Why do you dream about a bird flying into an apartment? Vedic dream book Dream book: Seeing birds in a dream

Garden equipment 23.09.2019
Garden equipment

Dream book of birds. Why do you dream about a bird flying in, flying in?

The bird is the personification of the human desire to get rid of earthly heaviness and rise to higher spheres. Correlates with the primary element – ​​Air, which is identified with expectations and ideas, hopes, aspirations and high ambitions. But such dreams rarely predict any specific events, since they are, for the most part, a reflection of the internal state of the sleeper: whether he has high spiritual impulses, whether he strives to break out of the boundaries of everyday life or is completely immersed in earthly concerns.

The dream of birds flying high has a more positive meaning than birds that are not designed for high flight.

If a bird suffers from something in a dream, then it bad sign. A dream in which a bird appears wounded, dead or trapped has the most negative interpretation. Something will clearly upset the sleeping person and destroy his hope for anything.

Birds symbolize freedom and reflect the emotional state. According to legend, they are endowed with mystical powers and have power over the human soul. If you rely on a logical sequence in development life scenario, according to the dream book, a bird in a cage is a hint about ineffective thinking that blocks consciousness and actions. You yourself create obstacles and then “hang” in prostration for a long time.

Seeing birds in a dream means striving to realize an idea, a dream, and wait for clues related to your activities. Imagery is also a consequence of mental chaos and disorganized life. When a bird knocks on the window, according to the dream book, it means that you are required to be internally prepared for unforeseen events. If suddenly a bird flies into the window or house, the dream book says that in the near future you will receive important news that will radically change current events. Magpie on a visit - to commercial fraud, deception, conversations, but encouraging news is also possible. The Crow is a reflection of your confusion and fears about financial manipulation. There is a high probability of losing money, going bankrupt, and causing trouble from official bodies.

According to the dream book, a bird in the house portends imminent troubles that are already being realized. physically. A night picture is a sign of karmic predestination or a synthesis of your negative energies aimed at destruction. In any case, birds in the apartment are an attempt by the Universe to warn about fatal events and convey information for comprehension.

If a bird lands on your hand, you should not refuse an offer that, at first glance, may seem uninteresting. Think of it as a springboard to prepare for the big jump. Think of the bird on your shoulder as a navigator, confirming the correctness of the chosen route. Thank the Angel for the living “compass” and the original way of orientation in your living space.

What kind of bird did you dream about?

According to ancient beliefs, birds of the raven family - crow, magpie rook, jackdaw, jay - belong to the category of “prophetic” birds, so they can be interpreted as symbols foreshadowing some changes or receiving news. Much more negative are the “moon birds” - nocturnal predators - owls, eagle owls, owls. Such birds in a dream can portend something unkind.

Daytime predators - dream book bird - eagle, hawk, kite, vulture, falcon and others, having a characteristic predatory appearance (crooked claws, curved beak, etc.), in reality foreshadow a desperate struggle to realize their ideas and high goals.

Pigeons, swans, cranes, storks - in a dream are considered as symbols of Venus: the planet of love and marriage, peace and harmony. Therefore, if you dreamed of a bird from this order, then the dream should be interpreted in relation to the love and family sphere, and if something wrong happens to the bird in the dream, then this means a threat to the relationship between the closest and most beloved people.

Colored plumage

Why do you dream of a blue bird if the color of the plumage is a sign of spirituality and serves as the personification of subconscious aspirations? Soaring in height indicates that, due to a rethinking of reality in life, you are moving along a precise route. If a bird is in your hands according to the dream book, it means quickly achieving your goal. However, there are doubts about the illogicality of what is happening and the fear of being misunderstood by others. Be more decisive, because according to the dream book, a blue bird is a hint that you need motivation, consistent actions and perseverance.

Why do you dream of a black bird against the backdrop of problems that threaten to develop into a protracted stage? Expect shocking news and prepare to go through an unpleasant experience. Despite the sad circumstances, you should not reflexively panic and shut yourself off from the world. Since you are a spiritual being, ignore the biological nature of instincts and consciously control your emotions. View events as a launching pad for future success. According to the dream book, a black bird (raven) represents the dark sides of personality, confusion, occult knowledge and predicts change. A feathered bird in flight is a sign that your consciousness strives for knowledge, quality information, and creativity.

According to the dream book, a white bird is good news, new collective energies. Indicates hidden wisdom, bright aspects of fate, freedom of thought and karmic unburdenedness. The interpretation of what a white bird means in a dream is perceived exclusively from a positive perspective. The iconic image speaks of a hidden desire to participate in the fate of loved ones. Thanks to the emission of pure energies, you will become a talisman of good luck for your partner and will have a positive influence on the destinies of children.

