How I cooked cranberry juice. How to make cranberry juice

Landscaping and planning 21.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Step by step recipes cooking cranberry juice with citrus fruits, berries and spices at home

2018-08-13 Ekaterina Lyfar





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


9 gr.

36 kcal.

Option 1: Classic cranberry juice recipe

You can talk endlessly about the benefits of cranberries. It helps the body fight infections, lowers cholesterol and improves digestion. This amazing berry is known for its anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. It can be used even during pregnancy to restore the balance of vitamins, cope with nausea and get rid of swelling.


  • Cranberries - 450 g;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Water - 1.8 l.

Cranberry juice recipe step by step

Sort out the berries. Wash them, fold them in a colander or a clean towel. When the cranberries dry out a little, move them to a deep bowl.

Mash the berries so that they turn into a puree. You can do this by hand or with a blender.

Fold the gauze in several layers. Squeeze out the cranberry puree. Put the resulting juice in the refrigerator.

Sprinkle cake with sugar, pour hot water. Heat the mixture over low heat until it boils. Immediately after this, you need to remove the workpiece from the stove.

Let the cranberry broth infuse for about half an hour. After that, strain it, mix with juice. You can drink the drink immediately after preparation.

Morse is better to cook in glass, ceramic or enamelware. Ideally, mix the ingredients with a wooden spatula. In this case, no oxidation reaction will occur, the drink will be free of unnecessary impurities.

Option 2: Quick Cranberry Drink Recipe

There is original recipe juice without boiling. The drink is prepared very quickly, it turns out tasty and rich. Cranberries and honey fully retain all vitamins and useful material due to the absence of heat treatment.


  • Cranberry - 0.5 l;
  • Honey - 40 g;
  • Water - 2 liters.

How to quickly cook cranberry juice

Boil the water ahead of time so it has time to cool. You can also use purified or mineral liquid to prepare fruit drinks.

Sort the berries, wash them. If you are making a fruit drink from frozen cranberries, you can do without defrosting. Scald the berries with boiling water to make it easier to grind them.

Puree cranberries using a blender or potato masher. You can additionally grind the resulting mass through a sieve to get rid of large particles.

Dilute the puree with cool, clean water. Strain the liquid. Season with honey, mix well.

You can immediately prepare a drink in portions. Just divide the berry puree into cups or glasses, dilute with water and season with honey. Drinking juice is recommended immediately. If there is too much, put the leftovers in the refrigerator.

Option 3: Cranberry juice with citrus fruits

Many people mistakenly believe that cranberries lose all their nutrients as a result of cooking. This is not so, some microelements are fully revealed precisely after heat treatment. These include potassium, calcium, iron and sodium.


  • Cranberries - 200 g;
  • Brown sugar - 150 g;
  • large lemon;
  • Water - 150 ml;
  • Orange;
  • ½ lime;
  • Ice - 100 g.

Step by step recipe

Pour the water into a saucepan. Add sugar there. Cook the mixture over low heat until syrup is obtained. Let it cool down.

Wash cranberries and citrus fruits thoroughly. For fruits, you can use a special brush. You don't need to peel them.

Blend the cranberries in a blender. Cut orange, lemon and lime into small pieces.

Grind the berry puree or squeeze it through cheesecloth. The cake can be thrown away, and pour the cranberry juice into a deep bowl. Add pieces of citrus fruits and syrup there.

Use a pestle to crush the citrus fruits to release their juice. Strain fruit drink, add ice crushed in a blender. After a few minutes, you can serve a drink.

To make the drink even more original in taste, you can add popsicles to it instead of the usual one. In this case, it is better to reduce the amount of sugar. You can also decorate the fruit drink with citrus slices.

Option 4: Cranberry juice with lemon in a jar

If you like the combination of cranberries and citrus fruits, try this fruit drink. simple recipe. It will take quite a bit of time, but you will have to wait until the drink is infused in the refrigerator. Thanks to light lemon sourness, it refreshes well, replenishes the supply of vitamins and nutrients.


