Dark matter in space. What is dark matter? Is there dark matter? Perhaps whether to register dark matter

Garden technique 20.09.2019
Garden technique

The term "dark matter" (or hidden weight) is used in different fields of science: in cosmology, astronomy, physics. We are talking about a hypothetical subject - the form of the contents of space and time, which directly interacts with electromagnetic radiation and does not let it through itself.

Dark matter - what is it?

From time immemorial people, people were worried about the origin of the universe and the processes that form it. In the age of technology were made important discoveries, and the theoretical base is significantly expanded. In 1922, the British physicist James Jeans and the Dutch astronomer Jacobus Karttein found that most of The galactic substance is not visible. Then the term dark matter was called for the first time - this is a substance that cannot be seen by any of the known humanity. The presence of a mysterious substance issues indirect signs - a gravitational field, heaviness.

Dark Matter in Astronomy and Cosmology

Suppose that all objects and parts in the Universe are attracted to each other, astronomers were able to find a mass of visible space. But there was a discrepancy in the weight of real and predicted. And scientists have found out that there is an invisible mass, which is put to 95% of the entire unknown essence in the universe. Dark matter in space has the following signs:

  • exposed to gravity;
  • affects other space objects,
  • weakly interacts with the real world.

Dark matter - philosophy

Dark matter in philosophy occupies a separate place. This science is engaged in the study of the world order, the foundations of being, the system of visible and invisible worlds. For the primancy, a certain substance was taken, determined by space, time surrounding the factors. Many later, the mysterious dark matter of cosmos has changed the understanding of the world, its devices and evolution. IN philosophical sense An unknown substance, as a clush of the energy of space and time, is present in each of us, so people are mortal, because they consist of time that has the end.

Why do you need dark matter?

Only a small part of cosmic objects (planets, stars, etc.) - visible substance. By the standards of various scientists, dark energy and dark matter occupy almost all space in space. The first one accounts for 21-24%, the energy occupies 72%. Each substance is unclear physical nature has its own functions:

  1. Black energy that does not absorb and not emitting light, repels objects, forcing the universe to expand.
  2. Based on the hidden mass of galaxies, its strength attracts objects in space space, keeps them in their places. That is, it slows down the expansion of the universe.

What is dark matter about?

Dark matter in the solar system is something that can not touch, consider and explore thoroughly. Therefore, several hypotheses are put forward relative to its nature and composition:

  1. Unknown science particles involved in gravity are a component of this substance. It is impossible to detect them into the telescope.
  2. The phenomenon is a cluster of small black holes (no more than the moon size).

Two types of hidden weight can be distinguished depending on the speed of the components of its particles, the density of their accumulation.

  1. Hot. It is not enough to form galaxies.
  2. Cold. Consists of slow, massive clots. These components may be well-known acion and bosons science.

Is there dark matter?

All attempts to measure the objects of unexplored physical nature did not bring success. In 2012, the movement of 400 stars around the Sun was investigated, but the presence of a hidden substance in large volumes was not proved. Even if dark matter does not exist in reality, it takes place in theory. With it, it is explained by finding the objects of the universe in their places. Some scientists find evidence of the existence of a hidden space mass. Her presence in the Universe explains the fact that the accumulations of galaxies will not fly into different sides And hold together.

Dark matter - Interesting facts

The nature of the hidden mass remains a mystery, but it continues to be interested in scientists of the minds of the whole world. Experiments are regularly held, with the help of which the substance itself is trying to explore side effects. And the facts about it continue to multiply. For example:

  1. The spent large hadron collider, which is the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, works at high power to identify the existence of an invisible substance in space. The world community is waiting for results.
  2. Japanese scientists create the world's first hidden mass card in space. It is planned to finish it by 2019.
  3. Recently, Lisa Randall Physico Theorist put forward the assumption that dark matter and dinosaurs are connected. This substance sent a comet to Earth, which destroyed life on the planet.

The components of our galaxy and the whole universe are bright and dark matter, that is, visible and not visible objects. If with learning the first modern machinery COLLECTS, the methods are constantly being improved, then hidden substances to explore very problematic. Humanity has not yet come to understand this phenomenon. Invisible, intangible, but the ubiquitous dark matter was and remains one of the main mysteries of the universe.

Refers to the "Theory of the Universe"

Dark matter and Dark Energy in the Universe

V. A. Rubakov,
Institute of Nuclear Research RAS, Moscow, Russia

1. Introduction

Natural science is now at the beginning of the new, unusually an interesting stage of its development. He is remarkable primarily by the fact that the science of the micrometer is the physics of elementary particles - and the science of the Universe - cosmology - become a single science on the fundamental properties of the world around us. In various methods, they respond to the same questions: which matter is filled with the Universe today? What was her evolution in the past? What processes that occurred between the elementary particles in the early universe were ultimately led to her modern state? If relatively recently, the discussion of this kind of issues has stopped at the level of hypotheses, today there are numerous experimental and observational data that allow you to receive quantitative (!) Answers to these questions. This is another feature of the current stage: Cosmology has become an accurate science in the last 10-15 years. Already today, observational cosmology data have high accuracy; More information about the modern and early universe will be received in the coming years.