The gray bird (goose) has always been considered a messenger of happiness and prosperity. In addition, it characterizes you as a homely person who loves to command and talk a lot. A lady dreams of a sparrow at a time when a change in image is important to her. Aesthetic dissatisfaction echoes on a subtle level and comes in the form of a nightly “SMS confirmation”. In addition, feathered signifies diligence and perseverance.

The blue bird speaks of your equanimity, self-sufficiency and ability to part with the past without regret. Usually the message is encrypted in the image of a kingfisher and other winter species of birds, and symbolizes readiness for compromise solutions.

A yellow bird with golden wings portends unexpected events, having a financial background. A respectable groom looms on your way, big project, real estate transactions or a series of tempting offers. From a variety of options, fate will choose a generous gift regarding your agreement with her. Often the silhouette accurately expresses the secret messages of the Universe. Thus, the colored plumage of a pheasant and its impressive volume can indicate the feelings of the gentleman and the desire to dominate. The peacock will talk about the donor’s ambitions and self-confidence. Yellow Canary - about a romantic nature and love of freedom.

It is not for nothing that according to Freud, birds are considered as a symbol of intimate relationships.
Red birds - sexual fantasies, blazing passions, love games. Two birds (doves, swans) in principle symbolize a couple: two rings, two hearts, two lives. If you dreamed of quails - expect pleasant sensory experiences, a pair of doves - try on a wedding suit. If you saw a picture with important turkeys, a luxurious ceremony and a successful family life await you. In addition, they indicate fertility, complacency, and down-to-earthness. Multi-colored birds reflect the emotional spectrum and are often a signal of mental disorders, addictions of various kinds, or mean exacerbation of chronic diseases. You should reduce your activity and get bored alone in order to balance your state of mind. At this time, you are vulnerable and are looking for support.

Bright birds, like the crowned crane and hoopoe in contrasting “outfits,” are a reflection of high goals and beautiful dreams. Judging by the variegated color of the males, we are talking about male ambitions, ego, narcissism, vanity.

Unusual birds in a dream

Exotic birds are rare guests in dreams. Their appearance is associated with long journeys, adventures, and casual romances. It is possible that fate has prepared for you full set adventures with all points included. In addition, a duet of pink flamingos is a guarantee of a long honeymoon and love passion. Cockatoos and the entire family of parrots indicate the birth of a new life.

You shouldn’t think for a long time about what the bird of paradise dreams about, since the eloquent phrase is a reflection of the way of life. The beautiful bird is a close relative of the crow and differs from it only in its plumage, but at the same time it is capricious and picky. This means that you are confused in reality and lose your bearings. For comparison, draw parallels between true and false in order to feel the fine line between reality and fantasy.

The firebird in the dream book is interpreted unambiguously and means success in all areas. You are the darling of fate and get an orgasm from life.

It is obvious why the phoenix bird is dreamed of if the wheel of fortune has turned a full turn counterclockwise. But that was a little earlier, and now be happy for yourself - this is the beginning of a new story under the old calendar.

In quantitative terms

Small birds broadcast hidden information and energy messages, reminding us of unfinished business, disheveled feelings, and carelessness. There is a possibility of suffering from your own stupidity, succumbing to flattery, and not noticing cunning. Analyze the situation in order to neutralize bad consequences. Time to solve pressing problems, focus on the main thing and not get caught up in trifles.

It is permissible to interpret the silhouettes of birds differently, since other meanings are hidden in the images. Along with animals, they express instincts and are related to mental and mental activity. It has been noticed that people of the primitive type are often defiantly self-confident, although they are not able to sort out their feelings, drown in information flows and are socially disoriented. Many birds are a sign of mental chaos and rejection of obvious facts that do not directly concern them. The “ostrich” policy, with the conditioned desire to hide only behind one’s reality and not see “beyond the nose,” is supported by the iconic image of a fast-moving bird.

To shake up the dormant brain, the Universe is trying to reach the consciousness; fortunately, the majority believe in omens and dreams. There is no doubt as to what a flock of birds is dreaming of, trying to draw attention to problems of the mental and spiritual plane in numbers. In this case, birds are indicators of degradation, internal emptiness and a certain doom. A flock of birds in the dream book also means confusion and fear of any changes. Such sensations arise when the subtle fields of the strong energy of those people with whom you will have to cross in the near future are read.

Migratory birds indicate flexibility of thinking, curiosity, mobility, desire to explore oneself in a new situation, passion for travel. However, there is wariness regarding financial outflow, and you are obsessed with suspicions about the dishonesty of your partners. Taking into account the correction factor for their incompetence and in order to exclude repeated lessons, test your colleagues for weak sides character.

