Karachay lamb. Description of the Karachay sheep breed

Engineering systems 30.06.2020
Engineering systems

Most best kebab can only be made from lamb, no one argues with that. And the best lamb can only come from Karachay lamb. Trust the great gourmet Uncle Gilyai - Vladimir Gilyarovsky. In his book “Moscow and Muscovites” he will not mention any culinary bad taste. Describing the taverns, an expert on Moscow life gives the menu: “Today, on Monday - fish village with pie. On Tuesday - flaki... On Wednesdays and Saturdays - Siberian dumplings... Every day, kebab from Karachay lamb.”

We swallow our saliva and begin the story about the Karachay lamb.

If you talk to a Karachay about sheep farming, you will definitely hear a story about a French restaurant that has been serving kebab from Karachay lamb for over a hundred years. Back in the 19th century, the owners of this restaurant purchased a small herd of Karachay sheep and bred them for the delight of visitors to their restaurant. In addition, for more than a century, supplies of Karachay lamb there have not stopped: after all, only that sheep that walks through the ecologically clean meadows of Karachay on the ancestral land of origin of its species can be called “Karachay”.

Karachay sheep meat is a very valuable dietary product. Europe has long appreciated the excellent taste of Karachay lamb. The supply of the delicacy was stopped only from 1943 to 1957, when, by order of Stalin, our people were overnight deported to Central Asia, says our interlocutor, archaeologist Umar Elkhanov. “Then it was allowed to take with you only the essentials, no more than 30 kg, and of course the sheep were simply left to their fate. Fortunately, these animals are adapted to harsh conditions: they can graze year-round in places that are difficult for humans to reach. They feed on very valuable medicinal herbs, such as mountain clover, meadow polyzon, and variegated oats, which grow in alpine meadows. The Karachay sheep has a strong natural immunity - it can withstand neither severe frosts nor rain. She never has any pulmonary, hoof or limb disease. Her lambs are born with strong bones and thick wool.

The Karachay sheep finds food for itself where no one except yaks and aurochs can survive. She can find last year’s grass under a layer of snow,” Khyzyr Jatdoev, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, picks up the topic. - The presence of a fatty tail, which is a natural reservoir nutrients, allows the breed to withstand prolonged starvation and low temperatures. As confirmation, I can cite a fact from personal practice. In 1993, I worked as the chief livestock specialist at the Shauat breeding plant. Karachay-Cherkessia Republic. The winter turned out to be exceptionally snowy and in one of the sheepfolds, under the multi-ton weight of snow, part of the ceiling collapsed and buried a flock of sheep under it. Only after 28 days, with the help of powerful bulldozers, we were able to break through the snow and clear the rubble. Our surprise knew no bounds: under the collapsed roof support we found living sheep! They survived in 25 degree frosts without food or water. Their two-kilogram reserves of fat tail fat were used up.

In the process of preparing for the defense of my Ph.D. dissertation, I was able to conduct fundamental Scientific research productivity and taste qualities of meat of the Karachay breed of sheep in the All-Russian Scientific- research institute breeding business (VNIIplem) of the Moscow region, says Khyzyr Jadtoev. - These studies with high level reliability confirmed the highest biological value of meat, which is determined by the ratio of essential amino acids to non-essential ones. According to this indicator, the Karachay breed of sheep has taken a leading position in world sheep breeding and is on a par with the world-famous breed meat sheep"Texel" of Australian and New Zealand selection. At the same time, I would like to note that the average indicator of the biological value of protein in sheep meat is 0.87-0.96 units. The breed is also among the leaders in terms of average daily increase in live weight (300-350 grams), which confirms the high precocity of young Karachai sheep, and this is the most important economic indicator. By 6-7 months, young Karachay sheep reach 70% of the live weight of adult sheep, and it is the sale of young animals at this age that is profitable and economically justified. Moreover, in civilized developed countries The meat of sheep up to 1 year of age is used for human food; the meat of adult sheep is used for canned food and for the production of biological additives.

