Epoxy safety. Is epoxy harmful Epoxy resin harmful

reservoirs 17.06.2019

Epoxy resins are often used in household and in production, the possibility of using the product is constantly expanding due to the development of formulations with better characteristics.

The material is not used in free form, it exhibits unique properties only after mixing with a hardener. combination various kinds resin gives products of different properties, they can be like rubber, hard or strong like steel.

Epoxy resins are characterized by resistance to acids, alkalis, halogens, they are not able to dissolve in esters, acetone. When solidified, the epoxy composition does not emit volatile substances and shrinks slightly.

The material has a number of advantages over analogues:

  • high strength;
  • good wear resistance;
  • insignificant moisture permeability;
  • the best physical and chemical qualities.

Despite the excellent performance, the question creeps in: is epoxy harmful to health? How safe can it be to work with the material, products made from it?

Scope of resins

Epoxy resin is used for the manufacture of all kinds of adhesives, electrical insulating varnishes, plastics. Resin can become the basis for the production of materials for any industry. Epoxy resins are suitable for the manufacture of impregnation agents, epoxy adhesives.

As a sealant, the material is used for devices, circuit boards and devices, objects are made from resins for everyday use. Epoxy resin is necessary to increase the strength of concrete, waterproofing of premises. Resins are used as household glue, for this it is necessary to mix the material with large quantity hardener.

Mixing is carried out at room temperature, it does not cause any particular difficulties, the exact proportion depends on the manufacturer of the components. Jewelry for women is made from the material, it can be combinations with natural leaves and flowers.

Production of high-strength products that are able to withstand maximum loads, aggressive chemical substances, involves the use of a hot type hardener. To date, formulations have been developed that harden:

  1. in a humid environment;
  2. in salt water.

substance along with natural wood also used for the manufacture of furniture: shelving, bookshelves tables and even chairs. Such interior items amaze with their originality, sophistication.

The mixture for filling allows you to get a product that is resistant to moisture, scratches, and other mechanical damage.

Why is epoxy harmful?

The greatest danger that is fraught with is severe diseases of the skin, they occur through direct contact with the substance and as a result of inhalation of its vapors. Dermatitis may be accompanied by irritation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, eye. Material damage is exacerbated when hardeners with sensitizing and irritating properties are used.

If a person works with epoxy glue, he complains of a severe headache, burning in the eyes, loss of appetite, swelling of the eyelids. A third of people working with this substance have pharyngitis and rhinitis.

A third of the workers were diagnosed with pathologies of the broncho-pulmonary system, the higher the experience of working with epoxy resin, the more serious the violations. Cases established bronchial asthma, the disease was preceded by asthmatic attacks and frequent bronchitis.

Harm epoxy resin manifests itself:

  1. damage to the heart muscle;
  2. diseases of the digestive tract;
  3. liver diseases.

Often, after a long work with the material, doctors diagnosed a violation of carbohydrate, protein and pigment metabolism. About 20% of the examined people had a history of conjunctivitis, skin lesions.

During contact with epoxy resins, itchy red spots, weeping eczema, papular-vesicular rash may appear on the skin, swelling of the face is observed. The harm of the chemical material extends to both open and closed areas of the body. Negative manifestations for a person are allergic in nature, this is confirmed by samples.

When a person uses items in everyday life that contain epoxy resins, this cannot be harmful to health. The main condition is not to expose them to high temperatures.

If furniture with epoxy resin is used in the kitchen, it must additionally be varnished, this will prevent the release of toxic substances.

Instructions for use

The curing temperature of epoxy resin ranges from -10 to +200 degrees. There are hot and cold curing resins, the cold type is usually used in living conditions, in production with low power where there is no need for heat treatment.

It is not difficult to work with epoxy resin, the main thing is not to violate the technology, otherwise it is harmful to the human body. No special knowledge, skills, professional tools are needed for work.

A two-component resin is mixed in a ratio of 1 to 3 with a hardener, depending on the intended result, it is allowed to change the proportion (you can achieve a lenticular or spherical surface).