Not all is well in the temple of the soul if you are trying to feed the birds. According to the dream book, this means a desire to relieve tension, level out a critical situation, and redirect energy flows. At critical moments, vital energy flows through with turbulence, and it is difficult to get out of its funnel. The dream warns of vigilance and patience. The need to transform one’s worldview is the meaning of why one dreams of feeding birds.

Feathered "heavyweights"

Huge birds - silhouettes of predators, reflect the degree of internal superiority, arrogance and pride. Regarding what a big bird dreams about, it is noted that through large images information comes about hidden qualities and physiological characteristics. Innate intuition and keen vision are symbolized by the eagle; tenacity, acumen in business, vigilance and dexterity are encrypted in the kite.

The hidden potential is inherited, gradually revealed and integrated with consciousness. In this sequence, new facets of personality are revealed. According to the dream book, a big bird is a sign of clear consciousness, mystical abilities, and trust in the internal navigator. In addition, it indicates high physical activity and psycho-emotional reserve, the symbiosis of which becomes a cosmodrome for high flight.

If you are characterized by sudden insight or the ability to concentrate at a dangerous moment, seeing a bird of prey in a dream book confirms the dominance of reason over instincts. Thus, the falcon is closer in habits to the eagle and acts as the personification of freedom and hope for those who have been trying for a long time to escape from the “claws” of problems (illness). On the other hand, his image can act as a signal of a threat posed by a loved one. If you lack wisdom in solving everyday affairs, there is a need to change tactics in relationships and you need to think about professional growth, a smart owl will give a signal.

Why do you dream of poultry if a chicken (partridge) or a duck in your mind is not identified with flight and height? However, their images are meaningful and informative. On the one hand, laying hens and bird eggs are symbols of fertility and homeliness; on the other - stupidity, stiffness, degradation. The rooster represents the masculine principle and is called upon to guard and protect. A dream with his participation is a hint that in reality the lady lacks the support of her partner, and the man lacks feminine warmth. An imbalance of Yin Yang energies brings betrayal to relationships and problems to business. The duck is a fiction, an indicator of false feelings, self-deception. And I really want to turn into a bird in order to soar above the ground and get rid of false hopes and empty promises!

Eloquent signs

It is impossible to release a bird into the wild without losing the keys to the locks of prosperity and happiness. And when you regain harmony in your relationships, the doors to them will open on their own. To save a bird is to rehabilitate relationships, establish old contacts, find the answer to a question through insight.

The metaphorical explanation of the meaning of a dream in which you need to catch a bird comes down to an unambiguous desire to catch luck by the tail. The interpretation from the dream book of catching a bird with your hands implies an accomplished action that has significance for the future.

According to the dream book, a bird’s feather indicates that the corridors of success are open to you, but you need to try hard to materialize your ideas. First, you need to clear the energy field of negativity and improve relationships in your family and team. Luck favors people who know how to love, gratefully accept and share with others.

According to the dream book, birds in the sky are an expression bright emotions and a state of internal weightlessness. A choir of birds or a vociferous nightingale is a symbol of eloquence, fun, and ardent love. Hearing birds singing means being in unison with the world and yourself, radiating joy, feeling energetically full. During such a period, you feel like a wizard - your wishes come true literally at the snap of your fingers. Petting a bird means not giving up your position, taming luck, even if you are immersed in personal experiences.

Birds on a tree speak of innate intuition, excellent logic, and on top of that, you are an excellent strategist. During this period, issues related to investing finances and receiving dividends are of concern. Don’t be embarrassed by your pressure, continue to surprise your partners and calmly respond to criticism. This will allow Qi energy to move freely, fill subtle structures with resources and gain support on the subtle plane. Allow yourself to get the best from life, become more demanding, activate hidden reserves. By comparing reality and signs, you will understand why you dream beautiful birds.

If you ignore the feminine principle, denying yourself pleasures, gifts and harmless flirting, hiding behind the emptiness of life, then you risk blocking the energy of success coming through the maternal line. The talking bird warns you about this. The created program with the stamp of loneliness will pass the baton to the children and at the same time cut off the husband’s sources of income. The plot with the pelican indicates unnecessary sacrifice, submission to fate, mother's love. According to the dream book, a nest with birds is an indicator spiritual health family members and correctly set priorities: love for yourself, then your husband and only then for your children - as a continuation and evolution of parental feelings.

Bird attacks in a dream

The plot from a dream often serves as a reminder of condescension towards people, tolerance for imperfections of manners and habits.

If a bird bites your finger, your actions are wrong and your prospects are bleak: your psychological state is non-standard, Creative skills blocked. Deep signals can come through images of a chicken or a cuckoo and warn of betrayal of a friend or betrayal of a partner, signal mental weakness and timidity, love addiction, fear of responsibility for actions. Against a stressful background, a dream about a dead bird, according to the dream book, is an indicator of internal emptiness resulting from disappointment in people.

