Secrets of growing Iberis evergreen in your garden. Features of growing Iberis

Landscaping and planning 13.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

A beautiful Iberis flower with a pleasant aroma is popular with many summer residents, the planting and care of whose photo has many interesting aspects. It is unpretentious in breeding, easy to care for, blooms throughout the summer. They decorate alpine slides and masonry, decorate flower beds, lawns and. Iberis is suitable for growing in containers, landscaping terraces, loggias, and even for decorating a wedding bouquet.

flower description

A native of Spain, Iberis is a semi-shrub plant with lush thickets. Branched shoots can grow both in height (up to 30 cm) and spread along the ground. The bush has oblong dark green leaves and inflorescences-baskets containing about 40 buds.

Iberis blooms profusely and is accompanied by a strong aroma. The first flowers open in May or August, flowering lasts two months. Due to the numerous inflorescences, the leaf mass is not visible on the flower, and the plant itself is often compared to clouds. The color of the buds comes in different shades, but the most common are white, pink, lilac, purple petals. In the photo, a flower bed of iberis flowers in full glory.

Iberis is good. After flowering, it develops small pods with large quantity small seeds inside.

Growing and planting iberis

Breeding a plant can be done in three ways.


Iberis seeds are sown directly in open ground after the cessation of frost to a depth of 10 mm. The first shoots appear after 2 weeks. Thick shoots must be thinned out, leaving 15 cm between shoots.

In order for the plant to bloom all summer, you need to know when to plant Iberis. Cultivation from seeds of different varieties can be carried out in two stages with an interval of 3 weeks.


This method is used to obtain seedlings by the beginning of May. Iberis seeds are planted in a container with loose soil at the end of March. They are scattered over the surface and sprinkled with river sand. To obtain greenhouse conditions, the container is covered with glass, placed in a bright and warm place. Watering the seeds is done as needed using a sprayer. The first shoots appear after 10 days.

For Iberis, a transplant is fatal, so seedlings must be planted in a flower bed as carefully as possible and together with a clod of earth. The planting hole must be deep so that the root part of the sprout fits freely in it.


This method is carried out in the fall. The cuttings are cut into fragments 12 cm long and planted in pots with earth. Greenhouse conditions are created for future seedlings. Iberis planting in open ground and care will be carried out next spring.

It is necessary to plant a plant in loamy or rocky ground, which will not allow moisture to stagnate. For planting, you should choose a site well lit by the sun.

Iberis care

All varieties of Iberis are unpretentious and do not require special care. But still, you should follow some rules:

  • water the plant should be moderate and only in dry weather;
  • feeding iberis is allowed twice for the whole summer: the first time at the time of the appearance of sprouts, the second - during the budding period;
  • remove after flowering withered flowers and buds, cut the stems as the bush grows by one third of the length;
  • the space around the flower should be regularly cleaned of weeds, then the flowerbed with iberis in the photo will be well-groomed and beautiful.

Iberis is prone to self-sowing, so young shoots will appear near the bushes after flowering. It must be removed or can be used as seedlings.

perennial iberis

In addition to annual plants, there are perennial varieties of iberis. Grown from seeds, in the first summer it is limited to modest inflorescences. The plant gives full color and rich aroma only in the second year. Perennial varieties of Iberis are frost-resistant and adapt well to mountainous conditions. But it is better to learn about the resistance to cold of each particular variety from the instructions.

In order for the perennial Iberis to have a well-groomed appearance all summer long, it is necessary to cut the faded stems from the flower. When the plant reaches the age of five, the iberis bushes need to be planted, otherwise the inflorescences will become small, and the plant will lose decorative look.

Peculiarity frost-resistant varieties Iberis are branched stems. Creeping along the ground and intertwining with each other, they create an air "cushion". Keeping warm and not overdrying the soil, it guarantees a good wintering in the absence of snow. But for greater safety, it is better to cover the shrub for the winter with coniferous spruce branches, and pour fallen leaves on the surface of the soil. Planting and caring for Iberis long-term photo the same as an annual plant.