Recently obtained cosmological data require a cardinal addition modern ideas On the structure of matter and the fundamental interactions of elementary particles. Today we know everything or almost everything about those "bricks", of which the usual substance consists - atoms, the atomic nuclei, which are part of the proton nuclei and neutrons, and how these "bricks" interact are interacting at distances up to 1 / 1000 size of the atomic nucleus (Fig. 1). This knowledge was obtained as a result of perennial experimental studies, mainly at accelerators, and the theoretter of the simplicity of these experiments. The cosmological data indicate the existence of new types of particles, not yet open on earthly conditions and components of "dark matter" in the universe. Most likely, we are talking about the whole layer of new phenomena in microme physics, and it is quite possible that this reservoir phenomena will be opened in earthly laboratories in the near future.

An even more surprising result of observational cosmology was an indication of the existence new form Matters - "Dark Energy".

What properties dark matter and dark energy and? What cosmological data indicate their existence? What does it speak from the point of view of microworous physics? What are the prospects for studying dark matter and dark energy and on earthly conditions? These questions are devoted to your attention a lecture.

2. Expanding universe

There are a number of facts speaking the properties of the Universe today and in the relatively late past.

Universe in general homogeneous: All areas in the universe look equally. Of course, this does not apply to small regions: there are areas where many stars are galaxies; There are areas where many galaxies are galaxies; There are areas where a little galaxies are gigantic emptiness. But the range of 300 million light years and more looks all the same. Astronomical observations are clearly indicated about this, as a result of which a "map" of the Universe is composed of about 10 billion light years from us. It must be said that this "map" serves as the source of the most valuable information about the modern universe, since it allows at the quantitative level to determine exactly how the substance in the universe is distributed.

On the fig. 2. The fragment of this card is shown, covering a relatively small volume of the universe. It can be seen that in the universe there are structures of quite large size, but in general the galaxy "scattered" in it is uniformly.

Universe expands: Galaxies are removed from each other. The space is stretched in all directions, and the farther from us there is one or another galaxy, the faster it is removed from us. Today, the pace of this expansion is small: all distances will increase by half of 15 billion, but before the expansion rate was much more. The density of the substance in the Universe decreases over time, and in the future the universe will be more and more sparse. On the contrary, the universe was much more dense before now. The expansion of the universe expresses the "redness" of light emitted by remote galaxies or bright stars: due to the total stretching of the space, the light wavelength increases during the time he flies towards us. It was this phenomenon that E. Hubble was established in 1927 and served as observational evidence of the expansion of the Universe predicted over three years before Alexander Friedman.

It is wonderful that modern observational data allow you to measure not only the rate of expansion of the Universe at present, but to trace the pace of its expansion in the past. We will still talk about the results of these measurements and arising from them from them. Here, let's say about the following: the very fact of expanding the universe, together with the theore of the gravity - the general theore of the relativity - indicates that in the past the universe was extremely dense and extremely rapidly expanded. If you trace the evolution of the universe back into the past, using the well-known laws of physics, we will come to the conclusion that this evolution began from the moment of the Big Explosion; At that moment, the substance in the universe was so dense, and the gravitational interaction so strong that the well-known laws of physics were not applicable. Since then, 14 billion years have passed, this is the age of the modern universe.

The Universe is "warm": it has electromagnetic radiation, characterized by temperature T \u003d 2,725 degrees Kelvin (relic photons, today representing radio waves). Of course, this temperature is small today (below the temperature of liquid helium), but it was far from the past. In the process of expansion, the universe cools, so that in the early stages of its evolution, the temperature as the density of the substance was much higher than today. In the past, the universe was hot, dense and fast expanding.

Photograph shown on fig. 3. , led to several important and unexpected conclusions. First, it allowed us to establish that our three-dimensional space with a good degree of Euclidean accuracy: the sum of the triangle angles in it is equal to 180 degrees even for triangles with the parties, the lengths of which are comparable to the size of the visible part of the universe, i.e. comparable from 14 billion light years. Generally speaking, the general theorette of relativity admits that the space may not be Euclidean, but curved; The observant data indicate that it is not so (at least for our area of \u200b\u200bthe Universe). The method of measuring the "sum of the corners of the triangle" on the cosmological scale of the distances is as follows. It is possible to reliably calculate the characteristic spatial size of the areas where the temperature differs from the average: at the time of the transition of the plasma gas, this size is determined by the age of the universe, i.e., 300 thousand light years are proportional. The observed angular size of these areas depends on the geometry of the three-dimensional space, which makes it possible to establish that this geometry is Euclidean.

In the event of the Euclidean geometry of the three-dimensional space, the general theorest of relativity unambiguously binds the pace of expansion of the universe with the total density of all forms of energy and, as well as in the Newtonian theorette, the rate of circulation of the Earth around the Sun is determined by the mass of the sun. The measured expansion pace corresponds to the full density of energy and in the modern universe

In terms of the density of mass (since I am the energy is associated with a mass ratio E. = mS 2 ) This number is

If I had an energy in the universe, the energy of the conventional substance was determined by it, then on average, there would be 5 protons in the universe cubic meter. We will see, however, that the usual substance in the universe is much less.

Secondly, from the photo fig. 3. can be installed what was value (amplitude) heterogeneities Temperatures and densities in the early universe - it was 10 -4 -10 -5 from average values. It is from these density heterogeneities that galaxies and clusters of galaxies arose: areas with more high density They attracted the surrounding substance at the expense of gravitational forces, became even more dense and ultimately formed galaxies.

Since the initial density heterogeneities are known, the process of formation of galaxies can be calculated and the result is compared with the observed distribution of galaxies in the universe. This calculation is consistent with observations only if we assume that in addition to conventional substance, there is another type of substance in the Universe - dark matterThe contribution of which in full energy density and today is about 25%.