  • Large lemon;
  • Sugar - 120 g;
  • Cranberries - 550 g;
  • Water - 1 l.

How to cook

Prepare cranberries: wash them, get rid of twigs and other debris. Even dried berries are suitable for this recipe, but they must first be poured with boiling water.

Place the berries in a blender. Sprinkle generously with sugar and beat until smooth. You can grind cranberries with a regular potato masher or pestle, but this will take longer.

Wash the lemon with a brush. Grate its zest, squeeze out all the juice. At the same time, bring water to a boil.

Put the cranberry puree in glass jar. Add lemon zest and juice to it. Pour the workpiece with boiling water, mix.

When the juice has cooled, put it in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, strain the drink, pour it into glasses.

Cranberries contain a lot of vitamin C and other beneficial substances. If you cook a fruit drink with this berry and citrus fruits, you get a real vitamin bomb. Such a drink will not only quench your thirst, but also help increase immunity, cope with colds.

Option 5: Frozen cranberry juice with rose hips

From frozen berries, no less tasty fruit drink is obtained. For flavor, we will add a little rosehip broth to it. You can also prepare this drink on the stove, but it is better to use a slow cooker for this.


  • Sugar - 50 g;
  • Frozen cranberries - 0.5 kg;
  • Water - 2 l;
  • Rosehip - 100 g.

Step by step recipe

First you need to defrost the berries. To do this, wash them in cold water, drain in a colander and leave for a few minutes.

Grind cranberries with a blender. Sprinkle the berry puree with sugar. After half an hour, grind it through a sieve or squeeze it with gauze.

Pour water into the multicooker. Heat it up in the "Cooking" mode, then add sweet cranberry juice. Mix the ingredients, wait for the liquid to boil.

Close the multicooker. Let the workpiece infuse for several hours. During this time, we will have time to prepare a decoction of wild rose.

Sort and wash the wild rose berries. Pour them into a thermos, pour boiling water over them. Ideally, the broth should be infused for a day, but 5-6 hours is enough. After this period, connect the two blanks, mix well. Strain the juice into a decanter.

Frozen berries retain almost all useful substances. They are available all year round, so you can cook a delicious fruit drink at any time. Freezing allows you to experiment with different combinations berries, regardless of the season. For example, try adding some raspberries, currants, or lingonberries to your drink.

Option 6: Hot spiced cranberry juice

In cold weather, we are in awe of the warming fragrant drinks. If mulled wine and grog are already tired, try making hot cranberry juice. Add cloves and cinnamon to it. You can also use ground pepper, nutmeg or vanilla.


  • Water - 3.5 l;
  • Sugar - 300 g;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 2 lemons;
  • Cranberries - 500 g;
  • Cloves, cinnamon sticks.

How to cook

Fill a large saucepan with water. Put it on medium heat. While the water is boiling, rinse the cranberries and citrus fruits.

Squeeze juice from lemons and oranges. Throw cranberries into the boiled liquid. Cook until all shells burst.

Crush all the berries in the pot with a potato masher. Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth or a sieve.

Put a few stars of cloves and cinnamon in a bowl with fruit drink. Stir, add sugar and citrus juices. Cover the juice with a lid, let it infuse for another hour.

To keep this drink longer beneficial features, pour it into the multicooker bowl and leave it in the “Heating” mode. You can also store hot fruit drinks in a thermos.

Cranberries are among the most valuable gifts of nature. It contains a rich vitamin complex, indispensable for a woman at any age. Cranberry juice helps the body fight against infectious diseases, increases the overall tone, improves the functioning of the heart muscle. Making cranberry juice is pretty easy. Let's start taking care of our health right now?!

How to make cranberry juice?


Cranberry 1 stack Boiled water 1 liter Granulated sugar 0 stack

  • Servings: 4
  • Time for preparing: 12 minutes

Why is cranberry juice valued?

