Russian-Chinese relations in the XVII-XVIII V.V. Russian-Chinese relations: events, documents and materials

Landscape design and layout 22.09.2019
Landscape design and layout

The history of Russian-Chinese relations covers about three centuries. Their beginning refers to the first decade of the XVII century., Although some fragmentary information about China reached Russia back in the XIII century, during the Mongolian conquest, and also entered the XV-XVI centuries. both from the Central Asian merchants and from European geographers. But only in the XVII century. Russians, as it were, open China in geographical, political and economic relations, for it is at this time that the borders of the two states occur.

The XVII century marks the beginning of a new period in Russian history. With the growth of the productive forces, the craft reached the Russian state of small commodity production in the Russian state, and in some cases large enterprises of the manufactory type appeared. The growth of agricultural marketability contributes to the formation and expansion of market ties. The process of education of the All-Russian market begins. This process, according to V. I. Lenin, "is characterized by a truly actual merge of all such (disparate, feudal. - V. M.) regions, lands and principalities in one. The merger was caused ... the increasing exchange between the areas, gradually the growing trade circulation, concentrating small local markets in one All-Russian market. " The process of developing the Russian state as multinational has continued. In the XVII century The reunion of Ukraine with Russia was carried out, the accession and settlement of the enormous expanses of Siberia played a huge role.

In the field of foreign policy, the Russian state with a large scale, consistently and persistently sought to resolve the tasks in front of him: strengthening Western borders, ensuring the exit to the Baltic Sea, the fight against Crimean Khanate and Turkey, the development of trade with the countries of the East. A new element in the foreign policy of the Russian state compared with the XVI century. is the expansion of old and establish new connections with states Central Asia, Mongolia and China, which was a consequence of the rapid movement of Russians to the east through the immense spaces of Siberia.

The internal and foreign policy of the Russian state in the first decades of the XVII century. and in the following has significant differences. End of XVI - the beginning of the XVII centuries is marked by major shocks in all areas of the economic and political life of the country associated with the Polish-Swedish intervention and the peasant war. Successful completion of the struggle for exemption from foreign invaders was accompanied by a gradual recovery and a flourishing of the economy, as well as to strengthening the international importance of the Russian state.

In China's history of this period, a serious internal crisis coincided with an increase in the external danger - the invasion of the Manchurian invaders.

At the end of the XVI - the first half of the XVII centuries. China continued to edit the Chinese Dynasty Min (1368-1644), who came to power, as a result of the liberation struggle of the Chinese people with Mongolian conquest. In the country there was a concentration of lands in the hands of feudalists, the mass impoverishment of the peasantry, hired labor appears in the possession of large owners, with the existence of rural communities in which agriculture was combined with the home industry.

By this time, production has reached a noticeable heyday. In a number of industries, such as in the production of cotton and silk fabrics, the porcelain industry, there were large state-owned enterprises, as well as private manuffs using the labor of hired workers.

Craft growth and an increase in agricultural marketability contributed to an increase in the growth of cities, as industry centers and trade. The merchants made major turnover in the domestic market. However, the external trade with the countries of the Southern Seas who had flourished by the end of the reign of the Mini dynasty sharply decreased, due to the invasion of Europeans - Portuguese, Spanish, and a few later Dutch and English merchants.

Even at the beginning of the XVI century. (In 1516) China first encountered Western European colonialists who tried to settle on the southern coast of the country. At the end of the XVI - early XVII century. Spanish and Dutch fleet attacked China's coastal islands. Catholic missionaries that penetrate China, along with the propaganda of Christianity, were diligently engaged in the collection of a variety of information about the "subwayless empire".

Terrible danger came to China from the northeast, where by the end of the XVI century. Manyzhura intensified - the nationality of Zhurzhen origin.

United by Khan Nurkhazi (1575-1626), they have ceased to pay the tribute to the Minsk Empire since 1609, and in 1616 Nurkhazi as a sign of continuity with the Chungi State proclaimed himself the emperor of the Jin dynasty. His son Abahai (1626-1644) mastered the Liaodul, suffered the capital to Mukden (Shenyang) and called his dynasty of Qing. In these years, Manchuri, conducting continuous wars, spread their dominion to a significant part of Mongolia, hit Korea.

The cruel oppression of the folk masses of the feudal-bureaucratic top caused a powerful rise of anti-refortional movement in China, which turned into a peasant war. The uprising began in 1626 in Shaanxi. With varying success, it lasted for almost twenty years, in 1644 the rebels under the leadership of Lee Tzu-Chen took Beijing and overthrow the Minsk dynasty. Then the Chinese feudalists entered into collusion with Manchules and opened the front by the Manchurian troops standing at the Great Wall of China. Manchurian armies invaded the country. Abahai suffered the capital to the defeated Beijing. China fell under the yoke of a foreign manchurian dynasty, his national statehood was, in fact, destroyed. Almost the entire second half of the XVII century. It takes place in the continuous struggle of the Chinese people against Manchurian conquerors, which only in the 1980s managed to suppress resistance in the south of the country.

Based on the dynastic interests of the feudal manchu tips and in the name of satisfying the appetites of Chinese feudalists, the Qing dynasty exercises a complaint policy, the victims of which, in addition to China, becomes a number of other neighboring states.

At the time of establishing the relationship between the Russian state with China at the beginning of the XVII century. Between them there were huge spaces populated by nomadic and semi-oral peoples. In Moscow, there was almost no idea about the huge territories lying between the eastern borders of the Russian state and the Minsk Empire. The lack of accurate information generated an erroneous idea that China is located somewhere near the origins of the Ob River, the road there was expected shorter than it was actually.

As a result of accession and settlement by Russian huge spaces of Siberia, where to the beginning of the XVII century. A number of fortified settlements were created, Russian landlocks begin to explore the terrain to the south and southeast of Russian outposts in Siberia - Tobolsk and Tomsk, trying to integrate the ways to Mongolia and China. Departure in 1608 by decree of Tsar Vasily Shui Group of Tomsk Cossacks, headed by I. Belogolov, in search of Altyn-Tsar and the Chinese state, was the first step of the Russian government on this path. Although the expedition ended to no avail, since the war of Oratov with Altyn-Khan Western Mongolia Shothem Ubashi-Huntstowji prevented Russian envoys to reach the area of \u200b\u200bhis nomads, but the Cossacks still brought some information about China received from the Yenisei Kyrgyz.

During this period, English diplomacy tried to get a permit from the Moscow government to the organization of the Land British Expedition to the Upper Obi, where China, and the rights of transit trade of English merchants through Siberia with the countries of the East, were in the ideas of European geographers. In Moscow and London, the question of the search for ways to China through new Russian possessions was increasingly discussed.

Diplomatic pressure provided by the British to the Russian Government in 1615-1617, coincided with the departure of Tobolsky Voevoda I. S. Kurakin Embassies T. Petrov to Kalmyks and V. Tymens to West Mongolia. The information brought by them showed that China's limits are quite achievable for Cossack expeditions. Altyn-khan West Mongolia Sholi Ubashi-Huntstiji gave a promise to miss through his territory Russian embassies in China.

At this point, representatives of the English Moscow company again tried to obtain permission to organize an English expedition for the search for the road to China through Siberia. But the Russian government resolutely rejected these harassment as incompatible with the interests of Russian trade in the East and gave the instructions to the Tobolsk governor send a Russian expedition to find out the path from Siberian cities to China and find out how richly and great Chinese state.

Thus, the departure of the first Russian mission to China was stimulated by the desire of the Russian government to protect the interests of domestic commerce and prevent the transit trading of foreigners with the countries of the East, and in particular with China, through the territory of the Russian state. The immediate reason for the organization of a trip of this kind was to push English diplomacy to the royal government. The successful development of Russian-Mongolian relations ensured the real possibility of the passage of Russians through Western Mongolia in Minsk China.

Having left on May 9, 1618 from Tomsk, the Cossacks group led by Ivan Petinine on September 1 of the same year was already in Beijing, where she stayed only 4 days. The Chinese government due to traditional views perceived the first embassy from the Russian state is not as an embassy from an equal state, but as the attributes of Dani by the Beijing court. Since no "Dani" had no "Cossacks with themselves, they did not get to the Emperor Zhu I-Zyuuni (Vanley's Geniology's motto of the reign, 1573-1620), but received a diploma compiled from his name, who had a Russian coming with embassies and trade in China.

So in the first quarter of the XVII century. Between the Russian state and the Minsk Empire, the first contacts were established. But the grariness, brought by I. Petlin to Moscow, remained defined due to ignorance of the language, and the government of Mikhail Fedorovich showed well-known caution in the development of ties with distant China during the period when the Russian state, ruined by many years of the internal crisis and the Polish-Swedish intervention, There was still enough forces and means to expand trade with the East. Therefore, the mission to Beijing I. Petlin, who crowned with brilliant geographical discoveries, a long period of searches for the northern way from Europe to China, completed the first stage in the formation of early Russian-Chinese relations who were not regular, since at that time they were stimulated rather external factors than internal necessities .

However, the paths opened as a result of the trips V. Tyumenz and I. Petlin, Maniwa new landlords. Information delivered to Moscow by Mongolian embassies, increasingly burned the interest of Russian to China and neighbors with him. Already in 1635, the Tomsk son of Boyarsky Luke Vasilyev and the Cossack Semen Shchepetkin filed a petition to the Embassy Order with a request to allow them a trip to China. But this time the Russian government did not decide to send an expedition to China, such an expedition I. Petlin.

In 1641-1642 With a shopping caravan of Thai Thai Daicin in Minsk China, the Tarskaya Cossack Cossack Emelyan Vershinin was visited, not only successfully traded in the city of Sinine, but also to the Russian king to another diploma on behalf of the Minsk Emperor Sud Zuna, which also discovered the way to develop trade and diplomatic relations, But again, the grades were not translated into Russian.

Only by the beginning of the second half of the XVII century. The necessary political and economic prerequisites are created to establish official and regular relations between Moscow and Beijing. The main role in this was played by the growth of the power of the Russian state, as well as the expansion of its limits in Eastern Siberia and accession to the Qing Empire of significant territories in South and Central Manchuria captured by Manchules in the process of combating various tribes.

In the 20-30s of the XVII century. Russians captured the central part of Siberia and advanced further east of the northern way from Mangazia and South - from Tomsk. With the base of Yeniseisk in 1619 and Krasnoyarsk in 1628, the Basin of the Yenisei was under the control of the Russians and served as the basis for the further transition to Lena on the Lower Tungusk and Vilyui Voluchi Voluch, on the one hand, and on the hangar, or email and wolf to r. Cute - on the other. In 1632, Yakutsk was founded, which, after the institution in it, the Voivodeship became the administrative center of the extensive territory in Eastern Siberia. As a result of marine expeditions I. Perfilheva (1633), Ivan Petrova (1633), Elisha Buza (1636) and the opening of the Semyon of Dezhnev Bering Strait (1648), the Russians received an idea of \u200b\u200bthe northern shores of the eastern part of Asia.

Not one decade to join Siberia to the Russian state was a complex historical process. The main goal was reduced to the economic development of a huge region, the colonization of it as a "economic territory", to communicate the working people of the Russian population with local tribes, the development of Russian farming here, the intelligence of natural resources, the construction of cities. The events held for this by the government and the local administration, responding mainly to the interests of the feudal state and its dominant top, at the same time contributed to the development of the productive forces of these areas remote from the center.

In the 40s, rumors about the rich Daurus land and Amur are distributed among earth trucks and industrial people. Movement on Cupid occurred in two ways: from the headwinds of Lena to Baikal and from there on the shale and from Yakutsk along Lena, Aldan, the studio on Zei. Locals, along with messages about Daururia, delivered Cossacks curious information and China. The search for paths in the Amur region was simultaneously looking for new paths to China. Thus, the peoples of Eastern Siberia were the second for Russians (after Mongolia) the source of information about China. True, this information was originally different from those that came through Mongolia. This is explained by the fact that the re-mastered areas did not bordered directly not only with China, but also with an increased Manchurian state of Qing, which, mostly, they told the Russian residents of the Torders of Lena, Transbaikalia and Amuria.

The first party was visited by the party of serving people headed by V. D. Poyarkov. Having left Yakutsk in July 1643 "For the view of newly unsuccessful people, and for silver and copper and lead ore, and bread," the landlords fell on Lena, Aldan, Gone to Zea, then they went to the Amur pool, floated on Amur, Wintering in his mouth and, having come to the sea, got to the mouth of the river Uli, from where they returned to Yakutsk in June 1646.

V. D. Poyarkov gathered accurate information about the peoples of the lower and middle flow of Amur: Daurara, Evenks, Duhchers, nods and gylyaki. The indigenous population of the Amur region was independent, led a settling lifestyle, was engaged in agriculture, hunting and fishing. "And the Natki live on Amur on both sides of the ulus," we read in the report V. D. Poyarkova about the campaign, and they do not give Yasaku. And the gylyaki sailed to the sea 2 weeks, and the gilacs are lying on both sides of the Amur and to the sea with uluses, and many glyatsky people live on the islands and lips to the sea and lips, and feed fishing, yasaku, they do not give "

At the time of the appearance on the shores of Amura, V. Poyarkov, the Amur tribes did not actually have any political, or economic ties with the Manychurian state of Qing. Between the Amurring and the Northern border of the Qing possessions, there were huge difficulty spaces with manchules. In addition, after the capture of Manchurs Beijing in 1644 and transferring the capital of the capital from Manchuria to a campaign to the southern provinces of the Minsk Empire, almost all the population was displayed, capable of wearing weapons. The care of eight-named troops, which was the most significant and rich part of the population of the cinema dynasty, as well as accompanying their families and slaves, caused a sharp decline in economic life in Manchuria.