Another stage of the evolution of the Universe corresponds to even earlier times, from 1 to 200 seconds (!) Since the larger explosion, when the temperature of the Universe reached billion of degrees. At this time, the universe took place thermonuclear reactionssimilar to the reactions flowing in the center of the Sun or in the thermonuclear bomb. As a result of these reactions, part of the protons contacted neutrons and formed the light nuclei - the kernel of helium, deuterium and lithium-7. The number of pulmonary nuclei can be calculated, while the only unknown parameter is the density of the proton number in the universe (the latter, of course, is reduced by expanding the universe, but its values \u200b\u200bin different times Simplely related to each other).

Comparison of this calculation with the observed number of light elements in the universe is given on fig. four : Lines are the results of the theoretter of the simulation calculation depending on the only parameter - the density of the conventional substance (barions), and the rectangles are observational data. It is wonderful that there is consent for all three light nuclei (helium-4, deuterium and lithium-7); There is agreement with the data on relic radiation (shown vertical stripe In fig. 4, indicated by the CMV - Cosmic Microwave Background). This consent suggests that the general theorer of the relativity and the well-known laws of nuclear physics correctly describe the universe at the age of 1-200 seconds, when the substance in it had a billion degree temperature and higher. It is important for us that all these data lead to the conclusion that the density of the mass of the conventional substance in the modern universe is

i.e., a conventional substance is invested only 5% in full density of energy and in the universe.

4. Balance energy in the modern universe

So, the share of ordinary substance (protons, atomic nuclei, electrons) in total energy and in the modern universe is only 5%. In addition to the conventional substance, there are also relic neutrinos - about 300 neutrinos of all types in a cubic centimeter. Their contribution to the total energy of Yu (Mass) in the Universe is small, since the masses are small, and is not more than 3%. The remaining 90-95% of the total energy in the universe is "unknown that." Moreover, it is "unknown that" consists of two fractions - dark matter and dark energy and, as depicted on fig. five .

In this case, the stars in the stars are 10 times less; The usual substance is mainly in gas clouds.

5. Dark matter

Dark matter is akin to the usual substance in that sense that it is capable of galaxy (sized, say, with the galaxy or accumulation of galaxies) and participates in gravitational interactions as well as the usual substance. Most likely, it consists of new, non-open particles still on earthly conditions.

In addition to cosmological data, in favor of the existence of dark matter, it is measured by the gravitational field in the accumulations of galaxies and in galaxies. There are several ways to measure the gravitational field in the clusters of galaxies, one of which is a gravitational lenzing illustrated on fig. 6. .

The gravitational field of cluster twists the rays of light, emitted by the galaxy, which is behind the accumulation, i.e. the gravitational field acts as a lens. At the same time, several images of this remote galaxy appear; On the left half of Fig. 6 They have a blue color. The curvature of light depends on the mass distribution in the cluster, regardless of which particles create this mass. The mass distribution reduced in this way is shown on the right half of Fig. 6 blue; It can be seen that it is very different from the distribution of the luminous substance. The masses measured in a similar way, galaxies are consistent with the fact that dark matter invests about 25% in full density of energy and in the universe. Recall that the same number is obtained from the comparison theorm of the formation of structures (galaxies, clusters) with observations.

Dark matter is available in galaxies. This again follows from the measurements of the gravitational field, now in galaxies and their surroundings. The stronger the gravitational field, the faster it rotates around the galaxy of the star and the gas clouds, so that measurements of rotation rates depending on the distance to the center of the galaxy allow you to restore the mass distribution in it. This is illustrated by fig. 7. : With the removal from the center of the galaxy, the rate of appeal does not decrease, which indicates that in the galaxy, including in the distance from its luminous part, there is a non-darkening, dark matter. In our galaxy in the surroundings of the Sun, the mass of dark matter is about equal to the mass of the conventional substance.

What are particles of dark matter? It is clear that these particles should not disintegrate onto other, lighter particles, otherwise they would be broken during the existence of the universe. This fact itself suggests that in nature acts newuncooked while law of Conservationprohibiting these particles to break up. Analogy here with the law of conservation of an electric charge: an electron is the lightest particle with an electric charge, and that is why it does not fall into smaller particles (for example, neutrino and photons). Next, particles of dark matter are extremely poorly interacting with our substance, otherwise they would have been discovered in earth experiments. The region begins the region of hypotheses. The most believable (but far from the only!) It seems to be hypotheses and that particles of dark matter 100-1000 times heavier than the proton, and that their interaction with the conventional intensity substance is comparable to neutrino interaction. It is within this hypotheses that the modern density of dark matter finds a simple explanation: the particles of dark matter were intensively born and annihilated in a very early universe at ultra-high temperatures (about 10 15 degrees), and some of them lived to this day. With these parameters of these particles, their modern amount in the universe is obtained just what is needed.

Is it possible to expect the discovery of dark matter particles in the near future on earthly conditions? Because today we do not know the nature of these particles, it is quite unambiguous to answer this question. Nevertheless, the prospect is a very optimist of IEC.

There are several ways to search for particles of dark matter. One of them is associated with experiments on future high-energy accelerators and - collider. If the dark matter particles are really heavier than the proton 100-1000 times, they will be born in collisions of conventional particles, overclocked on collides to high energy (Energi, achieved in existing collides, is not enough for this). The closest perspectives are related to those under construction in the international center of CERN under the wife's largest adronle collider (LHC), which will receive counter protons from the energy of 7x7 teraelectronvolt. It must be said that according to the most popular AM hypotheses today, the particles of dark matter are just one representative of a new family of elementary particles, so along with the discovery of dark matter particles, you can hope for the detection of a whole class of new particles and new interactions at accelerators. Cosmology suggests that the world of elementary particles known today is not exhausted by the world's "bricks"!