Morse from wild berries contains an abundance of microelements, vitamin complex, acids and minerals. It can be consumed at any time of the year, warm or cold. Morse restores a person's strength after an illness and during the change of seasons, gives vital energy and increases efficiency. It is unacceptable to exclude berry nectar from your diet.

A simple cranberry juice recipe

How to make cranberry juice so that everything remains in it nutrients? To make a drink you will need:

1 cup fresh cranberries;

1.5 liters of boiled water;

0.5 st. granulated sugar.

The berries are washed, then passed through a meat grinder or gruel is made using a wooden pusher. The resulting crumb is squeezed through a plastic sieve (metal destroys vitamins). The resulting juice is mixed with water and put on a quiet fire.

It is necessary to bring the drink to a boil, but do not allow the formation of bubbles on the surface. After 5 - 7 minutes of boiling, the juice is removed from the fire, sugar is added to it. That's it - fruit drink is ready for use. This is the easiest and most affordable way to cook healthy drink.

How to make fruit drink from cranberries?

Juice will become more valuable if, instead of water, the juice is diluted with a decoction of another useful berry - wild rose.

1. Morse goes well with mint leaves. It is recommended to use honey instead of sugar.

2. Increase the value of the product will help lemon juice. A pinch of cinnamon or a couple of sprigs of cloves will help flavor the juice.

3. Cranberry juice can be given to babies from the age of two. There are no restrictions on the amount of drink consumed, only individual intolerance.

The product is not allergenic, does not cause heaviness and difficulties in the process of digestion, but in case of stomach diseases it should be taken with great care. If it is difficult to prepare fruit drinks daily, you can make a blank and store it in a glass dish in the refrigerator. Frozen and fresh berries are equally useful. Survive the off-season without compromising own health you can use cranberry nectar: ​​simple, appetizing and healthy.

Cranberries are one of the healthiest berries growing in Russia. Her fame was so great that Russian merchants sold tons of it abroad, she was one of the main export goods along with black and red caviar. Everyone knows about its benefits and therefore is actively used, for example, for making fruit drinks. But does everyone know how to cook cranberry juice? Let's make a real drink, while retaining all the vitamins and minerals contained in this berry.

Classic cranberry juice

We take ripe cranberries, wash them thoroughly under cold running water and let it drain. Now we place the berry in a deep container and crush it well with a wooden or ceramic pestle. Of course, you can grind the berry with a blender, but given high content acids in it, it is better to avoid contact of the pulp with metal parts mechanism. The resulting slurry is squeezed through gauze. We set aside the juice (we will need it at the final stage of preparing such a wonderful drink as cranberry juice), and pour the pulp with sugar and fill it with water. The proportions are as follows: for a glass of cranberry puree, take half a glass of sugar and a liter of water. We put our mixture on the stove and, stirring to dissolve the sugar, bring it to a boil and boil for no more than two minutes. Let our mixture cool, strain it and mix with juice. In the same way, you can cook a fruit drink from frozen cranberries. Its recipe differs only in that the berry must first be thawed. By the way, freezing The best way storage of any berry. Its main disadvantage is that fruits and vegetables take up a lot of space in the freezer.

How to cook cranberry juice with honey?

Based classic recipe you can make an even healthier drink. To do this, exclude sugar from the list of ingredients and add honey at the stage of mixing the juice with the pulp decoction. If he managed to sugar, put it in a slightly warm liquid, so it will dissolve faster and not lose its beneficial properties. You need a little less honey than sugar, as the fruit drink can turn out cloying. And do not forget that such a drink is contraindicated for people with allergies to bee products.

How to cook fruit drink from cranberries and lingonberries?

If you think about what kind of berry can compete with cranberries in usefulness, then this is, of course, lingonberries. It is not so juicy, but not so sour, and a fruit drink from a mixture of these fruits has a rich taste, aroma and perfectly quenches thirst. For a liter of water we take half a glass of lingonberries, cranberries and sugar, a tablespoon of mint. Boil water, dissolve sugar in it and throw in mint. Let it brew for fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, chop the berries accessible way and add to the almost cooled infusion. Let stand for half an hour and strain. Morse is ready!