Growing Iberis from seeds - video

The modest charm of fragrant inflorescences will harmoniously fit into any landscape. Iberis is a perennial native to the Mediterranean and central Europe. In our climate zone most often it can be found in the Crimea, the Caucasus and on the banks of the Don. In the people it is called a pepper, a variety of petals or a stennik. The plant belongs to the cabbage family.

Its main decoration is small flowers. various shades: white, milky, pink, lilac, crimson. They have two short and the same number of long leaves. It is for this feature that he was nicknamed multi-petal. They form a small umbrella-shaped inflorescence (up to 4 cm in diameter). During flowering, lush flowers practically cover the entire green part of the iberis. Seeds form in a small pod after the garden plant has flowered. The subtle, refined aroma of peppercorn spreads over a large area, and can be felt even in a remote part of the garden.

Use in landscape design

Universal culture can be used in any element of landscape design. The best way do low curbs spectacular and extraordinary is to plant a pepper box along their edge. In discounts and group plantings, it is indispensable. tender color palette creates harmony in combination with any cultures.

Undersized representatives occupy a worthy place in and. Due to its unpretentiousness and the ability to maintain a decorative look for a long time, Iberis will emphasize the elegance of the rocky elements of the garden.

Combination with other plants

Add expression to coniferous composition you can plant a wall next to it. With its unobtrusive coloring and delicate aroma, it will dilute the aristocratic coldness of evergreen trees and shrubs. and cypress are excellent "neighbors" for iberis.

The lush flowering of undersized species is in harmony with drought-resistant ground covers:

  • gaillardia
  • creeping
  • Byzantine cleaner
  • saxifrage and many others.

A delicate ensemble is obtained from iberis and large-flowered, gazania, undersized marigolds.


There are 3 ways to reproduce Iberis:

The division of the bush

This happens at the end of March. The bush is carefully removed from the hole. With a sharp knife, it is divided into 3-4 parts. Each of which has a part of the rhizome and a kidney. The separated part is grown in a greenhouse or container, covered with a film. As soon as 3 or more leaves appear on the shoots, the material is suitable for further planting. Each plot is planted in open ground in August. To make it fit better, you can shorten it.


They are sown in containers for seedlings. The soil must be peaty. From above, the seeds are torn with a barely noticeable layer of sand. The container is certainly covered with a film or glass to create favorable conditions growth. If necessary, the soil can be moistened with a spray gun at a distance of 15-20 cm from the container. Such precautions are taken so as not to wash off the planting material. If the temperature is not lower than 17 degrees, then the first shoots will appear in 9-10 days. Then they can be transplanted. To do this, it is necessary to moderately moisten and gently dive into a peat cup. Already at the beginning of May, together with cups, seedlings can be moved to open soil.

Seeds can be sown immediately in the ground, then in this case flowering will be only after a year. You can do this in mid-April. The plant cannot grow in one place for a long time, while maintaining its decorative appearance. After 5 years, it must be transplanted.

If planted with seeds in open ground before the onset of the first frost, they will bloom the next season. And the inflorescences will differ in splendor.


This method is only suitable for perennial species. A suitable period for him is the end of August. The stalk is cut at the top of the bush of last year's plant. The fragment should not exceed 10 cm in length. For rooting planting material suitable moist soil, in partial shade. As soon as it germinates (in the spring of next year) it can be transplanted to the selected sunny area.

Planting and care of Iberis

Choosing and preparing a landing site

The best place to plant a stennik will be a sunny place. But, if this is not possible, then an unpretentious culture can grow in partial shade. In the shade, she will not be able to bloom so violently, but she will retain her decorative effect. The choice of soil is also not of fundamental importance, but loamy and light soil is preferred. Negative influence on garden plantations, stagnant moisture provides a good drainage layer when planting and choosing a site without stagnation of groundwater and melt water. In order for Iberis to take root better, gardeners choose dry weather for planting it.

Planting and feeding

When planting, the distance from hole to hole should be at least 25 cm. This will help each specimen get enough sunlight and nutrition.