The unsurpassed taste, tenderness, aroma and marbling of the meat of Karachay sheep are formed due to the selectivity in eating herbs, including medicinal ones, which is inherent in the breed at the genetic level. It is thanks to this ability that the cholesterol content in meat is at a record low level - 16-18 mg per 100 grams of intramuscular fat. At the same time, the average cholesterol content in lamb is 25-30 mg, in beef - 80 mg, in pork - up to 130 mg.

The coarse-wool Karachay sheep breed was bred in Karachay-Cherkessia, combining the quality and quantity of meat, wool, and milk. Special qualities Karachay sheep owe their individuality - they are not mixed with representatives of other breeds.

Sheep of the Karachay breed have their own distinctive features. Characteristics of the breed include the following features.

  • A strong build and durable hooves allow animals to easily move along mountain slopes.
  • Representatives from Karachaevo are relatively small in size - males gain weight up to 70 kilograms, females can grow up to 50 kilograms, although there are exceptions. Thus, individuals were noted to be more powerful in weight - 90 and 70 kilograms, respectively.
  • The body is up to 150-160 centimeters long and reaches 50-60 centimeters at the withers.
  • Sheep have a small head elongated shape. Karachay males have large horns, spirally twisted. Females have smaller horns directed upward and to the sides.
  • The tail of sheep is about 45 centimeters long and forms a English letter S, wider at the base due to the accumulation of fat tail fat there.
  • The coat of animals from Karachaevo is usually black, but some individuals have gray and red shades of fur. Although the breed is designated as coarse-wooled, the fleece of Karachay sheep is warm and light.

A saggy tail is a reserve of nutrients from which replenishment will flow into the body of a ram or sheep when there is a lack of feed.

Features of the Karachay breed

Karachay lambs and lambs are highly resistant to diseases, having good health. This is explained by access to nutritious food - animals graze on Caucasus mountains slopes and are eaten exclusively best herbs. From generation to generation, health genes were passed on to new lines, making animals hardy and able to withstand frost, rain, snow and windy weather. Karachay sheep almost never get sick pulmonary diseases, they are not characterized by diseases of the limbs.

Today you can find photos of intrabreed types of sheep from Karachaevo, namely Kabardian, Circassian and Ossetian. Each type is valuable in its quality. There are three types:

  • Kara-Muse – owners of longer silky coat, predominantly black,
  • kekbash - sheep of gray shades, considered the largest in weight, height, and physique,
  • Tumak - polled animals with black wool, are distinguished by the presence of a large amount of fluff, but belong to the meat type, as they produce meat that is more tasty than that of horned representatives.

Productivity of the breed

Karachay sheep produce meat, famous far beyond the borders of Karachay-Cherkessia, which is distinguished by its taste. Representatives of the breed are sheared with wool of exceptional properties. Sheep from Karachaevo produce excellent milk.

Karachay sheep are sheared up to three kilograms of fleece per year, and from females - up to 2.5 kilograms. The Karachay fleece is silky and light in composition, containing up to 65 percent fluff, the remaining components being awn and hair. This good material for cloaks and warm clothes, since the fleece falls well into dense felt material. Farmers shear their sheep twice a year.

Sheep from Karachaevo are considered one of the most dairy-producing representatives, producing more milk than other fat-tailed breeds. The average daily milk yield from these sheep is up to three liters with very high fat content - up to 9.5 percent.

The early maturing Karachay breed produces an average of 110 lambs per hundred ewes, which, upon reaching the age of three months, gain up to 40% of the weight of an adult animal. Carcass slaughter averages 50 percent. Cooked and Karachay lamb dishes are especially popular among gourmets.

The value of Karachay sheep

Representatives of the breed are superior to other sheep in many ways.