Cranberry jelly

We now know how to make cranberry juice, but not only this drink can be made from it! Let's make the kids happy and make jelly for them. For him, we need fruit drink and gelatin. We take forty-sixty grams of gelatin per liter of liquid, then the jelly will turn out strong and will keep its shape perfectly. You need to prepare it in accordance with the instructions on the package, then melt and pour into a slightly warm fruit drink, stirring vigorously. It remains to pour our masterpiece into molds (it is convenient to use silicone ones) and put it in the refrigerator to solidify. When the jelly is ready (and you will immediately understand this, as it will resist pressing with your finger), we remove it from the molds and call the children! Knowing how to make cranberry juice, and reducing the amount of water in the recipe to three tablespoons, you can easily cook

Summer berries once occupied a special place in the daily diet, now many do not attach due importance to their benefits, and in the old days, various diseases were treated with fruits. The benefits of red berries are invaluable for health, in terms of the content of some useful elements, no other fruit can be compared with it, therefore, everyone should know how to cook cranberry juice at home.

Both adults and children can eat this valuable natural product in the form of juice or fresh berries, this will prevent the appearance of many ailments.

Cranberries: benefits and harms

The beneficial properties of cranberries are legendary. The berry is considered a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, which is why it is widely used in traditional and traditional medicine. Cranberry treats a wide variety of diseases, most of the systems and organs of the human body lend themselves to its healing effects.

To understand where so many miraculous properties come from, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with chemical composition natural berry.

Cranberry contains:

  • pectins that can "neutralize" heavy metals in the body;
  • organic acids, which not only participate in the process of healing the body, but also help to maintain natural properties in fresh berries for 9 months;
  • sugar (fructose, glucose, sucrose). However, unlike crystalline sugar, which we consider harmful, this sugar is natural, therefore it is useful for the body and is easily absorbed by it;
  • vitamin C, P and trace elements (molybdenum, copper, cobalt, manganese, etc.) have a positive effect on the functioning of the sex glands in adults. It is impossible not to note the beneficial effects of these elements on the immune and nervous system. Also, trace elements and vitamins contribute to the normal development and growth of the child.

The presence of all of the above useful properties in the composition of a natural product allows you to more accurately understand how cranberry juice is useful for health. But before we cook cranberry juice at home, let's find out: how widespread is the effect of the drink on the body, to whom it is indicated and contraindicated for use.

Such knowledge will become for you a powerful weapon against diseases and ailments, but the main thing is that it will be impossible to harm yourself with such a medicine.

The benefits of cranberry juice:

  1. cranberry drink perfectly quenches thirst, tones, refreshes, besides, it is an excellent natural antidepressant;
  2. fruit drinks are often prescribed to be used together with antibiotics, as they enhance their effect;
  3. Morse also affects the improvement of bowel function;
  4. the benefits of freshly squeezed cranberry juice in the treatment of diseases such as:
    • dermatitis;
    • eczema;
    • cold;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • rheumatism;
    • migraine;
    • scurvy;
    • hypertension;
    • avitaminosis;
  5. drink boosts immunity;
  6. relieves fatigue, normalizes sleep;
  7. treats inflammatory diseases;
  8. neutralizes viral infections, helps with angina;
  9. copes with severe poisoning (not only of a food nature);
  10. cleanses blood vessels;
  11. reduces the risk of urolithiasis;
  12. has a rejuvenating effect;
  13. prevents the appearance of caries, has a beneficial effect on the oral cavity, but can destroy tooth enamel due to the high content of acid in the drink. Therefore, after consuming fruit drink, it is recommended to rinse your mouth;
  14. reduces nausea, helps relieve swelling (due to the natural diuretic effect). Such properties are very useful for pregnant women, however, in the first months of pregnancy, cranberry juice is often not recommended, since a high content of vitamin C in it can lead to uterine tone.