In 1647-1648 Russians have established contacts with feudals of North Mongolia. Yenisei seruners K. Ivanov, and after him, V. Kolesnikov visited the head of Tubungutov Tourucha Tabinanang, who decided to adopt Russian citizenship. At the same time, two batchies of Cossacks headed by Yakutsk and Yeniseisk, headed by I. Pohabov and Ya. Kulakov, to one of the most powerful feudalists of Halhi Cezen-Khan (Cholia Dalai Satsan-Hagan). The Russians learned from Cesman-Khan: the Bogdoya Kingdom, that is, possession of the possession of the already northern China Qing Dynasty, and the Old China, that is, the remains of the owners of the Minsk emperors in the south of the country.

The final addition of the Amur region to Russian possessions occurred in 1649-1652, when several Cossack parties, united by the leadership of E. P. Khabarov, spread the power of the Russian administration to this area, laid off the local peoples and, where arable land here, laid the beginning of the peasant colonization of the region .

When equipping an expedition, the Yakutsk governor P. A. Franzbekov opened a wide loan from the treasury, giving him a state weapon, cloth, boilers and agricultural equipment for the device of pasty settlements. Agance of Voivoda prescribed Khabarov with peaceful means to bring the peoples of the Amur region to Russian citizenship and strengthen the power of the Russian administration, emphasizing that the Zemlip Cossacks sent "not for battle". At the same time, the instructions of Khabarov reflected the seriousness of the intentions of the Russian government to consolidate this area. In the event of a refusal of any of the Dauri prince, to adopt Russian citizenship Khabarov was prescribed by such "worst unasal people to humble the war" and Yasak with them to close, "so that the treasury to teach a slight profit."

Having climbed over Olekma, Khabarov zazima in the mouth of the Togiir and next 1650 came out to Cupid. Daurgy towns, to which the Cossacks approached, were half empty; Their residents were wary of the arrival of the Russian detachment. Dauras reported Russian about the existence of "Prince Bogdoy" - Manchurian Khan, episodically tricked to snip into areas, adjacent from the south to the middle course of Amur, Lazutchikov and Military people to capture prisoners and mining. Then the brave governor P. A. Franzbekov instructed Khabarov to lead and "Prince Bogdoy" to Russian citizenship.

By the spring of 1651, Khabarov fixed in the town of Albazine. In Yakut ordnant, the embassy decided to prince Bogojoy, headed by T. E. Churchin, to offer him to join Russian citizenship or at least collect accurate information about him. However, the Russian Embassy in the fall of 1653 killed in the way.

The first meeting of Russians with Manchules occurred after the skirmish of the Cossacks of Khabarov's squad with Daurura at a Guigudar town, where there were several manhuzhov (Bogdogi people) in the Dauro camp), but they did not participate in the battle, but only watched him. Captured Dauras showed that these manchors lived in Ulus Prince Guigudar. The day after the victory of the Russian manchuri came to them for negotiations, but the ignorance of the Manchurian language Tolmachi Russian detachment made it difficult to mutual exchange of information. Manchuri still explained Khabarov that their king "Shamsakan didn't rush to us with you, our king Shamsakan ordered with you, with the Cossacks, to be honest." Then Khabarov, in turn, "Tom Bogda's man honored the honor and gifts to the sovereign and let go of Evo, Bogdoyskova, a man, honestly in his Goddoga Earth."

But a year later, the Zing Government began an armed struggle for crowding out Russians from the Amur region. For cins, the Russian area of \u200b\u200bactivity was distant approaches to their own Old Academy of Votchin, so the question of the expulsion of Russians with Amur was presented for the new Peking government very important. In March 1652, Khabarov was besieged in the Achan town of a strong manchore detachment. Against 206 Cossacks made 600 manchwasters with 6 cannons and other firearms, supported by a semi-cooled army collected from daurur and dunes. Moreover, the Manchur military commander ordered to take Russians alive. However, Khabarov inflicted the connected manchuro-daurus the cruel defeat.

In Moscow, after receiving an unsubscribe of the Yakut governor on the actions of the E. P. Khabarov's detachment, they still did not associate information about Manchuars with China. In August 1652, the Kalmyk ambassadors of Knyagini Gundji "about the Amur River and about the Daurry land, which is about the Amur River and about the Non River and about Shemshkan-King and about Alaka Batura-Kan king," as far from Kalmyk nomads and "To the Chinese state those lands are close?" . During this period, the Russian government originates the plan of departure of the official embassy, \u200b\u200bthe passage of which through Kalmyk and Mongolian uluses was guaranteed by Princess Gundy.

The organization plan for the official embassy in the capital of the Qing Empire was a consequence of the overall enhancement of the foreign policy of the Russian state in the second half of the XVII century. The lively interest in the Eastern neighbors dictated to the Russian government the need to expand trade with the countries of the East and open new markets for Russian merchants. In 1651-1652. From Moscow, another embassy was sent to India - Nikitin Embassy. The question arose and about sending the embassy to the Qing of China.

By this time, the path from Tobolsk to Suzhou through the territory of modern Mongolia and Xinjiang was well mastered by intermediaries in the Russian-Chinese trade - Bukhar merchants. When in 1652, Buchants brought Chinese goods to Moscow, it served as a direct reason to organize the parcel of the shopping caravan. The need to establish diplomatic relations with the Qing Empire led the Russian government to the idea of \u200b\u200bimposing this task to the chapter of the formated caravan - F. I. Baykov, who went from Tobolsk on June 25, 1654 as an official ambassador.

The view is widespread in the historical literature that the parcel F. I. Baikov was caused by the desire to resolve the collisions on Amur, as it is plausible it seems at first glance, is not confirmed by the actual material. In documents covering the organization of the embassy, \u200b\u200bthere are no guidance on the connection of these events. Undoubtedly, if the King Government Alexei Mikhailovich was going to negotiate the rights to possession of land on Amuru or at least somehow connected the parcel of F. I. Baikov with Amur events, it could not not affect the secret commission of the ambassador.

To estimate the trading situation in Beijing and notice of their arrival, F. I. Baikov predefore organized and sent a shopping caravan to China, headed by Peter Yarnaya and Seitkul ABO. The latter visited Beijing, but on the way back, they burned down with the Embassy of F. I. Baikov.

Rising up Irtasha, F. I. Baikov through Mongolian uluses reached the borders of the Qing Empire. It took him almost two years, only on March 3, 1656. F. I. Baikov and his satellites joined Beijing. They were placed on the Embassy courtyard in strict isolation.

In Beijing, F. I. Baikov met with tremendous difficulties. The question arose about the Embassy Ceremony. Manchuri tried to consider the Russian Embassy as representatives of the state sent by the "tribute" to the Manchurian Emperor. In addition, Zing diplomats have taken a maneuver who had the goal of finding out the attitude of the Moscow government to the invasion of the Manchurian squad, defeated by Khabarov, in the Russian limits. At the same time, Manchuri declared their claims on the land, which they did not even have a more or less clear geographical view. They proceeded only from the concept that the whole "barbaric" tribes were afraid by the emperor sitting on the Beijing throne, and the destinies inhabited by them are solved in Beijing. Qing officials immediately asked F. I. Baikov. The question: how did he, Fyodor be sent from the great sovereign in the afterwards, and the other de Evo, the Chinese king, the Land of the Great Soviet people are fighting? " The Russian ambassador was not ready for such a question, he could only answer that the Cossacks "Wilty People". Apparently, the bikes meant that the Cossacks act without the sanction of the government. But the Russian ambassador was answered that "the Chinese king of this does not believe, but he says: the great de sovereign to him, the Chinese king, sent his state of the ambassador, and the Chinese lands send a friend."

The difficulties arising could be overcome in the case of the extreme interest of the Qing rulers of China in the establishment and development of contacts with Russia. But the exchange of embassies and the discovery of trade offered by the Russian ambassador, there were few attractive for manchors-conquerors who have not yet approved finally in the country captured by them and fear themselves that foreigners can contribute to the growth of dissatisfaction with the Chinese people by Manchurian dominion.

On September 4, 1656, F. I. Baikov was proposed to leave Beijing. Already leaving the capital of China, the Russian ambassador tried to renew negotiations with the Qing government again. To avoid the failure of his mission, he went to all concessions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ceremonial, but he was still denied his return to Beijing.

Large deprivation was carried out, only in July 1657, the caravan of the Embassy of F. I. Baikov reached Tobolsk.

The first official Russian embassy to the Zing Court ended in failure, although the results of the travel of Russians from Tobolsk to Beijing were of great importance for geographic science and caused honorable interest in all of Europe. The Embassy of F. I. Baykova ends the second stage of the pre-applied period of the Russian state relations with China is the stage of accumulation of initial information about the Qing Empire. After I. Petlin in China, E. Vershinin, P. Yaryzhkin and F. Baikov visited. In combination with Mongolian and Siberian sources of information, materials of these trips gave the Moscow government the necessary information for a real approach to their Far Eastern neighbor.

While the Embassy of F. I. Baykov tried to establish diplomatic relations between the royal government and the Beijing courtyard, the events on Amur continued to develop. In 1653, Dmitry Zinoviev's sent from Moscow, Dmitry Zinoviev arrived in the Amur region, finally authorized the entry into the Russian state of the new land distribution of generous awards Cossacks of Khabarov. Together with Zinoviev Khabarov went to Moscow, and the head of the Cossack detachment of approximately 500 people left Onufriya Stepanov. To secure its positions and the successful struggle with the Manchurian influence in the Amur region, the Russian authorities began the systematic construction of the stogs that occupy key positions in the region.

However, due to the lack of bread supplies, Stepanov's detachment fell into a difficult position. Since on Amur, the bread was nowhere to get, Stepanov made in the summer of 1654. Going up Sungari. There he met the fierce resistance of bannyal manchurian troops. Cossacks were forced to leave with anything. The alarmed Zing Government sent Minandali from Beijing "at the head of soldiers and officers to go campaign against Russians on Heilongjiang."

The Russian government under the impression of the stories of E. P. Khabarov, who arrived in Moscow in the fall of 1654, decided to create Voivodeship in the Amur region, the center of which to make Ostrog Albazin or any other, "where would not care for the arrival of military boys." How foggy at the time were the representations of the royal authorities about the location of China in relation to their new possessions seen from the orders of the first Dauro governor A. F. Pashkov to spend "how far from the Bogdoga land to the Nican kingdom, and dry whether the pathway, mountains or water and koim rivers; And about Chinese and about the Indian states, Daurns and other people do, and how far the Chinese and Indian states from Daurmic land and from Bogdoysky, from the Nican state. " But I did not have time to get a new governor to get to the place of its destination, and the struggle in Dauria flared up with a new force.

In the spring of 1658, Dutun Minandali was asked by the detachment of Onufriya Stepanov in Ust-Kuamar Ostrog, however, despite the numerical advantage and superiority in service, Manchuri could not master the Ostrog and were forced to retreat. Then the Qing authorities tried to catch the local tribes that inhabited the Amur region to the internal areas of Manchuria. This caused resistance to local tribes, some of them, such as the genus of the Evenki Prince Gantimura, moved from Manchuria to protect the Russian sources and adopted Russian citizenship. In the summer of 1658, the Manchurian army still managed to destroy Stepanov's squad near the mouth of Sungari.

However, military failures could not interfere in the late 50s of the peasant colonization of the Amur region and unfolded in connection with this economic development of the edge of the Russians. The main task of peasant colonization was the creation on the site of the food base, the fight against hunger, which was often successful in an armed struggle with Manchules. Agricultural tools were delivered to Amur still Khabarov and Zinoviev, but permanent military clashes prevented farming.

The presence of free lands in Dauria led to the returns to the peasants-migrants of significant incidents, subject to the processing of the established "sander's tenty-pashney". In the Amur region, where the power of the royal administration has not yet strengthened, Russian officials actually only fixed the occupation of areas by migrants. Migrants arrived at Cupid, and exile with the permission of the authorities was issued from the treasury "Pog": Agricultural equipment, cattle, money and when the feudal obligations are provided with benefits. Already in 1655, over 1500 peasant families moved to Dauria and every year the number of immigrants increased.

The policy of the royal government in relation to the local population was more flexible than the policy of the Qing authorities. An interested in the receipt of Yasaka, the government forbade the yasan population into the coolant. For the same reason, the scale of Christianization was also small.

