Thank you for teaching us how to write. The first teacher we say Words of recognition and love

Engineering systems 19.10.2019
Engineering systems

Thanksgiving solemn speech to teachers from parents in prose

Dear teachers!

Today I would like everyone to have smiles and joy in their eyes. We parents want to say many words of gratitude to the teachers of our children.

Here, at school, our kids grow, learn, grow up, learn about life. At school, they acquire not only academic knowledge, but also find their adult friends. Of course, you are the teacher. You give them attention, love, your time and love from the heart.

In our school, teachers have created an atmosphere of mutual understanding and kindness and sincerity. Children are surrounded by constant attention and love.

We want to express our deepest gratitude and deep appreciation for your professionalism, sincere generosity, attentiveness and love, devotion to your profession and your students. Your participation and advice has always been correct and appropriate. You raised them! Taught!

Dear our teachers!

We brought our frightened and confused children to you. The teachers led them through the paths of knowledge. Children learned letters and numbers. Learned to read, write, count. Further, along the road of knowledge and discoveries, you led our children. They learned mathematics and physics, music and art.

You, our dear ones, helped to understand the criteria of good and evil. Children learned from you about the masterpieces of Russian and world classical literature. You introduced them to prose and poetry, from the Iliad to modern literary works.

Together with our children, you watched many films, took children to museums and theaters. Then they held discussions in which the children learned how to think correctly, give the right assessment, and express their reasoning and thoughts.

We sincerely express our deep gratitude and are deeply grateful to you for your professionalism, kindness and love for your profession and your students. Thank you for your work, participation, advice and wisdom!

Our dear, respected teachers!

You are our dear friends, taught our children. You have become related, grown together with them. You know all their pluses and minuses, advantages and disadvantages, abilities for science or difficulties that arise while overcoming the road of knowledge in study. You treat each of your students as a unique personality, as the only one in the world.

For each, individually, you had the time and desire to help if there were any problems. Regardless of time and cost, you would come home and call if there was a serious problem.

If the child fell ill for a long time, then you came to visit him, explain the material covered, so that there is no backlog in studies, the child does not lose time and his friends classmates, staying for the second year.

A deep bow to you and many thanks for your enormous invaluable work that you have invested in the upbringing and education of our children!

On behalf of all the parents of your students, we want to thank you for your invaluable and worthy work, for your individual approach to our children, for your kind attitude and understanding, for your efforts and exciting lessons, for your wonderful mood and the first important knowledge. You are the first teacher of our children - a person who provided a store of knowledge and sent them on a further voyage through school life. Thanks again for your kindness and great work.

Our dear teacher! Thank you very much for the knowledge that you skillfully and talentedly pass on to our children, because primary education is the basis of all knowledge and further education of our children. We are very grateful to you for your care, kindness and faith in every child. Special thanks to you for your gentle nature, patience and wisdom. We wish you, our dear and beloved teacher, good health, professional growth and development, optimism and positive.

Thank you for your efforts
For your hard work sometimes,
For the fact that, like a mother,
You behave with children.

We wish you to be always successful,
Beloved the most, the most tender.
Let your career grow
The soul rejoices and blossoms!

Dear our first teacher, on behalf of all your deeply respecting parents, we ask you to accept the words of gratitude for your sensitive and kind heart, for your care and patience, for your efforts and aspirations, for your love and understanding. Thank you very much for our happy, smart and educated children!

We want to say thank you
For your wisdom and patience,
We were able to give the kids a lot,
Thanks for the inspiration!

You gave them good
And taught them a lot
They'll be fine
Thanks for teaching them!

Thank you for teaching
Our guys read, count, write,
For always being by their side,
When they needed something to tell!

Thank you for all your efforts
What gave them the opportunity to become better,
For being in matters of education
We always tried to take part!

In the future, we wish you success
So that work is a joy to you.
You are the best! We know it for sure!
Good luck and warmth to you!