If birds attack, the dream book explains this fact as the integration of collective energies that have an aggressive charge and are directed against your person. An expansive attack against oneself was provoked by incorrect statements. Attacking birds reflect mental chaos and chaotic feelings.

In a dream, a bird pecks overly touchy and aggressive people who are inclined to repay their opponent in the same coin. Moreover, the bird’s beak is associated with a sharp blade, which means hidden hostility, slander, the desire to manipulate others, the ability to dramatize and exaggerate. If you dreamed of a woodpecker who is the guardian of accumulated values, the vision signals their substitution, double standards, and lost sights in life. You stubbornly prove that you are right, trying to “beat” your partner with arguments and never give in in an argument. Misunderstandings of a personal nature are solely your fault. Learn to be forgiving and remember that events are formed according to other laws, contrary to logic and your own ideas about the world. It’s not for nothing that a bird hits the window, trying to reach common sense in order to revise ineffective beliefs.

A sign of family harmony - black and white fish - two opposite energies. If you don’t find harmony in your bedroom, bird droppings are a signal of internal imbalance, different views, sexual inconsistency of partners and other little things that poison life.

If a bird shits itself in a dream, the goal was to draw attention to the shallowing of internal resources, loss of connection with the Higher Self, endocrine disorders, and weight gain. Put together the available signs to verify the veracity of the vision and look for a way out of dead-end situations. The clumsy penguin from your dream, symbolizing instincts and the ability to survive in difficult conditions, warns of an impending storm in which the family boat could sink.

Reasons for sadness

Why dream of dead birds if in objective reality optimism has been replaced by melancholy, there is no strength or desire to live? Depression and apathy threaten to become protracted. The bird's blood and the color red represent a broken heart, emotional wounds, excitement, dull rage. An action or word can become a catalyst for an emotional explosion - hysterics and conflicts.

A falling bird is dreamed of by people with a depressed psychological background and is the first signal about a decrease in vitality. Remember Baron Munchausen and use his ambulance technology. It requires a strong-willed effort from you to “pull yourself out by your hair” from the emotional hole. Rescue attempts will be recorded by consciousness and will serve as an answer to the question of why the phoenix bird is dreaming. This image marks renewal, spiritual resurrection, motherhood. By the way, a swallow flying into a dream has a similar interpretation.

When the time of loss and despair comes, try checking astrology to understand why a wounded bird is dreaming. If in the notal chart the planetary configurations are in the 12th house, a period of bad luck is natural. Before a new cycle (birthday), old programs are reset and future events are formed. Humility and patience are required of you this month. Things are somewhat worse if a dying bird arrives at night. You have received a warning that the communication channel with loved ones has been blocked, which will affect mutual understanding. A dead bird in a dream book is an indicator of low life potential. Now there is not enough strength for desperate actions, and support for kind ones.

A sick bird visits a person at an important time, when he is ready to say goodbye to the past and forget grievances. Take the chance to upgrade an ineffective worldview in order to update important programs to reset your destiny.

Dream Interpretation on another topic:

It has long been believed that a dream about birds brings happiness and a series of pleasant events.

For example, swallows flying high in the sky foreshadowed great profits. And seagulls over the sea meant well-being in the family.

But over the years, the dream book has been replenished with new, more specific interpretations of such dreams. Why do birds dream today?

Birds in the wild

If you dream of a flock of flamingos circling over a lake, it means you are worried about your relatives. And dead flamingos are a great joy to dream about.

A heron in a swamp, the interpretation of dreams explains how the desire to get married new novel. And if a bird holds a frog in its beak, then you are the object of secret passion.

A crow on a tree dreams of gossip behind your back. And a magpie flying into the yard means possible betrayal on the part of a partner.

Sparrows pecking crumbs dream of pleasant surprise. And tits at the feeding trough - to the implementation of grandiose plans.

Doves flying in the sky promise an increase in wages. And dead pigeons come in a dream to a wide feast.

  • Parrots on a palm tree - to an unexpected call.
  • An eagle on a rock - to unreasonable irritability.
  • Duck in the sky - to jealousy, suspicion.
  • A bird hitting the window is good news.
  • A swan swimming on a pond means moving to a new home.

A dream where birds are wounded usually marks a joyful event. For example, a wounded falcon means meeting old friends; jay - to a lucrative contract at work; cuckoo - for a fun evening.

The interpretation of dreams about wounded geese is much more extensive:

  1. A goose bleeding is a gift.
  2. A bird in a dog’s mouth means good thoughts.
  3. A goose lying in the grass is a worthy reward.

