Electronic cigarettes: reviews of doctors. Are electronic cigarettes harmful or not?

landscaping 12.10.2019

With the advent of electronic cigarettes, not only their adherents, but also opponents have arisen. Someone believes that with the help of such “substitutes” you can quickly and permanently quit smoking, someone just likes their smell, taste and the smoking process itself, and there are those who believe e-cigarettes more harmful than usual. So who is everyone - so right?

Of course, electronic nicotine carriers have certain advantages. They do not have the characteristic unpleasant smoke and combustion products. Also, one of the advantages is that they can be smoked in any public places, because this will not cause discomfort to people around. Is it really? It is worth looking into this in a little more detail.

What is an electronic cigarette

An electronic cigarette is a kind of mini inhaler that runs on a micro battery. It works in such a way that when inhaled, nicotine in the form of smoke enters the lungs of the smoker, thereby simulating the sensations of a real cigarette. It also comes with cartridges for refilling liquid with various degrees of nicotine dose. Also for such gadgets invented great amount various flavors for every taste.

There are also such electronic cigarettes in which the nicotine content is reduced to zero. This is where the debate begins, are they harmful to the human body or not?

Benefit or harm of electronic cigarettes

Unfortunately, there is no law that says that electric cigarettes must be strictly certified, like regular ones. This indicates that they do not undergo any thorough control, therefore no one has the right to guarantee their safety. It is unlikely that anyone would buy ice cream, knowing that it is being made somewhere in an abandoned basement. So why should e-cigarettes be any different?

If the product has a certificate, it means that it has not only passed the quality test, but also the test for the content of hazardous substances in it. Since electronic inhalers do not have this certificate, one can only guess what harm they can do to human health.

Physicians do not have a unanimous opinion about nicotine novelties. For example, the Portuguese doctor Antonio Arazhu openly demonstrates his point of view about the benefits of such cigarettes. He believes that this is the most effective method quit smoking.

Of course, one can disagree with him, because it has long been proven that smoking addiction is more psychological character. Few people really need a daily dose of nicotine. There are many examples of people who gave up their addiction simply by throwing away a half-smoked pack of cigarettes. It's that simple.

American scientists, unlike Antonio Arazhu, believe that the number harmful substances in electronic cigarettes more than in conventional ones. Also, the smoker has to inhale nicotine through the electronic cigarette more and longer. This fact once again proves that they clearly do not carry benefits for a person.

Harm of electronic cigarettes: rumor or reality

There is also an opinion that tobacco manufacturers themselves spread rumors about the dangers of their electronic competitors. Indeed, according to statistics from scientists from the University of Geneva, most smokers have given up conventional cigarettes in favor of electronic ones. This fact, of course, could have prompted the manufacturers of the first cigarettes to take such a step. But after all, those people who preferred electronic cigarettes still did not give up this addiction! They smoke exactly the same, only now different cigarettes. So there is no exact information about whether electronic cigarettes help a person to quit smoking.

To independently deal with the question of the benefits or harms of electronic cigarettes, you need to consider both positive and negative aspects.


  1. Not a bad way to quickly quit smoking traditional cigarettes;
  2. No tar or combustion products. Human lungs are not polluted, as from ordinary tobacco smoke;
  3. No tobacco smoke and ash. The ability to smoke in public places without causing inconvenience to others;
  4. Affordable price of replacement cartridges. Enough to invest once cash into the electronic device itself;
  5. The ability to stop smoking at a convenient time by simply putting a cigarette in your pocket or bag;
  6. Does not require ashtrays or designated smoking areas.


  1. Psychological addiction. The desire to constantly engage in harmful work in a free minute. Addiction remains only slightly modified;
  2. An increase in the number of puffs to obtain the required dose of nicotine, which means the possibility of an overdose;
  3. Duration of action. Electronic cigarettes often last several times longer than regular ones;
  4. Lack of quality certificates. We cannot know for sure about the amount of harmful substances contained in electronic cigarettes, so it is impossible to judge their safety;
  5. Negative attitude of others to tobacco smoke, albeit electronic;
  6. A large number of fakes and low-quality cigarettes that can be bought in the public domain.

In conclusion, it is important to note that the clear pros or cons of electronic cigarettes are not easy to identify. They are still a completely new product on the market, and therefore not fully explored. Reliable information can be obtained only in 10-20 years, when enough time has passed, and the adherents of electronic cigarettes will undergo medical research.

Today it should be noted only that everyone has the right to make his own choice. To quit smoking, you do not need to replace one cigarette with another. By and large, this is the same thing, only in a different shell.