Dear our first teacher, you are a faithful and kind mentor to our children, you are a wonderful and wonderful person, you are an excellent specialist and a wonderful teacher. On behalf of all parents, we want to thank you very much for never leaving any of the children alone with fear and doubt, thank you for your understanding and loyalty, thank you for your hard, but very important work. We wish you not to lose your abilities and strength, we wish you always to achieve success in your work and happiness in life.

We say a big thank you on behalf of all parents to you, our wonderful teacher, mentor of our children. Being the first teacher is the most difficult thing: you always need to know where and how to start, how to interest all the children and set them on the path of true knowledge. Thank you for being able to give our children a craving for knowledge and discoveries, the desire to rush to school every day and open new pages of the book of miracles. We wish you great victories and creative success, incredible strength and bright happiness on your life path.

How hard it is sometimes
You have to raise our children.
But we all understand it
And we really want to tell you:

Thank you dear teacher
For your kindness, your patience.
For children, you are the second parent,
Please accept our thanks!

The first teacher is not just a job,
This is your gift, this is your calling -
You give children love and care,
You lead them to the world by the road of knowledge,
So as not to be lazy, love science,
And they marched in step with the new century.
But your greatest achievement is
You teach everyone to be human.
After all, the word, like a seed, gives its shoots -
Simple concepts - honesty and conscience.
And may many, many years pass,
We will remember you with gratitude!

Congratulations on the day of the last call and words of thanks from parents to teachers are a traditional attribute of festive events dedicated to the end of the school year in elementary school and graduation celebrations in grades 9-11. Such words are dedicated to the first teacher, mentors working in elementary, middle and high school and to the entire teaching staff of the educational institution.

Touching to tears, words of gratitude from mom and dad are expressed in verse and prose, accompanying them with the most sincere, beautiful wishes for good health, peace of mind, kindness and endless patience. Teachers with great joy accept congratulations and good words, once again proving that they once chose a worthy profession - to teach children.

Beautiful words from parents to a primary school teacher at graduation in poetry and prose

All the most beautiful words from parents to a primary school teacher at graduation in poetry and prose are pleasant and flattering to listen to. Indeed, at this moment, moms and dads are overwhelmed with the brightest emotions, and they sincerely invest them in warm words of gratitude towards the teacher.

Moms and dads congratulate the mentor on the end of the school year, thank you for the comprehensive care and boundless love given to the children. In their beautiful speeches, woven from touching words, mothers and fathers ask the teacher not to worry about parting with their pupils. After all, they do not abandon their mentor, but simply go forward to consolidate their knowledge and show what a good foundation the first teacher laid in them.

Examples of texts in verse and prose from parents for a primary school teacher

Parents can read texts in verse and prose with words of sincere gratitude for all the good things to the primary school teacher on the line or matinee on the occasion of graduation from school. Beautiful phrases, composed of warm, sincere and kind words of gratitude, will sink into the soul of the teacher and will remain in memory for life as the highest assessment of professional and personal merits.

Thank you for teaching

For always being by their side,

When they needed something to tell!

Thank you for all your efforts

What gave them the opportunity to become better,

For being in matters of education

We always tried to take part!

In the future, we wish you success

So that work is a joy to you.

You are the best! We know it for sure!

Good luck and warmth to you!

We say a big thank you on behalf of all parents to you, our wonderful teacher, mentor of our children. Being the first teacher is the most difficult thing: you always need to know where and how to start, how to interest all the children and set them on the path of true knowledge. Thank you for being able to give our children a craving for knowledge and discoveries, the desire to rush to school every day and open new pages of the book of miracles. We wish you great victories and creative success, incredible strength and bright happiness on your life path.

You once took the kids by the hands

They took me with them to the land of bright knowledge.

You are the first teacher, you are mom and dad,

Worthy of honor and children's love.

