The execution of the royal family was not! Shot of the royal family of Romanovs. New details

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The Romanov family was numerous, problems with the successors of the throne did not arise. In 1918, after the Bolsheviks shot the emperor, his wife and children, a large number of impostors appeared. Rumor raised that at that very night in Yekaterinburg, some of them still remained alive.

And today, many believe that someone from the children could be saved and that their siblings can live among us.

After reprisals with the imperial family, many believed that Anastasia managed to escape

Anastasia was the youngest daughter of Nicholas. In 1918, when Romanovs were shot, the remains of Anastasia were not discovered in the burial of the family and rumored rumors that the young Princess survived.

People around the world reincarnated in Anastasia. One of the most vivid impostors was Anna Anderson. It seems she was from Poland.

Anna imitated Anastasia in his behavior, and rumors that Anastasia Liva spread quite quickly. Many also tried to imitate her sisters and brother. People around the world tried to cry, but most of all the twins were in Russia.

Many believed that the children of Nicholas II survived. But after the burial of the Romanov family was found, scientists could not identify the remains of Anastasia. Most historians still cannot confirm that the Bolsheviks killed Anastasia.

Later, a secret burial was found, in which the remains of young princesses were discovered, and the judicial experts were able to prove that she died with the rest of the family in 1918. Her remains were reburied in 1998.

Scientist managed to compare DNA of the remains found and modern followers of the royal family

Many people believed that the Bolsheviks buried Romanovs in different places of the Sverdlovsk region. In addition, many were convinced that two of the children were able to escape.

There was a theory that Tsarevich Alexey and Princess Maria were able to escape from the place of a terrible execution. In 1976, scientists attacked the trail with the remains of Romanov. In 1991, when the communism was completed with the era, the researchers were able to achieve the government's permission to open the burial of the Romanovs, the most left by the Bolsheviks.

But scientists needed a DNA analysis to confirm the theory. They asked Prince Philippe and Prince Michael Kent to provide DNA samples for comparison with DNA samples of the tsarist couple. Judicial experts confirmed that DNA really belongs to Romanov. As a result of this study, it was possible to confirm that Tsarevich Alexey and Princess Maria Bolsheviks were buried separately from the rest.

Some people dedicated their free time search for traces of real family burial site

In 2007, Sergey Plotnikov, one of the founders of the amateur historical group, made an amazing discovery. His group was searching for any facts relevant to the royal family.

In his free time, Sergey was engaged in the wanish of Romanov's remains in the estimated place of the first burial. And one day he was lucky, he came across something hard and began to dig.

To his surprise, he found several fragments of the bones of the pelvis and the skull. After the examination, it was found that these bones belong to Nikolai II children.

Few know that ways to kill family members differed from each other

After the analysis of the bones of Alexey and Mary, it was found that the bones were badly damaged, but otherwise, than the bones of the emperor himself.

On the remains of Nicholas, traces of bullets were discovered, and therefore children were killed by another way. The remaining family members also suffered in their own way.

Scientific managed to establish that Alexey and Maria poured with acid, and they died from burns. Despite the fact that these two children were buried separately from the rest of the family, they suffered no less.

There were a lot of confusion around the bones of the Romanov, and the result of scientists still managed to establish their belonging to the family

Archaeologists have discovered 9 skulls, teeth, bullets of different caliber, cloth from clothes and wiring from a wooden box. It was found that the remains belong to the boy and a woman, the approximate age of which varies from 10 to 23 years.

The likelihood that the boy was Tsarevich Alexei, but the girl is prince of Maria, great enough. In addition, there were theories that the government managed to detect the place of storage of the bones of Romanov. It was rumored that the remains were found back in 1979, but the government held this information secret.

One of the research groups was very close to the truth, but soon they ended with money.

In 1990, another group of archaeologists decided to engage in excavations, in the hope that they would be able to detect some more traces of the location of the romanovs.

After several days or even weeks, they swore a plot with a football field with a football field, but did not finish the study, since they ended the money. Surprisingly, Sergey Plotnikov found bone fragments on this territory itself.

Due to the fact that ROC demanded all new and new confirmations of the authenticity of the bones of Romanov, the reburry was transferred several times

The Russian Orthodox Church refused to take the fact that the bones really belong to the Romanov family. The church demanded more evidence that these remains were really found in the burial of the royal family in Yekaterinburg.

The continuents of the Romanov of Romanov supported the ROC, demanding additional research and confirmation that the bones and the truth belong to the children of Nicholas II.

The rebelief of the family was postponed many times, since the ROC was questioned by the correctness of the analysis of DNA and belonging to the bones to the family of Romanov. The church asked for judicial experts to hold an additional expertise. After the scientist finally managed to convince the Church that the remains really belong to the royal family, the ROC planned the reburial.

The Bolsheviks eliminated the main part of the imperial family, but their long-range Rangers are alive to this day

The continuers of the genealogical tree of the Romanov dynasty live among us. One of the heirs of royal genes is Prince Philipp, Duke Edinbourgsky, he provided his DNA for research. Prince Philipp - Queen Husband Elizabeth II, the grandchildren of the prince of Alexandra, and Pra-Glavuk Nikolai I.

Another relative who helped in identification of DNA, Prince Michael Kent. His grandmother was a cousin Nicholas II.

There are still eight successors of this kind: Hugh Grosvenor, Konstantin II, Great Princess Maria Vladimirovna Romanova, Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich, Olga Andreevna Romanova, Francis Alexander Matthew, Nicoletta Romanova, Rostislav Romanov. But these relatives did not provide their DNA for analysis, as Prince Philip and Prince Michael Kent was recognized as closest to the degree of kinship.

Of course the Bolsheviks tried to drop their crimes

The Bolsheviks executed the royal family in Yekaterinburg, and they needed to somehow hide the evidence of the crime.