Video: are electronic cigarettes harmful?

Everyone who has ever tried to quit smoking knows how difficult it is to quit smoking. And although for some it’s enough just to want, or, in extreme cases, to use various ones, most people have to quit for a long time and painfully. To make life easier for smokers and, most importantly, the people around them, the resourceful Chinese invented electronic cigarettes. Are these trendy cigarette substitutes any good, are they harmless, and what do the experts say?

Electronic cigarette device, electronic cigarette liquid composition

The now fashionable device, which for many has become the only way out in the light of the smoking ban law, consists of:

  • LED (imitation of a "light" on the tip of a cigarette).
  • battery and microprocessor.
  • Sensor.
  • Atomizer and contents of the replacement cartridge.

The "electronic" is charged from the network or directly from the laptop. Its duration is 2-8 hours, depending on the intensity of application.

Concerning liquid composition, which is purchased separately and has various aromatic additives(vanilla, coffee, etc.) - it consists of basics (glycerin and propylene glycol mixed in different dosages), flavor and nicotine . However, the latter may not exist at all.

What are the base components?

  • propylene glycol.
    Viscous, transparent liquid without color, with a slight odor, slightly sweet taste and hygroscopic properties. Approved for use (as food additive) In all countries. It is widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries, for automobiles, in the production of cosmetics, etc. It is practically non-toxic compared to other glycols. Partially excreted from the body unchanged, the remainder is converted into lactic acid, metabolized in the body.
  • Glycerol.
    Colorless, viscous liquid, hygroscopic. It is also widely used in most different areas industry. Acrolein, formed when glycerol is dehydrated, can be toxic to the respiratory tract.

Reviews of doctors about electronic cigarettes: electronic cigarette - harm or benefit?

Such an innovation as electronic cigarettes immediately attracted the majority of smokers, so the question of their harm faded into the background. And it's not surprising - "electronic" can be smoked at work, in a restaurant, in bed and generally everywhere where smoking classic cigarettes has long been banned. The difference, at first glance, is only that instead of smoke, steam is emitted with a very pleasant smell and without harm to suffering passive smokers.

What are the other advantages of "electronics"?

  • A regular cigarette is ammonia, benzene, cyanide, arsenic, harmful resins, carbon monoxide, carcinogens, etc. There are no such components in the "electronic".
  • From "electronic" does not leave marks on the teeth and fingers in the form of a yellow coating.
  • At home (on clothes, in mouth) no smell of tobacco smoke .
  • About technology fire safety you don't have to worry too much - if you fall asleep with an "electronic", nothing will happen.
  • For money electronic is cheaper regular cigarettes. It is enough to buy a few vials of liquid (one lasts for several months) - different in flavor and dosage of nicotine, as well as replaceable cartridges.

At first glance, solid pluses. And no harm! But - not everything is so simple.

First of all, electronics are not subject to mandatory certification. What does it mean? This means that they are not subject to supervision or control. That is, a cigarette bought at the checkout of a store may not be as safe as manufacturers are trying to convince us.

Secondly, WHO has not subjected electronic cigarettes to serious research - there were only superficial tests carried out more out of curiosity than for reasons of public safety.

Well, thirdly , the opinions of experts about "electronics" are not the most optimistic:

  • Despite the external "harmlessness" of electronics, does it still contain nicotine? . On the one hand, this is a plus. Because the rejection of regular cigarettes is easier - nicotine continues to enter the body, and the imitation of a cigarette "deceives" the hands that are accustomed to the "smoking stick". The well-being of e-smokers also improves - after all, harmful impurities cease to enter the body. And even oncologists have stated (although they could not provide evidence based on in-depth studies) that the liquid for refilling cigarettes cannot cause cancer. But! Nicotine continues to enter the body. It means that you can't quit smoking. Because as soon as you get one dose of nicotine (it doesn't matter - from an ordinary cigarette, patch, electronics or chewing gum), the body immediately begins to demand a new one. It turns out vicious circle. And it makes no sense to talk about the dangers of nicotine - everyone knows about it.
  • Psychiatrists confirm this fact. : electronics - this is a change from one "nipples" to a more fragrant one.
  • Addicts join them : nicotine cravings don't go away, don't decrease, and nicotine dosing options don't matter.
  • The “safety” of e-cigarettes plays a major role in instilling an interest in smoking in our children . If it’s not harmful, then it’s possible! Yes, and more solid somehow, with a cigarette.
  • As for toxicologists – they look at electronic cigarettes with suspicion. Because the absence of harmful substances and smoke in the air is by no means a proof of the harmlessness of electrons. And there were no proper tests, and no.
  • US FDA against e-cigarettes : the analysis of the cartridges showed the presence of carcinogenic substances in them and the discrepancy between the declared composition of the cartridges and the real one. In particular, nitrosamine, found in the composition, can cause oncology. And in nicotine-free cartridges, again, contrary to the manufacturer's statement, nicotine was found. That is, when buying an electronic cigarette, we cannot be sure that there is no harm, and the “stuffing” of the electronic cigarette remains a mystery for us, shrouded in darkness.
  • E-cigarettes - good business . What many unscrupulous manufacturers use.
  • Inhalation of smoke and vapor are different processes. The second option does not bring the saturation that a regular cigarette gives. So the nicotine monster begins to demand a dose more often than with regular smoking. To regain the "charm" of old sensations, many begin to smoke even more often or increase the strength of the refilled liquid. Where does this lead? To an overdose of nicotine. The temptation leads to the same - to smoke everywhere and at any time, and the illusion of harmlessness.
  • WHO warns e-cigarettes are not proven safe . And the tests that were conducted on these fashionable devices indicate serious discrepancies in the quality of the composition, the presence of harmful impurities and the amount of nicotine. A high concentration of propylene glycol leads to respiratory problems.