  • They are unpretentious and do not require special maintenance.
  • Sheep have excellent health, producing strong offspring.
  • Karachay sheep easily tolerate cold and sudden changes in climate.
  • Not mixed with other breeds, the Karachay was formed over thousands of years, passing on all its positive qualities to its offspring.
  • Sheep from Karachaevo, who have lived for a long time far from human presence, at the genetic level are able to choose the most valuable herbs, providing themselves with adequate nutrition.

The only disadvantage of the breed is that the animals are accustomed to living in areas where high humidity and good natural food, so keeping them in areas with arid climates is problematic.

Today, Karachay sheep are inhabitants not only of Karachay-Cherkessia, but also of such North Caucasian areas as North Ossetia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

Sheep of the Karachay breed are a separate variety that is widespread in the North Caucasus. Animals graze in ecologically clean places in the mountains, inaccessible to most people. Perhaps this is why they have strong immunity and easily tolerate frosty and rainy weather. When grazing, sheep feed on lush, fresh grass, among which there are medicinal species: mountain clover, variegated oats, meadow polyzon.

History of the breed

The Karachay sheep breed has been known for a very long time. Many travelers and scientists who visited the North Caucasus at the beginning of the 19th century described horses and sheep raised by local residents. Lamb is the main product eaten here, and sheep's milk produces delicious butter and cheese.

Reference. Modern research showed that the Karachay sheep is a separate breed without admixtures of representatives of other groups.

Sheep farming is the main occupation of the Karachais. Raising livestock for sale here has always been very large-scale. According to data at the beginning of the 20th century, Karachais annually sold more than 100 thousand sheep and 25 thousand pounds of wool. Also among the main livestock products for sale were sheepskin and butter.

The improvement of the local North Caucasian breed has been carried out for centuries. Thus, the Karachais managed to achieve stable immunity in animals to anthrax. To do this, they collected blood from a killed infected animal and mixed it into the food of healthy sheep. As a result of this “vaccination,” the animals did not suffer from this terrible disease. Also as a result natural selection Karachay sheep have developed unpretentiousness to food and excellent genetics: among the livestock of this breed it is impossible to meet weak, sick or lame individuals. All animals have strong bones and thick fur.

Main characteristics and description

Karachay sheep are medium in size. Their body length is 160 cm. The height at the withers reaches 60 cm. The weight of a sheep at the age of 18 months is 80 kg, a ram is 94 kg. The highest figure that was obtained with proper care of animals was 137 kg of weight at the age of 3.5 years. Animals have a hoof horn of increased strength, which allows them to walk for a long time while grazing in mountainous areas.

All sheep of the Karachay breed are strongly built, have powerful legs and a deep chest, a small narrow head with a hook-nosed profile. The long tail, reaching 44 cm, with a curved end is one of the most characteristic distinctive features breeds Up to 6 kg of fat can accumulate in the tail. Representatives of the Karachay breed, with the exception of one species, have horns. In rams they are spiral-shaped. Some animals have 3 or 4 horns.

Advantages of the Karachay breed:

  1. Excellent taste of meat with a large yield. In terms of live weight, the Karachay breed is surpassed only by the Lincoln sheep, bred by genetic engineers in the USA. However, the taste of the meat of the American meat breed is much inferior to the natural meat of the Karachay sheep.
  2. High wool yield. Sheep have a thick coat, which is formed by growing in natural climatic conditions.
  3. High quality milk.

The breed is classified as coarse-haired. The wool quality is the highest among similar breed groups. Up to 80% of the sheep in the herd are black. Also in the breed standard, individuals with gray, white and red colors are described.

Within the breed there are 3 types:

  • kara-muyuz - sheep with long silky wool with wavy or straight braids, black in color;
  • tumak – animals without horns, with big amount fluff, the most delicious and juicy meat;
  • kokbash – sheep with wool gray, are distinguished by their large size and increased live weight in comparison with other types.