There are two theories about how the Bolsheviks killed children. According to the first version, at first they shot Nikolai, and then planted his daughters in the mine, where no one could find them. The Bolsheviks tried to blow up the mine, but their plan failed, so they decided to pour children with acid and burn.

According to the second version, the Bolsheviks wanted to cremate the bodies of the killed Alexey and Mary. After several studies, scientists and judicial experts concluded that the bodies could not be crem.

To crem the human body, you need a very high temperature, and the Bolsheviks were in the forest, and they did not have the ability to create the necessary conditions. After unsuccessful attempts of cremation, they still decided to bury the bodies, but divided the family into two graves.

The fact that the family buried not together, explains why not all family members were originally discovered. It also refutes the theory that Alexey and Mary managed to escape.

By decision of the ROC, the remains of Romanov were buried in one of the churches of St. Petersburg

The mystery of the Romanov dynasty rests along with their remains in the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in St. Petersburg. After numerous studies, scientists still agreed that the remains belong to Nicholas and his family.

The last farewell ceremony took place in the Orthodox Church and lasted three days. In the course of the funeral procession, many still set doubt the fact of authenticity of the remains. But scientists argue that the bones of 97% coincide with the DNA of the members of the royal family.

In Russia, this ceremony was given special importance. Residents of fifty countries around the world observed how the Romanov family goes on peace. More than 80 years it took to debunk myths about the family of the last emperor of the Russian Empire. Together with the completion of the funeral procession, a whole era went into the past.

It took almost a hundred years from that terrible night when the Russian empire stopped existing forever. Until now, none of the historians can declare unequivocally, what happened to that night and whether someone from the family members remained. Most likely, the mystery of this family will remain not disclosed and we can try to assume that it really happened.

The royal family spent in the last 78 days.

Commissioner A. D. Avdeev was appointed the first commandant of "special purpose".

Cooking for shooting

According to the official Soviet version, the decision on the execution was accepted only by Uralovovet, Moscow was notified only after the death of the family.

In early July 1918, the Ural Military Commissar Philipop Goloshchekin went to Moscow to decide on the further fate of the royal family.

Uralsovet at its meeting on July 12 adopted a decree on execution, as well as the methods of destruction of the corpses and on July 16, a message was transferred (if the telegram is genuine) about it on the direct wire in Petrograd - E. Zinoviev. At the end of the conversation with Ekaterinburg Zinoviev sent a telegram to Moscow:

The archive source of telegrams is absent.

Thus, the telegram was obtained in Moscow on July 16 at 21 o'clock 22 minutes. The phrase "agreed with the Philippus" is an encrypted decision on the execution of Romanov, which agreed by Gulkhackin during his stay in the capital. However, Uralsovet requested writing once again to confirm this previously made decision, referring to the "military circumstances", as the fall of Yekaterinburg was expected under the blows of the Czechoslovak Corps and the White Siberian Army.


On the night of July 16, July 17, the Romanovs and the athlets lay down to sleep, as usual, at 22 30 minutes. At 23 in 30 minutes, two specially qualified from Uralovovet appeared in the mansion. They presented a decision by the executive committee to the commander of the guard of P. Z. Yermakov and the new commandant of the House of the Commissioner of the Emergency Investigation Commission Yakov Yurovsky, who replaced Avdeev on July 4, and proposed immediately proceed with the execution of the sentence.

Wake-up family members and staff announced that due to the onset of white troops, the mansion may be under fire, and therefore, in order to safety, it is necessary to go to the basement.

There is a version that the next document was drawn up to perform the shooting of Yurovsky:

Revolutionary Committee Under the Yekaterinburg Council of Workers and Soldier Deputies Revolutionary Headquarters of the Ural District Emergency Commission with P and C O to Special Purpose Team in the House of Ipatiev / I-Go Kamishl. Stretch. Picks / Commandant: Gorvat Laons Fisher Anzelm Hellstein Isidor FEKET Emil over Imre Greenfeld Victor Vergazi Andreas region. Vaganov Serge Medvedev surfactant Nikulin Mountains. Boasterinburg on July 18, 1918. Head of the CC

However, according to V. P. Kozlova, I. F. Plotnikova This document, at one time, provided by the provisions of the Former Print-Austrian I. P. Meyer, first published in Germany in 1956 and, most likely, a fabricated, does not displays this List of shoters.

According to their version, the team of the counterparts were: Member of the College of the Ural Central Committee - M. A. Medvedev (Kudrin), Commander of the House Ya. M. Yurovsky, his deputy P. Nikulin, Protection Commander P. Z. Yermakov and ordinary protection soldiers - Hungarians (according to other information - Latvians). In the light of the research I. F. Carpenov, the list of shooting may look like this: J. M. Yurovsky, G. P. Nikulin, M. A. Medvedev (Kudrin), P. Z. Yermakov, S. P. Vaganov, A.G . Kabanov, P. S. Medvedev, V. N. Netrvin, Ya. M. Mr. Mr. and, under a very big question, an unknown student-garnish. Carpenters believe that the latter was used in the house of Ipatiev for only a few days after execution and only as a specialist in jewels. Thus, according to the carpenter, the execution of the royal family was produced by a group consisting on the national composition almost completely from the Russians, with the participation of one Jew (Ya. M. Yurovsky) and, probably, one Latvian (Ya. M. M. Kommis). According to the preserved information, two or three Latvians refused to participate in the execution. .

The fate of Romanovs

In addition to the family of the former emperor, all members of the House of Romanovs were destroyed, for various reasons remaining in Russia after the revolution (with the exception of the Grand Duke Nikolai Konstantinovich, who deceased in Tashkent from inflammation of the lungs, and two children of His Son Alexander Iskander - Natalia Androsova (1917-1999 ) And Kirill Androsova (1915-1992), who lived in Moscow).