Morse cranberry: harm and contraindications

Despite the global benefits of the product, it is impossible to talk about its complete safety for health if there are contraindications for use. The berries themselves are harmless, they can harm the body only in 2 cases:

  1. if you drink a drink large quantities;
  2. if there are contraindications for use.

To whom cranberry juice is contraindicated:

  • people suffering from gastritis, as well as those who have liver disease and digestive tract disorders;
  • anyone who has increased stomach acidity;
  • people prone to allergies, especially to berry components;
  • adults and children with weak tooth enamel.

Delicious homemade drink great benefit. It cannot be compared in taste, quality and the presence of useful properties with packaged fruit drinks and juices.

There can be no benefit in products with the addition of preservatives, so it simply does not make sense to talk about any correct use of it. Another thing - homemade drink, it is prepared from natural berries, so it is worth understanding the features of its consumption in more detail.

At what age can cranberry juice

mothers who have Small child, cannot but be interested in the question: how much can you give a baby cranberries, because they are so useful for immunity and proper development crumbs? If we talk about raw berries, then it is not recommended for a child to use them up to 3 years old, but preparing fruit puree from cranberries or making cranberry juice for a child up to a year and older is the right decision.

It is not worth introducing fruits of a bright color before the main products of the first complementary foods. The first complementary foods (cereals, vegetable puree) are carried out no earlier than 7.5 months, provided that the baby was fed breast milk, and not earlier than 6 months if the feeding was on artificial mixtures.

  • Until the child is 1 year old - give him only those berries that succumb to heat treatment(just a couple of minutes to hold them in boiling water or steam).
  • You can also make juice or fruit drink from berries, but it is recommended to dilute it with boiled water (1: 1).

If your baby has a tendency to allergies, then you should wait with the introduction of cranberries into the diet for up to a year.

Can a one-year-old child have cranberry juice? Of course, yes, but not in raw form, again the diet should include mashed potatoes, juices, fruit drinks, jelly. Prepare drinks (as well as up to 1 year) without sugar. Crystalline sugar is harmful to health, especially for children, so it is not recommended to add it to children's dishes and drinks. Before using the berries, be sure to pour boiling water over them.

The allowable norm of cranberry juice is 10-20 g (1-2 tablespoons) of berries per day, not more than 2 times a week.

After 3 years, cranberries can be consumed in any form: raw, boiled, as teas (prepared on the basis of plant leaves), smoothies, mousses, fruit drinks, compotes, etc. If the baby does not have allergies and contraindications to use - a child can eat cranberries as much as he wants.

One of the most important milestones in a woman's life is pregnancy and breast-feeding(gv). During these periods, a woman tries to carefully monitor her diet, because everything that the future (or already newly-made) mother eats will enter the body of the baby.

That is why many mothers are actively interested in: is it possible to drink cranberry juice during pregnancy and lactation, and also - how much fruit drink can you drink per day? As mentioned above, in the first months of pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to use cranberries in any form, since it brings the uterus into tone, and, accordingly, provokes a miscarriage.

Later, berries and drinks based on them can, and even need to be consumed (if there are no contraindications). Vitamins found in berries are incredibly useful for maintaining health. future mother and her baby.

Some gynecologists recommend that pregnant women drink 2 liters of cranberry juice per day, however, this is a very dangerous dose. In such large quantities, the drink can be harmful, but 2-3 glasses a day will be enough. For an ordinary person, this portion is also considered optimal. It is necessary to drink fruit drinks 1.5 hours before meals and only natural.

Whether cranberry juice is useful after childbirth is also not difficult to guess. Cranberry is a multivitamin berry, and therefore its use can bring the most benefits to mom and her baby. It is better not to use fresh berries for the first months of lactation, but fruit drinks and juices diluted with water will come in handy.

To begin with, drink a little fruit drink, if after feeding the baby does not show an allergy, then in the future you can increase the portion of the vitamin drink.