The Karachay is a universal breed; it produces a large yield of wool and meat. Rams and sheep produce on average 3 kg and 2.6 kg of wool per year, respectively. Also, the queens of this breed are characterized by high milk production: yield dairy product is 30-50 kg per individual. The milk of Karachay sheep is very fatty – up to 9.6%. When slaughtered, 47-56% of the slaughter yield is obtained from one carcass.

Karachay sheep gain weight very quickly. Representatives of this early maturing breed already reach 40% of their weight at 3 months. adult. At birth, the lamb weighs on average 3.6 kg. For 100 queens, the number of offspring is 105-110.

The Karachay breed is unique, bred by the indigenous population North Caucasus and having the best productive characteristics. Due to their high immunity to infectious and colds, raising sheep of this breed does not require special difficulties. Excellent taste characteristics meat and high wool yield make the breed one of the first places in terms of breeding prospects.

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The Karachay sheep breed is considered unique and one of the oldest in the world, since its origin was independent. Scientists have not yet been able to identify any genetic connections with other breeds. Karachay, which is located at the mouth of the Kuban River, is considered historical homeland animals. The breed of sheep in question is bred mainly in North Ossetia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria.

Already at the beginning of the twentieth century, many scientists tried to breed Karachay ewes with rams of other breeds. These attempts did not yield positive results. It was determined that the lambs adopted predominantly their father's genetic traits rather than their mother's. This means they were born lethargic and with a weakened immune system.


Grading of sheep of the Karachay breed:

  • Body type. The animals are strong and have strong hooves. Thanks to this, sheep can easily move through mountainous terrain.
  • Representatives of this breed are small. The weight of rams is up to 70-75 kg, females - 40-55 kg. These are average statistical indicators, which may vary depending on the individual characteristics of Karachay sheep. Cases of individuals growing up to 85-100 kg have been recorded.
  • Animals are characterized by an elongated head of small size. Males have large spiral-twisted horns. Females have smaller horns that point upward.
  • The length of the tail is 500 mm and more closely resembles the English letter “S”. The base of the body is large and wide due to the accumulation of fat tail.
  • The fur of females and males is black. Individuals of other shades, for example, red or gray, are much less common.
  • The Karachay sheep breed is a coarse-wooled animal whose warm fleece is light in weight.
  • In the fat tail area, useful substances accumulate along with fat. If you have difficulty obtaining good food, the necessary nutritional components come from fat.
  • The value of Karachay cattle

    Distinctive characteristics of the Karachay sheep breed:

    • There is no need to create any special conditions of detention;
    • The animals are unpretentious in care and feeding.
    • Livestock have high immunity and good health.
    • This breed is hardy and easily tolerates sudden changes in temperature and even cold.
    • From generation to generation, only excellent genes were passed on to animals.
    • Many years ago, sheep lived independently away from people, so they learned to intuitively select only valuable and high-quality grass, which ensures adequate nutrition for normal development.

    The disadvantage of the Karachay sheep breed, which many farmers note, is that the livestock lives in areas with a humid climate. Animals eat only selected natural food. This is the only reason why raising sheep in regions with arid climates will be very problematic.


    It can be seen from reviews and photos: sheep of the Karachay breed have coarse wool with a bone structure. Despite the coarse type of wool, cattle cannot boast of very fine wool. The cover is more downy, and coarse hairs are rare. Taking into account all the features of keeping and feeding sheep of the Karachay breed, up to 2.6 kg of wool per year is obtained from one female, and up to 3 kg per year from one ram.

    Wool can form into very dense felt, which is considered an excellent material for sewing all kinds of warm products. On store shelves you can find burkas and other outerwear made from the fleece of Karachay sheep. Such clothing is in great demand, because it has an enviable water-repellent property. It is used mainly for horseback riding or when grazing livestock in mountainous areas. Light sheepskin is characterized by a dense core.


    Typically, one ewe gives birth to only one lamb and much less often two babies are born. The reason for this is mother’s milk: in one day the lamb gains 350 grams in weight. With proper feeding, sheep can gain about 50 kilograms by the age of six months, which is why they are sent to slaughter while still in milk.