Next, you need to stir the mixture with a wooden spatula, if necessary, add a dye, acrylic paint. The mass is allowed to brew, waiting for the removal of air bubbles. The surface where the epoxy is poured must first be degreased with alcohol.

To avoid harm to themselves, while working with the material, people should wear:

  • protective gloves;
  • respirator.

The mixture is poured onto the surface of the product, then covered with a box to prevent settling for lint and dust. Products are left to dry completely, usually we are talking about 72 hours. When the resin hardens, the object can already be polished and ground.

In domestic needs, creating models, repair work, in the manufacture of various adhesive compositions and plastics used epoxy resin. It consists of two components (base substance and hardener), securely fixes various materials together. However, many who use it for their own purposes are wondering if epoxy is harmful to health, and if so, how much.

Is it harmful to wear epoxy resin jewelry?

Recently, jewelry made from epoxy has become very popular. When hardened, it is not inferior in reliability and durability precious stones. However, appearance noticeably worse.

The cured composition does not emit toxic odors and harmful substances which can harm the human body. If you experience discomfort when wearing epoxy jewelry for a long time, you need to abandon it and consult a doctor.

Occupational diseases in the field of polymer compounds

Epoxy resins are synthetic compounds. Occupational diseases are characteristic of people constantly working with these compounds. Resins are used in conjunction with hardeners. The second, in turn, are hexamethylenediamine, maleic anhydride and others.

Occupational diseases arise due to the sensitizing properties that the original products have. They are used to make epoxy resin. List of ailments:

  1. Dermatitis.
  2. Itching.
  3. Redness and inflammation upper layers epidermis.
  4. Allergic reactions.
  5. Respiratory diseases.
  6. Bronchial asthma.
  7. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Also, some components that make up epoxy resins can negatively affect the human nervous system.

Toxicity of various types of adhesives

With prolonged contact with adhesives, chronic intoxication of the body may occur.

This is due to the fact that the toxicity of epoxy resin and other adhesives increases with time. Against the background of chronic intoxication, such health problems may occur:

  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Headaches.
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Violation of the respiratory tract.
  • Toxic hepatitis.
  • Gastritis.
  • Pain in the abdomen.
  • Chronic cholecystitis.
  • Edema of the eyelids.
  • Bronchial asthma.

If epoxy resin gets on open areas of the body, the skin may turn red, begin to itch at the points of contact with the adhesive.

Symptoms of poisoning

After it became clear whether epoxy resin is harmful to human body and what problems it can cause, it is necessary to talk about the most common problem that occurs when working with this adhesive for a long time. Let's talk about the symptoms of poisoning. chemical components contained in . They can be divided into symptoms of poisoning associated with the eyes and respiratory tract.

Eye symptoms:

  • Lachrymation.
  • Redness and burning of the eyelid.
  • Inability to focus vision.

Respiratory symptoms:

  • Dyspnea.
  • Swelling of the airways.
  • Voice change.
  • Acrocyanosis.

After affecting the eyes and respiratory tract, painful and unpleasant symptoms can reach gastrointestinal tract:

  • Stomach ache.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Stool disorders (discharge may be mixed with blood).

After the onset of symptoms associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the activity of the whole organism decreases. The person feels thirsty and unwell. There may be muscle pain, drowsiness.

If the resin enters the human body, it is possible to form an ulcer, mechanical damage to the stomach and intestines, blockage. For patients whose resin has hardened in the body, surgical intervention is prescribed to free the body of a foreign substance.

Constant work with epoxy can lead to the development of chronic poisoning. It is accompanied by bronchial asthma, allergic reactions, and digestive disorders. Over time, problems associated with the nervous system begin. constant fatigue, increased nervousness or a depressive state - direct symptoms of the influence of toxic substances on the nervous system.

After the information provided, it is clear how harmful epoxy is to humans.

Treatment of poisoning and prevention

The harmfulness of epoxy resin to human health has been proven. However, if poisoning or other problems with the body occur, a correct diagnosis is required. It is necessary to conduct an anamnesis of the patient in order to diagnose poisoning.