Flightless birds

The interpretation of dreams explains the meaning of dreams about flightless birds. For example, a penguin on an ice floe symbolizes minor troubles at work. And the penguins jumping in ice water- to the obsession of an unfamiliar fan.

If in a dream you saw a running ostrich, get ready for a difficult task. And if you notice an ostrich in your yard, it means that you will soon rethink your vision of some issues.

  • A penguin in a cage means an important recognition.
  • A penguin knocks on the window with its beak - to drastic changes in your personal life.
  • An ostrich on the farm - for a significant event.
  • An ostrich in your home means creative work.
  • Running away from an ostrich means a successful start to a serious business.

As the dream book says, flightless birds in a menagerie they dream of a serious family conversation. And if you have had many dreams about these birds, then at heart you are a very gentle and vulnerable person. At the same time, long, vivid dreams speak of your excessive romanticism.

Birds in the house

Parrots in a dream are often an important warning. A parrot in a cage means your erudition.

If a bird pecks at grain, then soon you will be able to put your mind into practice. And if you dream that he drinks water, then for a long time you will consider yourself an unrecognized genius. A dream in which a bird talks means joy and carefreeness. And tweeting parrots portend a quarrel with loved ones.

The interpretation of dreams about canaries is much more optimistic. A canary in a cage dreams of a valuable present. A singing bird indicates that a loved one will give a gift. And if the canary is silent, then expect a gift from a stranger.

If your bird flew out the window, it means that you will soon receive a lucrative offer. And if she flew into the house, then you have a chance to please the strict boss.

  • Parrots in someone else's house - to the envy of your interlocutor.
  • A parrot in a cage with a predator - to your desire to be on time everywhere.
  • A canary in a neighbor's apartment means a pleasant tea party.
  • A canary flew out the window - to an unforgettable vacation.
  • Pressing a canary under a door means fulfilling a promise.

If you dream that parrots have taken over your entire house, expect a catch. And if birds are hitting the window, but you don’t let them in, you will be able to avoid being deceived.

A dead parrot in a cage speaks of an opportunity to move up the career ladder. And a bird that died in another house is a harbinger of troubles in everyday life.

If you dream that two canaries flew into the window, it means that you will soon find a mate. And if they soon flew out and are soaring in the sky, then you need to pay more attention to your own interests.

Several dreams about canaries signify the devotion of your loved one. And if you saw a dream where birds settled in someone else’s house, then you should not blindly trust your partner.

Other dreams about birds

Hummingbirds in a tree usually dream of betrayal. And if you saw this little bird in your apartment, then soon you will have to make a serious choice.

An owl in a hollow dreams of fear. And the bird on your hand speaks of your defenselessness. An owl flying in the night sky promises a smooth, stable life.

Dreaming of a crow in a cage is a vain insult. And to feed her by hand is to original solution Problems.

A woodpecker high in a tree speaks of the reality of your dreams. And if you clearly hear him knocking, you will soon find yourself in new company. Forest birds in the clearing promise a rather noisy corporate party.

Now you know why birds dream, and after such dreams you can easily model your life.
Author: Vera Drobnaya

Why did you dream about the Bird (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

  • Why do you dream about a bird - an excellent symbol, but only if it has good plumage and healthy appearance. A dream is a sign of speedy prosperity and successful completion of affairs.
  • Wounded birds, according to the dream book, are a symbol of deep sadness due to the indecent behavior of one of your loved ones.
  • Why do you dream of birds flying in a flock - beware of a catastrophe, bankruptcy or natural disaster if in a dream you accidentally or deliberately killed a bird.
  • Dreaming of birds high in the sky predicts that you will soon receive significant news, good or bad - depending on life circumstances.

Why did Birds dream (Psychiatric dream book)

Bird - With all the diversity of winged species on the planet, we perceive them as a psychological sign of receiving some news.

  • Did you see a bird in a dream? You subconsciously expect a new person to appear in your life and are already mentally prepared for this.
  • If you dream of a non-existent, rare or exotic bird, your guest will be a foreigner or a person not from your social circle.
  • It is also important to pay attention to the dream in which you see a parrot. The bird prophesies unpleasant news, a mockery of you and your principles.

Why do you dream about a Bird (Romantic dream book)

  • If a woman sees a beautiful bird with healthy plumage in a dream, she will soon get happily married. Perhaps this is a sign new love, which will replace the old and unhappy one.
  • Dream about a wounded and sick bird - the dream foreshadows a happy family life. On the contrary, this is a reason to take a closer look at your partner’s behavior and understand whether he loves you or your money.
  • Why do you dream of a white, beautiful bird according to the dream book, a harbinger of fidelity to your spouse. You have chosen your life partner correctly and you can fully rely on him in both sorrow and joy.