Memories of contemporaries

Memories of Trotsky

The next arrival in Moscow fell after the fall of Yekaterinburg. In a conversation with Sverdlov, I asked in a passing:

Yes, where is the king? "Cumshot," he replied, "shot. - And where is the family? - And family with him. - Everything? - I asked, apparently, with a touch of surprise. "All" answered Sverdlov, "and what?" He waited for my reaction. I did not answer anything. - And who solved? - I asked. - We solved here. Ilyich believed that it was impossible to leave them a live banner to us, especially in the current difficult conditions.

Memories of Sverdlova

Somehow in mid-July 1918, shortly after the end of the V Congress of Soviets, Jacob Mikhailovich returned home in the morning, already light. He said that he was delayed at the meeting of the Council, where, by the way, informed the members of the SNK on the latest news received from Yekaterinburg. - You did not hear? - asked Yakov Mikhailovich .- After all, the Urals shot Nikolai Romanov. I certainly did not hear anything yet. Message from Yekaterinburg was obtained only during the day. The situation in Yekaterinburg was anxious: white-in-law approached the city, local counterrevolution moved. The Ural Council of Workers, Soldiers and Peasant Deputies, having received information that the Escape of Nikolai Romanova is preparing, held in Yekaterinburg, issued a decree to shoot the former king and immediately led his sentence. Yakov Mikhailovich, having received a message from Yekaterinburg, reported on the decision of the regional council of the Presidium of the WTCIK, which approved the Resolution of the Ural Regional Council, and then informed the Council of People's Commissars. V. P. Milyutin, who participated in this meeting of the SNK, wrote so in his diary: "It was later returned from the Sovnarkom. There were "current" cases. During the discussion of the project on health care, the report, Semashko, entered Sverdlov and sat down at the chair behind Ilyich. Semashko cumshot. Sverdlov approached, leaned toward Ilyich and said something. - Comrades, Sverdlov asks the word for the message. "I have to say," the Sverdlov began with his usual tone, "the message was received that in Yekaterinburg, according to the decree of the regional council, Nikolai ... Nikolai wanted to escape. Czechoslovaki approached. The Presidium of the CEC decided to approve ... - Now we will now turn to the article to read the project, "offered Ilyich ..."

Destruction and disposal of royal remains


Investigation Sokolov

Sokolov painstakingly and selflessly behaved the investigation entrusted to him. Kolchak was already shot, the Soviet authorities returned to the Urals and to Siberia, and the investigator continued his work in exile. With the investigation materials, he did a dangerous path through all Siberia to the Far East, then to America. In emigration in Paris Sokolov continued to testify from the surviving witnesses. He died of a heartbroken in 1924, and without completing his investigation. It is thanks to the painstaking work of N. A. Sokolov, the details of the execution and burial of the tsarist family were known for the first time.

Search for royal remains

The remains of the members of the Romanov family were discovered under Sverdlovsky back in 1979 during excavations, which was supervised by the Minister of the Interior of Helium Ryabov. However, then the remains found on the instructions of the authorities were buried.

In 1991, excavations were resumed. Numerous experts confirmed that then the remains found with a large share of probability are the remains of the royal family. The remains of Tsarevich Alexey and Princess Maria were found not.

In June 2007, aware of the global historical significance of the event and the object, it was decided to hold new survey work on the old copotakov road in order to detect the alleged second place to cover the remains of the members of the imperial family of Romanov.

In July 2007, the bone remains of a young man aged 10-13 years old, and the girls aged 18-23 years old, as well as the wreckage of ceramic amphorus with Japanese sulfuric acid, iron corners, nails, and bullets were found by the Ural archaeologists near Yekaterinburg not far from Family burial site of the last Russian emperor. According to scientists, these remains of the members of the Imperial Family of the Romanov Tsarevich Alexey and his sisters are the Princess Mary, hidden by the Bolsheviks in 1918.

Andrei Grigoriev, Deputy General Director of the Scientific and Production Center for the Protection and Use of the Monuments of the History and Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region: "I learned from the Ural Liured, V. V. Shitova that documents are stored in the archive, which describes the stay of the royal family in Yekaterinburg And her subsequent murder, as well as an attempt to conceal their remains. By the end of 2006, we could not start exploiting search engines. On July 29, 2007, as a result of the search we came across finds. "

On August 24, 2007, the Russian Prosecutor's Office of Russia resumed an investigation into the criminal case on the execution of the royal family in connection with the detection of the Tsarevich Alexei and the Great Princess Mary Romanov under Yekaterinburg.

On the remains of Children of Nicholas II, traces of destroying were found. This was announced by the head of the Archeology Department of the Scientific and Production Center for the Protection and Use of Monuments of the History and Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region, Sergey Pogorelov. "Traces of the fact that the bodies were blown, found on the shoulder bone belonging to the man and on the fragment of the skull, identified as female. In addition, on the Men's skull, a fully surviving oval hole was found, perhaps a mark from the bullet, "explained Sergey Pogorelov.

Investigation of the 1990s

The circumstances of the death of the royal family were investigated under the criminal case initiated on August 19, 1993 to indicate the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. Materials of the Government Commission on the Study of Affairs related to the study and reburry of the remains of the Russian emperor Nicholas II and his family members were published.