If the stomach and esophagus were affected by chemicals, the doctor sends the patient for an x-ray. With it, you can find out if there are chemical burns or ulcers on the walls of the stomach and esophagus. If the problems are associated with the intestines and the patient's condition is complicated, a gastroscopy can be performed.

In chronic poisoning, the mandatory diagnostic procedures are:

  1. Blood test. The level of acid-base balance is checked.
  2. Biochemistry of blood.

Depending on the severity of the patient's condition and the presence of other symptoms, other types of examination may be prescribed.

If a person feels symptoms of poisoning, he must immediately take a number of actions:

  1. Completely stop any contact with the adhesive. Leave the work area.
  2. Rinse eyes with plenty of warm water.
  3. Unfasten clothes.
  4. Sit in a semi-sitting position.

If the condition worsens, call ambulance. Doctors relieve swelling of the respiratory tract, eliminate irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes with drops. Antipyretics and painkillers may be prescribed.

The composition includes various chemicals that can harm human health. In order not to encounter unpleasant symptoms, it is required to work in goggles, a respirator, gloves and work clothes. If you experience discomfort or pain, you must immediately stop working and go to Fresh air.

  • Symptoms and treatment of epoxy poisoning
  • Epoxy resins
  • Is epoxy harmful to humans?

The harm of epoxy resin for humans: reviews and opinions When using polyethylene as a container and packaging material for food products no migration of toxic substances was detected. However, when polyethylene is treated with hot steam (80°C), migration of oligomers occurs. Attention When polyethylene is heated to 150°C, a mixture of volatile products containing unsaturated hydrocarbons, formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide is released.

About medicine professionally and simply! F-med.ru is a detailed and accessible description of diseases and methods of their treatment Medicine for all Search on F-med.ru Main sections It is interesting natural macromolecular compounds, which acquire plastic properties during processing, and in the form finished products are solid bodies. Plastics are characterized by high strength at low relative density, relative chemical resistance; they do not corrode.

Plastics are made up of a binder, a plasticizer and a filler. In addition, lubricants, polymerization accelerators (catalysts), stabilizers, various additives, etc. are used in the production process.

The binders are synthetic resins.

Occupational diseases in the production of polymer compounds


Polyethylene polyamine in large doses leads to respiratory failure, depression of the central nervous system; with prolonged exposure to the skin, it can cause lesions such as ulcerative dermatitis. Contact with polyethylenepolyamine in the eyes causes prolonged conjunctivitis.


Distillation residues from the production of hexamethylenediamine and complex amines are much less toxic. Anhydride vapors cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and eyes, suffocation, and wheezing in the lungs. Phenol-formaldehyde resins are toxic mainly due to the content of free phenol and formaldehyde in them, which cause diseases of the respiratory system, nervous system and the appearance of dermatitis.

Modified phenol-formaldehyde adhesives (phenol-rubber, phenol-polyvinyl acetal, etc.) are much less toxic.

Epoxy resins

Epoxy resins contain epichlorohydrin and toluene, which at temperatures of 60 0C and above are released into working area and adversely affect human health by acting on the nervous system and liver. Epoxy resins can also cause skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema) both by direct contact with them and by the action of low concentrations of vapors of these products.

MPC for epichlorohydrin is 1 mg/m3. Epoxy resin hardeners are also toxic. Failure to comply with safety regulations when working with them can lead to a change in the composition of the blood of workers, a decrease in blood pressure, depression of the central nervous system, respiratory failure and other disorders in the body.

Harm of epoxy resin for humans: reviews and opinions

In addition, most of the other substances included in the resin composition (epichlorohydrin and especially some hardeners) have an irritating and sensitizing effect. In chronic intoxication - complaints of irritation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and eyes, headaches, fatigue, dyspepsia.

Objectively: swelling of the eyelids, conjunctivitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, functional disorders of the nervous system with symptoms of autonomic dysfunction. Possible toxic hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis.