The Russian government was concerned about the long absence of F. I. Baykov. Only in May 1657, it received information that the Russian ambassador was detained in Beijing due to the campaigns of Cossacks in Amur. The Embassy Order decided to take urgent measures to return Baikov. To this end, Moskva was gathered to send the Rings of S. Abyl and I. Pilliav with a diploma to the Zing government. Without accurate information about the situation of the peoples of the Amur region and their attitude to the Qing state, the Russian government went to some concessions. The entry made in the Embassy Order, about the compilation of the letter prepared for sending: "Starting the first sending of Fyodor Baykova, and now the local Tsarist Majesty was learned that Fyodor Baikov was detained for the fact that the tsarist majesty Ratnie people went to his subjects to Daurosky Earth. And those sovereign people went to Daurgy land on their lands, and he did not know that they were subject to him, the Chinese king, and now the royal majesty of their own people will not make sense to Daurgy land, but will not tell with them to live in the Council and in love . And he would have let go of Fedor Baykova.

The irreconcilable position of the Zing Government in the field of diplomatic ceremonial, apparently, also impressed in the Embassy Order; S. Abyn and I. Poffilova "Sovereign and Pominika to give the Bugdoyan-Tsar to near people" S. Abyla and I. Pontifvo "Sovereign and Pozing.

However, the concessions of the royal government, reflected in the diploma and overtaking memory, and were not communicated to the Manychurian side. In the midst of the preparation of the trip S. ABINNA and I. Pofforteva, a recapture of Tobolsk governor was received about the return of Baikov. This radically changed the relationship of the royal government to the ABINO and I. Filples Mission. Made of certificates and the overall memory were replaced with new ones, in which it was no longer about compromise. Changed roles and messengers: the head of the Tarsky Son of Boyarsky Ivan Pontifers was appointed, and his assistant Seitkul ABIN.

In Russian archival documents, it has not been preserved about the reception of I. Pontifier and S. Abyn under the Zing Yard, but there is a detailed entry about it in the Qing Chronicle "Qing Shil". According to the Imperial Decree of the Luba (the Ministry of Ceremonies), they made a reception to Russian representatives, but they were not at the Emperor's audience because of the "disadvantage and zassion", i.e., obviously, in connection with the refusal of I. Pontifier to perform Kotuou. In the summer of 1662, I. Pontifers "came out of the Chinese state to Tara," where he was sent to Moscow.

The success of trading operations produced in Beijing S. Ablin during his two trips to China, prompted the Tsarist Government in 1666 again send a large shopping caravan to the capital of the Qing Empire. His head was appointed S. Abyn. Although ABIN was sent to China only "for commercial fishery", but during his admission to Lifanuian (the Tribunal, who managed the external provinces of the Qing Empire), the Qing officials were asked to convey to the Russian government to return the Evenki Prince Gantimura, who was previously in the citizenship of Manchurov. From this point on, the argument about Gantimur has arisen for a long time under Russian-manchurian diplomatic negotiations.

Meanwhile, the events developed in the Amur region led to the establishment of diplomatic contacts directly by representatives of the Siberian administration with the Qing Government. As Wei Yuan reports in the work "Sheng Uji", which entered in 1662 to the Qing Prepollis Emperor Shengzu (the motto of the Canincea of \u200b\u200bthe Management Board) was very concerned about the fact that the Russians "approach the left at the capital (Mukden in Manchuria)", and began active training To the wide onset of the Qing troops on Amur. Manchuri carried out widespread exploration in the areas of Russian settlements. Focusing the main forces in the mouth of Sungari, the Qing warlords sent a detachment in the lowerland of Amur. Russian authorities, in turn, strengthened the garrison of the Okhotsk Ostrog.

In the autumn of 1669, Mongols reported to Nerchinsk that the "Strength of Big Bogdoykaya" went to the war under the nonsense. During this period, there were only 123 people in three nonsense insets of serving people. The total small number of Russian military forces in Eastern Siberia and, especially, in Dauria greatly complicated the struggle against the Qing troops, who were usually thousands of thousands of detachments.

But rumors about the preparing war turned out to be premature, Manchurians were not yet ready for offensive operationsThey just started creating support bases in Northern Manchuria on distant approaches to the Amur region, laying the city of Cizzicar, Morgan and others, began to build river flotilla, delivered equipment and provisions to the theater. And in order to win the time, the Zing authorities joined the Siberian Governors into the long negotiations on the issuance of Evenki Gantimura's Evenks. For this purpose, under the walls of Nerchinsk, the Manchurian Embassy led by Sharacter, which brought a complaint to the Albazine Cossacks, which was collected from Daurov and Düsac. Nerchinsky Voevoda D. D. Arshinsky, conscious of the weakness of small garrisons, who were under his start, was inclined to the peaceful resolution of disputes and sent the leader of Albazins Nikifor Chernigov's severe unit, which "did not walk in the campaign" and demanded from Albazins, "so that they Neither the lands of the quarrel did not clean. "

Next year Sharaldi came to Nerchinsk again, delivering this time to a diploma on behalf of the Qing Emperor Shengzu, demanding the return of Evenki Prince Gantimura. In a literacy, compiled in Lifanuian, was proposed to send to Beijing Ambassadors from Nerchinsk, "To speak with the eyes of the eyes." D. D. Arshinsky decided to take advantage of this proposal and sent to Beijing the embassy led by the Nerchinsky Cossack Decalement Ignatius Milovanov.

D. D. Arshinsky's overall memory, given I. Milovanov with comrades, is a unique document. The Nerchinsky Voivode proposed to the Zing Emperor, who was accustomed to considering the entire world around, including Russia, like Vassalov, sending him a tribute to join Russian citizenship! And then the Russian king "Come on Bogdokan to complain and keep in his king graciousness and from Evo's enemies in Ramp and in defend, and he would, Bogddan, is unicurbished, his great sovereign was under his King Majesty high Hero. Forever is relentlessly, and tribute to the great sovereign, and the great sovereign of the king (...) People with their people in the Eude State and on both sides trading a suspension trade. "

I. Milovanov went to the capital of China through Manchuria, thereby putting a new route for Russian embassies. As far as this path was more conveniently seen at least from the fact that he took the Cossacks for years, as it was with the previous embassies, but only a month and a half.

It is not known whether Emperor Schongzz learned from his approximate sense of the punishment, given D. D. Arshinsky Cossacks, but the Russian envoys were adopted exclusively. The emperor honored their audience, during which he asked only by the age of everyone, and then, silently, he considered Russians for a whole hour. After some time, Milovanov was released from Beijing. Before Nerchinsk, he was accompanied by a Qing official Mongot, who brought Arshinsky diploma for the Russian king on behalf of Shanzu. In a literacy, the Qinion Emperor offered to establish the world in the border areas so that the Cossacks "would continue our Ukrainian lands of people who did not fought and humidly b no. And what on this word is supposed to live in peace and in Radoste. "

But peaceful proposals were only the diplomatic trick of the Qing Emperor, who was striving for the "handicap of the Russians", in fact, the manchura strengthened military preparations. Milovanov did not have time to return from Beijing, and the Zing troops were addressed by Albazin. At the same time, Manchuri began to praise with rich gifts to their side of Russian yasacha evenks. And in February 1671, the news was received in Yakutsk about the appearance of "Bogdogi people" near Togira Volok - a key position on the way with Lena in the Amur region.

In the spring of 1672, Fudutun Mongot arrived again under Nerchinsk but this time not with a diplomatic mission, but accompanied by a military squad. "And the de Bogdoyskaya Voivode, - wrote D. D. Arshinsky, - Under the Nerchinsky Ostroga of Summer Yasual People, Inomesov responded to themselves and threatened, they will be, Yasaknaya Inomes, will not go to them, and they are de under the Nerchinsky Ostrog Sevo Summer on the grass will come to the big army and the Nerchinsky de Ostrog will ruin, and their de yasachas, will be taken to themselves. And Mungal de People threaten the war. And now de under the nonsense rudders in all ingeneses there is a rudeness, and the servants of the depens in the nonsense insensions are worthless. " In connection with such a threatening position, the Yakut and Yenisei governor decided to send weapons and bread supplies to Nerchinsk, but due to the lack of people, it was almost impossible to increase the number of garrison.

In an effort to establish good neighborly relations with the Qing Empire, the Tsarist Government in February 1673 decided to send a plenipotentiary to Beijing. The head of him was appointed a well-known diplomat, the translator of the Embassy Order Nikolai Gavrilovich Spafar (Mescuka).

The main goal of the Embassy of N. G. Spaffaria was to establish regular diplomatic and trade relations with the Qing Empire, as well as the search for the most convenient ways to China for embassies and trading caravans.

Preparation of the Embassy of N. G. Spafaria occupied two years. The future ambassador studied the affairs of all previous embassies and trips to China, and also gathered all the information about the paths in the capital of the Qing Empire in Moscow and Tobolsk. At the same time, in the Embassy Order for N. G. Spafaria, an extract about the Chinese state was drawn up, materials for which the writings about China's Missionaries-Jesuit and the reports of Russian landlords were composed. In this document, it is said that in the east of China, the island of Zelo is grown in Eastia, "in the southeast" Lies Island Frozoz Island ", in the south of China's neighbor is India," And in the West, the church with the Chinese state the essence of the steppe empty, in which the many peoples of Kalmyk and Tatar are caught. And the Northern Country lives Tatars Mugal, who last year sent their ambassadors and now to the great sovereign, to his royal majesty, send, and with that Mugansky there is a minor kingdom of Siberian. " The ambassador was charged with the ambassador to the ambassador, "so that he would have written Ineune about everything about anything."

Spofaria went to China new, laid by I. Milovanov through the Amur region and Manchuria. Arriving in Nerchinsk, the ambassador gave orders to local authorities to refrain from any actions that could prevent his negotiations in Beijing. Here in Nerchinsk to the spafara was the prince of Ganimur with a request not to give it to manchurams, which was promised to the ambassador.

In the spring of 1676, the Russian embassy arrived in Beijing. Again, as well as at the embassy of F. I. Baikov, long-term disputes about the Embassy of Ceremonial flared up. Moreover, Ashany Amban (member of the Ministry of the Ministry), who conducted the preliminary negotiations with the spafarium, told him that if in the royal diploma contained "what thunderstorms or obscene speeches ordered", he was conducted by the Russian ambassador to "drive back at once", and "slaughter the army, How much is the great and try under the nonsense and under the albazine ostrich and to ruin them, because we know how a person lives in them. " But the threat of violence did not occur, the spaphyry answered calmly: "Will he commemorate the ruin of the source? They know themselves, how were the Kumar Ostrog besieged, what took? And we do not praise the war, and they are not afraid of fighting. " As for Nerchinsk and Albazin, they are in them "Therefore, there are not enough people that the bigness is not needed, and as will be needed, there is a great many plenty of rati that in the year I am a member of everything Amur."

Negotiations Sports in Beijing lasted from May to September 1676. Although the Russian ambassador went to some concessions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ceremonial and was adopted by the emperor, but in general the Embassy did not have success, the Qing Government responded to the establishment of normal political and trade ties refusal. A formal pretext for this was the requirement for the return of Gantimura, in fact, the desire of Manchurians to the policy of isolation during this period is explained by the weakness of their positions within the country: the manchuric tip was afraid of the Chinese people and the neighbors of China.

When spaphyary tried to collect information about the country's internal position, the Jesuit missionaries, who used to be greatly influenced at the Beijing courtyard, told him that "the bastards were Chinese and rich countries, they changed recently that not half of the kingdom, and the unrelated service is, only God knows what the case will be killed, and they (Manchuri. - V. M.) Outsamenta, so as not to be kicked out again from the Chinese. " Fearing "Bunte and Treason", Manchura evicted Chinese even from Beijing. "And the Ostrutians they and the Mungals who live for a satellite, also kolmakov, because they envy them, for the fact that the people are small, and such a great kingdom gave."

The reaction to the arrival of the Russian embassy was dual. "And about the embassy today they said that they are and not for the sake of Bogdoyne. And for the sake of them for how they will hear their enemies, nikans (the Chinese. - V. M.) that an embassy with a great friendship came from such a glorious sovereign, and they will be dangerous that the great sovereign will not give the help of Bogdoysky. And not for the sake of them again for the fact that the tsarist majesty to their frontier closer is truly truly, and on whether they have a great fear, because before this they have buried that those rusa that go to them with a bargaining, as well as those who live near the frontes them that they are all fugitives, and not Eude the great sovereign direct people; Yes, and did not believe that such a lengthy Russian kingdom, so that it came to their state. Yes, and they, Jesuits, who are surprised themselves, and before this did not believe, because of the Moscow kingdom to Beijing, the fourth part of the world is, but now they believe. "

Thus, the Spaffaria embassy marked the completion of a new stage in the development of Russian-Chinese relations, during which both Russian and the Qing government received reliable information about the real position of both states. But the awareness of the Manchs of the fact that the binding of a powerful neighboring state was closer to their own ownership, even more concerned the Qing government and approved it in the intention of the power of the weapons to cleanse the Amur region from the Russians. In this regard, the requirement to return Gantimura and its numerous genus was tactical: in case of his deviation with Russian, it would be a convenient preposition for the announcement of the war, and if Gantimura was returned, then according to the calculations of the cins for him would be reached in Manchuria and the rest of the yasan population of this the area, and then the Russians would have to leave these lands themselves, since they would not have to receive Yasak. These plans spafaria received information from missionaries. As previous events showed, these information were completely accurate. In an article list, Spafari noted: "And Jesuit said in secretly the messenger under the oath that Godman was the intention, Buda, Tsarist Majesty will not give the man of that Gaitimura, and he will be revealed by the War Evo, also wants to fight the church fortresses of Albazinskaya and Nerchinsky, because now from the royal majesty was dangerous, the Napa as was now seen through us, which is truly here on the decree of the great sovereign, and before this chalihoods that they live their sophistication, as they first lived on Amur, and when they want, then they will tear, and now they know They are that in those fortresses a little bit, and from Moscow far away, and they are reflected from them, and they want to preempt, they will not multiply the uncertainty, and they do not multiply, and they need Gaitimura to take how to see the intention of royal majesty. And they are seeing people and know that those fortresses are built for Eason men, and Buda Tsarist Majesty will give Gantimura, who the head of all ingeneses, then, and other ingenians, or for him, will go, or spanitiously, and so the Tsarist Majesty will not go wipe and keep Somny people, as they will not be under the turn of their Easpens. " And if the Russians do not intend to give Gantimura, "it's necessary to send the troops big for the savings to save the fortresses, because the Chinese themselves are surprising: how much to live in such a great state."