Another way consists of registration of particles of dark matter that fly around us. They are by no means not enough: when mass equal to 1000 mass proton, these particles here and now there must be 1000 pieces in a cubic meter. The problem is that they are extremely weakly interact with conventional particles, the substance is transparent to them. However, particles of dark matter occasionally face atomic nuclei, and these collisions can be hoped to register. Search in this direction

Finally, another way is associated with the registration of products annihilation of particles of dark matter among themselves. These particles should accumulate in the center of the Earth and in the center of the Sun (the substance is practically transparent to them, and they are able to fall inside the Earth or the Sun). There they are annihilated with each other, and at the same time other particles are formed, including neutrino. These neutrinos are freely pass through the thickness of the Earth or the Sun, and can be registered with special installations - neutrine telescopes. One of these neutrino telescopes is located in the depths of Lake Baikal (NT-200, fig. eight ), Other (Amanda) - deep in ice on the southern pole.

As shown by fig. nine , Neutrinos coming, for example, from the center of the Sun, can with a low probability to experience interaction in water, resulting in a charged particle (muon), the light from which is recorded. Since neutrino interaction with matter is very weak, the likelihood of such an event is small, and a very large volume is required. Now the construction of a 1 cubic kilometer has begun on the southern pole.

There are other approaches to the search for particles of dark matter, for example, the search for products of their annihilation in the central region of our galaxy. Which of all these paths will be the first to succeed, the time will show, but in any case the opening of these new particles and the study of their properties will become the most important scientific achievement. These particles will tell us about the properties of the Universe after 10 -9 C (one billion seconds!) After a large explosion, when the temperature of the Universe was 10 15 degrees, and the particles of dark matter were intensively interacted with cosmic plasma.

6. Dark energy I

Dark energy I am a much strangest substance than dark matter. Start with the fact that it is not going to the clocks, but evenly "spilled" in the universe. In galaxies and clusters, the galaxies are as much as out of them. The most unusual is that dark energy I am in a certain meaning of E experiencing antigravitation. We have already said that modern astronomical methods can not only measure the current pace of expanding the universe, but also determine how it changed over time. So, astronomical observations indicate that today (and in the near past) the universe expands with acceleration: the rate of expansion is growing over time. In this sense, and we can talk about anti-gravity: the usual gravitational attraction would slow down the galaxies' running, and in our universe, it turns out, the opposite is the opposite.

Such a picture, generally speaking, does not contradict the general theore of the relativity, but for this dark energy I must have a special property - negative pressure. This sharply distinguishes it from conventional forms of matter. Will not be exaggerated to say that nature of dark energy and is main mystery Fundamental physics of the XXI century.

One of the candidates for the role of dark energy and - Vacuum. The energy density of Vacuum AI does not change when the universe is expanding, and this means the negative pressure of the vacuum. Another candidate is a new excess field, permeating the whole universe; For him, the term "quintessence" is used. There are other candidates, but in any case the dark energy I am something completely unusual.

Another way to explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe is to assume that the laws of gravity themselves are modified at cosmological distances and cosmological times. Such hypotheses is far from harmless: attempts to summarize the general theore of the relativity in this direction are faced with serious difficulties.

Apparently, if such a generalization is generally possible, it will be associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence of additional dimensions of the space, in addition to the three dimensions that we perceive in everyday experience.

Unfortunately, now it is not visible ways of direct experimental research of the dark energy and on earthly conditions. This, of course, does not mean that in the future there can be no new shiny ideas in this direction, but today the hopes for the clarification of the nature of the dark energy and (or, more widely, the reasons for the accelerated expansion of the universe) are connected exclusively with astronomical observations and receiving new, More accurate cosmological data. We have to learn in detail, as it was expanding the universe at a relatively late stage of its evolution, and this, we must hope to make the choice between different hypotheses of Ami.

We are talking about observations of supernova type 1a.

Changing energy and when the volume changes is determined by pressure, Δ E. = -p.Δ V.. When expanding the universe energy, I am a vacuum grows together with the volume (energy density and constant), which is possible only if the vacuum pressure is negative. Note that the opposite signs of pressure and energy and vacuum are directly followed from Lorenz invariance.

7. Conclusion

As often happens in science, the impressive successes of particle physics and cosmology put unexpected and fundamental questions. Today we do not know what is the main part of the matter in the universe. We can only guess what phenomena occur at ultra-long distances, and what processes occurred in the universe in the earliest stages of its evolution. It is wonderful that many of these issues will be found in the foreseeable future - for 10-15 years, and maybe earlier. Our time is the time of the cardinal change in nature, and the main discoveries here are still ahead.


04/18/2005 09:32 | Rykov.

I lecture Valery Anatolyevich Rubakova extremely liked. I first hear a lecture with a support not on the theore of Ja, but on the observed data. It is known that theores explaining the phenomena may be somewhat and even contradicting each other. In addition, the above data is placed in hypotheses in the nature of gravity and anti-gravity in the form of the charge and magneto-mass structure of the Vacuum. The excess of the charge "Vacuum" is the source of the Coulomb attraction between the bodies from the substance and at the same time the source of the repulsion of the same-name electric charge. This repulsion is observed in the form of an expansion of the Universe - at the beginning of the rapid due to the large density of the charge, now - slowed down due to the presence of approximately 2000 pendant / m ^ 3. "Dark" matter in the hypothesis E exists in the form of a magneto-mass continuum as a source of mass of real particles and magnetic induction flows.