To smoke or not to smoke? And what exactly to smoke? Everyone chooses for himself. It will be possible to say about the harm or benefit of these devices only after many years. But to the question - will the e-mail help to quit smoking - the answer is clear. Will not help. Changing an ordinary cigarette for a beautiful and fragrant one, rid your body of nicotine and you won't stop being a smoker.

At a time when many people in Europe were thinking about choosing an alternative to tobacco products, medical companies have combined all their efforts with public figures. Ask why? They wanted to quickly understand the essence of electronic cigarettes. And most importantly, to provide the results of research and, of course, your objective opinion to the public.

Let's look at the opinions of various scientists and medical professionals.


Pulmonologist Alexander Averyanov reports: "Using an electronic cigarette, you can overcome many psychological barriers that stubbornly prevent you from quitting."

When using an electronic cigarette, you can feel all the attributes that a person should feel when smoking regular cigarettes:

There is a sensation of an object in the hand;
Sensation of fullness in the lungs due to inhalation;
Visible process of releasing a cloud of smoke;
And finally, the tactile sensation of a cigarette in the mouth;
In addition to all of the above, there is a saturation of the body with nicotine.

Combining all of the above, it can be argued that the electronic cigarette is good remedy, which can fully replace a regular cigarette. However, do not forget about the safety of using such a cigarette, because smoking it does not fill the body. carcinogens found in tobacco smoke.

Also, you will not have to receive a dose of hatred from others who do not want to become "passive" smokers.

Recently, Western scientists conducted an experiment with a group of several volunteers. Clinical studies lasted for six months and, of course, took place under the full supervision of experts. 40 heavy smokers who were given electronic cigarettes were under observation. After the end of the experiment, it turned out that nine people completely gave up tobacco products, and three of them even managed to give up electronic cigarettes. According to the final estimates, it turned out that the amount of tobacco products consumed by people decreased by 88%.

These results are truly amazing. This study was able to identify only one minor by-effect- dry mouth after using an electronic cigarette. This effect almost disappeared by the end of the study.

Atlanta professor Zaharu Kahn, along with his colleague, Boston professor Michael Siegel, conducted several laboratory studies on e-liquids. After long days work, they were never able to prove the benefits of the substances that make up these liquids. However, they were able to state that the approval of the Quality Supervision Authority food products and medicines about ignorance of the composition of liquids was false.

Professor Siegel proved that The composition of liquids for electronic cigarettes is studied much better than the composition of conventional cigarettes containing tobacco. He soon concluded that too little of the harmful substances that make up liquids for electronic cigarettes cannot pose a health risk.

The research done by the professor, unfortunately, does not guarantee absolute safety. But fortunately, they clearly show the significant safety of e-cigarette vaping compared to tobacco smoking.

In addition, scientists have proven that in the process of using an electronic cigarette, the body is enriched with nicotine. many times more efficient and faster than when using analogue. Accordingly, the number of puffs is significantly reduced, which helps to reduce the desire to smoke.

New Zealand

Scientist Murray Laugesen, not believing any of his colleagues around the world, decided to conduct his own research on electronic cigarettes. He began to observe completely different electronic cigarettes, adding more and more new manufacturers to the research.

In an interview that was devoted to this topic, he shared a little of his observations. The scientist said that tobacco products bring undoubted harm human body, at least, because in tobacco smoke, there is about four thousand various components, causing different kinds diseases. For example, carcinogens that contribute to the appearance of malignant tumors, and in the future, the development of cancer.