Upon departure spafare from Beijing, he was announced that the Zing Government not only does not want to establish Diplomatic correspondence, but also there will be no longer no ambassadors, no meses, no trading people from Russia, until the following three requirements are fulfilled: "1, so that Gantimura sent here with his ambassador; 2nd, so that the ambassador was the most reasonable and so that he did everything that we would order in our custom, and did not oppose anything; The 3rd, so that all coarse places where your great sovereign people live, always livenly. "

The Moscow government, not wanting to go to an open conflict with the Qing authorities, decided to continue the construction of the pricing and the arrangement of local tribes in the Amur region, which at the same time serve the serve and industrial people to make hikes to the Right Bank areas already occupied by Manchules.

Such were the results of the development of diplomatic relations between the Russian state and the Manchurian Qing Empire to the last quarter of the XVII century, when there were already conflicting trends in the policies of both powers: Russian diplomacy raised the establishment of normal political and trade relationships, and Zinskaya did not recognize the possibility of establishing such connections on an equal basis. The Zing Government did not strive to establish good-neighborly relations with the Russian state by virtue of the arrogant grand-containers of Manchurians on the surrounding states and peoples as the "barbaric", obliged to obey the "commandments" of the rulers of the Qing Empire. The rigidity of the position of Qing diplomacy in the settlement of relations between the two states was intensified by the desire of Manchurians to displace the Russians from the shores of Amur. Despite the collisions of interest, the Manchurian government has not yet been ready to go to an open conflict.

The question of the resolution of these contradictions was the main content of Russian and manchurian diplomacy of the subsequent period ending with the signing in 1689 of the Nerchinsky Treaty.

Literature on the Russian-Chinese relations of the XVII century. quite extensive. However, due to the complexity of the sources used by researchers, it often contains contradictions and actual inaccuracies. In order to understand the process of mastering the documentary wealth of Russian archives, let's try to trace the gradual introduction into the scientific circulation of those or other complexes of documents.

The beginning of the identification of archival documents on the history of Russian-Chinese relations was made by the famous historian Siberia, Academician of F. Miller. Surveying in the first half of the XVIII century. The archives of the Siberian cities, he copied numerous documents that kept there and used them in special research on the formation of embassy and trade relations between the Russian and Chinese states. The main value of the works of G. F. Miller is that they used many documents that have not survived to the present days and who have come down to us in their filmed copies, therefore the specified materials are currently the source when studying early ties of Russia with China.

Part of Millerios has been published by Soviet historians when reproving his work in the 30-40s of the XX century. . However, these copies as a whole require a strictly critical approach, as many errors are detected in them.

Considering even overview work on the history of Russian-Chinese relations, we can trace them, as over time, researchers attract an increasingly more new archival material.

At the end of the XVIII century. The most capital in the pre-revolutionary historiography of labor on the history of Russian-Chinese relations is the "diplomatic meeting of cases ..." N. N. Bantysh-Kamensky, - Published only 90 years later. This book gives detailed review Russian political and trade relations with the Qing Empire during the XVII-XVIII centuries, based on the Documents of the Fund "Chinese Cases Ambassador and the college of foreign affairs. "

In the work of N. N. Bantysh-Kamensky, with all its circumstances, there are a number of significant gaps (as, for example, the complete lack of information about Russian-Chinese relations in the first half of the XVII century), which were due to the fact that N. N. Bantysh-Kamensky It was limited only by materials of one fund and a significant number of documents in other funds remained out of its field of view.

In the second half of the XIX century. Extensive studies of the history of the economic relations of Russia with China were published by A. Korsak and X. Truvevich. If A. Korsak built his story about the events of the XVII century, using the already mentioned works of G. F. Miller, as well as the works of I. E. Fisher, then X. Truvevich attracted new documentary sources from the archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was the first researcher who applied to previously used funds, for example, "Mongolian affairs" and in their light critically analyzing earlier editions.

In periodic pre-revolutionary publications, numerous articles were published on individual issues of early Russian-Chinese relations. Of these, the work of F. I. Pokrovsky was obtained the greatest fame about the trip to China Ivan Petlin, built on documents of the central archives, mainly the former Moscow chief archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Excellent assistants had the publication of archival fund reviews. Here, first of all, the merits of N. N. Ogloblin and M. P. Puzillo described great amount Documents left from the activities of Moscow orders and the Siberian administration and include, along with basic materials on the history of Siberia, extensive documentation related to Russian attempts to establish contacts with China.

Russian archeographers XIX century. When trying to publish documents related to the early stage of Russian-Chinese relations, usually, first of all appea, as sources that gave the most versatile information about the nature of the relations between states, the level of scientific knowledge in Russia about China, and Then the Qing Empire.

The first publishers of these documents were G. N. Spassky and I. Sakharov, published in Russian article lists of Russian embassies to China in the XVII century. . Among the pre-revolutionary publications of sources on the history of Russian-Chinese relations, this type of publication is beneficial to the fact that the publishers made attempts to comment on the published documents, if not in textual notes, then in prefaces or entrance articles. The disadvantages of these publications, in addition to a significant amount of differentials with the original, should be attributed to the fact that no main documents were published, but arbitrarily eased materials, most often from chronographs, which led to contradictory and distortion of facts.

The following type of publications of the documents to which the historian of early Russian-Chinese relations have to contact are serial publications on the history of Russia, where we find and documents on relationships with China. This includes such publications as a "full meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire", published by the Novikov "Ancient Russian Vivlofi", etc.

A large number of sources under the topic we are introduced into the scientific circulation by the archeographic commission, established in 1834 by identifying documents at the Moscow state archive of old cases, in the archive of the Moscow Palace office and many storage facilities and based, mainly on materials selected by G. F . Miller, the Commission paid considerable attention to the history of Siberia and connections with neighboring states, including with Qing China. The results of the works of the Commission were published in a number of editions of the XIX century, the main of which are "acts of the archeographic expedition", "acts of historical" and "add-ons" to them, "Acts legal", "Russian Historical Library". However, since during the preparation of these publications, the purpose of the special identification of documents on the history of Russian-Chinese relations was not put, the selection of documents in them is often case and does not give the general picture of the relationship between the two countries.

The third type of publication of documents on the history of early relations between Russia and China is documentary applications in special studies on this topic, for example N. N. Bantysh-Kamensky, or in works on related topics, for example, in Books V. K. Andrievich and V. Parish.

It is also necessary to specify that in the collections of official documents that have been published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tsarist Russia, documents on the Russian-Chinese relations of the XVII century. They did not turn on, as they relate to the pre-contractual period of Russian-Chinese relations.

In European countries, documents on the history of early relations between Russia and China began to be published already in the XVII century., I.e. soon after their compilation. This is explained by the living interest with which politicians and scientists of the West followed the achievements of Russian diplomacy. It is possible to say with reliability that the first Russian envoys in China have enriched world geographic science with the most worthwhile information, which appeared by the open-enders of the landflows from Europe to Central Asia and China, which urgently sought representatives of various European countries and primarily English merchants.

Foreigners in Russia are not always legal methods mined materials related to the geographical discoveries of Russian landlords, as well as various secret documents on the connections of the Moscow State with the countries of the East and often published them without instructions on borrowing. Thus, for example, article listings I. Petlin and F. I. Baykov were widely known in Europe, they were repeatedly used in the historical and geographical writings of that period.

The main disadvantage of foreign editions is the inaccurate transfer of the text of the documents, which was noticed by Russian historians in the XVIII century. . Of particular interest in documents on the history of Russian-Chinese relations, scientists of the West have shown in the second half of the XIX century. When aggravating the struggle of imperialist powers in China at the end of the XIX - early XX century. Bourgeois historians begin to refer to the history of Russia's policy in China, relying in their studies to Russian archival sources. The monograph of the French historian Kaen is attracted to himself, in which not only well-known publications of documents were used, but also new materials, hoped in Moscow archives.

Materials of the famous Yudinsky library, part of which was sold to the United States, used the American scientist F. A. Golden when writing a book. The author came up with biased positions to the history of the geographical discoveries of Russians in the Far East and the politics of the Russian government in relation to the indigenous inhabitants of Siberia. The book is frankly hostile mood of the author in relation to Russia, but also to China.

A more objective assessment of Russia's interchange with China and Mongolia is contained in the work of the English researcher J. F. Baddley. The author attracted a significant number of archival materials and thoroughly commented. A large number of documents were revealed for the first time. Good knowledge of documentary sources from the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Justice, as well as Russian and Western European literature, allowed Baddli to present different points of view on certain issues of early Russia's earliest relations with China. In extensive applications, he published a significant part of the materials found in the archives in Russian (Vol. I) and in English (Vol. II) languages. However, the text transmission is not always accurate enough, a significant part of the documents is given in the reduction, sometimes with inserts from other sources.

The work of Baddley served as the basis for later researchers in the history of early Russian-Chinese relations.

In Qing China, Russian archival materials under the period under consideration were not published. Authors research work About Russia and intercourse with it were based on Chinese and manchurian archival sources, chronicles, historical writings and other materials. As an example, it is possible to name the well-known essay of HE TSU-Tao "Chronicle of the Northern District", as well as "Collection of documents on events on the northern border", under its editors or book Lin Tse-Xu "The most important information about Russia", the author of which was familiar and with European essays.

The Chinese authors of the 20s and 30s almost did not cover the history of Russian-Chinese relations preceding the Nerchinsky Treaty (1689). At the same time, the actual material was used from the works of their Western colleagues, often the cumulative approval about the extreme aggressiveness of Russian policies in the Far East during Russia's exit to the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

Of interest is some of the work of the Chinese historian Zhang Sin-Lana "The history of China's interchanges with the West." Although the work has a compile character, but the author leads to Chinese a number of documents on the period of interest to the period of interest to us, extracted from Baddley publications.

In Chinese archives, unfortunately, no documents are preserved on the relationships of China and Russia in the first half of the XVII century. Therefore, in the publication of a part of archival materials in Russian, the first document dated 1670.

The development of the PRC historians under consideration was drove at this stage only to the translation of Kaen's translation mentioned by us.

In the Soviet historiography, the relationship between Tsarist Russia with China in their early period was originally covered in the works of the scientific and popular nature of the development of Russian Amurias and first trips to China, which belonged to Peru famous Soviet historians S. V. Bakhrushina and K. V. Basilevich.

The first attempt to give Marxist analysis to the political and economic relations of the Russian state with the Chinese Empire was made by B. G. Kurset. The work of B. G. Kurta is characteristic of some exaggeration of the role of trading capital in stimulating connections with China. However, in general, his work was a valuable contribution to the study of the history of Russian-Chinese relations, as it generally summarizes the rich actual material and uses some previously unknown archival sources.

Fair criticism was at one time survey work V. P. Savvina. This book did not give a new actual material, was descriptive and did not put a clear boundary between the relations of Russia with China to October revolution and Soviet-Chinese relations.

A notable contribution to the study of Russian-Chinese relations was the works of Soviet historians of Siberia. The development of the topics of early relations between Russia with China is also conducted by the Soviet Mongols, since the paths of the first Russian ambassadors and trading people to China ran through the territory of Mongolia. The analysis and evaluation of early connections with Mongolia and China are given in the work of N. P. Shastina. Interesting information about the first Mongolian embassies to Moscow, which made news of the "Chinese state". The book is built on archival material extracted by the author from the archives of Moscow and Leningrad.

Some of the documents under the topic we have recently published when publishing the Institute of Peoples of Asia of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the history of Russian-Mongolian relations. One of the advantages of this publication is that it provides new documents from Kalmyk Cases stored in Tsagad, "Siberian Order", etc.

During recent years Soviet historians developed separate issues of the early stages of Russian-Chinese ties. The largest among these works are the book P. T. Yakovlev about the first Russian-Chinese contract of 1689, in which a significant place of relations between Russia and China is given a significant place, a new publication of the works of N. G. Spaffaria, as well as a source study of N. F. Demidova and V. S. Myasnikova. In addition, many articles are devoted to this topic.