Toxicity of various types of adhesives

In chronic intoxication - complaints of irritation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and eyes, headaches, fatigue, dyspeptic symptoms. Objectively: swelling of the eyelids, conjunctivitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, functional disorders of the nervous system with symptoms of autonomic dysfunction. Possible toxic hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis.
Skin diseases of an allergic nature occur mainly on exposed parts of the body, both as a result of direct skin contact with epoxy resin and other ingredients, and when exposed to dust and volatile substances.

Poisoning from plastics and synthetic resins

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) poisoning Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a thermoplastic material obtained by polymerization of vinyl chloride in the presence of emulsifiers and initiators (organic and inorganic peroxides, potassium or ammonium persulfates, etc.) with the addition of plasticizers and stabilizers (compounds of lead, cadmium and other metals). MPC for polyvinyl chloride is 6 mg/m3. When processing PVC, the air environment can be polluted with vinyl chloride and other volatile organic substances (esters of phosphoric and phthalic acids, etc.).

Vapor-gas-air mixtures formed as a result of thermal-oxidative degradation of PVC can cause acute and chronic occupational poisoning. Symptoms.
The material has a number of advantages over analogues:

  • high strength;
  • good wear resistance;
  • insignificant moisture permeability;
  • the best physical and chemical qualities.

Despite the excellent performance, the question creeps in: is epoxy harmful to health? How safe can it be to work with the material, products made from it? Scope of application of resins Epoxy resin is used for the manufacture of all kinds of adhesives, electrical insulating varnishes, plastics. Resin can become the basis for the production of materials for any industry.
Epoxy resins are suitable for the manufacture of impregnation agents, epoxy adhesives. As a sealant, the material is used for devices, boards and devices, objects for everyday use are made from resins.

Epoxy resin is necessary to increase the strength of concrete, waterproofing of premises.

The effect of epoxy resin on the human body

Resins are used as household adhesives, for this it is necessary to mix the material with a small amount of hardener. Mixing is carried out at room temperature, it does not cause any particular difficulties, the exact proportion depends on the manufacturer of the components.

Jewelry for women is made from the material, it can be combinations with natural leaves and flowers. The manufacture of high-strength products that are able to withstand maximum loads, aggressive chemicals, involves the use of a hot-type hardener. To date, formulations have been developed that harden:

  1. in a humid environment;
  2. in salt water.

The substance, together with natural wood, is also used to make furniture: shelving, bookshelves, tables and even chairs. Such interior items amaze with their originality, sophistication.
negative properties polymer materials and products made from them is the ability to accumulate charges of static electricity on its surface, as well as generate high electrical potentials on the human body, which have an adverse effect during prolonged contacts. Plastics are divided into 4 groups: 1. Plastics based on macromolecular substances obtained by polymerization (polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, fluoroplastics, polystyrene plastics, polyacrylates, etc.). 2.

Plastics based on high molecular weight substances obtained by polycondensation (phenolic plastics, amino plastics, amido plastics, polyester plastics, polyurethane, organosilicon plastics, etc.). 3. Plastics based on chemically transformed natural substances (celluloid, etrol).

4 Plastics based on natural and petroleum asphalts and resins (asphalt plastics).

The effect of epoxy resin on human health

When working with zinc borate, it is necessary to use personal respiratory protection equipment, monitor the constant work ventilation units, observe the rules of personal hygiene, take a shower at the end of work. Chloroparaffins are slow-burning non-toxic substances. However, due to the presence of CC14 in some of them (up to 2%), when they are processed under conditions elevated temperatures(200 0C) respiratory protection measures must be observed. Antimony trioxide (Sb2O3) is toxic substance. The fog formed by Sb2O3 vapor and its suspended dust are stable in the air.

Ingestion causes a metallic taste in the mouth, salivation, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain. Possible allergic diseases skin. MPC (in terms of Sb) 1 mg/m3.

Personal protective equipment - respirators, goggles, mittens or gloves made of dense fabric.

Spring. It's time for blooms and a riot of colors. Experienced craftsmen they do not sleep and walk with might and main through the bright clearings collecting blanks for future masterpieces. If you are wondering how to capture eternity, preserve memorable moments or create an imitation of glass on almost any surface, then jewelry epoxy resin is the ideal solution.