After planting, the soil around the plant is watered and compacted. The next watering does not take place soon: after the iberis adapts to the new environment. In the future, the need for moisture will rarely arise, during a long dry period.

Top dressing occurs twice during the season. As soon as the first leaves appear, mineral fertilizers are used. The budding period requires organic feeding from a caring owner.

Plant care and pests

Unpretentiousness and ability to adapt to conditions environment make it easy to maintain. Special conditions and the need to devote a lot of time to courtship are not about Iberis. It is enough for him to provide thinning (during the first shoots), timely pruning of the stems, replanting every 5 years and protection from insect pests and diseases. Their last ones are often found cruciferous flea. It negatively affects the growth of the bush and forms holes in the leaves. When the first symptoms appear, urgent action must be taken. The plant is sprayed with systemic insecticides. To avoid such attacks, it is better to immediately treat the soil with a fungicide solution before planting. Such preventive measures will help to avoid dangerous consequences for the list.

The most common disease is fungus. various kinds . Kila cabbage can live in the ground for more than 10 years. So preventive treatment land before planting is required. The disease is incurable. For young representatives, this disease is fatal. More adults are capable a long period grow with it, but over time, growth stops.

Species diversity

Perennial iberis is represented by the following species and varieties:

  • Evergreen. Reaches up to 40 cm. The leaves are dark green, oblong in shape. Umbrella-shaped inflorescences, white flowers. Period lush flowering 20-21 days. The most spectacular varieties: Dana, Findell, Zwergshne Eflok.
  • Gibraltar. Almost evergreen. The flowers are small, pale pink. In height no more than 20 cm. The width of the bush is up to half a meter. The most famous Gibraltar variety is Kenditaft. It is famous for the change in color of flowers: from purple to white, during the flowering period.
  • Crimean. Dwarf perennial 7 cm high. The leaves are gray-green, in the form of a lowered shoulder blade. The buds are lilac, and the flowers that have already blossomed are snow-white in color.
  • Rocky. The evergreen plant reaches 13 cm. The bushes are formed by voluminous dense curtains. Due to this feature, the flowering period is very similar to being powdered with snow.

Thyme or thyme? And maybe thyme or bogorodskaya grass? How right? And it’s right in every way, because under these names the same plant “passes”, more precisely, one genus of plants from the Lamiaceae family. There are many other popular names associated with the amazing property of this shrub to release a large amount of aromatic substances. About the cultivation of thyme and its use in garden design and cooking will be discussed in this article.

Favorite Saintpaulias have not only a special appearance, but also a very specific character. Growing this plant bears little resemblance to the classic care of indoor crops. And even relatives of the Uzambara violets from among the Gesnerievs require a slightly different approach. Watering is often called the "weirdest" care item for violets, which prefer non-standard watering to the classic method. But you will have to change the approach in fertilizing with fertilizers.

Useful, hardy, unpretentious and easy to grow marigolds are irreplaceable. These letniki have long moved from city flower beds and classic flower beds to original compositions, decorated the beds and potted gardens. Marigolds with their easily recognizable yellow-orange-brown colors and even more inimitable aromas today are able to pleasantly surprise with their variety. Firstly, among the marigolds there are both tall and miniature plants.

The system of protection of fruit and berry plantations is based on the use of pesticides. However, if in the protection of pome orchards pesticides can be used during almost the entire growing season, taking into account the waiting period for each preparation, then in the protection of berry crops they can be used only before the phase of the beginning of flowering and after harvesting. In this regard, the question arises which drugs should be used during this period to suppress pests and pathogens.

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It often happens that chemical insecticides, especially those that have been on the market for a long time, cease to act on pests due to the development of resistance (resistance) to the active substance, and then biological preparations can come to the rescue, which, by the way, have a number of advantages. In this article, you will learn how Lepidocid will protect vegetable, berry, ornamental and fruit crops from leaf-eating pests.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as far back as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will look at the most interesting varieties mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in the open field.

People began to grow crocuses 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring next year. Crocuses - one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, the timing of flowering may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom in late March and early April.