    How to cross the Karachay sheep breed and with whom:

  • To obtain meat, fat-tailed breeds of sheep are used for crossing.
  • If you decide to change the direction of your activity from wool to meat, then you can cross Karachay sheep with the Romanov breed.
  • Only a couple of rams are selected for three or more queens.
  • Productivity

    Sheep of the Karachay breed are known even outside the Caucasus due to their tasty and healthy meat. Cattle wool is widely used industrial enterprises. This breed is one of the most milk-producing, unlike other fat-tailed varieties. The daily milk yield is 2.5-3 liters, the fat content of which is about 10%. Lamb is valued by gourmets for its high taste.

    Pedigree varieties

    We can conclude from many descriptions: the Karachay sheep breed is considered elite. Therefore, two centuries ago, only those sheep that lived in a certain region of the Caucasus were included in it. But at present, this type includes other types of coarse-haired cattle raised in different mountainous regions: Kabardinka, Ossetia and Circassia. Each of these breeds is valuable only in one specific direction: for the production of meat, milk or wool.

    Varieties of Karachay sheep breed:

  • Kara-muse - the wool of these black sheep is silky and long. Sheep's braids are slightly wavy, but mostly smooth. Cattle grow horns.
  • Tumak - black polled sheep without horns. The amount of fluff in wool is much greater than in other animals. The meat breed is characterized by early ripening, and the taste of the meat is much better than that of other sheep.
  • Kekbash - individuals of gray color are distinguished by their large build, large mass and high height at the withers.
  • Peculiarities

    The Karachay sheep breed has good immunity and high resistance to various diseases. This is directly related to a balanced diet and getting enough useful substances into the body. Every day the animals consume selected grass from the Caucasus Mountains. Lambs of new generations are different better health, as well as genes. This breed of sheep does not have serious pathologies of the limbs and lungs.

    If you want to raise sheep at home, it is important to prepare an insulated stall or pen. If the animals will be in sunny and southern areas, then there is no need to insulate the stall.

    The usual habitat of sheep is considered to be an area with high levels of humidity and frequent temperature changes, which occur even within one day. If you decide to breed Karachay sheep, it is better to give preference to areas with a dry climate. Karachais are proud of these sheep, because they are leaders in the quantity and quality of not only milk, but also meat.

    They are classified as coarse-haired, meat and dairy breeds. Representatives of this breed have a fatty growth on the tail. The breed was bred in the Caucasus, in Karachay, which now belongs to Karachay-Cherkessia, it is not precisely determined when, but it began to be widely bred since the end of the 19th century.

    Sheep of the Karachay breed differ from other breeds in their high endurance and ability to graze high in the mountains. They tolerate temperature changes well, unfavourable conditions. They give birth to their offspring under open air, have excellent immunity and almost never get sick.


    Sheep of the Karachay breed are mostly black in color, with a white tip of the tail. Some representatives of the breed have White spot on the back of the head. There are animals of other colors.

    Sheep have a strong build and well-developed legs. The head is small, narrow, and the nose has a hump. The breed is horned. Rams have large, spiral-shaped horns, while queens have small ones. The tail is wide at the base, with a lyre-shaped tail and a peculiarly shaped tip, reminiscent of a snake. In rams the fat tail size is 40 cm, and in females - 45 cm. The animals fatten up in the tail great amount fat - more than four kilograms.


    Sheep of the Karachay breed are medium in size. The weight of rams ranges from 60 to 95 kilograms, and females - from 40 to 75 kg. At three months of age, young animals weigh about 20 kg, at six months - 25 kg, and by nine months - 35 kg.

    Because of its characteristics, the Karachay sheep breed is considered early maturing. By three months, its representatives gain up to 40% of their weight, and in six months - up to 60%. The animal's fur is coarse, with high content axles - up to 20%. But the fertility of sheep is low - only 105 lambs per 100 queens.