Cranberry juice for diabetes: how much to drink per day

Diabetics have a special approach to nutrition, so they choose their products carefully. As a rule, many berries raise blood sugar levels, but not cranberries. It does not contribute to an increase in sugar, and in type 2 diabetes, a little more and lowers it.

However, abuse, albeit useful product, not worth it. 240 ml per day for fortifying the body will be enough.

Calorie cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is considered a low-calorie product. It contains only 28 kcal per 100 g of product. The drink deservedly belongs to the category of "dietary", and this is clearly seen in nutritional value product. To understand how many carbohydrates, proteins and fats it contains - the table will help.

Given that the product is low in calories, this makes it even more valuable. The drink is great for a regular diet, diets and unloading days. But all this applies only to the fruit drink that is prepared at home.

How to cook cranberry juice: a classic recipe


  • Cranberries - 2 cups + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 1 liter + -
  • - 1/2 pc. optional + -

The classic way to make fruit drink

You can quickly brew a healthy cranberry drink using any technology. However, the preparation of classic fruit drink is the most popular.

It is not recommended to boil freshly squeezed berry juice, because with this approach to cooking, all useful substances will “die”. To avoid this, we will make fruit drinks, combining in it a decoction obtained from cake and freshly squeezed juice.

  1. Wash cranberries, transfer to a sieve, set it over a bowl.
  2. We crush the berries with our hands or crush, thereby squeezing the juice out of them.
  3. Pour the cake into a saucepan, pour a liter of water, put it on the stove and bring the contents to a boil over low heat, then cook it for another 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat, keep the drink under a closed lid for 20 minutes.
  5. We filter the broth, mix with natural juice squeezed from cranberries. Add honey to taste, if desired, pour in lemon juice.
  6. Serve cranberry juice warm or chilled with ice cubes, as you like.

According to the same recipe, you can cook a fruit drink from frozen cranberries. To do this, it must be properly defrosted in advance. In the evening, take the berries out of the freezer and put them on the top shelf of the refrigerator. Within 8-9 hours, the fruits will defrost, and they can be used for cooking.

Also, the above recipe is suitable for children. This technology good because no sugar is added to the fruit drink. It is very important for children under 3 years of age to eat foods and drinks without sugar. With honey, fruit drink will not be sour and many times more useful than sugar.

Another simple recipe for cranberry juice is a recipe in a blender without boiling. This method of preparation allows you to save a maximum of useful properties, and you get a drink, if you do not boil it, much faster.


  • Drinking water - 2 l;
  • Cranberries (fresh or frozen) - 1 can of 0.5 l;
  • Honey (or sugar) - 4 tbsp. l.

Preparation of cranberry juice

  1. We sort out the berries, wash them, pour boiling water over them.
  2. We beat the fruits with a blender.
  3. We dilute the whipped mass with cool water.
  4. Strain it through a mesh colander.
  5. Add honey / sugar to the drink and serve.

You can also brew cranberry juice in a slow cooker. It is advisable not to heat the squeezed juice in order to preserve all its useful components.

You can boil the cake in a slow cooker in the “Cooking” mode or in the “Steamed” mode for 15-20 minutes. Everything will depend on the power and model of the multimachine.

You need to store fruit drinks for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator, after which the drink loses its beneficial properties.

What else can be cooked from cranberries

In addition to fresh and frozen berries, dried and dried cranberries are used. The dishes and drinks that can be prepared on their basis are quite diverse.

Dried and dried cranberries are often used to make:

  • compotes,
  • jelly,
  • extracts,
  • kvass,
  • berries are also added to pastries, decorate dessert dishes with them, and are used as tea additives.

Always cook for yourself and your loved ones only natural fruit drink. Try not to take purchased juices and drinks derived from them, especially for a child. A truly tasty and healthy fruit drink can only be when you make it yourself at home.

How to cook cranberry juice, how much to cook it, how to drink and how much to store - now you know as well as nutritionists. And it doesn’t matter at all how many calories a drink contains, it’s much more important how much benefit it will bring to your body.