18.04.2005 15:12 | Grechishkin.

04/18/2005 16:40 | Markab.

Lecture surprised. Just a big problem with observation material. They took from the ceiling from the beginning of the dark matter, in order to explain the lack of the observed mass of galaxies, and then, in order to explain the observed expansion of the universe, introduced the dark energy of YU. The properties of dark matter were explained very logically: it does not enter into strong interaction (that is, it cannot be combined into heavier elements), electrically neutral, with a conventional substance interacts very poorly (as neutrino therefore poorly discovered) and has a very large peace of rest. A large rest mass was probably needed a speaker in order to explain why this particle was not discovered so far. There are simply no such accelerators. And if they were, they would certainly found. Need a hidden mass - get. Situation as with ether in old times.
The observational material does indicate that in galactic halo is concentrated not registered by the telescopes matter. Question "What could it be?" It still remains open, but why explain the problem of the hidden mass through the family of new particles ??
Relatively dark energy and. Expansion of the universe fact is observed until not explained but not new. To explain the expansion of the Universe, the author requires dark energy. Mathematically repulsion of matter introduced Einstein Vwid Lambda member, now physically we explain the lambda member of the dark matter. One incomprehensible - otherwise different. Here in Newton's philosophy to explain the sustainability of the orbits of the planets required God, since otherwise the gravity, the planets would have to fall into the sun. Here, God called the Dark Energy of Yu.
An energy ballane and in the modern universe appear no less interesting. So all the substance is given less than 10%, the particles have 25% of the energy and, well, and everything else - the dark energy. As considered: the Evklidov Universe -\u003e the expansion rate is known-\u003e Apply from ═O \u003d we obtain the overall energy of the Universe.
From what they got, took the energy of Y ...

04/18/2005 16:43 | Markab.

From the fact that they received, the energy of the observed substance was taken away, and the remaining Energy of Ya was divided between the pulp (I) and the missing mass (dark matter).
Let's start with the emergence of the universe. Equity of the Universe must be proved by several independent ways. The proposed method is inconconed by the fact that the moment of the revenue of the Universe of Plasma Gas can be estimated at best with a multiplier 2 in one direction or another. Therefore, whether Euclide is the Universe if the cell size is to take 150 or 600 thousand light years? Most probably not. And it means that it is impossible to apply in for evaluating the overall energy and in the universe.

04/19/2005 19:58 | Rykov.

In any outcome, the counter arguments is brand, we see an amazing coincidence between the "dark" matter and magneto-mass continuum, between the "dark" energy and the charging structure of the physical vacuum. Therefore, I consider a new word in cosmology as almost direct confirmation of the spread of light and gravity in space. This is a very good coincidence.

19.04.2005 23:10 | Alex1998.

Okay noodles to the ears to hang about the "amazing coincidences". I forgot already like you in ru.science nose poke? You have not only with the "dark" matters of coincidences, but also with school currency Physics.

Although the frame you are certainly rare in their unceremonious ... And Maldasen has already digested, and Ginsburg pats on the shoulder ...

06/10/2005 15:15 | Rykov.

Is it Lukyanov?
Read this: "Gravity Speed"
http://www.inauka.ru/blogs/artic le54362 / print.html
For your self-education. In general, in physics a very strange situation. On this occasion:
1. The spread of light (EMV) is impossible in emptiness devoid of electrical charges. Physics claims the opposite, contradict the materiality of the universe. Perhaps this is the main rush in physical theorest AI.
2. He recorded at the constancy of the speed of light for the Universe leads to the following distortion of the materiality of our world: the need to introduce a slowdown in time to explain the observed phenomena. Without this introduction of changes in the time of time, any interpretation of these experience is impossible.
3. The curvature of space as a model of gravity and inertia also leads to the denial of the material base of gravity. At the same time, the universal value of the PI number in physics is disturbed, which is implemented only in an inexcirculant space.

Probably, these are the main errors in physics. Everything else can be perceived as a growth cost of understanding in the device of the world. The whole complexity of the situation of idealism in physics is related to the fact that the results of observations and experiments "confirm" physical theores of the AI. The problem lies in the method of interpreting observations and experiments, which, in case of erroneousness and truth, theorest AI is obliged to be different. In the essays, an attempt was made of the right interpretation in physics, opposing interpretation with intangible positions. Therefore, the second (sufficient) condition of any physical theore of the AI \u200b\u200bshould be its materialistic substantiation. For example, all references to the possibility of transmitting physical interactions or the transfer of so-called physical fields in an emptiness are devoid of a material basis. Relevant sections Theoreor of Simer Physics must be corrected taking into account the materiality of the world.

04/19/2005 19:58 | Rykov.

04/20/2005 12:07 | Markab.

