Osmanthus is diverse. Osmanthus: what is it? Fragrant osmanthus - the tropics in the house Growing kinmokusei in personal plots

Encyclopedia of Plants 20.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Many people want to have something exotic on the windowsill of their apartment. Unusual "guests" from the tropics and deserts, from the shores of the Amazon or always delight the eye and cheer up. Why not start a house that is not only beautiful and rare plant and also useful? One of these is osmanthus. Few people in our country know what it is, since it is rare to find it in stores or at home.

Description of the genus

Under the name "osmanthus" a whole genus of deciduous evergreens is combined. All of them belong to the Maslinov family. The homeland of the plant is tropical forests from Asia to the Caucasus itself. Osmanthus is not yet as popular and widespread in Russia as, for example, in China. It has been grown there for more than one millennium, and not only as an ornamental, but also as medicinal plant. Osmanthus is associated with many legends and beliefs; it is traditionally considered a symbol of love and fidelity. Plants of this genus are shrubs or trees that have hard, dark green leaves with smooth or serrated edges. Osmanthus flowers can be snow-white or yellow in color, they exude a strong aroma, which is sometimes compared to the smell of magnolia and jasmine.

Osmanthus fragrant

Very often it can be found under the name of tea or fragrant olive. The homeland of the plant is Southern Japan, the Himalayas and China. AT vivo It is a tree or shrub up to three meters high. Flowers can be white or yellow, depending on the variety, have a pronounced sweetish aroma. Fragrant osmanthus - very showy plant with leathery leaves that have serrated edges. In nature, it begins to bloom in September, and this continues until spring.

Osmanthus grows quite slowly, but it is unpretentious and drought-resistant. It will grow in almost any soil. AT open field in our climatic conditions osmanthus will not take root, as it cannot withstand a long drop in temperature below zero. But he will feel quite comfortable in room conditions. If you want to grow a tree, then and in this case, osmanthus is perfect (photo below).

Which soil to choose

The osmanthus plant is not capricious, but nevertheless, for the best growth and development, some nuances must be taken into account. It is better to choose a place in the apartment with bright lighting, for example, on the south window, and in spring and summer, take it out to the loggia, balcony or terrace. It is best to choose a soil with a slightly acidic or neutral environment. The ideal ratio is 2:1 (fertile light soil and peat). You definitely need good drainage, so you need to put expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, and add coarse river sand to the soil. The plant does not require pruning, as this will reduce its flowering.

Propagation by seeds and cuttings

The first method is very long, since seedlings will have to wait at least six months, or even more. In addition, it all depends directly on the freshness of the seeds. If they are old, then it is necessary to carry out stratification so that the osmanthus is healthy and strong. What it is, every grower knows - keeping seeds at certain temperatures for their best germination (for osmanthus - three months in warmth and the same in cold). It is very easy to propagate the plant with semi-lignified cuttings. They need to be cut in July. Then dry the cut for several hours, dip it in a growth stimulator and root it in a mixture of peat and sand. When the roots appear, it is necessary to plant young osmanthus in separate pots.

Watering and transplanting

Watering during the period of intensive growth (in winter) should be plentiful, the rest of the time - moderate, water stagnation in the soil should not be allowed, but the land should not be overdried. Osmanthus is very fond of wet air, so daily spraying will only benefit him. Sometimes you can arrange a tropical rain for the plant in the shower, and the leaves should be wiped with a damp cloth from accumulating dust. Once a month during the growing season, osmanthus should be watered with a complex mineral or organic fertilizer.

Replant the plant only as needed. Osmanthus prefers to grow in a tight pot until the roots fill it completely. Young plants should be transplanted as they grow, while for large plants it will be enough to change only upper layer soil.

Gui Hua Hong Cha and osmanthus: what is it?