Epoxy resin (ES)- a transparent liquid consisting of two components: resin and hardener. When mixed, a gradual hardening occurs and, as a result, the product resembles a transparent plastic.

We will not dwell on the stages of working with epoxy - there are a lot of master classes dedicated to this on the net and. Let's look at the answers to the main questions that arise when working with this material.

  1. Is ES harmful to health?

The modern industry does not stand still and jewelry makers are offered the most purified, odorless product. Jewelry resin is not a resin for construction works, from one smell of which you feel how the third hand begins to grow :-). But it's still worth taking precautions. Use gloves and in a well-ventilated area, avoid contact with eyes. And yes, you can’t eat resin at all 😉

  1. Bubbles form in the resin. How to get rid?

Any epoxy needs to be given time to “settle”, that is, rest for 30-60 minutes after you have stirred it. If there are still bubbles, warm it up a little with dry heat. For example, a hair dryer. For hair, of course. Construction will not work - too good is also not good :-) The resin will become thinner and the bubbles will come out. If these insidious bubbles have formed in an already filled form, and you don’t need them there, pull them to the surface with a needle.

  1. How can resin be colored?

Of course there are special dyes and no hassle with them. But if you want to experiment, and the colors you need are hard to find? The ink of alcohol pens will be used (note that some can drastically change their color, there are experiments as they are), nitro paints from hardware stores and even coloring powders for laser printers. Excellent result can be achieved with stained glass paints solvent based. It has been empirically revealed that Vitrail paints from Pebeo are great. Another secret, if you don’t want streaks, the dye must be added to the resin without a hardener, so you get a uniform color.

  1. The epoxy is not fully cured, sticky, cloudy.

When mixing epoxy resin, it is extremely important to follow the proportions indicated by the manufacturer. With an excess of the first component, your product will not dry completely and will remain sticky. By increasing the amount of hardener, the resin will become very thick and you will have a long, and possibly unsuccessful, bubble war. Also, stickiness and turbidity can occur due to water entering the resin. Keep an eye on the humidity of the air and do not heat the epoxy in a water bath. Yes, there are some tips. But if you are only "filling your hand", then it's still not worth it.

5. What shapes are suitable?

Epoxy does not stick to plastic, silicone, tape. You can even do without molds if you want to cover any image or object with resin. Just use a regular file as a background. The frozen product lags behind it perfectly. There are also many jewelry forms with a ready-made platform for pouring.

  1. What can be added to the ES?

Jewelry epoxy resin is a wonderful material with which you can achieve the most fabulously beautiful works of art. There are a lot of ideas for its application. We tried to collect the main nuances of working with it, so that you are not afraid to try new techniques. We welcome your comments and questions.

Let's make the world brighter and brighter together! 🙂

Epoxy resins have been used in various industries for over 50 years. Under this name, synthetic organic, partially polymerized compounds of a viscous consistency are combined. By themselves, the resins are non-volatile and non-toxic; in a closed container, they remain fluid for a long time. The resin hardens in the presence of hardeners. Health hazards are polymerization catalysts.

The health risks of epoxy

Aliphatic polyamine and polyamide compounds are used as polymerization catalysts. The penetration of toxic reagents into the human body when working with epoxy is possible through the skin, by inhalation of vapors or dust. Sometimes episodes of accidental ingestion of epoxy resin components are recorded.

Epoxy resin poisoning can be acute or chronic, depending on the duration of exposure and the concentration of the toxic component. Acute intoxication is the result of ingestion of the toxin or prolonged inhalation of vapors. People who constantly work with epoxy are more likely to develop chronic intoxication caused by the regular intake of poison into the body.

Symptoms of poisoning

When poisoning with epoxy resins, the organs that are in direct contact with the poisonous substance are primarily affected.

A complex of symptoms that occur when the mucous membranes of the eyes are affected:

  • burning sensation in the eyes;
  • eye redness;
  • lacrimation;
  • swelling of the conjunctiva and cornea;
  • defocused look.