Following already said, in the arguments of the author about the dark matter, the report contains another "dark place".
1) From the results of the observation, see Fig. 7 report, it follows that the measured speed of rotation of stars with the removal from the galaxy kernel turns out to be higher than the calculated. In fig. 7 They are indicated by "observations" and "without dark matter" (unfortunately the maximum of the "observation" curve is visible, its ~ logarithmic growth). The observed "increased" speed by the author explains the presence of dark matter in our galaxy. In fig. 6 (right) is an example of the restoration of the gravitational field to observe microlynzing Fig. 6 (left). The resulting gravitational field is a total field, which contributes and the observed substance and dark matter. From fig. 6 (right) It follows that dark matter is distributed in the galaxy as well as the usual one - it focuses along with visible substance: in the core of the galaxies, star clusters, stars and dark clouds.
2) from fig. 5 It follows that dark matter is about 5 times more than a conventional substance. That is, it is it that makes a determining contribution to gravitational interaction. This matter should be in the sun, in the ground, and in Jupiter, etc.
3) In the solar system, the speed of planets with removal from the Sun does not increase, and decreases. Moreover, there is no local maximum in the speeds of the planets with the removal from the sun. Why in galaxy differently? Contradiction??
What can it mean?
A) Dark matter in the author's interpretation does not exist. In order to explain the "elevated" speed of stars in the galaxy, it is necessary to look for a conventional substance that can be hidden in molecular clouds, black holes, cooled neutron stars and white dwarfs.
B) Dark matter in the interpretation of the author exists. We do not notice her, because it is accustomed to her. By the way, good way Lose weight, better than Herbalife: Squeeze dark matter and become lighter 5 times!

04/21/2005 13:42 | Markab.

Let's summarize the reasoning about the dark matter. Interpretation of a dark matter image, as suggested by the Rapporteur inevitably leads to the revision of all Star Evolution.
So, according to the author's statements, dark matter is: a particle with a mass of 100-1000 masses of a proton, which does not have an electric charge involved in gravitational interaction, not involved in strong interaction. With the conventional substance reacts weakly, approximately as neutrino. Submits to a certain conservation law that prevents the decomposition of such a particle.
The mass of dark matter is about 5 times more than the mass of the conventional substance. (According to the report). Dark matter concentrated in the same centers as the usual substance - the kernel of galaxies, star clusters, stars, nebulae, etc. (According to the report).
Astrophysical consequences (introducing dark matter)
1) On the stars, the conditions of radiant equilibrium with gravity are performed. The radiation is allocated as a result of nuclear reactions of the star substance. Dark matter, located in the star gravitational compresses it, but does not participate in nuclear reactions. Therefore, the hypothetical administration of dark matter in the star under the condition of preserving its mass leads to the fact that the amount of substance capable of participating in nuclear reactions is reduced several times. So it is reduced several times (!) Star lifetime. What is not fulfilled at least on the example of our sun, which is safely exists of ~ 5 billion years and still the same will exist.
2) In the process of evolution, the share of dark matter on the star is growing, since particles with a mass (100-1000 mr) will not leave the star or the star wind or the reset of the shell. Moreover, due to its mass, dark matter will focus in the star's core. This means that at the end of the stellar evolution, when the star turns into a white dwarf or neutron star, the overwhelming part of its mass should consist of dark matter! (And it is not known which statisticians (TM) is subject to and what properties it has.) And this in turn should change the limit ...

04/21/2005 13:44 | Markab.

And this in turn should change the limit of the chandrekar on white dwarfs and Opechaimer-Volkov on neutron stars. However, it is not experimentally observed displacement by the mass of the limit of Chandrekar White Dwarf - a neutron star.
Both of these arguments are once again convinced that dark matter in the interpretation of Mr. Rubakov simply not.

04/21/2005 22:18 | Algen.

04/27/2005 10:10 | Markab.

The process of condensation of the substance depends not on the absolute velocity of the substance (the speed of rotation around the galaxy kernel), and from relative, i.e. Speeds with which particles of dark matter move relatively ordinary matter. As for the absolute value of the speed of 100-200 km / s, this insertion is not big. For example, the rate of motion of the substance around the kernel in the surroundings of the Sun is about 250 km / s, which does not interfere with the storage process.

04/20/2005 00:33 | Golos.

Multivaable Mr. Shubakov! With interest I read your lecture for which it is very grateful. I will not go into details, for the amateur.
Mr. Shubakov. I am the question of which I can not get a clear answer. The essence of this. Suppose there is some mass around which the masses of others are rotated at a distance of millions of light years. Let's say a hypothetical case: the mass around which other masses rotates, during a thousand years the black hole swallowed. Roughly let's say that the reason for the attraction of rotating bodies disappeared / it is clear that it is not at all. The essence is not in this. / But moving with acceleration of the body will move with the previous accelerations of another thousand years. As long as the indignation of the Gravo does not come to them. It turns out, these thousands of years have interacted names with the field? And it is the field that accelerated them? But if so, then according to theorests theorestration inevitably it follows that the accelerating bodies initially interact with the engrave, "repel" from it. Consequently, the field has a pulse and, therefore, weighing. Which is automatically equal to the mass of the body accelerated. But if so, this means that in the universe, in addition to the mass of the observed substance, there is the same accurate mass of the gravitational field. Moreover, the strength attached to this field is applied not to the point, but blurred in infinity. It is intuitive that this mass may be the cause of expanding the space of the universe, because it is clearly mutually repeated.
I will not fantasize. I just would like to know your opinion about these reasoning, even if they are unlucky. I am an amateur, for this reason, the defeat criticism of my reputation will not hurt. Behind the lack of it.

04/20/2005 09:03 | Rykov.

Dear voice! I am also an amateur and not accept my answer to you as a replacement of dear Valery Anatolyevich. It seems to me if he will answer, then all remarks immediately. My answer you are able to find on the pages:
Spreading light and gravity in space
http://www.inauka.ru/blogs/artic le41392.html
The key to understanding the NEW Universe! 27/12/2004
http://www.worldspace.narod.ru/r u / index.html

04/21/2005 09:03 | Rykov.

04/21/2005 11:52 | Golos.

04/21/2005 22:16 | Algen.

Let's start with the fact that if the central mass is swallowed by a black hole, then nothing will happen to the gravitational field. It was, as it remains.