Shchi from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, fragrant and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup is tastier than freshly cooked.

Blueberries - a rare promising berry culture in the gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins, have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. The taste of blueberries resembles a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of varieties of tomatoes, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners he is annoying sometimes! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself”. The main thing is to understand the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have much time and energy to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of room nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleuses today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant supervision. But if you take care of them, bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provence herbs - "supplier" delicious pieces fish pulp for light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The mushrooms are lightly fried olive oil and then drizzle with apple cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill coexist perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the flavor of each other. Garlic sharpness of wild garlic will saturate both the flesh of salmon and pieces of mushrooms.

The Iberis plant (Iberian) represents the Cruciferous family. Great popularity in modern landscape design culture has earned its unpretentiousness, as well as charming bright bloom. Have you never met him? No problem!

We will tell you in detail about its cultivation, planting in the open field and reveal the main secrets of caring for this magnificent plant. Also in the article we will show a photo prominent representatives some varieties. Believe me, after that you will be able to independently grow beautiful iberis on your site.

Iberis: varieties and varieties

In nature, there are frost-resistant and heat-loving perennial iberis, creeping and erect. They are semi-shrubs up to 50 cm high, have small flowers collected in umbellate inflorescences and lanceolate leaves. The most common colors are white, purple, lilac, lilac and pink.

Iberis is a very unusual, but rather easy-to-care plant.

Among the huge number of various types of these perennials Let's highlight the most popular ones.

  • Zwergschneeflock (up to 15 cm, often used in landscape design);
  • Dana (plenty flowering variety, up to 15 cm tall);
  • Findell (height is about 20 cm, forms curtains).

Iberis planting

Iberis planting in open ground should be carried out in May, when warm weather settles in the yard. This plant is very fond of light, so for its cultivation it is worth choosing an open sunny area. You can plant Iberis in partial shade, but then flowering will not be so plentiful and saturated.

Advice. Concerning suitable soil, then it is better to give preference to loamy or rocky. It will protect the plant from the danger of stagnation of excessive moisture in the rhizome.

For the flowering of Iberis to be active, plant the plant in a sunny area

The landing process itself should be taken with great responsibility. The roots of the seedlings are very carefully taken out of the container and transplanted into open ground. The distance between the seedlings should be about 15 cm. The soil near the plantings is slightly compacted and, of course, watered. In addition, the cultivation of different varieties requires maintaining a significant distance between them.

plant care

It is difficult to find an ornamental plant more unpretentious in growing than iberis. Planting and caring for it will not take you much time, effort and will not require special skills. An important point care is the implementation of regular moderate watering of the plant.

Attention! In no case do not fill the Iberis with a large amount of water. Otherwise, its rhizome will begin to rot and the plant may die.

Iberis needs regular watering and pruning

After the end of the flowering period, perennial iberis are cut off by one third, forming a well-groomed compact appearance. It is also necessary to remove wilted flowers in time. If your Iberis has reached the age of five years, it must be seated so that the flowers do not shrink and lose their unique decorative effect.

Fertilizer and top dressing of Iberis

Due to its unpretentiousness, the Iberian does not require a large number frequent feeding. It will be enough to apply a solution of complex mineral fertilizer twice per season. The first time it is applied immediately after the appearance of the first leaves, and the second - at the beginning of the flowering period. Such procedures will provide Iberis with fantastic flowering.

Plant propagation

Cultivation of Iberian can be carried out by vegetative or seed method. The latter is the most popular among flower growers.

Iberis seeds

Plant propagation seeds involves sowing in open ground in mid-spring. To extend the flowering period, you can plant seeds in two turns. Seedlings with this method of reproduction will appear literally in 10-14 days. They need to be thinned out, leaving a distance of about 15 cm between them. Sometimes sowing is carried out closer to the winter season.

Iberis sprout

For breeding seedlings it is required to sow the seeds in loose, soft soil (depth 1 mm). From above they are sprinkled with a ball of river sand and covered with glass. The container with seedlings should be in a warm, well-lit place. It is impossible to dive seedlings, and watering is allowed only from a watering can. Already strengthened and grown sprouts are planted in open ground in May.