In conclusion of the above brief review of the literature, originating the purpose of showing the use of Russian archival documents on the history of early Russian-Chinese relations in the works of domestic and foreign scientists and in previous publications, it is necessary to note the following:

Published and introduced into scientific circulation relatively many documents, but these editions, especially the edition of the end of XVIII and the first halves XIX. c., have a number of significant drawbacks: negligent and incomplete reproduction of text, no references to the place of storage and authenticity of documents, etc. In addition, many of these publications are currently bibliographic rarity.

Documents were published, as a rule, disparately and unsystematic. Until now, there were no special publications dedicated to the entire period of Russian-Chinese relations. Often, class limitations affected the selection of published documents, as well as certain political trends of certain researchers.

Finally, there are still unknown or little-known researchers significant groups of materials stored in the archives of our country.

Thus, there was a need for a special edition of documents on the history of Russian-Chinese relations, which would give in the hands of specialists and the broad scientific community if possible, a complete collection of preserved materials and could serve as a source base for a further study of the problem.

The Qing Government of China was alarmingly watched the rapid spread of Russian influence on Amur and made energetic measures for its liquidation. Back in 1644, Central China was conquered by Manchules, who founded their dynasty Qin until 1911. Considering all new lands outside of its official borders in the north-east, the Qing Empire created administrative centers and a buffer zone, which enhances the country from the outside world . The emergence of Russian settlements on the banks of the Amur, she regarded how a threat to his domination on Amur.

Although the Amur region has never been part of the Chinese Empire, the Qin leaders sought to displace Russia from this region. Manchurian troops are sent here. In 1652, the walls of the Achan town, where the then detachment of E. Khabarova was located, the first major battle occurred. In it, the Russians won; Manchuri were defeated, and the Cossacks as military trophies received 2 guns, 18 guns, 8 banners, food and gear

However, this defeat did not stop the Qin Government. In 1656, Manchuri focused against Russians in the Amur significant armed forces. After a long siege, Albazin and Kuhamar towns were taken and destroyed, other settlements. The edge came to the launch, there was no place to buy bread and not from whom was Yasak. But as soon as the Manchurian troops left, Amur again began to settle the Cossacks, the raged peasants. Albazin has been revived from the ashes, new settlements have arisen for Xee and in other places. Pushnya expanded, animal husbandry developed. Amur settlers not only supplied her bread, but also surplus were sold in Transbaikalia.

Russia more than once tried to establish good neighborly relations with China. But neither the mission F. Baikova (1654-1658), nor the Mission of I.Partv and S. Zablin (1658-1662) were not crowned with success. F. Baikov was met in China unfriendly due to the collision of Russian merchants with Manchules on Amur on September 4, 1656, he was asked to leave Beijing, where he arrived with an official mission. The first official Russian embassy ended in failure. In the spring of 1658, the Embassy of I. Pontifier and S. Abyn was sent to China with a shopping caravan, which did not receive an audience from the emperor, but trade in China caravan was permitted. To resolve the situation on the Amur and the normalization of Russian-Chinese relations in February 1675, a new embassy was sent to China, headed by N. Spafarium. Negotiations lasted from May to September 1675. All proposals for the establishment of normal political and trade relations, the Qin Government responded to refusal. The Zing Government not only rejected proposals for the establishment of friendly relations and the development of trade, but also began hostile actions. Shenyang (Mukden) became the main support base of Manchurian aggression in the Amur region. In 1674 on the shore r. Sungari was created by the reference point - the city of Girin, and in 1683 - Ajun (Aigun) against the mouth of the r. Zeya. Created by Heilongjiang governance.

Since 1683, the invasion of Manchurian troops on the right bank of Amur against Albazine Voivodeship began. Order - displace the Russians with r. Zeya, capture Albazin and Nerchinsk. The first were attacked by Zeyskoye Sports. All of them were destroyed, two hard sieges fell into the Albazine fortress.

For the assault of Albazin, a special group was created in May 1658. The Qin army approached the Albazine (up to 5 thousand). The city had 450 servants, peasants and merchants. Manchuri offered to pass the fortress without a fight, but did not receive the answer. The assault lasted a few days. Seeing that the assault is not taken, the enemy decided to burn it. Defenders of Albazin were forced to start negotiations with attackers and got the right to leave the fortress and go to Nerchinsk. It happened July 5, 1685

By the beginning of 1686, Albazin began to recover. It became known in China. On June 17, 1686, the Manchu Army (8 thousand, infantry, z thousand cavities) again approached the Albazine. The second siege began. Until November 1686, the resistance of the defenders of the fortress continued. The Russian Mission N. Venyukova and I. Favorina was sent to Beijing. During the negotiations, an agreement was reached on the termination of the siege of Albazin and the discharge of the Qin troops from the Russian territory. Russians pledged not to go to Cupid to collect Yasaka from the local population. The stubborn resistance of the Russians on Amur, as well as the events within the empire forced the Qing Government to agree with the proposal of the Russian government about the diplomatic decision of the borderline issue in the Amur region. Negotiations were decided on mutual agreement in Transbaikalia in the city of Nerchinsk.

By the middle of the XVI century, after entering into Russia, the Kazan and Astrakhan Hangey, the Middle and Lower Volga region, the planned expansion and the consistent development of Russia of Western and Eastern Siberia began. Russia expanded the boundaries of his state in the Far Eastern direction, where the referees of the state reached the Pacific Ocean, i.e. The composition of Russia included the Amur region and Primorye.

A large role in the development of Far Eastern Territories, played a number of maritime expeditions initiated by russian government, among which the most significant contribution to the study of Far Eastern land was made by the Expedition of Buza, Moskvitin, Poyarkova, Yeras, Dezhnev, and others.

The accession of these territories, primarily the Amur region and Primorye, has occurred essentially voluntarily, peaceful means (in contrast to the Qing authorities, which in 1653-1655 conducted a violent relocation of the agricultural population, Daurov and Düschev, from Amur to Manchuria) Yakovleva .. The first Russian-Chinese contract 1689 - M., 1958.- P. 31., With a favorable attitude of the local population, about 34.5 thousand indigenous people, from which the share of Amur region lived in the middle of the XVII century We accounted for 31 thousand people, and 3,5 thousand people were in Primorye. (Alekseev A.I. Mastering Russian people of the Far East and Russian states until the end of the X1x century. - M., 1982. - P. 41) (Duckers, Daura, Evenks, Nivhi, who lived on generic and tribal laws, were engaged in hunting and Fishing, and only Daura and Duchers also engaged AgriculturekoKleva P.T. First Russian-Chinese Treaty 1689 - M., 1958. - C. 35.) And without substantial resistance on their part. Policy of Christianization, the Russian government also conducted extremely voluntary.

Nevertheless, some of the local princes admitted himself to the citizens of the Russian king, and the smaller part of the subjects of the Qing Emperor. Some have and double citizenship at the same time, for example, the Evenki Prince Ganimur, nomocated with his people between the Arguing and Nonameniks B.c. Diplomacy of cunning and violence // Questions of history. - 1980.- № 3.- S. 100., who soon became an irreconcilable enemy of the Qing Empire, especially after the local population in the limits of China, more and more began to look for, "refuge" and help, Russia.

The Son of Gantimura, who accepted the Russian citizenship, who took the Russian citizenship, and the rite of Christianization in its time, adhered to Russia's political orientation.

Subsequently, the situation with Gankimur, certainly, did not contribute to the improvement of Russian-Chinese relations, it was the result of constant contradictions between countries continued until the conclusion of the Nerchinsky Treaty.

The entry into Russia of the Amur region, implemented contrary to the plans of the Qing Empire, was the most favorable for the Amur population. In contrast to China, Russia played a progressive role in the region, it was at a higher level of economic development than the Qing Empire, not to mention, about the tribes of the Amur region who did not have any of the forms of statehood.

Russia brought to these places more advanced ways of agriculture and hunting - three-pole, brought torn bread, iron coulters, harrows, braids, built barns, water mills and traps on the beast.Burlinins V.F. About the Soviet-Chinese border: Pravda and Beijing fiction. - M., 1982. - P. 19.

Economic and administrative centers, attached lands, are becoming erected by Russian settlers numerous, small cities that contributed to the further settlement and development of "new lands": Tyumen, Turukhansk (1607), Yeniseisk (1617), Kuznetsk (1618), Krasnoyarsk (1628), Rybinsky Ostrog (1628), Ilimsk (1630), Verkhoyansk (1638), Okhotsk (1648), Irkutsk (1652), Albazine (1654), Selengsinsky Ostrog (1666), Barguzinsky Ostrog (1648), etc.

In 1632, Yakutsk was founded, which later became the military base and the administrative center of Russian immigrants in Eastern Siberia, Albazine became the center of the Amur region.

The second half of the XVII century was marked by active, economic development of the Far East. Over 20 agricultural settlements appear on Amur: Pokrovskaya village, Vyatkin, Soldatovo, etc. The magnitude of all treated fields reached 1000 tenthenes, of which 300 tents were treated near Albazin. Overseas E.L. The Amur In the system of Russian-Chinese relations XVIII - Ser. XIX century - M., 1983. - P. 49. The main agricultural districts of Transbaikalia, the Kutains and the region and the area of \u200b\u200bIlinskaya Sloboda are becoming in Seleksandrov V.A. The beginning of the economic development of the Russian population of Transbaikalia and the Amur region (second half of the XVII century) // History of the USSR. - 1968. - No. 2.- with. 47.

In the XVII century, due to the formation of the All-Russian market, the need to expand external trade and economic relations was a very relevant topic in government circles. First of all, the hopes were associated with the eastern states, among which China played, obviously, not the last role.

Russia faced with Qing China, as a state, in the second quarter of the XVII century, when Russian expansion at the Far East reached its apogee.

Moreover, the Qing Government, originally, believed the Russians "Special tribe living next to the Ninguta." Music. B.C., Shepelev H.B. Empire Qing and Russia in the XVII - N. XX century // China and neighbors in the new and the newest time. - M., 1982. - p.37.

Throughout the XVII century, the Russian government exhibits a great diplomatic initiative. Russian embassies led by Petin (1618), Perflight (1658), Baikov (1654-1656), spaphoracy (1675-1677), visiting Beijing supplied with detailed instructions convincing us, about understanding Russia's tasks for their diplomacy, and at the same time on his not awareness of the internal and international position China. In addition to the main goal, the establishment of diplomatic relations with China, and all its Embassy missions, the Russian government also raised related tasks, for example, to provide data on the political and economic regulations of China as in detail, to collect data on cities through which the embassies passed, to describe urban and rural Life, to explore the natural wealth of the country, cultural and religious features of the local population, etc., in general, each of the embassies should have tested many important issues.

For the period of its location within the Qing Empire, Russian ambassadors, all the "side" orders assigned to them were equally successful. But, none of them was crowned with success, the main of which was considered to establish normal, interstate (primarily very beneficial for Russia, trade and economic relations with China) relations for various reasons: be it, the absence of a mission traditional in such cases of "gifts" ("Dani", as the emperor, with the Qing yard, called the Emperor, who were considered in China, completely obligatory, from the messengers of the "vassal" states; refusal of Russian ambassadors, to carry out the humiliating ritual "COUTOU"; But, first of all, due to the opposition and the reluctance of the Qing authorities themselves.

All ambassadors sent by the Russian government to China, the authorized Zing Government strongly insistently inspired by representatives of the Russian king excessive respect for China, as a state with which it is impossible not to not be considered, and which represents the strongest power, on a global scale, as well as incredible trembling and Responsiveness in front of the emperor of the Middle Kingdom. Accordingly, all other states, especially their representatives, were considered, no more than as "barbarians", "Vassaly" Son of the Sky.

In China, in all periods of his history, enjoyed one, the main foreign policy concept, according to which the world was divided into two absolutely different parts: their country - civilized China, and all other peoples and states that were "barbarians". Martytov A.S. . Traditional Chinese approach to the outside world // Countries and the peoples of the East. Vol. № 20. - M., 1979. - p.231.

According to the ancient Chinese traditions, "Varvara" (including Russians - E. T.), which are certainly aggressors and the criminals, the Chinese were on the same level, which were considered representatives of the "Discharge" in a civilized Chinese society. Krolo Yu.L . About the concept "China - Varvara" // China: society and state. - M., 1973. - C.20.

Even states that had sustainable diplomatic relations with China, under the imperial courtyard, were considered no more than servants, or even the slaves of the emperor. Duman L.I. Traditions in China's foreign policy // The role of traditions in the history and culture of China. - M., 1972. - P. 201-210.

It is characteristic that the Russian government, having experienced failure in all attempts undertaken to establish diplomatic relations with China, did not leave the desire to establish friendly, interstate relations between countries.

In the first decades of the XVII century, during the dynasty of mines, the Russian-Chinese relations can be called, if not friendly, neutral.

By the middle of the XVII century, the situation is changing. After coming to power in Beijing, the new Manchurian dynasty is laid out the foundation of foreign policy, the newly formed Qing Empire. The fundamental views, postulates and persuasion of the foreign policy concept of the Qing Empire against Russia, for the next two centuries.