Cranberry juice is one of the most polar and beloved drinks. Cranberries are very useful berry. It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diuretic, antibacterial and tonic effect. It is noted that cranberries significantly increase a person's working capacity, so a drink from this amazing berry not only quenches thirst, but also perfectly restores strength after a hard day's work. Cranberry juice gives vitality and gives the body energy.

A drink made from cranberries has the ability to lower blood pressure and destroy pathogens of various infections. The iron and potassium contained in cranberries improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and purify the blood. Cranberry juice improves performance gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins, strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of anemia.

Best effect provides cranberry juice during the off-season and in the cold season. An acute shortage of vitamins is noted at this time of the year. Cranberries provide the body with essential vitamins, fiber and pectins. During a series scientific research it was found that cranberry juice has a strong antioxidant effect and even surpasses French red wine in it. 240 g of cranberries contain about 600 g of plant antioxidant - polyphenol. Cranberry juice does not contain preservatives, so the drink is great for baby food.

During epidemics and seasonal colds, it is recommended to combine medication with cranberry juice. Cranberries enhance the effect of drugs and help the body fight infection faster. It is known that miraculous cranberries contain a powerful anti-cancer component - quercetin.

Cranberry juice is very useful for nursing mothers, it helps to restore strength after childbirth and stimulates milk production. One glass of cranberry juice contains the daily amount of iron and calcium. It is recommended to drink cranberry juice an hour and a half before meals. If you drink about two liters of cranberry juice daily, after 2 weeks you can restore the impaired function of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, after this, the metabolism is normalized and weight loss is noted.

Cooking cranberry juice does not require much effort or time. Usually prepared berries are kneaded, poured with water and put on the stove. Cranberries are boiled for about five minutes, then the broth is filtered and left to cool. You can squeeze the juice from the mashed berries and pour it into the finished fruit drink. Sugar or honey is used as a sweetener. Sometimes cranberry juice is prepared with lemon juice or lemon zest. In cranberry juice, you can add a little cinnamon or cloves for flavor. The drink will turn out even more useful if you mix it with a pre-prepared and infused rosehip broth. Cranberry juice can be prepared not only from fresh berries, but also from frozen ones. You can serve the drink with a mint leaf.

Cranberry juice - preparing food and dishes

To prepare cranberry juice, it is necessary to defrost frozen berries in advance or process fresh ones. To do this, cranberries are sorted, washed and kneaded with a wooden pusher. After that, you can squeeze the juice out of them and then add it to the finished fruit drink. If a lemon is used, the zest is removed from it and the juice is squeezed out. You need to prepare the required amount of sugar and honey in advance. If cranberry juice is mixed with wild rose, the wild rose is also sorted out, washed and steamed overnight in a thermos.

What you may need: a saucepan, a bowl for juice, a juicer, a wooden pusher, a blender, a sieve and clean, ironed cheesecloth. Chilled juice is poured into glasses or wine glasses and served with a slice of lemon or mint leaf.

Cranberry juice recipes:

Recipe 1: Cranberry juice

The easiest recipe for a popular berry drink. Cranberry juice is made from cranberries and water with added sugar. The drink is perfect for a hot summer day, so it is recommended to cool it before serving. Cranberry juice can also be given to children.

Required Ingredients:

  • 150 g cranberries;
  • Water - 600 ml;
  • Sugar - about half a glass (you can make the drink more or less sweet if you take different proportions).

Cooking method:

We sort the cranberries, wash them thoroughly. We take a large pan of non-oxidizing material and put the berries there. Mash the berries with a wooden crush. Then we take a glass bowl and prepared clean gauze. Cover the bowl with cheesecloth and put the berries on it. Squeeze out the juice from the mixture. Put the berry cake back into the pan, while we remove the juice to the side. Fill the berries with water and put on the stove. Bring the berry broth to a boil and strain. Add to the hot strained broth right amount Sahara. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then we cool the fruit drink and pour the squeezed juice into it. Morse mix, after which it can be served.