Reaction to shooting

Kokovtsov V.N.: "On the day of printing Izvestia I was twice on the street, I went to the tram and did not see the slightest glimpse of pity or compassion. The news was read loudly, with smiles, bullying and the most ruthless comments ... Some meaningless outlook, some kind of praise with bloodthirstiness. The most disgusting expressions: - long ago, - well, cook more, - the cover of Nikolak, - Eh Brother Romanov, prevented. They heard around, from the most young youth, and the elders turned away, silently silent. "

Rehabilitation of royal family

In 1990-2000, the question of the legal rehabilitation of Romanovs was raised before various instances. In September 2007, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation refused to consider such a decision, since it did not find the shooting of Romanov "accusations and relevant decisions of judicial and non-judicial authorities who endowed with judicial functions" and the execution was "deliberate murder, let and having a political color, perfect persons, not Executed appropriate judicial and administrative powers. "At the same time, the lawyer of the Romanov family notes that" As you know, the Bolsheviks transferred all the power to the Councils, including the judiciary, so the decision of the Ural Regional Council is equal to the court decision. "Supreme Court of the Russian Federation 8 November 2007 acknowledged the decision of the prosecutor's office, believing that the execution should be considered exclusively within the framework of the criminal case. To the materials provided by the parties rehabilitated to the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, and then in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the decision of the Ural Regional Council of July 17, 1918 was introduced, which decided About holding execution . This document was represented by Romanov's lawyers as an argument confirming the political nature of the murder, which was also noted by representatives of the prosecutor's office, but according to the Russian legislation on rehabilitation to establish the fact of repression, the decision of the bodies endowed with judicial functions is required to be the Ural Regional Council of De Yura. Since the case was considered by the court of high instance, representatives of the house of Romanov were intended to challenge the decision of the Russian court in the European Court. However, on October 1, the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation acknowledged Nicholas and his family victims of political repression and rehabilitated them, ,.

As the lawyer of the Grand Prince Maria Romanova Hermann Lukyanov said:

According to the judge's statement

According to the procedural norms of Russian legislation, the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is finally and revised (appeal) is not subject to. January 15, 2009. The case of the killing of the royal family was closed. ,,

In June 2009, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation decided on the rehabilitation of another six members of the Romanov family: Romanova Mikhail Alexandrovich, Romanova Elizavetu Fedorovna, Romanova Sergey Mikhailovich, Romanova Konstantinovich, Romanova Konstantin Konstantinovich and Romanova Igor Konstantinovich, because they were "subjected to repression ... Class and social features, without charges of committing a specific crime ... ".

In accordance with Art. 1 and PP. "B", "E" Art. 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression", the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation decided to rehabilitate and Palery Vladimir Pavlovich, Yakatorina Varvaru, Yanishev Ekaterina Petrovna, Rememe Fedor Semenovich (Mikhailovich), Kalina Ivan, Krukovsky, Dr. Gelterson and Johnson Nikolai Nikolayevich ( Brian).

The question of this rehabilitation, in contrast to the first case, was resolved in fact for several months, at the stage of appealing to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, the Grand Prince Mary Vladimirovna, the court proceedings were not required, since the authorities of the prosecutor's office in the audit entrance revealed all signs of political repression.

Canonization and church cult of royal martyrs


  1. Multatuli, P. To the resolution of the Supreme Court of Russia on the rehabilitation of the royal family. Ekaterinburg initiative. Academy of Russian History (03.10.2008). Checked on November 9, 2008.
  2. The Supreme Court recognized the members of the royal family victims of repression. RIA News (01/10/2008). Checked on November 9, 2008.
  3. Romanov Collection, General Collection, BEINECKE RARE BOOK AND MANUSCRIPT LIBRARY,

First, the Provisional Government agrees to fulfill all the conditions. But already on March 8, 1917, General Mikhail Alekseev reports to the king, that he "can consider himself as if arrested." After some time, from London, previously giving consent to take the family of Romanov, comes a notification of refusal. On March 21, the former emperor Nicholas II and his whole family were officially taken into custody.

A little more than a year later, on July 17, 1918, the last royal family of the Russian Empire will be shot in a close basement in Yekaterinburg. Romanovs were subjected to deprivation, closer and closer approaching their gloomy finals. Let's look at the rare photos of the members of the last royal family of Russia, made for a while before execution.

After the February Revolution of 1917, the last royal family of Russia in the decision of the Provisional government was sent to the Siberian city of Tobolsk to protect against the anger of the people. A few months before, the king Nicholas II abdicated the throne, as a result of which more than three hundred years of the reign of the Romanov dynasty were interrupted.

Romanovs began their five-day journey to Siberia in August, on the eve of the 13th day of Cesarevich Alexey. 46 servants and military escort joined the seven family members. The day before you get to the point of destination, Romanovs flew past the native village of Rasputin, whose eccentric influence on politics could make her gloomy admission to their sorrowful finals.

The family arrived in Tobolsk on August 19 and began to live in relative comfort on the shores of the Irtysh River. In the governor's palace, where they were placed, Romanovs were well fed, and they could communicate a lot with each other, without distracting public affairs and official events. The children put the plays for their parents, and the family was often chosen to the city for religious services - it was the only form of freedom.

When, at the end of 1917, the Bolsheviks came to power, slowly, but the tightening of the regime of the royal family began. Romanovs were forbidden to attend the church and in general to leave the territory of the mansion. Soon coffee, sugar, butter and cream were disappeared from their kitchen, and the soldiers attached to their protection wrote obscene and offensive words on the walls and fences of their dwellings.

Cases went worse and worse. In April 1918, Commissioner arrived, a certain Yakovlev, with the order to transport the former king from Tobolsk. The Empress was adamant in his desire to accompany her husband, but the Comrade Yakovleva had other orders that all complicated. At this time, Tsarevich Alexey, suffering from hemophilia, because of the injury began to suffer with paralysis of both legs, and everyone expected that he would be left in Tobolsk, and the family would divide for the period of war.

The requirements of the crossing commissioner were adamant, so Nikolai, his wife Alexander and one of the daughters, Maria, soon left Tobolsk. In the end, they sat on the train to drive through Yekaterinburg to Moscow, where he was the headquarters of the Red Army. However, the Yakovlev Commissioner was arrested for trying to save the tsarist family, and Romanovs went off the train in Yekaterinburg, in the heart of the territory captured by the Bolsheviks.