Manchuri, represented the people living in the northeast modern China. The formation of the state military-feudal association from Manzhur, refers to the beginning of the XVII century, by the time of the top of the village of Nurkhazi, who proclaimed himself Khan in 1616. Nurkhazi was able to strengthen the state in a relatively short time, and began to expand his borders, he realized that his offensive plans in Asia inevitably had to face the interests of China, whose power at that time was the Minsk dynasty and this "fight" he had to meet prepared. Therefore, at first he invaded there, where the circle of interests of Minsk China's interests was not affected, i.e. began with the subordination of neighboring tribes and peoples.

After that, Nurkhasi could have already started his plan towards China. Taking advantage of the difficult situation of the Minsk dynasty, in connection with the general economic and political decline in the state, Manchuri capture Beijing, establishing the power of his dynasty in China, which lasted until 1911

Such an aggressive attack on China had unexpected consequences. Although the Minsk dynasty was overthrown, China lost independence, Beijing was in the hands of the Manchurian troops, which should seem to ensure manchurs unshakable positions in the country, in reality it is an unexpected attack, intensified in the country of antimanchursky, liberation speeches that took the form of open uprisings , continued, up to the end of the 80s. XVII in conceiving most fiercely, the Anti-TsNA struggle of the rural and urban Chinese population was held in the southeast of China in 1645-1659., Under the slogan "Better to lose his head than to shave the hair", which arose in response to the Decree of the Zing Government, on the mandatory wearing hairstyle for Manchu sample. (Fomina N. I. The role of traditions in the forms and methods of the anti-Qing struggle in the south-east of China // The role of traditions in the history and culture of China. - M., 1972. - P. 249-269). The population of several southern provinces rises against them.

Since the coming to power in Beijing, the Manyzhur Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), China's foreign policy is already acquired by the offensive, aggressive nature, which has expressed, in unexpected attacks on Russian settlements in Amur region, for example, Osada Achansky (1652) and Kumar ( 1655) Ostrov. Which then becomes the main feature Foreign Policy of the Qing Empire.

Cross-border Chinese areas turn into a bridgehead for devastating zinc raids to the Russians, the Amur region.

Russian-Chinese relations have deteriorated rapidly, because The conquest foreign policy of the Qing Empire, could not not cause opposition from Russia.

The Russian government, even allowed the possibility of creating, in case of war with China, a continuous line of the front from Western Siberia to Amura.Burlinins V.F. About the Soviet-Chinese border: Pravda and Beijing fiction. - M., 1982. - p.22.

During the preparation for the war (1682-1685), the Zing Government created a series of "historical" documents, according to which the Amur region was declared seized, "thieves-employed", rejected from the Qing Empire Russia. Elelikov G.V. Expansion of Qing China in the Amur region and Central Asia In the XVII-XVIII century. // Questions of history. - 1974. - No. 7.- with. 55.

Moreover, the official Russian-Chinese border, called the "IV BALISADA", a kind of strengthening line, the beginning of the exaltation of which refers to 1678 was, a double row of ventolle stakes, and in front of the frequency broke out. According to Zinsky sources, it took place 800 km. from Amur. The lands that were for the line of the "Ivov Palisade" were considered "wild", and were not the state territory of the Qing state.

In this struggle, Manchuri had obvious advantages. They had at their disposal for the war with Russia, for the predominance of the Amur region, much large armed forces and a river, military fleet, as well as considerable economic resources and financial meansLocated in close proximity to the armed collision.

Russia, on the contrary, did not have any impressive armed forces nor military bases in the Amur region, besides, the remoteness of the region from the central regions of the country, the severity of the transportation of food and ammunition, the insecurity of the paths - all this was done by the opportunity of Russia, to give real conform to the Manchurian troops .

Interestingly, to combat Russia, Emperor Shunzhzhi, apparently, fearing even such a small Russian presence in the Amur region, tried to attract Korean troops, making a special decree about it. Foreign policy CIN states in the XVIII century. / Answer ed. L. I. Duman. - M., 1977. - P. 270.

In August 1685, the culmination of the armed struggle of the Qing Empire has come to Russia, open, full-scale military operations against the Russian population began.

The initiator of the actual "war", or armed actions, since the official announcement of the war on the part of the Qing government did not follow, (which corresponded to one of the main, traditional principles of wars of wars in the Chinese - the use of tricks and deception, with the use of PowerAvlikovsky K. Some traditional principles of Chinese Theories of warfare // The role of tradition in the history of China. - M.1968. - P. 16.) Got the Qing Empire. Her troops invaded the Amur region, from where they opened the way to Albazin, who, as already mentioned, was the administrative center of Russian immigrants in the Amur region.

The crown of the opposition, became the siege of the Qing troops of Albazin, which continued from July 1686 to May 1687, the second, in the account. The first siege began in the spring of 1685, and after a long retention of the city, the garrison of Albazin, due to lack of food and weapons, was forced to pass, practically destroyed, adjusted by Manchules, town. Subsequently, after the departure of the Qing troops, the fortress was restored, at the same place.

During the second siege, Manchuri stubbornly persistently, but Albazin was unsuccessfully deposited.

In mid-May, defenders of the fortress, were forced to enter into negotiations with Qing Commissioners, about the surrender of Albazin. Manchuras were also exhausted by severe struggle, they were prone to the most soft conditions for the commissioning of the fortress.

The armed conflict on tightening did not make sense, besides, he demanded more and more effort and from the other side. And the forces of the Qing Army, were also very exhausted, there were problems with food supply, the epidemiimeels began in Manchurian troops. Expansion of China in the Amur region and Central Asia in the XVII-XVII century // Questions of History. - 1974. - No. 7.- with. 63. That, in the end, forced Kansi to start negotiations, sending a letter with a proposal to conclude a peace treaty to Moscow.

The place of the official meeting of embassies was chosen by the city of Nerchinsk.

It was the first case in history when the Chinese government led negotiations in someone else's territory and agreed to enter into negotiations with the European Power. Labov N.I., Stein M.G. Essays of the history of the Russian Far East. XVII- early XX century. - Khabarovsk, 1958. - P. 50.

At the head of the Russian embassy was delivered by Boyarin F.A. Golovin, the second ambassador was the governor of nonsense voivodship - I.E. Vlasov, the Third - Dyak S. Kornitsky, who were accompanied by 1.5 thousand people, unlike the Zing Ambassador, Songot (representative of the Manchu Elite; Uncle Empress and the chief teacher of the heir to the throne; Suan Yemyosnikov who claimed on the throne of Emperor Emoshnikov V.S. Empire Qing and the Russian state in the XVII century - M., 1980.- P. 213.), which, in violation of the early arrangements achieved, was accompanied by 12-15 thousand in the XVII century. Materials and documents. T.2. 1681-1691.- M., 1972. - P. 27 ..

In the mandate, Golovina was indicated, "to teach certainly the frontier of the Amur River, giving it to know that in addition to the river, an overradulted by both states, no border will be strong."

Gunovin, actually passed power, as a governor over the territory of the Irkutsk, Nerchinsky, and Albazine counties. V.Burlinins V.F. About the Soviet-Chinese border: Pravda and Beijing fiction. - M., 1982. - p.24. Despite this, of course, there was no independent of the program of action. He was the performer of the presenters of the Russian government, whom he later, nevertheless, with retreats, and quite significant, respected throughout the time, while led the negotiations in Nerchinsk. The rate on the preservation of the status quo in the "Far Eastern Question" was combined with a gathering with the desire to expand Russian-Chinese trade relations.

The Zing Messengers, rejected the proposal of the head, and demanded the concessions of all Albazine Voivodeship, and also presented claims to most of Zabaykalia. Banti-Kamensky H.H. Diplomatic meeting of cases between Russian and Chinese states from 1619 PO1792. Compiled on documents stored in the Moscow archives of the State College of Foreign Affairs. - Kazan, 1882. - P. 50-51. Golovin strongly rejected the claims of the Zing delegation, after which Nerchinsk was subjected to the siege, which lasted from August 14-27, 1689. By virtue of the circumstances, the heads were forced to make concessions, violating the instruction of the government, reached the "compromise", agreeing to give part of the territory of Albazine Voivodeship. Russian-Chinese relations in the XVII century. Materials and documents. T.2. 1681-1691.- M., 1972. - P. 645-656. An agreement was reached and for all other items that were included in the world agreement.

The nonsense agreement consisting of 7 articles was compiled in Russian, Manchurian and Latin languages. Russian-Chinese contractual acts (1689-1916) / under. ed. V.S. Myasnikova. - M., 2004. - P. 27-28.

The first articles of the Nerchinsky Treaty were established by the Russian-Chinese border on the Gorbitz River, then from the Horbiza, the border went to the Western ridges of Jagda. The lands that were in the east and south of the dude river remained not stitched.

A separate article was devoted to the Albazine: "The city of Albazin, which was built from the Tsarist Majesty, to ruince the foundation and Tamo who stayed with all of them with future military and other things: the supplies were exeted in the direction of the royal majesty and any small loss or what small things From them Tamo left will be "

The 5th article was devoted to the development of Russian-Chinese trade relations: "In any way, people with passages from both sides for the current friendships started for their affairs in both sides come off and leaving both states: voluntarily and buy and sell that they needed, yes will be behavior. "

The remaining two articles (4.6) were given to the prevention of the border incidents possible in the future.

Qing ambassadors, gave a commitment not to build fortifications and not settling Albazine lands, thereby recognizing the limitations of its sovereignty on the lands conquered from Russia. Bescorovnysh L.G., Tikhvinsky S., Tailov V. To the history of the formation of the Russian-Chinese border // International Life. - 1972. - No. 6.- with. 17.

Thus, the struggle of the Qing Empire for the Amur region with Russia ended, "a kind of compromise", which actually presented to the victory of Qing China. Russia was forced to abandon the Amur region, for the sake of maintaining peace between the two states.

The loss of Russia of the Amur region was severe, but the conclusion of a nonsense agreement, foreshadowed the growth of trade and economic ties with China

In Beijing, the nonsense agreement was perceived with a flavor. Emperor Xuan E stated: "In this business, everything was done in accordance with my desires," the State Council in the report by the emperor acknowledged: "Lands lying in the northeast, on the space of several thousand Li and never previously belonged to your possessions »Bottles E.L. Amur in the system of Russian-Chinese relations in the XVIII - mid-XIX centuries. - M., 1983. - P. 88.

The Amur region remained not populated and not mastered by manchurs, nor the Chinese: there were only aigun and several manchurian settlements. from. 95.

Of course, the Qing Empire and in the future tried to consolidate the situation favorable and fought for an even greater strengthening of his position in interstate relations with Russia, seeking to expand the boundaries of its influence, as they say repeated proposals of the Qing representatives to demarcate the border, on the Mongolian Region of the Russian-Chinese borders.

The Russian government strictly adhered to the conditions of the Nerchinsky Treaty. In 1706, Peter I issued a special decree on the compliance with Russian citizens of the Nerchinsky border. Malnikov B.C. The historical meaning of the Nerchinsky Treaty // and the connection of the time was not broken down ... - p.89.

Ensure the conditions of the Nerchinsky Treaty, as a system of contractual obligations to preserve state bubbles of Russia and China, until the middle of the XIX century. Nevertheless, the reached ratio of forces was not sustained, the shades of the Cold War continued to exist, theoretically, the Russian government had every reason to believe that the Qing troops could be resumed aggression against Russia.

Nevertheless, in historical literature, it is believed that after the conclusion of the Nerchinsky Treaty between Russia and the Qing China, quite serene, calm and peaceful relations were reigned, the confirmation of which serve several commercial caravans sent by Russia impressive effect, in terms of profit. Under the terms of the agreements, Russian shopping caravans could come to Beijing once every three years.

During the entire period under consideration, trade relations between countries were carried out dryly.

For the first decade after the signing of the Nerchinsky Treaty, the trade turnover exceeded trade turnover with the West through Pskov, Tikhvin and Smolensk.Burlinins V.F. About the Soviet-Chinese border: Pravda and Beijing fiction. - M., 1982. - p.26.

From 1689-1692, only in Nerchinsk fees of duties from Russian and Chinese goods were able to replenish the state treasury, at an impressive amount - at 2840 rubles. 4 Altyna 2 Money. Yakovlev P.T. Russian-Chinese trade through Nerchinsk on the eve and after the conclusion of the Nerchinsky treaty of 1689 // International relations between Russia in the XVII - XVIII centuries. - M., 1966. - P. 137.

From 1698 to 1719, ten Russian caravans arrived in China. At the same time, by Peter I, the regulations were not respected in the best way: despite the noticeable increase in the share of government caravans (from 1706), in general, the volume of turnover was dominated by private. Malnikov V.S., Shepelev N.V. Empire Qing and Russia in the XVII - N. XX centuries. // China and neighbors in the new and the newest time. - M., 1982. - P. 57. Together with these shopping caravans, about 3 thousand Russian people visited in Beijing. P.E. The history of the study of China in Russia in the XVII and XVIII centuries. (brief essay) // International relations between Russia in the XVII-XVIIIII. - M. 1966. - P. 161.