This is a unique product made in China. Authentic Gui Hua Hong Cha is made from an elite variety of red tea, which has a very rich, tart flavor that is the result of a high degree of fermentation. It grows in only three Chinese provinces. To flavor the drink, an ancient recipe is used, its main ingredient is osmanthus. What it is and how to use it, perhaps, every resident of the Guangxi province in China knows, because this is their signature drink. Only two varieties of osmanthus are used, the flowering period of which is only 10-15 days, so this is a unique product, and the amount of genuine tea is limited.

If you are the lucky owner this plant, the drink can be prepared at home. To do this, osmanthus flowers must first be dried at room temperature (not on direct sunshine) and then boil. The infusion is used as an independent drink or added to black tea. It has an amazing aroma and a slight soothing, relaxing effect. The essential oils contained in the flowers have a beneficial effect on the body and help to cope with cough.

If you plant osmanthus at home, you will never regret it. The plant will give you good mood and will delight with its decorative effect, and besides, it will be possible to treat yourself with pleasure to a mug of tea with fragrant flowers on cold winter evenings.

Arrived in the culture of European gardening from the mountainous districts of Nepal, China, India and Japan.

In these countries, you can find a plant at an altitude of more than 3500 m above sea level. This treelike shrub will perfectly complement winter Garden, and during the flowering period it will saturate the room with a pleasant aroma.

Botanical description

(lat. Osmanthus) is a member of the family Maslinovs(lat. Oleacea). In the culture of home floriculture, you can find a species - Osmanthus odorous(lat. Osmanthus fragrans).

life form osmanthus- tree or shrub. Its leaves are leathery, large, reaching a length of up to 10 cm, dark green in color, obovate in shape.

The stems are gray-brown, becoming woody over time.

From June to August osmanthus begins the flowering period, which is accompanied by the appearance of corymbose inflorescences with small white flowers. During this period, osmanthus enchants with a pleasant sweetish aroma to all who contemplate its beauty.

In room conditions osmanthus grows low. At the same time, flowering indoors is much longer and more abundant than in open ground conditions. The plant needs regular pruning in the spring to form a crown of the desired shape.

it plant very unpretentious and can be kept in dynamic conditions environment, but a warm attitude towards it and a little more care guarantee a beautiful plant in the home garden.

Lighting and temperature

unpretentious to lighting, but reacts very positively to the presence of a large amount of diffused light.

You can place a pot with a plant in the southern, southeastern and western parts of the house or premises.

Temperature for osmanthus, it is suitable at a level of +20 +25 ° С. AT winter period the plant can feel free in cool conditions and easily adapts to a temperature of +6 +8 ° С.

Humidity and watering

Humidity for osmanthus, it has a second meaning after temperature. Indicators at the level of 35-65% are great for normal plant growth and development. On very hot days, closer to the evening, osmanthus is recommended to be sprayed with soft warm water.

Watering should be carried out regularly and plentifully. Stagnation of water in the pan or waterlogging is not terrible for osmanthus, especially when there is good drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Watering osmanthus in winter, it should be reduced as the temperature drops.

Soil and fertilizer

The soil for osmanthus should have the quality of good permeability to water, have a slightly acidic reaction, be medium-fertile and medium-heavy in consistency. Plant transplantation is carried out as it grows. Tanks for this choose deep and spacious.

For earth mixture take:

  • sod land (2 parts);
  • leaf ground (1 part);
  • sand (1 part);
  • perlite (1 part).

Used as a leavening agent and soil moisture regulator. With abundant watering, the granules of this material gain excess water.

And during the period of active drying of the soil, moisture returns to the soil. So you can be sure that too hot periods the plant will have a small supply of water.

Fertilize osmanthus is predominantly complex mineral concentrates. Doses are used two to three times less than those recommended and are applied during the growing season along with irrigation. Once every 5-6 weeks will be enough for osmanthus.


propagate Osmanthus is predominantly vegetatively grown using semi-lignified cuttings. Such planting material can be obtained with each new pruning plants.

cuttings incubated for several hours in Epin's solution. After that, they are planted in a moistened sandy soil or and create the conditions of a mini-greenhouse. Temperature and humidity are maintained at +25 °С and 50%.