However, your reasoning is true. Really remote objects interact with the gravitational field and until they reach the signals about changes in the center of events, they will move as before. Otherwise there would be a violation of causality.

You make the right conclusion that the gravitational field has an energy and impulse. This is really a physical field. However, the conclusion that this energy I (mass) is something "automatically" is equal, unreasonable and incorrect.

In general, the question of the energy and gravitational field is quite tangled. According to him, specialists have different opinions. That is, about the fact of the fact of availability and no one argues, but it is not quite clear how to indicate exactly this energy I am localized. This is quite well written in Penrose and in the book "New King's mind of the king." I recommend reading. I am in the universe7.Files / F_Line.gif "\u003e

Dear Algen! We continue with the fact that the black hole, which swallowed the central mass, will change the characteristics of the central mass again. So the gravitational field, in my opinion, will undergo, with time, some changes. On the interaction of remote objects with engrave. I did not mean that the mass of it is automatically equal to the entire star substance. I believed that the mass of the starry substance automatically enters the mass of the engrail. Agree, it is somewhat different meaning. On the localization of energy and engrail. In my opinion, talking about it more than strange. Energain I, nested by the star substance in the gravier, blossoms in infinity. Since it, nevertheless, "comes" from discrete bodies, most likely the mutualization is most likely to be one of the reasons to expand the universe. Of course, it is just hypotheses a. But if we assume that this is so, then the interactions of these masses / energy can be described by Lobachevsky geometry. Interestingly, the law of mutual world repulsion, similar to our world of world, how can it be recorded in it?
Of course, I treat this approval as a hypotheses e.
Thank you for information about the book Penrose a. I'll look. If you have information, where and how it can be found, I will be very grateful.

06.05.2005 22:16 | Alex1998.

15.05.2005 10:50 | Mihail.

There is no dark matter and all the more dark energy and in nature does not exist - rather, it is a darkness in the brains trying to "fasten" the universe to the existing ridiculous relativities of the Stroke Theor Iy. Of course, nature is full and many other types of unknowns while science of radiation, including the main - graviton. Gryton Matter fills the entire universe and constitutes a significant share of her mass, but this matter itself does not have gravity (but creates it!). No anti-gravity in the universe does not exist - nature does not need. The concept of anti-gravity is the fruit of forensitude.

23.05.2005 06:30 | Kpuser.

I draw the attention of the author and readers that the nature of the dark matter, presented in the article "the main mystery of the fundamental physics of the XXI century", is easily detected in the framework of the neoclassical concept of physics based on the description of the free movement of unloadable bodies by the generalized Lorentz equation. Two equations are presented in this equation. classic power: Newtonian body inertia and generalized Lorentz power, which takes into account the elastic interaction of the body with its own physical or power field.
The solution of the equation indicates the magnetic nature of gravity and leads to two forms of the world of world. One of them is the traditional Newtonian - applicable for local spacecraft type Solar systemin which gravity is due to the mutual attraction of real or real masses of matter. Another shows that in large-scale space structures The type of galaxies and their clusters appear antgovernmental phenomena, due to the mutual repulsion of the imaginary masses, in which the mass of power fields or dark matter prevails. Read more with this can be found on our website at: http://www.livejournal.com/commu I am in the Universe7.Files / Elementy "\u003e

To Maxim Chicago.
And could you, so to speak, "correspond": to justify your "sentence" with the corresponding arguments? What exactly in my work seems to you "antiphysics"? Or so you evaluate the generalized Lorentz equation, at which the work was able to build a practically finished building modern physics? Please explain.
K. Agafonov

08.06.2005 16:40 | Chee.
Copyright site fornit

Dark matter is dark not because black, but because it is a "dark horse" in the literal sense: no one knows what it is. Physics dark matter is needed in order to explain the discrepancy in accelerating the expansion of the universe and the inconsistency of the visible mass of matter. Dark matter takes over 95% invisible matter from all its number in the universe. The problem is that dark matter weakly interacts with the real world, only at the gravity level, so caught, fix it or create it is not possible on this moment. And our means of monitoring and searching are too weak to catch particles of dark matter, although work in this area is definitely underway.

The European Laboratory of Physical Research of CERN stated that it is planning a new experiment to find particles associated with dark matter, which is assumed to be about 27% of the Universe. The experiment will be conducted in the same place where a giant laboratory in a 27-kilometer tunnel on the French-Swiss border is located. Its task will be the search for "lungs and weakly interacting particles".

New theory argues that dark matter does not exist November 26th, 2016

And here it turns out to be at all that may not exist! That's the times!

We can be on the threshold scientific revolutionwhich radically changes our ideas about space, time and gravity, "says Eric Verlinde physicist (Erik Verlinde). The general theory of Einstein relativity cannot be used in a microscopic scale and, apparently, cannot give an explanation to such phenomena as a black hole and a big explosion. The idea of \u200b\u200binvisible dark matter and dark energy cannot explain those observations that contradict Einstein's theory.

The Netherlands Physicist Eric Verinda offers a completely new theory, which can explain the movement in the Universe without the influence of dark matter.

Verbinda denies the force of attraction as one of the fundamental forces and believes that it is a phenomenon that arises as a consequence of other smaller movements. He calls it an eurged gravity.

In 2011 Nobel Prize Physics was awarded to three Astrophysopsics Sal Perlmutter, Adam Rissu (Adam Riess) and Brian Schmidt (BRIAN Schmidt).

Scientists have discovered what is considered one of the first breakthroughs in theoretical astrophysics, namely, that the universe accelerates its expansion, and does not slow down, as they thought before.