    Black sheep is valued for the taste of its meat. Among all the breeds, it is from the Karachay that the best elite class products are obtained.

    In addition to meat, sheep produce excellent milk with high fat content. The milk production of sheep reaches three liters per day, making the breed the leader among sheep in terms of milk production.

    Sheep wool is coarse, but high quality. It has amazing properties - it rolls perfectly. Thanks to this, various felt products are made from wool. In a year, up to three kilograms of wool can be obtained from one animal. The animal's skin is used to make sheepskin. In addition to all of the above, representatives of the breed produce up to six kilograms of fat tail fat.


    Raising sheep of this breed is a profitable business. This is due not only to the excellent quality of meat and the opportunity to obtain other types of products, but also to the fact that sheep are resistant to various diseases, sudden temperature changes.

    To note the peculiarity of the breed, in Soviet time Various experiments were carried out. They helped prove that Karachay sheep are an independent breed that has no impurities.

    To prove this, the breeders carried out a series of crosses: a Karachay ewe was crossed with a Russian breed. The result was offspring that had nothing in common with the uterus, but were very similar to the father. Experiments were conducted on crossing the Karachay breed with others. As a result, weak offspring were born, with a low level of immunity and practically did not adopt the breed qualities from the manufacturer. Based on various studies, scientists have come to the conclusion that sheep are completely independent animals and do not have any admixtures of other breeds.


    The Karachay breed is divided into three subtypes.

    1. Tumak. This type includes animals that do not have horns. Their coat color is black. More cuff relates to the meat direction. Their meat is nourishing, high-calorie, with an excellent, refined taste and aroma. It contains virtually no cholesterol.
    2. Kara-music. The fur is long and black. Animals with horns.
    3. Kekbash. The wool is gray. Compared to other subspecies they are larger in size.

    To raise sheep at home, you need to prepare a stall or pen. When keeping animals in the northern and central regions, you should prepare an insulated stand. In it the sheep will be housed in winter period. For sunny, southern areas there is no need for a stall.

    The sheep are allowed to walk. At home breeding it is not always possible to provide it. The main condition for a dog walker is the absence of swamps. Animals are grazed in pastures. Sheep will always find among the herbs the one they like. There are no problems with the herd during grazing. This is due to the fact that sheep are herd animals, they always walk side by side, trying not to stray from the herd.

    Care and feeding

    1. Change the litter when it gets dirty. This is a necessary procedure to keep the wool clean.
    2. Rinsing the feeder and drinking bowl every three days.
    3. Collecting wool.
    4. Scheduled vaccinations.

    To feed the animal, dried greens are used, as well as silage, hay, roughage, salt, and minerals.

    Concentrated feed is used for breeding rams. They are mixed into food. However, they are not cheap, so they are used for feeding single individuals.


    Sheep reach reproductive age at 5-8 months, but it is best to breed them after a year. A sheep's pregnancy lasts about 145 days. Usually it proceeds without any pathologies.

    Three weeks before the expected date of birth, the hair around the udder, near the tail, is trimmed. Lambs are born strong and quickly get to their feet. After a week they can eat concentrated feed. Upon reaching three months of age, young animals can go to slaughter.

    From the age of one week, lambs can be fed with hay. It is given without restrictions. This type of food helps the rumen of young animals to form correctly. From ten days of age, mineral foods are introduced into the diet: chalk, salt, meat and bone meal. They help the skeleton develop properly, build muscle mass. For proper development teeth and normal functioning of the stomach, willow, birch, and aspen branches are introduced into the diet. They are soft and healthy, perfectly digestible, contain a large number of nutrients. From two weeks onwards, the menu is supplemented with succulent food, boiled potatoes, and a small amount of greens.

    If the lambs are kept with a female, then they find their own food on the pasture. But even with this method of raising animals, one should not forget that they need milk. Lambs should receive it up to two months of age, in parallel with other types of feed.

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