A few weeks later, young cuttings hardened and stretched a little. In this mode, you can keep them up to two months. After this period, young osmanthus plants can be transplanted into separate pots and cared for in the same way as adult plants.

Diseases and pests

Quite resistant to pests and diseases. For this tree, the manifestation of signs or associated with gross violations of the rules of care will be more likely.

So it is possible observe darkening of the tips of the leaves or their partial shedding. This happens when the soil is constantly waterlogged. If the veins on the leaf plates change their color, which also applies to the leaves themselves, then this sign may indicate a lack of minerals in the soil.

In general, osmanthus is a very grateful plant, especially when it gets a little more attention from the grower.

And for those who like to know more, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video about osmanthus

Osmanthus fragrant - evergreen shrub, less often a tree 3‒12 m high. natural environment growth and 80‒300 cm in culture. Like the others, thin branched shoots are covered with milky green at a young age and dark brown at maturity bark. The leaves are simple, opposite. Leaf blades 7–15 cm long, 2.6–5 cm wide. The edge of the leaf blade is entire or serrated. The color is mostly dark green, the surface is glossy, leathery.

ON THE PICTURE: Osmanthus is fragrant.

The flowers are small, collected in bunches. The color is white, pale yellow, yellow or yellow-orange. The aroma is intense, depending on the variety, it resembles or. The fruit is an ovoid drupe 10–15 cm long, with a dense dark purple skin. The single seed of the fruit fully matures six months after the start of flowering.

Active substances and medicinal properties

Fragrant Osmanthus flowers contain calcium, magnesium, vitamin C. Thanks to high content natural antioxidants, their decoction neutralizes toxins and radionuclides.

Active substances of the essential oil of fragrant Osmanthus:

  • gamma de calactone;
  • cis-jasmone;
  • dihydro-beta-ionone and beta-ionone;
  • terpinen-4-ol;
  • chemical compounds of linalool oxide isomers;
  • geraniol;
  • linalool;
  • phenethyl alcohol.

These active ingredients have sedative, expectorant, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties. They also lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, are effective for the prevention of sclerosis and alleviate its manifestations.

plant parts used

Healing roots, bark and flowers. A decoction of root offspring is useful for dysmenorrhea, rheumatism, hematomas and bruises. A decoction of the bark is used for the panacea of ​​carbunculosis and furunculosis.

A multifunctional healing decoction of fragrant Osmanthus flowers is drunk as a medicinal tea, used as a compress, rubbing, hair rinse, and washing liquid. The essential oil is obtained from the flowers of the plant.

Collected flowers are dried in a shady place and stored in paper bags. The raw material is usable for two years.

Indications for use

It is recommended to drink an infusion or decoction of the flowers of the plant for colds, indigestion, inflammation of the duodenum, many stomach diseases, flatulence and colitis. It lowers the level of cholesterol in the body. Taking a decoction of the flowers of the plant helps to cleanse the body of toxins, lose weight, and normalize blood flow.

Due to its anesthetic action, fragrant Osmanthus reduces toothache, painful manifestations of stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, cystitis. A decoction of its flowers reduces hangover, has a positive effect on menstrual cycle, facilitates the course of inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive organs.

Black tea with dried Osmanthus inflorescences is indicated for the normalization of cell metabolism, removal from the body heavy metals, toxins and radionuclides. Green tea with Osmanthus has an anti-aging and tonic effect.

Compresses from a decoction of Osmanthus flowers are recommended for skin and eye diseases. Rinsing with decoction improves the condition of weakened brittle hair. Essential oil use exclusively outwardly , mainly for aromatherapy purposes: to soothe nervous system and relaxation.

Application methods


Body intoxication - wash 5 g of oolong tea with boiling water. pour a cup hot water, add 1 g of dried crushed flowers of fragrant Osmanthus. Infuse for three minutes, cool and take.