In the first half of the XVIII century. Exports of goods from Russia to China official caravans on average amounted to 38-42 thousand rubles. in year. The turnoves of private Kyakhtin trading were much large, by the 40th. XVIII century Reached 400-600 thousand rubles. Galperin A.L. Russian-Chinese trade in the XVIII - the first half of the XIX centuries. (Experience in comparing Kyakhtin bargaining with trade through Guangzhou) // Problems of Oriental Studies. - 1959. - No. 5.- P. 218.

Most of the Chinese goods (rhubarb root, Chinese tobacco, gold, silver) were subject to government monopoly and served as a source of major treasures of the treasury. In Russian exports, Pashnin became a key article in income, was also a state monopoly of Russia (up to the 80s of the XVIII century. Russia remained the only supplier of Soft Rukhlyadi into Chinese markets. P. 216.). Among the export gunnina, the first place was sable, the second - the skins of the Liseis, the Mornosti.Semladkovsky M.I. History of trade economic relations Peoples of Russia with China (until 1917). - M., 1974. - p.112.

After the conclusion of the Nerchinsky Treaty, the initiative of the development of interstate relations between the countries still belonged to Russia.

In 1725, China, with the official goal, notification of the Zing Yard, about the Ettility to the Russian throne of Catherine I, the Count Savva Vladislavich Raguzinsky was sent as an emergency and authorized minister. The key task of the embassy was the "free and departure of merchants to restore and approve."

The instruction obliged Vladislavich-Raguzinsky to worry about trade rights of Russian merchants, to achieve free trade rights for them throughout China. The restoration and development of trade relations with China, nevertheless, was not the only purpose of arrival in China Russian Embassy. The Russian government, going to meet the interests of Qing diplomacy, trying to interest it with the upcoming negotiations, includes the authority of the ability to negotiate and solve the issue of the Russian-Chinese border in Central Asia.

Upon arrival in Kyakhta, Vladislav-Raguzinsky immediately began negotiations on the conclusion of a trading contract, which was signed at the end of December 1727. This treaty consisted of eleven extensive articles on not only economic, but also political issues.

The Kyakhtinsky treatise, in fact, was "double" incorrectly in the fact that on August 20, 1727, Vladislavich-Raguzinsky, signed with Qing representatives, the Similar Burinsky Agreement, which determined the passage of the Russian-Chinese border on the Mongolian site. The basis of the contract was the principle of "actual possession". The Burin Treaty was included in the Kyakhtin Treaty, as a third article. The border was determined from the feet of Abagite at the r. Arguni to Chain Dabaga Pass. According to the terms of the contract, two mixed Russian-Chinese delimitation commissions were formed, the tasks of which were the demarcation of the border, as well as the compilation of new border maps. The result of the work of the Commission, has become the establishment of 24 border signs ..

In the first article of the Agreement, it was designated that this agreement "was deliberately made, so that the world of both empires was the world and eternal." Russian-Chinese contractual acts (1689-1916) / under. ed.

V.S. Myasnikova. - M., 2004. - P. 31-36.

  • The 4th article is devoted to the development of Russian-Chinese trade: "There will be free merchants between both empires and the number of merchants, as before this is already ridiculous, there will be no more than two hundred people who for every three years may come once in Beijing ... and except The merchants between both states are still on the borders for the sake of Menshgo merchants, there is a convenient place for Nipkov (Nerchinsk) and in the Selengine Kyakhte, where the houses will be built .... and anyone buses to go to the place of merchants for the sake of the sake of money, but there is an expensive straight. "
  • The 5th article sanctioned the creation and stay in Beijing a Russian spiritual mission.

The Embassy of Vladislavich-Raguzinsky, was a turning point in the Russian-Chinese relationship, it decided the main one of its tasks: the economic ties of the Russian and Qing Empire strengthened. The Qing Empire could not disagree with mutually beneficial terms of the trading contract with Russia, which was not only a commercial interest, who was interested in Russia, but also a political character, in terms of demarcation of the border, which has already answered the interests of China.

All what Russian ambassador achieved, in adverse conditions, constant pressure during negotiations, unreasonable claims of the Qing Commissioners in the territory of Transbaikalia, Amuria and Primorye, Bantygsh-Kamensky N.N. Diplomatic meeting of cases between Russian and Chinese states from 1619 PO1792 - Kazan, 1882. - P. 114-116. It is possible to determine how the victory of Russian diplomacy and an impressive contribution to strengthening the interstate relations of Russia and China.

Thus, the Kyakhtinsky treaty contributed not only to the development of economic relations, but also to strengthening China's political relations with Russia, in any case, it can be argued that the results of the key direction of the Russian-Qing negotiations brought the benefit of both powers.

True, the Russian-Chinese trade issues marked in Kyakhte, marked in the articles of the contract, was not entirely fully conducted by manchules. Knowing that Russia has a certain interest in the development of Russian-Chinese trade, the Zing government, from time to time, skillfully manipulated by this. In 1763-1768. and 1785-1792. The zins of the authorities suspended trade operations in Kyakhte, which, after the conclusion of the Kyakhtin Treaty, becomes the main center of the border, Russian-Chinese trade.

Over 95% of the total volume of Russian-Chinese trade, was concentrated in Kyakhte.Bunakov E.V. From the history of Russian-Chinese relations in the first half of the HGHV. // Soviet Oriental Science. - 1956.- № 2.- S. 96.

Russian-Chinese trade in Kyakhte was an example of exchange trade between countries, she excluded the sale of goods for money or in Credit. Saladkovsky M.I. Essays for the development of China's foreign economic relations. - M., 1953. - p.16-19.

By the middle of the XIX century. Kyakhta turned into a rather major city in which there were 58 merchant houses (37 Siberian, 21-European part of Russia) Galperin A.L. Russian-Chinese trade in the XVIII - the first half of the XIX centuries. (Experience in comparing Kyakhtin bargaining with trade through Guangzhou) // Problems of Oriental Studies. - 1959. - No. 5.- with. 225. Over 900 casual and private building and 161 shops. Trade in China, trading houses, more than 20 cities of Russia participated through Kyachta. The annual turns of each merchant house ranged from 50-350 thousand rubles. Silver. General trade turnover in trade with China, by the middle of the XIX century. Reached 17 million rubles. Dynamarhova H.E. Kyakhta and Kayshtinskaya trade (40-60 gg. 19B.) // The relations of Russia with the countries of the East in Ser. XIX - N.XxVV. - Irkutsk, 1982.-

Nevertheless, the Russian-Chinese trade turnover through Kyakht, did not go to any comparison with the turnover of the Chinese-English maritime trade through Guangzhou, which proves the limitations of Russia's land trading with China.

All exports (excluding opium and silver!) England, from 1818-1833. amounted to 61235 thousand rubles, and Russian exports, over the same years, amounted to only 6737 thousand rubles. Moreover specific gravity Commerce with China for Russia amounted to 6-8%, and for England only 3-4%. Galperin A.L. Russian-Chinese trade in the XVIII - the first half of the XIX centuries. (Experience in comparing Kyakhtin bargaining with trade through Guangzhou) // Problems of Oriental Studies. - 1959. - No. 5.- with. 221, 227.

The vector of political relations between Russia and China in 30-40. XVIII century It is transferred to Central Asia. Russia's foreign policy during this period was not active. Forwarding it to the second half of the 1980s, the desire to curb or at least restrain the aggression in Central Asia of the Qing Empire.

In relations between Qing China and Russia, a significant role, during this period, begins to play the Jungan (Oyratskaya) Khanate, which has become a "subject of dispute" between two, imperial states.

In 1729, the war resumed between the Qing Empire and the Dzhungarian Khanate. Emperor Yin Zheng (1723-1735G.Prozvannygh E.L. Amur In the system of Russian-Chinese relations XVIII - middle of the XIX century. - M., 1983. - S. 129.) He turned to Russia for military assistance, against Jungaria, the first Chinese Embassy to Russia. In Moscow, the Russian government responded with refusal: "Although the Empress, having a top hold, does not want anyone else's land."

Nevertheless, the next war of Manzhurov, who began soon, ended with the full victory of the Qing troops in 1758, which strengthened their position in Central Asia. If before the war, the number of the Jungian population was over 200 thousand families, then as a result of the subordination of the Jungaria by Manchurian troops, 40% died of smallpox, 20% ran to Siberia, 30% died from the Zing troops, i.e. About 70 thousand families (according to other sources, about a million Ohyratmälnikov V.S. Shepeleva N.V. China and Mongolia were destroyed // China and neighbors in the new and the newest time. - M., 1982. - P. 139.) , 10% were evicted beyond the limits of Jungaria.Kuznetsov VS Aggression of the Qing Empire in Central Asia. (2nd floor. XVIII - 1st floor. Xixvv.) // New and Newest History. - 1979. - No. 1.- S.50-51. The Zing Empire has significantly expanded its possessions (in 1691 North Mongolia was attached). The empire reached the top of his power.

On the site of the former Jungaria, a number of fortress cities were created: Suidun (1762), in 1763 or (Kuldja), in 1767 Chuguchak, Gurevich B.P. International relations in Central Asia in the XVII - the first half of the XIX century. 2nd ed. extra. - M., 1983. - Pp. 162. I played the role of military outposts that supported the expansion of the Qing Empire in Central Asia.

The Russian government immediately undertook constructive steps to strengthen Russia's political and economic positions in Central Asia. The defensive line was restored almost throughout the length of the Central Asian line of the Russian-Chinese border.

On October 17, 1760, the Decree of the Senate was followed about the construction of fortresses from Ust-Kamenogorsk to Teletsky Lake and in other "convenient places" in 1716. Omsk was laid at the mouth of Omi, in 1718, the Semipalatinsk fortress, in 1720, the Ust-Kamenogorsk fortress. And in 1744 in Tobolsk, the post of commander of Siberia's commander, located not far from the frontiers of the Jungaria, was established. (Gurevich B.P. Invasion of the Qing Empire to Central Asia in the second half of the XVIII century. And the policy of Russia // History of the USSR. - 1973. - No. 2.- p.102.). As a result, the number of settlements near the fortified lines grew. In the period from 1760-1780 The number of Russian settlements in the Tarskaya district increased from 117 to 245, and the population increased from 20 thousand to 45 thousand people. Guryvich B.P. International relations in Central Asia in the XVII - the first half of the XIX century. 2nd ed. extra. - M., 1983. - P. 192-196.

Fortunately, the Russian-Chinese opposition in Central Asia did not take the nature of the armed clash.

In the second half of the XVIII century, trade relations existed between China and Russia. Since the beginning of the 70s, the need for friendly powers in agreed foreign policy actions is becoming a noticeable, first of all, to prevent frequently arising trade disputes between Russian and Qinian merchants, as well as preventing various riots in the Russian-Chinese border.

To this end, in 1768, an additional article was signed to Kalytinsky Treatise, which was referred to as the "Regime of Russian-Chinese borders", for that "to be peaceful agreement forever", were also confirmed by all eleven articles of Kayshta Treath.

On February 8, 1792, an international act on the procedure for Russian-Chinese trade through Kyakhta was signed.

By signing an international act, Russia puts its task not only to resume trade between two powers by eliminating the slightest problems between them, but also to carry out a number of joint actions in the field of improving this trade.

Starting from the end of the XVIII century. The Qing Empire, which presented a military-feudal state with medieval forms of production, begins to worry a heavy crisis.

The decline, the loss of combat capability of the Armed Forces of the Qing Empire, also reflected the overall socio-economic crisis in the country.

It would seem in these conditions for the Russian government, a suitable situation was created in relations with China, Russia could feel more freely.

And in 1805, the Russian government is equipped with another embassy to China. Senator, Graf Yu.A. was appointed Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador. Golovkin. Golovkin received instructions out of 19 points, following whom, it was supposed to embody the extensive trade and economic programs of the Russian government. He was to learn the Qing Emperor to conclude a new trading agreement with Russia; Also determine the shipping of Amur, "to convince the Chinese government by all means, so that it allowed to pass along the Amur River annually, although several ships of our" belonging to O.L. The Amur In the system of Russian-Chinese relations XVIII - Ser. XIX century - M., 1983. - P. 203. That first of all answered the interests of Russia, first of all, due to the emerging activity of England in the Far East, in particular with regard to China, which threatened the loss for Russia and Qing China, the mouth itself Amur; to achieve the right of maritime trade with China through Canton and Nanjing; Suggest the mediation of Russia, in the event of any contradictions of China with England.

On the way to Beijing in the small town of Urga, the local authorities strongly demanded from gingerbread, reducing the scope of the embassy (up to 60-70 people), providing inventory of gifts to the Qing Emperor, also a welcoming certificate of Alexander I, but the most important and humiliating, was the persistent requirement of local authorities , fulfilling the crankshaft rite, in front of the statue, symbolizing the identity of the emperor. Refusing to fulfill the ritual, Golovkin, was forced to return to Russia.

Thus, attempts to negotiate with the Government of China in early XIX. in. did not lead to the desired results.