If you dream about Birds (according to Dmitrenko’s Ukrainian dream book)

  • Like a bird landing on his head - a dead man.
  • If you dream of a feathered bird, it means separation of a man and a woman.
  • Why do you dream about a lot of birds - there will be some kind of war.
  • According to the dream book, a bird was hitting the window - good news - give birth to a child.
  • Seeing or eating bird eggs is a big nuisance.

Bird - why do you dream in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

  • Seeing circling birds in a dream means success, profit, and sometimes gossip.
  • Dreaming of a bird small size- small profit.
  • I dreamed of throwing food to birds - to longing, looking for new acquaintances, a new society.
  • Talking to birds in a dream is a real danger from opponents.
  • If you dream of scaring away attacking birds, things will be successful.

Interpretation of Birds from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

The bird seen is a multi-valued symbol of the sleeping soul, various emotional states, human desires, aspirations and achievements, longing for the impossible, creative ideas and deeds, spiritual growth, marital status, happiness, intuition, images of other people and other people's influences; marriage proposal from a man (for a woman). Dreaming of flocks of birds - human, collective energies, influences, processes.

The meaning of a dream about a Flying creature (Symbolic dream book)

  • With all the diversity of the world of birds on earth, in a dream it usually appears as news (in ancient times, pigeon or falcon mail worked). Or the bird symbolizes a new person (guest) surrounded by the dreamer.
  • Unusual, original, exotic bird species can be loaded with additional or their own private meanings:
  • “rare foreign bird” - a foreign guest or original, unusual news or from afar, from abroad.
  • “parrot” - ridicule, deception, disappointment; “turkey”, “peacock” - importance, pride, arrogance;
  • Why do you dream about the “phoenix”, “blue bird” - well-known symbols of happiness, resurrection, spiritual rebirth.
  • Why do you dream of a bird, a stork - the birth of a child, family happiness,
  • “crow” - trouble; swan - fidelity, etc.
  • Why do you dream of birds, large, predatory ones - they can appear in the future for the dreamer as a real serious danger or a serious illness (if they are carried away and pecked).

  • Foretells the death of his wife.
  • A flying bird climbs into your bosom - portends happiness.
  • Catching a bird in flight - portends a letter from afar.
  • A swallow flies in - A guest will arrive from afar.
  • A bird is chasing a snake - You will receive a recommendation from some person.

What does Bird symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

  • Why do you dream about a bird - Imagination: flights of fancy or thoughts, ideas.
  • Bird in a cage. Imagination distorted by circumstances, hard work.
  • Clipped wings of a bird. Containment, humility, wild and bizarre, but outdated concepts and assessments. In alchemy, a monster, an earthly dragon (meaning primordial matter), which transforms into an eagle or rooster.
  • Birdies. Women.
  • A bird in a man's dreams. Sex. Anima.
  • Feathered in a woman's dreams. Sex. Self.
  • White/Black. Two aspects of the Anima or Self, where black bird means dark or dark side, Anima, Self. Freedom: free as winged.
  • Favorite bird. General idea modified by statements and emotions. Fantasies in childhood.
  • Bird plumage. Social environment or person, appearance.
  • Why do you dream of a golden-winged bird? Can have the same significance as a fire.
  • Why do you dream of birds soaring high, or living on the upper floors of a building? Rising to heights through the conscious. Cognition of the unconscious aspect of the Superego.
  • A chicken incapable of flight, and imagination with a utilitarian function. If a hen is kept for egg production, then one can hope for potential growth, unlike the case if it is kept for meat.
  • Black chicken. A guide to the deep unconscious.
  • Someone turning into a chicken. Assurances from the unconscious that someone, the individual himself, is a coward.
  • Rooster. Lust, behaves like a rooster.
  • Crow (raven). The priest, because he wears black clothes and takes part in the funeral, and thus death.
  • Why do you dream about a dove? Anima.
  • Pigeons playing and kissing. Children. The union of Anima and Animus.
  • Eagle. Perception and attention, eagle eye. Consciousness. Flying high mind and spirit. Male spirit of enthusiasm. Dominance. Identification with an eagle, similar to an eagle. The desire to dominate. In the case when this dream is combined with fear, then this dominance can become threatening for someone. A man who looks like an eagle is a threat. Someone will dominate the individual.
  • Bird - Owl. The soul of the deceased, separated from the body, is represented by the ghostly appearance of a bird and an eerie cry. Also wisdom or Anima.
  • Why do you dream about the owl bird? Premonition of death, depression. Symbolism of madness.
  • Peacock. An expanded realization of integrity due to the appearance of all colors in the shape of a circle, spread out by a fan of the tail. Also revival. In alchemy it has a similar meaning to the Phoenix rising from the ashes. Plays an important role in Gnosticism. Male beauty. A certain handsome man. Due to the contrast between the beauty of the peacock and its unpleasant cry - false truths or insincerity.
  • Phoenix. Revival.
  • Crow. Shaman. The devil, who is also black and winged. Father's image. Shadow.
  • Wild goose. Capable of moving on land, water and air. Self.