Accept from us today thank you,

Parental low, accept the bow,

Let the bright sun shine over you

And only the sky will be cloudless.

Dear teachers, please accept my heartfelt gratitude for your work and efforts given for the benefit of our children. With your sensitive attitude, wise advice and fair instructions, you helped the children overcome the difficult path of acquiring knowledge. We wish you good health, vivacity and strength, professional discoveries and sympathetic students.

Thank you for raising children

That gave them what is so important in their lives.

That they were understood, appreciated, loved.

And they did not reproach with the knife of reproach.

Thank you for growing up

That they are happy to hear the school bell.

And what did you learn so much

Kids. For this you bow low.

Words of gratitude in prose from parents to teachers for the last call and graduation in grades 9-11

Sincere words of gratitude in prose from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation in grades 9-11 sound capacious, touching and very respectful. Moms and dads convey their bow to the ground to teachers who have been giving children love, comprehensive attention, care and extensive knowledge in various subjects and sciences for many years.

Of course, kind, pleasant words do not contain all the gratitude that burns hearts, but adults try very hard to open their souls to their mentors and show all the wonderful feelings that they experience at this solemn moment.

For teachers, such congratulations and words of gratitude are very important. This is the most truthful and honest assessment of the daily painstaking work of teachers who educate a worthy, patriotic, persistent and purposeful young generation, capable of changing the world for the better and filling it with love, joy and harmony.

A collection of words of gratitude in prose from parents of students in grades 9-11 to teachers

The collection below contains texts and words of gratitude from parents to teachers in prose. It is appropriate to read them on the ruler, class hour or festive evening in grades 9-11. Teachers will be happy to hear that the mothers and fathers of the children appreciate their efforts and understand how difficult it is sometimes to teach teenagers the mind.

Congratulations to everyone today with the last call. Everyone would like to wish a sunny summer and a wonderful holiday, especially for the patient, brave, kind, understanding, best teachers of our children. Thank you, dear ones, for never leaving a single child alone with his problem, for being able to give them a lot of knowledge and wonderful moments of school life this year. We wish you strong strength and health, we wish you not to know fatigue and continue to shed the light of education on the path of children.

Here comes the last bell. Thank you very much, wonderful teachers, thanks from all parents for the high achievements and successes of our children, for proper education and the necessary knowledge, for understanding and endless efforts to educate a new generation. We wish you not to lose enthusiasm in work and purposefulness in life, we wish you to have high moral stability, good health and brave endurance.

Dear, invaluable, courageous, patient, so different and already quite dear teachers, congratulations on the last call! Mentors, good angels, you have passed an important life stage with our children, having taught them a lot. We will always remember your noble work. From the bottom of my heart - sincere thanks. Be happy, gifted with fate, cheerful and healthy!

Dear teachers, on behalf of parents, we congratulate you on the Last Bell! We wish you an amazing summer, active holidays, various impressions and achievements. Thank you for everything you do for our children. This is an invaluable work and contribution. Be healthy, fair, responsive and just humanly happy!

Dear teachers, on behalf of all parents, we want to congratulate you on the last call and, taking this opportunity, express our deep gratitude for your work, great patience, knowledge of our children, inexhaustible enthusiasm and constant striving for excellence. We wish you all a wonderful holiday, free flights of happiness in the clouds of summer dreams and dreams.

Beautiful and touching words in verse from parents to teachers for graduation and last call in grades 9-11

The beautiful congratulations and kind words from parents to teachers conveyed on the ruler in honor of the last call become the best, most pleasant gift and public recognition of the merits of the teaching staff.

Immeasurable gratitude, expressed in beautiful, reverent verses or touching to tears, respectful words in prose, makes teachers experience the most vivid emotions and experience the best moments in their lives. After all, there is nothing more pleasant than knowing that the work invested in children has borne fruit and will soon bring the first results.