When the respiratory tract is affected, the victim is observed:

  • hoarseness of voice;
  • acrocyanosis;
  • fluttering of the wings of the nose;
  • dyspnea;
  • respiratory failure;
  • swelling of the airways.

Patients with signs of inhalation intoxication show increased anxiety, they often have a fear of death.

With constant contact with epoxy resins and inhalation of small amounts of volatile components develops chronic form poisoning with signs of systemic damage to the body.

In almost every case, there is Chronical bronchitis. Simultaneously with the pathological process in the lungs, signs of disorders from the nervous system also appear. Patients become emotionally unstable, prone to expressive reactions to ongoing events, capricious. Among the typical complaints of patients with developing neurotoxicosis are increased fatigue and nervousness.

Due to poisoning, the development of bronchial asthma, chronic cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis is possible. Volatile components in direct contact with the skin provoke allergic diseases.

In the clinical picture of poisoning with epoxy resins in case of accidental ingestion, the symptoms of the lesion predominate digestive system in the form of acute gastritis, gastroenteritis or enterocolitis.

Signs of systemic lesions are usually mild. Shape and severity clinical manifestations poisoning depends on chemical properties and the amount of resin and / or its components taken, as well as the individual characteristics of the body and general condition the health of the victim.

From the gastrointestinal tract observed:

  • stomach ache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea with blood impurities.

Victims may complain of thirst, drowsiness, fatigue, general weakness, indicating the development of general acute intoxication and dehydration.

If accidentally swallowed resin has already been mixed with a hardener, the victim will show signs of mechanical damage to the intestines or acute intestinal obstruction. The overall clinical picture depends on the amount of the mixture consumed and the localization of the calculus formed during the hardening of the resin. Such cases are characterized by the manifestation of a symptom complex known as "acute abdomen". Surgical treatment is indicated for patients with suspected epoxy hardening in the intestinal lumen.

The components of some resins are very aggressive and, on contact with mucous membranes, cause chemical burns with the formation of a typical burn eschar at the site of the lesion.

Treatment for intoxication and prevention

Acute inhalation poisoning with epoxy resins is diagnosed based on the patient's history. Standard laboratory tests are carried out to assess the general condition of the victim.

Toxicological studies are carried out only if there is a technical basis for performing the necessary analyzes.

In acute oral poisoning, the patient's condition is often aggravated chemical burns along the digestive tract, intestinal obstruction, sometimes intestinal perforation. To confirm suspicion and determine the localization of the lesion, an x-ray examination is performed. Depending on the condition of the victim, sigmoidoscopy or gastroscopy can be additionally performed.

If chronic poisoning is suspected, the following must be carried out:

  • blood chemistry;
  • analysis of the acid-base state of the blood.

Additionally, other studies may be prescribed depending on the prevailing symptoms.

In acute inhalation and contact poisoning, it is important:

  1. Immediately stop further contact of the victim with the toxin and remove him to fresh air.
  2. Rinse the patient's eyes running water unbutton his clothes.
  3. Sit or lay the victim in a comfortable position and call an ambulance.

If a person has noticeable difficulty breathing, he is tormented by choking or coughing, this may indicate developing swelling of the airways. In such cases, he needs to provide the most gentle, namely, a stable semi-sitting position.

The arriving ambulance team will act in accordance with the specifics of the victim's condition. First of all, he will be given drugs that eliminate edema, and if necessary, he will be transferred to artificial lung ventilation.

Treatment of acute intoxication is carried out in a hospital, the tactics of therapy are selected depending on the type of lesion. Patients are prescribed drugs that eliminate swelling and irritation of the mucous membranes. If necessary, antibiotics, painkillers and antipyretics are included in the course.

In acute oral poisoning, systemic detoxification methods are used:

  • stool stimulation;
  • forced diuresis;
  • antidote treatment with the use of enterosorbents;
  • hemodialysis.

Additionally, probiotics and general strengthening drugs are prescribed.

AT severe cases The victim is admitted to the intensive care unit.

Chronic intoxication is treated on an outpatient basis. The choice of drugs depends on the characteristics of the clinical picture of a particular case.

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