In Yekaterinburg, the rest of the children joined the parents - all locked in the house of Ipatiev. The family was placed on the second floor and completely cut off from the outside world, rode the window and putting the guard at the door. Romanov resolved to go out on fresh air just five minutes a day.

In early July 1918, the Soviet authorities began to prepare for the execution of the royal family. Ordinary soldiers in Karaul were replaced by representatives of the CC, and Romanov resolved the last time to go to the divine service. The priest who held the service later admitted that none of the family uttered a word during service. On July 16 - the day of the murder - five trucks were ordered with benzidine barrels and acid to quickly get rid of tel.

Early in the morning of July 17, Romanov collected and told them about the occurrence of the White Army. The family believed that they were simply translated into a small lit basement for their own protection, because soon it will be unsafe here. Approaching the execution of the execution, the last king of Russia passed by trucks, in one of which his body will soon lie, not even suspecting what a terrible fate awaits his wife and children.

In the basement Nicholas said that now it is executed. Without believing your own ears, he asked: "What?" - Immediately after which Chekist Jacob Yurovsky shot the king. Another 11 people launched the smoke, pouring the basement with the blood of Romanov. Alexey survived after the first shot, but he finished his second shot of Yurovsky. The next day of the body of the members of the last royal family of Russia burned 19 km from Yekaterinburg, in the village of Koptyaki.

It would seem that it would be difficult to find new evidence of the creepy events that occurred on the night of July 16th, 1918. Even distant from the ideas of monarchism people remember that this night became fatal for the royal family of Romanov. This night was shot by Nikolai II, the former Empress Alexander Fedorovna and their children - 14-year-old Alexey, Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia.

Their fate was divided by the doctor E.S. Kotkin, the maid of A.dmeidov, the cook of Kharitonov and Laki. But from time to time there are witnesses, who after many years of silence report new details of the killing of the royal family.

A lot of books are written about the execution of the royal family of Romanovs. To this day, there are no discussions about whether the murder of Romanovs was planned in advance and whether it was in Lenin's plans. And in our time there are people who believe that at least the children of Nicholas II were able to escape from the basement of the Ipatiev house in Yekaterinburg.

The accusation of the murder of the royal family of Romanov was a wonderful trump card against the Bolsheviks, gave the grounds to accuse them in inhumanity. Is it because most of the documents and evidences that tell about the last days of Romanovs, appeared and continues to appear in Western countries? But some researchers believe that the crime in which the Bolshevik Russia was accused, was not committed at all ...

In the investigation of the circumstances of the shooting of Romanov from the very beginning there was a lot of secrets. By relatively hot pursuit, they were engaged in two investigators. The first consequence began a week after the alleged murder. The investigator concluded that the emperor actually was executed on the night from the 16th to July 17, but the former Queen, her son and four daughters retained life. In early 1919, a new consequence was held. He was headed by Nikolai Sokolov. Could he find indisputable evidence that the whole family of Romanovs was killed in Yekaterinburg? Hard to say…

When examining the mine, where the body of the royal family was dropped, he found a few things that for some reason did not fall into his eyes to his predecessor: a miniature pin, which Tsarevich used as a fishing hook, precious stones that were sewn in belts in the great Prinjon, and a skeleton of a tiny dog, probably the favorites of Princess Tatyana. If you remember the circumstances of the death of the royal family, it is difficult to imagine that the corpse of the dog was also transported from place to place, in order to hide ... Human remains of Sokolov did not find, except for several fragments of bones and the sliced \u200b\u200bfinger of a middle-aged woman, presumably - empress.

1919 - Sokolov ran abroad, to Europe. But the results of his investigation were published only in 1924. A fairly long term, especially considering the many emigrants interested in the fate of the Romanovs. According to Sokolov, all Romanovs were killed by the fatal night. True, he was not the first, assumed that the empress with children could not be saved. Back in 1921, this version was published by the chairman of the Yekaterinburg Council Pavel Bulls. It would seem that you could forget about the hopes that any of the Romanov survived. But in Europe, and in Russia there are constantly numerous impostors and impostors who declared themselves by the children of the emperor. So there were still doubts?

The first argument of supporters of revision of the version of the death of the whole family of Romanov was the announcement of the Bolsheviks about the execution of Nicholas II, which was made on July 19. It said that only the king is executed, and Alexander Fedorovna with children sent to a safe place. The second is that the Bolsheviks at that time were more profitable to exchange Alexander Fedorovna on the political prisoners held in German captivity. Rumors about negotiations on this topic went. In Yekaterinburg, Sir Charles Eliot, the British consul in Siberia visited the Emperor's death after the death of the emperor. He met with the first investigator in the case of Romanov, after which he informed his authorities that, in his opinion, the former Queen and her children left Yekaterinburg by train on July 17.

Almost at the same time, the Great Duke of Ernst Ludwig Hessian, Brother Alexandra, as if told the second her sister, Marquise Milford-Heven, that Alexander is safe. Of course, he could simply comfort the sister, to which they could not have rumors about violence over the Romanov. If Alexander with children actually exchanged on political prisoners (Germany would be willing to take this step to save their princess), all newspapers and old, and new lights would be prohibited. This would mean that the dynasty bound by blood bonds with many oldest monarchies of Europe was not interrupted. But no articles followed, because the version that the entire royal family was killed, was recognized as official.

In the early 1970s, English journalists Anthony Summers and Tom Menshld familiarized themselves with official documents of Sokolov's investigation. And they found many inaccuracies and shortcomings in them, which were questioned by this version. First, the encrypted telegram on the execution of the entire royal family, sent to Moscow on July 17, appeared in the case only in January 1919, after removing the first investigator. Secondly, the bodies still did not find. And to judge the death of the empress on the only fragment of the body - a severed finger - was not entirely correct.