The guys will go to universities, learn to become specialists in various fields, build a successful career and be able to change a lot of things around for the better. And it is for this that at the last call and graduation party, moms and dads say a simple but capacious word “thank you” to the first teacher, class teacher, subject teachers and other school employees who take an active part in organizing a full and comfortable learning process for children.

Options for beautiful and touching words of gratitude in verse for teachers from parents of schoolchildren in grades 9-11

This section contains the most beautiful and touching congratulatory words in verse from parents to teachers. Moms and dads of students can download them for free from our website, memorize them, and then recite them with expression on the line or in the evening in grades 9-11. Such a welcoming speech will make the most favorable impression on teachers and will be remembered for its sincerity, openness and warmth.

Dear teachers,

Sometimes you were strict

And sometimes for leprosy

Nobody has been punished.

We parents today

On behalf of all our bad girls,

Well, and bad guys, of course,

"Thank you!" we speak heartily.

Let Fate give you nerves

With an inexhaustible reserve

Let the Ministry of Finance not offend

And raises wages.

Well, in general, let you

Everything in life will be just class!

Our gratitude is boundless

Low bow to you teacher,

You taught excellently

Giving our children knowledge!

School years, like birds flew by,

Our children have become adults,

From the bottom of our hearts and souls, we would like

So that everything in life goes well with you!

So that fate rewards you with happiness,

To bring prosperity to your house,

And from troubles, sorrows to keep,

Peace to you, health and kindness!

We are grateful to you, teachers,

For knowledge, love and patience,

For nights over notebooks without sleep,

For passion and inspiration.

For helping us raise

Children. What could be more important?

We wish you and the school to prosper

And become wiser every day.

New talents and health, strength

Today we sincerely wish you.

And even though the last bell rang,

But in a child's heart you will be forever.

Thank you for the years and efforts

For the fact that, despite all the obstacles,

You managed to give yesterday's kids knowledge,

Managed to teach everything that is necessary in life.

May not always have enough understanding

And children are far from ideal,

But you always lacked a sense of tact,

Thank you for your faith and recognition!

Teachers - cheers!

You are a storehouse of knowledge and skills.

But, sorry, it's time for us to say goodbye,

The last bell rings for us.

Thank you teachers

For understanding and patience.

We know for sure - it's not in vain!

Teaching gives a start in life.

Thank you for the children

For giving them knowledge.

You have made people out of them.

We say goodbye to you!

We are also like your class,

After all, we studied with them,

And you will stay for us

Beloved and dear!

It is not surprising that the first teacher as a person who became one of the most significant personalities in the most difficult period of the life cycle of each person is remembered forever. It is he who contributes to the successful adaptation of the former preschooler in a frighteningly unknown school environment, helps to master many truths and, of course, teaches to read and count. The very fact that the words of gratitude to the first teacher are always sincere, sincere and filled with a slight sadness is objectively determined.

The child, reading poetry, involuntarily imbued with their meaning, and perhaps it is at this moment that he suddenly feels most acutely that another important step has been passed in his life, and the unknown awaits ahead again.

How hard it is to say goodbye to you
My first teacher!
Impossible to put into words
The sadness that I feel!

I will never forget
Your wise, kind look,
I will remember our lessons -
They can't be brought back.

A sincere understanding that it was the first teacher who taught invaluable life lessons makes it possible to thank her from the bottom of my heart.

You not only taught us how to write,
Solve serious problems.
You taught us to dream -
And that means more to life!

You loved every student
Found a special approach to us
You were often an older friend,
You went on a hike with us.

Gone are the beginning of school years
You fruitfully with us.
Thanks for the lessons, for the advice,
For the soul you gave!

Knowledge of school granite
Together we were able to master.
Gratitude keeps the heart
For helping us.

In the atmosphere of parting with a significant and dear person, all words of gratitude to the first teacher sound especially capacious and rich. No one pays attention to their literary perfection, the emotional coloring becomes dominant. Parents are also ready, holding back tears, to read verses and bow to the Teacher.