Sol Perlmutter began this work, starting in 1988 to study the light from supernovae. Six years later, Adam Riss and Brian Schmidt took this relay, and as they say, two teams had disputes due to discoveries.

Both teams expected that the expansion of the Universe slowed down due to gravity between galaxies, this is one of the consequences of the general theory of Einstein's relativity. Both teams, meanwhile, came to the same conclusion: the assumption was erroneous, the universe expands everything faster.

On the basis of Einstein 1915 theory, there was an assumption that the only prolonged natural force capable of influence the expansion of the universe was gravity. It was also believed that the galaxies would attract each other and therefore slow down the expansion rate of the universe after a large explosion.

We still do not know exactly what the error is. We absolutely do not know what it is for repulsive strength, and only call it dark energy. Scientists suggested that 96% of the universe consist of dark matter and dark energy.

The term "dark matter" is also used in order to explain why the stars remain in the twisting galaxy, and do not fly out of it in the universe.

But: not only an ordinary person believes that the idea of \u200b\u200bsome invisible strength in the universe is not entirely correct.

The famous Netherlands physicist Eric Verbidda published a scientific article, where it claims that it can explain the movement without influencing it dark matter, writes the phys.org website.

The core of Verbind's explanation is contrary to the idea of \u200b\u200bentropy gravity. In 2010, he surprised the scientific community of this its theory, refuted the way of thinking of people in the last 300 years.

According to Verbind theory, the attraction force is not one of four fundamental forces, it is something that arises. Verbinda argues that gravity is an emergenic phenomenon.

Just as heat is formed when microscopic particles are moving, gravity is formed - by changes in the position of the celestial bodies collected in the structure itself space-time.

"We have evidence that this method of viewing gravity actually coincides with what we see. In a large scale, the attraction force behaves absolutely not as predicts the theory of Einstein, "he says on the Phys.org website.

On the threshold of the scientific revolution

Science has long known that in the general theory of the relativity of Einstein and the theories of quantum mechanics there is something incomprehensible.

The first explains the things of a large scale as the items in the universe affect each other. Quantum mechanics Used to explain things on the microscopic level. But both theories cannot be used simultaneously with each other, which is indeed a big mystery of modern physics.

Both theories cannot be true at the same time. Problems begin in the most intense situations, such as the proximity of the black hole and a big explosion.

Verbind believes that we are approaching the solution of the Mystery, which will require rewrite a lot in textbooks.

"Many theoretical physicists, such as I, work on the revision of the theory, and have already made great steps forward. Maybe we are standing on the threshold of a scientific revolution that will radically change our ideas about space, time and gravity, "says Verbrede on the Phys.org website.

In general, there is such an opinion that " With the old theory, we have nothing more ... bones of the university ... And the children, and the wife? Urgently need a new theory, and under it grants, awards, honor ...."


British researchers from the radio astronomy observatory Jodrell Bank believe that our universe for two thirds consists of dark matter (Dark Matter). According to other estimates, the usual substance is not more than 10% of the material actually contained in the universe. It can be said that 90% of matter in the universe is a riddle. This is the matter, which is impossible to observe a telescope that does not reflect the rays of light and does not radiate photons in any range of the electromagnetic spectrum. In fact, it turns out that there is a different type of mass, a certain invisible substance from which the Universe is built.

One of the significant evidence of the presence of dark matter in the Universe can be considered the data obtained in the zero years of the 21st century on the Hubble Space Telescope using gravitational lenzing. Mingkuk James Jee Jie (Holland Ford) and other researchers from John Hopkins University, watching the collision of galaxies that are from us at a distance of five billion light years, found that they are surrounded by a ring of dark matter diameter 2.6 million light years. The position of the dark matter in this area was able to calculate, registering weak radiation distortion from more distant galaxies that are located (along the line of sight from the Earth) behind the stabilizing star systems.

To date, it has been established that the smallest continuously existing thickening clots occupy space in a thousand light years, and the mass of such fragments is ten times more than the mass of the Sun.

For the first time, the Swiss Astronomer Fritz Zwicky (Fritz Zwicky) said about the invisible matter in the 1930s. He noticed that the accumulation of galaxies in the constellation of Veronica's hair is held together a stronger gravitational field, something that must be based on the visible mass of the substance in this area. With a detailed consideration, it turned out that the luminous substance in these accumulations of galaxies was several times less than necessary for their joint location due to the force of grave. Since no one has canceled the law, then in those distant years they suggested that there is some invisible substance.

Modern studies conducted using the WLMAP orbital probe (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) show that a conventional substance in the universe is about 5%; 25% falls on dark matter, and the remaining 70% is on the so-called dark energy (Dark Energy). This conclusion was made by Princeton University experts, analyzing data from the WMAP probe, which was launched by the American Space Agency NASA in 2001.

However, hypotheses recently appeared, indicating that dark matter may not be.

The honorary professor of Toronta University John Moffat (Joel BrownStein) from the Canadian Institute of Theoretical Physics has developed the theory of modified gravity, which fully explains the observed behavior of galaxies clusters. Two Canadian physics fully cost without dark matter. They introduced in their theoretical development of so-called gravitons arising from vacuum, and the most intensive gravitons are born near the large masses. From which it follows that in the center of the Galaxy (where large masses are concentrated) two objects are attracted to each other stronger than if they were on her outskirts.

* * *
Be that as it may, any confusing situation sooner or later clarifies. So it happens with dark matter: time will inevitably figure it out. That is the Supreme Sudie.

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