1988 - It would seem that an irrefutable proof of the death of the emperor, his wives and children appeared. The former investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Writer Helium Ryabov received from the son of Yurovsky (one of the main participants shooting) a secret report. It had detailed information about where the remains of the members of the royal family were hidden. Ryabov started searching. He managed to detect greenish-black bones with traces of burns left by acid. 1988 - he published a report on his find. 1991, July - to the place where the remains were found, presumably belonged to Romanov, the Russian archaeologists cameras arrived.

9 skeletons were extracted from the ground. 4 of them belonged to the servants of Nicholas and their family doctor. Another 5 - the king, his wife and children. Install the belonging of the remains was not easy. At first, the skulls were compared with the preserved photographs of the members of the imperial family. One of them was identified as a skull of the emperor. Late, a comparative analysis of DNA prints was carried out. To do this, it took the blood of a man in relation to the deceased. Blood sample was provided by the British Prince Philip. His native grandmother on the mother line was the sister of grandmother of the Empress.

The result of the analysis showed a complete coincidence of DNA in four skeletons, which gave the basis to officially recognize the remains of Alexandra and its three daughters in them. Tel Cesarevich and Anastasia did not find. On this occasion, two hypotheses were put forward: or two descendants of the genus Romanov still managed to stay alive, or their bodies burned. It seems that Sokolov was still right, and his report was not a provocation, but to real lighting of facts ...

1998 - the remains of the Romanov family with the honors were transported to St. Petersburg and buried in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral. True, they immediately found skeptics who were confident that there are remains of absolutely other people in the cathedral.

2006 - held another DNA analysis. This time, samples found in the Urals of skeletons with fragments of the relics of the Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna were compared. Doctor of Science, employee of the institute of the general genetics of Ran L. Zhivotovsky engaged in the research series. American colleagues helped him. The results of this analysis turned out to be a complete surprise: DNA Elizabeth and the alleged empress did not coincide. The first idea that came to the head of researchers - the power stored in the cathedral actually belonged to do not eat, but to someone else. However, this version had to be excluded: the body of Elizabeth was found in the mine near Alapaevsky in the fall of 1918, it was identified by people who were closely familiar with her, including the Hedgehog of the Grand Prince Father Seraphim.

This priest subsequently accompanied the coffin with the body of his spiritual daughter to Jerusalem and would not allow any substitution. This meant that, in the extreme case, one body no longer belongs to the members of the Romanov family. Later there were doubts about the identity of the remaining remains. On the skull, which was previously identified as a skull of the emperor, there was no bone corner, which could not disappear even after death after death. This note appeared on the Skull of Nicholas II after the attempt on him in Japan. In the Protocol of Yurovsky, it was said that the king was killed by a shot in emphasis, while the executioner shot. Even if we take into account the imperfection of weapons, in the skull certainly had to stay at least one hole from the bullet. However, it does not have both input and outlet holes.

It is possible that the 1993 reports were fake. Need to detect the remains of the royal family? Please, here they are. Examination to hold, to proof their authenticity? Here is the result of the examination! In the 1990s, all conditions were for myth-making. Not in vain so cautiously the Russian Orthodox Church, not wanting to recognize the discovered bones and rank to the number of martyrs of the emperor and his family ...

The conversations began again that Romanov did not kill, but hid to use in the future in some political game. Could Nikolai live in the Soviet Union under a strange name with his family? On the one hand, this option cannot be excluded. The country is huge, there will be a lot of corners in it, in which Nicolay would have identified. The family of Romanovs could settle in some kind of refuge, where they would be completely isolated from contacts with the outside world, and therefore are not dangerous.

On the other hand, even if the remains found under Yekaterinburg, the result of falsification, this does not mean that there was no execution. Destroy the bodies of the dead enemies and dispel their dust be able to be able to disappear since time immemorial. To burn the body of a person, it is necessary to 300-400 kg of wood - in India every day thousands of dead buried exactly by the method of burning. So are the murderers who have an unlimited margin of firewood and a fair amount of acid, could not hide all traces? Regard not so long ago, in the fall of 2010, while working in the vicinity of the old copotakov road in the Sverdlovsk region. They found places in which the killers were hiding jugs with acid. If the shooting was not, where did they come from in the Ural Wilderness?

Attempts to restore the events that preceded the shooting were carried out repeatedly. As you know, after renunciation, the royal family was settled in the Alexander Palace, in August transported to Tobolsk, and later - to Yekaterinburg, in the infamous Ipatiev house.

Avianener Peter Duv in the fall of 1941 was sent to Sverdlovsk. One of his duties in the rear was the publication of textbooks and benefits for the supply of military universities of the country. Lacking with the property of the publisher, Duv got into the Ipatiev house, in which several nuns lived and two older women archivis. When inspecting the premises, Duv accompanied by one of the women went down to the basement and drew attention to strange furrows on the ceiling, which ended in deep deepening ...

On the work of Peter often visited the house in Ipathiaevsia. As you can see, the elderly workers felt confidence in him, because one evening showed him a small camork, in which a white glove was hanging on the rusty nails, the lady of rusty nails, a few buttons of a different size ... Little Bible was lying on a chair in a chair And a couple of books in ancient binding. According to one of the women, all these things once belonged to members of the royal family.

She told about the last days of the life of the Romanovs, who, according to her, were unbearable. Chekists who protected prisoners behaved incredibly rudely. All windows in the house were skipped. Chekists explained that these measures were taken for security, but the interlocutor of the dank was convinced that this was one of the thousands of ways to humiliate "former." It should be noted, the reasons for concern from Chekists were there. According to the memoirs of the archivist, the Ipatiev house every morning (!) The locals and monks who tried to transfer to the king and his close note were offered to help with the affairs of the house.