Who was given custody of the children?
Thank you now!
Who gave the soul to children
And paved the way to accomplishments.

Who opened the way to the unknown,
Who taught the basics of knowledge.
Who brought the essence of knowledge to children
And surrounded by care and attention.

We speak to the teacher first
Words of recognition and love.
We love you, we adore you
May your days be long.

Prose in Parents' Thank You Speech it may sound a bit with a pathetic note, but this is only from a sincere desire to express in words a sea of ​​​​emotions and experiences.

Today, in the presence of your colleagues, children and parents, I sincerely and openly want to express respect for your kindness, wise and competent education of our children. Words are powerless to convey gratitude for your experiences with childhood failures and constant help and support to them, students whom we entrusted to the best teacher in the world. For great work, for professionalism, diligence and sincerity, our low parental bow, to you - Teacher!

An excellent finale will sound a variant of congratulations - integration, when one child pronounces the beginning of a poetic line, and the ending sounds in chorus. Parents and the whole room can join. Then the thunderous "thank you!" will become unforgettable. It will sound like another result in the difficult and noble cause of educating children for the first teacher who sends his students away with good parting words and sincere love.

We would like to express our deep gratitude. Thank you for your work. For the fact that every day you give each of your students a piece of yourself. You give knowledge, share your experience, pay your attention and, in the end, give a piece of your heart. Thank you for your professionalism, unique approach to each child, your gigantic patience and responsibility. We wish you health, good luck and prosperity.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to say “thank you very much” to you for your work, for your patience, for your ability to find talent in every child, for your efforts, for your support. I sincerely wish you health, prosperity, strong strength and wonderful mood. Let every day open something new and good not only for your students, but also for you, even in summer, and in winter, and in spring, and in autumn, your life will be bright, cheerful and interesting.

Dear teacher, from the bottom of my heart I want to say a big thank you for your invaluable work and faithful efforts, for your kind heart and sincerity of soul, for your stubborn struggle with the dense forest of ignorance and for your optimism. You help not only to learn something new and important, you inspire strong faith and bright hope, you can always give the right advice and support with a kind word. I wish you many years of successful activity, well-being in life and good health.

Thank you, dear teacher, thank you for the knowledge, for the good advice, for the correct answers to all my questions, for the understanding and warmth of the soul, for the sincerity and honesty. Thanks to you, I believe in myself and tirelessly strive for my dream, I overcome obstacles on the way to education and know that success awaits me. Thank you, I wish you great opportunities and success in life, health, personal well-being and happiness.

I would like to sincerely thank the teacher! Thank you for the lessons and knowledge that lead us into adulthood. For help and care, attention and guidance, for criticism and discussion, for support and participation. You are a wonderful teacher! Be happy!

From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you for the hard, but such a noble work, patience, ability to listen! Your talent for getting along with students and keeping them interested is admirable! Thank you for your knowledge and daily dedication!

Our beloved teacher, we want to thank you very much for your care, guidance, skills and hard pedagogical work! A more tactful, polite, intelligent, fair, wise and kind teacher cannot be found. We are very lucky with you, thank you for your efforts and attempts to teach and educate, for your love for children and dedication to work! We wish you smart students and good parents!

Thank you, dear teacher, for all the knowledge that you gave me, for the wisdom that you opened for me, and for the experience that you shared with me! I thank you for every lesson, because your lessons are a bright light that illuminates my path to success and cherished dreams!

A teacher is a beacon in the turbulent flow of knowledge. And having passed the common path, I want to say words of gratitude for every parting word, support, understanding and human participation. You have invested a part of your soul in each student, I hope we will justify your hopes! Thank you for everything you have done for us!

Please accept our gratitude for your heart, kindness and intelligence. For giving us your love, knowledge, patience and soul without a trace. Let each of your students never forget what you have done for him and his future.

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