first kingdom are waiting for us "MATH"

1. The task is this.

You have cards on the tables, you need to compare the numbers and put the necessary signs in the cells. Let's remember with what signs we will compare numbers (children's answers). That's right, the purpose of these signs is to compare and show which number is greater, which is less, and to report equality.

Completed the first task. Next task.

I suggest you take a look at the screen. You need to give the full answer to the number's neighbors.

"Neighbors of a Number" SLIDE 6 - SLIDE 8

(Games with Gyenes blocks)

The children of the figures in the kingdom of mathematics fell ill from the evil machinations of the sorceress. Let's help cure the numbers together by choosing the right pill for them according to the scheme - a figure. If we correctly name all the properties, then the figure will appear. SLIDE 9-10

Heroes of different fairy tales came to help the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Mathematics. SLIDE 11

Guys, tell me, please, who came to help?

You need to correctly determine where this or that hero of fairy tales is located.

1. Who is located in the upper right corner?

2. Who is located in the lower left corner?

3. Who is located in the lower right corner?

4. Who is located in the middle of the screen?

5. Who is located in the upper left corner?

Well done and you did a great job!

Fizminutka. The game "Days of the week".

(Children, standing in a circle, pronounce a poem with movements)

Monday - bunny needlework.

Tuesday - Nightingale the Robber,

Wednesday after Tuesday - fox food,

After Wednesday - Thursday - the wolf's eyes sparkle,

After Thursday - Friday will roll like a kolobok,

After Friday - Saturday - a raccoon bath,

After Saturday - Sunday

We have fun all day long!

Children, you not only named all the days of the week without errors, but also freed the inhabitants of the kingdom from evil spells "Maths". SLIDE 12

(Kingdom appears on screen).

The residents tell you thank you very much!

2. Now the inhabitants of the second kingdom are waiting for us "Road Sciences".

There are many dangers on the street. Gotta know the rules traffic and be very attentive and careful. I suggest you consider a series of pictures and tell you how to behave on the street so that trouble does not happen.

A) Are the guys doing the right thing? SLIDE 13

b) Is the girl crossing the road correctly? SLIDE 14

C) Tell the rules of conduct in public transport. SLIDE 15

D) - how to bypass the bus, tram and trolleybus at the bus stop? SLIDE 16

D) -Look carefully at the picture and say who crosses the road correctly and who does not. SLIDE 17

Well done with the tasks all coped. Tell me, who is our main assistant on the road? Without which neither pedestrians nor cars can cope? (traffic light) SLIDE 18

Correct traffic light. What types of traffic lights do you know?

(Pedestrian for pedestrians and transport for cars).

Now let's do the next task in teams - collect road signs.

Share, collect, name.

Kingdom appears on the screen

Well done! Inhabitants of the kingdom "Road Sciences" say thank you very much! SLIDE 19

"Sounds and Letters"

I invite you to the country of ABC. Here you are waiting interesting adventures. I invite you to visit!

Only the most attentive will be able to go to the country of Bukvaria!

Exercise. Reply to questions:

Mom calls her daughter home. Who's on the street? Who is home?

The wolf ate the sheep. Who is weaker?

The hunter killed the duck. Who was shooting?

The teacher listened to Vitya. Who spoke?

Petya was hit by Vanya. Who is the fighter?

The dog was bitten by a wasp. Who bit?

Speech therapist A: You did a great job. I ask everyone to follow me!

Speech therapist: Guys! Here we are in the country "Primer book" (slide number 1). Let's help Fixies!

Here is the first task.: slide number 2, 3, 4 - Find the second syllable

Second task: slide number 5- Put the picture in the House

Third task: slide number 6, 7 - Rebus first

Fourth task: slide number 8, 9 - Rebus second

Speech therapist: We had a very difficult transition.

Now it's time to play the game "Vice versa".

The children say sentences in unison.

I will say the word high, and you will answer (low)

I will say a word far away, and you will answer (close)

I will say the word ceiling, and you will answer (floor)

I'll say I lost the word, you answer (found)

I will tell you the word coward, you will answer (brave)

Now the beginning I will say, you will answer (the end).

I am an antonym for the word heat,

I'm in the river, in the thick shade,

And in a bottle of lemonade

And my name is (cool).

I'm the antonym for laughter

Not from joy, comfort,

I am involuntarily from misfortune and from pain,

From resentment, failure.

Did you guess? it (cry).

Fizminutka "School".

We will go to school soon

And take a briefcase with you.

Pen, book, pencil

We will put ours in the portfolio.

And study for all five!

Imitation of actions on the text.

Speech therapist: And now let's continue our journey!

Fifth task: slide number 10- Assemble the puzzle "Snow White"

Sixth task: slide number 11- Vowels and consonants

Seventh task: slide number 12 - Guess the first sound in the word

Eighth task: slide number 13 - Collect a word from letters

Speech therapist: Well, our journey has come to an end slide number 14

Guys, here is another letter from our friends:

One of the children is reading a letter.

The letter is accompanied by a box of treats. The children are given chocolates.

13. Summary lessons.

Speech therapist: Guys, did you like the country of Primers? What do you remember the most? What buildings did you have interesting to perform?

Children's answers.

Hooray, we completed the last task! Defeated Bastinda!

Children, what was the most difficult task for you to complete?

What task was the most interesting?

Guys, what a good deed we have done, WE RELEASE THE MAGIC COUNTRY OF KNOWLEDGE FROM EVIL CHARMS. (A rainbow appears on the screen).

The inhabitants of the kingdoms thank you very much, and they have prepared a surprise for you.

(Rang out phone call) slide call

Hello! Yes! I'll be sure to pass it on! Goodbye.

Children! This evil sorceress Bastinda asked for forgiveness and promised that she would no longer commit bad deeds.

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