Recipe 2: Cranberry juice with honey

Honey gives cranberry juice a pleasant enveloping taste. The total cooking time is about half an hour. One serving of this juice contains only 46 calories.

Required Ingredients:

  • Half a kilo of cranberries;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

We sort the cranberries, wash them and put them in a bowl. Mash the berries with a wooden crush. Squeeze the cranberry juice from the berries into a glass bowl. We spread the cake in a saucepan, pour it into water and put it on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes. Strain the broth into a clean bowl. In a hot broth, stir the honey until completely dissolved, then pour in the cranberry juice. Morse mix and leave to cool. During hot seasons, serve chilled.

Recipe 3: Frozen Cranberry Juice

An excellent recipe for cranberry juice, for which frozen berries are used. The drink can be prepared at any time of the year, if you make preparations in advance.

Required Ingredients:

  • Half a kilo of frozen cranberries;
  • A liter of boiled water;
  • Honey or sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

We take the berries out of the freezer and leave to thaw. We skip the berries through a juicer. Pour water into the resulting juice and sweeten to taste with sugar or honey. Mix thoroughly and serve. This method of cooking cranberry allows you to save all the vitamins and nutrients.

Recipe 4: Cranberry juice with rose hips

A very healthy and tasty drink. Rosehip gives cranberry juice a pleasant aroma and a delicate aftertaste. A drink is prepared from cranberries and rose hips.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cranberries - half a kilo;
  • Rosehip - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • Two liters of water.

Cooking method:

We sort the cranberries, wash and knead in a bowl with a crush. Squeeze the juice from the crushed berries through cheesecloth. We spread the cake in a saucepan and fill it with water. Bring to a boil and boil for about 5 minutes. Then filter the broth and add sugar to taste. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. In parallel, we make an infusion of wild rose. To do this, we sort out the wild rose, wash it and fill it with boiled water in a thermos. It is best to leave the rose hips overnight. Ready infusion is filtered and mixed with cranberry juice. A delicious and healthy drink is ready!

Recipe 5: Cranberry juice with lemon

Lemon brings a pleasant sourness and fresh aroma to cranberry juice. This drink perfectly quenches the heat and is suitable for a hot summer day. Preparing cranberry juice with lemon is easy and fast.

Required Ingredients:

  • Three glasses of cranberries;
  • Sugar - about 15 tablespoons (the amount of sugar can be varied);
  • Zest from one lemon;
  • Lemon juice from one lemon;
  • Water.

Cooking method:

We sort the cranberries, wash and grind with sugar. You can use a blender for this. Then put the cranberries with sugar in a large container, add lemon juice and lemon zest. Pour boiling water over cranberries. Leave the mixture to cool, then cover the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. We insist cranberry juice for about 12 hours. Before drinking, the drink must be filtered.

Ready cranberry juice can be stored in the refrigerator for three days, after which the drink loses its beneficial properties. Some people like cranberry juice sour or, conversely, sweeter. You can adjust the taste by adding different amounts of sugar. To preserve vitamins and beneficial properties, it is better to pour squeezed cranberry juice into a cooled cranberry juice. To make the drink healthier, you can replace sugar with honey. The amount of sugar or honey depends on the ripeness of the berries, the sweeter the berries, the less sweetener you need to add. The longer the berries boil, the more vitamins are lost. If the juice is prepared every day, it is better to use a blender to reduce the cooking time. When squeezing berries, cranberry juice can irritate the skin of the hands, so it is better to wear gloves. Who does not have time to cook cranberry juice, you can do useful blank from berries. To do this, crush the cranberries with a blender along with sugar or honey, put the mixture in a glass dish, close it tightly and put it in the refrigerator. Such a berry mixture can be added to taste in tea, compote or in a simple boiled water. To prepare cranberry juice, you need to use a non-oxidizing metal pan.

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