Why do you dream about a Bird (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing birds with beautiful plumage means a quick and happy marriage or new love.
  • Seeing a wounded bird in a dream means deep sadness caused by the behavior of a reckless offspring.
  • If you dream of flying birds, unwanted circumstances will disappear in the flow of future good.
  • Why dream of a bird caught in a snare is a good omen.
  • Killing a bird with a gun is a disaster, a crop failure, a natural disaster.

Birds in a dream (from the book by Elena Avadyaeva)

  • Why do you dream of a singing bird - the dream reflects the romantic moments of life.
  • If a goldfinch is silent in a dream, then this is a warning of failure.
  • If you dreamed of fluttering birds, then you will have festive events in your life.
  • Seeing you feed the birds - you will experience satisfaction from recognition of your merits.
  • If you see that you are catching a chick flying around the room, this is happy and joyful news. This is an interpretation of what a bird dreams about.

There are many signs and superstitions that people believe, but not all of them are true. As for cases where a bird knocks on a window, there is not as much discrepancy as there could be.

Eat a large number of love and money signs, but not all of them should be trusted. When a bird knocks on the window, it always means something serious, so such fateful signs must be noticed.

When a bird hits the window

Birds often crash into windows. Science can explain this in different ways, but it is much more important to understand why this happens, based on folk observations and esoteric knowledge.

If a bird fights just once and then flies away, then in many world cultures it is believed that this is happening to global spiritual changes. Perhaps this change will occur in the family or in the life of only one person living in the house.

If you saw on the street a bird knocking on a window and flying away or knocking many times, then such a sign means that you will soon witness something very unpleasant. You may be faced with a choice, making or not making which, you will change the opinion of others about yourself for the worse or for the better.

If you are at home and a bird hits the window and does not fly away, this means that you may lose someone close to you. You can lose him forever, and the reason is not only death or divergence of paths. These could be some inexplicable events that have never happened in your life.

If a bird flies into the house

It happens that a bird enters an apartment or house by flying through a window. This happens rarely, but even so folk wisdom gives interpretation.

If a bird flew into a house and immediately flew out, then expect betrayal from a loved one. If there were many people in the house at that moment, then the whole family could be betrayed at once. In any case, you will need to look at both over the next few days.

In many cultures, a bird flying through a window portends trouble for the financial situation of a family or individual.

A bird hits the window in a dream

Of particular note is the case when a bird hits the window in a dream. When you have such a dream, people call it a harbinger of trouble. The main problems will await you in love affairs. Perhaps life will turn in such a way that you will need to reconsider your principles and rules. The time for change is approaching.

In Freud's dream book a dove or other bird that hits the window means that you have difficult spiritual obstacles to overcome.

If instead of a dove in your dream you saw a crow hitting the window or sitting on the windowsill, then this is a sign of serious illnesses, diseases, bad mood, great failures and disappointments.

If you saw a bird hitting the window in a dream or in reality, do not despair. Signs tend to come true not in all cases. Perhaps this is just a simple coincidence, and not a sign of fate that needs to be noticed and understood. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

If you dream of a bird flying into your house, this is often associated with the illness or death of relatives. But many dream books are not so categorical. The interpretation of a dream depends on many circumstances and details: the type and color of the birds, the dreamer’s reaction, the events that occurred subsequently. In many cases, such dreams foreshadow positive news, and for women they often mean an imminent, long-awaited pregnancy.

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    General interpretation

    If a bird flies into a house in a dream, it can mean both good and bad news. In ancient times, birds were always considered a sign of death, both in dreams and in reality. They foreshadowed the death of a family member and symbolized connections with deceased relatives.

    But dream books have a different interpretation. Often such a plot is associated with the appearance of a new person in the family - the birth of a child, marriage, etc.

    Negative meaning

    Many dream books interpret such a plot as an unkind sign. A bird flying into a house portends tears and sorrows.

    An unfavorable sign is a bird knocking its beak on the window. If the glass is damaged at this moment, this indicates an imminent strong shock. But there is also a completely different interpretation for young people - the dream indicates self-doubt and complexes that torment them from the inside.