What about electronic cigarettes? They cause much less harm, as they include in their composition pure nicotine only, and in the process of vaporization, hundreds of times smaller side substances.

But do not forget that nicotine is in any case a poison, therefore, it is impossible to benefit from such a device.

United Kingdom

Chris Steele is the head of a clinic that specializes in getting rid of tobacco dependence, he is considered one of the best and most famous specialists in the UK. The doctor has a fairly long experience in this field, which has more than 30 years.

Not so long ago, he shared his views on the most effective ways to get rid of tobacco addiction. Steele believes that the best and most productive The way to treat this addiction is to carry an electronic cigarette with you.

This electronic evaporator attracted the doctor at first sight. He easily explains this situation by the ability of an electronic cigarette to produce a minimum amount of harmful substances, as well as indispensable help in easily overcoming the strong psychological factors encountered when choosing other similar means for quitting tobacco.

Electronic cigarettes are becoming more and more popular. It is believed that many tens of millions of people around the world are their regular users. But is this invention really safe?

The whole truth about electronic cigarettes - the latest data

Considered by many as a healthy alternative to tobacco smoking, e-cigarettes can lead to lung damage. This was stated by scientists from the University of Athens at the annual congress of the European Respiratory Society in 2012. Scientists conducted experiments on 32 volunteers, of which 8 were formerly non-smokers and 24 were heavy smokers. Some of the subjects had healthy lungs, while others suffered from asthma. Everyone was asked to use e-cigarettes for 10 minutes while inhaling the vapors into their lungs.

Research and reviews - what do doctors say about e-cigarettes?

Here are some of the doctors' findings:

Professor Christina Grazu, Chair of the European Committee of the Respiratory Society for Tobacco Control (ERS): " We do not yet have evidence that unauthorized nicotine products such as e-cigarettes are safer than conventional cigarettes despite marketing claims that they are less harmful.".

"We found an immediate increase in airway resistance in the subjects, suggesting that e-cigarette use may result in immediate harm after smoking the device. More research is needed to understand if this harm will also have consequences in the long term.". ERS recommends smoking cessation strategies based on clinical evidence that do not recommend the use of products such as e-cigarettes ".

What else do doctors say about electronic cigarettes? " We do not fully know what exactly is in them besides nicotine and how this nicotine affects the body if you inhale it in this way.".

How does an electronic cigarette work?

Electronic cigarettes (the device is battery powered) are used instead of cigarettes. Manufacturers, distributors and sellers of e-cigarettes say they are effective and a healthy alternative to tobacco smoking because the user does not breathe in harmful tobacco smoke, which contains more than 4,000 toxic chemical substances. Regular e-cigarette smokers say the device offers them a similar experience to smoking tobacco cigarettes. However, since there is no combustion, there is no smoke. Sucking on such a cigarette activates a heating element, and the liquid solution with nicotine evaporates. The couples enter Airways. The effect of an electronic cigarette is practically the same as that of regular tobacco.

For reference

Nicotine upsets the work of the heart, disrupts the rhythm of contraction, the heart begins to work intermittently. Nicotine causes a prolonged and severe constriction of blood vessels. There is a special "tobacco" form of angina pectoris, in which compression of the vessels of the heart occurs. There are known cases of myocardial infarction due to excessive smoking. It has been established that heavy smokers by the age of 50 are 12 times more likely to develop angina pectoris than non-smokers. Nicotine causes a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels. Blood vessels that have lost their elasticity can easily rupture, resulting in a risk of hemorrhage, especially in the brain.

The World Health Organization stated in 2008 that e-cigarettes are not considered a nicotine replacement therapy.

Are there any clinical studies on the safety of e-cigarettes?

The WHO says it has no scientific evidence to support the safety and efficacy of this "invention" because the necessary clinical trials have not been conducted.

Positive and negative aspects of using electronic cigarettes, opinions of specialists and doctors

Chewable records, sweets, electronic cigarettes... Almost every smoker who wants to give up his bad habit has come across them. But the key to the difficulty of quitting is not so much addiction to nicotine, but the habit of constantly cigarette in hand. And also from the already familiar smell of smoke, imitation of employment with a cigarette.

Watch the video above. There are many theories about the mysterious sponsors of anti-tobacco companies that are involved in the production of all these cigarette substitutes: sweets, nicotine sticks and other lollipops. It is possible that tobacco companies are involved in this, which may also benefit from such tactics. What if in this way they are trying to keep their customers to the last, even after they throw the last unfinished pack of cigarettes into the basket.