Diseases and pests

With proper care and good conditions for cultivation, these plants get sick, as a rule, very rarely.

Due to sensitive rhizomes, Iberis can be affected by the fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae. In this case, deformation of the root is observed. The consequence of such a lesion is weakened growth and the gradual death of the plant itself. For prevention, it is recommended to disinfect the soil and remove infected plants (to avoid further spread of the disease).

Iberis affected by gray mold

Most dangerous pest for the Iberian, it is a mealy worm. Treatment of the plant with special anti-coccid preparations will help to remove it.

Iberis in landscape design

Iberis perceive the neighborhood with other plants very well, moreover, such combinations help to realize the most extraordinary ideas in landscape design.

They make a great combination with subulate phlox, shavings , rock alissums . In addition, wonderful exotic compositions are born in a combination of iberis with botanical tulips, blunt cypress and scaly juniper. Use your imagination, then you will definitely succeed.

Iberis in landscape design

In landscape design, this amazing, stylish ornamental plant is used to decorate spectacular discounts, alpine slides, lawns. They are a charming decoration for border plantings. Timely pruning of shrubs will provide such plantings with an excellent appearance.

Proper and timely care of Iberis will bring you amazing results.

Beautiful iberis: video

Types and varieties of Iberis: photo

Iberis, or Iberian (Iberis), - annual or perennial garden flower belonging to the genus of herbaceous plants from the Cabbage family. To domestic flower growers, this plant grown in the open field is also known under such names as pepper, raznopetal and stennik.

Iberis annual and perennial: description of species and varieties

Bloom ornamental grasses or semi-shrubs is represented by umbellate racemose inflorescences. Decorative garden flowers represented by several species and varieties, the cultivation of which does not cause difficulties.

Iberis evergreen

Evergreen (I. sempervirens) is a perennial semi-shrub plant with a height of the aerial part of 30-40 cm and an oblong, entire, glossy, dark green foliage. Inflorescences are umbellate, up to 50 mm in diameter, have White color. The most popular varieties are Zwergschneeflock, Findall, Snowflake and "Dana".

Iberis umbrella

Umbrella (I.umbellata) is a flowering annual plant with a height of the aerial part of no more than 30 cm. It is characterized by bare, well-branched shoots and early flowering dense umbrella inflorescences. The most popular are hyacinth-flowering varieties of the type "Gems" and "Express", as well as Blackberry Meringues, Fairy Mixtche, Pomegranate Ice and "Red Rash".

Iberis bitter

Bitter (I.amara) is an annual plant with a height of the aerial part of not more than 30 cm. It is cast by the presence of branched and well-pubescent stems growing from the root collar. Foliage oblanceolate, with serrated edges, alternate arrangement. The flowers are white with a lilac tint, collected in racemose inflorescences. Most popular in home gardening varieties "Tom Thumb", "Hyacintenblütige Riesen" and Weiss Riesen.

Iberis rocky

Rocky (I.saxatilis) in natural natural conditions grows in rocky areas in southern Europe from the Iberian Peninsula to Black Sea coast. This evergreen highly ornamental shrub has an aerial part no more than 10-15 cm high and forms characteristic dense rounded curtains.

Photo gallery

Iberis Crimean

Crimean (I.simplex) is a small perennial flowering plant herbaceous plant with an aerial part no more than 5-10 cm high and pubescent foliage of a grayish-green color. The flowers at the bud stage are lilac, but in dissolution they acquire a characteristic snow-white color.

Iberis Gibraltar

Gibraltar (I.gibraltarica) comes from southern Spain and Morocco. Gibraltarica is characterized as a highly ornamental semi-evergreen species that forms great amount small pinkish flowers. The height of the aerial part does not exceed a quarter of a meter with a diameter of 40 cm. The most popular varieties are "Gibraltar Candift" and "Chameleon".