    Other options for negative interpretation of sleep:

    1. 1. A predator (hawk and owl) entered a woman's apartment, - this may indicate the presence of a rival in the relationship who is capable of destroying it.
    2. 2. A cuckoo flew into the house - the dream promises loneliness. It is necessary to reconsider your life principles and expand your social circle so as not to be left alone.
    3. 3. The bird flew into the house and sat on its head- this portends a dead person. Perhaps we are talking about the imminent death of the dreamer.

    Positive value

    The bird is a favorable sign for women planning pregnancy. A swallow flew into the window - there will be a baby soon.

    The bird sat on the hand - family relationships things will get better, the streak of bad luck will end.

    If events take place in good weather, and the bird evokes emotion, then this promises meeting new people.

    If a predator knocks, this promises the dreamer a quick climb up the career ladder.

    Interpretation of sleep by famous dream books

    By comparing various interpretations, you can understand the dream as accurately as possible.

    Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

    A poultry flying into a home means the imminent death of a relative. She also points out the likelihood of getting pregnant soon for women dreaming of a child.

    Good luck will accompany the person who happened to stroke a chick in a dream.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomena

    A bird can reflect the dreamer’s worries in reality for the health and well-being of loved ones. It indicates that his life is full of worries. Don’t lose your composure; it’s much easier to cope with difficulties with a clear mind.

    To see a bird fly into a room means you will soon experience a stressful situation. There is a possibility of unpleasant and tragic events.

    A bird flying into a window can mean an imminent illness for relatives. If she flies around the room, it could be a very serious illness that requires long-term treatment.

    According to Miller

    Miller's well-known dream book says that the bird will mark the parents' possible worries about their children. For a young girl, she foreshadows the imminent appearance of fans. For a woman who has a lover, marriage is imminent.

    Hearing a nightingale trill in a dream - find a solution difficult task. Men dream of birds as a symbol of success among women.

    Interpretation according to Freud

    Freud views the plot from the point of view of subconscious desires that manifest themselves in dreams:

    1. 1. A bird flying into the window indicates the presence of hidden sexual fantasies in men. She talks to women about their constraint.
    2. 2. Small bird means that a person is dominated by lustful thoughts.
    3. 3. Chicken found at home, warns that the dreamer will have to experience the anger of others due to wrong actions.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    The famous astrologer saw birds as a symbol of change. Interpretation of dream details:

    1. 1. Feathered large sizes - meteorite fall and destruction of some cities.
    2. 2. Little chick- the reign of peace on the planet.
    3. 3. Wild screaming of birds in a dream- the sleeper will have to work under the supervision of a strict leader.

    A rooster in a dream spoke of possible quarrels, and rare beautiful birds spoke of impending misfortune. To reduce its likelihood, you need to concentrate on the present and plans for the future, forget about the past.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    The bird is interpreted as a good omen. A good sign is to catch her. Flying birds portend prosperity and the disappearance of sorrows. But dead or wounded mean sadness or great trouble.

    A chick with beautiful plumage is considered a favorable sign. For a woman, a dream promises a happy marriage.

    Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

    If the bird is wild, then its entry into the home means great luck. Domestic specimens are interpreted as a warning of troubles and sorrows.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    The clairvoyant considers such a dream a positive sign. From her point of view, the bird represents freedom. But some stories may speak of future tragic events:

    1. 1. Raven flying into the house is a sign of imminent trouble.
    2. 2. Flock of Crows speaks of an impending conflict in the country, which can claim the lives of many people.
    3. 3. Predators indicate a bad year.

    It's a good sign if the bird has built a nest. This is a symbol home comfort and a warm atmosphere in the family.

    But the arrangement of nests by crows indicates an imminent epidemic of a deadly disease.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    The bird's bright plumage means good luck in love. The Predator represents honor. Injure or kill her - Bad sign, this marks failure.

    Circumstances of sleep

    The interpretation of the plot depends on the type of birds:

    View Meaning
    PigeonIf the reaction to the dove is negative, it means worry. The joy of his presence means a new acquaintance
    TitThis is a symbol of the birth of a new life. If there is anxiety - to unpleasant news and problems
    CrowTo negative events or ill-wishers
    ParrotTo guests, surprises, pleasant pastime
    Poultry (duck, chicken)To annoying problems
    Diurnal predator (eagle, hawk, kite)To deception, obstacles on the path of life
    Night predator (owl, eagle owl)To a negative event
    Crane, storkTo changes in the sphere of love relationships
    Swallow and swiftFor the meeting of lovers, the support of friends, pleasant guests
    GullFor a sea voyage
    MagpieTo the appearance of a guest, an impressive woman

    The color of the bird also matters:


    A big bird means good news, especially if it white. But there is another interpretation: a large black individual, according to Nostradamus, prevents the approaching danger.

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