Of course, this does not justify the behavior of the Chekists, however, any employee of the special services, which is entrusted to the protection of an important person, simply must limit his contacts with the outside world. But the behavior of the guards was not limited to "prevention" to members of the family of Romanovy sympathizers. Many of them were simply outrageous. They were particularly pleasure to shock the daughters of Nicholas. They wrote obscene words on the fence and in the courtyard in the courtyard, they tried to podkash the girls in dark corridors. No one has mentioned such details. Therefore, Duv carefully listened to the story of the interlocutor. About the last minutes of the life of the imperial family, she also reported a lot new.

Romanov ordered to go down to the basement. The emperor asked to bring a chair for his wife. Then one of the conversions came out of the room, and Yurovsky took out the revolver and began to build all in one line. In most versions it is said that the executioners were shot by volley. But the inhabitants of the Ipatiev house recalled that the shots were chaotic.

Nikolai was killed immediately. But his wife and Princess was destined to be more severe death. The fact is that diamonds were sewn into their corsets. In some places they were located in several layers. The bullets ricotheli from this layer and went to the ceiling. The execution was delayed. When the Grand Duchess were already lying on the floor, they were found dead. But when one of them began to raise, to immerse the body into the car, the princess groaned and moved. Therefore, the Chekists began to finish her and her sisters with bayonets.

After the execution in the Ipatiev House, no one was allowed within a few days - as you can see, attempts to destroy the body took a lot of time. A week later, the Chekists allowed to enter the house with several nuns - in the premises it was necessary to clean up. Among them was the interlocutor of the ditch. According to him, she remembered a picture with horror that opened in the basement of the Ipatiev house. On the walls there were many choices from bullets, and the floor and walls in the room where the execution was performed, were in the blood.

Subsequently, experts from the Chief State Center for Forensic Medical and Family Experties of the Ministry of Defense of Russia restored the shooting picture with an accuracy of minutes and to a millimeter. With the help of a computer, relying on the testimony of Gregory Nikulina and Anatoly Yakimova, they were established, where and at what point were the executioners and their victims. Computer reconstruction showed that the Empress and the Grand Duchess tried to close Nicholas from the bullets.

Ballistic examination set many details: from which weapons were eliminated by the members of the imperial family, how much the shots were made approximately. Chekistam needed no less than 30 times the trigger ...

Every year the chances of detecting the real remains of the royal family of Romanov (if you recognize the Yekaterinburg skeletons with fake) melting. So, pays hope ever to find an accurate answer to the questions: who died in the basement of the Ipatiev house, managed to escape someone from the Romanov and what was the further fate of the heirs of the Russian throne ...

Nikolay The second is the last Russian emperor, who became a story as the most weakweight king. According to historians, the management of the country for the monarch was a "heavy curb", but this did not prevent him from making a mortgage in the industrial and economic development of Russia, despite the fact that in the country during the reign of Nicholas II, a revolutionary movement was actively increasing, and the foreign policy situation was complicated. . In modern history, the Russian emperor is mentioned by the epithets "Nikolai Bloody" and "Nikolai Martyr", as the assessments of the activities and the nature of the king are ambiguous and contradictory.

Nikolai II was born on May 18, 1868 in the royal village of the Russian Empire in the imperial family. For his parents, and he became the eldest son and the only heir to the throne, which from the earliest years taught the future cause of his whole life. The Englishman Karl His was engaged in the upbringing of the future king from birth, who trained young Nikolay Alexandrovich freely in English.

The childhood of the heir to the royal throne took place in the walls of the Gatchina Palace under the clear leadership of his father Alexander III, who brought up his children in a traditional religious spirit - he allowed them to play and stir into the measure, but at the same time did not allow the manifestation of laziness in their studies, preserving all the thoughts of sons about The future throne.

At the 8th age, Nikolai second began to receive a general education at home. His training was conducted within the framework of the general gemnasic course, but the future king did not show a special zerry and desire for study. His passion was a military business - already in 5 years he became the chief of the Life Guard of the reserve infantry regiment and gladly mastered military geography, legal state and strategy. Lectures at the future monarch read the best scientists with world names, who were personally picked up for the son of Tsar Alexander III and his wife Maria Fedorovna.

Especially the heir succeeded in the study of foreign languages, so in addition to English, he owned French, German and Danish languages. After eight years, the general gymnasium program, Nicholas, began to teach the necessary higher sciences for the future statesman, part of the Economic Department of the Legal University.

In 1884, at the achievement of the majority, Nicholas II brought the oath in the Winter Palace, after which he entered the actual military service, and in three years he began to regular military service, for which he was awarded the title of Colonel. Completely moving away to the military case, the future king easily adapted to the inconveniences of army life and transferred the service in the army.

The first acquaintance with state affairs at the heir to the throne took place in 1889. Then he began to attend the meetings of the State Council and the Cabinet of Ministers, in which the father introduced him to the case and shared experiences how to manage the country. In the same period, Alexander III made numerous journeys with her son, which began from the Oil East. Over the next 9 months, they traveled Greece, India, Egypt, Japan and China by the sea, and then throughout Siberia, they returned to the Russian capital.

Climbing to the throne

In 1894, after the death of Alexander III, Nikolai, the second joined the throne and solemnly promised to guard the autocracy also firmly and steadily as his late parent. The coronation of the last Russian emperor took place in 1896 in Moscow. These solemn events were marked by the tragic events on the Khodynsky field, where during the distribution of royal gifts there were mass riots, picking up life thousands of citizens.