Growing Iberis from seeds

Planting seeds is great way get a perennial shrub plant or herbaceous ornamental annual. Experienced flower growers recommend sowing seeds directly into open ground flower beds around mid-April. Standard Embedment Depth seed material may vary between 7-10 cm.

Too deep sowing causes difficulties in germination and reduced germination. Under favorable soil and climatic conditions, the first shoots appear in about seven days. Also a very good result is given by sowing before winter.. In this case, active flowering is noted already in May or the first decade of June.

Iberis: planting seeds (video)

The seedling method of growing is somewhat less commonly used. decorative culture. This method is not very popular, due to the fragility of the root system. Seedlings are very difficult to tolerate the process of transplanting, often get sick or slow down in growth and development, so it is recommended to plant seeds immediately in peat pots.

Iberis: planting and care in the open field

The plant needs regular care, including the proper organization of irrigation measures and compliance with the feeding regimen. You should also systematically remove all weeds, loosen the soil shallowly and periodically carry out inspections in order to timely detect damage by diseases or pests.

Selecting a landing site

Perennial or annual grows well and blooms profusely when planted in well-lit areas. sunbeams plots, but the sun's love of this ornamental plant relative enough. Iberis can easily tolerate some shading., so this culture can decorate rockeries and alpine slides not in the sunniest places.

Loamy areas are best suited for full growth and development, as well as long flowering, but the lighter and looser the soil, the more convenient it will be to care for the crop. It is impossible to allocate too dense or excessively dry soils for cultivation.

Technology and planting dates

It is necessary to sow seeds in individual seedling pots or specially prepared boxes from March to the last decade of April. For growing seedlings, you can use any soil mixture for decorative flowering plants. Seeds should not be deeply buried. Temperature regime before the emergence of seedlings, it should be approximately 18-22 ° C. After the appearance of mass seedlings and the formation of several true leaves on them, it is necessary to thin out the seedlings. The seedling material transfers the dive procedure quite hard.

Seedlings should be transplanted to open ground flower beds around the middle of May, providing, if necessary, with a frame-film shelter. The standard distance between planted seedlings should be at least 15-20 cm. Sowing seeds directly into open ground can be done starting from mid-April, or traditional winter sowing.

How to grow iberis (video)

Watering, fertilizing and other care activities

Irrigation measures are necessary for the plant only in a very hot and dry period. The soil during irrigation should be saturated with water to the maximum depth, avoiding moisture stagnation at the root system of plants. Too much occasional watering do not adversely affect decorative annual or perennial crops.

The amount and composition of dressings may vary depending on the type and quality characteristics of the soil on the site. On too depleted soils or soils with insufficient nutritional values, standard complex fertilizers are applied only a couple of times a year. Can be used in spring and summer period top dressing with nitrophoska. A very good result is the introduction of organic matter through the introduction or mulching of the soil around the plants with compost.

Of no small importance is such an event as pruning. This procedure allows you to get the most abundant and long flowering. All flowering shoots should be regularly removed. The main pruning is carried out immediately after flowering. During this period, the aerial part of the perennial should be shortened by about a third.

Terms and rules for collecting seeds

After flowering, annual varieties must be completely removed from the soil along with the root system. Perennials are partially pruned. Seeds are collected after the inflorescences have completely withered.. The fruits must be cut as carefully as possible and laid out in a warm room, where the ripening process is carried out.

Seed pods need to be turned carefully regularly to ensure uniform drying. Well-dried Iberis seed material should be stored, neatly packed in paper or cloth bags, in a dry and relatively cool room. This method allows you to maintain germination at a high level.

Preparing perennial iberis for winter

Iberis belong to the category of fairly frost-resistant decorative garden plants, but are able to freeze in snowless and harsh winters. Among other things, perennials react very poorly to sudden temperature changes and a change from severe frost to a thaw. To ensure a comfortable wintering for a beautifully flowering garden culture, needed even in middle lane our country to use shelter since the last decade of autumn. Fallen leaves, spruce branches or ordinary dry brushwood with small layers of straw and hay can serve as a good protection against frost.

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