But really, there is little difference - to sell nicotine in cigarettes, chewing records, or even in simple sweets in bright candy wrappers. The main thing for them is the result in the form of the ringing of coins in their pocket. Perhaps this is how electronic cigarettes entered the market, the purpose of which is to replace harmful, poisonous cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes are safe, high-tech smoking simulators that are completely harmless. Especially against the background of real cigarettes fuming with resins. This is the image that electronic cigarette manufacturers are driving into the heads of gullible smokers. This is also hinted at by the way they are used.

First, the unfortunate smoker is asked to choose the desired type of cigarette (so that he can pick up electronic cigarettes that are as similar as possible to those that he used to smoke before). For example, you can buy a standard cigarette, a cigar with a mouthpiece, a thin cigarette, or even an electronic tube. After that, you need to fill the cartridge with smoking liquid, which can be of three types: without nicotine (none), with a low level of nicotine (light), medium and strong (classic).

One cartridge is enough for about 15-30 real cigarettes. This number depends on the model of the electronic cigarette. After charging the battery, you can start a relaxing smoking session. An electronic cigarette during this process simulates a real one - it releases smoke, the strength of which depends on the puff and causes the taste sensations of smoking.

Manufacturers of electronic cigars claim that their product not only helps to get rid of nicotine addiction, but can also become original and really useful gift. In addition, this is the product, about the use of which you can sincerely say: smoke as much as you need - to your health!

But there is one but. Are electronic cigarettes dangerous? Harm and benefit, as you know, always go, if not hand in hand, then somewhere very close. By its structure, an electronic cigarette is a kind of inhaler that provides the body with a liquid with nicotine, imitating smoke and taste sensations similar to those that a person receives when smoking a real cigar. This process is made possible thanks to the energy received from the micro battery of the electronic cigarette substitute.

That is, the liquid that is in replaceable cartridges may contain nicotine (in different doses) and not contain it at all. It would seem that this guarantees the safety of electronic cigarettes. And even provides them with a chance to become a new generation of cigarettes - safe and even useful.

But why is there only talk of a safe alternative to real cigarettes? Indeed, unlike traditional ones, electronic cigarettes are still not subject to mandatory certification. That is, with absolute certainty, it is still impossible to say something about the benefits or harms of this product. Certification means strict standards for the content of specific hazardous substances in the composition of a cigarette - nicotine and others.

In the case of traditional cigarettes, these norms are indicated by the World Health Organization. It is also alarming that electronic cigarettes have not been fully tested by WHO, but only tested by scientists, doctors and specialists from independent research organizations from different countries.

Opinions of specialists and doctors about electronic cigarettes

Here opinions differ: someone openly advocates the benefits of electronic cigarettes, like a doctor from Portugal named Antonio Arajo. He calls them an effective way to quit smoking harmful cigarettes. But American researchers unanimously say that in the course of their research they found an unsafe level of hazardous substances in substitutes for real cigarettes.

In turn, experts from Switzerland conducted a study, thanks to which they found out: electronic cigarettes helped 95% of smokers give up the nicotine habit. This known fact manufacturers and suppliers of electronic newspapers are happy to use.

If we turn to the reviews of independent buyers, we can come to the following general conclusion. Various theories and rumors about the harm caused by electronic cigarettes are not without reason, but at the same time they are greatly exaggerated. Perhaps they are so widely distributed by manufacturers of real cigarettes. For whom electronic cigarettes are clearly an enemy product.

The following list of their positive and negative aspects will help you to form your own opinion about the dangers and benefits of electronic cigarettes.

Pros and cons of electronic cigarettes:

  • An electronic cigarette is a really effective way to give up traditional cigarettes by smoking a liquid that does not contain a single drop of nicotine.
  • Does not contain poisonous resins and harmful products combustion, contamination of the lungs is almost impossible.
  • Does not interfere with non-smokers characteristic odor.
  • Allowed for smoking where the traditional cigarette is prohibited.
  • The price of a liquid cartridge is not much higher than the average price for a pack of traditional cigarettes.
  • You can put it aside without finishing it, there is no need to buy ashtrays.


  • Psychological addiction to traditional cigarettes is simply replaced by the same addiction to electronic ones.
  • Possible presence of harmful impurities in cartridge fluids.
  • Inability to confirm the absolute safety of electronic cigarettes.
  • Smoking e-cigarettes is not illegal in public places, but the artificial smoke they emit can still irritate the people around you.
  • Maybe a large number of counterfeit and low-end similar devices.

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