Low vitality, weakness - prepare a medicinal drink according to the recipe described above, but using green tea.

Cold - place 10 g of crushed dried Osmanthus flowers in enamelware, pour 200 ml. hot water, cover with a lid, warm in a water bath for half an hour. then refrigerate for 10 minutes. at room temperature, strain, squeeze out raw materials and dilute the infusion to 200 ml. boiled water. The resulting decoction can be drunk, gargled with it and instilled in the nose with rhinitis.


Furuncles, carbuncles, abscesses - 1‒2 tbsp. l. crushed bark of fragrant Osmanthus or dry young shoots pour 200 ml. boiling water and heat up hot bath covered 15 min. Cool for 45 minutes, then filter and squeeze the raw material. Bring the volume of infusion to 200 ml. chilled boiled water. After that, the bandage is moistened with tincture and a therapeutic compress is made.

Precautionary measures

Preparations based on fragrant Osmanthus are not used for epilepsy, increased blood pressure. It is not recommended to drink tea with Osmanthus during pregnancy and lactation. Also, it is not given to children under 12 years of age.

A resident of the subtropical zones, osmanthus, a fragrant, spectacular plant, belongs to the genus of olives. That is why its second name is tea olive, also associated with the fact that its fruits are similar to olive fruits - dark blue or purple, with a stone inside.

Osmanthus is a lush evergreen shrub or small tree with leathery leaves and clusters of small flowers with a strong sweet aroma.

Osmanthus can be grown outdoors, in a greenhouse, and at home. It is important to provide him a large number of light is a southern plant, the sun and heat are necessary for it as well as air, although light partial shade will not harm it.

Osmanthus is more demanding on the soil - the soil should have a slightly acidic reaction. The plant does not tolerate stagnant water, so choose areas with good drainage for its cultivation.

When planting in open ground, compost is added to the planting hole - from 1 to 3 kilograms per plant. For pots or containers prepare a mixture of 2 parts fertile soil(purchased universal is suitable) and 1 part of lowland peat. AT ready mix you need to add 30 grams of complete mineral fertilizer per 10 liters of the finished mixture.

Osmanthus is watered abundantly in the warm season, but not to the point of absurdity: the water should be completely absorbed into the soil, but not stand in puddles. In the cool months, watering is moderate, even scarce. Plants grown in pots or containers are also watered abundantly in summer, moderately in winter, making sure that the soil in the container does not dry out.

A feature of most types of osmanthus is that its flowering begins in mid-autumn, when the air temperature drops below 20 0 C, and continues until spring. However, this applies only to those plants that grow in warm places - the subtropics of the Caucasus. When grown in greenhouses during this period, the temperature is usually artificially lowered. As for indoor varieties osmanthus, it is quite difficult to make it bloom - after all, for living quarters a temperature of about 12-15 degrees is unsuitable.

If osmanthus is grown outdoors, it must be remembered that it tolerates a drop in temperature to zero, but frost destroys it. Therefore, for the winter it must be well covered.

Osmanthus is most often grown from cuttings, which are cut in the spring and rooted in a mixture of peat and sand in mini-greenhouses: it needs high, up to 25 degrees, temperature and high humidity for rooting. Rooted cuttings are already transplanted to a permanent place.

Osmanthus can also be grown from seeds. Seeds are first soaked for 10-15 minutes in warm water, the shell is removed. It is recommended to germinate in vermiculite, covering the container transparent film and placed in a warm sunny place. Seeds usually germinate for 3-7 days, after which they are transplanted into the ground.

Osmanthus growing in open ground are not pruned, their shoots are not pinched - this negatively affects their flowering. For indoor or greenhouse forms, pruning is acceptable in order to form a beautiful lush bush or tree.

In conditions Middle lane osmanthus is usually not grown in open ground, since it is quite difficult to organize wintering for it.

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