Starting from the second decade of the XIX century. Russian-Chinese relations accepted a quiet character. The second quarter of the XIX century. - Probably the most serene time in the history of interstate relations between Russia and China. The Zinc Empire, so categorically speaking against Russia in the XVII-XVIII centuries, now held passively, all the forces of the Qing dynasty were directed to the preservation of their own power in the country, and to rebuff the aspirations of Western European states.

During this period, the Cultrinian treaty of 1851, dedicated to the trade and economic aspects of interstate relations between Russia and China in Central Asia, was concluded by peaceful means, by diplomatic contracts. All offers, the Russian government, among which the discovery of duty-free trade in Chugucheka, Kulja; Opening of trade in Kashgar (and, in order to avoid any incidents, Russian caravans were supposed to be accompanied by Qinsky soldImucznets, V.S. Economic policy Zing government in Xinjiang in the first half of the X1x century. - M, Science, 1973. - P. 119.); the right to have Russian consuls in Chugucheka and Kulje; The establishment of a link between the Governor-General of Western Siberia and Commander-in-Chief in or, was included in the contract. Russian-Chinese Agreement and Legal Acts (1689-1916) / under. ed. V.S. Myasnikova. - M., 2004. - P. 57-61.

From Russia, the agreement signed Major Kovalevsky, directed, initially, as accompanying in Beijing, another Russian spiritual mission in 1849.

1851, ends, the first stage in the history of interstate relations between Russia and China associated with their formation. As we see, China and Russia throughout the XVII - the first half of the XIX century, associated trade and economic and political interests, whose importance would be incorrectly underestimated.

qing conflict shopping policy

The first official Russian embassy was visited by Beijing in September 1618. This day can be considered a countdown of diplomatic Russian-Chinese relations, which in four centuries have undergone sharp turns from distrust to friendship, from strong alliances to open conflicts. Two great powers have long been divided into huge, almost unjited distances, and recognized from each other casually from the mouth of travelers and merchants.

The young Russian state in the first centuries of its formation was directed to the West, and the ancient China to the Middle Ages was already a powerful state, which was angry from the outside world with walls and thousands of years. Even inrogen kings were considered their vassals and extremely reluctantly went to contacts with other countries. Ribrily of China and Russia contributed to the common trouble.

The first contacts

No walls and distance were able to keep the terrible waves of Mongolian raids. The militant nomads in the 13th century broke the numerous emperor and crumbled the squad of Russian princes. For a long time, China and Rus became part of the immense Mongol Empire.

In the 14th century, a Russian detachment collected from the Mongols in the captivity of Slavic soldiers appeared in the Guard of Peking Khan. Russians lived together, cultivated the land, led the farm as well as at home. This state of affairs is difficult to call full-fledged Russian-Chinese relations, but the peoples have better recognized culture, habits and traditions of each other.

After the Mongols

The disintegration of the Mongolian nomadic empire again removed two states that became free, but now there are thousands and thousands of kilometers of poor lands again between their borders. Western powers traveled to China by seas, in the Middle Ages it was the most convenient and fast way displacement. To overcome the forests, steppes, Mountains and Taiga, only the most desperate Russian travelers and merchants were solved. Russian-Chinese contacts have shouted to minor trading and news that merchants brought to Russia.

Expansion of Russia to the East

Changed the Russian-Chinese relations of the 17th century during which Russia mastered the eastern territories. It was a century of bold and harsh landowners. The Russian state included all Eastern lands to the Pacific Ocean, the Cossacks actively studied the Amur region, the Russian borders were steadily approaching China's borders, which could no longer ignore the energetic neighbor.

In May 1618, King Mikhail Fedorovich sent an embassy to China, headed by Ivan Petin. It traveled to Pikin for almost four months, however, the Chinese authorities considered that not real ambassadors came to them, and Danikov from the distant vassal king, so Pethin refused to meet with the emperor, but they gave a diploma in which the emperor allowed Rus to trade with China and send Other embassies. So the official history of Russian-Chinese relations began.

First clashes

In the second half of the 17th century, conditions for closer interstate contacts have developed. The territory of Russia rapidly expanded, at about the same time China was conquered by Manchurian conquerors, the Great Empire of Qing appeared, which existed before the beginning of the 20th century. To the huge and almost empty Amurur land now claimed both Moscow and Beijing. The first obvious conflict of interest appeared.

Russia did not have forces and funds to send large expeditions or regular troops in the Amur region, it was mastered by the detachments of dashing Cossacks, which sometimes resembled the robbers than on the representatives of the king. They collected tribute from the local population, sometimes they descended before robbery, questions preferred to solve the power, and not by negotiations. Therefore, nothing surprising that the indigenous population was configured against the eligible people.

Manchurian detachments, having support for Beijing and indigenous peoples, entered into confrontation with the Cossacks. There were no big battles, but China's hands of Manchurov decided to make the life of Russians in the Amur region unbearable. The recently formed Cossack settlements were subjected to constant attacks, migrants could not feel safe. Certick not issued diplomatic Russian-Chinese relations, two states entered the armed confrontation, although without declaring the war.

Diplomatic convergence

However, as often happens in history, the economy forced to silence guns. States were much more interested in cooperation as trading partners rather than in the glowing military conflict. In 1689, the nonsense of the Russian-Chinese Treaty on the boundaries and trade was concluded, Russia gave way to China almost all the Earth south of Amur, but at the same time became the first western statewhich on an ongoing basis sent trading caravans into the Empire of Qing.

The Chinese emperor first agreed to regular trade with a foreign state. He made it possible to arrange one caravan annually, in which there could be up to a thousand merchants. Moreover, the merchants were considered the guests of the emperor of the Middle Kingdom, their stay in China was paid for the imperial treasury. Therefore, the Chinese treated Russian messengers with great respect, trading flourished. Soon Russian yards, the mistake, the Orthodox Church appeared in Beijing.

From this point on, the mutual relations of the two countries developed rapidly. Starting from the Nerchinsky Treaty, the Russian kings sent eighteen dipreams to Beijing. However, exist interesting fact: The Russian spiritual mission was founded in 1716, and the permanent embassy of the Russian Empire was only in 1861.

Russian-Chinese relations in the 18th century were awarded the conclusion in 1727 an extremely important Kyakhtin treatise, in which the boundary between states was recorded once again, the equal position of the empires was fixed, since the Chinese emperor considered the Russian king his subordinates. Also, the treatise regulated diplomatic correspondence and reception of embassies, legalized the presence of a Russian spiritual mission in Beijing, established the trade procedure between states.

Diplomatic victories

The Kyakhtinsky treaty was the basis of the political and economic relations between the two countries more than a hundred years. In the mid-19th century, the Qing Empire was shaken from opium wars, which the leading western powers were taken against it. Russian-Chinese relations in the 19th century remained friendly, however, Moscow was able to achieve brilliant success with diplomatic ways.

In 1858, weakened by defeats in 1858 agreed to change the state borders with the Russian Empire, from now on, they took place along the Amur River, the Qing Empire refused the Primorye and part of Manchuria, which was recorded in the Aigun Treaty. Subsequent Beijing (1860) and Chuguchak contracts finally issued Russian-Chinese borders.

After the Union Treaty of 1896 between the two countries, Russia began to build in Chinese Eastern railway. In 1897, the Russian Empire was leased two ports for their squadr: Dalian and Port Arthur. In 1898, the Russian was founded by the city of Harbin. In 1905, Russia, which unconditionally losing the War of Japan, lost leased ports, was also terminated by the agreement of 1896. Both empires were on the threshold of death, Chinese - disappeared in 1913, Russian - in 1917. New states appeared on their fragments.

USSR and the Republic of China

The historiography of Russian-Chinese relations 1917-1922 is also confused, as the political situation in Russia, which covered by the bloody civil war was confused. In such conditions, any negotiations with the young Chinese Republic on the borders, territorial claims, economic and political cooperation were temporary and unsubstantiated. After all, it was not clear who in the end would be to manage Russia. The country was divided into parts in which the authorities constantly changed. The Bolsheviks were able to finally suppress the resistance of White Guards in the Far East in the fall of 1922.

After the victory in the civil war, the Bolsheviks desperately needed allies to joint struggle with imperialist Europe. Anti-imperialist and anti-impaired moods were also strong in the Republic of China. The Chinese also remembered the opium wars well and their own semi-colonial position in relation to Western powers.

In the fall of 1920, General Zhang Sylyn arrived in Moscow for official negotiations on behalf of the Republic of China. Soviet diplomats presented him with a response note, which outlined the principles of Russian-Chinese cooperation. However, the Chinese did not hurry with the conclusion of any contracts, they were waiting for the Civil War.

Only on May 31, 1924, a sign document was signed, consisting of 15 articles, which settled all the controversial and important issues between the Republic of China and the USSR. Two young states officially became allies. but a good relationship continued not long.


In China, the main political force was the Gomindan party led by the charismatic leader of Chan Kaisi. The Communist Party was inferior to the Homintan influenced. Moscow provided support to both parties, believing in the loyalty of Chan Kaisha, who spent several months in Moscow and was perceived by many heads of the USSR as an ideological ally.

However, in the spring of 1927, the Cantonese uprising of the Communists broke out, which, according to some historians, was initiated from Moscow. Government troops severely suppressed the rebellion, after which in December Chan Kaisha ordered to close all the USSR diplomices in China and break diplomatic Russian-Chinese relations. Documents and materials of that time do not give an accurate answer, which was the cause of this diplomatic defeat of Moscow: its own mistakes, the work of British diplomats or intrigue Chan Kaisha, who destroyed serious political competitors with one blow.

Renewal of relations: from enemies to friends

Five years, two major powers were separated from each other with diplomatic boycott. But in December 1932, there was a fracture: at the International Conference in Geneva, the Chinese and Russian delegations exchanged letters with a mutual proposal to restore normal dilutions. In 1937, in Nanjing, Soviet representatives and Chan Kaisi signed a Russian-Chinese nonsense agreement, in 1939 a trade agreement was ratified between Russia and China, and in May 1945 - a friendship agreement.

However, Chan Kaisha did not suit Moscow, Soviet government It began to provide all sorts of support to Mao Zedun, who was a personal friend of Stalin and a sincere communist. The arrival of MAO to power in 1949 marked the beginning of the golden time for the Russian-Chinese relations. In 1950, an allied contract for friendship and mutual assistance was concluded.

Soviet Union He helped Chinese friends with loans and experts, the USSR practically built the industry of Kata, having launched more three hundred plants, Russian professionals trained Chinese workers and military, more than half of Chinese exports accounted for an alliance. Moscow returned Beijingly from Japan from the ports of Far and Port Arthur, as well as Chinese East railway.

Another cooling

After the death of Stalin and began after it, the Total Destalinian relationship with honey countries reappeared again. Mao found that Khrushchev is too soft with the West than the communist ideas attached. In response to criticism of Khrushchev in 1960 ordered to withdraw all Soviet specialists from China, many plants stopped. Mao called the peaceful resolution of the Caribbean by the defeat of the USSR, and the Soviet Union supported India in its armed conflict with China.

In 1963, the USSR and the People's Republic of China officially recognized mutual disagreements. Yesterday's friends and allies turned into enemies, which even a common geopolitical rival could be reconciled - the United States, who began a war in Vietnam. In 1969, clashes occurred due to the Soviet island Damansky, which China claimed, killed dozens of military on both sides.

It seemed that the conflict between the countries could exacerbate to the extremes - a complete breaking of diplomas and even wars. Until the death of Mao Zedong in 1976, aggressive anti-Soviet moods prevailed in Chinese society. Then they launched little by little to fall, but trade, cultural and political ties needed to be renewed with almost scratch. Finally resolve problems, and to restore economic and trade relations was managed in 1989 during the negotiations in Beijing between Mikhail Gorbachev and Dan Xiaopin.

Russian-Chinese relations today

After the collapse of the Union and the loss of the power of the Communist Party, at first the relationship between Russia and China switched mainly to the trade sphere. Burly developing chinese economy Required sales markets, huge and geographically close the Russian Federation became a profitable trading partner. But geopolitical challenges once again brought two states, in 1996 a strategic partnership began.

Today, the Russian Federation and the PRC are allies consisting of joint organizations such as SCO, BRICS, UN Security Council. Despite the fact that national interests are prioritized for each country, there are random factors. This opposition to the aggressive policy of the United States and their allies, the fight against terrorism, ensuring world and regional safety and stability. Russia and China provide each other with political support, and its leaders Vladimir Putin and Si Jinping show sincere friendly relations and develop interstate cooperation in every way.

And, of course, the two countries associate strong economic ties. Russian-Chinese trade in 2017 amounted to 87 billion dollars. Russia is one of the largest exporters of oil and gas to China, the proportion of Chinese goods in the general Russian import reached 21%. States implement many joint projects: build bridges through Cupid, lay railways that will become part of the new Silk Path, Create investment banks.

In detail and very professionally, the main milestones of the formation and development of links between Russia and China are presented in the books of the Doctor of Historical Sciences, Oriental Datsyshchen. The history of Russian-Chinese relations in the works of Professor Datsishen is stated in detail and accessible to the reader. The historian, when writing his works, uses reliable historical documents and research of authoritative sywords.

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