Because of the massive crush, the monarch who came to power wanted to even cancel the evening ball on the occasion of his climb on the throne, but later decided that the Khodyan catastrophe is a real misfortune, but it is not worth overshadowing the holiday of coronation. These events, the educated society perceived as a challenge, which was the bookmark of the foundation into the creation of a liberation movement in Russia from the king dictator.

Against the background of this, the emperor in the country introduced a tough internal policy, according to which any dissent among the people was pursued. In the first few years of the reign of Nikolai second in Russia, a population census was conducted, and a monetary reform was carried out, which established the Golden Standard of the ruble. Golden ruble Nicholas II was equated to 0.77 grams of pure gold and was half a "harder" brand, but twice the "easier" dollar at the rate of international currencies.

In the same period, "Stolypin" agricultural reforms were held in Russia, factory legislation was introduced, several laws on the mandatory insurance of workers and universal primary education were adopted, as well as the tax fee from the landowners of Polish origin and canceled the penalties, such as a reference to Siberia.

In the Russian Empire, large-scale industrialization was held during Nicholas, the rates of agricultural production were increased, coal and oil production started. At the same time, thanks to the last Russian emperor, more than 70 thousand kilometers of the railway were built in Russia.

Board and renunciation

The reign of Nikolai second in the second stage passed during the aggravation of the internal political life of Russia and a rather complex foreign policy situation. At the same time, he in the first place was the Far Eastern direction. The main obstacle to the Russian monarch to predominance in the Far East was Japan, which, without warning in 1904, attacked Russian escardu in the port city of Port Arthur and due to the inaction of the Russian leadership, defeated the Russian army.

As a result of the failure of the Russian-Japanese war in the country began to rapidly develop a revolutionary situation, and Russia had to give Japan southern part of Sakhalin and the rights to the Liaodan Peninsula. It was after this that the Russian emperor lost authority in the intelligent and ruling circles of the country, who accused the king in defeat and connections with the unofficial "advisor" of the monarch, but those who were considered a charlatan and a fraudster, who had a complete impact over Nikolai second.

The first world war of 1914 was the turning point in the biography of Nicholas II. Then the emperor was trying to avoid the bloody slaughter with all the forces on the advice of Rasputin, but Germany went to Russia to Russia, which was forced to defend themselves. In 1915, the monarch took over the military command of the Russian army and personally went to the front, inspecting the military units. At the same time, he made a number of fatal military mistakes, which led to the collapse of the Dynasty of the Romanov and the Russian Empire.

The war aggravated the internal problems of the country, all military failures surrounded by Nicholas of the second assigned to him. Then in the government of the country began "treason nest", but despite this, the emperor, together with England and France, developed a plan for the general onset of Russia, which was to end the military confrontation by the country to the summer of 1917.

Nikolai's plans were not destined to come true - at the end of February 1917, mass uprisings against the royal dynasty and the current government began in Petrograd, which he initially intended to stop the power methods. But the military did not obey the orders of the king, and the members of the Sweet Monarch persuaded him to renounce him from the throne, which allegedly helps to suppress unrest. After several days of painful reflections, Nicholas II decided to renounce the throne in favor of his brother, Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich, who refused to take the crown, which meant the end of the Romanov dynasty.

Shot of Nicholas II and his family

After signing the king of the manifesto on renunciation, the provisional government of Russia issued an order for the arrest of the royal family and its approximate. Then many have betrayed the emperor and escaped, so only the units of loved ones from his environment agreed to divide the tragic fate of the monarch, who, together with the king, were sent to Tobolsk, from where, allegedly, the Nicholas family should have been shipped to the United States.

After the October Revolution and coming to power, the Bolsheviks, led by the royal family, transported to Yekaterinburg and concluded in the "House of Special Forces". Then the Bolsheviks began to enter the plan of the lawsuit over the monarch, but the civil war did not allow their intention.

Because of this, in the upper echelons of Soviet power, it was decided to shoot the king and his family. On the night of July 16, July 17, 1918, the family of the last Russian emperor was shot in a semi-basement room of the house, in which Nicholas II was imprisoned. The king, his wife and children, as well as several of his approximal, brought to the basement under the pretext of evacuation and were shot without explanation, after which the victims were taken outside the city, their bodies burned with Kerosene, and after buried in Earth.

Personal life and royal family

The personal life of Nicholas of the Second, unlike many other Russian monarchs, was the standard of the highest family virtue. In 1889, during the visit of the German princess Alice Hesse Darmstadt to Russia, Zesarevich Nikolay Alexandrovich paid special attention to the girl and asked the father of blessing to marry her. But parents did not agree with the choice of the heir, so the son refused to son. It did not stop Nikolai II, who did not lose hope of marriage with Alice. They were helped by the Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna, the sister of the German princess, having made a secret correspondence with the young in love.

After 5 years, Zesarevich Nikolai again persistently asked the consent of his father to marriage with the German princess. Alexander III in view of a sharply deteriorating health allowed the Son to marry Alice, which after the world-building became. In November 1894, a wedding of Nikolai Second and Alexandra took place in the Winter Palace, and in 1896, the spouses accepted coronation and officially became rulers of the country.

In marriage, Alexandra Fedorovna and Nikolai II were born - 4 daughters (Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia) and the only heir to Alexei, who had a serious hereditary disease - hemophilia associated with blood coagulation process. Tsearevich's disease Alexei Nikolayevich forced the royal family to get acquainted with Gregory Rasputin widely known at that time, who helped the Tsarist Heir to fight the attacks of the disease, which allowed him to acquire a huge impact on Alexander Fedorovna and Emperor Nicholas Second.

Historians report that the family for the last Russian emperor was the most important sense of life. He always spent most of the time in a family circle, did not like his secular pleasures, especially cherished his peace, habits, health and well-being of relatives. At the same time, the emperor was not alien to the worldly passion - he was glad to hunt, participated in riding competitions, rode ice skating and played hockey with Azart.

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